London word for umbrella


  1. (Noun) The most used slang for umbrella in the UK, especially in London, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It comes from the “brell” segment of “umbrella”
  2. Example: My brolly is foldable but expensive. I like that I can bring it everywhere so I’m always prepared.

In this post

  • 1 How do British say umbrella?
  • 2 How does the UK say tomato?
  • 3 What is a bumbershoot in Britain?
  • 4 What is slang for umbrella?
  • 5 What is the most British thing to say?
  • 6 How do the British say coffee?
  • 7 How do the British say watermelon?
  • 8 Is Candy American or British?
  • 9 What do the British say yard?
  • 10 Is yard American or British?
  • 11 Is Cattywampus a word?
  • 12 Why do people call umbrellas brollies?
  • 13 What is a Biblioklept?
  • 14 What do Scots call umbrellas?
  • 15 Who uses word bumbershoot?
  • 16 What are different names of umbrella?
  • 17 Why do Brits say innit?
  • 18 Why do Brits say bloody?
  • 19 What is the British slang for girl?
  • 20 How do you say juice in British?

How do British say umbrella?

In Britain, “brolly” is a popular alternative to the more staid “umbrella.” Sarah Gamp, a fictional nurse who toted a particularly large umbrella in Charles Dickens’s novel Martin Chuzzlewit, has inspired some English speakers to dub oversize versions “gamps.” “Bumbershoot” is a predominantly American nickname, one

How does the UK say tomato?

Both pronunciations used to coexist, but today, “tom-ah-to” is the more British pronunciation, and “tom-ay-to” is the more American pronunciation. You still hear both in Canada though and in some American regions where British pronunciation was especially popular in early America.

What is a bumbershoot in Britain?

bumbershoot in British English
(ˈbʌmbəʃuːt ) noun. US old-fashioned, informal. an umbrella.

What is slang for umbrella?

brolly. / (ˈbrɒlɪ) / noun plural -lies. an informal Brit name for umbrella (def.

What is the most British thing to say?

11 Bloody Brilliant British English Phrases

  1. “Fancy a cuppa?” meaning: “Would you like a cup of tea?”
  2. “Alright?” meaning: “Hey, how are you?”
  3. “I’m knackered!” meaning: “I’m tired.”
  4. Cheeky. meaning: playful; mischievous.
  5. “I’m chuffed to bits!” meaning “I’m very pleased.”
  6. Bloody. meaning: very.
  7. To bodge something.
  8. “I’m pissed.”

How do the British say coffee?

2 syllables: “KOF” + “ee”

How do the British say watermelon?

Below is the UK transcription for ‘watermelon’:

  1. Modern IPA: wóːtəmɛlən.
  2. Traditional IPA: ˈwɔːtəmelən.
  3. 4 syllables: “WAW” + “tuh” + “mel” + “uhn”

Is Candy American or British?

British vs American Vocabulary

British English American English ↕
solicitor lawyer, attorney
spanner wrench
sweets candy
taxi taxi, taxi cab

What do the British say yard?

In both British and American English, a yard is an area of ground attached to a house. In British English, it is a small area behind a house, with a hard surface and usually a wall round it. In American English, it is an area on any side of a house, usually with grass growing on it.

Is yard American or British?

The yard (symbol: yd) is an English unit of length in both the British imperial and US customary systems of measurement equalling 3 feet or 36 inches. Since 1959 it has been by international agreement standardized as exactly 0.9144 meter.

Is Cattywampus a word?

Cattywampus definition
(informal) In disarray or disorder; askew. Measure carefully before cutting, or the entire structure will turn out cattywampus.

Why do people call umbrellas brollies?

The origin of brolly is an alteration of (um)brell(a) dating back to around 1870-1875. This word is one that we commonly use today, with many brands even marketing the product as this. Although the term stems from the extracted ‘brell’, this is thought to have changed over time as language develops.

What is a Biblioklept?

Definition of biblioklept
: one who steals books.

What do Scots call umbrellas?

The Scottish word for ‘umbrella’ is ‘brolly‘.

Who uses word bumbershoot?

Bumbershoot is a predominantly American nickname, one that has been recorded as a whimsical, slightly irreverent handle for umbrellas since the late 1800s.

What are different names of umbrella?


  • brolly.
  • canopy.
  • gamp.
  • sunshade.
  • bumbershoot.
  • parapluie.

Why do Brits say innit?

‘Innit’ – usually pronounced that way, usually with a regional accent of some kind, often with a Cockney accent of some kind, often with a Jamaican accent – it’s because it’s come really from the fashionable use, in London mainly, by the Asian community and the Jamaican community, popularised by Ali G and others.

Why do Brits say bloody?

Don’t worry, it’s not a violent word… it has nothing to do with “blood”.”Bloody” is a common word to give more emphasis to the sentence, mostly used as an exclamation of surprise. Something may be “bloody marvellous” or “bloody awful“. Having said that, British people do sometimes use it when expressing anger…

What is the British slang for girl?

14. Bird. A word used to describe a woman.

How do you say juice in British?

Break ‘juice’ down into sounds: [JOOS] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.
Below is the UK transcription for ‘juice’:

  1. Modern IPA: ʤʉ́ws.
  2. Traditional IPA: ʤuːs.
  3. 1 syllable: “JOOS”

Whenever it is raining or very hot, an umbrella is your friend. With the weather being always unpredictable, having an umbrella by your side is a must. This is true everywhere, especially in the UK. While it is almost always windy or rainy, it can get hot without any prior notice. Let us look into the various slang terms used by the British people regarding the umbrella. 

British Slang For Umbrella (in Alphabetical Order)

Auntie Ella


  • (Noun) Cockney rhyming slang for the umbrella.
  • Example: Shoot! I forgot my Auntie Ella at home! Out of all days to rain, it had to be today. 



  • (Noun) The most used slang for umbrella in the UK, especially in London, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It comes from the “brell” segment of “umbrella”
  • Example: My brolly is foldable but expensive. I like that I can bring it everywhere so I’m always prepared.



  • (Noun) The Sarah Gamp character was created by Charles Dickens and is often portrayed with a large umbrella. Hence, when we say “gamp,” we refer to a giant umbrella.
  • Example: Tropical countries have vendors that use gamps as shade while selling juice. They sell cheap and the service is good. 

Rain Napper


  • (Noun) An obsolete or archaic slang for the umbrella. It was still in use during the 1700s and 1800s. 
  • Example: My rain number got ruined because of the strong winds yesterday. 

Red ‘n’ Yella


  • (Noun) Another Cockney rhyming slang for the umbrella that is similar to“ Auntie Ella.”
  • Example: My red ‘n’ yella got stolen yesterday at the office. Good thing that it was cheap!

The Good Word

Cheerio, Bumbershoot!

The word is not actually British for umbrella.

Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (center), rarely seen without his bumbershoot, departs after meeting with Adolf Hitler in 1938

Courtesy German Federal Archive.

In my recent Slate article about Americans using more Britishisms, I wondered aloud, “Why have we adopted laddish while we didn’t adopt telly or bumbershoot?” More than one English person responded to this query with another: “Bumbershoot? What do you mean, bumbershoot?”

I told them I had always thought of this funny term for umbrella as one of those words, like cheerio and old man, that the stage Englishman is required to say. My wife had the same impression. But when I looked into the matter, I learned that we were apparently misinformed. The Oxford English Dictionary identifies the word as “originally and chiefly U.S. slang.” And the digital archive of the Times of London, comprising 7,696,959 articles published between 1785 and 1985, yields precisely zero hits for bumbershoot.

As late as 1933, there was no British association. That year the New York Times ran a short editorial praising bumbershoot as “a term that drips with poetry and magic” and referring to it as “the mystical name, the children’s name, for an umbrella.” (And can we lament for a second that the Times editorial-page prose style no longer drips with poetry and magic?) Some days later, R.A. McGlasson wrote a letter to the editor saying that the word was commonly used in his Dutchess County, N.Y. childhood 50 years earlier; another correspondent, Louis Margolis, reported he first heard it while “spending a summer on a Connecticut farm in New London County at the tender age of ten or eleven years.”

So were my wife and I crazy? Further investigations suggested not (or at least not for this particular reason). In 1953 (approximately the year of our birth), Time magazine ran a review of The Little Emperors, Alfred Duggan’s historical novel about Roman Britain, and was clearly thinking the way we did: “As an extra dividend, the book is clearly intended for reading as an oblique comment on the British character, and especially on the modern British bureaucracy. Author Duggan seems to suggest that, given a bowler and bumbershoot to go with his tidy, official face, Felix might patter along Downing Street without winning a second glance.” Five years later, the same magazine noted: “British Mystery Writer Agatha Christie, 66, chugged up the sheer Acropolis, posed—looking not unlike her own fictional Miss Marple with bumbershoot and catchall—beneath the world’s most spine-tingling marble slab: the entablature of the Parthenon.”

In 1968, the (American) songwriting Sherman brothers wrote this couplet for the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, where it was sung by the English character played by Dick Van Dyke:

You can have me hat or me bumbershoot
But you’d better never bother with me ol’ bam-boo.

(It’s interesting that Van Dyke would be awarded this role, given that in an earlier Disney film, Mary Poppins, his Bert permanently set the template for American actors’ lame British accents.)

In the early ‘90s, the writers of Frasier used the notion of bumbershoot-as-Britishism to underpin this exchange between the anglophile Niles and his English crush, Daphne:

Niles: Take my bumbershoot.
Daphne: Oh, isn’t that nice, well at least someone appreciates my mother tongue.
Niles: Yes, I’ve always had an ear for your tongue.
Frasier: Niles!

My research has actually led me to propose a year when bumbershoot changed from U.S. regional slang to presumed Britishism: 1939. The year before, at the Munich Conference, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s was invariably depicted holding a (furled) umbrella, in the manner of a saint and his icon. The imagery suggested a weaponlike thing that was not and would not be used as a weapon, hence its aptness and its stickiness. The following year, Chamberlain traveled to Rome to try, unsuccessfully, to apply some diplomatic pressure to Mussolini. And the New York Times ran a feature that reproduced several editorial cartoons about Chamberlain’s mission. Every one showed him with an umbrella. The overall caption was, “Mr. Chamberlain’s ‘bumbershoot’ provides inspiration for British and American cartoonists.”

I hypothesize that bumbershoot became a faux Britishism because of a confluence of factors. First, the incredibly intense association of Neville Chamberlain with umbrellas. Second, the well-documented fondness of the English for umbrellas, in part due to the fact that it rains a lot there. Third, the fact that bumbershoot sort of sounds British. And fourth, the presence of an actual British slang term for umbrella, brolly. (If Eskimos have however many hundred words for snow, surely the British have at least three for for umbrella!)

In any case, by 1940, this misapprehension was in place. A book published that year, War Propaganda and U.S., noted: “To many upper-class Americans there was nothing so thrilling as having an Englishman around the house, complete with Oxford accent, school tie, and bumbershoot.”

All this research made me remember when I first encountered the term, or at the least first associated it with the British. It was in the Marvel comic book “Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandoes,” a rip-roaring 1960s series about a World War II squad that included Isadore “Izzy” Cohen, Robert “Reb” Ralston, Dino Manelli, Gabe Jones (a bugle-blowing African-American), and Percival “Pinky” Pinkerton. According to a Marvel fan site, “Pinky’s chief tool is his umbrella (bumbershoot). He has used this device as a club, fenced with it as a sword, used it to aid him in climbing, to slow his descent while falling, and to shield himself from sunlight. Does it serve any particular function in a rainstorm? The world may never know.”

  • Language

British people do not use umbrellas, even though it rains every day.

Why do British people carry umbrellas?

They help keep you dry in the rain & you can tilt them to avoid the glances of people you’d rather not see, many Asians living in the UK also use umbrellas as parasols to shade them from the Sun – NIFTY!

What is an umbrella called in London?

Parasols are occasionally called sunshades. An umbrella may also be called a brolly (UK slang), parapluie (nineteenth century, French origin), rainshade, gamp (British, informal, dated), or bumbershoot (rare, facetious American slang).

Do people actually use umbrellas?

Most people in the US own an umbrella to keep them dry when it’s raining, but almost no one uses one for sun protection. Published September 14, 2019 This article is more than 2 years old.In the US, even though most people own an umbrella to keep them dry when it’s raining, almost no one uses one for sun protection.

What do Brits call umbrellas?

7 | brolly (96% British / 24% American)
The British term for an umbrella. Interesting Fact: The old-timey American slang term for umbrella was “bumbershoot.” But we managed to wisely eradicate that term; the British are still rolling with “brolly.”

Do people wear raincoats in London?

What to Wear in London: Spring.When it comes to spring, the last thing you ever want to do is think that it will be a day without rain. Ergo, make it your rule to always carry your raincoat or umbrella with you no matter how sunny it is in the morning.

What should you not wear in London?

To avoid standing out as a tourist, avoid items like original UGG boots, clunky tennis shoes, flip flops, and sweatpants. London clothes look presentable at all times; your goal is to maintain a comfortable look, while exuding femininity and edge.

What is a biro in UK?

British, Informal. a ballpoint pen. Word origin. < Biro, a trademark for a kind of ballpoint pen.

How do I not look like a tourist in London?

How to NOT Look Like a Tourist in London, United Kingdom

  1. Don’t get the Heathrow Express.
  2. Get your Oyster Card ready.
  3. Use the Tube – but not too much!
  4. Don’t use the tourist bus – use these instead.
  5. Use your phone.
  6. Avoid Oxford Street.
  7. Avoid Leicester Square.
  8. Visit the museums at night.

Do the English have biscuits?

Biscuit (UK) / Cookie (US)
In the UK, these are generally called biscuits, although people do call the bigger, softer kind cookies, too. However, in the UK, people LOVE biscuits (especially with tea) and there are hundreds of different varieties that aren’t called cookies, too.

Is it feminine to use an umbrella?

For centuries Europeans considered the umbrella to be a feminine accessory, until 1750 when English gentlemen Jonas Hanway popularized the umbrella by bringing it with him wherever he went. While enduring some laughter at first, Hanway eventually broke the taboo of men using umbrellas.

Is it manly to use an umbrella?

As antiquated as this may sound, it still rings true for many men. ‘Real men don’t need an umbrella, because real men aren’t afraid of the rain.This belief can be seen in the US Marine policy that didn’t allow male Marines to carry umbrellas — but did let female Marines carry them — until November 2019.

Why do Oregonians not use umbrellas?

In Portland, we don’t use umbrellas because…it doesn’t rain that much here. Now, now; put away those pitchforks. Sure, it rains often, and it rains for a long time. It just doesn’t rain that much.

What do they call toilet paper in the UK?

Senior Member. I use “loo roll” or “toilet paper”. (“Loo roll” is more informal.)

What do the British call braids?

The British say “Her hair is in a plait” (picture 1) but “Her hair is in pigtails” (picture 2). Americans say “Her hair is in a braid” (No. 1) and “Her hair is in braids” (No. 2).

What are some British slang words?

50 Must-Know British Slang Words and Phrases

  • Bloke. “Bloke” would be the American English equivalent of “dude.” It means a “man.”
  • Lad. In the same vein as “bloke,” “lad” is used, however, for boys and younger men.
  • Bonkers.
  • Daft.
  • To leg it.
  • Trollied / Plastered.
  • Quid.
  • Dodgy.

What should I wear in London now?

What to wear in London during Fall

  • Jeans. Versatile and comfy, jeans are a wardrobe staple for Londoners year-round.
  • Tops. Packing a mixture of sweaters and lighter tops is a good way to go.
  • Layers. More is more.
  • Trench coat.
  • Shoes.
  • Accessories.

How do people dress in London in summer?

What to Wear in London in Summer

  1. Summer scarf.
  2. Trench coat.
  3. Umbrella.
  4. Flats.
  5. Sunglasses.
  6. Bag.

How do people dress in London in January?

When visiting London in winter you should look to use layers to keep you warm, we suggest this is made up of;

  1. Leggings, jogging bottoms or jeans.
  2. Long-sleeved top.
  3. Cardigan, hoodie or zip-up jacket.
  4. Raincoat.
  5. Walking boots or trainers.
  6. Hat, scarf & gloves.
  7. Thermals depending on how cold you get.

Is London safe?

London does have a higher crime rate, as it is the popular capital city. Although the crime rate in London has been growing, it is still comparably a safe city. According to the Economists Safe Cities Index, London is the fourteenth safest city in the world.

Does London have snow?

Winters in London are characterised by cold and often rainy weather. The average high between December and February is 48°F (9°C) and the average low is 41°F (5°C). However, freezing temperatures are not uncommon and snow is not unheard of. Be sure to pack a winter coat along with a hat, gloves and scarf.

We’re not sure whether you’ve noticed, but our team love umbrellas. We simply can’t get enough of them and surprisingly, we all have our own little names for them. Although this is something that is common from region to region, it’s important for us all to understand the actual meaning behind them and how they came to become part of our ever-evolving vocabulary.

Funny umbrellas

Funny umbrellas

We take a look at some of the common names used for umbrellas, how many have you heard of?

This may be one word that you’re not as familiar with, as it was thought to originate in the United States. Although surprisingly, many Americans assume that the word is British slang. As you can probably imagine, it is used as quite a playful term for umbrella and apparently dates back to the late 1890s.

It’s not entirely clear how the word came to be, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make some assumptions. It sounds like the “bumber” part of the word is a derivative of “umbr” and the “shoot” is similar to the “-chute” part of the word in a parachute which does make a little bit of sense!

A Gamp is essentially a large umbrella, but this word is thought to have made its debut in 1855. The word derives from Charles Dicken’s Martin Chuzzlewit novel (1843-44) which featured a character called Sarah Gamp who often carried a large cotton umbrella. Her companion, which endured many adventures was described as: “in colour like a faded leaf, except where a circular patch of a lively blue had been dexterously let in at the top”.

From this, people began calling the umbrella a Gamp! Although the word isn’t commonly used now, it still remains featured in most dictionaries.

The origin of brolly is an alteration of (um)brell(a) dating back to around 1870-1875. This word is one that we commonly use today, with many brands even marketing the product as this. Although the term stems from the extracted ‘brell’, this is thought to have changed over time as language develops.

“Brelly” has slowly become “brolly”, likely as a result of accents and regional differences. Regional accents are known to have been significantly different around this time and were a lot sterner — something which has watered down with increased travel opportunities and media influence. So much so, that the North/South regional differences were intense enough to cause word change.

It’s clear that nicknames for the umbrella have changed over time — we’ve lost old ones and gained new ones, but that’s all part of linguistic development. However, the questions we want answered is why haven’t we started calling our windproof umbrellas a Hagrid or our ladies umbrellas a Poppins? Now that would be awesome.

An umbrella or parasol is a folding canopy supported by wooden or metal ribs that is usually mounted on a wooden, metal, or plastic pole. It is designed to protect a person against rain or sunlight. The term umbrella is traditionally used when protecting oneself from rain, with parasol used when protecting oneself from sunlight, though the terms continue to be used interchangeably. Often the difference is the material used for the canopy; some parasols are not waterproof, and some umbrellas are transparent. Umbrella canopies may be made of fabric or flexible plastic. There are also combinations of parasol and umbrella that are called en-tout-cas (French for «in any case»).[2]

Umbrellas and parasols are primarily hand-held portable devices sized for personal use. The largest hand-portable umbrellas are golf umbrellas. Umbrellas can be divided into two categories: fully collapsible umbrellas, in which the metal pole supporting the canopy retracts, making the umbrella small enough to fit in a handbag, and non-collapsible umbrellas, in which the support pole cannot retract and only the canopy can be collapsed. Another distinction can be made between manually operated umbrellas and spring-loaded automatic umbrellas, which spring open at the press of a button.

Hand-held umbrellas have a type of handle which can be made from wood, a plastic cylinder or a bent «crook» handle (like the handle of a cane). Umbrellas are available in a range of price and quality points, ranging from inexpensive, modest quality models sold at discount stores to expensive, finely made, designer-labeled models. Larger parasols capable of blocking the sun for several people are often used as fixed or semi-fixed devices, used with patio tables or other outdoor furniture, or as points of shade on a sunny beach.

Parasol may also be called sunshade, or beach umbrella (US English). An umbrella may also be called a brolly (UK slang), parapluie (nineteenth century, French origin), rainshade, gamp (British, informal, dated), or bumbershoot (rare, facetious American slang). When used for snow, it is called a paraneige.


The word parasol (originally from French) is a combination of para, meaning ‘to shield from’ derived from the Latin parare, and sol, meaning ‘sun’.[3] Parapluie (French) similarly consists of para combined with pluie, which means ‘rain’ (which in turn derives from pluvia, the Latin word for rain). Hence, a parasol shields from sunlight while a parapluie shields from rain.

The word umbrella evolved from the Latin umbra, meaning ‘shaded’ or ‘shadow’.[4] The Oxford English Dictionary records this as happening in the 17th century, with the first recorded usage in 1610.[5][6]

In Britain, umbrellas were sometimes referred to as «gamps» after the character Mrs. Gamp in the Charles Dickens novel Martin Chuzzlewit as the character was well known for carrying an umbrella, although this usage is now dated or obsolete.[7][5]

Brolly is a slang word for umbrella, used often in Australia, Ireland, Kenya, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.

Bumbershoot is a rare and fanciful Americanism from the late 19th century.[8]


Umbrella can be traced back to about 3000 years ago and had religious and mythological symbolism since its early history.[9]: 698  Egypt, China, and India are usually cited as being the important geographical locations of the umbrella and the parasol in the pre-European umbrella history.[9]: 698  Umbrella were associated with high status, it was noted that «the use of the word umbrella from 1653 as an ‘Oriental or African symbol of dignity’ «.[9]: 698 


Ancient EgyptEdit

Relief of an Egyptian parasol. These were used as sunshade and fan alike (flabellum).

The earliest known parasols in Ancient Egyptian art date back to the Fifth Dynasty, around 2450 BC.[10] The parasol is found in various shapes. Typically it is depicted as a flabellum, a fan of palm-leaves or coloured feathers fixed on a long handle, resembling those now carried behind the Pope in processions.[11] Gardiner Wilkinson, in his work on Egypt, has an engraving of an Ethiopian princess travelling through Upper Egypt in a chariot; a kind of umbrella fastened to a stout pole rises in the centre, bearing a close affinity to what are now termed chaise umbrellas.[11] According to Wilkinson’s account, the umbrella was generally used throughout Egypt, partly as a mark of distinction, but more on account of its useful than its ornamental qualities.[11] In some paintings on a temple wall, a parasol is held over the figure of a god carried in procession.[11]

Ashanti EmpireEdit

The exact date when the Ashanti began using umbrellas is uncertain. However, in the 1800s, the Amanhene (senior chiefs) were using large multicolored umbrellas.[12] Umbrellas were used during festivals as streets of Kumasi were paraded with them. Like the Asantehene’s umbrella bearer, the others also spin their umbrellas in tune with the music produced by drummers while accompanying their «Ohene». Umbrellas were also used to provide coolness as well as highlight the importance of the various leaders.[12]



The At district of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan was reported to have used an umbrella made from feathers and gold as its pantli, an identifying marker that is the equivalent of a modern flag. The pantli was carried by the army general.[13]


Ancient Near EastEdit

The oldest extant example of—apparent collapsible—[14] parasols appears in the archaeological record around 2310 BC, showing Sargon of Akkad.[10] In the sculptures at Nineveh, the parasol appears frequently.[11] Austen Henry Layard gives a picture of a bas-relief representing a king in his chariot, with an attendant holding a parasol over his head.[11] It has a curtain hanging down behind, but is otherwise exactly like those in use today.[11] It is reserved exclusively for the monarch (who was bald), and is never carried over any other person.[11]

In Persia, the parasol is repeatedly found in the carved work of Persepolis, and Sir John Malcolm has an article on the subject in his 1815 «History of Persia.»[11] In some sculptures, the figure of a king appears attended by a servant, who carries over his head an umbrella, complete with stretchers and runner.[11] In other sculptures on the rock at Taghe-Bostan, supposed to be not less than twelve centuries old, a deer-hunt is represented, at which a king looks on, seated on a horse, and having an umbrella borne over his head by an attendant.[11]


In China, the umbrella is referred as san (Chinese: ; pinyin: sǎn, a pictograph resembling the modern umbrella in design). The umbrella in China has about 4000 years of history since the emergence of its prototype with a Chinese umbrella design being relatively complete about 2000 years ago.[15]: 147–148 

The creation of the umbrella is attributed to the wife of Lu Ban, who invented it during the Warring State Period.[15]: 147  Some investigators have supposed that its invention was first created by tying large leaves to bough-like ribs (the branching out parts of an umbrella). Others assert that the idea was probably derived from the tent, which remains in an unaltered form to the present day. However, the tradition existing in China is that it originated in standards and banners waving in the air, hence the use of the umbrella was often linked to high-ranking (though not necessarily royalty) in China. The use of umbrella as a social marker indicating and classifying the identities and social class of its users started by the post-Wei period and continued up to the Ming dynasty.[15]: 148  On at least one occasion, twenty-four umbrellas were carried before the Emperor when he went out hunting. The umbrella served in this case as a defence against rain rather than sun. The Chinese and Japanese traditional parasol, often used near temples, remains similar to the original ancient Chinese design.

The ancient book of Chinese ceremonies, called Zhou Li (The Rites of Zhou), dating some 2,400 years ago, directs that a dais should be placed upon the imperial cars. The figure of this dais contained in Zhou Li, and the description of it given in the explanatory commentary of Lin-hi-ye, both identify it with an umbrella. The latter describes the dais to be composed of 28 arcs, which are equivalent to the ribs of the modern instrument, and the staff supporting the covering to consist of two parts, the upper being a rod 3/18 of a Chinese foot in circumference, and the lower a tube 6/10 in circumference, into which the upper half is capable of sliding and closing.

The Book of Han contains a reference to a collapsible umbrella, mentioning its usage in the year 21 AD when Wang Mang (r. 9–23) had one designed for a ceremonial four-wheeled carriage.[16] The 2nd-century commentator Fu Qian added that this collapsible umbrella of Wang Mang’s carriage had bendable joints which enabled them to be extended or retracted.[17] A 1st century collapsible umbrella has since been recovered from the tomb of Wang Guang at Lelang Commandery in the Korean Peninsula.[18] The Chinese collapsible umbrella may predate Wang’s tomb, however. Zhou dynasty bronze castings of complex bronze socketed hinges with locking slides and bolts—which could have been used for parasols and umbrellas—were found in an archeological site of Luoyang, dated to the 6th century BC.[18]

A late Song dynasty Chinese divination book, Book of Physiognomical, Astrological and Ornithomantic Divination according to the Three Schools (演禽斗數三世相書) by Yuan Tianwang (袁天網), that was printed in about 1270 AD features a picture of a collapsible umbrella that is exactly like the modern umbrella of today’s China.[18]

The oil-paper umbrella also originated in China and was spread among the common people after the Eastern Han dynasty.[15]: 148  It started to be introduced in other countries in the Tang dynasty[15]: 148  and eventually spread across several East, South and Southeast Asian countries such as Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Laos, where it has been further developed with different characteristics.

Ancient IndiaEdit

The Sanskrit epic Mahabharata relates the following legend: Jamadagni was a skilled bow shooter, and his devoted wife Renuka would always recover each of his arrows immediately. One time however, it took her a whole day to fetch the arrow, and she later blamed the heat of the sun for the delay. The angry Jamadagni shot an arrow at the sun. The sun begged for mercy and offered Renuka an umbrella.[19]

Jean Baptiste Tavernier, in his 17th century book «Voyage to the East», says that on each side of the Mogul’s throne were two umbrellas, and also describes the hall of the King of Ava was decorated with an umbrella. The chháta of the Indian and Burmese princes is large and heavy, and requires a special attendant, who has a regular position in the royal household. In Ava it seems to have been part of the king’s title, that he was «King of the white elephant, and Lord of the twenty-four umbrellas.»

Southeast AsiaEdit

Simon de la Loubère, who was Envoy Extraordinary from the French King to the King of Siam in 1687 and 1688, wrote an account entitled a «New Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam», which was translated in 1693 into English. According to his account, the use of the umbrella was granted to only some of the subjects by the king. An umbrella with several circles, as if two or three umbrellas were fastened on the same stick, was permitted to the king alone; the nobles carried a single umbrella with painted cloths hanging from it. The Talapoins (who seem to have been a sort of Siamese monks) had umbrellas made of a palm-leaf cut and folded, so that the stem formed a handle.

In 1855 the King of Burma directed a letter to the Marquis of Dalhousie in which he styles himself «His great, glorious, and most excellent Majesty, who reigns over the kingdoms of Thunaparanta, Tampadipa, and all the great umbrella-wearing chiefs of the Eastern countries».

The Royal Nine-Tiered Umbrella is one of the royal regalia of Thailand.


Ancient GreeceEdit

Ancient Greek pottery from ca. 440 BC

Parasols are first attested on pottery shards from the late Mycenaean period (c. 1230–1190 BC).[20] Ancient umbrellas could be opened and shut,[21] but rigid examples may have also existed. The earliest archaeological evidence for a collapsible umbrella was unearthed in Samos in a context from about 700 BC and follows closely the shape of a slightly older Phrygian specimen excavated at Gordion. The sliding mechanism of the two pieces is remarkably similar to those in use today.[22]

In Classical Greece, the parasol (skiadeion, σκιάδειον),[23] was an indispensable adjunct to a lady of fashion in the late 5th century BC.[24] Aristophanes mentions it among the common articles of female use;[25] they could apparently open and close.[26] Pausanias describes a tomb near Triteia in Achaia decorated with a 4th-century BC painting ascribed to Nikias; it depicted the figure of a woman, «and by her stood a female slave, bearing a parasol».[27] For a man to carry one was considered a mark of effeminacy.[28] In Aristophanes’ Birds, Prometheus uses one as a comical disguise.[29]

Cultural changes among the Aristoi of Greece eventually led to a brief period – between 505 and 470BC – where men used parasols.[30] Vase iconography bears witness to a transition from men carrying swords, then spears, then staffs, then parasols, to eventually nothing. The parasol, at that time of its fashion, displayed the luxury of the user’s lifestyle.[31] During the period of their usage, Greek style was inspired by the Persian and Lydian nobility’s way of dressing: loose robes, long decorated hair, gold, jewellery, and perfume.[32]

It also had religious significance. In the Scirophoria, the feast of Athene Sciras, a white parasol was borne by the priestesses of the goddess from the Acropolis to the Phalerus. In the feasts of Dionysos, the umbrella was used, and in an old bas-relief, the same god is represented as descending ad inferos with a small umbrella in his hand. In the Panathenæa, the daughters of the Metics, or foreign residents, carried parasols over the heads of Athenian women as a mark of inferiority.

During the Panathenaea, daughters of Metics carried the parasols of the Athenian maidens and this service was called sciadephoria (σκιαδηφορία).[33]

Ancient RomeEdit

Etruscan drinking cup from Chiusi, Italy, 350–300 BC

From Greece it is probable that the use of the parasol passed to Rome, where it seems to have been usually used by women, while it was the custom even for effeminate men to defend themselves from the heat by means of the Umbraculum, formed of skin or leather, and capable of being lowered at will. There are frequent references to the umbrella in the Roman Classics, and it appears that it was, not unlikely, a post of honour among maid-servants to bear it over their mistresses. Allusions to it are tolerably frequent in the poets. (Ovid Fast. lib. ii., 1. 31 I.; Martial, lib. xi., ch. 73.; lib. xiv, ch. 28, 130; Ovid Ars. Am., ii., 209). From such mentions the umbrella seems to have been employed as a defence from sun, but references to its use as a protection against rain, while rare, also exist (Juvenal, ix., 50.).

According to Gorius, the umbrella came to Rome from the Etruscans who came to Rome for protection, and certainly it appears not infrequently on Etruscan vases and pottery, as also on later gems and rubies. One gem, figured by Pacudius, shows an umbrella with a bent handle, sloping backwards. Strabo describes a sort of screen or umbrella worn by Spanish women, but this is not like a modern umbrella.

Middle AgesEdit

The lack of references to umbrellas in the Middle Ages suggests they were not in common use during the period.[citation needed]

16th centuryEdit

One of the earliest depictions is in a painting by Girolamo dai Libri from 1530 titled Madonna dell Ombrello (Madonna of the Umbrella) in which the Virgin Mary is sheltered by a cherub carrying a large, red umbrella.[34]

17th centuryEdit

Thomas Wright, in his Domestic Manners of the English, gives a drawing from the Harleian MS., No. 604, which represents an Anglo-Saxon gentleman walking out attended by his servant, the servant carrying an umbrella with a handle that slopes backwards, so as to bring the umbrella over the head of the person in front.[35] It probably could not be closed, but otherwise it looks like an ordinary umbrella, and the ribs are represented distinctly.[35]

The use of the parasol and umbrella in France and England was adopted, probably from China, about the middle of the seventeenth century.[35] At that period, pictorial representations of it are frequently found, some of which exhibit the peculiar broad and deep canopy belonging to the large parasol of the Chinese Government officials, borne by native attendants.[35]

John Evelyn, in his Diary for 22 June 1664, mentions a collection of rarities shown to him by «Thompson», a Roman Catholic priest, sent by the Jesuits of Japan and China to France.[35] Among the curiosities were «fans like those our ladies use, but much larger, and with long handles, strangely carved and filled with Chinese characters», which is evidently a description of the parasol.[35]

In Thomas Coryat’s Crudities, published in 1611, about a century and a half prior to the general introduction of the umbrella into England,[35] is a reference to a custom of riders in Italy using umbrellas:

And many of them doe carry other fine things of a far greater price, that will cost at the least a duckat, which they commonly call in the Italian tongue umbrellas, that is, things which minister shadowve to them for shelter against the scorching heate of the sunne. These are made of leather, something answerable to the forme of a little cannopy, & hooped in the inside with divers little wooden hoopes that extend the umbrella in a pretty large compasse. They are used especially by horsemen, who carry them in their hands when they ride, fastening the end of the handle upon one of their thighs, and they impart so large a shadow unto them, that it keepeth the heate of the sunne from the upper parts of their bodies.[35]

In John Florio’s «A WORLD of Words» (1598), the Italian word Ombrella is translated

a fan, a canopie. also a testern or cloth of state for a prince. also a kind of round fan or shadowing that they vse to ride with in sommer in Italy, a little shade. Also a bonegrace for a woman. Also the husk or cod of any seede or corne. also a broad spreding bunch, as of fenell, nill, or elder bloomes.[35]

In Randle Cotgrave’s Dictionary of the French and English Tongues (1614), the French Ombrelle is translated

An umbrello; a (fashion of) round and broad fanne, wherewith the Indians (and from them our great ones) preserve themselves from the heat of a scorching sunne; and hence any little shadow, fanne, or thing, wherewith women hide their faces from the sunne.[35]

In Fynes Moryson’s Itinerary (1617) is a similar allusion to the habit of carrying umbrellas in hot countries «to auoide the beames of the Sunne». Their employment, says the author, is dangerous, «because they gather the heate into a pyramidall point, and thence cast it down perpendicularly upon the head, except they know how to carry them for auoyding that danger».[35]

During Streynsham Master’s 1676 visit to the East India Company’s factory in Masulipatnam he noted that only the governor of the town and the next three officials in seniority were allowed to have «a roundell [i.e. umbrella] carried over them.»[36]

In France, the umbrella (parapluie) began to appear in the 1660s, when the fabric of parasols carried for protection against the sun was coated with wax. The inventory of the French royal court in 1763 mentioned «eleven parasols of taffeta in different colours» as well as «three parasols of waxed toile, decorated around the edges with lace of gold and silver». They were rare, and the word parapluie («against the rain») did not enter the dictionary of the Académie française until 1718. [37]

18th and 19th centuriesEdit

Kersey’s Dictionary (1708) describes an umbrella as a «screen commonly used by women to keep off rain».

The first lightweight folding umbrella in Europe was introduced in 1710 by a Paris merchant named Jean Marius, whose shop was located near the barrier of Saint-Honoré. It could be opened and closed in the same way as modern umbrellas, and weighed less than one kilogram. Marius received from the King the exclusive right to produce folding umbrellas for five years. A model was purchased by the Princess Palatine in 1712, and she enthused about it to her aristocratic friends, making it an essential fashion item for Parisiennes. In 1759, a French scientist named Navarre presented a new design to the French Academy of Sciences for an umbrella combined with a cane. Pressing a small button on the side of the cane opened the umbrella.[38]

Their use became widespread in Paris. In 1768, a Paris magazine reported:

«The common usage for quite some time now is not to go out without an umbrella, and to have the inconvenience of carrying it under your arm for six months in order to use it perhaps six times. Those who do not want to be mistaken for vulgar people much prefer to take the risk of being soaked, rather than to be regarded as someone who goes on foot; an umbrella is a sure sign of someone who doesn’t have his own carriage.» [37]

In 1769, the Maison Antoine, a store at the Magasin d’Italie on rue Saint-Denis, was the first to offer umbrellas for rent to those caught in downpours, and it became a common practice. The Lieutenant General of Police of Paris issued regulations for the rental umbrellas; they were made of oiled green silk, and carried a number so they could be found and reclaimed if someone walked off with one.[37]

By 1808 there were seven shops making and selling umbrellas in Paris; one shop, Sagnier on rue des Vielles-Haudriettes, received the first patent given for an invention in France for a new model of umbrella. By 1813 there were 42 shops; by 1848 there were three hundred seventy-seven small shops making umbrellas in Paris, employing 1400 workers. One of the well-known makers was Boutique Bétaille, which was located at rue Royale 20 from 1880 to 1939. Another was Revel, based in Lyon. By the end of the century, however, cheaper manufacturers in the Auvergne replaced Paris as the centre of umbrella manufacturing, and the town of Aurillac became the umbrella capital of France. The town still produces about half the umbrellas made in France; the umbrella factories there employ about one hundred workers. [37]

In Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, Crusoe constructs his own umbrella in imitation of those that he had seen used in Brazil. «I covered it with skins», he says, «the hair outwards, so that it cast off the rain like a pent-house, and kept off the sun so effectually, that I could walk out in the hottest of the weather with greater advantage than I could before in the coolest.» From this description the original heavy umbrella came to be called «Robinson» which they retained for many years in England.

Captain James Cook, in one of his voyages in the late 18th century, reported seeing some of the natives of the South Pacific Islands with umbrellas made of palm leaves. In the highlands of Mindanao in the Philippines, the large fronds of Dipteris conjugata are used as an umbrella.[39]

The use of the umbrella or parasol (though not unknown) was uncommon in England during the earlier half of the eighteenth century, as is evident from the comment made by General (then Lieut.-Colonel) James Wolfe, when writing from Paris in 1752; he speaks of the use of umbrellas for protection from the sun and rain, and wonders why a similar practice did not occur in England. About the same time, umbrellas came into general use as people found their value, and got over the shyness natural to its introduction. Jonas Hanway, the founder of the Magdalen Hospital, has the credit of being the first man who ventured to dare public reproach and ridicule by carrying one habitually in London. As he died in 1786, and he is said to have carried an umbrella for thirty years, the date of its first use by him may be set down at about 1750. John Macdonald relates that in 1770, he used to be addressed as, «Frenchman, Frenchman! why don’t you call a coach?» whenever he went out with his umbrella.[11] By 1788 however they seem to have been accepted: a London newspaper advertises the sale of «improved and pocket Umbrellas, on steel frames, with every other kind of common Umbrella.»[40]

Since then, the umbrella has come into general use, in consequence of numerous improvements. In China people learned how to waterproof their paper umbrellas with wax and lacquer. The transition to the present portable form is due, partly, to the substitution of silk and gingham for the heavy and troublesome oiled silk, which admitted of the ribs and frames being made much lighter, and also to many ingenious mechanical improvements in the framework. Victorian era umbrellas had frames of wood or baleen, but these devices were expensive and hard to fold when wet. Samuel Fox invented the steel-ribbed umbrella in 1852; however, the Encyclopédie Méthodique mentions metal ribs at the end of the eighteenth century, and they were also on sale in London during the 1780s.[40] Modern designs usually employ a telescoping steel trunk; new materials such as cotton, plastic film and nylon often replace the original silk.

Modern useEdit

Collapsed umbrellas in a temple in Japan

National Umbrella Day is held on 10 February each year around the world.[41]

The pocket (foldable) umbrella was invented in Uraiújfalu (Hungary) by the Balogh brothers, whose patent request was admitted in 1923 by the Royal Notary Public of Szombathely. Later on their patent was also approved in Austria, Germany, Belgium, France, Poland, Great Britain and the United States.[42]

In 1928, Hans Haupt’s pocket umbrellas appeared.[43] In Vienna in 1928, Slawa Horowitz, a student studying sculpture at the Akademie der Bildenden Kunste Wien (Academy of Fine Arts), developed a prototype for an improved compact foldable umbrella for which she received a patent on 19 September 1929. The umbrella was called «Flirt» and manufactured by the Austrian company «Brüder Wüster» and their German associates «Kortenbach & Rauh».[44] In Germany, the small foldable umbrellas were produced by the company «Knirps», which became a synonym in the German language for small foldable umbrellas in general.
In 1969, Bradford E Phillips, the owner of Totes Incorporated of Loveland, Ohio, obtained a patent for his «working folding umbrella».[45]

Umbrellas have also been fashioned into hats as early as 1880 and at least as recently as 1987.[46]

Golf umbrellas, one of the largest sizes in common use, are typically around 62 inches (157 cm) across, but can range anywhere from 60 to 70 inches (150 to 180 cm).[47]

Umbrellas are now a consumer product with a large global market. As of 2008, most umbrellas worldwide are made in China, mostly in the Guangdong, Fujian and Zhejiang provinces. The city of Shangyu alone had more than a thousand umbrella factories. In the US alone, about 33 million umbrellas, worth $348 million, are sold each year.[48]

Umbrellas continue to be actively developed. In the US, so many umbrella-related patents are being filed that the U.S. Patent Office employs four full-time examiners to assess them. As of 2008, the office registered 3000 active patents on umbrella-related inventions. Nonetheless, Totes, the largest American umbrella producer, has stopped accepting unsolicited proposals. Its director of umbrella development was reported as saying that while umbrellas are so ordinary that everyone thinks about them, «it’s difficult to come up with an umbrella idea that hasn’t already been done.»[48]

Testing a Senz storm umbrella in Rotterdam, using a high-powered fan

While the predominant canopy shape of an umbrella is round, canopy shapes have been streamlined to improve aerodynamic response to wind. Examples include the stealth-shaped canopy of Rizotti[49] (1996), scoop-shaped canopy of Lisciandro[50] (2004), and teardrop-shaped canopies of Hollinger[51] (2004).

In 2005 Gerwin Hoogendoorn,[52] a Dutch industrial design student of the Delft University of Technology[53] in the Netherlands, invented an aerodynamically streamlined storm umbrella (with a similar shape as a stealth plane)[54][55] which can withstand wind force 10 (winds of up to 100 km/h or 70 mp/h)[55][56] and won’t turn inside-out like a regular umbrella[53] as well as being equipped with so-called ‘eyesavers’ which protect others from being accidentally wounded by the tips.[53] Hoogendoorn’s storm umbrella was nominated for and won several design awards[57] and was featured on Good Morning America.[54] The umbrella is sold in Europe as the Senz umbrella and is sold under license by Totes in the United States.[58]

Alan Kaufman’s «Nubrella» and Greg Brebner’s «Blunt» are other contemporary designs.[56]

Other usesEdit

The umbrella is used in weather forecasting as an icon for rain. Two variations, a plain umbrella (☂, U+2602) and an umbrella with raindrops overhead (☔, U+2614), are encoded in the Miscellaneous Symbols block of Unicode.

In religious ceremonyEdit

As a canopy of state, umbrellas were generally used in southern and eastern Europe, and then passed from the imperial court into church ceremony. They are found in the ceremonies of the Byzantine Rite, were borne over the Host in procession, and form part of the Pontifical regalia.

Catholic ChurchEdit

An umbrella, the ombrellino (Italian) or umbraculum (Latin) is an historic piece of the papal regalia. Although the popes no longer use it personally, it is displayed on the coat of arms of a sede vacante (the papal arms used between the death of a pope and the election of his successor). This umbraculum is normally made of alternating red and gold fabric, and is usually displayed in a partially unfolded manner. The popes have traditionally bestowed the use of the umbraculum as a mark of honor upon specific persons and places. The use of an umbraculum is one of the honorary symbols of a basilica and may be used in the basilica’s coat of arms, and carried in processions by the basilica’s canons.

A large umbrella is displayed in each of the Basilicas of Rome, and a cardinal bishop who receives his title from one of those churches has the privilege of having an umbrella carried over his head in solemn processions. It is possible that the galero (wide-brimmed cardinal’s hat) may derive from this umbrella.[citation needed] Beatiano, an Italian herald, says that «a vermilion umbrella in a field argent symbolises dominion».

Roman Catholic liturgy also uses an umbrella, known as the umbraculum or ombrellino. It is held over the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist and its carrier by a server in short processions taking place indoors, or until the priest is met at the sanctuary entrance by the bearers of the processional canopy or baldacchino. It is regularly white or golden (the colours reserved for the Holy Sacrament) and made of silk.

Oriental Orthodox ChurchesEdit

In several Oriental Orthodox Churches, such as the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, umbrellas are used liturgically to show honor to a person (such as a bishop) or a holy object. In the ceremonies of Timkat (Epiphany), priests will carry a model of the Tablets of Stone, called a Tabot, on their heads in procession to a body of water, which will then be blessed. Brightly colored embroidered and fringed liturgical parasols are carried above the Tabota during this procession. Such processions also take place on other major feast days.

In BuddhismEdit

A decorated parasol is ushered over relics and statues of Buddha, scriptures of the Buddhist doctrine and Bhikkhus, as a sign of respect.

In photographyEdit

Umbrellas with a reflective inside are used by photographers as a diffusion device when employing artificial lighting, and as a glare shield and shade, most often in portrait situations.[59] Some umbrellas are shoot-through umbrellas, meaning the light goes through the umbrella and is diffused, rather than reflecting off the inside of the umbrella.[60]


In 1835, the Baron Charles Random de Berenger instructed readers of his book How to Protect Life and Property in several methods of using an umbrella as an improvised weapon against highwaymen.[61]

In 1897, journalist J. F. Sullivan proposed the umbrella as a misunderstood weapon in a tongue-in-cheek article for the Ludgate Monthly.[62]

Between 1899 and 1902, both umbrellas and walking sticks as self defence weapons were incorporated into the repertoire of Bartitsu.

In January 1902, an article in The Daily Mirror instructed women on how they could defend themselves from ruffians with an umbrella or parasol.[citation needed][63]

During the 2014 Hong Kong protests, sometimes referred to as the «Umbrella Revolution», protesters used umbrellas as shields against the pepper spray and tear gas used by riot police.[64]

As a weapon of attackEdit

Examples of incidentsEdit

  • In 1978, Bulgarian dissident writer Georgi Markov was killed in London by a dose of ricin injected via a modified umbrella. The KGB is widely believed to have developed a modified umbrella that could deliver a deadly pellet.[65]
  • In 2005, in a well-known case in South Africa, Brian Hahn, associate professor of mathematics and applied mathematics at the University of Cape Town, was beaten to death with an umbrella by ex-doctoral student Maleafisha Steve Tladi.[66]
  • In 2007, a 23-year-old woman in Rome was killed by another woman in the subway by stabbing through the eye using an umbrella.[67]
  • In 2019, a priest in Berlin was killed by stabbing. An umbrella was rammed through his open mouth and the brain was pierced.[68]

In arts and entertainmentEdit

  • The magical nanny Mary Poppins arrives at the Banks home in Cherry Tree Lane, London with her open umbrella.
  • John Steed, in the 1960s television series The Avengers, used an umbrella which was part yardstick.
  • In the DC Comics, the Penguin, an enemy of Batman, sports umbrellas as weapons with machine guns, rocket launchers, flamethrowers, swords, switchblades, acid guns, ray guns, and gas guns.
  • A high-tech bullet-resistant umbrella is used extensively as a weapon in the film Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015), by characters Harry Hart (Colin Firth) and Eggsy Unwin (Taron Egerton).
  • In the Kirby video game series, one of Kirby’s Copy Abilities, called Parasol, has Kirby using a parasol as a weapon. It is also used to slow Kirby’s descent when in the air.
  • Players use victory reward umbrellas to glide into the battle arena in the video game Fortnite: Battle Royale.

In architectureEdit

In the 1950s Frei Otto transformed the universally used individual umbrella into an item of lightweight architecture. He developed a new umbrella form, based on the minimum surface principle. The tension loaded membrane of the funnel-shaped umbrella is now stretched under the compression-loaded bars. This construction type made it technically and structurally possible to build very large convertible umbrellas.[69] The first umbrellas of this kind (Federal Garden Exhibition, Kassel, 1955) were fixed, Frei Otto constructed the first convertible large umbrellas for the Federal Garden Exhibition in Cologne 1971.[70] In 1978 he built a group of ten convertible umbrellas for British rock group Pink Floyd’s American tour. The great beauty of these lightweight structures inspired many subsequent projects built all over the world. The largest convertible umbrellas built until now were designed by Mahmoud Bodo Rasch and his team at SL-Rasch[71] to provide shelter from sun and rain for the great mosques in Saudi Arabia.[72]

Later works by the architect Le Corbusier such as Centre Le Corbusier and Villa Shodhan involve a parasol, which served as a roof structure and provided cover from the sun and wind.[73]

In artEdit

  • Umbrellas and parasols in art
  • Woman with a Parasol – Madame Monet and Her Son, 1875

  • Colin Campbell Cooper, Summer, 1918

  • Shop decoration in Budapest, 2016

See alsoEdit

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Umbrellas.

Wikiquote has quotations related to Umbrellas.

  • Brumbrella
  • Cocktail umbrella
  • James Smith & Sons
  • Oil-paper umbrella
  • Royal Nine-Tiered Umbrella
  • The Umbrella Man (song)
  • Umbraculum
  • Umbrella Hat
  • Umbrella marketing
  • Umbrella stand
  • Umbrella (song)


  1. ^ «Parts of an Umbrella» Archived 3 May 2007 at the Wayback Machine, Carver Umbrellas, 28 February 2007
  2. ^ «En-tout-cas». Retrieved 13 July 2018.
  3. ^ «History and Etymology for parasol«, Dictionary, retrieved 27 August 2021
  4. ^ «Umbrella: A History»,, 9 April 2020, retrieved 28 August 2021
  5. ^ a b «umbrella, n.». Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
  6. ^ «umbra, n.1». Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.)
  7. ^ «». Retrieved 10 October 2013.[dead link]
  8. ^ «WorldWideWords – Origin of the word «Bumbershoot»«. 13 October 2002. Archived from the original on 16 April 2018. Retrieved 10 October 2013.
  9. ^ a b c The Berg companion to fashion. Valerie Steele. London. 2018. ISBN 978-1-4742-6471-6. OCLC 1101075054.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  10. ^ a b White Muscarella, Oscar (1999): «Parasols in the Ancient Near East», «Source: Notes in the History of Art», Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 1–7 (1)
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Sangster, William, 1808–1888. Umbrellas and Their History. London: Cassell, Petter, and Galpin [1871]. Available online as Gutenberg etext 6674, retrieved March 2005.
  12. ^ a b Obeng, J.Pashington (1996). Asante Catholicism; Religious and Cultural Reproduction among the Akan of Ghana. Vol. 1. ISBN 978-90-04-10631-4.
  13. ^ «Mexico — Pre-Hispanic Flags» Archived 13 January 2010 at the Wayback Machine Mexico — Pre-Hispanic Flags
  14. ^ Simpson, Elizabeth (2014): «A Parasol from Tumulus P at Gordion», in: Engin, Atilla; Helwing, Barbara; Uysal, Bora (eds.): «Armizzi. Engin Özgen’e Armağan / Studies in Honor of Engin Özgen», Ankara, pp. 237–246 (239), ISBN 978-605-5487-59-1
  15. ^ a b c d e Advances in Ergonomics in Design : Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Ergonomics in Design, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA. Francisco Rebelo, Marcelo Marcio Soares. Cham. 2020. ISBN 978-3-030-20227-9. OCLC 1104083491.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  16. ^ Needham, Joseph (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 2: Mechanical Engineering. Taipei: Caves Books, Ltd. Page 70.
  17. ^ Needham, Joseph (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 2: Mechanical Engineering. Taipei: Caves Books, Ltd. Page 70–71.
  18. ^ a b c Needham, Joseph (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 2: Mechanical Engineering. Taipei: Caves Books, Ltd. Page 71.
  19. ^ Pattanaik, Devdutt (2003). Indian Mythology. p. 16. ISBN 0-89281-870-0.
  20. ^ Joost Crouwel: A Note on Two Mycenaean Parasol Kraters, The Annual of the British School at Athens, Vol. 71 (1976), pp. 55–56
  21. ^ William Smith: A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875: Umbraculum; Charles Victor Daremberg, Edmond Saglio: Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines: Umbella
  22. ^ Simpson, Elizabeth (2014): «A Parasol from Tumulus P at Gordion», in: Engin, Atilla; Helwing, Barbara; Uysal, Bora (eds.): «Armizzi. Engin Özgen’e Armağan / Studies in Honor of Engin Özgen», Ankara, pp. 237–246 (240), ISBN 978-605-5487-59-1
  23. ^ σκιάδειον. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project.
  24. ^ M. C. Miller, «The Parasol: An Oriental Status-Symbol in Late Archaic and Classical Athens», JHS 112 (1992), p. 91 [91–105].
  25. ^ Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 823.
  26. ^ Aristophanes, Knights, 1347–1348 and scholia.
  27. ^ Pausanias, 7.22.6.
  28. ^ Pherecrates fr.70 PCG apud Athenaeus, 13.612a and 15.687a.
  29. ^ Aristophanes, Birds, 1549–1551.
  30. ^ Jon Ploug Jørgensen, The taming of the aristoi – an ancient Greek civilizing process? History of the Human Sciences: July 2014 vol. 27 no. 3
  31. ^ van Wees, H. (1998). «Greeks Bearing Arms: The State, the Leisure Class and the Display of Weapons in Archaic Greece». In Fisher, N.; van Wees, H. (eds.). Archaic Greece: New Approaches and New Evidence. London: Classical Press of Wales. pp. 361–62.
  32. ^ Kurke, 1992: 96; cf. Neer, 2002: 19.
  33. ^ Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898), Sciadephoria
  34. ^ «Archived copy». Archived from the original on 2 May 2018. Retrieved 28 May 2017.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  35. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Sangster, William (2005) [Published in 1871]. Umbrellas and their history. Elibron Classics. pp. 35–37. ISBN 978-1-4021-6168-1.
  36. ^ Bowrey, Thomas (1895). Temple, Richard Carnac (ed.). A Geographical Account of Countries Round the Bay of Bengal, 1669 to 1679. Printed for the Hakluyt Society. p. 86.
  37. ^ a b c d Fierro 1996, p. 1047.
  38. ^ Fierro, Alfred, Histoire et Dictionnaire de Paris, (1996), Robert Laffont, ISBN 2-221-07862-4
  39. ^ Chia, Lee Kong. «Dipteris conjugata». Retrieved 30 September 2019.
  40. ^ a b «The Times». 13 February 1788: 3.
  41. ^ «National Umbrella Day». Archived from the original on 20 November 2016.
  42. ^ Tudta-e, hogy magyar találmány az összecsukható esernyő? (Did you know that the foldable pocket umbrella is a Hungarian invention?)
  43. ^ History, Knirps, archived from the original on 23 April 2011, retrieved 16 April 2011
  44. ^ «Prototype umbrella». Powerhouse Museum, Australia. Retrieved 14 April 2015.
  45. ^ About Us, Totes-Isotoner Corporation, archived from the original on 1 March 2010
  46. ^ «1987 U.S. Patent Patent number: 4760610, Patent by Bing T. Wu for Umbrella Hat». Retrieved 10 October 2013.
  47. ^ «What is a golf umbrella? Conjecture Corporation, 2013». 2013. Archived from the original on 27 September 2013. Retrieved 23 September 2013.
  48. ^ a b Orlean, Susan (11 February 2008). «Thinking in the Rain: An artist takes on the umbrella». The New Yorker. Archived from the original on 29 April 2010. Retrieved 24 April 2010.
  49. ^ «United States Patent: 5642747 — Hand-held aerodynamic umbrella». Archived from the original on 30 April 2017.
  50. ^ «Espacenet – Bibliographic data».
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  52. ^ Dutch Designs at 100% Tokyo Design Expo on YouTube Archived 20 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Asia Brief, New Tang Dynasty Television, 5 November 2008 (featuring Gerwin Hoogendoorn)
  53. ^ a b c Dossier SENZ umbrella, Delft University of Technology (WebCite mirror)
  54. ^ a b Senz umbrella tested by the hosts of Good Morning America Archived 5 August 2011 at the Wayback Machine, 7 March 2007
  55. ^ a b An umbrella to defeat the wind, The Times;;, 5 March 2007
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  59. ^ «Diffusers & Reflectors — soft lighting usually the best lighting» Archived 27 May 2007 at the Wayback Machine DT&G Photographic
  60. ^ «Rethinking the Umbrella» Archived 19 October 2010 at the Wayback Machine Strobist examines the use of shoot-through umbrellas
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  62. ^ Sullivan, J. F. (1897). «A Misunderstood Weapon». The Ludgate Monthly. 4: 167–172 – via
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  64. ^ «Images of Hong Kong’s ‘Umbrella Revolution’ Tell a Story». 29 September 2014.
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  • Fierro, Alfred (1996). Histoire et dictionnaire de Paris. Robert Laffont. ISBN 2-221—07862-4.

England — and particularly London — is known for its rainy weather, and accordingly regarded as a city of umbrellas. So it should come as no surprise that it was an Englishman — Jonas Hanway (1712-1786) — who made the umbrella as we know it today popular. Hanway’s memorial plaque in Westminster Abbey honours his commitment to abandoned children and prostitutes, but does not mention his ground breaking service to the rain umbrella. It should be noted that before people in England and elsewhere used umbrellas to protect themselves against the rain, the «portable roof» was employed primarily to provide shade from the sun. The English word «umbrella» reveals this original function, as it derives from the Latin word «umbra», meaning shadow, with «umbrella» being a poetic word form meaning «little shadow». Regardless of whether its function was to ward off the sun or rain, umbrellas were considered purely a feminine accessory.

This was brought to a commendable end by the London tradesman Jonas Hanway who made the umbrella into the indispensable companion of the British gentleman. Around 1800 an umbrella weighed around 10 lbs., as its frame consisted of wooden rods and whalebone. Even Wellington, the victor of Waterloo, owned an umbrella made of waxed canvas which included a rapier hidden in the handle. And again an Englishman, Samuel Fox from Sheffield, at the time of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, invented the steel frame in 1852 which reduced the weight. Due in some part to tariff-free raw materials from its colonies, England was able to produce inexpensive umbrellas — with production costs often below a penny. In Charles Dickens’ novel «The Pickwick Papers» voters in Eatonswill were bribed with expensive gifts for their wives in the form of «45 green umbrellas for seven shillings and sixpence».

From then on the umbrella has hardly changed: black, slim, and precisely rolled it still today protects the gentleman in the City of London and the rest of the world. We continue to this day to sell custom-fitted umbrellas in our store, all of them are made by hand. Umbrella handles, in the meantime, have developed into an art form on their o

wn. Whether gold-plated or in sterling silver, leather, horn, precious woods and cane, such as whangee and malacca, or with an integrated flashlight, pencil, watch, pill box, compass or drinking glass, almost all still exist.

As early as 1715 the Parisian manufacturer Marius proclaimed the invention of the pocket umbrella, and in the 19th Century there were many attempts to make the umbrella easier to transport. In 1852 John Gedge announced a self-opening rain umbrella from Paris.

The real break through, however, was realized in the 1920s by Hans Haupt in Berlin. He constructed the first telescoping pocket umbrella (up to then all small umbrellas had been foldable models), and with it founded the Knirps company in Berlin («Knirps» is a German word with the meaning «little guy». The «Knirps» then began to revolutionise the world of umbrellas. In 1936 another innovation hit the market from Germany, the first automatic pocket umbrella with the name «Lord & Lady».

With the beginning of the 1950s the rise of the pocket umbrella began, and the «designer umbrella» as a fashion accessory fell behind due to the needs and desires of the travelling automobile society. The small wonder umbrella «Knirps» experienced a real boom during this decade. This trend was reinforced during the 1960s with the introduction of nylon fabrics, which could be manufactured in an unbelievable variety of colours and patterns. The rain umbrella became slimmer, lighter, flatter, and much more durable. After a watch and jewellery, the Knirps became the standard gift for communion, confirmation, birthdays, name days, Mother’s Day, Christmas, Easter, and other holidays. Then, pressure began from imports of cheap umbrellas from the Far East, and for the «Rock’n-Roll generation» the umbrella lost its image as a status symbol.

It was only during the last years of the 20th Century that innovation took off again for umbrellas. This time the new materials and functions came from the Far East. Lightweight umbrellas made of aluminium (and even out of fibreglass), new frames with a double automatic mechanism for closing and opening, new fabrics, and new coatings (such as Teflon) are changing the market.

In any event, for your «portable roof» only the best should be just good enough. First, a «Rolls Royce» of an umbrella is not so easy to misplace or forget (as fear of losing it has an enormous effect on the memory). Secondly, it could begin to rain just as you are going to lunch with your boss. A fine umbrella discretely shows that you can cut a good figure even under difficult circumstances. Thirdly, such a good umbrella looks much better over time, is much more durable, and even helps protect our environment.

Here is another delightful word for you this week and with the predictably dismal autumnal weather in England, one that I have found myself using much more than I would prefer.

Although the word itself is relatively new, the invention itself has existed for well over three thousand years. The invention can be traced to Ancient China, but there is also evidence of usage in Egypt and India from around the same time.

Once designed as a sunshade, the Umbrella now almost exclusively serves to protect us from the rain. However, the name remains the same: Umbrella is a 16th century word derived from the Latin ‘umbra’ or ‘shade’.

Historically there have been associations of class and status with the use of an umbrella, particularly in East Asia and Africa. See the elegance suggested in Monet’s ‘Woman with a Parasol’. Nowadays, umbrellas are commonplace and easily available. At first they weren’t even considered suitable for men! I suppose practicality has outmuscled tradition in this case.

As with many popular inventions, their widespread use and familiarity has spawned many slang and informal variants. How many words do we have for Television? In England, ‘brolly’ is a particular favourite, although the French was also used: the beautiful word ‘parapluie’. But more obscure variations exist such as ‘gamp’ and the American slang ‘bumbershoot’ – sounds like a nonce straight out of Roald Dahl!

It’s also worth noting the other contexts that the word umbrella has lent itself to, the Oxford Dictionary gives another definition: ‘a protective force or influence’ (perhaps when referring to warfare). You can also use the word umbrella as a modifier: an ‘umbrella term’ for instance, is a term that encompasses many different definitions or interpretations.

That’s all for this week, stay dry!

Hugh MacDermott

23 Oct 2013
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