Love for country in one word

Denis Pushilin noted


symbolism of


event and its importance


promoting love for the country in


young generation of Republic.


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Денис Пушилин отметил символичность проводимого мероприятия и его важность для прививания любви к Родине молодому поколению Республики.


In this remarkable day we admiringly recall heroic feat of our nation, its courage,


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В этот знаменательный день мы с восхищением вспоминаем о героическом подвиге нашего

народа, его мужестве, преданности долгу и любви к Родине.



stability of


people, love for the country, a strong leader of




guarantor of


country’s Independence.


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Стабильность народа, любовь к Родине, сильный Лидер Нации- гарант Независимости страны.


Schiff called


hearing a“solemn event” and

advised colleagues“to approach these proceedings with seriousness and love for the country.”.

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Шифф назвал слушания» торжественным мероприятием» и

посоветовал коллегам» подходить


этим разбирательствам с серьезностью и любовью к стране.

In order to cultivate in students a sense of patriotism, respect and love for the country,


state language and symbols of our Republic at


military department,

each day begins with a military build personnel with


performance of


Anthem of


Republic of Kazakhstan.

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В целях воспитания в студентах чувства патриотизма, уважения и любви к Родине, государственному языку и символам нашей Республики на военной

кафедре каждый военный день начинается с построения личного состава с исполнением Гимна Республики Казахстан.

Moral education focuses on issues such as love for the country and


life, respect

for the

elders and

for the



for the

environment and


society, awareness of


moral standards of society and willingness to abide by them, and a sense of discipline.


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Нравственное воспитание покрывает такие вопросы, как любовь к родине и жизни, уважение


старшим и членам семьи,

забота об окружающей среде и обществе, осознание нравственных норм общества и готовность их придерживаться, а также необходимость соблюдения дисциплины.


In May 2007, a Strategy Plan

for the

Comprehensive Development of Youth of Macao was formulated aiming at enhancing moral education,



realisation of one’s potential and creativity and promoting young people development.


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В мае 2007 года был разработан Стратегический план всестороннего развития молодежи в Макао, направленный на более активное утверждение моральных ценностей,

поощрение реализации личного потенциала и творческих способностей и содействие развитию подрастающего поколения.


Assistance in»formation of high esthetic taste», an establishment of«reference points in a society


creative self-realization of a person

for the

benefit of society»,

and also in« upbringing of young people in


spirit of morals and love for the country», through public control in questions of morals in mass-media

and educational establishments.

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В области культуры: Содействие« формированию высокого эстетического вкуса», установлению« ориентиров в обществе для творческой самореализации личности на благо интересов общества», а

также« воспитанию молодежи в духе нравственности, морали и любви к Родине», в том числе через общественный контроль вопросов нравственности и морали в СМИ

и учреждениях образования.


Minister noted that one of


important problems of religious communities is to increase


spirituality of


society, an explanation of


true spiritual values,

as well as


formation of


population immune to radical ideologies,


guise of religion.

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Министр отметил, что одной из важных задач религиозных объединений Казахстана является повышение духовности общества, разъяснение истинных духовных ценностей,

прививающих любовь к стране, народу, уважение


народным традициям и обычаям,

а также формирование у населения иммунитета от радикальных идеологий, прикрытых религией.

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Воспитание чувства патриотизма, любви к своей стране,


родной земле;


young tsar has been beautiful,


Kolomoisky and myself personally a lot of happiness, good, true love for the country,

love for

our city and our region,

I wish you all health and peace over your head!


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Я желаю всем нам и вам, от имени Игоря Валерьевича Коломойского и от себя лично: счастья, добра, настоящей любви к своей Родине,


к нашему городу и нашей области,

я желаю всем здоровья и мира над головой!»!


As an element of


national human resources development system, vocational training is also intended to reinforce students’ pride in Tunisia and loyalty towards it,

instilling in them a love for the country and an awareness of national identity, and strengthening their openness to human civilization.


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Еще одной задачей профессионального образования как неотъемлемой части национальной системы развития людских ресурсов является воспитание у обучающихся чувства гордости за принадлежность


своей стране,

чувства верности Тунису, любви к своей родине, осознания своей национальной принадлежности и укрепление чувства открытости по отношению


другим культурам.



objective of


thematic evening was


further development of patriotic feelings of students,

sense of military duty in


Armed Forces of


Republic of Kazakhstan.


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Целью тематического вечера явилась дальнейшее развитие патриотических чувств студентов,

верности и любви к Родине, воспитание высокого гражданского долга как защитника



воинского долга в рядах Вооруженных Сил Республики Казахстан.


For the

purpose of educating


younger generation in


spirit of


and respect for the country,


formation of ecological knowledge and culture,

ensuring continuous environmental education in Uzbek and Russian languages is published monthly children’s environmental magazine«Buloqcha»«Spring».


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С целью воспитания подрастающего поколения в духе любви и уважения к Родине, формирования экологических знаний и культуры, обеспечения непрерывного экологического образования

на узбекском и русском языках издается ежемесячный детский экологический журнал« Buloqcha»« Родничок».


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After 14 months, Franco, inspired by the love for his country, came back in Italy having


dream to start,

all together, with a new company.


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После 14 месяцев, Франко, движимый любовью к своей стране, он вернулся в Италию и воссоединился со своими братьями желая добиваться

мечту о создании большой компанией вместе.


I hope to be a good King someday, which is why I will never put

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Я надеюсь стать хорошим королем, когда-нибудь, поэтому я никогда не поставлю ничто,

Patriotism can be defined as


absolute and unconditional love for ones country, and may be not related to


recognition of the countries merits.


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Патриотизм предполагает безусловную любовь к своей стране, которая не связана с признанием достоинств своей страны.


Senator Grant and


Grant children,

for the

people I love, for this country that I




that expects us in Washington to solve problems, not make them, is… is the love of two people worth.

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Сенатора Грант и ее детей,


тех людей, которых я люблю, для нашей страны, которую я

люблю, страны,

которая ожидает, что мы в Вашингтоне должны решать проблемы, а не создавать их, стоит ли любовь двух людей.

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We have the same love for our country, its people and


future that we are building together.


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У нас одинаковая любовь к нашей Отчизне,




тому будущему, которое мы строим вместе.


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Ему было дано огромное чувство любви к родине, исторической справедливости.


Each performance was laced with children’s love for their country, thanking


veterans and


joy of


Great Victory Day.


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Каждый номер был пронизан детской любовью к своей стране, благодарностью


ветеранам и радостью Великого Дня Великой Победы.



respondents view love for one’s country as deedful activity of contributing to its wellbeing.

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По мнению респондентов, деятельностное выражение любви к своей стране проявляется через ряд поступков, способствующих ее процветанию.

Yes, maybe I get carried away sometimes with my love for this great country and


troops and



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Ну, может меня и заносит местами, но и то по причине любви к этой великой стране, и войскам, и


флагам с войсками.


south sitting face to face in a spirit of national independence and love for country, all problems can surely be resolved



interests of our nation, regardless of differences in ideas and systems.


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Представители Севера и Юга,

встретившись лицом


лицу за столом переговоров, в духе национальной независимости и любви к своей стране, несомненно, смогут разрешить все проблемы в интересах наших наций,

независимо от различий в идеологиях и системах.


  • #1

The original English:

The home epitomizes our neighborhood’s love for country with the American flag. (this is the caption of a picture of a house with a flag on a pole in the front yard.)

My attempt to translate:

La casa personifica con la bandera el amor de nuestro vecindario al país.

  • #3

If I use «amor patrio» where do I put «de nuestro vecindario»?

La casa personifica con la bandera el amor patrio de nuestro vecindario?

La casa personifica con la bandera el amor a la patria de nuestro vecindario?

  • #7

Aurilla, thank your for your contribution.

Can you use hogar when you are referring to a specific house (in this case the one in the picture that the caption is referring to)?

Also, I think you may have misunderstood, the house does not epitomize the neighborhood’s love for the flag (as I understand your translation to say), rather the fact that the house flies an American flag in the front yard shows its love (and by extension the whole neighborhood’s) love for the country.

Thank you!

  • 25 Quotes for Love of Country

Love of country is an exceptional feeling. We all feel blessed for having a land of our own. We celebrate this independence, explode fireworks and so on. There are countless sacrifices of our ancestors behind it. What we all need is to be thankful for having an independent land and value its worth. We all have a patriot in ourselves, just keep it awake. Here we have some love of country quotes to not only inspire you but to let you know the value of independence.

25 Quotes for Love of Country


They accepted death to set you free.


A true nationalist works for the love of country.


No other land but our own country offers the highest good.


Believe in the equality of rights for countrymen.


We all are the citizens of the world.


What can you do for your country?


Fighting for country and its rights is a noble deed.


Loving your home means you love your homeland.


Unity brings peace and harmony.


Loyalty to country, no matter what.


Modern war is not for the love of country.


Don’t let the selfish men govern you.


Criticism can be healthy.


Choose the right path for your country.


People who love their country, can change it.


Let your country be proud of you.


Love of country is a splendid thing.


Residing in a foreign country, will make you understand the worth of your land.


Strive to make your country best.


Love your country because it’s your own.


It’s special because you were born here.


Their sacrifices must not be forgotten.


Learn to love your country, these love of country quotes may help.

For some, one’s country instills a sense of pride and love. Their love of country and patriotism can be expressed serving in the military or simply being deeply involved in one’s community. There’s nowhere else they’d rather be than where they’re from. Get patriotic with the collection of wise and insightful quotes about country love below.

Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children’s children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.
Theodore Roosevelt

The love of one’s country is a splendid thing. But why should love stop at the border?
Pablo Casals

Patriotism is a thing of the heart. A man is a patriot if his heart beats true to his country.
Charles Edward Jefferson

Patriotism is love of country. But you can’t love your country without loving your countrymen and countrywomen. We don’t always have to agree, but we must empower each other, we must find the common ground, we must build bridges across our differences to pursue the common good.
Cory Booker

My dear, my native soil! For whom my warmest wish to heav’n is sent, long may thy hardy sons of rustic toil be blest with health, and peace, and sweet content!
Robert Burns

Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.
Mark Twain

What a strange development of patriotism that turns a thinking being into a loyal machine!
Emma Goldman

Patriotism is not the same as nationalism, because love of country is not the same as worship of country.
John Chandler

Patriots always talk of dying for their country but never of killing for their country.
Bertrand Russell

They wrote in the old days that it is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country. But in modern war, there is nothing sweet nor fitting in your dying. You will die like a dog for no good reason.
Ernest Hemingway

There ought to be system of manners in every nation which a well-formed mind would be disposed to relish. To make us love our country, our country ought to be lovely.
Edmund Burke

True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.
Clarence Darrow

I can’t but say it is an awkward sight to see one’s native land receding through the growing waters; it unmans one quite, especially when life is rather new.
Lord Byron

I am an American; free born and free bred, where I acknowledge no man as my superior, except for his own worth, or as my inferior, except for his own demerit.
Theodore Roosevelt

Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong.
James Bryce

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it.
George Bernard Shaw

Patriotism is a salt against rottenness, a glorious spur to high endeavour; it recovers the half-obliterated virtue of loyalty, calls every man to service, and ennobles great and small alike.
Percy Dearmer

I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him.
Abraham Lincoln

The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth.
Stonewall Jackson

It is not always the same thing to be a good man and a good citizen.

If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen.
Ronald Reagan

It is the love of country that has lighted and that keeps glowing the holy fire of patriotism.
J. Horace Mcfarland

It is sweet to serve one’s country by deeds, and it is not absurd to serve her by words.

Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.
Charles De Gaulle

Our country is wherever we are well off.
Marcus Tullius Cicero

How often we fail to realize our good fortune in living in a country where happiness is more than a lack of tragedy.
Paul Sweeney

The essence of patriotism is the sacrifice of personal interest to public welfare.
William H. Burnham

A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.
Edward Abbey

To be really cosmopolitan a man must be at home even in his own country.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson

Fighting corruption is not just good governance. It’s self-defense. It’s patriotism.
Joe Biden

A uniform does not make a soldier. A soldier is someone who is willing to stand up and fight for what he believes in. Be it his God, his country or his friends. And it does not matter if you are black, white, red, yellow, male, female, straight or gay. We all bleed the same.
Art Edler Brown

I love my country. I’d kill for it and I’d die for it. It’s in my nature.
Hadi Hajaig

Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious.
Oscar Wilde

You’d lay your life down for this country / Lay it down for fools like me / I know, I know, I know you would / You’d make the ultimate sacrifice / Lose yourself on a throw of the dice
Charles Stobo Reid

And the line he comes from stretches back / In an unbroken chain other countries lack / In the farthest corners of the world / Where he’s watched our banners being unfurled / He’s won and lost and battled on / Whether his cause was right or wrong
Charles Stobo Reid

No more war, it’s not gonna happen / Not while there’s men / willing to fight in them / No more war, it’s not gonna happen / Not while there’s patriotism
Charles Stobo Reid

Patriotism means having a strong love for and pride in your country.People have strong feelings for their country because it is where they live.
John LaMachia

Patriotism is also a desire to support your country by making lawas and show respect for their country.
John LaMachia

Patriots also honor their country by setting a good example for others to follow.
John LaMachia

Religious patriotism attaches man to his country by a sacred tie. He must love it as he loves his religion, and obey it as he obeys his God.
Maurizio Viroli

Patriotism in the republican sense of love of common liberty that makes men generous, capable of seeing their private and particular interests as part of the common goodm, and willing to fight vigorously for their republic.
Maurizio Viroli

Both the moral obligation and love of country have, however, their limits which are defined by the very nature of the love.
Maurizio Viroli

When love of country fades, virtue remains, but it becomes brute force, courage, and resolution; it becomes a virtue that no longer sustains liberty but destroys it.
Maurizio Viroli

The weakening of patriotism wan then the cause of the loss of liberty and also of the decay of morals.
Maurizio Viroli

Patriotism is unquestionably a high moral virtue, and to call a person patriot — better still, a true patriot — is the greatest of compliments.
John Kleinig

The morality of patriotism is intimately connected with controversies concerning such topics as character and motivation, human nature, citizenship, the role of the state, political identity and obligation, and the basic structure of morality.
John Kleinig

Patriotism is not free-floating — one does not start off as patriotic and then look for a country.
John Kleinig

The person who wishes that there was a country about which he could feel patriotic is not patriotic, even though he would like to be.
John Kleinig

Some see patriotism as a virtue, or a moral requirement, or even as the moral requirement, the fount and bedrock of all morality.
Library of Congress

Patriotism, then, is love of one’s country, identification with it, and special concern for its well-being and that of compatriots.
Library of Congress

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
Dr. Johnson Leo Tolstoy

Patriotism involves a special concern for one’s country, but that this concern need not to be unconstrained, nor exclusive and aggressive.
Library of Congress

True patriots believe that what enables a free society to remain strong is a set of traditional virtues and values.
Eric Liu

Patriotism involves anb endorsement of some aspect of your country that you take to be central, distinctive, and enduring.
Simon Keller

A patriot may salute the flag, sing the national anthem, wear national dress, cook national dish, and cheer for her country’s sporting teams.
Simon Keller

A patriot may choose to give up professional opportunities overseas in order to stay in her country, she may lie or cheat to protect her country, and she may kill or die for her country, all as expressions of patriotism.
Simon Keller

There are no particular acts that are necessary for patriotism.
Simon Keller

Patriotism is not a trivial matter. Patriotism is not a mere indulgence.
Simon Keller

Patriotism is not for those who represent wealth and power.
Emma Goldman

Each country has its own flag. People fly the flags of their own country to show their patriotism. They are proud of their country.
Pam Scheunemann

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Julie Burchill

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The greatest movement for social justice our country has ever known is the civil rights movement and it was totally rooted in a love ethic.
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bell hooks

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I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.
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James A. Baldwin

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I love this country for several reasons, not the least of which is that I know I’m allowed to hate it if I want to.
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Dennis Miller

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[A] country without a word to describe its love for what is best within it is a country ill-equipped to defend what is best within it.
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Jonah Goldberg

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I’m ready to become a French person amongst French people, and more than ever I have the love for my country deeply ingrained in my heart.
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Nicolas Sarkozy

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I love this country because I didn’t always have it. Freedom, food, water that is clean, Constitution — these are not things I take for granted.
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Sayed Badreya

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We’re all doing it for the love of the sport. We want to make Canada proud. I’m so fortunate to skate in a country like Canada.
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Cindy Klassen

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I’m a country boy, so I really appreciate the country. I love fishing, so I fish between takes on set. During lunch, I go for a fish.
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Travis Fimmel

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To die for one’s country? To die for love? To die for an ideology? But I say unto you that stay away from the death, stay alive!
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Mehmet Murat ildan

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No country should deny people their rights because of who they love, which is why we must stand up for the rights of gays and lesbians everywhere.
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Barack Obama

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Don’t die for the country! Don’t die for the love! Don’t die for anything! Always choose life! Under every circumstance this is your real duty in life!
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Mehmet Murat ildan

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The urge to lie is produced by the contradictions in our lives. We are made to declare love for our country, while it tramples our rights and dignity.
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Barbara Kingsolver

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Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson hated each other so much. But that hate that they had for each other did not come before the love of their country.
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David Scott

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I have no interest or desire to be head of Fine Gael…. I am ambitious for my country and I always said I would love to sit at Cabinet…
Votes: 0

Lucinda Creighton

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I`d like to say is that I am a patriotic, loyal American. I love my country and the values that it stands for. And I am a Muslim.
Votes: 0

Steve King

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I can’t think of a specific meal, but my favourite country for food has got to be France. I love those restaurants in the middle of the village squares.
Votes: 0

Giles Foden

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Aside your dreams to improve your community, country and continent, dare to save a soul for God. Show compassion, show love… Feed hungry souls and let God be glorified!
Votes: 0

Israelmore Ayivor

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Love For Country Essay Examples

Love For Country — Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

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  1. 📘 Free essay examples for your ideas about Love For Country
  2. 📚 Essay topics examples and ideas on Love For Country

    • 🏆 Best Essay Topics on Love For Country
    • ⚡ Simple & Love For Country Easy Topics
    • 🎓 Good Research Topics about Love For Country
  1. 1

    Country lovers

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    copy and paste method Screen-reader users, click here to turn off Google Instant. About 2,640,000 results (0. 56 seconds) Search Results country lovers Web definitions The Country Lovers is a 1911 short silent comedy film directed by Mack Sennett and starring Blanche Sweet. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Country_Lovers Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer, an Analysis — lee custodio leecustodio. hubpages. com › Books, Literature, and Writing? Mar 5, 2012 — Country Lovers (1975) is a story of forbidden love between a black…

    CountryEssayLove For CountryWorld Wide Web

  2. 2

    “Country Lovers” by Nadine Gordimer and “Veronica” by Adewale Maja Pearce

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    Explore the ways in which relationships are shaped and influenced by traditional cultural expectations in the short stories you have studied. Relationships — platonic and intimate — are sometimes built from cultural expectations; but to what extent are people willing to go to uphold those traditions? I will discuss two short stories «Country Lovers» by Nadine Gordimer and «Veronica» by Adewale Maja Pearce, in which both focus on close relationships which are condemned from the start due to strict and…

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  3. 3

    Love of country?

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    Frederick Douglass’s speech “If I Had A Country, I Should Be A Patriot” delivers a blasting reproach on the discrimination of the African American and why he feels indignant about his country and being unwilling to call himself a patriot. Similar to Langston Hughes’s “I, Too, Sing America” , both employ a chord informative structure and a canting tone simple enough for the audience to incite a reaction from the audience to plead for freedom in America. Both authors though…

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  4. 4

    Mi Ultimo Adios: Rizal’s Unwavering Love For His Country

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    Absract Mi Ultimo Adios is a poem written by Philippine national hero Jose Rizal on the eve of his execution. Jose Rizal offered his life to show his love for the country. He is not resentful, instead, he challenged each of the Filipinos to succeed and to love our country. Rizal hoped that his death would serve as an inspiration to all. In this poem, Rizal recalled the events that led him to dedicate his life and work to his…

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    Comparing and Contrasting Country Lovers and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

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    These elements contribute to the short story’s effectiveness as author uses different literary forms and styles to connect the reader to the story. Style has many characteristics that help the author engage the reader such as; punctuation, the use of connotations, and culture. This is what helps the reader’s imagination take over, paint the picture, and get emotionally connected to the author’s story. In comparing and contrasting the two short stories of “the Secret Life of Walter Mitty” by James…

    CountryLove For CountryPunctuationThe Secret Life of Walter Mitty

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Having a great passion or love for your country can help you learn about your nation’s history and become a better member of your national community. Learning how to love your country, or learning how to love your country even more, happens through becoming familiar with your country’s culture and history and taking an active role as a citizen. And once you develop a sense of what it means to live in your nation, you can start displaying your patriotism by wearing symbolic clothing, flying the flag, celebrating national holidays, and devoting yourself to making your country the best place to be!

  1. Image titled Celebrate Independence Day Step 4


    Wear patriotic colors, flags, historic figures, or images. Nothing shows you love your country more than showing it through clothing or accessories! Each country has its own identifying image that defines who they are, and how they are perceived internationally. Make sure in the US you are aware that wearing an image of the US flag is a violation of the flag code.

    • Some national colors are indeterminable from one another. A unique flag shape like Nepal’s flag, however, is undoubtedly unique. Two pennants on top of one another, with a sun and moon inside, is different from all other rectangular and square flags.[1]
    • The bear has been associated with Russia since the late 1500s. It represents a variety of things, like guardian status. A fierce bear on a red shirt, perhaps superimposed on top of a hammer and sickle, is unmistakably Russian.[2]
    • There is a wide variety of flags with red, white, and blue, and those with stars, but there are none other than the United States flag, with that grouping of colors and prominent 50 stars.[3]
      An article of U.S. flag apparel is very recognizable.
  2. Image titled Celebrate Independence Day Step 11


    Fly your country’s flag. You can purchase flags, bumper stickers, or any other emblems at a local store. Hang them on your car, your front lawn, or anywhere that can outwardly show you respect your country. Remember to treat the flag with the utmost respect.

    • Learn the flag etiquette. Generally, a flag should not touch the ground, be used in severe disrepair, or disposed of improperly. In the US, the flag should not be a part of a uniform, costume, or outfit. [4]
    • Fold the flag properly when it’s being stored. There is a precise way to fold each flag, and researching your specific flag should provide you with specific instructions on the proper folding techniques.[5]


  3. Image titled Celebrate Independence Day Step 13


    Attend a national pride parade. Many countries have parades for people to display the pride they have for their country, or for their country of origin. It could be on the day of independence, or some other historic date, but the important part is to celebrate with your countrymen.[6]

    • Participate by getting up and dancing to traditional music.
    • Cheer on the participants who are beaming with national pride.
  4. Image titled Celebrate Independence Day Step 1


    Celebrate holidays. What happened in your country on this day in history? Did they win a war? Did they gain independence? Recognize that holidays are much more than just occasions for parties or, in some countries, sales at department stores. Acknowledge the solemnity inherent to certain holidays, especially those that commemorate a victory that involved bloodshed.

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  1. Image titled Write a Salutatorian Speech Step 17


    Be an active citizen. Actively demonstrate your love for your country by being part of its political process. Continually strive for a better country for all! There are a variety of ways to contribute your time, effort, and knowledge to the politics of your country.

    • Volunteer at a voting or polling area. Take part in the voting process by helping others who may not be as versed in politics, or who may not understand specific ballot measures upon which they are voting.
    • Be part of a phone bank. Call several people with the script provided by your political party, or member running for office. You’ll appreciate it when you reach someone who shares your appreciation for the political process.[7]
    • Raise funds for your candidate’s campaign. Whether it’s asking for large donations from big contributors, or hosting a fund-raising event, running for office takes a significant amount of money.
  2. Image titled Help Children Achieve Better Grades Step 2


    Encourage children to love their country. Grow their national pride so they will have respect someday as a citizen. This is the best way to set a positive example. As children grow older, explain to them why you feel they should hold their country in high regard.

    • Remember that blind patriotism can be dangerous. Encourage your children to use their minds.
  3. Image titled Celebrate Independence Day Step 12


    Find a hero. Look for a person who is a good role model and embodies the values your country holds dear. Find one who will make you proud to be where you call home. Seek out a hero who was instrumental in your country’s history and development.

    • Medal of Honor winners are a perfect role model. Whether it’s the Victoria Cross of U.K. and Commonwealth countries, the Congressional Medal of Honor from the U.S., or the Order of Taegeuk Military Merit from South Korea, someone who is awarded the highest military honor has most likely sacrificed much for their country.[8]
    • Great leaders responsible for sweeping reforms are great role models. One such ruler, King Chulalongkorn of Siam, became the king and immediately attempted visionary reforms such as ending slavery, remodeling the judicial and financial systems, avoiding colonialism, and setting up the structure for current-day Thai citizenship.[9]
    • Athletes are sometimes great national heroes. For instance, during the buildup for WWII, Adolf Hitler planned to use the Olympics as a display of Aryan dominance. U.S. track star Jesse Owens ruined those plans by capturing four gold medals in as many events.[10]
  4. Image titled Salute Like a Soldier Step 9


    Join the military. Nothing speaks more to the commitment for one’s nation than joining the military. It is the ultimate act of willingness to sacrifice life for the liberty of countrymen. It is so important that, in some countries, like South Korea, the mandatory conscription may even lead to pro-military voting habits as an adult.[11]

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  1. Image titled Improve Your Grades Without Studying Step 4


    Study the history of your country. Learn about the foundation of your country, the key moments leading to its creation, and its reputation since the time it became a nation. Embrace the positive changes your country has made since historical errors of the past.

    • Read about where your country stood during various wars near and afar. Who were their allies and nemeses? Did they always align with the righteous side of history, or have they historically been considered the villain in large confrontations?[12]
    • Research the politics of your nation. Was it always in its current form? Or did a great war or uprising change the system from something like a monarchy to a republic?[13]
    • Look up the great milestones during your country’s history. Check the timeline from inception until today, analyzing and interpreting the major events.
  2. Image titled Be a Singer Step 1


    Research and memorize the National Anthem. Showing your patriotism through the National Anthem is important because most contain words that vividly describe a historical event in the country’s past. Additionally, many National Anthems have gone through several amendments, which modify the potential meaning of an ever-changing nation, and may not have been adopted as the National Anthem initially.

    • The Canadian National Anthem was written in Quebec city by Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier and was initially titled “Chant national.” It represents the combined feelings, particularly after WWI, of a united French and English-speaking Canada.[14]
    • During the French Revolution, a French Army captain named Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle composed “La Marseillaise” – named so because troops from Marseilles sang it when approaching Paris – as an act of defiance against the combined invading forces of Austria and Prussia. It’s meant as a rallying cry for citizens fighting for their rights and liberty.[15]
    • Written by Francis Scott Key in September of 1812, the U.S. National Anthem – also known as The Star-Spangled Banner – started as a poem celebrating the perseverance of U.S. Fort McHenry during British attack. The lyrics were written on a British ship the morning after a pre-battle, prisoner release negotiating. That following morning he was let off the ship and the lyrics are his recollection Fort McHenry’s triumph.[16]
  3. Image titled Read in a Moving Vehicle Step 10


    Read patriotic legends of your country. Most legends and tall-tales possess at least a shred of reality. The creativity and imagination required to concoct some of the stories is amazing. A few of the following tales perfectly illustrate how one could be proud of their nation’s creative past.

    • The Chinese held the secret to silk production for over 3000 years. It was said they held the secret to their lucrative export so dearly that anyone revealing the production secrets was sentenced to death.[17]
    • One Egyptian legend says King Surid had a dream where the flat earth flipped upside down, and because of that, he inserted riches inside the pyramids and sealed them.[18]
      Since some of the pyramids are yet undiscovered, this may yet be true.
    • The American Indian legends related to “Devil’s Tower” say a great god pushed rock and earth upward and upward to save young boys from a great bear, one who scratched and clawed to get them.[19]
      Given that “Devil’s Tower” was formed by a geological process called intrusion, the legend is actually somewhat correct.
  4. Image titled Plan Events for a College Reunion Step 3


    Focus on current events. Learn about what your country is currently doing that brings great honor to your nation. See if they are the leader in a specific industry, export, or sport. Examine how much they help others in need or align with organizations attempting to make the world a better place.

    • On May 23, 2016, India became just the third nation in the world to launch a space shuttle, potentially cutting other nations’ costs by ten-fold.[20]
    • The Syrian refugee crisis of 2016 has affected numerous countries. The experience has been debated far and wide, but learning about why your country has or hasn’t helped is a potentially debatable moral issue of our time.[21]
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  • Question

    How do I express my love through nationalistic songs?

    Community Answer

    Learn the lyrics and the history behind them. You’ll be surprised at the meaning behind the lyrics, and you’ll swell with pride when singing.

  • Question

    How can patriotism enhance growth in a nation?

    Community Answer

    When patriotism is heartfelt, it’s possible for a person, or group of people, to overcome great odds. This type of action is often seen during wartime. Additionally, pride in one’s nation is likely to lead to the values of promoting a nation.

  • Question

    What steps can I take to help make my nation more patriotic?

    Community Answer

    Join the political process. Influence is often accomplished during election season, and getting involved in politics can enhance your ability to influence the patriotism in others.

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  • Don’t be prejudiced or biased. Every country, religion, or racial group has its own beliefs. Like them, you have your own beliefs, so respect them for theirs. Loving your own country does not mean disparaging other countries.

  • You certainly do not have to agree with every event and decision made in your country’s history to love your country. Consider how the country recovered from mistakes, as well as its ideology as described in some guiding documents (such as a constitution). Although such principles are not absolute, reflect on whether these precepts are conducive to a government you think would act with its citizens — and humanity’s — best interests at heart.

  • Abusing your country or taking advantage of any of its systems or programs is not a good way to show your love. Such corrupt action goes against the goodwill that should be at the core of patriotism.

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  • Always follow the flag code.

  • Don’t succumb to blind patriotism or jingoism. No country is perfect, and ignoring the negative parts of history and modern events is not a way to increase love. In fact, by acknowledging past mistakes, and advocating for change in the present, you can help create a better country that you and others can be even more proud of.



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Article SummaryX

Loving your country can help you appreciate your blessings and support your fellow citizens. Read books or watch documentaries to learn about the history of your country and the people who shaped it. Find out about the stories behind your national holidays and celebrate them when they come around every year. You can also learn the national anthem so you can sing along at sports games and other public events. If you want to display your love for your country, fly your national flag in your house, on your lawn, or on your car. Loving your country doesn’t mean you agree with every decision your government makes or that you dislike other countries. It just means you’re proud to live there and be a part of the culture. For more tips, including how to support your country politically, read on!

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