Longest word science comes

Therefore, it might come as no surprise that science apparently owns the longest word ever published in a major dictionary. In 45 letters, “Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” describes “a disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.”


Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

What is the longest word in the world that takes 3 hours to say?


All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chemical names is that there’s essentially no limit to how long they can be.

What word is 189 819 letters long?

The word is 189,819 letters long. It’s actually the name of a giant protein called Titin. Proteins are usually named by mashing-up the names of the chemicals making them. And since Titin is the largest protein ever discovered, its name had to be equally as large.

What are the 5 longest words?

  • 10 Longest Words in the English Language. …
  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters) …
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters) …
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters) …
  • Honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters) …
  • Thyroparathyroidectomized (25 letters) …
  • Antiestablishmentarian (22 letters)

What is the shortest word?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

What is titin full name?

So what’s the word? Wikipedia’s says that it’s “Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl … isoleucine” (ellipses necessary), which is the “chemical name of titin, the largest known protein.” Also, there’s some dispute about whether this is really a word.

Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a real word in the dictionary?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as “a nonsense word, originally used esp. by children, and typically expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous”, while Dictionary.com says it is “used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.”

Is there a word without a vowel?

Words with no vowels

Cwm and crwth do not contain the letters a, e, i, o, u, or y, the usual vowels (that is, the usual symbols that stand for vowel sounds) in English. … Shh, psst, and hmm do not have vowels, either vowel symbols or vowel sounds.

What is Kakorrhaphiophobia?

: abnormal fear of failure.

What is the hardest word to say?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

26 окт. 2018 г.

Which language has the largest vocabulary?

Counting the Words in the Dictionary

Language Words in the Dictionary
English 171,476
Russian 150,000
Spanish 93,000
Chinese 85,568

How do you pronounce Floccinaucinihilipilification?


  1. PRONUNCIATION: (FLOK-si-NO-si-NY-HIL-i-PIL-i-fi-KAY-shuhn)
  2. MEANING: noun: Estimating as worthless.
  4. NOTES: …
  5. USAGE: …

11 янв. 2018 г.

Is abnegation a real word?

abnegation Add to list Share. When you purposely deny yourself something, especially in favor of the needs of others, you would describe this act as an abnegation. … The noun abnegation definitely has the sense of self-denial and self-sacrifice.

What is the longest word for beautiful?

Pulchritudinous | Definition of Pulchritudinous at Dictionary.com.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the longest word in chemistry?
  2. What is the 189 819 Letter Word?
  3. How do you spell easy?
  4. What is the hardest spelling bee word?
  5. How do you spell 100 in English?
  6. How Do You Spell 1000?
  7. How do you spell 11?
  8. How do you spell 13 in letters?
  9. How do you say 0 in Spanish?
  10. How do you say 11 in Spanish?
  11. How do you say 8 in Spanish?
  12. How do u say 25 in Spanish?

Therefore, it might come as no surprise that science apparently owns the longest word ever published in a major dictionary. In 45 letters, “Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis” describes “a disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.”

What is the longest word in chemistry?

If we’re talking chemistry, the longest chemical name is 189,819 letters long. It is the chemical name for titin, a giant filamentous protein essential to the structure, development, and elasticity of muscle.

What is the 189 819 Letter Word?

Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters) The longest unchallenged nontechnical word that not all directories recognize, is floccinaucinihilipilification – the act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant, of having no value or being worthless. Often times, it is used in good humor.

How do you spell easy?

Correct spelling for the English word “easy” is [ˈiːzi], [ˈiːzi], [ˈiː_z_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet)….Similar spelling words for EASY

  1. ease,
  2. east,
  3. each,
  4. EAS.

What is the hardest spelling bee word?

The 25 Toughest Winning Words Ever Spelled In The National Spelling Bee

  • Cerise. Adobe. Year: 1926.
  • Albumen. Adobe. Year: 1928.
  • Foulard. Adobe. Year: 1931.
  • Semaphore. Adobe. Year: 1946.
  • Insouciant. Adobe. Year: 1951.
  • Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images. Soubrette. Year: 1953.
  • Schappe. Adobe. Year: 1957.
  • Eudaemonic. Adobe. Year: 1960.

How do you spell 100 in English?

The number 100 is written as “one hundred”, but sometimes people say “a hundred”.

How Do You Spell 1000?

American English and British English spellings are little different for numbers but spelled in the same manner.

  1. 1000 in words : one thousand.
  2. 1000 in english : one thousand. How to Pronunce 1000 in english(IPA) ? Enter Your Number. 999. 1000. 1001. How do you spell 1000 in currency Spelling ?

How do you spell 11?

eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.

How do you spell 13 in letters?

British Dictionary definitions for thirteenth

  1. coming after the twelfth in numbering or counting order, position, time, etc; being the ordinal number of thirteen: often written 13th.
  2. (as noun)Friday the thirteenth.

How do you say 0 in Spanish?

If you want to say “zero” in Spanish you would use “el cero”. It’s part of the 0-10 sequence you may already know: cero, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.

How do you say 11 in Spanish?

Get more practise! Click on this link to hear numbers said in Spanish….

1 uno/a (OO-noh)
11 once (OHN-say)
12 doce (DOH-say)
13 trece (TRAY-say)
14 catorce (kah-TOHR-say)

How do you say 8 in Spanish?

Here is the complete list of numbers from 1 to 100, translated into Spanish, in their “canonical” form (singular masculine noun). Click on any number to see more details and examples….The list of Spanish numbers 1-100.

# English Spanish
7 seven siete
8 eight ocho
9 nine nueve
10 ten diez

How do u say 25 in Spanish?

If you want to say the word for “20” in Spanish, you would say, “veinticinco.” It’s part of a sequence you may already know: veinticinco (25), cincuenta (50), setenta y cinco (75), cien (100).

Last Updated: Dec 30, 2019
How many words exactly are in the English language? The second edition of the current 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 words in current use. That’s a lot! Which gets the mind thinking the next question, what’s the longest word in current use today?

Many of the longest words in the dictionary refer to medicine or chemistry. You’ll find a few defined in here along with other long words that you may or may not already use. Here’s how Merriam-Webster defines the ten longest words in the English language.

1. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust.

2. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (36 letters)

Ironically, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest work in the dictionary and is the name for a fear of long words! Who would have thought, right?

3. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)

Perhaps the best word of all! Made popular by the film Mary Poppins, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is something to say when you have nothing to say.

4. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)

A relatively mild form of pseudohypoparathyroidism that is characterized by normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

5. Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)

The longest unchallenged nontechnical word that not all directories recognize, that including Merriam-Webster. According to alternative sources, floccinaucinihilipilification is the act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant, of having no value or being worthless. Often times, it is used in a humorous way.

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6. Antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters)

A term referring to a political movement in 19th century Britain that sought to separate church and state. In this case, political movement wanted to disestablish the Church of England as the official state church of England, Ireland and Wales.

7. Honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters)

The longest word in Shakespeare’s works. Honorificabilitudinitatibus is the longest word in the English language featuring alternating consonants and vowels.

8. Thyroparathyroidectomized (25 letters)

A medical term that defines the excision of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

9. Dichlorodifluoromethane (23 letters)

A chlorofluoromethane CF2Cl2.

10. Incomprehensibilities (21 letters)

Impossible to comprehend. In the 1990’s, incomprehensibilities set the record as the longest word “in common usage.”

LONGEST ENGLISH WORD:Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl…isoleucine (189,819 letters)

If we’re talking chemistry, the longest chemical name is 189,819 letters long. It is the chemical name for titin, a giant filamentous protein essential to the structure, development, and elasticity of muscle. As to whether or not this is an actual word is disputed by many. It is not in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, so you shouldn’t ever have to worry about spelling it. ?

Source: mosalingua

Do you ever look through a dictionary, marveling at the sheer length of some words? It’s easy to appreciate the complexity of the language and the diversity of the words used to express ourselves. Words can be incredibly powerful tools, and even the longest can carry a lot of meaning. That’s why we’ve decided to take a moment to appreciate some of the longest words in the world. 

This blog post will explore a list of the “20 longest words in the world.” So join us as we take a closer look at the length of language and celebrate the power of the written word!

Exploring longest words in the world: 20 examples

  1. Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylalanyl…isoleucine
  2. Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic
  3. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  4. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
  5. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 
  6. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian
  7. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism 
  8. Floccinaucinihilipilification 
  9. Antidisestablishmentarianism 
  10. Spectrophotofluorometrically 
  11. Hepaticocholangiogastrostomy 
  12.  Psychoneuroendocrinological 
  13. Honorificabilitudinitatibus 
  14. Pneumoencephalographically 
  15. Thyroparathyroidectomized
  16. Otorhinolaryngological 
  17. Incomprehensibilities 
  18. Dermatoglyphics 
  19. Sesquipedalianism 
  20. Strengths

1. Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylalanyl…isoleucine (189,819 letters)

You know how you can see a word, and it makes you want to say it aloud? That’s what happened when we learned about the world’s longest word. It’s called “methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl…isoleucine,” 189,819 letters long.

This is a technical name for titin’s chemical composition. This word is long because titin is formed by 244 individual protein domains connected into one sequence. That’s almost three hours of speaking time. It’s so long that it doesn’t fit on paper! But we must keep trying: if we can pronounce it, maybe we’ll get a cool nickname like “Methi-Gnome” or “Methi-Gnomy.”

2. Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic (52 letters)

Source: Chegg

This tongue-twister of a word has 52 letters, making it one of the longest words in the English language. It is a technical term used to describe a particular type of acid found in certain rocks. The word was first coined in 1841 by the German mineralogist Friedrich August Rosenbusch.

The word is comprised of seven parts: Aequeo (meaning “equal”), Salino (“saline” or “salty”), Calculi (“lime” or “calcium”), Curacao (“waxy”), Aluminoso (“aluminum”), Cupreo (“copper”) and Vitriolic (“corrosive”). When put together, this lengthy word can be translated to mean “an equal saline-alkaline-waxy-aluminum-copper-corrosive acid.”

3. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

Source: Chegg

This long word is the scientific name for a lung disease known as silicosis or miners’ asthma. The word was coined in 1959 by Everett Chapman, an American physician and pathologist attempting to find a suitable name for the condition.

Despite being the most extended term in English and being included in the Oxford English Dictionary, it is rarely used outside the medical industry. The disease can be treated with medications, but once it has progressed, the only option is to avoid exposure to silica dust.

4. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (36 letters)

Source: Vowelor

If you’ve ever heard of a word that seemed so long and complex that you thought it was made up, you may have heard of the longest word in the English language. This 36-letter monstrosity is known as Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia and is defined as “the fear of long words.” The root of this word can be broken down into four parts: ‘hippopotamus,’ ‘a monster,’ ‘equipment,’ and ‘fear.’

The word was first used in an article written in 1949, where the author referenced the term when talking about a man who had an irrational fear of big words.

5. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)

This is arguably one of the most famous words in the world, made popular by the 1964 musical Mary Poppins. It’s a nonsense word that means “something to say when you have nothing to say.” Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters) is the longest word in the English language that doesn’t contain any repeating letters. It has become one of the most beloved words in the world and is often used in popular culture.

While it may seem like a strange and foreign word, it is a combination of several other words: “super-” (meaning “above” or “beyond”), “cali-” (from “calisthenics,” meaning “exercises”), “fragilistic-” (from “fragile,” meaning “breakable”), “expiali-” (from “expiation,” meaning “atonement”), and “docious” (from “dociousness,” meaning “teachable”). Together, these words create an impressive and unforgettable word that has come to signify something more than its parts. 

6. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian (30 letters)

Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian is an impressive word, standing at a whopping 30 letters long. It comes from the Greek “hippos,” meaning horse, “potamos” meaning river, “monstrōs” meaning monster; and “eskhein” meaning to equip or furnish. The word refers to something very long and complicated, such as a word or phrase.

In addition to being a great conversation starter, Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian has also seen some use in popular culture. In the animated film Monsters Inc., Roz uses the word to describe Mike’s name: “Mike Wazowski? That’s a mouthful – hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian!”

So, It’s sure to get a few laughs; of course, its lengthy length will undoubtedly turn a few heads.

7. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)

Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is one of the longest words in the English language, measuring a whopping 30 letters in length. This medical term is used to describe a rare inherited condition that affects calcium levels in the body. 

The term pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is derived from the Greek roots “pseudo,” meaning false, “hypo,” meaning under or below, and “parathyroid,” which refers to the four small glands in the neck responsible for regulating calcium in the body. 

8. Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)

Source: Chegg

This word first appeared in the late 18th century and is derived from Latin. It means ‘the estimation of something as worthless’ or ‘treating something as insignificant.’ 

Floccinaucinihilipilification is a perfect example of how long and complicated English words can be. Although it may appear intimidating at first, it can be broken down into more manageable parts, such as “flocci,” “nauci,” “nihili,” and “pilification.” Understanding the meaning of each part can help you to understand the entire word more quickly, and it can also help you to use the word in your writing.

9. Antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters)

It is one of the longest words in the English language, and you may be surprised by its meaning. Antidisestablishmentarianism means opposition to the withdrawal of government support or recognition of an established church or religion. 

The word comprises two parts: anti, meaning “against,” and disestablishmentarianism, which refers to dissolving an established church. The term was first used in the 16th century in England when Anglicans wanted to abolish the Church of England’s official status as the state religion. 

It is also an exciting example of how a single long word can be used to explain a complex idea.

10. Spectrophotofluorometrically (28 letters)

Source: Slideplayer

This impressive word first appeared in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1967. It is an adjective that refers to the measurement of light or radiation using a spectrophotofluorometer, a scientific device used for measuring the relative amounts of light absorbed and emitted by a substance. 

It’s quite a mouthful, and even the most ardent wordsmiths might struggle to pronounce it! But as complex as the word may sound, its meaning can be explained in just a few short sentences, making it much easier to appreciate its true beauty.

11. Hepaticocholangiogastrostomy (28 letters)

We’ve been amazed by the length of some words! Hepaticocholangiogastrostomy is one of them – 28 letters and counting. This medical term refers to a surgical procedure that connects the liver, bile ducts, and stomach.

To think that surgeons can perform these intricate procedures while saying this mouthful of a word out loud is simply incredible! The skill, precision, and finesse required are awe-inspiring and worthy of admiration.

12. Psychoneuroendocrinological (27 letters)

Psychoneuroendocrinological is a word that will make your jaw drop. At 27 letters, it’s one of the longest words in the world and is a fantastic feat for anyone to be able to say aloud with ease. It references a complex field of medicine that studies how hormones interact with mental and neurological processes. 

The complexity and technicalities behind this subject matter are impressive – understanding them requires expertise and skill. To think that experts can comprehend and work with such long words as psychoneuroendocrinological is simply awe-inspiring!

13. Honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters)

Source: Chegg

This is one of the longest words in the world and is derived from a line in William Shakespeare’s play Love’s Labour’s Lost. It is used to describe someone capable of achieving great honors. The word translates as “the state of being able to achieve honors.” This makes it a fitting way to describe someone capable of doing great things and making a name for themselves.

The word has been used in various forms throughout history, though its most famous use is as part of a line from Shakespeare’s work. The entire line reads: “Honorificabilitudinitatibus: O form of majesty!” This reflects the awe-inspiring power and influence someone of greatness can have.

14. Pneumoencephalographically (26 letters)

It’s astonishing to think that experts can master long words like pneumoencephalographically. With 26 letters, it is among the world’s longest and references a branch of medical science that looks into how hormones interact with mental and neurological activities. This understanding has enabled better diagnosis and treatment plans for physiological and psychological conditions.

Knowing the technicalities behind this subject matter requires skill, knowledge, and expertise – all highly admirable qualities. It certainly puts one in awe when we realize that professionals are capable of mastering such complex topics!

15. Thyroparathyroidectomized (25 letters)

Thyroparathyroidectomized has 25 letters and is used to describe the surgical removal of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It is commonly used to treat hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid gland.

Thyroparathyroidectomized is not only long but also complex, having numerous syllables that are difficult to pronounce. The word is derived from several different parts, including thyroid-, parathyroid-, and ectomy. The prefix thyro- means “about the thyroid”; the suffix -ectomy means “surgical removal”; and the root parathyroid- refers to the four parathyroid glands near the thyroid gland.

16. Otorhinolaryngological (22 letters)

With 22 letters, Otorhinolaryngological is one of the longest words in the world! This word is derived from the Greek words “oto” meaning ear, “rhino” meaning nose, “laryngo” meaning throat; and “logical” meaning science or study. It refers to the medical specialty concerned with problems of the ears, nose, and throat.

This is an incredibly specialized field of medicine that requires extensive knowledge and training to master. The name is also so long that most people don’t know how to pronounce it correctly! The correct pronunciation of this word is “oh-toh-ree-noh-luh-ring-goh-lij-ik-uhl.”

17. Incomprehensibilities (21 letters)

Incomprehensibilities is one of the longest words in the English language, with 21 letters. It means “the state or quality of being incomprehensible” or “something that cannot be understood.” It is derived from the Latin word incomprehensibilis, which comes from the prefix in-, meaning “not,” and comprehensibilis meaning “able to be comprehended.”

Incomprehensibilities has become quite popular in recent years, especially with those who are looking for long words to challenge their friends and colleagues. It is often used in scrabble games, other word puzzles, online forums, and chat rooms. It has even been featured on popular TV shows such as Jeopardy!

18. Dermatoglyphics (15 letters)

Dermatoglyphics is a fifteen-letter noun that holds the distinction of being the longest word in the English language that doesn’t contain any repeated letters. It comes from the Greek words derma, meaning “skin,” and glyph, meaning “to carve or engrave.” Dermatoglyphics refers to studying fingerprints and skin patterns, such as ridge count and pattern types. It is used in many fields, such as anthropology, forensics, medicine, and genetics. It is also used to diagnose genetic and hereditary diseases, which is why dermatoglyphics are still studied today.

19. Sesquipedalianism (14 letters)

Sesquipedalianism is a term used to describe the tendency to use long words. It has come to be used to describe someone who uses complex and often obscure words to express their thoughts or ideas.

Sesquipedalian words can create an air of sophistication or make a more precise point. Sesquipedalianism is a handy tool for anyone who wants to express themselves elegantly and precisely. If you want to ensure that your message is getting across without miscommunication, then using these types of words can help you achieve that goal.

20. Strengths (9 letters)

The word strengths is a rather impressive nine-letter word that often gets overlooked when discussing the longest words in the world. It doesn’t come close to the longest word in the world, but it deserves to be on the list for its nearly all-consonant composition. This makes it a unique word, and the fact that it is only nine letters long makes it even more remarkable.

Strengths can refer to a person’s positive qualities or abilities and can be used as a noun or an adjective. No matter how you use it, the word strengths are sure to make an impression.

Commonly asked questions:

Here are a few questions that are asked by the people when it comes to the 20 Longest Words In The World. 

What are some challenging words?

Some tricky English words include:

  1. Stationary vs Stationery.
  2. Separate.
  3. Effect vs affect
  4. Embarrassed.
  5. Compliment vs. Complement.

Which term is most commonly misspelled?

According to WordTips, “coolly” and “minuscule” are the most commonly misspelled words in the majority of English-speaking countries, including the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Australia.

What is the world’s most difficult word?

7 of the most difficult English words that will make you forget what you were going to say:

  1. Worcestershire
  2. Rural
  3. Sixth
  4. Sesquipedalian
  5. Phenomenon
  6. Onomatopoeia
  7. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.


The world is full of incredibly long words that many people are unaware of. Understanding the meaning behind these words is key to appreciating their length and complexity. These longer words often have exciting backstories and origins.

Whether you learn more about them for yourself or use them to impress your friends, there’s no denying that these words are fascinating. While these words may seem daunting at first, mastering them can help you better understand language, culture, and the world around you.

So next time you encounter an intimidatingly long word, take the time to appreciate its complexity and the power of language.

According to the 20th volume of the Oxford English Dictionary, there are a total of 171,476 words in current use. With this number of words, your mind will begin to imagine which words are the longest and how many letters they have. Well, you needn’t wonder anymore, this article has got you covered.

A very high percentage of the longest words in English are medicine and chemistry terminologies. However, you will not find some of them in the dictionary as space is an essential constraint of a dictionary.

For example, the longest word in the English language is METHIONYLTHREONYLTHREONYGLUTAMINYLARGINYL…ISOLEUCINE which is the full chemical name for the human protein titin. The word has 189,819 letters, taking about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chemical names in the dictionary is that there is no limit to how long it can be.

In the same light, the longest word to ever appear in the literature is from Assemblywomen, a play by Aristophanes published in 391 BC. LOPADOTEMACHOSELACHOGALEOKRANIOLEIPSAN…PTERYGON is a Greek word that has a total of 171 letters that translates to 183.

However, this article is focused on the longest English words in the dictionary. There are several lengthy words in the dictionary. Continue reading to appreciate a few of them.

PneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisThis is the longest word in the dictionary, with a total of forty-five letters. Also, it has 19 syllables which divides as pneu-mo-no-ul-tra-mi-cro-scop-ic-sil-i-co-vol-ca-no-co-ni-o-sis.

The forty-five-letter word is a noun that refers to a lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica, quartz dust, very fine ash or sand dust found in volcanoes.

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was invented in the 1930s during the annual meeting of the National Puzzlers’ League (N.P.L.) by Everett M. Smith (the president). The word was coined in imitation of very long medical terms. The 45-letter word is a synonym for the disease known as silicosis.

Additionally, it first appeared in the supplement to the Merriam-Webster New International Dictionary in the year 1939.

HippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobiaThe second position on the list is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, with a total of thirty-six letters. Plus, it has 15 syllables which divides into hip-po-pot-o-mon-stro-ses-quip-ped-al-i-o-pho-bi-a.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a noun that refers to the fear of long words. Isn’t it ironic that the word that means the fear of long words is actually one of the longest words in the dictionary?

Additionally, the prefix hippopoto- and monstro- which alludes to hippopotamus and monsters, were only added to the word to blow the word out of proportion. You don’t necessarily need them for the meaning. The word’s true meaning comes for the Latin word sesquipedalis, which means a foot and a half long and the word phobia, meaning an irrational fear.

SupercalifragilisticexpialidociousSupercalifragilisticexpialidocious is the third-longest word in the English language, having a total of thirty-four letters. However, it is not a word that appears in all dictionary, only a few. Plus, it has 14 syllables which divides into su-per-cal-i-frag-i-lis-tic-ex-pi-al-i-do-cious.

The thirty-four-letter word is an adjective that means extraordinarily good or wonderful. However, the oxford dictionary defines the word as a nonsense word typically used by children to express excited approbation.

If you ever watched Mary Poppins (the 1964 film) as a child, you might remember supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as first used by Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins described it as a word to use when you have nothing to say.

PseudopseudohypoparathyroidismThis is the fourth-longest word in the dictionary, and the longest non-coined word in the English language with a total of thirty letters is pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism. The thirty-letter word has 11 syllables, which divide into Pseu-do-pseu-do-hy-po-pa-ra-thy-roid-ism.

Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism, which is often abbreviated as PPHP, is a noun that refers to the condition that causes the soft tissues and joints in the body to harden, leading to a round face, short stature and short hand bones. This condition is often inherited

Pseudo means false or fake. The word consists of the word pseudo twice because the disorder stimulates the peculiar symptoms of pseudohypoparathyroidism, whereby the body does not respond to the parathyroid hormone. This shows two-level of faking it or falseness going on.

FloccinaucinihilipilificationThe fifth on the list is Floccinaucinihilipilification coming with a total of twenty-nine letters. Floccinaucinihilipilification has 12 syllables which divides into floc-ci-nau-ci-ni-hil-i-pil-i-fi-ca-tion.

Floccinaucinihilipilification is a noun that refers to the action or habit of estimating something as worthless or valueless. It is mostly never used except in a list of the longest words in the English language. However, when it is used, it is often in reference to itself.

The twenty-nine letter word dates back to the mid-18th century having Latin roots. It is made up of the Latin words flocci, nauci, nihili, and pili, which means little value. The first recorded use of Floccinaucinihilipilification was in a letter by William Shenstone in 1741.

AntidisestablishmentarianismFollowing closely on the list is Antidisestablishmentarianism, with a total of twenty-eight letters. Antidisestablishmentarianism is pronounced in 12 syllables which divides into an-ti-dis-es-tab-lish-ment-ar-i-an-is-m.

Antidisestablishmentarianism originally referred to the opposition of the Church of England’s disestablishment and the advocacy that the church should continue to receive government patronage. However, it is now being used to describe any opposition to withdrawing government support from religions or churches.

Also, in 1838, Antidisestablishmentarianism was first said by Weekley. The word was first recorded in Gladstone’s “Church and State. Furthermore, the twenty-eight-letter word, a prime example of a sesquipedalian word, is never really used today and was rarely used after it was formed.

HonorificabilitudinitatibusHonorificabilitudinitatibus is the longest word in the dictionary that features only alternating consonants and vowels with 27 letters. Also, it has a total of 11 syllables, which divides into Hon-ori-fi-ca-bi-li-tu-dini-tat-i-bus.

Honorificabilitudinitatibus is a noun that means the state of being able to achieve honours. Also, it is the ablative and dative plural of the Latin word honorificabilitudinitas. The twenty-seven letters only appeared only once in Shakespeare’s works (Love’s Labour’s Lost).

IncomprehensibilitiesComing eighth on the list is incomprehensibilities with a total of twenty-one letters. The pronunciation of Incomprehensibilities comes in 8 syllables, which divides into in-com-pri-hen-si-bi-li-ties.

Incomprehensibilities is a noun that refers to the things that are impossible to understand or comprehend; it could also mean unintelligible.

The word was derived in Middle English from the Latin word incomprehēnsibilis; it was first recorded sometime in the early 1300s. Also, during the 1990s, the word was named the longest word in common usage.

UncharacteristicallyWith 20 letters words, the next letter is uncharacteristically. The pronunciation of the word comes in 8 syllables, which divides into un-char-ac-ter-is-ti-ca-lly.

Uncharacteristically, it is an adverb that means performing an action in a way that is not typical for a person or thing. The first known use of uncharacteristically was in 1748.

UncopyrightableIsograms are words that have no repeated letters in their spellings; there are several isograms in the English dictionary. The longest isogram is subdermatoglyphic, with a total of 17 letters. However, subdermatoglyphic is not included in the dictionary; that is why it is not part of this list.

On the other hand, the next longest isogram is uncopyrightable, which is a word included in the English dictionary, has a total of 15 letters. Plus, it has six syllables that break down into un-co-py-righ-ta-ble.

Uncopyrightable is an adjective that means not allowed to or not able to be protected by copyright, the first known use of the word was in 1926.

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