Long and short word lists

I have a list of words:
I have two functions that are supposed to find the shortest and longest words in this list:

def bigWords(list=[], *args):
    for word in list:
        if largestWord<len(word):
    print "The longest word(s) in the list is %s." % largestWord

def smallWords(list=[], *args):
    for word in list:
        if smallestLen>len(word):
    print "The shortest word(s) in the list is: %s." % (smallestWord)

I have these functions nested so I can call them all at once:

def callFunctions():

    print "The amount of words[] is %d" % wordLength
    func_list2 = [bigWords, smallWords]
    for f in func_list2:
        map(f, words)


This is just returning this without inputing the words in the list:

The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The longest word(s) in the list is .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .
The shortest word(s) in the list is: .

Not sure why, any help is appreciated.

One of my favorite ways to help kids become better readers and spellers is to help them see that words are related, often by spelling pattern. And that’s exactly what these free phonics word lists help kids do. They are a great tool for spelling and reading!

These short and long vowel word lists are a freebie from Printable Spelling Activities & Games and are great for younger learners as well as struggling readers. I’ve included four different fonts {one font in cursive} so that they can fit multiple ages.

*The free download can be found at the END of this post.

Phonics Word Lists - FREE Cheat Sheets for Short and Long Vowels - This Reading Mama

*This post contains affiliate links.

Phonics Word Lists and How to Use Them

I created these phonics cheat sheets specifically for playing spelling games with my first grader. Some spelling games we like to integrate include Scrabble Jr., Scrabble Boggle, & Bananagrams.

But it became apparent pretty early on that even though he has above average reading skills, his spelling skills were lagging {normal part of development}. To make up for this, I have made the games less competitive so he doesn’t get so frustrated.

This school year, as I pulled out our games again, I felt he was ready for a little more independence with using spelling strategies, so I created these phonics word lists {cheat sheets} for him to use when we play.

using phonics word list to change fast to last

With a little teaching and modeling on how to use the word lists, his frustration level has been lowered and he has more confidence in playing the word games. He knows that with each word on the list, he can change out the red letter{s} and put another letter {or letters} at the front to spell a new word.

FREE Phonics Word Lists for Short and Long Vowels - This Reading Mama

The words on the lists contain the most common word family chunks {and some extras as well}. The short vowel sheet* features 80 common word patterns and the long vowel sheet features 105 common word patterns. There is great power in the words because when the first letter {onset} is changed, thousands of words can be spelled!

*Note: The short vowel page has some extra patterns included that aren’t entirely short vowels, like car, ball, and her, just to name a few.

More Phonics Resources:

  • Single Syllable Phonics Cheat Sheet
  • Teaching Kids to Read is NOT Enough
  • Low Prep Phonics Games {over 300 included!}
  • Find the Oddball Game
  • Mix n’ Match Spelling
  • CVC Word Lists {The Measured Mom}
  • Literacy Apps for Kids {Interactive apps that reinforce phonics skills}

FREE Phonics Word Lists for Short and Long Vowel Patterns from This Reading Mama

{Download these Phonics Word Lists HERE.}



10000+ результатов для ‘long short words’


Случайные карты

от Burnintime

Aa Words (long and short sounds)

Aa Words (long and short sounds)

от Blissnata

Short or long a

Short or long a
Групповая сортировка

от Digi2705

i (long, short)

i (long, short)
Случайные карты

от Olgabalitskaya


 short or long vowels

short or long vowels
Групповая сортировка

от Olga64

Short/long u

Short/long u
Случайные карты

от Kuksateacher

English World 1


Перевернуть плитки

от Veenera22

possessive adjective
Question words
Short answers
Вопросительные слова

Short and long  a

Short and long a
Случайные карты

от Postengland

i (long, short)

i (long, short)
Групповая сортировка

от Olgabalitskaya


U short and long

U short and long
Групповая сортировка

от Kuksateacher

English World 1



от Pollay007

Academy Stars 1

i (long, short)

i (long, short)
Групповая сортировка

от Olgabalitskaya

Spotlight 3

long short a

long short a
Групповая сортировка

от Inarazhereshtie

be - long&short forms

be — long&short forms

от Atrevido

U short and long

U short and long
Групповая сортировка

от Katerina25075

Short or long o

Short or long o
Групповая сортировка

от Digi2705

Long Legs, Short Legs

Long Legs, Short Legs

от Egorliskin

short/long u

short/long u
Случайные карты

от Lulu15011985

Spotlight 2

Long or short

Long or short

от Annakaschenko

Long - short

Long — short
Найди пару

от Annaoz


Случайное колесо

от Litvmargooo

long short

long short
Групповая сортировка

от Nataliastrab

Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound!

Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound!
Правда или ложь

от Chusina

long or short vowel



от Evakirova


Угадай буквы

от Savelyevaelizav

Long Short Crossword

Long Short Crossword

от Kasatik94


Групповая сортировка

от Jenshen

Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?)

Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?)
Правда или ложь

от Chusina

long or short vowel

reading short and long  e

reading short and long e
Случайные карты

от Olgamuchina

Phonics (long and short vowels)

Phonics (long and short vowels)
Групповая сортировка

от Britannikapopov1

Long [i:] and short [e]

Long [i:] and short [e]
Правда или ложь

от Stepanova

Spotlight 3

short I and long I

short I and long I
Групповая сортировка

от Yavno


Reading long and short A

Reading long and short A
Случайное колесо

от Ksenia7

kids box 2

short or long vowels cards

short or long vowels cards
Случайные карты

от Olga64

Long and short vowels i

Long and short vowels i
Групповая сортировка

от Digi2705

short or long a/a_e

short or long a/a_e
Ударь крота

от Olga64



от Alenaratkina

Short Words

Short Words

от Meinherzschlagt

Short and long A

Short and long A
Групповая сортировка

от Cubbins490

1-й класс

short long dirty clean

short long dirty clean
Найди пару

от Kuramshinaalya

Long legs, short legs

Long legs, short legs

от Iltschool

i (long, short)

i (long, short)
Случайные карты

от Olgabalitskaya

Spotlight 3

4B SB Solutions Pre-Intermediate text 1

4B SB Solutions Pre-Intermediate text 1
Пропущенное слово

от Tnvmipt

Short story
Unit 4
Missing words
solutions pre-intermediate


Случайные карты

от Veta0808

Spotlight 2

short or long vowels cards

short or long vowels cards
Случайные карты

от Pandaclub

short O and long O

short O and long O
Случайные карты

от Skachkova

long/short/ dirty/clean...

long/short/ dirty/clean…

от Myrza3

long o short o

long o short o
Совпадающие пары

от Mkurkova1



от Abcstudioenglish1


Short and long "o"

Short and long «o»
Случайные карты

от Ratonne578

READ long/short i

READ long/short i
Групповая сортировка

от Marina332

Short or long vowels

Short or long vowels
Групповая сортировка

от Britannikapopov1

Big/small, long/short

Big/small, long/short

от Abcstudio090

 Short and long A

Short and long A
Групповая сортировка

от Dumpy1377

short or long vowels

short or long vowels
Случайное колесо

от Eclekticka

Short /long etc

Short /long etc

от Anapadalko

short / long u

short / long u
Ударь крота

от Olga64

Islands 2. oo (long and short)

Islands 2. oo (long and short)
Групповая сортировка

от Philippova

1-й класс
2-й класс
Islands 2

long short e

long short e
Групповая сортировка

от Delilah15

Short or long a

Short or long a
Групповая сортировка

от Apolon111102

Learn the difference between short and long vowels, when to teach these sounds, and the rules for these sounds. For extra classrooom help, print the two free vowel anchor charts, with capital and lowercase letters and bright pictures to teach the long and short vowel sounds!

A black chalkboard background with two posters featuring long and short vowels.

Teaching Long & Short Vowels

Of the 26 letters in the English alphabet, the letters a, e, i, o, and u are vowels. The other 21 letters are consonants.

Every English word MUST include at least one vowel. That’s why knowing and practicing vowel sounds is so important when it comes to reading!

Children need to be introduced to these academic terms as early as pre-k, and they should leave kindergarten able to quickly and easily identify vowels and consonants in words.

This will be key as they begin progressing and coding words throughout elementary school!

A poster with the five vowels and the 21 consonants separated in two boxes.

Short vowels are taught along with other letter sounds. Begin teaching short vowel sounds in pre-k and continue teaching them throughout all of kindergarten and the beginning of first grade.

👉 Rule: When there is one vowel in a word, either at the beginning or between two consonants, it usually has a short vowel sound.


  • Short A words: cat, map, hat, an, flag, bam, rat, fad, had, wag, jab, pan, chap, ram.
  • Short E words: leg, leg, pet, slef, hen, men, Zed, net, web, wed, west, hem, fed.
  • Short I words: is, in, lip, rim, lip, slid, pin, lick, lob, fin, thin, Tim, pin, fig, fit, hip, hit, whip.
  • Short O words: on, not, log, off, blog, mop, Tom, nod, slop, fox, fog, flop, hog, hop frog.
  • Short U words: up, ugly, mug, mud, lug, slum, fun, slug, rug, pup, slub, hug, hum, jug, jot.

Long Vowel Sounds

Long vowels are usually taught after the first few months of first grade.

Students should have a firm command reading words with short vowels, digraphs, consonant blends, and closed syllables before long vowels are introduced. They’ll continue learning long vowel spellings throughout the next few years of elementary school.

👉 Rule: Long vowels say their name.

  • Long A says /ā/.
  • Long E says /ē/.
  • Long I says /ī/.
  • Long O says /ō/.
  • Long U says /ū/.

Long vowel sounds can be heard at the beginning, middle, or end of a word. Long vowels can be spelled with a silent e (VCe pattern), a vowel team, or in an open syllable.

👉 Although there are many different long vowel spellings, I focus heavily on the ones we find most frequently in text, marked with an asterisk (*) below!

Long A

There are 8 ways to spell Long A:

  • a like baby*
  • a-e like cake*
  • ai like rain*
  • ay like day*
  • ei like reindeer
  • eigh like eight
  • ea like steak
  • ey like hey

Long E

There are 8 ways to spell Long E:

  • e like equal*
  • e-e like scere*
  • ee like bee*
  • ea like read*
  • y like baby*
  • ei like reiceipt
  • ie like cookie
  • ey like turkey

Long I

There are 6 ways to spell Long I:

  • i like lion*
  • i-e like bike*
  • igh like light*
  • y like fly*
  • y-e like type
  • ie like pie

Long O

There are 5 ways to spell long O:

  • o like no*
  • o-e like home*
  • oa like boat*
  • ow like bow*
  • oe like toe

Long U

Long u can actually make TWO sounds: ū (yoo) and ū (oo).

There are 5 ways to spell Long ū (yoo):

  • u like unicorn*
  • u-e like mute*
  • ue like argue*
  • ew like curfew*
  • eu like eucalyptus

There are 7 ways to spell Long ū (oo):

  • u like ruler*
  • u-e like tube*
  • ue like glue*
  • ew like stew*
  • oo like balloon
  • ou like soup
  • ui like fruit

👉 Tip: Do not teach all of the spellings above at one time. Instead, follow a systematic approach for teaching all of the spellings listed above.

Work on one spelling pattern at a time until students have mastered it, then move on.

If you don’t know where to start, the Recipe for Reading book helps parents and teachers practically implement Orton Gillingham methodology with students.

Black background with two posters and large words featuring "Long and Short Vowels"

Printable Anchor Charts

To help teach these concepts to kids, print both of the two free posters that can be used as anchor charts. One is focused on short vowel sounds and the other is focused on long vowel sounds.

The posters are designed to help promote both uppercase and lowercase recognition for each of the five vowels.

Each poster includes a bright picture that matches the keyword and includes the vowel sound.

Both posters use words where the vowel sounds are found at the beginning, allowing kids to hear and identify beginning sounds in words.

The Short Vowel Poster includes:

  • A a – /ă/ – apple
  • E e – /ĕ/ – elephant
  • I i – /ĭ/ – igloo
  • O o – /ŏ/ – octopus
  • U u – /ŭ/ – umbrella

The Long Vowel Poster includes:

  • A a – /ā/ – acorn
  • E e – /ē / – equal
  • I i – /ī/ – ice
  • O o – /ō/ – ocean
  • U u – /ū/ – unicorn and /oo/ like ruler.

Related Posts

  • Beginning Sounds Worksheet
  • CVC Word Families Anchor Chart
  • All About Open and Closed Syllables
  • Long Vowel Word Lists: A, E, I, O, and U.
  • All About Word Ladders

Download & Print

We’d love to hear about your experience using these anchor charts!
Please leave a comment below or tag us on Instagram @literacylearn.

TERMS: All resources and printables are designed for personal use only in your own home and classroom. Each person must visit this site and download their own free copy. Please do not photocopy, email, or reproduce our printable resources for other teachers, and please do not reproduce our printables on the web or save them to a shared drive. Instead, please share the resources with others by using the social share links provided or by distributing the link to the blog post itself. This allows us to keep making free resources for everyone! If you have any questions, please email us. Please see our Creative Credits page for information regarding the licensed ClipArt used in our resources. Thank you!





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Long and Short Vowel Word List Phonics Chart, Phonics Flashcards, Phonics Rules, Phonics Kindergarten, Phonics Reading, Teaching Phonics, Reading Comprehension, Kids Phonics, Phonics Worksheets




15 Long And Short Vowel Worksheets Kindergarten

See 15 Long And Short Vowel Worksheets Kindergarten. Inspiring Long and Short Vowel Worksheets Kindergarten worksheet images.


Worksheeto | Worksheet For You!



More information

Long and Short Vowel Word List

Phonics Chart

Phonics Flashcards

Phonics Rules

Phonics Kindergarten

Phonics Reading

Teaching Phonics

Reading Comprehension

Kids Phonics

Phonics Worksheets

More information

Long and Short Vowel Word List


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