Long sentence with one word

This is an open ended puzzle of wordplay. Here’s an example of acceptable words: reed, read, read, red, etc. They are linked by either different spellings of the same pronunciation (reed and read), or different pronunciations of the same spelling (read, read). Only words in the OED are acceptable.

The puzzle is to create a long sentence using only words from such a pool. Not all words in the pool need to be used, and adjacent words do not need to be linked. Which sentence is the longest?

Answers must start with the proposed sentence in bold, followed by explanations or commentary as desired.

Degenerate approaches are not acceptable. For example, suppose some buffalo are named Buffalo, after the spicy chicken wings. Both of these words are in the OED, including the capitalization of the later, however the city name of Buffalo is not. Now suppose some of their offspring are named Buffalo Buffalo. And suppose some of their offspring are named Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo. This leads to English sentences such as «Buffalo buffalo buffalo.», where the first lowercase word is the verb, to quote the OED, «To overpower, overawe, or constrain by superior force or influence; to outwit, perplex.», and the second lowercase word is the common name of a species of quadrupeds. Similarly, another sentence is: «Buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo.», as is «Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo.» And so on. Grammatically simple sentences of any arbitrary length can be formed. Without this exclusion, the puzzle certainly has no ultimate answer.

I’m including the tag ‘open-ended’ because I suspect the ultimate winning sentence is unknown, though potentially computable someday given an appropriate database to form the pool of words and NLP.

It might sound a little outlandish, but you can form sentences with only one word. That’s right; you can write one word and then place a period (or exclamation mark) to close it. This article will explore some examples to help you understand them.

Can One Word Be A Sentence?

Of course, it’s possible to come across one word as a sentence. Here are some of the types that we will mention in this article:

  • Interrogatives
  • Imperatives
  • Declaratives
  • Locatives
  • Nominatives
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs
  • Accusatives
  • Exclamations

one word sentences examples

A one-word sentence is known simply as a sentence word. The above types are all the broader words we can use to describe specific types of sentence words. Each one offers a different way for us to use a one-word sentence when they apply.


Interrogatives are the most common form of sentence words. We use them mainly as questions because they cover the most common words in English like “who,” “what,” and “where.” These words are all simple one-word sentences in the form of direct questions.

Here are some of the best interrogatives you can use:

  • Who?
  • What?
  • Where?
  • How?
  • When?
  • Why?

As you can see, each one is followed by a question mark. This shows that all interrogatives work best when we are directing them as a question toward someone.

It’s also common for the answer to be a sentence word, but it depends on the context. Most of the answers you can give to interrogative sentence words will apply to one of the other sections coming up in the article.


Imperatives are commanding words. We can use verbs to command someone to do something in the imperative case. It’s common for imperative sentences to have only one word because it shows the emphasis and need of someone to follow whatever command you are giving.

Since all imperatives are commands in the form of verbs, these examples should help you to understand them:

  • Stop.
  • Don’t.
  • Leave.
  • Go.
  • Run.
  • Walk.
  • Work.
  • Return.

Each of these verb forms allows us to give someone a command. The period after each one really emphasizes the need for someone to listen to what we have to say.

It can be easy for some people to ignore commands, which is why the imperative form exists. We can use these sentence words with a stern tone to show that we are only interested in someone listening to us (it’s usually for their own good).


Declaratives allow us to declare ourselves or someone else as an answer. We can use declaratives like “me” when we want to show that we are happy to declare ourselves or our actions in some way. Again, this mostly works when we are replying to specific questions.

There aren’t many good declaratives, but they’re still used. Here are some examples:

  • Me.
  • Aye.

It’s difficult to come up with many more legitimate declaratives. Some people might argue that “she” or “he” would work, but it’s not common for English speakers to use either of those pronouns as a sentence word.

That’s why “me” is the most appropriate declarative because it’s reasonable to expect someone to declare themselves as a candidate for something.

“Aye” also works because it’s a proclamation that we agree with something.


Locatives are a more specific branch of sentence words we can use. They are word forms that always refer to locations. For example, we might say something like “here” or “there” when we are trying to show where something is happening. That’s how locatives work.

Locatives relate to locations, which these examples will make clear:

  • Here.
  • There.
  • Everywhere.
  • Nowhere.
  • Home.
  • Near.
  • Far.
  • Wherever.
  • Somewhere.

As long as a position or place is mentioned in the sentence word, locatives work well. They work when replying to certain questions, so you might benefit from checking out the following examples:

  • Where do you live?
  • Here.
  • Where were they last?
  • There.

As you can see, we use them to reply to questions about someone or something’s location.


Nominatives are ways for us to nominate someone else. We can offer names, people, and things in the nominative case. It’s most common to see someone’s name as the nominative form when we are presenting a sentence word answer to a question.

Nominatives can cover anyone’s name, so we’ll include some examples to help you:

  • Jane.
  • John.
  • Sarah.
  • Stuart.
  • Smith.
  • Daniel.
  • Craig.
  • Lewis.
  • Martin.

There are plenty of questions that could lead us to use a nominative form. For example, if someone asked us who completed a specific job, we could provide the name if we know the person that did it.

Technically, we can also provide names of items or objects rather than just people. It mostly refers to things that you can nominate or pick out as a culprit for something, which is why it works well in many different cases.


Adjectives are a common form in the English language. We use them as descriptive words, but it’s also common to see them as sentence words. However, it mostly only applies to informal situations when you want to use adjectives in this manner.

Here are a couple of examples to help you out:

  • Pretty.
  • Cute.
  • Nice.
  • Kind.
  • Happy.
  • Friendly.
  • Incredible.
  • Amazing.
  • Brilliant.
  • Gorgeous.
  • Ugly.
  • Grim.

While it’s easy to easy adjectives in the sentence word form, you might not be entirely sure how to use them correctly. Remember, it’s mostly an informal construct because you would be expected to use more words formally.

You might find it useful to also see a question and answer formation to see how this works:

  • What do you think of this artwork?
  • Gorgeous.
  • How do you find her?
  • Pretty.

As you can see, each of the adjective answers allows us to modify a specific noun listed in the question. For example, the first question asked about “artwork,” which we can modify with the responsive adjective “gorgeous.”

The second example used the noun “her,” and the descriptive word was “pretty.”


Adverbs are similar to adjectives. However, they usually include an “-ly” ending after the adjective and modify verbs. We can use adverbs to modify the verb that might have been presented in the previous question. If the question has no verb, an adverb cannot work.

These examples will help you make more sense of what adverbs can do:

  • Calmly.
  • Softly.
  • Easily.
  • Quickly.
  • Gently.
  • Nicely.
  • Happily.
  • Confidently.
  • Rapidly.
  • Cautiously.
  • Barely.

You might also benefit from the following question and answer examples to help you figure it out:

  • Would you take a look at this for me?
  • Happily.
  • How should I speak when giving the address?
  • Confidently.

As you can see, we can only use adverb answers when someone has provided a verb for us to modify. In the first example, we are modifying the verb “look” with “happily” to show that we’re happy to take a look at what they’ve done.

The second example modifies the verb “speak” with “confidently” to show that we have a specific desire to listen to someone speak with a confident tone.


Accusatives are exactly what the name would suggest they are. We can use them to accuse someone specifically. The most common way for us to do this as a sentence word is by using object pronouns to point the finger toward someone you might have done something wrong.

If you don’t know what we mean, these examples will clear things up:

  • Him.
  • Her.
  • Them.
  • That.
  • It.
  • You.
  • Me.
  • Us.

Accusatives work well when someone has asked us for a culprit. If we know that someone has done something wrong (or even if we know that someone will be helpful to answer a question), we can use this form.

Here are some examples that should help you:

  • Do you know who did it?
  • Him.
  • Who is the smartest person here?
  • Her.

It doesn’t always have to refer to bad things. Sometimes, we can use the accusative form just to pick someone out from a crowd. It’s a quick way for us to respond to a question with a pronoun rather than an explanation.


Exclamations are another really common form of sentence words. A simple “yes” or “no” can apply when we are using exclamations. They are called exclamations because they allow someone to exclaim their answer to a question without more explanation.

Here are a couple of examples that will help you to figure it out:

  • Yes.
  • No.
  • Maybe.
  • Oh.

There are plenty of other exclamations in English, and some people will treat them more as interjections. For example, you might be familiar with ones like “huh” or “err.”

However, we didn’t want to include these ones because they’re not technically words that you can use in English. It’s always best to stick with ones that actually have definitions, which is why we thought it was reasonable to only include a handful.

Now you have all the necessary information to help you start using sentence words yourself. Exclamations tend to be one of the most common ways to do this without even thinking about it, so get to work!

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

“Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.”

According to William Rappaport, a linguistics professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo (naturally), that — the word “Buffalo,” eight times in a row — is a legitimate, grammatically valid sentence.

Really. His long, hard to mentally wrestle with explanation is in the above link. but to boil it down quickly:

“Buffalo,” with a capital “B,” refers to the area of Buffalo, New York.
“buffalo,” with a lower-case “b,” can be a noun meaning “bison” or a verb meaning “intimidate”
Adding a few words to clarify, you get:

“Bison from Buffalo, NY, which other bison from Buffalo, NY intimidate, also intimidate (even other) bison from Buffalo, NY.”

Clunky? Sure. But it’s otherwise perfectly acceptable English. Try it with other animals and action: “Field mice domestic cats chase enjoy Swiss cheese.” Works fine.

Bonus fact
: “The horse raced past the barn fell” is also a perfectly sound sentence, for different reasons. It’s an example of a garden path sentence, a sentence where the most likely interpretation leads to an odd result — your initial take is that the word “and” needs to be before the word “fell.” But read it as “The horse (that was) raced past the barn fell” and it makes sense.

From the Archives: And, the 27th Letter of the Alphabet: The ampersand — that is, “&” — was once part of the alphabet, which, as you’ll see, is how it got its name.

Related: “Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation” by Lynne Truss. Four stars on roughly 600 reviews.

Image by Ozzy Delaney on Flickr.com licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Image by Ozzy Delaney on Flickr.com licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Here I’m going to highlight some of the simplest sentences in English. All of these sentences are only ONE word long! Sit back, relax, and enjoy; these are going to be some of the easiest English sentences you’ve ever learned. (It is about time something in English was easy, right?!)

One-word sentences in English come in a few different forms:
interrogatives or questions (example: Who?)
imperatives or commands (example: Stop!)
declaratives (example: Me.)
locatives (example: Here.)
nominatives (example: Jesse.)

In fact a lot of words in English can be one-word sentences, it all depends on the context.

A complete sentence, even a one-word sentence, needs to have a noun and a verb. In one-word sentences the subject (noun) or the action (verb) of the sentence is implied. That means it is understood in the context of the sentence (or the sentences around it) so that the subject and/or verb do not need to be stated explicitly.

Being brief and saying as much as you can in as few words as possible is something a lot of people want to do. Be careful though, sometimes you can sound robotic or rude if you use too many one-word sentences.

Here is a list of some common one-word sentences. I’m sure you already use some of these.  Along side the one-word sentences I have written out what you could say, with more words, to mean the same thing.

Hi. (Hi there.)
Wait. (Please wait.)
Begin. (You may begin.)
Stop. (You need to stop.)
Hurry. (Hurry up please.)
Catch. (Catch this.)
Here. (Here you go.)
Go! (Get going now!)
Help! (I need help!)
Eat. (Go ahead and eat.)
Yes.  (Yes, that would be great.)
No.  (No, thank you.)
Thank you. (Thank you, I really appreciate it.)
The wh-question words: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? 
A lot of swear words: Sh*t., F*ck., etc.

Do you have a favorite one-word sentence? Add to this list by posting a comment below! Thank you.

English is a beautiful language, and one of its many perks is the one-word sentences. One-word sentences — as the name suggests is a sentence with a single word, and which makes total sense.

One word sentences can be used in different forms. It could be in form of a question such as “Why?” It could be in form of a command such as “Stop!” Furthermore, it could be used as a declarative such as “Me.” Also, a one-word sentence could be used to show location, for example, “here.” It could also be used as nominatives e.g. “David.”

Actually, most of the words in English can be turned into one-word sentences. All that matters is the context in which they are used. In a sentence, there is usually a noun, and a verb. In a one-word sentence, the subject and the action of the sentence is implied in the single word, and this is why to understand one-word sentences, one has to understand the context in which the word is being used.

Saying only a little at all times is a skill most people want to learn; knowing when to use one-word sentences can help tremendously. However, you cannot use one-word sentences all the time so as robotic or come off as rude.

Pointing fingerHere are common one-word sentences, and their meanings:

  1. Help: This signifies a call for help.
  2. Hurry: Used to ask someone to do something faster
  3. Begin: Used to signify the beginning of a planned event.

Basically, the 5 Wh-question words — where, when, why, who and what? can also stand as one-word sentences.

one word sentences in English

Photo of author

By Bizhan Romani

Dr. Bizhan Romani has a PhD in medical virology. When it comes to writing an article about science and research, he is one of our best writers. He is also an expert in blogging about writing styles, proofreading methods, and literature.

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