Look carefully at each line some lines are correct and some have a word





8 лет назад

Английский язык

10 — 11 классы

Task.1  Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some have a word that shouldnt be there. If a line is correct , put a tick in the appropriate box on your answer sheet. If a line has a word which should not be there , write the world down in the appropriate box on your anwer sheet

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(3 оценки)



8 лет назад

Светило науки — 114 ответов — 4799 раз оказано помощи

1) —
2) of
3) to
4) over
5) much
6) — 
7) above
8) — 
9) the
10) — 
11) been
12) more
13) —
14) to
15) at

(3 оценки)


Task 3

For Questions 1–15, read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct put a tick. Use the letter «V» as a tick. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in a given space. There are two examples at the beginning (0 and 00).

В поле ответа поставьте галочку или запишите только ОДНО слово (без цифр, точек, скобок и других лишних знаков). Слова с орфографическими ошибками, опечатками и лишними знаками не засчитываются!

The Moscow Metro
People first started talking about a metro for Moscow in 1902 due to the need not to lag behind London, which had built its underground system 39 years before.
2 Moreover, the city became irrevocably mired in traffic jams, and Muscovites were suffered.
3 Construction of the first tunnel began in 1931, and four years later, the first ever line of the Moscow metro was completed.
4 At 7 a.m. on 15 May 1935, 13 stations opened their doors. People had been waited all night by the stations, dreaming of becoming the metro’s first passengers.
5 They were allowed on the trains with tickets which came in two colours: red for trips to Sokolniki and yellow for the return back journey.
6 History has preserved the name of the first passenger, a Mr. Latyshev, who proudly told the Rabochaya Moskva newspaper: “I’ve travelled in wagons, street-cars, horse-drawn trams, and electric trams, and now I’ve lived to see the metro.
7 I know there is a man in America who collects the first tickets ever issued on every metro system. But no, I’ll never send it my valuable Ticket No.1, series A, to America.”
8 In Sokolniki, a place where in the 17th century falconers made their homes, the first building of the Moscow metro appeared.
9 Falconers were people from big villages who had trained falcons for the Tsar’s hunts.
10 The project of the station won a Grand Prix at the International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life in Paris in 1937.
11 The station known as Komsomolskaya is being built in Art Deco style with two rows of square columns covered with pinkish yellow Chorgun marble from Crimea.
12 A Maiolica panel, in the style of Italian Renaissance artists and by Russian painter Eugene Lanceray, a member of the influential Mir Iskusstva (World of Art) movement, is dedicated to the selfless work of the Komsomol members who built the metro.
13 It’s known that Lanceray even went down into the metro tunnel when having working on his sketches.
14 Krasnye Vorota is a station where three eminent architects showed off their talents at a time: Ivan Fomin, Nikolai Andrikanis, Nikolai Ladovsky.
15 The dark red shade of Shrosha marble from Georgia goes well with its name (Red Gates), and carries with it the memory of the lost triumphal arch, was constructed on this very spot by architect Dmitry Uhtomsky in the 18th century.


TIME (3)

6 Look carefully at each line. Some of
the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. Tick
each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the
word in the space.

Keeping a diary

Are you one of those people
who wi



exactly what they will be doing every day next

week? When the different days
will arrive,

will you have get out your
diary, or are

you the kind of person who
will just guess?

Some people will write their

in a diary, but others just
hope that they will

remember. For example, tonight
I’m be going

to the cinema, but perhaps
I’ll not forget all

about it. You see, I will
never keep a diary.

I try not to forget my
appointments, but I know

that I will usually do. I just
don’t like planning

my future. I know that one day
I’m going to

make a serious mistake. I’ll
be miss an important

examination, or by the time I
remember it and

get there, it will have been
finished. Perhaps

that will be when I have finally buy a diary.


______ √_______

1. ____________________

2. ____________________

3. ____________________

4. ____________________

5. ____________________

6. ____________________

7. ____________________

8. ____________________

9. ____________________

10. ____________________

11. ____________________

12. ____________________

13. ____________________

14. ____________________

15. ____________________


6 1
will. 2 have. 3 v. 4 will. 5 v. 6 be 7 not. 8 will. 9v. 10 will. 11 v. 12 be.
13 v. 14 been.15. have.

3) Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. Find these lines and correct them

 (1)The Pen-Pal scheme makes up every effort to match individuals _____up_______ (2) in different countries. Only when on rare occasions have we ______________ (3) failed to find clients pen-pals. If you are interested in you should ______________ (4) fill in the form asking for details about yourself. We need to ______________ (5) know the hobbies and sports you like as only if then ______________ (6) can we match you with a suitable partner. To tell us ______________ (7) which subjects you like doing at school and if you have ______________ (8) any requirements as far as a food is concerned. Most pen-pals (9) end up with exchanging visits and it is vital that you feel ______________ (10) at ease when you will visit each other. We do our best to ______________ (11) avoid obvious clashes. Before you make out your ______________ (12) choice of pen-pal make sure you have looked at several ______________ (13) possible partners; someone they may make a very good ______________ (14) impression on you until you will have seen the other pen- ______________ (15) pals so take your time before you make up your mind. ______________


  1. Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the
    lines are correct, some have a word which should not be there. If a line
    is correct, put a tick (v). If a line has a word which should not be
    there, write the word.


……………1 It’s a real mess! If you
have had never seen a rubbish dump

……………2 before, then my bedroom it
is a good example. There are

……………3 old clothes, drink cans
and books and papers lying around

……………4 everywhere. My mum and dad
did used to clean it for me,

……………5 but I told them I would do
it myself from now on, because of I

……………6 don’t like anyone coming
into my room. If I didn’t

……………7 have so much of homework,
I’d try to tidy it up a bit.

……………8 But we’ve got tests nearly
every day now, and I

……………9 don’t have time to spare.
If I had much time, I’d like

……………10 to paint my room a
different colour, and I’d will put

posters on the walls.

  1. Read the text and decide which answer, A, B, C or D is


If you want to (1) …..   best in
an exam, you should be relaxed and so one of the best things to do is to take
regular (2) ……, even if they’re only for a few minutes. During revision time,

you(3)…..take some time off to go
for  a walk or play your (4)…..sport. It’s a mistake to (5)….up all physical
activity. Exercise can (6)…..you to relax. You should (7)….at least 20 minutes
doing something different every day. Parents don’t(8)….it when their teenage
children spend (9)….on the phone, but in fact, (10)….to a friend is very good
for you. Parents think that children are (11)….time and money, but research
says talking to friends gives you a (12)….to relax, and this will make the time
you spend studying more effective.

      1 A make B do C go D write                        7 A spend 
B waste  C use  D relax

      2 A breaks B holidays C trips D pauses        8 A
like  B stand  C want  D imagine

3 A shall B will  C should  D have               
9 A days B minutes C hours D times

4 A best B nicest C popular D
favourite    10 A saying B telling C communicating D chatting

5 A take B give C make D
stop                  11 A wasting  B losing C spending D missing

6 A get B make C give D
help                    12 A time B person C chance D someone

  1. Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the and
    of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.


Parents and teachers are always
making (1)………………                  COMPARE

Between the time when they were
(2) …………and the present          CHILD

(3)…………… . They say everything
was better than it is today,          GENERATE

especially in (4) ………….. . For
example, they say they used              EDUCATE

to work much (5) ………… in school,
and that nowadays, we               HARD

aren’t very interested. I (6)
………… , because we spend hours            AGREE

every day doing homework after
our lessons or (7) ……… for              REVISE

(8) ……….. . I wonder if our
parents really had to study so much         EXAMINE

after school every day. In my
opinion, it is no (9) ……………to           EXAGGERATE

      say we have (10) …………. how to play. I think one reason
why          FORGET

      kids misbehave in class is because they need to get
rid of stress.

……………    (32)

29 – 32

24 – 28

– 23


1.  1 had        2 it       3 V        4 did   5 of     6
V     7 of    8 V    9 much  10 will

2. 1 B    2 A      3 C   4 D   5 B   6 D    7 A     8 A    9
C     10 D       11 A      12   C

3. 1 comparisons   2 children   3 generation    4 education 
5 harder  6 disagree   7 revising

    8 examinations     9 exaggeration   10 forgotten

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

                                  ГОУ СОШ № 172 г.

Класс: 8

                             Учитель: ТАСЕНЮК О.В.

2008-2009 учебный год


PART 1:   1 A,   2 C,  3 C, 
4 B,  5  B 

PART 2:   6  D,  7  B, 8  C, 
9  A, 10  A,  11  D,  12  A,  13  D,   14  C,  15  A

PART 3:  16  B,  17  B,  18 
C,  19 B,  20 A,  21  A,  22 B

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