Make a sentence with the word cross

Synonym: churlish, cranky, go against, interbreed, irritable, mate, oppose, pass. Similar words: across, cross out, get across, come across, cut across, put across, gross, crop. Meaning: [krɒs]  n. 1. a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece 2. a marking that consists of lines that cross each other 3. a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry 4. any affliction that causes great suffering 5. an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species 6. (genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids. v. 1. travel across or pass over 2. meet at a point 3. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of 4. fold so as to resemble a cross 5. to cover or extend over an area or time period 6. meet and pass 7. trace a line through or across 8. breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties. adj. 1. extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis 2. perversely irritable. 

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1, The devil lurks behind the cross

2, Let’s cross the bridge when we come to it. 

3, Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it. 

4, Don’t cross the bridge till you come to it. 

5, A pet lamb makes a cross ram. 

6, Dot the i’s and cross the t’s. 

7, Let us cross over the river and sit in the hade of the trees. 

8, No cross, no crown.

9, I’m going to get very cross before long.

10, No one tried to cross the picket lines.

11, The cross is the symbol of Christianity.

12, Cross with care at the traffic lights.

13, He was cross at first,( but later he relented.

14, We used a plank to cross the ditch.

15, The defendant broke down under cross — examination .

16, The old man looked cross and unfriendly.

17, He was awarded a cross for gallantry in combat.

18, Cross decided to beg and wheedle a bit.

19, Hold to my hand while we cross the street.

20, Look about before you cross the street.

21, You can cross the river by ferry.

22, For his gallantry he was awarded a Victoria Cross.

23, It’s not a good place to cross the road.

24, The Red Cross is an international charity.

25, Give me your hand while we cross the road.

26, Cross off any items we’ve already got.

27, Cross didn’t answer; his facial expression didn’t change.

28, The Red Cross dispensed charity to refugees.

29, We use a plank to cross the ditch.

30, No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown. 

More similar words: across, cross out, get across, come across, cut across, put across, gross, crop, toss, crops, crowded, at a loss, possible, morose, overcrowded, prospect, corrosion, introspect, prosecutor, prosecution, a bed of roses, introspection, as soon as possible. 

Examples of how to use the word “cross” in a sentence. How to connect “cross” with other words to make correct English sentences.

cross (n, v): a written mark (x or +) formed by two lines going across each other. The mark x is usually used to show where something is, or that something has not been written correctly; to go across from one side of something to the other

Use “cross” in a sentence

They crossed the border.
They crossed the vast continent on foot.
I crossed the river by boat.
I keep a dictionary beside me when I’m doing crosswords.
You need to wait until the light turns green to cross the street
She sat down and crossed her legs.
Where can we cross the stream?
They crossed the vast continent on foot.
She helped an old man cross the road.
We crossed the river by boat.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

cross — перевод на русский


And the happiness of a whole house could be ruined with witch hair and metal crosses.

И счастье целого дома могли разрушить ведьмины пряди и жестяной крест.

Each grave is indicated by a cross. Or by a piece of wood.

На каждом могиле стоит крест или, хотя бы, кусок дерева.

There’s a cross on the muzzle of the pistol with the bullet… and a nick on the handle of the pistol with the blank.

Крест на дуле заряженного пистолета… и насечка на рукоятке пистолета с холостым зарядом.

There’s a cross on the muzzle of the pistol with the bullet… and a nick on the handle of the pistol with the blank.

Крест на дуле пистолета с пулей… и насечка на рукоятке пистолета с холостым зарядом.

There’s a cross on the muzzle…

Крест на дуле…

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She still has to cross France.

Нужно пересечь всю Францию.

They can cross the Atlantic, but not the Champs-Elysées outside the crosswalk.

Они могут пересечь Атлантику, но не Елисейские Поля вне пешеходного перехода.

— Yes, sir. — When we gotta cross the street… we don’t crawl through the sewer to get there.

— Когда мы должны пересечь улицу мы не лезем через канализацию.

Only chair in the world you can cross the room without getting up.

Это единственный в мире стул, на котором можно пересечь комнату, не вставая.

It is an area that you will definitely cross.

Вам несомненно придется пересечь этот регион.

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Cross the Danube any way you want.

Перейти Дунай любым способом.

Was crossing a snow bridge and it broke.

Он хотел перейти по снежному мосту и сорвался.

«Prepare for a general attack «when the French attempt to cross the Beresina River.»

Готовьтесь к генеральному наступлению, когда французы попытаются перейти реку Березина.

We intend to cross the border.

{C:$00FFFF} — Мы? Мы собираемся перейти границу.

The Hayakawa-Yamana border must be easier to cross than the Akizuki-Hayakawa border.

{C:$00FFFF}Границу между Хаякавой и Яманой наверняка… {C:$00FFFF}проще перейти, чем границу между Акидзуки и Хаякавой.

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A man in a bank is like a fellow crossing Niagara Falls on a tightrope.

Работа в банке, это как пересекать Ниагарский водопад по натянутому канату.

Cross a ridge line, you do it fast and low.

Хребет будем пересекать, быстро и тихо.

Except that this will enable you to cross space, not time.

За исключением того что это позволит вам пересекать пространство, но не время.

Was it hard crossing the desert?

Тяжело было пустыню пересекать?

General Huerta is anxious to better relations with the United States… not to cross the border and destroy them.

— Генерал Хуэрта хочет поддерживать хорошие отношения с США,.. а не пересекать границу и нападать на них.

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Chris Cross.

О, Крис Кросс!

That’s all right, Mr. Cross.

Хорошо, мистер Кросс.

Mr. Cross came home late.

Мистер Кросс поздно вернулся.

Millie, this is a friend of mine, Mr. Cross, Miss Ray.

Милли, это мой друг. Мистер Кросс — мисс Рэй.

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We want to cross the street.

Сейчас мы будем переходить улицу. Так?

I’ve flown thousands of miles, and I can tell you, it’s a lot safer than crossing a street.

Я пролетела тысячи миль и могу вас заверить, что переходить улицу гораздо опасней.

Men will cross the road at our approach.

Мужчины будут переходить дорогу при нашем приближении.

My advice is not to try crossing now.

Мой совет: не пытайтесь переходить сейчас.

Yeah, we gotta cross that wild river.

— Будем переходить вброд реку.

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I tried to but was unlucky to cross swords with D’Artagnan.

Но я имел несчастье скрестить шпаги с д’Артаньяном.

Oh, I should like very much to cross swords with some real buccaneers.

Я бы хотел скрестить меч с настоящими пиратами.

Cross your lances.

Скрестить копья.

We have apparently succeeded… in crossing a Zellaby Gordonius with a Zellaby Antheum.

Кажется, у нас успешно получилось… скрестить Зэллэби Гордониус с Зэллэби Антеинус.

I must’ve had my fingers crossed.

Так я ведь ещё, по-моему, не причинил. Ах да, забыл скрестить пальцы!

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She’s an M3 that can cross 200 miles of desert as easy you’d walk around that Piccadilly Circus of yours.

Это «М-3» , для него пройти 200 миль по пустыне так же просто,.. …как для вас — перейти площадь Пиккадилли!

You’ll have to cross the volcano’s peak.

— Тогда вам придётся пройти по вершине вулкана.

How long will it take you… to cross one-third the length of Italy… fighting a major battle in every town?

Сколько времени тебе потребуется, чтобы пройти треть Италии, сражаясь в каждом городе?

I used a mirror reflector and rigged up the shutter to be triggered by anything crossing its line of vision.

Зеркало отражателя я поставил выше затвора фотокамеры, чтобы ничто не могло пройти мимо его поля зрения.

The wagon takes five and a half minutes to cross Stony Flats.

Повозке нужно пять с половиной минут, чтобы пройти через каменную долину.

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Then put a cross.

Тогда поставьте крестик.

— Little cross?


You signed our request for a pardon, simply put a cross there!

Ты же подписал нашт просьбт о помиловании, просто поставив там крестик!

If you don’t know how to write your name, just put a cross.

Если не знаешь, как пришется твое имя, просто поставь крестик.

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With luck, we’ll be able to cross in the morning.

Мы сможем переправиться утром, если повезет.

Better make a raft and cross here. Ok.

Лучше сделать плот и переправиться здесь.

Be harder to cross tomorrow.

Завтра будет сложнее переправиться.

Couldn’t cross it.

Не переправиться было.

It’ll be a while… before we can cross, even after the rain stops.

Это надолго… Даже если дождь перестанет, еще долго будет не переправиться…

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His presence from Jesus when He was on the cross; it

That representation is then stored in our computers and cross referenced whenever we need to find out where you are in the world,” Ackers said as he walked, never slowing his pace

before Israelites and cross over the river Jordan

It took all day to cross the tiny corner of North Lake between Zharvai and Sinbara

Other than a common origin, we don’t cross paths much

’ I told her as we wait at the kerb to cross the road

the cross three times

cross hairs and hear the fatal click of the firing pin

We just have to cross those

Tahlmute’s certificates and incantations performed correctly this week and they were admitted to the storage facility after quite a lengthy process of looking up records and cross checking thieves files

There is no disease that He did not lay down at the cross of Calvary

destroyed all these things on the Cross of Calvary

But of course the bigger question is who did he cross here who was able to do this to him? Zamir was a ruthless psychopath with no conscience and a taste for torture

it takes courage to cross the boundary of this

‘Oh, it’s cut on the cross

sign of the cross as she entered

The Cash for Gold shop was a prominent local feature in the town and could be seen from the window of his hotel room looking down over the town’s main cross roads

was able to clamber onto the space made by the flattened seats, cross his legs, and

cross legged in the back of the Metro

She was likely to have cross words with Ava about this

Suddenly, Ricci’s eyes cross, he gets a stupid grin on his face and — BOOM! — he falls sideways out of his chair

The planet was well inside that cone of high probability, but was only a tiny fraction of the cross section of this cone where it passed the planet

What can you do? Cross over into the cover of the mighty

‘You okay?’ he asked quietly as we cross the flagstones and head for the steps which lead into the garden

ago Jesus nailed sin to the Cross on Calvary

I see an expression of amusement cross his face

display of love when he died on the cross for our sins

” Jesus closed his life on the cross by

the cross” (Philippians 2:5-8)

Looking at them from my place in the crowd, I am overcome with pride for them as they stand near the stone cross in the churchyard watching as representatives of the local organisations lay wreaths around its steps

They were the last to leave the cross and the first to arrive at the tomb on the morning of His resurrection (Luke 23:49, 55,56; 24:1-10; John 19:25-27;

It was taken out of the way and nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14)

Rose has expressed a wish to watch the film which is on TV this afternoon – The Sound of Music — and as it would never cross her menfolk’s minds to suggest otherwise and also as the weather has degenerated into an unpleasant blustery rain, we decide it would be rather nice to curl up in the warm and do just that

He wants to march into battle behind a burning cross

If he could find a way to cross three thousand miles of bone dry desert, he might find company

There were boundaries that he was reluctant to cross

At each cross canal, traffic was a nightmare

In bearing our own cross, the cross of Christ becomes all the more clear as to the glory that God displayed there

But what is that to us? The implications of the cross of Christ are that He was willing to endure suffering

Jesus’ death upon that cross was not a one time event, but an ultimatum

Every moment is a cross for God

He bears His cross moment by moment

The Cross and the Powers

And what is it that is represented at the cross that so exposes them? Nothing more grants us access into an understanding of how they operate like the cross of Jesus Christ

From there we can better unpack what it is that took place at the cross that disarmed them

The locals, Demetriou and his sons waiting on customers, as one made the sign of the cross as she entered

What was it about the cross that broke the power of Satan? Lets look to 1 Corinthians 1

It is also within this passage that Paul explains the freedom we have in Christ and the way in which the cross overcomes the power of the devil

He pulled at the tailgate, screwing up his scrawny, twitching features, and slowly but surely, emitting mineral groans and metallic shrieks, the metal and glass door began to inch upwards until, with the tailgate at seventy-five degrees, the little man was able to clamber onto the space made by the flattened seats, cross his legs, and utter a loud harrumph

The Cross as Ultimate Intention

The whole of the end times is a cross and resurrection

Everything is based on the cross

As a physical specimen, he was entirely the opposite of the poor wretch sitting cross legged in the back of the Metro

It is already controversial that Jesus would cross the sea to the land of the seven

Jesus gets back in the boat to cross over the sea again

How many times have I heard this passage references, or read this passage in the Bible? How many times have I heard someone say that Jesus’ death on the cross delivers us from sin? How many times have I heard it equated that Jesus is the Messiah because He sacrificed Himself for our sakes? All of these statements, as true as they might be, were shallow clichés that missed entirely the point

Jesus wasn’t some man upon the cross

Jesus was God on the cross

His essential character, the core of who He is, is found at the cross of Christ Jesus

In that cross, we have the trinity

When we wrestle with these other aspects of the cross and what it symbolizes, it all falls apart if we are unwilling to recognize the Godhead in the midst of it all

What is the outcome of such beliefs? What are the practical implications of believing in a trinity instead of a monotheistic god? It is my belief and conclusion that God is only represented fully – even if we want to say that the cross is His core character – only when we can embrace this view of the trinity

There are no crown wearers in heaven who were not cross bearers here below

14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 16 and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 17 and came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh

“One thing you knew about a man carrying a cross is that he is not coming back

Jesus’ death upon the cross is something bigger than humanity as well

Jesus’ death upon the cross was a monumental moment

Though the cross of Jesus has disarmed the powers of darkness, it has not obliterated them

Paul makes the statement that in Christ’s death upon the cross, He became curse

This was about Jesus prophesying even on the cross

Christ’s cross is the sweetest burden that ever I bore; it is such a burden as wings are to a bird, or sails are to a ship

As he worked his way ever closer, something began to cross his mind

would not be able to cross the pond; he would have to walk

or Joe were here they would have said it was a cross between a

«We’ll have to cross over to the Thrambaya in that case, northeast a couple hundred miles

sounding the cross table descent that led to the vote,

«As long as we are near this, we should find food,» Alan said, «and who knows, we might find a place to cross within a few miles

my hand to cross the road

He drew the cross section of how that was mounted into the tower now, it was just a sketch, the detailed drawing was in his head, this was a backup recording

She has an air of authority about her … I wouldn’t dare cross her

By the time he and Orens have settled Sefir and Adamant in stalls, I am feeling a less shaky and able to cross the stable yard without assistance

They would cross the Garvaskul and then around Southwest Island to the final reach

The maid followed the dog right up to the door of the soldier’s suite at the hotel, where, so that she would remember things properly in the morning, the maid chalked a white cross onto the door

«There it is», shouted the chairman, pointing at a door with a white chalk cross on it

They threw themselves before me, making the sign of the cross and launching into prayer

Having hit pay dirt at the first charity shop I try, I cross that off the list …

There were some cross words and Ava took the man from the room

That smile made her look like a cross between a rodent and a pig

About how dear Maria and Manolis were flown to Athens for her to be decorated with the Order of the Honour-Grand Cross by the President of the Hellenic Republic and how we were all their guests of honour there that day

We could cross to the other ship in days with that

‘What’s up? You look pretty cross about something

They don’t need to turn over and burn us with drivewash, all they have to do is drop a screw when they cross our path and our point will vaporize

Jesus had sent his apostles to cross

morning, the maid chalked a white cross onto the door

white chalk cross on it

had a white chalk cross on it and that their search had ended in

‘What are you so cross about?’ Graham stupidly asked as I storm into the office

they have forsaken the Messiah and become as hammers to the cross

She saw a question or more cross his face for every word in that introduction, but he blinked them aside and said, “Welcome Ms

Standing at a cross road he looked to see that

«I like that porch between the basin and canal,» she said, «I like their crossed salad bowls

Another cloud crossed her mind, Yorthop’s years in the central city were running short, she feared that might be the reason for this invitation

The aim here is not to censor but create a lobby of senior respected citizens who can prevail upon those in control to act when the boundary of decency is crossed

Under no circumstance the allotted time should be crossed

“That doesn’t seem right,” Henry said as he crossed his eyes comparing the two texts

She was tired of his secrecy, did he think the ghosts told her nothing? The vision crossed her mind of yelling to her sister that Herndon had gone berserk and the Instinct might not protect her

The Instinct tingled his arms when the thought crossed his mind that he could easily snatch it

“The soap that crossed America on quality alone,” and it’s true, the Bronners have never spent a penny on advertising or marketing their soaps, but have relied solely on word of mouth and unsolicited articles for their word to be spread

A look of anger crossed his face

Some of it has crossed the shoulder blade so there was a little pain at that point but that’s exactly what I need to let me know it’s on there

He kept smiling, and assumed the relaxed, legs crossed,

made with the people of israel after they had crossed the Red Sea and

He took some pictures with his camera phone, then crossed the road and entered the narrow little premises that was the bane of Darklow’s new debtor classes

He crossed himself once

He could have come thru the probes anywhere this orbit crossed the far side

In all my fifty years of being active in the church, a book covering this material has never crossed my desk and only one tract have I read

Its windows began on the tenth floor from here, the top floors of the finished stone, but its front door would be on the indoor street that crossed Third Canal on the eleventh floor

Reaching the end of the path beyond the fabulous city, I entered the huge conch-shaped rock, crossed the dark passage quickly and found myself at the vast rosy seaside again

He crossed himself once before he ate the bread and cheese

The endless cars stopped as the red light held them in its thrall and, in company with two women chatting about their husbands, one with a dog on a lead, a teenage boy listening to music on headphones and two casually dressed men, she crossed to the other side

Lady Jennie said it was a new one,” he hugged her back and turned and made his way down the mountain, “keep your fingers crossed!”

‘It is not good for madmen to be crossed

‘It would be more accurate to say that our paths have crossed

‘There … they crossed there!’

I crossed the road to the Flea Market in Avissinias square and wandered around, snatching occasional glimpses of the awesome floodlit Acropolis at the end of narrow interlocking streets but it was too early to visit

In the above position the legs are crossed at the knees and again at the ankles

Nuran took them to a huge roadhouse she’d read about where this avenue crossed the Great Eastern

lacking direction in a fingers crossed world,

«You crossed the Ttharmine?» She asked

«We crossed a piece of it

There should be a cupped palm over each eye with the fingers of the right hand crossed over the fingers of the left or vice versa

‘ Alexis pointed to the outhouse and held open the door and ushered me inside but just as I crossed the threshold, the most diabolical screech had me petrified with shock and sent Charon himself running screaming back to Hades

A few passed me phone numbers and addresses; others crossed themselves and spoke into the grave, ‘Goodbye, Pantelis

He was so distracted by that he couldn’t think of anything better than a little bread-crock of crossed stew and some rolls of fresh lon and braised red-tail

«Over a million and a half crossed the Ohio in my generation, I would have swum the Potomac if I lived that long

» He stood back and crossed the room to block the door to the labs

Trying not to breathe, I crossed, grabbed the bag by the strap and pulled it towards me

He crossed himself whilst testing the bundles with his toe and then the maroon shorts came into view and I knew he was the enemy

«But you have already found activity in every large body that has crossed the path of the tangler beam have you not?» Heymon asked

They crossed arms and joined hands and the musicians played on with a mesmeric, soothing reverie for anyone who joined in the dance

He crossed the small plaza to the cathedral, reviewing the spat in his mind

It wasn’t til he reached the side aisle that he crossed himself

I stepped out of the shop and crossed the road for the tenth time to look at the

Rayne stood her ground and slowly lowered to a crossed legged position

He thought it would be better to tell Elmore but their paths hadn’t crossed recently

had crossed that threshold

The ball stayed low but did not bounce until it crossed

We’ve not met properly before though our paths have crossed, of course, both at school and at Jo’s house on one occasion

He crossed fifty runs in a couple of innings

It has probably crossed their captain’s desk

Shuddering internally, Archibald crossed the road and came face

When Rayne and Star crossed into the Inn Hold there was hushed silence as the little Hausa and his rider made their way down the path

The bad news was, without magic she had the alimentary canal to deal with, and she had to deal with it while bobbing in this boat that seemed no bigger than a bottle cap in the wide expanses of sea they crossed

As they crossed the

Govind’s pulse had crossed 130 beats a minute

Somehow, somewhere along the way they had crossed a line and descended into insanity

On his thirty-ninth birthday the stars crossed and the finger of

The thought crossed my mind that it would make other transitions from lounge to bed rather easy too

When she crossed his grant line with the scene generator servicing that slice she found he was in his private, private space, in his study in Nigeria

her great-niece that having crossed the Rubicon of a century of life

stream they had crossed by a low bridge at the entrance to the farm, a

They crossed a

stone bridge crossed a stream

Humanoid life, humans in particular, had crossed that boundary in the early to mid 40th if one was poor and living in his ancestral lands in the old north, many generations ago

“How did you manage that? You’re good, Amanda, and I’m sorry that I crossed you

Fingers crossed! Just as I was writing the above, the alarm went off in the House

As they crossed, the tide was coming in

She crossed her legs and spread out her skirt

A rosy red colour, it was shaped like a heart … a white streak crossed from upper right to lower left … she strove to remember what she had learned at school … the bottom bit was called the ventricle, at least that is what she vaguely recalled from a long forgotten, unattended at the time, biology lesson

way it always will be!’ Matt crossed his arms and

point where we crossed from your world into this one

that crossed the top of the mountain and late

As had been foreseen, the defenders in the stronghold soon crossed over to the great chief’s side, and the dark mountain was finally seized without a cruel fight

He whistled a little tune and crossed the street to the lodges in search of Harry on an errand he had too long put off

The Kassikan has a boundary, with doors of one kind or another wherever you crossed that boundary

It lead down the middle of a long stone hall, somewhere in the distance another crossed it

as he crossed the causeway or, later on, snoring nearly as loudly

Since then Kulai had followed Ava’s career only as their paths crossed in business

It crossed her mind that there would still be some of the stage hands backstage … she could always run back into the club if this guy got funny with her

‘Had they truly crossed the line this time?’ they wondered

Harry’s dictionary became dog-eared and worn through constant reference and the texts of his book lists had all been crossed through as he devoured the information and insights each had to offer

What he hadn’t counted on was there being a wide bridleway which was metalled and which crossed the path at much the same angle as the road

who explained to the group that, if the dragons had crossed, and

He crossed a very small bridge to the canopy of an apartment tree in a textile neighborhood

This is the sort of place the man should inhabit, but somewhere the wires crossed

knew the public house known as the Crossed Keys in Alnwick? You

Tom did indeed remember the Crossed Keys

He took a breath, “So we are on notice that the possibility that one or more of the boat crew drugged her in hopes of future gain has crossed your mind?”

With his wardrobe for the evening prepared, he combed his hair, checked his reflection for any necessary grooming, then he crossed the hall to the lavatory to complete his activities

She crossed the room and wrapped her arms around him

Thinking fast, he crossed to the desk and picked up the receiver

A complex of emotions crossed his face on seeing her, all of them escaped her understanding

” Harry announced, then bounced from his chair, crossed the street and began to shadow their suspect, as only a nine year old boy could—without suspicion or notice

As I watched Carl a couple of things crossed my mind

They crossed the conservatory of a lobby and were soon out and rounding a corner, striding up Clarke Street toward the River Bridge

Markham have crossed over to the Other World

Maybe the thought that she would have to hear about parasites and insects and spiders if she asked more about Earth crossed her mind because she answered that, “His poverty did, poverty that Teshi went a long way towards causing

Now where are those lists? They should be in that filing tray … What a heap of papers! Ah, bingo! Good old Caroline, in one of her moments of sheer genius, went and marked up all the class lists so that younger siblings are crossed out

crossed the Palace courtyard, deep in thought

Ninth Canal had crossed Canyon Lake on a bridge when he was young

I watch him as he crosses the room; avoiding meeting my eyes, he plants a kiss on my cheek

Majeed starts the bus and it pulls away, crosses the median and is soon far away

He lets that sink in, sits back, crosses his arms, looks John in the eyes

We won’t be able to know God as He in fact is until we are willing to undergo suffering and bearing our crosses

What are the ultimate intentions of God? It is that we bear our crosses to such a depth that we are living as martyrs and opposing the principalities and powers

Jesus crosses the Sea of Galilee to the “land of the seven

What I want to encourage you with is that when we take up our own crosses for the sake of Israel, we too will feel this same anguish

She had, after all, met her husband at a banking conference in Switzerland many years before and the sight of so many white crosses immediately made her smell a rat

Having kicked open three doors with white crosses on them they

She crosses the room, steps up onto the stage and heads off towards the dressing room

In the first ambulance the paramedic is working as quickly as he can given the constant subtle shifts of weight and force induced by the vehicle’s furious pace as it crosses the narrow stretch of land between the Taw and Torridge estuaries

She watches as he conscientiously crosses and re-crosses the small area of grass, concentrating on neatly trimming the herbage and careful to avoid cutting into the trailing cable

He sits back and crosses his legs

We all have our crosses to bear in life

It crosses my mind that no-one seems bothered about Joanna – but from what Sally has said of her, she is a mouse-like woman, totally in the shadow of her dynamic husband and daughter

When he crosses the slow moving clouds

thousand crosses are to be seen here…’

out more crosses stretching away into the mist, and the

were the hundreds of crosses, dazzling white in the bright

crosses with avenues from the centre of

She crosses the room

He casually crosses the room as another, louder KNOCK

Nikki crosses her arms with a mock glare

She crosses the room to look at the table

with fingertips crosses through his mind

their personal «crosses» and they will suffer in proportion to their sins and then

This poor woman was standing on the Maroon Bridge, you know, the one that crosses over the Wailing Lake

It came down the chain of command that the Lancashire Fusiliers had won a hat full of medals including six Victoria Crosses which was unbelievable

The whole of the huge liner had been painted white and there were huge red crosses painted on the sides and we sat sail that night

I heard later that some Jews went to Pilate and asked that the prisoner»s legs be broken and the bodies removed from the crosses because the next day was the Sabbath, a high day

crosses that marked the graves of those who succumbed and

We could see the white squares with red crosses painted on their canvas sides as the Crossley tenders bumped past us on their rubber tyres

They looked forlorn in the late evening light with the mouldy forage caps hung on the crosses and I wondered how long they had been there and if anyone else had noticed them

He changed the weaves of Lightning Hail to what he called Flame Crosses

For the minutes that he was able to maintain the Flame Crosses, he must have reduced the number of demons to less than fifty thousand

He released the weaves that held the Flame Crosses together, the discs of light vanished, and thousands of men and women cried out in despair to see such a powerful weapon disappear

During the time Adem had wielded the Flame Crosses, most other wielders had taken a break to rest, including Jean

He was only able to perform those weaves as they drained his strength less than the Flame Crosses

One gets that feeling here on this hallowed ground, and I have known that same poignant feeling as I looked out across the rows of white crosses and Stars of David in Europe, in the Philippines, and the military cemeteries here in our own land

It was originally two plain planks of wood, though while Carl prayed, Adem saw light of changing colours spreading along the timber, carving smaller crosses, and shaping the wood to look ornamental

He wondered if Carl could figure out a way to cleanse the taint, given his new understanding of weaves that could create something like the Holy Crosses, which were removed from the taint in their completion

The only other times he used the Power was when he was creating more of those giant crosses that glowed with a magic he didn’t quite understand yet

The scribes wore heavy silver chains with silver crosses almost the size of a hand hanging down their chests

As Adem understood it, the base of those larger crosses was a silver dagger encased in another silver cast

It crosses my mind that he thinks I’m going to beat the shit out of him

They gave out Iron Crosses like so many hot rolls

Planted irregularly in this open space were about 10 crosses, all made with hazel sticks

A narrow gravel path bordered by native plants wound among thirty-five crosses adorned with plastic flowers, images of saints and flaming candles under a trellis overgrown with bougainvillea

See those two crosses with the others clustered around? The one on the right is Lucia’s and the others, my children; on the left is Hilda, Raul’s wife and those other two are his sons

Instead, he opens up this little box and offers us a set of crosses

Were they aware of the “Trinity of threes,” the three crosses, three among his last words “it is finished,” and the three days of the resurrection, that I presented in the previous chapter? Or were they given a gift of insight into this matter that might have taken some time to fully understand, promulgate and accept?

He had evidently been so impressed that he equipped his army with crosses as their main battle standard, and then gave that vision the credit for having won

He crosses the room and slams the point of a knife so hard into the table that it sticks there, handle toward the ceiling

He crosses his arms

He crosses the street, whistling, and walks in the other direction

She crosses the room and touches one of the panels

Each morning, washing coffee cups, I’ll check these bulbs at the window through which I’d seen the crosses

Washing coffee cups again, I checked out the window for the crosses

He crosses his arms, then tugs at the string around his throat with his thumb

She crosses her arms over her chest, and he sends her out, over Lake Shore Drive, over the city

“I suppose once she crosses that line she will be stopped

We set off right afterward, taking the road leading a little north of west toward the Missi Sipi River where one of the bridges crosses it

Even if one crosses BSR 8,

Yes, if one crosses orgasm and then tries to retain the energy it is

He crosses his legs, places the Bible on his lap, and waits

If the number of petitioners crosses a certain threshold a Recall is held

A religious female crosses her heart with her hand and puts her head between her legs

M: What else? Mind creates the abyss, the heart crosses it

M: Assiduously investigate everything that crosses your field of

investigates the word assiduously, one crosses beyond the

And the wanting crosses bound

The dust crosses the Atlantic driven by trade winds

At the summit of Port Hills Mountain that the tunnel crosses, travelers could observe the Gondola halting-place one thousand six hundred and fifty feet above sea level

Similar to other runs by bus, this one by train crosses interminable fields of cereals and numerous small villages

I recall Hani’s instructions and double check my route by tracing out the map’s yellow path and by searching for chiselled crosses on both sides of each passage

“Who dropped the shoe on us?” She crosses her arms over her chest

Zachary crosses a leg, swirls in the chair for a moment, looking back at me with a straight face

A thought crosses my mind

“It’s a good morning, did you notice?” He shuts the book in front of him and crosses his arms

public property is passing a law establishing a specific religion? Is this judge using this case to force the federal government to remove all crosses from all federal cemeteries? It appears that way

crosses arms, about a hundred and fifty by a

crosses the line you»ll be arrested by an

loses control, and often crosses the line of

where the downpipe crosses the drain adaptor

I have made sure the Rhuparos’ path crosses with his but I do not think that it shall be enough

He was carrying supplies at the rear and was looking down where the road crosses the lowland when a huge wave rose up out of the sea and swept over the shore

“What is wrong with you? This car crosses in front of me; he is the one wrong, not

And again I said: Lord and after that what will You do? And I heard a voice saying to me: Hear righteous John; Then will I send out my angels over the face of all the Earth and they shall lift off the Earth everything honourable and everything precious and the venerable and holy images and the glorious and precious crosses and the sacred vessels of the churches and the divine and sacred books; and all the precious and holy things shall be lifted up by clouds into the air; And then will I order to be lifted up the great and venerable sceptre on which I stretched out my hands and all the orders of my angels shall do reverence to it; And then shall be lifted up all the race of men on clouds as the Apostle Paul foretold

south, turning east only where it crosses the northern end of the Great South Sea! We will

A brief smile crosses Johan’s lips

And the Jews because of the Friday said Let these bodies not remain on their crosses because it is the morning of the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a greater day); and they asked of Pilate that they might break the legs of those who were crucified and take them down; And the soldiers came and brake the legs of the first and that other which was crucified with him but when they came to Jesus they saw that he had died before so they brake not his legs but one of the soldiers pierced him in his side with a spear and immediately there came out blood and water; And he who has seen has borne witness and his witness is true and he 19 knows that he has said the truth that you also may believe

«Listen» said she: «scourges prisons great tribulations crosses wild beasts for God’s name’s sake

When at last Simon exits the woods and crosses the cattle-fields towards the marshlands, the sun is already beginning the full morning

The Yale SOM integrated curriculum crosses interdisciplinary boundaries and allows students to approach and solve the kind of messy, complicated problems that real organizations face

crosses on the graves

expertise in burning crosses, so we didn’t know that we had used

“Excuse me, Sir, but I traveled this trail once before to where it crosses another stream that runs strong and fresh

faster SMA crosses the slower SMA and it is exited when it crosses back the other way

I’d say this is probably an outer swap crossing on the edge of that city

The old man seated himself, crossing his

Second on the left after the pedestrian crossing … that’s what he said … oh yes

The wheels hit a patch of gravel and the car skids straight towards the concrete of a bridge crossing the motorway

Some still glanced at the sunset the Haadij had selected for this meeting, but all had seen many like it at meetings during the crossing

This advanced technology had allowed it to make the fastest crossing ever to Satan’s Star, covering the eleven light years in under fifty years

Crossing the road is a wager with the combustion engine and irrationality

They’re 471 million Ks out and still crossing the system

“The three-dimensional seal ensured the witch’s pact with two rival demons, one of the void and one of the fire”, explained Arion, as we were crossing the stone bridge, having just abandoned the tower

A fly hovered above the disordered tresses, analysing and collating the data flooding the atmosphere, another joined it, debated landing but was deterred by a worm of hair borne on the cooler breeze crossing from the nearby seashore

Allowing the other pedestrians to pass, she paused, one hand on the post of the crossing for balance, and bent over fiddling with her shoe, her senses firing off warnings … she could smell danger

crossing ground that she misted with eyes

what point in time, marks the crossing

There was a storm crossing the desert, huge streaks of lightening raced across the night sky providing her with her own private show

They had to tell Nuran, Lmore and the innkeeper the details of their adventure crossing the wilderness from the Lhar

I’d heard his footsteps crossing the deck

marks the crossing of that far horizon

Captain Dimitri shook my hand as I thanked him for the safe crossing of the Styx

“That’s too far for him to bother crossing without magic,” Alan said when she left a long enough gap that he could get something out

His wife looked at him sternly, crossing her arms and assuming

having travelled great distances across the world, with the crossing to

still a considerable military presence in the vicinity of the crossing to

up view of the crossing that stretched ahead of them

It seemed to Tom that the crossing had been carefully

of wandering into a sinkhole when crossing was terrifyingly high

arches, with a huge central span crossing the deepest part of the

acquired at the crossing and passing over some coins to the girl

Near two in the morning, he returned to Chicken House and parked his car beside one of the huge coops that gave the crossing its name

Indian River train UIR-28 rolled over Chicken House crossing shortly after that

crossing the mountain! Is that what you’re saying?’

So, this crossing is really special,

introduced as Fred at the crossing

protecting the crossing or engaging in trade with Lyndesfarne

in homes on opposite sides of the crossing

students would be directed to join a Watch at the crossing

On his first real watch at the crossing, Tom was paired with Fred,

organisation which is entrusted with protecting the crossing and the

really retained their efficacy on the England side of the crossing

In spite of the amount of traffic crossing between the two worlds,

the crossing for communications that absolutely must not be delayed

traffic on the crossing this morning, also hurrying to stay ahead of the

along the coast to north and south of the crossing

their many trips as a group to the crossing itself, which were an

cadge a lift to the crossing to meet with his Guide Master

watches at the crossing, Fred – once again acting as his mentor – took

special nature of the crossing

appeared around the bend in the road leading to the crossing, riding

kind who occasionally appeared at the crossing, and who were

the crossing was closed

crossing from the Grange, and started his walk across the causeway

On the crossing itself, the traffic was already heavy, with long

Even so, the crossing was so full of activity

The bridge itself had a fine view of the busy canal but the traffic was heavy and they couldn’t loiter or even converse while crossing

at the point of crossing between the two worlds

The crossing was nearly deserted

but could be rapidly moved to close the crossing

Several of the Guardians close to the crossing heard his shouts,

into the perpetual haze at the far end of the crossing

orientation sessions at the crossing itself

coast away to the south of the crossing

of the existence of the crossing and the Other World

it seems – to have the crossing closed immediately

reinforcements from the other side of the crossing

whatever the aim: to force the crossing closed, they would need

Similarly, to hold the crossing open for their own

he had encountered the crossing so many months ago

about the dragons at the crossing

governance of the crossing and the formal British government in

on the crossing, but suspected that they must be extremely low-key

could decide on a course of action concerning the crossing

duty at the crossing, given the very occasional necessity to carry out

he said, “That the explosion he witnessed was the result of a crossing

“The part of our world which was reached through the crossing in

for the Lyndesfarne crossing

that the authorities in Agrea wanted to maintain the crossing, so as to

“So, this crossing here – the one we’ve just used,” he asked, “Its

continued, “Since the crossing was sited relatively high up in the

there the secret of the Siberian crossing was to be maintained, even

would have to be repeated to re-open a crossing

from the loss of their crossing, not to mention the disruption caused

“He’s in a caravan, at the crossing

of the electric starter, “Hamet’s at the crossing, hiding in one of those

“Yes, my Uncle’s at the crossing, just as you said, clear as day

integrity of the crossing, stood on the coast in exactly the direction

On this side of the crossing, there were no signs of a fight but he

Hamet from closing the crossing

“But why were Tarm and the others trying to close the crossing?”

Lyndesfarne itself, in the management of the crossing

He had seen so much already and he didn’t want the correspondence to have to make the Atlantic crossing in addition to the overland trek to reach them

Other World when the Siberian crossing was closed

side of the crossing

after the crossing for generations

Eventually the man stood and, after crossing himself

The ladies enjoyed conversation ranging from the Spelman’s crossing, to the Clive House appointments and Redditch shopping

I’ve never been able to put into words just how it felt crossing the water that day – almost as though we’d somehow managed to escape, to find another world, one just for us

Malo wasn’t as luxurious as the Britainic, but it was comfortable enough for the overnight crossing

hatred paid a high price for crossing him

search every inch of the place before crossing it off his list

«For hell sakes, NO» he blurted out standing to his feet and crossing the floor to the window

«Who in the world is that?» Mike asked catching the movement of someone crossing the bridge

крест, кросс, крестик, перекрестный, пересекаться, косо


- крест

Maltese [Latin, Greek] cross — мальтийский [латинский, греческий] крест
to make one’s cross, to sign with a cross — поставить крест (вместо подписи)

- крестное знамение (тж. sign of the cross)

to make the sign of the cross — перекреститься, осенить себя крестом

- распятие
- надгробный памятник в виде креста
- крест (на перекрёстке дорог и т. п.)

ещё 13 вариантов


- поперечный; пересекающийся; перекрёстный
- взаимный, обоюдный
- противный (о ветре)

cross head wind — боковой встречный ветер

- противоположный

cross voting — голосование против своей партии
cross interests — противоположные интересы

- неблагоприятный

cross weather — неблагоприятная погода

- скрещённый (о породах); кроссбредный
- сердитый, злой, раздражённый

cross words — злые слова
cross answer — сердитый ответ
to be cross with smb. — сердиться на кого-л.
to make smb. cross — рассердить /разозлить/ кого-л.
as cross as two sticks — в плохом наст роении, не в духе; ≅ зол как чёрт
as cross as a bear — не на шутку рассерженный; ≅ смотрит волком


- пересекать, переходить, переправляться

to cross the Atlantic — пересечь Атлантический океан
to cross a bridge [a road] — перейти мост [дорогу]
to cross a river — переправиться через реку
to cross from Dover to Calais — пересечь Ла-Манш между Дувром и Кале
he has not crossed the door for two years — он не переступал порога этого дома в течение двух лет
to cross the finishing line — спорт. а) пересечь линию финиша; б) выиграть

- пересекать другому ездоку дорогу (конный спорт)
- скрещивать

to cross one’s legs — скрестить ноги, положить ногу на ногу
to cross one’s arms on one’s breast — скрестить руки на груди
to cross swords (with smb.) — а) скрестить шпаги (с кем-л.); б) вступить в спор (с кем-л.)

- скрещиваться, пересекаться; перепутываться

at the spot where two roads cross — на месте, где пересекаются две дороги

- осенять крестным знамением

to cross oneself — креститься

ещё 10 вариантов


- редк. разг. криво, косо, неправильно

Мои примеры


a necklace with a gold cross — ожерелье с золотым крестом  
cross a horse and a donkey — скрестить лошадь и осла  
miles of waterless country to cross — многие мили безводной местности, лежащие впереди  
to cross / slip across a border — перейти границу, пересечь границу  
criss-cross of canals — сеть каналов  
as cross as a bear / two sticks — очень не в духе, зол как чёрт  
to cross the sea — переплыть море  
in the cross direction — в поперечном направлении  
to cross one’s mind — приходить в голову  
cross bill — встречный иск  
cross-talk coupling — перекрестная связь  
cross cut — поперечный разрез  

Примеры с переводом

I’ll cross your name off.

Я тебя вычеркну.

He crossed himself.

Он перекрестился.

I was cross with her for being so careless.

Я был зол на неё за такое легкомыслие.

Look both ways before you cross the street.

Прежде чем перейти улицу, посмотри по обеим сторонам.

One line crossed the other.

Одна линия пересекла другую.

He crossed to the window.

Он подошел к окну.

I’ve put a cross on the map to mark where our street is.

Я нарисовал крестик на карте, чтобы отметить, где находится наша улица.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Am I cross? No, not a bit of it.

Mendel tried crossbreeding

He was awarded the George Cross.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

cross off — вычеркивать
cross out — перечеркнуть, вычеркивать
cross over — пересекать, переходить, переправляться, переезжать
cross up — морочить, сбивать с толку, сбивать с честного пути, втягивать в темные делишки

Возможные однокоренные слова

crossing  — пересечение, переход, скрещивание, пересекающий
crossly  — сердито, раздраженно, сварливо
crossness  — раздражительность, сварливость
crosswise  — накрест, крестообразно, крест-накрест
crossed  — скрещенный
uncross  — скрещенное, распрямлять

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: cross
he/she/it: crosses
ing ф. (present participle): crossing
2-я ф. (past tense): crossed
3-я ф. (past participle): crossed

ед. ч.(singular): cross
мн. ч.(plural): crosses

срав. степ. (comparative): crosser
прев. степ. (superlative): crossest

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