- Excel 7th grade. Maadai Kara
- Разговоры о важном
- Разговоры о важном
- Дистанционные курсы Повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки
- Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему «Maadai – Kara. «
- Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС
- Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету «Английский язык» в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО
- Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации
- Эффективное обучение иностранным языкам дошкольников: профессиональные и личностные компетенции преподавателя
- Краткое описание документа:
- Опытные онлайн-репетиторы
- IV Международный практический «Инфофорум» для педагогов
- 2023 год педагога и наставника: вызовы и решения
- Дистанционные курсы для педагогов
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- Онлайн-занятия с репетиторами
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- Maadai Kara (Text) Excel 7 Module 5
Excel 7th grade. Maadai Kara
Grade 7 Maadai-Kara p.58СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 Module 5c Maadai Kara p 58СкачатьПодробнее
MAADAI KARA. Excel 7th grade. Module 5СкачатьПодробнее
1. The Time Mashine. 2. Maadai-Kara 7 кл 3 урок 3 четвертьСкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 Module 5 Text Maadai — Kara p58 ex2СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 Module 5 video Maadai — Kara p58СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 module 5 p58 Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
7 grade 5c Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Английский язык. 7 класс. Maadai-Kara /19.01.2021/СкачатьПодробнее
grade 7 module 5c Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 Unite 5 — Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Excel7 Page58 Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 module 5 p58 Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7. Module 5(c). Maadai-Kara. p. 58СкачатьПодробнее
Maadai Kara (Vocabulary) Excel 7 Module 5СкачатьПодробнее
Maadai Kara (Text) Excel 7 Module 5СкачатьПодробнее
Maadai Kara (Video) Excel 7 Module 5СкачатьПодробнее
Разговоры о важном
Общероссийский конкурс для учеников 1-11 классов
Подача заявок до 22 марта
Разговоры о важном
Рекомендуем всем учителям 1-11 классов
Дистанционные курсы Повышения квалификации и профессиональной переподготовки
900 курсов от 770 рублей
Войти с помощью:
Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему «Maadai – Kara. «
Unit: Reading for pleasure Theme:
Different activities based on the content of the books.
Theme of the lesson: Maadai – Kara.
Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing to:
7.R3 understand the detail of an argument on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
7.S6 begin to link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence and discourse level in pair, group and whole class exchanges
7.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics
· to read and listen for specific information
· give a summary of the story
· to present a story to the class
understand the content of the text
match sentences and replace the facts
tell about the story during the lesson
Level of thinking skills
Knowledge. Understanding. Application . Analyses.
History of Kazakh people.
Links will include h istory, archeology, culture
The Time machine
Teacher greets students; students respond to greeting and take their places.
Teacher asks learners about previous lesson, their homework, then they have short vocabulary quiz.
Words: machine, force, get used to, chamber, frightened, creature, underground, surface, powerful, hunt.
Reading, listening, and translating
Teacher ask learners what do they know about the history of Kazakh people, their culture, where did they live. Then teacher reads and learners listen and translate the text about Maadai –Kara.
Match the words and word combinations with the sentences by its meaning
1. Bayterek tree united the upper, ……. and lower worlds.
2. Maadai- Kara had a glorious ……., but as he grew old he lost his power.
3. Poor woman of Altai found Kogudei Mergen in the ………..
4. Kogudei Mergen set all his people free from being ……..
5. He married the beautiful ……… and ruled the land in the ……… and ………. for many years.
Keywords: middle, reign, Black Mountain, Altyn Kusku, peace, harmony.
Descriptor. Fill in the gaps using keywords.
History of Kazakh people
Student’s book Excel. 7
Poster of the tree
Homework: workbook. Ex. 3 and 4. p.38
Ex.3Answers: slaves, age, reign, ruler, enemies
Ex.4Answers:glorious, lost, poor, new, peace, clear.
Teacher asks learners their opinions about the history of Kazakh people. What did they know from the lesson?
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?
Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?
Health and safety check
ICT links
Less able students – read and listen for specific information
More able students – give a summary of the story, present a story to the class
Through observation, FA of the tasks is based on students’ abilities, they will receive cards due tasks they have done and by the end of the lesson each student who has card with pictures will know what kind of skill is prevailed and which one needs to improve, this form of assessment will help learners to provide self assessment
Work with the SMART board not more than 10 minutes
Use water based markers
Ensure proper ventilation
Check sockets’ safety
Ø Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?
Ø What did the learners learn today?
Ø What was the learning atmosphere like?
Ø Did my planned differentiation work well?
Ø Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?
Курс повышения квалификации
Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС
- Сейчас обучается 208 человек из 56 регионов
Курс повышения квалификации
Особенности подготовки к проведению ВПР в рамках мониторинга качества образования обучающихся по учебному предмету «Английский язык» в условиях реализации ФГОС ООО и ФГОС СОО
- Сейчас обучается 101 человек из 39 регионов
Курс профессиональной переподготовки
Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации
- Сейчас обучается 1388 человек из 83 регионов
Эффективное обучение иностранным языкам дошкольников: профессиональные и личностные компетенции преподавателя
Краткое описание документа:
разработка урока по английскому языку на тему «Maadai – Kara. » По разделу «Reading for pleasure » в 7 классе по новой обновленной программе Республики Казахстан. Кратко срочное планирование составлено по гос стандарту Республики Казахстан. При составлении данного плана были выбраны следующие цели обучения.
Лучшее для учеников, педагогов и родителей
- По любым предметам 1-11 классов
- Подготовка к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ
Видеолекции для
- Свидетельства для портфолио
- Вечный доступ за 120 рублей
- 2 700+ видеолекции для каждого
IV Международный практический «Инфофорум» для педагогов
2023 год педагога и наставника: вызовы и решения
Дистанционные курсы для педагогов
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Maadai Kara (Text) Excel 7 Module 5
Grade 7 Maadai-Kara p.58СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 Module 5c Maadai Kara p 58СкачатьПодробнее
MAADAI KARA. Excel 7th grade. Module 5СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 Module 5 Text Maadai — Kara p58 ex2СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 Module 5 video Maadai — Kara p58СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 module 5 p58 Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Английский язык. 7 класс. Maadai-Kara /19.01.2021/СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7th grade. Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
grade 7 module 5c Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 Unite 5 — Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Excel7 Page58 Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7 module 5 p58 Maadai KaraСкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7. Module 5(c). Maadai-Kara. p. 58СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7. Module 5 (d). Ex 1 p. 60 The Magic Garden of the Poor.СкачатьПодробнее
Excel 7. Module 5(c). Text. Ex 2 p. 58СкачатьПодробнее
The Magic Garden of the Poor (Text) Excel 7 Module 5СкачатьПодробнее
Maadai Kara (Vocabulary) Excel 7 Module 5СкачатьПодробнее
Maadai Kara (Video) Excel 7 Module 5СкачатьПодробнее
Maadai Kara
1. Put the sentenses into the right order
He became the new ruler and with the help of seven kaans, he married the beautiful Altyn Kusku.
This special tree was called the World Tree and it united the upper, middle and lower worlds.
Kogudei Mergen set all his people free from being slaves.
One day, he fall asleep and his sleep lasted for sixty days.
A long time ago on the Kazakh steppe, the great Bayterek tree grow.
If you look into the sky on a clear night, you can still see them therem watching over the world.
To keep him safe, he decided to take Kogudei Mergen to the Black Mountains and leave him there, where a poor woman of Altai found him
2. Fill in the gaps:
Maadaii Kara had a _____ reign but as he grew old, he lost his _____
On the ____ ____, the poor woman of Altai took care of ____ until he was ready to live his life on his own
He knew that when they _____ even closer there would be a _____
_____had a baby son ______
He ____ in to the underworld, to the land where the dead ____
He ______the new ruler and with the help of _______, he married the ______Altyn Kusku.
He crossed a ______ sea, made it through the moving ______, and faced many____- on his way until he reached the home of ____ and _____him in _____
3. Match the worlds
1 |
heavens |
a |
объединенный |
9 |
reign |
i |
правитель |
2 |
underworld |
b |
ядовитый |
10 |
descend |
j |
великолепный |
3 |
poisonous |
c |
корень |
11 |
defeated |
k |
одержать победу |
4 |
dwell |
d |
подземный мир |
12 |
set free |
l |
ствол |
5 |
root |
e |
враг |
13 |
glorious |
m |
заботиться |
6 |
golden age |
f |
небеса |
14 |
ruler |
n |
править,господство |
7 |
unite |
g |
жить |
15 |
trunk |
o |
освободить |
8 |
enemy |
h |
золотой век |
16 |
take care of |
p |
спуститься |
4. Divide these words into groups:
steppe, branch, belong, ruled, seven, powerful, return, glorious, poisonous heavens, black, three, descend, terrible, became, grow, underworld, golden, sixty, mountains, reach, soul, good, five,see
Noun( сущ) Verb(Глагол) Adjective (прил) Number(Числит—е)
Maadai Kara
1. Put the sentenses into the right order
1)He became the new ruler and with the help of seven kaans, he married the beautiful Altyn Kusku.
2)This special tree was called the World Tree and it united the upper, middle and lower worlds.
3)Kogudei Mergen set all his people free from being slaves.
4)One day, he fall asleep and his sleep lasted for sixty days.
5)A long time ago on the Kazakh steppe, the great Bayterek tree grow.
6)If you look into the sky on a clear night, you can still see them therem watching over the world.
7)To keep him safe, he decided to take Kogudei Mergen to the Black Mountains and leave him there, where a poor woman of Altai found him
2. Fill in the gaps:
1)Maadaii Kara had a _____ reign but as he grew old, he lost his _____
2)On the ____ ____, the poor woman of Altai took care of ____ until he was ready to live his life on his own
3)He knew that when they _____ even closer there would be a _____
4)_____had a baby son ______
5)He ____ in to the underworld, to the land where the dead ____
6)He ______the new ruler and with the help of _______, he married the ______Altyn Kusku.
7)He crossed a ______ sea, made it through the moving ______, and faced many____- on his way until he reached the home of ____ and _____him in _____
3. Match the worlds
1 |
heavens |
a |
объединенный |
9 |
reign |
i |
правитель |
2 |
underworld |
b |
ядовитый |
10 |
descend |
j |
великолепный |
3 |
poisonous |
c |
корень |
11 |
defeated |
k |
одержать победу |
4 |
dwell |
d |
подземный мир |
12 |
set free |
l |
ствол |
5 |
root |
e |
враг |
13 |
glorious |
m |
заботиться |
6 |
golden age |
f |
небеса |
14 |
ruler |
n |
править,господство |
7 |
unite |
g |
жить |
15 |
trunk |
o |
освободить |
8 |
enemy |
h |
золотой век |
16 |
take care of |
p |
спуститься |
4. Divide these words into groups:
steppe, branch, belong, ruled, seven, powerful, return, glorious, poisonous heavens, black, three, descend, terrible, became, grow, underworld, golden, sixty, mountains, reach, soul, good, five,see
Noun( сущ) Verb(Глагол) Adjective (прил) Number(Числит—е)
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