Make a sentence using the word flower

Examples of how to use the word “flower” in a sentence. How to connect “flower” with other words to make correct English sentences.

flower (n): the part of a plant that is often brightly coloured and has a pleasant smell, or the type of plant that producesthese

Use “flower” in a sentence

They don’t like artificial flowers.
One of her hobbies is making artificial flowers.
The field is full of wild flowers.
She is watering the flowers.
Do you know the name of this flower?
What’s your favorite flower?
Do you know the name of this flower?
She picked a flower for her mother.
The rose is called the queen of flowers.
Are these flowers real or fake?
These flowers have a unique smell.
I like wild flowers.

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Synonym: bloom, blossom, develop, flourish, thrive. Similar words: lower, glower, flow, shower, tower, power, empower, solar power. Meaning: [‘flaʊə(r)]  n. 1. a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms 2. reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts 3. the period of greatest prosperity or productivity. v. produce or yield flowers. 

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1. One flower makes no garland.

2. The handsomest flower is not the sweetest. 

3. Many a flower is born to blush unseen. 

4. Patience is a flower that grows not in every one’s garden. 

5. Life is a flower of which love is the honey. 

6. Beauty, unaccompanied by virtue, is as a flower without perfume. 

7. Flower power was a product of the sixties.

8. The roses are in flower early this year.

9. She carved a flower out of a radish.

10. The plant has a brilliant purple flower.

11. A dream nobody cares,a Suigetsu mirror flower wasted.

12. In this poem the budding flower means youth.

13. Her skin had the delicacy of a flower.

14. Each individual flower is tiny.

15. A flower has quite a complicated structure.

16. A single flower does not make a spring.

17. They handed the flower around in quick order.

18. Most fruit trees flower in the spring.

19. He has a flower stall in Portobello Road market.

20. The bee is going from flower to flower.

21. They handed the flower round in quick order.

22. The plant has a beautiful bright red flower.

23. When does this plant flower?

24. How beautiful the purple flower is!

25. The flower garden was tastefully laid out.

26. We chose some curtains with a flower motif.

27. This flower has no scent.

28. The crocuses are late coming into flower.

29. This flower was drawn on the paper.

30. Do you know the name of this flower?

More similar words: lower, glower, flow, shower, tower, power, empower, solar power, flour, flood, float, floor, flourish, towel, fewer, avowed, however, viewer, drawer, answer for, as it were, low, glow, allow, below, hallow, follow, blow up, pillow, blow out. 

“I have a flower!” Moyo announces, pushing it toward the closest woman

The effects of bell shaped flower begin to cease, the mind of

“For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass

The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: 25But the word of the Lord endureth for ever

Poppy: This red flower denotes that you will soon need consolation

Ferns uncurled their leaves, morphosing into a billion species of tree and bush and flower

Luray came across a large, deep purple flower growing from the center of one of the fern-like plants

What a pretty picture she made surrounded by the yellow fronds on the bright green ribbonleaves holding that purple flower

the scything of stems, cutting down the flower of life

One block over was a flower shop

will flower in later life in the image of soft beauty

but the weight of flower heads upon this earth

The dried flower is what has the most nutritional value with them, there are small seeds in it that give it a little crunch and the flavor at least reminded her of a light yellow in a fruity way

of the flower seed that a million addicts ingest on the back

and drooping flower heads that wait to kiss the sun

The whole village was thick with larorlie and many other flowering kinds of thin vine that grew high into the trees and made the archwoods themselves look like they were in flower

All she had to do was colour in the flower petals and stick paper leaves to the front of each card

The evening’s background sounds of bird song and bees buzzing their way from flower head to flower head were cut in two by the sharp retort of bone breaking on hard cement

crystal, hobby-related tool-kits, planting flower bulbs for the coming season so you can

He walked down the street towards his home plucking the petals from the flower as he repeated that lover’s mantra of old: “She loves me, she loves me not”

another flower not traditionally associated with Valentine’s Day, and you know she will

He was overjoyed when he plucked the last petal from the now bald flower head and found that she loved him

There was not a weed in sight and the flower borders exploded with colour and vivacity throughout the spring, summer and autumn

“After all, Ted, haven’t you got enough to do with the flower borders, the lawns and the vegetables?”

As well as growing the most stunning fruits and vegetables, old Ted was also something of a wizard with the flower beds

He was, however, intrigued by the competition’s rules, which stated that to win the competition you had to produce a most unusual and new flower

As if responding to his loving touch, the magnificent red flower head threw up new feathers, filling out and flaming into glorious bloom at just the right moment

The flower was the fruit of his own garden and was blossoming now because of his love for teaching and the many years of hard work that had helped old Ted to attain such levels of skill

He wanted no thanks for these services, professing only that old Ted should enjoy his moment in the limelight, safe in the knowledge that, like himself and his plums, old Ted would have a new flower named after him

flower and puja shops

The seasons passed in a confusion of school uniforms and shoe sizes, just as much as they passed through the ever present need to prepare flower beds, to stake out fresh young plants and to harvest

It would be somewhere to sit under a broad, green, canvas brolly on hot summer afternoons, somewhere that he could rest and admire the shapes and flights of colour that would fill his new flower garden

‘Should we open another flower shop? There will always be a demand for that in

‘Sally’s going to help Jane get the reception all organised at the vicarage and I had a word with Katie about the flower thing – she was up for it and we’re going to go clothes shopping in a couple of weeks

No, that’s no good — they’re going to be flower girls and will need to be at the church early

stiff as an earthenware flower pot, for cold glazed pottery was what

You’ll find him in the flower house, he’s busy cross-pollinating, experimenting again,” Rytal offered, a bit annoyed

was colour in the flower petals and stick paper leaves to the front of

to flower head were cut in two by the sharp retort of bone breaking

from the flower as he repeated that lover’s mantra of old: “She

the last petal from the now bald flower head and found that she

and the flower borders exploded with colour and vivacity

Ted was also something of a wizard with the flower beds

the magnificent red flower head threw up new feathers, filling out

All of the judges assembled next to Ted’s amazing new flower,

The flower was the fruit of his

plums, old Ted would have a new flower named after him

faded winter finery in the middle of the flower bed with her head

and-pop shops and taverns and flower shops

The first outbreaks of Campion are scattering their pink flower heads like the talents of cheap tarts on a bank holiday weekend, and their first, early seed pods are breaking open, the vanguard to their annual invasion of the field edge

There’s a name I recognise … Josephine Symons – she’s singing at All Saints Church this week as part of their Flower Festival

I’ve always intended to become more familiar with what is what but, although I have a very detailed book on wild flowers, I find the hardest bit is actually matching the flower in my hand to the picture in the book

In her thoughts she throws open the patio doors at her father’s house and takes a slow step around his garden, shuffling past flower pots full of cigarette butts, one more casualty on the mend, a dressing-gowned remnant of the whistling generation

“Yes, thank you,” answered Olivia for the group and they were led into a brighter room lined with windows onto the street, and each with a flower box at the open sill

That flower bed looks a mess

He runs a string of flower shops all over

The Flower is too tied in, too many of the pigs in his

The yard, if you could call it that was as generally rough looking, except nearer to the house were several flower beds, filled with tulips and Easter lilies in bloom, it must be early spring, she thought

price of its competitors, running every flower shop within a fifty-mile radius of

The Flower employed

The Flower is not happy

It was The Flower

telling how long the Flower had starved them, but it was his way of ensuring the

“This will be quick,” The Flower said to himself and then took another sip

Please!” Freddy the Flower announced over his

“No one talks to The Flower this

The Flower stood up and dropped his champagne glass shattering it against

up to blow the whistle on the Flower

As the weeks rolled on, talk of The Flower and his awful circus faded

” The Flower could see the tension drain from John

The Flower stood from his chair and reached out his hand

The Flower pulled out several photographs, pictures of the inside and

“Ah the flower of highland womanhood,” his muffled voice intoned

grace and beauty?” The Flower asked and bent down to kiss her hand

It was a very lovely event because our little two-year-old daughter Jinty was our flower girl, a wonderful experience

In the center was an enormous chair, like a flower, and on it a tiny figure robed in white sat clutching an instrument and facing a panel of softly glowing hoses, pins and knobs

coating that the Flower would insist on

The Flower slithered up to the railing above the arena wall with his

“Is the one that calls himself the janitor down there?” The Flower shouted

The Flower pulled out a pair of bifocals, placed them on the end of his

The Flower grabbed ahold of the railing in front of him and jumped up and

“What’s he talking about?” The Flower asked his men

“And who are you?” The Flower asked

The five soldiers next to The Flower began to pull out their guns

The Flower tried to

like a bee to a flower

And every flake seemed larger, and appeared like a magnificent flower, or beautiful star; it was splendid to look at!

«Something shocking that’s yet to be discovered, basically the wind sways the stem too and fro and this builds up a charge in the flower

«I DID hear you Seaboy, but something inside of me said TOUCH THE FLOWER«, Flitter shrugged his shoulders, «Anyhow Old Harold’s island is not the best place to visit, his swans get mad if we get too close

flower grew only on the slopes of Mount Olympus

flower after the twin shock

They’d startled her as she searched for the sort of boggy meadow where a certain yellow flower grows

” He picked a flower and handed it to me

rest but here I am-tending to the flower bed

It’s a flower

this a flower? Or is it a weed?

Arlan didn’t hesitate this time, “It’s a flower

When you train your spirit with form and breathe your way comes out OF the vortex and creates the light, the flower of life

The vibration of life shall reveal your soul to the laws of wisdom in the sequence of life’s scared flower

Behind the busiest street, I walked romantic corridors between dilapidated wood and mud houses with charming little kitchens, fire-places, wood storage rooms, and some with courtyards and even pebble mosaic designs laid in the ground beneath knotty gnarled old trees that still flowered bright crimson and pale blue

On the window ledge flowered buxom, deep-red geraniums with a few fresh ferns just uncurling

The manor house was beautifully appointed, inside and out, sporting a novelty coat of arms above the door and a beautiful wisteria that twisted and flowered around the porch and around the front bay windows

wisteria that twisted and flowered around the porch and around the

I sank into the flowered chintz wing chair beside the telephone, and Cleo jumped to the floor and then up into my lap

The Pinco told us this was a good omen since the plant (it was called puya) only flowered once in a hundred years, and it was unusual to see so many flowering at one time

At some point I found myself again in the flowered field

himself resting on his favorite flowered hilltop

“You can tell me anything you want” He said pulling me to the metal bench that was hidden under a flowered arch

Two Vietnamese tots in flowered white dresses, who had been giggling at each other, had stood almost directly behind the horrendous blast and were decapitated

They had sprayed flowered perfume all around

Twenty-three corseted, overdressed women holding flowered cups to pursed lips while balancing tiny plates on tight laps

But Ño Josefina does not understand this immense love I feel for the «army of objects» as she called my dear trousseau; which for me are loving friends that as a flowered garden never get tired of proclaiming to the four winds the beauty of my ways, my elegance and my composure

Harriet’s mother was short, she had silver-gray hair that was twisted in the back and held with a beautiful flowered comb

She was wearing a very pretty flowered dress, with a wide belt at her waist

In nothing but flowered baggy shorts illuminated by unflattering sunlight he was a dietician‘s nightmare

her favorite dress, the long flowered one but I noticed it had a

She had some paintings strewn about the walls, and a blue and pink flowered bedspread from what I could see in the

The hall of compassion had pink and lavender flowered plants clinging on the marble

Fear flowered inside Laura

They would appear without any greeting in their little flowered dresses left over from days when they were five years younger, and they took them off with the same innocence with which they had put them on, and in the paroxysms of love they would exclaim good heavens, look how that roof is falling in, and as soon as they got their peso and fifty cents they would spend it on a roll with cheese that the proprietress sold them, smiling more than ever, because only she knew that that meal was not true either

In the middle of winter she was dressed for summer, almost undressed, in a flowered, sleeveless taffeta dress whose hemline reached to her knees, but exposed arms as white as her bare legs, bare feet and the introductory cleavage of her magnetic bosom

It was a dark, dismal place with walnut colored paneling from the floor to his waist and black and red velvet flowered wall paper from there to the ceiling

Having heard the plan President David kept thinking over the plan for some moments then his face flowered with happiness

really wanted was the part that flowered

Some men wanted the part that flowered

wanted the part that flowered

“Our Marione flowered in the winter

of sandals, shorts and a flowered short sleeved shirt were the tools of the trade

So the wrinkled old man with the flowered

Other men wanted the part that flowered

While Roopa maneuvered the flowered plait of the bride, Raja Rao stood up to tie the mangalasutrams round Sandhya’s shapely nape, and before he proceeded, Roopa heard him whisper to Sandhya, ‘With your permission

It seemed as though she resembled the bedside roses, having herself flowered overnight after being deflowered

When the plants flowered in the spring, he would

Have you run the flowered sky

She wore a long flowered skirt with a loose fitting pink blouse

flowered in his chest at the thought that she might have forgiven herself for her past actions

The veiled brim of her hat cast checkered shadows over her pretty flowered dress

A flowered needlepoint rug matched the framed emphera

A flowered needlepoint rug matched the framed emphera hanging on the ivory-colored walls that served as artwork

” Fleet of girlish foot we ran like the wind to the knot garden and strolled through the flowered areas on the main path under the fat yellow sun

They grew and flowered inside her, like the tiny seeds that had sprung from him to her several months earlier

There was nowhere a trace of rum, and the only glass in the room was innocently filled with the china roses that flowered so profusely in the garden at Baker’s Farm

Regardless, she couldn’t still the tremors that flowered across her body

“Myrt, I need to know where you got that purple flowered dress

She said she wasn’t even going to ask who she was; she would just look for the pretty Lady in the purple flowered dress

Both of these best cultural expressions of humanity flowered and blossomed into more humane ways of living in that century between 1814-1914

She was concentrating on the flowered pattern of the quilt to keep from crying

But when Ingrid glided into the room, wearing a purple Victorian dress with black gloves and flowered hat, all creature discomforts fell by the wayside

Once the plants have flowered pollination occurs and as a result there is seed

Beauty, in its hothouse variety (which is none of the worst), flowered in box after box; and though nothing was said of profound importance, and though it is generally agreed that wit deserted beautiful lips about the time that Walpole died—at any rate when Victoria in her nightgown descended to meet her ministers, the lips (through an opera glass) remained red, adorable

Egyptian dress of flowered satin, and she wore earrings, and a necklace of white

joy at the sight of a white lute string, flowered with silver, scoured

The flowered shower curtain was already pulled back

All this time (still with both hands taking great care of the bird’s-nest), Joe was rolling his eyes round and round the room, and round and round the flowered pattern of my dressing-gown

His listeners held their cigarettes poised to hear, their smokes ascending in frail stalks that flowered with his speech

The bag of Goulding, Collis, Ward led Bloom by ryebloom flowered tables

The damp grass along the edges of the paths was dotted with spikes of mauve bugle, and the sanicles and yellow archangels flowered thickly

But yet inevitably the Shtcherbatskys were thrown most into the society of a Moscow lady, Marya Yevgenyevna Rtishtcheva and her daughter, whom Kitty disliked, because she had fallen ill, like herself, over a love affair, and a Moscow colonel, whom Kitty had known from childhood, and always seen in uniform and epaulets, and who now, with his little eyes and his open neck and flowered cravat, was uncommonly ridiculous and tedious, because there was no getting rid of him

grave alcalde himself, in a white waistcloth and a flowered chintz gown with sleeves, open wide upon his naked stout person with an effect of a gaudy bathing robe, stood by, wearing a rough beaver hat at the back of his head, and grasping a tall staff with a silver knob in his hand

“That,” answered Scarlett, pointing at the fluffy mass of green flowered muslin

” Behind them streamed the merry cavalcade, girls cool in flowered cotton dresses, with light shawls, bonnets and mitts to protect their skins and little parasols held over their heads; elderly convalescents from the hospitals wedged in between stout chaperons and slender girls ladies placid and smiling amid the laughter and carriageto-carriage calls and jokes; who made great fuss and to-do over them; officers on horseback idling at snail’s pace beside the carriages—wheels creaking, spurs jingling, gold braid gleaming, parasols gather greenery and have a picnic and melon cutting

Oh, it wasn’t fair! Life was going past her, down a hot shady summer road, life with gray uniforms and jingling spurs and flowered organdie dresses and banjos playing

And three desserts, so everyone might have snap beans in mountains on brightly flowered porcelain, fried squash, stewed okra, his choice, chocolate layer cake, vanilla blanc mange and pound cake topped with

She cursed again the old custom of hospitality which had flowered in the era of plenty, the custom which lodging, food for himself and his horse and the utmost courtesy the house could give

Her light coat revealed an inch or two of flowered silk; skirts were short in those days, and her legs, stretched forward to the controls of the car, were spindly, as was also the fashion

It is thus I like to remember Sebastian, as he was that summer, when we wandered alone together through that enchanted palace; Sebastian in his wheel chair spinning down the box-edged walks of the kitchen gardens in search of alpine strawberries and warm figs, propelling himself through the succession of hothouses, from scent to scent and climate to climate, to cut the muscat grapes and choose orchids for our button-holes; Sebastian hobbling with a pantomime of difficulty to the old nurseries, sitting beside me on the threadbare, flowered carpet with the toy-cupboard empty about us and Nanny Hawkins stitching complacently in the comer, saying, ‘You’re one as bad as the other; a pair of children the two of you

Five years ago, a feeling of security had wrapped flowered

Now she could look back down the long years and see herself in green flowered dimity, standing in the sunshine at Tara, thrilled by the young horseman with his blond fancy, no more important really than her spoiled desire for the aquamarine earbobs she hair shining like a silver helmet

And as the moon rose higher the inessential houses began to melt away until gradually I became aware of the old island here that flowered once for

Say that, by the dark prodigy I knew, the imagination of all evil HAD been opened up to him: all the justice within me ached for the proof that it could ever have flowered into an act

There flowered a White Tree,

the breeze, and there a white tree flowered upon a sable field beneath a

The six Dreadnaught Spheres had flowered open to take on their deadly cargo, and their long spiral storage racks were nearly filled to capacity with over a billion individual drones, ready for transport and deployment

Down the elevator, through the sterile lobby, into a flowered courtyard that overlooked Golden Gate Park

CLAIRE WAS WEARING a surgical gown with a butterfly pin at the neckline, apron stretched across her girth, flowered shower cap covering her hair

He tucked in a flap of his flowered shirt

He had a long, greasy, flowered silk waistcoat next

She took one change of clothes, a new sarong and a flowered cotton top to match; she took three small Woolworth brooches and two rings as little presents for her friends, but she took no cosmetics

Her mind slipped from the room, over the flowered yard, the fields, the green hills, over the ancient drowsy streets of Mellin Town, into the wind and past the moist depression of the ravine

The bone-porcelain, flowered clock on the mantel finished chiming three

He led between the flowered stones to a tomb near the wall shadows

Driving back toward the beach with Crumley, I saw a big limousine pass us at seventy miles an hour, putting a lot of space between it and the flowered graveyard

Its gardens had first flowered five hundred years ago, and there were outbuildings scattered from a creative explosion two hundred years gone amongst old tombyards and crypts

It flowered as you watched

When it comes to plants, they want the type of energy that can be converted into sugars that they need for the various plant functions such as assimilation and flowering

SuperSeaweed works great on orchids! Most any flowering plant will do well with regular additions of SuperSeaweed to its water

I’ve been promising myself a plant for the kitchen table for a while now, but the local supermarket only stocks flowering plants which don’t appeal to me

He was almost shielded from the buzz of the kitchen by a large flowering shrub called a tribreak that reminded him of a rhododendron with sprays of sky-blue and lavender flowers

The whole village was thick with larorlie and many other flowering kinds of thin vine that grew high into the trees and made the archwoods themselves look like they were in flower

From the front door to the corner and round and out of sight, was a chaos of wildly flowering weeds

‘What do you make of Beuno?’ I asked as he pauses to inspect a flowering plant which I vaguely recognise … rosemary?

The blooms of spring and summer were long gone from his garden and faced with the late flowering of honeysuckle women, Tom found that he was too set in his ways to flap his wings and fly up into the Indian Summer skies to greet them

from his garden and faced with the late flowering of honeysuckle

Yards fronted the path with either flowering hedges or storage sheds

Nowhere was the flowering of the civilization in that age more apparent than in its machinery

There was the large pike by the flowering current»

He glanced at Glen then raised his shirt up so Glen could see the hole in his chest from the bullet wound, which was slowly closing in on itself, bruises flowering out from the wound site

The day was fine, and all around him was the yellow hawthorn flowering that consumed the railway edges and paths

It is said that we are the only forest left that has this flowering plant

Beth had been strolling along the path that wound its way among the bungalows, allowing the intoxicating scents of flowering shrubbery, tended so lovingly by Cecilia and Alberto, to waft away the troubles of her world when, from the bungalow that had now become Herminia’s, she’d heard weeping

This morning, as he often did, he sat at a picnic table on a point of land where sweetly scented flowering shrubbery lightly touched the still air, and laid before him her diary and the letter she had been writing when she died

Voila! Language! The lowest form of grunt communication that could pass on that which was most necessary seems to have, over a plethora of a great many generations of time, reached up to become the flowering of today’s complicated linguistics

Lavender (his favourite), particularly lovely ferns and perennial flowering plants covered the entire area

I didn’t quite understand why any plant would be flowering in the local winter

The Pinco told us this was a good omen since the plant (it was called puya) only flowered once in a hundred years, and it was unusual to see so many flowering at one time

To create this effect, she and Andreya rearranged the garden so that there was a path from the entrance flanked by various pink and purple flowers that led to a grassy knoll also flanked by flowering bushes and small trees, with a waterfall in the center of the back wall of bushes

We returned again to the flowering desert, and about halfway through it, he bid me farewell and turned toward the north

2 And I saw all the sweet flowering trees and beheld their fruits, which were sweet smelling, and all the foods borne by them bubbling with fragrant exhalation

need is to understand and understanding is the flowering of the

The tree is perennial, but the flowering and the fruit-

lives and flowering as love and trust, without which there is no

Convolvulus is a genus of about 250 species of flowering plants belongs to the family Convulvulaceae

2 And I saw all the sweet flowering trees and beheld their fruits which were sweet smelling and all the foods borne by them bubbling with fragrant exhalation

A sudden clash of small claws and feathers above her, near the flowering limes, made her gasp and peer upwards, pressing her nails into the palms of her hands in order to keep still

The woods now fell away and they were on the open hillside covered in grass and heather, with patches of yellow flowering gorse everywhere

Taking offence with the flowering cacti I

It reminded me of a flowering vine we had growing over the back porch that Dad used to snigger over

Within minutes the landscape looked like flowering hillsides in full bloom, not the ruinous cemetery of a far-reaching empire of bracken and nettles

In what appeared to be amused delight they gazed down at hairless pubes and a very respectable erection in Alger’s case—a flowering vulva in Begum’s, before throwing convention and modesty to the winds

flowering shrubs and masses of flowers growing freely, with ferns among

Today when a spirit of love for monasticism is flowering even in our cities, the joy of the Church is

The waning beams glinted on the thick golden chain which Dion of Attalus twisted continually in his pudgy hand as he sat in the flaming riot of blossoms and flowering trees which was his garden

I entertain all emotions in their superlatives for her, but they will always be flowering and never fruiting, for fruit rots

• VALERIAN ROOT – is a perennial flowering plant with sweet-smel ing pink or white flowers

The relationship with the other flowering in their

flowering bushes that were only about a foot high

nectar crafted from flowering fruit and herbs

Only in that transcendence is the total flowering of consciousness and the ecstasy of being

conversation, flowering in eloquence and wisdom with each revision

The seed had been planted decades ago, maybe even had sprouted, but then was the flowering stage of what was to come, readied to put on fruit, it was all God, for of a certainty, I Peter, couldn’t in any strength of my own, cause this growth

From polar bears braving icy arctic winters and giant squid in the cold, dark, pressure of ocean depths, to cacti flowering in desert sands; plants and animals have steadily spread to cover much of the planet’s surface

With language, man had a tool that could create other tools, like a flowering vine bearing fruit and reproducing, growing ever larger

flowering of thought and goods

The flowering of the arts would spread from Italy through the rest of Europe along with

Placing flowering plants near your guests sitting on your terrace provides an inviting and comforting vibe and your guests will appreciate viewing them

If you choose planting a small flowering hedge, it is recommended you choose bushes that do not grow too large

In around the room, raised beds overflowed with flowering plants and herbs

Just keep your flowering thoughts in your own walled garden

stranded steps towards flowering traditions of forested islands – there is more to the muse

Collective flowering species occasional strength and contrary shapes or

flowering types with a perennial nature are also increased in this way, as soon as their

Both flowering and

the plants stops flowering or becomes unsightly

Flowering houseplants with short seasons

I pushed my way forward and was shunted around the crowd, and after trying to resist it for a while, drifted towards a line of old, flowering fruit trees

As they were gloating over the flowering of their toddler son, throwing them into dilemma, the old woman’s kidneys had failed

But as soon as one ceased believing in them, they appeared in a new light, a new beauty, a wonderful flowering of a richly endowed imagination, full of human lessons

Water lilies and other flowering aquatic plants formed coves along the river’s

God has created both flowering and non-flowering plants too, yet

plural of broccolo which means «the flowering top of a

There are trees, bushes, and masses of tall flowering plants

As its followers laughed, it tore up love’s arch and carried it back to its Lawdom, giving the perennial flowering arbor to the faithful as a spoil of Just War

“The aphrodisiac earth, connecting all through simple fungi; the embryonic waters, the first element tasted and bathed in; the passionate fire purifying the ground and liberating the seed; the resuscitating air flowering consciousness with breath

A couple of gardeners were tending the flowering shrubs and cleaning the pond

Incongruously, bright pots of colorful geraniums lined the concrete walkway, flowering bravely in the crisp winter air

There they are, all over the mountain fields, flowering in greater profusion the further the month moves towards winter

In Greek mythology, a beautiful nymph named Phyllis was deserted by her lover, Demophoon, but instead of letting her die by her own hands, the gods took pity upon her and transformed her into a flowering almond tree, giving those who beheld her, the joy of her beauty and the fragrance of her love

Adrian had spread dried flowering broom on the floor and lit numerous red, white, and orange candles that spilled forth fragrances of roses, vanilla and honeysuckle

Wonderful to think that before the orange-coloured lupins, those August glories, had done flowering, she would be out among them again, only with her son this time, her flesh of her flesh and blood of her blood,

«Are you tired?» she asked, peering up at his face in the scented gloom, for it was the time of the flowering of the lime-trees, on his suddenly stopping and saying good night

select with care, you can have flowering plants

What is it that causes a plant to flower? Does sunshine? Does lots of water? Or is it good soil? Maybe all of these together? Or is there really something more subtle in the nature of the flower itself that causes it to flower? Is it something in the DNA of the plant? Does that mean the whole process of evolution over eons of time is involved? What other factors might cause the flowering? Does gravity play a part? The season and the temperature? The quality of the light? What about animals that eat the fruit and spread the plant? Or the birds or bees that pollinate the flower? Do they cause the subsequent flowering of the newly established plants? Are there even subtler influences? What about Presence and love? The intention and attention of a gardener? And is the existence of the world of form itself necessary for a plant to flower? What about consciousness? Is there a force that directs the creation and unfolding of all form that is behind the appearance of a rose or a daisy?

Awakening is a kind of flowering of consciousness

The flowering of your consciousness is as unique as every flower, and you are here to discover how it’s going to happen uniquely through you

Valerian is a hardy perennial flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white

Century is a plant flowering from June to October

genus of about 250 species of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae, native to the

The early sixties was the time of London»s flowering in music, theatre, and fashions

I understand that they were the trigger to the flowering of thoughts that had probably crossed his mind but which he had diligently suppressed

No-mind is flowering and natural culmination of mind

She reached out and took hold of the flowering plant

It is their crimes of killing the huge POTENTIAL FOR GOOD that true love has, killing the flowering of true love before it can grow strong… so strong that nothing can ever kill it… it is their poisoning and corrupting of all GOOD positive energy by attacking the positive energy of True Love at its youngest, most innocent, most vulnerable stage

Over and over and over: the first flowering of good intentions good motives, good acts, good thoughts, good human emotions and feelings have been systematically attacked, belittled, ignored, laugher at, pooh-poohed, derided, poisoned, sabotaged, twisted, turned and reversed into evil

The hand behind the black Hand, which guided the course of events of the assassination was Dragutin Dimitrijevic: the butcher of Serbia, and behind him were invisible undead ghouls bent upon ruining the best of everything that region had to offer, bent upon ruining the best of everything in Europe, bent on ruining and destroying every new GOOD impulse that was flowering all over the industrialized world

Dr Francis Collins, co-author of the new analysis by the international group that decoded the human genome says that it takes the same number of genes to make a human as it does to make a small flowering plant, that is, about 25,000 genes

And a small flowering plant in the mustard family, the Arabidopsis, has 27,000 genes

She got up from her knees and motioned me over to sit on a bench under an arbor which was wreathed with several different flowering vines

The castle and its towers were wreathed with flowering vines that bloomed white and let off a honeysuckle smell that I could already smell on the breeze

Flowering vines twirled their ways up the rough stone sides of the chapel, gracing it with their blossoms

Maria parked him and walked on to a clump of flowering daylilies that were Chantry’s favorite

Summer breezes swept through flowering trees

Plant the proper planting for the season Planting the wrong type of vegetables and flowers in your garden at the wrong time will encourage snail activity

Great for painting raised garden beds to protect flowers and vegetables

Pour boiling water on to the leaves, flowers, roots, seeds and place in a cooking pot or container with a lid

Use leaves, flowers, grinds

Marigold Flowers: Use dried leaves for an infusion spray

Plastic flowers stand in vases here and there


It is a good idea to plant flowers and herbs along with your vegetables for best insect protection

Try 50% flowers and herbs along with your vegetable garden

Flowers: Pick flowers, allow to dry on solar tray then grind into powder with mortar, place into panty hose and allow to soak for 24 hrs

garden, a lot of flowers and many old trees

BobbingTwo was clearly working on BigThree, prodding him with his snout and waving and coiling his eyes like flowers in a windstorm

A frangipani flowers at the edge of the garden, near the entrance

A fountain gurgles quietly in the middle of a shaded courtyard where orange trees blossom and flowers bloom

‘I got you some flowers, Molly

I feel as weak as a kitten … one of them watches me as the other removes the vase of flowers from the table and places everything so I can reach it

She looks at the label on the bouquet of flowers she is holding – someone’s anniversary?

’ She said, handing me the flowers

’ She said inspecting the flowers

Although his message with the flowers had been positive, I’m still nervous

As he drives out of the village — he’s suggested that we go to the pub at Weare again — I thank him over and over for my flowers

The plants had leaves like North American pond lillies with a ruffle of lavender flowers along the edge, but they were a species of lon, a class of plants that is a local staple crop

He was almost shielded from the buzz of the kitchen by a large flowering shrub called a tribreak that reminded him of a rhododendron with sprays of sky-blue and lavender flowers

Vase: If you put flowers in a vase, you will have financial problems but your friends will be eager to lend you some money

If you see a vase full of flowers, it denotes that your financial condition is satisfactory

‘Iain!’ she said, surprised to see him standing there, awkwardly holding a bunch of flowers

’ She said, extremely touched both by the action and the flowers

He came in earlier – brought these flowers for me

summer flowers stand tall on the steppes and drop

Those are the flowers he brought for you

«Are these the flowers you picked for me?»

flowers, especially the blue

’ Kara replied with a smile, casting a glance at the heap of her belongings … her bulging bag and the basket carrying flowers and produce that Issa had insisted she take with her

Well, Gerde would be pleased with the flowers

Gerde was indeed delighted with the flowers, scurrying around happily finding vases and chattering about the latest gossip

The end of each branch had a large tuft of leaves and a circlet of bright blue flowers

Kortrax was again free of the horizon, smiling broadly on the endless expanse of ribbonleaves and fronds spreading away to the northwest like a floor of hip-deep yellow flowers widely scattered with graceful archwoods like the clump they were camped in

to dull the edges of these flowers,

She then went towards the back and there was a big bin they put flowers in and the hose used to shower them off

With these flowers, my love, my poor little girl,

With these flowers, my love, my darling girl,

With these flowers, my love, my sweet child,

With these flowers, my love, my firm, true maid,

With these flowers, my love, my thin boned waif,

The flowers weren’t very dry yet so you spent a lot of time stuffing a lot of area into your mouth, but when you got the whole thing in it was just a morsel

The Inn at the Village of Flowers

Those upper flowers were a blue and purple topping to the orange, red and maroon of the larorlie blooms in the lower branches

The apartment had that woman’s touch, the flowers on the dining table, the washing drying on the balcony

as they bumble between flowers bunched

Flowers in baskets hanging from the roof,

I wandered round the lanes at the back of the town, losing count of all the drowsy flowers blazing up ahead

Two-tiered cake-stands towered over baskets of frigid flowers in limp, pastel shades and even more baskets of lifeless fruit

The loungers and tables wore highlights of gilt and carried bouquets of the finest imitation flowers

We still make beautiful decorations on the outside of the houses and flowers grow everywhere like in days long ago

A child is pushed forward with a hastily gathered bunch of flowers garnered from goodness knows where

My first impression was the scent of flowers

In my arms I’m holding his favourite bouzouki, not the one with the inlaid mother-of-pearl flowers he holds in all his stage photographs, but his most treasured possession, the one he’d had since Piraeus, the delicate one; the undecorated one

Our procession toured the narrow passageways before we laid the coffin, drowning in flowers, amongst the yellow-headed parsley in the valley

I should have known it by the flowers; they were everywhere, welcoming and dazzling outside a house the colour of summer sky

Situated in the centre of the clearing, the Well is beautifully trimmed with fresh flowers and set about with what I now recognise as Gottestones

It dawned on Tiffany that her father had opened the card that had come with the flowers, which was an outrageous breach of privacy

Over tea there was an almighty row that ended with Tiffany crying, her mother shouting at her father and the bunch of flowers being thrust head first into a wheeled dustbin standing out on the pavement ready for emptying the next morning

Flowers are one of the easiest gift ideas for a man to give to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day

He was disappointed, of course, that the flowers had not been allowed to brighten up his darling fiancé’s home for longer, but he thought that he understood

She checked with her college friends to see if anyone went by the nickname, but she couldn’t find anyone who she could identify as the sender of her flowers

Their mother’s wore black headscarves patterned with embroidered flowers of red and yellow and wore black boleros, white blouses and aprons, all finely embroidered; and walked in boots of softened leather

There’d been a vase of beautiful flowers on my desk on Monday – a present from the teaching staff which very nearly set the tears off again

In fact, they were often at pains to explain to old Ted that as good as he was with their little garden they had often seen flowers or eaten fruit on their travels that surpassed the specimens he grew for them at home

Instead, he strived harder every year to produce the most remarkable flowers, vegetables and fruits

Every Saturday morning he brought fresh flowers up to the manor house and created the most delicate or the most vibrant arrangements, depending on the patterns of the weather and the moods of his employers

Alexis dug the hole, wrapped him in his cardigan and put him in a cardboard box in the hole then covered it with flowers and soil

our store as his mother bought puja flowers

Rayne admired a huge mountain rage covered with flowers of various colors; commenting that it was beautiful in the sunlight; which seemed to please him very much

There was a cold sweet smell to the air, but Duncan could see no flowers anywhere in view

of the house had an elaborate rangoli, dozens of lamps and fresh flowers

But this delivery is not a parcel of documents … there on the desk is a basket of the most beautiful flowers

I cannot remember the last time anyone sent me flowers – I just stand staring at them, to the obvious frustration of the receptionist

Sam’s pleased to see me, so I get down on the floor and make a fuss of her, telling her all about the flowers and Simon’s call

I made sure I had the flowers and the seeds for the fire

Suddenly, Abi runs out of the garden with Ben but before Sally can go after her, she comes back carrying a fistful of flowers from the hedgerow

He worked so frenziedly, he didn‘t notice the sun shining, or the beautiful smell of the flowers or the colors or even when the sky clouded and began to rain

noticed the scent of the flowers today, or the new bud over there – just opening, or the cool breeze, or the sound of the children playing?‖ The gardener had not noticed any of these things

Little things, like the fact he used to bring his mother flowers from the fields near where they lived, and that, as a very small child, he would follow Peter everywhere

30 with a bottle of wine in one hand and a bunch of flowers in the other; bless him!

I fall in love with a dress in pale green … full length and layered with an underskirt of a deep green silk with a sort of shimmery, floaty heavyweight pale green chiffon over the top with embroidered flowers round the edges

What flowers are you going to carry, Anna?’

The woman in the photo has what I can only describe as a delicate skull cap made up of tiny flowers and leaves which she wears over her perfectly straight hair

There are tiny strings of flowers falling down the back

Naturally, there was also an enormous bouquet of flowers and a card signed by everyone in the office

She noted rolling hills of violet flowers, and dark green forested areas miles ahead

I hand him the flowers to hold

She tells me in an excited whisper that Gary turned up half an hour early with some flowers for Sally and that this had thrown her mum into a right old state

On the coffee table there was a huge bouquet of flowers and an

had come with the flowers, which was an outrageous breach of

crying, her mother shouting at her father and the bunch of flowers

that the flowers had not been allowed to brighten up his darling

identify as the sender of her flowers

he was with their little garden they had often seen flowers or eaten

remarkable flowers, vegetables and fruits

his plant’s fire-red flowers, flowers bursting with energy and

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«She bought some bright flowers at the market.«
(bright, colorful, fragrant, fresh, cut, seasonal)

«These are delicate flowers.«
(delicate, small, tiny, little, big, huge, large)

«She is interested in exotic flowers.«
(exotic, rare, tropical)

«He bought me beautiful flowers for my birthday.«
(beautiful, lovely, pretty)

«She is using pressed flowers for an art project.«
(pressed, dried, silk, artificial, plastic)

«Throw out those dead flowers.«
(dead, wilted)

Used with verbs:

«That plant has pink flowers in the summer.«
(has, produces)

«She always gets flowers on her birthday.«
(gets, receives)

«He sent her flowers for Mother’s Day.«
(sent, gave)

«The flowers haven’t appeared yet.«
(appeared, bloomed, blossomed)

«She grew different kinds of flowers last year.«
(grew, planted)

«The flowers were delivered to the hospital.«
(be + delivered, be + sent)

Used with nouns:

«She got a bouquet of flowers after the show.«
(bouquet, bunch)

«There were flower petals all over the yard after the storm.«
(petals, buds, seeds, stalks, stems, heads)

«They sent a huge flower arrangement.«

«She has a flower garden in front of the house.«
(garden, bed, border)

«They went to a flower shop.«
(shop, stand)

«They planted some flower bulbs.«
(bulbs, seeds)

Sentences for flower. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use flower in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for flower.

  • A flower herself! (8)
  • Flower of his life! (8)
  • She was a wild flower. (8)
  • The flower had closed. (22)
  • And his flower so unhappy! (8)
  • It could hardly be a flower. (10)
  • You are this flower You are that spirit. (10)
  • He had saved her then, to be the flower of his life. (8)
  • And Gyp felt sorry, as at blight on a perfect flower. (8)
  • You close up your pretty face like a flower at night. (8)
  • She spread her hands to express the flower magnified. (10)
  • Her whims Bid her demand the flower, which I let drop. (10)
  • He was patient as one who tends a flower in the Spring. (10)
  • And then he picked it up, and said it smelt like a flower. (9)
  • His in life and death are we: She but one flower of a field. (10)
  • None the less was she offended, as a flower by a crisping wind. (8)
  • But like the sun of heaven be, And every flower will open wide. (10)
  • And the scent of the flower in his coat rose, for there was no wind. (8)
  • Taking his hat, instead, he dashed round to the nearest flower shop. (8)
  • But the spirit fed With substance of the flower takes all its bloom! (10)
  • She has taken a flower from her dress, and suddenly tears it to bits. (8)
  • The lilac bushes, not yet in flower, were giving forth spicy fragrance. (8)
  • All was still and Sundayfied; the lilacs in full flower scented the air. (8)
  • His head jerked now and then, as a dried flower will shiver in a draught. (8)
  • But he was a flower in sunshine to happiness, and he looked to her for it. (10)
  • She reached up, caught a flower from the hedge, and slowly tore its petals. (8)
  • Emilia rose quietly, plucked a flower off the tree, and put it in her bosom. (10)
  • She seemed to look forth from a barred window on flower, and field, and hill. (10)
  • We toss away a flower that we are tired of smelling and do not wish to carry. (10)
  • And had we it, to see with it, alive Is our lost garden, flower, bird and hive. (10)
  • He was in full fig, with a white waistcoat and a white flower in his buttonhole. (8)
  • O, a maiden flower, Burning with blushes the sweet bride-bower, Beauty her dower! (10)
  • I pluck the flower, and smell it, and revive The time when in her eyes I stood alive. (10)
  • She did not press for talk; his ready appetite was the flower of conversation to her. (10)
  • And Diaper broke his bud of a smile into full flower as he delivered this information. (10)
  • Now, she plucked at him to abstain from his action, but he held the phial to the flower. (10)
  • Fate had torn that love from him, nipped it off as a sharp wind nips off a perfect flower. (8)
  • Upon an Autumn afternoon; Dahlia, looking like a pale Spring flower, came down among them. (22)
  • The Autumn Primrose blooms for the loftiest manhood; is a vindictive flower in lesser hands. (10)
  • The birds hid themselves, not one flower bloomed, and the red-brown river was full and swift. (8)
  • But when in sight, love, We two unite, love, Earth has no sour to me; Life is a flower to me! (10)
  • Had he been bewitched into that queer state, bewitched by the gift of that flower in his coat? (8)
  • If only one were like a flower, that just sprang up and lived its life all to itself, and died. (8)
  • Its honey-pale light filtered down on every little shape of tree, and leaf, and sleeping flower. (8)
  • You may indeed imagine grief in the very rock that sees its flower fading to the withered shred. (10)
  • And had all this come of one little moment in a dark corridor, of one flower pressed into his hand? (8)
  • No flower their face shall be, but writhen stem; Their youth a frost, their age the dirge for youth. (10)
  • Each leaf that lived out there, each flower, each blade of grass, were sworn to conspiracy of perfume. (8)
  • It was as if a flower, which he had last seen in close and elegant shape, had bloomed in full perfection. (8)
  • She had developed so quickly, with the graceful roundness of a little animal, the perfection of a flower. (8)
  • Yet I have seen a flower of Erin worn by a Saxon gentleman proudly; and the Hibernian courting a Rowena! (10)
  • The first tinkle of a glass, the first twang of a violin, the first fragrance of a flower obliterated it. (12)
  • The attention, the time, and the trifles of money shed upon the flower garden, were hardships easier to bear. (10)
  • He could see her expanding like a flower, in all this light, and motion, and intoxicating admiration round her. (8)
  • They blossomed early, and by the end of the third week in April the last of the cherries had broken into flower. (8)
  • And his forehead where it had been kissed had a little cool place between the brows, like the imprint of a flower. (8)
  • From the image of a flower bending to the stream, like his own soul to the bosom of Rose, Evan built sweet fables. (10)
  • Would it be satisfied in matching itself with great wealth, a radiant health, and the good looks of a young flower? (10)
  • Though it live but a day in the sun, though it drown in tenebrous night, the dark flower of passion will have its hour. (8)
  • We follow many, more we lead, And you who sadly turf us, Believe not that all living seed Must flower above the surface. (10)
  • Alvan preferred the lichen-draped tree to the sunny flower, it was evident, for never a letter from Alvan had come to her. (10)
  • He went up to his creatures and saw that she had placed on the head of each one of them a little sprig of jessamine flower. (8)
  • And he slipped his arm round Gyp in the cab, crushing her against him and sniffing at her cheek as if she had been a flower. (8)
  • Thus opposing grandeurs live Here if Beauty be their dower: Doth she of her spirit give, Fleetingness will spare her flower. (10)
  • O, that like the flower he tramples, Bending from his golden tread, Full of fair celestial ardours, She would bow her bridal head. (10)
  • An impalpable quality, less easily captured than the scent of a flower, the peculiar and most essential attribute of any work of art! (8)
  • The blood is healthy, the mind virtuous: neither instigates the other to evil, and both are perfecting toward the flower of manhood. (10)
  • Then swaying a little, so that her hair and the flower in it almost touched his face, she passed, and there in her stead stood Oliver. (8)
  • And though that thought shone out in the obscure future like a glamorous flower, it brought too much wistful uncertainty to the present. (8)
  • On the stony slopes at Theben I first saw an everlasting flower with pinkish-mauve blossoms, which grows abundantly east of this point. (20)
  • Nothing in Nature moved him so much as fruit-trees in blossom; and his heart ached suddenly because he might never see them flower again. (8)
  • Frailer than flower when the round Of the sickle encircles it: strong To tell of the things profound, Our inmost uttering song, Unspoken. (10)

Also see sentences for: bloom, blossom, bouquet, nosegay.

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