Love is not a simple word

«Babe, I love you. I know its only been 2 days but I know what I’m feeling is true!»

Does this sound familiar? Are you like me where you get a sick feeling in your stomach whenever people toss around the L word. Doesn’t it just piss you off to see little 14 year olds running around screaming love to every tom,dick and harry they meet. Love is not a simple one two three. It takes time and getting to know someone. Yes you may be heavily infatuated with someone and its alright to say «hey i really really like you» but by quickly saying love the word begins to lose its meaning. So next time you think your «in love» stop and think. Do I really love them and why if I do. Write a list, a letter to yourself I don’t care but really think on it. Is this love? And if it is what makes them so different from the others? No saying there is a standard amount of time it takes to love someone and obviously everyone has there circumstances but just give it some thought
-shit and shave

List of top 62 famous quotes and sayings about love is not a word to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 62 Love Is Not A Word Quotes

#1. Love is a quicksilver word; though you see plainly where it is, you have only to put your finger on it to find that it is not there but someplace else. — Author: Morton Hunt

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1487831

#2. Love is not only a feeling, it is also an art. A simple word, a sensitive precaution, a mere nothing reveal to a woman the sublime artist who can touch her heart without withering it. — Author: Honore De Balzac

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #929221

#3. He is so shy, Juliet. He always has been-I don’t think anybody’s ever been in love with him, or him with anybody before, so he’d not know the right thing to do about it. It’d be just like him to hide away mementos and never say a word. I despair for him, I do. — Author: Mary Ann Shaffer

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #934342

#4. For the briefest of moments his eyes sparkled before dimming again. However much I would love to get into a discussion about chastity belts, now is not the time. The people we were fighting were not human in the strictest sense of the word. — Author: Michelle Smart

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1001498

#5. Humans are so ignorant. That word means something else, but you use it to try to insult others. You do realize that only humans view such things as homosexuality as a sin. In the other realms it is nothing it doesn’t exist as love is love and gender matters not. — Author: Kerri E. Lorenz

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1010477

#6. For a blessing from God is not money but the understanding of man. To love a child and be the example you should be, is to show God you are listening to his word. — Author: Nancy Huff

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1036984

#7. She used that word at some point referring to her family’s love, infinite, and I thought about how infinite is not a large number. It is something else entirely. It is boundlessness. — Author: John Green

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1045083

#8. When interviewing for a job, tell the editor how you love to report. How your passion is gathering information. Do not mention how you want to be a writer, use the word ‘prose,’ or that deep down you have a sinking suspicion you are the next Norman Mailer. — Author: Michael Hastings

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1070980

#9. I love a blouse that’s dumb. I love to use the word ‘dumb.’ It’s not knowing, and the word ‘blouse’ is so out of fashion that I love it — ‘a blouse that’s dumb.’ — Author: Marc Jacobs

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1125854

#10. SMILE Is Not Just A Word … It Means A Lot, Love, Trust, Warmth, Tenderness Etc, In Fact It Means WORLD … So SMILE ALWAYS … That Means, YOU Are Giving A WORLD To SOMEONE … — Author: Muhammad Imran Hasan

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1132483

#11. When there is not a single special person in your life, you have so many special things for saying, and when you have so many special people, you cannot even find one special word for them. — Author: M.F. Moonzajer

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1165566

#12. Love is not a word that describes my feelings; it is not a technique by which I fulfill my needs; it is not an ideal, abstract and pure, on which I meditate or discourse. It is acting in correspondence with or in response to God in relation to persons. — Author: Eugene H. Peterson

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1198690

#13. When people love one another, conversation is not a necessity but a pleasure, and when they reach, as at times they do, deep into the immeasurable part of what holds them together, everything can pass between them without a word. — Author: Mark Helprin

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1218046

#14. Love is a rose
But you better not pick it.
It only grows
When it’s on the vine.
Handful of thorns
And you’ll know you missed it.
You lose your love
When you say the word MINE. — Author: Neil Young

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1313319

#15. The word ‘God’ defines a personal relation, not an objective concept. Like the name of the beloved in every love. It does not imply separation and distance. Hearing the beloved name is an immediate awareness, a dimensionless proximity of presence. It is our life wholly transformed into relation. — Author: Christos Yannaras

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1329423

#16. Love is a verb; an action word. Its not a noun or an adjective. — Author: Carolyn Miles

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1348314

#17. When the wound given is deep. The action to rectify needs to be from the heart, because the word ‘sorry’ is not enough to sew a cut so deep. — Author: Trishna Damodar

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #874794

#18. if i ever have a daughter, the first thing i will teach her to love will be the word «no» & i will not let her feel guilty for using it. — «no» is short for «fuck off.» — Author: Amanda Lovelace

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1506283

#19. I never use the word ‘sex’ in my novels — that is not what romance is about. It’s about love and emotion. All my stories were different but they all had a happy ending — the perfect finish to any romance. — Author: Jean S. MacLeod

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1537124

#20. Seconds ebb and wane. She’s not afraid of her voice anymore, but she’s not entirely sure she trusts it. She’s seen the damage caused with a single word. Right now, each one is a weapon, a conduit of war, and she won’t just throw them out there all willy-nilly. — Author: Laura Kreitzer

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1539879

#21. We do not fight for the real but for shadows we make. A flag is a piece of cloth and a word is a sound, But we make them something neither cloth nor a sound, Totems of love and hate, black sorcery-stones. — Author: Stephen Vincent Benet

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1553662

#22. I know that God is working through me within this sport. I know He’s put me here for a purpose and it’s not just to win medals. Winning is great and hopefully it gives me a platform to spread His love and spread His Word, but at the end of the day, I’m called to do what He wants me to do. — Author: Elana Meyers

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1566366

#23. Altruism, a jargon word for what used to be called love, is worse than weakness, it is sin, a violation of nature. Be seperate. Do not be a social animal. — Author: Lewis Thomas

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1579056

#24. What I feel for you…it can be neither quantified nor defined. It is so profound, so revolutionary, that no methods to date are equipped to even measure it. A new word should be imagined just to express the depth and scope of it, because ‘love’ does not even come close. — Author: Joanna Shupe

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1623965

#25. A lover of men is very nearly the opposite of a philanthropist; indeed the pedantry of the Greek word carries something like a satire on itself. A philanthropist may be said to love anthropoids. But as St. Francis did not love humanity but men, so he did not love Christianity but Christ. — Author: G.K. Chesterton

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1652968

#26. I think love is a hard word to define,» I say to her. «You can love a lot of things about a person but still not love the whole person. — Author: Colleen Hoover

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1679627

#27. Despite appearances, Sym, Love is not a four-letter word. — Author: Geraldine McCaughrean

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1769518

#28. Let us say «Yes» to life and not death. Let us say «Yes» to freedom and not enslavement to the many idols of our time. In a word, let us say «Yes» to the God who is love, life and freedom, and who never disappoints. — Author: Pope Francis

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1817031

#29. Especially begging, on the part of one able to work, is not only the sin of slothfulness, but a violation of the duty of brotherly love according to the Apostle’s own word. — Author: Max Weber

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1818853

#30. Love is not a word or an idea or even a place to go to or a thing to strive for. It is not something to grasp and smother and mold and change. It cannot be orchestrated, played, controlled or manipulated. You can not cup it tenderly in your open hand or wish it into being through fervent prayer. — Author: Vanessa G. Foster

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1835565

#31. Want is quite a complicated word there, because there’s volo, which means I want, but it’s not usually used with people. Desidero? I feel the want of, I desire. Amabo? I will love. But what if I will never love? What if I will never desire? What if I will never want?
Numquam amabo? — Author: Ali Smith

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #1878634

#32. Love is being able to talk to someone else without effort, without hiding, and at the same time to feel absolutely comfortable not saying a word. At least that’s one way I’ve figured out hot to describe love. — Author: Viet Thanh Nguyen

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #421087

#33. Faith is only a word if there is no love at its center, so flaccid and lifeless, vague and hollow — not anything you could truly feel. — Author: Elif Shafak

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #15729

#34. A good test of a relationship is how a person responds to the word ‘no.’ Love respects ‘no,’ control does not. — Author: Henry Cloud

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #29718

#35. For me, the reading of the scriptures is not the pursuit of scholarship. Rather, it is a love affair with the word of the Lord and that of His prophets. — Author: Gordon B. Hinckley

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #51036

#36. We help other people because we can, or because it makes us feel good, not because we’re counting on some future payback. There is a word for this; love. — Author: Eric Weiner

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #129393

#37. Love is not a substantial enough word for how I feel about you, Brycin. Never has been. — Author: Stacey Marie Brown

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #157331

#38. So this is love:
the Sculptor’s chisel.
And stone, which in its whole life
does not utter a single word,
suddenly sings. — Author: Milan Rufus

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #215400

#39. You know, we can quote the written Word all day to our friends, but nothing will touch them like our own hunger and love for the Word himself. It is not dutiful love that attracts but love freely lavished from a heart familiar with the gardens of heaven. — Author: Amy Layne Litzelman

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #223756

#40. A lot of times, the reason we struggle to feel and receive the love of God — to see ourselves as His beloved, adopted children — is because we’re not pursuing in our everyday lives those things His Word describes as being valuable and significant. — Author: Matt Chandler

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #264893

#41. As long as love is «blind» — that is, as long as it does not see a whole being — it does not yet truly stand under the basic word of relation. Hatred remains blind by its very nature; one can hate only part of a being. — Author: Martin Buber

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #292742

#42. We do not make friends with God; God makes friends with us, bringing us to know him by making his love known to us … The word know, when used of God in this way, is a sovereign-grace word, pointing to God’s initiative in loving, choosing, redeeming, calling and preserving. — Author: J.I. Packer

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #297399

#43. If we were constantly remembering that love is as love does, we would not use the word in a manner that devalues and degrades it’s meaning. — Author: Bell Hooks

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #305132

#44. Love is the only thing that makes the world spin around, I think. It’s weird. We have to call it «love,» because we have to call it something, but it’s not a word. It’s an energy. It’s an act. It’s an action. It’s a natural thing. — Author: Jason Mraz

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #311185

#45. Religion is not knowledge. Religion is love. The word ‘religion’ comes from a root which means binding together — falling into love, becoming one. — Author: Rajneesh

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #319062

#46. I will not make a sonnet from
Each little private martyrdom;
Nor out of love left dead with time
Construe a stanza or a rime.

We do not suffer to afford
The searched for and the subtle word:
There is too much that may not be
At the caprice of prosody. — Author: Joseph Auslander

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #380311

#47. I can’t even think of the right word, but it’s not «help.» It’s more like a prerequisite. I think connection is why we’re here, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and belonging is in our DNA. And so «tribe» and «belonging» are irreducible needs, like love. — Author: Brene Brown

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #404949

#48. Love is not just a word that is spoken; it is an action that is taken and an emotion that awakens. — Author: Raneem Kayyali

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #7486

#49. Because a loveless world,» said Jesus, «is a sightless world. If anyone loves me, he will carefully keep my word and my Father will love him — we’ll move right into the neighborhood! Not loving me means not keeping my words. The message you are hearing isn’t mine. It’s the — Author: Eugene H. Peterson

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #479427

#50. The word of sin is Restriction. O man! refuse not thy wife, if she will! O lover, if thou wilt, depart! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell. — Author: Aleister Crowley

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #530253

#51. I love chocolate mousse, that’s probably my favorite. I’m a big strawberry shortcake fan as well. I’m not mad at classic vanilla either. I’m not, I’m not sure what the word is. Cake discriminatory? Cakeist? — Author: Kevin McHale

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #533123

#52. Forever is not a word … rather a place where two lovers go when true love takes them there. — Author: Stephanie

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #593979

#53. This is not a book in the ordinary sense of the word. No, this is a prolonged insult, a gob of spit in the face of art, a kick in the pants to God, Man, Destiny, Time, Love, Beauty … what you will. — Author: Henry Miller

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #639616

#54. God’s Word tells us that God has spoken of old in many portions and in many ways through His servants concerning His heart’s desire and that He loves us. But man did not understand. Therefore, God had to personally come to this world and become a man. This man is Jesus, the Christ, whom we know. — Author: Watchman Nee

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #648641

#55. The destroyer is…'» Ethan wondered at the next word, expecting ‘horrific, ‘mad’, or even ‘a bitch’… Not forgetting that she did try to kill him, of course.
«Glorious,» he concluded to Ethan’s surprise. — Author: Louise G. White

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #679937

#56. Someone has written, Love is a verb. It requires doing -not just saying and thinking. The test is in what one does, how one acts, for love is conveyed in word and deed. — Author: David B. Haight

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #716219

#57. My love for you, Lord, is not an uncertain feeling, but a matter of concious certainty. With your word you pierced my heart, and I loved you. But heaven and earth and everything in them on all sides tell me to love you. — Author: Saint Augustine

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #718042

#58. Love without trust does not exist. Love is a strength of trust. Trust is the test of love. When you love, you trust each other. When you don’t, you don’t. Don’t camouflage the word «love» and not trust each other. — Author: Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #743144

#59. Love is not concerned with a person’s accomplishments, it is a response to a person’s being: This is why a typical word of love is to say: I love you, because you are as you are. — Author: Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #782270

#60. My love for her was close to piety. You may think it strange that I should use this word, with its religious connotation, to describe my feeling towards a woman. But even now I believe — and I believe it very strongly — that true love is not so far removed from religious faith. — Author: Soseki Natsume

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #800964

#61. Love is such a confusing word. You think I’m joking but I’m not. — Author: Michael Showalter

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #854076

#62. Success … Is all about being able to extend love to people … not in a big capital-letter sense but in the everyday; little by little, task by task, gesture by gesture, word by word — Author: Ralph Fiennes

Love Is Not A Word Quotes #873804

love is not a simple thing to lose - Wrabel

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love is not a simple thing to lose


Thought I’d write a letter
‘Cause I’m feeling better
I still hate the weather
But I’ve fallen in love, with someone
La, la, la-la, la, la
If I’m saying too much
Then I, I guess it’s because
I never talked enough
Always put it better in a song
La, la, la-la, la, la
I’m just tryna say
A simple phrase, to you
But love is not, a simple thing
To lose
I guess I wrote you a song
‘Cause it’s hard to move on
Tryna put it in words
But now, every word’s, hurting someone
La, la, la-la, la, la
Then you, you told me the truth
But I did not believe you
Wish you, you wrote it all down
So that, I’d have it now that you’re gone
La, la, la-la, la, la
I’m just tryna say
A simple phrase, to you
But love is not, a simple thing
To lose
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah
Thought I’d, write a letter
‘Cause I’m feeling better
I still hate the weather
Think I’ve fallen in love, with someone
These words are all fine here
Думал написать письмо
Потому что я чувствую себя лучше
Я все еще ненавижу погоду
Но я влюбился в кого-то
Если я говорю слишком много
Тогда я, я думаю, это потому, что
Я никогда не говорил достаточно
Всегда помещайте это лучше в песню
я просто пытаюсь сказать
Простая фраза для вас
Но любовь не простая вещь
Кажется, я написал тебе песню
Потому что трудно двигаться дальше
Пытаюсь выразить это словами
Но теперь каждое слово причиняет кому-то боль
Тогда ты, ты сказал мне правду
Но я не поверил тебе
Желаю вам, чтобы вы все это записали
Так что, я бы это сейчас, когда ты ушел
я просто пытаюсь сказать
Простая фраза для вас
Но любовь не простая вещь
Ах ах ах ах ах ах
Ах ах ах ах ах ах
Ах ах ах ах ах ах
Ах ах ах ах ах ах
Ах ах ах ах ах ах
Подумал, напишу письмо
Потому что я чувствую себя лучше
Я все еще ненавижу погоду
Думаю, я влюбился в кого-то
Эти слова здесь все в порядке

Рейтинг перевода: 5

/5 |
Голосов: 1






Love is not only a feeling, it is also an art. A simple word, a sensitive precaution, a mere nothing reveal to a woman the sublime artist who can touch her heart without withering it

Love is not only a feeling, it is also an art. A simple word, a sensitive precaution, a mere nothing reveal to a woman the sublime artist who can touch her heart without withering it Picture Quote #1

Honore De Balzac Quotes

Birthday Wishes

Honore De Balzac Quotes

Friendship Quotes
Love Quotes

Life Quotes

Funny Quotes
Motivational Quotes
Inspirational Quotes

Some people have no problem saying, «I love you.” It just comes out perfectly natural for them. But, for others, love isn’t easy; they struggle to get the words out, even just once, to the person they love. But whether it comes easy to you or not, the important thing to understand is that love is action.

Learn How To Better Express Your Love

Love is not simply a feeling or an emotion. Love is powerful, it’s not just words. You’ve probably heard the saying that «love is a verb», and there’s a lot of truth behind that. Love isn’t something you can just say, such as «love you to the moon and back», it’s something that you need to do. Therefore, love is action.

The Overuse of the Word «Love»

We live in a society that overuses the word love. You hear people say it all the time. We love ice cream. We love dogs. You love having a 3-day weekend. You love the way the sand feels between your toes.

We have used the word love so much, and in ways that it wasn’t meant to be used, which has lessened the meaning of the word to some extent. Simply saying that you love someone may not mean as much to them when you also say, in the next breath, that you love pizza or the smell of bacon.

Ads will also utilize the word or concept of love to sell products and services. Ads agencies learned long ago that emotion-based ads and content increase the effectiveness of selling their services or merchandise, so now they use the word a lot in their ads to appeal to a certain market. It can all make love seem so much simpler than it is in reality.

Some people also struggle with being too quick to say the word love to other people. They may not know if they love the person or not, but they don’t want to lose what they already have going. So, to try to keep the person they tell them that they love them. This is a common phenomenon in partners who are young or do not have much experience with relationships. It could also be a sign of low self-esteem.

What Does «Love Is Action» Mean?

So, what does the phrase “love is action” really mean? How are you supposed to show someone that you love them?

This can mean different things to different people. That’s what makes it so challenging to show someone that you love them. Different people think different things show love. For example, you may feel loved if someone spends a lot of time with you. If they make sure that they do your favorite activities with you or spend the holidays with you. When they go out of their way to do the things that you want to do with them, instead of doing the things that they would rather do. These actions make you feel loved.

But for other people, it may be something completely different. Some people want to receive love through words of affirmation; or through sending love words for her or him. They want to constantly be told why you love them and not just that you love them. To them, this is a way to put love into action instead of just simply saying that you love them.

The best way that you can show someone love is to find out directly from them what makes them feel loved. They may be able to tell you right off the bat, or they may not have any idea. It’s something that a lot of people have never really thought about. They may know that some things make them feel loved and others don’t, but they may have never put it into words before. This is another reason it can be so complicated to express your love to someone else.

Ways to Show Love

Just like there are different words for love, there are also different ways to show love. So, if you want to put love into action, here are some ideas on ways that you can show love. Remember that it’s always best to find out what speaks the most to a person, and then do those things. But if you don’t know, or if the person isn’t able to tell you, these things will give you a great start.

Prioritize What They Like to Do

People are naturally selfish. We like to do the things that we like to do. But when you want to show someone that you love them, you need to prioritize what they want to do over what you want at times.

This doesn’t mean that you need to become a doormat, or that you can never do the things that you want. It simply means that you work to make sure that you’re including activities that the other person would like to do. Or that you are participating in activities that you might not want to do on your own just so you can spend time with them.

An example of this would be going to a baseball game together when you can’t stand the sport. Or hanging out at the mall when you hate shopping. You aren’t doing the activity because you would choose to do it—you’re doing it because the person that you love likes doing it. Understand that selflessness and compromise are some of the most effective ways to show love in action. When you choose to put their desires or needs first, you show the true measure of active love.

Tell Them in Creative Ways

It’s easy to just get in the habit of telling someone you love them at certain times of the day. It may be when you’re getting ready to end a phone call or getting ready to go to bed. But it can communicate to someone that you love them when you show them that you’re thinking about them throughout the day.

This could be sending a simple text message or relationship quotes in the middle of the day to let them know that you love them and are thinking about them. Aside from love quotes, it’s always great to include a compliment because everyone loves to receive compliments.

You could also leave a note in lipstick on the bathroom mirror, a sticky note in their car, or write a note on a napkin in their lunch for work. There is no limitation on how creative you can get in doing this.

Look for Ways to Help Them

When you love someone, do your best to try to anticipate what their needs are. This can be a great way to show someone not only that you love them but that you truly know them as well.

Think about what they might need to get ready before a busy day that they have planned, or something that they might need from the store that they haven’t asked you for. Look for ways to do little things that will help them out throughout their day. This can go a long way in communicating love to your significant other.

For example, you can visit the grocery store or do other errands for them to ease up their day. Or you can help them with chores or other tasks they have on their to-do list. For example, if they need to bake biscuits for a bake sale but don’t have much time, help them make biscuits or help them with their other tasks.

Learn How To Better Express Your Love

Be Close to Them

There are ways that you can physically show people that you love them in appropriate ways. And this isn’t about sex. Make sure that you sit next to them when you can, even if it’s just on the couch watching TV. Offer to rub their shoulders for them if they’ve had a stressful day. Hold her hand as you walk down the street.

Foot rubs and back massages go a long way in communicating love after a long day of work.

Remember What You Used to Do

Love can be an easy thing to show in the early stages of a relationship, but as a relationship progresses, things can settle in. When the newness of a relationship wears off, it’s easy to get set in habits and routines. If you want to make sure that you’re continuing to show someone that you love them, think about the things that you did at the beginning of your relationship.

People are great at showing love when they’re first interested in someone. It’s completely normal to forget about yourself and do the things that you like to do. We put our best foot forward all the time. If they need help with something, we jump in to help them. We don’t even hesitate because we want them to know that we love them.

If your relationship has been a long-term one and you still have too much love for your partner, you may need to look back and analyze to see if you’re doing a good job of showing it to your significant other. If you find out that you’re not, go back and think about those things you did in the beginning and start doing them again. It’s a great way to sweep your significant other off their feet once again.

Action That Does Not Equal Love

It’s important to address that while it’s great to show love as an action in relationships, there are some limitations and things that you should think about with this concept.

For example, having sex is not the same thing as love. If you’re in a new relationship, do not trick yourself into thinking that if you have sex with the person, they will know that you love them or that they will love you. People can have sex without being in love. So, don’t fall for the lie that someone loves you because they’re showing you physically. This is not what love is action means.

Do You Struggle With Showing Love?

If showing love is a struggle for you, it may be something that you want to talk to a therapist about. There may be a specific situation from your past that makes you uncomfortable in communicating your love to someone else. There could be any number of reasons why it’s a struggle for you.

First of all, be compassionate with yourself if this is the case. Accept your feelings and that your past may be affecting your relationships. This does not make you a bad partner or make you unable to deliver authentic love. When you accept your experience and work hard to maintain love, the results can be rewarding.

Working with a therapist or similar mental health or relationship services can help you get to the bottom of why you may have difficulty expressing love. You can learn other important communication skills that you can use to improve your relationship. And you can learn important tips and strategies on how to shield yourself in relationships as well.

You may have seen BetterHelp’s ads and web content and wondered if online therapy services are effective in helping with intimacy and relationship problems. The good news is that yes, online therapy services and content are just as effective as traditional therapy.

Studies have shown that online therapy can aid people who have difficulties expressing themselves because of a social phobia or similar issues. For example, a study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research found that online cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was a useful method of treating individuals with social anxiety. The results of the study indicate that symptoms associated with social anxiety were significantly reduced, even at a follow-up five years after the program. Many people widely accept CBT as a form of therapy that works by helping participants reframe the unhelpful thoughts that often lead to difficulty in certain situations, such as social interactions or romantic relationships. 

As mentioned above, online therapy content is there when you want to better express yourself, physically or emotionally, with your partner. With BetterHelp, you can speak with a licensed therapist from the comfort of your own home. Just send a message when you are having trouble communicating with your partner, need to ask a question, or simply want to chat. The qualified experts at BetterHelp can guide you and your partner toward a more loving relationship. Read below for counselor reviews, from those who have experienced similar issues.

Counselor Reviews

“I always look forward to my therapy session with Donna. She helps in concisely clarify my thoughts and allows me to express myself more. The way I think tends to spiral into a cycle and chatting with Donna helps me to identify the signs of this to escape the cycle before it overly affects my well-being.” 

“Sarah had helped me to feel more confident about myself and what I want to activate. Also, make me feel confident again to be able to express myself without feeling scared to be judged. Thank you!!” 


Love isn’t simply just a word. And it’s not just a feeling. Love is a choice and showing that love means choosing measured actions that communicate it to your significant other. Love is action.

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