Long a vowel sound word lists

Learn all about the long A sound, including the 8 ways to spell long vowel A: a, a-e, ai, ay, ei, ea, eigh, and ey. Learn how to teach long A and get a FREE printable list of words with long A sounds organized by spelling pattern.

A corkboard with the long vowel list pinned to it. Words saying "Long A Words."

All About Long A

Teaching students all the different ways to spell long vowels will help them become more independent, confident readers:

  • Long a says /ā/ like acorn.
  • Long e says /ē/ like equal.
  • Long i says /ī/ like ice.
  • Long o says /ō/ like ocean.
  • Long u says /yoo/ like unicorn, OR /oo/ like ruler.

A is the first vowel I teach, and the long A sound can be spelled using 8 different patterns:

  • The most common spellings of long A are A, A-E, AI, and AY.
  • Less frequent ways to spell /ā/ are EI, EA, EIGH, and EY.

These patterns can be heard at the beginning, middle, or end of words. Long A can be spelled with a silent e, open syllable, or using a vowel team.

👉 For a free, complete, and printable list of 229 long A words, scroll to the bottom of this post and download it. But be sure to read all about long A first!

A bright graphic with the 8 ways to spell long A sound and example keywords with pictures.

There are 8 ways to spell long A:

  1. a like acorn
  2. a-e like cake
  3. ai like rain
  4. ay like day
  5. ei like reindeer
  6. ea like steak
  7. eigh like eight
  8. ey like hey

Open Syllable Words

The letter A will say its name, or its long sound, when it is the last letter in a syllable. This is called an open syllable.

Long A sound word examples that include open syllables:

acorn major able navy patience apricot
bacon razor April native glacier ago
baby nature labor tomato mason naked
table patient maple vapor Katie Arabia
paper basil favor apron sacred apex
lady Asia Jamie equator lazy agency
station nation acre volcano basin cable
radio potato stable agent label quotation
famous crazy Amy Jason basis cradle
David basic range tornado Caleb radiant

A-E Words (Long A Silent E)

The letter A will say its name when it follows a Vowel-Consonant-e (VCe) pattern. The E is magic, stays silent, and it makes the A say its name.

That is why we hear the long A sound in these words. This spelling pattern is used at the end of base words.

Long A silent E words:

cake age rate gate awake flame
make lake race stage slave cape
came case wave tale whale sale
take safe save brave date trace
place shape trade hate shade phrase
same gave plane grade ate chase
name state cave base frame pace
face space ape cage parade escape
page game Jane pale male create
late blame snake plate cane became

AI Vowel Team Words

The vowel team AI is another way to spell long A. This is a spelling that usually comes in the middle of words.

I teach my students this jingle: “A-I in the middle says /ā/.” Make sure you say the letter names “A” and “I” when saying the jingle.

It is common to teach this spelling along with the vowel team AY (keep on reading below!).

Common words with long A in the middle, using the vowel team AI:

rain plain sail gain contain
wait paid detail faint faith
afraid laid grain pail fail
main trail remain jail maid
tail raise chain aid snail
train brain mail nail strain
explain pain daily claim railroad
paint dairy Spain waist tailor

AY Vowel Team Words

The vowel team AY is another way to spell long A, and this pattern is used at the end of base words. I use this jingle with my students: “A Y at the end says /ā/.” (Again, make sure you say the letter names “A” and “Y” when saying the jingle.)

The great thing about this vowel team is that if they hear /ā/ at the end of a base or root word, it will most likely be spelled with AY.

Common words with long A at the end, using the vowel team AY:

day hay bay mayor decay
way stay pray maybe display
away lay stray always subway
may pay Sunday yesterday sway
say gray highway payment betray
today spray essay birthday repay
play okay crayon holiday playmate
ray clay relay anyway beltway

EI, EA, EIGH, & EY Words (Vowel Teams)

These next four vowel teams are not commonly used to spell the long A sound. Be sure students have mastered the first four most common spellings for Long A before introducing these patterns.

Words with Vowel Team EI to spell long A:

  • reindeer
  • rein
  • vein
  • veil
  • reign
  • beige

Words with Vowel Team EA to spell long A:

  • steak
  • break
  • great
  • yea
  • breakup
  • outbreak

Words with Vowel Team EIGH to spell long A:

  • eight
  • eighty
  • eighteen
  • weigh
  • weight
  • neighbor
  • freight
  • sleigh
  • neigh

Words with Vowel Team EY to spell long A:

  • hey
  • they
  • obey
  • grey
  • prey
  • survey
  • convey
  • disobey

Tips & Suggestions

  • Before teaching long vowels, students should have a firm command of the five short vowel sounds, including all consonants, blends, and digraphs.
  • Be sure to explicitly teach these long A patterns one at a time, in sequential order.
  • Use a variety of activities to teach these long A spellings! Hands-on activities and multisensory activities are best.
  • Get the rest of the printable Long Vowel Word Lists: Long E, Long I, Long O, and Long U!

Related Posts

  • Long Vowel Anchor Chart
  • Printable Long & Short Vowel Sorts
  • 30 Tips for Teaching Letters & Sounds

Corkboard image with list pinned to it. Text saying "229+ Long A Sound Words."

Download & Print

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In this post, I’m breaking down long vowel sounds (or long vowel words) to help you teach them when working with struggling readers and spellers.

long vowel word lists free download

Looking for long vowel word lists? Download all 5 of my pdf long vowel sounds word lists in my freebies library by joining my email list below.

what is a long vowel sound

What is a long vowel sound?

Long vowel sounds are vowels that are pronounced the same as their name. You’ll often hear teachers say that long vowels “say their name”.

Long vowels are very common but they can be tricky because there are so many spellings for each long vowel sound.

4 ways to make long vowel sounds

There are actually 4 ways to make long vowel sounds:

  1. Vowels at the end of a syllable make the long sound. For example, in the words me and halo (ha-lo) the vowels are all at the end of a syllable so they make the long sound.
  2. Silent e makes the previous vowel long. The words bike and phone have a silent e at the end that makes the previous vowel long.
  3. Vowel teams can make the long sound. Vowel teams work together to make one sound, and usually, it’s a long vowel sound. For example, boat and meat both have vowel teams that make the long sound.
  4. I or O can be long when they come before two consonants. In words like cold and mind, i and o make a long vowel sound.

Long Vowel Words

Long vowel sound words are words that have vowels that say their name. Below are a few examples:

  • Long a – baby, cake, rain, day, they, weigh
  • Long e – me, eve, hear, meet, piece, candy
  • Long i – silent, bike, light, my
  • Long o – go, home, toe, boat, snow
  • Long u – music, mule, pew, feud
long a words list

Long A Sound

The long a sound can be represented by 8 different spelling patterns:

  1. a – baby
  2. a_e – cake
  3. ai – rain
  4. ay – play
  5. ei – reindeer
  6. eigh – weight
  7. ea – steak
  8. ey – they

Learn more about teaching the long a sound here, and check out my Long A Words Activities & Worksheets for printable activities.

long a sound word work worksheets and activities

long e words list

Long E Sound

The long e sound can be represented by 8 different spelling patterns:

  1. e – be
  2. e_e – eve
  3. ee – meet
  4. ea – beach
  5. ei – protein
  6. ie – piece
  7. ey – key
  8. y – candy

For ideas, tips, and tricks when teaching the long e sound, read this post all about teaching the long e vowel sound, and check out my Long E Words Activities & Worksheets for printable activities.

long e sound word work and activities

long i words list

Long I Sound

The long i sound can be represented by 6 different spelling patterns:

  1. i – silent
  2. i_e – shine
  3. ie – pie
  4. igh – light
  5. y – my
  6. y_e – type

You can learn more about teaching the long I sound in this post. And check out my Long I Worksheets set in my shop for printable activities on the long i sound.

long i worksheets

long o words list

Long O Sound

The long o sound can be represented by 5 different spelling patterns:

  1. o – go
  2. o_e – phone
  3. oe – toe
  4. oa – boat
  5. ow – snow

You can learn more about teaching long o words and check out my long o worksheets.

long o worksheets

long u words list

Long U Sound

The long u has two sounds: yoo (/y/ /oo/) and oo (/oo/).

The long u sound can be represented by 7 different spelling patterns:

  1. u – music
  2. u_e – mule
  3. ue – rescue
  4. eu – feud
  5. ew – few
  6. oo – food
  7. ou – soup

Learn more about teaching the long u sound here.

long u worksheets

Tips for teaching the long vowel sounds

Teach one spelling pattern at a time!

I don’t mean one vowel sound, but just one spelling pattern. So for example, if you’re working on long a, you would work on the spelling pattern a silent e (cake, same, cave) until students have mastered it, then move on to ai, and so on. You should not be teaching multiple spelling patterns together, even though they make the same sound.

I know that most programs out there combine all the long vowel sound spelling patterns into one lesson, especially in spelling lists, but this does not work for struggling readers. You need to break it down for them and only do one at a time.

Teach the syllable types.

Because syllables have a lot to do with whether vowels make the short or long sound, if students do not already know the 6 syllable types then teach them along with the long vowel sound.

Here are resources for each syllable type:

  • closed syllable
  • open syllable
  • final silent e syllable
  • vowel team syllable
  • r combination syllable
  • consonant le syllable

Use a variety of activities to practice each spelling pattern.

Games, dictation, word sorts, memory or matching with flashcards, word hunts, textured writing, body spelling, and bingo are all fun ways to practice the long vowel sounds.

The main activity that is often overlooked is dictation. It seems so simple but the task involves listening to a word, deciding on the spelling, and transferring that info to written form. These are all skills that struggling readers need to practice.

Teach the spelling generalizations.

Some of the long vowel spelling patterns are spelling rules that make it easy to remember.

For example, ai is usually found at the beginning or middle of a syllable, and ay is usually found at the end of a syllable. [Examples: rain, aim, play, daytime]

Here is another example with long o: oa is usually found at the beginning or middle of a word, and ow is usually found at the end. [Examples: boat, coach, snow]

long vowel sounds word lists

I made these word lists to help teach the long vowels. I find it handy to have these on hand when playing phonics games or planning activities for long vowel lessons.

Grab them for free below!

Visit my Teachers Pay Teachers shop to see all my literacy products.

Want to remember this? Save Long Vowel Sounds: Word Lists & Activities to your favorite Pinterest board!

how to teach long vowels + free word lists

Delilah Orpi is the founder of Thrive Literacy Corner. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education, a Master’s degree in TESOL, and is a member of the International Dyslexia Association. She is an experienced educator and literacy specialist trained in Orton Gillingham and Lindamood Bell. Delilah creates literacy resources for educators and parents and writes to create awareness about dyslexia and effective literacy instruction based on the science of reading.

What are long a words in the English language? The long a sound has eight varieties of spelling which can make it tricky. Here you’ll learn a little about long a, the eight ways in which you can spell long a words, and see some examples for each spelling.

What are Long A Words?

A long a is the sound pronounced the way the a is said. For example, the way you say the letter a at the beginning of the alphabet is the long sound for the letter a. So, any word that makes that sound is considered a long a word.

Ways to Spell Long A Words

There are eight ways to spell long a words:

  • a – table
  • a-e – plane
  • ai – train
  • ay – today
  • ei – beige
  • eigh – weight
  • ea – break
  • ey – hey

You may notice that most of these are in vowel teams, which means that they are working with another vowel to make the long a sound. There are some reasons, rules, and tricks to use to remember the differences.

  • a-e: This style has an a and e with a consonant in between. The e is silent in these long words.
  • ai: You will find this long a sound either in the beginning or in the middle of a base word. Most of these words also end with the letter n, but not all the time.
  • ay: This long a style will be at the end of a base word.
  • ei: This pattern is not very common and doesn’t come with any rules. You’ll see some examples below.
  • eigh: You will find this sound pattern at the end of some long a words.
  • ea: This long a pattern is the least common way to make the long a sound. You’ll see this vowel team in the middle of long a words.
  • ey: There are only ten common words that are spelled with this style.

Learn more with long vowel words English.

List of Long A Words

Here is a list of long a words in each of the eight spelling patterns


  • Acorn
  • Paper
  • Baby
  • Crazy
  • Lady
  • Basic
  • Maple
  • Table
  • Fatal
  • Potato
  • Tomato
  • Naval
  • Radio
  • Shaky
  • Bacon
  • Halo


  • Cane
  • Cake
  • Lake
  • Same
  • Case
  • Wave
  • Trade
  • Flake
  • Space
  • Cage
  • Base
  • Came
  • Stage
  • Space
  • Plane
  • Shade
  • Tame
  • Wade


  • Train
  • Rain
  • Fail
  • Nail
  • Daily
  • Afraid
  • Raisin
  • Grain
  • Gain
  • Faint
  • Trail
  • Aim
  • Sail
  • Maid
  • Paid
  • Sprain
  • Wait
  • Waist
  • Daily


  • Day
  • Play
  • Tray
  • Say
  • Clay
  • Stay
  • Pray
  • May
  • Spray
  • Gray
  • Hay
  • Pay
  • Bay
  • Tray
  • Away
  • Today
  • Relay
  • Stray
  • Yay


  • Beige
  • Their
  • Deign
  • Vein
  • Reign
  • Heir
  • Rein
  • Reindeer


  • Eight
  • Weight
  • Weigh
  • Sleigh
  • Freight
  • Neigh
  • Neighbor


  • Tear
  • Bear
  • Wear
  • Swear
  • Pear
  • Steak
  • Break
  • Great


  • Hey
  • They
  • Grey
  • Prey
  • Obey
  • Convey
  • Purvey
  • Survey
  • Whey
  • Abeyance

With having eight different ways to produce the long a sound in a word, it may be easiest to learn each sound pattern one at a time to get comfortable and familiar with them. There are several fun games and resources available that can be found online to help you learn and differentiate between these eight long a word sound patterns. The most important thing to remember in identifying a long a word is that the sound will be the same as the name of the letter a.

Long A Words | Image

Long A Words


Last Updated on February 26, 2023

Long-AThe long a sound can be spelled several ways. The magic e or final e and the open syllable are the most common ways. In addition, the long a sound can be represented in 2 vowel teams (“ai” and “ay”). Of course, there will be exceptions or odd balls- the irregular vowel team (“ei”).

Five Ways to Spell the Long A Sound

  1. Magic E (VCe or a_e)
  2. The magic E rule states when a word contains the letter “e” at the end, it is usually silent and the preceding vowel says its name (long sound), e.g., cake and date.

  3. Vowel Team – AI
  4. The vowel team rule states when two vowels go walking the first does the talking and the second vowel is silent. The combination of both an “a” and an “i” (double vowels) results in the long a sound. There are many AI words, e.g., maid, brain and paint.

  5. Vowel Team – AY
  6. As noted above, when two vowels go walking the first does the talking. The combination of both an “a” and “y” can result in the long a sound. The AY words, e.g., day and say, are not as plentiful as the AI words.

  7. Irregular Vowel Team – EI
  8. The vowel team rule states when two vowels go walking the first does the talking and the second vowel is silent. Like most things in life, there are exceptions. The combination of the vowels “e” and “i” can result in the long a sound, e.g., eight, sleigh, neigh and weigh.

  9. Open Syllable – Long A
  10. An open syllable occurs when a vowel is at the end of the syllable (it is not closed by a consonant), e.g., A/pril and ha/zy.

Long A Words

The table below contains 169 long A words. The words are categorized into one of the five ways the long a sound can be spelled – Magic E Rule, Vowel Teams (2), Irregular Vowel Team and Open Syllable.

Long A Words Category Word Family / Sound
able Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ace Magic E Rule -ace
acorn Open Syllable Rule initial sound
acre Open Syllable Rule initial sound
afraid Open Syllable Rule /
Vowel Team — AI
initial sound /
age Magic E Rule -age
agent Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ail Vowel Team — AI -ail
aim Vowel Team — AI -aim
ale Magic E Rule -ale
angel Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ape Magic E Rule -ape
apex Open Syllable Rule initial sound
apricot Open Syllable Rule initial sound
April Open Syllable Rule initial sound
apron Open Syllable Rule initial sound
Asia Open Syllable Rule initial sound
ate Magic E Rule -ate
baby Open Syllable Rule medial sound
bade Magic E Rule -ade
bail Vowel Team — AI -ail
bait Vowel Team — AI -ait
bake Magic E Rule -ake
bale Magic E Rule -ale
bane Magic E Rule -ane
base Magic E Rule -ase
basic Open Syllable Rule medial sound
basis Open Syllable Rule medial sound
baste Magic E Rule -aste
bay Vowel Team — AY -ay
blade Magic E Rule -ade
blame Magic E Rule -ame
blaze Magic E Rule -aze
brace Magic E Rule -ace
braid Vowel Team — AI -aid
brain Vowel Team — AI -ain
braise Vowel Team — AI -aise
brake Magic E Rule -ake
brave Magic E Rule -ave
bray Vowel Team — AY -ay
cage Magic E Rule -age
cake Magic E Rule -ake
came Magic E Rule -ame
cane Magic E Rule -ane
cape Magic E Rule -ape
case Magic E Rule -ase
cave Magic E Rule -ave
chain Vowel Team — AI -ain
chaise Vowel Team — AI -aise
chase Magic E Rule -ase
chaste Magic E Rule -aste
claim Vowel Team — AI -aim
clay Vowel Team — AY -ay
crane Magic E Rule -ane
crate Magic E Rule -ate
crave Magic E Rule -ave
craze Magic E Rule -aze
crazy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
dale Magic E Rule -ale
dame Magic E Rule -ame
date Magic E Rule -ate
Dave Magic E Rule -ave
day Vowel Team — AY -ay
daze Magic E Rule -aze
detail Vowel Team — AI -ail
drain Vowel Team — AI -ain
drake Magic E Rule -ake
drape Magic E Rule -ape
eight Irregular Vowel Team — EI
enable Open Syllable Rule medial sound
equator Open Syllable Rule medial sound
explain Vowel Team — AI -ain
face Magic E Rule -ace
fade Magic E Rule -ade
fail Vowel Team — AI -ail
faint Vowel Team — AI -aint
fake Magic E Rule -ake
fame Magic E Rule -ame
fate Magic E Rule -ate
faze Magic E Rule -aze
flail Vowel Team — AI -ail
flake Magic E Rule -ake
flame Magic E Rule -ame
flavor Open Syllable Rule medial sound
frail Vowel Team — AI -ail
frame Magic E Rule -ame
fray Vowel Team — AY -ay
gage Magic E Rule -age
Gail Vowel Team — AI -ail
gain Vowel Team — AI -ain
gait Vowel Team — AI -ait
gale Magic E Rule -ale
game Magic E Rule -ame
gape Magic E Rule -ape
gate Magic E Rule -ate
gave Magic E Rule -ave
gay Vowel Team — AY -ay
gaze Magic E Rule -aze
glade Magic E Rule -ade
glaze Magic E Rule -aze
grace Magic E Rule -ace
grade Magic E Rule -ade
grain Vowel Team — AI -ain
grape Magic E Rule -ape
grate Magic E Rule -ate
grave Magic E Rule -ave
gravy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
gray Vowel Team — AY -ay
graze Magic E Rule -aze
hail Vowel Team — AI -ail
hale Magic E Rule -ale
haste Magic E Rule -aste
hate Magic E Rule -ate
hay Vowel Team — AY -ay
haze Magic E Rule -aze
hazy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
jade Magic E Rule -ade
jail Vowel Team — AI -ail
Jake Magic E Rule -ake
Jane Magic E Rule -ane
jay Vowel Team — AY -ay
Kate Magic E Rule -ate
label Open Syllable Rule medial sound
labor Open Syllable Rule medial sound
lace Magic E Rule -ace
ladle Open Syllable Rule medial sound
lady Open Syllable Rule medial sound
laid Vowel Team — AI -aid
lain Vowel Team — AI -ain
lake Magic E Rule -ake
lame Magic E Rule -ame
lane Magic E Rule -ane
late Magic E Rule -ate
lay Vowel Team — AY -ay
lazy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
mace Magic E Rule -ace
made Magic E Rule -ade
maid Vowel Team — AI -aid
mail Vowel Team — AI -ail
maim Vowel Team — AI -aim
main Vowel Team — AI -ain
make Magic E Rule -ake
male Magic E Rule -ale
mane Magic E Rule -ane
mate Magic E Rule -ate
may Vowel Team — AY -ay
maze Magic E Rule -aze
nail Vowel Team — AI -ail
name Magic E Rule -ame
nape Magic E Rule -ape
navy Open Syllable Rule medial sound
nay Vowel Team — AY -ay
neigh Irregular Vowel Team — EI -eigh
obtain Vowel Team — AI -ain
okay Vowel Team — AY -ay
pace Magic E Rule -ace
page Magic E Rule -age
paid Vowel Team — AI -aid
pail Vowel Team — AI -ail
pain Vowel Team — AI -ain
paint Vowel Team — AI -aint
pale Magic E Rule -ale
pane Magic E Rule -ane
paper Open Syllable Rule medial sound
paste Magic E Rule -aste
pave Magic E Rule -ave
pay Vowel Team — AY -ay
place Magic E Rule -ace
plain Vowel Team — AI -ain
plane Magic E Rule -ane
plate Magic E Rule -ate
play Vowel Team — AY -ay
potato Open Syllable Rule medial sound
praise Vowel Team — AI -aise
pray Vowel Team — AY -ay
quail Vowel Team — AI -ail
quaint Vowel Team — AI -aint
quake Magic E Rule -ake
quay Vowel Team — AY -ay
race Magic E Rule -ace
radio Open Syllable Rule medial sound
rage Magic E Rule -age
raid Vowel Team — AI -aid
rail Vowel Team — AI -ail
rain Vowel Team — AI -ain
raise Vowel Team — AI -aise
rake Magic E Rule -ake
rate Magic E Rule -ate
rave Magic E Rule -ave
ray Vowel Team — AY -ay
raze Magic E Rule -aze
relation Open Syllable Rule medial sound
remain Vowel Team — AI -ain
sage Magic E Rule -age
sail Vowel Team — AI -ail
saint Vowel Team — AI -aint
sale Magic E Rule -ale
same Magic E Rule -ame
sane Magic E Rule -ane
save Magic E Rule -ave
say Vowel Team — AY -ay
scale Magic E Rule -ale
scrape Magic E Rule -ape
shade Magic E Rule -ade
shake Magic E Rule -ake
shale Magic E Rule -ale
shame Magic E Rule -ame
shape Magic E Rule -ape
shave Magic E Rule -ave
skate Magic E Rule -ate
slain Vowel Team — AI -ain
slave Magic E Rule -ave
slay Vowel Team — AY -ay
sleigh Irregular Vowel Team — EI -eigh
snail Vowel Team — AI -ail
snake Magic E Rule -ake
space Magic E Rule -ace
spade Magic E Rule -ade
Spain Vowel Team — AI -ain
sprain Vowel Team — AI -ain
spray Vowel Team — AY -ay
stage Magic E Rule -age
stain Vowel Team — AI -ain
stake Magic E Rule -ake
stale Magic E Rule -ale
state Magic E Rule -ate
station Open Syllable Rule medial sound
stave Magic E Rule -ave
stay Vowel Team — AY -ay
strain Vowel Team — AI -ain
strait Vowel Team — AI -ait
stray Vowel Team — AY -ay
sway Vowel Team — AY -ay
table Open Syllable Rule medial sound
tablecloth Open Syllable Rule medial sound
tail Vowel Team — AI -ail
taint Vowel Team — AI -aint
take Magic E Rule -ake
tale Magic E Rule -ale
tame Magic E Rule -ame
tape Magic E Rule -ape
taste Magic E Rule -aste
tomato Open Syllable Rule medial sound
trace Magic E Rule -ace
trade Magic E Rule -ade
trail Vowel Team — AI -ail
train Vowel Team — AI -ain
trait Vowel Team — AI -ait
tray Vowel Team — AY -ay
vacation Open Syllable Rule medial sound
vain Vowel Team — AI -ain
vane Magic E Rule -ane
vapor Open Syllable Rule medial sound
vase Magic E Rule -ase
vibration Open Syllable Rule medial sound
volcano Open Syllable Rule medial sound
wade Magic E Rule -ade
wage Magic E Rule -age
wail Vowel Team — AI -ail
wain Vowel Team — AI -ain
wait Vowel Team — AI -ait
wake Magic E Rule -ake
wane Magic E Rule -ane
waste Magic E Rule -aste
wave Magic E Rule -ave
way Vowel Team — AY -ay
weigh Irregular Vowel Team — EI -eigh
whale Magic E Rule -ale
x-ray Vowel Team — AY -ay

Long A Worksheets

We created 30 worksheets to assist a child in learning the various ways the long A sound can be spelled.

Long A Worksheets Long A Words
Magic E Worksheet 1 lace, face, pace & race
Magic E Worksheet 2 cage, page & stage
Magic E Worksheet 3 bake, cake, make, rake, take & snake
Magic E Worksheet 4 came, game, name, same, flame & blame
Magic E Worksheet 5 made, trade & grade
Magic E Worksheet 6 Jane, crane, cane & plane
Magic E Worksheet 7 cape, gape, tape, grape & ape
Magic E Worksheet 8 date, fate, late & gate
Magic E Worksheet 9 haste, paste, waste & taste
Magic E Worksheet 10 Dave, cave, gave & wave
Magic E Worksheet 11 male, sale, scale & whale
Magic E Worksheet 12 chase, case, base & vase
Magic E Worksheet 13 daze, faze, maze, graze & blaze
AI worksheet 1 laid, raid, staid, maid, paid & braid
AI worksheet 2 hail, mail, tail & pail
AI worksheet 3 jail, bail, fail & wail
AI worksheet 4 Gail, quail, flail & trail
AI worksheet 5 rail, nail, sail & snail
AI worksheet 6 gain, main, pain, rain & vain
AI worksheet 7 chain, brain, plain, grain & train
AY Worksheet 1 bay, ray, day, say & okay
AY worksheet 2 hay, jay, may, lay, way & pay
AY worksheet 3 spray, gray, stray, pray & tray
AY worksheet 4 clay, play, sway, stay & x-ray
AY worksheet 5 gay, nay, quay, bray & fray
AI and AY worksheet 1 pay, paid, stay, staid, lay & laid
EI Worksheet 1 eight, neigh, sleigh & weigh
Homophone Worksheet ate, eight, way & weigh
Open Syllable Worksheet 1 able, acorn, also & April
Open Sylllable Worksheet 2 baby, lady, table & gravy

Source: Fry, E.B., Ph.D. & Kress, J.E., Ed.D. (2006). The Reading
Teacher’s Book of Lists 5th Edition.
San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass

Reader Interactions

We have 26 alphabets in English Grammar out of which 5 are vowels (a,e,i,o,u) and rest 21 are consonants. Pronunciation of every vowel is different from the other which gives rise to different types of sounds wherever they are used.

Today we are going to discuss about vowel ‘a’ and learn different sounds it produces whenever it is used in a word.

One of the first encounters for a student is this concept of long and short vowel sounds, such as ‘a’. Short a, written phonetically as /æ/, makes the vowel sound of a, as in cap, tap, fat and bat.

Following ESL phonics extensive list introduces students to “short a” and “long a” sound words.

act apt ask bat bad bag cat
cap cab dad dab dan fan fat
fad gap gab gal gas ham has
had hat jab jam lab lad lag
lap man mad mat map nap pan
Pam pad pal ran ram rag rat
Sam sad sag sat sap tab tan
tad tag tap van vat yam zap
Actor Album Camel Dagger Factory Hammer Atlas
Panic Rabbit Saddle Bandit Ladder January Active

Carefully go through the words given in above table and try to pronounce them. You’ll observe a pattern that we don’t have to stress on the vowel ‘a’ therefore we hear a soft ‘a’ sound.

Notice all three-letter words and vowel ‘a’ which is used between two consonants, these types of words are called CVC words.

Now Let us move to the long ‘a’ vowel words section where you would have to stress the vowel ‘a’ to pronounce the words correctly.

Long ‘A’ Vowel Sound Words

The long /a/ sound is pronounced like the word ‘Alien’. It is quite similar to sound what you hear in words like “Acorn” or “Apron.”

There are four ways of spelling Long ‘a’ sounds:

1. Using Letter A: You can spell the long /a/ sound with just the letter a.

Alien Agent Apron Acorn
Basic Data Fatal Basin

2. Using Split Digraph A _ E : These words spell the long /a/ sound using a split digraph a_e where is in the middle of the word and an e at the end of the word.

Bake Cake Shake Make Fake Snake
Fade Made Maid Laid Shade Kate
Same Fame Name Game Lame Flame
Cane Mane Main Lane Insane Plane

3. AI and AY Words: The long /a/ sound is spelled with the letters ai and ay, at the end of some words.

Aim Fail Snail Pain Chain
Stain Vain Paint Faint Waist
Claim Sail Tail Wait Strain
Day Hay Lay Pay Ray
Tray Stay Sway Play Pray

4. Using EI Words: The long /a/ sound is spelled with the letters ei usually at the middle of the word.

Reins Vein Veil Reign Neigh
Weigh Sleigh Eight Freight Weight

Notice that whenever you pronounce these words you’ll hear a sharp ‘a’ sound that is why they are called Long ‘a’ vowel words.

We hope you have found this post useful for your child. Practice sounding out these words to help your child build his/her phonics skills. Use the following image for a quick revision. 

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Long Vowel Sounds «-a» Word List

Here’s a useful word list with long vowel sounds to use with your ESL students.

Grammar Corner Long Vowel Sounds  -a  Word List

Long vowel sound spelling patterns are quite difficult for students to learn. First they must understand that more than one letter can be used to represent one sound and then learn the various ways that the sound can be represented in print.

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/ā/ as
in ape.
Learning the long vowel sound a

Teaching point How to spell the long /ā/

Some words need just the letter a, for example:

acorn apron alien agent
basic basin data fatal

Sometimes, we need to add another letter somewhere in the word:

a-e as in snake. ai as in train. ay as in pray. ei as in reindeer.
We use a split digraph
a-e: add an e on the end (to make the a say its name).
Or, we use ai. Or, we put ay on the end of a word. Rarely, we use ei.
See Unit 21 for more on these words.

Some examples:



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'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

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spelling test

…and many more.

Some examples:



Learn the Words:

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'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

…and many more.

Some examples:

Monday etc.


Learn the Words:

Study this word list

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

Rule breakers break spelling rules

Learn the Words:

Study this word list

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

Some examples: 

(also sheikh)

Learn the Words:

Study this word list

'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' spelling exercise

English spelling games


spelling test

1) Words marked * are homophones. See page 6 of this unit.
2) Words ending in —ace are in Unit 20.

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Learn the Words activities for each
word list on this page.

next part of the spelling course
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Take a test in spelling the long /ā/

The Spellzone interactive course is intended to be used online and may not be printed.

Long Vowel Sound A: Patterns, Rules, and Audio

Long Vowel Sound A: Patterns, Rules, and Audio

Long vowel sound A is easy to say, it sounds like the “a” in “game.” If you can say the letter “A”, then you’ve mastered the sound that Long A makes. Recognizing when an “a” should be a Long A or Short A is much harder. In this lesson, we’ll walk you through common Long A patterns so you can correctly identify Long A’s in every word you read and learn.

If you need any more phonics help, check out our Vowels Home Page for lessons, flashcards, and articles.

If you want to learn about other Long Vowels, take a look at these lessons:

  • Long Vowel E
  • Long Vowel I
  • Long Vowel O
  • Long Vowel U

How to Pronounce the Long A

The IPA symbol for Long A is /eɪ/. It makes a sound like the “a” in “ape” or “lake.” Listen below to hear the Long Vowel Sound A in an Ameican accent.

In contrast, a Short A sounds like “a” in “ant” or “apple.” Listen below to hear a Short A vowel sound.

Long Vowel Sound A Worksheet

Download and print our free long A patterns worksheet to start practicing. Includes Long A patterns, examples, and some pictures to color.

Long A patterns free download worksheet

1. Long A Pattern: “Magic E Words” (a_e)

The first, and most important strategy for identifying a Long A vowel, is words with Magic E. With Magic E words, the “e” hops over a letter and turns the “a” from a Short A into a Long A. For example, a word like “nap” (with a Short A) becomes “nape” (with a Long A) when you add an “e”.

Important Words with “Magic E Words” (a_e)

  1. Name
  2. Same
  3. Game
  4. Plate
  5. Grade

Important Exceptions to “a_e”

  1. words ending in -are: share, care, rare, etc. (the “a” sounds more like a short /e/)

2. Long A Pattern: ai

This is another fairly reliable pattern for spotting a Long A vowel. Though, like most things in English, it is not going to be correct every time.  The pattern “ai” will generally work to indicate a Long A, but I will list some of the notable exceptions below. 

Important Words with “ai”

  1. Rain
  2. Train
  3. Mail
  4. Wait
  5. Paint

Important Exceptions to “ai”

  1. -air words like “hair” or “fair” or “chair” (pronounced the same as the -are words above)
  2. Said (the “ai” makes an /e/ sound)
  3. Again (sometimes pronounced with a Long A, but typically we use a short /e/ in this word)

3. Long A Pattern: ay

The Long A pattern “ay” is a very reliable pattern to determine whether an “a” is long or not. Typically, this pattern happens at the end of words, though you may see it in the middle of words as well. Besides one fairly common exception (see below), your child can be fairly certain that if they see an “ay,” then they will need to pronounce it as a Long A vowel. 

Important Words with “ay”

  1. Day
  2. Play
  3. May
  4. Gray (Grey in British English, but same Long A)
  5. Okay

Important Exceptions to “ay”

  1. Says (/s/ /e/ /z/) (This can be a little confusing because “say” does use the long A)

4. Long A Pattern: ei

This is a bit of a weird one because it doesn’t actually contain an “a” in it. But yes, unfortunately, there are words in English that use “ei” as a Long A sound. It is best to just memorize the important ones, and luckily there are not too many. The “ei” pattern is made more difficult because “ei” can represent other sounds as well like long E (weird) or short /e/ (their).

Important Words with “ei” (Long A sound)

  1. Eight
  2. Neighbor
  3. Weigh
  4. Weight
  5. Sleigh

Important Exceptions to “ei”

There are many, many words that have “ei,” but do not make a Long A sound. It would be easier to learn the ones that do, and assume that the others do not.  

5. Long A Pattern: Open Syllable (a)

Most words with just a single “a” should be pronounced with a short /a/. However, there are some words that do not follow this rule. Instead, you will have to memorize these exceptions to the rule. These words usually are examples of what are called “Open Syllables.” These syllables end with a vowel, and when this happens we get a long vowel instead of the normal short vowel. 

Important Words with Open Syllable “a” (Long A Sound)

  1. Able
  2. April
  3. Asia
  4. Baby
  5. Crazy
  6. Lazy
  7. Tomato 
  8. Table 

Important Exceptions to Open Syllable “a” (Long A Sound)

As mentioned earlier, most a’s on their own will make a short /a/ sound. It would be easier to memorize these exceptions that follow the Open Syllable rule, rather than checking the syllables of the word each time you encounter an “a.”

6. Further Exceptions: “ey”

The pairing of “ey” almost always results in a long E sound. However, there are a couple of words that use “ey” to make a Long A instead. Of these words, these are the ones most commonly used. 

  1. They
  2. Hey
  3. Obey 

How do I Practice Long Vowel Patterns?

Once you have gone over the patterns that use Long A, it is best to practice identifying Long A vowels by reading with your child. You can do this by reading to your child and having them try to sound out individual words, or let them read to you. It all depends on what they like, and what level of English they have. For long vowel identification, reading is the best way for children to learn the patterns and to start to become familiar with common exceptions to the rules.

While reading with your child, please make sure that you discourage them from guessing words. Also, do not try to push them to read beyond their level. By taking it slow in the beginning and properly teaching them how to read using long vowel patterns and synthetic phonics, your child will improve in the long run.

For further practice, consider try reading some of our fairy tales written specifically for beginners.

More Long Vowel Practice

If you have questions that you would like answered, feel free to leave us a post in the comment section.

All done with Long A? Check out some of our other phonics lessons:

  • Long Vowel E
  • Long Vowel I
  • Long Vowel O
  • Long Vowel U

words with long a sound, letter A

Spelling can be tough, especially in the English language. Words aren’t necessarily spoken the way they’re written, even in the most simple letter arrangements. Depending on the position of a letter in a word, the number of letters in the word, and a letter’s relationship to the letters around it, that letter can have its sound changed, or remain silent altogether! Vowels, in particular, have two sounds: short or long.

You can learn more about short and long vowel sounds in this guide. Here, we’ll be focusing on just words with a long A sound.

Long and Short Vowels

A vowel sound is considered long when that vowel is read as its name, like the letter A in the words “aim” and “enable.” A vowel is short when this is not the case, as with A in the words “archery” and “bar.” If English is not your first language, you can practice recognizing long and short vowel sounds by putting an accent mark above the long vowels, like so: ā. The letter /ā/ is pronounced “ayy.” Once you start to get used to certain vocabulary words, and the way English pronunciation works, you can slowly phase these accent marks out.

While English can sometimes be unpredictable for first-time learners – phase is pronounced with an f? – there are some patterns you’ll begin to notice that can help you identify certain vowel sounds like the long A.

Most commonly, these patterns will come in the form of a-e words, ai words, ay words, and ei words.

A-E Words

You might approach A in the middle of a word, like “made,” and wonder how you’re supposed to pronounce it. That E at the end should give you the hint you need. The word “made” is pronounced with a long A sound because the E at the end tying the sound together. If that E wasn’t there, you’d be stuck with the word “mad,” which is spoken with a short A sound and means something different. Other A-E words include:

  1. bake
  2. cake
  3. make
  4. lake
  5. fake
  6. stake
  7. crate
  8. grate
  9. flake
  10. skate
  11. inflate
  12. migrate
  13. imitate
  14. estimate
  15. translate

AI Words

Words with the combination of letters ai are usually another good sign that a long A sound is involved, at least where those letters are placed. Some ai words include:

  1. aim
  2. mail
  3. gain
  4. fail
  5. main
  6. grail
  7. chain
  8. again
  9. plain
  10. strain
  11. remain
  12. contain
  13. explain
  14. maintain
  15. ascertain

Are you looking to teach English language to ESL students? Learn five effective English language teaching methods in this guide.

AY Words

Another, more obvious indication that a word has a long A sound is the ay combination. The letter A on its own is often not enough to indicate that an “ayy” sound is warranted, but with that added letter Y at the end, it’s practically spelling the long A sound out for you. Some ay words include:

  1. day
  2. may
  3. say
  4. pay
  5. gay
  6. play
  7. gray
  8. stay
  9. tray
  10. sway
  11. relay
  12. essay
  13. betray
  14. display
  15. portray

EI Words

It’s common for English words to use the ei combination to indicate a long A sound, but be wary of its relative rareness. Also be wary not to confuse it with the pronunciation conventions of a language like German, which will always pronounce the ei combination like a long I sound. Some examples of ei words in English include:

  1. veil
  2. vein
  3. reign
  4. weigh
  5. eight
  6. weight
  7. beige
  8. freight

Long A Words

While some of these conventions might push you in the right direction on occasion, the rules regarding pronunciation in English are tricky. How do you determine the pronunciation if the letter A is heading the word? You can check out this advanced English grammar course and try to learn the tough stuff, or you can practice vocabulary on a daily basis and grow accustomed to the words of the language. It will sound natural to you in no time.

You can also learn the ins and outs of memorizing vocabulary with this course. See below for some English words with a long A sound that begin with A:

  1. aim
  2. ail
  3. aid
  4. able
  5. acorn
  6. apron
  7. agent
  8. aphid
  9. angel
  10. alien

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