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Look Up - Spoken Word with Lyrics by Gary Turk

I have four-hundred-and-twenty-two friends, yet I am lonely. I speak to all of them everyday, yet none of them really know me. 

The problem I have sits in the spaces between looking into their eyes or at a name on a screen. I took a step back and opened my eyes, I looked around to realize the media we call social is anything but. 

When we open our computers, and it’s our doors we shut. All this technology we have it’s just an illusion. Community companionship a sense of inclusion yet, when you step away from this device of delusion, you awaken to see a world of confusion. 

A world where we’re slaves to the technology we mastered, where information gets sold by some rich greedy bastard. A world of self interest, self image, self promotion. Where we all share our best bits, but, leave out the emotion. 

Were at ‘almost happy’ with an experience we share, but is it the same if no one is there? Be there for your friends and they’ll be there too, but no one will be if a group message will do. 

We edit and exaggerate, crave adulation. We pretend not to notice the social isolation. We put our words into order and turn our lives a-glistening. We don’t even know if anyone is listening! 

Being alone isn’t a problem let me just emphasize; if you read a book, paint a picture, or do some exercise. You’re being productive and present not reserved and recluse. You’re being awake and attentive and putting your time to good use. 

So when you’re in public, and you start to feel alone. Put your hands behind your head, step away from the phone! You don’t need to stare at the menu, or a your contact list. Just talk to one another, learn to coexist. 

I can’t stand to hear the silence of a busy commuter train when no one want’s to talk for the fear of looking insane. We’re becoming unsocial, it no longer satisfies to engage with one another, and look into someone’s eyes. We’re surrounded by children, who since they were born, have watched us living like robots, who now think it’s the norm. 

It’s not very likely you’ll make worlds greatest dad, if you can’t entertain a child without using an iPad. When I was a child, i’d never be home. Be out with my friends on our bikes we’d roam. I’d wear holes on my trainers, and graze up my knees. We’d build our own clubhouse, high up in the trees. 

Now the parks so quiet, it gives me a chill. See no children outside and the swings hanging still. Theres no skipping, no hopscotch, no church and no steeple. We’re a generation of idiots, smart phones and dumb people.

So look up from your phone, shut down display. Take in your surroundings, make the most of today. Just one real connection is all it can take, to show you the difference that being there can make. 

Be there in the moment, when she gives you the look, that you remember forever as ‘when love overtook’. The time she first held your hand, or first kissed your lips, the time you first disagreed and you still love her to bits. 

The time you don’t have to tell hundreds of what you’ve just done. Because you want to share this moment with just this one. The time you sell you sell your computer, so you can buy a ring, for the girl of your dreams, who is now the real thing. 

The time you want to start a family, and the moment when, you first hold your little girl, and get to love again. The time she keeps you up at night, and all you want is rest. And the time you wipe away the tears as your baby flees the nest. 

The time your baby girl returns, with a boy for you to hold, and the time he calls you granddad and makes you feel real old. The time you’ve taken all you’ve made, just by giving life attention. And how you’re glad you didn’t waste it, by looking down at some invention. 

The time you hold your wife’s hand, sit down beside her bed, you tell her that you love her and lay a kiss upon her head. She then whispers to you quietly as her heart gives a final beat, that she’s lucky she got stopped by that lost boy in the street. 

But none of these times ever happened, you never had any of this. When you’re too busy looking down, you don’t see the chances you miss. 

So look up from your phone, shut down those displays, we have a final act existence a set number of days. Don’t waste your life getting caught in the net, because when the end comes there’s nothing worse than regret. I’m guilty too of being part of this machine, this digital world, we are hear but not seen. 

Where we type as we talk, and we read as we chat. Where we spend hours together without making eye-contact. So don’t give into a life where you follow the hype. GIve people your love, don’t give them your ‘like’. Disconnect from the need to be heard and defined, go out into the world leave instructions behind. 

Look up from your phone. Shut down that display. Stop watching this video. Live life the real way. 

–Gary Turk, “Look Up.”

Image: "Look Up" by Quinn Dombrowski.

YET= Nevertheless

LONELY= Sad because you feel alone.

SITS= Is located.

SCREEN= The visual display of a computer or phone where we see the images or text.

ANYTHING BUT= (in this case:) Anything but social (we don’t repeat «social» because we just said it).

SHUT= Close.

A SENSE OF INCLUSION= Feeling part of a group, feeling inside.

YET= Nevertheless; but.

DEVICE= A piece of machinery. In this case: a mobile phone.

DELUSION= The act of being deluded. You are deluded when you can’t tell reality from fantasy.

MASTERED= To master a tool or machine is to control it, to be able to use it easily and effectively.

GREEDY= Always wanting more and more (especially more money).

BASTARD= An insult.

SELF INTEREST= When you are only interested in yourself, not on other people or things.

SELF IMAGE= The idea you have of your own appearance (if you feel beautiful, ugly, fat, attractive, etc).

SELF PROMOTION= Making other people think you are important; telling other people about yourself.

LEAVE OUT= If you leave out something, you forget about it, don’t mention it (but you should).

WE’RE AT OUR MOST HAPPY WITH= We feel happiest with, our happiest moment is when…

A GROUP MESSAGE= A message you send to a group of people: just one message reach many people, so it is not something personal for one particular person.

WILL DO= Is enough.

CRAVE= Really really really want or need.

ADULATION= Praise (when other people say you are wonderful and fantastic)

PRETEND= To give a false appearance.

ISOLATION= The act of being isolated. You are isolated when you have no contact with other people.

TINT= Change or influence a little.

A-GLISTENING= Glistening = Shining a bit. If your life glistens, it looks fantastic.

PRODUCTIVE= If you are productive, you are doing something useful.

PRESENT= If you are present, you are there.

RECLUSE= Hidden, enclosed, imprisoned.

PUTTING YOUR TIME TO GOOD USE= Using your time to do something good.

STARE= Look fixedly, paying a lot of attention, almost without blinking.

CO-EXIST= Live together.

I CAN’T STAND= If you can’t stand something, you find it horrible.

COMMUTER TRAIN= A train for commuters. A commuter is a person who lives in one city/village and works in another city, so they have to travel to work every day.

LOOKING= Having a certain appearance. If you look sad, your appearance is telling people that you are sad.

INSANE= Crazy.

ENGAGE WITH= If you engage with another person, you interact (do something) with them.

THE NORM= The normal thing to do or to be.

LIKELY= Probable.

YOU’LL MAKE WORLD’S GREATEST DAD= You’ll be the greatest dad in the world.

ENTERTAIN= If you entertain someone, you make them have fun, they don’t get bored.

I’D NEVER BE HOME= We can use WOULD to talk about a habit that was common in the past but not now (the same as USED TO).

ROAM= To wander, to go from one place to another place for no reason, just for the fun of going around.

TRAINERS (BrE)= Sneakers (AmE) (see picture)

GRAZE UP= Scrape, scratch. If you graze up your knees (etc), you fall down and hurt yourself in a way that your skin breaks (see picture)

CLUBHOUSE= A building or room occupied by a club or used for recreational activities. In this case he is talking about a wooden house in a tree top. (see picture)

IT GIVES ME A CHILL= A find it a bit scary, it’s frightening.

SWINGS= (see picture)

STILL= Quiet, not moving.

SKIPPING= A game where children jump using «a skipping rope» (see picture)

HOPSCOTCH= A game in which a child tosses a stone into an area drawn on the ground and then hops through it and back to regain the stone (see picture)

NO CHURCH AND NO STEEPLE= A reference to a finger play in which children use their hands to build a church steeple (see picture of a steeple) and people. Click here to see a video in which a kid shows that finger play for you.

DUMB= Silly, stupid.

SHUT DOWN= Close it; switch it off.

DISPLAY= The screen where you can see the text or images on your phone.

TAKE IN= Experience, pay attention to.

YOUR SURROUNDINGS= The place, things and people around you.

MAKE THE MOST OF TODAY= Try to have a day as good and interesting as possible.

IT CAN TAKE= It may need.

OVERTOOK= Took control of everything.

LOVE HER TO BITS= Love her very very much.

HUNDREDS= Hundreds of people.

THE REAL THING= The really important person, that person who is authentic and valuable.

KEEPS YOU UP= Wakes you up or doesn’t let you fall asleep.

WIPE AWAY= Dry with a piece of cloth.

FLEES THE NEST= Leaves home to have their own life, their own house and family. To FLEE is to escape, to run away, and NEST is the home birds build on a tree.

HOLD= Have in your arms, carry.

WASTE= If you waste time, you use it to do something wrong and not useful.

UPON= (old fashioned or literary) On.


WHISPERS= Speaks in a low voice.

CHANCES= Possibilities, opportunities.

A SET NUMBER OF DAYS= Just a limited number of days to live.

GETTING CAUGHT= Being trapped, imprisoned.

THE NET= The Internet.

REGRET= The sad feeling of having done the wrong thing or not having done the right thing.

GUILTY= Culpable, responsible for doing something wrong.

TYPE= Write using a keyboard (like when you write text on your computer or phone).

MAKING EYE CONTACT= If you make eye contact you look other people in the eyes.

GIVE INTO= If you give into something, you just do it because you can’t resist the pressure, for example just because everybody else is doing it.

FOLLOW THE HYPE= Do what everybody else is doing. The HYPE is the fashion.

‘LIKE’= A «like» is a reference to Facebook. When you see a message, image or video you like, you «give it a like», that is, you press the LIKE button and give it a vote to show that you like it.

  [ gɪv əˈweɪ ]  

1. Искать информацию
2. Навещать, заглянуть в гости
3. Улучшаться (ситуация)
4. Поднять глаза/взгляд
5. Восхищаться и уважать кого-то
6. Осмотреть с ног до головы

1. Искать информацию

В чем разница между Look Up и Look For?

Используйте Look Up, когда дело касается информации (номера телефона, адреса, значения слова), которую можно найти в книге/словаре или в Интернете.

  • – Do you know what time the bank closes?
    – I have no idea. Why don’t you look it up on the Internet?

    – Не знаешь, во сколько закрывается банк?
    – Я понятия не имею. Почему бы тебе не поискать это в Интернете?

Используйте Look For, когда вы ищите предмет, человека, работу итд.

  • Why are you under the sofa? What are you looking for?

    Почему ты под диваном? Что ты ищешь?

I looked your address up in the personnel file.
Я отыскала твой адрес в личном деле.

Many people have to look up the meaning of this word in the dictionary.
Многие обращаются к словарю, чтобы выяснить значение этого слова.

I’ll just look up the train times.
Я просто поищу расписание поездов.

Как часто бывает, слитное написание превращает глагол в существительное: lookup – это процесс поиска.

Our new database allows for fast, intelligent lookup.
Наша новая база данных обеспечивает быстрый, интеллектуальный поиск.

2. Навещать, заглянуть в гости

Don’t forget to look me up when you come to Atlanta.
Не забудь проведать меня, когда будешь в Атланте.

She looked up some friends of bygone years.
Она навестила давних друзей.

3. Улучшаться (ситуация)

Если ситуация Looking Up, значит, она становится лучше

Things could be looking up in the computer industry.
Дела в компьютерной индустрии могли быть лучше.

Finally, things are looking up for me.
Наконец-то дела у меня налаживаются.

My freelance business is finally looking up – I’ve had potential clients calling me non-stop!
Мой бизнес на фрилансе идёт в гору – от будущих клиентов отбоя нет!

4. Поднять глаза/взгляд

She looked up from her book as I entered the room.
Она оторвала взгляд от книги, когда я вошёл в комнату.

She looked up at me sharply when I said that.
Когда я произнёс это, она подняла на меня пристальный взгляд.

5. Look up to someone – Восхищаться и уважать кого-то

Заголовок New York Times с фразовым глаголом look up

What We Look Up To Now.
На кого мы равняемся сейчас.

He’s a role model for other players to look up to.
Он является примером для подражания для других игроков.

Well, you may look up to Alex, but I didn’t like him.
Ну, можешь восхищаться Алексом сколько угодно, но мне он не понравился.

6. Осмотреть с ног до головы

The guard looked us up and down and then let us in.
Охранник осмотрел нас с ног до головы, а затем пропустил внутрь.

‘You don’t look well,’ she said immediately, looking me up and down, ‘much too thin in the face and no color.’

– Вы плохо выглядите, – тут же сказала она, осматривая меня с ног до головы. – Лицо слишком худое, и очень бледная.

  •     Фразовые глаголы с Look
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом TO
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом и наречием UP

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look up

1. To turn one’s gaze or attention from something else, often by literally lifting one’s head or turning one’s eyes upward. Can you please look up from that book for a second? I’m trying to talk to you! Kids these days barely ever look up from their phones.

2. To perform a search for some particular information, as on a search engine, in a book, etc. Can you look up the definition of this word for me?

3. To contact someone, typically when you are in the area where they live. A noun or pronoun can be used between «look» and «up.» Be sure to look me up if you’re ever in New York. You should look up Aunt Maureen when you’re out West.

4. To improve or become better. In this usage, the phrase is typically used in the continuous tense («looking up»). My freelance business is finally looking up—I’ve had potential clients calling me non-stop!

looking up

Appearing as if improvement will begin or continue into the future. Now that businesses have started returning, the country’s economy is finally looking up.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

look someone or something up

 and hunt someone or something up

1. to seek someone, a group, or something out. I lost track of Sally. I’ll try to look her up and get in touch with her. lam going to look up an old friend when lam in Chicago. I am going to hunt that old gang up. Ted came into town and looked up his favorite pizza place.

2. to seek information about someone or something in a book or listing. I don’t recognize his name. I’ll look him up and see what I can find. I’ll look up this person in a reference book. She looked herself up in the telephone book to make sure her name was spelled correctly.

look up (from something)

to gaze upwards; to stop reading or working and lift one’s gaze upward. She looked up from her reading and spoke to us. Mary looked up as we came into the room.

look up

to show promise of improving. My prospects for a job are looking up. Conditions are looking up.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

look up

1. Search for in a book or other source, as in I told her to look up the word in the dictionary. [Late 1600s]

2. Call on or visit, as in I’m going to look up my friend in Chicago. [Mid-1800s]

3. Become better, improve, as in Business is finally looking up. [c. 1800]

4. look up to. Admire, respect, as in The students really looked up to Mr. Jones. [Early 1700s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

look up


1. To direct one’s gaze upward: Look up at that cloud; it looks like a dog!

2. To search for information about someone or something from a reference source, such as a book or a file system: He looked up the word «gullible» in the dictionary. I forgot her phone number, so I looked it up on the Internet.

3. To seek out and visit or contact someone: We looked up an old friend when we visited Boston. I looked my college roommate up, and we got together to talk about the old days.

4. To become better; improve: Things are looking up now that the weather’s better.

5. look up to To hold someone in high regard: I look up to my parents.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • at (one’s) doorstep
  • at doorstep
  • be a slam-clicker
  • at one’s door
  • at (one’s) door
  • at door
  • at (one’s) expense
  • at somebody’s expense
  • at someone’s expense
  • at expense

phrasal verbsИзучать английские устойчивые словосочетания совсем не просто. Более того, это одна из самых сложных задач, которая стоит перед теми, кто желает «подружиться» с английским языком. Как говорят сами англичане, изучение идиом и фразовых глаголов – это  “a tough row to hoe”  = “a difficult task to carry out” (задача не из легких). Это утверждение вполне обоснованно, а доказательством этому служит множество примеров, и одним из них является фразовый глагол look up, имеющий пять абсолютно разных значений. 

  1. If you want to see the beautiful rainbow look up. – если хочешь увидеть красивую радугу, посмотри наверх.

В этом предложении «up» выступает в роли наречия, определяющего глагол  look, а вместе “to look up” в данном контексте означает «смотреть наверх».

  1. When you see a new word or phrase, look up its meaning in a dictionary. – когда встретишь новое слово, посмотри его значение в словаре.

Во втором случае “to look up” является фразовым глаголом со значением «искать информацию о чем-то или о ком-то, смотреть перевод слова в словаре, искать в книге или интернете, базе данных и т.п.».

  1. Young actors always look up to stars who are professionals. – молодые актеры всегда преклоняются перед звездами, которые уже профессионалы.

В данном контексте “to look up to” – это еще один фразовый глагол со значением «испытывать уважение по отношению к кому-либо, обожать, поклоняться, чтить

  1. If I ever visit Tokyo Ill do my best to look up my college mate. – если я когда-нибудь буду в Токио, я обязательно найду своего институтского друга.

Это разговорная версия использования “to look up” означающая навещать или контактировать с людьми, особенно в первый раз или после длительного перерыва.

  1. The market experts assured us that the situation at the market would be looking up soon. – эксперты рынка заверили меня в том, что ситуация на рынке скоро улучшится.

Данная идиома чаще всего используется в продолженном времени в значении «улучшаться», например,  “Things are looking up.”

От фразового глагола “look up” в значении «искать информацию» произошло и существительное lookup – это компьютерный термин, означающий процесс или действие, направленное на поиск информации в базе данных, а также их просмотр.

Функция поиска в компьютере или телефоне — lookup feature позволяет вам быстро найти требуемые контакты или информацию.

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Look, phrasal verbs can sometimes be confusing. So in this lesson, you will learn some common phrasal verbs using the verb LOOK. Do you often have to LOOK UP phrasal verbs and expressions? Do others LOOK DOWN on you when you don’t understand? After this lesson, things will start to LOOK UP. Then, when someone yells “LOOK OUT!”, you’ll know to be careful.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

найти слова

поиска слов

поиск слов

искать слова

And we began to look up words that are phonetically would be a little like the British.

И мы начали подбирать слова, каковые фонетически хоть какое количество-то похожи на британские.

Other useful features include tagging and bookmarking, dictionary support, and a global-text search that helps you look up words, without leaving the app.

Другие полезные функции включают пометки, закладки, поддержку словаря и глобальный текстовый поиск, который поможет найти слова, не выходя из приложения.

If I read in a normal book, I just can’t be bothered to look up words, but if I read on my phone, the effort required to look something up is negligible.

Если я читаю по обычной книге, я просто не могу найти слова, но если я читаю на телефоне, то усилия, необходимые для того, чтобы найти что-то, ничтожны.

You can use dictionary to look up words.

Вы можете использовать словарь для поиска слов.

In addition to text translation, you can also use QTranslate to look up words in several online dictionaries.

В дополнение к текстовому переводу вы также можете использовать QTranslate для поиска слов в нескольких онлайн-словарях.

Voice Recognition: look up words by speaking them into your device’s microphone.

Распознавание голоса: найдите слова, произнеся их в микрофон вашего устройства.

Break out a thesaurus and look up words that are similar to «like.»

Вырваться тезаурус и найдите слова, которые похожи на «как».

Historical kana usage can be used to look up words in larger dictionaries and dictionaries specializing in old vocabulary, which are in print in Japan.

Историческое правописание может быть использовано для поиска слов в больших словарях и словарях, специализирующихся на старой лексике, которые печатаются в Японии.

Together with the basic Finnish dictionary parts, this vocabulary book is a great resource to support you throughout the process of learning Finnish and comes in particularly handy at times when there is no internet to look up words and phrases.

Наряду с основными разделами словаря словенского языка, этот словарь — отличный ресурс, который поможет вам в течение всего процесса обучения и особенно пригодится для поиска слов и выражений в отсутствие Интернета.

There are many available apps for dictionaries, which allow you to look up words just by clicking on them.

Существует много доступных приложений для словарей, которые позволяют вам искать слова, просто нажимая на них.

I often look up words in that dictionary.

Ma, you can’t look up words in the dictionary.

Use a good dictionary to look up words you don’t know.

Найдите себе хороший словарь для проверки слов, которых вы не знаете.

You should look up words in dictionaries more often.

A built-in dictionary and thesaurus supports 12 languages and allows user to look up words without leaving their own document.

Встроенный словарь и тезаурус поддерживают 12 языков, и позволяют пользователям искать определения для слов и терминов, не покидая при этом документ.

Your customers do not have the time to look up words in a dictionary.

У людей просто нет такой привычки — посмотреть в словаре.

You can speak fluently and naturally, without having to look up words.

Вы можете спонтанно и бегло изъясняться, при этом Вам не нужно задумываться и вспоминать слова.

This will give you opportunities to practice as well as to look up words that you don’t know.

Это даст Вам возможность тренироваться, а также необходимость искать значение слов, которые Вы не знаете.

She was very patient with my basic Russian, and allowed me time to look up words in the dictionary.

Она была очень терпелива к моему русскому, и давала мне время на поиск слов в словаре.

The interface works the same way, you can look up words and toggle subtitles the same way.

Интерфейс работает так же, можно искать слова и переключать субтитры.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 36. Точных совпадений: 36. Затраченное время: 128 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Look up more than one word
  • Look at the pictures and complete the crossword puzzle what is the vertical word
  • Look up for excel
  • Look at the pictures and complete the captions with the words from the word list
  • Look up a word in a cell