Make a sentence using the word collapse

Synonym: break down, crash, fail, topple. Similar words: collar, collaboration, collect, college, colleague, collector, collection, collective. Meaning: [kə’læps]  n. 1. an abrupt failure of function or health 2. a mishap caused by something suddenly falling down or caving in 3. the act of throwing yourself down 4. a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures). v. 1. break down, literally or metaphorically 2. collapse due to fatigue, an illness, or a sudden attack 3. fold or close up 4. fall apart 5. cause to burst 6. suffer a nervous breakdown 7. lose significance, effectiveness, or value. 

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1 The unexpected rainstorm caused the collapse of the roof.

2 She was on the verge of nervous collapse.

3 Their economy is teetering on the brink of collapse.

4 The collapse of the company had repercussions for the whole industry.

5 After the disastrous collapse accident the bodies were too badly mangled to be recognized.

6 Wall Street’s collapse raised spectres of the 1987 stock market crash.

7 If the foundations of the house aren’t stable,( collapse is possible.

8 I should think you’re about ready to collapse after all that walking.

9 The government predicates that the market collapse was caused by Asian financial crisis.

10 The ancient abbey was in imminent danger of collapse.

11 The collapse of Communism changed East-West relations for ever.

12 The company is on the edge of collapse.

13 The bridge is liable to collapse at any moment.

14 The system is in imminent danger of collapse.

15 The country’s economy is on the verge of collapse.

16 Yesterday morning shares seemed to recover from Monday’s collapse.

17 The storm caused the collapse of the roof.

18 Their economy is on the edge of collapse.

19 The collapse, when it came, was total.

20 She suffered a collapse under anaesthetic.

21 The economy is in a state of collapse.

22 The country’s economy is on the point of collapse.

23 His business was in danger of collapse .

24 The walls were strengthened to protect them from collapse.

25 The wait will not be very long, but your white-haired hair collapse hurt.

26 But if he does this, he may hasten the collapse of his own country.

27 This action brought the country to the verge of economic collapse.

28 Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country’s economy.

29 These measures brought the republic to the verge of economic collapse.

30 The hot sun enervated her to the point of collapse.

More similar words: collar, collaboration, collect, college, colleague, collector, collection, collective, colloquial, perhaps, lap, slap, upset, glimpse, all along, all at once, as well as, all around, installation, surveillance, Color., color, doll, toll, poll, roll, column, colony, follow, roll in. 

Definition of Collapse

to fall down suddenly due to pressure

Examples of Collapse in a sentence

The reasons for the sudden collapse of the Mayan civilization is still unknown.


After much pressure from the higher-ups, the hopes that company change would occur seemed to collapse.


It took a wrecking ball as well as explosives to get the sturdy foundation to fully collapse.


Feeling the bridge sway under them, the drivers were terrified that it was about to collapse under them.


Exhausted and out of breath, the tired runner was afraid was afraid her lungs would collapse under pressure.


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Travis collapsed onto the ground in tears and his mother leaned down to comfort him

I was still sitting in the broken arm chair I had collapsed into

All of a sudden I was tossed into the air, landed against bookshelves and I collapsed on the floor together with some heavy volumes, while Arion was already aiming his weapon at me

collapsed to the ground

collapsed in the desert sand

but to see him, prone and collapsed, migrained and unconscious

He collapsed on the ground in a heap

When he had run in the exercise ring to the limit of his endurance, training for just such an event as this, he had collapsed in exhaustion after less than a quarter this distance and that was without the pack

Luray and Yarin collapsed on the bed as soon as they’d gulped down a few bites of some hash that Yendee brought in from the dock cooks

A sudden burst of coughing and laughter, and they collapsed onto the ground

He collapsed into the booth, ordered a double strength Americano, put his head in his hands and wept like a baby

Left alone with her thoughts, Cyberia collapsed in on herself and slumped down into one of the big leather boardroom chairs

Helen collapsed onto the kitchen floor in a haze of adrenalin and alcoholic abuse

He collapsed into the booth, ordered a

Left alone with her thoughts, Cyberia collapsed in on herself and

But my life collapsed

Helen collapsed onto the kitchen floor in a haze of adrenalin and

collapsed onto his back with a roar

Jack has collapsed the stretcher and is ready to move Leona

Eventually he tags a valve in one of the collapsed veins in her hand and administers adrenaline

Seems this one just collapsed, but yours went down slowly

The horse whinnied loudly and collapsed causing

two wheels had collapsed and the axles were bent

They collapsed, and closed the

collapsed inwards sending plumes of dust and

«Earlier this morning two girls were rushed here to A&E having collapsed at The Basement club in Bideford

Mickey was suspended some feet below the top of the cliff, holding on to the remains of the bush which had apparently collapsed under his weight when he fell onto it

shots, and several pigs at the front of the herd collapsed only fifty feet

older man practically collapsed into a chair

collapsed against the railing, then toppled over the side

I remember it as clearly now as if it were yesterday … we’d got back to my place after the gig – a black tie dinner for the local Masonic lodge – and collapsed on the sofa in the lounge: me, in my strapless scarlet ball gown and Alastair in his DJ

‘Your parents were in their hotel … the hotel’s directly on the fault line and even though it had been built to resist earthquake damage and most of it was still standing, one wall collapsed

I’ll be staying here for a few days as Sally’s collapsed under the shock though we’ve had the doctor out and he’s given her a sedative

Matt walked on over to Trouble Valley and collapsed onto his bed

Jean collapsed onto a chair and

just before she collapsed, and eased her into the tattered

By the time we have collapsed all rows we should have a large space to lay out the bodies

Tetloan grabbed hold of the elf as he collapsed

Drau’d thought he saw an inner glow from the hammer as his father collapsed the being’s chest cavity

The Red Wall itself collapsed into a pile of sand

He collapsed into the cook’s hammock-chair causing a severely unpleasant scowl on the cook’s face

into the great hospice, he very nearly collapsed with

monk had gone, Jean collapsed onto his mattress and fell

caught her just before she collapsed

One of the prisoners found this to be so amusing that he collapsed on the floor in a paroxysm of laughter

unbearable, and the poor boy collapsed face first into the

He then stumbled his way through the students and collapsed at the back of the crowd

further climbing, he collapsed on his back, grateful to

She had collapsed at the base of the wall

Emily collapsed and so did her shield

Luckily, the signature of his dark power was enough – the wall before him collapsed in a pool of black sludge, revealing a clear pathway to a massive branch that seemed to span the heavens

collapsed when the combustible (enthusiasm) was

When the ewe collapsed, Tragus added three vicious kicks in parting

Nerissa’s last few hopes collapsed

culture of our ancient ancestors had collapsed because they’d run out of timber

Nearing the top of the hill she could see the charred frame of a structure, twisted beams and stone collapsed onto a resilient foundation

As he looked around, eying the collapsed entrance and then the dusty bedrolls and fire pit full of ashes, the reality began to sink in and to overtake him

Thin shoots of light broke through the clutter of the collapsed entrance

But all things have a limit and shortly before the Bretons found theirs, the machine collapsed to the ground in a groaning roar

And they soon collapsed on the floor some distance from the dysfunctional Dwemer construct

The partial stump spurted very dark ooze and blood and the creature finally collapsed, twitching even after it fell

He muttered to himself as he walked and only when he turned around to see why Penelope didn’t answer a question did he see that the young woman had collapsed in the snow

The Mindsnapper field that had been controlling him had collapsed with the man-dog’s state of shock

The creature collapsed, exhausted from lack of blood

I grabbed one of the empty bowls as quickly as I could and got it underneath her bowed head before I collapsed

Tears were streaming down my face from the effort by the time I was done, and I slid the bowl away and collapsed back on the pallet

He collapsed against me in relief

There was a thud as her body collapsed completely, landing on the hard wood floor, and still neither of us moved

First she slapped him, twice for good measure, and then collapsed against him, completely overcome by her tears

The wall had collapsed in several places and he stepped over one low section onto the gravel walkway beyond

‘You collapsed, whilst climbing, about halfway up

And Iylin watched as, without force against it, the gate simply collapsed

He collapsed into the mud, and more of his blood was mixed into the great soup that had been made by the Battle of the Osilar Young

He collapsed on the sofa

As soon as the probe attempted any kind of detailed analysis the system collapsed; it wouldn’t bear scrutiny

By the time the social and then the economic underpinnings collapsed, everyone had chosen sides and there was no American unity

The momentum was too much for him to control and he immediately staggered clumsily forward onto his hands and knees, held for a moment and then collapsed flat on his chest, winding himself again

The extra effort had taken its toll and he was forced to rest, before he collapsed from exhaustion

Scott stood back and watched it as its metal frame began to fold up, first at the four hinge points and then the carbon frame collapsed in on itself like an old-style inner tube, and again folding until what was left was a rectangular box, ten by three centimetres deep

But they all collapsed into points of light, which in turn vanished

A second later his own bubble collapsed, and he was standing before another bubble

image became clearer, and clearer still when the bubble collapsed

The whole vessel was lying at an angle within the crater and all four of the huge landing feet had collapsed under the force of the impact

The wormhole collapsed after an unprecedented two and a half minutes – for a remote connection

When they got back to the common room, Scott was feeling so tired he collapsed on the large reclining chair, the fear and despair finally giving way to melancholy

Kate caught her before she collapsed unconscious on the floor

As he sat in the darkness of his quarters he brooded over why it had all gone so disastrously wrong, how the wormhole generator could have collapsed so terminally that no effort – even after days of rebuilding – was able to recreate anything like a stable field (although he did suspect his supervisors were deliberately not making the effort to have it restored)

One thing they still allowed Torbin was a remote interface with the scanning probes, which were now very near to the region where the wormhole exit had collapsed

She almost collapsed onto the moulded plastic chair beside the bed; her legs just didn’t seem to have the strength to support her

Torbin collapsed in an electrically-induced paralysis

“Yon Officer is a pillock what the fucks he on about with his bloody stones in a week’s time this lot will have collapsed into the sea”, we all burst out laughing at the thought of the pier collapsing and disappearing below the waves

More booms followed causing most of the lights in the hub to go out completely, shortly before a large chunk of the ceiling ruptured and collapsed

A large section of the wall in this corridor had splintered and collapsed, partially blocking their way onward

The arch above the door to the hub had also collapsed, leaving only a small gap near the ceiling

They hacked the stones to pieces, pulling Sebastian out of the wreckage while the cave collapsed around them

He collapsed without a sound

What have you done?” I collapsed and would have fallen to the ground, but Jesus held me

As they placed the crossbar on the man»s shoulder, he almost collapsed

We could also see a few shell holes in the ground around us and a cottage on our right was just a shell of a building with a collapsed roof

As we marched along we could see other poor buggers who hadn’t made it collapsed on the side of the road led not moving from sheer exhaustion


The roof collapsed under a heavy load of snow.

The chair he was sitting in collapsed.

He collapsed on stage during the performance and had to be rushed to the hospital.

She came home from work and collapsed on the sofa.

The crying child ran to his mother and collapsed in her arms.

The civilization collapsed for reasons that are still unknown.

He warned that such measures could cause the economy to collapse.


The structure is in danger of collapse.

She was on the verge of collapse.

The country has endured civil war and economic collapse.

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Recent Examples on the Web

The Empire has collapsed.

Joshua St. Clair, Men’s Health, 6 Apr. 2023

The company’s hopes of a bottomless checkbook collapsed after its biggest would-be investor never delivered on a $200 million pledge.

Evan Halper, Washington Post, 5 Apr. 2023

Once worth billions of dollars, FTX collapsed into bankruptcy following a liquidity crisis, forcing founder Sam Bankman-Fried to resign as CEO.

Krystal Hur, CNN, 4 Apr. 2023

Weeks later, the company collapsed.

oregonlive, 4 Apr. 2023

In Los Angeles, a tree collapsed on top of a home in Sherman Oaks during Monday’s high winds, causing major damage and forcing the evacuation of residents, according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Noah Goldberg, Los Angeles Times, 4 Apr. 2023

Hundreds of thousands of buildings in the country either collapsed or were seriously damaged.

Marina Pitofsky, USA TODAY, 3 Apr. 2023

The storms tore a path through the Arkansas capital and also collapsed the roof of a packed concert venue in Illinois, stunning people throughout the region with the scope of the damage.

Adrian Sainz,, 3 Apr. 2023

But some Chinook stocks farther north have collapsed.

Catrin Einhorn Max Whittaker, New York Times, 3 Apr. 2023

The changes come after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, which catered mostly to business customers with deposits that exceeded the $250,000 FDIC insurance limit.

Imani Moise, WSJ, 6 Apr. 2023

After the November collapse of FTX, which offered derivatives, firms are racing to fill that void.

Leo Schwartz, Fortune Crypto, 4 Apr. 2023

The waterfront arena’s about-face from FTX comes after the spectacular collapse of the crypto firm last November.

Krystal Hur, CNN, 4 Apr. 2023

Wary of Moscow’s ire, Finland and Sweden remained militarily nonaligned even after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Steven Erlanger, New York Times, 4 Apr. 2023

Swiss regulators orchestrated the purchase in a bid to stop more turmoil after the collapse of two U.S. banks.

CBS News, 4 Apr. 2023

The Swiss financial regulator Finma and the Swiss central bank worked together on the deal, which was announced on March 19, following concerns about the bank’s position after the collapse of two American regional banks—Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank—earlier in the month.

Nate Dicamillo, Quartz, 3 Apr. 2023

This trend worsened after the USSR’s collapse, with Russian deaths overtaking births for much of the country’s post-Soviet history.

Nicholas Gordon, Fortune, 3 Apr. 2023

Belarus, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan all relinquished Soviet nuclear weapons, which were left on their territories after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.

Yuras Karmanau,, 31 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘collapse.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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