Long word for destroyed

What is another word for destroyed?

537 synonyms found


[ dɪstɹˈɔ͡ɪd], [ dɪstɹˈɔ‍ɪd], [ d_ɪ_s_t_ɹ_ˈɔɪ_d]

Related words: destroyed home, destroyed car, destroyed town, destroyed x, destroyed building, destroyed city, destroyed island

Related questions:

  • Who destroyed my property?
  • What caused the destruction?
  • When will my area be rebuilt?
  • Table of Contents

    • adj.

      all (adjective)

      • destroyed.

      depressed (adjective)

      • cast down,
      • cast-down,
      • taken down,
      • torn up,
      • melancholic,
      • heavy-hearted,
      • in a blue funk,
      • woebegone,
      • in pain,
      • low-down,
      • in the dumps,
      • bummed out,
      • lowdown,
      • in the pits,
      • down in the dumps,
      • down in dumps,
      • tristful,
      • down and out,
      • down in mouth,
      • in the toilet,
      • on a downer,
      • morose.

      desolate (adjective)

      • solitary.

      disconsolate (adjective)

      • grief stricken,
      • more crushed,
      • more tornup,
      • doleful,
      • more torn up,
      • dis tressed,
      • most torn up,
      • most crushed,
      • most torn-up,
      • dis-tressed,
      • hopeless,
      • in consolable,
      • in-consolable,
      • tornup,
      • more torn-up,
      • most tornup.

      dissipated (adjective)

      • more consumed,
      • most squandered,
      • most consumed,
      • more squandered.

      done for (adjective)

      • had it,
      • packed-up,
      • packed up.

      doomed (adjective)

      • Menaced,
      • most convicted,
      • fore ordained,
      • un fortunate,
      • most illomened,
      • most predestined,
      • most menaced,
      • fated,
      • ill omened,
      • be-deviled,
      • in cards,
      • more menaced,
      • most foreordained,
      • un redeemed,
      • over-whelmed,
      • most unredeemed,
      • over-thrown,
      • re-probate,
      • most bedeviled,
      • most ill omened,
      • most ill-omened,
      • be deviled,
      • more ill omened,
      • be witched,
      • more illomened,
      • more foreordained,
      • more sentenced,
      • fore-ordained,
      • more predestined,
      • kiss death,
      • over thrown,
      • more ill-omened,
      • most suppressed,
      • pre-destined,
      • un-redeemed,
      • pre destined,
      • Star-crossed,
      • star crossed,
      • re probate,
      • be-witched,
      • more suppressed,
      • more convicted,
      • more unredeemed,
      • un-fortunate,
      • most sentenced,
      • starcrossed,
      • over whelmed,
      • more bedeviled.

      forlorn (adjective)

      • forgotten,
      • be-reft,
      • be reft,
      • helpless.

      heavy-hearted (adjective)

      • heavy hearted,
      • more at,
      • most at.

      ill-fated (adjective)

      • ill fated,
      • illfated.

      ill-fated/ill-starred (adjective)

      • inauspicious,
      • in auspicious,
      • most blighted,
      • mis fortunate,
      • ill-starred,
      • mis-fortunate,
      • un-lucky,
      • most misfortunate,
      • more misfortunate,
      • un luckiest,
      • ill starred,
      • un luckier,
      • un lucky,
      • un-luckier,
      • in-auspicious,
      • un-luckiest,
      • more blighted,
      • illstarred.

      irreparable (adjective)

      • more irredeemable,
      • most irremedial,
      • more irrecoverable,
      • un-recoverable,
      • more irreplaceable,
      • more irretrievable,
      • in-corrigible,
      • in curable,
      • most irrecoverable,
      • more irremedial,
      • in-curable,
      • most irredeemable,
      • more unrecoverable,
      • un correctable,
      • most unrecoverable,
      • most irretrievable,
      • more uncorrectable,
      • most irreplaceable,
      • most uncorrectable,
      • un recoverable,
      • un-correctable,
      • in corrigible.

      kaput (adjective)

      • belly up,
      • down for the count,
      • nonfunctioning,
      • on the skids,
      • non-functioning,
      • all washed up,
      • down the tubes,
      • out of circulation,
      • washed up,
      • belly-up.

      melancholy (adjective)

      • more saddened,
      • most saddening,
      • more saddening,
      • more mirthless,
      • most mirthless,
      • most saddened.

      miserable (adjective)

      • dis contented,
      • most agonized,
      • most suffering,
      • most discontented,
      • more racked,
      • more suffering,
      • more agonized,
      • most tormented,
      • most racked,
      • more tormented,
      • ruthful,
      • more anguished,
      • wounded,
      • most tortured,
      • Racked,
      • pained,
      • most anguished,
      • dis-contented,
      • more tortured.

      obliterated (adjective)

      • more erased,
      • most annihilated,
      • re moved,
      • more annihilated,
      • most erased.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • ill-fated,
      • anguished,
      • thrown down,
      • irreplaceable,
      • dead duck,
      • worn-down,
      • wornout,
      • undone,
      • in blue funk,
      • out of gas,
      • irredeemable,
      • the worse for wear,
      • fe,
      • worn down,
      • in trouble,
      • long-faced,
      • Fest,
      • cliched,
      • well-worn,
      • worse for wear,
      • irremedial,
      • forlorn,
      • played out,
      • worn-out,
      • used up,
      • illomened,
      • unredeemed,
      • disconsolate,
      • irreparable,
      • let-down,
      • irrecoverable,
      • in the cards,
      • obliterated,
      • Fer,
      • misfortunate,
      • smashed,
      • miserable,
      • griefstricken,
      • depressed,
      • torn-up,
      • done for,
      • melancholy,
      • ill-omened,
      • pegged out,
      • played-out,
      • doomed,
      • uncorrectable,
      • worn,
      • unrecoverable,
      • mirthless,
      • desolate,
      • irretrievable,
      • dissipated,
      • beyond repair,
      • wrung out.

      ruined (adjective)

      • felled,
      • Incinerated,
      • Gutted.

      smashed (adjective)

      • more demolished,
      • most shattered,
      • more shattered,
      • more crumbled,
      • most crumbled,
      • most demolished.

      undone (adjective)

      • more killed,
      • un-done,
      • un done,
      • most killed.

      unhappy (adjective)

      • more long faced,
      • more let down,
      • most long faced,
      • un happy,
      • more long-faced,
      • most let down,
      • un happier,
      • un-happier,
      • more longfaced,
      • longfaced,
      • un-happiest,
      • most letdown,
      • most let-down,
      • un-happy,
      • most long-faced,
      • more letdown,
      • un happiest,
      • long faced,
      • most longfaced,
      • more let-down.

      worn (adjective)

      • more worn down,
      • most dinged,
      • most playedout,
      • more dinged,
      • most played out,
      • more played-out,
      • most worn-down,
      • most worn down,
      • most worndown,
      • more playedout,
      • more played out,
      • more worn-down,
      • more worndown,
      • worndown,
      • most played-out,
      • playedout.

      worn-out (adjective)

      • passer,
      • most etiolated,
      • more etiolated.

      worn/worn-out (adjective)

      • more wellworn,
      • more pinched,
      • most wellworn,
      • over-used,
      • most busted,
      • most pinched,
      • over used,
      • over-worked,
      • most frayed,
      • more frayed,
      • well worn,
      • most well-worn,
      • most well worn,
      • wellworn,
      • most worn out,
      • more well-worn,
      • over worked,
      • more busted,
      • out gas,
      • more well worn.
    • n.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • demolished,
      • blotted out,
      • obliterate,
      • razed,
      • tattered,
      • burned,
      • blasted,
      • fallen,
      • spoiled,
      • extinguished,
      • impoverished,
      • damaged,
      • down-and-out,
      • gone to pot,
      • totaled,
      • gone,
      • despoiled,
      • desolated,
      • sacked,
      • burnt,
      • marred,
      • wiped out,
      • raped,
      • devastated,
      • ausgespielt,
      • scorched,
      • lost,
      • done in,
      • burned-out,
      • exterminated,
      • war-torn,
      • bankrupt,
      • irremediable,
      • ravaged,
      • in ruins,
      • dismantled,
      • war-worn,
      • finished,
      • annihilated,
      • botched,
      • broken,
      • kaput,
      • blighted,
      • ruinous,
      • overthrown,
      • wrecked,
      • wasted,
      • shattered,
      • burnt-out,
      • pillaged,
      • ruined,
      • spoilt.

      ruined (noun)

      • upset,
      • reduced to ashes,
      • burned up,
      • submerged,
      • withered,
      • burned down,
      • gone by the board,
      • mown down,
      • overrun,
      • done away with,
      • put to an end,
      • engulfed,
      • gone to pieces.
    • v.

      annulled (verb)

      • rejected,
      • nullified,
      • Effaced,
      • Annulled,
      • Abnegated,
      • Deleted,
      • Vetoed,
      • retracted,
      • Denied,
      • Abolished,
      • dissolved,
      • Withdrew,
      • dismissed,
      • Refuted,
      • Undid,
      • repudiated,
      • Disclaimed,
      • negated,
      • invalidated,
      • Eliminated,
      • Eradicated,
      • divorced,
      • Canceled,
      • Disavowed,
      • disaffirmed,
      • neutralized,
      • withdrawn,
      • Revoked.

      defeated (verb)

      • unsuccessful.

      destroyed (verb)

      • Bulldozed,
      • Disintegrated,
      • vaporized,
      • torn down,
      • pulverized,
      • ripped to shreds,
      • Decimated,
      • Extirpated,
      • laid waste,
      • mowed down,
      • tore down,
      • flattened,
      • knocked down,
      • Leveled,
      • atomized.
    • Other synonyms:

      • slain.


      • loser.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • extinct,
      • desecrated,
      • overcome,
      • unanimated,
      • Flambe,
      • shaky,
      • ended,
      • irreclaimable,
      • defeated,
      • cracked,
      • topple,
      • broken-down,
      • raddled,
      • Abated,
      • in pieces,
      • Shivered,
      • be all over,
      • harried,
      • Dishonoured,
      • destructed,
      • ripped off,
      • Infringed,
      • prostrate,
      • Trashed,
      • unsalvageable,
      • Decaying,
      • Quashed,
      • dead,
      • confounded,
      • fragmented,
      • shipwrecked,
      • Bankrupted,
      • decrepit,
      • Rased,
      • cancelled,
      • pulverised,
      • declared null and void,
      • be destroyed,
      • overwhelmed,
      • Crashed,
      • crippled,
      • derelict,
      • splintered,
      • dispatched,
      • ruptured,
      • profaned,
      • conquered,
      • Killed,
      • consumed,
      • Perishing,
      • decayed,
      • go to pot,
      • in shambles,
      • in disarray,
      • Perished,
      • brought to ruin,
      • injured,
      • Subverted,
      • removed from office,
      • tumbledown,
      • beyond hope,
      • Scotched,
      • devoured,
      • dilapidated,
      • in smithereens,
      • in shreds,
      • done up,
      • run-down,
      • violated,
      • murdered,
      • ramshackle,
      • impaired,
      • Levelled,
      • up the spout,
      • rickety,
      • deprived,
      • perish,
      • Crumbling,
      • defeat,
      • shabby,
      • canceled out,
      • defaced,
      • split,
      • picked up,
      • breached,
      • destroy,
      • battered,
      • Prostrated,
      • tumble,
      • dashed,
      • crushed,
      • carried away,
      • removed,
      • unhappy,
      • overturned,
      • rock,
      • Transgressed,
      • piece,
      • Slaughtered,
      • harmed,
      • abused,
      • in tatters,
      • Ravished,
      • beyond recovery,
      • tatter,
      • go to pieces,
      • outraged,
      • quelled,
      • Expunged,
      • Butchered,
      • falling apart,
      • sunk,
      • fall to pieces,
      • spout,
      • burned-over.

    How to use «Destroyed» in context?

    Destroyed is a powerful word that can describe so many different feelings and experiences. For some, it can be a feeling of sadness and emptiness. For others, it can be a feeling of anger and rage. And for still others, it can be a feeling of emptiness and loss. In all cases, destroyed is a powerful word that can create powerful emotions.

    Destroyed is also a word that can be used to describe the physical state of something. For example, a building that has been destroyed by fire is literally destroyed. The building is no longer the same, and it likely won’t function in the same way again.

    Paraphrases for Destroyed:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
        shattered, wrecked.
      • Proper noun, singular
        demolished, destroy.
      • Verb, past tense
        demolished, destruction.
      • Verb, past participle
        demolished, destruction, obliterated, razed.
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        broken, damaged, damaging, destructive, disastrous.
      • Proper noun, singular
        damaged, destroyer, destruction, destructive, breaks, uses, TBS, USS.
      • Noun, plural
        destruction, purposes, blows, ruins.
      • Verb, past tense
        affected, blasted, branded, breached, broke, buried, burned, busted, cancelled, cleared, collapsed, consumed, decided, declared, depleted, deprived, devastated, disrupted, downed, dropped, eliminate, ended, eroded, executed, exhausted, exploded, fell, finished, hurt, impacted, justice, led, left, lost, maim, murdered, ordered, private, removed, ripped, ruled, spent, spoiled, striped, struck, surprised, swept, terminated, tore, totaled, violated, wasted, wrecked, Abolished, Attacked, Awarded, Was, Blew, Brought, Butchered, Came, Caused, Deleted, Denied, Did, Died, Eliminated, Eliminating, Eradicated, Erased, Got, Had, Invaded, Jeopardized, Knocked, Leveled, Massacred, Plunged, Raided, Resulted, Sank, Screened, Sentenced, Took, Toppled, Trashed, Were, Wiped, Wreaked, Culled, Snapped, Stormed, Suffered, undermined, breaches, vandalized, HIT, kicked, disemboweled, dynamited, destabilized, sabotaged, uprooted, ‘d, rippedthrough, kiiled.
      • Verb, past participle
        abandoned, addressed, affected, afflicted, arms, assassinated, banned, bereaved, blast, blighted, blown, breached, broken, burned, burnt, cancelled, changed, chaos, chosen, cleared, clouded, collapsed, come, completed, concerned, condemned, confused, conquered, consumed, controlled, convicted, corrupted, crushed, cut, dashed, dead, decayed, decomposed, defaced, defeated, degradation, delete, depleted, depressed, devastated, diminished, discarded, discontinued, dismantled, disposed, disrupted, dissolved, distorted, disturbed, done, doomed, downed, dropped, endangered, ended, eroded, evaporated, executed, exploded, exterminated, extinguished, failed, fallen, felled, finished, flattened, fractured, gone, harmed, have, hurt, impacted, impaired, implemented, injured, interrupted, left, lifted, lost, maintained, marred, misplaced, missed, modified, moved, murdered, nil, nullified, offset, ordered, overcome, overturned, perturbed, plagued, pulverized, ransacked, ravaged, reduced, rejected, removed, resolved, restricted, retained, retired, reversed, rid, ripped, roster, routed, seized, selected, settled, severed, shaken, shocked, shot, shut, skinned, slain, solved, spoilt, squandered, stifled, stopped, stricken, struck, sunk, suppressed, surrendered, swept, taken, tarnished, terminated, threatened, thwarted, torn, touched, troubled, undone, upset, used, vanished, vaporized, violated, vitiated, wasted, weakened, withdrawn, won, worsened, Abolished, Aborted, Aimed, Annulled, Appeared, Arrived, Avoided, Banished, Been, Bulldozed, Captured, Carried, Caused, Claimed, Decimated, Deleted, Delivered, Derailed, Deteriorated, Died, Disappeared, Disbanded, Eliminated, Entered, Eradicated, Erased, Excluded, Excreted, Extirpated, Gotten, Hampered, Happened, Harvested, Jeopardized, Judged, Launched, Levelled, Liquidated, Lived, Logged, Overridden, Performed, Remedied, Repealed, Sacrificed, Screened, Sentenced, Slaughtered, Toppled, Transferred, Trashed, Voided, Waived, Wiped, Compromised, Counteracted, Culled, Prevailed, Purged, Snapped, Survived, scrapped, negated, undermined, sprayed, weapons, vandalized, HIT, decommissioned, phased, sabotaged, gunned, clobbered, bombed, laid, jeopardised, redeployed, #, dequeued, kiiled.
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        devastating, Destroying.
      • Proper noun, singular
        devastated, devastating, Destroying, destroys.
      • Noun, plural
      • Verb, past tense
        damaged, flattened, shattered, shot, Killed.
      • Verb, past participle
        annihilated, damaged, shattered, Killed.

    Homophones for Destroyed:

    • distort, dish the dirt, dexterity, distrait, dastard, dogtrot, dog-tired, distorted, doctorate, Dutch Treat.


    Synonyms of destroyed

    • adjective

    • as in ruined

    • verb

    • as in demolished

    • as in ravaged

    • as in killed

    • as in ruined
    • as in demolished
    • as in ravaged
    • as in killed

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    1 of 2


    Definition of destroyednext

    as in ruined

    Synonyms & Similar Words


    • ruined

    • demolished

    • wrecked

    • devastated

    • damaged

    • pulverized

    • collapsed

    • disintegrated

    • mutilated

    • obliterated

    • imploded

    • defaced

    • mangled

    • cracked

    • split

    • eradicated

    • exploded

    • ruinate

    • exterminated

    • splintered

    • dynamited

    • extirpated

    • blasted

    • shattered

    • detonated

    • broken

    • wiped out

    • smashed

    • busted

    • fragmented

    • fragile

    • fractured

    • slivered

    • breakable

    • brittle

    • frail

    • frangible

    • delicate

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    • repaired

    • reconstructed

    • unbroken

    • rebuilt

    • fixed

    • healed

    • mended

    • patched

    • unbreakable

    • infrangible

    See More

    • repaired

    • reconstructed

    • unbroken

    • rebuilt

    • fixed

    • healed

    • mended

    • patched

    • unbreakable

    • infrangible

    See More


    2 of 2


    past tense of destroy


    as in demolished

    to bring to a complete end the physical soundness, existence, or usefulness of

    they practically destroyed the safe in order to get at the money inside their poor scores on the final exam destroyed any chance they might have had to pass the course

    Synonyms & Similar Words

    • ruined

    • demolished

    • wrecked

    • shattered

    • devastated

    • smashed

    • damaged

    • wasted

    • annihilated

    • eroded

    • decimated

    • extinguished

    • razed

    • dismantled

    • overcame

    • ravaged

    • crippled

    • marred

    • pulverized

    • vaporized

    • killed

    • crushed

    • removed

    • desolated

    • defeated

    • totaled

    • blasted

    • wracked

    • nuked

    • injured

    • rubbed out

    • disintegrated

    • creamed

    • broke

    • tore down

    • subdued

    • pulled down

    • conquered

    • deteriorated

    • totalled

    • harmed

    • obliterated

    • mutilated

    • eradicated

    • spoiled

    • did in

    • dissolved

    • impaired

    • clobbered

    • trimmed

    • disfigured

    • licked

    • dynamited

    • defaced

    • vandalized

    • mangled

    • assassinated

    • mastered

    • plundered

    • gutted

    • thrashed

    • whipped

    • routed

    • looted

    • slaughtered

    • surmounted

    • trounced

    • sacked

    • bested

    • disassembled

    • exterminated

    • murdered

    • liquidated

    • scotched

    • overmatched

    • trashed

    • vitiated

    • despoiled

    • dilapidated

    • expunged

    • washed out

    • extirpated

    • scoured

    • trampled

    • beat

    • pillaged

    • executed

    • blew up

    • wiped out

    • massacred

    • dispatched

    • unmade

    • zapped

    • effaced

    • undid

    • blotted out

    • unbuilt

    • butchered

    • drubbed

    • spoilt

    • felled

    • walloped

    • triumphed (over)

    • took down

    • killed off

    • prevailed (over)

    • skunked

    • swept (away)

    • cut down

    • won (against)

    • wore (away)

    • overbore

    • havocked

    • took out

    • slew

    • snuffed (out)

    • stamped (out)

    • rooted (out)

    • mowed (down)

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    • built

    • constructed

    • repaired

    • erected

    • created

    • raised

    • fixed

    • produced

    • reared

    • invented

    • manufactured

    • made

    • formed

    • assembled

    • established

    • protected

    • preserved

    • shaped

    • forged

    • saved

    • rebuilt

    • constituted

    • restored

    • organized

    • molded

    • fabricated

    • set up

    • founded

    • patched

    • fashioned

    • framed

    • revamped

    • mended

    • reconditioned

    • instituted

    • brought about

    • doctored

    • reconstructed

    • put up

    • conserved

    • fathered

    • renovated

    • remodeled

    See More

    • built

    • constructed

    • repaired

    • erected

    • created

    • raised

    • fixed

    • produced

    • reared

    • invented

    • manufactured

    • made

    • formed

    • assembled

    • established

    • protected

    • preserved

    • shaped

    • forged

    • saved

    • rebuilt

    • constituted

    • restored

    • organized

    • molded

    • fabricated

    • set up

    • founded

    • patched

    • fashioned

    • framed

    • revamped

    • mended

    • reconditioned

    • instituted

    • brought about

    • doctored

    • reconstructed

    • put up

    • conserved

    • fathered

    • renovated

    • remodeled

    See More


    as in ravaged

    to bring destruction to (something) through violent action

    wildfires destroyed thousands of acres in forests across the state

    Synonyms & Similar Words

    • ravaged

    • devastated

    • ruined

    • wrecked

    • plundered

    • obliterated

    • shattered

    • scourged

    • looted

    • demolished

    • stripped

    • annihilated

    • eradicated

    • despoiled

    • sacked

    • decimated

    • pillaged

    • extinguished

    • vaporized

    • overwhelmed

    • desolated

    • smashed

    • expunged

    • extirpated

    • wasted

    • razed

    • wiped out

    • totaled

    • wracked

    • nuked

    • marauded

    • harried

    • rubbed out

    • totalled

    • mowed

    • overpowered

    • crushed

    • overthrew

    • overran

    • forayed

    • stript

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    • restored

    • recovered

    • rehabilitated

    • repaired

    • redeemed

    • fixed

    • reconditioned

    • patched

    • mended

    • revamped

    See More

    • restored

    • recovered

    • rehabilitated

    • repaired

    • redeemed

    • fixed

    • reconditioned

    • patched

    • mended

    • revamped

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    as in killed

    to deprive of life

    regrettably, the veterinarian was forced to destroy the injured horse

    Synonyms & Similar Words

    • killed

    • dispatched

    • claimed

    • murdered

    • felled

    • took

    • slaughtered

    • slew

    • carried off

    • croaked

    • annihilated

    • assassinated

    • decimated

    • neutralized

    • did for

    • wasted

    • finished

    • did in

    • snuffed

    • butchered

    • massacred

    • executed

    • whacked

    • cut down

    • bumped off

    • killed off

    • offed

    • rubbed out

    • made away with

    • terminated

    • blotted out

    • put away

    • knocked off

    • smote

    • mowed

    • got

    • did away with

    • took out

    • martyred

    • iced

    • euthanized

    • scragged

    • suicided

    • put down

    • euthanatized

    Antonyms & Near Antonyms

    • restored

    • revived

    • resurrected

    • animated

    • raised

    • nurtured

    • resuscitated

    • restored

    • revived

    • resurrected

    • animated

    • raised

    • nurtured

    • resuscitated

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    “Destroyed.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/destroyed. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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    «destroyed» in the verb sense

    1. destroy, destruct

    do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of

    «The fire destroyed the house»

    2. destroy, ruin

    destroy completely damage irreparably

    «You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!»

    «The tears ruined her make-up»

    3. demolish, destroy

    defeat soundly and humiliatingly

    «The home team demolished the visitors»

    4. destroy, put down

    put (an animal) to death

    «The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid»

    «the sick cat had to be put down»

    «destroyed» in the adjective sense

    1. destroyed

    spoiled or ruined or demolished

    «war left many cities destroyed»

    «Alzheimer’s is responsible for her destroyed mind»

    2. destroyed, ruined

    destroyed physically or morally

    Quotations for destroyed

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    destroyed in Words With Friends™

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    destroy, destroyer, destroying

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    Wrecked Airliner Photo of Plane Wreck Black Wooden Door Frame Close-up Photography of Boy Statue File of Junks in the Room Graffiti on Wooden Cabinet

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    lost places, building, destroyed war, nuclear war, red big bang, armageddon, cell lost places, abandoned place, home queen, elizabeth ii, english fryderyk chopin, postage stamps, paper

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    Synonyms for Destroyed. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/destroyed

    Synonyms for Destroyed. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/destroyed>.

    Synonyms for Destroyed. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/destroyed.

    Suffixes of destroy

    • destroyed

      • adjective spoiled or ruined or demolished
        • war left many cities destroyed
        • Alzheimer’s is responsible for her destroyed mind
      • verb do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of
        destroy; destruct.
        • The fire destroyed the house

      • More ‘destroyed’ Meaning
      • destroyed Associated Words
      • destroyed Prefix/Suffix Words
      • destroyed Related Words
    • destroy

      • verb do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of
        • The fire destroyed the house
      • verb destroy completely; damage irreparably
        • You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!
        • The tears ruined her make-up

      • More ‘destroy’ Meaning
      • destroying Associated Words
      • destroying Related Words
    • destroy

      • verb do away with, cause the destruction or undoing of
        • The fire destroyed the house
      • verb destroy completely; damage irreparably
        • You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!
        • The tears ruined her make-up

      • More ‘destroy’ Meaning
      • destroys Associated Words
      • destroys Related Words
    • destroyer

      • noun a small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship
        guided missile destroyer.
      • noun a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to
        ruiner; uprooter; waster; undoer.
        • a destroyer of the environment
        • jealousy was his undoer
        • uprooters of gravestones

      • More ‘destroyer’ Meaning
      • destroyer Idioms/Phrases
      • destroyer Associated Words
      • destroyer Prefix/Suffix Words
      • destroyer Related Words
    • destroyer

      • noun a small fast lightly armored but heavily armed warship
        guided missile destroyer.
      • noun a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to
        ruiner; uprooter; waster; undoer.
        • a destroyer of the environment
        • jealousy was his undoer
        • uprooters of gravestones

      • More ‘destroyer’ Meaning
      • destroyers Associated Words
      • destroyers Related Words

    Derived words of destroy

    About Prefix and Suffix Words

    This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `destroy`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

    While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `destroy`, some are not.

    You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.



    - аннулированный
    - разрушенный, уничтоженный, ликвидированный

    Мои примеры


    a book about life on the planet after wars have destroyed civilization — книга о жизни на планете после того, как войны уничтожили цивилизацию  
    bomb destroyed… — в результате взрыва бомбы было разрушено…  
    to be destroyed in a bomb attack — быть разрушенным в результате взрыва бомбы  
    energy cannot be created or destroyed — энергия не появляется и не исчезает  
    all his plans were destroyed — все его планы рухнули  
    be destroyed by the shake of an earthquake — разрушиться при землетрясении  
    be destroyed by the shake — разрушиться при землетрясении  
    category of destroyed chemical weapons — категория уничтожаемого ОВ  
    destroyed target — поражённая цель  
    jam until destroyed — подавлять помехами до уничтожения цели  
    millicurie-destroyed dose — доза излучения радиоизотопа за время уменьшения его активности  

    Примеры с переводом

    The fire destroyed the house

    Огонь уничтожил дом.

    Carthage must be destroyed.

    Карфаген должен быть разрушен. (лат. Delenda est Carthago)

    The shack was destroyed by a fire.

    Лачуга была уничтожена пожаром.

    The building was destroyed by fire.

    Здание было разрушено огнём.

    His rage for fame destroyed him.

    Его уничтожила неутолимая жажда славы.

    Fires destroyed acres of forest.

    Пожары уничтожили несколько гектаров леса.

    The freeze destroyed many oranges.

    Морозы уничтожили множество апельсинов.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    The school was destroyed in an arson attack.

    A bomb blast completely destroyed the building.

    He set off a charge that destroyed the mountain.

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Возможные однокоренные слова

    destroy  — уничтожать, разрушать, истреблять, губить, крушить, ломать, громить, подрывать
    destroyer  — разрушитель, эсминец, истребитель, миноносец, эскадренный миноносец
    destroying  — разрушающий, уничтожающий, разрушительный
    destroyable  — могущий быть разрушенным, поддающийся разрушению, непрочный

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    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    [ dih-stroi ]

    / dɪˈstrɔɪ /

    This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

    verb (used with object)

    to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving; injure beyond repair or renewal; demolish; ruin; annihilate.

    to defeat completely.

    verb (used without object)



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    Origin of destroy

    First recorded in 1175–1225; Middle English destroyen, from Old French destruire, from Vulgar Latin dēstrūgere (unattested), for Latin dēstruere (dē- de- + struere “to pick up, build”)

    synonym study for destroy

    1. Destroy, demolish, raze imply reducing a thing to uselessness. To destroy is to reduce something to nothingness or to take away its powers and functions so that restoration is impossible: Fire destroys a building. Disease destroys tissues. To demolish is to destroy something organized or structured: to demolish a machine. To raze is to level down to the ground: to raze a fortress.

    historical usage of destroy

    OTHER WORDS FROM destroy

    de·stroy·a·ble, adjectivehalf-de·stroyed, adjectivepre·de·stroy, verb (used with object)self-de·stroyed, adjective

    self-de·stroy·ing, adjectiveun·de·stroyed, adjectivewell-de·stroyed, adjective


    decimate, destroy (see word story at decimate)

    Words nearby destroy

    destitution, destock, destool, de-stress, destrier, destroy, destroyer, destroyer escort, destroying angel, destruct, destructible

    Dictionary.com Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

    Words related to destroy

    consume, crush, damage, dismantle, end, eradicate, gut, impair, kill, maim, ravage, raze, ruin, sabotage, shatter, smash, smash-up, wipe out, wreck, abort

    How to use destroy in a sentence

    • The nova does not destroy the star, unlike a supernova, which marks a star’s death.

    • In addition to leveling forests for crops, the Spanish plantation system also began to destroy biodiversity with imported cattle and replace mountains with mines.

    • The eventual goal is to be able to 3D print bones directly into the cavity of a patient, for scenarios in which a certain portion of bone has been removed or destroyed.

    • He wants them destroyed lest some accident or malicious act unleash smallpox on the world again.

    • It’s marketing’s mass conservation, with nothing created and nothing destroyed.

    • But at the heart of this “Truther” conspiracy theory is the idea that “someone” wants to destroy Bill Cosby.

    • “The United States had gone to war declaring it must destroy an active weapons of mass destruction program,” the Times reported.

    • Would he have been careful enough to destroy the odd pieces of jute you’ve left so messily about?

    • Anything less will mean than we are only slightly better as a nation than those who want to destroy us.

    • Instead we must show that America “is different, stronger, and better than those who would destroy us.”

    • O my people, they that call thee blessed, the same deceive thee, and destroy the way of thy steps.

    • The cheerful hours of easy labor vary but do not destroy the pursuit of pleasure and of recreation.

    • They destroy ants and spiders and other creeping things, so that Alila’s mother never kills them nor drives them away.

    • Thy builders are come: they that destroy thee and make thee waste shall go out of thee.

    • Yet the Clarion opposes sweating and tyranny and hypocrisy, and does its best to defeat and to destroy them.

    British Dictionary definitions for destroy

    verb (mainly tr)

    to ruin; spoil; render useless

    to tear down or demolish; break up; raze

    to put an end to; do away with; extinguish

    to kill or annihilate

    to crush, subdue, or defeat

    (intr) to be destructive or cause destruction

    Derived forms of destroy

    destroyable, adjective

    Word Origin for destroy

    C13: from Old French destruire, from Latin dēstruere to pull down, from de- + struere to pile up, build

    Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
    © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
    Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

      • See Also:
        • Desterro
        • destigmatize
        • destination
        • destine
        • destined
        • destiny
        • destitute
        • destitution
        • destool
        • destrier
        • destroy
        • destroyer
        • destroyer escort
        • destroying angel
        • destruct
        • destructible
        • destruction
        • destructionist
        • destructive
        • destructive distillation
        • destructive interference
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    WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

    de•stroy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/USA pronunciation  
    v. [ + obj]

    1. to ruin (a thing) by demolishing;
      injure beyond repair:Fire destroyed several stores in the area.
    2. to put an end to:They destroyed communism from within.
    3. to kill;
      slay:had to destroy the injured animal.
    4. to defeat completely;
      wreck:I felt destroyed by the thought that she no longer needed me.

    See -stru-.

      destroy is a verb, destructive is an adjective, destruction is a noun:The bombs destroyed the factory. The bombs were very destructive. The destruction caused by the bombs was tremendous.

    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

    (di stroi),USA pronunciation v.t. 

    1. to reduce (an object) to useless fragments, a useless form, or remains, as by rending, burning, or dissolving;
      injure beyond repair or renewal;
    2. to put an end to;
    3. to kill;
    4. to render ineffective or useless;
    5. to defeat completely.


    1. to engage in destruction.
    • Vulgar Latin *dēstrūgere, for Latin dēstruere (dē- de— + struere to pick up, build)
    • Old French destruire
    • Middle English destroyen 1175–1225

    de•stroya•ble, adj. 

      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged smash, level, waste, ravage, devastate.
        Destroy, demolish, raze imply reducing a thing to uselessness. To destroy is to reduce something to nothingness or to take away its powers and functions so that restoration is impossible:Fire destroys a building. Disease destroys tissues.To demolish is to destroy something organized or structured:to demolish a machine.To raze is to level down to the ground:to raze a fortress.
      • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged extirpate, annihilate, uproot.

      • 1, 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged create.

    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

    destroy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ vb (mainly tr)

    1. to ruin; spoil; render useless
    2. to tear down or demolish; break up; raze
    3. to put an end to; do away with; extinguish
    4. to kill or annihilate
    5. to crush, subdue, or defeat
    6. (intransitive) to be destructive or cause destruction

    Etymology: 13th Century: from Old French destruire, from Latin dēstruere to pull down, from de- + struere to pile up, build

    destroy‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

    a world it believed was seeking to destroy it
    Anger infused him, a yearning to destroy something
    break/ruin/destroy/ the trust
    can destroy as easily as it loves
    Characteristically, however, he would destroy a great deal of his juvenalia, the continued existence
    could destroy crops …, causing a famine.»
    damage/ruin/destroy reputation
    decimate/destroy a lot
    deliberately destroy the garden
    Den dey ghy stroy (then they will destroy)
    destroy an exam
    destroy life
    «destroy» or «ruin»
    destroy our parks by fire
    destroy some files
    Destroy the building?
    destroy the city
    destroy <the fabric of his daily existence>
    destroy the image of judicial system in people’s minds
    destroy VS ruin
    destroy your bloodline
    destroy your health and mess up your life
    destroy/lead waste to efforts
    destroy/spoil/ruin my shoes
    didn’t destroy him
    Difference among Destroy, obliterate,eradicate, annihilate
    difference: damage, destroy, ruin, injure

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