Make a sentence with the word map

Examples of how to use the word “map” in a sentence. How to connect “map” with other words to make correct English sentences.

map (n): a drawing of the earth’s surface, or part of that surface, showing the shape and position of different countries, political borders, natural features such as rivers and mountains, and artificial features such as roads and buildings

Use “map” in a sentence

I located the town on a map.
I’d like a map of the city.
Can you show it to me on the map?
Excuse me, where am I on this map?
I’m trying to read the map.
The red lines on the map represent railways.
May I have a bus route map?
What’s the scale of the map?
Spread the map on the table.

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What is a good sentence using the word vegetation and map?

Students drew a map of all edible vegetation on the school’s property.I had a map that marked varieties of vegetation.Looking at the map, this forest has little ground vegetation.

Sentence with the word vegetation?

Vegetation is an area that is full of plants. A good sentence
would be, her garden saw a lot of vegetation this year.

What is a sentence using the word aquatic?

There is aquatic vegetation.

Give you a sentence with the word vegetation?

He used his machete to cut a path through the thick

What is a sentence with the word variety?

There was a variety of vegetation on the farmer’s field in the
northern range.

1. Complete the names of these places and match them with the pictures (a-h) below.

 t__wn  h__ll   …e

 c__r  p__rk   ……..

 __ __rp__rt   ……..

 f__r__st__t__ __n   ……..

 g__m ……..

 sq__ __r__   ……..

 sw__mm_ng  p__ __l   ……..

 b__s  st__t__ __n   ……..


2 car park d   3 airport a   4 fire station g   5 gym c

6 square b   7 swimming pool f   8 bus station h

2. Match the sentences with the places in town below.

bank      cinema      hospital      hotel      library      museum      park     

police station      post office      shopping centre      train station      zoo

1   ‘Hello. I’m Doctor Langton. How is your arm today?’


2   ‘Excuse me. I’m looking for a book about the rainforest.’


3   ‘The 9.35 from London to York is arriving at platform four.’


4   ‘I need to report a crime.’


5   ‘Can I have a room for three nights, please?’


6   ‘I need to send this letter to Canada, by air.’


7   ‘Excuse me. Where are the lions and tigers?’


8   ‘Look at that Greek plate. It’s 3,000 years old!’


9   ‘I’d like to change some money into euros, please.’


10   ‘Be quiet! The film is starting!’


11   ‘Let’s play football, then have a picnic.’


12   ‘You can stay here in the café. I need to go to the clothes shop and then the bookshop.’



1 hospital   2 library   3 train station   4 police station

5 hotel   6 post office   7 zoo   8 museum   9 bank

10 cinema   11 park   12 shopping centre

3. Look at the pictures and listen to the sentences. Are the sentences true or false? Tick the correct answer.

1   a   True   False     

     b   True   False     

     c   True   False

2   a   True   False     

     b   True   False     

     c   True   False

3   a   True   False     

     b   True   False     

     c   True   False


1 a F b T c T   2 a T b T c F   3 a T b T c F



a   The hospital is between the car park and the cinema. True or false?

b   The park is behind the hospital. True or false?

 The car park is next to the cinema. True or false?


a   The man with the hat is in front of the hotel. True or false?

b   The hotel is opposite the train station. True or false?

c   The bank is next to the train station. True or false?


a   The swimming pool is in the park. True or false?

b   The town hall is behind the park. True or false?

c   The bus station is behind the town hall. True or false?

Extra exercises

1. Match words 1-6 with words a-f to make places in towns and cities.












f   station


1 F   2 D   3 C   4 A   5 E   6 B

2. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions of place.

1   There’s a bank o…………………… the cinema. You have to cross the road to take some money out.

2   The library is b…………………… the museum and the supermarket.

3   The train station is n…………………… my house. It’s a ten-minute walk.

4   There’s a gym i…………………… the hotel. It’s free for guests.

5   There’s a park n…………………… t…………………… the hospital, on the left.


1 opposite   2 between   3 near   4 inside   5 next to

3. Complete the definitions.

 a big area of water with land all around it ……………………

 a high piece of land that is not as high as a mountain ……………………

 a lot of people together ……………………

 a piece of land used for animals or growing crops ……………………

 a big group of trees ……………………


1 lake   2 hill   3 crowd   4 field   5 wood

4. Choose the correct answers.

1   My grandparents usually fly to Spain on holiday. They go by coach / plane / train.

2   We often ride to the park at the weekend. We go by motorbike / ship / plane.

3   My dad always drives to work. He goes by bus / car / underground.

4   My sister sometimes stays out late on Saturday nights, so she goes home by plane / ship / taxi.

5   There’s always a lot of traffic on the roads in the morning, so we go to school by car / coach / underground.


1 plane   2 motorbike   3 car   4 taxi   5 underground

5. Complete the sentences with the words below.

Africa      Asia      east      Europe      North America      south

 France is in ……………………

 Marseille is in the …………………… of France and Paris is in the north.

 Kenya is in ……………………

 China is in ……………………

 Berlin is in the …………………… of Germany and Düsseldorf is in the west.

 Canada is in ……………………


1 Europe   2 south   3 Africa   4 Asia   5 east   6 North America

6. Complete the directions with the verbs below. You can use one verb more than once.

go      take      turn

 …………………… over the bridge.

 …………………… the first left.

 …………………… past the fire station.

 …………………… straight on.

 …………………… left at the crossroads.

 …………………… along Station Road.


1 Go   2 Take   3 Go   4 Go   5 Turn   6 Go

In the IELTS Academic Writing test, a Task 1 map question usually comes as a shock to candidates.

However, they appear in about 1 out of every 8 tests, so you need to be prepared.

In this lesson, you’ll learn to follow 4 practical steps and see them being used in 3 sample answers, as well as learn all the vocabulary and grammar tenses you’ll need.

Learning how to answer IELTS Task 1 map questions will mean you're taking less risks on test day.

Lesson Contents:

  • 4 Steps for High Task 1 Map Scores
  • Task 1 Map Question #1
  • Task 1 Map Question #2
  • Task 1 Map Question #3

4 Steps for High Task 1 Map Scores

The way you answer an IELTS Task 1 map question is essentially the same as any Task 1 question.

In fact, the IELTS examiner will use the exact same band descriptors to determine your score.

Step 1 – Analyse the Task 1 Map Question

An IELTS Task 1 map question shows two maps of one location, and each map is from a different year.

Analysing the question is much like spot the difference puzzles where we find which things in each map are the same and which are different.

Take enough time to analyse the IELTS Writing Task 1 map properly.

List each similarity and difference under the following categories;

  • Same
  • Gone (replaced by)
  • Changed
  • New

As you write the answer, cross off each similarity and difference as you describe it.

Step 2 – Write Paragraph 1

Like all Task 1 answers, the first paragraph has a paraphrase and an overview.

Writing the Paraphrase

To write a paraphrase, you simply rewrite the question in your own words.

Your primary focus is to write a paraphrase with the exact same meaning as the question.

Getting a map IELTS Task 1 question isn't a problem as long as you learn how to approach them.

If you need to copy some words from the question, that’s okay.

To paraphrase, divide the question into smaller parts and rewrite them in order.

For example, the question below has been divided into four sections, each with a different colour.

This is the typical wording of a question statement for a map IELTS Task 1.
Sample Paraphrase;

The maps display the centre of a small town based on how it was in 1962 and its current appearance.

Writing the Overview

An overview is a general description of the maps with no specific information.

In the overview, write one or both of the following;

  1. A general description of the maps.
  2. A general description of the changes.
The overview is most important part of your Task 1 map answer.
General Description of the Maps

Describe any significant features that are in both maps.

This could be the shape, the size, a central feature or a road that runs through the map.

Just make sure that the description is accurate for both maps.

General Description of the Changes

To describe the general changes, we can say things like;

  • The area is more built up.
  • There is an increase/decrease in the size of the natural area/industrial area/residential area/commercial area/retail area.
  • There are more/fewer industrial/residential/commercial/retail buildings.
  • There are more/fewer amenities/facilities.
This is key vocabulary you'll need for writing an IELTS Task 1 map overview.

Step 3 – Write Paragraphs 2 and 3

We refer to these as the details paragraphs as they describe the specific similarities and differences between the two maps.

Firstly, consider the order in which you’ll describe the features.

It’s best to have a logical flow through the map rather than randomly listing the differences.

Secondly, decide which features will be in each paragraph.

Put roughly the same number in each one.

After that, write the paragraphs.

Step 4 – Proofread Your Answer

You should aim to have 5 minutes after writing your answer to find and correct your typical writing mistakes.

You can also improve your range of vocabulary at this time by replacing words you’ve used a lot.

Proofreading your IELTS Writing Task 1 map answer will mean that you can significantly improve your Grammatical Range and Accuracy and your Lexical Resource band scores.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Question #1

This map IELTS Task 1 question is the kind of thing you can expect in the real test.

Task 1 Map Analysis of Question #1

  • Same: road
  • Gone (replaced by): farm (new building and extended car park)
  • Changed: first building is for outpatients
  • New: roundabouts and roads, ambulance entrance

Task 1 Map Sample Answer #1

The maps display the University Hospital in Kingston as it was in 1990 and again in 2020. Overall, Nessan’s Road runs from east to west at the bottom, and the hospital is situated above this. By 2020, the main change is that the farmland had been replaced with infrastructure for the hospital.

The farmland that stood in the northeast of the map had been replaced by a new hospital building used for inpatients, and the area of farmland in the east was being used as additional parking spaces in 2020. The original hospital building in the northwest of the map was being used exclusively for treating outpatients in 2020.

At the west end of Nessan’s Road, a new entrance had been added specifically for ambulances with a road leading to the outpatient building. To the east, the old entrance became the public entrance, and that road to the hospital had two roundabouts built on it; the first giving access to the parking area and the second for accessing a new road that extends to the east. This new road ends at a third roundabout for entering the inpatient building or the northern entrance to the parking facility.

Comments on Sample Answer #1

While Paraphrasing

When paraphrasing the question, I used the word map again as there isn’t a suitable synonym for this word.

Ensuring the Overview isn’t Specific

In my overview, I used the word ‘infrastructure‘ as it doesn’t communicate any specific information.

If the overview in your map IELTS Task 1 answer is specific, you'll get a low score for Task Achievement.

This ensured that my overview contained a general description rather than a specific one which would significantly reduce my Task Achievement score.

Which Vocabulary is Acceptable

When describing the map, I can use vocabulary like ‘the bottom’ and ‘above’, but it’s best to use the compass points when describing the hospital.

Evenly Dividing the Features

To have a similar number of features in my details paragraphs, I grouped ‘Gone (replaced by)‘ with ‘Changed‘ for the first one.

Grammar Tenses

Here I will describe the reasons for some of the grammar tenses used in the sample answer.

  • Passive structures are essential for map questions because the focus needs to be on the changes, not the people who made them.
  • Present simple is used to refer to what’s on the map. For example, ‘The maps display…’
  • Past simple is used to describe the location in 1990 and 2020. For example, ‘The farmland that stood…
  • Past perfect is used to describe actions completed between 1990 and 2020. For example, ‘The farmland had been replaced…

Additional Vocabulary for Question #1

Here are alternative ways to say; ‘The farmland that stood in the northeast of the map had been replaced by a new hospital building used for inpatients.

  • The farmland that stood in the northeast of the map was no longer there as it had been developed into a new hospital building used for inpatients.

  • The hospital grounds expanded into the farmland that stood in the northeast of the map, where a new hospital building for inpatients was built.

You'll need to learn all the various vocabulary to describe a Task 1 map before your IELTS test.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Question #2

You're like to get a floor plan of a building like this in an IELTS Task 1 map question.

Task 1 Map Analysis of Question #2

  • Same: restrooms, romance, thriller, entrance
  • Gone (replaced by): N/A
  • Changed: fantasy, mystery, seating, main area, kid’s books
  • New: extension, computer room, kids area, kid’s seating, staffroom, store, two entrances

Task 1 Map Sample Answer #2

The illustration shows the floor plans of a public library now and after its intended development. Overall, it’s a one-floor building and has steps leading up to the entrance. The main difference is that the library will be extended to the east, roughly doubling its size to allow for the addition of extra facilities.

After the extension, on the east side of the library, there will be a new entrance into a kid’s area where the kid’s books will be moved, and additional seating will be added. To the south of the kid’s area will be a computer room, and to the north will be a store and a staff room with its own staff entrance.

The existing library space will become the main area and will be narrower due to an internal wall constructed from the north to the south end of the building. The male and female restrooms, original entrance, and sections for romance and thriller will all remain unchanged within this area. However, the seating, fantasy and mystery sections will be relocated closer to the west side of the building to accommodate the changes.

Comments on Sample Answer #2

Paraphrase Mistake

In my paraphrase, I had initially used the word ‘renovating’ but, while proofreading, I realised that this word isn’t a suitable synonym, so I replaced it with the word ‘development’ from the question instead.

Overview Difficulties

Only use vocabulary that's 100% accurate when answering an IELTS Writing Task 1 map question.

In the overview, I found it quite difficult to find features to include in the general description of the maps because they had hardly any similarities that weren’t specific.

If you are answering an IELTS Task 1 map question and this happens to you, it’s okay only to include a general description of the changes.

When to Group Features

It’s essential to mention all the features on the map in your answer, and to help with this; it’s okay to group them sometimes.

This is especially true when mentioning things that hadn’t changed like this sentence; ‘The male and female restrooms, original entrance, and sections for romance and thriller will all remain unchanged within this area.

However, this is only suitable as they are all in the sample area.

It's good to group similar features in your map IELTS Task 1 answer so that you don't need to write a very long answer.

Grammar Tenses

Here are the main tenses in the sample answer and why they were used;

  • Present simple is used as the map on the left shows what the library is like now. For example, ‘it’s a one-floor building.’
  • Simple Future Tense is used to describe the building after the development is completed in the future. For example, ‘There will be a new entrance.
  • Passive structures are important again to describe any changes made by people. For example, ‘the library will be extended…

Additional Vocabulary for Question #2

Here is an alternative way to say this part of the sample essay;

The male and female restrooms will remain unchanged.’

  • The male and female restrooms won’t undergo any changes.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Map Question #3

This is a typical Task 1 map where you are shown the same location at two different points in time.

Task 1 Map Analysis of Question #3

  • Same: 5 houses, police, school, post, windmill
  • Gone (replaced by): forest (high road with houses), shop (supermarket), farm (petrol station)
  • Changed: N/A
  • New: dam, cafe

Task 1 Map Sample Answer #3

The maps display a countryside town in 1983 and its current appearance. Overall, Main Road cuts through the centre from west to east and is intersected roughly halfway by the River May, which extends from north to south. The main changes are an increase in residential and commercial buildings.

In the west, the five houses already erected in 1983 are still standing, and to the west of the River May, the school, to the north, and police station, to the south of Main Road, have remained unchanged. On the far side of the river, the post office is still in place, as is the windmill further to the south.

East of the post office, Munster Road connects with Main Road, where a petrol station has replaced the farm. Travelling southeastward on Munster Road, a cafe is seen to have been built. Returning to Main Road, on the east side of the town, a supermarket has taken the place of the shop. Moving to the northwest corner of the map, the forest has been cleared to make way for a cul-de-sac named High Road lined with an additional nine houses. Finally, on the northern end of the May River, a dam has been constructed.

Comments on Sample Answer #3

Being Extra Careful

Because there are so many features in this question, I was cautious while analysing as I was worried that I would miss something.

To get a high score, we need to mention every feature in our answer, so I actually went through each map several times.

For any IELTS Task 1 map with a lot of features, you need to be very careful to include everything in your answer.

Guiding the Reader

When writing an IELTS Task 1 map answer, we need to imagine that the reader doesn’t have the map and that our descriptions are the only information they will see.

With this in mind, my main focus while writing the answer above was to help the reader easily imagine where they were at all times.

This is why one-third of the word count in this essay is used for this purpose.

In the map below, you can see all the language from the essay used to guide the reader.

This is a clear representation of how to guide the examiner through an IELTS Writing Task 1 map.

Grammar Tenses

  • Present simple is used to describe the things that stayed the same. For example, ‘the post office is still in place.’
  • Present continuous is used to describe what the buildings are doing. For example, ‘the houses are still standing.’
  • Present perfect is used to describe changes between 1983 and now. For example, ‘the school has remained unchanged.’
  • Passive structures, yet again, are necessary. For example, ‘a dam has been constructed.

Additional Vocabulary for Question #3

Here are alternative ways to say; ‘A supermarket has taken the place of the shop.’

  • The shop has been demolished/knocked down, and a supermarket has taken its place.
One building will often replace another in IELTS Writing Task 1 maps.

What now?

The first thing to do is review the three sample answers in this lesson and learn any new vocabulary.

My strategy for improving vocabulary will help you with this task.

Once you’ve learned all the vocabulary, you’ll be ready to describe any map.

After that, you’ll need to practice writing IELTS Task 1 map answers. You can sign up below for access to additional questions.

Getting a Task 1 map question is not as likely as a Task 1 graph question, so you'll absolutely have to prepare for that as well.

You can also review this lesson and see more sample answers in this video.

10000+ результатов для ‘make up sentence’

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Make up sentence

Make up sentence
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Make up a sentence

Make up a sentence
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от Lapitskaya11das

Make up a sentence:

Make up a sentence:
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от Vvk2007

28.10 Make up a sentence

28.10 Make up a sentence
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Make up a sentence 30.01

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от Wikikoyan

make up a sentence or word combination

make up a sentence or word combination
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от Olgadets2020


 Past Simple Passive. Make up a sentence.

Past Simple Passive. Make up a sentence.
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от Streamlineteachers

Word Formation+ make up a sentence

Word Formation+ make up a sentence
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от Sssvetakun2007

Translate (phrases) make up your sentence

Translate (phrases) make up your sentence
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от Olgadets2020


Past Simple Passive. Make up a sentence.

Past Simple Passive. Make up a sentence.
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от Volhakruhlova

FF1 unit 14 Make up a sentence

FF1 unit 14 Make up a sentence
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translate and make up a sentence

translate and make up a sentence
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Explain, find a sinonym, make up a sentence
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Make up sentences using have to/ must / mustn’t / should / shouldn’t.
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explain/make up a sentence using present simple or present continious

explain/make up a sentence using present simple or present continious
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Qualities of entrepreneurs (Describe the word and make-up a question/sentence)
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от Dariaenglishtea

Make a sentence.

Make a sentence.
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Make a sentence.

Make a sentence.
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от Tanya85811

Make the sentence.

Make the sentence.
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от Timonchelo

Make the sentence.

Make the sentence.
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от Timonchelo

Make a sentence

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от Lucieslabko

make a sentence

make a sentence
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от U85419053

Make a sentence

Make a sentence
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AS3 Make a sentence

AS3 Make a sentence
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от 5613944

Make a sentence.

Make a sentence.
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от Timonchelo

make a sentence

make a sentence
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Make a sentence/story

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от Aive444

make a sentence (mdls)

make a sentence (mdls)
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от Nataliaostberg

Make a sentence.

Make a sentence.
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от Irinagurkova18

make a sentence

make a sentence
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от Elenalipai78

Make up word combinations

Make up word combinations

от Tavrukinna2012

English for specific purposes

Irregular Verbs. Say the 2nd and the 3rd forms. Make up a sentence with the verb in the Past Simple.

Irregular Verbs. Say the 2nd and the 3rd forms. Make up a sentence with the verb in the Past Simple.
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от Volhakruhlova

Make up the sentences

Make up the sentences
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от Timonchelo

Make up questions

Make up questions
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от Lusiy050500

Клас 5

MAke up sentences

MAke up sentences
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от Littlelido4ka

Make up the sentences

Make up the sentences
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от Teacherwgu2020

Make up the sentences

Make up the sentences
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от Pavel4

Make up the sentences.

Make up the sentences.
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от Timonchelo

Make up the questions

Make up the questions
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от Olgabuiko89

Make up sentences.

Make up sentences.
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от Englishfan99

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Make up the questions
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Make up  words

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make up sentances

make up sentances
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F7U1 make up sentences
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F4 make up sentences
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Make up sentences

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Adverbs (make up sentences)

Adverbs (make up sentences)
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Make up sentences

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