Make a sentence with the word manage

Synonym: administer, conduct, control, direct, govern, handle, lead, operate, regulate, run, supervise, work. Similar words: managed, manager, management, managing, teenage, teenager, manacle, menagerie. Meaning: [‘mænɪdʒ]  v. 1. be successful; achieve a goal 2. be in charge of, act on, or dispose of 3. come to terms or deal successfully with 4. watch and direct 5. achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods 6. carry on or manage. 

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1. We shall have to manage with these old pencils.

2. Can you manage another piece of cake?

3. We should manage to house and feed the poor.

4. Never mind, we can manage without.

5. We should manage, with a little bit of luck.

6. How do you manage to stay so slim?

7. You’d manage to have him out.

8. The pilot did manage to get airborne.

9. How do they manage to subsist ?

10. How did you manage to persuade him?

11. Kerry has been asked to manage a new department.

12. However did Mina manage to bluff her way into that job?

13. We’ll manage somehow,( you and me. I know we will.

14. I’ll be so jealous if you manage to wangle an invitation to his house.

15. Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.

16. Many companies did not manage to ride out the recession.

17. If the opposition groups manage to unite, they may command over 55% of the vote.

18. After a number of mishaps she did manage to get back to Germany.

19. The car’s quite full, but we could manage to squeeze another couple of people in.

20. The doctors manage to keep the pain at a tolerable level.

21. How did you manage to come through the Second World War without even a scratch?

22. How do you manage to work in this heat without air conditioning?

23. We could just manage to see the form of an aircraft taking off in the fog.

24. I don’t know exactly how we’ll manage it, but we will,( somehow.

25. I can manage perfectly well on my own, thank you.

26. It’s just not feasible to manage the business on a part-time basis.

27. Your house is always so neat — how do you manage it with three children?

28. Jack was not so much interested in making money, so long as he could manage to rub along.

29. Life always has many things to bring you down. But, what can really bring you down is that you don’t manage your attitude.

30. She has a bit of private money, so they manage quite nicely.

More similar words: managed, manager, management, managing, teenage, teenager, manacle, menagerie, banana, analyze, analyst, Canadian, can afford, analysis, analyses, analyzing, man, many, explanation, many a, woman, human, Roman, demand, as many, German, manner, manual, mandate, as a man. 

Examples of how to use the word “manage” in a sentence. How to connect “manage” with other words to make correct English sentences.

manage (v): to succeed in doing or dealing with something, especially something difficult

Use “manage” in a sentence

He manages a small team.
We managed to get there on time.
‘Need any help?’ ‘No, thanks. I can manage.’

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


To manage our weight and maintain optimum health, we have to focus on eating efficiently

’ I replied as steadily as I can manage

The catch is fiddly, but I manage it second time, and open the door

It takes a considerable amount of restraint on my part not to go with the two of them as they head off to the annexe, but I manage it

«Look, I’ve got 12 people to manage here, including yourself

We can manage

By dint of her breathing in a lot and me tugging hard, we manage to get her into it

Stephen rings just after two in the afternoon to see how we are getting on and to tell me that he’s intending to get here as near to five as he can manage

«But I have to talk to you about where I’m going to live and how we’re going to manage this tiny island of the league

Then he could manage a restructured mortgage, interest only for a year and pay off Sammy on his terms over the course of six months

’ I manage to enunciate at the second try

With their cuteness, tricks, tears, mischief, as well as with their endless demands, they manage to keep their parents always busy -especially their mother

Fighting for air I could only manage the faintest of whispers in reply to his question

Then I fly out of the window and along Nereid st; black dogs get in my way as I fly towards the playground, yet I manage to leave them behind

You’ll need to manage their output

’ I replied with as deadpan a face as I can manage … making her laugh

Her face was still full of fear and a smile was all he could manage then before her face washed out in the glare from the alien reactor’s detonation

That explains it: I have heard about certain persons lately who, although they are illiterate, have become successful travelling salesmen and earn up to 700,000 drachmas per month! Taking into account that a salesman’s commission is no higher than 10%, how do they manage to make sales of 7,000,000 drachmas every month? What do they really sell? Encyclopedias? Come on now! Nowadays you can find cheap and voluminous encyclopedias in bookstores or, even, on offer in newspapers! Why would anyone pay dearly a commercial traveller? Unless they sell other things, other »services», instead of books

‘Is there a problem?’ I asked in as ordinary a voice as I can manage, as I lead her into the kitchen and starting to clear my breakfast things away

‘Yes, I can manage trains, thank you Angie

Even so, she did manage to drag the subject round to Abery

Despite anticipating that the sound of the water flowing past my head as I sleep in the cabin bed allotted to me would awaken memories that would prevent me sleeping, I do manage to drop off and woke to find myself in a different world; the flat lowlands have been replaced by rolling hills which, even though the plants and animals show the ubiquitous signs of malaise I have seen elsewhere, is lovely to behold

It takes a while to get my belongings organised as I want them, but I still manage to be up on deck before the boat casts off

‘But I can manage, thanks

A towel, some soap and that is about all I am going to manage

’ I said deliberately, determined not to let this man think I can’t manage

By dint of sheer willpower and a certain amount of gritting of the teeth against the pain, I manage to get dressed and pack up my bags again

With a physical urgency usually reserved for athletes and Special Forces troops, Miss Jones launched herself into a standing position, braced her legs upon the pavement and picked up her handbag in the most menacing way that she could manage

’ He said, taking my elbow and helping me over to the patch of ground he has settled on for our camp despite my protestations that I can manage

With an effort, I manage to throw one arm round her neck, swallowing a fair amount of water in the process, but once there, it means she can support me as she swims strongly towards land

Even in those far off days in the caravan, she had known how to manage their affairs, limited though they may have been back then, and he was quite content to leave the day to day nitty-gritty of bills and services in her capable hands

about all I can manage

‘I did think of that just now, but it’s too isolated for me to manage on my own and then there’s the question of relocating the kids … they’re settled where they are, Gary, not to mention the fact I’d have to find a job

” Not on the same night, of course”, she added just to be sure that she could manage the linen

Most Federal agencies have experts who are available to help organizations apply for and manage their grants

I can see from my reflection in the mirror, that I manage a very reasonable impression of amused surprise … I’m impressed …

How they manage to avoid hitting each other I do not know, but I have to say that, although most cars sport some sort of scratch or dent, I didn’t see a single accident

They were going to rape her but found they were still too young, though they did manage to get her clothes off

We manage it with five minutes to spare and are downstairs in the lounge when Rob arrives

that she could manage

Then there is Joanna who, if she could manage it, would be an eternal student

Her dad couldn’t manage the stairs and they’d had one of the rooms at the back made into a bedroom

But, you had to admire the way she took the reins firmly in her hands, working through the house, cleaning, repairing and clearing out the junk – just as well really, her mother was a poor thing and couldn’t manage at all

After lunch, I manage to get started on Bunty again but am interrupted just after three by the arrival of a woman in reception who wants to talk to someone about an article in the last edition

to manage their affairs, limited though they may have been back

manage with all of that expensive fishing gear you keep buying

Life was just about perfect if he could manage the price of a small

Can I manage dry toast? Don’t know, my mouth is still horribly dry

I stagger to the door and, at the third try, manage to open it

‘I think I can manage, Dave

‘I could manage something, I think

added just to be sure that she could manage the linen

“How did you manage that? You’re good, Amanda, and I’m sorry that I crossed you

“How did the Internal Revenue Service manage to let this slip by them? And why would she use a false number to start with? And if she’s not Amanda, who the hell is she?”

With Leona off, Maggie will have to manage the back stage area

She could manage without a drink if she had to

’ Andy said as disarmingly as he could manage

Alex needs somewhere quiet, away from prying eyes and ears, where he can manage the situation

He should have something to say, something constructive, an easy way to deflect, but all he can manage is, «Fuck!»

Tom had decided that the easiest way to manage the transfer from

Taking one arm each they manage to heave Billy to his feet and half drag, half carry him into the house

his old friend’s hand as warmly as he could manage before accepting

‘Why do you say that?’ he asked as politely as he could manage

‘I suppose Janine will have to manage the housework

‘Yes – we! As I’m supposed to manage this household

‘Exactly! You’re supposed to manage the household

He tried to imagine a storm at sea, and was carried into his own memory of the ‘great storm,’ and his first taste of helplessness in the face of forces beyond his strength to manage

I spent many sleepless nights praying that I’d stop caring for him or at least that I’d learn how to manage it

” She answered as tactfully as she could manage, still trying to be friendly

I can manage

Connor and by default, Jameson, who had been raised to manage all this, and of course White Feathers who stepped in and made a go of it without a hiccup or pause

It worked, but sadly the imp did manage to tear off some of poor Lucy’s hair

“That’s enough, leave her alone!” Andrew said in the most commanding voice he could manage

Biting her lower lip the way she did when she was hurt, and flexing her right hand, she asked in as smooth a tone as she could manage

Kaitlyn spent as much time in his company as she could manage in the midst of her own responsibilities to the bride to be

He had always been loyal, always putting the needs of others before himself, but now his skills were being put to the test, and he wasn’t sure if he had the ability to manage it

Was that a question, or a statement? «What?” was all she could manage to say, Beth knew her better than any other person, she’d probably read her tears and knew of her dilemma even before she’d spoke

Jesse took a seat at the kitchen table and asked, «So did you manage to convince him to move?» catching her off guard

» Who was she trying to convince, them? They could see it from the outside, and even if she couldn’t, they could see a separation occurring, but the battle did manage to change the subject

Security DEMANDS that you kill her, and a real soldier certainly would, but we now know a sniveling little rodent like you couldn’t manage to kill a healthy young woman even if you had the backbone to try

‘But how did you manage to stop the triggering of the machine?’

Therefore, he was out to show her up, by finding another property to manage

I have an engineering question und I am a little out of date regarding the latest equipment for a project I have been asked to manage

Mike was too far out of it to answer any of her questions, although he did manage to assist her quite well, in getting into the house

you manage to ask the question, how on earth are you

And since Don Bosco High School wasted my time with horrible courses like algebra, geometry, trigonometry instead of useful courses like financial management, something you would need when you become an adult at 18; I had no idea how to manage my finances

manage all those stairs,’ I lied

Afterwards, when she brought her picture-book, he asked, «What horrid beasts have you there?» And if his grandmother told them stories, he always interrupted her; besides, if he could manage it, he made fun of her and would imitate her so other people would laugh

James was able to manage more than a walk

Such a negro, over and above this quantity of tobacco, can manage, they reckon, four acres of Indian corn

Grenades if they’ve manage to find any

If you manage to repel them they will do the same again the next night

If it is very low indeed, he will be likely to manage his dairy in a very slovenly and dirty manner, and will scarce, perhaps, think it worth while to have a particular room or building on purpose for it, but will suffer the business to be carried on amidst the smoke, filth, and nastiness of his own kitchen, as was the case of almost all the farmers’ dairies in Scotland thirty or forty years ago, and as is the case of many of them still

You have the intolerable and stubborn spirit of your mother Hera: it is all I can do to manage her, and it is her doing that you are now in this plight: still, I cannot let you remain longer in such great pain; you are my own offspring, and it was by me that your mother conceived you; if, however, you had been the son of any other god, you are so destructive that by this time you should have been lying lower than the Titans

“That we’ll manage, yaar

told her that I was hopeless at dance and all I could manage was

All I could manage to say through a few broken sentences was

did not manage to leave for London

Monk-Key 1 responded, “The cross wiring of the random Emotions sets forth new considerations of word relations Which while not communicating in standard idiom still Manage to produce idioms randomly to the accommodation Of sustained communication without linear deliberation—

allow your team to manage themselves

» That sounded rather small, but then again, she had managed to dig up what happened to Tdeshi on a trail that was twenty decades old, this was only fourteen

Her parents continue trying to make her into something they never managed when they were her age

“That isn’t yours,” The Operator managed to say

It took us a few tries, but the bravest of us managed to rip the papers from his calloused hands

steadied and he managed to focus

He said he’d seen Joanna with this guy and, somehow or other, the police managed to track him down – don’t know how they did it

the table, but instead he managed to swallow it manfully and smile thinly

He panted hard, still mired in the primeval floor, but managed to steel his shaking

in the process, but finally he managed to fall back onto the relative safety of his bed

terror coursing through his veins, he managed to shake his clothes out and dress,

oh shit! Stephen didn’t say if he had managed to arrange one for tomorrow

Johnny managed three strides, perhaps half the distance that he needed, before

A while later, somewhat breathless from manoeuvring the heavy box down the ladder but gratified that I have managed it on my own, I sit on the bed and start going through my history

Goodness knows what he managed to get his mother to put together for a picnic

managed to smear it across his jaw and nose a little more vividly

Tom managed to catch a glimpse of her leaving the car park

How I managed to keep my hands off Stephen over breakfast I do not know

Let me explain: After one and a half month of inaction, we finally carried out a telepathy experiment which “of course” proved to be a flop! Not even one of us managed to make a close guess of the object placed on the reception table

In all of my time in captivity I don’t think I ever managed to sleep, not truly and deeply

Rania, a mediocre dancer, has also been promoted to the fourth place of the circle – probably because she has managed to join the clique

George managed to win my confidence very soon, as he appeared to be a thoughtful and understanding person

Anyway, at a moment he found a black pen and the opportunity to smudge two of the three pages of my published story! When I saw that, I flew off the handle! The little monster managed to stain the only success I’ve had in my life insofar!

I awoke to the sound of the door being unlocked and, although it was agony to move now that my limbs had stiffened after the beating, I managed to kneel and cover my nakedness with the bottom of my blood-spattered tee-shirt

Despite my screaming bruises and the blood soaking across my tattered face, I managed to spring up and land astride Robbie’s chest

Through my tears I managed to stroke his forehead as gently as I could

The guys running the mechanical shop had managed to put together a very good imitation of an ocean racer and it was now ready for some long distance trials

Despite being a little wobbly after spending several days in bed, not to mention carrying the after effects of what she’d heard described as a nasty case of concussion, she still managed to summon sufficient willpower to be curious about what she saw as they walked through the interminable corridors of the hospital towards the car park

He let a few drops fall from his mouth onto the kerchief and, rather than wiping away the dust on his face and lips, he just managed to smear it across his jaw and nose a little more vividly

Son to focus on anything but the pain, but he managed to pull himself out of

He managed to shuffle and drag himself upright, until, bowed and spindle thin, he finally stood free of the wall

It took some minutes to alert the girl ostensibly serving at the counter but Kara managed to obtain some refreshments eventually

Somehow he managed to evade all the welcome and noise and bustle and sneak her into the house and along the shadowy, silent hallways to her bed chamber

By dint of hiding in one or other of them whenever she felt particularly overcome, she managed to maintain her sanity

It was slow going, but he managed to get to the bathroom

«I managed to snag a few inglethors

With the help of both Poopsie and Lardyme, who managed to stop

managed to do the wheel ferrings early, so there isn’t anything to

They had managed to reach Buttercup; they cycled down to the

Where a shaft of light has managed to break through the canopy, there are bright green ferns, but in the main, it is easy going over the pine-needle strewn ground with no bushes or undergrowth

The three fierce defenders finally managed to overpower it and bring it down

Breaking and entering was not something that Archibald had studied with his tutors, and so it was with some difficulty and quite a lot of noise that he eventually managed to force a window at the back of the ramshackle and degenerate building

Some trees managed to break part of her fall

By arranging the suits, shirts, blouses and skirts by label, size and colour she managed to shift most of the better items to middle class bargain hunters and a good deal of the less fashionable items to the local student population

He forbade her to take a break until the whole wardrobe had been disposed of and it wasn’t until nearly four o’clock that afternoon that Cyberia managed to trudge home wearily, smelling of sweat, fried burgers and other people’s loose change

In truth she might not have managed if Nuran hadn’t been so hung over and helpless

Self-control was an art that Miss Jones and her family had perfected through many long years of carefully managed breeding and etiquette

The young man managed two or three disjointed paces before he too crumpled and flaked, finally tripping over an uneven paving stone and falling chin first to the floor

On their second pass they managed to destroy all but about 20 of the misshapen, abominations

Ichor managed to send word to the White to relay to Jake

’ He said concentrating on nurturing the tiny flame he has managed to achieve

We have managed to destroy the pack of black devils that were entrenched on the west coast creating havoc throughout the country

He wondered if somehow he had managed to get the drop on her? Thom had learned more of Ava’s world than he let on, but Alan didn’t think it was anywhere near enough to encapsulate her

except that he puffed and he blew and he managed, with the help of the Speaker, to finish his speech

Apart from a few casual jobs that he managed to get during the summer season, when Britain’s residential masses poured out of their suburban homes to spend two weeks basking in the melange of weather systems that blow in across the great western seas, he spent most of the year fishing from beaches and rocky breakwaters, eking out a meagre living by selling sea bass to local restaurants and pubs

Catching the odd bass is one thing, but I’ve never managed anything other than my own time, and besides, he’s hardly going to take me on in my current state of health, is he!”

“You bast…”, was all that she managed to yell at him before one of the suited gentlemen clamped his hand firmly over her mouth and bundled her onto the back seat

Terry managed to stammer out a high-pitched «Course not», and then he just stood there frozen with embarrassment as the dog played keepie-uppie with all four paws

Six Blue Dragons finally managed to get riders

‘Have you managed to sort out that problem with the dinner money yet?

She wore her uniform like a brownie scout and managed to look like she was no more than a very pubescent twelve

He even managed a couple of quiet evenings in with some of the not so beautiful ones

“Their anger at what these few ‘upstarts’ had managed to do was terrible, even for them

As a result, I’ve managed to save a reasonable amount over the years, but the important factor is that what I earn is mine so we can certainly look to renting something decent until we find something we want to buy

Oh well, you’ve managed to keep her a child this long, couldn’t expect it to last much longer

shop, and how I managed everything

calculation errors, they managed the accounts just fine

If any of these traumatized young boys managed to survive to adulthood they were rewarded with a commission into Lord Boras’ army

Harry and Big Al managed to push the sash window up as far as it

She managed to

He says he managed to get a fourth order condensate contained, he has the largest chamber cooled and he’s having some trouble with the instrumentation

They managed to cram a tremendous amount of stuff in — though the second set of bookshelves defeats them, and has to be left with the other furniture to be transported by the hauliers

officers bundled out of the van and these same officers managed,

I managed the music bit quite easily and then Karen came along and I thought I’d got the other part too

Anna, my darling, as I thought, I can’t ring you – my mobile doesn’t work over here and the land line would be impractically expensive, but I have managed to get my laptop to link into the network here in the hotel and shall send you this e-mail – second best but better than nothing!

a lot of noise that he eventually managed to force a window at the

She had managed to escape him into Angel space long before he was able to understand the full significance of what his labs had invented

They will never know you are out there;” she smiled, “just a little something my scientists managed to come up with

husband’s musical royalties the couple managed to earn enough to

had perfected through many long years of carefully managed

He’s managed to dig up some information about the building contractor who originally started the project before going bust

Joanna managed to get a degree of sorts — no idea how, she never did any work I could see — however, Jed’s hard work paid off and he landed a good job with a local manufacturer

I sometimes wondered how she managed, just her and her mother alone in that great house

except that he puffed and he blew and he managed, with

Apart from a few casual jobs that he managed to get

She even managed to smile back at him

odd bass is one thing, but I’ve never managed anything other than

“You bast…”, was all that she managed to yell at him before

Terry managed to stammer out a high-

now I am beginning to get an idea how Bunty managed financially

Dilly is not in the office – her boyfriend rings in and tells us that she has a tummy bug and hasn’t managed to keep anything down yet

The attack was vicious and heated, she and her troops managed to take out quite a few of them

‘I managed a whole glass of water with no ill effects

He even managed a couple

He managed, however, to summon up

and then managed to hook up with a rather forward thinking

In fact, I think I have managed to trace her life up to where she set up the Foundation

He managed to swim towards the shore and grab hold of a sturdy branch

He had managed to make a nice spear and the end was certainly sharp enough

Alistair had managed to acquire a whetstone to sharpen the tools

They managed to keep this body alive but a different personality grew up inside it

I frequently have coffee with Doreen who is married to Henry – you know the chap who manages their props and scenery

It takes some doing to keep them apart, but John manages by hanging onto their collars and spreading his arms wide

if Satan manages to deceive you (it is his job on the earth, as he is a

But in her usual fashion, she manages through it with poise and a warm smile, «Hey there Apollo, I’m glad you’re here

If a single human manages to cut it once or twice in the arm before dying, that’s just spicy food

At some stage during that time, she manages to tell Caderl the news about their marriage and I witness him having a quiet, if enthusiastic word with Berndt, clasping him by his injured arm in his excitement and then having to apologise speedily as a result of being a little too excited

To my utter amazement, he goes on to say that Joris’ last mission was to guard me on my quest to retrieve the last of the Elements, emphasising that without Joris’s protection, the task would have failed – he also manages to suggest that Joris had a hand in the retrieval of the other Elements without actually saying so – but I’m not going to quibble over that

Dave manages to find a parking space without too much trouble and after discussion about whether I am up to going for a walk or not, we decide to walk around the lake then get something to eat in the cafe

Maggie doesn’t see her but Billy does and he manages to catch Maggie’s attention

After a few minutes trying to get the attention of the staff he manages to pay for four more vodka kicks and holding two in each hand by the neck he trips the slow waltz back to his brother and the girls

The song is still playing in Billy’s head but he manages to turn the volume down

Maggie manages to resist the urge to brain Jock with the crockery

Sitting on the toilet she manages to prise the sliver of glass from her calf using her beautifully manicured fingernails

Maggie feels suddenly impotent, but she focuses and manages to spit her message out

He manages to edge the car onto the hard packed ruts of a field entrance and, bending forward, he rests his head on the soft plastic of the steering wheel

He manages to put his forefinger to his lip at the second attempt, and then as he slides off his stool he says, «Nice to meet you, Victor

He can smell damp soil, but he manages to summon-up the last flickering embers of his youthful vigour to whisper, «Kitchen

Dad is quite severely limited by his arthritic condition but he manages quite well and takes advantage of the restaurant facilities most of the time

The revenue derived from labour is called wages; that derived from stock, by the person who manages or employs it, is called profit; that derived from it by the person who does not employ it himself, but lends it to another, is called the interest or the use of money

I’d suffer far worse than any blade could cut me if this hateful man manages to stop you

She always manages to take my breath away, Zarko thought

He curses beneath his breath, straightens his underwear and one of his eyes manages to fix us with a baleful stare

“Right lads lets get in there before he manages to get that gun working again” and he sprang up followed by the others in his hole

The BIOS manages the order of system boot items, such as floppy (yes, there still is such a thing), CD/DVD optical drive, flash drive and hard drive

– Unless Laino manages to scare you to death, it can turn you on somewhat when his eyes flash with lighting and rage

Teow, who is about 50, is a very good masseuse who manages Lovely massage

There are very small countries with a very dense, even over population, who manages the dead and never runs out of space

Owns and manages a fancy hotel on Park Lane

Devlin manages to slip a blindfold over Fanny’s eyes and then backs out of the shot

And even though debris and concrete chunks litter the cobblestone pavement, the lane still manages to retain its quaintness

manages to be a pain in the ass, and is constantly pondering the fact

56 The following day, Higgins confirmed in his article in the Ithaca Journal, headlined triAd FoCuses pArk Mission that The Triad Foundation, the new organization recently split off from the Park Foundation, won’t make any changes to the way it manages fellowship programs it will take over in Ithaca and Chapel Hill, NC, according to its director

when it first surfaces, but that then somehow manages to sink

Another Lope yawn and, “How the brain manages to keep track of

But it would seem that only the Muslim religion today manages to

manages to solve it and so the Sphinx kills itself

who manages to run faster after the charioteer has drunk too much, it is most

there is a conflict between rights, only if one manages to enter into the

If he manages, with Athena’s help, to create this new type of beauty,

Anyone manages to stay awake longer than the others will be in no shape to climb around on the roof

Subsequently he made the announcement through all the forums he manages and the groups on LinkedIn™

It manages to filter out market noise through the calculation which removes the small

“One car pulls off and the guy from the second car manages to shoot out the first car’s tires and then shoot the remaining gunman as he exited the vehicle

He always manages to beat it and be out on the street the next day

manages conflict and helps the group find win-win

Their only interest is the goal and the person that manages to make a goal, but the goal is only a moment of the game, it does not constitute the game itself

Frankenstein, instead, is catapulted among the living, without even having asked for it; how could he have asked for it by the way? His personal agony lasts until he manages to return to the dead

The working place is hell and who cares! My colleague with less talent than me manages to emerge and who cares! The company organizes a seminar on team building and who cares! So many sacrifices and so much money that has been thrown away! If we had considered saving before, maybe we would not be in this situation now

David manages to adapt to most of the doctor’s recommendations

On this particular day, David trips on someone’s dangling coat belt while on the escalator, but he saves his footing and manages to kick the belt end away from the seam of the escalator steps as it rises to the top of the stairway

Chelsea manages to nap halfway through, but wakes up for the dinner break

The young girl assistant greets him nervously but manages a smile as she starts to add up Simon’s shopping on her cash register putting them in a carrier bag

Carol nearly chokes as she tries to swallow a mouthful of spaghetti, regaining her breath she manages to control her voice and decline as politely, Eric stares moodily at the floor not appearing to hear

The blood helps; providing a lubricant and Simon pulls with all his might and manages to pull his right hand out

Steve manages to catch his breath enough to shout a ‘Thanks’ as Alex gets into his van and drives up the street

” he manages to say before coughing again

” he manages to say between coughing

The meat had been cooked to perfection, as had the rest of the meal and Lewis nearly manages to eat it all

still able to land a solid blow, but Century manages to bait her into letting him grab her by the wrist again

I don’t think you will see someone with a great family life who manages the way he should evenings and on the weekend while at the same time struggles at the office

A man may not have a mistress, but manages to have an affair

Their team manages everything in the

creates a new low, but manages to close higher than the previous day’s

If the 99th CAG manages to turn around that enemy armada today, then it will become hard indeed for anyone to deny the merits of that girl and of her women

manages to step over the outstretched leg

Cliff, the real sportsman and all rounder, manages a par 3 with his handicap of as much as five, and he wins the game easily

Wat plays a relaxed round, now that the kids are his, and manages a par 4 but did slice few into the rough, the rough being the Bristol Channel at the edge of the clifftop

Another benefit would be the possible downfall of President Assad of Syria, if ISIS manages to defeat his army

You know too well what would happen to the Shiites in Bagdad if ISIS ever manages to capture the capital

It’s a quasi-governmental entity that manages joint assets and concerns of commercial banks and reports to the government

manages to act as my sound board

He turns back towards Diane D with the full can of paint and shouts, “Wake up to this!” Even though Marcus is in intense pain, he still manages to get the strength and throws the large full can of paint right at Diane D!

He does a good job managing his money, and manages to save approximately 13% of his gross income, or $833 a month, which he puts into his IUL each month

Unable to maneuver, Trace manages to level out the mecha

Demarcus activates his charge and manages to blow off the

He manages to apply both ends,

Whatever she wants to say, it’s giving her a lot of trouble, and when she finally manages to speak, her voice stays quiet as if it’s caught in her throat

Picard manages to escape the Iconian base before it blows up by stepping through the gateway to the Romulan ship that is in orbit

Jeremiah Dixon still manages to own The Lonely River

Surprisingly enough, Pedro manages to present his homosexuality as if it were something really cool

control and that at least manages

The abbot of the monastery manages to

The truth first connect with the eye picture then the brain reacts for interpreting the picture, influenced by the hypothalamus organ in the brain which manages emotions to make a person either sensitive or insensitive

That, whatever or whoever originated and manages EVIL is a master strategist and such game-playing the ultimate in malevolent dishonesty, by its manipulating players to battle one another

He manages getting a few PSA on local radio

“My father manages a cinema

He is exhausted and only just manages to fall next to her, both facing the sky

Loki manages to raise his head

If, however, you have been nailed inside the enveloping constriction of self-destruction and can only seek confirmation that the non-poetic Byronic half-boy manages to destroy all he is and will be, including those connected to his self-loathing egocentric paradise, the last chapters are yours

Others replied: “What can he do in such a situation? And what shall he have of the capabilities when he is alone opposite to France whatever he plans and manages? Taking into consideration, that he can not reveal himself before them and counter them face to face, so we think that the matter is of no avail

He is alone Who manages the requirements of the universe, succors man when surrounded by adversities and inflicted with hardships, and hinders evils from them if their acts become good

A brute culture eats itself to death; a smart culture manages its resources; a wise culture renews life

Ulysses manages to solve the problem at its core

— Ulysses manages to transform Penelope and her heart of stone into a woman who recognizes and loves him

The only difference between her and Clytemnestra lies in the fact that the latter manages to actually kill her husband Agamemnon, whereas Penelope does not succeed in doing so, even though her plan to have Ulysses and Telemachus murdered was ingenious

By the time the journey is over, Ulysses manages to reconquer lost beauty (as Helen was brought home again)

V, 427), Ulysses manages to make a first step beyond his hatred and his wounded pride by praying to the river god, who answers his prayer and saves him from sure death

So it is that Oedipus, with his excuse that he is looking for the truth, manages to carry out his vendetta, animated by his repressed hatred towards his mother who manipulated him all his life, from the time of his conception onward

We can also see his power when, with Hermes’ help, Ulysses manages to get Circe to succumb to his will and he convinces her to restore his companions to human form

When a person manages to blend the animal with the spiritual and the

The crowd of spectators had a moment to look on in horror before Bob plowed right into them, knocking at least a dozen students to the ground and managing to land on a good number of them

It was sixty-three when our Managing Director called me into his office and

’ Jeremy said warmly, managing to convey that he not only knows about the trials of the last few days but also that he is pleased they have concluded positively

In less than two minutes, my phone rings; it is Mr Gryparis, the managing director: “Have you got any untyped texts of Mrs Parissis?” he asks

A little later, Mrs Stavrakis informs me that shrew of Parissis went to the managing director and told him “This morning Yvonne was half an hour absent from her office!” – that’s when I was out to buy Mrs Stavrakis some coffee

Issa and Remos – that’s the couple who look after it – have been managing it for years … it makes a nice little income, I believe

Managing The Relationship Matrix

You were managing to slowly heal yourself

‘You go and do that, we’ll have a chat about the practicalities of managing the property

It says a lot that we none of us have asked how she’s managing the rent on her own

“Darling, I have endeavored to introduce to you the many aspects of managing a large household, and I am gratified to say that your abilities are unsurpassed in thoroughness and creativity

Her son has recently married and has left her without assistance managing the staff and daily requirements of the business

Avery Goodman does have a real flair for direction, and an intuitive grasp for subtly managing the extremes of emotion displayed by the Players from time to time

Jameson got to look over the train kitchen and offered his compliments to the cooks on their managing so well in such a limited space

I think he played professionally before he wound up managing he was a great player

Starting and running a membership site can be a lot of fun and very fulfilling, however you need to know what’s involved in setting one up, and then managing it effectively

«Sir?» the boy replied, managing to bring words from his mouth instead of puke

“I see that it’s true what they say about taking the girl out of Cyrodiil but not managing to take Cyrodiil out of the girl

«This is fine,” he said, even managing a smile up at me

Feng (wind) Shui (water) is an ancient Chinese system which aids managing the flow of invisible energy (chi)

His cock struck her in all sorts of places and she almost became frantic before managing to grasp the thing and pulling him down firmly on top of her starved body, made the insertion

It is a very calming way of managing our state of being, for it allows us to ride through tough periods of our lives, much more effortlessly

But if the number of American representatives were to be in proportion to the produce of American taxation, the number of people to be managed would increase exactly in proportion to the means of managing them, and the means of managing to the number of people to be managed

The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo:

To establish a joint-stock company, however, for any undertaking, merely because such a company might be capable of managing it successfully ; or, to exempt a particular set of dealers from some of the general laws which take place with regard to all their neighbours, merely because they might be capable of thriving, if they had such an exemption, would certainly not be reasonable

The joint-stock companies, which are established for the public-spirited purpose of promoting some particular manufacture, over and above managing their own affairs ill, to the diminution of the general stock of the society, can, in other respects, scarce ever fail to do more harm than good

But though this order of men can scarce ever be forced, they may be managed as easily as any other ; and the security of the sovereign, as well as the public tranquillity, seems to depend very much upon the means which he has of managing them ; and those means seem to consist altogether in the preferment which he has to bestow upon them

The sovereign, though he might have some indirect influence in those elections, and though it was sometimes usual to ask both his consent to elect, and his approbation of the election, yet had no direct or sufficient means of managing the clergy

The court of Rome had disobliged some of the smaller princes in the northern parts of Germany, whom it had probably considered as too insignificant to be worth the managing

managing to hit him squarely on the Achilles

We wished each other goodnight and she kissed me on my cheek again then I wended my weary way to bed only just managing to drag my feet up the stairs and down the corridor to my room

“That sounds like a good idea we can see how he’s managing and give him the news about the Battalion”, then we both said together

“How are Helen, Mabel and Beth are they managing to keep their spirits up?” I replied

rose through the ranks from a sawyer’s assistant at the beginning to managing the company later

nothing about managing and certainly very little about the other

When it came to managing the house, she was a master — with the exception of lighting the stove

some guy who was managing one of his houses, could do more

Dawn struggled with the powerful machine, just managing to keep it under control, knowing she only had seconds before the big cat sprang at her

Gritting his teeth, Contin pulled the wheel in the opposite direction, managing to get the car back onto the road, where it slewed from side to side, the tyres smoking as he stamped on the brakes

Breaking into a fast run, he sprinted across the clearing, just managing to catch the edge of the open side door before the helicopter rose out of reach

He saw it coming too late, just managing to raise a protective shoulder as the Dawn twisted on its claw, crashing into him

But what is wrong with this approach to managing emotions?

Managing the emotions: Physiology first

The fact of the matter is that there is no turning back the hands of time, if such was ever a reasonable option to begin with! As evolving technologies continue developing efficient ways of replacing brawn with brain, increasing competition for skilled labor in highly competitive global environments will require transforming (the) worker from a corporate to a human resource commissioned with the task of managing his or her (own) career paths

It’s no secret that Windows is a very complicated system that is capable of managing a huge number of operations at once

Paul completely forgot about his craving for the coffee and muffin and headed directly to the librarian who was managing the microfiche desk

The chief difficulty Alice found at first was in managing her flamingo: she succeeded in getting its body tucked away, comfortably enough, under her arm, with its legs hanging down, but generally, just as she had got its neck nicely straightened out, and was going to give the hedgehog a blow with its head, it would twist itself round and look up in her face, with such a puzzled expression that she could not help bursting out laughing: and when she had got its head down, and was going to begin again, it was very provoking to find that the hedgehog had unrolled itself, and was in the act of crawling away: besides all this, there was generally a ridge or furrow in the way wherever she wanted to send the hedgehog to, and, as the doubled-up soldiers were always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, Alice soon came to the conclusion that it was a very difficult game indeed

In other words a Managing Director could also be a Chief and thus must be addressed as Chief (and Surename)

Such implies managing it in a responsible manner

The famous military treatise, �The Art of War� written by Sun Tzu depicts a philosophy of war for managing conflicts and winning battles

No matter how much one disagrees with the reasons given for the war, it was clear that Bush was quite skilled at managing a war, unlike his son

Doesn‘t anyone save for a ―rainy day‖ anymore? There is no question that many of us need a wake-up call on the critical importance of managing money before diminishing incomes leave us with little money to manage

Not entirely unafraid; I feel the controlling of the terror, the terror is there, but you are managing it

“Come on, darling, let’s get it over with,” he said, managing to stifle the tears that were threatening to overwhelm him

Thought awareness is the first step in the process of managing negative thoughts, as you

“We’ll try to stay as close to the front runners for as long as possible, and hope they have reliability problems,” he told them, still managing to sound confident and in control of the situation

includes managing our time but believe it or not, there certain activities

She has always been emotional, but probably because nothing really bad happened (apart from the huge bill for her insurance) she kept cool, managing it incredibly well

The others did the same, barely managing to

his wrist as Cinder keeled over laughing, barely managing to stay in the air

By managing the Cold War and hastening the collapse of the Soviet Union, the

As a consequence, managing the supply chain through

managing the quality of your product, including planned testing and quality

This is a passive, secondary and often depressive approach to managing life and

hint that women are quite capable of managing their intimate nature if

Although there is only one participant involved in the process, managing internal affairs is far more diffi-

cult than managing external affairs

He was a CEO of a corporation managing 3,500

“It’s OK,” she whispered, managing to lift her hand and stroke his hair

She saw her brother barely managing to stand up and she did not like what she was seeing

had scored quite a few points for managing to stay alive

Zeus had his fists in the air, barely managing to contain himself, trying not to hit his son

Estimation with proven techniques helps in managing the project with realistic goals

Configuration Management is identifying and managing the configurable items to support integrity in delivery of service or product

Configuration Manager/Controller: This person is responsible for managing configurable items and relevant configurations for each release

This person also needs to perform the status accounting and managing the changes

The following are different ways of managing risks,

• Representing & Managing the audit team

then managing these properties

spent their time stressing out over the details I was already managing, it

doubt, God attends to this business of managing the universe;

We are managing your consumption and production

Though the Managing Editor did not write any more anti-Christian articles in “The Collegian”, the incident proved to Roger what he often complained about, that in their resistance to herald Christian ideals, reporters practice wolf-pack journalism to savage Christianity making honesty an exceedingly scarce virtue in their reporting

managing and growing their businesses

If cash is king, then managing your cash flow is absolutely critical

Now, to be clear, he was not suggesting anything other than a new approach to managing my relationships with staff

suggesting anything other than a new approach to managing my relationships with staff

cutting and clearing and at the end even managing to stack a couple

life,” he said, managing to look up to her eyes for almost a moment

Congress’s track record on managing the federal budget is

The good news is whether you are in the red so to speak or just scraping by, managing to save nothing or maybe a little, or even a lot, this process will highlight areas where your attention is needed right away

In May, 1968, Henry Grunwald, the foreign editor, was promoted to managing editor

of managing my emotions at the same time

ins, and all of the other shit I had been managing to pull off in a

protection law and managing the stray dogs are Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety

(1) Mayors and animal protection organisations managing shelters shall:


By 1971, when he joined his father’s company, Park had already accumulated eighteen stations, and I was into the throes of managing all of them

In early 1975, my fourth year of managing the outdoor division, my mother sent me an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled, you hAve proBLeMs? Consider the pLight oF the nAtion’s soBs

After nineteen years of managing the enterprise, and being promised the presidency of the company, he had finally confronted my father and demanded that Pops make good on his promise

Definition of Manage

to be in charge of something

Examples of Manage in a sentence

A new person was hired to manage the newsstand and make sure sales increase.


The freshman college student will have to learn how to manage his studies and to work at the same time.


A few weeks ago, the couple hired a travel agent to manage their vacation plans.




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  • Dictionary
  • M
  • Management
  • Sentences
  • The zoo needed better management rather than more money.
  • The management is doing its best to improve the situation.
  • Climate-change considerations in their business and risk management strategies.
  • This degree, taught at RMIT’s city centre campus, brings together elements of management, law, technology and planning.
  • …her management of her professional life. [+ of]
  • Anger management
  • If you want to deliver your project in the quickest and most effective way possible you should be using project management templates.
  • Managing the process of change can be a difficult part of the project management task.
  • Great management and tact.
  • The store is under new management.
  • The ten percent rule proposed here is not an exercise to keep management busy or to assuage any particular interest group.
  • If you are choosing sales training based on recommendations from senior management, what’s hot in your industry.
  • Deciding to take an anger management class can be daunting.

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