Make a sentence with the word ago

Jason Williams, a portfolio manager at Lazard Asset Management, told Bloomberg two weeks ago: «Too many expensive stocks — many of which are acutely sensitive to overall market sentiment — have slipped into the momentum basket, increasing the likelihood of a large drawdown once market leadership finally rotates.»


In addition to existing programs like the «Go Global Program,» a year ago the Liberal government launched the «CanExport Program» to help SMEs boost their sales abroad.


at least 15 years ago Cal State Fuyllerton (and other Cal-State colleges) stopped teaching remedial English to incoming students (many of whome became teachers)..


Lynne has served on numerous North American Securities Administrator’s Association (NASAA) committees, is a past president of the Helena Chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants, is a member of the Montana Family Education Oversight Committee and seven years ago received the first Themis Award from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for her efforts in the pursuit of justice in a complex and substantial federal securities case.


The market seems to be frustrated with the coffee chain, as comparable-sales growth has slowed from 5 % a few years ago to just 2 %, but considering the «restaurant recession» going on in the U.S. over the last two years, Starbucks is still outperforming most of its peers.


Several years ago a young teacher from rural southern Utah burst into tears during a State Office of Education seminar.


The problem, as I projected a year ago in Research & Insight, is profit margins.


This ability was acquired about 9 years ago solely for the purpose of enabling the Fed to hike its targeted interest rate while leaving the banking system inundated with «excess reserves» (refer to my March-2015 blog post for more detail).


Bernstein was founded 50 years ago to manage money for families and individuals.


This despite a vow two years ago that Canadian Forces would be out of Afghanistan when the current mission ends in 2014.


Although I came to affirm more than 20 years ago that Jesus Christ was raised, I would not want to suggest that I became a Christian only at the moment I accepted the New Testament view of the resurrection.


ChannelAdvisor, which has been independently tracking Amazon’s sales numbers, says that Amazon’s U.S. daily sales were up 93 percent year-over-year versus July 16th, 2014 (to align with the same day of the week a year ago), and Amazon’s EU daily sales were up 53 percent.


And to look at tales from 300 years ago where anybody who didn’t tow the line or anybody on the fringe were sometimes literally hanged.


Feloni: Just over two years ago you came back from a 340-day trip aboard the International Space Station.


One year ago tomorrow, CEO Reed Hastings took the first of a series of missteps that angered customers and nearly derailed his company.


A single bitcoin can be worth over a thousand dollars depending on the daily market, but it wasn’t long ago that bitcoins were worth only pennies.


Jeremy died a few years ago but he is fondly remembered as an incredible boss who really cared for his staff.


Several years ago the Wall Street Journal reported that Americans…


A year ago in June 2016, I wrote an oped for Tagesspiegel in which I predicted that a new Berlin law, designed to curtail the runaway growth of Airbnb home-renting, would fail to accomplish its goal.


This is the girl I married 27 years ago today.


«It was mystifying several years ago why she was hyped the way she was hyped,» began Elaine Lui on her blog Lainey Gossip in 2009.


I actually noted on Twitter a few days ago that Buffett called it a buying opportunity in Oct ’08 but stocks fell another 30 % from there.


Ironically, at the time of writing, Vitalik issued a statement approximately 10-12 hours ago denouncing the censorship of different internet hubs that host Bitcoin as «deplorable».


In fact, 80 percent of bankers indicated that compared with a year ago farmland sales either were lower or unchanged in their lending area.


Premier’s Sam Hailes — who interviewed him a few weeks ago — said he «strongly disagrees» with that viewpoint.


I was fully charged and working hard, but no takers until two weeks ago!


Economics 9 hours ago By Samuel Haig — 3903 Binance Warned by Japan’s FSA, Criticizes Reporters The Nikkei Asian Review…


I made a decision a long time ago that if it came right down to the wire, the business or them, I would take them.


To kick things off,, the popular exchange that was taken down a couple of months ago gets yet another hit, as two main partners in its management were arrested over at their homes in Florida, US by the FBI.


I said 12 years ago that the last asset remaining after housing for the elitists to loot would be the retirement assets.


In an article which appeared as early as December in The Los Angeles Times, he began by complaining — a little prematurely, it might be thought — that «for some who were most enthusiastic eight months ago about the choice of Joseph Ratzinger as pope, this Christmas season has continued a period of waiting — some becoming a bit impatient — for Benedict XVI to fulfil more of the promise of his election.»


Not only did Facebook implement a new News Feed algorithm that favors content from users» friends and family, but just over a month ago they rolled out a new desktop business page layout — something they had been testing for a couple of months.


I’ll just read to the halfway point and then go to bed like I said I would two hours ago… just to the halfway point and then, WHA!!!!!! O MY GOSH!!!


A few days ago I got to take my two soul sisters to Pure Barre.


I made a comment on another blog a couple of years ago (she’s for renting) about the financial benefits of owning your home versus renting as proven by spreadsheet projections no matter how you slant the numbers.


A former Carmelite convent (365 years ago), it has open-air terraces and killer views.


For example, Paul wrote 2000 years ago that woman shouldn’t speak in church, that woman should cover their heads, etc etc..


For example, AirAsia has grown its selection of cities served from an initial presence in Shanghai five years ago to fifteen hub cities currently, including fast-growing second — and third-tier cities such as Nanchang, Wuhan, and Chongqing.13


Swiss-based UBS announced a year ago its work on a virtual currency — Utility Settlement Coin — to facilitate faster transaction settlement.


Fifty years ago directors were so passive that one CEO called them «the parsley on the fish.»


Rice joined Facebook from Verizon more than four years ago to serve as the company’s top Democratic lobbyist.


I read this years ago but I can’t help but think now that his description of the events almost exactly describes what is going on in the Bitcoin «wars» right now.


• Spotify posted a first-quarter operating loss of 41 million euros, a sharp improvement from a loss of 139 million euros a year ago


«Reminiscence of a Stock Operator is a book that up until a couple of years ago I read every year because it is such a great lesson in psychology, how psychology works through the markets and how markets behave.»


It seems like such a short time ago that I railed against Jason Kenney’s first tweet as Minister of ESDC.


«I look back on a long career and I think, Gee, 50 years ago we built this hotel, and it still is here.


This quarterly dividend is 18 % higher than the quarterly dividend declared in both the previous quarter and one year ago and represents the first dividend increase since July 2008.


Only a few months ago that would have been seen as extremely pessimistic, but given today’s price levels, an increase to $ 47 would equate to a 50 percent increase in less than a year.


Singapore’s top lender said net profit in the fourth quarter of 2016 fell nearly 9 percent from a year ago to S$ 913 million.


«This is the same Laura Ingraham who just a few weeks ago said that LeBron James and Kevin Durant and these athletes should just shut up and dribble,» the actor said.


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As a non-native speaker but a teacher of the English language I’ve come across the following question reading a pupil’s report: Should she use the simple past or past perfect in her sentence?

Last week we came back from a class trip to New York. We planned (OR) had planned that trip half a year ago.
(meaning: half a year before NOW)

Although we teach that ago is a signal word for simple past, I would go for past perfect here, since the action of the second sentence clearly takes place before the first one and before the rest of what the report is about (the class trip itself).

How would a native speaker put it?

Mari-Lou A's user avatar

Mari-Lou A

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asked Oct 31, 2015 at 23:07

lilalibelle's user avatar


In general I agree that using ago implies that the simple past would work better. In this case, however, the simple past doesn’t provide the obvious and relevant connection/link between the two sentences that had planned offers.

If it were me, I would use had planned (for its link to the previous sentence) but replace ago with prior to avoid any subtle semantic imperfections. (Edit: Except you stated that the semantic intent was half a year before «now»… So this suggestion is less useful.)

With that said, neither example is particularly offensive, and I doubt that other native English speakers would have strong opinions either way if they encountered either example in real life.

answered Nov 1, 2015 at 5:56

Nonnal's user avatar


4,1621 gold badge14 silver badges30 bronze badges

Native [British English] speaker here. I would never use ‘ago’ with the past perfect as it is relative to the present, not the past. As has been mentioned, you should use ‘prior’ or ‘before’ (or ‘preceding’ if you prefer something more formal) to indicate a point or amount of time before a time in the past.

answered Aug 24, 2016 at 14:29

41st's user avatar


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1 год назад

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Complete the sentences with the given words.
Слова: ago;yet;last;how long;just;ever;recently;never;since.​
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1. How long
4. never
5. last
6. ever

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2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous. (Вставте в речення дієслово з дужок у Present Continuous.) 1) She ______ a letter. (w …



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twenty years ago my parents got married




My parents got merried twenty years ago

Читайте также

2) Выбежал и замерз.
11) Переступал и удивлялся.

Начальная форма — Другой.
Часть речи: местоименное прилагательное.
Грамматика: единственное число, мужской род, творительный падеж.

Стиль этого текста научный.
Превращаться, наполняясь, новом, значением, становится, пункте, Индии.

Укажите род,число,падеж каждого существительного.Ненастье,праздник,пень,сердце,окно,варенье,копьё, соловей,класс.Определите тип


Ненастье — (чье?) мое — средний род, ед. ч., И. п.
Праздник — (чей?) мой — мужской род, ед. ч., И.п
Пень — (чей?) мой — мужской род, ед. ч., И.п
Сердце — (чьё?) мое — средний род, ед. ч., И.п
Окно — (чьё?) мое — средний род, ед.ч., И.п
Варенье — (чьё?) мое — средний род, ед.ч., И.п
Копьё — (чьё?) мое — средний род, ед.ч., И.п
Соловей — (чей?) мой — мужской род, ед.ч., И.п
Класс — (чей?) мой — мужской род, ед.ч., И.п



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