Love one word four letters

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Love. One word, four letters. A word that can help you live your life. A word that can destroy you the most. We feel this emotion almost every second of our lives. We feel it when we see a couple kissing. We feel it when we see two people hugging. We feel it when we see a mother playing with her child. We feel it when we see a friend helping another friend; beggar patting his pet dog. Love is the most affectionate word. It holds so much together. Everyone wants love. It is the only feeling that has the opportunity to make you feel the best person in the world, to the worst person ever. Love is what it is. Love is something I could never describe. It is more like a concept, you can’t define it.
And if someone ask me to define us I couldn’t. We were never in love though. But I know I almost did fell in love with you. I craved for the love and I wanted it just from you. But you could never give me. Because love is something you could never give me no matter what. So just by the end I stopped asking for it. You Left me. I was broken and disappointed I blamed myself for our failed relation. But quite frankly it wasn’t your mistake nor was it mine. It was just that we weren’t in love and two people not in love can stretch only as much as we did.
But now it’s over and I’m happy and content. I don’t know about you but I hope you are too.
So today while I’ll end this I won’t call myself the girl you left behind, because today I feel that girl is long gone.

And from today i will start falling in love with me.

-The Girl You Left Behind. 


“If your love is only a will to possess, its not love”

― Thích Nhất Hạnh

Since I wrote this in my bucket list, I will make my first attempt today 🙂 I just hope I will make an entry decent enough to be posted LOL.

Many have been written about Love.  Some are based from actual experiences while others came from people’s ideals.  Well, today I will incorporate both and see where it will lead me 😉

So, what is love for me?

Well, it is a four letter word that is too complicated to grasps yet it certainly changes you as a person.  It is an emotion that oftentimes catches you by surprise – when it comes and leaves you.  Also, it is the only emotion that has plenty of adjectives which changes it’s meaning depending on the adjective attached e.g. puppy love, first love, epic love, true love, etc. etc. etc.

I am not an expert in love but I do have my fair share of experiences.

From these experiences, I’ve learned that the best kind of loving relationship should starts from friendship and gradually develops into something deeper and intimate.  I have been afforded with this kind of love and it was one of the best.  In spite the fact that it didn’t last beyond (almost) five years, but the friendship did stand the test of times and eventually became something more than what we hoped for – true friendship, unwavering trust and a reassuring and constant kind of love (but clearly platonic :-p).

It was because of him that I learned what selfless love is.

When he met me, I was so imperfect to a point where I was a very difficult person to love.  Yet, he stayed and helped me become whole again.  Trust me, it was never easy but he never did complain.  His sacrifices showed me that loving doesn’t necessarily assure you that the other person will love you with the same intensity, yet, it shouldn’t be a reason for you to stop loving him/her with all you’ve got.  Why?  Because love is neither fair nor equal.  Besides, when you love – truly love, you shouldn’t expect anything in return at all.  If the person loves you back then well and good but if they don’t, at least you know how it feels to care deeply for another being other than yourself.  Loving is not about possessing but rather to just simply love the person in spite and despite of everything.

There will be pain and sometimes it will be unbearable but that will only be temporary as it will never compare to the joy that you’ll feel whenever you see the person you love happy.  However, if it hurts you more than it makes you smile then let it go.  Remember, loving and martyrdom will never be synonymous with each other.

The funny thing though is that when you tell people you love them, they most often than not expect that you want a relationship with them.  Well, normally that is expected but there are deviant people – me included, who simply wants to tell these people what they mean to me without any attachments needed.  Probably when I was younger, I associated saying I love you to relationship but as I grew older, I realized that saying those words doesn’t instantly connote romantic relationships as you can also say it to friends (like real friends).  If you do want to tell it to someone special and the feeling isn’t mutual, say it anyway.  It may fall on deaf ear but that’s not the point, the important thing is that you had the courage to express your true emotion and mind you, it will never become “the thing I didn’t do that I regret most” 🙂 .

Sometimes though, there are love that’s just not meant to be.  You loved him.  He hurt you.  You loved him again.  He took you for granted… again.

I simply can’t fathom how easily people throw away something as precious, more so, if it is their second chance (I already wrote about this, didn’t anyone learn anything?). Honestly, the heart can only endure so much.  My heart can only take so much – so I let go.  Amazingly, once you learned to let go that’s when they ask you to hold on.  How pathetic is that?  Efforts exerted are too little, too late … really.  Apparently, they need to see it crumble first before they will do something to save it.

The thing is, once the feeling is gone, once someone decided to let go, you can never really get it back no matter how hard you try.  You may cry a river, beg with all you got or even promise the moon but a love lost is and forever will be just that – lost love.

When you think about it, love is just a simple four letter word but it could either bring you to heaven or drop you to hell which greatly depends on how you treat it.  It comes and goes when you least expect it. And you could never hold on to it too tightly or too loosely as both will surely guarantee you its departure.  A simple four letter word yet so fragile, so precious.

 The primary meaning of the word «love» in Scripture is a «purposeful commitment to sacrificial action for another.» In the Bible it is a fact that loving God is equated with obeying His Word.

The English word «love» can refer to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure («I loved that meal») to interpersonal attraction («I love my partner»). It can refer to an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment.

For me, LOVE is not all about loving your partner, and having a boyfriend. LOVE can also be about loving your family, friends, and God. LOVE is appreciating what we had and where we are now.

Below, we list the four-letter words that relate to love — from terms of endearment like “babe” to translations of “love” in Spanish and Greek.

Scroll past our list for quotes featuring some of these four-letter love words to put them in context.

  1. Look

  2. Like

  3. Hugs

  4. Okay

  5. Fall

  6. Gold

  7. Lust

  8. Hold

  9. Only

  10. Amor

    Spanish word for love

  11. Eros

    Greek word for passionate love

  12. Babe

  13. With

  14. Your

  15. Give

  16. Date

  17. Fond

  18. Luck

  19. Gaze

    looking lovingly at your partner

  20. Keen

  21. Baby

  22. Gave

  23. Mine

  24. Hope

  25. Dote

  26. Fell

  27. Vida

    from the Spanish term of endearment “mi vida”

  28. Wish

  29. Care

  30. Pure

  31. Need

  32. Both

  33. Glad

  34. Held

  35. Feel

  36. Kiss

  37. Bond

  38. Pair

  39. Meet

  40. Home

  41. Kind

  42. Near

  43. Bold

  44. Plus

  45. Must

  46. Warm

  47. Vast

  48. Gift

  49. Join

  50. Well

  51. Rare

  52. True

  53. Stay

  54. Dear

  55. Want

  56. Most

  57. Seek

  58. Rush

  59. More

  60. Soft

  61. Made

  62. Have

    as in “to have and to hold”

  63. Keep

  64. Here

  65. Deep

  66. Grow

  67. Awed

  68. Type

  69. Cute

  70. Chou

    from the French term of endearment “mon chou” or “mon petit chou”

  71. Fine

  72. Nice

  73. Pink

  74. Rely

  75. Safe

  76. Tell

  77. Very

Quotes About Love With Four-Letter Love Words

To give context to the love words on our list, we’ve gathered quotes that describe or discuss love.

The following quotes make use of some of the four-letter words from our list above:

  • “True love is rare, and it’s the only thing that gives life real meaning.” -Nicholas Sparks
  • “Love is a flower you’ve got to let grow.” -John Lennon
  • Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.” -Unknown
  • “So much of life is luck. One day you make a right turn and get hit by a car. Turn left and you meet the love of your life.” -Loretta Swit
  • “Trust is believing, ‘I will be safe with you.’ Love is striving to keep the trust.” -Drishti Bablani
  • “Learn to love without condition, talk without bad intention, give without any reason, and most of all, care for people without any expectation.” -Unknown
  • “That’s what life is for: warm friendships, memorable moments, and beautiful words.” -Avijeet Das

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Love Is a Four Letter Word may refer to :

  • Love Is a Four Letter Word (album), an album by Jason Mraz
  • Love Is a Four Letter Word (TV series), an Australian TV series broadcast by ABC
  • «Love Is a Four-Letter Word», an episode of The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency
  • Four-letter word, for other uses of the term

See also[edit]

  • «Love Is Just a Four-Letter Word», a song by Bob Dylan, notably recorded by Joan Baez
  • «Love Is Not a Four Letter Word», a song by Raury from All We Need
  • «Love Ain’t Nothing But a Four Letter Word», a song by Bon Jovi released on the album 100,000,000 Bon Jovi Fans Can’t Be Wrong
  • «Love Ain’t Just a Four Letter Word», a song by Jenny Wilson released on the album Love and Youth

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