Love word for her birthday

Love Letters For Her Birthday

Do you ever feel at a loss for words when it comes to expressing your love to your spouse or girlfriend on their birthday?  

On your wife or girlfriend’s birthday, take the opportunity to share your love for her.  Tell her how much she means to you and how grateful you are to have her in your life.

Express your admiration for her strength and beauty, both inside and out.  Let her know that she is your best friend and that you will always be there for her.

Above all, make sure she knows how much you love her.

These simple words can mean the world to your wife or girlfriend today.    

Here are some of the most romantic love notes for her birthday.   

A woman in red walking on the beach

Heart Touching Birthday Letter

Are you looking for the perfect way to show your wife how much you love her on her birthday?  Why not try writing her a romantic birthday letter?  

You don’t need to be a great writer to put your feeling into words.  Just take time to think about what you want to say, and let the words flor from there.

Whatever you say, your wife is sure to appreciate the gesture!

  • Happy birthday to my beautiful wife.  I wanted to take a minute to write you a birthday letter telling you how much I love and appreciate you.  You are the light in my life, and I cherish every moment we spend together.  You make me so happy, and I thank God for blessing me with you as my wife.  I hope these simple words can convey how much I truly love and adore you.  Wishing the most wonderful birthday to the most amazing lady – my wife!

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  • Happy birthday, sweet wife!  I love you so much, and I want to make this the best year yet for you.  I’m thankful for all the years we’ve been together, and all that we have ahedd of us.  You’re my whole world, and I hope you know that.  You’re my life, my love, and my everything.  Words can’t express how much I adore and cherish you!  You’re simply amazing in every way possible and no one could make me happier thank you do.  Amazing things are coming your way.  
  • On the morning of your birthday, I am sitting here thinking how blessed I am to have this beautiful woman as mine.  You bring joy and happiness to my life in a way that no-one ever has before.  I wanted to write you a love letter to let you know how I really feel about you.  Each day with you is like a dream come true.  When I am with you, I always seem to have a huge smile on my face.  I am so grateful for our wonderful relationship.  Wishing you the best birthday yet!

Older couple staring lovingly at each other

Romantic Birthday Letter for Her

Are you looking for ideas on how to write a romantic birthday note for your wife or girlfriend?  You’re in luck!  We are sharing examples that will help make your wife’s birthday a day she will remember.  

Take your writing skills up a notch and tell your wife how much you love her.

  • Happy birthday my love.  I’m so excited to celebrate your birthday today!  I’ve been thinking about you all week long and can’t wait to give you my special gift.  I really hope you like it.  I love you so much, and I’m grateful to have you in my life.  You make me feel so alive and happy, words cannot express how much I adore you.  Happy birthday dearest lover.
  • Happy birthday love.  I’m so grateful for you and everything we have together.  I wanted to do something special for your birthday because you bring me unspeakable joy.  So I decided to write you these romantic birthday letters.  Each one is meant to express how much you are loved and appreciated.  I hope you know that you are my whole world. 

The best decision I ever made was asking you to marry me.

  • Happy birthday my love.  Today is my girlfriend’s birthday and I wanted to do something special to celebrate her and the wonderful moments we have spent together.  I hope you know that you are so much more than just a girlfriend!  I wish you a happy day filled with all the love and happiness in the world.
  • Today marks my girlfriend’s birthday, she is the best person I know.  Seeing her msile is what brings happiness to my heart.  I cannot wait to spend many more birthdays with you, celebrating our love and making wonderful memories.  I am so glad your best friends could be here with us today to celebrate you today!

Cute young woman outdoors in corn field

Beautiful Birthday Letters Just For Her

On your wife’s birthday, take the opportunity to share your love for her with a touching birthday letter she will love and appreciate.

Tell her how much she means to you, and how much you love having her in your life.  Express your hope that this will be the best year yet for the two of you.  

Let her know that you are looking forward to all the wonderful things the two of you will share together.

Most importantly, tell her how much you love her.  Your words will be sure to touch her heart and make this a birthday she will always remember. 

  • Happy birthday, my beautiful wife.  I am so grateful to have you in my life.  You are the best person I have ever met.  I feel so lucky to be married to you.  You make every day a fun adventure.  I look forward to spending many more birthdays with you.  I hope you have an amazing birthday today.  Just remember who loves you.
  • Happy birthday to the love of my life.  I can’t believe another year has passed already.  It seems like only yesterday that we were falling in love.  I am so grateful to have you in my life.  You are the light of my life and the center of my world.   Without you I am nothing.  I promise to always love you.  You are the love of my life!

African American woman smiling

  • Happy birthday to my girlfriend today.  I’m so lucky to be in a beautiful relationship.  You brighten every day and make me feel so alive.  With each passing day I fall more and more in love with you. I can’t wait to enjoy this special occasion with you today.
  • Wishing the happiest birthday to my love.  It’s been another year of ups and downs, rough and tough moments, but we’ve made it through together.  Everyone is looking forward to seeing you at your party today, especially me.  

Happy Birthday Love Letters to Show How Much You Care

The best way to show your wife how much you love her is by showering her with attention on her birthday.  Make sure to start the day off with her favorite birthday food in bed. 

Then, spend the day doing all her favorite things, whether that’s going for a long walk in nature, or indulging in a shopping spree.

Whatever you do, make sure she feels loved and cherish.  And of course, don’t forget to end the day with a romantic dinner for two, complete with candles and soft music.  

By expressing your love in both big and small ways, you can show your wife just how much she means to you.  

Doing any of the above will make her birthday extra special! 

Older blond woman outdoors

  • My dearest love.  As we celebrate your birthday today.  I can’t help but reflect on the rough and tumble moments we’ve shared together.  Through everything you’ve always been my rock.  The one special person I know will be in my corner.  I’m so glad you were born today, you are the best gift for me.  That’s kind of funny to say but you are a great treasure to me.  Sending you the best wishes on your 30th birthday.
  • My dearest love,  As I sit here and think about you on this wonderful day.  I can’t help but reflect on how different my life is with you in it.  Before you came along, I was struggling to find my way.  I felt lost and along in the world.  But from the moment I met you, I knew that my whole life was about to change.  with you, I feel like anything is possible.  You make me laugh, you make me feel loved, and you make me want to be a better person.  I now have this immense love for you and all I want to do is take care of you.
  • Wishing a very happy birthday to my favorite person.  Seeing you happy brings me great joy.  Thank you for all the exciting adventures we got to experience this year.  My happy moments are always when I am with you.  All I want to say on this special occasion is thank you for being mine.
  • I love you and only you.  There’s so much I want to say to you on your birthday.  First and foremost, I want to tell you how completely and totally in love with you I am.  My heart is now on a completely different pace, because it skips a beat every time I see you. I love you from the bottom of my heart, and I always will.

Cute girl with a hat outdoors

Happy Birthday Letter on Her Birthday

There’s no better way to show your wife or girlfriend how much you love her than by writing a happy birthday letter with some romantic words thrown in.  It’s a big day for her, and what better way to make it even more special than by expressing your love for her? 

Tell her how much she means to you and how lucky you are to have her in your life.  Wish her all the happiness in the world on her birthday.

Your wife is the most important person in your life, so make sue she knows this in her birthday.  She will truly appreciate the gesture. 

  • My love.  There are a million ways to describe how much I love you.  I never knew what it was like to be truly happy until I met you.  You are the reason I wake up every day with a smile on my face.  I never knew unconditional love existed before I found you.  I hope this year is even more amazing than the last.  
  • I love you from the bottom of my heart to the tips of my toes and back again a million times over.  You have made it into the deepest part of my soul.  Love really is a wonderful thing.  Happy birthday to an amazing person who just happens to be my girlfriend.  I wish you so much happiness.

Older woman celebrating her birthday

  • To my darling wife, I hope you have a wonderful day.  I am looking forward to celebrating with you tonight.  I love you from the moon and back!
  • Happy birthday to my favorite wife.  I love you from the bottom of my heart and I promise to always make your happiness a priority.
  • To my wonderful wife.  I want to wish you a happy lovely and joyful day for your birthday.  There is no-one like you in the world.  Today I want to make sure that you get everything you deserve.  You do so much for our family so today should be all about you!

What Can I Write To My Girlfriend On Her Birthday

  • Happy birthday, my beautiful girl.  Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life.  You are my reason for everything and I will always love you.  Knowing you is one of the best gifts life has given me.  Your happiness fills my love tank, so I really hope you enjoy the birthday I put together for you.
  • Today on your special day I wanted to take a moment to write you a birthday love letter.  I wish you a very happy birthday today.  I wanted you to know how in love with you I am.  You are the love of my life, sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am with our llife.  I have this immense love for you that I have never had for anyone else!  You bring great joy to my life and i am sending the best wishes to you.  Wishing you the best birthday ever.

African American Man kissing his wife's cheek

  • On this special day, I want you to know how special you are to this family so I wrote you a heart touching birthday letter.  You are the heart and soul of this family, and without you we are nothing.  I thank god for you every day, because without you I would be nothing!
  • Dear love, happy birthday.  I hope today you have a day that’s as perfect as you are.
  • Birthdays are a time to celebrate the people we love the most.  I married the love of my life nearly ___ years ago, and each day since then has been a gift.  Today on your birthday I want you to know that I am so thankful to have you in my life.  I plan on telling you more often how much I love you, I promise to do better and better.
  • Cheers to the best birthday.  Today I want to wish you a happy birthday from your loving boyfriend.  I want you to know that you are the most beautiful woman in the world.  You are kind, caring and always put others first.  Sending you all the birthday love you can handle.
  • To the most beautiful woman in the world.  My love for you is as strong as a rock, as deep as the ocean, and as true as th stars in the sky.  You are the only one I want to be with, now and forever.  without you, I am nothing.  Happy birthday love.  

How Do I Write a Romantic Birthday Note?

The best way to show your wife how much she means to you is to write her a touching birthday letter.  Start by expressing your gratitude for being in her life.  Then, share some of your favorite memories of her and explain why she is so special to you.

Finish by telling her how much you look forward to spending many more happy years together.  

Couple laying down head to head

Your wife will be touched by your words and appreciate the effort you took to express your love for her.

Writing happy birthday love letters is a simple but hugely effective way to make your spouse feel loved and appreciated.

  • On your birthday, I think about all the wonderful and special moments we’ve shared together over the years.  There’s nothing I enjoy more than being by your side, and I can’t wait to enjoy your lovely and special day together.  I think this birthday is going to be the best one yet.  I have lots of surprises staged for you.
  • I decided to wake up this morning and write you a touching birthday letter.  I don’t tell you often enough how grateful I am to have found you.  You make every day special and my kids have fallen head over heels in love with you.  We all want to wish you a happy birthday today.  We can’t wait to celebrate with you.
  • To my beautiful girlfriend.  I want to wish you a happy birthday today.  Thank you for being by my side in everything that I do.  I can’t imagine my life without you in it.  I am crazy about you.  Thank you for loving me back, you bring me so much joy.

Younger couple laying down cuddling

What is the Best Love Message For a Birthday?

  • Happy birthday to the best wife a man can have!  You are beautiful inside and out, and I thank god every day that you are mine.  I hope you enjoy the special birthday we have planned for you today with all your favorites. 
  • On this special day, I want to write you a happy birthday letter.  You are my home, my heart, my everything.  On this special day, I just want to let you know how deeply I love and admire you.  Words cannot express my love for you, but I hope this heart touching birthday letters shows you just how much you mean to me.  I don’t tell you that enough and I’m sorry for that.
  • Happy birthday my love.  There are so many things I love about you, and I feel incredibly lucky to be with you.  You make me laugh, you’re always there when I need you, and you always know how to make me feel special.  I love you more than anything, and I hope you have a birthday that’s as amazing as you are.  We wish you a happy birthday.

Birthday love Letters For Her

  • Today is a very special day.  It’s the day that my lovely wife was born.  She is the most amazing lady and i feel so blessed to have her in my life.  She is my best friend and my soul mate.  I felt like this was the best opportunity to write a touching birthday letter to her.  My love, I want everyone to know how wonderful you are and what a great partner you are.  I have so much love and admiration for you.  You mean the world to me.  You bring great joy into my life on a daily basis.

Older woman sitting on the beach

  • To my dear wife, I wish you a very happy birthday.  When I look at you, i see the woman who has been by my side through thick and thin.  I see the mother of my children and the love of my life.  You are strong, passionate, beautiful, inside and out.  On your birthday, I want you to know how much I love you.  I know you don’t love too much romance, but I hope you accept this touching birthday letter.  I wanted to let you know what you mean to me.
  • The best thing about being in a wonderful relationship is having a best friend that you can share your life with.  I am so blessed to have found the perfect partner for me in my life.  Happy birthday my love.  Here’s to many more.
  • It’s my wife’s birthday today and I want to take a moment to share my love for her in a birthday love letter.  Happy birthday darling, I don’t tell you enough how much I love you and am eternally grateful to have you by my side.  You mean everything to me.  

Happy Birthday Letter For Her

  • Please accept this beautiful romantic birthday letter on your special day.  I am so lucky to be your husband and I promise to always make you feel loved and cherished.  Happy birthday darling.
  • Birthdays are a special time to celebrate the people we love, and there is no-one I love more than my wife!  On her birthday, I wanted to share a romantic birthday letter i wrote just for her.  I love you for your kindness, your strength, and your sense of humor.  I hope that this year we have just as many wonderful moments as we did last year.  

Young girl touching her cute hat

  • My darling wife.  On this special day, I want to let you know how deeply you are loved.  You are the thinker and planner in our relationship.  You always make sure that our family is happy and cared for.  I know that sometimes I can be forgetful and take you for granted..  These happy birthday love letters are to show you that I love you so much and always will.
  • Best wishes to my wife on her birthday.  I feel so blessed to be able to spend another year with you by my side.  You are my best friend and my longest standing relationship.  I love you more than words could ever say.  Seeing you puts a huge smile on my face.  I will do anything to keep that smile on your face.

Beautiful Birthday Letters to Send Her on Her Birthday

There are so many reasons why sending a birthday note to your wife is such a romantic gesture.  first of all, it shows her that you are truly thoughtful and that you care about making her special day even more special.  

Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to express your love for her in a beautiful and unique way.

Thirdly, it shows that you are committed to always being there for her, no matter what.  

And last but not least, it shows that you are willing to go the extra mile to make her feel loved and cherished.

So go ahead and start writing your true feelings for them, they will love it!

  • _______ you are my heart and soul.  Seeing you smile, hearing you laugh, and feeling your touch is all I need to be happy.  You are my everything, you bring so much happiness to my life.  I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you, each one sweeter than the last!

Older couple having fun outdoors

  • You mean more to me today than when we first married.  I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for our family.  I am so excited for your party tonight.  I love you baby!
  • The best decision I ever made was asking you to marry me.  I love you so much honey!

A Sweet Birthday Letter For Your Wife

There are many reasons why you should send your wife some extra love on her birthday.  For one, it shows that you have a deep appreciation for her and that you love her.  It also shows that you are willing to put some thought and effort into making her day extra special.

  • To my wife on her birthday.  You bring joy into everything you do and you make our life together so beautiful.  On your birthday, i wanted to write a birthday letter telling you how awesome you are.  You are the light in my life, and I thank god for you every day.  May your birthday be as special as you are.

Cute couple in denim and orange on beach

  • Happy birthday, my beautiful wife.  You fill my life with happiness and adventure every day of our life.  Seeing you smile is the best part of my day, and hearing your laugh is the music that my heart longs for.  Thank you for all that you do, I am so happy that we all get to celebrate you today.
  • I thought today because it’s your special day that I would share a heart touching birthday letter I wrote for you.  I thank god every day for bringing you into my world.  I love getting celebrate the day you were born into this world.  Happy birthday to my love.
  • To my one true love.  I have had so much fun these past few days putting together your birthday.  I love you so much, and I hope I did everything the way you would have wanted.  You are the yin to my yang.

The best way to show your wife or girlfriend how much you love her is to write her happy birthday love letters.  In this letter, you can express your affection for her in words, an share some of your favorite memories together.  This will be a priceless gift that she will treasure together.

Plus, it will be a reminder to her how much you care for her every time she reads your love notes.  So, take some time on her birthday to let her know exactly what she means to you by writing her a romantic love note.

Romantic Love Letters For Her Birthday

Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend: Wishing her a happy birthday is just as much important as buying her a beautiful gift. If you want to make your girlfriend happy on her birthday, you must not forget to wish her a happy birthday with some elegant birthday wishes. Here we have sorted out the most wonderful, heartfelt birthday wishes for your girlfriend that will melt her heart right away on her special day. So, don’t waste your time anymore; look at our unique collection of sweet and romantic birthday wishes because we have exactly what you are looking for!

  • Birthday Wishes
  • Romantic
  • Heart Touching
  • Impressive
  • Funny
  • Short
  • Long
  • Captions
  • Quotes

Happy birthday sweetheart. I wish you all the success, happiness and love in the world.

Happy birthday, honey! May every single of your wishes come true. Many happy returns of the day.

You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the sweet girl who always deserves the best things in the world. Happy birthday my love. May God bless you.

Happy Birthday To My Girlfriend

You are the reason I smile, my source of love and happiness. Happy Birthday, my girl ❤️

Many happy returns of the day. Hope you feel nothing but loved and appreciated throughout the day and year. May God bless you and guide you to fulfil all our desires. Happy birthday.

I have the most precious thing that life can offer to anyone. I have you, the most beautiful, gorgeous and lovable girl in the world. Happy birthday, love!

Happy birthday to the best girlfriend in the world. Love you forever 🥰

Happy Birthday, my lovely girlfriend! You’re the jewel of my life and a blessing in disguise. I hope you spend your birthday in the best way and wish for the moon because you deserve it.

best birthday wishes for girlfriend

My beloved girlfriend, I wish you a very happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. You have given me so much love that I cannot even process it. I hope today you feel my love too and have a wonderful day.

Happy Birthday to my beautiful queen! My life is forever blessed to have a girlfriend like you. I always vow to make you happy and give you the life you always wished for. Hope you have a day full of fun and laughter.

Happy birthday to my sweetheart. You bring so much happiness and joy to my heart. Every moment I spend with you is special for me. I want this day to become so memorable and beautiful for you. Enjoy your best day full of love and happiness.

May the cheers of this day be with you in the coming years. May our love grow stronger each day! Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend!

I will never be tired of loving you. I wish you the brightest and most colorful celebration of your birthday. I love you!

birthday wish for girlfriend

Happy birthday to my adorable girlfriend. I pray that God blesses you with infinite peace, prosperity and happiness.

Happy birthday to you my dream girl. Many many happy returns of the day. So lucky to have you ❤️

Happy Birthday, my girl. I love you the most. Days will pass, but my love for you won’t change.

You don’t need a special day to remind me how important you are in my life. You are blessing my life every day and you deserve to be loved every day! Happy birthday!

The universe may turn upside down, but you will always be the prettiest girl in town. Happy birthday my love 🎈🎊🎉

I had asked for a blessing and God gave me you! Happy Birthday, love! Many many happy returns of the day.

My feelings for you grow stronger with each day. I cannot imagine a day in my life without loving you truly, madly and deeply. Happy birthday to you!

Your Birthday is another day to tell you how much you mean to me. Happy Birthday, baby. You are the sweet cherry of my bitter life!

Happy birthday to my love, my best friend, my agony aunt, my complaint hotline, my emergency contact and my soul mate.

On this special day, I wanna say something, “I can’t think a single moment without you, and I love you so much”. My soul mate, happy birthday!

I wish all your dreams come true just like you have made all my dreams come true by choosing to be my girlfriend. Happy birthday dear!

Beautiful, pretty and hot. Happy birthday to the girlfriend who I love a lot 🎊❤️🎉

My love for you cannot be expressed in words. Happy birthday to the ruler of my heart.

birthday wishes to my girlfriend

Happiest birthday to the one who’s the owner of a beautiful soul. Dear girlfriend, hope this year treats you well and helps you to achieve more of your dreams. Love you to the moon and back, babe.

You are one of the most precious persons in my life and I could not be happier to have you beside me. Happy birthday to you, love!

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen! You’re the ray of sunshine in my gloomy life.

Happy birthday to the most wonderful person in my life! I wish you to have a pleasant day with all the people you love!

Romantic Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend

Every moment I spend with you feels so magical. I will forever love you. Happy Birthday, dear.

There is nothing in this world sweeter than your smile. Today, I wish your moments be filled with joy and cheers. Happy birthday sweetheart ❤️

I can assure you that my feelings for you are not going to fade during this lifetime. Everything you do makes me fall in love with you again and again. Happy birthday!

I don’t know what I can get you as a birthday present. How about me, the whole package?

romantic birthday wishes for girlfriend

I have every reason to believe that you were born to make my life beautiful. Nobody in the world can love me more than you do. Happy birthday!

Baby, you made me realize what ‘love’ truly means and taught me to love you. Now I cannot stop loving you more and more! Happy birthday!

If I was given a choice, I would have chosen you without a second thought. I thank God every day because although he did not give me a choice still, he gave me the best! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday to the most beautiful art in the world! To my mind, every single thing about you is perfect.

Even the flowers in my garden envy you because you are way more gorgeous. I don’t see any reason why I should not consider myself the luckiest guy in the world. Happy birthday 🎈🎊🎉

Things have changed, so many years have passed by, but you remained to be the same gorgeous girl that I knew from my college days. Happy birthday beautiful!

You ignited a fire in my heart and the flame is burning bright since the very first day we met each other. I am lucky to have you. Happy birthday!

No amount of words can ever be enough to express my feelings for you. Happy birthday to the love of my life. Wish you all the happiness in this world!

Whenever you hold my hand, I feel like being the luckiest guy in the world. I am never going to let go of you. Happy Birthday!

From being best friends to lovers, we have come a long way. Now, I cannot imagine my life without your constant presence. Happy Birthday to you!

birthday wishes for lover girl

Happy birthday to you, babe! Keep on shining like the star you are and never let anyone dim the light of your eyes! I love you!

No darling, I can’t help you with blowing out your candles cause you have already taken all my breath. Happy Birthday, gorgeous lady of mine!

I don’t think there’s any debate over whether you are the most incredible woman ever (cause you are). But I wonder, how come I got your love! Happy Birthday, My Lady!

Happiest Birthday, my darling! In the eyes of others, you might be an ordinary person. However, this ordinary person has brought magic into my life.

Also Read: Romantic Birthday Love Messages

Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Girlfriend

You are the one I had been looking for throughout my life. Thanks for all your efforts to make our life wonderful. Happy birthday, my lucky charm, my girlfriend.

My lady, you are an angel who flew from heaven and blessed the earth with your presence. Happy Birthday, My Angel!

To the world, you might be just an ordinary person. But this ordinary person makes my life extraordinary! Wishing this ordinary person an extraordinary birthday!

Your touch melts my worries, and your smile heals my pain. Happy Birthday, my love, my home, and my cure!

I could buy you a thousand flowers but they would still be too petty to express what I feel for you. Happy Birthday ❤️

Seeing you smile is breathing oxygen to me. I dedicate my life to making you smile every single moment! Happy birthday my oxygen!

On this day, a beautiful princess came into this world to make my life a happy one. I want to live my life with you. Happy birthday, love.

Heart Touching Birthday Wishes For Girlfriend

Wishing you a happy birthday from my deepest depths of adoration for the person I hold most dear. I love you a lot!

I’m honored to shower you with my affection and gifts on this great day. I wish you a happy birthday filled with all of life’s blessings.

On this blessed day, I am sending you my love and tight hugs, dear girlfriend. Thanks for existing and making everything so easy. Have a fabulous birthday, you gorgeous one 🎈🎊🎉

Just like the earth needs the sun to start the day, I need you to start mine. Happiest birthday, sweet gf.

You are the reason for my beating heart, thanks for making everything worthy. Happiest birthday my one and only, girlfriend.

Happy Birthday, sweetheart! You make my life seem sweet and shiny even on the gloomiest days! I love you!

Before meeting you, I had no faith in real love. You are the one thing that completes me. Wishing you a happy birthday, my oxygen!

Your touch makes me forget all the woes I have. Your look heals all the pain I feel. Happy birthday my peace, remedy, happiness, love, and all other positive words you can think of!

Impressive Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend

I can’t imagine how this life would have been if you never existed. Thanks for coming into my life.

Every single day I spend with you, I can feel the passion getting strong. I am falling in love with you every single day. Happy birthday my love!

You are the sun and moon in my sky. Life seems so beautiful spending with you. You are a true blessing. Many happy returns of the day!

I don’t want anything else in life as long as I am the reason for your smile. I love to see you happy and cheerful always. Happy birthday!

impressive birthday wishes for girlfriend

You can tell me what your heart desires because I am going to bring them to your feet today. I will do everything to make you smile. Happy birthday!

Baby, you have not only loved me unconditionally but have also inspired me in a thousand ways. You are the best! Happy Birthday to you!

You are my biggest dream that came true. I cannot thank God enough for giving me such a beautiful flower. Happy birthday my love!

I have so many reasons to love you but the one reason that makes me crazy about you is how special you make me feel all the time! Happy birthday!

I wake up every day with a mission, which is to make you smile. Because of all things on earth, I love your smile the most. Happy birthday sweetheart 🎊❤️🎉

To make all your dreams come true is my mission in life. Your happiness is my only quest in life. I love you. Happy birthday!

You made me fall in love with you with all your charms and glamour. I am going to make sure that it lasts forever. Happy birthday!

You are the reason why my life seems complete and abundant. You bring smiles on my face every day. Happy birthday my love!

Happy birthday, beautiful! This cake, these mere gifts, and candles do not justify your beauty, your excellence, and your gorgeous presence. You are one in a million!

Happy Birthday! I just typed ‘Best girl of this planet’ and Google showed me your photos!

Read: Love Messages for Girlfriend

Funny Birthday Messages For Girlfriend

Age is just a number but sometimes it matters. So, tell me, how many candles will there be on the cake?

It doesn’t matter if we have wrinkles on our faces as long as our love remains youthful as ever. So, don’t worry my love. Your wrinkles don’t bother me. Happy birthday!

You are older than yesterday but you are definitely not less interesting than yesterday. I still find you super interesting and adorable. Happy birthday!

I searched online and went to all the shops, old and new. But I could not find anything that was as pretty as you. Happy birthday girl.

funny birthday messages for girlfriend

Happy birthday sweetheart! Here’s a birthday offer, only for 24 hours, I’ll grant any wish you make. Your wish will be my command.

Can not believe that your birthday is still not declared as a national holiday! So I took a day off instead to celebrate together. Happy birthday babe!

You already have my love honey, what do you need more than my love as your birthday gift?

Happy Birthday to the luckiest girlfriend who’s blessed to have me as her boyfriend. Lots of love for you.

Today is your day. Make as many wishes as you want because you won’t get this chance again. Happy Birthday!

I’m suffering from asthma because you took my heart away adapting this beautiful birthday look. Happy Birthday, sweetie.

What do you get when you mix hotness and beauty and combine them both with a sexy personality – YOU. Happy birthday.

The wishes you make as you blow out the candles on your cake will all come true because that’s what I wished for too. Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday, my girl! I called in sick at my workplace today because I am lovesick for you. So please cure me with your love shot!

You smiled at me and I fell off the chair! Your smile is so powerful that it could put an end to all wars! Happy Birthday!

Read: Funny Love Messages For Girlfriend

Short Birthday Wishes for GF

Happy birthday, my love! Can we keep celebrating this day together for 100 more years?

Happy birthday, princess! Celebrate your special day to the fullest!

You can blow out the candles, but nobody can put out the burning love I have for you.

Dear love, I wish you the greatest birthday ever! Let’s enjoy it fully!

I hope you have the most amazing day today, sweetie! Happy Birthday!

birthday wish for girlfriend

I love you for everything you are. Happy birthday!

I wanted to give the best gift for your birthday, but realized that nothing tops me!

You are the one who rules my world and completes my life. Happy Birthday, my queen ❤️

Happy Birthday, my girl. You make my heartbeat stop and make my life fantastic. I love you!

Happiest birthday, love. Thank you for being born and being there for me in my dull life.

Happy Birthday, gorgeous! You are the perfect definition of ‘beauty with brains’!

Long Birthday Messages for Girlfriend

I have the heavens and the earth in my life, and that is you, dear. You bring so much joy to my life, and on your birthday, I promise to do the same for you. You’re my happiness. Happy Birthday, love.

Happy birthday my sweetie. You are the sweetest, most charming, and most caring person in my life. You are the best gift that I am blessed with. Today is the most suitable day to confess my love for you. I can’t even imagine life without you. You make me a better person. I am sending you the gift of my love while wishing you a very happy birthday.

You are an amazing woman. You are my treasure, and I’ll keep you mine forever. May this Birthday gift my girl with everything that she desires for. I pray for your happiness and health. Happy Birthday, my Queen.

You and your love need to be celebrated every day. But today, it’s a bit special because you were born on this day. You are the reason I wake up every morning. Thanks for blessing my life. Happy birthday!

Long Birthday Messages for Girlfriend

Nothing is perfect in the world, yet you are so perfect in my eyes. On this day of yours, I wish you all the good and perfect things that happen to your life. I love you so much, baby girl. Happy Birthday ❤️

With every passing year, you’re becoming more beautiful and more impressive. Every time I fall in love with you, whenever I see your smile. On this Birthday, I pray to God that may He showers you with all the blessings and keeps you happy.

My soul had felt so connected to you the moment I saw you. It’s because we were destined to be together. I have got the best birthday gift for you, but it is worthless as compared to my love for you. Happy birthday.

The passion of love I have for you will never fade. You will always remain to be my one and only. May this birthday bring everlasting joy in your life! Happiest birthday to you, my precious.

Read: Long Distance Birthday Wishes For Girlfriend

Birthday Captions for GF

Happy birthday, my love. I wouldn’t want to grow old with anyone else but you.

Thank you for being born, baby 🎈🎊🎉

I hope your life gets happier, every year you turn a year older. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

Happy birthday my sunshine ❤️ You are the source of light in my dark life.

It’s my girlfriend’s birthday; my favorite international holiday!

Happy birthday, girlie. Crossing the path with you in this lifetime is my favorite thing that happened to me.

Birthday Captions for GF

When it’s time to blow out the candles, remember that you are the Lord’s finest blessing. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

Wishing you all the happiness in the world on this day, babe. Prosper and thrive. Love you.

Undoubtedly you and are a perfect fit. Thanks for exiting. Love you. Happy birthday xx

Happiest birthday to the love of my life. Always up to shower you with unconditional love and support, my flower.

Happy birthday to the other half of my soul ❤️

On this day, (age) years ago, my favorite person was born.

Birthday Quotes For Girlfriend

Your smile can outshine a thousand candles. Your touch can melt even the coldest heart. I love you today and every day! Happy Birthday!

Your smile is sweeter than the sweetest cake in the world. Thanks for being into my life. Happy birthday to my sweet girlfriend!

I don’t believe in birthdays because I know you came straight from heaven to make my life happier and more beautiful. All the good wishes for my angel!

I treasure the affection and bond we have very much. On your birthday, I merely want to send you my best wishes.

I can’t wait to hold you in my arms and tell you how much this special day of yours means to me. Happy birthday dear! I love you!

You are the perfect creation of God and the best gift any man has received in life. Today is your birthday and I want to make sure it’s a special one!

I don’t know what good I did to deserve you, but I know that you deserve all the happiness in this world. Happy birthday to my sweetheart!

birthday wishes for gf

In a world where love and trust are hard to come by, your love makes me trust my life like never before. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

Just as you blow the candles on your birthday cake, remember that there’s one flame endlessly burning in my heart for you! Happy Birthday!

You have so many people wishing you on your birthday, but none of them holds the crazy love for you that I have. Love you to the moon and back!

I was just waiting for the day; the day is so much special to me because it’s the day you were born. You made my life colorful. Happy birthday, my sweetheart.

My queen, You are the achievement of my life. And it’s you who is the key to my happiness. Happy birthday to you my lady! Wish you all happiness.

Read More: Best Birthday Wishes

In any relationship, birthdays and anniversaries are the most important dates to celebrate together, sometimes in grand ways. But little things also matter a lot when two people love each other unconditionally. Wishing your girlfriend sweet, caring, romantic or funny messages might seem easy, but your wishes hold a significant charm in your lady’s life! One simple message can make her feel special, appreciated and loved by you. It also provides her with immense happiness and joy! What can be better than seeing the love of your life starting her birthday by reading some sweet wishes from you? So do not forget to let your girl experience this simple token of your love on her special day!

Last updated on February 13, 2023

Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Messages For Her

Romantic birthday wishes for her. There is nothing better than sharing loving wishes on the occasion of her birthday and telling her how much he loves her and what she means in his life when a man is in love with a woman.

Romance and birthdays are enjoyed by women. You mustn’t forget to wish her a happy birthday with those romantic birthday wishes if you want to make your girlfriend or wife happy on her birthday.

Sending a romantic wish on a card or a text to your girlfriend would make her feel extra good. From making her laugh at a silly quotation or making her weep with a romantic note of sincere love, expressing gratitude would make her birthday a perfect one by using special birthday wishes. Make sure that you never forget it by placing a smile on your face, warming your heart, and making you like these birthday messages. See below for some romantic birthday wishes to your wife or girlfriend.

185 Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Mes | Happy birthday  love, Birthday wishes for her, Birthday wishes for lover

Happy Birthday Wishes Sweet and Romantic For Her

“On this day, your life has begun. On the day I met you, my life began. I’m so glad it happened on both days. Happy Birthday, honey.”

“My mom is great and my sisters are fun, but in my life, you’re the only woman who shines like the sun. Nice birthday!”

185 Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Mes | Happy birthday  messages, Birthday blessings, Happy birthday greetings

“If one day, we have kids, I hope and pray they look like you. Good birthday to the best girlfriend of all time.”

“On our first date, I knew you were perfect. Thanks for taking this long to put up with my imperfection. Nice birthday.”

185 Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Mes | Birthday wishes and images, Happy birthday  wishes quotes, Birthday wishes messages

“The day when you told me you loved me, my wishes come true. Thank you for making me the luckiest living human being. Babe, I love you. Get a mega fucking happy birthday!”

“Wishing a happy birthday to the world’s most gorgeous lady. Babe, I take a moment each time I wake up from sleep to thank God for keeping us together. Thank you for putting a smile on my face at all times. I pledge to make your life as fun as you make mine, at all times. Nice birthday.”

185 Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Mes | Birthday message  for wife, Birthday wishes for wife, Birthday wishes for her

“Whenever I look into your eyes, I fall in love with you more and more. It’s such a wonderful feeling to be loved by you that I can never explain it using any language on earth. Happy birthday, the darling of mine.”

“You’re my life, darling. Rather than think about anything else in this world, I think of you. For a lifetime, I want to be with you. Happy birthday to my heart’s queen.”

185 Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Me| Birthday wishes and images, Happy birthday  wishes quotes, Birthday wishes messages

“You’re all mine, and babe, I’m all yours. Your mind, body, and heart are all mines. My mind, body, and heart are all yours. Nothing that is more beautiful than that! Happy birthday, a darling of mine.”

“My heart continues to pound offbeat while we are together because of the sheer pleasure your presence fills it with. Sweetheart, happy birthday.”

Best Happy Birthday Quotes to Help You Celebrate

“Babe, my body yearns for you so much that if you do not sleep next to me, my bed becomes too large for me. Get a terrific birthday.”

“For your birthday, I wanted to give you all my love, but there’s no box big enough to hold it. Besides, it’s yours already.”

185 Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Mg | Birthday message  for wife, Birthday wishes for wife, Birthday wishes for her

“God, thank you for making me such a perfect girl and then leading me to her.”

“You’re the one who makes my world so complete, like apples on trees, and smiles so deeply. Baby, happy birthday!”

185 Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Messa | Birthday wishes for her, Happy birthday  wishes for her, Happy birthday quotes for friends

“I smell a rose garden when I smell you, I get numb when I touch you, and I get dizzy when you kiss me. Let’s eternally make this last. Happy birthday, my Sweetheart!”

“It’s not enough one day a year to celebrate someone as special as you. Have an enchanting birthday!”

185 Romantic Birthday Wishes For Her Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her Best Happy Birthday Text Messa | Birthday wishes for girlfriend, Birthday wishes for her, Birthday quotes  for girlfriend

“I know you’ve got enough breath to blow your candles out, because every day, you take mine away.”

“Honey, if you don’t believe in miracles, I’ll have to find another nickname for you. You are a miracle of mine. Nice birthday!”

“Honey, if you don’t believe in miracles, I’ll have to find another nickname for you. You are a miracle of mine. Nice birthday!”

“It’s a birthday for you but I’m the one who should celebrate the most. On this day, my favorite person in the world was born.”

Happy Birthday Wishes For Her

“I am so glad that you have entered the world, and I am even more glad that you have entered my world. Happy Birthday, baby.”

“In my pants, there’s a birthday party and you’re the guest of honor. To someone who is twice as sweet as any birthday cake, Happy Birthday.”

“You make it feel like my birthday every day except that I don’t have to blow out any candles because my wish has already come true.”

“On this day, were you really born? Or did you just fly down from the sky like the beautiful angel that you are?”

“On your birthday, and every day, now and forever, I love you.”

“I wasn’t a great person, I thought. I met you then. So, I guess I’m doing the right thing. Nice birthday.”

“Happy birthday to a woman who is the frosting of my cake, the flames of my candles, the helium of my balloon.”

“Happy Birthday to the greatest creation of God. As far as I’m concerned, in every way, you’re perfect.”

“Good birthday to the sweetest girlfriend of all time! You deserve all of the world’s success, happiness, and love. Let’s celebrate this special day together in your life.”

“You’re all that one man could wish for. I will therefore try to bring back to you all the happiness that you brought back into my life. Happy birthday, love of mine!”

Cute Happy Birthday Quotes For Her

“It’s a beautiful day today to remind you that you’re a fantastic girlfriend. Nice birthday! On this day and over the year, I wish all of you the best.”

“Happy Birthday to the one my life is incomplete without”

“Buying a gift for you, sweetheart is hard. Because I want the whole world to buy you for you. Wish you a sweet and happy birthday”

“My soul mate, my partner, and my most loyal friend are you. Without you, I can’t imagine what my life will be like. I want to remind you on your birthday of all the reasons that I love you.”

“Honey, I am so fortunate to have you in my life. Enjoy the Big Day, may it bring lots of joy to you!”

“Every day is one huge celebration with you and packed only with wonderful moments. I love you, darling. Nice birthday!”

“You are the only woman who has the power to fill my heart and soul with joy and satisfaction. I want to promise you for the millionth time on this special day that my heart is always going to pound for you. I will never stop making love to you. Nice birthday.”

“I had no idea what to get for your birthday. What about all of my heart?”

“My car rides are more enjoyable because of you and my apartment is less empty and my bedroom is a happier place. Thanks for being there forever. Nice birthday.”

“I had other girlfriends there. But I can say now that I truly have a love life. Thanks for it all. Nice birthday.”

Inspirational Birthday Wishes for Her

“The world would have been robbed of a great treasure if you had never been born. I hope I’m the treasure chest you searched for. Nice birthday.”

“Thank you for loving my imperfections, for stealing my loneliness, and for putting back my smile on my face. Without you, my life wouldn’t be the same. Nice birthday.”

“You are an angel sent to decorate my life from heaven. When I think that you are all mine and I’m all yours, I really feel so special and privileged. Sweetheart, happy birthday.”

“Babe, I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams that I would end up with an angel like you someday. You are a blessing to me really. You fill my heart and soul with so much joy that it’s hard for me to believe that I’m on Earth, not in Heaven. My dear, happy birthday.”

“Your candles can blow out, but nothing can extinguish the torch I’m carrying for you.”

“Happy Birthday to my best friend, my greatest critic, my most ardent follower, my accomplice, my soulmate, my love, my all.”

“Happy birthday, the darling of mine. On your birthday, I’m going to think about you every minute. Exactly like every other day.”

“I like the idea of spending time with you on your birthday. For all the rest of your birthdays, what are you doing?”

“Sweetie, thanks for being born. You’re making a better place for the world, and you’re making my world complete.”

“Happy Birthday to a woman who, every day, makes me happy.”

Funny Happy Birthday Quotes For Best Friend

“I want your kiss on your birthday to be the best ever. To get it right, we might have to “practice” a lot.”

“Whether you are the most wonderful woman ever born is not the question (you are). The question is what have I ever done in order to deserve you?”

“For me, this day is a very special day because the lady behind my happiness and prosperity was brought into this world on this day. You have a happy birthday, my precious sweet darling. This affection I have for you will never be changed by anything.”

“Snow White had made history, Cinderella was lovely, and Arielle was a stunning mermaid. Yet you’re my dream Princess by far. Nice birthday.”

“I’m so in love with you that it really hurts. Angel, happy birthday.”

“Shopping for you can be hard sometimes because I want to buy the world for you. So my heart is here. For now, I hope it does. Nice birthday!”

“I miss you when you’re away, I kiss you when you’re here and when you leave, I wish I could go with you everywhere. Happy birthday to my life’s love.”

“Before I met you, I thought my life was good. It’s magical now. I love you, darling. Nice birthday.”

“Happy birthday, the darling of mine. I hope that you will get all that your heart desires because that’s exactly what you gave me.”

“Well, birthday girl, you’re something special. With you, I wouldn’t mind growing old.”

Romantic birthday wishes for girlfriend

“The cause for celebration is your smile. Your love is the world’s most precious gift. Your kisses could light a thousand candles for your birthday. To someone who makes life itself feel like a special occasion, Happy Birthday.”

“Until you came into my life and gave me wings to float over the sky, I never thought I could fly. Thank you for making me a man of pleasure. Nice birthday.”

“Often it’s incredible how you can light up my whole life and take me to heaven for something as easy as a smile from you. Nice birthday.”

“Only because you are mine and I’m all yours, I sound like a multi-billionaire. Nice birthday.”

“My darling, we are going to do something that you have always wanted to do to celebrate your birthday. You’re going to take a bubble bath, and I’m going to have dinner and dishes to tackle! To the one who loves me more than I deserve and makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world, Happy Birthday!”

“I know from the depth of my soul that with every breath I take, my love for you deepens. All I want to do is spend the remainder of my life planting my lips against yours and enjoying your bosom’s embrace against mine. Nice birthday.”

“I never understood that the imperfect stuff in my life could be made better by love before you came into my world. The one girl/woman who will hold the most exclusive spot in the cell of my heart will be you forever. Nice birthday.”

“Babe, give lots of kisses and hugs on your big day. Nothing can be compared to the sweetness of your love in this universe or high in the heavens.”

“For her on your birthday, there are a million things I want you to remember, but “I love you” just explains it all.”

“Since I have the most beautiful girl by my side, I am the luckiest guy on Earth. Happy birthday to you, baby!”

Sweet happy birthday messages for her

“I hope your birthday is lovely, perfect, and full of love… just like you! Celebrate! Relax! You deserve what’s best.”

“Falling in love is to last forever. Forget all the negative stuff and all the things that have made you depressed. All the best wishes from someone who immensely loves you. Nice birthday!”

“Congratulations to your honey on your birthday! May life gives you everything that you dream of!”

“I celebrate you every day, and because this day is extra special, with this special note, Thank you for coming into my life!” I celebrate you in a very special way. ”

Need more wording ideas? If you’re looking for something you can write in your sweetheart’s birthday card, or send in a text, check out this list of short messages. For pure romance, check out these Shakespeare quotes on love.

Do you have a special lady in your life? Someone who brightens each day and makes your life seem more worth living? Have you been blessed with the perfect girlfriend? What better time to make her feel special than on her birthday? What gal wouldn’t love to be lavished on with sweet words on her special day? It only comes once a year, after all.

Below, we have listed out many unique and useful sentiments to share. You can use them individually or in combination for an even more impactful text message. Whether she appreciates hand-written notes or simple texts, these sentiments will be ideal. If you’re the one saying “I’m trying to find out what to say to my girlfriend on her birthday“, take a look.


Table of Contents

  1. Cute Birthday Messages for your Girlfriend
  2. Sweet Birthday Messages for your Girlfriend
  3. Birthday Captions for Your GirlfriendEzoic
    • Romantic Birthday Wishes for your Girlfriend
    • Funny Birthday Wishes for your Girlfriend’s 16th Birthday
    • Funny Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend’s 18th Birthday
    • Funny Birthday Wishes for your Girlfriend ‘s 20th Birthday
    • Funny Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend ‘s 21st Birthday
    • Girlfriend Birthday Wishes for your Girlfriend ‘s 30th Birthday

Cute Birthday Messages for your Girlfriend

  • To my cutie pie, here’s wishing you the sweetest of birthdays! Love, xxx <3
  • Happy birthday to my lovely girlfriend! You are incredibly special to me and I cherish our days together. Here’s to many more in our future!
  • Hey, firecracker! I hope you have one bright and shiny day.
  • Wishing you the jolliest and happiest birthday ever, my sweet!
  • From the minute I saw you, I was hooked. Your eyes, your smile, all of it… perfect! I am so glad to be able to call you my girlfriend.
  • Hey birthday girl, celebrate hard and party even more! Today is your day to be adored!
  • At the start of each day, I drop to my knees and thank the heavens for you. You have changed my life and warmed my heart in more ways than you can ever know. Happy birthday, love!
  • On this your birthday, I wish you everything your heart desires. You are such a good woman that you truly deserve the best the world has to offer. Here’s to another happy birthday for you!
Birthday wish for girlfriend.
It is time to celebrate the fun gal that is you! Happy Birthday!
  • Presents and parties, cocktails and more! Here’s wishing you a super fun birthday!
  • You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want nothing but the best for you today. Happy birthday, my love!
  • I used to like you, but now I absolutely love you. You are incredibly special to me. Today, I wish you a house full of friends and love.
  • Looking for great birthday messages for all?
  • To a wonderful girlfriend, may this day and your entire year bring you closer to your friends, family, and God. With all of my heart I am wishing you a
  • Birthday hugs and kisses to the love of my life. You make my heart skip a beat and my days so much more enjoyable!
  • On this journey called life, I am so glad to have you to walk with to our destination. Happy birthday to the best girlfriend and tour guide a guy could hope for!
  • Happy birthday to the girl who taught me life is so much bigger and beautiful than I knew! I love you!
  • Thank you for proving to me that our love was worth holding onto. Having another birthday to celebrate with you is the best. Happy birthday, my dear!
  • Before you, my world was like a roller coaster full of ups and downs. As soon as I met you, though, time stood still. Happy birthday to the one solid constant in my life! Have a joyous day!
  • Birthday girl, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, be with you night and day forever. Happiest of days to you!
Birthday wish for girlfriend.
Baby, you deserve all the happiness in the world today and all year round. Happy Birthday, my sweet love.
Birthday wish for girlfriend.
Happy Birthday to the girl who taught me life is so much bigger and beautiful than I knew! I love you.
  • Grab the cake and light the candles. It’s time to celebrate the fun gal that is you! Happy birthday, sweetheart!
  • Whether it’s a celebration of champagne and strawberries or pizza and soda, I am so happy to spend your birthday with you! Happy birthday, my dear!
  • Here’s to you, my silly bear! May today be your best day yet.
  • Today, I want you to know how special you are to me. Your eyes show the wisdom of your life. Your lips speak the lovely words of a kind and generous woman. And, your heart shows empathy beyond measure. Here’s to you and all of the best things life has to offer.
  • For you, I will do anything to make sure your day is a good one. Happy birthday, my sweet!
  • To the one who holds all of my attention,
  • Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in the entire school! Love, your boyfriend.
  • Hold my hand and walk with me. Let’s be as happy as can be. Happy birthday, my love!
  • Here’s a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolate. Nothing but the most beautiful and sweetest for the beautiful flower that you are for me!
  • It’s your special day! Let’s have the time of our lives today celebrating the wonderment that is you.
Happy Birthday to my lovely girl!
Happy Birthday to my lovely girl!
  • When I close my eyes, I feel your love inside me. Looking into your eyes always brings magic to my day. Happy birthday to my magical girl!
  • Here’s to the woman whom I owe my entire happiness to! Happy birthday, my love!
  • Let me tell you something. You are the most deserving girl to receive the happiest of birthdays today. Have a wonderful day, sweetheart!
  • Dearest girlfriend, may today bring you joy and laughter, love and hope.
  • Roses are red. Violets are blue. May the best of the world be brought to you!
  • Roses are red. Violets are blue. Turn around, here’s a surprise party for you.
  • Never wonder how much I love you. I love you further than you can imagine and deeper than you know. Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman around!
  • Happy birthday to my best friend and my true love. It’s so great having you in my life. Happy birthday, beautiful one!
  • Wishing you sunny skies, long naps, and delicious cake on this your special day. Happy birthday to the one I love more than anyone!
  • When I was little, I didn’t understand the power of true love. Now with age and you, I am more aware than ever. True love means unconditional understanding and confidence. On this your birthday, I want to thank you for teaching me how great love can be. Happy birthday to the perfect woman!
  • As you celebrate another year again, hope the new season holds more joy for you because you are special and I love you with all my heart, body and soul.
  • Babe, you deserve all the happiness in the world today and all year round. Happy birthday, my sweet love.
  • I wish you a beautiful celebration of life today as you mark a new beginning. Happy glorious birthday, my Queen.
  • Heavens rejoice today because you are an angel celebrating your special day. May you fly higher in life always. Happy birthday to you, sweetheart.

Sweet Birthday Messages for your Girlfriend

  • Darling, I have reserved a thousand hugs and kisses for you today because you are the sweetest girlfriend in the whole universe. May God bless you with prosperity and eternal happiness. Happy birthday, my love.
  • I am so glad to be with you today as you celebrate another special day of your life. Your birthday today, gives me great opportunity to let you know how much I love and care for you. Happy birthday, darling.
  • Happy birthday, sweetheart. You are the love of my life. As you celebrate your big day today, may the light of this beautiful day fill your heart and make your life shine as bright as the sun.
  • Joy, love, peace, happiness and God’s protection are my wishes for you today and always as you celebrate yet another year on this planet. Happy birthday, dearie.
  • Wishing the love of my life an utterly fabulous birthday. I’m so happy you’re my lover and my friend, my shoulder to lean on, and I want to use this opportunity to assure you that my love for you will last a lifetime. I wish you all the love and sweet things in the world.
Fabulosity never goes out of style.
Fabulosity never goes out of style.
  • You are not only my sweet girlfriend, but you are also the best friend I have ever had all my life. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me since I was born. Today, being your birthday, I wish you a very lovely day. Enjoy your day to the max, my dear.
  • Having all material pleasure in life cannot be compared to having a loving soul like you in my life. I am glad you are in my world. I pray that we never drift apart. I love you so much, babe.
  • I just gave a call to the heavenly angels that one of them is here on planet Earth celebrating her birthday, and they have promised to bless the occasion. Happy birthday, my sweet angel.
  • A new chapter is opened in your life today, my darling. Celebrate in grand style and enjoy this special day like tomorrow will never come. I love you so much, babe.
  • Wishing the universe’s most wonderful girlfriend a very Darling, I always say a thank you to God for putting someone as special as you in my life. You are my everything, babe, and I can never stop loving you. Have a beautiful birthday celebration.
  • Happy birthday, dearie. As you celebrate your big day, do know that my mind can’t help but think of you all the time – especially when we are not physically together. I love you so much, babe.
  • No distance can separate the everlasting love planted in my heart for you. Today is your special day, darling, and I wish you a wonderful birthday celebration.
  • I want to be the first person to say ‘happy birthday to you’ today. Why? Because you are the most important person in this life of mine. I love you more than I can say in any language in the world. Happy birthday, my love.
The best part of every day is sharing it with someone like you. Cute Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend She Will Appreciate.
The best part of every day is sharing it with someone like you.
Happy Birthday to an amazing girl!
Happy Birthday to an amazing girl!
  • It is quite amazing to have a wonderful friend and lover in you. I will always love and cherish you, my dear, because you are the biggest blessing in my life. Enjoy this special day that God made just for you. Happy birthday, dear.
  • Happy birthday to the most beautiful and sweetest woman the world has ever seen. I am so blessed to have such phenomenal person like you in my life. Thanks for loving me, dear. I love and cherish you today and always. Have a wonderful birthday.
  • Despite the fact that I don’t often say it, I really do appreciate your love and care, and I believe you’re my lucky charm. I love you so much, babe.
  • Happy and sweet birthday to my priceless treasure. I wish more of God’s love and blessings in your life. Today being your special day, let us spend this day together basking in the joy of our eternal love. Happy birthday, sweetie.
  • Baby I love you much more than you can ever think of. My heart belongs to no one else but you. Happy birthday, my love.
  • I am so lucky falling in love with someone like you. Your love has turned my world around, and I wish this new chapter of your life comes with an abundance of the blessings of God. May you always be happy. I love you so much.
  • Wishing you God’s guidance all the days you spend on planet Earth. Happy birthday, babe. I love you.
  • I bless God for giving you to me as a lifetime gift. May you enjoy abundant gifts of love on this special day of yours. Happy birthday to my sweetest one.
If rainbows make people smile, then you own the sky in my heart. Happy Birthday!
If rainbows make people smile, then you own the sky in my heart. Happy Birthday!
  • It is a wonderful thing to know that you are my sweetest companion for life. Let me use this moment to tell you that you will remain in my heart forever. Happy birthday, my love.
  • Thanks a million times for sharing your life with me. I promise to make it my job to always put a smile on your face.
  • Honey, you are the reason my life has been a happy one all these years. You mean so much to me, and words aren’t enough to express the love I have for you. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
  • I wish you a lifetime full of joy and prosperity plus good health to enjoy them. Happy birthday to a wonderful girlfriend. I love you.
  • Enjoy the best things this life has in store for you today and every moment you spend on earth. Happy birthday to you, my love.
  • I love you more than the air I breathe in and out of my lungs. I love you more than the sun that keeps me warm and brightens my day. Happy birthday, darling.
  • Your virtues and qualities are unique like stars in the sky. I pray your birthday will be extra-ordinary like you are. Happy birthday, sunshine.
  • Honey, no one can ever come closer to you. You are my love, my soul mate, my life, my happiness, and my everything. On your birthday, I wish you all the happiness and joy that your beautiful heart can hold. May God never stop blessing you.
  • Some think the beautiful ones are yet to be born, but I believe that the most beautiful woman who would ever walk the surface of this earth has already been born to me, and that is you. I love you so much, sweetheart. Happy birthday, my love.
  • Whenever I walk into the room to find you, I’m reminded of nature’s own wisdom and beauty. Sending the most loving wishes to my girlfriend who brilliantly colors my life and makes it whole. Happy birthday, dearie.

Birthday Captions for Your Girlfriend

She is the best girlfriend ever and here is your chance to let her know how special she is.

  • Beautiful and smart! How lucky can I be to have you for a girlfriend. Happiest Birthday wishes to you!
  • It may be cheesy, but you complete me. I am so happy we are together. Love you and wish you the best birthday ever!
  • I need you and want you more than anything else in the world. We make an awesome team! Best wishes on your special day!
  • You shine your light on me every day. I am so glad we met and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy Birthday!
  • Even though it is your birthday, I feel like I am getting presents just by being with you. Love you so much. Special wishes today!
  • Never forget that your birthday is a special day to me and everyone who knows you. We are all grateful you were born and share yourself with us. Love you!
  • Your birthday is the best opportunity to tell you I adore you and am so glad you are in my life! Congratulations on your special day!
  • Babe, you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I love you deeply. Have an awesome birthday!

Romantic Birthday Wishes for your Girlfriend

  • Like apples on trees and smiles so deep, you are the one who makes my world so complete. Happy birthday, Babe!
  • When I smell you I smell a rose garden, when I touch you I become numb and when you kiss me I get dizzy. Let’s make this last forever. Happy birthday, my Love!
  • I hope this day is as special to you as it is to me. It is my most favorite day of the year because it’s the day you were born.
  • You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. Happy birthday, baby!
  • I live for your kisses and wait for each hug. Happy birthday, angel!
  • Honey, if you don’t believe in miracles, I’m going to have to find you a different nickname. You’re my miracle. Happy birthday!
  • If I could love you to the moon and back, I would tell the stars thank you for putting those twinkles in your eyes. Happy birthday!
I thought I was not a great person. Then I met you. So I guess I m doing something right. Happy birthday!
I thought I was not a great person. Then I met you. So I guess I m doing something right. Happy birthday!
  • I thought I was not a great person. Then I met you. So I guess I’m doing something right.
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, and kissing you makes me turn both colors too. Happy birthday, my love!
  • Your best years are ahead. And here’s to us being together in each one.
  • Sometimes shopping for you can be hard because I want to buy you the world. So here is my heart. I hope it will do for now.
  • When you’re away I miss you, when you’re here I kiss you, and when you’re leaving I wish I could go everywhere with you. Happy birthday to the love of my life.
  • They say that life is not easy. But with I’m with you, I feel unstoppable. Happy birthday to the woman who makes my world go round.
  • I know today is your day to make wishes. But if I could make a suggestion I would say to wish for our happiness together to never end.
  • My mom is great and my sisters are fun, but you’re the one woman in my life that shines like the sun.
  • If we have children one day, I hope and pray they look like you. Happy birthday to the best girlfriend ever.
  • If I was stuck in the ocean and paddling to shore, before I died I would ask you to kiss me once more.
  • I know I don’t deserve you. But I hope one day my kisses are as sweet as yours, my hugs are as warm and my words lift you up the way you do to me.
  • If you liked climbing, I would build you a tree house and we would never come down. Happy birthday, gorgeous!
  • I knew you were perfect on our first date. Thanks for putting up with my imperfectness this long.
  • I thought my life was good before I met you. Now it’s magical. I love you, baby.
  • Snow White made history, Cinderella was beautiful and Arielle was a gorgeous mermaid. But you are by far my favorite Princess.
  • If I died today, the world would not lose so much. But if you were not born my life would not be complete as it is right now. Happy birthday, my love!
  • Wish whatever you like on this day. But if I had my wish I would wish for nothing. You are all I need.
  • Because of you my car rides are more enjoyable, my apartment less empty and my bedroom a happier place. Thanks for always being there.
  • If rainbows make people smile, then you own the sky in my heart. Happy birthday, baby!
  • Your cheeks are cute, your hair is soft and your lips are sweet. I hope this birthday of yours has been such a treat.
  • I’ve had other girlfriends. But now I can say I really have a love life. Thanks for everything.
  • On your birthday, I hope your worries fade and your dreams come true.
  • If you were never born, the world would have been robbed of a great treasure. I hope I’m the treasure chest you’ve been looking for.
  • Some girls may cook and others may mow the lawn, but you give me butterflies like no one else does. Happy birthday, sweet heart!
  • Thank you for loving my imperfections, stealing my loneliness, and putting the smile back on my face. My life wouldn’t be the same without you.
  • Joy is being wrapped in your arms. Compassion is when you give me the last piece of cake. And love is having you in my life.
  • I’m so in love with you it hurts. Happy birthday, angel.
  • I know we are taking things slowly, but if we were going fast I would run through the rest of my life with you.
  • If all the record labels went out of business, your voice would still be music to my ears. Happy birthday, darling.
  • If I were in a movie, I would want you to be my co-star.
Happy Birthday, Love!
Happy Birthday, Love!
  • You are an angel sent from heaven to decorate my life. I always feel so special and blessed when I remember that you are all mine and I’m all yours. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
  • To commemorate this special day of yours, I have told the stars to shine brighter than ever, so that even in the day, you will be able to see them. I love you so much, honey. Have a wonderful birthday celebration.
  • Babe, not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that someday I would end up with an angel like you. You are really a blessing to me. You fill my heart and soul with so much happiness that I find it hard to believe I’m on Earth and not in Heaven. Happy birthday, my dear.
  • If paradise doesn’t come with you, then there is no reason for redemption. Happy birthday, my love. You are all that brings joy to my heart.
  • On this special day, you and I shall shut ourselves from the world and enjoy our sweet love without any interference. Tonight, I shall do everything within my power to give you the night of your life because you mean the world to me. Happy birthday, sweet love.
  • You are the only woman that has the ability to fill my soul and heart with happiness and peace. On this special day, I want to assure you for the millionth time that my heart will always beat for you. I can never stop loving you.
  • This day is a very special day for me because on this day, the woman behind my happiness and success was born into this world. Happy birthday to you, my sweet sweet love. Nothing will ever change this love I have for you.
Happy Birthday, baby. If paradise doesn’t come with you, then there is no reason for redemption.
Happy Birthday, baby. If paradise doesn’t come with you, then there is no reason for redemption.
  • I always doubted the existence of true love until the day you came into my life and showed me that true love exists. I love you so much, my sweet babe.
  • The day you walked into my life, you brought me paradise. On this day, I want you to know how much I appreciate your love and presence in my life. I will love you for as long as my heart beats. Do have a blissful birthday, sweetheart.
  • Nothing in the heavens or on this Earth can ever change this love I have for you because I was born to love and cherish you. You’re my life, honey.
  • My dreams came true the moment you told me that you loved me. Thank you for making me the luckiest human being alive. I love you, babe. Have a super duper happy birthday!
  • You’re my world, sweetheart. I think of you more than I think of anything else in this world. I want to be with you for a lifetime. Happy birthday to the Queen of my heart.
  • In your arms is where I want to be all my life. Thank you for always being my paradise.
  • Wishing the world’s most beautiful woman a happy birthday. Babe, every time I wake up from sleep, I take a moment to thank God for bringing us together. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face. I promise to always make your life as enjoyable as you make mine.
  • My favorite place on Earth is in your arms. When I’m in your arms, everything in my life can go to hell and I wouldn’t bother. I so love, my darling.
  • I fall in love with you more and more whenever I stare into your eyes. Being loved by you is such a great feeling that I can never describe using any language on earth.  Happy birthday, my love.
Happy Birthday to an adorable girl
Happy Birthday to an adorable girl!
  • I love you so much, sweetheart, I will walk through hell and sacrifice everything in my life just to put a smile on your pretty face.
  • I want to be with you every single moment of my life. I want to hold you in my arms every single second and whisper in your ears how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I’m more than blessed to have a wonderful person like you in my life to call mine. Happy birthday, darling.
  • I love you so much I don’t think there are any words known to man that can sufficiently describe how much you mean to me. Thank you for being the best thing to ever happen to me. Happy birthday, my sweet love.
  • I never believed I could feel this much love until you walked into my life. You’re such a wonderful, woman, and I’m so blessed that you are in my life.
  • Every blessed day, I thank my lucky stars that you walked into my life and decided to stay. You’re the greatest blessing in my life, and that is why I have created a special place in my heart for you, where no woman on Earth can ever enter. I love you so much, my dear.
  • Having you in my life clearly makes me the luckiest person in this world. You fill my heart with so much happiness whenever I look into your eyes. Whenever I kiss your lips, I’m transported to a place sweeter than paradise.
  • I love you so much, honey, that sometimes I feel I need you more than the air that I breathe.
  • To me, you are the most precious person on Earth. I’m so glad destiny led us to each other.
  • You are all mine, and I’m all yours, babe. Your heart, body and soul are all mine. My heart, body and soul are all yours. There is nothing more beautiful than that! Happy birthday, my love.
  • My life totally changed the first time these eyes of mine saw you. I never knew what true happiness was until the first day I held you in my arms and kissed your sweet lips. Because of you, every blessed day of my life is like paradise. I hope that I can someday fill your heart and soul with as much happiness as you bring into mine. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
  • Wishing an incredibly happy birthday to an incredibly gorgeous soul. Babe, anytime you look at me, the serenity in my soul increases beyond imagination.
  • Whenever we are together, my heart starts beating off beat because of the overwhelming happiness your presence fills it with. Happy birthday, sweetheart.
  • The only work I want to do in this life is put a smile on your face because your smile is all I long to see in this world. I love you more than any language of mankind can ever express.
  •  I knew from the moment I saw you that you are the sunlight my world is missing. All I long for is to remain in your arms for eternity. Enjoy your birthday, sweetheart.
  • Babe, my body yearns for you so much that my bed becomes too big for me whenever you are not sleeping next to me. Have a fantastic birthday.
  • Paradise to me is holding you in my arms and looking into your lovely eyes until the end of time. Have a birthday that is as fabulous as the lover you shower my life with.
  • All I want to see from the rising of the sun to its last gleam is your face. Whenever we are apart, my soul becomes devoid of happiness. Happy birthday, my love.
  • Your love is all I need, and that is why I will always dance to its symphony. Thank you for loving me from the bottom of your heart.
  • I know from the depth of my soul that my love for you deepens with every breath I take. All I want to do is spend the rest of my life planting my lips against yours and feeling the warmth of your bosom against mine.
  • Honey, only the warm sunshine of your undying love is able take away all the darkness in my life. I love you with my entire body and soul. Have a great one.
  • I never believed that love could make the imperfect things in my life become perfect until you came into my world. You shall forever be the only girl/woman that will occupy the most special place in the cell of my heart.
  • Babe, sending you loads of hugs and kisses on your Big Day. Nothing in this world or up in Heaven can be compared to the sweetness of your love.
  • The fragrance of your love is the only thing that is able to refresh the atmosphere of my world.
  • I become the happiest man in the world whenever you kiss me. Happy birthday, darling.
  • I started looking for you from the very moment I was born, and now that I have found you, I promise never let you slip away.
  • Every kiss from you gives me a firm assurance that you are mine forever. You are the only person in the entire universe that my heart yearns for each and every moment of my life.

Funny Birthday Wishes for your Girlfriend’s 16th Birthday

  • Happy 16th birthday! Welcome to the highly anticipated age of consent! I hope every second of this age is sweet, if you know what I mean!
  • Happy 16th birthday. Let’s hope you skip teen pregnancy for a couple more years. #truejoker
  • Happy 16th birthday to the one and only love of my life. Babe, on this special day of yours, I want you to know that I love you more than North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un aka “Rocket Man” loves his rockets. And the guy really loves rockets!
  • On this day, may the good Lord in His infinite mercies give you a slim and gorgeous body and make the bodies of your haters fatter than 3 sumo wrestlers put together. Happy 16th.
  • Happy birthday to my beautiful girlfriend who is not only blessed to turn 16 today, but is also so lucky to have the most wonderful boyfriend in the world.
  • 16 is gotta be the coolest age a person can ever attain: a lot of freedom, less responsibilities, a power of 2. #math
  • Dear, this is your 16th birthday! I hope you enjoy it to the max because you’ve got only two more years till the age of adulthood and responsibilities.

Funny Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend’s 18th Birthday

  • Yay! You are technically a full-blown adult now, so let’s celebrate this day to the max and proceed to do what adults do at night, if you know what I mean. Happy 18th, my love.
  • Hip, hip, hooray! My sweetheart is 18 and finally leaving the child zone. Have fabulous 18th birthday celebration, sweetheart.
  • 18 is an interesting age. You can become a stripper, but cannot legally enjoy a sip of alcohol. All the same happy 18th, dear.
  • Babe, today makes you legally an adult who cannot drink. Happy 18th birthday!
  • This is the age that comes with numerous benefits such as the opportunity to create PayPal and YouTube accounts! May you enjoy every second that comes with this remarkable age. Happy 18th!
  • Happy 18th! You can now pay taxes, my love!
  • It’s strange how being 18 allows you to legally work in a bar, but legally prevents you from enjoying a drink. Happy 18th birthday.
  • At long last you can legally have sex without parental consent, ain’t that good news?! Happy 18th birthday, sweetheart!
  • Wishing the cutest girlfriend I’ve ever had a fabulous 18th birthday! Babe, at this age, you now get to enjoy the same rights and privileges of a 90-year-old with the exception of the right to drink!
  • Sweetheart, you have reached the age where in addition to enjoying a host of freedoms, you can also legally get the death penalty. I would be careful if I were you. Happy 18th birthday!

Funny Birthday Wishes for your Girlfriend ‘s 20th Birthday

  • Happy 20th birthday, sweetheart! As a present on your Big Day, I will serve my body to you on a platter. Ain’t I the most wonderful boyfriend in the world?! You’re welcome.
  • My love, I think I should change your name to “Asthma” because you are great at constantly taking my breath away! I hope you enjoy every moment of your 20th year of life while it lasts. Happy 20th, my love and “asthma”!
  • At age 20, you have just reached the most mind-boggling age a person can ever reach! You’re no longer a teenager, but strangely you are not an adult too. So where do I categorize you, my love? Enjoy your birthday while you think about that.
  • Babe, today I congratulate you today on successfully beating teenage pregnancy. Happy 20th.
  • Happy birthday to the youngest 20-year-old I know who has the hottest boyfriend in the world.
  • Happy 20th, sweetheart. Did you know that the world would have been celebrating Christmas today had you been Jesus?!

Funny Birthday Wishes for Girlfriend ‘s 21st Birthday

  • Babe, I can’t thank God enough for allowing someone to dump you so that you could be mine. Happy 21st birthday, my love.
  • Your 21st birthday is God’s way of telling us to let our hairs hang down and party all night long. And since we don’t ever want to disobey God, let the party begin!
  • Yay! You can now legally drink alcohol and gamble without parental permission and suffer the consequences of these actions. Enjoy your 21st birthday!
  • 21 is the perfect age in life since you get to enjoy total freedom. For example, you can now legally drink as much you want, so let’s go raise the bar! Happy 21st!
  • Since the best things in life are wild and free, today you and I are going to be wild and free, babe. Happy 21st birthday to the most beautiful 21-year-old in this world.
  • Scientists suggest that kissing burns about 2 calories every minute. I want to work out with you on your 21st birthday. Are you ready?

Girlfriend Birthday Wishes for your Girlfriend ‘s 30th Birthday

  • Happy 30th birthday, my love. My advice for you on your birthday is to never mind what people say behind your back. Smile while God has still blessed you with teeth. Happy 30th.
  • Sweetheart, as you celebrate your 30th birthday, may your troubles be less and your money more.
  • It is unbelievable it took you this long to look so smoking hot! Have a totally awesome 30th birthday, my love.
  • I picked out a nice walking stick on my way here, honey. Happy 30th birthday.
  • There once lived a famous scholar called Mr. Yung No Mo. Babe, on your 30th birthday, you really remind me of him. Happy birthday, Miss Yung No Mo.
  • Wow… Sweetheart, I can’t believe you’re 30 already. If you keep going like this, I am going to be forced to buy you a cane very soon. Happy 30th!
  • Happy 30th birthday, sweetheart. I can’t believe you have been roaming planet earth for three decades now. By the way, I’m writing an article on the aging process, can you kindly grant me an interview?
  • Welcome to the age where your teenage self never believed would come so quickly. Happy 30th birthday, darling.
  • As you bid farewell to your 20s and welcome your 30s, may you live long enough to scare the living life out of little children. Have a blissful 30th birthday celebration.

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Happy Birthday Love Quotes for Her: Do you want to celebrate her birthday specially and uniquely but don’t know what birthday message to send her. Don’t worry; we have love birthday messages for her.

When sending birthday Love messages and wishes to your girlfriend, wife, or fiancé, it should be romantic, a message that will make her special day memorable.

Find sweet birthday messages for her. Let her know how you feel on this special day in her life.

Every moment I spend with you is like a dream come true. Happy birthday my love

You are the reason I smile every day. Happy birthday

Every year you look more and more beautiful, I cannot imagine a life without you. Happy birthday, Sweetheart.

Your love is so precious to me, your love is everything to me, and it grows each passing day. I love you so much. Happy birthday, dear.

You are my best friend and lover. May you live a happy life forever as you are today! Happy birthday

Birthday Love Quotes for Her

You are my favorite. My heartbeat, the one whom I dream to be with for the rest of my life. Happy birthday to the love of my life!

This is a wonderful day, a lovely afternoon to spend with the person so dear to my heart. Happy Birthday my love!

Darling, I made this lovely present just for you, to express my love for you. I am thankful for you to have given me hope and happiness. I will always love you. Birthday wishes to my love!

When you call or text me, my heart is filled with joy. The joy is instant that I don’t want it to go away. Oh, you are my favorite everything. Happy Birthday my love!

I will do anything just to see you happy, I love you dearly my love. Happy birthday to you!

To my dearest love, happy 25th birthday sweetheart! I’ll be right here when you need me. I always love you from the deepest part of my heart.

You are a perfect creation, one of a kind, so perfect and complete. Happy Birthday to the love of my life!

If I could have any wish for you on your birthday, it could be to be in your heart because you fill my heart with joy and I would never want anything to come between us. Happy birthday to you my love!

The biggest balloon in the room with ‘Happy Birthday My Love’ is from me to you, it shows how big my love is for you. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

You are my first and my last, I love everything about you and it’s my prayer to be with you forever. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

Read: Happy Birthday Wishes for Wife

Romantic Birthday Messages for Her

To the Love of my life, from the moment I set my eyes on you, I knew you were my dream girl, the one who would make my life complete. Now that I have you, I will always love and cherish you. Happy birthday my love.

Sweetheart, every step you take in life, I want you to know I will always be with you. Happy Birthday to my world.

To another year to celebrate and many more to come. Happy Birthday!

To my love, may this year come with more blessings in your life. May it be beautiful and fun! Happy birthday

I feel so blessed to have spent another quality year with you, May more years come like this one. Happy birthday!

My love, you make me feel so good, my happiness comes from you, and I want to thank you for that. I dearly love you; I will be your support and will always be there when you need me. Happy Birthday, Princess!

This text message is a way of telling you, you are my world. You are my memory and future. Happy birthday love of my life!

May you feel the love I have for you on this special day of your life. Happy birthday, my love, I love you with all my heart.

Happy Birthday Wishes for Her

You can’t imagine how good it feels to have you in my life. You are an incredible person, so perfect and beautiful. You are my inspiration, the one I have decided to spend the rest of my life with. I dearly love you, my queen. Happy Birthday my love!

You impress my heart in every way, the joy and happiness come from within. I love you sweetheart and Happy Birthday, my love!

Read: You Are the Greatest Gift of My Life Quotes

Happy Birthday Wishes for Her

Happy Birthday my love, I wish you a bright and memorable day.

Thank you for all the good moments you have brought into my life. I will always treasure you. Happy birthday!

You are my happiness, my treasure, and the greatest gift in my life. I wish you a Happy birthday

Happy birthday to the one who makes my life complete.

I am the luckiest man in the world, so lucky to have you in my life. I wish you a happy birthday on this special day in your life.

It is my prayer to God to bless you with all of your heart desires. Happy birthday sweetie

May you receive the many blessings that come with this special day! Happy birthday with love!

Happy Birthday Messages for Her

May this year be filled with surprises, especially from me. I love you. Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday, love. It’s time to celebrate a new year, may you live a happier, longer, and healthier life.

You are my soul mate, trusted friend, and my partner. I can’t imagine my life without you. happy birthday my love

There are so many reasons why I love you. If I started to count one by one, I will never finish. Happy birthday, sweetheart.

I wish you a wonderful day, full of smiles and happiness. Happy birthday!

Since you came into my world, I have found my purpose in life. You have given me a new purpose in life, to love you. Happy birthday, soul mate!

No one colors my world as you do. Happy birthday to the woman I love.

Romantic Birthday Wishes for Her

There is nothing in the world that could make my life happy the way you do. I love you, sweetheart. Happy birthday!

The best place I find joy is in you. I adore you so much. Happy Birthday!

Every day with you is a day filled with beautiful moments, as you celebrate another year, I wish you a Happy Birthday!

Having a beautiful girl like you is a dream come true. Happy birthday, honey!

May this day bring you everything you have ever dreamed of in life! Happy Birthday.

You are the best in my life. Happy birthday to the one I love.

How to Wish Your Love Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to the love of my life! You are the sweetest thing that ever happened in my life.

My life has been filled with joy and happiness all because of you. Happy Birthday, love!

On this special day in your life, I wish you only the best and promise to always be there for you. Happy Birthday, love!

My life is beautiful all because of you. I wish you many more years so that I can spend them with you. Happy birthday to the love of my life!

Happy Birthday to a special person in my life! Thank You for filling my heart with joy and love.

Grab the opportunity on this special day to express your feelings and all best wishes to her. Send her a message or quote that will make her birthday more memorable. She will be very happy to receive a birthday message from you.

If you find these messages, wishes, quotes & Poems useful and lovely, kindly share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Thanks You for Doing so.

Pure Love Messages

Pure Love Messages brings you love messages, love quotes, love poems, birthday wishes and more. Have a Question? Drop us Email. You can follow us on facebook.

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