Intelligence | Emotional Literacy
Words / Emotion Words
Describing Feelings and Emotions
a waste aback abandoned abased abashed abated abducted aberrant aberration abhorred abhorrent abiding abject ablaze able abnormal aboard abolished abominable aboriginal |
aborted abortive abounding about above average abrasive abrupt absent absent-minded absolved absorbed absorbent absorbing abstemious abstract absurd abstracted abulic abused abusive abysmal |
abyssal accelerated acceptable accepted accepting accessible accident-prone accidental acclaimed acclimated accommodated accommodating accomplished accosted accosting accountable accredited acrid accurate accursed accusatory |
accused accusing acerbic aching acknowledged acquiescent acquisitive acrimonious activated active actualized accurate ad hoc adaptable adapted adamant addicted addled adept adequate adhered to |
adhering adhesive adjoined adjoined to adjoined with adjoining admirable admiration admired admiring admonished adopted adorable adored adoring adorned adrift adroit adult adulterated adulterous |
advanced adventurous adverse affable affected affection affectionate affirmed afflicted affluent affray affrayed affronted aflutter afraid against agape aggrandized aggravated aggressive aggrieved |
aghast agitated aglow agnostic agog agonized agonizing agony agoraphobic agreeable ahead ail ailed aimless airy alarmed alcoholic alert alien alienated alike |
alive alleged allied allowed allowing allured alluring alone aloof almighty alright altruistic amateur amazed amazing ambiguous ambitious ambivalent ambushed amenable amiable |
amorous ample amuck amused amusing analytical analyzed anarchistic anchored ancient anemic anesthetized angry angst angsty* anguish anguished anhedonic animalistic animated animosity |
annihilated annoyed annoying anointed anonymous antagonistic antagonized anticipation antique antiquated antisocial antsy anxiety anxious apart apathetic apathy apologetic apoplectic apologized to appalled |
appealed appealing appeased applauded appraised appreciated appreciative apprehension apprehensive approachable appropriate approved approved of approving aquiver archaic ardent arduous argued with argumentative aristocratic |
armored aroused arrogant artful articulate artificial artistic artless ascetic ashamed asinine asleep asocial asphyxiated aspiring assaulted assertive assessed assisted assuaged assured |
astonished astonishing astounded astute asymmetrical at a loss at ease at home at peace at peril at rest at risk at war ataraxic atrocious atrophied attached attacked attentive attracted attractive |
attuned atypical audacious auspicious austere authentic authoritarian authoritative autistic autocratic automated automatic available avaricious avenged average aversion aversive avid avoided awake |
awakened aware awe awed awesome awestruck awful awkward awry axiomatic B babied |
baffled baited balanced ballistic bamboozled banal banished bankrupt banned bantered bare barracked barraged barbarous barbarous barred barren base bashful battered battle-weary |
battle-worn batty bawdy bawled out bearable bearish beastly beat beaten beaten down beatific beautiful beckoned bedazzled bedeviled bedraggled befitting befriended befuddled beggarly begged |
begrudged beguiled behind beholden beleaguered believed believing belittled bellicose belligerent belonging below average beloved bemeaned bemused benevolent benign bent berated bereaved bereft berserk beseeched |
beset besieged besmirched besotted bested bestial betrayed better bewildered bewitched bewitching biased big bilious bitched at bitchin’ bitchy biting bitter bittersweet bizarre |
black blackened blacklisted blackmailed blah blame free blamed blameless blaming bland blank blanketed blase blasphemous blasted bleak bled bleeding blessed blighted blind |
bliss blissful blithe blocked bloodthirsty bloody bloody-minded bloomed blooming blossomed blossoming blown apart blown around blown away blown to bits blown to pieces blown up bludgeoned blue blur blurred |
blurry blustered boastful bodacious boggled bogus boiling boisterous bold bombarded bombastic bonkers boorish bored boring bossed-around bossy bothered bothersome bottled bottled up |
bought bouncy bound bound-up bounded boundless boxed-in boxed-out bowled over braced brainwashable brainwashed brainy brash bratty brave brazen breathless breathtaken breathtaking breezy |
brief bridled bright bright eyed bright eyed and bushy tailed brilliant brisk bristling broad broadminded broken broken-hearted broken-down broken-up brooding broody browbeaten bruised brushed-off burly busted |
brutal brutalized brutish bubbly bucky * see note below buffeted bugged buggered bulldozed bullied bullish bullshitted bullshitted to bummed bummed out buoyant burdened burdensome buried burned burned-out |
burned-up bursting bushed bushwhacked busy buzzed bypassed C caged |
cannibalized canny cantankerous capable capitulated capitulating capitulation capricious captious captivated captivating captive captured cared about cared for carefree careful careless careworn caring carried away |
cast cast about cast down cast out castigated catapulted catatonic categorized cathartic catty caught cautious ceaseless cavalier censored censured centered certain chafed chagrined chained |
challenged challenging changeable changed changing chaotic chapfallen charged charismatic charitable charmed charming chased chaste chastised chatty cheap cheapened cheated cheated on cheeky |
cheerful cheerless cheery cherished chewed-up chic chicken chided childish childless childlike chilled chilling chilly chipper chivalrous choked choked-up choosy chosen chucked out |
chuffed churlish circumspect circumvented civil civilized clammy classy claustrophobic clean cleansed clear cleared clear-headed clenched clever clingy cloistered close closed closed in |
closed-minded clouded cloudy clowned (made a fool of) clued in clueless clumsy clung to coarse coaxed cocky codependent coddled coerced coherent cold cold-blooded cold-hearted collapsed collapsing collected |
colonized colorful colossal comatose combative comfortable comforted comfy commanded commanding committed common commonplace communicative communistic comparative compared compassionate compatible compelled compersion |
competent competitive complacent complementary complete complex compliant complicated complimentary complimented composed compressed compromised compromising compulsive compunction conceited concentrated concerned condemned condescended to |
condescending confident confined confirmed confirming conflicted conforming conformist confounded confronted confronting confrontive confused congenial connected conned conniving conquered conscientious conscious consecrated |
conservative considerate considered consistent consoled consoling conspicuous conspiratorial conspired against constrained constricted constructive consulted consumed contagious contained contaminated contemplative contempt contemptible contemptuous |
content contented contentious contrarian contrary contradictory contributing contrite controlled controlling convenient conventional convicted convinced convincing convivial cooed to cooing cool cooped up cooperative |
copasetic coped with copied coping cordial cornered corralled correct corrosive corrupt corrupted counterfeit counter- productive courageous courteous courtly coveted covetous cowardly coy |
cozy crabby crashed crafty cramped cranky crap crappy crass craven craving crazed crazy credible creeped out creepy creative credulous crestfallen criminal crippled |
critical criticized crooked cross crossed cross-examined crotchety crowded crucial crucified cruddy crude cruel crummy crumpled crushed cryptic cuckolded cuckoo cuddled cuddly |
culled culpable cultivated cultured cumbersome cunning cupidity curious curmudgeonly cursed cut cut-down cute cut-off cynical D daffy |
dainty damaged damaging damned dandy dangerous dapper dared daring dark dashed dashing dastardly daunted dauntless dazed dazzled dazzling dead dead inside deadpan |
dear debased debated debauched debilitated debilitating debriefed decadent debonair deceitful deceived decent deceptive decisive decided decimated decorous decrepit decried dedicated deep |
deeply defamed deafened defeated defective defenseless defensive deferent defiant deficient defiled definite deflated deformed degenerate degradation degraded dehumanized dejected delayed deleted |
deleterious delicate delighted delightful delinquent delirious delivered deluded demanding demeaned demeaning demented democratic demolished demonized demoralized demoralizing demoted demotivated demure denatured |
denigrated denounced dense denurtured dependable depended upon dependent depleted deported depraved deprecated depreciated depressed deprived derailed deranged derided derisive desecrated deserted deserving |
desiccated desirable desire desired desirous desolate despair despairing desperate despicable despised despondent detailed destitute destroyed destructive desultory detached detained deteriorated determined |
detest detestable detested detoxified devaluated devalued devastated developed deviant devil-may-care devious devoid devoid of… devoted devoured devout diabolical diagnosed dictated to dictatorial didactic |
different difficult diffident diffused dignified diligent dim dimensionless diminished diminutive diplomatic dire direful direct directionless dirty disabled disaffected disagreeable disalike* disappointed |
disappointing disapproved of disapproving disarmed disbelieved disbelieving discardable discarded disciplined discomfit discombobulated disconcerted disconnected disconsolate discontent discontented discounted discouraged discouraging discredited discriminated |
discriminating discreet disdain disdained disdainful disembodied disempowered disenchanted disenfranchised disengaged disentangled disfavored disgraced disgraceful disgracing disgruntled disguised disgust disgusted disgusting disharmonious |
disheartened disheveled dishonest dishonorable dishonored disillusioned disinclined disingenuous disintegritous * disinterested disjointed dislike disliked dislocated dislodged disloyal dismal dismayed dismembered dismissed dismissive |
disobedient disobeyed disorderly disorganized disoriented disowned disparaged dispassionate dispensable dispirited displaced displeased disposable dispossessed disputed disquieted disregarded disrespected disruptive dissatisfied dissected |
dissed dissident dissipated dissociated distant distinguished distorted distracted distraught distressed distrusted distrustful disturbed disused ditched divergent diverted divested divisable divided divorced |
dizzy docile dogged dogmatic doleful dolorous domestic domesticated dominant dominated dominating domineered domineering done doomed dooped dorky doted on doting double-crossed doubted |
doubtful dour dowdy down down and out down in the dumps downcast downhearted downtrodden draconian dragged down drained dramatic drastic drawn away drawn back drawn in drawn toward dread dreaded dreadful |
dreamy dreary dried-up driven driven away driven out droll droopy dropped drowning drubbed drummed drunk dry dubious dull dulled dumb dumbfounded dumped dumped on |
dumbstruck duped dusty dutiful dwarfed dying dynamic dysfunctional dysphoric dysthymic E eager |
easy easy-going ebullient eccentric eclectic eclipsed economical ecstatic edgy edified edifying educated effaced effective effeminate effervescent effete efficacious efficient effusive egocentric |
egotistic egotistical elastic elated elevated elderly electric electrified elegant elevated elite eloquent elusive emancipated emasculated embarrassed embittered emboldened embryonic emerged eminent |
emotional emotionless emotionally bankrupt emotionally bloated emotionally constipated emotionally literate emotionally illiterate emotive empathetic empathic emphatic empowered empty empty of (feeling word) enabled enamored enchanted enchanting enclosed encompassed encouraged |
encouraging encroached upon encumbered endangered endeared endearing endowed endurable endured enduring energetic energized enervated enfeebled enfeebling engaged engrossed engulfed enhanced enigmatic enjoyment |
enlightened enlivened enmeshed ennobled ennui enormous enraged enraptured enriched enslaved entangled enterprising entertained entertaining enthralled enthusiastic enticed enticing entitled entombed entranced |
entrapped entrenched entrepreneurial entrusted enveloped envied envious envy equal equality equanimous equable equipped equitable eradicated erratic erasable erased eros escalated essential |
established esteemed estranged ethereal etiolated euphoric evaded evaluated evanescent evasive evicted evil eviscerated exacerbated exacerbating examined exasperated exasperating exasperation excellent excessive |
excitable excited excluded exclusive excommunicated excoriated exculpated execrated excused exempt exempted exhausted exhilarated exiled exigent exonerated exorcised exotic expansive expatriated expendable |
expensive expectant experienced experimental exploitative exploited exported explosive exposed expressive expunged extraordinary extravagant extreme extricated extroverted exuberant exultant F |
fabricated |
faltering famished famous fanatical fanciful fancy fantabulous fantasizing fantastic farcical fascinated fascinating fascination fashionable fast fastidious fat fatalistic fathered fatherless fatigued |
fatuous faulty favored fawned fawned over fawning fazed fear feared fearful fearless feckless fed up feeble feeling feigned feigning feisty felicitous feminine fermenting |
ferocious fertile fervent fervor festive fettered fickle fidgety fiendish fierce fiery filthy fine finicky finished fired firm first first-class first-rate fit |
fixated flabbergasted flagellated flagrant flailed flaky flamboyant flammable flappable flashy flat flattered flawed flawless fledgling fleeced flexible flighty flimflammed flimsy flip |
flippant flipped-out flirtatious flirted with flogged floored flowery fluffy fluid flummoxed floundering flourishing flush flustered fluttering flustrated focused fogged in foggy foiled followed |
fond foolhardy foolish forbearance forbearing forbidden forced forced away forced in forced out forceful foreign fore-sighted forgetful forgettable foggy forgivable forgiven forgiving forgotten forlorn |
formal formed formidable forsaken fortified fortunate forward foul fouled fouled-up fractured fragile fragmented frail framed frank frantic fraternal fraternal loyalty fraudulent fraught |
frazzled freaked freaked out freakish freaky free free and easy frenetic frenzied fresh fret-filled fretful fretting fried, fried out friendless friendly frightened frigid frisky frivolous frolicsome |
froward frowned upon frowning frugal fruitful frustrated frustration fulfilled full full of… full of energy full of life full on fuming funereal fun functional funky funloving funny furious |
furtive fury fussy futile future minded future oriented futuristic G gabby |
gamy ganged up on gaped at gaping garbled garrulous gauche gaudy gawky gay geeky generous genial gentle genuine ghastly giant gigantic giddy gifted giggly |
gilded giving glad glamorized glamorous gleaming glee gleeful glib gloomy glorious glowing glossy glum gluttonous goose bumpy gnawing goaded gobsmacked gobstruck goobered |
good good-looking good-natured goofy gorgeous gory gothic graceful gracious graded grand grandiose granted grateful gratified grave great greed greedy green gregarious |
grey grief grief-stricken grieved grieving grim groovy gross grossed-out grotesque grouchy grounded groveling grown grown up gruesome grumpy guarded gubered (goobered) guided guilt |
guilt-free guilt-tripped guiltless guilty gullible gushy gutless gutsy gutted guttural gypped H habitual |
hallowed half assed half crazy half hearted half mad half witted halted halting hammered hampered handicapped handsome handsomely hapless happy happy-go-lucky harangued harassed hard hardened hard-headed |
hard-hearted hard-pressed hard-working hardy harmed harmless harmonious harnessed harried hassled hasty hate hated hateful hatred haughty haunted hazy headstrong heady healed |
health-conscious healthy heard heartbreaking heartbroken heartened heartful heartless heartrending heartsick heart-to-heart hearty heavy heavy-hearted heckled heeded held dear helped helpful helpless henpecked |
hep herded heroic hexed hesitant hideous high highfalutin highfaluting high-spirited hilarious hindered hip historical hoaxed holistic hollow homely homesick honest honorable |
honored hoodwinked hope hopeful hopeless hormonal horny horrendous horrible horrific horrified horror horror-stricken hospitable hostile hot hot to trot hot-headed hot-tempered hounded huge |
humane humble humbled humdrum humiliated humiliation humility humored humorous hung up hung over hungry hunky dory hunted hurried hurt hustled hyped-up hyper hyperactive hypervigilant |
hyphe, hyphee, hyphy hypnotic hypnotized hypocritical hypomanic hysterical I icky |
ill ill at ease ill-humored ill-tempered illegal illicit illiterate illuminated illustrious imaginary imaginative imbalanced immaculate immature immense imminent immobile immobilized immodest immoral immortal |
immune impaired impartial impassioned impassive impatient impeccable impeded impelled imperatived* imperfect imperiled imperious impermanent impermeable impertinent imperturbable impervious impetuous impious impish |
implacable impolite important imported importunate imposed-upon imposing impotent impoverished impractical impressed imprisoned impudent impugned impulsive impure in a huff in a quandary in a stew in alignment in control |
in despair in doubt in fear in harmony in pain in the dumps in the way in touch in tune inaccessible inactive inadequate inane inappropriate inattentive incapable incapacitated incensed incoherent incommunicative incompatible |
incompetent incomplete inconceivable inconclusive incongruent inconsiderate inconsistent inconsolable inconspicuous inconvenienced inconvenient incorrect incorrigible incredible incredulous inculcated indebted indecent indecisive indefinite indemnified |
indentured independent indescribable indestructible indicted indifferent indignant identified indirect indiscreet indoctrinated indolent indulgent industrious inebriated ineffective ineffectual inefficient inept inert inequality |
inexcusable inexpendable inexperienced inexplicable infallible infamous infantile infantilized infatuated infected inferior infirm inflamed inflammatory inflated inflexible influenced influential informal informed infuriated |
infused ingenious ingenuous ingratiated ingratiating inhibited inhospitable inhumane inimical injured injusticed* innate innocent innovative inoculated inquiring inquisitive insane insatiable inscrutable insecure |
insensitive inside-out insightful insignificant insincere insipid insistent insolent insouciant inspired instinctive instilled instructive insufficient insulted insulting insurgent intact integrated integritous * intellectual intelligent |
intense intent intentional interested interesting interfered with interfering internal interrelated interrogated interrupted intimate intimidated intimidating inoculated intolerant intoxicated intrepid intrigued introspective introverted |
intruded upon intrusive inundated intuitive invalidated invalidating inventive invested invested in invigorated invincible invisible invited inviting involved invulnerable irascible irate irked irrational irrelevant |
irreligious irreproachable irresistible irresolute irresponsible irreverent irritable irritated isolated itchy J jaded |
jazzed jazzy jealous jealousy jeered jejune jeopardized jerked around jilted jinxed jittery jobless jocular jolly jolted jostled jovial joyful joyless joyous jubilant |
judged judgmental judicious juggled juiced juiced up jumbled jumped jumped on jumpy junk junked junky just justiced* justified juvenile K |
kaput keen kept kept at bay kept away kept in kept out kicked kicked around kicked back kidded kind kindhearted kindly kingly kinky knackered knightly knocked knocked down knocked out |
knotted knotted up knotty knowing knowledgeable known kooky L labeled |
laid-back lambasted lame lamentable lamentful * lamenting lampooned languid languishing lascivious lassoed large late laughable laughed at lavish lavished lax lazy lean learned |
led astray leaned on leaning lecherous lectured to leery left out legal legitimate let down lethal lethargic level level-headed lewd liable liberal liberated licentious lied about lied to |
lifeless lifelike lifted light light-hearted likable likeable liked limerent limited limp lionhearted listened to listless literate litigious little lively livid loath loathed |
loathing loathsome logical lonely lonesome longing loopy loose loosed lopsided lorded over lost loud lousy loutish lovable love loved loveless lovely loving |
lovelorn lovestruck low low-spirited lowly lowness loyal lubricious luckless lucky ludicrous lugubrious luminous lured luring lurking lush lust lustful lusty luxuriant |
luxurious lying lynched lyrical M macabre |
maladjusted malaise maligned malcontent malleable malevolent malice malicious malignant maligned malnourished mammoth man handled manageable managed managerial mangled maniacal manic manipulable manipulated |
manipulative manly marauding marginalized marked married marshalled around marvelous masochistic massive masterful materialistic maternal mature maudlin meager mean meanness measly mechanical medicated |
mediocre meditative medmanic meek megalomaniacal meh melancholic melancholy melded mellow melodic melodramatic menaced menacing mended merciful mere merry mesmerized messed about messed around messed with |
messed up messy methodical meticulous micro-managed miffed mighty militant mind-bent mind-blown mind-*ucked mind-gamed mind-shattered mind-warped mindful mindless miniature minimized miniscule minor miraculous |
mirthful misaligned misanthropic mischievous miscreant misdiagnosed miserable miserly misgiving misguided misidentified misinformed misinterpreted misled misrepresented missed missed out missing missing out mistaken mistreated |
mistrusted mistrustful misunderstood misused mixed-up moaning moany mobbed mobile mobilized mocked mocking modern modest molded moldy molested mollified mollycoddled momentous monitored |
monopolistic monopolized monstrous moody mopey moping moral moralistic morbid mordant moribund moronic morose mortified mothered mothering motherless motherly motivated mournful mouthy |
moved mucked up muddied muddled muffled multi-directional mummified mumpish mundane murderous murky mushy musical mutinied mutinous muzzled mysterious mystical mystified |
N ====== nagged |
nebulous necessary need needed needled needless needy negated negative neglected negligent neighborly nerdy nervous nervy nestled nettled neurotic neutral new nice |
nifty niggardly niggled nihilistic nippy nit-picked nit-picking nit-picky noble noiseless noisy nomadic nonchalant noncommittal nonconforming nonconformst nondescript nonexistent nonplused nonresistant normal |
nosey nosy nostalgic nothing noticed nourished nourishing novel noxious nudged null nullified numb numbed nursed nurtured nurturing nuts nutty |
O ======= obedient |
obstructed obvious odd off off the hook off-balance off-center offended offensive officious ogre-ish okay old old-fashioned omnipotent on on call on display on time one-upped open |
open-minded opinionated opportunistic opposed opposition oppositional oppressed optimistic opulent ordered around orderly organized orgasmic ornery orphaned ostentatious ostracized ousted out of balance out of control out of it |
out of place out of sorts out of style out of touch out of tune outdated outdone outgoing outlandish outnumbered outpowered outraged outrageous outranked outreasoned outspoken over over-controlled over-depended upon over-done over-educated |
over-pathologized over-prepared over-protected over-ruled over-simplified overanxious overbearing overcome overdrawn overestimated overjoyed overloaded overlooked overpowered oversensitive overwhelmed overworked overwrought overszealous owed owing |
owned ownership owning P pacified |
paranoid parasitic pardoned parsimonious partial passed by passed off passed over passed up passionate passive pastoral paternal pathetic pathologized patient patronized peaceful peachy peaked peckish |
peculiar pedantic pedestalized * pedestrian peeved peevish pell-mell penetrable penetrated pensive peonized peppy perceived perceptive peremptory perfect perfectionistic perfused perilous peripheral perky |
permanent permeable perplexed persecuted persevering persistent persnickety perspicacious perspicuous persuaded persuasive pert pertinacious pertinent perturbed perused perverted pervious pesky pessimistic pestered |
pesty petered out petrified petrinoid petty petulant phat philanthropic phlegmatic phony picked apart picked on pierced pigeon-holed pillaged pillaging pious piqued pissed pissed off pissed on |
pissy piteous pitied pitiful pitiless pity pixelated placated placid plagued plain planless played with playful pleading pleasant pleased pleasure pliable pliant plumbed |
plundered plundering plunging plush poised poisoned polite polluted pompous pooped poor poorly popular porous portentous positive possessed possessionless possessive postal potent |
pouty powerful powerless practical praised pragmatic pre-judged preached to precarious precious precluded precocious preoccupied predjudiced prepared preposterous preppy prescient pressed pressured prestigious |
presumptuous pretentious pretty preyed upon pride prim primal primary primitive prissy pristine private privileged privy prized proactive probationary probationed probed prodigal prodigious |
productive profane professional progressing progressive progress-minded promiscuous promised promoted promotional prone to propagandistic propagandized propelled proper prophesized to prophetic prosaic prosecuted prosperous prostituted |
protected protective proud provincial provisional provocative provoked prudish psyched psychopathic psychotic puerile pugnacious puffed up pulled pulled ahead pulled apart pulled away pulled back pulled down pulled forward |
pulled in pulverized pummeled pumped pumped up punctual punch drunk punched punished puny pure purged purlish purposeful pursuant pursued pushed pushed ahead pushed away pushed back pushed forward |
pushed in pushy pusillanimous put away put down put out put upon put down puzzled psychedelic Q quaint |
quarrelsome quashed queasy queer queried querulous questioned questioning quick quiescent quiet quietened quirky quivery quixotic quizzed quizzical R |
rad radiant radical rage rageful raging raided railroaded raked raked-over rambunctious rancid randy ransacked rapacious raped rapt rapture rapturous rare |
rash rated rational rattled raunchy ravenous ravished ravishing raw re-energized re-enforced reachable reactionary reactive ready real realistic reamed reamed out reasonable reassured |
rebellious reborn rebounding rebuffed rebuked recalcitrant receptive recharged reckless reclusive recognized recommended reconciled recouperated recovered recruited redeemed red-hot reduced refactory refined |
reflective refreshed refueled regal regimented regressing regressive regret regretful rejectable rejected rejecting rejoiced rejoicing rejuvenated relaxed released relentless reliable reliant relieved |
religious reluctant remedied reminiscent remiss remorse remorseful remorseless remote removed renewed renown renowned repatriated repelled repentant replaceable replaced replenished reprehensible repressed |
reprimanded reproached reproved repugnant repulsed repulsive rescued resented resentful resentment reserved resigned resilient resistant resisting resolute resolved resourceful respected respectful responsible |
responsive rested restful restive restless restrained restricted retaliated retaliated against retaliatory retarded reticent retired reunited revealed revengeful revered reverent reviled revitalized revisited |
revived revolted revolting revolutionary rewarded rich ridden ridiculed ridiculous riding high right righteous rigid rigorous riled ripped ripped off riveted robbed robot like robotic |
robust romantic rotten rough rowdy rubbery rubricized rude rudderless rueful ruffled ruined ruled run down run out run over rushed ruthful ruthless |
S ===== sabotaged |
sapient sarcastic sardonic sassy sated satiated satisfied saturated saturnine saucy saved savvy scandalized scandalous scapegoated scared scarred scathed scattered scheming scientific |
scintillated scintillating scurrilous scoffed at scolded scorn scorned scornful screwed screwed over screwed up scrutinized sealed out sealed in sealed off sealed out sealed up searching seared second secondary |
second-class second-guessed second-rate secure sedate sedentary seditious seduced seductive seeking seething seized selected selective selt-abasing self-absorbed self-acceptance self-acceptant self-accepting self-agrandizing self-assured |
self-centered self-confident self-conscious self-critical self-deprecating self-depreciating self-destructive self-disciplined self-effacing self-expressed self-flagellating self-forgiving self-hate self-hating self-hatred self-indulgent self-loathing self-love self-pitying self-pleasing self-reflective |
self-rejection self-reliant self-righteous self-sacrificing self-satisfied self-serving self-understanding selfish selfless senile sensational sensible sensitive sensual sensuous sentenced sentimental separated serene serendipitous serious |
servile set set up settled sexy shadowed shaken shaky shallow shamed shameful shaped sharky sharp shattered sheepish sheltered shielded shocked shook-up shortchanged |
shot-down shouted at shredded shrewd shrunk, shrunken shunned shut out shy sick sick at heart sickened side-lined significant silenced silent silly simple simplified sincere sinful single |
singled-out sinister sinking skanky skeptical sketchy skilled skillful skipped skittish slack slain slandered slaughtered sleazy sleepy slap happy sledged slighted sloppy sloshed |
slothful slovenly slow slugged sluggish slutty sly small smarmy smart smart-alecky smart assy smacked smacked down smashed smitten smooth smothered smudged smug snapped at |
snarky snarled at sneaky snobbish snobby snoopy snowed snubbed snuggled soaring sociable social socialistic sodden soft soft-hearted sold sold-out solemn solid solitary |
somber soothed sophisticated sophomoric sordid sore sorrow sorrowful sorry sough sound sour soured spared sparkling spartan spastic special speechless spellbound spent |
spewed on spewed out spineless spirited spiritless spit on spit out spiteful splendid splendiferous spoiled spontaneous spooked sprightly spry spunky squandered squashed squeamish squeezed squelched |
stable stained stale stalked startled starved static steamed-up stepped-on stepped-over stereotyped sterile stern stewing stiff stifled stigmatized still stilted stimulated stingy |
stirred stodgy stoic stolid stomped on stoned stonewalled stoppable stopped stout stout hearted straight-laced straightjacketed strained stranded strange strangled strengthened stressed stretched stricken |
strict stroked strong strong-armed strong-willed struck struck down stubborn stuck stuck-up studious stuffed stumped stunned stunning stunted stupefied stupendous stupid stylish suave |
subdued subjugated submissive subordinate subordinated subservient subtle subversive subverted successful sucked up to suckered suffering suffocated suicidal sulking sulky sullen sullied sunk sunny |
super superb supercilious superficial superior superseded superstitious supported supportive suppressed sure surly surpassed surprised surreal surrendered surveyed susceptible suspended suspending suspicious |
switched on
* = Newly created words
Thanks to all the people who have contributed new words. I am
sorry but it has proven impractical for me to name them all. A
special thanks, though to Bob Myrick at the University of
Florida. His list of 50 or so words was the first feeling words
list I ever saw, or at least paid any attention to! It was in a
book called Caring and Sharing: Becoming a Peer Facilitator.
A book I recommend. (My notes from the
Click here to make a donation for the list. Please add a note that you would like
the list.
The requested donation amount is 5 US
dollars for personal use. If you have a commercial use, or plan
to make or distribute copies, please write me so we can talk
about it. I have put quite a lot of work into the list.
If you want to pay by check, please email at the above email address to see where in the
world I am these days!
Ready to take your Scrabble skills to the next level? This list of the longest words in the English language could score you major points on your next game — if you can remember how to spell them.
Some of the words that qualify for the title take hours to pronounce, like the 189,819-letter word for the protein Titin. Additionally, many of the longest words are medical terms, so we have excluded some of them to allow for more variety. The end result is a list of fascinatingly lengthy words that will make your vocabulary downright sesquipedalian.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England
Origins: While the word originated in 19th century Britain, it is now used to refer to any opposition to a government withdrawing support from a religious organization. Though rarely used in casual conversation, the word was featured in the Duke Ellington song, “You’re Just an Old Antidisestablishmentarianist.”
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: the act of defining or estimating something as worthless
Origins: This word stems from the combination of four Latin words, all of which signify that something has little value: flocci, nauci, nihili, pilifi. This style of word creation was popular in Britain in the 1700s.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an invented word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling a fine dust
Origins: This word emerged in the late 1930s, and was said to be invented by Everett K. Smith, president of the National Puzzlers’ League, in an imitation of very long medical terms. It is not found in real medical usage.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: an inherited disorder similar to pseudohypoparathyroidism
Origins: This genetic disorder causes “short stature, round face and short hand bones,” according to the National Institutes of Health. Despite having a similar name, it is not the same as pseudohypoparathyroidism.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: of or related to to the branch of science concerned with the relationships between psychology, the nervous system, and the endocrine system
Origins: This term was first seen in the 1970s in Journal of Neurological Science, a medical journal.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: having many syllables or characterized by the use of long words
Origins: The Roman poet Horace used this term to caution young poets against relying on words that used a large number of letters. It was adopted in the 17th century by poets to ridicule their peers who used lengthy words.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: fear of long words
Fun Fact: This word is most often used in humorous contexts. It is an extension of the word sesquipedalophobia, which has the same meaning and is more often used in a formal context.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: things that are impossible to understand or comprehend
Fun Fact: In the 1990s, this word was named the longest word in common usage.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: not able or allowed to be protected by copyright
Fun Fact: This word is one of the longest isograms (a word that does not repeat letters) in the English language.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: the scientific study of hands, including fingerprints, lines, mounts, and shapes
Fun Fact: Unlike palmistry, this study is based in science and is often used in criminology as a way to identify both perpetrators and victims.
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a type of cadence in medieval music
Fun Fact: While this word might not look as impressive as others on this list, it’s the longest word in the English language to be composed entirely of vowels. (It’s also the word with the longest string of vowels.)
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: a therapeutic approach that integrates both the mind and body
Fun Fact: While the Oxford Dictionary does not provide an official definition of this word, it is included on their list of the longest words in the English language.
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: of or relating to the medical specialization involving the ear, nose, and throat
Fun Fact: This medical specialization is more commonly known by its acronym, ENT.
The Longest Words in English
Most English words longer than about 15-20 letters are scientific, meaningless, or highly specialized, and they tend to be formed by affixation. This is the act or process of adding affixes to a base word to produce a derivative word—in the word affixation, for instance, -ation is an affix. Here are some of the longest words.
The longest word entered in most standard English dictionaries is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with 45 letters. Our definition is «a lung disease caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust.» The entry for this word can be found in our Medical Dictionary.
Yes, that number is correct. The longest string of letters used to describe something isn’t technically a word—it’s the chemical name for a protein, begins with methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminyl…, and continues for quite a while after that. The name has 189,819 letters, fills more than 50 pages, and takes more than three hours to say. If you’ve got three hours to blow, you can listen to it said here.
28, 29, and 34 Letters
There are some long words that are rarely or never used in a sentence, but instead are simply used as examples of long words, and for that reason we don’t include them in our dictionaries. The most famous of these are antidisestablishmentarianism, which has 28 letters and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, which has 34 letters. Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters) («the act or habit of assessing something as worthless») is another of this ilk. Our claim is not that these aren’t words, but that they aren’t words that meet our criteria for entry. We explain why here.
The longest place name in the United States is possibly a lake in Massachusetts called Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg (49 letters, or 53, if you count the Lake portion). It is also sometimes called Webster Lake. While the longer name is based on earlier names for the lake from the language of the Nipmuc people who inhabited the area, this version of the name—along with its reputed translation, «You fish on your side; I fish on my side; nobody fishes in the middle”—appears to have been the invention of a local newspaper editor.
Photo: Hill near Hawkes Bay, NZ
The longest place name in the English-speaking world is thought to be a 1,001-foot-high hill in New Zealand called Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenu-akitanatahu. Similar to the lake mentioned above, this place name also has spelling variations. It comes from the Maori language and has been translated as “the place where Tamatea, the man who had big knees, the climber of mountains, the slider, the land-swallower that traveled about, played the nose flute that he had to the loved ones.” The hill is sometimes called “Taumata” for short.
30 Letters
29 Letters
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine refers to a synthetic amphetamine used illicitly for its mood-enhancing and hallucinogenic properties. You may know this drug by another, shorter, name: ecstasy. Or you may know it by an even shorter name: MDMA. (Fun fact: in the 1970’s psychiatrists used it to «enhance» therapy sessions.)
23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 Letters
22 Letters
Counterrevolutionaries refers to people who participate in a revolution directed toward overthrowing a government or social system established by a previous revolution.
Deinstitutionalization refers to the release of institutionalized individuals from institutional care (as in a psychiatric hospital) to care in the community, and also to the reform or modification of an institution to remove or disguise its institutional character..
Otorhinolaryngological refers to a medical specialty concerned especially with the ear, nose, and throat and related parts of the head and neck.
21 Letters
Incomprehensibilities refers to things that are hard to comprehend or understand. (We’re pretty sure most of these words qualify.)
Pseudohermaphroditism refers to the condition of having the gonads and karyotype of one sex and external genitalia that is of the other sex or is ambiguous.
And finally, psychoneuroimmunology refers to a branch of medicine that deals with the influence of emotional states and nervous system activities on immune function.
(Did you count only 20 words in the list? The 21st is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, which is fear of long words. Apologies to anyone who suffers from this condition with its 36-letter name—we’re sure we’ve made it worse.)
Hi guys,
I want to ask if in English there are any words meaning a feeling which is somewhat thorough, penetrative, and long-lasting mildly. The feeling usually comes up together with an act of remembering (someone/something).
That feeling doesn’t often make people suffer much, but it keeps wandering silently persistently in their mind. Typically, that feeling doesn’t stir your mind until, for instance, on some rainy day, in a familiar street/place where lies one of your sweet memories, then that feeling arises, and you find yourselves in that state of feeling (that is, you then remember someone/something with that feeling).
< English only, please. Cagey, moderator. >
Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2016
Welcome to the forum, Duydoan
What you’re describing sounds a bit like nostalgia ~ but might not be.
It might help if you could give us an actual example of the term in use in a sentence, i.e. a sentence with a gap where the word you’re looking for should go: «Duydoan was walking through the city’s central market one rainy day when ………………………….» ~ that kind of thing.
Oh, maybe I need to clarify it a bit more. It’s not that you have this feeling when you are nostalgic for some sweet memories which arises in a particular condition (such as on some rainy day in some familiar street).
It occurs in this kind of situation: when you are far away from your beloved ones (like your mom, your wife, etc.) then you will miss her in that state of feeling. This feeling keeps smoldering in your mind (that is, you miss her with that feeling whenever you think of her), and at some times a day you find yourselves missing her quite passionately, especially when you encounter some familiar thing (an object, a place, a street, etc.) associated with her.
To sum up for clarity by this example:
She has gone to Europe for 6 months (on some long business trip). I’ve found our house quite empty without her voice and her laugh. I’m still fine, still working hard, still watching football joyfully, still devouring books and movies, still going out with friends for some drinks as they call me. Yet, after all that, whenever I pass by a street in which we often strolled side by side, I miss her ____ (a blank here is for an adverb describing that feeling; initially I think of the word «tormentingly» but it doesn’t equally represent that feeling which doesn’t make people suffer much nor cause any emtionally unacceptable situations)
Thanks for the clarification
Hmmm, I can’t think of any particular name for that in English. We might express it with something like one of these:
As I go about my daily business …
little things keep reminding me of her.
I keep imagining her by my side.
I’m constantly being reminded of her (absence).
I’m filled with a bittersweet longing for her at the sight of familiar objects and places we shared.
I guess the last one is the closest for what you’re looking for
EDIT: Personally I don’t miss people dearly: I miss them sorely.
Perhaps ‘wistful’ might work as an adjective to describe the feeling?
‘Wistfully’, however, doesn’t sound quite right as the adverb in your sentence.
Usually «I miss her» is clear enough. It is an emotion almost everyone has felt. There is no adverb that can get any «closer to» its meaning.
You can use any generic word for «stronger feeling» if you want to make it stronger: I miss her dearly, I miss her so much, I miss her painfully.
Or instead, you can comment that it happens often: every time you are on that street, every time you open the front door, several times a day, you think about her constantly, she is always on your mind, you can’t stop thinking about her…
I think that works well. Other options include «deeply» and «profoundly». But I think only «dearly» and «deeply» work well in this context.
Hmmm, ‘dearly’ may be a fine choice to some extent. And thanks to Packard’s suggested words above, another way of saying has occurred to my mind, which I think is possibly the best: «I miss her dearly deeply».
Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
I would like to gently steer you away from «I miss her dearly deeply.»
I would like to gently steer you away from «I miss her dearly deeply.»
Oh, could you tell me why???
We just don’t do that … it sounds dearly, deeply, daftly over the top. It’s just too much. Stick with one heartfelt adverb and be content. Even if you connected them with an «and» – «I miss her dearly and deeply» – it’s still too much, besides sounding awkward.
And I am explaining too much … at some point you’ll just need to trust us that it doesn’t sound as wonderful as you think it does, or would like it to.
Yes, I totally trust you guys about the English usage. I also think «dearly deeply» is quite much beyond any expressively emotional frontiers if expressed in English in conversation with other English-spoken people. Yet, some Asian emotional thoughts tend to go beyond any possibly imaginative limit. Perhaps English or Western feelings are somewhat rationally emotional, which incline not to appear rationally absurd/awkward/ludicrous (choose your word). And here I’d like, and try, to associate one of those kinds of thought to an expression in another linguistically expressive paradigm (that is, English in this case).
Besides, I try googling a bit, and find that phrase appearing in an English novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim. Seems it’s not that impossible way of expression.
However, it’s just my try at some linguistically mental paradigm shift. I don’t take this as a mere matter of translation, but a matter of that shift mentioned previously, that’s why I post my inquiry here, not in the ‘Other Languages’ section.
He says «I loved her truly, deeply dearly.» From a modern perspective, there should be a comma after «deeply» – «I loved her truly, deeply, dearly.» Add that and I have no problem at all with it. One thing I have noticed in writing and rhythm, sequences are generally nicer in threes – «truly, deeply, dearly» – although it’s not required, of course.
«I miss her dearly; I miss her truly, I miss her deeply. Indeed I miss her in every imaginable way…»
Completely over the top (even when my spell checker substituted «turkey» for «truly») but it feels like a soliloquy now.
Then there’s Truly, Madly, Deeply – a 1990 British fantasy music drama film made for the BBC’s Screen Two series, by BBC Films, Lionheart and Winston Pictures. The film, written and directed by Anthony Minghella, stars Juliet Stevenson and Alan Rickman. (From Wikipedia)
But you’ll notice that the three words are separated by commas.
Then there’s Truly, Madly, Deeply – a 1990 British fantasy music drama film made for the BBC’s Screen Two series, by BBC Films, Lionheart and Winston Pictures. The film, written and directed by Anthony Minghella, stars Juliet Stevenson and Alan Rickman. (From Wikipedia)
But you’ll notice that the three words are separated by commas.
I would use «truly, madly, deeply» if only because if some one said it was ridiculous and and absurd, I have a fall-back position that it was a «social commentary».
«Dearly, deeply» is grammatical. «Deeply» is the most common word used to mean «strongly» when talking about emotions.
In my dialect of AE, «dearly» is not used meaning «greatly, strongly, deeply». We don’t say «It cost me dearly», as other speakers may. So to me «I miss her dearly» means «I miss her, and she is dear to me». The phrase makes sense and is nice. I just isn’t the same as «I miss her deeply/intensely».
Last Updated: Dec 30, 2019
How many words exactly are in the English language? The second edition of the current 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 words in current use. That’s a lot! Which gets the mind thinking the next question, what’s the longest word in current use today?
Many of the longest words in the dictionary refer to medicine or chemistry. You’ll find a few defined in here along with other long words that you may or may not already use. Here’s how Merriam-Webster defines the ten longest words in the English language.
1. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
Pneumoconiosis caused by inhalation of very fine silicate or quartz dust.
2. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (36 letters)
Ironically, Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest work in the dictionary and is the name for a fear of long words! Who would have thought, right?
3. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
Perhaps the best word of all! Made popular by the film Mary Poppins, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is something to say when you have nothing to say.
4. Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)
A relatively mild form of pseudohypoparathyroidism that is characterized by normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.
5. Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)
The longest unchallenged nontechnical word that not all directories recognize, that including Merriam-Webster. According to alternative sources, floccinaucinihilipilification is the act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant, of having no value or being worthless. Often times, it is used in a humorous way.
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6. Antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters)
A term referring to a political movement in 19th century Britain that sought to separate church and state. In this case, political movement wanted to disestablish the Church of England as the official state church of England, Ireland and Wales.
7. Honorificabilitudinitatibus (27 letters)
The longest word in Shakespeare’s works. Honorificabilitudinitatibus is the longest word in the English language featuring alternating consonants and vowels.
8. Thyroparathyroidectomized (25 letters)
A medical term that defines the excision of both the thyroid and parathyroid glands.
9. Dichlorodifluoromethane (23 letters)
A chlorofluoromethane CF2Cl2.
10. Incomprehensibilities (21 letters)
Impossible to comprehend. In the 1990’s, incomprehensibilities set the record as the longest word “in common usage.”
LONGEST ENGLISH WORD:Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl…isoleucine (189,819 letters)
If we’re talking chemistry, the longest chemical name is 189,819 letters long. It is the chemical name for titin, a giant filamentous protein essential to the structure, development, and elasticity of muscle. As to whether or not this is an actual word is disputed by many. It is not in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, so you shouldn’t ever have to worry about spelling it. ?