Long vowel sound word list

In this post, I’m breaking down long vowel sounds (or long vowel words) to help you teach them when working with struggling readers and spellers.

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what is a long vowel sound

What is a long vowel sound?

Long vowel sounds are vowels that are pronounced the same as their name. You’ll often hear teachers say that long vowels “say their name”.

Long vowels are very common but they can be tricky because there are so many spellings for each long vowel sound.

4 ways to make long vowel sounds

There are actually 4 ways to make long vowel sounds:

  1. Vowels at the end of a syllable make the long sound. For example, in the words me and halo (ha-lo) the vowels are all at the end of a syllable so they make the long sound.
  2. Silent e makes the previous vowel long. The words bike and phone have a silent e at the end that makes the previous vowel long.
  3. Vowel teams can make the long sound. Vowel teams work together to make one sound, and usually, it’s a long vowel sound. For example, boat and meat both have vowel teams that make the long sound.
  4. I or O can be long when they come before two consonants. In words like cold and mind, i and o make a long vowel sound.

Long Vowel Words

Long vowel sound words are words that have vowels that say their name. Below are a few examples:

  • Long a – baby, cake, rain, day, they, weigh
  • Long e – me, eve, hear, meet, piece, candy
  • Long i – silent, bike, light, my
  • Long o – go, home, toe, boat, snow
  • Long u – music, mule, pew, feud
long a words list

Long A Sound

The long a sound can be represented by 8 different spelling patterns:

  1. a – baby
  2. a_e – cake
  3. ai – rain
  4. ay – play
  5. ei – reindeer
  6. eigh – weight
  7. ea – steak
  8. ey – they

Learn more about teaching the long a sound here, and check out my Long A Words Activities & Worksheets for printable activities.

long a sound word work worksheets and activities

long e words list

Long E Sound

The long e sound can be represented by 8 different spelling patterns:

  1. e – be
  2. e_e – eve
  3. ee – meet
  4. ea – beach
  5. ei – protein
  6. ie – piece
  7. ey – key
  8. y – candy

For ideas, tips, and tricks when teaching the long e sound, read this post all about teaching the long e vowel sound, and check out my Long E Words Activities & Worksheets for printable activities.

long e sound word work and activities

long i words list

Long I Sound

The long i sound can be represented by 6 different spelling patterns:

  1. i – silent
  2. i_e – shine
  3. ie – pie
  4. igh – light
  5. y – my
  6. y_e – type

You can learn more about teaching the long I sound in this post. And check out my Long I Worksheets set in my shop for printable activities on the long i sound.

long i worksheets

long o words list

Long O Sound

The long o sound can be represented by 5 different spelling patterns:

  1. o – go
  2. o_e – phone
  3. oe – toe
  4. oa – boat
  5. ow – snow

You can learn more about teaching long o words and check out my long o worksheets.

long o worksheets

long u words list

Long U Sound

The long u has two sounds: yoo (/y/ /oo/) and oo (/oo/).

The long u sound can be represented by 7 different spelling patterns:

  1. u – music
  2. u_e – mule
  3. ue – rescue
  4. eu – feud
  5. ew – few
  6. oo – food
  7. ou – soup

Learn more about teaching the long u sound here.

long u worksheets

Tips for teaching the long vowel sounds

Teach one spelling pattern at a time!

I don’t mean one vowel sound, but just one spelling pattern. So for example, if you’re working on long a, you would work on the spelling pattern a silent e (cake, same, cave) until students have mastered it, then move on to ai, and so on. You should not be teaching multiple spelling patterns together, even though they make the same sound.

I know that most programs out there combine all the long vowel sound spelling patterns into one lesson, especially in spelling lists, but this does not work for struggling readers. You need to break it down for them and only do one at a time.

Teach the syllable types.

Because syllables have a lot to do with whether vowels make the short or long sound, if students do not already know the 6 syllable types then teach them along with the long vowel sound.

Here are resources for each syllable type:

  • closed syllable
  • open syllable
  • final silent e syllable
  • vowel team syllable
  • r combination syllable
  • consonant le syllable

Use a variety of activities to practice each spelling pattern.

Games, dictation, word sorts, memory or matching with flashcards, word hunts, textured writing, body spelling, and bingo are all fun ways to practice the long vowel sounds.

The main activity that is often overlooked is dictation. It seems so simple but the task involves listening to a word, deciding on the spelling, and transferring that info to written form. These are all skills that struggling readers need to practice.

Teach the spelling generalizations.

Some of the long vowel spelling patterns are spelling rules that make it easy to remember.

For example, ai is usually found at the beginning or middle of a syllable, and ay is usually found at the end of a syllable. [Examples: rain, aim, play, daytime]

Here is another example with long o: oa is usually found at the beginning or middle of a word, and ow is usually found at the end. [Examples: boat, coach, snow]

long vowel sounds word lists

I made these word lists to help teach the long vowels. I find it handy to have these on hand when playing phonics games or planning activities for long vowel lessons.

Grab them for free below!

Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers shop to see all my literacy products.

Want to remember this? Save Long Vowel Sounds: Word Lists & Activities to your favorite Pinterest board!

how to teach long vowels + free word lists

Delilah Orpi is the founder of Thrive Literacy Corner. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education, a Master’s degree in TESOL, and is a member of the International Dyslexia Association. She is an experienced educator and literacy specialist trained in Orton Gillingham and Lindamood Bell. Delilah creates literacy resources for educators and parents and writes to create awareness about dyslexia and effective literacy instruction based on the science of reading.

What are long vowel words? Long vowels are usually pronounced with a long vowel sound. It is not always the case that everyone can pronounce or understand a word or phrase with a long vowel sound. Have you ever noticed that certain words have more than one meaning? Did you know about the different types of long vowels? In this article, you will know what long vowels are and how to pronounce them properly.

What Are Long Vowel Words?

Long vowels are words that have several meanings, depending on the length of the vowel. A long vowel occurs when the length of the vowel part of a word is almost always longer than the length of the following consonant part(s). This is not just a linguistic phenomenon, and it occurs in everyday speech and writing as well.

What Are Long Vowel Sounds?

The length of the vowel sound in a word is determined by the length of the following consonant sounds. This means that the longer the consonant sound, the longer the vowel. There are many types of vowels, and when it comes to determining whether a given word is a long vowel or not.

Ways to Make Long Vowel Sounds

Vowels with an Extension

When a vowel has an extra length, it’s called an extension. Examples of extension are the English syllabic “u” and the French “u.” The following are some of the easy ways to make long vowel sounds.

Vowels with a Throatsound

When a sounding “th” sound accompanies a vowel, it’s called a throaty vowel. Examples of a throaty: Vowel include the English “th,” the French “œ,” the Japanese “œ,” and the Indian “ś.”

Vowel bit: A vowel bit is a silent extra vowel sound made by either the tongue or the teeth.

List of Long Vowel Words

Long Vowel Words List

Long A Words

Here is the list of long A words.

  • Baby
  • Cake
  • Rain
  • Day
  • They
  • Weigh
  • Play
  • Reindeer
  • Steak
  • Bake
  • Way
  • Pay
  • Rate
  • Fame
  • Raid
  • Laid
  • Maid
  • Paid
  • Braid
  • Rail
  • Tail
  • Bait
  • Trait
  • Grain
  • Plain
  • Drain
  • Train
  • Jail
  • Snail
  • Vain
  • Chain
  • Rain
  • Main
  • Spain
  • Wait
  • Strait
  • Sail
  • Pail
  • Mail
  • Slain

Long E Words

Below are some long E words in English.

  • Be
  • Eve
  • Meet
  • Beach
  • Protein
  • Piece
  • Key
  • Candy
  • See
  • Beam
  • Scene
  • Flea
  • Plea
  • Sneak
  • Bead
  • Beak
  • Weak
  • Freak
  • Read
  • Lead
  • Meal
  • Mean
  • Cream
  • Cheap
  • Feast
  • Clean
  • Seal
  • Zeal
  • Steal
  • Reap
  • Dear
  • Hear
  • Near
  • Wheat
  • Treat
  • Seat
  • Meat
  • Heat
  • Scream
  • Least

Long I Words

What are some long I words?

  • Silent
  • Shine
  • Pie
  • Light
  • My
  • Type
  • I
  • Pine
  • Aisle
  • Right
  • Fine
  • Lie
  • Pie
  • Tie
  • Dried
  • Fried
  • Why
  • Cry
  • Fly
  • Delight
  • Might
  • Knight
  • Flight
  • Nine
  • Drive
  • White
  • Kite
  • Nice
  • Apply
  • Shy
  • Cycle
  • Price
  • Wise
  • Tide
  • Idol
  • Ice
  • Item
  • Pilot
  • Lime
  • Like

Long O Words

Let’s take a look at some long O words in the English language.

  • Go
  • Phone
  • Toe
  • Boat
  • Snow
  • Road
  • So
  • Hoe
  • Tow
  • Coach
  • Poach
  • Roach
  • Broach
  • Load
  • Toad
  • Oak
  • Soak
  • Coal
  • Goal
  • Foam
  • Loan
  • Boar
  • Soar
  • Doe
  • Throat
  • Float
  • Gloat
  • Bloat
  • Goat
  • Roast
  • Boast
  • Croak
  • Shoal
  • Roam
  • Roar
  • Goad
  • Moan
  • Groan
  • Cloak
  • Woe

Long U Words

What are some long U words?

  • Music
  • Mule
  • Rescue
  • Feud
  • Few
  • Food
  • Soup
  • Rude
  • Statue
  • Duke
  • Queue
  • Cue
  • Fruit
  • Suit
  • Unicorn
  • Bugle
  • Cupid
  • Human
  • Duty
  • Unit
  • Uniform
  • Student
  • Use
  • Cube
  • Cute
  • Huge
  • Flume
  • Flute
  • Mew
  • New
  • Blew
  • Jewel
  • Threw
  • School
  • Too
  • Moon
  • Room
  • Goose
  • Blue
  • Clue

Common Long Vowel Words

Let’s take a look at some of the most common long vowel words today.


Deeming is a fancy word for word removal. It can refer to the removal of words or the addition of words. Other common usages of the word deemed include when a judge rules on a case, when a doctor pronounces a patient dead, and when we determine how something was made or who made it.


The beam was a common word until recently, but it has almost become synonymous with strong or sturdy. Beam refers to a system where a person’s weight determines how much of a certain type of food they should consume. It also means a strong foundation or backbone of something else.


A scene is usually a group activity where people talk, observe, and learn. It can also refer to a public place to freely talk, read, and learn without feeling overcrowded or unsafe.


People who love nature might appreciate the pine. This is a tree with a long history in our culture. It is known for its resiliency, strength, and ability to grow back after being cut, broken limbs, or needles lost.


This is a synonym for expensive. But, as you can see from the examples above, the meaning of a fine is not always about price. It can refer to the quality of something or the feeling you get when you consume it.


This is a common word that has been recently redefined. It used to be considered a highway, but today it is more often used to refer to a path people take rather than the highway itself.


This is a common word that means the person or thing that makes or gives something else it is quality. It is also used to mean the same thing as the word strong.

As you can see from the list above, many different types of long vowel words exist. They are useful in many different contexts and are easy to remember. So, the next time you visit a new city or feel lost in a crowd, don’t worry. Just take a quick look around, and you’ll be fine.

Long Vowel Words | Pictures

List of Long Vowel Words

Long Vowel Words


Last Updated on July 1, 2022


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Long Vowel Sounds «-a» Word List

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Long Vowel Sounds «-a» Word List

Here’s a useful word list with long vowel sounds to use with your ESL students.

Grammar Corner Long Vowel Sounds  -a  Word List

Long vowel sound spelling patterns are quite difficult for students to learn. First they must understand that more than one letter can be used to represent one sound and then learn the various ways that the sound can be represented in print.

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Learn all about long i and the six ways to spell the long i vowel sound: i, i-e, igh, y, y-e, and ie. You will also snag your own free printable list with 173 words with long i vowel sounds!

A corkboard with the long I vowel list pinned to it. Words saying "Long I Words."

All About Long i

Just as with all long vowels, the long vowel sound is the same as the letter name.

  • Long a says /ā/ like acorn.
  • Long e says /ē/ like equal.
  • Long i says /ī/ like ice.
  • Long o says /ō/ like ocean.
  • Long u says /yoo/ like unicorn, OR /oo/ like ruler.

I usually teach my students a little jingle to remember the sound long vowels make. We pound on the table and chant, “Long vowels say their names.” My students really respond positively to this, and it helps them to remember the sounds of long vowels!

Colorful graphic with five ways to spell long i with coordinating keyword pictures.

Long i can be spelled 6 different ways: i, i-e, igh, y, y-e, and ie. All of these spelling patterns can result in the long i vowel sound. Examples include:

  • i like lion.
  • i-e like bike.
  • igh like light.
  • y like fly.
  • y_e like type.
  • ie like pie.

👉 Scroll to the bottom to download our free, comprehensive long i word list PDF!

i – Open Syllable Words & Wild/Old Words

The letter i by itself will say its long sound when it is the last letter in a syllable. This is called an open syllable. Think about words like hi, li/on, and pi/lot. Since the syllables end in the single letter i, the vowel will make its long i sound.

👉 Exceptions: We also hear the long i sound in many common, but irregular closed syllable words that break the rules.

These ‘exceptions to the rule’ are one-syllable words that end in -ild, -ilt, -ind, and -ist. These are sometimes referred to as Wild, Old Words.

Words with open syllable and wild or old words with long i sound:

lion kind climb hi quiet silent
I find blind idea science bicycle
I’m mind mild Friday iron Simon
I’ll child pilot behind giant spider
I’ve wild item finally library final
I’d sign trial decide China tricycle

i-e (Long i with Silent E)

This pattern follows a VCe pattern and results in the letter i saying its name.

Use the sight word ‘like’ to teach this spelling pattern. Write it on the board and ask your students to read it. Because this word is usually one of the first sight words children learn, they should know it automatically.)

Follow this general script:

  1. Teacher: Tap the sounds you hear in the word like. How many sounds do you hear?
  2. Students: /l/ /ī/ /k/ = 3 sounds.
  3. Teacher: But we see four letters! When we see i-consonant-e pattern in words, the i will say its long sound. That’s why ‘like’ has a long vowel sound in the middle. Without the letter e at the end, it would say ‘lick.’ Now imagine you raised your hand in class and said “I like my dog.” That magic e at the end is so important because, without it, my sentence would say “I lick my dog.” (Kids always get a hoot out of using this example in a sentence.)

Words with long i with silent e with long i sound:

bike smile bride exercise alive likely
time ride five sometime arrive provide
file mine lime inside describe excitement
side kite slide outside combine aside
like hide slime surprise realize organize
pipe bite write decide alike despite

igh – Vowel Team

Refer to this spelling pattern as “igh – 3 letter i.” It’s a three-letter vowel team. This phonogram is totally irregular and cannot be sounded out.

We learned from The ABC’s and All Their Tricks that this spelling is actually a remnant of Old English and Old German, which is why it looks so strange to us!

Words with vowel team igh with long I sound:

light fight knight flashlight highest moonlight
right sight fright higher lightning upright
might tight Dwight tonight mighty eyesight
night sigh twilight fighting highway sightsee
high slight tighter frighten midnight skylight
bright flight fortnight sunlight delight tighten

y – Vowel

Remember told old saying: “A, E, I, O, U and sometimes Y.” Well, let’s teach our students the rules for when the letter y actually is considered a vowel. They can know for sure when that “sometimes” really occurs.

👉 Y is considered a vowel when it comes at the end of a syllable or word.
👉 When Y is at the end of a root word, it makes the long i sound.

Multisyllabic words where the vowel y makes the long I sound:

fly dry dying drying deny nylon
by myself shy satisfy multiply occupy
my cry reply hydrogen magnify cyclone
why sly spy butterfly neaby modify
try lying thy classify Wyoming recycle
sky July defy apply cyclops tyrant

y-e (Long Y with Silent E)

When y is in the middle of a word, it is also considered a vowel.

When a syllable follows a y-consonant-silent e pattern, the y makes the long i sound. Many of these words come from Greek, and the y makes the sound of i.

type lyme Bryce style analyze genotype
hype Clyde byte typewriter archetype freestyle
Kyle hyde thyme paralyze argylye gigabyte
lyme Lyle tyke enzyme hairstyle mistype

ie – Vowel Team

IE is a vowel team. When it comes at the end of a root, it makes the long vowel i sound.

There are only a handful of words that include this vowel team, so teaching these four words together as a word family may be a better approach than teaching and reviewing the vowel team.

pie die lie tie

FAQ & Info

What are the best ways to teach long vowels?

Begin by solidifying the difference between long and short vowels. Use hands-on activities, manipulatives, and orthographic mapping activities. Vowel sorts are also great activities.

Should I teach all long vowel spellings at the same time?

You should not teach all long vowel patterns at the same time. Follow a scope and sequence that targets skills systematically to build a solid foundation.

Do I use all the words on the Long Vowel Word List?

Only choose words from the list that follow the phonics skills you’ve already taught. For example: When teaching the long y spelling for long i, do not use the word “city” with students if you haven’t already taught the soft sound of c says /s/.

Related Posts

👉 Get the rest of the printable Long Vowel Word Lists: Long A, Long E, Long O, and Long U!

  • Long & Short Vowel Sorts
  • Silent E Worksheets
  • Magic Wand Silent E Printable

Corkboard image with list pinned to it. Text saying "173+ Long I Sound Words."

Download & Print

We hope you can use many of the words on this list as you teach the long i vowel sound. Please comment below or tag us on Instagram @Literacylearn to tell us your best tips for teaching long i.

TERMS: All resources and printables are designed for personal use only in your own home and classroom. Each person must visit this site and download their own free copy. Please do not photocopy, email, or reproduce our printable resources for other teachers, and please do not reproduce our printables on the web or save them to a shared drive. Instead, please share the resources with others by using the social share links provided or by distributing the link to the blog post itself. This allows us to keep making free resources for everyone! If you have any questions, please email us. Please see our Creative Credits page for information regarding the licensed ClipArt used in our resources. Thank you!

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от Marina332

When you teach reading and spelling, it’s a good idea to have a general overview of long vowel sounds. Let’s dive in!

A long vowel is a vowel that is pronounced the same as its name. For example, the word emu starts with the long E sound.

Seems pretty simple, right? But did you know that long vowel sounds can be spelled four different ways and that each way follows a specific spelling pattern?

The overview that follows will help you see the big picture about long vowel sounds as you teach reading and spelling. Read on to discover these useful patterns!

Four Ways to Form Long Vowel Sounds

A vowel at the end of a syllable can be long.

In the word we, as in We love emus, the vowel E is at the end of the syllable and says long E. In these words, the vowel at the end of a syllable is long: hero, hi, music.

Silent E can make the previous vowel long.

In the word cute, as in Emus are cute, the long U sound is formed by adding Silent E at the end of the word. Here are more words in which Silent E makes the previous vowel long: tape, shine, code.

Vowel teams can make long vowel sounds.

Vowel teams are two vowels that work together to make one sound. For example, in the word eat, as in Emus eat seeds, vowel team EA says long E. These words have vowel teams that make a long vowel sound: mail, sheep, soap.

I or O can be long when they come before two consonants.

In the word stroll, as in The emu went for a stroll, the letter O comes before two consonants and says its long vowel sound. In these words, I or O are long before two consonants: kind, gold, child.

So there you go—the four basic patterns for spelling long vowel sounds!

Let’s Dive in a Little Deeper

The chart below illustrates the most common ways to spell the long vowel sounds.

Click to Download a Printable Chart!

Seeing these spellings all gathered in one place is enlightening for those of us who are already proficient readers and spellers. But I would only recommend using the chart for reference, or with an older student who has already mastered most of these phonograms. I would not recommend overwhelming a beginning student by teaching these spellings all at once. Instead, teach these basic patterns to students incrementally, one at a time.

Activities to Teach Long Vowel Sounds

Are you interested in seeing how we teach the four long vowel patterns in All About Reading and All About Spelling? Here is a sampling for you to download and enjoy!

The Bottom Line for Teaching Long Vowel Sounds

When it comes to teaching long vowel sounds, here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Long vowel sounds can be spelled four different ways, each following a specific pattern.
  • Teach these basic patterns to students incrementally, one at a time.
  • Keep it fun! Use a wide variety of interesting activities to help your student learn the four patterns for forming long vowel sounds.

All About Reading and All About Spelling walk you and your student through all the steps needed to help your student learn to read and spell. The programs are multisensory, motivating, and complete with everything you need. And if you ever need a helping hand, we’re here for you.

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All About Learning Press Product Line

What’s your take on teaching the long vowel sounds? Do you have anything else to share? Let me know in the comments below!

Looking for information on short vowels? Check out our Handy Guide to Short Vowel Sounds!


Long Vowel sounds and words= vowel letters say their names in a word

  • read the letter combinations that make long vowel sounds
  • practice saying each long vowel sound: again and again and again
  • read the words with long vowel sounds in them
  • read the short sentences with long vowel words in the sentences


Reminder pictures of the consonant sounds, for sounding out and reading the words below
English consonant mouth and lips sounds for consonants


Some long vowel spelling patterns:

Oakland long vowels patterns 001


Long vowel= a = says the name of the letter “a”

Long a   =   ai   =   ay  =   a__e

Read the long a words:     __ay

english long vowels 1


read the  long a words :   __ai__             _a_e

english long vowels long a


Long e = says the name of the letter “e”

read the long e words

__e           _ee           __ee__          __ea__ 


english long e long vowels 3


Long i  = says the name of the letter “i”

read the long i words

Long i =  _y  (y at the end of a short, one syllable word)


english long i  with y long vowels 4


Long i  = says the name of the letter “i”

read the long i words

Long i =     _i_e

english long i long vowels 5


Long o =   _oa__         _o_e   

read the long o words


english long o  long vowels 7


read the long vowel  words


english long vowels all list


Reminder of the consonant sounds

English consonant mouth and lips sounds for consonants

It cannot be easy to teach your child the long O words sound. However, our kids learned long vowels best by using simple words that use the sound.

Spend time using three to four letters and emphasize the vowel sound. Below is a long O words list that you can use for your child to help you show them a few words that result from long vowels. Again, you should stress the vowel sound and practice the long sounds of O letter.

ALSO READ: Awesome Sounding Words Meanings | Cool Speaking Words

Long Vowels Definition

A long vowel is a vowel sound pronounced the same way as the name of the letter itself. For example, the long U sound is pronounced like “yoo,” as would be the case in words like “lure” and “tube.” By contrast, the short U sound is pronounced more like “uh,” as in words like “cub,” “cup,” and “tub.” These are the most common long vowels:

  • Long a – day, baby, cake, rain, they, weigh, pay, take, lake, shake
  • Long e – see, he, she, piece, me, eve, hear, meet, candy, be
  • Long i – spider, light, silent, bike, my, tiny, final, item, iris, idol, silo
  • Long o – snow, go, home, toe, boat, hope, rope, hole, focus, no, go, bonus, pony
  • Long u – music, feud, mule, pew

Let’s look again at the example words: ‘yogurt’, ‘locate’, ‘go’, ‘banjo’, ‘moment’ & ‘coma.’ The word bug does not have the U long sound that the word bugle does. Instead, the vowel sound in the word “bug” is short.

The words with long vowel sounds are also known as long vowel words. It is important to remember that the spelling of a word and how it sounds don’t always match. The long U sound is also present in words like “few” “beauty.” The long O sound in “drove,” “close,” and other words can be spelled as “o” (as “go”) or even “oe” (“as “jeo”), among many other variations.

The O sound, the long form of the O sound, can be heard in words such as “robe” and “dose.” These are just a few of the many words that use the O sound. This article includes long O words list that introduces students to the “long O” sound. It is followed by sentences that use these sounds.

01. go 02. so
03. no 04. pony
05. rosy 06. donut
07. focus 08. bonus
09. piano 10. banjo
11. locate 12. coma
13. yogurt 14. moment
15. total 16. omit
17. tomato 18. potato
19. home 20. polite
21. hope 22. slope
23. joke 24. hole
25. broke 26. dose
27. robe 28. dome
29. bony 30. cone
31. Joe 32. rope
33. woe 34. stove
35. hoe 36. drove
37. doe 38. close
39. foe 40. doze
41. toe 41. smoke
Table 1: Long O Words | Long Vowel Sound

Long O Sentences List

Here is the list of long O sentences having long O words sound.

  • The country road isn’t paved.
  • The Lone Ranger is a famous fictional character.
  • Herbert was so excited, he started jumping up and down.
  • Can you fetch me a hoe from the garden shed?
  • The tow truck arrived just in time.
  • I hope the boat floats.
  • Joan votes in Rome.
  • We run home at night and sleep.
  • He can make a bowl with coal and foam.
  • Joe will loan the foal to Joan.
  • The foal will moan when it is alone.
  • Go home and soak a load.
  • Joan will quote Joe’s note.
  • I hope Joan will go to Rome.
  • Nope! I won’t throw the toad!

Using Long O Vowel Sounds

Although the long O words list may not be complete, it can help you understand the basic concepts of long O vowel sounds. These long O words can also be used in longer words.

Some words have both short and long vowel sounds, depending on the time frame. For example, when the tense is present, words such as “read” are pronounced with the long vowel sound.

The tense can be changed from past to present, and the long vowel sound will be removed. Instead, the word will contain the shorter vowel sound. Example: “I’ve read the list of short vowel words, and I understand it much better now.”


Which of these incredibly long O words that are most helpful in your daily life? Have you found any new long O words that are more appealing to you? Spread these long O words by sending a text with these words for someone you love and adore.

If you enjoyed Long O Words List, I’d be very thankful if you’d help it spread by emailing it to your friends or sharing it on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. Thank you!

Did you read these Long O Words List on the way? Which one do you read? Let us know if you have any question. We will gladly explain!

Recap of We Just Learned

  • Long Vowels Definition
  • Long O sound words List
  • Long O Sentences List
  • Using Long O Vowel Sounds

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/ā/ as
in ape.
Learning the long vowel sound a

Teaching point How to spell the long /ā/

Some words need just the letter a, for example:

acorn apron alien agent
basic basin data fatal

Sometimes, we need to add another letter somewhere in the word:

a-e as in snake. ai as in train. ay as in pray. ei as in reindeer.
We use a split digraph
a-e: add an e on the end (to make the a say its name).
Or, we use ai. Or, we put ay on the end of a word. Rarely, we use ei.
See Unit 21 for more on these words.

Some examples:



Learn the Words:

Study this word list

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

…and many more.

Some examples:



Learn the Words:

Study this word list

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

…and many more.

Some examples:

Monday etc.


Learn the Words:

Study this word list

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

Rule breakers break spelling rules

Learn the Words:

Study this word list

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

Some examples: 

(also sheikh)

Learn the Words:

Study this word list

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

1) Words marked * are homophones. See page 6 of this unit.
2) Words ending in —ace are in Unit 20.

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Learn the Words activities for each
word list on this page.

next part of the spelling course
Go to next page:
Take a test in spelling the long /ā/

The Spellzone interactive course is intended to be used online and may not be printed.

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