Longest word that starts with me

Words beginning with me. This ME words reference page contains a list of words beginning with ME, organized by word length. The below online list of words that begin with me might be useful for people who are taking classes in school leading to a degree, those who play word games, and visitors who enjoy education and learning or teaching about language and like to incorporate new words into their vocabulary.

2 letter words beginning with me:


3 letter words beginning with me:

mel mem men met mew

4 letter words beginning with me:

mead meal mean meat meed meek meet meld mels melt memo mend mene menu meow merc mere merl merv mesa mese mesh mess mete mewl mews

5 letter words beginning with me:

meads mealy means meant meany meaty mecca mecon medal media medic meech meiny melee melic melon melos menat merch mercy merge merit merle merls merry merse mesic mesne meson messe messy metal meter metic metre metro mewed mezzo

6 letter words beginning with me:

meable meacon meadow meager meagre mealie meanes meanie meanly measly meatus meddle medial median medick medico medina medine medium medius medlar medles medley medusa meebos meetly megass megilp megohm megrim meisje mejlis melees mellow melody meloid melton member memoir memory menace mendee mender menhir menial mening mensal menses mental mentee mentor

mentos mentum mercat mercer merely merger merges merils merino merits merlin merlon merman merome mescal mescla mesial mesian mesnes mestee mester metage metely meteor method methyl metols metope metred metric mettle

7 letter words beginning with me:

mealily mealing meander meanest meanies meaning measled measles measure meatman mechlin medacca mediacy mediant mediate medical medidii medinas medulla meerkat meeting megaron megaton megrims meinies meiosis melamed melanic melanin melilot melisma melodia melodic meltage melters memento memoirs menadic menaged mending menfolk menkind menorah menthan menthol menthyl mention mercury merited merkins merlion

mermaid meromes mesarch meseems meshier meshuga mesilla message messily messing messman mestizo metages metamer metazoa metered methane methyls metonym metopic metrics metrify metrist mezuzah

8 letter words beginning with me:

meadwort meagerly mealtime mealworm meanless meanness meantime measured measures meatball meathead meathook mechanic medalist medially mediator medicals medicate medicine medieval mediocre meditate mediumly megabuck megadont megafogs megalith megarons megavolt megawatt megillah mejorana melamine melammed melanger melanism melanite melanoid melanoma melanous melasmic melinite melismas melissyl melitose melodeon melodics melodied melodion melodist melodize

membered membrane memorial memoried memorize menarche menelaus menhaden menialty meninges meniscus menology menorahs menshing mensural menswear mentally mephitic mephitis merchant merciful mercuric merengue merfolks meridian meringue meristem meristic merogony meronymy meruline mesdames meshugga meshwork mesnalty mesocarp mesoderm mesoglea mesotron mesozoic mesquite messidor messmate messroom messuage metaboly metacapi metacone metagram metallic metamere metamers metaphor metaxite meteoric

metering methanal methanol methinks methylal metonymy metrical metritis mezereon mezereum mezuzoth

9 letter words beginning with me:

meadsweet meandrous meantimes meanwhile measurely measuring meatiness mechanics mechanism mechanist mechanize mecometry medallion medallist medevaced mediaeval mediation mediatize mediatory medicable medicably medicides medicinal medisance meditance medresseh medullary meetinger megabucks megacycle megadeath megaliths megaphone megapodes megaspore megathere megawatts meigomian meionites melanoses melanosis melanuria melanuric melaphyre melatonin melicrate meliorant meliorate meliorism melodeons melodious

melodizes melodrama melopiano melopoeia melotrope meltwater memorable menadione menagerie mendacity mendicant mendicate mendicity meniscoid menopause menstrual menstruum mentalism mentalist mentality menticide merbromin mercature mercenary mercerize merciless mercurate mercurial mercurous merestone merganser merimakes meringues meristems merocrine merogonic merozoite merriment mescaline mesentery mesmerism mesmerize mesoarium mesoblast mesocadia mesocarps mesofurca mesomorph mesopause mesoplast mesosomes mesozoans messageer messagery messaline messenger

messieurs messmates mestesoes metabolic metabular metagnomy metairies metallary metallike metalline metallist metallize metalloid metalware metalwork metameral metameric metanoias metaphase metaplasm metascope metastyle metatarsi metaxenia metaxylem meteorite meteoroid methadone methanals metheglin methodize methoxide methylate methylene metopryls metosteon metralgia metricate metricise metricist metricize metrifies metrology metronome metronymy metroplex mezcaline mezzanine mezzotint

10 letter words beginning with me:

meadowlark meadowwort meagreness meaningful measurable mechanical mechanists mecopteran meddlesome mediastina medicament medication mediocrity meditation meditators medullated meerschaum megacities megacuries megadontic megagamete megalodont meganewton melancholy melanoderm melanosity meliorates melithemia mellophone melodramas melomaniac melomanias melophonic membership membranous memorandum mendacious meningioma meningitis meniscitis menostasia menostatic menstruate mensurable meperidine mercantile mercaptide mercifying meridional meristelic meritocrat

merohedric merrymaker merycismus mesaconate mesenchyme mesenteron mesitylene mesocratic mesomorphy mesopauses mesorectal mesosphere mesostomid mesothesis mesothorax metabolism metabolite metabolize metacarpal metacarpus metacenter metacetone metacismus metagalaxy metalepsis metallized metallurgy metamerism metapectus metapepsis metaphrase metaphrast metaphysic metaplasia metaplasms metascutal metastasis metastatic metatarsal metatarsus metatheria metathesis metenteron meteorical meteoroids methionine methodical methuselah meticulous metronymic metropolis


11 letter words beginning with me:

meadowsweet meaningless measureless measurement mechanician mechanistic mecopterans mediatorial medicalised medicalizes medicinable medievalism medievalist medisection meditatedly mefloquines megalomania megalopolis megalosaurs meganucleus megaphoning megascleric melancholia melancholic melanesians melanochroi melanopathy melioration melioristic melliferous mellifluent mellifluous mellisonant melodically melodiously melomaniacs memorabilia memorialist memorialize mendelevium menorrhagia mensuralist mensuration mentholated mentolabial meprobamate mercenarism mercerizing merchandise merchantman meritocracy

meritorious meroblastic merrymaking mesenterons mesoblastem mesocephaly mesomorphic mesonephros mesoseismal mesospheres mesosuchian mesothelium mesothorium messengered metabolised metachronal metacromial metafluidal metagenesis metaigneous metakinetic metamorphic metanephros metaphrasts metaphysics metaplasias metapleural metapodiale metaprotein metastasize metatarsusi metatherian metathesize metempirics metemptosis meteoritics meteoroidal meteorolite meteorology methenamine methodology methoxamine methylamine metroliners metrologist metropathia mezzotinted

12 letter words beginning with me:

mealymouthed mechatronics medicalizing medicamental mediofrontal meetinghouse megalocardia megavitamins melancholily melaniferous melanocerite melanodermic melodramatic memorability memorialiser memorisation memorization mendelianism mendicancies menstruation mercantilely mercantilism merchandizer merchandizes merchantable merchanthood merchantries mercurialism mercurialize meretricious merrythought mesalliances mesognathous mesorrhinium mesoscapular mesothelioma mesquineries messengering metagastrula metageometer metagnathous metalanguage metallophone metalworking metamorphism metamorphize metamorphose metaphysical metapneustic metasilicate metasomatism

metaspermous meteoritical meteorograph methacrylate methanations methoxychlor methylolurea metrocampsis metropolitan metrorrhagia

13 letter words beginning with me:

mecamylamines mechanicalism mechanization meconophagist mediaevalists medicolegally megnetosphere melanoblastic meliorability mellifluences mellifluently melodramatics melodramatise melodramatize membranophone memorializers memorializing mensurational mercerisation merchandising mercurialises mercurialized meritoriously merostomatous merycopotamus mesencephalon mesepithelial mesocephalous mesopterygoid metachronisms metagrabolise metalammonium metalliferous metallogenies metallography metamorphosed metamorphoser metamorphosis metaphosphate metapophyseal metasilicates metastasising metathesizing metencephalon meteorization meteorography metepisternal methodologies methylparaben methylpentose metonymically

metoposcopist metroscirrhus metrosteresis

14 letter words beginning with me:

mechanotherapy medicalization medicomechanic megaherbivores megasporangium megasporophyll melanotrichous melastomaceous melodramatical melodramatized meningomalacia mentionability mercaptopurine meroplanktonic mesdemoiselles metachromatism metalinguistic metallographer metalloplastic metallotherapy metapsychology metempsychoses metempsychosis methaemoglobin methodological methylpentoses meticulousness metoposcopists

15 letter words beginning with me:

medicalizations medicochirurgic megalocephalies megamastictoral membranonervous memorablenesses memorialisation memorialization menispermaceous mensurabilities mentalistically meritoriousness mesometeorology metachromatisms metagenetically metalinguistics metamathematics metastabilities metempsychosize methylglycocoll metropolitanize

16 letter words beginning with me:

meaningfulnesses mechanomorphisms mendaciousnesses meningorachidian mercurialisation methamphetamines metroperitonitis metropolitanises

17 letter words beginning with me:

metapsychological methylnaphthalene

18 letter words beginning with me:

melanosarcomatosis meretriciousnesses methylamphetamines methylcholanthrene methylnaphthalenes

19 letter words beginning with me:


20 letter words beginning with me:


Glad you visited this webpage containing ME words that begin with me, and hopefully it helped you find the right 3 letter, 4 letter, 5 letters, 6, 7, 8, 9, and even longer word beginning with ME.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the longest word that starts with I?
  2. What is a word that begins with the letter I?
  3. Are there any words in Scrabble that start with I?
  4. Where can I find all 12 letter words?
  5. What are some things that start with the letter “I”?
  6. What are some adjectives that begin with the letter I?
  7. What are some cool words that start with I?
  8. What are some descriptive words that start with I?

16-letter words that start with i

  • incomprehensible.
  • intercontinental.
  • immunodeficiency.
  • internationalism.
  • incontrovertible.
  • institutionalize.
  • internationalize.
  • institutionalism.

    What is a word that begins with the letter I?

    I am a word that begins with the letter “i.” If you add the letter “a” to me, I become a new word with a different meaning, but that sounds exactly the same. What word am I? I am a word that begins with the letter “i.” If you add the letter “a” to me, I become a new word with a different meaning, but that sounds exactly the same. What word am I?

    Are there any words in Scrabble that start with I?

    Found 35979 words that start with i. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with i. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play!

    Where can I find all 12 letter words?

    Home | All words | Beginning with | Ending with | Containing AB | Containing A & B | At position Words in black are found in both the twl06 and the sowpods dictionaries; words in red are only in the sowpods dictionary.

    What are some things that start with the letter “I”?

    backward-curved horns

  • curved bill
  • Iceberg – a great mass of ice broken off from a glacier and floating in the sea
  • Icecap – an extensive cover of ice and snow over a large area
  • hanging piece of ice

    What are some adjectives that begin with the letter I?

    Positive Adjectives That Start With I ideal idealistic identifiable idyllic illuminating illustrious imaginable imaginative immaculate immanent

    What are some cool words that start with I?


  • investigation
  • institutional
  • incorporating
  • inappropriate
  • indispensable
  • investigative
  • insignificant
  • inconvenience
  • irresponsible

    What are some descriptive words that start with I?

    unfriendly; hostile

  • Idealistic – unrealistically aiming for perfection
  • Idiotic – incredibly stupid
  • Illogical – lacking sense or reason
  • Immoral – not conforming to the standards of morality
  • Impeccable – the highest standards of propriety; flawless
  • Improper – not in accordance with the rules

More from The Question & Answer (Q&A)

I’ve found «enterprise», which is 10 letters long. Does anyone know of any longer words that start and end with the same letter?

That letter doesn’t have to be ‘e’, by the way. It just means that the first and last letter of the word have to be identical.


  • achondroplasia — 14
  • breadcrumb — 10
  • cineangiocardiographic — 22
  • deinstitutionalized — 19
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetate — 27
  • flameproof — 10
  • governmentalizing — 17
  • handsbreadth — 12
  • interstimuli — 12
  • (There is no word beginning and
    ending with J)
  • kinnikinnick — 12
  • lepidopterological — 18
  • mesembryanthemum — 16
  • nondiscrimination — 17
  • obbligato — 9
  • postmastership — 14
  • qepiq*, qayaq* — 5
  • remanufacturer — 14
  • straightforwardnesses — 21
  • transformationalist — 19
  • unau — 4
  • vav — 3
  • wheelbarrow — 11
  • xerox — 5
  • youthfully — 10
  • zuz — 3 (found on Dictionary.Reference.com and TheFreeDictionary.com, but not in the Oxford dictionary)

Many of these words may not feature in the English dictionary. Some are medical or technical words.


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious comes to mind.

Although some might claim the word is a bit artificial. :)

What’s your definition of «word»? Names of chemical compounds can be of any arbitrary length (and various chemical prefixes both start and end with «e», for example)…


Naturalisation has 14 letters.

straightforwardness: 19 letters
Andrianampoinimerina: 20 letters (if we’re counting proper nouns)

Here’s the output of a quick-and-dirty script that I wrote (in descending order):

  • supercalifragilisticexpialidocious — 34
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetate — 27
  • transubstantiationalist — 23
  • cineangiocardiographic — 22
  • labioglossopharyngeal — 21
  • abetalipoproteinemia — 20
  • nonindustrialization — 20
  • dynamometamorphosed — 19
  • plenipotentiaryship — 19
  • governmentalising — 17
  • metapostscutellum — 17
  • rhomborectangular — 17
  • hygrothermograph — 16
  • improvvisatori — 14
  • overlubricatio — 14
  • frictionproof — 13
  • killickinnick — 13
  • windlestraw — 11
  • xylanthrax — 10
  • bumblebomb — 10
  • uturuncu — 8
  • qepiq — 5
  • zizz — 4
  • vav — 3

Here’s the original output (in alphabetical order):

  • abetalipoproteinemia — 20
  • bumblebomb — 10
  • cineangiocardiographic — 22
  • dynamometamorphosed — 19
  • ethylenediaminetetraacetate — 27
  • frictionproof — 13
  • governmentalising — 17
  • hygrothermograph — 16
  • improvvisatori — 14
  • killickinnick — 13
  • labioglossopharyngeal — 21
  • metapostscutellum — 17
  • nonindustrialization — 20
  • overlubricatio — 14
  • plenipotentiaryship — 19
  • qepiq — 5
  • rhomborectangular — 17
  • supercalifragilisticexpialidocious — 34
  • transubstantiationalist — 23
  • uturuncu — 8
  • vav — 3
  • windlestraw — 11
  • xylanthrax — 10
  • youthfullity — 12
  • zizz — 4

I’m such an industrious citizen, editing the good ones into the main answer.

Ready to take your Scrabble skills to the next level? This list of the longest words in the English language could score you major points on your next game — if you can remember how to spell them.

Some of the words that qualify for the title take hours to pronounce, like the 189,819-letter word for the  protein Titin. Additionally, many of the longest words are medical terms, so we have excluded some of them to allow for more variety. The end result is a list of fascinatingly lengthy words that will make your vocabulary downright sesquipedalian.


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England

Origins: While the word originated in 19th century Britain, it is now used to refer to any opposition to a government withdrawing support from a religious organization. Though rarely used in casual conversation, the word was featured in the Duke Ellington song, “You’re Just an Old Antidisestablishmentarianist.”  


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: the act of defining or estimating something as worthless

Origins: This word stems from the combination of four Latin words, all of which signify that something has little value: flocci, nauci, nihili, pilifi. This style of word creation was popular in Britain in the 1700s. 


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: an invented word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling a fine dust

Origins: This word emerged in the late 1930s, and was said to be invented by Everett K. Smith, president of the National Puzzlers’ League, in an imitation of very long medical terms. It is not found in real medical usage.


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: an inherited disorder similar to pseudohypoparathyroidism

Origins: This genetic disorder causes “short stature, round face and short hand bones,” according to the National Institutes of Health. Despite having a similar name, it is not the same as pseudohypoparathyroidism.


Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: of or related to to the branch of science concerned with the relationships between psychology, the nervous system, and the endocrine system 

Origins: This term was first seen in the 1970s in Journal of Neurological Science, a medical journal. 


Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: having many syllables or characterized by the use of long words

Origins: The Roman poet Horace used this term to caution young poets against relying on words that used a large number of letters. It was adopted in the 17th century by poets to ridicule their peers who used lengthy words.


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: fear of long words

Fun Fact: This word is most often used in humorous contexts. It is an extension of the word sesquipedalophobia, which has the same meaning and is more often used in a formal context.  


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: things that are impossible to understand or comprehend

Fun Fact: In the 1990s, this word was named the longest word in common usage.


Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: not able or allowed to be protected by copyright

Fun Fact: This word is one of the longest isograms (a word that does not repeat letters) in the English language.


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: the scientific study of hands, including fingerprints, lines, mounts, and shapes

Fun Fact: Unlike palmistry, this study is based in science and is often used in criminology as a way to identify both perpetrators and victims.


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: a type of cadence in medieval music

Fun Fact: While this word might not look as impressive as others on this list, it’s the longest word in the English language to be composed entirely of vowels. (It’s also the word with the longest string of vowels.)


Part of Speech: noun

Definition: a therapeutic approach that integrates both the mind and body

Fun Fact: While the Oxford Dictionary does not provide an official definition of this word, it is included on their list of the longest words in the English language. 


Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: of or relating to the medical specialization involving the ear, nose, and throat

Fun Fact: This medical specialization is more commonly known by its acronym, ENT. 

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The identity of the longest word in English depends on the definition of a word and of length.

Words may be derived naturally from the language’s roots or formed by coinage and construction. Additionally, comparisons are complicated because place names may be considered words, technical terms may be arbitrarily long, and the addition of suffixes and prefixes may extend the length of words to create grammatically correct but unused or novel words.

The length of a word may also be understood in multiple ways. Most commonly, length is based on orthography (conventional spelling rules) and counting the number of written letters. Alternate, but less common, approaches include phonology (the spoken language) and the number of phonemes (sounds).

Word Letters Meaning Claim Dispute
methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylalanyl…isoleucine 189,819 The chemical composition of titin, the largest known protein Longest known word overall by magnitudes. Attempts to say the entire word have taken two[1] to three and a half hours.[2] Technical; not in dictionary; whether this should actually be considered a word is disputed
methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamyl…serine 1,909 The chemical name of E. coli TrpA (P0A877) Longest published word[3] Technical
lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsano…pterygon 183 A fictional dish of food Longest word coined by a major author,[4] the longest word ever to appear in literature[5] Contrived nonce word; not in dictionary; Ancient Greek transliteration
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis 45 The disease silicosis Longest word in a major dictionary[6] Contrived coinage to make it the longest word; technical, but only mentioned and never actually used in communication
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 34 Unclear in source work, has been cited as a nonsense word Made popular in the Mary Poppins film and musical[7] Contrived coinage
pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism 30 A hereditary medical disorder Longest non-contrived word in a major dictionary[8] Technical
antidisestablishmentarianism 28 The political position of opposing disestablishment Longest non-contrived and nontechnical word[9] Not all dictionaries accept it due to lack of usage.[10]
honorificabilitudinitatibus 27 The state of being able to achieve honors Longest word in Shakespeare’s works; longest word in the English language featuring alternating consonants and vowels[11] Latin

Major dictionaries

The longest word in any of the major English language dictionaries is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters), a word that refers to a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles,[12] specifically from a volcano; medically, it is the same as silicosis. The word was deliberately coined to be the longest word in English, and has since been used[citation needed] in a close approximation of its originally intended meaning, lending at least some degree of validity to its claim.[6]

The Oxford English Dictionary contains pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters).

Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary does not contain antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters), as the editors found no widespread, sustained usage of the word in its original meaning. The longest word in that dictionary is electroencephalographically (27 letters).[13]

The longest non-technical word in major dictionaries is flocci­nauci­nihili­pili­fication at 29 letters. Consisting of a series of Latin words meaning «nothing» and defined as «the act of estimating something as worthless»; its usage has been recorded as far back as 1741.[14][15][16]

Ross Eckler has noted that most of the longest English words are not likely to occur in general text, meaning non-technical present-day text seen by casual readers, in which the author did not specifically intend to use an unusually long word. According to Eckler, the longest words likely to be encountered in general text are deinstitutionalization and counterrevolutionaries, with 22 letters each.[17]

A computer study of over a million samples of normal English prose found that the longest word one is likely to encounter on an everyday basis is uncharacteristically, at 20 letters.[18]

The word internationalization is abbreviated «i18n», the embedded number representing the number of letters between the first and the last.[19][20][21]

Creations of long words


In his play Assemblywomen (Ecclesiazousae), the ancient Greek comedic playwright Aristophanes created a word of 171 letters (183 in the transliteration below), which describes a dish by stringing together its ingredients:

Henry Carey’s farce Chrononhotonthologos (1743) holds the opening line: «Aldiborontiphoscophornio! Where left you Chrononhotonthologos?»

Thomas Love Peacock put these creations into the mouth of the phrenologist Mr. Cranium in his 1816 book Headlong Hall: osteosarchaematosplanchnochondroneuromuelous (44 characters) and osseocarnisanguineoviscericartilaginonervomedullary (51 characters).

James Joyce made up nine 100-letter words plus one 101-letter word in his novel Finnegans Wake, the most famous of which is Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk. Appearing on the first page, it allegedly represents the symbolic thunderclap associated with the fall of Adam and Eve. As it appears nowhere else except in reference to this passage, it is generally not accepted as a real word. Sylvia Plath made mention of it in her semi-autobiographical novel The Bell Jar, when the protagonist was reading Finnegans Wake.

«Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious», the 34-letter title of a song from the movie Mary Poppins, does appear in several dictionaries, but only as a proper noun defined in reference to the song title. The attributed meaning is «a word that you say when you don’t know what to say.» The idea and invention of the word is credited to songwriters Robert and Richard Sherman.

Agglutinative constructions

The English language permits the legitimate extension of existing words to serve new purposes by the addition of prefixes and suffixes. This is sometimes referred to as agglutinative construction. This process can create arbitrarily long words: for example, the prefixes pseudo (false, spurious) and anti (against, opposed to) can be added as many times as desired. More familiarly, the addition of numerous «great»s to a relative, such as «great-great-great-great-grandparent», can produce words of arbitrary length. In musical notation, an 8192nd note may be called a semihemidemisemihemidemisemihemidemisemiquaver.

Antidisestablishmentarianism is the longest common example of a word formed by agglutinative construction.

Technical terms

A number of scientific naming schemes can be used to generate arbitrarily long words.

The IUPAC nomenclature for organic chemical compounds is open-ended, giving rise to the 189,819-letter chemical name Methionylthreonylthreonyl…isoleucine for the protein also known as titin, which is involved in striated muscle formation. In nature, DNA molecules can be much bigger than protein molecules and therefore potentially be referred to with much longer chemical names. For example, the wheat chromosome 3B contains almost 1 billion base pairs,[22] so the sequence of one of its strands, if written out in full like Adenilyladenilylguanilylcystidylthymidyl…, would be about 8 billion letters long. The longest published word, Acetylseryltyrosylseryliso…serine, referring to the coat protein of a certain strain of tobacco mosaic virus (P03575), is 1,185 letters long, and appeared in the American Chemical Society’s Chemical Abstracts Service in 1964 and 1966.[23] In 1965, the Chemical Abstracts Service overhauled its naming system and started discouraging excessively long names. In 2011, a dictionary broke this record with a 1909-letter word describing the trpA protein (P0A877).[3]

John Horton Conway and Landon Curt Noll developed an open-ended system for naming powers of 10, in which one sexmilliaquingentsexagintillion, coming from the Latin name for 6560, is the name for 103(6560+1) = 1019683. Under the long number scale, it would be 106(6560) = 1039360.

Gammaracanthuskytodermogammarus loricatobaicalensis is sometimes cited as the longest binomial name—it is a kind of amphipod. However, this name, proposed by B. Dybowski, was invalidated by the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature in 1929 after being petitioned by Mary J. Rathbun to take up the case.[24]

Myxococcus llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogochensis is the longest accepted binomial name for an organism. It is a bacterium found in soil collected at Llan­fair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­ (discussed below). Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides is the longest accepted binomial name for any animal, or any organism visible with the naked eye. It is a species of soldier fly.[25] The genus name Parapropalaehoplophorus (a fossil glyptodont, an extinct family of mammals related to armadillos) is two letters longer, but does not contain a similarly long species name.

Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic, at 52 letters, describing the spa waters at Bath, England, is attributed to Dr. Edward Strother (1675–1737).[26] The word is composed of the following elements:

  • Aequeo: equal (Latin, aequo[27])
  • Salino: containing salt (Latin, salinus)
  • Calcalino: calcium (Latin, calx)
  • Ceraceo: waxy (Latin, cera)
  • Aluminoso: alumina (Latin)
  • Cupreo: from «copper»
  • Vitriolic: resembling vitriol

Notable long words

Place names

The longest officially recognized place name in an English-speaking country is Taumata­whakatangihanga­koauau­o­tamatea­turi­pukaka­piki­maunga­horo­nuku­pokai­whenua­ki­tana­tahu (85 letters), which is a hill in New Zealand. The name is in the Māori language. A widely recognized version of the name is Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu (85 letters), which appears on the signpost at the location (see the photo on this page). In Māori, the digraphs ng and wh are each treated as single letters.

In Canada, the longest place name is Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre and Clyde, a township in Ontario, at 61 letters or 68 non-space characters.[28]

The 58-letter name Llan­fair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­gogery­chwyrn­drob­wlll­lanty­silio­gogo­goch is the name of a town on Anglesey, an island of Wales. In terms of the traditional Welsh alphabet, the name is only 51 letters long, as certain digraphs in Welsh are considered as single letters, for instance ll, ng and ch. It is generally agreed, however, that this invented name, adopted in the mid-19th century, was contrived solely to be the longest name of any town in Britain. The official name of the place is Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, commonly abbreviated to Llanfairpwll or Llanfair PG.

The longest non-contrived place name in the United Kingdom which is a single non-hyphenated word is Cottonshopeburnfoot (19 letters) and the longest which is hyphenated is Sutton-under-Whitestonecliffe (29 characters).

The longest place name in the United States (45 letters) is Char­gogga­gogg­man­chau­ggagogg­chau­buna­gunga­maugg, a lake in Webster, Massachusetts. It means «Fishing Place at the Boundaries – Neutral Meeting Grounds» and is sometimes facetiously translated as «you fish your side of the water, I fish my side of the water, nobody fishes the middle». The lake is also known as Webster Lake.[29] The longest hyphenated names in the U.S. are Winchester-on-the-Severn, a town in Maryland, and Washington-on-the-Brazos, a notable place in Texas history. The longest single-word town names in the U.S. are Kleinfeltersville, Pennsylvania and Mooselookmeguntic, Maine.

The longest official geographical name in Australia is Ma­mungku­kumpu­rang­kunt­junya.[30] It has 26 letters and is a Pitjantjatjara word meaning «where the Devil urinates».[31]

Liechtenstein is the longest country name with single name in English. The second longest country name with single name in English is Turkmenistan. There are longer country names if one includes ones with spaces.

Personal names

Guinness World Records formerly contained a category for longest personal name used.

  • From about 1975 to 1985, the recordholder was Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfe­schlegelstein­hausenberger­dorffvoraltern­waren­gewissenhaft­schaferswessen­schafewaren­wohlgepflege­und­sorgfaltigkeit­beschutzen­von­angreifen­durch­ihrraubgierigfeinde­welche­voraltern­zwolftausend­jahres­vorandieerscheinen­wander­ersteer­dem­enschderraumschiff­gebrauchlicht­als­sein­ursprung­von­kraftgestart­sein­lange­fahrt­hinzwischen­sternartigraum­auf­der­suchenach­diestern­welche­gehabt­bewohnbar­planeten­kreise­drehen­sich­und­wohin­der­neurasse­von­verstandigmen­schlichkeit­konnte­fortplanzen­und­sicher­freuen­anlebens­langlich­freude­und­ruhe­mit­nicht­ein­furcht­vor­angreifen­von­anderer­intelligent­geschopfs­von­hinzwischen­sternartigraum, Senior (746 letters), also known as Wolfe+585, Senior.
  • After 1985 Guinness briefly awarded the record to a newborn girl with a longer name. The category was removed shortly afterward.

Long birth names are often coined in protest of naming laws or for other personal reasons.

  • The naming law in Sweden was challenged by parents Lasse Diding and Elisabeth Hallin, who proposed the given name «Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116» for their child (pronounced [ˈǎlːbɪn], 43 characters), which was rejected by a district court in Halmstad, southern Sweden.

Words with certain characteristics of notable length

  • Schmaltzed and strengthed (10 letters) appear to be the longest monosyllabic words recorded in The Oxford English Dictionary, while scraunched and scroonched appear to be the longest monosyllabic words recorded in Webster’s Third New International Dictionary; but squirrelled (11 letters) is the longest if pronounced as one syllable only (as permitted in The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary at squirrel, and in Longman Pronunciation Dictionary). Schtroumpfed (12 letters) was coined by Umberto Eco, while broughammed (11 letters) was coined by William Harmon after broughamed (10 letters) was coined by George Bernard Shaw.
  • Strengths is the longest word in the English language containing only one vowel letter.[32]
  • Euouae, a medieval musical term, is the longest English word consisting only of vowels, and the word with the most consecutive vowels. However, the «word» itself is simply a mnemonic consisting of the vowels to be sung in the phrase «seculorum Amen» at the end of the lesser doxology. (Although u was often used interchangeably with v, and the variant «Evovae» is occasionally used, the v in these cases would still be a vowel.)
  • The longest words with no repeated letters are dermatoglyphics and uncopyrightable.[33]
  • The longest word whose letters are in alphabetical order is the eight-letter Aegilops, a grass genus. However, this is arguably a proper noun. There are several six-letter English words with their letters in alphabetical order, including abhors, almost, begins, biopsy, chimps and chintz.[34] There are few 7-letter words, such as «billowy» and «beefily». The longest words whose letters are in reverse alphabetical order are sponged, wronged and trollied.
  • The longest words recorded in OED with each vowel only once, and in order, are abstemiously, affectiously, and tragediously (OED). Fracedinously and gravedinously (constructed from adjectives in OED) have thirteen letters; Gadspreciously, constructed from Gadsprecious (in OED), has fourteen letters. Facetiously is among the few other words directly attested in OED with single occurrences of all six vowels (counting y as a vowel).
  • The longest single palindromic word in English is rotavator, another name for a rotary tiller for breaking and aerating soil.

Typed words

  • The longest words typable with only the left hand using conventional hand placement on a QWERTY keyboard are tesseradecades, aftercataracts, dereverberated, dereverberates[35] and the more common but sometimes hyphenated sweaterdresses.[34] Using the right hand alone, the longest word that can be typed is johnny-jump-up, or, excluding hyphens, monimolimnion[36] and phyllophyllin.
  • The longest English word typable using only the top row of letters has 11 letters: rupturewort. The word teetertotter (used in North American English) is longer at 12 letters, although it is usually spelled with a hyphen.
  • The longest using only the middle row is shakalshas (10 letters). Nine-letter words include flagfalls; eight-letter words include galahads and alfalfas.
  • Since the bottom row contains no vowels, no standard words can be formed. [37]
  • The longest words typable by alternating left and right hands are antiskepticism and leucocytozoans respectively.[34]
  • On a Dvorak keyboard, the longest «left-handed» words are epopoeia, jipijapa, peekapoo, and quiaquia.[38] Other such long words are papaya, Kikuyu, opaque, and upkeep.[39] Kikuyu is typed entirely with the index finger, and so the longest one-fingered word on the Dvorak keyboard. There are no vowels on the right-hand side, and so the longest «right-handed» word is crwths.

See also

  • Lipogram
  • List of long species names
  • List of the longest English words with one syllable
  • Longest English sentence
  • Longest word in French
  • Longest word in Romanian
  • Longest word in Spanish
  • Longest word in Turkish
  • Number of words in English
  • Scriptio continua
  • Sesquipedalianism
  • Donau­dampf­schiffahrts­elektrizitäten­haupt­betriebs­werk­bau­unter­beamten­gesellschaft, longest published word in German


  1. ^ «Reading The Longest English Word (190,000 Characters)». YouTube. Archived from the original on 2021-11-10. Retrieved 2 August 2020.
  2. ^ «World’s longest word takes 3.5 hours to pronounce». CW39 Houston. 2012-12-08. Retrieved 2020-05-18.
  3. ^ a b Colista Moore (2011). Student’s Dictionary. p. 524. ISBN 978-1-934669-21-1.
  4. ^ see separate article Lopado…pterygon
  5. ^ Donald McFarlan; Norris Dewar McWhirter; David A. Boeh (1989). Guinness book of world records: 1990. Sterling. p. 129. ISBN 978-0-8069-5790-6.
  6. ^ a b Coined around 1935 to be the longest word; press reports on puzzle league members legitimized it somewhat. First appeared in the MWNID supplement, 1939. Today OED and several others list it, but citations are almost always as «longest word». More detail at pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.
  7. ^ «Merriam Webster: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious».
  8. ^ «What is the longest English word?». AskOxford. Archived from the original on 2008-10-22. Retrieved 2010-08-22.
  9. ^ «What is the longest English word?». oxforddictionaries.com.[dead link]
  10. ^ «Merriam Webster: «Antidisestablishmentarianism is not in the dictionary.»«.
  11. ^ «Cool, Strange, and Interesting Facts,» fact 99. InnocentEnglish.com. Retrieved 2019-03-13.
  12. ^ «pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – definition of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in English from the Oxford dictionary». oxforddictionaries.com. Archived from the original on 2012-07-19.
  13. ^ «The Longest Word in the Dictionary» (Video). Ask the Editor. Merriam-Webster. Archived from the original on 21 November 2013. Retrieved 14 November 2013.
  14. ^ «Floccinaucinihilipilification» by Michael Quinion World Wide Words Archived 2006-08-21 at the Wayback Machine;
  15. ^ The Guinness Book of Records, in its 1992 and previous editions, declared the longest real word in the English language to be floccinaucinihilipilification. More recent editions of the book have acknowledged pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. What is the longest English word? — Oxford Dictionaries Online Archived 2006-08-26 at the Wayback Machine
  16. ^ In recent times its usage has been recorded in the proceedings of the United States Senate by Senator Robert Byrd Discussion between Sen. Moynihan and Sen. Byrd «Mr. President, may I say to the distinguished Senator from New York, I used that word on the Senate floor myself 2 or 3 years ago. I cannot remember just when or what the occasion was, but I used it on that occasion to indicate that whatever it was I was discussing it was something like a mere trifle or nothing really being of moment.» Congressional Record June 17, 1991, p. S7887, and at the White House by Bill Clinton’s press secretary Mike McCurry, albeit sarcastically. December 6, 1995, White House Press Briefing in discussing Congressional Budget Office estimates and assumptions: «But if you – as a practical matter of estimating the economy, the difference is not great. There’s a little bit of floccinaucinihilipilification going on here.»
  17. ^ Eckler, R. Making the Alphabet Dance, p 252, 1996.
  18. ^ «Longest Common Words – Modern». Maltron.com. Archived from the original on 27 April 2009. Retrieved 2010-08-22.
  19. ^ «Glossary of W3C Jargon». World Wide Web Consortium. Archived from the original on 2008-10-25. Retrieved 2008-10-13.
  20. ^ «Origin of the Abbreviation I18n». Archived from the original on 2014-06-27.
  21. ^ «Localization vs. Internationalization». World Wide Web Consortium. Archived from the original on 2016-04-03.
  22. ^ Paux et al. (2008) Science, Vol. 322 (5898) 101-104. A Physical Map of the 1-Gigabase Bread Wheat Chromosome 3B Paux, Etienne; Sourdille, Pierre; Salse, Jérôme; Saintenac, Cyrille; Choulet, Frédéric; Leroy, Philippe; Korol, Abraham; Michalak, Monika; Kianian, Shahryar; Spielmeyer, Wolfgang; Lagudah, Evans; Somers, Daryl; Kilian, Andrzej; Alaux, Michael; Vautrin, Sonia; Bergès, Hélène; Eversole, Kellye; Appels, Rudi; Safar, Jan; Simkova, Hana; Dolezel, Jaroslav; Bernard, Michel; Feuillet, Catherine (2008). «A Physical Map of the 1-Gigabase Bread Wheat Chromosome 3B». Science. 322 (5898): 101–104. Bibcode:2008Sci…322..101P. doi:10.1126/science.1161847. PMID 18832645. S2CID 27686615. Archived from the original on 2015-09-03. Retrieved 2012-12-01.
  23. ^ Chemical Abstracts Formula Index, Jan.-June 1964, Page 967F; Chemical Abstracts 7th Coll. Formulas, C23H32-Z, 56-65, 1962–1966, Page 6717F
  24. ^ «Opinion 105. Dybowski’s (1926) Names of Crustacea Suppressed». Opinions Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature: Opinions 105 to 114. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Vol. 73. 1929. pp. 1–3. hdl:10088/23619. BHL page 8911139.
  25. ^ rjk. «World’s longest name of an animal. Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides Stratiomyid Fly Soldier Fly». thelongestlistofthelongeststuffatthelongestdomainnameatlonglast.com. Archived from the original on 2011-11-17. Retrieved 2011-12-17.
  26. ^ cited in some editions of the Guinness Book of Records as the longest word in English, see Askoxford.com on the longest English word
  27. ^ [1][dead link]
  28. ^ «GeoNames Government of Canada site». Archived from the original on 2009-02-06.
  29. ^ Belluck, Pam (2004-11-20). «What’s the Name of That Lake? It’s Hard to Say». The New York Times.
  30. ^ «Geoscience Australia Gazetteer». Archived from the original on 2007-10-01.
  31. ^ «South Australian State Gazetteer». Archived from the original on 2007-10-01.
  32. ^ «Guinness Records».
  33. ^ «Longest Word Without Repeating Letters». December 2014.
  34. ^ a b c «Typewriter Words». Questrel.com. Archived from the original on 2010-09-27. Retrieved 2010-08-22.
  35. ^ «Science Links Japan | Two Unique Aftercataracts Requiring Surgical Removal». Sciencelinks.jp. 2009-03-18. Archived from the original on 2011-02-17. Retrieved 2010-08-22.
  36. ^ «Dictionary entry for monimolimnion, a word that, at 13 letters, is longer than any of the words linked in the source above». Archived from the original on 2009-09-09. Retrieved 2009-08-15.
  37. ^ «Word Records». Fun-with-words.com. Archived from the original on 2012-08-26. Retrieved 2012-08-13.
  38. ^ «Typewriter Words». Wordnik.com. Archived from the original on 2011-07-17. Retrieved 2011-01-15.
  39. ^ «The Dvorak Keyboard and You». Theworldofstuff.com. Archived from the original on 2010-08-20. Retrieved 2010-08-22.

External links

Spoken Wikipedia icon

This audio file was created from a revision of this article dated 8 January 2011, and does not reflect subsequent edits.

  • A Collection of Word Oddities and Trivia – Long words
    • Long words (chemical names)
    • Long words (place names)
  • What is the longest English word?, AskOxford.com «Ask the Experts»
  • What is the Longest Word?, Fun-With-Words.com
  • Full chemical name of titin.
  • Taxonomy of Wordplay

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