Synonym: bridge, combine, connect, couple, join, put together, unite. Similar words: blink, link up, pink, think, shrink, think of, think out, drink up. Meaning: [lɪŋk] n. 1. the means of connection between things linked in series 2. a fastener that serves to join or connect 3. the state of being connected 4. a connecting shape 5. a unit of length equal to 1/100 of a chain 6. (computing) an instruction that connects one part of a program or an element on a list to another program or list 7. a channel for communication between groups 8. a two-way radio communication system (usually microwave); part of a more extensive telecommunication network 9. an interconnecting circuit between two or more locations for the purpose of transmitting and receiving data. v. 1. make a logical or causal connection 2. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces 3. be or become joined or united or linked 4. link with or as with a yoke.
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1, A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
2, There’s a direct link between diet and heart disease.
3, The railway link would connect Felixstowe with Fishguard.
4, The study demonstrates the link between poverty and malnutrition.
5, Data is transmitted via a modem link to the central office.
6, The study also demonstrated a direct link between obesity and mortality.
7, There were calls for cab radios to link train drivers and signal boxes.
8, All modern popular music has an umbilical cord link back to blues and R and B.
9, He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds.
10, These pieces of information link up to suggest who the thief was.
11, The organization’s aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease.
12, He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems.
13, There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.
14, The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.
15, They see a direct link between the money supply and prices.
16, They have planned to link up the two areas by telephone.
17, Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders.
18, We’re dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.
19, They planned to build a highway to link the two towns.
20, Something must have gone wrong with the satellite link.
21, There is no demonstrable link between the two events.
22, The information was sent via a satellite link.
23, The speech was broadcast via a satellite link.
24, Click on this link to visit our online bookstore.
25, Death is the last link in the chain.
26, Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.
27, A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
28, The police have found no evidence of a terrorist link with the murder.
29, They’re a fairly good team — their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.
30, A tunnel has been bored under the channel to link England and France.
More similar words: blink, link up, pink, think, shrink, think of, think out, drink up, drink to, think up, sprinkle, drink down, think over, think twice, line, cling, call in, fill in, in line, line up, pull in, deal in, clinic, roll in, all in all, outline, online, ruling, ceiling, airline.
Нам бывает непросто выразить свои мысли лаконично и связно, когда мы общаемся на английском, пишем электронные письма по работе, отправляем сообщения иностранным друзьям. Сегодня расскажем, какие связующие выражения и вводные слова можно использовать, чтобы сделать вашу речь красивой, понятной и логичной.
Что такое linking words
Для начала нужно разобраться, что такое linking words и зачем их нужно знать.
Linking words — это связующие элементы, которые употребляют для логического перехода от одной мысли к другой. Они сделают вашу речь или письмо понятнее для англоговорящего читателя и обеспечат более высокий балл при сдаче любого экзамена. По-другому их называют discourse markers — маркеры беседы, связующие обороты речи.
Linking words могут быть выражены отдельными словами (например, however) или фразами (например, as a result), относиться к разным частям речи и употребляться в разных частях предложения.
Часть речи | Слова-связки | Место в предложении | Пример |
Союз | Like, because, although | В большинстве случаев ставятся в середине предложения, но могут быть и в начале, например although. | Although shopping online is quite cheap, delivery periods can be very long. — Несмотря на то, что покупать онлайн довольно дешево, сроки доставки могут быть очень долгими. |
Предлог | Due to, despite the fact that, because | Ставятся перед существительными. | Young professionals are moving abroad because of low salaries in their native country. — Молодые специалисты переезжают за границу из-за низких зарплат в их родной стране. |
Наречие | Therefore, indeed | Ставятся в начале предложения, выделяются запятыми. | The deadlines of the project are close. Therefore, we need to begin the launch of our product. — Сроки завершения проекта поджимают. Поэтому нам нужно запускать наш продукт. |
Linking words можно разделить на множество групп в зависимости от их функции (противопоставление, добавление новой информации, введение, заключение и т. д.). Давайте разберем каждую группу отдельно.
1. Purpose — цель написания
Эта группа наиболее важная, ведь в любой письменной работе мы указываем цель ее написания. Эссе, письмо другу или e-mail по работе — в большинстве случаев мы начинаем с объяснения, зачем мы пишем тот или иной текст. Например:
- in order to do smth, so as to do smth — чтобы сделать что-то;
- so that — чтобы;
- to that/this end — с этой целью.
I am writing to you so as to confirm my participation at the conference. — Я пишу вам, чтобы подтвердить свое участие в конференции.
I would like to confirm my participation at the conference so that there is no misunderstanding. — Я бы хотел подтвердить свое участие в конференции, чтобы не было недопонимания.
Zoologists are seeking to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched. — Зоологи пытаются понять, как животные общаются друг с другом. С этой целью было начато новое исследование.
Хотите как можно скорее заговорить на английском? Тогда записывайтесь на бесплатный пробный урок.
2. Opinion and emphasizing — выражать мнение и акцентировать внимание
Это также одна из наиболее полезных групп linking words, так как во многих письменных заданиях необходимо выразить свое мнение по поводу той или иной идеи. Наиболее употребляемая фраза — in my opinion (по моему мнению). Как же можно заменить это выражение?
- in my view, to my mind, to my way of thinking — на мой взгляд, по моему мнению;
- personally, I believe that — лично я думаю, что;
- I feel strongly that — я глубоко убежден, что;
- I am inclined to believe that — я склонен полагать, что;
- it strikes me that, it seems to me that — мне кажется, что;
- as far as I am concerned — насколько мне известно.
To my way of thinking, in any occupation talent is more important than skills. — На мой взгляд, в любой профессии талант важнее умений.
I am inclined to believe that the problem of malnutrition in poor countries doesn’t depend on technological development. — Я склонен полагать, что проблема недоедания в бедных странах не зависит от развития технологий.
It strikes me that there is a larger issue in the team. — Мне кажется, что в команде есть еще более весомая проблема.
Иногда хочется подчеркнуть особую важность того или иного факта. Следующие слова помогут красочно, а главное, правильно это сделать:
- clearly, obviously — определенно, очевидно, бесспорно;
- needless to say — само собой разумеется;
- significantly, importantly — что особенно важно.
Clearly, if everyone were allowed to carry a gun, the crime rate would rise. — Бесспорно, если бы каждому было позволено носить оружие, уровень преступности возрос бы.
Importantly, the writer was being employed by the leading party when he wrote this work, and was therefore under pressure. — Что особенно важно, писатель работал на ведущую партию, когда написал данную работу, и поэтому был под давлением.
3. Listing facts and addition — перечисление фактов и добавление новой информации
В подтверждение вашему мнению зачастую необходимо привести ряд доказательств. Правильно и логично их выразить помогут следующие связующие слова и фразы, они всегда на письме выделяются запятой.
- firstly, first of all — во-первых;
- first — для начала;
- to start with, to begin with — прежде всего;
- in the first place — в первую очередь;
- secondly — во-вторых;
- thirdly — в-третьих;
- then, next — затем;
- afterwards, after that — после этого;
- finally — наконец;
- lastly — в заключение;
- last but not the least — последнее, но не менее важное.
To begin with, you should wash the wound in the cold water. Next, wrap a bandage around the cut. Lastly, put the patient in a comfortable position. — Прежде всего, вам следует промыть рану холодной водой. Затем обмотайте рану бинтом. В заключение, положите пациента в удобное положение.
Если вы хотите добавить какую-либо информацию к своему высказыванию, используйте подходящие слова-связки. Одна из типичных ошибок — это постоянное использование союза and (и) и also (также). В английском языке существует множество альтернативных слов и фраз:
- moreover, furthermore, in addition — более того (используются в начале предложения);
- besides — кроме того;
- as well as — так же, как и;
- coupled with — наряду с;
- not only … but also — не только …, а также и;
- not to mention, to say nothing of — не говоря уже о (используется, чтобы подчеркнуть новый аргумент);
- on top of that — сверх всего прочего, вдобавок ко всему;
- not only that, but — при этом.
That war caused suffering to millions of people worldwide, not to mention its impact on countries’ economy. — Эта война обрекла на страдания миллионы людей по всему миру, не говоря уже о ее влиянии на экономику стран.
The characters of the novel missed their train, and on top of that they were alone in the middle of nowhere. — Герои романа опоздали на поезд, и вдобавок ко всему они остались одни в глуши.
4. Contrast — противопоставление
Уметь правильно высказать противоположные мнения или факты также важно. Вместо обычного but (но) употребляйте следующие linking words:
- however — однако;
- on the one hand — с одной стороны;
- on the other hand — с другой стороны;
- having said that — вместе с тем, при этом;
- then again, that said — впрочем, хотя;
- yet — тем не менее (если стоит в начале предложения);
- despite smth, in spite of smth, notwithstanding smth — несмотря на что-либо;
- nonetheless, nevertheless — несмотря на это, все равно.
It is well known that the first landing on the Moon took place on July 20, 1969. Having said that, some people assert that it is a hoax. — Всем хорошо известно, что первая высадка на Луну была 20 июля 1969 года. При этом некоторые утверждают, что это ложь.
The manager says that a fire was the reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was paid to say this. — Менеджер утверждает, что причиной случившегося стал пожар. Впрочем, возможно, что ему заплатили, чтобы он так сказал.
Ann was not doing well in her physics course. Yet, she managed to get a high grade in the final exam. — Анна не очень хорошо училась по физике. Тем не менее ей удалось получить высокую оценку за итоговый экзамен.
Notwithstanding some members’ objections, the company went ahead with the plan. — Несмотря на возражения некоторых членов, компания продолжила идти по намеченному плану.
The research had its limitations, but it was important for us nevertheless. — В исследовании были свои ограничения, но оно все равно было важным для нас.
5. Comparing — сравнение
При сравнении двух точек зрения можно использовать следующие linking words:
- likewise, similarly — равно как и, таким же образом, аналогично;
- whereas — тогда как;
- conversely — и наоборот, в свою очередь;
- by contrast, in comparison — напротив, зато, в противоположность;
- although, even though — хотя;
- unlike — в отличие от.
Cars must stop at red traffic lights. Likewise, bicycles have to stop too. — Машины должна останавливаться на красный свет. Таким же образом должны поступать и велосипедисты.
People who aim to climb corporate ladders develop this trait while growing up. Conversely, people who search for stability acquire these values in their childhood. — Люди, которые стремятся идти по карьерной лестнице, приобретают эту черту характера пока взрослеют. В свою очередь, люди, которые ищут стабильность, получают эти ценности в детстве.
The marketing department suffers from absenteeism. By contrast, the call center employees are performing very well. — В отделе маркетинга наблюдается проблема отсутствия работников без уважительной причины. Зато сотрудники колл-центра работают очень хорошо.
The village festival went well, unlike the previous year when very few people came. — Сельский праздник прошел хорошо, в отличие от предыдущего года, когда собралось совсем мало людей.
6. Cause and consequence — причина и следствие
Важно уметь не только выражать свое мнение, но и аргументировать его. Многие изучающие английский язык делают ошибку, используя только because (потому что) и so (поэтому), тогда как существует множество синонимичных слов и фраз для выражения причин или следствий:
- Cause — причина
- since, as — так как;
- owing to the fact that, due to the fact that — в связи с тем, что;
- on the grounds that — исходя из того, что;
- in view of, in light of — принимая во внимание, исходя из;
- because of — из-за.
Since they had to wait for the train, they decided to have a cup of coffee. — Так как им нужно было ждать поезд, они решили выпить по чашке кофе.
Many members have objected to the proposal on the grounds that it would be too costly. — Многие члены не одобрили предложение исходя из того, что оно может быть слишком затратным.
In view of the late hour, the chairman decided to put off that discussion until the next meeting. — Принимая во внимание позднее время, председатель решил отложить обсуждение до следующего собрания. - Consequence — следствие
- consequently — следовательно;
- as a result — в результате этого;
- as a consequence — вследствие этого, как следствие;
- therefore — поэтому;
- for this reason — по этой причине, в силу вышесказанного;
- thus — так, таким образом.
Nowadays young adults receive a lot of help from their parents. As a consequence, they are remain unemployed longer than previous generations did. — Сегодня молодые люди получают много помощи со стороны родителей. Вследствие этого они остаются безработными дольше, чем представители предыдущих поколений.
We were unable to get funding. For this reason, we had to abandon that idea. — Нам не удалось получить финансирование. По этой причине нам пришлось оставить эту идею.
This plan will reduce waste, and thus cut costs. — Благодаря этому плану мы сможем сократить количество отходов и таким образом снизить расходы.
7. Example — пример
Помимо всем известного выражения for example (например) есть и несколько других вариантов linking words, позволяющих привести пример:
- for instance — например;
- to give an illustration — наглядно показать;
- such as — такой как, а именно;
- particularly, in particular, especially — в особенности.
Some birds migrate to avoid harsh winter climates. Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and fly south. — Некоторые птицы мигрируют, чтобы избежать суровых зим. Ласточки, например, ранней зимой улетают из Великобритании на юг.
To give an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of obesity. — Для наглядности давайте рассмотрим проблему ожирения.
If you want to decrease your chances of having a heart attack, you should reduce your intake of meat, in particular red meat. — Если хотите уменьшить вероятность инфаркта, вы должны сократить потребление мяса, в особенности красного.
8. Condition — условие
Следующая группа linking words позволит добавить уточнение к уже сказанному или сделать оговорку:
- provided that, providing that, providing, on the condition that — при условии, что;
- in the event of, in case of — при возникновении, на случай (после ставится существительное);
- in the event that, in case — в случае, если.
He can borrow my car providing he doesn’t drive too fast. — Он может взять мою машину при условии, что не будет ехать слишком быстро.
It’s better to take an umbrella in case of rain. — Лучше взять зонтик на случай дождя.
In the event that trouble starts, lock all the doors! — В случае если начнутся волнения, закрой все двери!
Если вы хотите говорить грамотно, свободно выражать свои мысли и не делать ошибок на письме, запишитесь на курс «Практическая грамматика».
9. Introduction and conclusion — введение и заключение
В этой части разберем, какие слова-связки подходят для введения и заключения:
- Introduction — введение
Зачастую в начале письменных работ можно привести какое-то общеизвестное мнение или факт, таким образом представив тему, о которой пойдет речь. Употребляйте следующие фразы:
- it is widely believed that — многие считают, что / повсеместно считается, что;
- people often claim that — люди часто утверждают, что;
- some people argue that — некоторые люди приводят аргументы, что / утверждают, что;
- as a general rule, generally — как правило, обычно;
- on the whole, in general — в целом, в общем.
It is widely believed that the Earth is the only planet in our solar system where life is possible. — Считается, что Земля — это единственная планета в нашей солнечной системе, где возможна жизнь.
As a general rule, people who exercise regularly do not suffer from stress. But some people argue that they are still exposed to stress-related problems. — Как правило, люди, которые регулярно делают физические упражнения, не страдают от стресса. Но некоторые утверждают, что они все равно подвержены проблемам, вызванным стрессом. - Conclusion — заключение
- taking everything into account, all things considered — принимая все во внимание;
- as was previously stated — как уже отмечалось ранее;
- in conclusion — в заключение;
- to sum up — подводя итог;
- above all — главным образом, а главное;
- all in all — подводя итог изложенному выше, отметим.
All things considered, we can state that the general situation in the region is improving. — Принимая все во внимание, можно заявить, что общая ситуация в регионе улучшается.
To sum up, it is unlikely that mankind will ever bring an end to all wars. — Подводя итог, маловероятно, что человечество когда-либо положит конец войнам.
Above all, it is important to remember that natural resources are depleting. — Главное, важно помнить, что природные богатства истощаются.
All in all, the problem of civil war victims in these countries still remains. — Подводя итог изложенному выше, отметим, что проблема жертв гражданской войны в этих странах по-прежнему существует.
Теперь вы сможете более уверенно высказывать свое мнение, выражать несогласие или наоборот поддерживать точку зрения своего собеседника. Предлагаем вам повторить пройденный материал и пройти тест.
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What you will learn:
- What are linking words?
- Meanings & uses
- List with examples
- Exercises
What are linking words?
Discourse markers (‘linkers’) are words or phrases that we use to make links between words in a sentence. These discourse markers are used in both spoken and written English.
Here we will focus on discourse markers in writing and formal spoken English – commonly known as ‘linking words’. Linkers are a way of making connections between ideas and sentences.
Formal and informal linkers
Informal linking words are used in spoken English. You can link your ideas with words and phrases like: I mean, honestly, after all, besides and in any case. It is useful to learn which linking words are most appropriate in formal and informal situations. In an email, you might choose linking words such as so, but, and because. These should already be familiar.
In an essay, you are more likely to choose formal linkers, such as therefore, however, consequently, on the contrary and moreover. There are some linking words that are so formal that you may choose not to use them at all in your writing. Examples include: thus, hence and nonetheless.
Linking words and sentence position
Many linking words are used at the beginning of a sentence, while others can be used in the middle or at the end. Words and phrases connected with sequencing and structure appear at the start of a sentence. Examples include: first, secondly, finally and in conclusion. Adverbs, which express the writer’s opinion, also occur at the start of a sentence, for example evidently and obviously.
Linking words can be used between clauses, in the middle of the sentence. Examples include: words that contrast ideas (however, although), show consequence (therefore, as a result), and phrases that add more information (moreover, furthermore). A few linking words can be placed at the end of the sentence. Look at the following example: Learning a second language is motivating. It can be very difficult, however.
The use of punctuation with some linking words and phrases is important. Some grammar books provide you with specific rules about punctuation and clauses in a sentence. The most important reason for using punctuation in a sentence is so the reader can understand your intended meaning.
Punctuation, particularly commas, should help the reader to identify clauses in your writing and lead to a clearer understanding of the text. Look at these two example sentences – which is easier to understand?
A: To conclude the cars of the future are likely to be more environmentally friendly however this change may take many years to implement and moreover will require the support of the general public.
B: To conclude, the cars of the future are likely to be more environmentally friendly, however, this change may take many years to implement and, moreover, will require the support of the general public.
Linking words are very important in written texts. Without them, your writing may be disconnected and difficult to read. In English examinations, students are often graded on their ability to write cohesive sentences. Therefore, learning how to use linking words correctly is an important skill in learning English as a second language. The examples below will help you to understand the meaning of linking words in written texts and to improve your own linking skills!
Linking words: meanings and uses
Conjunctions are a familiar group of linking words, which join two clauses in a sentence, such as but, because or however. In fact, linking words have many different functions in a sentence and range from single words to phrases of up to four words. The categories below show the most common types of linking words.
First, secondly, subsequently, finally
Words like first, second and finally appear at the start of a sentence. They help the reader to navigate their way through the text. They are used in essays but also in instructions, for example recipes.
Adding information
In addition, also, furthermore, what is more
These linking words are used to give additional information or to strengthen our argument.
Similarly, equally, likewise
We use these linking words to add further examples or to make connections between ideas.
Giving examples
For example, for instance, e.g., such as
Use these linking words to give examples.
Consequently, therefore, as a result, hence
These linking words can be used to describe how one idea logically follows another.
Try to use a variety of different linking words in your writing. Don’t repeat one linker throughout an essay! Download this guide as a pdf to learn these linking words at home.
On the whole, generally, in general
These linking words are usually positioned at the start of a sentence. They are used before a general statement.
Summing up
To sum up, in summary, to summarise, to conclude, in conclusion
These types of phrases are commonly used to start the final section of an essay. They are also used in formal spoken English, for example a speech or the TV news, to signal to the listener that the speech is coming to an end.
However, on the other hand, conversely, in contrast, rather, while, whereas
These linking words are used to introduce an idea or argument that contrasts with what has been said before. In an essay, they are useful for introducing, for example, the disadvantages in an advantages and disadvantages essay. The use of rather in this context is very formal.
Stating fact
In fact, as a matter of fact, actually
These types of linking words can be used to signal to the reader that the writer’s meaning is different to what the reader expects.
Although, despite, in spite of, even though
These linking words are used to show that we acknowledge another person’s opinion, even if we may not agree with it.
A-Z List of common linking words with examples
The list below includes all the commonly used linking words in written English. Example sentences are also provided to help you understand them in context.
Additionally, students should complete at least 3 hours of homework per week.
As a result
In recent years, few students have studied languages at school. As a result, the number of people taking language courses at degree level has decreased.
It is important to adjust your mirrors, but do not do this while driving your car.
John did not study hard for his exams. Consequently, his grades was disappointing.
People who have no savings often have trouble when applying for bank loans. Conversely, those who already have savings find it much easier to get credit.
Studying languages face-to-face has a positive impact on learning. Equally, online learning can allow students to progress quickly.
Firstly, secondly, etc.
Firstly, we’d like to say a warm welcome to all our new undergrads. Secondly, we’d like to remind you that students should attend all lectures on time for the duration of the semester.
Linking words such as first, secondly, subsequently and finally help to make the structure of your writing clearer. You can also use bullet points or numbered subheadings to give a logical order to your points.
For example
You should wear suitable clothing for this trip. For example, a waterproof coat and a warm hat.
For instance
You can substitute some ingredients in this recipe. For instance, honey can be used instead of sugar.
In my opinion, the government should provide adequate guidance on physical exercise. Furthermore, I believe it has a duty to advise the public on health and diet.
Generally (speaking)
Generally, working from home is less stressful and more productive than working in a noisy office.
Mark had inherited a lot of money from his grandmother; hence the large house.
Sports facilities, such as gyms and swimming pools, help people to keep fit. However, people also need motivation to help them improve their health.
In addition
As a community, we should do more to improve our wellbeing. In addition, the government should start a new advertising campaign to promote health and fitness nationwide.
In conclusion
In conclusion, the advantages of tourism outweigh the disadvantages.
In contrast
Working from home can save time and money. In contrast, commuting long distances to work every day can be time-consuming and expensive.
In fact
We didn’t enjoy the film. In fact, it was pretty terrible!
In general
In general, working from home is more convenient than travelling to the office.
In particular
Young children are influenced by the people around them, in particular their parents.
In spite of this
Tony was not offered a place at his chosen university. In spite of this, he achieved a first class degree and went on to have a successful career.
Squirrels feed on hard grains and nuts, using their sharp front cutting teeth to break up their food. Likewise, rats are able to gnaw through hard materials.
Children from less affluent households were reported to read less. Moreover, children who did not have books in the house were found to be much more likely to have a low reading age.
You should try to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day and reduce your fat intake. Nevertheless, any changes you can make to your diet will have a positive effect.
Linking words such as conversely, rather, while, and whereas are used to contrast two different ideas. This can be useful when you compare different views in an essay, presentation or formal discussion.
The disadvantages of living in a city include noise and pollution. Nonetheless, the majority of people still choose to live in urban areas.
On the contrary
On the contrary, many students chose universities that showed a good standard of teaching rather than a high ranking.
On the other hand
Tourism can have a positive effect on the wealth of a country. On the other hand, it can also have a negative impact on the environment.
On the whole
On the whole, most students prefer informal tutorial groups to large group lectures.
Rob wasn’t successful in the interview, rather he was given some advice on improving his application.
I really love Spanish culture, so I’m looking forward to my trip to Madrid next month.
Such as
Stringed instruments, such as the violin and the cello, are among the most difficult to learn.
Sue broke her leg. Therefore, she was unable to attend work for a month.
The availability of high-sugar and high-fat foods has had an impact on people’s health; thus, the rate of obesity is increasing.
To conclude
To conclude, a child’s home background has a dramatic effect on their educational achievement.
To summarise
To summarise, consumer habits are changing: there has been a marked increase in the amount of clothing and technology sold online during the pandemic.
To sum up
To sum up, learning a new skill, like a language, can be challenging, but it is also rewarding.
Similarly, increasing the price of fuel and raising parking charges may discourage people from driving into city centres.
Digital technology has made working from home easier. Still, many people prefer the social contact of going to their workplace.
What is more
Too much screen time may affect children’s activity levels. What is more, extended time spent using electronic devices may have a negative impact on their eyesight.
Boys tend to develop physical skills, such as jumping, at a young age, whereas girls tend to develop fine motor skills.
While men still make up the largest proportion of students on science courses, the number of women is steadily increasing.
The penalties for breaking the law are high, yet some people continue to commit crimes.
Linking words: exercises
- Which of these groups of linking words show consequence?
a. however, although, but
b. therefore, so, as a result
c. for example, such as
d. to conclude, in summary, to sum up - Which of these groups of linking words are used to contrast ideas?
a. however, although, but
b. therefore, so, as a result
c. for example, such as
d. to conclude, in summary, to sum up - Which linking word does not belong in this group?
a. on the whole
b. in general
c. as a result
d. generally - Which statement is correct?
a. Linking words can be positioned at the start, middle or end of a sentence.
b. Linking words can be positioned at the start or end of a sentence.
c. There are no rules about where linking words can be positioned in a sentence.
d. Linking words can be positioned at the middle or end of a sentence. - Which word is spelled incorrectly?
a. nonethemless
b. consequently
c. similarly
d. likewise - Which word has a similar meaning to ‘sum up’?
a. in conclusion
b. in addition
c. in contrast - I eat lots of vegetables, _______________ carrots, broccoli and peppers.
a. such as
b. similarly
c. therefore - Jason’s income has decreased in recent months, ________ he needs to be careful with money.
a. although
b. therefore
c. however - The weather here reaches around -10ºC in winter, ________ the summer is quite warm.
a. whereas
b. so
c. in addition - _____________ measure the dry ingredients and put them in a bowl.
a. in spite of this
b. first
c. hence - You can use a paper dictionary to check vocabulary. _________, you can use an electronic dictionary.
a. in any case
b. subsequently
c. equally
d. for instance - Eating healthy food can have an impact on your weight and your health. ____________, you should try to limit your consumption of fatty food.
a. rather
b. in particular
c. despite this
d. while - There are many ways to read a book electronically. _________, many people still choose to buy paperback books.
a. to sum up
b. yet
c. for example
d. what is more - Many people like the convenience of working solo from home. _____________, working with other people can be more motivating.
a. for instance
b. therefore
c. nonetheless
d. conversely - Which word does not fit in this group of linking words?
a. on the other hand
b. nevertheless
c. however
d. finally - Which word does not fit in this group of linking words?
a. as a matter of fact
b. in fact
c. whereas
d. actually - Which linking words are used to add information?
a. similarly, equally, likewise
b. to conclude, in conclusion, in summary
c. on the other hand, whereas, however
d. in addition, furthermore, what is more - Which linking words are used to make comparisons?
a. similarly, equally, likewise
b. to conclude, in conclusion, in summary
c. on the other hand, whereas, however
d. in addition, furthermore, what is more - Which linking words are used for summing up?
a. similarly, equally, likewise
b. to conclude, in conclusion, in summary
c. on the other hand, whereas, however
d. in addition, furthermore, what is more - Which linking words are used to contrast ideas?
a. similarly, equally, likewise
b. to conclude, in conclusion, in summary
c. on the other hand, whereas, however
d. in addition, furthermore, what is more
- b
- a
- c
- a
- nonetheless
- a
- a
- b
- a
- b
- c
- b
- b
- d
- d
- c
- d
- a
- b
- c
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Judith P.
— ESL Tutor.
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What for do we use linking or connective words?
Linking or connective words and phrases are used to show relationships between ideas. They can be used to join two or more sentences or clauses.
Linking words help to connect ideas and sentences when you speak or write English. We can use linking words to give examples, add information, summarise, sequence information, give a reason or result, or to contrast ideas.
Using linking or connective words and phrases
- can improve the quality of your speech
- your ideas flow more smoothly
- the logical relationships between the ideas are expressed clearer
- act like bridges between parts of your writing and speaking
- you decorate your written work or speech by making them sound or read better.
Here’s a list of the most common linking words and phrases:
To state personal opinion
In my opinion
In my opinion, Sunday is the best day of the week.
In my view
In my view, golf is just a game and not a sport.
Personally, I am against zoos.
I believe that
I believe that new sports facilities are necessary for our school.
It seems to me that
It seems to me that this magazine will be very popular among teenagers.
I think that
I think that the problem of polluted environment is one of the most urgent.
As for me
As for me, I am greatly interested in art.
As far as I am concerned
As far as I am concerned, art plays an essential part in my life.
There are a number of reasons why I believe
There are a number of reasons why I believe that television is one of the main sources of information.
To my mind
To my mind, there are many good sportsmen in our school.
To my way of thinking
To my way of thinking, tests are not a good way of measuring someone’s knowledge.
Personally I believe that …
Personally I believe that learning about survival skills sounds incredibly interesting.
It strikes me that
It strikes me that so few of them were willing to help.
I feel very strongly that
I feel very strongly that we have to do community work, such as helping the elderly.
I’m inclined to believe that
I’m inclined to believe that students have to wear a school uniform.
Based on what I know
Based on what I know, school helps to become a better person.
I am convinced
I am convinced you should avoid fizzy drinks.
Speaking for myself
Speaking for myself, I watch TV no more than two hours a day.
I am confident that
I am confident that children should use computers sensibly.
To list points
First(ly), first of all, to start with, to begin with
Firstly it is wrong and secondly it is extremely difficult to implement. First of all, let me ask you something. She wasn’t very keen on the idea to start with. To begin with, his is a genuine talent.
For a start
You’re bored and don’t knowwhat to do? Well, you could go play outside, for a start! I’m sick of living in this city —for a start, the traffic makes commuting to work an absolute nightmare!
In the first place
Why didn’t you tell me in the first place that you’ve decided to leave?
initially (at first)
Iitially, he thought the new concept was nonsense. Initially, Steve cleared tables and washed up
first and foremost
He is first and foremost a teacher. First and foremost, I want to thank all of you for being here tonight.
I want two things from my boss – firstly, a pay rise, and secondly, a longer contract.
There are three factors to take into account: firstly cost, secondly time, and thirdly staff.i
in the second place
I don’t want to go yet – in the first place I’m not ready, and in the second place it’s raining.
subsequently (after a particular thing has happened; afterward)
The officer decided to stop and subsequently made an arrest.
simultaneously (at the same time)
The telethon was broadcast simultaneously on 31 US networks.
and then
Data were systematically analysed separately and then compared with one another.
Next, entire cities banned smoking in all indoor public places.
formerly (previously, earlier, before)
Formerly, a hectare of this precious vineyard was worth 30,000 francs.
Previously, there had been 25 houses sold at or above the independent appraised value.
Finally, I’d like to thank everyone for coming this evening.
on the whole (all in all, altogether)
On the whole, it was quite a good speech.
ultimately (finally; in the end)
Ultimately, it’s a question of who is more popular.
Lastly, I’d like to ask you about your plans. Lastly, add the lemon juice.
last of all
Last of all, I again want to say a lot of thanks to you for this rare occasion and for the possibility of explaining the position of Ukraine in relation to very important issues discussed here today.
last but not the least
I would like to thank my publisher, my editor and, last but not the least, my husband.
To add more points on the same topic
what is more
He was now a king, and what was more, a well-beloved king.
You should remember it, and what’s more, you should get it right.
Computers are cheaper nowadays; furthermore, they are lighter.
The report is badly written. Moreover, it’s inaccurate.
in adding (to this)
in addition
You haven’t paid the rent yet. In addition, you owe me money. Chris is on the basketball team this semester at Indiana School for the Deaf. In addition, he is on the soccer team.
in addition to this
John’s grades are terrible because he has been so lazy these days. In addition to this, his relationship to his parents got worse.
another reason
We will be here for one more week so we can finish up our work. Another reason we are staying longer is because we do not want to miss the conference.
The trip is too expensive. Besides, I don’t really like hot weather.
John likes camping in the mountains. Also, John is an experienced hiker.
too (in addition; also)
not only … but
If the project fails this will have terrible consequences not only on our department, but also on the whole organization.
above all (most importantly)
Above all, don’t forget to call when you get there.
along with ( in addition to)
This is a plane carrying heavy radar equipment along with full fuel tanks. I went to the concert along with my friend.
additionally (also)
“Additionally, 45,000 people have already exhausted their unemployment benefits this year,” he said.
as well as
Rural women include farmers, as well as domestic servants.
equally important
This agenda item is equally important. Promoting inter-cultural dialogue was equally important.
To show sequence
Beginning: First, First of all, To start with
Continuing: Secondly, After that, Then, Next
Concluding: Finally, Lastly, Last but not least
To show cause and effect
We can’t go to Sue’s party because we’ll be busy working on our project.
because of
The plane was delayed because of the foggy weather. I was late to work because of the heavy traffic.
consequently (as a result)
He had spent most of his time hanging around instead of revising his lessons. Consequently, he had a lot of trouble answering the exam questions. The company is expanding. Consequently, there are jobs on offer. They have recruited more people and consequently the service is better. Flexible workers find themselves in great demand, and consequently earn high salaries
due to the fact that
This is partly due to the fact that many of them lack a basic education certificate. This is partly due to the fact that certain expectations cannot any longer be met.
as a consequence
This is constantly growing population of the Earth and as a consequence growing level of consumption. Many Arab countries were involved in actual military confrontation with Israel and, as a consequence, some of their territory was occupied.
as a result
Prices were reduced by 20%. As a result, sales increased. The weather is supposed to be drizzly and chilly today; as a result, the Festival will be cancelled.
A hurricane has been announced. Therefore, air traffic will be disrupted. I was too tired; therefore I decided not to go to the state fair last night.
for that reason
The school bus broke down last week and has not been repaired yet. So for that reason, our dance group is unable to go to Washington, D.C. to perform at Kennedy Center.
owing to (because of)
The concert has been cancelled owing to lack of interest.
since (for the reason that, because)
Delegates were delighted, since better protection of rhino reserves will help protect other rare species.
as (while, just as, at the time that)
Frank watched him as he ambled through the crowd.
She remained silent, for she was so depressed to talk.
It is raining today thus we are not going to the beach.
that’s why
Ricky worked all day, from 8am until 11pm. That is why he stayed home instead of going camping with us.
To show similarity
likewise (in the same way; also)
The dream of young people is to grow old, and it is likewise the dream of their parents to relive youth. Just water the plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom. Informal: “I don’t have time to spend hours preparing one dish!” “Likewise!” (= it’s the same for me)
similarly (in a similar way)
The children were similarly dressed. Cars must stop at red traffic lights: similarly, bicycles have to stop too.
in the same way
My mother did everything she could to educate us. In the same way, we put a high value on our children’s education.
To show contrast
Sharon has not visited the Land of the Dragons, yet if she had had a kid, she would have gone by now.
The hotel was open. However, nobody came to the reception desk.
nevertheless (despite what has just been said or referred to)
Brain drain has terrible consequences on the developing countries. Nevertheless, nothing has been done to solve the problem or at least reduce its negative effects. He had severe injuries; nevertheless, he completely recovered.
nonetheless (in spite of that; nevertheless)
The weather was bitterly cold. He went hiking nonetheless. The play was great, nonetheless, I was sick of seeing it after the fourth time.
She’s very hard-working but not very imaginative. This is not caused by evil, but by simple ignorance. The play’s good, but not that good – I’ve seen better. I’m sorry, but I think you’re wrong when you say she did it deliberately.
Call me old-fashioned but I like handwritten letters. You can invite Keith to the party, but please don’t ask that friend of his party, but please don’t ask that friend of his. She’s not a painter but a writer. She’s not only a painter but also a writer. We mustn’t complain about the problem, but help put it right. I think it’s true, but then, I’m not an expert.
Though I eat green beans because they are healthy, I hate them.
Although she’s very nice, her classmates hate her. Although Steven was extremely tired, he washed the dishes.
even though (although)
Even though he left school at 16, he still managed to become prime minister.
even if
He is poor and has no house, but even if he had money, he wouldn’t buy a house.
in spite of the fact / despite the fact
In spite of the fact that he is rich, he lives in a small house.
in spite of / despite
In spite of/despite being blind, he walked to the station. Despite Fred’s old age, he goes jogging every morning. In spite of the cold weather, they enjoyed themselves.
whereas (in contrast or comparison with the fact that)
They have got two children, a boy and girl. The boy takes after his father whereas the girl takes after the mother. Tom is rich, whereas Jack is poor.
on the other hand
Laptops are convenient; on the other hand, they can be expensive.
on the contrary / conversely
Northern European countries had a great summer. On the contrary/conversely, southern Europe had poor weather.
To give examples
for instance / for example
There are several problems to consider; for instance/for example, there is a lack of public transport. Not all birds eat berries. For example, vultures eat dead animals.
such as
I have a few things to take care of such as paying bills, cleaning the house, and going to the post office.
like (such as; for example)
They study lots of subjects at school, like history, languages, maths, science, etc.
particularly (especially)
We’re particularly interested to hear from people who speak two or more European languages. I didn’t particularly want to go, but I had to.
in particular (especially)
What in particular did you like about the last apartment that we saw? Are you looking for anything in particular?
He didn’t especially like dancing. I like sports games, especially basketball.
to illustrate
Jeff is an interesting person to know. To illustrate, he knows a lot about the history of Ireland.
Expressing purpose
in order to
She wakes up early in order to be on time to work.
in order not to
I left home early in order not to be late for the appointment.
so as
They visited him so as to offer their condolences for the death of his wife
so as not
He helped the new policewoman so as not to fail in her first mission.
so that
She arrived early so that she could help her colleagues.
To assert obvious truth
no doubt
There is no doubt that the dog buried the bone in the garden.
Jeff told us an undoubtedly true story that was very scary.
without a doubt
The judge, without a doubt, thinks capital punishment is wrong.
of course
Of course, Sarah is going to the beach this weekend with her parents. She needs a break from Gallaudet.
Naturally Steven is not going to agree with that plan.
in fact
In fact, he thinks that the idea of setting up a business selling scarves would surely fail. Lisa decided not to go to King Islands. In fact she told me, “No, way.”
Certainly, you may borrow my book on the history of the community. But, be sure to return it to me next week.
conceding that
Conceding that Sally is a strong skater, Rachel still believes she will be able to beat her in the Olympics. Rachel wants to become the first deaf ice skater to receive a gold medal.
in other words
I feel that our last Student Council meeting did not go well. In other words, it was a fine mess.
needless to say (obviously)
Needless to say, because of the accident he won’t be at work for a while.
To introduce a conclusion
Finally, I’d like to thank everyone for coming this evening.
Lastly (used to show when something comes after all the other things in a list)
In accepting this award, I would like to thank the producer, the director, the scriptwriter, and, lastly, the film crew.
All in all
Sure, it rained on our vacation, but all in all we had a great time. All in all, the team has a bright future, even though
they didn’t make the playoffs this year. All in all, it was a very good party. All in all, I’m glad that I visited New York
Taking everything into account
But taking everything into account, we can state that the general situation in the region is improving.
On the whole
On the whole, it is clear that tobacco production represents a small part of most economies.
In conclusion
In conclusion, she stressed the need for realistic and achievable targets.
To conclude
To conclude, I want to wish you all a very happy holiday season.
To crown it all
I had lost my ticket, was soaked to the skin and, to crown it all, discovered that my purse had been stolen.
To sum up
To sum up, our team is now one of the best in the world.
In brief
In brief, some improvements in the middle school program need to be made.
In a nutshell
Well, to put it in a nutshell, we’re lost.
Connecting words and phrases in the English language is one area you will need to master, as you are learning the language. The English language is difficult, but hopefully, this short article will help you understand how to use linking words and phrases correctly.
When Would You Need to Connect Words and Phrases in English?
Words and phrases need to be connected for a variety of reasons. For example, you may want to make a comparison, contrast, show purpose or demonstrate condition. Most of the connectives, words that form the connection, are used to join two clauses together or start a new sentence expanding on the previous statement.
Linking Clauses Within A Sentence
The words included here are used when you want to join two parts of the sentence together.
Although/even though
- Although she is old, she can still run far.
Even if
- She is pretty and single, but even if she wasn’t pretty, she would still be single.
In case
- You might want to take flat shoes; in case you want to dance later.
In spite of/despite
- In spite of/despite the fact she was busy, she still made time to volunteer.
So that
- He took a large umbrella so that if it rained, he wouldn’t get wet.
- You can rely on me whatever happens.
- Samantha has a dog, whereas Billy does not.
- I would lend money to you whenever you need it.
- I will still care for you wherever you go.
Above are different word choices you may use when you are linking two parts (or clauses) of a sentence. This list is by no means extensive and you may find other connectives that fit your subject better. These are just a few examples to show you some different connectives and how they can be used within a sentence.
Linking Two Separate Sentences
The linking words and phrases included here are used when you want to link two complete sentences together. Remember, if a connective word starts the sentence it should be followed by a comma. The words in this section will be grouped, as they can often be used in place of one another.
As a result/Consequently/Furthermore
- The company is growing. Consequently, there will be more jobs on offer.
Besides/Furthermore/In addition/More over
- The holiday is too expensive. Besides, I don’t really want to go.
- The shop was open. However, nobody came to the kiosk.
In the same way/ Likewise/ Similarly
- I believe that teenagers are respectful. Similarly, research has shown this.
The above words can be used if you are linking two separate sentences together. As stated before, the list is not exhaustive. However, this should give you a good idea of the connectives out there and the way to use them to join two sentences.
In Summary
The English language is tricky to learn and connecting words (or connectives) are part of that. Hopefully, there are enough examples of linking words and phrases included here to get you started. You may even be able to add more to the list yourself.