Love is an action not a word

1 John 3:18
“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

Explanation and Commentary of 1 John 3:18

After saying that if anyone sees his brother in need and does not help him, he does not have love, John broadens the point to say that love is an action. We cannot just say, “I love you,” without showing it. It is meaningless. That said, we are saved by grace, and not by works. We don’t serve those in need in order to be saved, but rather, because we are saved. “Actions and truth” go hand in hand. What we believe is shown by what we do.

A true test of whether we are abiding in Christ will be our compassion for the poor and for anyone in need. There are nuances to this, of course, because there is a way to help others that is toxic and will cause the harm of enabling and dependency. Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 that if someone won’t work, they should not eat. But the reality is that there are many genuine needs that Christ would have us meet out of love for him. Jesus sees it as serving him when, in Christ, we serve and help others (Mt 25:40).

If you have not been as generous as you think you should have been, or you know that you have missed opportunities to show love with actions and truth, it is never too late to repent and start loving. Ask Jesus to help you, and he will show you where to start.

Breaking Down the Key Parts of 1 John 3:18

#1 “Dear children,”
John’s whole letter has a fatherly tone. His paternal love for the Church is evident.

#2 “let us not love with words or speech…”
It is not that it is wrong to love with words, but words without “actions” or “truth” are empty and make us liars. Use words to bless others, but back up words with actions.

#3 “…but with actions…”
1 John 3:16-17 says, “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?”

#4 “…and in truth.”
Just as the woman at the well was told to worship God in “spirit and in truth,” (Jn 4:23-24) we are called here to love in truth. This is a powerful statement that out of our true belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus for poor sinners like us to be made rich in God, we are called live our lives accordingly, committing to the actions that genuine love dictates.

Bible Study on 1 John 3:18

Expert Overview of 1-3 John

Biblical Translations of 1 John 3:18

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.

Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

1 John 3:18 Meaning and Commentary

Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Master’s Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.

Recently I have been going through a tough break-up. The worst break-up ever for me as I do not understand what went wrong and well the man I fell in love with, the man I wanted to marry is gone, he has changed. He’s a cheater and pulled me along and it’s rather sad so I will spare you the details. Over this process a friend of mine Keri reminded me that «Love is an action, not a word» and I think this was just what I needed to hear.

Love is an action, not a word not only suitable when it comes to dating but also moving forward. For the last wee while I have been struggling and my body has been suffering. I gave him all my love, putting him first and now it’s my time for love. It’s time to give it love so with that said I am going to work on #ProjectHannah — Love via actions and not just words.

Here are the actions I am putting in place —

  1. Cleanse — I have started to clean out my room — and my life. We tend to hold memories into things and I do. So I am cutting the crap from my life. No more, if it’s not a hell yes it’s not happening. Boys, friends, make-up, clothes and general stuff.
  2. Daily Stresses — Driving in central Auckland is a pain, then you have to find a park! Hell no — I am going to walk to work — it will take me 30 minutes but will allow me a chance to get some fresh air, play some tunes and get the blood pumping.
  3. Health — Okay so my health is not to bad but my fitness …that’s another story.
  4. Fitness — I am going to see Rochelle at the start of the week to work on my booty and just coz Rochelle gets me mentally so I need her in my life. Mid week I am going to see Coach Rhys for a killer workout and I want to train with Matt Foreman — I want to workout with someone but someone who is pretty dedicated to help me keep going. I want to train with people who impress me. I also want to be strong both mentally and physically.
  5. Plan a holiday — Right now I am meant to be in London soon to fly to Cyprus lol but nope I also had some rad NYE plans made but nope it’s time to do something for me so I am going to plan for my next big adventure with a friend.

Okay so this is my list for now but I have plenty to focus on, plenty of good to get me going and #projectHannah is in full force!

Do you have any other ideas? 

Hannah Rogers, The Modern Girl

photos via Instagram

A study on 1 Corinthians 13

Peanuts cartoon shows Lucy standing with her arms folded and a stern expression on her face. Charlie Brown pleads, “Lucy, you must be more loving. This world really needs love. You have to let yourself love to make this world a better place.” Lucy angrily whirls around and knocks Charlie Brown to the ground. She screams at him, “Look, Blockhead, the world I love. Its people I can’t stand.”

I’m sure we all feel that way from time to time, and some of us feel that way most of the time. Maybe you feel that way right now. Loving the world in general isn’t that difficult; loving the people around us can be a major challenge. In 1 Corinthians 13, we find one of the most beautiful and familiar chapters in the Bible. This chapter is typically read at weddings and anniversary celebrations. It has even been set to music. Yet, this was never the original intent. Instead, Paul was writing a rebuke to a dysfunctional church for their abuse of the spiritual gifts. Typically though, this understanding is often ignored. Consequently, I wonder if most Christians have truly pondered the deeper meaning of this passage. Have we heard this Scripture so often that we no longer think about what the words mean? I would suggest that if we ignore the context of this chapter we are in danger of missing its major impact.2

In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul will argue that love is an action, not an emotion. The kind of love Paul will talk about is seen, experienced, and demonstrated. This is contrary to our culture that honors personal feelings above almost everything. We do what we want when we want because we “feel” like it. And if we don’t “feel” like it, we don’t do it. But as I study this passage, I am struck by the complete absence of any stress on personal feelings. Hence, if love is an action, not an emotion, we need to study what God has to say about love. We need to know what love is and what it looks like when it is lived out in the church.3 In these thirteen verses, Paul provides three distinctions of love.

1. Love is greater than any spiritual gift (13:1-3). In these three verses, Paul mentions six spiritual gifts: tongues, prophecy, knowledge, faith, giving, and martyrdom. The first four gifts are listed in 12:8-10. The gift of giving is among those mentioned in Rom 12:8. Martyrdom does not occur anywhere else as a spiritual gift, but by its association with the other five gifts here, we can add it to the spiritual gifts God gives to His church.4 Paul kicks off 13:1 with the gift of tongues when he writes, “If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.” Some Bible students seem to have missed Paul’s point here and have interpreted him as speaking merely of eloquence in human speech, but clearly he is referring to the gift of tongues. After all, the last gifts mentioned in chapter 12 are tongues and the interpretation of tongues. And those same gifts are the main topic of chapter 14. It is quite logical, then, that Paul begins the intervening chapter by discussing tongues. The use of tongues that Paul is speaking of here is the gift of speaking a private prayer language.5 Paul says you can speak in tongues all you want, but if you don’t have love you are merely making a lot of noise.

In 13:2-3, Paul mentions five more spiritual gifts when he writes, “If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. And if I give all my possessions to feed the poor, and if I surrender my body to be burned, but do not have love, it profits me nothing.” Prophecy refers to the ability to declare God’s truth in a powerful, life-changing way. Knowledge involves the deep understanding of the Word of God. Faith is the unique ability to trust God for great things. These three gifts are all from the Holy Spirit, and yet without love the person who has them is “nothing.” Verse 3 poses a problem because it asks us to ponder activities that we automatically consider noble. Giving to the poor is a good thing to do. And dying for your faith in Christ is the ultimate sacrifice. But as good as these things are, without love they do you no good. Paul declares that the greatest expression of spirituality is love. We could summarize these three verses like this: Without love…I say nothing, I am nothing, and I gain nothing.

Clearly, we must have love when we are exercising our spiritual gifts. So stop for just a moment and reflect on your spiritual gifts and your ministry in the local church. Do you do what you do out of genuine love for people? Or do you serve out of a sense of obligation? Do you serve because of the satisfaction you derive from ministry? Do you minister because you like honing your skills? Although no one has perfectly pure motives, we ought to be seeking to grow in our love quotient. Paul says that love is an action, not an emotion; therefore, we need to put feet to our love.

[After talking about the importance of love, Paul now will discuss how love behaves.]

2. Love is expressed by supernatural responses (13:4-7). Love is a word that can only be properly defined in terms of action, attitude, and behavior. Paul has no room for abstract, theoretical definitions; instead, he wants us to know what love looks like when we see it. Thus, he paints fifteen separate portraits of love. Yes, that’s right: in the space of four short verses Paul uses fifteen verbs, all of which have “love” as their subject. Our contemporary definition of love is that it is an emotion or a feeling—we love our jobs, we love football, we love pizza. In the biblical definition of agape, love acts, for love is an action, not an emotion.6 Verse 4 begins by summarizing the unselfish nature of love.

1) Love is patient. The Greek language has several words for “patience.” One signifies patience with circumstances while another is used only in reference to patience with people.7The Lord knows we need both kinds of patience, but it is this second word that is found here. The KJV renders this word “long-suffering.” I like this! Paul seems to be saying that love doesn’t have a short fuse. It doesn’t lose its temper easily. A person who exercises agape love does not lose patience with people. Love never says, “I’ll give you just one more chance.” Love is patient.

The longer that I am in pastoral ministry, the easier it is for me to be patient with others. With every passing year, I recognize more fully that I sin against God and others. As God humbles me with my own sinful shortcomings, I find it easier to exercise greater patience with others. Loving people are willing to tolerate the shortcomings of others because they know they have faults too. As you mature do you feel more and more patient or do you feel you are growing more and more crotchety? God wants you and me to grow in patient love for those whom we minister to and with.

2) Love is kind.8 Patience must be accompanied by a positive reaction of goodness toward the other person. Kindness, however, is not to be equated with giving everyone what he or she wants. Sometimes love must be tough. In the context of the church, kindness may mean forcing an addict to go through the hell of withdrawal. Kindness may mean saying no to a spoiled child. Kindness may mean reporting a crime committed by a friend. Kindness means to withhold what harms, as well as give what heals. Love is kind, but often tough.9 Paul followed the two positive expressions of love with eight verbs that indicate how it does not behave.10

3) Love is not jealous.11 Jealousy implies being displeased with the success of others. Yet, true love desires the success of others. The best way to cure envy is to pray sincerely for the one of whom you are jealous. To pray for him or her is to demonstrate love, and jealousy and love cannot exist in the same heart.

4) Love does not brag. The root word for “brag” in Greek is very picturesque and is closest to our English word, “wind-bag.”12 Love is not an egotistical blowhard. Love is not big-headed but big-hearted. This means the more loving you become, the less boasting you need to do. The greater your spiritual gifts, the less prone you should be to brag. After all, the gifts you have been graciously given are from God. When you and I brag, we are demonstrating our insecurity and spiritual immaturity. Paul states that bragging is the converse of biblical love. Hence, we should pursue Christ so that we will be humble before Him and others.

5) Love is not arrogant.13 The term “arrogant” refers to a grasping for power. It is more serious than bragging, which is only grasping for praise. Arrogant people push themselves into leadership, using people as stepping-stones, and always consider themselves exempt from the requirements on mere mortals. Arrogance disrespects others and carries a distain for others. God calls us to serve others and be gracious toward them.

6) Love does not act unbecomingly.14 This word is best translated “rude.” There are some Christians who seem to take delight in being blunt, justifying it on the grounds of honesty. They will say, “I’m just telling it like it is.” But love doesn’t always tell it like it is; it doesn’t always verbalize all its thoughts, particularly if those thoughts don’t build others up. There is a graciousness in love which never forgets that courtesy, tact, and politeness are lovely things.

7) Love does not seek its own. Love is the very antithesis of insisting upon one’s own rights. Needless to say, this is a rare quality today. Ours is a society in which self-seeking is not only tolerated, it is even advocated. You can go to any bookstore and pick up titles like, Winning Through IntimidationLooking Out for Number One, or Creative Aggression. But a self-absorbed narcissistic person cannot act in love. Love is not possessive, demanding, stubborn, or dominating. Love does not talk too much but listens as well. Love does not insist on its own way.15 It is always willing to defer to others.

8)  Love is not provoked. Love is not given to emotional outbursts, is not exasperated by petty annoyances, and refuses to let someone else get under one’s skin. But, you say, when someone else provokes me, it’s not my fault. Yes it is. We don’t have to get irritated, and if we were exercising love, we wouldn’t. One English version translates this virtue, “Love is not touchy.” Do you know people who are so quick to take offense that you have to handle them with kid gloves? You try to avoid talking to them and when you can avoid it no longer, you carefully measure every word you say to make sure that you say exactly what you mean. But still the person seizes upon something and twists it to make you look bad. That kind of person knows nothing of agape love, for love is not touchy.

9) Love does not take into account a wrong suffered. Paul uses the normal word here for bookkeeping. Love does not keep a ledger of evil deeds. It doesn’t write down each injury done and keep the account open to be settled someday. I know some people who are accomplished bookkeepers in regard to injuries sustained. Love doesn’t hang on to reminders of wrongs. Who are you keeping a book on? Are there some ledgers you need to go home and toss in the fireplace?

10) Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness. One of the reasons I detest watching the news is that the bulk of stories concern people’s misfortunes and misdeeds. There is something in our human nature which causes our attention to be drawn to murder trials, FBI probes, natural disasters, and human tragedies. Love is not like that. Love takes no joy in evil of any kind. It takes no malicious pleasure when it hears about the inadequacies, mistakes, and sins of someone else. Love is righteous. Now, after eight sobering negatives come five glorious positives:

11) Love rejoices with the truth. When I was in seminary, I studied an ethical system Joseph Fletcher labeled Situation Ethics. Fletcher taught that any action—whether lying, adultery, or even murder—can be moral if it is done in love. However, I would argue that if an action does not conform to the truth of God’s Word, it can’t be done in love. Truth and love go together like hand in glove. Truth must make our love discriminating, and love must make our truth compassionate and forgiving. If our actions are in accord with agape love, we will always welcome biblical truth, never resist it.

12) Love bears all things. The phrase “bears all things” comes from a Greek word meaning to cover something. It is related to the word for roof—a covering that offers protection from the hostile elements. 1 Peter 4:8 says that love covers a multitude of sins. That is precisely the meaning here. Love protects other people. It doesn’t broadcast bad news. It goes the second mile to protect another person’s reputation.16

There are two very relevant applications: First, love doesn’t nitpick. It doesn’t point out every flaw of the ones you love. Second, love doesn’t criticize in public. This is perhaps Paul’s primary meaning. Love doesn’t do its dirty laundry for the entire world to see. That’s why I cringe whenever I hear a husband humiliating his wife in public or a wife making snide remarks about her husband. I always think, if they do that in public, what do they do in private? As a friend of mine once told me, “There are many times in my life when I’ve been sorry I opened my mouth. But there has never been a time I’ve been sorry I kept silent.” When it comes to needless criticism of other people, that’s excellent advice.

13) Love believes all things. Love is always ready to allow for extenuating circumstances, to give the other person the benefit of the doubt, to believe the best about people. Many of us have developed a certain distrust of people because of negative experiences. We have heard stories about how the person who stopped to help a motorist in distress was robbed or even murdered. We have been warned never to loan money to someone without a legal document guaranteeing repayment, even if the other guy is a Christian. But there are worse things than gullibility–namely suspicion and mistrust. Love always trusts. It is also useful to remember that even in a court of law the accused person is always “innocent until proven guilty.” Love says, “I am willing to wait for the evidence to come in before making my decision. I choose to give you the benefit of the doubt as long as there is reason to do so.” Some of us treat our loved ones in nearly the opposite way: “You are guilty until you prove you are innocent.”

I do not tire of repeating that people tend to become what we believe them to be. They either live up to or down to your expectations. If you treat a man as trustworthy, he will strive to prove himself worthy of your trust. If you tell a child, “Take a big swing. You can hit that ball,” he’ll go to the plate and swing like Babe Ruth. If you treat your wife as if she is the most beautiful woman in the world, she will be transformed before your very eyes. That’s what Jesus did. To vacillating Simon, He said, “You are a rock.” To a prostitute, He said, “Your sins are forgiven.” To a woman caught in adultery, He said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.” It is the simple power of believing the best and not the worst about people.

14) Love hopes all things. The third phrase in 13:7 tells us that love “hopes all things.” This is simply a step beyond believing. The meaning is something like this: There are times in life when you face situations so difficult that faith is not possible. You would gladly give the benefit of the doubt but there is none to give. You search for the silver lining but the angry clouds overhead have no silver lining. Love has a positive forward look. Paul is not here advocating an unreasoning optimism, which fails to take account of reality. Nor is he just teaching the power of positive thinking. But he is suggesting that love refuses to take failure as final, either in oneself or in someone else. Love never gives up on people. And the reason the believer can take such an attitude is that God is in the business of taking human failures and producing spiritual giants out of them. And He can do it with you or your child or that impossible kid in your S.S. class. Of course, “always hoping” doesn’t mean that we sit back and just watch God do His thing. Rather it means that we get actively involved in the process as He molds the future according to His perfect plan. Love hopes and expects the best. Love never loses faith in other people and gives up on them but remain faithful to them, in spite of their shortcomings.

15) Love endures all things. The word “endures” is a military term that means to hold a position at all costs, even unto death, whatever it takes. The battle may be lost but the soldier keeps on fighting to the very end. The word pictures an army surrounded by superior forces, being attacked and slowly overwhelmed on every side. One by one your comrades fall at your side. Through the noise of battle comes one final command: “Stand your ground, men. And if necessary, die well.” So love holds fast to people it loves. It perseveres. It never gives up on anyone. Love won’t stop loving, even in the face of rejection. Love takes action to shake up an intolerable situation. Love looks beyond the present to the hope of what might be in the future.

No one can have a totally happy conscience after reading through these fifteen expressions of love.17

We are the opposite of 13:4-7 on every point.18 However, this love list defines God’s gift of Himself in Jesus Christ. If you go back through these verses and everywhere you find the word “love” substitute the word “Christ,” all these statements will still be true. The kind of love being described is love that has its source in God, and as we look at each of the phrases it becomes obvious that we’re defining a lifestyle that really is beyond our human reach. It is absolutely impossible unless we abide in Christ and ask Him to live His supernatural love in and through us. If you have never believed in Jesus Christ as your Savior, will you do so today? Not only will He give you the gift of His eternal love, but He will allow you to love the way God intended.

[Love is greater than any spiritual gift and love is expressed by supernatural responses. Now we will see that…]

3. Love is an eternal gift (13:8-13). In these final six verses, Paul will discuss the temporary nature of the spiritual gifts and the eternal nature of love. In 13:8, Paul talks about the temporary nature of gifts when he writes, “Love never fails; but if there are gifts of prophecy, they will be done away; if there are tongues, they will cease; if there is knowledge, it will be done away.”19 When Paul says, “Love never fails,” he means love never ends. The synonym for this expression is “love abides” in 13:13. These phrases serve to bookend this final section where Paul argues that the spiritual gifts will be done away with one day.

The reason that spiritual gifts like prophecy and tongues will come to an end is revealed in 13:9-10. Paul writes, “For we know in part and we prophesy in part; but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away.” Paul explains that we are limited in our understanding, but this will not always be the case. A time of perfection is coming! The “perfect” refers to the returning of Christ.20 When we recall that 1:7 pointed out the ongoing role of the gifts until the return of Christ, there can be only one possible interpretation of “perfection”—it is the life in the world to come, after Jesus reappears on earth.

Paul explains himself further in 13:11-12: “When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.” Paul explains that our understanding of God is indirect in this life. He uses two analogies: childhood and a mirror.21In using the analogy of childhood, Paul is not suggesting that those who speak in tongues are childish and immature. Rather, he is adopting an eternal perspective and simply saying that there will come a time when the gifts of the Spirit will no longer be necessary.22

The analogy of the mirror implies that our visibility of Christ is indirect. In other words, Paul is comparing the nature of looking in a mirror to the relationship we will enjoy with Jesus when we see Him “face to face.”23 I enjoy looking at pictures of people, but if I had my choice I would prefer to spend time with the people that I am looking at in photo albums.

Paul concludes this chapter in 13:13 with these words: “But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.”24 For all eternity, we will enjoy these three attributes. We will experience God’s incredible love, we will experience a deep love for God, and we will love one another with a perfect love. We will also continue to have “faith” in the Lord for all eternity. But what about “hope?” What could possibly be the meaning of hope when we are in an eternity that has no pain or tears or sorrow? Will we hope for better days? Obviously not! There is one nuance behind “hope” that is applicable here, namely, a meaning of hope that is synonymous with “trust.”25 In eternity, we will continue to trust in God’s goodness in our lives and in His provisions for us. Hope in this sense “abides” or “remains,” as do faith and love. But the greatest of these is love, for love covers not only what we experience in our relations to others and to God, but what we experience from God Himself.

Today, how will you grow in your love for others? First, I would suggest that you cannot become the loving person you desire to be apart from a loving and vibrant relationship with God. This love relationship must be cultivated first and foremost. Second, you must love those nearest to you. This means that if you are married, you focus on your spouse. If you have children, you prioritize your children. If you are serving in a ministry, you love those children, teens, or adults. You strive to love your neighbors and coworkers. Once you have accomplished this, you will be able to better love the world around you. God has called us to love people. Jesus said that all people will know we are His disciples by the love that we have for one another (John 13:34-35).

Scripture Reference

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Galatians 5:22-23

Ephesians 4:26, 32

Colossians 3:12-17

1 Peter 3:8; 4:8

Luke 7:36-50

Luke 10:30-37

“It’s easy to say I love you, but much harder to show it. Be bold. Be in love—and show it. Love is like writing—show, don’t tell.”

― Jarod Kintz, Love quotes for the ages. Specifically ages 18-81

Do you remember the old saying which states that actions speak louder than words?

No one could deny the obvious- it’s absolutely true. After all, saying to someone that you love them is sweet but it means nothing unless your words correspond to your actions, So whether or not you love someone is actually proved through the behavior and attitude towards that person.

And this truth is valid especially when it comes to romantic relationships.

Not that hearing words of love from your significant other is pointless or unnecessary. Not at all! But it’s not enough. Action is important. It adds weight to our feelings and also requires emotional investment while words don’t.

Furthermore, acts of love have a much bigger impact on the receiver than words since their influence can be carved deep into the soul of the other person.

So when you are in a relationship you should pay attention if the words of love of your significant other coincide with his or her actions.

You don’t need a partner who tells you they love you to the moon and back but aren’t able to prove it by making sacrifices or compromising because of you and your relationship.

Loving is showing to the other person that you care for them.

Take a look at the following examples:

You know a woman who has been abused by her partner. Ask her why did she stay with him and didn’t leave him right away when he started abusing her. She’ll probably answer you that her partner (abuser) would tell her he loves her and reassured her that it won’t happen again. Yet he never stopped abusing her. What’s the moral of the story? Words mean very little.

Ask a woman who is happy in her relationship what makes her feel loved. She will probably tell you that her partner surprises her with a flower at work or cleans the house on his day off. Maybe he doesn’t complain if she is tired and doesn’t want to go out. And there are many more things he probably does to make her feel special.

So, please don’t promise something unless you mean it. Please, don’t let your partner throw dust into your eyes by loving you only in their words either. Don’t stay with someone who tells you they care and then listen to you with one ear while doing something else. The truth is that your boyfriend or girlfriend would turn off the TV or stop playing computer games in order to listen to you if their love for you is sincere. After all, only someone who really cares would be there for you when you need them.

Remember – love is this amazing feeling of deep concern and affection you have for that special person and it doesn’t need words to exist. You just feel it every time you see that special someone and your heart starts racing. Sometimes you get goosebumps when you hear that person’s voice or start talking to them. You don’t need to explain what is love yet you can prove you really love someone with your actions.

And if what you feel and give to the other person is reciprocated, then you are lucky to have found true love.

I was thinking on some of the reasons that there is so much antichrist attitudes that seem to permeate the Christian boards around and about and was reminded of a story that I heard several years ago.

Although there is a message in the story, it is my hope that by sharing it, we begin to show the reality of it.
Not in words alone, but in actions also.

Back when the Apostle John was still alive and had gotten his reprieve from his exile on the island of Patmos. There was a local synagogue where he would meet at each and every Sabbath.

Now in that small township, there was a young boy who was about to be welcomed into the fellowship of manhood. This was marked by what is called bar mitzvah. He had waited all those long 12 years. Eagerly longing to be able to sit side by side with the men during meetings of honor, the teaching of the Word and the breaking of bread. Finally the day had come to where he was now seated among the men during the teaching of the Sabbath. He lived in the city that the Apostle John taught in.

The Apostle John walked into the building, proceeded to the front, opened the scroll and read; «Love one another as you love yourselves.» He then closed the scroll and taught on the understanding of this hallmark statement.

The young man basked in the luster of all that the Apostle had to say that morning. Savoring the teaching within his heart, he sat out to be a doer of what he had learned. Living his days in the love that was shed abroad in his heart that first day.

Twenty years had come and gone since that first day. The young man was now married and was christening his own son into manhood. Seated by his side, his son watched as the splint bearers brought in a very old and seasoned Apostle.

As the Apostle was supported in front of the congregation, the Apostle John read from the open scroll that was before him, «Love one another as you love yourselves.»

Then he sat before the group and began to teach the fundamentals of this way of life. Upon the finish, the splint bearers proceeded down the steps and along the road to where the Apostle was living.

The young man who had brought his son with him hurried to the front of the procession and urged the bearers to pause for a moment. Upon gaining audience with the icon of Christianity, the young man asked a question that had puzzled him all these years.
«Raboni [meaning master and teacher, affectionately), for twenty years I have faithfully sat before you in the sermons that you have delivered to us.

I have always done all that I can to follow your direction. Yet, although I have no problems with your teaching, I am puzzled by this one thing.»

«Yes, my son what is it that you are seeking?» Replied the Apostle.

«Sir, why is it that you have never taught a different subject? Why has it been for the past twenty years, that you have only taught on «Love one another as you love yourself.»?

The Apostle John looked deep into the eyes of the young man and softly said,

«When everybody has learned to do what I have been teaching them,

It is then, that I will go onto something new.»

Author Unknown to me.

Each of us is called to do different things for the building up of the Body of Christ.

The Body of Christ, not the bickering back and forth with the children of death and destruction, as is what has been happening among these boards…

Not all of us are called to do what the other is called for.

Many of us do not even know what our special purpose is that we are here to serve out for the GLORY of Father GOD in heaven.

Some of us have the anointing to speak well before others and some of us should only listen and not speak up at all.
However, it is our inescapable responsibility, honored duty and privilege to do all that we can do to show this defiled, self-degraded, lost, dying and in need of a Savior world. That we, those of us living in Christ uphold the Truth in GOD by exhibiting the behavior of love in all the we do, say and think.
Not in words alone.

That doesn’t mean that we don’t speak up when we see and/or know that certain things in certain religious orders are not «Christian correct.»

If there is something out of whack, we need to speak up.
If they listen fine, if they want to remain stubborn and rebellious… Do what Jesus would do.

There is only One Way to GOD and He is Jesus.
And if it had not have been for Him, all of us would be dead in our sins and most possibly outright dead in the grave. Our souls in living hell, awaiting the White Throne Judgment.

I don’t know about you, but I KNOW that it is only because of Jesus that I (personally) am still alive today.

So, when you see that someone here has something special to share. Or we read the teachings of what one of us has been taught in life, or believes that they have been given a message to give to us … or whatever it may be that we might see herein…

Please, please, remember that before you are who you have become, you are a child of GOD Almighty in heaven and those you touch in word and deed will be affected by the measure of love that you show.

LOVE is an action that is either responded to or reacted to.

There is a difference. And that difference begins within us.

It is by this, that we known as His.

In Lord Jesus name,
So Be It

“Jesus Christ is LORD”
Philippians 2:10-11

Brother Jerry

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