Look at the picture and choose the correct word phrase


Упражнение 1, с. 49

1 Look at the pictures and choose the correct words. — Посмотрите на картинки и выберите правильные слова. 

1 She has long, curly brown hair, and an oval face.
У неё длинные вьющиеся каштановые волосы и овальное лицо.

2 She’s young, and she has freckles, pale skin, and wavy red hair.
Она молода, у неё веснушки, бледная кожа и волнистые рыжие волосы. 

3 He wears a glasses and he has a beard and a moustache.
Он носит очки, у него борода и усы.

4 He has dark skin and he’s bald.
У него тёмная кожа и он лысый.

5 She has pierced ears, short grey hair, and a few wrinkles.
У неё проколотые уши, короткие седые волосы и несколько морщин.

6 He’s in his late sixties, he has glasses, and short grey hair.
Ему около шестидесяти лет, у него очки и короткие седые волосы. 

Упражнение 2, с. 49

2. Fill in: patient, cheerful, honest, lazy, outgoing, rude, shy, generous, selfish, popular— Заполните: терпеливый, весёлый, честный, ленивый, общительный, грубый, застенчивый, щедрый, эгоистичный, популярный

1 David alwalys has a smile on his face; he is such a cheerful person.

У Дэвида всегда улыбка на лице, он такой жизнерадостный человек. 

2 A good teacher is patient with her students and takes the time to explain difficult ideas. 

Хороший учитель терпелив со своими учениками и находит время, чтобы объяснить сложные идеи.

3 Tom is so generous that he’d even give you the shirt off his back.

Том настолько щедр, что готов отдать вам даже свою рубашку.

4 They assumed Betty wasn’t lying and that she was being completely honest.

Они предположили, что Бетти не лжёт и что она была абсолютно честна.

5 There isn’t a more outgoing person than Rick; he loves having friends over all the time.

Нет более общительного человека, чем Рик; он любит постоянно приглашать друзей. 

6 How rude of Mike to burp at the dinner table! 

Как грубо со стороны Майка рыгать за обеденным столом! 

7 My neighbour is awfully lazy; she sits on the couch all day watching television. 

Моя соседка ужасно ленива; она целыми днями сидит на диване и смотрит телевизор. 

8 He’s incredibly selfish and only thinks about himself.

Он невероятно эгоистичен и думает только о себе.

9 It’s hard for Tom to meet new people because he’s terribly shy.

Тому трудно знакомиться с новыми людьми, потому что он ужасно застенчив.

10 Jenny is very popular; everyone at school likes her.

Дженни очень популярна, она нравится всем в школе.

Everyday English

Упражнение 3, с. 49

3. Choose the correct exchange. — Выберите правильный обмен.

1 b A: What’s your brother like?
Какой твой брат?

B: b He’s outgoing, but he can be impatient at times.
Он общительный, но иногда бывает нетерпеливым.

a He’s short and plump.
Он невысокий и пухлый.

2 a A: Mary looks different.
Мэри выглядит иначе.

B: a She’s lost some weight.
Она немного похудела.

b She’s in her mid-thirties.
Ей около тридцати лет.

3 A: a Have you changed something?
Вы что-то изменили?

B: a Yes, I’m wearing my new glasses.
Да, я надел новые очки.

b I use them to read.
Я использую их для чтения.

4 A: b What does Frank look like?
Как выглядит Фрэнк?

B: b He’s short, has a round face and green eyes.
Он невысокого роста, у него круглое лицо и зелёные глаза.

a He’s honest and quite generous with his friends.
Он честный и довольно щедрый со своими друзьями.

5 A: a What have you changed?
Что вы изменили?

B: a I cut my moustache.
Я подстриг усы.

b I should grow a beard.
Я должен отрастить бороду.

6 a A: You look great!
Ты выглядишь великолепно!

B: a Thanks!

b I didn’t recognise you.
Я тебя не узнала.

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Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 7 класс. Workbook.

ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 7 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

Английский язык. 7 класс

1 Look at the photos and choose the correct words. EITERER 1 We eat cereal / rice, bread / pasta and jam / honey for breakfast. 2 In summer, we often have salad with cabbage / cheese and tomatoes / cucumber for lunch. 3 Yesterday I ate fish / meat, rice / pasta and mango / vegetables. Lacr 4 I usually eat fruit / yoghurt for dessert. ​

Ответы на вопрос

Ответил aminaprincess998



1.We eat cereal, bread and honey for breakfast.
2.In summer, we often have salad with cheese and tomatoes for lunch.
3.Yesterday I ate fish, rice and vegetables.
4.I usually eat fruit for desert.


Насколько я поняла там надо было составить предложения соответствующие картинкам.

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Read the rules, look at the picture then choose the correct words.

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Read the rules, look at the picture then choose the correct words?

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Read the rules, look at the picture then choose the correct words?. По уровню сложности вопрос рассчитан на учащихся
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Look at the picture and choose the correct word.


Water tower

Mountain cabin


Choose the places of dwelling which are typical for big cities.

Blocks of flats


Mountain cabins

Detached houses


Read the definition and choose the correct word.

It’s a type of room where people usually gather to have a family evening, watch a film or play board games. Guests are usually invited in this room. 


Match the types of houses to their translations.


Match the types of rooms to the pictures.










Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing words.

This is my summer . I love it as it’s very small and . There are only two in it: my and our living room with a big dining and a kitchen unit. There is a small above the rooms. There is an old bed and old bags with toys and clothes there. When my friends come to visit me in the , they like staying in the attic. I like staying there and looking through the things when it’s raining outside. 










Read the sentences and match them to the correct category.

Outside the house

Inside the house

There is a big garden with flowers and trees.

There is a big swimming pool.

There is a dog’s house and a chain.

There are five rooms, a toilet and a bathroom.

There is a basement full of vegetables.

There is a fireplace and a big sofa opposite it.

There is a lot of furniture.

There is an attic with many old things.


Put the words in the correct order to build two sentences about the house.

is a





the detached






of the house.

in front


Listen to the description and highlight the correct statements.

The cottage is next to the river.

The cottage has many rooms and a beautiful garden.

There are fruit-trees near the house.

The furniture in the house is new.

The most favorite place in the house is the living-room.


Fill in the crossword with the correct translations of the words.


Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct words.

One of the most unusual places to live in is a water . It is a high building without a that makes living there a bit difficult but isn’t it a way to keep fit? There are usually about six or seven and there is one or two on each floor. This place of dwelling is for those who are really creative and fit!







Listen and type the words you`ve heard.


Put the words in the correct order to build the sentences.

it is











a lot of






the second



Read the text and choose the correct title.

On the bank of the Moika river in Saint-Petersburg there is a flat where the great Russian poet A.Pushkin used to live. The flat is very large, light and beautiful. There are a lot of rooms with beautiful old furniture. There are even some toys from the past in the centre of the living rooms and a lot of paintings on the walls. Some of the rooms are decorated with Pushkin’s handwritings and attributes of his life. You can take an audio-guide and listen to the interesting excursion while walking from one room to the other. I strongly recommend you to visit that museum to get an idea of the way the great poet lived and created his genius works. 

The Pushkin’s large detached house.

The story of Pushkin’s life and work.

Both a place of dwelling and an important museum.

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