Make a sentence with the word medicine

medicine — перевод на русский


Ask them to send the usual medicine quickly.

Скажи, пусть скорее пришлет лекарство, как обычно.

Your medicine, Miss Okoma.

Лекарство, госпожа Окома.

— Yes, we have! My medicine.

— Да, в ней моё лекарство.

— ‘Ere, that’s my medicine.

— Эй, это моё лекарство!

Go back to the store, and go home and take your medicine.

Возвращайся в лавку или поезжай домой, пора принять лекарство.

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Pardon me, where is the Department of Legal Medicine?

Простите, где отдел уголовной медицины?

Pardon me, fellas. Which way to the Department of Legal Medicine?

Простите, как пройти в отдел уголовной медицины?

I’m a doctor in zoology, not medicine.

Я доктор зоологии, а не медицины.

The director there is a cultured man who creates exceptional conditions for medicine.

Там очень культурный директор и для медицины создаст исключительные условия.

The director there is a cultured man who creates exceptional conditions for medicine.

Там культурный директор и для медицины создаст исключительные условия.

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Get out there and get her medicine chest!

Иди и принеси её медицинский саквояж!

Listen, every act of medicine is an interference with that material basic.

Слушай, каждый медицинский акт это вмешательство в материальную основу.

There are medicines on board, a laboratory.

Там есть медицинский кабинет, лаборатория.

Excuse me, I didn’t realize you had a degree in medicine!

Извини, но ты говоришь так, как будто медицинский заканчивал.

I’ll be sure to notify the New England Journal of Medicine.

Я напишу статью в медицинский журнал, и упомяну, что ты со мной согласился.

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In the medicine cabinet, I bet.

В аптечке, наверно.

— In the medicine cabinet.

В аптечке.

I had to go into Brooklyn help her find the pills and they were right in the medicine cabinet.

Мне пришлось ехать в Бруклин чтобы помочь ей найти таблетки, и они были прямо в аптечке. Представляешь?

And best of all, there’s oodles of room in the medicine cabinet for my cosmetics.

И что лучше всего – в аптечке полно места для моей косметики.

Mom, give him some acetaminophen. It’s in the medicine cabinet.

Мам, дай ему жаропонижающее, оно в аптечке

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— How’s that medicine feel?

Как тебе препарат? — О боже.

— Dance! It’s your first time on the medicine, honey.

Ты в первый раз принял препарат, милый.

You left with your medicine.

Вы забрали препарат и шприц с собой.

Which any first year should know is the standard prep medicine… your patient was taking before his surgery.

Любой первокурсник знает, что это стандартный подготовительный препарат, который твой пациент принимал перед операцией

Which any first year should know is the standard prep medicine your patient was taking before his surgery

Любой первокурсник знает, что это стандартный подготовительный препарат, который твой пациент принимал перед операцией

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What about your medicine?

Где таблетки?

Don’t look for your medicine, it’s on the table.

Не ищи свои таблетки, они на столе.

Oh, okay, I’ll give you the real medicine.

Хорошо, я дам вам настоящие таблетки.

— Give me the medicine.

— Давай сюда таблетки.


И будьте добры – присмотрите, чтобы он принимал таблетки от аллергии, делал домашние задания и вовремя вставал, чтобы идти в школу.

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A loophole in Time, and then maybe it would be possible to reach food, medicine, sources of energy.

Переходы во Времени, и тогда может быть станет возможным добывать пищу, медикаменты и источники энергии.

— Thank you. The medicine for Theta Vll colony is not only needed desperately,

Медикаменты для колонии Тета не только чрезвычайно необходимы…

Goes with the shelter; food, medicines, all that sort of thing.

Входит в убежище; продукты питания, медикаменты, все что-то подобное.

We need food and medicine if you have it.

Нам нужна еда и медикаменты, если у вас есть излишек.

We’re the ones that need food, medicine, fuel.

Им не нужна еда, медикаменты, топливо.

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What medicine?

Какое лечение?

He says to continue the same medicine…

— Сказал продолжать лечение. — Что?

The same medicine and to take it easy

Он сказал продолжать лечение и быть внимательнее.

This isn’t medicine.

Это не лечение.

— Then what’s children’s medicine?

— Тогда как называют лечение детей?

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Good medicine men are born not made.

Хорошим врачом надо родиться.

And your brother Lawrence? Does it already practise medicine?

А твой брат Лоуренс работает врачом?

Dr. Baumann, how long have you been practicing medicine?

Д-р Бауман, сколько лет вы работаете врачом?

He was 32, a sports medicine doctor… with an apartment overlooking the Natural History Museum.

Он был 32-летним спортивным врачом… окна его квартиры выходили на Музей Естесствознания.

But when I made the decision to do medicine, well…

Но когда я решила стать врачом…

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Yeah, write it down and go get a medicine.

Записывай и микстуру давай.

You drank my medicine.

Ты выпила микстуру!

Sucking back on Grandpa’s old cough medicine?

Дедулину микстуру от кашля посасываете?

It’s never fun to get a taste of your own medicine.

Всегда неприятно попробовать на вкус собственную микстуру.

She needs her yellow medicine.

Джо нужна ее желтая микстура.

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Отправить комментарий

Synonym: medical specialty, medicament, medicate, medication, medicinal drug, music, practice of medicine. Similar words: medical, medication, media, enticing, medium, vaccine, mediocre, immediate. Meaning: [‘medɪsɪn /’medsɪn]  n. 1. the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques 2. (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease 3. the learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries 4. punishment for one’s actions. v. treat medicinally, treat with medicine. 

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1. Fasting is the best medicine.

2. There is no medicine against death. 

3. Laughter is the best medicine.

4. A good medicine tasks bitter.

5. Patience is the best remedy (or medicine). 

6. Music is the medicine of the breaking heart. 

7. Ready money is a ready medicine

8. Grief is itself a medicine.

9. A good medicine tastes bitter.

10. He has a great abhorrence of medicine.

11. I felt fairly easy after taking the medicine.

12. This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.

12. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

13. How often should I take this medicine?

14. His burning ambition was to study medicine.

15. This medicine acts upon the heart.

16. The doctor advised about many things other than medicine.

17. Take the medicine three times a day.

18. He has practised medicine for a year.

19. He coaxed his daughter to take her medicine.

20. I studied medicine in college.

21. This medicine has done me a lot of good.

22. Shake the bottle before taking the medicine.

23. He contracted his brows and swallowed medicine down.

24. Many doctors don’t approve of unorthodox medicine.

25. Take the medicine regularly three times a day.

26. The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine.

27. The medicine is taken by mouth.

28. Take two spoonfuls of medicine at mealtimes.

29. Money may be the husk of many things, but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintances, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace of happiness. 

30. Lost wealth can be replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance or medicine, but lost time is gone for ever. 

More similar words: medical, medication, media, enticing, medium, vaccine, mediocre, immediate, predict, premeditated, dedicate, judicial, predicate, judicious, prediction, judicial branch, judicial review, succinct, precinct, carcinomas, fascinating, armed, medal, come down, ashamed, informed, edit, tedium, credit, editor. 

Examples of how to use the word “medicine” in a sentence. How to connect “medicine” with other words to make correct English sentences.

medicine (n): treatment for illness or injury, or the study of this

Use “medicine” in a sentence

This medicine has no side effects.
This medicine will ensure you a good night’s sleep.
This medicine has no harmful side effects.
The medicine had an immediate effect.
Do you have any cough medicine?
Are you allergic to any medicine?
Take this medicine after meals.
This medicine has no side effects.
This medicine tastes bitter.
Have you taken your medicine yet?

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Definition of Medicine

a substance used to treat disease

Examples of Medicine in a sentence

Without medicine to ease his headache, the man had no choice but to go to bed early.


I would rather take my cough relief medicine in the form of swallowable pills because cough syrup tastes disgusting.


A new medicine was developed to ease the symptoms of psoriasis.


Medicine to treat motion sickness was sold for triple the price on the cruise ship.


Without medicine, there would be so much more sickness and death in the world.


Other words in the Body Care category:

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Sentences for medicine. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use medicine in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for medicine.

  • Only to look at it was medicine! (10)
  • Work is medicine. (10)
  • Work is medicine. (22)
  • Or, take up law or medicine. (9)
  • I hear my oracle of Medicine say. (10)
  • What medicine for disease had he? (10)
  • Medicine must be graduated to the patient. (8)
  • I will go and take the medicine that will save him. (18)
  • He had aimed at his heart and hit a medicine bottle. (12)
  • The gondola was a medicine in itself, the count said. (10)
  • Mrs. Dolly stayed to nurse me and persuade me to swallow medicine. (10)
  • He had studied medicine, and knew that his death warrant was signed. (14)
  • We have consulted one doctor, who did not prescribe medicine for her. (10)
  • Dr. Corney had departed on his mission to fetch Crossjay and medicine. (10)
  • He has his medicine and doctors, and they say the bullet did not lodge. (10)
  • A lot of young lawyers, and two students of medicine, and some railroad clerks. (9)
  • He studied medicine and surgery, and wrote several important works on chemistry. (3)
  • She seeks out the poor and sick in the city and carries them medicine and game. (18)
  • It seems that he turned the apartment over to the student of medicine, Amadeus Voss. (12)
  • The sound medicine of sleep and sunlight was restoring livelier colour to her mistress. (10)
  • A third time he held out the glass, and remarked that this stuff was better than medicine. (10)
  • Her healthy frame seized its natural medicine to rebuild her after the fever of recent days. (10)
  • She had studied medicine for that purpose, and she had served as nurse in a London hospital. (10)
  • For she was now simply attracting Sir Twickenham to Brookfield as a necessary medicine to her Papa. (10)
  • Nevertheless, the sight of Master Gammon was like a comforting medicine to all who were in the house. (10)
  • Nevertheless, the sight of Master Gammon was like a comforting medicine to all who were in the house. (22)
  • One of these was very useful in making the mutinous take their medicine; another was liked apparently because he was so likable. (9)
  • Inoculation was first tried in 1796, and three years later an institution was opened in London where a Leipsic professor of medicine gave lectures. (5)

Also see sentences for: antidote, cure, remedy, restorative, specific.

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