Make a sentence with the word break

Synonym: burst, crack, fracture, interruption, interval, letup, pause, rest, rupture, violation. Antonym: mend, repair. Similar words: break up, break out, break off, break in, break down, break away, break into, break through. Meaning: [breɪk]  n. 1. some abrupt occurrence that interrupts an ongoing activity 2. an unexpected piece of good luck 3. (geology) a crack in the earth’s crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other 4. a personal or social separation (as between opposing factions) 5. a pause from doing something (as work) 6. the act of breaking something 7. a time interval during which there is a temporary cessation of something 8. breaking of hard tissue such as bone 9. the occurrence of breaking 10. an abrupt change in the tone or register of the voice (as at puberty or due to emotion) 11. the opening shot that scatters the balls in billiards or pool 12. (tennis) a score consisting of winning a game when your opponent was serving 13. an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity 14. a sudden dash 15. any frame in which a bowler fails to make a strike or spare 16. an escape from jail. v. 1. terminate 2. become separated into pieces or fragments 3. destroy the integrity of; usually by force; cause to separate into pieces or fragments 4. render inoperable or ineffective 5. ruin completely 6. act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises 7. move away or escape suddenly 8. scatter or part 9. force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up 10. prevent completion 11. enter someone’s property in an unauthorized manner, usually with the intent to steal or commit a violent act 12. make submissive, obedient, or useful 13. fail to agree with; be in violation of; as of rules or patterns 14. surpass in excellence 15. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret 16. come into being 17. stop operating or functioning 18. interrupt a continued activity 19. make a rupture in the ranks of the enemy or one’s own by quitting or fleeing 20. curl over and fall apart in surf or foam, of waves 21. lessen in force or effect 22. be broken in 23. come to an end 24. vary or interrupt a uniformity or continuity 25. cause to give up a habit 26. give up 27. come forth or begin from a state of latency 28. happen or take place 29. cause the failure or ruin of 30. invalidate by judicial action 31. discontinue an association or relation; go different ways 32. assign to a lower position; reduce in rank 33. reduce to bankruptcy 34. change directions suddenly 35. emerge from the surface of a body of water 36. break down, literally or metaphorically 37. do a break dance 38. exchange for smaller units of money 39. destroy the completeness of a set of related items 40. make the opening shot that scatters the balls 41. separate from a clinch, in boxing 42. go to pieces 43. break a piece from a whole 44. become punctured or penetrated 45. pierce or penetrate 46. be released or become known; of news 47. cease an action temporarily 48. interrupt the flow of current in 49. undergo breaking 50. find a flaw in 51. find the solution or key to 52. change suddenly from one tone quality or register to another 53. happen 54. become fractured; break or crack on the surface only 55. crack; of the male voice in puberty 56. fall sharply 57. fracture a bone of 58. diminish or discontinue abruptly 59. weaken or destroy in spirit or body. 

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1 Never give a sucker an even break

2 Without hope, the heart would break

3 A colt you may break, but an old horse you never can. 

4 Hard words break no bones, fine words butter no parsnips. 

5 Sticks and stones may break my bones,( but words will never hurt me. 

6 You should not break the law.

7 Stop mucking about with those ornaments, you’ll break something!

8 Protesters tried to break through a police cordon.

9 They used brute force to break open the door.

10 Don’t break in when he is telling the story.

11 Light refreshments will be served during the break.

12 I didn’t mean to break it-it was an accident.

13 They goaded him on to break the window.

14 Marion spoke, eager to break the tense silence.

15 Men are left idle when machines break down.

16 Somebody’s going to break their neck on these steps.

17 Don’t bear hard upon the pencil, it will break.

18 Can you break a one-hundred-yen bill?

19 You will only break my heart.

20 The ship went aground and started to break up.

21 He grabbed her, but she managed to break away.

22 After a short break the play continued.

23 However long the night, the dawn will break.

24 He predicted when war would break out.

25 I want to break up with you.

26 He obliterated the blackboard before break.

27 If it were not for hope, the heart would break

28 Laws are like cobwebs, which may catches small flies, but let wasps and horns break through. 

29 Habit is a cable: we weave a thread of it every day, and at last we cannot break it. 

30 aws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in. 

More similar words: break up, break out, break off, break in, break down, break away, break into, break through, breast, streak, breathing, out of breath, breeze, peak, sneak, steak, speak, weaken, speaker, speak up, speak for, to speak of, so to speak, area, real, read, rear, reach, realm, react. 

English Collocation

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«Let’s take a quick break.«
(quick, short, little)

«It’s time for my coffee break.«
(coffee, tea, dinner, lunch)

«Students are home for winter break.«
(winter, summer, spring)

«She decided to make a clean break from her family.«
(clean, complete)

«The TV show will return after a commercial break.«
(commercial, short)

«This weekend will be a welcome break.«
(welcome, needed, much needed, nice)

«This job opportunity was a lucky break for me.«
(lucky, big)

Used with verbs:

«After a busy week, she can use a break.«
(can use, deserves, needs, wants, can enjoy)

«When can I have my break?«
(have, take)

«I need to make a clean break from my bad friends.«

«After many years of trying, the actor finally got his break.«
(got, be + given)

Used with nouns:

«Finally, it’s break time!«

Used with prepositions:

«I’ve worked all day without a break.«

«Can we break for lunch?«

«We need a break from work.«

«He is on his lunch break.«

«We’re going to Florida during spring break.«
(during, for)

«We need a break in this terrible weather.«

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«My nails break easily.«

«All machines eventually break.«

«He broke his candy bar in half to share with me.«
(in half, apart, up)

Used with prepositions:

«We’ll break for lunch.«
(for, until, at)

«Her wine glass broke into a million pieces.«

Used with nouns:

«She broke my heart.«

«The dam broke.«
(dam, storm)

«He was fined for breaking the law.«
(law, speed limit, rules, regulations)

«She broke her fingernail.«
(fingernail, arm, ankle, leg, finger, tooth)

«You broke your promise.«
(promise, word)

Previous Word by Letter: bread

Previous Word by Frequency: active

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This page provides example sentences of the verb «break» in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms.

Base Form break / Past Simple broke / Past Participle broken / Gerund breaking

Present Simple

Some glass breaks easily.

Present Simple Passive

This toy is often broken by children.

Present Continuous

He is breaking into his new job well.

Present Continuous Passive

The house is being broken into! Call the police!

Present Perfect

He has broken a number of records in his field.

Present Perfect Passive

That vase has been broken more than four times.

Present Perfect Continuous

Mary has been breaking open eggs for more than twenty minutes.

Past Simple

Jack broke that computer last week.

Past Simple Passive

That computer was broken last week.

Past Continuous

She was breaking open the champagne as I walked into the room.

Past Continuous Passive

The champagne was being broken open as I walked into the room.

Past Perfect

They had already broken into the house when the occupants arrived.

Past Perfect Passive

The house had already been broken into when the occupants arrived.

Past Perfect Continuous

She had been breaking open the eggs for twenty minutes before she began making the cake.

Future (will)

I think he will break that toy.

Future (will) Passive

That toy will be broken soon!

Future (going to)

She is going to break that dish! Be Careful!

Future (going to) Passive

That dish is going to be broken soon.

Future Continuous

I will be breaking into a new job this time next week.

Future Perfect

Your vows will have been broken by the time you read this letter.

Future Possibility

You might break that glass.

Real Conditional

If you do that, you’ll break the toy.

Unreal Conditional

If she broke the vase, her mother would be very angry.

Past Unreal Conditional

If she hadn’t broken that vase, her mother wouldn’t have become so angry.

Present Modal

You must break this glass to get the fire extinguisher.

Past Modal

Jack must have broken this vase. He’s so clumsy.

Quiz: Conjugate With Break

Use the verb «to break» to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct.

Mary _____ open eggs for more than twenty minutes.
That computer ______ by Tom last week.
I think he _____ that toy.
She _____ open the champagne as I walked into the room.
He _____ a number of records in his field.
The house _____ into! Call the police!
If you do that, you _____ the toy.
If she _____ that vase, her mother wouldn’t have become so angry.
Jack _____ that computer last week.
Some glass _____ easily.

Quiz Answers

has been breaking
was broken
will break
was breaking
has broken
is being broken
will break
hadn’t broken

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Фразовый глагол break

Привет дорогие друзья. Фразовые глаголы очень распространены в английском языке и вызывают всегда много вопросов у изучающих английский. По сути фразовый глагол представляет собой сочетание глагола с предлогом, которое в предложении является единой семантической единицей, имеющей значение, как правило, весьма отличное от основного значения глагола.

Сегодня мне бы хотелось рассмотреть интересные фразовые глаголы с break и на примерах показать, как они используется в предложениях. В основном значении break – ломать, разбивать, разрушать.

Значения фразового глагола break

break in – вламываться, врываться

  • The thieves waited until it was dark enough to break in.
  • Воры дождались, пока будет достаточно темно, и только потом приступили ко взлому.

break in – вмешаться (в разговор); прервать (разговор)

  • But I was there, Jane broke in.
  • “Но я же была там”, — вставила Джейн.

break in – разнашивать (одежду, обувь), обкатывать (новую автомашину)

  • Don’t drive the new car too fast, I’m still breaking it in.
  • Не веди так быстро, я всё ещё обкатываю эту машину.
  • The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams.
  • Громкий звон часов прервал его сон.

break into – вторгаться используя экономические или политические преимущества; вламываться; озариться; разразиться; броситься

  • He felt so happy that he broke into song (= suddenly began to sing).
  • Он почувствовал себя счастливым, что неожиданно запел песню.

break down – сломить, разбить

  • The prisoner’s opposition broke down under repeated questioning.
  • Повторный допрос сломил сопротивление арестованного.

break down – ухудшаться, сдавать (о здоровье)

  • You will break down if you work too hard.
  • Если ты будешь слишком много работать, ты потеряешь здоровье.

break off – внезапно прервать (разговор, знакомство); внезапно прекращать (разговор, дружбу, знакомство)

  • I broke off with them over a year ago.

break up – прекращать, заканчивать

  • The party broke up when the police arrived.
  • Вечеринка прервалась, когда явилась полиция.

break up – расходиться, распадаться (о группе, компании); распадаться, разваливаться (о семье)

  • I hear that Joan and Steve are breaking up.
  • Я слышал, что Джоан и Стив разводятся.

break up – (брит.) закрываться на каникулы

  • When does your school break up?
  • Когда ваша школа закрывается на каникулы?

break up – расстраивать, нарушать душевное равновесие

  • She says, her sister is going to be married and that she fears it will break her up.
  • Она говорит, что её сестра собирается замуж, и она боится, что это принесет ей много горя.

break up – амер.; разг. страшно развеселиться, лопаться от смеха

  • The camera had only to turn to Tommy Cooper for the audience to break up with laughter.
  • Стоило только камере нацелиться на Томми Купера, как все зрители покатились со смеху.

break up – делить (на более мелкие части)

  • The job can be broken up into several activities, which provides some variety.
  • Работу можно разделить на разные виды деятельности, что внесет в неё некоторое разнообразие.

break up – пропадать, прерываться (о радиосигнале)

  • You are breaking up.
  • Ты пропадаешь. (т.е. тебя не слышно; во время разговора по мобильному телефону)

break out – вырваться, прорваться (из тюрьмы, и т.п.)

  • Forget about ’em. Fast! — No. I can’t. I have to break out of here. Can it be done?
  • Забудь о них. И быстрей! — Нет. Я не могу. Я должна вырваться отсюда. Это возможно?

break out – вспыхивать, взорваться (о войне, драке, вражде, огне, шуме и т.п.)

  • But fighting may break out at any time, so we will work quickly.
  • Но сражение может вспыхнуть в любое время, так что мы будем действовать быстро.

break out – вспыхивать, озариться (улыбкой); разразиться (смехом); покрыться (испариной, прыщами и т.п.)

  • Halston broke out in perspiration.
  • Хэлстона бросило в пот.


После фразового глагола break чаще всего следуют слова:

– down
– into
– out
– out of
– up

Выберите правильное слово для вставки.

1. They think the forest fire broke ____ because of a loose electrical wire.

2. Burglars broke ____ Dad’s office last night and stole his computer.

3. James and Mandy had a terrible argument and then they broke ____ .

4. What’s wrong with the washing machine now? It’s always breaking ____!

5. They broke ____ prison and escaped.


1. They think the forest fire broke out because of a loose electrical wire. – Полагают, что лесной пожар разразился из-за ослабленного провода.

2. Burglars broke into Dad’s office last night and stole his computer. – Грабители ворвались в офис отца и похитили компьютер.

3. James and Mandy had a terrible argument and then they broke up. – Джеймс и Мэнди сильно поссорились и расстались.

4. What’s wrong with the washing machine now? It’s always breaking down! – Что не так со стиральной машиной? Она постоянно ломается!

5. They broke out of prison and escaped. – Они сбежали из тюрьмы и скрылись.

Phrasal Verbs in English

Источник статьи:

Фразовый глагол Break и предложные сочетания
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

В данном материале представлен тест по теме “Фразовый глагол Break и предложные сочетания” с ответами. Может быть использован к УМК Starlight 10.


Предварительный просмотр:

Fill in the correct prepositions:

  1. Our washing machine is not available … me to use as it broke ….yesterday.
  2. The burglars broke … the house in the middle of the night and stole all the jewellery.
  3. Mr Jones is interested … charity which he finds very important … all the society and he is about to invest a good sum of money … a new recycling scheme and is optimistic … the benefits … ecological awareness among the general public.
  4. Their marriage broke … after five years since nobody wanted to account … misunderstanding each other and they couldn’t benefit … their relationship any longer.
  5. Two dangerous criminals have broken … of jail which is said to be packed … watchful guards.
  6. The waiter broke … our conversation to take an order but we couldn’t choose from the menu rich … a wide variety of gourmet dishes consisting …only healthy foods.
  7. She broke … their engagement because she realized she didn’t love him.
  8. He broke … after hearing the news of his wife’s death.
  9. War broke … in 1992 and it lasted until 1995.
  10. Although Tom and Mary broke … last month and Mary is still very upset, she is determined to break … this tough situation.
  11. The butler had to break … the owners of the house that thieves broke … and stole a valuable painting.
  12. Your task is to break the words … into two columns.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Фразовые глаголы очень распространены в английском языке, особенно в разговорной речи. Однако их изучение представляет большие трудности. Значение одних глаголов является идиоматическим, и .

Фразовый глагол break, перевод и значение.

Дидактический материал к УМК Spotlight 9 Модуль 1по теме Фразовый глагол TURN и предложные выражения. Можно использовать как для тренировки, так и для контроля усвоения материала.

Дидактический материал к УМК Spotlight 9 Модуль 2 по теме Фразовый глагол MAKE и предложные выражения с ответами.Можно использовать как для тренировки, так и для контроля усвоения материала.

Тесты и задания на употребление указанных времен, тест на употребление глагола “break”.

Источник статьи:

Самостоятельная работа по фразовому глаголу BREAK
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему


Предварительный просмотр:

Match the phrasal verb with the corresponding meaning.

  1. break down
  1. начать ч.-л. делать
  1. break through
  1. разорвать (об отношениях)
  1. break up
  1. вломиться, вмешаться
  1. break in
  1. разразиться
  1. break out
  1. прорваться
  1. break into
  1. сломаться (о технике)

Complete the sentences with the corresponding preposition.

  1. We can’t move further. Our jeep has broken … .
  2. The joke was so funny that Mrs Finch broke … laughter.
  3. World War II broke … in Europe in 1939.
  4. “You’re a liar! It happened on Thursday, not on Friday!” Kelly broke … .
  5. Max’s rude words offended Joyce and she broke … tears.
  6. The police say the criminal broke … through the windows.
  7. Some of the mad people tried to break … the police cordons.
  8. The sun managed to break … for a while in the morning.
  9. When the Rudolph saw the police officer and broke … a run.
  10. The performance of the actors was fantastic and the audience broke … applause.
  11. Some forest fires broke … during the season of the constant drought.
  12. Michelle felt empty inside after Michael had broken … with her.
  13. The thief tried to break … but the police officer caught him red-handed.
  14. Military conflicts break … quite often nowadays.
  15. Don’t try to escape! You won’t break … .
  16. I seem to be the unhappiest man alive! My pen-drive has broken … again! I’ve lost all the data!

Match the phrasal verb with the corresponding meaning.

  1. break down
  1. начать ч.-л. делать
  1. break through
  1. разорвать (об отношениях)
  1. break up
  1. вломиться, вмешаться
  1. break in
  1. разразиться
  1. break out
  1. прорваться
  1. break into
  1. сломаться (о технике)

Complete the sentences with the corresponding preposition.

  1. We can’t move further. Our jeep has broken … .
  2. The joke was so funny that Mrs Finch broke … laughter.
  3. World War II broke … in Europe in 1939.
  4. “You’re a liar! It happened on Thursday, not on Friday!” Kelly broke … .
  5. Max’s rude words offended Joyce and she broke … tears.
  6. The police say the criminal broke … through the windows.
  7. Some of the mad people tried to break … the police cordons.
  8. The sun managed to break … for a while in the morning.
  9. When the Rudolph saw the police officer and broke … a run.
  10. The performance of the actors was fantastic and the audience broke … applause.
  11. Some forest fires broke … during the season of the constant drought.
  12. Michelle felt empty inside after Michael had broken … with her.
  13. The thief tried to break … but the police officer caught him red-handed.
  14. Military conflicts break … quite often nowadays.
  15. Don’t try to escape! You won’t break … .
  16. I seem to be the unhappiest man alive! My pen-drive has broken … again! I’ve lost all the data!

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Фразовый глагол break, перевод и значение.

В данном материале представлен тест по теме “Фразовый глагол Break и предложные сочетания” с ответами. Может быть использован к УМК Starlight 10.

В целях подготовки к ЕГЭ тестам возникает необходимость систематизироваить работу с фразовыми глаголами. Предлагается систематизировать их по частицам, присоединяемым к базовому глаголу. Итоговая клас.

Тесты и задания на употребление указанных времен, тест на употребление глагола “break”.

Данная работа может быть использована для проверки знаний (фразовые глаголы GET, PUT) по 2 секции 3 раздела УМК М.З. Биболетовой и др. Enjoy English 9 кл.

Фразовые глаголы являются важным, но довольно трудным аспектом изучения английского языка. Не смотря на то, что отдельных заданий на фразовые глаголы формат ЕГЭ не предусматривает, от уровня владения .

Источник статьи:

Фразовый глагол break

  • Основное значение глагола break – ломать, разбивать. Но фразовый глагол break имеет намного больше значений.

    Фразовый глагол break

    Фразовый глагол


    Somebody broke in the headmaster’s office at night and stole exam papers.

    They were shocked when their plan to break into the bank broke down.

    Break down (1)

    Break down (2)

    -No, not again! It’s the third time the coffee machine has broken down this week.

    Break down (3)

    Срываться, переживать нервный срыв

    Have you heard the latest news? Tom and Barbara broke up yesterday! I am afraid Tom might break down.

    The text is too long. Let’s break it up into parts.

    Timmy was furious and threw his phone against the wall. The device broke up.

    Jenny broke away from her mother and ran to the playground.

    Броситься в направлении чего-то

    James jumped out of the window and broke for the forest.

    Break out (1)

    Susie was chatting with her friend in a bar when a fight broke out next to them.

    Break out (2)

    Вырваться (из места или ситуации)

    Tony decided to break out from his boring routine and go on a trip around the world.

    Angela broke with the past and started a new life in New York.

    Break off (1)

    — Can you help me to fix my bicycle? The chain has broken off.

    Break off (2)

    Внезапно прерваться, запнуться

    Garry broke off in the middle of the lecture. He was wondering if the students had noticed his mistake.

    Picture example:

    Jeremy had locked all the doors, but burglars broke into his apartment through the window.

    Попробуйте заметить фразовый глагол с break в этом видео отрывке из сериала Friends:

    Дополнительную информацию о фразовом глаголе break можно узнать из этого видео:

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