Lust word for her

Obviously, love is a magical feeling that anyone can hardly get a full grasp of. When you’re in love, especially with someone sweet and awesome altogether, there are no limit to how you feel and want to express that same feeling.

So I thought I should help you with words that will perfectly convey the deepest of your heartfelt thoughts.

So, you want to send some Sweet Words to make your Girlfriend/Wife feel loved and special to you?

Lovely Words, Quotes and Text Messages you can send to the Lady of your dream to show to her much you love her.

Here is a Sweet collection of Inspirational and Motivational and Sweet Words for her.

1. I will always be there for you, even if life happens to make us part and be far from each other. I will still care for you.

2. I treasure and adore you more than a groom sees his bride. I will care for you always. Unlike, the day the sun leaves the sky by evening.

3. I used to foolishly think that I can simply forget about you completely. Until, I realised that the more I tried that, the more I recall and wish to be with you constantly.

4. Even if you ignore me, I will still love you, more than how you may think I care, because your presence in my life has really shaped my thoughts for good. I love you.

5. There is a huge gap between lust and love. The downside is, most people hardly figure out the difference. But, I wish that you don’t mistake those two. Because I don’t just like but love you.

6. When you are told goodbye, it makes you instantly realize the actual value and essence of the person you have been with, how you lost it and had taken for granted.

7. Without you, I’m more of a worthless person. But with you, I See me as one who has value.

8. My love for you is an unending voyage; it begins from forever and ends in eternity. I love you, dear.

9. If I could get a gift of star everytime you make me smile when I look at you, I would have gathered tons of them by now.

10. You are more of an answered prayer to me, my heart and a dream come through. I love you.

11. Girl, life is not measured by the number of decades we live for us. But by the moments we share with the odd we love. And for me, it’s you.

12. If I had dollar for every time I wish to be with you to see your pretty face, I’d only have nothing remaining in my account, even if my account has billions. Because you are always on my mind.

13. If I was asked to give a serious reason why I love you so much. I will just smile and ask, is there any reason why I should not?

14. You have become a necessity to my existence, because when I close my eyes, I still see mental pictures of you and when I open my eyes I see your pretty face staring at me, still.

15. Girl, I must admit that seeing you is nice and easy. But then, the moment you live, I begin to miss you with heartaches.

16. Hold me when I’m unhappy, kiss me when my tears fall down. And please, try and make me smile when I’m down by showing me, love.

17. When we first met and encountered, I was completely clueless about what to tell you. But now, I will never be ashamed of saying I love you.

18. No matter the way we frequently quarrel, I still want to wrap my arms around you, kiss you and make you love.

19. I must admit my mind’s thought about you; you are the only girl that makes me happy and loved.

20. A billion words will still not bring you back. I know that, because I’ve tried several times and neither will a billion drops of tears, because I’ve tried crying to make you come back too.

21. I often miss you because You make me feel an emptiness in my heart. And I always wish you are here with me, in my arms.

22. See, you may say you love me but can never have many feel like I do for you. I mean my words dear, because I more than care for you.

23. A great relationship goes beyond taking time to find the right companion, It’s simply about being the right lover.

24. The most pleasant sound in the universe is your voice, my ears crave to hear it’s rhythm every moment of my life.

25. There are only a few people you can’t hate on your life; family, and yourself. But then, I still find me letting go of your wrongs even when you do me a bad thing repeatedly.

26. See, I want to touch your heart and not your body. I want to touch your life and never to leave it in ruins.

27. Anyone can make your life happy by helping you. But there is only one person who can actually make you happy without doing anything – and I’m my own case, it’s you.

28. Ever since I met you, I stop bothering myself about waiting for the one whom I can stay with. I instantly decided to settle with you – because, I can’t do without you.

29. It’s true, that one; no matter how much he is, cannot buy love with money. And yours is priceless, even if others have a price tag.

30. They say the most beautiful women are those who are confident of their real selves. And you happen to be one. I love you, dear.

31. I am ever ready to be the one who cares for you every now and then. I love to deeply babe.

32. Please, for the sake of our love, don’t change any about you, not even your hair or skin colour. Because, I wasn’t attracted to the sort of person your friends want you to change to, but the real you – with tons of flaws.

33. I used to wait for love to find me until I met you. I didn’t hesitate to find your love.

34. Babe just like I do, don’t wait for people to tell you what you should do to the one you love. Do you.

35. I would rather choose to be with you in times of chaos than to be without you when there is peace.

36. Love, to me, is when people don’t really want to see us together. But I can’t find solace without loving you.

37. Don’t ever feel done when people look down on you. Always know that I, care for you. Way more than words can describe.

38. I promise to listen when you speak, good you tight when we are walking because, there is something awesome about you that I love so much – your imperfect perfection.

39. Meeting you was a coincidence, being your friend was a personal decision, but being your lover boy is more of a reflex action – I can’t help but fall in love with you.

40. I just can’t keep loving you as a secret, because you make me feel like I’m a fool – a fool that loves his foolishness as it’s about nothing but love.

41. I always tell myself that I will not date anyone until I find someone that makes my heart skips its beat – And ever since then, I’ve been celibate till when I found you.

42. See, I didn’t choose you because they said you are beautiful, but for the awesome and unexpected way, you make my world so beautiful and lovely.

43. Every woman deserves a man who loves and respects her, and every man deserves a woman who knows how to appreciate that.

44. I love you deeply, and that’s the beginning and end of this short note.

45. I love you, just like that and it’s because of how you make me feel when I’m with you dear.

46. When you came into my life, it changed – instantly. Like the way a dark room changes when you lit up a torch.

47. As you open this message to go through it, know this today; I LOVE YOU DEEPLY. And even if you will choose not to show me the same feeling. I am ready to keep showing your love continuously.

48. I used to cry for being Lone, broke, uncared for and deserted. Until I found you and my life instantly found a solution to all those hearts breaking longings.

49. I may not always get to meet you and express my emotions to you, Mobutu needs you to know that I love you so much.

50. If true love can only be shown in a year I will sacrifice my entire life to prove my point – to make you know that I love you so dearly.

51. Sometimes, life just happens like that; without second a second time or opportunities;
And so, I want us to show you my affection, now or never.

52. Most times, I don’t call, text or give you my time to get those deeds back as payback. No, I do that because, you are so special and you deserve love, way more than that even.

53. Most times, love is more like a staircase. It has it’s own ups and downs, sometimes it’s like a bent road, it’s full of twists and turns, but in the alas, it takes us to where we crave to be.

54. If you truly want to be with someone, listen to what the thing behind your chest is saying and not all the voices from those around you, saying any they deem fit in the name of “advise”

55. Just because I don’t always say my mind doesn’t mean that I’m not in love you. And just because, I crave to be in your arms does not mean that I’m just after your curves of facial beauty. I love you my more than your faddy looks.

56. Stop crying just because he chose to leave you unawares. It’s enough reason to smile. Because he gave you a chance to find someone caring and loving – ME. I mean my words. I will care for you.

57. But wait… Am I I really in your mind like you are always on mine? How I wish you also have time to muse about me like I do on you.

58. When I was lonely, I nerve craved for anyone again, other the sort of your qualities, concern, care and affection. I love you.

59. The single thing about you that I can never get enough of is your love – it had never irritated me. Not even for once.

60. One is always feeling happy about himself, not because I have the best of anything but a special and lovely friend – and that’s you.

61. You may mistake my smiles and stare for lust. But, my affection comes from within. I love you way more than the way my word can ever paint.

62. Life tastes sour when you are away. I long to be with you forever – missing you even for a minute makes me feel unhappy. Because I love you deeply.

63. Once you love, You cannot fully withdraw, and can never undo your feelings entirely because it still remains love.

64. Like the flowers the scent of a fresh and blooming flower, your love is more of a fragrance to me. And I love you for that.

65. Even if I will be given from now to another billion years, I will still not find another person like you again. I love you, dear.

66. Saying “I love you” is indeed, the best decision I took in my life, sometimes back. Your beauty too cannot be compared to your kindness. You are the sweet and most wonderful lady I’ve ever met after my mum.

67. When you walk and pass, with just a simple “hi” it makes me feel so special and over the moon. Talk less about when you cuddle me…

68. Like a fresh, green and lovely garden in a house, so does your love make me feel. Ever since I met you.

69. You are the basic cause for my happiness; the day I met you-you said you agree to love me – and first kissed me…

70. I’d you like, leave for a long distance. I will still be yours – I love you deeply dear.

71. Just for you, I will do the unexpected when you are down. Just to keep and make you feel happy about our relationship. Because my life for you is way more than welcome words can paint.

72. Not just your flawless beauty makes me fall in love with a queen like you, I also love you because your behaviour is priceless too.

73. The flawless Rhythm your voice has is way more than that of a sweet music. I love you for every bit of comely sound you make – your noise is a melody…

74. Sometimes, I wonder whether it’s magic that you did to me. Because I was made a vow never to love again. But then, here I’m I neck-deep IN love with you.

75. The way you stare at me makes me feel like a king. And your eyes… Has something mysteriously interesting – it makes me more unable to stand in love with you (pun intended).

76. Every day I spend with you is more than the euphoria of Valentine. To be honest, you make me feel so happy than I expect from a lover-i care for you dear.

77. Every single tie we meet, you make me feel happy, fine, okay, chuffed and cared for. There are just too many reasons to be your lover without compromise.

78. I may have the opportunity to fall in love with you, but I will never feel so I’m I do with you.

79. Stop thinking your worth is only what your mirror reflects – those looks are faddy. I see you beyond your Make-Up because your sort of beauty is dual-outer and inner.

80. See, you are not one in a million only. You are the only girl I’ve ever seen that is worthy to take my heart into her hands – I love you.

81. Even the hours I spend with you chatting makes me feel I’m making a lifetime investment. I love you so much that words can describe.

82. I love you and I don’t know why or have a reason for such an affection – it’s as if you’ve bewitched me.

83. if I was to choose someone as my van today, then it’s you. You are and will be my Valentine forever.

84. Stay with me, and I will forever be with you. Without compromise or no commitment. I love you…

85. You are more of a delicious curse friend to me. Lol

86. I know you will smile… When I say; “the first time I saw you, I couldn’t stand but fall into your ditch”…

87. The world turns boring and uninteresting whenever you go away and leave me here. I love you, dear.

88. The most valuable gift that has ever been given to me afterlife – is you, baby…

89. See, it’s out of the utmost depths of my heart lies the feeling I have for you. I love you so so much.

90. I don’t know what I love you, and I don’t think there is a genuine reason not to.

91. I will choose to live an ascetic life just to give you pleasure and luxury. I will fight against strong objections and hindrance of your joy – because I love you dearly.

92. I will never feel okay or fed-up with being with you. And I will forever be grateful never to.

93. What actually started out with mere liking turned into love – and now, it’s no more being fond of you but true love.

94. “Anytime I’m down, I think of the sweet moments we shared together. And things go back into their shape again.

95. I use to lack and long for friends and attention. But ever since I met thee, I stopped bothering myself about it. I love you dearly.

96. “You’re the one reason I wake up with smiles, the reason I laugh even when others expect me to cry. Because there is something peculiar about your love that makes me feel happy than I suppose.

97. I may not get to see you as I like, but I am always having thoughts of you on my mind. I love you, dear.

98. My girl, whenever I say I love you, I mean my words and I’m not joking. Please, believe me, because I mean my words dear.

99. If love is just a bucket of affection, I will give you tons of drums filled with it. Because you deserve more than a usual dose of love.

100. When I say I love you, it’s not just because of your looks but the way you make me feel… So unhappy when you live even for just a second.

101. “I love the girl reading this short note – YOU.

102. I always dream of you so that I don’t completely lose your touch – because, seeing you in my dream is also making me feel okay, talk less of when I see you in real life.

103. I don’t know the perfect way to tell you of my feelings for you. I love you more than my lips.

104. Most times, I find it uneasy to paint how I feel about you. But, I hope that you will one day understand better.

105. How I wish that I can hold your hand forever without parting with you again, please.

106. See, I will not mind passing through fire to save you and see that I put a smile on your face – I love you.

107. Babe, I really need you like days need the sun to make it look beautiful.

108. I will be by your side every moment of life and see that I give you the utmost support I can give you as your boyfriend.

109. I want to love you countless times, way more than you will ever imagine I would.

110. I can’t shut my eyes without seeing you continuously without avoiding the thought of being with you.

111. I’ve been into and experienced so many relationships. But, your standout and that makes me feel chuffed.

112. I’ve never had the opportunity to be the boyfriend of a nice person like you, I’ve never had the privilege to experience true love. Until I met you.

113. I love the life I’m living because of the ways you spice it up like meat a meat inside stew.

114. You are phenomenal, I always have a reason to love you better. Because every day comes with a new reason to love you more.

115. I wonder how my love story will be like, without the touch of your impact on it – you are amazing.

116. My love for you has no limits, and I’m willing to make it better because you deserve more than average love.

117. The first day I came into contact with you, life turned into a new story for me. I love you dearly.

118. Bae, you are the only true companion I have in this world, whenever I feel so lonely and depressed. I love, and will always trust you dearly.

119. The way you talk, walk, run, sleep, scream and do everything makes me happy – I love your imperfections bae.

120. They may give or a million reasons why it won’t work, but I will still not lack a cause to be your lover.

121. Every day I see you, my heart races and skips its throb. And it’s because you love me for being me and I also love you for being you.You’re the best treasure I have, baby.

122. I love you, since the first time I met you. And ever since then, I keep on loving you till this day.

123. The first person that popped up in my mind when I learnt about LOVE is… YOU.

124. Everybody needs someone to lean on in times of despair. As for me, I need no one but, you.

125. If I was a writer, I will always stare at you to find the best and perfect inspiration to scribble on. Because just peeping at you itself is enough to spark up my creativity.

126. All this while I’ve been celibate and naive about LOVE. But, meeting you had instantly made me change my mindset forever.

127. Without you, I am worthless, but with your support and affection. I can beat my chest and say that I am a man.

128. You are my best chum I’ve ever had. People say; “humans are imperfect”, it’s true. But, you are amazingly perfect about your flaws and that makes me attracted to you.

129. I LOVE YOU DEEPLY. That’s true, there is no lie or poetry to cheat you with words.

130. Being with you is always a splendid experience. I feel like I’m the only one utilizing time when I’m with you.

131. I don’t care about what people say against you. I love you and they are jealous. Don’t mind them, please.

132. Even though my love – with words may not be the way you expect. But, I sincerely doubt love you, dear.

133. I used to be lonely, waiting for the perfect person to love and show affection to. Until you came and I stopped searching.

134. Every time I recall how you said those three charming words to me. I wish that you will rewind it again if it were a movie. I love to hear your lips shaping those magical words.

135. Your cute face and voice are what attracted my attention to you. But then, I have made up my mind

136. I often find myself smiling and laughing for no reasonable cause. But then, when I muse about it, I instantly realise that it’s all because of you.

137. There is always a cause behind every single action. And you are turbine behind my affection. I love you.

138. Even if u were given the chance to find a lover a million times again, I will still prefer you above others because you are distinct.

139. While my friends are busy thinking of making plans and crushing their goals, I am here thinking if you and how to please you more.

140. I don’t care about who likes me and who doesn’t. My wish is to see that I give you my all and you care for me the way you do, even more.

141. Now that I have you as my girlfriend, I will not mind having to pass through the toughest paths of life. Because with you, I feel secure. I love you, dearie.

142. I just want to stay next to you. Because, my best moments of not when I dream of you having a good time, but when in with you – cuddling.

143. Your smile and calmness are what actually attracted me to you, babe. But, what has made me love you and the reason why I’m close to you is that I more than love you.

144. The day first met and had my first conversation with you, I knew that I will not have to worry about love again. Because you’ve got me covered.

145. Of death chooses to snatch my life tonight, I’ve got no worries. Because you have made me feel like I’m the only one who had lived a life.

146. I write this note to tell you that, wherever you go and in whatever situation I find myself. I will never fail to have a reason to love you.

147. If I were asked to tell what’s my choice between living and loving you; I will tell them that I want to live in order to love you.

148. I’ve never researched. But then, I must admit that finding your sort of affection is pretty rare to come by.

149. Whatever may make me feel bad about life, I will still be ready to make love for you and show my utmost care. Because you deserve more than average love.

150. If I was given a flower anytime I stare, think of stay with you, then by now. I will be having the biggest and beautiful garden on earth.

151. I don’t need to ask myself a reason why I should love you. See, I don’t even need any. Your presence has given me more than enough reason to love you already.

152. I don’t really like saying it texting you things like; “hello…”, “How far… “. And long for your bossom on phone. I want to be with you in real life.

153. Even people compliment the say I’ve changed since I met you. You are indeed a change initiator and positive person. I love you.

154. You came into my life at a time I least expect. And you have changed my life for good. I love you, dear.

155. Although, I fell so easily in love with you. But, opting out of it is uneasy and I don’t even want to make an attempt of doing that.

156. We all tend to see things when we shut our eyes. But for me, all I see is you whenever I close my eyes.

157. There is a cause behind every single emotion and you happen to be the love reason behind the one I have these days.

158. There is always an unexpected lack that I experience anytime I want to paint you how to feel. I love you, dear.

159. You ate not just any type of girl that I will take for granted. You are distinct and special dear.

160. Babe, at your service, is my heart, always without compromise.

161. If a flower was given to me every second I miss you. Then by now, the flowers I have ruin be more than a large garden.

162. Your love makes me always want to make you feel happy. I love you, dear.

163. “I love you because of the happiness that be-clouds me anytime I think of you. I love you, dear.

164. Every moment spent with a princess like you is a big-time blessing. I must admit that.

165. May our relationship never come to an end even after time ceases to exist too.

166. Babe, it’s not because I’m lonely or depressed that made me want to be your lover. It’s because I want to spend the rest of my life making a princess like you happy.

167. I sometimes find difficulty in recognizing myself these days. You are more than a transformer. You’ve changed my life so much.

168. I’m scared of saying bye to you, most times. I really fear because I don’t want to experience the last time of seeing you. No, I really don’t.

169. All I tell them is you; anytime they ask of who I love, care, adore and want to be with for the rest of my life.

170. If my heart and yours can be both plugged out, I will bind and lock them together and throw off the key – I don’t want to let you go.

171. Life is only beautiful to me when I’m with you, giggling.

172. I love you for every bit of you. Yes, I mean what you just read.

173. If I never met you, I may find someone whom I love. But then, it will be pretty hard to be happy. You are indeed a joy inducer.

174. “My seven words personal story on love is; “I am never ever happy without you”.

175. I don’t get to see your affection with eyes though, but I feel it every time even when we are not together.

176. I used to live a miserable life until I met you – the pretty and lovely damsel reading this short note.

177. Love is an act of continuous affection and the act of letting go another person’s misdeeds. And that’s what I intend to give you.

178. To love a person like you is line given a glimpse of paradise.

179. Lovers like us are rare but I still want to make our affection one-of-a-kind the more.

180. “True love stories don’t have an end – and that’s what I want us to make ours like.

181. I love you dear more than you can ever imagine with your thoughts – I mean it dear.

182. “Look, I want to put my hand on my chest and make a promise – a promise to be yours forever.

183. I love you so much and I want to love you more than what the word means.

184. To be honest, I lied to you that I just want to have you as a friend. But today, here am I saying I need you to be my lover… lol.

185. One sweet thing about my love for you is; it’s never going to fade away just like that. I love you, dear.

186. There is no point in lying to you. I love you. And I will keep loving you even after the day we live here -as long as life permits me.

187. To infinity is where I want us to take our love to, without reservation. Not even for a second.

188. You are too, irresistible that I can’t help but love you more and more.

189. “Love is the only logical action I think I do. Lol

190. “I am always thinking of you, I don’t know when to start ignoring you. You are a necessary evil. I swear.

191. My joy, my love, my heart and girl. I will forever be yours. Yeah…

192. You may be taken as just a single person. But to me, you mean the entire universe. I mean it dear.

193. “My heart has been and will always be yours – without compromise.

194. As we keep growing older, there is one thing that won’t fade away. And it’s the sort of love I have for you.

195. I don’t want to part with you, even if it’s for a day. I need you every single millisecond dear.

196. If I have any idea or clue of what true love is, then it’s because of you.

197. Most times, your nearness to me makes me become speechless and I can’t find the right words to use and paint how I feel.

198. For every word you tell me, I love you so dearly. I mean my words dear.

199. Love outweighs reason and logic in issues of love. I mean my words.

200. The only pill for my sickness which is loving you is to love you more.

Hearing sweet and sincere romantic love words from the heart will bring the two of you closer.

Sweet words to tell a girl can make her fall in love with you. Sometimes, it is just hard to find the right cute words to make her feel special. When you put your feelings into words, it can help love grow in your relationship.

Sending good morning message for her, sweet goodnight text and emotional love letters will help you to preserve a loving and healthy relationship.

Love Words To Make Her Feel Special

You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had. I want to spend my entire life with you.

I love making you laugh.

I love you more than pepperoni pizza.

You’re my dream girl.

I love you because you’re a wholesome person. You are kind-hearted, patient, and caring.

If there’s one thing that I know I’ll want to do for the rest of my life, that is loving you.

Every day seems like a blessing since I have met you. I feel so lucky and honored to be in love with you with all of my heart.

When you kiss me, without uttering a single word you speak to my soul. You are my Sunshine.

I’ve been happy before I met you, but now I realize that I never truly understood what happiness was. You make each and every day of my life better by just being in it.

Your beauty mesmerizes me. Your sense of humor puts a smile on my face. Your kindness and compassion fill me with awe. My lady love, thank you for being all that I could ask for in a woman and so much more.

It hurts to breathe because every breath I take proves I can’t live without you.

And if love be madness, may I never find sanity again.

We’re all unique in our own ways, but life was just showing off when you were made. I love you.

I don’t know what I’d do without you.

I love the person you are.

I feel like I’m in heaven when I’m with you.

Coming home to you is always the best part of my day.

You light up my day whenever I see you.

My love, you deserve the entire world. I am unable to give you the world, but I can give you something even more valuable: I can give you my heart, my soul, and all of me.

No matter what life brings towards us, you’ll always be my everything, my life, my lady and my queen. I love you deeply.

Where do I start? You are the love of my life; you make me feel like each day is the most incredible ever. Your kisses are like magic, filling my heart with joy and desire. I love you, baby!

You are today and all of my tomorrows.

When it comes to love, I won the lottery.

The key to my happiness is spending time with you.

You are my favorite human being on the planet.

You are the most beautiful lady that I have ever met.

Do you know what my perfect world looks like? It’s the world when you and I are living together happily ever after. That’s honestly all I need. To love you and cherish you till the end of time.

No words in any languages can ever express my love for you. It flows like a calm stream down a riverbank and somehow reaches every part of your mind, body and soul. Please know that it will never stop flowing. Love you, honey.

I can be annoying, weird, and sometimes overly emotional. But I’ll always love you like there’s no tomorrow.

I found my soulmate, I found my one true love, I found my one and only forever and always, I found that in you. You are the reason why I find this world beautiful.

In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.

When I hold you in my arms, I feel so lucky.

You make me so happy.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of you from the very first day, and you’ve been on my mind everyday since then.

sweet words for her

When I miss you, I read our old conversations, smile like an idiot, listen to songs that remind me of you, then I miss you more.

When you look into my eyes, you will find me there. But when you look into my heart, you will find yourself.

If you are lucky enough to find a weirdo, never let them go.

My heart is, and always will be, yours.

Thank you for listening.

I plan on being with you until forever ends.

When I’m with you, nothing else matters.

Your smile is like the morning sun warming my day.

It’s funny how big of an impact you have on me. When I see you, you don’t even have to speak. All you can do is smile and it can make my day.

Out of sight but babe you are never off my mind.

Your love is all I need to feel complete.

I fit best with you because you’re my other half.

If I ever made a good decision, it was loving you.

My favorite place is inside your hug.

Do you have any idea how much I adore you?

It’s so hard for me to say, “I love you”. These three words are impossible to say. And that’s when I know that this feeling is real. It’s so strong that I feel like no words can express the way I feel. You are everything I have ever wanted.

I used to go to sleep every night wishing to find true love. Every day I’d get more and more disappointed, until I finally met you. Then all that waiting made sense, and my life gained a new meaning.

love words for her

My first thought in the morning is always you.

When I remember that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I start really missing you, because I want the rest of my life to come already.

I never want to stop making memories with you.

There is my heart, and then there is you, and I’m not sure there is a difference.

Let’s meet in our dreams tonight.

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.

I promise to be on your team. I promise to be faithful. I promise to be quick to forgive. I promise to always surprise you. I promise to stand by you. I promise to trust you, respect you, follow you, honor you and support you. I promise to love you, always.

Once upon a time I became yours and you became mine and we’ll stay together through both tears and laughter, because that’s what they call happily ever after.

All love is sweet, but ours is the sweetest.

For you see, each day I love you more Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.

Falling in love with you makes me feel so alive. You are gorgeous, cute and pretty.

Accept my heart and I’ll build you a castle with love as its foundation.

Love fills our lives with sense. It makes us want to wake up in the morning, makes us want to sing and dance. This is what life is all about, so let’s not hide our emotions.

Yes, you’re on my mind right now. And yeah, I can’t help it.

Because you’re in my life, I know true love exists.

You’re not just my friend, you’re my love. You’re not just my love, you’re my heart. You’re not just my heart, you’re my life. You’re not just my life, you’re my everything.

I’ll never be able to give you all that you deserve, but for the rest of my days I’ll do my best to come close. My heart, love, and all that I am, I give to you.

words to make her feel special

The day I met you, I found my missing piece. You complete me and make me a better person. I love you with all my heart and all my soul.

The day I met you, I found the piece of me I didn’t know was missing. I fancy you, this relationship and the better part of me you brought out.

You bring out the best in me.

You’re the best thing I’ve ever waited for.

My heartbeats are dedicated to you, and my love knows no bounds.

I never knew how it feels to have butterflies all around my stomach before you came into my life and now I experience it every single day.

We are two peas in a pod.

Cute Romantic Words for Her to Make Her Smile

I looked into your eyes and found my favorite color.

When I look into your eyes, I know I have found the mirror of my soul.

I’m so excited to experience life with you.

I can’t stop thinking about you.

You’ll always be my girl.

Since the day I met you, my life has never been the same.

When I close my eyes, I imagine your beautiful smile. When I open them to see you, I can’t believe my eyes.

When I’m with you, I feel closer to the essence of divinity. I love that I’m in love with you.

I’m so completely in love with you. I wake to think of you and I sleep to see you in my dreams.

Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.

When I look into your eyes, it’s like falling in love all over again.

Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true.

Loving you was the best decision of my life.

Time is meaningless unless it’s spent with you.

I love the way the light shines off of your beautiful eyes.

You’re everything to me.

You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.

You have that sparkle.

Looking into your eyes, I can see a whole new Universe. You’re my soulmate, my best friend, my home.

romantic words for her

When I saw you, it was love at first sight, at second sight, and at every sight.

Sweetheart, I’m so happy to have you in my life. You are very special to me.

I have loved you all my life; it has just taken me this long to find you.

You are my treasure—the most precious thing in my life.

Words simply cannot tell how much I love you. There aren’t enough words in the world to express my feelings for you, so I will just say: I Love You.

I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. And I’ll keep on loving you every day after that, too.

You’re my spark in the dark.

Let us always meet each other with smile.

You are my sunniest sunshine, my heaviest color pattern, my sweetest sugar. You trigger me to come alive with no efforts, something no one has ever been successful at.

Never lose sight of who you are, for that is the person I fell in love with and will always admire.

I wish time could just stop when I’m in your arms because it’s the best feeling ever.

“I love you” is an understatement when it comes to the scintillating words I want to tell you every day. Indescribable though, I am deeply and overwhelmingly passionate about you.

When I promise something, I never ever break that promise ever. I promise that I’ll make you feel wanted, loved and needed every single day.

My mind wanders and I get lost in thoughts of you.

The best part about the morning is that I’m thinking about you, but the worst part of this morning is that I’m away from you.

I can’t believe a girl like you exists and that I’m lucky enough to have found her.

You are my song. You are my song of love.

Love is friendship that has caught fire.

People say that a picture can tell you a thousand words. For me, a picture of you can tell only three of the most important words: I love you!

Know that no matter where life takes us, you will always be the only one for me.

When I look at you, I see joy, happiness, beauty, and a reflection of a better version of myself. From the moment I met you, you motivated me into being a better person, and for that, you have my eternal gratitude.

cute romantic words for her

You’re beautiful, from the tips of your toes to the depths of your soul.

Look into my heart and feel what I am saying, for my heart speaks the truth and the truth is I love you.

You’re so beautiful I feel like I’m wasting my time when I’m not looking at you.

I love you because you have taught me the true meaning of love.

My favorite part of every day is the time I get to spend with you.

Your beautiful smile and your happy laughter attracted me to you, but your caring loving heart is the reason why I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

You have worked so hard to make our relationship the best it can be and have shown great strength even in the toughest moments. You’re always patient, kind and take care of me.

Every day, every night, every hour, every place I go, I always think about you.

My love for you is a journey starting at forever and ending at never.

Whenever I see you, I feel like I’m looking at the most beautiful angel on earth.

If you’re wondering whether or not I’m thinking of you, the answer is yes.

I need you like a heart needs a beat.

When others talk about their greatest achievements and things they are most proud of, the only thing that comes to mind is you.

Let’s make this lovely journey last for a lifetime, do not ever let me go. I am yours as long as you want me to.

I happen to adore you.

I love everything about you: your mind, your sense of humor, your positivity, your outlook on life, your soul, your goals and desire, and of course, your beauty.

sweet romantic words

Whenever I see your face, a wave of happiness touches my heart.

Cuddling with you would be perfect right now.

I love you – those three words have my life in them.

I love seeing you blush.

My love for you has no expiration date.

I like it when you smile. But I love it when I’m the reason.

You are my world.

Only you can give me that feeling.

I was just driving one day, and this song came on the radio. I don’t remember the exact lyrics or the song’s name, but it was about finding the perfect woman. I smiled throughout it all, as I had already found you.

romantic words of love

I remember the first day I ever looked into your eyes and felt my entire world flip.

I’m missing you.

I love you, in ways you’ve never been loved, for reasons you’ve never been told, for longer than you think you deserved and with more than you will ever know existed inside me.

I actually fell for you before I even realized I did.

Now that I’ve found you, I’m never going to let you go.

There is a big difference between living and just existing. When I’m with you, I am alive.

Sweet Love Words For Her From The Heart

Take my hand, my love, and my soul because they were meant for you.

You came into my life and then became my life.

You ground me.

You’re kinda, maybe a little, sorta, pretty much always on my mind.

I would follow you anywhere.

You’ve made my life beautiful and amazing. You keep showing me the practical meaning of love. Every day, I wake up feeling very lucky to have you as my own. You always have something good for me on every new day. Through the end of time, my love for you will continue to bloom.

I miss your love I miss your touch, but I’m feeling you everyday.

When I’m with you, I feel like I’m right where I belong.

My love for you knows no time and place. My heart starts thumping every time I see your beautiful face.

Together with you is my favorite place to be.

Deep inside my heart, I feel fulfilled and accomplished. This feeling is till eternity because I’ve never felt this way for someone else. May our love for each other lighten up the world. I love you more than you can imagine.

I find happiness in you because you are my heart desire.

You are nothing short of my everything.

You make me feel so special, I am glad I found you.

Roses are red, that much is true; Violets however, aren’t really blue; Anyway, that’s not really the point I wanted to make to you; Because the only thing that I really wanted to say was: I love you.

You are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.

You are incredibly cute and sweet, and when I see your smile lighten up your face, I love you even more.

What I need to live has been given to me by the earth. Why I need to live has been given to me by you.

It always makes my day, every time I see you.

No matter how hard I try to fall asleep, it seems impossible because my mind is busy thinking about you. Whenever the thoughts of you settle on my mind, my heart melts. Since the day I met you, my life, which was once apart, fell into place. For the first time, things seem to be going my way.

When I want to smile, I know exactly what to do, I just close my eyes and I think of you.

I love that feeling I get when I see your smile.

You stole my heart, but I’ll let you keep it.

Everytime I see you, every day, I fall in love with you more and more.

Whenever I count my blessings, you are at the top of my list.

You are irreplaceable and irresistible, I absolutely adore you.

I never could have accomplished what I have today without the love I feel from you!

One day someone will walk into your life and make you realize how it feels to live a true love story.

You’re all my heart ever talks about.

You’re what I enjoy most about my day.

No matter what has happened. No matter what you’ve done. No matter what you will do. I will always love you. I swear it.

I love you more than I could ever really say.

You make me so incredibly happy.

You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky, the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart.

In this crazy world, full of change and chaos, there is one thing of which I am certain, one thing which does not change: my love for you.

You’re like my favorite song on the radio, I could listen to you all day.

Even if I spend the entire day with you, I will miss you the second you leave.

The first time you touched me, I knew I was born to be yours.

A regular day turns into an extraordinary day when I can just spend time talking, laughing, and being with you.

I love all these little things you do when you show your care for me. They only make me love and appreciate you more. Thank you for being here.

Everyone has their own reasons for waking up in the morning, mine is you.

When I wake up in the morning, I am thinking of you. When I go to sleep at night, I am thinking of you. And all those hours in between, I think of us.

I am the luckiest man alive because I get to call you mine.

I will never regret choosing you as my loyal companion, my love, and my hope.

You deserve the world, but since I cannot give that to you, I will give you the next best thing, which is my world.

I adore the way you brighten up a room and most of all, brighten up my life.

My mind thinks of you the second I fall asleep and as soon as I wake up each morning.

Have I mentioned how lucky I am to love you?

I’ve seen beauty in the past. There are many beautiful women in the world. But you’re more than that. You are elegant, gracious and intelligent.

The reason it hurts so much for us to be separated is because our souls are connected.

I promise no matter how hard it gets, no matter how much we argue, I will never leave you. I will risk everything for you. No one compares to you. I love you.

When we’re together, nothing else matters.

If I could choose to live my life all over again, I’d only agree if I knew that it would be besides you.

I will love you until the stars go out, and the tides no longer turn.

Sweet Words To Tell A Girl To Make Her Fall In Love With You

You have made my dreams come true.

You are truly gorgeous.

Today, I love you more than I did yesterday, but also less than I will love you tomorrow.

I smile every time I think of you.

With you by my side, I can only see bright things for the future.

Spending time with you is what I love most. I want to do it every day.

You are the most important person in my life, now and always.

Thank you for taking a chance on me. I don’t deserve your love, but I’ll make a priority every day to earn it.

The greatest achievement in my life is to have a woman as beautiful as you in my life. I love you.

My love for you will burn with a passion forevermore; it’ll never fade or lose its power.

You mean the world to me.

When I’m with you, everything feels right.

My day starts with you in my mind and ends with your sweet dreams.

When we first met, I genuinely remember my heart skipping a beat. It was like life itself smiling back at me.

Spending some time with you makes me feel so happy.

There’s no better match than me and you.

You deserve the happiest place in the world and I am trying my best to make you feel great with me. I am blessed to have such an amazing girl in my life, I love you.

I’ll keep loving you until the day I die…and even after that, if possible.

I love you beyond any words can express, I would walk for a thousand miles just to be with you.

I can’t explain how much you mean to me. You are my world. I love you so much.

I love doing life with you.

I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

People keep saying that love gives you that “butterflies in your stomach” type of feel. I always considered it nonsense, gibberish even. But I get it now. It’s like a constant warmth, a feeling of contentedness that doesn’t go away as long as I am with you.

Falling in love with you was never on the list of my agendas, but I’m so happy I did it. Because I know that I’ll be a fool not to make falling in love with you an agenda. I love you to the moon, and I love you back from the moon.

My love for you will never end, and I mean these words. It is eternal and unstoppable, and if it ever changes, it will only change for the better.

No one understands me like you do.

It is not falling in love what is making me happy, I think it’s you.

Being with you trumps all other plans.

The night sky is magical, but its magic will never be as serene as a moment that I share with you. If that moment is spent stargazing together, even better.

To stop thinking about you is the most difficult task in the universe. I just keep thinking about all this time spent with you and it brings a huge smile to my face.

You make me want to continue my way no matter how hard it gets sometimes.

When I’m with you, I feel like I am the strongest man on earth. I’m undefeatable and tireless. Oh, darling, I’m full of adoration and inspiration. You are the only one who makes me feel this way, and I wish it would never stop.

I just remembered you and your beautiful smile, your calming voice, and your amazing soul and it was enough for me.

I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I’d be dreaming of you… but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren’t a dream.

You are my paradise and I would happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.

I can feel myself coming alive every time I hear your laughter. It’s more than music to ears. It’s food for my soul.

Anywhere with you is better than anywhere without you.

This morning, I jumped out of bed because I was so excited to see you.

I cherish our love that grows stronger each day.

No matter how much time I spend with you, I can never ever get enough of you. Your love is forever mine and I need you everyday.

So many reasons are there to love you. Your cute smile, your sweet laugh, your innocence and your kind heart makes me love you.

That thing they say about finding your better half is completely true. I knew something was missing from me, but I didn’t know what until I met you.

I feel like everything in my life had led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks and my regrets. Everything. And when we’re together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently, I might never have met you.

It is true that my heart always skips a beat when you take my name.

If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say … Simply amazing.

I wanna be your last kiss, last love, and last everything.

I always say that I love you, but you should know that I mean these words. I express what my heart feels when I say those three words to you.

When you walk by and I catch your fragrance, it’s like my brain just gets reset and I have to refocus on what I was doing. I love you.

You know me so well, inside out. Your deep acceptance of me is what I love most about you.

I love you is not enough to describe my feelings for you.

Keep in mind that you complete me in a such a unique and wonderful way.

If I am sad, I only have to spend a minute with you.

“I love you” means that I will love you and stand by you even through the worst of times.

I wish that you were here or I were there or we were together anywhere.

Emotional Words For Her

I just wish that every day could be exactly like today, today’s so sweet and beautiful — just like you, my angel.

You are artwork I could admire forever.

The only thing I truly fear is losing you. Because you give me strength and inspiration to go through life and notice wonderful things around me. You mean a world to me, sweetheart.

I want to fondle you. Allow me to cuddle you up in my arms and ease you the day’s pain and stress. I cherish you forever.

When I look at you I see all the best things in my life. You are the reason I wake up in the morning and my last thought before I fall asleep. Thank you for being with me. I love you endlessly.

When you hold my hands, I get butterflies in my stomach, I love you.

Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.

The happiest place in this world is being with you. I want to be with you forever.

I have tried all my possible best to see that I take you out of my memory, but it always seems like it’s an impossible task. I love you and every single thing about you.

The love I have for you has become a core part of who I am, and I couldn’t be happier about anything else.

You know exactly what I need, even if I don’t say it.

Humor, honesty, and patience are the traits I admire about you.

You’ve served me joy, peace, happiness and love on a golden plate and that what make me go emotional. I love you beyond words.

Never lose sight of who you are, for that is the person I fell in love with and will always admire.

I can’t wait to meet you, I miss you so much.

Without you, I’d have no direction in life. I know this for sure because I was lost and alone before I found you.

I love you right up to the moon—and back.

The only place that I want to be is next to you. You are my world and sunshine. I love you beautiful.

Now I know what love is. You’ve taught me how to love, and now I know what love is all because of you, my dear. I love you.

I can see a thousand of stars in the night sky, but there is only one star in my heart, and this, my darling, is you.

When I’m with you hours feel like seconds. When we’re apart days feel like years.

I wished for my life to be better, and then I met you. That wish couldn’t have had a better gift for me.

Love to me is someone telling me, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and if you needed me to I’d jump out of a plane for you.

You’re the peanut butter to my jelly.

I know there are other people but I don’t want anyone else, I want you. Even when you’re sad, even when you make mistakes, even if we don’t agree at times. I still just want you.

We’ve come a long way, and our love remains firm. Despite the distance, I still feel your presence around me. I can feel the warmth of your heart and your endearing smile. I can’t wait to have you back, baby.

My six-word love story: I can’t imagine life without you.

I admire your honesty, your kindness and above all, your heart.

You are stronger than you seem, braver than you believe, and smarter than you think.

Loving you is like breathing, how can I stop?

My favorite sound in the universe is your laugh.

I’m not very good with words, so here goes: I really love you, and that’ll never change. I hope you know that.

Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing means absolutely everything to me.

I’ve been yours since the second we met.

Our planet may spin around the sun, but you’re my whole orbit, universe, and meaning.

Seeing you happy all the time makes my day. I love you, baby!

You are the beauty that melts my heart, the one who makes my heart beat faster.

You take my breath away.

Meeting you was one of the best days of my life.

All that I am today is only because of you. Thank you for existing.

Ever thine. Ever mine. Ever ours.

My love, I would give up everything just to be with you every day.

My heart is always for you, whenever I think about you, I want to be with you for a long time.

I hope to make you happy beyond belief.

I love you not only for who you are, but also for who I become when I am with you.

I didn’t know what love was until I first laid eyes on you.

When I get up every morning, I pinch myself just to remember that you are in my life.

True love stories never have endings.

It is impossible to spell ‘beautiful’ without U! Darling, your beauty forever spellbinds me!

Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.

There is only one happiness in this life: to love and be loved.

I can’t get enough of you.

I hope you want to stay for a long time because my heart really likes you.

No three words have greater power than ‘I Love You’.

You add beauty to my life in the most incredible way. I have a lot to say about the miracle of your love, but for the meantime, I love you.

You are not only loved, you are love.

Because nothing makes me happier and nothing makes me sadder than you.

For every day, I miss you. For every hour, I need you. For every minute, I feel you. For every second, I want you. Forever, I love you.

I have found the best place to be in the entire world… standing by your side.

I want you today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, and for the rest of my life.

With this ring I give you my heart and I promise from this day forward you shall not walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home.

Having you in my life means I’ll always have someone I can rely on. Even when you’re not with me, I know you’re just a phone call away.

You may hold my hand for a while, but you hold my heart forever.

I wanna live, sleep, and wake up by your side.

Yes, I am thinking about you right now and I miss you so much.

Your voice is my favorite sound, your name is my favorite word, and your hug is my favorite place to be.

Sweet Words For Her: Picking up your phone or whatever gadget of yours to send Sweet Words For Her is an entirely simple way to ensure that your lady always feels loved. The little things neglected in a relationship are the things that really matter; sending Sweet Words For Her may seem like some old-fashioned approach to making your girlfriend feel loved, but on a serious note, it’s a little thing that matter so much.

Whenever you’re trying to compose sweet words for her, always do your best to be sincere and genuine. Are you finding it difficult trying to compose sweet words for her?

Do you need ideas to help you write out something romantic for her?

Then you came into the right place. As we all know, girls love attention — your attention in person and your attention even while you’re not with her. How do you still give her your undiluted attention while not being close to her?

…sending sweet words for her.

Sweet Words For Her

Here are the lovely and sweet words for her.

1. I just wish that every day could be exactly like today, today’s so sweet and beautiful — just like you, my angel.

2. I have tried all my possible best to see that I take you out of my memory, but it always seems like it’s an impossible task. I love you and every single thing about you.

3. No matter what life brings towards us, you’ll always be my everything, my life, my lady and my queen. I love you deeply.

4. You’re the primary reason I wake up with a huge smile on my face every single morning. You’re always in my mind. I always find you in my dreams and trust me, you’re still that my pretty damsel.

5. I could voice out a thousand words on how much I love you, and how completely superb you are — but it still wouldn’t be enough.

Sweet Words For A Girl

6. When we meet, it was about attraction. But, from this day, love is going to always strengthen our bond. I love you.

7. Since the day you accepted that we both have something magical, my life has fallen very well into place. I love you, darling.

8. You taught the exact meaning of life. Thanks for always been by myself. I love you.

9. You’re there when I retire to bed at night, and you’re also there when I wake up and lastly, you’re always there when I want and need you the most. I love you.

10. I miss your loving care, gentle touch and smile. I just can’t wait any longer — seeing you again seems the world to me right now. I love you so much.

Cute Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

Here are cute things to say to your girlfriend. Sweet Words For Her!

11. No matter the height, I’d climb a thousand mountains; no matter the number of miles, I’d walk them; no matter the depth of the ocean, I’d swim across it; no matter the type of surface, I’d crawl a thousand yards — I’ll do all these just to see you smile.

12. Whenever you see a shooting star, don’t hesitate to make a wish. You may end up with the first kiss of a true love.

13. With you present in my life, the world seems a lot happier, the chirping of the birds sounds a little louder, the sun shines a little brighter, the grass observes its growth just a little greener, and most importantly, my heart beats just a little bit faster.

14. You’re so adorable and beautiful. I can’t forget how cute and smart you are. Your personality is second to none. And, is it your sense of humour? Baby, you’re just perfect for me. I love you.

Sweet Words For Her

Sweet Words For Her

15. The thing I take as the biggest reward every day is seeing the beautiful smile on your face when you see me. That’s not only the biggest accomplishment of my day, it’s also the most valuable and important thing because it shows to me how much you love me. And, trust me when I say that “I love you, too.”

READ: 105 Cute Paragraphs For Her

16. There is a particular piece of my heart that aches whenever you’re not with me. It makes me realize the extent to which I’d be lost and hurt without you by my side.

Lovely Words To Tell A Girl

17. If I were to illustrate or describe to you the exact reason why I love you, it’d be just like me taking my time to explain how water tastes. Indescribable.

18. My love starts churning, my heart skips a beat, my body performs a silent dance, my smile spreads from one ear to the other, my mind spins round and round — all these happens because you’re near.

19. Our hands fit so tightly and beautifully together as if God made them just for each other.

20. The love which I have for you skyrockets with every moment I have you by my side. Every kiss, every touch and every word just heightens my love for you.

Nice Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

Here are the Nice Things To Say To Your Girlfriend — nice things you’ll surely love to use as a message for that one you love. Sweet Words For Her!

21. You don’t understand how important and necessary it is for me to listen to your voice every day of my life. All I desire in this life is nothing but to hold you tight, wake up right beside you and be there for you. So, you know how much I really love you.

22. You’re my shining star on a night that seems cloudy. You’re my rainbow on a day that seems stormy. You’re my blooming and beautiful flower over the misting rain. And most importantly, you’re my sub whenever I need you to lighten and brighten up my day. I love you.

23. Before you came into my life, my life was nothing but a jigsaw puzzle which had a missing piece. You were that missing piece. Thanks a bunch for completing my life, my love.

24. With every situation we find ourselves in life, you bring out the very best in me. You’re just that thing I have been missing. I wish I had met you before this time. Well, I know God knew what he was doing when he brought you to me at that time. I love you, baby.

25. When you’re by my side, rainy days don’t seem to be as dark, and sunny days seem way more brighter. You’re my unique little piece of sunshine.

Sweet Words To Tell A Lady

26. With your amazing and beautiful ways, you fill every inch my life. Please, believe and trust me when I tell you that my heart has no space for any other girl — just you.

27. Baby, you’re the only one I want for all the coming days of my life. Don’t listen to what they have to say, because you are the only one who owns my heart. I swear on your adorable and pretty face.

28. Love is the best feeling one can find out there. Another feeling is finding someone who stands as the best to practice love with. I can’t thank you enough for choosing me; you’re the best.

READ ALSO: 101 Goodnight Messages For Her

29. No matter how stressful and horrible my day gets to be, your presence always brings an instant smile on my face.

30. Facing life situations with someone like you is exactly one of the things I asked God for. I’m so grateful to God for answering my prayers. I love you, my damsel.

Cute Things To Say To A Girl

Here are the amazing and Cute Things To Say To A Girl. Sweet Words For Her!

31. You look so dazzling whenever you put on your makeup, but that doesn’t in any way change the way I feel about you. I think you’re just perfect the way you are, so there is really no need of covering anything. I love you.

32. I’m very much willing to be your diary, someone who you can pour your heart on. Whether it’s good or bad, I swear nothing will cause any change between us, just speak of anything to me.

33. I had prayed to God to send me the perfect girl, someone that will stick with me through the thick and the thin of life; it got to a point I thought he wouldn’t answer me, then you came into my life — you made me understand how perfect God’s plans are.

34. I always wish you go to bed right close to me. Baby, I love you more than I have ever loved anybody.

35. I’ll always be there for you, even if life makes us stay far away from each other, I’ll still care for you.

Sweet Admiring Words For Her

36. I adore and treasure you way more than a groom sees his bride. I’ll always care for you.

Sweet Words For Her

Sweet Words For Her

37. There are times I used to foolishly think that I can entirely forget about you. Until I came to understand that the more I try to forget about you, the more I recall and also wish to be with you forever.

38. Even if you start ignoring me, I’ll still not stop loving you. Just so you know: your presence in my life has given my thoughts a good shape. I love you.

39. There’s a huge gap between love and lust. The downside is, a lot of people can’t differentiate between those two. But, one of my wishes is that you don’t mistake love and lust, because what I have for you is love and not lust.

40. Whenever you’re told goodbye, it makes you to instantly realize the actual essence and value of the person you’ve been with, how you took the person for granted.

Nice Things To Say To A Girl

Here are those sweet and Nice Things To Say To A Girl. The sweet words for her!

41. Without you in my life, I am just a worthless person. But with you, I see myself as someone who has great values.

42. I describe my love for you as an undying voyage. It starts from forever, and it ends at eternity. I love you, sweetheart.

43. If I were gifted a star whenever I smile anytime I look at you, I would have gathered quite a lot of stars by now — many I would have started looking forward to forming my own galaxy. I love you, my queen.

44. You’re more of an answered prayer to my heart. And you’re a dream come true. I love you.

45. Girl, life isn’t measured by the number of decades which we live for us. But by the moments that we share with the odd we love. And for me, it’s you.

Sweetest Words Ever For Her

46. If I had to give out a dollar for each time I wish to be with you and to see that pretty face of yours, I’d go broke with an empty account — even though my account had millions or billions because you’re always and forever on my mind.

47. If I were asked to write down or give a serious reason why I love you the way I do, I’d just smile and ask, “please, is there any reason why I shouldn’t?”

48. You’ve become a complete necessity to my existence because anytime I close my eyes, what I see are mental pictures of you, and when I open my eyes, I still see your pretty face. I love you, miss special.

49. Girl, I really must admit that seeing you is easy and nice. But then, the moment you leave my sight, I begin to get heartaches as I miss you.

CHECK: 35+ I Love You Paragraph For My Girlfriend

50. Hold me when I am unhappy, kiss me those moments my tears fall down. And please, try all it takes to make me smile whenever I’m down. You’ll forever be my choice. I love you.

Romantic Things To Say To Your Girlfriend

Here are those Romantic Things To Say To Your Girlfriend. The sweet words for her!

51. The very first moment we met, I was entirely clueless about what exactly to say to you. But right now, I’ll never be ashamed of saying the three-letter words to you — “I love you.”

52. No matter the number of times we quarrel, I still want to always hold you close to myself and kiss you. I love you, sweetheart.

53. I must admit that the thought of you has taken over my mind — I can’t think of other things without thinking about you. You’re the only girl who makes me feel loved and happy.

54. I most times miss you because your absence has created an emptiness in my heart. And I always wish that you’re here with me, right in my arms.

55. Baby, the love I have for you is rare. You can’t find anyone else who’ll love you this way. All I ask for is a chance in your life. I love you so much, and I ask for just a chance to prove it to you.

Beautiful Words About Love For Her

56. A great relationship goes way beyond taking out time to find the right companion, and It is simply about being the right lover.

Sweet Words For Her

Sweet Words For Her

57. In the whole universe, the most pleasant sound I’ve ever heard of, is you voice. My ear craves to hear its rhythm until it can hear no more. I love you, sweetie.

58. There are just a few people who you can’t hate in your life: yourself and your family. But then, I still find myself shaking off your wrongs from my mind, even when you do them repeatedly.

59. Baby, I want to touch that fragile heart of yours and not just your body. I want to touch your life and never to take you for granted or leave your life in ruins.

60. Ever since you came into my life, I just knew it that my prayers had been answered. Now, I take you as my everything. I love you.

Cute Things To Tell Your Girlfriend

Here are Cute Things To Tell Your Girlfriend. The sweet words for her!

61. It is so true that no one on planet earth can buy love with money. And yours? It’s priceless, even if others have on them a price tag.

62. They say the most beautiful and stunning women are those ones who are confident of who they are. And you happen to be one of those women. I love you, dearest.

63. I’m ready to be that person who cares for you every now and then. I love you so much, dear.

64. Please, for the sake of the love we share, don’t change anything about you, not even your skin colour or hair. Because I was not attracted to who people want you to be, I was attracted to the real you — with lots of flaws.

65. I used to wait for love to come and locate me until I crossed paths with you. I did not hesitate to find your love.

Sweet Lovely Words For Her

66. Baby, you see how I do, right? I don’t wait for anybody to tell me what I should do to the one I love. That’s what you should do, too.

CHECK NOW: 101 Happy New Month Messages

67. I’d rather choose to have you by my side in times of chaos than to be without you when there’s peace.

68. I see love as doing whatever it takes to be together, even when people don’t want us to be together. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find solace without you. I love you, my dearest.

69. Don’t you ever feel down because people look down on you. Please, don’t. Always know that I genuinely care for you way more than just words can describe.

70. I promise to always listen whenever you speak, hold you tight when we’re walking because there’s something awesome and wonderful about you that I love so so much – your imperfect perfection.

Sweet Sayings For Her

Here are Sweet Sayings For Her. The sweet words for her!

71. Finding you was a coincidence, being your friend was my personal decision, but being that lover boy of yours is more of reflex action — I cannot help but fall deeply and crazily in love with you.

72. I can keep secrets but loving you is something I can’t keep as a secret because you make me feel like a complete fool — a fool that loves being a fool because it’s about nothing else but love.

73. I always tell myself that I’ll not date anyone until I get to find that one who makes my heart skip a beat. It had gone on that way until I found you. I love you, dear.

74. Baby, I didn’t choose you because of the lovely things they say about you; and I also didn’t choose you because you’re so beautiful — I chose you because of how you make my world so lovely and beautiful.

75. Every woman on earth deserves a man who respects and loves her, and every man on earth also deserves a woman who appreciates that. Baby, I cherish how much you appreciate all of that, and I love you for that.

Sweet And Charming Words For Her

76. I love you so much, and that’s the perfect beginning and end of this short note.

77. My love for you can’t be explained; even when I try to figure it out, I always get confused along the line. I love you, dear.

78. My life changed instantly, and immediately you came into it. You know the way a dark room lit up immediately a torch s switched on, right? Exactly, that’s how you changed my life.

Sweet Words For Her

Sweet Words For Her

79. As you start reading this message, you firstly want you to know that I love you so much. And even if you don’t show me that same love, I won’t stop loving you at the same pace.

80. I used to cry whenever I’m lonely, broken, deserted and uncared for. All that changed after you came into my life. You came as a solution to all of those. I love you, my other half.

Sweet Words For Girlfriend

Here are Sweet Words For Girlfriend. The sweet words for her!

81. I may not always be with you to express my emotions to you. But I want you to know that I love you so much.

82. If a year is what it takes to display my true love for you, I won’t mind putting my life on the line just to prove that to you. I love you deeply.

83. Most times, love can be described as a staircase. It has its ups and downs, too. Sometimes, it has its twists, but in the end, it takes us to that exact place we want to be. I love you more than I love myself.

84. If you really want to be with someone, don’t listen to what people around you are saying, instead listen to what your heart tells you. It won’t misguide you.

85. Just because I don’t always tell you what my mind holds doesn’t mean I am not in love with you. I don’t love you because of your shape or facial beauty; I love you for who you are.

READ: 61 Sweet Things To Say To Your Girlfriend To Make Her Feel Special

86. I wish you’ll have me in your mind exactly how I have you in mine. My love for you burns through my veins, my arteries and all part of me. I love you so much.

Sweetest Words To Tell A Girl

87. The single thing about you which I can never get enough of is your special love — until this day, it has never irritated me. I love you.

88. I now feel happy and excited these days. I’m sure it’s not because of the material things I have. I’m sure it’s because of your presence in my life. You’re my best gift from God.

89. You may think my stare and smile are just lust, but trust me, my affection comes from deep down in me. I love you more than anyone can imagine.

90. Whenever you’re away, life tastes soar. I long to be with you until I can breathe no more. Missing you for a minute alone makes me feel sad because I love you so much.

Sweet Love Words For Her

Here are Sweet Love Words For Her. The sweet words for her!

91. Just like the scent of a blooming and fresh flower, your love is more of a sweet fragrance to me. And I love you for that.

Sweet Words For Her

Sweet Words For Her

92. Even if I can live for billions of years, I’m sure I’ll still not be able to find someone who’s just like you. I love you, dear.

93. After my mum, you’re the most wonderful and sweetest lady I’ve ever met in my whole life. Saying “I love you” to a princess like you is the best step I’ve ever taken. I love you.

94. Only “hi” from you makes me feel like I’ve teleported to the moon. Baby, I wish to have you by myself every day of my life. You’re so special to me. I love you.


  • 50 Love Messages For Wife
  • 51 Good Afternoon Sms For Girlfriend
  • 41 Things To Say To Get Your Girlfriend To Forgive You

95. Like a lovely, green and fresh garden in the house — that’s how your love makes me feel. Ever since I met you.

Sweet Words To Describe Her

96. My everyday happiness is caused by nothing else but your presence in my life. It started the moment you agreed to be mine. I love you so much.

97. Even though distance tries to keep us apart, my love for you will still grow stronger and stronger. I love you.

98. Even though I’m offered a million dollars in exchange for you, I’ll never accept, because with you, I can get any amount of money I want here on earth. You’re special to me, and I’ll never stop loving you.

99. Your behaviour makes me want to even die for you. Yes, it’s not just your flawless beauty. Your behaviour, too, makes the difference. I love you.

100. Sometimes, I sit and wonder if really it’s magic you did on me. Because I once made a vow never to love again, but look at me right here profoundly in love with you. I love you for a thousand more years.

101. The way you stare at me always makes me feel like a king. And your eyes have something mysteriously interesting – it makes me more unable to stand in love with you (pun intended).

102. If it weren’t for your presence in my life, I know I won’t have achieved as much I have achieved today. I love you so much, honey.

103. I’ll never take you for granted. I cherish you so much.

Enjoy these sweet word for her, sweet words for her, cute things to say to your girlfriend, nice things to say to your girlfriend, cute things to say to a girl, nice things to say to a girl, romantic things to say to your girlfriend, cute things to tell your girlfriend, sweet sayings for her, sweet words for girlfriend and sweet love words for her.

Remember, sharing is caring.

lust for (someone or something)

1. To have a strong sexual desire for someone. Sarah’s been lusting for our waiter all night, so I wrote her number on a napkin and told him to call her when he finishes work.

2. To have an intense craving or obsessive desire for something. After two years of weight training and cardio, I’ve finally got the muscular body I’ve been lusting for. If you lust for riches, you will become a servant to your own greed. A good advertising agency doesn’t cater to what customers lust for—it decides what that is.

See also: for, lust

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

lust for something

Fig. to desire something. He says he lusts for a nice cold can of beer. Mary lusts for rich and fattening ice cream.

See also: for, lust

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • lust after
  • lust after (someone or something)
  • lust for
  • two jumps ahead (of someone or something)
  • two jumps ahead of
  • two leaps ahead (of someone or something)
  • two steps ahead (of someone or something)
  • hold (someone or something) out of (something)
  • say (something) about (someone or something)
  • say about

похоть, вожделение, страсть, похотливость, испытывать вожделение


- книжн. вожделение, похоть

the lusts of the flesh — плотские страсти

- сильное желание, страсть (к чему-л.), жажда (чего-л.)

lust for gold — страсть к золоту
lust for power [of applause, of accumulation] — жажда власти [рукоплесканий, стяжательства]


- испытывать вожделение, физическое влечение

to lust after a woman — библ. смотреть на женщину с вожделением

- сильно, страстно желать

to lust after /for/ power [gold] — жаждать власти [золота]

Мои примеры


fleshly lust — похоть  
insatiable / unquenchable lust — неутолимая похоть  
to arouse lust — возбуждать похоть  
to feel lust — чувствовать похоть  
to gratify / satisfy one’s lust — удовлетворять свою похоть  
lust for power — жажда власти  
unquenchable lust — неутолимая похоть  
to lust after /for/ power — жаждать власти  
blood lust — жажда крови  
blood-lust — жажда крови  

Примеры с переводом

He was driven by a lust for power.

Им руководила жажда власти. / Он был движим жаждой власти.

This man lusts after / for pretty girls.

Этот мужчина испытывает страсть к симпатичным девушкам.

Lust for chocolate drew her into the candy store.

Сильное желание съесть шоколадку привело её в магазин сладостей.

Hitler’s lust for power

Гитлеровская жажда власти

The feeble vassals of wine and anger and lust.

Слабовольные рабы вина, гнева и похоти.

He was consumed by lust.

Его поглотила страсть.

It’s usually lucre and not lust that motivates someone to set up a pornographic Web site.

Обычно именно жажда наживы, а не похоть побуждает человека создать порносайт.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

My feelings for Lauren were pure lust.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

luster  — глянец, блеск, лоск, люстра, сияние, слава, пятилетие
lustful  — похотливый
lustiness  — здоровье
lustily  — с вожделением, энергично, сильно, охотно, с готовностью

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: lust
he/she/it: lusts
ing ф. (present participle): lusting
2-я ф. (past tense): lusted
3-я ф. (past participle): lusted

What is another word for Lust?

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1. Beauty and the lust for learning have yet to be allied. 

2. He used her just to sate his lust.

3. She felt no lust whatsoever for him.

4. He attacked women to satisfy his lust.

5. My feelings for Lauren were pure lust.

6. There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate; there is no net like delusion, no river like craving.

7. He had sated his lust.

8. Lured by the lust of gold,the pioneers pushed onward.

9. She was driven by a lust for power.

10. His lust for her grew until it was overpowering.

11. Has this murderer slaked his lust for blood yet?

12. I don’t think it’s love so much as lust.

13. He was filled with lust for power.

14. She has a real lust for life .

14. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

15. This is a car to lust after.

16. Their affair was driven by pure lust.

17. This is lust thinly disguised as love.

18. Greed, pride, envy, dishonesty and lust are considered to be vices.

19. The seven deadly sins are covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, anger and sloth.

20. It was Fred’s lust for glitz and glamour that was driving them apart.

21. He had managed to slake her lust.

22. Lust and greed are more gullible than innocence. Mason Cooley 

23. The ruthless convenience of the pure science of lust?

24. Quinn’s lust for life is contagious.

25. Love begins with an image; lust with a sensation. Mason Cooley 

26. Money is not the root of all eviles as is usually claimed, what is the root of all evils is the lust for money, that is the excessive, selfish and greedy pusuit of mnoey. 

27. I don’t think Dick will ever manage to slake his lust for power.

28. The ogre demanded the annual sacrifice of a young village lass to satisfy his blood lust.

29. His relationship with Angie was the first which combined lust with friendship.

30. All people, she said, lived their lives in bondage to hunger, pain and lust.



From Middle English lust, from Old English lust (lust, pleasure, longing), from Proto-Germanic *lustuz. Akin to Old Saxon, Dutch lust, Old Frisian, Old High German, German Lust, Swedish lust, Danish lyst, Icelandic lyst, Old Norse losti, Gothic 𐌻𐌿𐍃𐍄𐌿𐍃 (lustus), and perhaps to Sanskrit लष् (laṣ), लषति (laṣati, to desire) and Albanian lushë (bitch, savage dog, promiscuous woman), or to English loose. Compare list (to please), listless.


  • IPA(key): /lʌst/
  • Rhymes: -ʌst


lust (countable and uncountable, plural lusts)

  1. A feeling of strong desire, especially such a feeling driven by sexual arousal.

    Seeing Leslie fills me with a passionate lust.

  2. (archaic) A general want or longing, not necessarily sexual.

    The boarders hide their lust to go home.

    • 1608, Joseph Hall, “Epistle I. To Sr. Robert Darcy. The Estate of a True, but Weake Christian.”, in Epistles [], volume I, London: [] H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Samuel Macham & E[leazar] Edgar [], →OCLC, 2nd decade, page 108:

      [T]he vvorld thruſts it ſelfe betvvixt me and heauen; and, by his darke and indigeſted parts, eclipſeth that light vvhich ſhined to my ſoule. Novv, a ſenſeleſſe dulneſſe ouer-takes mee, and beſots mee; my luſt to deuotion is little, my ioy none at all: Gods face is hid, and I am troubled.

  3. (archaic) A delightful cause of joy, pleasure.

    An ideal son is his father’s lasting lust.

    • c. 1521, John Skelton, “Speke Parott”:
      Pompe, pryde, honour, ryches & worldly luſt
      Parrot ſayth playnly, ſhall tourne all to duſt
  4. (obsolete) virility; vigour; active power
    • 1631, Francis [Bacon], “(please specify |century=I to X)”, in Sylua Syluarum: Or A Naturall Historie. In Ten Centuries. [], 3rd edition, London: [] William Rawley; [p]rinted by J[ohn] H[aviland] for William Lee [], →OCLC:

      Trees will grow greater, and bear better fruit, if you put salt, or lees of wine, or blood, to the root: the cause may be the increasing the lust or spirit of the root.


  • (strong desire): See also Thesaurus:craving or Thesaurus:lust
  • (general want or longing): See also Thesaurus:desire
  • (delightful cause of joy): See also Thesaurus:pleasure
  • (active power): lustihood, potency, vigour, virility

Derived terms[edit]

  • bloodlust
  • lust murder
  • lustful
  • lustihood
  • lustily
  • lustiness
  • lustless
  • lustsome
  • lusty
  • unlust


  • wanderlust


strong desire, especially of a sexual nature

  • Aghwan: 𐕎𐔼𐔵 (niz)
  • Albanian: epsh (sq) m
  • Arabic: شَهْوَة‎ f (šahwa)
  • Assamese: কাম (kam)
  • Azerbaijani: şəhvət
  • Belarusian: юр (be) m (jur), пажа́днасць f (pažádnascʹ), по́хаць f (póxacʹ)
  • Bengali: কাম (bn) (kam)
  • Bulgarian: по́хот (bg) f (póhot)
  • Burmese: ရာဂ (my) (raga.), ရမ္မက် (my) (rammak), ကာမ (my) (kama.), တဏှာ (my) (ta.hna)
  • Catalan: luxúria (ca) f
  • Cebuano: uwag, kauwag
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 情慾情欲 (zh) (qíngyù), 肉慾肉欲 (zh) (ròuyù), 色慾色欲 (zh) (sèyù), 淫慾淫欲 (zh) (yínyù), 性慾性欲 (zh) (xìngyù)
  • Czech: chtíč (cs) m
  • Danish: begær n, lyst (da) c, liderlighed c
  • Dutch: (zinnelijke) begeerte, lust (nl), wellust (nl)
  • Esperanto: volupto
  • Estonian: iha, himu
  • Finnish: himo (fi)
  • French: luxure (fr) f, concupiscence (fr) f
  • Galician: luxuria f
  • German: Wollust (de) f, Lust (de) f
  • Gothic: 𐌻𐌿𐍃𐍄𐌿𐍃 m (lustus)
  • Greek: λαγνεία (el) f (lagneía)
  • Hebrew: תְּשׁוּקָה (he) f (t’shuká)
  • Hindi: वासना (hi) f (vāsnā), राग (hi) m (rāg), काम (hi) m (kām)
  • Hungarian: vágy (hu), testi/nemi/érzéki vágy
  • Indonesian: syahwat (id), nafsu (id)
  • Irish: collaíocht f, ainmhian f, anmhacnas m
  • Italian: libido (it), libidine (it), lussuria (it) f
  • Japanese: 色欲 (ja) (しきよく, shikiyoku), 淫欲 (ja) (いんよく, in’yoku), 情欲 (ja) (じょうよく, jōyoku), 好色 (ja) (こうしょく, kōshoku)
  • Kazakh: құймырлық (qūimyrlyq)
  • Khmer: រាគ (km) (riək), កាម (km) (kaam)
  • Korean: 성욕 (seong’yok), 음욕 (ko) (eumyok), 정욕 (jeong’yok)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: şehwet (ku)
  • Lao: ກາມາຍົນ (kā mā nyon), ກາມ (kām), ຕັນຫາ (tan hā)
  • Latin: cupido (la) f
  • Latvian: iekāre f
  • Macedonian: похота f (pohota)
  • Maltese: zina f
  • Maori: pohane, mate kanehe
  • Mongolian: тачаал (mn) (tačaal), шунал (mn) (šunal)
  • Nepali: काम (ne) (kām)
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: lyst (no) m or f, kjødslyst m or f (old-fashioned), begjær (no) n
  • Occitan: luxúria f
  • Old Prussian: pakwaitīsnā
  • Pali: rāga m, kāma m
  • Pashto: شهوت (ps) m (šahwát)
  • Persian: شهوت (fa) (šahvat)
  • Polish: pożądanie (pl) n, żądza (pl) f, chuć (pl) f (literally)
  • Portuguese: luxúria (pt) f
  • Romanian: luxură (ro) f, desfrânare (ro) f, concupiscență (ro) f
  • Russian: по́хоть (ru) f (póxotʹ), похотли́вость (ru) f (poxotlívostʹ), вожделе́ние (ru) n (voždelénije), жела́ние (ru) n (želánije), страсть (ru) f (strastʹ), сладостра́стие (ru) n (sladostrástije)
  • Sanskrit: राग (sa) m (rāga), काम (sa) m (kā́ma), रिरंसा (sa) f (riráṃsā)
  • Scottish Gaelic: miann m or f, ana-miann m or f
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: по̏хота f, по̏жуда f
    Roman: pȍhota (sh) f, pȍžuda (sh) f
  • Slovak: chtíč m
  • Slovene: strast (sl) f, pohota f
  • Spanish: lujuria (es)
  • Swahili: shahawa
  • Swedish: begär (sv) n, lust (sv) c, åtrå (sv) c, kättja (sv) c
  • Tagalog: kalibugan
  • Tajik: шаҳват (šahvat)
  • Thai: ราคะ (th) (raa-ká), กาม (th) (gaam), ตัณหา (th) (dtan-hǎa)
  • Turkish: tutku (tr), ihtiras (tr), arzu (tr), şehvet (tr)
  • Ukrainian: по́хіть f (póxitʹ), пожа́дливість f (požádlyvistʹ), хти́вість f (xtývistʹ)
  • Urdu: شہوت‎ f (śahvat)
  • Uyghur: شەھۋەت(shehwet)
  • Uzbek: shahvat (uz)
  • Vietnamese: ham muốn (vi), tham muốn
  • Volapük: rüt
  • Welsh: gwŷn m

general want or longing

  • Arabic: شَهْوَة‎ f (šahwa)
  • Belarusian: пра́га f (práha)
  • Catalan: luxúria (ca) f
  • Dutch: begeerte (nl), lust (nl), verlangen (nl) n
  • Estonian: iha, himu
  • Finnish: ikävöinti (fi), ikävä (fi)
  • French: convoitise (fr) f
  • German: Lust (de) f, Begehren (de) n, Verlangen (de) n
  • Greek: επιθυμία (el) f (epithymía)
  • Hungarian: vágy (hu), sóvárgás (hu)
  • Italian: lussuria (it) f
  • Maori: pohane
  • Polish: pragnienie (pl) n
  • Portuguese: vontade (pt) f
  • Russian: жела́ние (ru) n (želánije), хоте́ние (ru) n (xoténije)
  • Slovene: sla f
  • Spanish: deseo (es) m, ganas (es) f pl, lujuria (es) f

Translations to be checked

  • Latin: (please verify) luxuria f
  • Old English: (please verify) gál n, (please verify) gálscipe m
  • Scottish Gaelic: (please verify) drùis f, (please verify) feòlmhorachd f, (please verify) baois f, (please verify) baoiseachd f
  • Spanish: (please verify) lujuria (es) f
  • Swedish: (please verify) lust (sv)


lust (third-person singular simple present lusts, present participle lusting, simple past and past participle lusted)

  1. (intransitive, usually in the phrase «lust after») To look at or watch with a strong desire, especially of a sexual nature.

    He was lusting after the woman in the tight leather miniskirt.


strongly desire

  • Danish: tørste efter (da)
  • Dutch: begeren (nl), lusten (nl), smachten (nl)
  • Finnish: himoita (fi)
  • French: joie (fr), désirer (fr)
  • German: begehren (de), verlangen (de), sehnen (de)
  • Gothic: 𐌻𐌿𐍃𐍄𐍉𐌽 (lustōn)
  • Greek: ποθώ (el) (pothó)
  • Hebrew: חמד (he) m (Chamad), התאוה (he) m (Hit’avah), השתוקק‎ m (Hishtoqeq)
  • Hungarian: vágyik (hu), kíván (hu), sóvárog (hu)
  • Maori: mate kanehe, tāminamina, tāmina
  • Sanskrit: गृध्यति (sa) (gṛdhyati)


  • LUTs, UTSL, slut, ults



  • IPA(key): /lʏst/
  • Hyphenation: lust
  • Rhymes: -ʏst

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle Dutch lust, from Old Dutch *lust, from Proto-Germanic *lustuz.


lust m (plural lusten, diminutive lustje n)

  1. lust, desire (especially sexual, but also more generally)
  2. object of desire
  3. pleasure, joy
    Het was een lust om naar hem te kijken en te luisteren.

    It was a pleasure watching and listening to him.
  4. (usually in the plural) benefit, advantage
  5. a taste for, strong tendency to
Derived terms[edit]
  • bloedlust
  • eetlust
  • lusteloos
  • lusthof
  • lustig
  • lustobject
  • lustmoord
  • lustoord
  • lustprieel
  • lusttuin
  • moordlust
  • roemlust
  • strijdlust
  • wellust
  • Negerhollands: lyst

Etymology 2[edit]

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.



  1. first-, second- and third-person singular present indicative of lusten
  2. imperative of lusten



From Middle Low German lust. Cognate to German Lust and Finnish lusti.


  • IPA(key): /ˈlusʲt/


lust (genitive lusti, partitive lusti)

  1. pleasure, fun, joy, lust (non-sexual)
    Nad teevad seda niisama lusti pärast.

    They’re doing it just for fun.


Declension of lust (type riik)


  • Ingrian: lusti (beautiful, funny)
  • Votic: lusti (beautiful)

Middle Dutch[edit]


From Old Dutch *lust, from Proto-Germanic *lustuz.


lust m or f

  1. enjoyment, pleasure
  2. lust, desire
  3. hunger, desire to eat


This noun needs an inflection-table template.

Derived terms[edit]

  • onlust


  • Dutch: lust

Further reading[edit]

  • “lust”, in Vroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek, 2000
  • Verwijs, E.; Verdam, J. (1885–1929), “lust (I)”, in Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek, The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, →ISBN, page I

Old English[edit]


From Proto-Germanic *lustuz.


  • IPA(key): /lust/


lust m

  1. desire, pleasure, appetite, lust
    Him wæs metes micel lusthe had a craving for food. (Ælfric’s Homilies)


Declension of lust (strong a-stem)


  • Middle English: lust
    • English: lust



From Old Norse losti (late Old Norse lyst), from Middle Low German lust lüst, lyst, from Old Saxon lust, from Proto-Germanic *lustuz.



lust c

  1. (uncountable) lust (a mood of desire), joy, a keen interest

    jag har ingen lust att läsa idag

    I don’t feel like reading today
  2. a desire (for something specific)


Declension of lust 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative lust lusten lustar lustarna
Genitive lusts lustens lustars lustarnas


  • förlusta
  • förlustelse
  • läslust
  • lusta
  • lustgas
  • lusthus
  • lustig
  • lustjakt
  • lustresa
  • lustspel
  • lysten
  • lystnad
  • söklust

Further reading[edit]

  • lust in Svensk ordbok.


  • luts, slut

West Frisian[edit]


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


lust c (plural lusten)

  1. desire, appetite
  2. lust, sexual desire

Derived terms[edit]

  • ytlust

Further reading[edit]

  • “lust”, in Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal (in Dutch), 2011

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