Make a question to the word in each sentence


Make questions to the sentences.
1. Mike went to England a month ago.
a) Who? b) Where? c) When?
2. The boys played games out of doors last Sunday.
a) Who? b) Where? c) When? D) What?
3. The children stayed at the seaside for two weeks a year ago.
a) Who? b) Where? c) When? D) How long?


Светило науки — 14474 ответа — 47657 раз оказано помощи

1 Mike went to England a month ago.
a) Who 
went to England a month ago.?
b) Where did Mike go 
a month ago?
c) When 
did Mike go to England?
2. The boys played games out of doors last Sunday.
a) Who 
played games out of doors last Sunday?
b) Where did the boys play games last Sunday?
c) When 
did the boys play games out of doors?
d) What did the boys do last Sunday?
3. The children stayed at the seaside for two weeks a year ago.
a) Who 
stayed at the seaside for two weeks a year ago?
b) Where did the children stay for two weeks a year ago?
c) When did the children stay at the seaside for two weeks?
d) How long did the children stay at the seaside a year ago?


Светило науки — 7 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи

1 с      когда? месяц назад
2в    где  играли ? с наружи
3d    как долго?  2 недели

1. We are nearly there, … ?

2. You haven’t got a spare
pen, … ?

3. You are coming to my party,
… ?

4. You won’t be late, … ?

5. Harry’s fifteen, … ?

6. Kate and Pat live in Leeds,
… ?

7. You don’t feel very well,
… ?

8. You like fish, … ?

9. We’ve got a test
tomorrow, … ?

10. Richard bought a new bike,
… ?

11. There isn’t any milk in
the fridge, … ?

3.21. Write a short answer for each question, beginning as shown.

Have you been ill long?

… .

Are you waiting for me?

… .

Did you go to the cinema?

… .

Will you be here tomorrow?

… .

Did you have to pay a lot?

… .

Can you help me with this problem?

… .

Do you know where the theatre is?

… .

Is George going to be there?

… .

Have you ever been to Brazil?

… .

Do you like sausages?

… .

Are you coming to the match tomorrow?

… .

Did Helen phone you yesterday?

… .

Has Jack done his homework?

… .

Can Robert and Sue skate?

… .

Will you be late?

… .

Has July got a brother?

No, …

17. Is
that your

… .

Did Jane give you that book?

… .

3.22. Rewrite these requests using question tags.

Model 1:
Could you open the door, please? → You
couldn’t open the door, could you?
1 – 7)

Model 2:
Please don’t be late. → You
won’t be late, will you?
8 – 10)

1. Do you know what time the
next train leaves?

2. Would you look after the
children for us, please?

3. Could you tell me what to

4. Would you lend me your car,

5. Could
you come round tomorrow?

6. Have you got time to help
me out?

7. Could you do the shopping
while you are out?

8. Please don’t spend too

9. Please don’t drive too

10. Please don’t be angry
with him.

3.23. In pairs, look at this conversation. Where do you think the conversation is happening? Read it out between you, adding a question tag in each gap.

A – This
is great, _____?

B – Yes,
it is. And there’s plenty of food, _____?

A –
The bride looks stunning, _____?

B – I
know, and her new husband’s so handsome, _____?

A – Yes,
but he doesn’t say much, _____?

B – No,
he can’t speak very good English, _____?

A – Hmm…
That’s not Roger, _____?

B – Yes.
He’s a bit fat, _____?

A –
telling me. That can’t be his new partner, _____?

B – I’m
not sure. Let’s find out, _____?

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Put the question to each sentence. Поставьте вопрос к каждому предложению.

1. Alex goes to worrk by car.

2. Mary lives in my strect.

3. They have dinner at 6.

4 My brother plays tennis on Fridays.

5. Our mother drinks coffee in the morning

6. Her uncle works in a factory.

7. Their parents return home latc.

8. I get up carly.

9. Sam has two new discs.

10. Sue’s cat likes milk.

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Put the question to each sentence. Поставьте вопрос к каждому предложению. 1. Alex goes to worrk by car. 2. Mary lives in my strect. 3. …» по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

Искать другие ответы

Главная » Английский язык » Put the question to each sentence. Поставьте вопрос к каждому предложению. 1. Alex goes to worrk by car. 2. Mary lives in my strect. 3. They have dinner at 6. 4 My brother plays tennis on Fridays. 5. Our mother drinks coffee in the morning 6.

« all exercises

In this exercise, you will fill in the correct question word in each sentence. The question words ask for more information about a subject. The most common question words used in the English language are: Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. When a sentence begins with a question word, it will always end with a question mark. Choose the word that makes the most sense for each sentence.

Question 1:

? does your father work?

Question 2:

? do you feel?

Question 3:

? is your name?

Question 4:

? is your brother’s name?

Question 5:

? lives in your house with you?

Question 6:

? is your birthday?

Question 7:

? do you live?

Question 8:

? do you get to school?

Question 9:

? is your hair so long?

Question 10:

? do you go to the doctor?

Question 11:

? is my blue sweater?

Question 12:

? do you lock this door?

Question 13:

? will pick you up from school today?

Question 14:

? is the baby crying?

Question 15:

? time is it?

Question 16:

? does your grandmother live?

Question 17:

? does your father get home?

Question 18:

? is that toy in the yard?

Question 19:

? are the crackers?

Question 20:

? did the birds fly away?

Question 21:

? are the cookies?

Question 22:

? did your mom make so many cookies?

Question 23:

? is the grass wet?

Question 24:

? do you make cookies?

Question 25:

? will you fix that broken toy?

Question 26:

? do you turn this computer on?

Question 27:

? is your little brother?

Question 28:

? should we eat for supper?

Question 29:

? will you come to my house?

Question 30:

? color is your shirt?

Question 31:

? is the grocery store?

Question 32:

? time do we go to the store?

Please answer all questions about the text:
You have answered 0 of 32 questions.

Put 3 special questions to each sentence.

1. They were crossing the street at the wrong place.

2. I’m interested in what you are saying about yourself.

3. We are going to have a picnic lunch on Strawberry Island next weekend.

4. The phone was ringing as Anna unlocked the door.

5. The doctor will be examining the patient for a quarter an hour.

Если вам необходимо получить ответ на вопрос Put 3 special questions to each sentence?, относящийся
к уровню подготовки учащихся 10 — 11 классов, вы открыли нужную страницу.
В категории Английский язык вы также найдете ответы на похожие вопросы по
интересующей теме, с помощью автоматического «умного» поиска. Если после
ознакомления со всеми вариантами ответа у вас остались сомнения, или
полученная информация не полностью освещает тематику, создайте свой вопрос с
помощью кнопки, которая находится вверху страницы, или обсудите вопрос с
посетителями этой страницы.

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