Make a sentence with the word badly

Antonym: well. Similar words: deadly, bad, a bad egg, deadline, headline, rapidly, friendly, hardly any. Meaning: [‘bædlɪ]  adv. 1. to a severe or serious degree 2. (`ill’ is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well 3. evilly or wickedly 4. in a disobedient or naughty way 5. with great intensity (`bad’ is a nonstandard variant for `badly’) 6. very much; strongly 7. without skill or in a displeasing manner 8. in a disadvantageous way; to someone’s disadvantage 9. unfavorably or with disapproval 10. with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional display. 

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1 He was spitting blood from a badly cut lip.

2 Romania badly needs aid to modernise its outmoded industries.

3 The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire.

4 The car jolted us badly over the rough road.

5 The engine is misfiring badly on one cylinder.

6 She was injured badly in the accident.

7 Badly fed children suffer a lot of minor illnesses.

8 The prison service is badly overstretched.

9 The front of the car was badly damaged.

10 His face was badly scarred by the fire.

11 They treat their children very badly.

12 Many of the refugees were suffering badly from thirst.

13 Badly written questions limit the usefulness of questionnaires.

14 He had been badly maltreated as a child.

15 I was badly treated by him.

16 The package had been badly crushed in the post.

17 Children who behave badly are rejecting adult values.

18 His plan to escape came badly unstuck.

19 The boat’s interior badly needed painting.

20 It must have slipped up badly.

21 The company has been very badly managed.

22 The dress fitted badly and puckered at the waist.

23 I behaved badly yesterday and I am ashamed now.

24 His face was badly clawed by his little brother.

25 The instructions were badly written and unhelpful.

26 Many of the wounded had been badly disfigured.

27 The neighbourhood was badly damaged by enemy bombing.

28 He was badly hurt in the football match.

29 The passengers were badly shocked but unharmed.

30 Only for making me want you so badly.

More similar words: deadly, bad, a bad egg, deadline, headline, rapidly, friendly, hardly any, allegedly, supposedly, reportedly, repeatedly, upwardly mobile. 

rejection for the Tree Climber vacancy very badly

Estwig hadn’t pestered too badly to come with them, he must still have a bit of yaag or a girl nearby

The last time I went in there I noticed that the walls were peeling badly

The wife played the violin badly

Both are badly sunburned with ragged scraggly beards, blistered and cracked lips

It was a typical small town Garda station; a low squat building with a couple of aged squad cars parked badly outside

He maintains he was totally unaware of this and is shocked that his wife of only a few years should have behaved so badly

Then I gradually came to realise that I wasn’t half of something at all, but a whole something which used to be something else … I’m explaining this rather badly, I’m afraid

He reacted badly to point number

It is plain that this whole incident with the car has shaken Liz badly

The Heavenly Mother is on its way in, but it’s badly damaged

I was only beginning to realize just how badly I had let him down

He’s alive, but his ankle is badly broken, a sharp edge of bone protrudes from the joint

There was a tiger, a 6 pointed star, a badly drawn Chinese tattoo meaning ‘insane’ although not the ‘crazy’ type of insane, rather just plain medically insane

You scared her badly

Mrs Lemony’s husband, Harry, has had a bad accident recently: He got his left leg badly injured by a press in the factory where he works as a factory-hand

‘The women suffer just as badly with some of the lads

This continued until Son had damaged his hands and feet so badly he could

This is why Jesus so badly wanted to know who touched Him

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

“Well, you haven’t done too badly, nice fire in the corner, bed of

Alfred was glad he hadn’t done it, in spite of the fact that the mission had gone so badly

laid on a badly levelled drive, shovelled out of a crack axled

You are injured very badly Daniel

and the reedy stringing of badly sung carols

I agree I behaved badly

He was hurt badly, but he would survive his wounds

‘I’m putting this rather badly, aren’t I?’ he said ruefully, running one hand through his hair and making it all stand on end

‘I have behaved badly … rudely almost … and never explained why

The dull emptyness sometimes attacked her when she kept it down to two, she was already wanting one when she first woke up, especially on a Nightday when she’d slipped badly the Afternoonday before

Watching their leader depart in disgust they were disheartened, and they began to loose badly

You were there for her when she needed a Mom so badly

their friends and does it badly, he may have to not only deal with the one he insulted but all of her friends as well

bombs badly, this is a total self confidence killer

‘Not as badly as I thought I would, but I’ve never been here with David so there are no memories attached to the house

At first the telephone conversation with the old woman went very badly, with her great-aunt being extremely hostile to the memory of her nephew’s long forgotten children, but, as Annie described her predicament and as the old woman remembered that it had always been the men in the Craig family who had been the cause of the greatest unhappiness, she eventually found it in her heart to offer the young woman one of her flats at a very competitive rent

“Two died, four wounded badly, not sure they will make it

She was a young girl of 14 summers, badly shaken by the loss of her entire family to a Scather raid

Your father misses you badly also, but he won’t say more than to spit on your false faith

The screen came alive and before them all was a badly damaged Scather ship; or what was left of one

‘I convinced myself that I had the music and Jake and a pretty good friendship with Karen so I wasn’t so badly off

how badly he fared

She didn’t know if she could calmly submit to it happening again, but she had been beaten badly the time she tried to fight it, while she was still a child in Reston

The upstairs was in a right old state, filthy from dust and cobwebs and, in places, the rain had got in badly

The worst bit is fighting with the duvet cover … those things were really designed badly

And it’s often something that wants out so, so badly that

badly, with her great-aunt being extremely hostile to the memory of

It seemed that the hedges had got badly overgrown

hook-nose had past-times been broken and badly

She didn’t do badly, she appears to have done solidly well in everything

He wanted revenge, and he wanted it so badly

Petr was shaking badly, and as weak as a new-

how badly the Gypsies were treated by the humans

They all seemed tired, as though they had slept badly

‘Ten…perhaps…most of the others are too badly

The only thing that Alex has learned from this particular venue is that the gear is cheap and badly cut, and that his clothes stink of cigarette smoke

Two of the Thane were badly injured and two

But it’s always ended badly

«Late last year my youngest sister, a little older than your daughter, took something in a club and it hurt her very badly

How badly he wanted to raise up and look

His legs and lower arms had been badly

At least he had managed to cover up how well he knew Ozzie … trust Ozzie to marry badly

Poor woman had a nervous breakdown and still suffers from depression pretty badly sometimes, though she doesn’t talk about it

Simon ‘just happens’ to be looking at the gravestones in the churchyard when we get to church and, judging by the way his face lights up when he spots Anna, it looks as though he’s got it as badly as she has; that’s good

“That still doesn’t explain why you wanted to get to this asteroid so badly,” Mi-

She was almost pleading with me not to think badly of her, absurd under the circumstances

conscious and badly lacking in respect

Emma’s hand was trembling so badly she could hardly distinguish that which followed

If things went really badly he could just get away from her, get away from the area and leave them wondering

» she hoped the hand she addressed toward him wasn’t shaking as badly as her voice had

She felt like asking him about his prayers, but realized that conversation could go just as badly as his had with his gods

Never had Jean needed an ale so badly

It was one of the most dramatic events in my life and because of my Asperger’s Syndrome I take emotional things like this very, very badly

How badly I wanted to throw the hammer in my hand at the gun being held against

I could see the struggle going on his eyes—he wanted badly to

thought when you want something so badly

His hair and beard were badly

She, however, treated him so badly that he did not stay long

Dingle so badly then» he asked

Thanks to his three-knuckled fist, it was badly swollen, discolored to the dark color of rotting meat, beginning to go a sickly yellow

crops here had suffered just as badly as those in the

enough of being badly used and was willing to argue for

Of course, they still were badly scarred

he’ll scold me badly

He’d seen it almost as badly damaged when she first entered his household

The side with the cracked jaw was badly swollen

I needed that extra day and badly too

It was hopelessly smashed, demasted, leaking badly

Without Uncle Clemon, Demethes, or Philippos, it had fared badly in the storm

Yet somehow, for some reason, he was seemingly being punished by his corrupt government, or the badly managed economic structure, or the power-mongering banking system, or perhaps even by God himself! Who were the true villains in this nasty, unspeakable situation he had been so unfairly subjected to? Who was to blame! The culprits had to be identified quickly so they could be scolded and punished and then things could be put back the way they were

He had needed her then, badly

Then again, she constantly reminded herself how badly she needed his help

He whined a little under his breath with each touch of his badly bruised body, but she did her very best to be as gentle as possible

His right arm had been badly damaged and the physician hoped that it would not be necessary to amputate; they might know within a few days

Deni wanted to so badly

She liked having him do this, for it gave her a strong feeling of being badly needed

Because she wants a cock badly, she begins to look about for a very young one, one that could not possibly want to become involved in marriage

It occurred to me then that if they needed me so badly, that this Nic was no longer around

He stood up, wanting her so badly

  • Use the word badly in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The tissue was too badly scavenged.

It was badly received, something you doubtless know. It didn’t go down well in America where the critics said,

Now that it’s so close, I want it so bad. So badly.

I don’t need the money that badly.

Why does my head hurt so badly?

No matter how badly you just stomped over me right now,

Her lungs are getting really badly compressed.

I’m still alive, but I’m very badly injured.

I just want to tell you how badly I feel.

I don’t like to speak badly of the dead, but, yesterday, your wife confirmed to me that Mrs. Caldwell was seeing other men.

«I’m feeling s-o-o-o badly

And he was beaten so badly that he died on the same day.

Don’t think badly of me, Duke. After all I don’t know what happens to me.

«It is not from untimely curiosity that we so badly sin…»

They come to my house to fool me and cause me great pain and then they treat me badly!

but because of this, marriages don’t need to end so badly like in the case of Pozdnishev, he killed his wife out of jealousy.

The Lieutenant is still there badly wounded…

Ginette Perrier, a humble hatter. Until she can afford her town-house, she makes do with a furnished apartment… badly furnished.

That makes me feel badly.

I hope you boys are not too badly wounded.

Please give back my jacket, I still need it badly.

I behaved badly with the Professor yesterday.

Not badly written for a soldier

You see, I always conduct these interviews so badly,

Maybe he wasn’t hurt badly.

Don’t feel badly. Martin.

I should feel badly, but I’m flattered.

It is very puzzling how Karl Freund could have set up such a badly composed shot, with Dracula standing outside and below the box.

She fell out of public view until 1950, when, heavily sedated with sleeping pills, she was badly burned in a Hollywood bedroom fire, bringing a flurry of lurid press attention.

Oh, Jan, you have nothing to feel badly about.

it’s better to be badly shaved than well cut.

My child too was badly hurted.

I will never forget a badly dressed ugly girl like you!

I haven’t anyone else, and I need help so badly.

Are you that badly smitten?

You want to die so badly?

He was playing with a German shepherd that we have on board. and the dog bit him pretty badly in the shoulder.

I hope you do not talk too badly

Look here, Doctor, I need money very badly.

Poor Baron, he wanted money so badly.

When I’m abused or badly used, I always get my man.

Well I would’ve been if our family hadn’t been badly gypped during the crusades.

Sentences for badly. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use badly in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for badly.

  • Things going badly? (8)
  • Is he very badly torn? (8)
  • I do not digest badly. (10)
  • Does he treat you badly? (8)
  • You want a day off badly. (8)
  • It was badly done, indeed! (4)
  • You have not chosen badly. (10)
  • I did wrong; I behaved badly. (9)
  • How badly those fellows marched! (8)
  • I wanted the money so badly, sir. (8)
  • She may have behaved badly to him. (8)
  • Are you as badly on the rocks as that? (8)
  • In either case, she has been badly used. (10)
  • You know you hate such things as badly as I do. (9)
  • Dear Willie is killed, and James badly wounded. (14)
  • He admits he cannot keep it from smoking badly. (17)
  • If it goes badly you should be with your sister. (8)
  • At first she had been badly frightened of Karen. (12)
  • He had some grounds for feeling badly used, too. (13)
  • I have to imagine that I expressed myself badly. (10)
  • He only tried because his heart wanted relief so badly. (8)
  • At that moment Susan Rappard came in, badly frightened. (12)
  • The cure was long and obstinate, and Winton badly bored. (8)
  • She behaved badly, I thought; foolishly, my father said. (10)
  • All the thresholds are of soft wood and are wearing badly. (17)
  • She had behaved badly; but had he not given her some cause? (10)
  • With the jabbed nerve aching badly she came slowly homewards. (8)
  • It reads ill, it sounds badly, but there is grand stuff in it. (10)
  • And you treat me so badly, James, going after that Rosie and all. (8)
  • I am still badly confused; I hardly know what is happening to me. (12)
  • And as to his behaving badly toward Miss Triscoe, how has he done it? (9)
  • I was glad he did not know how badly we make them in England nowadays. (2)
  • All the autumn of last year he had felt this vague misery rather badly. (8)
  • Richard usurped his chair, and was not badly welcomed by his neighbour. (10)
  • You have behaved badly, badly, badly. (10)
  • All the stairs squeak badly, indicating that they had been poorly built. (17)
  • Next day his knee was badly swollen; the walking tour was obviously over. (8)
  • His most gracious Majesty was being served with dessert, and served badly. (7)
  • She smiled to herself, like one saying, Not badly managed, Mr. Morsfield! (10)
  • Owing to this incredible folly, the affairs of the island are badly mismanaged. (7)
  • He was saying that Captain Gambier lay badly wounded; brandy was wanted for him. (10)
  • One of the orderlies fell rather badly from a frightened horse close by our carriage. (10)
  • The rhinoceros made his escape through a window but was so badly burned that he died. (21)
  • She wanted badly to know what he had felt, where he had gone, but was too proud to ask. (8)
  • The British Empire had been badly served by the officers England had sent out to America. (19)
  • Her ladyship will receive me badly, ring or no ring, if she hears of your being left alone. (10)
  • Most planing mills have standard types of trim, but generally they are very badly designed. (17)
  • You see I knew, by over-hearing him talking to himself, that he was pretty badly frightened. (1)
  • This morning he had the craving badly, and the sense of not knowing how weighed down his spirit. (8)
  • On the other hand, wooden framed walls will settle badly, too, when dry rot sets into the sills. (17)
  • The Colonel slept badly that night, and in the morning Mrs. Lapham came to breakfast without him. (9)
  • He played games so badly that in sheer self-defence his fellows permitted him to play without them. (8)
  • To avoid having to talk, she feigned to have travelled badly, leaning back with closed eyes, in her corner. (8)
  • I am afraid that your adored Antonio-Pericles fared badly among our fellows, but I could gather no particulars. (10)
  • She did not wish him to feel badly, even if he had done wrong, but she had to take his view of what he had done. (9)
  • It had been heavily struck by something on the head; the cheek was cut, one eye half-closed, and an ear badly swollen. (8)
  • When our turn arrived, Miss Sibley translated for us, and as we were at concert pitch we did not acquit ourselves badly. (10)
  • Anton pressed a hand at his ankle and made him wince, but the bones were sound, leg and hip not worse than badly bruised. (10)
  • Moreover, when the casual observer convinces himself that the huge tent is full to repletion, he is often badly mistaken. (21)
  • A free press after the war is as badly needed as freedom of the seas and freedom from conscienceless kaisers and autocrats. (16)
  • Then too the operations progressed slowly because that day at noon his finger had been badly cut by the bursting of a glass retort. (5)
  • She has made a capital selection of her vocabulary from Johnson, and does not work it badly, if we may judge by Harry and Melville. (10)
  • But he gradually lost his fear, she seemed so calm now, and his was a nature that bore trouble badly, ever impatient to shake it off. (8)
  • Frances Freeland gazed at her doubtfully, then, as a last resource, began to sip the cocoa, of which, in truth, she was badly in want. (8)
  • His first love was his only true love, despite one shuddering episode, oddly humiliating to recollect, though he had not behaved badly. (10)
  • At the battle of Kennesaw Mountain in the previous June I had been badly wounded in the head, and for three months was incapacitated for service. (7)

Also see sentences for: grievously, wretchedly.

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The meaning of «Badly» in various phrases and sentences

What does badly mean?

depends, In most cases it means so much or so bad
For example,
i’m craving ramen so badly
i got hurt so badly

What does So badly? mean?

@sher07 yeah that’s what I ask because I hear it in this phrase: I am in love so baldy! And I say what?! Thank you!

What does badly mean?

badly= poorly

EG: I was badly injured after i feel off my ladder and landed on my ass
My employer said he received a phone call explaining how badly i fixed Mr Smith’s water pipes in his house, they’re leaking everywhere now

Hope this helps :)

What does badly mean?

«Badly» means a couple of things.

It can mean something negative about something.

Ex: I felt badly about what I did.
Meaning: I regret what I did.

I badly managed that.
Meaning: I did not manage that well.

Another usage can be to emphasise a verb or desire.

I want that ice cream, badly.
Meaning: I really want ice cream.

Example sentences using «Badly»

Please show me example sentences with badly.

«Badly» meaning «in a bad way»:
— «This car is badly made. It’ll break down after a year.»
— «You kids are behaving really badly today. Sit down and be quiet.»
— «This article is so badly written, I can barely understand it.»

«Badly» meaning «very much, desperately». Often used with words like «want», «need», «wish»:
— «I badly need to go to the toilet.»
— «I want a girlfriend so badly

Please show me example sentences with badly.

He played badly. She performed badly. I hope I will not do badly on my test. That test went badly.

Please show me example sentences with badly.

That exam went pretty badly.
It went badly.
I want to go so badly that I will do almost anything.

Please show me example sentences with badly.

I really want chocolate badly

Please show me example sentences with ‘badly‘.

I got hurt badly when I fell of of my bike.

I want to play the new video game so badly

Synonyms of «Badly» and their differences

What is the difference between badly and wrong ?

They can mean the same thing, sometimes.
«He answered the questions badly on the test.»
«He answered the questions wrongly on the test.»
«He got many questions wrong.»

Sometimes they are different, but people will probably know what you mean even if you mix them up, or get them…. WRONG lol.

What is the difference between worse and badly ?

What is the difference between badly and bad ?

Badly is an adverb, whereas bad is an adjective. So badly may be implemented to qualify a verb: «The company was managed badly«. And bad may be used in the sentence: «He was very bad at playing the guitar»

What is the difference between badly and overly ?

I want cake badly!
He was overly excited about his test score. He needs to take a shower badly.
The situation was overly complicated

Translations of «Badly»

How do you say this in English (US)? badly

u say it the way u see it so u say badly just like that but in the english alphabet we say b(e) a d(e) (e)l y but in the word badly u don’t say the e’s

How do you say this in English (UK)? as badly as


oooooye out of understanding

How do you say this in English (US)? badly

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How do you say this in English (US)? badly

Check the question to view the answer

How do you say this in English (US)? badly

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Other questions about «Badly»

Please show me how to pronounce badly.

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i badly speak english.Is it correct?)))

Yes but that is not what people would usually say. I would use one of these:

-My English is bad
-I speak English badly
-I speak English poorly
-My English sucks (informal)
-My English stinks (informal)

請問有more badly 和most badly的用法嗎

”more badly» 和 «most badly» 有两个意思:

1. 比较差/最差
> describes adjective (can only be followed by an adjective)
«I was more badly injured.»
«I was (the) most badly injured.»

2. 比较想要/最想要 或 比较需要/最需要
«I wanted the job more badly
«I needed the job most badly

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