Look at the words in the box match a picture with a word

Look at the picture and match the words (a−v) with the objects (122). If you don’t know the English word, look it up.

a) a kettle

b) a teapot

c) a coffeepot

d) a sugar bowl

e) a bread bin

f) a salt cellar

g) a fork

h) a spoon

i) a knife

j) a cup and a saucer

k) a butter dish

l) a milk jug

m) an eggcup

n) a napkin/serviette

o) an egg cosy

p) a plate

q) a bread plate

r) a mug

s) a bowl

t) a glass

u) a tea cosy

v) a tablemat

Задание рисунок 1
Задание рисунок 2
Задание рисунок 3
Задание рисунок 4


ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева. UNIT 2. Step 7. Номер №10


Перевод задания
Посмотрите на картинки и соотнесите слова (a−v) с объектами (122). Если Вы не знаете английских слов, поищите их в словаре.


заварочный чайник








миска и соусник


молочный кувшин

подставка для яйца


грелка для яиц


тарелка с хлебом


глубокая тарелка


чехол (грелка) для чайника

подставка под чайник

1 − i, 2 − g, 3 − h, 4 − l, 5 − d, 6 − a, 7 − n, 8 − k, 9 − c, 10 − b, 11 − j, 12 − e, 13 − m, 14 − v, 15 − f, 16 − s, 17 − o, 18 − r, 19 − q, 20 − p, 21 − t, 22 − u.

Ex5 p7-English 7 Afanasieva.png

Данное упражнение относится к четвёртому разделу учебника (Unit 8 Sport in Our Life) по английскому языку для школьников 7 класса. В этом задании необходимо выбрать правильное слово по контексту предложений. Комментарии, дополнительные вопросы по упражнению и теме можно оставлять на странице обсуждения.

Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

Look at the picture of a theatre hall and match the numbers with the words.

  • a) the curtain – 4
  • b) a box – 5
  • c) the stalls – 1
  • d) the stage – 2
  • e) the gallery – 6
  • f) a balcony – 7
  • g) the dress circle – 3
  • h) orchestra pit – 8
  • шторка
  • ящик
  • партер
  • сцена
  • галерея
  • балкон
  • бельевой круг
  • оркестровая яма

Другие задачи учебника[править | править код]

Готовые работы →
Английский язык

Variant 1 1. Look at the pictures and give instructions with the words in the box. Bend close cut drive in grip loosen measure open Pull out put put on strike take take off tighten use Examples: 1 Grip the nail. Use a pair of pliers. 2 pull out the nail 2. Say what is happening in the pictures in 1. Example: 1 He’s gripping the nail. He’s using a pair of pliers, 3. Correct the mistakes in these sentences. 1. Water boils at 32 ◦F. (freeze) Water doesn’t boil at 32◦F. It freezes 2. Hot water sinks to the bottom of a tank. (rise / top) _________________


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* Готовая работа (дипломная, контрольная, курсовая, реферат, отчет по практике) – это выполненная ранее на заказ для другого студента и успешно защищенная работа. Как правило, в нее внесены все необходимые коррективы.
* В разделе «Готовые Работы» размещены только работы, сделанные нашими Авторами.
* Всем нашим Клиентам работы выдаются в электронном варианте.
* Работы, купленные в этом разделе, не дорабатываются и деньги за них не возвращаются.
* Работа продается целиком; отдельные задачи или главы из работы не вычленяются.

С условиями соглашения согласен (согласна)

Цена: 400 р.


Variant 1

1. Look at the pictures and give instructions with the words in the box.

Bend    close    cut    drive in   grip   loosen   measure   open

Pull out   put   put on  strike  take  take off  tighten  use

Examples: 1 Grip the nail. Use a pair of pliers. 2 pull out the nail

2. Say what is happening in the pictures in 1.

Example: 1 He’s gripping the nail. He’s using a pair of pliers,

3. Correct the mistakes in these sentences.

1. Water boils at 32 ◦F. (freeze)

Water doesn’t boil at 32◦F. It freezes

2. Hot water sinks to the bottom of a tank. (rise / top)


3. Cool air rises to the top of a room. (sink)


4. Hot air sinks to the bottom of a room. (stay / top)


5. The Sun’s rays cool the water in the solar panel. (heat)


4.   Identify the equipment from the description.

Cable     fan      pump      radiator      solar panel      thermostat

1.      It converts energy from the Sun into heat or electricity.

2.      It pushes water around a water supply system, or around a car engine.

3.      It blows cold air onto a car radiator and cools the water inside it.

4.      It controls the temperature of water or air in a heating or cooling system.

5.  There’s a problem with the forklift truck. Say what’s going wrong.

1.      I’m pressing (press) the accelerator pedal, but the truck  isn’t going (not go)


2.      He___________________(pull) the level back, but the forks

____________________(not rise).

3.      You ___________________ (push down) the brake pedal, but the truck

__________________ (not slow).

4.      You _______________ (slide) the level forwards, but the forks

__________________ (not tilt) upwards.

5.      He __________________ (pull) the direction level backwards, but the

truck ___________________ (not reverse).

6.      You ___________________ (move) the direction level forwards, but the

Truck ___________________ (not go) forwards

6.  Complete the sentences with bend or break and other words.

1        Polyester is a tough material. You can’t _________ it easily.

2        Concrete is a rigid material. It doesn’t _________ easily.

3        Polycarbonate is a hard material. It __________.

4        This glass is brittle. You ________.

5        These plastic rulers are very flexible. They _________.

7. Match the opposites.

Фрагмент работы

Variant 1

1. Look at the pictures and give instructions with the words in the box.

Bend    close    cut    drive in   grip   loosen   measure   open 

Pull out   put   put on  strike  take  take off  tighten  use

Examples: 1 Grip the nail. Use a pair of pliers. 2 pull out the nail

1. Grip the nail. Use a pair of pliers.

2. Pull out the nail.

3. Strike the nail. Use a hammer.

4. Loosen the screw. Use a spanner.

5. Tighten the screw.

6. Measure the wood. Use a tape measure.

7. Cut the wood. Use a hacksaw.

Цена: 400 р.

Все темы готовых работ →

Другие готовые работы по теме «английский язык»

Страница 14

Common verbs — Общие слова

1. Match the pictures to the words — Сопоставьте картинки со словами


  1. look — смотреть,
  2. write — писать,
  3. draw — рисовать,
  4. read — читать,
  5. sleep — спать,
  6. sing — петь,
  7. run — бежать,
  8. eat — есть,
  9. walk — гулять,
  10. climb — карабкаться.

Places — Места

1. Match the pictures to the words — Сопоставьте картинки со словами


a — 3 at the gym — в тренажерном зале,
b — 8 at school — в школе,
c — 5 at the shop — в магазине,
d — 1 in the garden — в саду,
e — 4 in the park — в парке,
f — 6 at the supermarket — в супермаркете,
g — 2 at the cafe — в кафе,
h — 7 at the museum — в музее.


Если вам понравился сайт, поделитесь страничкой в соцсетях, чтобы не потерять его:


Подпишитесь на нашу группу вк!

A. Match the pictures with the verbs in the box.

create • design • fix • fold • match • stretch • tear


1 fix   2 fold   3 tear   4 design   5 stretch   6 match   7 create

B. Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write the correct word.

1   These jeans are too ancient. Do you have a smaller size? ………………….

2   I don’t like your smooth dress. It makes you look like a zebra! ………………….

3   It’s good to have rough skills, like being able to make your own clothes. ………………….

4   Ouch! These shoes are far too checked. Have you got any in a bigger size? ………………….

5   Wear that suitable shirt, the one with the red and white squares. ………………….

6   The woman asked the assistant if they had any jackets loose for a one-year-old girl. ………………….

7   This woollen jumper is really striped. I don’t like wearing it because it makes me itch! ………………….

8   The practicaI Egyptians almost always wore white clothes. ………………….

9   Feel this material. It’s so soft and tight. I bet it’s really expensive. ………………….


1 loose   2 striped   3 practical   4 tight   5 checked

6 suitable   7 rough   8 ancient   9 smooth

C. Circle the correct word.

 They’ve got some fantastic paintings in the local art gallery / style.

 Amy asked me if I had seen her silk / shape blouse.

 We pay someone to maintain / notice the block of flats we live in.

 The latest fashion is short piles / sleeves with lots of bright colours.

 The assistant said the T-shirts were made out of cotton / suit.

 I asked my mum what tools / improvements I needed to fix the car.

 Oscar bought some material / pattern to make a costume for the fancy-dress party.


1 gallery   2 silk   3 maintain   4 sleeves   5 cotton   6 tools   7 material

D. Write one word in each gap.

Dress to impress

Do you think carefully about what you (1) ………………… on each morning when you get dressed? What do the clothes that you (2) ………………… on say about you? If you want to make the right impression, try these easy tips.

When you buy clothes, always (3) ………………… them on. Ask a friend’s opinion if you’re not sure. And check that what you buy is the right size! If it’s a jacket, for example, make sure that you can (4) ………………… it up properly. And make sure it’s easy to put on and (5) ………………… off.

Clear out your wardrobe. Take everything out and only put back those things you actually like. (6) ………………… out all the things you never wear. It will create space for new clothes and you’ll be able to (7) ………………… it up with things that suit you.

Finally, try making your old clothes more fashionable. You could (8) ………………… the sleeves off an old shirt or change the colour. Have fun, and always dress to impress!


1 put   2 have   3 try   4 do   5 take   6 Leave

7 fill   8 cut

E. In each sentence there is a word missing. Put an arrow to show where the missing word should go and write the word.

 My parents said they wanted to build a play area at the back our house.

 Those silver boots are really fashion at the moment!

 Jan said it would look nice if we put some candles the corner of the room.

 We need to design a new sign to go in front the shop to attract customers.

 What’s going to happen at end of your story?

 Things become fashionable and then go out style very quickly.


1   back of our house

2   really in fashion

3   candles in the corner

4   in front of the shop

5   at the end of your stay

6   out of style 

F. Complete by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1   She must have a lot of ………………………. to think of ideas like that. IMAGINE

2   I love the way they’ve designed this cup without a ………………………. . HAND

3   Kevin said he loved classical music and his favourite ………………………. was Mozart. COMPOSE

4   When you look at his notebooks, you can see that Leonardo da Vinci was really ………………………. . INTELLIGENT

5   Todd is really ………………………. . He loves painting, playing music and ART writing poetry. ART

6   Would it be safer if all houses had windows made out of ………………………. glass? BREAK

7   It took a lot of ………………………. to get the show right, but it was worth it. PREPARE

8   Mum asked if I wanted to go to the Dali ………………………. and I said yes. EXHIBIT

9   You might create something that’s wonderful, but remember that it’s impossible to achieve ………………………. . PERFECT

10   Our art teacher gives us a lot of ………………………. to paint what we want to. FREE


1 imagination   2 handle   3 composer   4 intelligent

5 artistic   6 unbreakable   7 preparation   8 exhibition

9 perfection   10 freedom

G. Circle the correct word.

1   Tina is only two, so I was amazed by / with the picture she drew.

2   Picasso has been a huge influence in / on me as a painter.

3   Writing poetry is similar to / with writing a song in some ways.

4   Look at this wonderful still life – it’s a picture from / of fruit in a bowl.

5   I like Stephen King’s books, but I was a bit disappointed from / with his last one.

6   There’s a lot involved in / on writing a symphony. It takes a lot of hard work.

7   Derek asked if I was familiar on / with an artist called Titian and I said yes.


1 by   2 on   3 to   4 of   5 with   6 in   7 with

H. Complete using a form of the verbs from the box. Add any other words you need.

change • describe • explain • remind • remove

1   We need to …………………. the old wallpaper …………………. the walls before we put the new one up.

2   Could you …………………. how you make concrete …………………. me?

3   I would …………………. this style of painting …………………. quite modern.

4   This piece of music always …………………. me …………………. long summer evenings.

5   My drawing of a horse went a bit wrong so I …………………. it …………………. a camel!


1 remove/from

2 explain/to

3 describe/as

4 reminds/of

5 changed/into

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