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Кратко: Пишете легко статьи и учебники по музыке с MagicScore Notation for MS Word. Подробно: MagicScore Notation for MS Word — это единственная в Мире программа, которая помогает легко и быстро писать отличные статьи и учебники по музыке прямо в MS Word. Которые можно снабдить удобными звучащими примерами, и при необходимости, опубликовать вашу работу или её фрагмент в Интернет на вашем сайте. |
Информация о программе |
Язык интерфейса: | Рус./Англ. |
Автор программы: | |
Размер файла: | 17874 КБ |
Лицензия: | ShareWare (условно-бесплатная) |
Стоимость программы: | $100/0 руб. |
Операционные системы: | Win 2000, Win XP, Win Vista, Win 7, Win 8 |
Разрядность: | 32 bit, 64 bit |
Добавлено & Обновлено: | 27 Февраля, 2015г. / не обновлялась |
Просмотров: | Сегодня: 131 Неделя: 131 Всего: 1849 |
Скачиваний: | Сегодня: 63 Неделя: 63 Всего: 591 |
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LanAgent Standard 7.7
Программа для наблюдения за компьютерами в локальной сети: скриншоты, работа в программах, сайты, кейлоггер, почта. Выявит «крыс», повысит дисциплину. Скачать Скриншоты |
Программы » Работа с текстом » Редакторы » MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189
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LanAgent Standard 7.7
Программа для наблюдения за компьютерами в локальной сети: скриншоты, работа в программах, сайты, кейлоггер, почта. Выявит «крыс», повысит дисциплину.
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MagicScore Notation for MS Word makes it easy to enhance Microsoft Word documents with music notation. The unique product has no competition, and combines advanced features of powerful music notation software, MagicScore Maestro, with world’s most popular text processor, allowing to produce music literature, articles, brochures or tutorials complete with music notation. Using Music Notation for MS Word is simple, and the learning curve is easier than any music notation software.
Combine music notation with professional text formatting, complex graphics, mathematical equations and tables easily in Microsoft Word to produce stunning publications, educational matters and tutorials, popular and scientific articles with attractive design and text formatting.
Publish sheet music in the Internet or print sheet music to produce handouts or brochures. MagicScore Notation for MS Word allows using all features of Microsoft Word such as printing, Web publishing and embedding of objects in a variety of formats to write music, create and publish your work. Insert single notes, diagrams or add groups of chord descriptions by simply clicking buttons, or create your own musical symbols with ease.
You can send your Word documents complete with music notation to anyone — and they won’t need to install Music Notation to see the music notation! No need to save your document as a PDF file or export it as an image to let your recipients see or print sheet music.
MagicScore Notation for MS Word makes it easy to transpose music and write lyrics in a familiar way. Use your mouse, computer or MIDI keyboard, virtual piano keyboard or guitar fingerboard to write music in a Microsoft Word document, and get access to all the features of a professional music notation editor without leaving MS Word. If you need a powerful music notation program, MagicScore Notation for MS Word is powerful, easy and quick to learn!
17874 КБ, ShareWare | |
Скриншот программы MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189 MagicScore Notation for MS Word — это единственная в Мире программа, которая помогает легко и быстро писать отличные статьи и учебники по музыке прямо в MS Word. Которые можно снабдить удобными звучащими примерами, и при необходимости, опубликовать вашу работу или её фрагмент в Интернет на вашем сайте.
Рекомендованный софт
LanAgent Standard 7.7
Программа для наблюдения за компьютерами в локальной сети: cкриншоты, работа в программах, сайты, кейлоггер, почта. Выявит «крыс», повысит дисциплину. Скачать Скриншоты |
Ваш комментарий программы MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189: |
Комментарии публикуются после проверки администратором. При добавлении отрицательного комментария читайте соглашение об использовании. Мы не публикуем: сообщения о креках, кряках, и серийных номерах, не относящиеся к: «MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189». |
Ваше имя: | E-mail: | |
Оценка: | нет 1 2 3 4 5 | |
*Cообщение (30-1000 зн.): |
Программы » Текст » Редакторы
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Автор проекта не несет ответственности за содержание рекламных материалов и качество программного обеспечения.
Наш проект являтся архивом бесплатных и коммерческих программ, которые размещаются авторами и
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This powerful application helps you create feature-rich musical scores that are easy to integrate within Microsoft Office documents.
- MagicScore Notation for MS Word
- Version :8.189
- License :Trial
- OS :Windows All
- Publisher :musicaleditor
Download Now
MagicScore Notation for MS Word Description
Musicians, students or teachers who are involved in working with musical scores or compositions, could have difficulties in managing their notations in text editors such as Microsoft Office Word. MagicScore Notation for MS Word was created in order to help users avoid such problems and add the preferred musical notations with ease, in any Word document.
Sophisticated musical notation utility that will be accessible only from Microsoft Office Word’s Add-ins tab
Right after the swift installation process, the utility will be available under the Add-ins tab of users’ installation of Microsoft Office Word. However, no other shortcuts are provided and even the application’s folder doesn’t offer any launcher. This could be annoying, as users could spend some time figuring out how to enable the utility.
Once they have opened a Word document, when clicking on the application’s dedicated add-in, the utility will automatically insert a default musical notation, which can be easily edited when double-clicking on it. This will bring up the entire suite, where one will be able to perform the preferred adjustments.
Comprehensive collection of tools for handling compositions, scores, notes and much more
MagicScore Notation for MS Word packs an impressive array of musical notation tools and users will be able to access numerous features for managing compositions, adding parts, renaming scores and inserting the preferred notes.
A collection of note buttons ensures that they will be able to insert the preferred content without looking too far and several on-screen playback controls will be handy for previewing the audio. All the elements of the musical score can be customized in detail and the different editors for velocity, piano roll, MIDI events or lyrics complete the bundle.
Excellent software solution for managing musical notations in Microsoft Office Word
Considering its good integration with the Microsoft Office Word suite and the impressive set of features for musical notations, this utility could be a great choice for those who need such features. It will enable them to edit such structures directly from Word and it will offer an exhaustive collection of tools for managing compositions, scores, parts and notes with ease.
MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189
Create feature-rich Microsoft Word documents with music notation
MagicScore Notation for MS Word makes it easy to enhance Microsoft Word documents with music notation. The product combines the power of Maestro, one of the most powerful music notation editors, with world’s most popular text processor, allowing to produce music literature, articles, brochures or tutorials complete with music notation, and sending Word documents with sheet music to anyone, even if they don’t have MagicScore Notation installed.
MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189 full details
MagicScore Notation For MS Word — Windows 7 Download awards
MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189 full description
MagicScore Notation for MS Word makes it easy to enhance Microsoft Word documents with music notation. The unique product has no competition, and combines advanced features of powerful music notation software, MagicScore Maestro, with world’s most popular text processor, allowing to produce music literature, articles, brochures or tutorials complete with music notation. Using Music Notation for MS Word is simple, and the learning curve is easier than any music notation software. Combine music notation with professional text formatting, complex graphics, mathematical equations and tables easily in Microsoft Word to produce stunning publications, educational matters and tutorials, popular and scientific articles with attractive design and text formatting. Publish sheet music in the Internet or print sheet music to produce handouts or brochures. MagicScore Notation for MS Word allows using all features of Microsoft Word such as printing, Web publishing and embedding of objects in a variety of formats to write music, create and publish your work. Insert single notes, diagrams or add groups of chord descriptions by simply clicking buttons, or create your own musical symbols with ease. You can send your Word documents complete with music notation to anyone — and they won’t need to install Music Notation to see the music notation! No need to save your document as a PDF file or export it as an image to let your recipients see or print sheet music. MagicScore Notation for MS Word makes it easy to transpose music and write lyrics in a familiar way. Use your mouse, computer or MIDI keyboard, virtual piano keyboard or guitar fingerboard to write music in a Microsoft Word document, and get access to all the features of a professional music notation editor without leaving MS Word. If you need a powerful music notation program, MagicScore Notation for MS Word is powerful, easy and quick to learn!
MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189 download tags
MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189 Windows 7 release notes
New Release
Major update.
Work with MS Word improved.
New MagicScore Music Engine VI.
Scores quality is improved.
Usability is improved.
[ MagicScore Notation For MS Word release history ]
MagicScore Notation For MS Word 8.189 Windows 7 requirements
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, + MS Word XP, 2003, 2007, 2013, 2016
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