Make a sentence with the word arrive

Synonym: come, get to, reach. Antonym: depart, leave, start. Similar words: arrive at, arrival, carrier, barrier, married, warrior, river, drive. Meaning: [ə’raɪv]  v. 1. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress 2. succeed in a big way; get to the top. 

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1. It’s better to travel hopefully than to arrive

2. He was the second to arrive.

3. They were to arrive on the morrow.

4. She doesn’t normally arrive until ten.

5. She waited in eager anticipation for Robert to arrive.

6. It was discourteous of you to arrive late.

7. I’m waiting for James to arrive.

8. She was last to arrive.

9. At last the guests began to arrive.

9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

10. It will be to your benefit to arrive early.

11. She’ll arrive in New York at noon.

12. shipment will arrive on time.

13. They arrive a week tomorrow.

14. What time will we arrive in Tokyo?

15. It’s most unlikely that she’ll arrive before seven.

16. We didn’t arrive so soon as we expected.

17. A company of travellers is expected to arrive soon.

18. He saw Emma arrive and made a quick exit.

19. Did he arrive in time?

20. The children are longing for Santa Claus to arrive.

21. She was the last to arrive.

22. Tidy the room up before the guests arrive.

23. May will arrive on Friday morning.

24. Our new stock of winter clothes will arrive soon.

25. May will arrive on Friday.

26. The minister will arrive on Monday.

27. The new uniforms will arrive tomorrow.

28. Please make every endeavour to arrive punctually.

29. To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive[], and the true success is to labour. 

30. To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive

More similar words: arrive at, arrival, carrier, barrier, married, warrior, river, drive, thrive, derive, driver, drive up, drive out, driveway, drive home, drive out of, derive from, narrative, torrid, rival, terribly, horrible, corridor, terrific, hurricane, private, privacy, territory, terrifying, curriculum. 

arrive — перевод на русский


The young people have arrived sir, and Dr. Bruner.

Молодые люди прибыли, сэр. И доктор Брюнер.

Yes, we arrived this morning.

Да, прибыли утром.

This morning, three Soviet agents arrived.

Сегодня утром прибыли три советских представителя.

— Did Schroeder and Holzmeir arrive?

— Шредер и Хольцмейер прибыли?

You’ve been insisting that you just arrived from America on a sailing ship.

Вы настаивали на том, что прибыли из Америки на парусном судне.

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My dear, you lied to me when I arrived today.

Дочка, когда я сегодня приехал, ты соврала мне.

Having lunched with the Marquis de Beauvoir, our priest… arrived by bicycle at 4:00.

Месьё кюре, пообедав у маркиза де Бовуа приехал на велосипеде в 4 часа.

Mr. Wooster just arrived. I’ve given him room nine.

Мистер Вустер только что приехал, я дал ему девятый номер.

Kidd had just arrived.

Кидд только что приехал.

Your father just arrived.

Только что приехал ваш отец.

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The contract arrived today.

Контракт пришел сегодня.

When he arrived the first time, I… I chased him away.

Когда он пришёл первый раз, я его прогнал.

Let’s beat it before the law arrives.

Пошли, пока не пришел полицейский.

This morning, I arrived as usual at 8:30.

Этим утром я как обычно пришел в восемь тридцать.

Just arrived and want to go back already?

Только пришел и уж на землю захотел.

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Two weeks later a stranger arrives.

Спустя две недели прибывает незнакомец.

However, on September 22nd 1927. There arrives in Paris a short, squat smooth-shaven fellow. With a pigmentary mole on his right cheek.

Однако, 22 сентября 1927 года в Париж прибывает… приземистый, гладко выбритый парень с родимым пятном на правой щеке.

— The column is arriving !

— Колонна прибывает.

Jurieux has arrived safe and sound, executing a magnificent landing.

Журье прибывает живым и невредимым, выполняя великолепную посадку.

His daughter is homeless and without a penny. It is written that she is arriving here, to live with me.

У него осталась дочь, без дома, без денег как мне сообщили, она прибывает сюда, чтобы жить со мной.

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Fortunately, I arrived on time.

К счастью, я появился вовремя.

Since the baby arrived, Anne’s come to life.

С тех пор, как в доме появился ребенок, Анна возродилась к жизни.

«At that time, Ray arrived.»

В это время появился Рэй.

He arrived just when I was cured and it was the beginning of a new life.

Он появился, когда я только что выздоровел, И это было началом новой жизни.

We tried to call you but then he arrived and tried to steal the boat!

Мы пытались вас звать. Почувствовали опасность. Затем появился он.

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No, I’m waiting for Sir, arriving from Paris.

— Нет, я жду Господина, который приезжает из Парижа.

— Once the car arrives, a stick-up is… — (clatter)

Значит, когда приезжает машина…

he arrives tomorrow evening.

Он приезжает завтра вечером.

Anderson arrives tomorrow.

Завтра приезжает Андерсон.

— When does she arrive?

Когда, она приезжает?

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Tomorrow, after we’ve arrived, we’ll take care of those two girls. As usual.

Утром после прибытия мы позаботимся о девушках, как обычно?

But I don’t suppose there’s any need to discuss the price until your gentleman acquaintance arrives.

Но, думаю, вопрос о цене мы оставим до прибытия вашего знакомого.

Second: the POW has to be guarded, until the MP arrives… so that he can’t commit suicide… nmo escape.

2. военнопленного следует охранять… до прибытия военной полиции… что бы исключить возможность самоубийства… или сбежать.

Since I can do nothing until my specialists arrive, I had thought to spend the afternoon at Macy’s.

Раз уж мне нечем заняться до прибытия моих сотрудников, собираюсь провести вторую половину дня в модных лавках.

For centuries before the Earth colony arrived.

Несколько веков до прибытия колонистов с Земли.

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Some go and others arrive.

Кто-то уходит, кто-то приходит

She plays a girl from Calabria who is seduced by a fellow countryman She starts working here, then he arrives and she runs away

Это девушка из Калабрии, которую соблазнил ее земляк, она приходит в этот дом работать служанкой, он следует за ней, и она убегает.

Opium arrives unrefined. By rail. It gets across borders.

Опиум приходит к нам в неочищенном состоянии… по железной дороге его везут через границу.

She usually arrives at his suite, No. 14, at 9:00.

Обычно она приходит к нему в 14-й номер в 9 часов.

The outer route through the islands… and arrives at…

Да, а приходит туда, — постой, я сейчас посмотрю, —

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When the Dalek ship arrives you will accompany us.

Когда корабль Далеков прилетит вы будете вместе с нами.

If a visitor arrived from another world, what account would we give of our stewardship of the planet Earth?

Если к нам прилетит гость с другой планеты, что мы сможем рассказать о том, как мы обращались с Землей?

The Ark does not exist and will never arrive.

«Ковчега» не существует и он никогда не прилетит.

What do you think: will it arrive?

Как думаешь, он прилетит?

When the Ark arrives. Don’t you see?

Не сейчас, а когда Ковчег прилетит.

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Then, while he’s out searching the garden or something I’ll take the key from under the carpet and return it to her bag… -…before the police arrive.

Потом, пока он будет обыскивать сад и суетиться, я достану ключ жены из-под ковра и верну его в сумку до приезда полиции.

We mustn’t touch anything until the police arrive.

Нет, ничего нельзя трогать до приезда полиции.

Sometime before the police arrived.

До приезда полиции.

Wait nicely until the police arrive.

Спокойно ждите приезда полиции.

My telegram would arrive only a few minutes before I do.

Телеграмма придет за несколько минут до моего приезда и разбудит ее.

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As we sat there waiting for the meal to arrive, I remarked that the

If you are still interested, perhaps I could suggest to you that you read Medical Matters backwards and we might arrive at the same point?

An attempt to arrive at that which lies back of the form considered, or to reach the idea that is responsible for the form

This process gradually steps up the consciousness and enables the aspirant to arrive at the life side of manifestation instead of the form side

‘Do you fancy a cuppa?’ I suggested, changing the subject as, conveniently, we arrive at the tea tent

She went to bed in late October of 2278, but had she been suspended while the expedition departed? Was this some kind of delayed punishment for stowing away on that base the first time? Could that ship be the Presidente Lula, last of the sleeperships? Could she have been suspended so long that it was here already? It wasn’t due to arrive for another sixty years

It is a good hour later that we arrive back at The Stables, warm and pleasantly weary after our long walk

Stephen rambles on mentioning lots of other people and telling me a little about them until we arrive at the venue by which time I have forgotten most of what he has said

There are only four or five persons sitting at the front row, but I prefer to wait for others to arrive

children and three grandchildren (with another due to arrive in August, 2000)

«The Curitiba won’t arrive for another thirty one years, but the Heavenly Mother is probably only two or three years behind us

When I explained to the telephone operator what I wanted, she just hang up to me! Nevertheless, whenever old-Zarifis calls them for the same reason, the police arrive here in no time so as to restore peace and quiet! When my sister threw a party some months ago, the old man called the police as soon as the clock struck midnight and they arrived five minutes later

They were the last to leave the cross and the first to arrive at the tomb on the morning of His resurrection (Luke 23:49, 55,56; 24:1-10; John 19:25-27;

On the fourth day, I was happy to see Aphrodite and Theano arrive at the asram

So, at 8:00 o’ clock in the evening all three of us -Helen, her brother and I- arrive at Clair’s two-storeyed house in Kalamaki

Ernesto and his sons were due to arrive not long after lunch this Afternoonday

It looked sandblasted after their journey, but they now knew how lucky they were to arrive at all as a ballistic projectile

Meanwhile Ava was impatient for the probe to arrive that would let her unravel the data layer of this planet

She didn’t reply to that, but a little later said, «We should arrive in Lastriss during week Fendeveermon, probably before dark

“Where about did you arrive?” asked Fred

Eve and he was waiting on the taxi to arrive that would take his

The only good thing about it, is that you arrive back at

Berndt is seated at the table when I arrive in the galley

They will be ready when the eggs arrive

They had been waiting for them to arrive!

“Hold your questions till we arrive my inquisitive ones

‘Drens says that we may well arrive in Belona late tonight

‘You arrive at the terminal, see the insurance desk, you are asked if the place you’re going is your final destination and you are told this is your last and final call for flight 666, terminating at Athens Airport

Please stay in your seats until we arrive at the gate

“You picked a nice way to arrive,» he called to her

Unsurprisingly, we arrive at the head of the wasteg without any major problems – I am becoming inured to Berndt’s apparent infallibility! Leaving me holding the two ggs, he goes off to the Wastegmaster’s office to make enquiries about barges going across to Chester

Try to arrive a few minutes early so that you look as though you’re eager for the date to begin

Your dragon is to be my Queen, my dear Lady and she will arrive sometime tomorrow

Friday takes its usual hectic course; I get home before the kids, which is unusual, but within ten minutes they arrive home (the bus, it would appear was held up en route) and I outline what’s been arranged

“Sir, I have been told to tell you that my Lord Tarak will answer them all when we arrive

In his mind’s eye, of course, he was still the young buck about town, but the invitations to cuddle and schmooze on a Thursday night at the music bar were becoming increasingly rare and when they did arrive, it wasn’t uncommon for the lady in question to resemble Tom’s own mother

But, with time and the pool of potential brides quickly evaporating, the day came when the last of the country’s suitable young women was due to arrive on his doorstep

“You are sure that Lord Boras has left for his Hold, Gordon; I cannot afford to have him wandering about when our guests arrive

It isn’t scheduled to arrive until 2455

The police arrive in no time at all … or at least that is how it seems

As the first team arrive, I’m having my prints taken

Anna is virtually glowing with happiness when we arrive and ushers us in, introducing Simon with an air of pride which is delightful

Katie opens the door and welcomes us in — we’re the first to arrive apart from Gary and he doesn’t really count

to arrive at a more accurate time of occurrence

” Alexei stared at her, “They’re on their way back and should arrive before the annual Gathering Ball

They’ve bagged a table in the corner and it looks as though I’m the last to arrive

No matter what age we arrive at, we enjoy perfect health and as much vigor as the age will allow

There were ceremonies every week, but only once a month does a new group of girls arrive and that always excited interest in the single men of the countryside

Any chance may arrive that it could be brought out

increasingly rare and when they did arrive, it wasn’t uncommon for

Against all the odds, we arrive at the office on time

Bill is already in the office when I arrive

Billy and Bex arrive at Snuggles just after eight

Dr said that if it does not arrive of its own free will by the end of the week, he will have to take her into hospital and intervene

’ Hilary said as I arrive in the kitchen … Dave is still dressing upstairs

envelopes and packages would arrive in the post

The multiplex has yet to arrive in North Devon, but the old Odeons and ABC’s have fallen prey to the vicissitudes of consumer choice all the same

The remaining two officers from the first patrol to arrive are in the club

July arrive quicker than he had expected, and Tom had

door that was used to get to the basement if the police should arrive

“I have to get these names and figures sorted in my head before we arrive in Chicago, Saturday afternoon, and it takes me longer these days to cement new things into my mind than it once did,” he admitted, waving the papers in his hands

“The hardest part,” said George, “was keeping Wang Lung, Lizette, and the others from spilling the beans while I was making preparations and hurrying to get it completed before our next bundles of joy arrive

will arrive in the post from time to time, as much as we can afford

these matters are resolved before we arrive, we might as

“Did they call it off? Was it postponed until more candidates might arrive?” He proposed

Half an hour later the girls arrive, hot from their walk up the hill from the bus stop but happy and toting several bags

If required this can go on ad infinitum and never truly end, at least according to the postulated maxims of Zeno of Thrace who proposed that if you continue to halve the distance between yourself and your destination you will never arrive at your destination

your classmates arrive tomorrow the only thing they’ll be able to gawk at outside

When the cows he’d chosen were to arrive

Harry waited in the administrative offices of the Scottish Rite for the named recipient to arrive so that he could discharge his duty and return home for the evening

‘He left yesterday, so I think he expected to arrive

Robinson arrive and said to the

I just think, when the second coming accurse –” she hesitated before going on “He’ll arrive in a spaceship

Harold wired Harry before they sailed to make sure he knew when they should likely arrive

I was the one who shoulder all the financial responsibility because my big brother from Nigeria didn’t arrive on time or even until this moment

Bruce did not wait for the cops to arrive

Immigration explained to me that we have 90 days after you arrive to get married

You need did arrive around September 11

It is essential that the equipment arrive on dry land in Port Hedland on March 7th! There should be enough diamonds to cover the cost

neither he nor his colleagues had seen anyone arrive or

we intended to arrive

I think many of those rides that made me arrive frozen at the high school were one of the main reasons that led me to go to the University of Arizona after I graduated from Don Bosco High School

when you arrive! If I said that it consisted of half a dozen

Very few of them, it seems, arrive at the age of thirteen or fourteen

Though their marriages are generally more fruitful than those of people of fashion, a smaller proportion of their children arrive at maturity

‘Only if you arrive before the gates close

To excel in any profession, in which but few arrive at mediocrity, it is the most decisive mark

It should arrive within a year

I have never even heard of any tobacco plantation that was improved and cultivated by the capital of merchants who resided in Great Britain; and our tobacco colonies send us home no such wealthy planters as we see frequently arrive from our sugar islands

«No, ours was only the second expedition sent to Kortrax, but we were the first to arrive

Dingle start from the plateau and arrive back without a single turn

Trees and hedgerows disappeared under the heavy earth moving equipment as the staunch engineers of Mesapit scourged across the fields and woodlands eventually to arrive at Mr

The fattening of ortolans, birds of passage which arrive lean in the country, is said to be so in some parts of France

personal interests, and finally they arrive at the

The worrisome part was wondering who would arrive first

They will be messaged when they arrive, they will be welcomed

Adros was the first to arrive

X’ander was the first to arrive, he darted into the chamber, his daggers ready to fly from his fingers

The reciprocally would be to arrive

“Yes, your dad called and said that you’ll arrive at the back

When He arrived there, God appeared unto him

However, when He arrived where

Next, two elderly gentleman arrived – one appeared to be the others

I arrived here about 55,35,30

When this woman arrived where Jesus sat, she poured

It’s standard procedure and one can never be too careful with a child that arrived a month premature

» Athnu had been giving him the usual ‘how do we know you?’ interrogation until she arrived

to form the dish arrived with two forks, watermelon and grapes

property when you arrived at this

Bronner arrived in the States in 1929, and bounced between soap consulting jobs for various companies

They arrived at Taktor’s gate

Either the mystery man had been well secured before being murdered, or he was long dead before he arrived in Sunnyvale

I arrived a few years later by which time Dad had got himself a reputation as a reliable maths teacher and, when I was seven, we moved down to Plymouth

’ I told my son when he arrived at the house just after five fifteen, complaining bitterly about a hold up on the motorway which had kept him stationary for over half an hour

She squeezed her eyes shut together and wished, but no data at all arrived

A very short hour later my wife and daughter arrived home

millennium or two of orbital time Smith arrived at a conclusion

There was radio contact between Earth and Kassidor for almost a generation, but it stopped about the time they would have arrived home

«And there was never enough time to search it all by hand before security arrived

I made an educated guess for the number of blocks missing because of the door itself and so arrived at a number

A little later, Zisis arrived home

» Horcheese had arrived

When I explained to the telephone operator what I wanted, she just hang up to me! Nevertheless, whenever old-Zarifis calls them for the same reason, the police arrive here in no time so as to restore peace and quiet! When my sister threw a party some months ago, the old man called the police as soon as the clock struck midnight and they arrived five minutes later

Ignoring persistently a strong heartbeat and an inner voice crying “Don’t go!”, I arrived at St

Surprisingly, the next time I call at Betty’s house, she’s not only in (a rarity as she’s usually got the early bus somewhere) but she invites me in for a cup of tea – the first time since Brenda and I called when I first arrived here

As soon as I arrived at the gym this afternoon, I noticed a white card on the reception desk saying “Massage from Themis

They would continue to decelerate and by the time they arrived, the asteroid would have already impacted

As I was informed by an advertisement posted up all over the city of Athens, a famous lama has just arrived in Greece

The next morning my guards arrived mob-handed

Then the next spring arrived and word came that she was applying for the teaching position at the school

We arrived in Athens at 8:30 in the evening

It was late in the afternoon when we arrived at our hotel at Kryoneri: I sighed in disappointment as soon as I found out how small, noisy, isolated and miserable it is — nothing to do with the hotel we had seen on the leaflet

The second note, which arrived a few days later, read:

With every move the record of our days started all over again, and we could never be quite sure, once we arrived at a new place of incarceration, that we could remember the previous count at all accurately

Before the guards arrived for morning ablutions he outlined his approach to me

They arrived to find Ernesto abed with a brain infection

Once the physician arrived, they didn’t stay

He was a little queasy about these computer programs claiming to be people for they had not existed outside Asia till he arrived at 61 Cygni, even though they were of Earth

«They now call electronics ‘Yingolian crystals’ and its widespread use began when our ship arrived,» Herndon told her, «though it really had more to do with your friend’s sister

Since they arrived, a very thin coating of fine dust had settled on the ship

When he arrived in the city, he was pleased to find something positive

Their meal arrived, berry pancakes and bacon strips was what he called it, here the slang translated literally to ‘patters and toast

Kara closed her eyes … she’d been in London … Doris fussing about taxis … then she’d got on the train at Paddington and arrived some hours later exhilarated by her journey, head stuffed with images of this England so different from her own … Taunton, she’d gone to Taunton

The policeman who’d been here when she arrived had implied that it was more attempted murder than a mugging … seemed to think that she’d been deliberately left on the railway line

Zareide was quite as welcoming as she had been earlier; she even tried to send Kara away before the kaht arrived

When Son arrived in the Land of Mortality the oracle told him what had

’ She said fervently, as the waitress arrived with their food order

‘I’ve just arrived in Bristol and wanted to catch you before you went out anywhere

The sun had appeared by the time Kara and Iain arrived in the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare

A letter arrived at my mother’s full of blame and resignation

She hadn’t noticed, but days had passed, a message from her avatar arrived

The usherfolk and his colleagues moved off and presently arrived

Realising we have arrived, my gg just stands

When Cosmicblasto arrived back at the bakery

When Wiesse arrived, she’d been pathetically relieved to see him … handing over responsibility for my welfare to her brother gratefully

He had discovered Jake one week after he arrived at the camp

A few moments late, Alderfolk Pottypears arrived at the steps of

surprise of his life when the Queen of Jodechi arrived

At four in the morning it was like waking into a dream and no sooner was I through customs and onto the concourse that I tried to let Auntie know I’d arrived safely but in between the crackles on the mobile I couldn’t get a word in edgeways

I’d already arrived at this conclusion before that happened … in fact I talked to Joris about it

The dipsticks from the terminus had arrived and moved to a table in the corner, sitting in silence and pretending to watch the view through their shades

When they arrived at the station the family went straight through to the main concourse and found a vacant wooden bench that wasn’t covered in too many pigeon droppings

Pantelis rushed to be by her side from somewhere abroad, but she died before he arrived

There was an awful scene back at the family home when Kirk and Ruby arrived in the back of a police car

True to her husband’s word, a man arrived on the doorstep early the next morning and deposited a number of cardboard boxes in the hallway

By nine o’clock Cyberia had nearly sold out her stock and was looking forward to the little luxury that might be afforded by way of a bacon butty and a polystyrene mug of tea, when her husband arrived pushing an old pram full of soiled tee-shirts and builders’ low slung jeans

By the time the cops arrived I was on the ground sobbing

The ambulance arrived as I was starting to get aggravated from the police hovering over me like ignorant waste

When he arrived he saw Steve and Michael and Jerry at a table and joined them

‘At any rate, by the time I left, the mother was crying with her husband – when I arrived they were hardly speaking to each other

Collin arrived at Dragons Hill before the Big Black and his group

The soldier decided that he’d better do as she said, if only to keep her under surveillance until the search party arrived from the hospital armed with really strong sedatives and a straightjacket

No, the crystal contaminated by his hack that had been left behind at 61 Cygni had somehow taken over the Brazilian expedition when they arrived

One day, attracted by the unrivalled opportunities being offered to skilled people by this new broom sweeping through government’s old and crusty cobwebs of social patronage, two provincial public relations specialists arrived in the city determined to make their fortunes

Tentative battle plans were drawn that would be put into play when they arrived

We have arrived Master James, Daowyn announced

When you arrived at our camp, it was obvious that you and Valotin were both in great pain

The next morning the doctor arrived in the town for the women’s check-ups

He’d duly arrived and we’d settled ourselves in the dining room where he proceeded to read through all the papers sent by David’s solicitor

Here was the linchpin of the community, his face the colour of shiny cherries, announcing to the entire mountain community that the mail had arrived on time and he was ready for business

He was being busy and I would have to wait — just as I did when we arrived in his van

Within an hour there arrived a facsimile copy of a receipt, which clearly showed that the tomatoes had been sold to him by the gardener at Watersmeat Manor

«She left this universe before I arrived

Rayne was already there when he arrived

At eye level, through a well-worn avenue between some old twisted trees, we could see the flat of a beach and we knew we had arrived

It was pretty run down and needed a lot doing to it but we had it mostly done by the time Katie arrived

What could be better? The young man and his adoring wife immediately flew to Hollywood and as soon as they arrived they telephoned the film star’s agent, who happily arranged dinner for the four of them at a swanky restaurant on the strip

Before I’d arrived, he had given Irene his list of these evil thieves translated into Classical Greek with instructions for her to inscribe it onto an amphora, to cast it in her kiln and to take it with Agni to the Archaeological Museum in Athens

‘I’m glad that’s over though, it was not at all amusing when I arrived at the hall

when we arrived all we found were large rocks swirling about; it had been totally destroyed

Lord Duncan and Rayne were coming down the stairs when he arrived

Lord Tarak explained that they had arrived just weeks before the start of the winter cycle

The ball arrived, Ali whacked it hard

Naria and her troops had arrived too late to help them

She was there waiting, when a surprised Altera arrived

What if Alfred had been right and they should have stayed and studied the planet at 61 Cygni until the next expedition arrived? True it wasn’t the wonder Alan had imagined, but it was still the only place outside Earth where macroscopic biology had been discovered

«Sir, I think the possibility exists that this agent that arrived by Thom’s condensate transported Alan to the distant site in his universe,» Glayet said

When the little man arrived the next morning

The first customer of the great Indian Cricket Season had arrived

The storm was coming in she explained, and she wanted to be in her own home when it arrived

When Johnny arrives, do what you can to help him

When the moist warm air from the tropics arrives in the polar regions, it hits the cooler temperatures and condenses as snow

Liz arrives good and early, as we arranged yesterday, and I soon pack her and Stephen off to the local DIY shop to buy paint for the walls

He SHOUTS, his sleeping comrade jumps up, straightens his uniform and the pair snap to attention just as the convoy arrives, its fluttering Arababian flags indicating a royal motorcade

Remembrance Day, when it arrives, is cold, grey and damp (as Janet predicted) and casts an atmosphere of gloom over The Laurels

When he arrives, I hesitate awkwardly, unsure of my ground, despite my instinctive reaction being to want to throw my arms round him

Fortunately the kaht arrives at our destination before Berndt can reply and the next few minutes are spent hurriedly getting the baggage and ourselves out of the kaht before it disappears again

As promised, the wagon arrives within the hour and we set off

My lifestyle is erratic to say the least and my aim is that when the end arrives, I will face it laughing and with no regrets

When my food arrives, it’s the best looking breakfast I have ever seen

Women love the thoughtfulness of a date that arrives with a

Alastair’s not there when I get home, but by the time he arrives, I’ve prepared dinner and welcome him with a big hug

I have time before the next one arrives to sit down and give some thought to what we are going to get Anna and Simon for a wedding present

Jane is on time and arrives with a shy looking Tilly Stubbs in tow

We manage it with five minutes to spare and are downstairs in the lounge when Rob arrives

If she does, I’ll entertain her, but I’d prefer you to take Red Hawk to play with Song Bird’s children, before she arrives

well, let’s just say when your graduation arrives we will very likely be refunding to Mr

Chapter 9: Sally – Abi arrives

Her order arrives and, mustering the kids, Sally takes her leave

I am getting quite worried about Sally who is verging on hysterical but, fortunately, the doctor arrives almost immediately and helps us get her upstairs to bed

“I could imagine nothing better than to be stranded here for a century till the next expedition arrives,” Alfred told him

Then, when that moment arrives

“Saviors? Is that what you call yourselves? So that is why you’ve come? When the Plague arrives you take them

One arrives at

arrives, and this is important, being the most and

Athens and arrives in the port of Pireu

descends about 50 yards and arrives at the

he arrives at a point where he’s happy to be ignored,

Wouldn’t you agree that the time has come to stop this nonsense of ‘more of the same’ that has taken you nowhere but in endless circles and dead ends on your journey? Haven’t you tired of being the rambling vagabond who always arrives, but never really gets there?”

Otherwise, we have recalled the Thanes, and we must hold the town until the King arrives

When our rescue arrives it will stop them having to search the planet for us, and if we have to wait months for a rescue to come then we should be able to get vital supplies back to this section of the ship

“I think it’s a disgrace that the Captain has stained the honour of our Battalion by shooting wounded enemy prisoners and I shall report it when a more senior Officer arrives

But I doubt we’ll have to last more than a few days until rescue arrives

He’s a Civil War buff who arrives early, taking along a book on some leader, unit, battle, campaign, or political aspect of the Civil War

Head wounds are much more deadly according to statistics and if you couple this with the failing emergency services and hospitals, your chances for survival become even less! You may well die before the ambulance arrives a day later

“We have a plan that will be hatching sometime tomorrow, just as yon ship, the Calamity, arrives into your tiny port here

They are well stocked with food and wine; they will be fine until Lord Weston arrives

The core of my plan is to talk with her father, Lord Weston, and arrange for the truce conditions once he arrives

Logic, if not good manners should tell you that the SAP is always in charge of a crime scene (or potential one), and when the Flying Squad arrives, we take control and that is it

I worked long enough with the cloak & dagger brigade to know that they are thoroughly penetrated and will sell you out whenever the need arrives

Yeah I am severely criticized by many because of this piece but I feel the need to warn you to be very careful when a new partner or businessman arrives with his son and the Bible under the arm to speak business to you

�He arrives at the apartment either after Anderson leaves or just before he leaves

Our lady then gets herself ready for her lover, the Vice President, William Anderson, who arrives around ten

So, the soonest that anything can be found wrong is when the next bank statement arrives, and that won’t be for at least thirty days, but I’m going to do even better for you: when it arrives, I’ll lose it

“This will keep the scroll safe till the time arrives, when the numbers will align, as spoken back at the ancient Bora Ring,” Mason said

A bouncer arrives with a package

Bob arrives in the bar and interrupts Philip and BR’s conversation, «Oye Harry want’s to see you

Anne arrives with Charles, «Don’t blame her they give me the shit’s too

Barbara arrives at The Queen Mother’s table with Charles

directions when the time arrives, and He wil al ow us time to ask

Our Lord has the ability to reveal His way whenever the time arrives for

As there are billion of those familiar units that act separately, the people end up being easy victims of the economic system that offers them leftovers on behalf of the economic or social production stabilization, condemning them to the eternal state of dependence of the help that not even it arrives on time of saving them

The human society never fulfilled its truthful role, same spending trillion dollars in its name whose money never arrives to the more persons in need and yes to the enrichment of minorities

too soon, chances are we would mess it up before it actually arrives

When the nurse arrives, she tells me to step back, and I do

Another compromising situation is the total of the gross national debt that arrives to 1

The elevator beeps as it arrives

Then, the proverbial John and Jane arrives from 600 miles away to attend the funeral and the family is in total ecstasy to see John and Jane again, so much so they forget the event is actually a funeral – where somebody died you know…! Its greetings, conversations, loud laughter and merriment, before they even made it into house where the grieving family is at

I mentioned before that I would insist on seeing the body when the coffin arrives at the cemetery, just before it goes into the grave

when their spirit there arrives,

And again a party invitation arrives

Your puppy’s littermates will initiate this process and then it is up to you to continue on with it when your new puppy arrives home

Day 25: A medical bill arrives in the mail

Give my notes to Theodore when he arrives and show him the bundles I brought back with me

When a bus arrives, he walks around to the front and looks at the number, then boards the bus

‘Can’t do that? This is like going to a fancy restaurant and when your food arrives you are only able to lick the lobster with your tongue

I drove to the CIA headquarters, I went straight to Bill’s office as he has requested to see me before the bus arrives

Though not on any calendar, we sense the day and the moment when spring arrives

one arrives to it, is the sense of ‘I am’

Zachary’s mechanic arrives about half an hour after the ambulance leaves

but then someone arrives who has more experience, more gravitas and better

statement to see, I am told to await something and it arrives, I am placed in a position to find

I take 5 minutes to settle in, check my calendar, and respond to emails before the first mountain of packages arrives on my doorstep

When he arrives at Toni’s loft apartment, he hands her an envelope

” He relievingly responds as their food arrives and they consume their meals

” They hang up, Ethan calls 911 and the ambulance arrives at Torin’s house and takes him to the hospital as Ethan arrives minutes later

Once a player arrives on a pil ar of Virtue (V) space

“Please doctor, save my wife!” Ethan arrives at the townhouse and is told the news as he rushes to the hospital where he finds Torin, who is crying hysterically

He begins searching every room until he arrives to the master bedroom where he finds Torin crying as he is laying on the bed in a fetal position

The much-anticipated weekend arrives with Torin’s family anxiously awaiting Janay’s arrival

It’s an intense, silent ride as Ethan escorts Janay to the precinct and Torin leaves Trina in his home as he arrives at the precinct to watch Janay’s confession

Not if we want to be alive when the spring-cycle arrives next year

We had planned on remaining apart while we adjusted to it, so you will understand if we are somewhat aloof to each other when he arrives here to see you

be in Bangkok by the time she arrives

«Tell the lieutenant to report to me when he arrives

«Well, we don’t need to keep a watch in case anyone else arrives then,» said Justin, who had half thought that it would be a good idea to make someone stay on guard at the inlet, to give a warning to the others in case anyone else arrived

When a message must be carried by another, it always arrives with some words missing and others added

The hindrance arrives on the scene and works on their hearts and thoughts

bear by the time he arrives

There’s the route to attaining a landmark that moves, truly goes away, then arrives

But when the shepherd arrives up on the mountain where he is

Once he arrives in Thebes, Oedipus gets his prize and marries his

If you believe that you’re more foolish than I thought,’ said Tamar, ‘My comrades have already summoned Titus and he brings Athene with him on his way down here now and once she arrives both the crystal and your powers will be useless

simply going to the gym in the morning, as he never arrives until well into the afternoon

point arrives when they start to notice inconsistencies in the particular doc-

What the hell, if satisfying her one more time meant arriving an hour or two later in Ireland than planned, well, it was the price he would have to pay

I had cried myself to sleep pretty well every day since arriving here, but I found no solace in sleep at the end of this bitter, salt-laced weeping

It passed the second Pan Solar League expedition en route, arriving here at least six years sooner, though the Heavenly Mother was launched six years earlier and was at the forefront of starship science

They proposed buying a corridor thru the wild chaparral to connect their lands and Ernesto was arriving with a delegation of his sons to discuss it

It’s hard to tell how long my fall had lasted; suddenly, the spaceship seemed to decelerate and I realized I was arriving somewhere

The OAAU was an organization rivaled Thanksgiving feasts, or how we held our elders in focused on the fight for human rights of Afro-Americans and such high regard—the highest in fact, or how arriving on promoting cooperation among Africans and people of African time to an event was never as important as showing up in descent in the Americas

Wasting little time, she strode along the pavement and turned into the side street where the Association was based, arriving at the door slightly breathless and consequently more than a little annoyed that it should be so

‘We should be arriving soon

on hot tin teas, the late arriving guests at breakfast,

Hid from them mainly and galloped on his keda in the opposite direction, arriving back at the drive breathless with the warning that there was a kranjan out there

With every bus from Stephanos town there came more and more pilgrims arriving for the coming festival until the village seemed full to bursting

Consider arriving with a small gift

He really hit rock bottom when the invitations to play in charity golf tournaments stopped arriving on his doormat because the organisers were worried about Terry’s drink problems

His 7-year old son, Jonathan, heard an egg calling to him two hours after arriving

It reminded me of infant school formalities, and that memory took me home for a second and I imagined my aunt arriving at our cottage and how it would be empty

Arriving back at the Hold hours later, their arms laden with packages, Mistress Sera and Rayne were oblivious to the men gathered about the table

The fact that they started arriving during the war could be coincidence

Rayne and Tarak returned to the Hold arriving just hours before the storm

A new girl — Patricia Crown — arriving

tournaments stopped arriving on his doormat because the

recognising the symptoms, I hurriedly leave my trolley near the check out and, quickly mentioning to the girl that I will be back in a moment, I charge off to the ladies, just arriving in time

young men arriving, she called out and waved vigorously to attract

floors, finally arriving at the Warden’s office

For the first time since arriving at the house, she allows her thoughts to go back over the events of that last day at the barracks

Arriving trains were noted, Departures updated, and platforms shuffled

In an undertone, Jones divulged that the visitor had been on the phone since arriving, apparently talking about some business deal or other

When the gentlemen returned, Samuel announced, “I’ve wired ahead to Clive House, we should be arriving in time for afternoon tea

since arriving in Troyes

For the first time since arriving in Troyes he had let his

Miss Bunker and a few chosen students manned the ticket booth and ushered in the arriving audience

They passed out handbills and sorted out standing arrangements for those arriving too late for seats

And yes, it would be most helpful if I were able to produce sufficient cause for arriving to our offices so late

After arriving in the highlands, she pulled out more coffee along with eggs, bacon and a half-ton of potatoes

It works out based on that and the fact that since I will have September 6, 7, 8, and 9 off that the perfect day for you to fly here is September 5, arriving the evening of the fifth

This time I’m assured that Wesam is arriving Friday, April 22 and he has arranged transportation to take him from the airport to our house

Arriving home, he gave his stepdaughters the things that they had asked for, and he gave Cinderella the twig from the hazel bush

She left the tribe a century ago and wandered far from the west Knidola basin, arriving in Zhlindu less than a decade ago

They kept up a good pace over the ensuing days, arriving

They descended one hundred and thirty two steps before arriving at a small white gate set within an enormous conifer hedge

Arriving at the gaol, he found the Rene in animated

The two travellers dismounted soon after arriving in

lectured my friend who had a habit of arriving for class at such

More captives? This was the first he’d heard about more exiles arriving in Babylon

Nothing had been simple since arriving in Skyrim

The last thing she wanted was for him to end up rushing things and arriving late, smelling like a well-ridden horse

Since arriving upon his trek from Falkreath, he had often found himself walking down to the rocky edge of the land, where the ground met the lapping waves

That was a real luxury, about the only luxury he had experienced since arriving on the planet

Lead Arrows had started arriving

“I saw Roman soldiers arriving today

“EMV Vanguard, the carrier, will be arriving here with a convoy of military vessels just two days from now

It»s the best news I»ve had, other than your arriving home

and Smithfield Market, took to the railways, then refrigerated lorries on the A1 and M1, arriving at the market dead rather than alive, as meat

“Grant and Rex will both be arriving this week

Rex would be arriving for their meeting on the two

A time-traveller arriving from the nineteen-seventies

Everything we had been through since arriving the forced marches the fatigue and bone weariness had caught up to us and we slept the sleep of the dead

“Just leave them to it we cant kill all of them there must be a thousand of the buggers in here and more of their relatives arriving by the minute

took the store ship Relief to Pensacola, where he went ashore and traveled overland to Annapolis, arriving in January 1847

After arriving in Colon, Waddell became acquainted with

arriving October 28 for repairs

News of her presence soon reached the USS Kearsarge, which promptly steamed to Cherbourg, arriving on the fourteenth

Arriving back at our barn we entered and dropped our kit I sat down and wrote a letter to Helen telling her how much I missed her and how I couldn’t wait to get back to her I noticed that Bert and Frank were doing the same thing and we passed a quite half hour like this

Orion had told them that they would all suffer elements of the taint in time, though Adem was always likely to show the first signs as he was already the most affected before arriving in Kismeria

sympathizer to the rebellion, arriving there about four o’clock in the morning

Garrett, arriving there on April 24

whales were also arriving from the southern Pacific; it was the

ships arriving at port in the United States at any time now

On August 3, the Evening Bulletin published the complete story of both ships arriving and of the destruction of so many more whaleships than

Upon arriving, he was

In the meantime, the Milo continued her course to Honolulu, arriving there on September 16

He’d done this before; it meant being hot and uncomfortable on arriving in the heated building

‘So was this another act of defiance – arriving all of twenty minutes late?’

“Did you tell him Tony was arriving early this morning?”

rain, raining so hard that Olga and I were late arriving at the

Tony or Lydia decide to break it off and she murders Tony for dumping her? Or, she decides she doesn’t want to move to Miami? And how does she know he’s arriving that night? He texts or calls her? She writes Alhamdulillah on the top of his car to throw off an investigation

“How is the gold arriving?” inquired Longleaf

On arriving at the mound, Halon looked over at the town, it was grey and lifeless

“Hollowcrest should be arriving shortly

However, that was normal when arriving at a crime scene

Our level of fitness was a serious concern and I am sure if one of them read here he will have a few choice words to add about unfit policemen arriving for training

Or having your own bathroom as long as you wish without worrying about leaving hot water for your mates or walking back to you bed with your rifle in one hand and soap in the other! But then again I have no complaints, for I really loved that life-style and shed no tears when arriving at SAP COIN Pretoria with my kitbag after a few months away

It was always comical to see the other member’s arriving with their kitbag’s which were heavy, and they walked slowly into TIN Transito with long faces

She was hoping that arriving at the trees during the sun-cycle would mean that the stars would not be there

It was an all-volunteer unit, and the men had to undergo psychometric tests before arriving

The Grey Wolves will be arriving first thing tomorrow morning with a force of two hundred men

He felt Crowley arriving, and thought him outflanked by another of these

Soon contestants and volunteers began arriving and I no longer had time to think of things that could go wrong

The regimental system stayed on but lost some of its traditions with new conscripts arriving all the time

Arriving at the hospital’s paediatric ward, we were greeted by the entire medical staff that had been involved in taking care of her since the birth

But the biggest birthday present he could’ve possibly wanted was arriving in just a few minutes

He’d left messages that he would be arriving at Inverness soon, and that he had something really important to tell her

She was very surprised when she saw me arriving at the presentation of José Diego’s book

She should have seen it coming: Sal had again mentioned something about mules arriving drunk and stoned

If the scheme proved viable and she could solicit his participation, her cocaine could possibly begin arriving in the United States again in time to avoid an interruption of the flow to their street dealers, considering current reserves

It left by overnight courier, arriving the following morning in Charleston at the home of a man whose name Sylvia received from the Charleston yacht club

Arriving at the J

Arriving at his bedroom, Grant pulled Fin in and closed the door

It had been a long drive and she was looking forward to arriving at the camp site tomorrow

Definition of Arrive

to reach a place or destination

Examples of Arrive in a sentence

The plane was set to arrive by noon but is running several minutes behind schedule.


Brenda’s birthday dinner starts in an hour, but most of the guests will arrive at the event fashionably late.


I have been waiting for a package to arrive all week, but it still not in the mailbox.




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Other forms: arrived; arriving; arrives

To arrive is to come to a destination. When you arrive in Paris, the first thing you should do is go and buy a croissant.

The word arrive generally means to come to a physical destination, like a place. Make sure you arrive home on time for dinner! But it can also be less literal. You can arrive at a conclusion or a decision after much thought. You can also use arrive to mean «achieve great success,» though for whatever reason, this specific usage tends to be in the past tense. If you serve champagne and caviar at a party, your snobby aunt might comment, «My dear, you’ve arrived!” In this case, arrive means to come to a place of great wealth or success.

Definitions of arrive

  1. verb

    reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress

    arrived home at 7 o’clock”


    come, get


    reach and board

    see moresee less


    go away, go forth, leave

    go away from a place

    exit, get out, go out, leave

    move out of or depart from

    depart, leave, pull up stakes

    remove oneself from an association with or participation in

    show more antonyms…

    show 21 types…
    hide 21 types…
    land, set down

    reach or come to rest

    drive in

    arrive by motorcar

    bring down, land, put down

    cause to come to the ground

    land, set ashore, shore

    arrive on shore

    roll up

    arrive in a vehicle: «He rolled up in a black Mercedes»

    come, come in

    be received

    attain, hit, reach

    reach a point in time, or a certain state or level

    flood in

    arrive in great numbers

    draw in, get in, move in, pull in

    of trains; move into (a station)

    plump in

    arrive suddenly and unannounced

    alight, light, perch

    to come to rest, settle


    make a forced landing


    land on a beach


    land at or reach a port

    debark, disembark, set down

    go ashore

    touch down

    come or bring (a plane) to a landing


    fall short of (the runway) in a landing


    land on the underside without the landing gear

    crash land

    make an emergency landing

    max out

    reach a maximum

    break even

    attain a level at which there is neither gain nor loss, as in business, gambling, or a competitive sport

  2. verb

    succeed in a big way; get to the top

    “After he published his book, he had


    get in, go far, make it

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘arrive’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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