Loving word in english

Having the right words to use is important in many situations. One of the situations for which having the right words can be important is when talking to or about romantic love. These romantic words and phrases can include things you might call your loved one or things you might talk about concerning your loved one.

The following lists address different ways you can talk to or about your romantic loved one in English. They cover casual and intimate words, phrases, and nicknames. They also include words and phrases to discuss female, male, or gender-neutral partners.

List of Romantic Words and Sweet Phrases

The following is a list of English words you can use in romance, whether talking to the person you love or about them. Most of these are adjectives, which are words that describe a noun, and would fit in a sentence construction of, “You are _______.” These tend to be more intimate or emotional than the words in the next section.

  • A dream
  • A prize
  • A treasure
  • Adorable
  • Affectionate
  • Alluring
  • Amazing
  • Beguiling
  • Beloved
  • Captivating
  • Cherished
  • Considerate
  • Cute
  • Dazzling
  • Delightful
  • Dreamy
  • Enchanting
  • Exquisite
  • Fine (can mean just okay, but can also mean very attractive)
  • Fulfilling
  • Generous
  • Gentle
  • Genuine
  • Giving
  • Heaven
  • Hugable
  • Intoxicating
  • Just perfect
  • Kissable
  • Lovable
  • Magnetic
  • Mesmerizing
  • My favorite person
  • My reason for living
  • Needed
  • Open
  • Perfect
  • Quite a catch
  • Radiant
  • Ravishing
  • Romantic
  • Seductive
  • Sexy
  • Touchable
  • Unparallelled
  • Very loved
  • Wonderful

List of Sweet Words and Phrases to Describe Someone You Love

This list is English words you can use to talk about your loved one. They tell who the person is to you, why you like the person, or how the person looks. These are words you might use to talk about a new love interest when you’re talking to a friend.

  • A blessing
  • A delight
  • A dreamboat
  • A fairytale
  • Attentive
  • Attractive
  • Beautiful
  • Caring
  • Charming
  • Committed
  • Compassionate
  • Cuddly
  • Dedicated
  • Devoted
  • Easy to love
  • Enamored
  • Eye candy
  • Fantastic
  • Fit (can mean in shape, or can mean attractive)
  • Flirty
  • Foxy
  • Glamorous
  • Gorgeous
  • Handsome
  • Hot
  • Indispensable
  • Jumpable
  • Life-changing
  • Lucious
  • Magical
  • My better half
  • My boyfriend
  • My date
  • My dream come true
  • My everything
  • My girlfriend
  • My husband
  • My partner
  • My soulmate
  • My spouse
  • My wife
  • Passionate
  • Pretty
  • Responsive
  • Sensual
  • Smooth-talker
  • Tender
  • The love of my life
  • The one I yearn for
  • You complete me

List of Romantic Nicknames

These words are ones you would use to replace your loved one’s name when talking to or about the person in a romantic way. They are primarily romantic nicknames, though a small handful can also be used to refer fondly to children rather than to romantic partners. In addition to these, you can consider using a variation on their name that’s unique to you. Generally, it’s good to discuss different nicknames before using them.

  • Angel
  • Babe
  • Baby
  • Bae
  • Beautiful
  • Boo
  • Bright eyes
  • Cookie
  • Cutie
  • Darling
  • Dear
  • Dearest
  • Doll
  • Handsome
  • Hon
  • Honey
  • Honey bunny
  • Hot lips
  • Hot stuff
  • Light of my life
  • Lovely
  • Lover
  • Muffin
  • My king
  • My love
  • My queen
  • Peaches
  • Precious
  • Sexy
  • Snookums
  • Sugar
  • Sugar britches
  • Sugar lips
  • Sunshine
  • Sweetheart

Romantic Words Image

Romantic Words List

Romantic WordsPin

Last Updated on May 19, 2021

Emotions are not proven by love words but action – there’s no doubt about that.

However, all of us enjoy hearing words of love, receiving goodnight paragraphs, good morning paragraphs for him and her, love poems, and other romantic things from our partners. So, your loved one is no exception. 

That’s why we’re here: to give you a hand and save you from having to think of the right words to express your feelings.

Deepen your love by using all the right words – CLICK HERE.

Here you have the ultimate list of love messages and romantic words of love for every situation. 

List of Romantic Words For Her And Him

happy couple standing close to each other

1. Sweetie, when I tell you how much I love you, I don’t say it out of habit. I say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.

2. Until I met you, I wasn’t aware that I could love another person this much.

3. Words can’t express the magnitude and the depth of my feelings for you.

4. You might have your flaws, but to me, you’re perfectly imperfect.

5. The way you look at me makes it impossible not to love you.

6. I could never thank you enough for being the light to my darkness and the angel in my hell.

7. Sometimes, I wonder what I did to deserve having someone as you in my life.

8. Loving you made me the happiest person in the world .

9. If I could choose how to die, I’d want for it to happen in your arms.

10. I love the person I became next to you. Thank you for showing me that I am lovable.

11. From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, I adore everything and everywhere in between.

12. I cannot imagine my life with you not being a part of it. I cannot imagine a life without your kissable lips, captivating look, and a calming hug. 

13. Just remember, when things aren’t going the right way, I’ll be there to make it better.

14. I thought I fell in love with you from the very first moment I caught your captivating look and saw your ravishing beauty. I knew that you’re the love of my life after all the love songs started reminding me of you and I started looking for you in all romantic quotes.

15. When I met you, I finally realized why it never worked out with anyone else before you and why I had to go through all of those heartbreaks. You’re my only true love, my best friend, my destiny, my soulmate, my forever person, and the love of my life.

16. Waking up next to you every morning is a dream come true.

17. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I wake up just to listen to the rhythm of your breathing.

18. I can’t find the right words to express my undying love for you. I can only promise to love you for the rest of our lives. I know I love you because every time you cross my mind, I can’t help but smile.

19. You’re my peaceful harbor and your kindhearted soul is my home.

20. Having you in my life makes each day a little brighter.

21. Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite.

22. There’s no doubt about one thing – we belong together.

23. The moment you showed up in my life, you filled all the empty space in my heart.

24. Your mesmerizing eyes captured my attention from the very first time I saw you. And those mesmerizing eyes are the reason I keep falling in love with you every time you look at me.

25. I’m convinced you were made to perfectly fit in my arms and that your luscious and kissable lips were made for mine. 

Man kisses woman near pine tree

26. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can’t thank God enough for sending you in my life.

27. Nothing and nobody could ever stop me from loving you.

28. I love the way you love me.

29. I choose you. And I will choose you over and over again. Without a doubt, in a heartbeat, I will forever keep on choosing you.

30. Sweetie, I will stop loving you when the stars fall from the sky, when all the rivers run dry, and when I die.

31. Your love is like a flame that has been lighting my path. 

32. You’re not just my number 1, you’re my one and only. You’re not just my main squeeze, you’re the only person in my life. 

33. I wish you two things: everything and nothing. Everything that makes you happy and nothing that makes you suffer.

34. You make my entire body tremble and my heart smile. You’re endearing, lovable, and adorable. 

35. The first person I think of when I hear the word “love” is you.

36. Thoughts of how much I love you are keeping me up longer and longer each night.

37. I’m addicted to your touch and smile. I’m hooked on your love.

38. If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes because only then would you realize how special you are to me.

39. Now that I have you, I know that fairytales come true.

40. The adorable sound of your voice is my favorite melody.

41. I might have fallen for you just because you’re a good-looking heartthrob. But I grew to love you because of your kindhearted and feisty personality. 

42. Ever since you entered my life, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder, and smile a little more.

43. All of us have our motivation to get up in the morning and face the world. You’re mine.

44. I’m not asking you to do any romantic things for me. Just promise that we’ll laugh together for the rest of our lives. 

45. You are my answered prayer, my fulfilled wish, and my realized dream. My whole life would be pointless without you in it. 

46. I don’t know for how long I am going to live, but I know that every single second will be worth a lifetime because I will spend it with you.

47. You may hold my hand for a while but you hold my heart forever.

48.All sweet words of love that exist on this planet might not be enough for me to tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me.

49. Whenever you feel alone, I will be your shadow. Whenever you want to cry, I will be your shoulder. Whenever you’re sad, I will be your smile. Whenever you need me, I will be there.

50. My loved one, thank you for painting my whole life with the colors of happiness.

Love Messages And Romantic Words For A Long Distance Relationship

woman typing on her phone while sitting on floor

When you’re in a long distance relationship and you don’t have your partner by your side all the time, doing romantic things for them is quite difficult.

However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t at least try and come up with some sweet good morning texts for him or her to send them at the beginning of every day to let them know you’re thinking about them and put a smile on their face. 

1. I miss you more and more every day and I can’t wait to roll to the other side of the bed to find your luscious lips instead of a text message. 

2. Even though we’re apart, you’re still my best friend, and my soulmate. 

3. Out of all the sweet love words, I can’t find one that can express how much I miss you. 

4. Every day I spend without you by my side is a new heartbreak. 

5. Whenever I close my eyes, I can’t help but see your bewitching look right in front of me. 

6. When I fell in love with you, suddenly, all the love songs and love messages started making sense.

7. In love like ours, the smallest distance is too great and the greatest distance can be bridged. 

8. You might be a thousand miles away, but no one else is closer to my heart than you are. 

9. My sweet love, I’m jealous of the people who get to see you every day. 

10. The thought of being with you tomorrow gives me the strength to get through today. 

Love Messages And Romantic Words For A Special Occasion

couple looking each other while holding glass of wine

You don’t need a special occasion to declare your love to your significant other.

However, there are days in which you want to tell them some love romantic words to let them know how important they are to you on that day and always. 

Romantic Words About Love For Valentine’s Day: 

smiling woman with gift box hugging with her boyfriend

1. There’s nothing better than spending this day with the person I care about the most. 

2. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I just want nothing else but to be with you on Valentine’s Day and forever after. 

3. On this day of lovers, I want to make you three promises: to always be there for you, to respect you, and to love you for all my life. 

4. You are a special gift from the heavens. Your smile warms my heart and your presence makes me whole. I love you on this special day and forever. 

5. There is no one I’d rather share my heart with on this Valentine’s Day than you.

Romantic Words For Lover On Their Birthday:

woman giving gift to her boyfriend

1. May you have a birthday that is as awesome as you.

2. Every day with you is special, but today is extra special because it’s your day. With all my love and kisses, happy birthday to you! 

3. Your birthday is just another excuse for me to shower you with kisses, love, and affection.

4. What poem should I write for you? Which song should I sing for you? Which lyrics should I pen for you? Which notes should I compose for you? Which melody should I hum for you? If you have an answer to this, let me know today so I can wish you an original happy birthday. 

5. You’re not special because it’s your birthday. You’re special because you’re you. 

Romantic Words For Him And Her On Your Anniversary: 

man in suit hugging woman in red dress

1. With every year, I love you more and more. Remember that our best years are still ahead of us, and you and I will be there for every up and down in between.

2. On the day I met you, you gave me a reason to wake up every morning and thousand more to love you after that. 

3. You’re the one who keeps reminding me what butterflies feel like after all these years. 

4. You are mine, forever and a day. I thank God for this date that marks the day we officially became an item. 

5. Our anniversary is not just a date. It signifies how beautifully intertwined our fates are.  

Funny and Sassy Love Messages And Romantic Quotes

smiling man hugging woman outside

Romantic words don’t have to be pathetic – they can also be sassy yet classy. So, here is a witty list of romantic words: 

1. You’re my main squeeze and my only true love. 

2. I know looks aren’t everything. But I love it that you’re good-looking, just in case. 

3. I kinda love you (meaning: I’m madly in love with you and absolutely adore you, but I’m afraid to say it.)

4. I know I’m a handful but that’s why you’ve got two hands.

5. Your lips are the gun. Your smile is the trigger. Your kisses are the bullets. I label you a killer. 

6. If I had a dollar for every time I thought of you, I’d be in a higher tax bracket.

7. I love you with all of my belly. I would say heart but my belly is bigger.

8. I am yours and you are mine – no refunds. 

9. I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me tonight?

10. I promise to always be by your side. Or under you. Or on top.

11. You’re stuck with me. Deal with it. 

12. Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me. Then I remember that I put up with you as well. So I guess we’re even.

13. I love you so much that I’d fight a bear for you. Well, not a grizzly bear, they have claws, and not a panda bear, they know kung fu. But a care bear, I’d definitely fight a care bear for you.

14. I didn’t want to fall in love with you but at some point, you smiled and I blew it. 

15. I plan on bugging you every single day for the foreseeable future.

90 Romantic Words & Messages For Your Loved One To Melt Their Heart

Когда любовь сбивает нас с ног, мы говорим искренние и нежные вещи, думаем сердцем и ведем себя наивно. Когда вы действительно влюблены, заветные слова кажутся самыми сложными в жизни. Что, если человек не впечатлится вашим признанием, или, что еще хуже, речь вообще идет только о friendzone? Лучше получить отказ, чем удерживать свои чувства в бутылке. Why? Потому что вы сможете узнать, будут ли отношения развиваться в правильном направлении или нет. Достаточно простого и нестареющего «Я тебя люблю»… Или не достаточно?

На самом деле, вы способны сказать гораздо больше, чем простое «I love you». Поэтому мы предлагаем вам набор фраз, в котором каждый сможет подобрать себе что-то по вкусу. Совершенно не важно, каким уровнем английского вы владеете — смотрите и запоминайте, пробуйте и открывайтесь! Ведь любовь актуальна всегда. So bring it on!

Поэтичные фразы

Раньше признаться в любви было гораздо сложнее и… дольше. Любовные письма доходили так медленно, а иногда и вообще не доходили! Зато это все равно было гораздо эпичнее sms сообщений. Но, поверьте, вы тоже можете быть эпичными! Даже если вы не писатель или поэт, эти фразы добавят разнообразия в ваши любовные признания.

I yearn for you. – Я скучаю (тоскую) по тебе.
I’m under your spell. – Я  очарован тобой.
I’m smitten with you. – Я сражен тобой.
You turn me inside out. – Ты переворачиваешь мой мир с ног на голову.
You’ve put a spell on me. – Ты околдовала меня.
My heart calls out for you. – Мое сердце замирает при виде тебя.
You make me feel young again. – Ты даешь мне почувствовать себя снова молодым.
Come, let us make love deathless. – Идем, сделаем любовь бессмертной.
With you, forever won’t be too long. – С тобой вечность не будет слишком долгой.
If you need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night. – Если тебе нужно услышать, почему я люблю тебя, я могу говорить всю ночь.
I never knew how joyous life could be, until I saw your face. – Я никогда не знал, как можно жить счастливой жизнью, до тех пор, пока не увидел твое лицо.
So, fall asleep love, loved by me… for I know love, I am loved by thee. – Так, засыпай же, любовь моя, либима мной… ибо я знаю, любовь, я любим тобой…
I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there’s a life after that, I’ll love you then. – Я люблю тебя и буду любить до смерти, а если после нее есть жизнь, я буду любить тебя и там.

read also

Читай также

Как выбрать курсы английского

Честные и чувственные фразы

Вот такие вещи вы можете сказать самым серьезным образом человеку, который просто обязан знать о ваших чувствах.

  • I’m yours. – Я твой.
  • I adore you. – Я обожаю тебя.
  • There is no other. – Такой, как ты, больше нет.
  • You complete me. – Ты моя половинка.
  • I’m totally into you. – Я полностью запал на тебя.
  • You’re my ideal woman. – Ты моя идеальная женщина.
  • You mean so much to me. – Ты значишь так много для меня.
  • I love you from the bottom of my heart. – Я люблю тебя от всего сердца.

Будьте актерами
Копируйте персонажей из фильмов, телепередач или книг! Представьте как бы
они вели себя в той или иной ситуации и попытайтесь скопировать их
поведение. This can be fun!

Элегантные фразы

Эти фразочки совсем не звучат эмоционально. Если у вас проблемы с выражением
эмоций, можете сказать что-то вроде этого.

  • I’m rather partial to you. – Я неравнодушен к тебе.
  • You’re not bad. – Ты неплоха.
  • I kinda like you. – Ты мне вроде как нравишься.
  • I’m fond of you. – Ты мне довольно сильно нравишься.
  • I have a soft spot for you. – Ты мне симпатична. 

Старость в радость

Люди, которые остаются вместе напротяжении многих лет используют фразы менее
пылкие, но все равно довольно милые.

  • You’re my darling. – Ты моя дорогая.
  • You’re my sweetie. – Ты моя сладкая.
  • I’m devoted to you. – Я предан тебе.
  • You’re my sunshine. – Ты мое солнышко.
  • You’re my other half. – Ты моя вторая половинка.

Комплименты на английском

  • You’re my king. – Ты мой король.
  • You’re amazing. – Ты изумительна.
  • You’re my angel. – Ты мой ангел.
  • You’re incredible. – Ты невероятна.
  • You’re my princess. – Ты моя принцесса.
  • You’re my treasure. – Ты мое сокровище.
  • You’re my Prince Charming. – Ты мой прекрасный принц (принц на белом коне).

watch a sunset or sunrise together – смотреть на закат или на рассвет вместе

Английские фразы для убеждения

Если вы стараетесь побудить кого-то любить вас.

  • We’re a good match. – Мы отличная пара.
  • We complete each other. – Мы дополняем друг друга.
  • We’re meant for each other. – Мы созданы друг для друга.
  • We’re perfect for each other. – Мы идеально подходим друг для друга.
  • You can’t deny what’s between us. – Ты не можешь отрицать того, что между нами есть.
  • I’d rather argue with you, than kiss someone else. – Я лучше поспорил бы с тобой, чем цеовать кого-то еще.
  • Every day I look at you and feel love and inspiration. – Каждый день я смотрю на тебя и ощущаю любовь и вдохновение.
  • You are my world, gravity always pulls me toward you. – Ты — мой мир, притяжение всегда тянет меня к тебе.
  • Maybe you don’t need the whole world to love you. Maybe you just need one person. – Может быть тебе не нужна любовь всего мира. Возможно, тебе нужен всего один человек.
  • If I were spelling out my favorite thing in the world, it’d be spelled «Y–O–U». – Если бы я произносил по буквам свое любимое слово, это бы звучало так: «Т–Ы». 
  • I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. – Я люблю тебя не только за то, кем ты являешься, но за то, кем являюсь я рядом с тобой.

Холодно. Теплее…
Поиграйте в игру с поцелуями. Задумайте место на вашем теле, куда бы вы
хотели, чтобы вас поцеловали, но не говорите его своей половинке. Пусть вас
начинают целовать. Если целующий двигается ближе к задуманному месту,
говорите «теплее». И «холоднее», если будут двигаться в неверном направлении. Узнаете сколько времени им понадобиться для нахождения вашего заветного местечка.

«Я бы точно побрила ноги ради тебя»

Романтичные фразы на английском

Такого рода фразы говорят персонажи в новеллах… Они могут звучать либо 
довольно серьезно либо романтично, а иногда и слегка наивно, если вы будете
использовать их неумело.

  • I’m infatuated with you. – Ты вскружила мне голову.
  • You’re my lover.  – Ты моя возлюбленная
  • You’re captivating. – Ты очаровательна.
  • I’m addicted to you. – Я пристрастился к тебе.
  • You’re perfect. – Ты идеальна.
  • I’ve totally fallen for you. – Я полностью влюбился в тебя.
  • I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life together with you. – Я не могу дождаться, чтобы провести остаток жизни вместе с тобой.
  • Sometimes I can’t stop looking at youYou look too damn good. – Иногда я не могу приркатить смотреть на тебя… Ты слишком хороша.
  • You are the one I want to spend my life with my soul mate. – Ты та единственная, с кем я хочу провести остаток жизни — моя родная душа.
  • I am consumed by the desire to be with you, to talk to you and to feel you near me. – Я поглощен желанием быть с тобой, говорить с тобой и чувствовать тебя рядом.
  • I could search my whole life through and through an never find another you. – Я мог искать всю свою жизнь всегда и везде, и никогда не найти еще одну такую, как ты.
  • When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, and remember that’s where my fingers fit perfectly. – Когда тебе одиноко, просто посмотри на промежутки между своими пальцами, и вспомни, что туда идеально подходят мои пальцы.

pick out a book and read aloud together – выбрать книгу и читать вслух вместе

Чистосердечные признания

Если вы открываетесь кому-то впервые, можете попробовать фразы ниже.

  • I’m drawn to you. – Меня тянет к тебе.
  • I have feelings for you. – У меня к тебе чувства.
  • I’ve got a thing for you. – Я помешан на тебе.
  • I feel something for you. – Я чувствую что-то по отношению к тебе.
  • I love you to the moon and back. – Я люблю тебя сильнее всего на свете.
  • Everything about you turns me on. – Все в тебе меня заводит.
  • I think of you as more than a friend. – Я думаю о тебе больше, чем как о подруге.
    I love you more and more every day. – Я люблю тебя больше и каждый день.
  • I’ve had a crush on you for a long time. – Я увлечен тобой долгое время.
  • I just wouldn’t feel complete without you. – Без тебя я не чувствовал себя полноценным.
  • I can’t believe how hard I’ve fallen for you. – Я не могу поверить насколько сильно я влюбился в тебя.
  • I cherish you above anything else in my life. – Я дорожу тобой больше всего в моей жизни.
  • Every time I see you, you leave me breathless. – Каждый раз, когда я вижу тебя, у меня перехватывает дыхание.
  • You make my soul sing when you walk into a room. – Ты заставляешь петь мою душу, когда входишь в комнату.
  • I can’t believe how perfectly we were made for each other. – Я не могу поверить насколько идеально мы подходим друг другу.
  • You are the sunshine in my day and the moonlight of my nights. – Ты солнечный свет в моем дне и лунный в моих ночах. 
  • I’m so excited that we have so much time to be with each other. – Я так рад, что у нас есть столько времени, чтобы быть вместе.
    I will never love another person with as much intensity as I love you. – Я никогда не буду любить кого-то другого так же сильно, как я люблю тебя.
    How did you become the utterly amazing person that you are? – Как ты стала такой чрезвычайно потрясающей личностью какой ты есть?
  • I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you. – Я даже не хочу думать о том, какой была бы жизнь без тебя.
  • Everything you do in my life adds to my happiness, subtracts from my sadness, and multiplies my joy. – Все, что ты делаешь в моей жизни, добавляет в нее счастье, вычитает грусть и умножает мою радость.
  • When I wake up, I’m smiling, because it’s another day with you. – Когда я просыпаюсь, я улыбаюсь, потому что это еще один день с тобой.

Работа на дому
Когда вы оба дома, отсылайте друг другу сообщения с текстом (желательно на
английском, конечно) и картинками по телефону. Будьте смелее, ничего если
они будут слегка грязноваты. Зачем тянуть? Напишите сообщение прямо сейчас!
+ 100 к карме!

Фразы для легкого флирта 

Эти фразы выражают ваши эмоции без лишней серьезности.

  • Love ya! – Люблю тебя!
  • You’re so awesome. – Ты такая отпадная.
  • We make a good team. – Мы отличная команда.
  • You suck less than most people. – Ты не такой отстой, как большинство людей.
  • I’d totally shave my legs for you. – Я бы точно побрила ноги ради тебя.
  • You just made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants.  – Ты так рассмешила меня, я чуть не обмочил штаны.
  • Your sense of humor is fantastic. And by that I mean you laugh at my jokes. Which is fantastic. – У тебя фантастическое чувство юмора. Под этим, я подразумеваю тот факт, что ты смеешься над моими шутками. Что есть фантастично.
  • I really like that you understand my sarcasm, because it’s an advanced level and not everyone get it. – Мне правда нравится, что ты понимаешь мой сарказм, потому что он на продвинутом уровне и не все его догоняют.
  • Sometimes you’re the most difficult person to deal with. But other than that, I think you’re pretty perfect. – Иногда ты самый сложный человек на земле. Но в другое время, я думаю ты вполне идеален.
  • If ninjas captured you, I would spend all of my free time training to be a stellar ninja. Which might take some time, since I am very far from being that, but I want you to know that I would eventually save you. – Если бы тебя похитили ниндзя, я бы тратил все свое свободное время, чтобы стать безупречным ниндзей. Что может занять некоторое время, потому что я очень далек от такого ниндзи, но я хочу чтобы ты знала, что я в конечном итоге спасу тебя.

get fancy – примерять одежду и хвастаться перед друг другом, чудить, оригинальничать, выкидывать фокусы

Страстные фразы

В случае «пожара» — разбить стекло и использовать следующие фразы. 

  • I want you. – Я хочу тебя.
  • Let’s get it on. – Давай сделаем это.
  • I love your body. – Я люблю твое тело.
  • I’m burning for you. – Я горю для тебя.
  • You’re so effing hot. – Блин! Как же ты горяча! 
  • You’ve got what I need. – У тебя есть то, что мне надо.
  • I love watching you workout. – Я люблю смотреть, как ты делаешь упражнения.
  • I love to &#%$ you (because you don’t have to use «making love» all the time). – Я люблю тр**** тебя (потому что не стоит постоянно говорить «занимать любовью»).
  • I &#%$ing love you. – Я ***** люблю тебя! (когда накипело)
  • You make me burn with desire. – Ты заставляешь меня гореть желанием.

Опасные фразы

Следующие выражения довольно опасны в роли серьезных заявлений. Но можете
смело шутить или написать их в любовном письме.

  • I idolize you. – Я боготворю тебя.
  • I worship you. – Я поклонюясь тебе.
  • We’re soul mates. – Мы родственные души.
  • You’re my goddess. – Ты моя богиня.
  • I’m crazy about you. – Я без ума от тебя.
  • You’re my everything. – Ты все для меня.
  • I can’t live without you. – Я не могу жить без тебя.
  • We were meant to be together. – Нам было суждено быть вместе.
  • I can’t bear to be apart from you. – Быть без тебя невыносимо.

Поцелуй по расписанию
Придумайте традицию. Например, можно целоваться в определенное время и определенный день в неделю. Это может быть особенное время для вас по той или иной причине.

Фразы для отношений

Эти фразы пригодятся для описания вашего статуса в отношениях, или
того, куда бы вы хотели их направить.

  • I can’t get over you. – Я не могу наглядеться на тебя.
  • I want to take this slow. – Я бы не хотел торопить события.
  • This is more than a crush. – Это больше, чем увлечение.
  • I’m ready to take it to the next level. – Я готов перейти на следующий уровень.
  • I think I wanna have your baby! – Я думаю, я хочу от тебя ребенка.
  • I hate everybody today, but you — you I can stand. – Я ненавижу всех сегодня, но ты — тебя я могу вынести.
  • I’m more in love with you today than I was yesterday. – Я влюблен в тебя сегодня больше, чем вчера.
  • I love it when we talk, and I love it when we don’t. – Я люблю, когда мы общаемся, и когда не общаемся.
  • You look even better now than when I met you. – Ты выглядишь даже лучше, чем когда я встретил тебя.
  • Whatever you have to do today, I’m glad to be doing it with you. – Что бы тебе не пришлось делать сегодня, я рад, что занимаюсь этим вместе с тобой.
  • You look great today. How did I know? Well, you look great everyday. – Ты выглядишь отлично сегодня. Как я узнал? Ну, ты выглядишь отлично каждый день.
  • If I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I’d pick the moment I met you. – Если бы я мог выбрать один самый лучший и светлый момент в жизни, сохранить его свежим и ярким, из всех дней, что я прожил, я бы выбрал тот, когда встретил тебя.
  • At this very moment, my thoughts of you have me smiling. You do that for me … did you know that? – В этот самый момент, мои мысли о тебе засталяют меня улыбаться. Ты делаешь это для меня… ты знала об этом?
  • A piece of my heart is always missing when you’re not with me. – Частички моего сердца всегда не хватает, когда ты не со мной.
  • I never wanted to have anything in my life that I couldn’t stand losing. It’s too late for that now. – Никогда в жизни я бы не хотел иметь того, потерю чего я не смог бы пережить. Теперь уже слишком поздно.
  • Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with all of the longing and excitement I feel when I think of you. – Иногда мне кажется, что мое сердце разорвется от всей тоски и волнения, которые я ощущаю, думая о тебе.
  • They say you only fall in love once, but that can’t be true… Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again. – Говорят, что влюбляешься всего один раз, но это не может быть правдой… Каждый раз, смотря на тебя, я влюбляюсь снова.

Во тьме
Закройте своей половинке глаза повязкой или очками для сна. Говорите приятные слова шепотом. Комплименты будут звучать куда приятнее и значительнее. Также можно параллельно поиграть в игру. Возьмите несколько предметов вроде кубика льда, кисточки, шелковой вуали или чесалки для спины и дотрагивайтесь ими до любимого человка. Задача: угадать, что это за предемет.

Холодные и строгие фразы

Эти фразы еще менее эмоциональны. Они всегда пригодятся для объективного
выражения своих чувств.

  • I’m physically attracted to you. – Я испытываю к тебе физическое влечение.
  • You are the object of my affection. – Ты являешься объектом моей привязанности.
  • We have a good chemistry. – Между нами хорошая химия.
  • I feel affectionate towards you. – Я испытываю нежность по отношению к тебе.
  • I care for you deeply. – Ты мне не безразлична.

150 фраз для признания в любви на английском, изображение 2

Старомодные фразы

Эти фразочки уже запылились и давно вышли из моды, но вы все еще можете
иногда услышать их от людей.

  • You’re my best girl.  Ты моя самая лучшая девушка.
  • I’m sweet on you.  Я влюблен в тебя.
  • Do you want to go steady?  Ты хочешь серьезных отношений?
  • Will you go with me?  Ты согласишься пойти со мной на ужин?
  • I’m enamored with you.  Я очарован тобой.
  • I’m mad about you.  Я с ума по тебе схожу.
  • I hereby declare my love and affection towards you.  Настоящим хочу донести мою любовь и привязанность по отношению к тебе.
  • Roses are red; violets are blue; sugar is sweet, and so are you. – Красные розы, синие фиалки, сладкий сахар и ты тоже.

read also

Читай также

Международный экзамен C2 Proficiency (CPE)


Любви все возрасты покорны. Надеемся, вы нашли для себя что-то интересное и готовы дарить моменты нежности и удовольствия дорогим вам людям. Но самое главное, не забывайте выстрелить в них из пушки любви раскаленной английской фразой! Love and be loved, guys! <3

Stay classy!

Englishdom #вдохновляемвыучить

100 способов признаться в любви на английском

Вы не можете перестать думать о человеке, краснеете каждый раз, когда он или она заговаривает с вами, фантазируете о совместном будущем… Поздравляем: вы влюбились. Как только вы признаетесь в этом, следующий шаг — рассказать объекту влюбленности о своих чувствах. Сделать это непросто, и чтобы облегчить вам эту задачу, мы собрали всевозможные способы признаться в любви на английском в одном месте.

Опишите свои чувства одним словом

Ниже мы привели список английских слов, которые вы можете использовать в романтических отношениях, будь то разговор с любимым человеком или о нем. Большинство из них это прилагательные, т. е. они помогают описать человека, о котором вы говорите, и подходят для построения предложения «You are ______ / Ты _______».

Просто признайтесь в любви на английском

И ответьте взаимностью, если захотите. Самые простые варианты сказать «Я люблю» на английском:

I love you too — Я тоже тебя люблю

I love you so much — Я так сильно тебя люблю

I love you more — Я люблю тебя еще больше

I love you very much — Я очень тебя люблю

I love you baby — Я люблю тебя, крошка

I love you my love — Я тебя люблю, любовь моя

I love you forever — Я люблю тебя навсегда

I will always love you — Я всегда буду любить тебя

I still love you — Я все еще люблю тебя

I really love you — Я действительно тебя люблю

I love you and I miss you — Я люблю тебя и скучаю

I love all of you — Я люблю все в тебе.

Выбирайте варианты сказать «Я люблю» разными способами

Сказать I love you — самый простой и очевидный способ признаться в своих чувствах. Однако разнообразие, новизна помогают дольше сохранить чувства на пике, и слова, которыми вы говорите об этих чувствах, тоже играют роль. Поможем разнообразить вашу лексику на тему любви.

I’m in love with you

«Я влюблен в тебя» — эта фраза более эмоциональна, чем простое I love you, и сказать ее можно только в романтических отношениях, в то время как I love you будет уместно и в общении с друзьями, родственниками.

You’re the love of my life

«Ты — любовь всей моей жизни» — серьезное заявление, которое означает, что вы хотите быть с этим человеком навсегда, и больше никого не будет.

I’m madly in love with you

«Я безумно люблю тебя» — эта фраза говорит о том, что вы не просто любите объект признания, но и не можете выбросить его из головы.

I love you to the moon and back

«Я бесконечно люблю тебя» — что может быть романтичнее, чем смотреть на луну? Возможно, только признание партнеру, что вы любите его «до луны и обратно».

I’m head over heels for you

«Я без ума от тебя» — означает, что вы целиком и полностью влюблены и не можете думать ни о чем и ни о ком другом.

I love you from the bottom of my heart

«Я люблю тебя всем сердцем» — это выражение обычно является признаком крепких отношений. Это более серьезное выражение, чем «Я без ума от тебя».

We are meant for each other

«Мы созданы друг для друга» — фраза означает, что вы очень хорошо подходите друг другу и хорошо ладите.

I’ve totally fallen for you

«Я полностью влюбился в тебя» — говорит о том, что вы влюбились в человека до глубины души.

You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me

«Ты лучшее, что когда-либо случалось со мной» — очень милая фраза, которую можно сказать тому, кого любишь.

I want to spend the rest of my life with you

«Я хочу провести с тобой остаток своей жизни» — обычно так говорят, когда делают кому-то предложение о замужестве / женитьбе.


Да, это сочетание буквы тоже означает I love you. Это всего лишь аббревиатура, характерная для интернет- или СМС-общения. Из этой же серии:

  • I <3 U;
  • iluvu;
  • iluvya;
  • ilvu.

Получив подобное сообщение, не пугайтесь: вам всего лишь признались в любви.

Используйте интересные фразы для выражения полноты ваших чувств


Способов сказать о своей любви много. Иногда это можно сделать, даже не используя само слово love, но выбрав такие выражения, которые намного лучше передадут ваше отношение.

You make my heart warm and happyYou’re the light of my lifeI will support you through the good times and the badYou are the only one on my mindI love you more than any word can sayYou make everything feel possibleYou are the person I want to spend my life withAs long as I have you in my life, I’ll be okayI will always be here for youYou are incredibleYou mean so much to meI’ve got a crush on youYou are the object of my affectionI’m out of breath for youYou are the light of my lifeYou are my sunshineI’m lost without youYou make my heart skip a bitYou rock my worldТы согреваешь мое сердце и радуешьТы свет моей жизниЯ поддержу тебя в хорошие и плохие временаТы единственный, кто у меня на умеЯ люблю тебя сильнее, чем любое слово может передатьТы заставляешь чувствовать так, что все возможноТы человек, с которым я хочу провести свою жизньПока ты есть в моей жизни, я буду в порядкеЯ всегда буду рядом с тобойТы потрясающаяТы так много значишь для меняЯ без ума от тебяТы объект моей привязанностиЯ задыхаюсь от тебяТы свет моей жизниТы мое солнцеБез тебя я потерянТы заставляешь мое сердце учащенно битьсяТы сотрясаешь мой мир

Иногда о своих чувствах хочется рассказать особенно красиво, чтобы выразить всю силу своих эмоций. И тогда вам пригодятся следующие фразы:

You are my other half, my better half. Without you, I am just half a soul. — Ты моя вторая половина, моя лучшая половина. Без тебя я всего лишь половина души.

You are my sunshine. You brighten my day, my life, and my soul. — Ты мое солнце. Ты украшаешь мой день, мою жизнь и мою душу.

I just can’t bear to be apart from you. It makes me go crazy! Come back soon. — Я просто не могу быть в разлуке с тобой. Это сводит меня с ума! Возвращайся скорее.

You make me want to be a better person. Your goodness makes me go weak in the knees! — Ты заставляешь меня хотеть быть лучше. От твоей доброты у меня подгибаются колени!

Sometimes, I feel that my heart will burst from all of the love I feel for you. — Иногда я чувствую, что мое сердце разорвется от всей любви, которую я испытываю к тебе.

«True love stories never have endings» (Richard Bach). — «Настоящие истории любви никогда не заканчиваются» (Ричард Бах).

«I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone» (J.R.R. Tolkien). — «Лучше я проведу с тобой одну жизнь, чем проживу в одиночестве все века этого мира» (Дж. Р. Р. Толкин).

«All you need is love» (Paul McCartney). — «Все, что вам нужно, — это любовь» (Пол Маккартни).

«Life is the flower for which love is the honey» (Victor Hugo). — «Жизнь — это цветок, для которого любовь — мед» (Виктор Гюго).

«We are most alive when we’re in love» (John Updike). — «Мы наиболее живы, когда влюблены» (Джон Апдайк).

Любите и будьте любимы!

Loveliest of Sweet Love Words, Cute Love Words, Romantic Love Words and Beautiful Love Words you can send to your Lover, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband or Wife. Perfect Loving words to express your Love for Him or Her.

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You can send any of them in the morning in the afternoon or at night, as greetings for your lover. Just add good morning, good night, or I miss you appropriately. You’re good. Thumbs up!

Wait, Did You Know?

A relationship can blossom beyond one’s wildest imagination that it would get to a point where all the Sweet, Cute and Romantic Love Words in all the best of dictionaries will fail to perfectly describe how your partner makes you feel. It’s such a time that words do fail to express the romantic streaks you feel deep inside. If you have been there, I sure have too! And if you are not there yet, it’s just a matter of time and your own season shall come too.

Ideally, no matter how scintillating a moment the above is, the truth of it is: nothing grows which is not planted and cultivated. To think about having a relationship that has no moment of ill feeling and such that will continue in unending bliss is easier than the call of Jack Robinson. It still takes effort to make such happen, not mere thoughts and talks.

The moment you let your thought only rule your relationship, without making conscious effort to build it, you will later find out that you are the undoing of your own relationship: love in a relationship will only grow to its maxima on the condition that you both work it out- it still takes two to tango!

Do you want your relationship to thrive and flourish with endless romantic streaks? Then make sure you work it out. Set great plans, beyond the scope of mere feelings. Cultivate the habit of being better giver than being an all-time-receiver. And in no time, you will see results beyond reasonable doubts.

To help in the working-it-out process, we have helped you create these Sweet, Cute, Romantic and Beautiful Love words that you can send to your lover to help grow your relationship to your thoughts desire.

What about this?

your relationship is not like those “Hit and Run” ones, pick any of these Love Words and post it on the Facebook timeline of your lover, or at least tweet it at them.

P.S. If you Love these collection of Sweet Love Words, and you know this is worth sharing, then help hit the share button to make your friends see the Love Words that work. I wish you have a relationship that will last. Thanks for coming. Mwah!


A Moment without You is Like a Day without Sunshine

I have tried so hard, to keep my body and soul together, tell my heart to stop telling me I miss you, but all not working.

A Day Without You is a Day Without a Smile

I See Us Making a Love that Lasts a Lifetime

We Are a Match Perfected from Heaven Above

Take the Whole of Me as an Proof of My Love to You

This is an Express of Love Divine

I’m Loving You Always and Forever More

I’m Glad I Finally found You

Having You as Mine is a Dream Come True

The Thoughts of Your Love is Beyond a Wonderful Feeling

I Love You as Much as You Do Love Me

I Care for You as Much as You Do Care for Me

My Life Has Never Remained the Same Since I Met You

Since I met you, my life has anchored around limitless bliss that’s inherent in love. I’ve been made better, since you became mine. I love you.

I Give Every Beat of My Heart to Loving You

I See Me Falling in Love with You on a Daily Basis

Our Love Deserves a Daily Celebration

I am Enjoying the Dictates of True Love for the First Time in My Whole Life

Within and Without, I Love Every Part of You

From your head to your toe, you’ve got such an amazing look.
Looking within you, I see virtues beyond words. I love you.

It Still Beats Me How I Have Found a Jewel Like You

Deep within me, I wouldn’t stop asking how a guy like me was so lucky to have found a jewel of inestimable values like you.

It’s Unimaginable How I’ve Found a Prince Like You

I Love You in Countless Ways

It’s so Sweet to Be Loved by Someone Like You

I’ve Tried but Can’t Just Get Enough of Your Love

Of your love, your hugs, your care
And your endless devotion…
I’ve gotten so much of them,
Yet I can’t get enough of you.

I Keep Falling in Love with You and I Can’t Help It

I Care About You Beyond What Can Be Verbalized

I Will Always Cherish and Adore You, Yes You.

I Am Longing for Your Touch

Can I Have Your Attention?

Meeting You Was the Proof of Deep Love

It was hard for me to believe that someone could live this deeply until I met you and you gave me the best. Thanks for it all. I love you.

What Would I Do Without You in My Life?

I see how wonderfully my life has been going since I met you. I’ve had a first class experience of love undefined and the more I get, the more you proof to give. So I thought, what will I do without you in my life. Thank you. I love you.

With You, No One Else Matters in My Life

You are my essence, you’re my ecstasy. You’ve been my stay in time of loneliness and in my weary moments, you gave a hand to help carry on. And today I came to a conclusion that I wouldn’t need anyone else in my life since I have you. I love you.

I Choose to not Have a Moment Without You

Your Presence Gives the Peak of My Merriment

I Can’t Fancy A Life Without You

I Am Giving All of My Heart to You

I Will Always Love You Like I’ve Always Been Doing

Your Love Has Brought Me to a Spotlight

I’ve Never Seen Love This Way Before

I Wish to Be Close to You

I Am Longing for Your Touch

I am Longing to Be Close to You Again

I Cherish the Way You Hold Me

It’s Wonderful How You Look at Me

I Love the Way You Always Make Me Feel

I Love You in Countless Ways

I Give My Heart and Soul to Loving You

I Miss You Every Second You’re Away from Me

This is the Moment I Need You Most

Would You Come Back to Me

I Wish I Have You in My Arms

This Moment Would Have Been Better Shared with You

Without You Here, I’m Like a Stray with No Home

I Don’t Ever Want to Stop Loving You

I Wish You’ll Love Me Forever Too

Would You Always Be Mine?


I Promise to Love You Until Death Do Us Part

I Promise a Lifetime Devotion to this Relationship

I Promise to Love You Come What May

I Promise to Always Cherish You

I Promise to Be There for You at all Times

I Promise to Be Your One and Only Lover

I Promise to Never Break Your Heart

I Promise to Be Your Best Friend Forever

I Promise Unwavering Commitment to this Relationship

I Promise to Never Break Your Heart

I Promise to be Your Confidant

I Promise to Defend Your Interests

I Promise to Keep Your Heart Unbroken

I Promise to Build a Future with You

I Promise to Always Make You Happy

I Promise to be Your Lifetime Companion

I Promise to Always Trust You

I Promise to Always Stand By You

I Promise to Always Care for You

I Promise to Never Take You for Granted

I Promise to Help Make this Relationship Last


I Don’t Mind Going to the End of the Word for You

I Desire to Always Wake Up Next to You

I Wish to Always Be Wherever You Are

You’re My Knight in Shining Armour

Isn’t it Thrilling How I’m a Part of Your Life?

I Can’t Stop Being Head Over Heels for You

I Am Forever Happy in Your Arms

In Your Arms, I find Warmth and Safety

My Love for You Grows with the Least of the Things You Do

I Can’t Stop Having a Great Time with You

Life Has Worth the Living Since You Came into My Life

Your Love is the Rhythms My Heart Dances To

To Love You is My Heritage

To Always Be Yours is My Culture

To Stay with You Forever is My Tradition

I Find Loving You an Easy Thing to Do

With You, I See Myself Becoming the Happiest Person Alive

My Heart Can’t Stop Leaping for You

You’re in Every of My Thoughts and Decisions

I Knew My Lonely Days Were Over When I Met You

It’s Evident that Our Love Can’t Grow Old

Our Love Bond Will Grow Ever Stronger

This is a Celebration of a Special Kind of Love

Your Love Has Set the Stage for Endless Romantic Streaks

I Am So Glad I Found this Wonderful You

I Am Forever Grateful to Have You in My Life

Our Love Rocks, Makes Sense Forever

You’re the Best Gift that Life Ever Gave to Me

I’ve Come to Say Thank thank you for Everything You’ve Done for Me

The Sky is the Starting Point for Our Love

Words Are Never Enough to Express How I Feel About You

There’s Nothing Possible that I Wouldn’t Do To Make You Smile

There’s Nothing Within My Power that I Wouldn’t Do to Make You Happy

Our Love Story is Legendary

This is more than a Glimpse of Heaven

I’ve heard they say to love is to receive a glimpse of heaven but falling in love with you has defied the saying! Your love is more than words can say, falling in love with you is more than a glimpse of heaven.

Your Love is a Rare Gift of Nature

We Were Two Separate Hearts that became one

Wherever Love Leads, I’m Walking There with You

It’s Obvious, We’re Made for Each Other

We Are on a Journey of Blissfulness Together

I Can See that We’re Perfect Together

Our Love is Being Built to Last

We Make an Enviable Union

I See Us Celebrating a Boundless Love Forever

The Intimacy We Share is Rare

We’re Inseparable through Life’s Tick and Thin

This is Nothing But Friendship Redefined

Where in the World Would I Ever Be Without You?

I Love You with Every Heartbeat of Mine

Your Beauty is Never-fading

You Are so Elegant Inside and Out

Your Love is More than Enough for Me

You’re My Lifetime Partner in Love

You’re My Friend in Need and Indeed

Your Love Has Brought a Never-ending Smile to My Face

You’ve Always Brought Out the Best in Me

Your Love Has Finally Complemented Me

Your Love Has Forever Completed Me

You’re All I Ever Wanted and Needed

Your Love Ignites an Ember of Passion within Me

You’ve Filled My Life with a Great Joy

I’ll Ever Delight Myself in You

Your Love is Blossoming

You’re in the Habit of Taking My Breath Away

You’ve Become My Favourite

Your Love Lights Up My Life

You’ve Always Had the Key to My Heart

You Were too Good to Be True and now too Essential to Be Without

Heart Touching  Love Words and Quotes for Him or Her

Here are the most romantic love words and sayings anyone can get around, all you need to do is to send it to your lover and be glad you did.

1. No matter how the best of professional dictionaries advance in their definitions of love, I just know that none of their words would be qualitative enough to describe my love for you and even yours for me. We are the best.

2. You are my heart when it comes to love. You are my merriment when it comes to fun. You are sure my fulfilment when it comes to talking about the future. I love you.

3. I welcome you into my heart today. I choose you to be my heart desires. I wish you a great ride in there – but mind your steps. You are welcome.

4. I know what love really is when you started showing me. I could have lived all my life celebrating lust and call it love! Thank God I found you.

5. Heartbeats reaches its maxima when love becomes a strange phenomenon. If you ask me how I feel now, I will say that’s exactly the way. Your love is magical.

6. I am not giving you a part of me. I choose to give you all and all. No one else deserves it but you. I love you!

7. Love is a game when it ends with a lower and a winner. Ours is not like that. Ours is an endless tango, which will ever takes two to make. I love you.

8. Like a flame which lights up my path, so is your love. Like a galaxy of stars in the midst of my gross darkness, so is your care. I love you.

9. Like a tree without leaves is no good for shed, my life without you is far away from reality. You are all I need. I love you.

10. This height of ecstasy your love has brought me, is where I choose to stay all my life. Every other places might be better, but a bird in the hand is more than thousands out there in the bush.

Sweet Love Words to say I love you

Here are unforgettable love words you can send to your Lover: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Fiancé, fiancée. And you will be amazed to see the result if you can just send it to him or her.

11. Even if by privilege lions do rule in the bush, I give you the privilege to reign and rule in my heart like a king. You deserve more my love.

12. No matter how far in life I go, I see me coming back into your arms. We are the two that are joined together by God – we are the inseparable two!

13. I once thought about travelling throughout the whole world and I begin to see its reality when I know you to be my whole world. Your love rocks.

14. I want to make memories with you, such that can be cherished forever. Being mine forever is the key. A deal? I love you.

15. If there is any value I’ve seen my whole life developing of recent, it’s courtesy of nothing else but your love. Thank God I met you. I love you.

16. No matter how the world puts us apart, you will always be in my heart, deep down in my every right thoughts. I love you.

17. I just want to be where your love would lead me, until the end of time. It is a choice that is worth making. I love you.

18. Love is beautiful, love is cute, love is wonderful and love is glorious. I know all these through your care. You are indeed an heaven-sent.

19. If love do have a measure, it must be such that will be so limitless: I tried to measure your love and care and I’ve been sapped each time.

20. A plant without source of water would wither in no time. This is tantamount to a heart having no true love. Glad you are the best for me. I love you.

Romantic Love Words to say I love you

Good Morning and Good Night to your Lover: Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband, Wife, Fiancé, Fiancée.

21. You are so essential to my life, as breathing is essential to life! You are the very one my heart needs.

22. The road to a successful relationship might be rocky. But as long as it’s with you, it will be more than a fantastic ride. I am loving my whole life with you.

23. When I’m down, I may be motivated by encouragement. But none of such saves a heart that is broken. Your coming was an all-in-one fix my heart ever longed for. Thanks for being mine. I love you.

24. I thought I would have to go back to grade one just to learn the basics of love, but you prove to have more than I would ever need in a relationship teacher. At your service, my love.

25. I saw all about me changing for the better and for the best. I saw my heart beating to the rhythms of bliss. I looked around, and within, for the cause, and I was so glad it’s you. I love you.

26. I want to go with you in this journey of love. I want to remember my past hurts and pains no more. I choose to be wherever your love would go. Would you take my hand?

27. To love you effortlessly, I choose for you a pedestal. And I declare eternity to be the end of our relationship. Isn’t it worth it? I love you.

28. The worst lie I can ever tell you is that I wrote your name in the sky. I do not have that wherewithal and yet I have all it takes to inscribe you in the centre of my heart. You deserve to be there.

29. My love is such that can wait. It sure can wait for the right time. But it’s not such that can give up the one it dearly loves. I love you.

30. You are my choicest out of available millions. The best I can ever find and rely on is you. None deserves my heart but you. I love you.

Amazing Love Words to say I love you

Send this amazing love quotes to your husband, wife girlfriend or boyfriend and watch him or her love you the more.

31. My heart has waited for this all my life. It has waited for the one who understands what it is to have a perfect heart, and not the one who would break it at will. Glad you are that person.

32. I have seen shame. I have seen hurts. You have no idea what pains my heart has gone through. But an end came to it when I met you. I love you.

33. Every day is just like pay day to me. I wake up and sleep with boundless joy filling my heart. What a fulfilment your love has brought.  I love you.

34. I didn’t see this coming. If I knew I could get a love so true like this, I would have smiled and really laughed out my moments of heartbreaks and hurts. Glad this moment came.

35. Love is not just rapturous tickling and loads of glamorous sensations. Love is purely giving. I know this when you came into my life.

36. I want to go down the aisle with you. I want this so fast and I am feeling like I can’t wait. I take a pause and I can clearly see that it’s worth the waiting. Smiles, I love you.

37. If I am given a lifetime to express how lucky I am to have met the lovely you, it just won’t be enough. I love you.

38. I want to love you until you don’t have any idea of how much I do love you. Until then, all I will be doing would only be trial and error. Be expectant.

39. You are kind, cheerful, and yet sociable. You are more than I ever want in a lover. You deserve me. I love you.

40. No matter how hard you try, you won’t get to know how long I want to love you. If you can tell how Kong eternity is, then you will get a clue. I love you dearly.

Cute Love Words to say I love you

Here are cutest love sayings and quotes you can send to your lover that will win you her complete love.

41. My search for true love that is believed to be scarce ended when I found you. You have always been my prime source of joy since then. I wish this tends to eternity. I love you.

41. This relationship is so eventful. How I wish this has started long time ago: it would have featured more than heaven on earth by now.

42. I don’t want to appreciate what I have after I have lost it, so I am keeping you forever. You are my best and none else fit.

43. I got the key to the world of fulfilment the very day I met you. I would only be out of my mind to call it quit with you.

44. As long as my heart beats, I can’t call it quit with you. As long as I live, I won’t have no other lover but you. None else deserve me.

45. I have waited for a love like this all my life. It’s such a relief finding the perfect one for me. You will understand this someday.

46. I don’t care how love will be spelt or how it will be defined in the future. I only care about you being my love forever.

47. Your love is more than I can write in text messages. It’s more than I can express in sweet words. Your love is sure matchless.

48. As fitness is the key to a healthy lifestyle, a perfect heartbeat is key to a healthy relationship. I am glad I have that. Courtesy of you.

49. If 60 seconds do make one minute, 72 heartbeats makes one minute too. My heart beats for you that much in a minute. I love you.

50. Far away into the unknown land, wherein endless peace and serenity dwells, is where with you I want to be. It’s worth the ride! I love you.

Hey, wait!

Just before you continue reading the rest, I have this word for you (but not love words anyway.)

Are you one of those who only want to get all they can get from a lover and in turn give a heartbreak? If yes, for how long do you want to continue living in that self-deceit?

For how long do you want to see the end of a relationship that your partner did all they could to bring together? For how long do you want to live like one of those Heartbreakers out there? Don’t you know that you can lose your best while playing the game of hit and run?

Why not just stick to a lover and plan a future with such? You won’t regret doing this. I see a change coming your way. Can we smile together?


Appreciate the kind of love your lover has shown you right from the time you start till now, with the following I thank you for loving me.

51. Even if it seems hard, I will choose to risk it all for you. If I don’t, who else will? I love you.

52. You are an example of love which is classical. A rare gem to my heart you will forever be. I love you eternally.

53. You are not just a touch of kindness. You are love in its purest form. You are lovely and it’s obvious. I love you.54. I will stick with you. Under any kind of weather will I stand by you! If you ask why, I’ll say it’s because you deserve it.

55. Adorable is the word that describes you at present. And I can see that words will begin to fail me to describe in the nearest future.

56. I wouldn’t be here today if not for God that gave a caring hand to me from you. Thank God I met you. I love you.

57. With your love, I see everything turning around for my favour. My worst moments I see turning to merriments. Your love rocks!

58. Your love is more than thrilling to my soul. If it were a food, I sure can’t ever take it all. You are more than sweet. I love you.

59. To talk of dreams, you are the kind that comes true for me. To talk about joy, you are a daily dose for me too. I love you

60. Your love is more than mere tickling. Your love is what light up my whole world. I love you sweetheart.


Let your lover come running back to your arms just after you’ve send him or her this I miss you saying from the heart.

61. I miss that cure smile and your fun-filled laughter. I can’t wait to set my eyes on you my love. I am miss you lke badly.

62. When it’s here, it’s like heaven on earth, but when it’s away it’s more than killing. This is nothing else but your presence. I have really missed you.

63. I love you very dearly and that is seen very clearly but missing a moment without you is what I detest so madly. I have really missed you.

64. I will miss those lovely moments we share until I am bound in your arms and we live to part no more. I love you, but I miss you more.

65. The more I see the sun shines and then the stars appear later in the night, the more my heart is torn, knowing that another day is gone without you.

66. I just have to cut off the basics and tell you how I really feel when you are not here. Always feel like I’m lost. I am missing you so much.

67. I might have deserved this, but I plead for forgiveness. Your absence would do more harm than your scolding me would. Please come back my love.

68. The magical ways of endearing me to you is so enchanting! But not when I am missing you this much. Please understand how I feel.

69. I know you have not fully understood how really I am missing you. If you do, you will be here by now. Tears in my eyes.

70. The breeze might choose to cease, and the sun to cease to shine. All I care is for your eyes to meet mine. Longing to see you.


71. When the going gets tough, I choose to stand by you. Pledging my undying love, I promise to ever stay with you.

72. We won’t be worst of enemies never but I will forever remain the best friend of you. I love you.

73. When your love gives little and even when it gives nothing, I will ever pledge my allegiance to you. I wouldn’t do less because I do love you.

74. I am ever with you with my passion unwavering. Clinging more in love to you and my devotion unswerving. I love you.

75. I didn’t just allow my tongue and lips to blab. When I say I love you, I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

76. The day you have the idea of how much I love you is the very day my love would mean nothing to you anymore. Don’t want this to happen!

77. You might not mean everything to me. But you mean a dream come true and destiny fulfilment to me. I love you.

78. Under any kind of weather, come what may, I will stand by you. I love you.

79. Your love is worth being kept forever and it sure a promise I will keep. I love you.

80. I wouldn’t let this joy end. I wouldn’t let this moments of bliss bid its goodbye. I stay forever with you, for I don’t want to lose you.

81. I choose to stay and stand with you forever, because it’s worth it all the way! I love you.

82. Even if all relationships don’t last, I see ours going till eternity. I love you.

83. This love will be until the end of time, because true and undying love is what do bind us. I love you.

84. You have always been my prime source of joy since then. I wish this tends to eternity. I love you.

85. I have talked enough. It’s time for action. Prepared to love you and stop once it’s a day after eternity. See how long that will take? Love you.


Let your lover know he or she is all that satisfies you in the world, by sending her the following you are all that pleases me quotes for lover from the heart.

86. One million might be put there but all I want is you. You are the only one I trust my future with. Thanks for being the help my destiny needs.

87. No other person can ever fit into my agenda of fulfilment but you. I choose to stand by you all my life.

87. Be with me on my journey to destiny fulfilment. Stand by me for you are all I need. Would you?

88. Thanks for being on this path with me. Thank you so much for taking a lifetime decision to be mine. Thanks and thanks for it all. I love you sweet.

89. Thanks for your choice of being called my own. Thanks for the offer to help build my Rome. Thanks for choosing to help my being alone. I love you.

90. The helping hand when I am down is you. The strength when I am weak is none else but you. More than all you’ve done, I still need you forever my love.

91. My glorious future awaits celebrating you because it’s been you all the while. You are more than a darling. Mwah.

92. Not just your beauty and the elegance than comes with it. I prime your heart above them all: for with it, our future can be built to last. I Love you.

93. I can see myself scaling high. I can see the future so bright. But when I checked, it’s because you are with me. I wouldn’t let you go, never!

93. I was done chasing shadows when I knew you were the real picture of a helping hand that I need for a life of significance. Thanks for being you.

94. Waking up with a thought of your love is more than winning a battle. Why wouldn’t I, when I can see a glorious future with you in it? I love you.

95. The day draws near. My boundless joy calls. I bask in endless peace, when I look into my future and I can see you in there. I can’t wait to be with you forever sweetie.

96. This journey is worth it. The road is worth plying. All risks worth taking, as long as the future is great with you. I love you.

97. When there is a will there is also a way. Thanks for your choice of going this path with me. I promise to make it worth it.

98. My lifetime heart, my endless desire, my dearly loved, and my all is none else but you. This is who you will ever be, because no one fits but you.

99. My devotion to you is unwavering. My clinging to you, that unswerving. My love, my life, my pride that is you! Welcome into my future with you.

100. Everything is taking form, the worse is taking shape. The moments of limitations are bidding farewell and it’s because I see you in my future.

101. As long as you are on this page with me, I can dance and merry to celebrate a future so great. Why wouldn’t I, when you are mine?

Thanks for reading. If this is worth sharing, kindly share with your friends and loved ones.

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