Living room word list

Living room or sitting room is a part of a house where people use for everyday use such as relaxing, entertaining guests and daily activities.

Table of Contents

  • ⬤ Pictures of living room objects
  • ⬤ Word list of living room objects
  • ⬤ Games
  • ⬤ Living room vocabulary in context
  • ⬤ Living room vocabulary exercises
  • ⬤ Worksheets

Pictures of living room objects

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Word list of living room objects

  • armchair
  • curtain
  • lampshade
  • sofa
  • couch
  • bookcase
  • cushion
  • mantelpiece
  • carpet
  • fireplace
  • mantelpiece
  • cushion
  • light
  • painting
  • picture
  • bookshelf
  • television/TV
  • speakers
  • ceiling
  • fireplace
  • plant
  • wallpaper
  • coffee table

❯❯ Parts of a house
❯❯ Bedroom
❯❯ Kitchen vocabulary
❯❯ Bathroom
❯❯ Garden
❯❯ Dining room



Flip cards

Living room vocabulary in context


  1. What colour is your living room? – It is white.
  2. Where do you watch TV? – I watch TV in the living room.
  3. What are there in the living room? – There are sofas, cushions, an armchair, a picture and a TV.

Reading passage
Our living room is not big. We have just two sofas. One is next to the window and the other is next to the door. We also have a TV on the wall. We have a colourful carpet on the floor. The curtains are white. There is a TV in front of the armchair. My father usually watches the news there. There is a bookcase, too. I take books from the bookcase and read them on the sofa. Because the cushions on the sofa make me feel comfortable. I love our living room.

Living room vocabulary exercises


Living room worksheets
Living room word scramble game worksheet

Word scramble game worksheet jpg image

Word scramble game worksheet pdf

Living room word search puzzle worksheet

Word search puzzle worksheet jpg image

Word search puzzle worksheet pdf

External resource links:
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Living Room Vocabulary Objects: Would you like to know the English Names of Living Room Furniture or objects? Then make use of this page to enhance knowledge on Living Room Vocabulary Objects. Knowing the names will be useful for you when you go out shopping. The living room is a part of the residential house. Living room objects contain a TV, Radio, Sofa, Aquarium, Chair, TV stand, and so on. Living Room objects with pictures are enlisted in this article.

Study the most important English Vocabulary Words identified by our experts and learn the right vocabulary to use in your day to day conversations.

  • Air Conditioner
  • Aquarium
  • Armchair
  • Ashtray
  • Blinds
  • Book
  • Bookshelf
  • Cabinet
  • Candle holders
  • Candles
  • Carpet

Living Room Vocabulary Objects 1

  • CD player
  • Clock
  • Coffee table
  • Cupboard
  • Curtains
  • Cushion
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Fireplace
  • Floor lamp
  • Flower Vase

Living Room Vocabulary Objects 2

  • Footstool
  • Indore plants
  • Lantern
  • Magazine holder
  • Mirror
  • Ottoman
  • Photo Frame
  • Radio
  • Rocking Chair
  • Shoe Cabinet
  • Sofa

Living Room Vocabulary Objects 3

  • Speaker
  • Stereo System
  • Telephone
  • Television
  • TV stand

Living Room Vocabulary Objects 4

Living Room Furniture Names in English

The furniture or objects seen in the living room are shown below with pictures.

Air Conditioner

An air conditioner is a machine or a system for controlling the temperature, humidity, and purity of the air in an interior of an office, theater, house, etc. It is capable of cooling.


An aquarium is used to display plants and animals of any size having at least one transparent side. Fishkeeper keeps the fish in the aquarium. In some museums, they use big aquariums to place the fishes and reptiles etc.


An armchair is a comfortable chair with sides supporting your arms. We can sit in an armchair by reading a newspaper or for relaxation.


An ashtray is a small container used to put Tobacco ash and cigarette ends. It is made of fire-retardant materials such as glass, metal, or stone. It has a notch at the rim to hold the cigarette.


Blinds can be used on doors as well as windows to protect us from the light which means it blocks the direct light. We can buy blinds in home furnishing stores, paint and tile stores. It is made up of wood, aluminum, etc.

List of living room furniture 1


A book contains written or painted work of pages bound together and protected by a cover. The technical term for this physical arrangement is a codex.


A bookshelf is a piece of furniture used to store the books and others related to the study. Bookshelf is used in homes, public libraries, schools, and colleges, they are available in different designs.


The cabinet is furniture with shelves and drawers to store or display articles and it is used for multiple purposes like store clothes, bags, accessories and any other things.


Candleholders or candlesticks are used to hold the candle. We can place it in a dining area and on a study table by using candle holders we can decorate the houses for any occasion.

List of living room furniture 2


Candles mean that they provide light and in some cases it provides fragrance. It can also provide heat. A person who makes candles traditionally is known as Chandler.


The carpet is made of different fabrics used to cover the floor. Carpets are used for a variety of purposes including protecting a person’s feet from cold tile or concrete floor.

CD player

A CD player is an electronic device that plays audio with complete discs, it is a digital optical disc data storage format. CD players are a part of home stereo systems, car systems, personal computers, and portable CD players.


A clock is a mechanical or electrical device used for measuring a time it includes hours, minutes, and seconds on a round dial or by displayed figures. The clock has a battery or AC power line to run the work the clock

List of living room furniture 3

Coffee table

The coffee table is a small table on which the coffee is served or some books or magazines are arranged and other small items to be used while sitting.


A cupboard is a table for displaying dishware, specifically plates, cups, and saucers, cupboard means a piece of furniture that is stored in a home. It is in different types like a moveable cupboard.


A curtain is a heavy cloth or other material that hangs in front of the windows and doors. The heavy curtains blocked the sunlight and could see nothing through the curtains.


A cushion is a soft bag or is also called a pillow it is made up of some ornamental material stuffed with wool, hair, fiber and with some fragments. Is used for sitting on sofas and chairs.

Ceiling Fan

A ceiling is a mechanical fan placed at the ceiling of a room or other space. The fan runs with electrical power; it has a regulator to control the speed the fan uses less power.

List of living room furniture 4


A fireplace is a part of a place in homes like a firebox or a firepit. It is having a chimney above the firebox that lets the smoke from the fire going outside. Some other words of a fireplace are stove, wood-burning.

Floor lamp

The floor lamp is a tall electrical light lamp designed to stand on a floor with the support of a tall vertical pole. Floor lamps provide lighting to specific areas in the room.

Flower Vase

A vase is an open container used to place flowers. It is seen in the living room as a decorative item. It is made up of different materials such as glass, aluminum, brass, stainless steel and it is indifferent shapes like square, cylindrical, bud, and bottle.


A footstool is a piece of furniture or support to the foot it is used to provide comfort to a person seated in a chair or sofa.

List of living room furniture 5

Indore plants

Plants were grown indoors in places such as residences and offices. Indoor plants grow up to some height it helps to air purification they need proper fertilizer and correct sized ports.


Lanterns are a portable source of lightning. In ancient times the lantern worked with oil and kerosene, in modern times it works with power supply and battery. It is easier to carry From one place to another place.

Magazine holder

A magazine holder is a piece of furniture designed for holding newspapers and magazines. It is a small stand to place on the walls of the rooms.


A mirror is a surface with glass that reflects or shows the true image of a person or a thing in front of them. There are two types of mirrors: flat mirrors and curved mirrors.


Ottoman is furniture in a living room. It is a sofa without a back and arms. It is used for different purposes like sitting table, sofa, footstool, space-saving storage.

List of living room furniture 6

Photo Frame

A photo frame is a frame used to place a photo and the frames are in different shapes and different designs. They are placed on the office tables, study tables, and walls, etc.


Radio is a way to send electromagnetic signals over a long distance to deliver information from one place to another place. It is used for the transformation of data in coded form

Rocking Chair

A rocking chair is a type of chair with two curved bands attached to the bottom legs of the chair. A rocking chair connects the floor at only two points and it is used for relaxation.

Shoe Cabinet

A shoe cabinet is a piece of furniture designed with shelves used to store the shoes it is placed in front of the doors.


A sofa is a long Comfortable seat with back and arms two or three people can sit on one sofa we can place in the living area by sitting on the sofa we can watch a film.

List of living room furniture 7


A speaker is used to produce sound, create loud sound in the surroundings.

Stereo System

Stereo System is an electronic device that plays audio with loudspeakers. It is used for listening to music they placed in homes, cars etc.


Telephones are used for transmitting and receiving the voice from one place to another place using wires. The sound is converted into electrical impulses and transmission.


It is an electrical device used to receive sound and images which create television programs to watch people used for entertainment information and education. Television set is commonplace in many houses and businesses

TV stand

The TV stand is a piece of furniture for household purposes. Usually, a TV stand is seen in the living room. It is used to place a TV, TV remote and it is made up of wood and metal they are of different shapes and designs.

List of living room furniture 7

Living room — это гостиная, зал, жилая комната. Здесь мы проводим основную часть времени: смотрим телевизор, слушаем музыку, принимаем друзей, отдыхаем. Все мы по вечерам собираемся в гостиной, чтобы провести время с семьей: обсудить какие-то дела (discuss family issues), посмотреть фильм (watch a film), поиграть в шахматы (play chess) или настольные игры (board games). 

В частных домах (residential house) гостиная обычно располагается на первом этаже, сразу за входной дверью, поэтому ее еще называют front room.

В гостиной обычно есть диван (sofa), стулья (chairs), журнальный столик (coffee table), книжный шкаф (bookcase), кресло (amchair). В США, Великобритании и других западных странах в гостиной обычно бывает камин (fireplace). Если дом большой, свободное время семья может проводить в другой, отдельной комнате, которую еще называют family room или recreation room, в то время как living room отведена для приема гостей, которые приходят на чашечку кофе или рюмочку коньяка.

Living Room (Гостиная)

  1. ceiling fan [‘si:liŋ fæn]– вентилятор на потолке
  2. ceiling [‘si:liŋ] – потолок
  3. wall [wɔ:l] – стена
  4. frame [freim] – рамка
  5. picture [‘pikʧə] – картина
  6. vase [va:z] — ваза
  7. mantel [‘mæntəl]–каминная полка
  8. fireplace [‘faiəpleis] – камин
  9. fire [‘faiə] – огонь
  10. log [lɔg] – полено
  11. banister [‘bænistə] – перила
  12. stairs [steəz] – лестница
  13. step [step] – ступенька
  14. desk [desk] – письменный стол
  15. carpeting [‘ka:pitiŋ] – ковровое покрытие
  16. armchair [a:m’ʧeə] — кресло
  17. remote control [ri’məut kən’trəul]– пульт
  18. television [‘teliviʒn] – телевизор
  19. wall unit [wɔ:l ‘ju:nit]] – стенка (мебель)
  20. stereo system [‘steriəu ‘sistəm] – музыкальный центр
  21. speaker [‘spi:kə]– динамик
  22. bookcase [‘bukkeis] – книжный шкаф
  23. curtains [‘kɜ:tənz] – шторы
  24. cushion [‘kuʃn] – подушка
  25. sofa [‘səufə] – диван
  26. coffee table [‘kɔfi ‘teibl]– кофейный столик
  27. lampshade [‘læmpʃeid]– абажур
  28. lamp [læmp] – лампа
  29. table [‘teibl]– стол 

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Living Room | FLASH CARDS

Do you want to know more about what are the things that we have in our living room? Or maybe, some activities that we can do in the living room with our families.

A Living room, by definition, is a room in our house that provides for everyday and informal uses, the comfortable zone and entertaining space in our house,

Now, let’s move on to the vocabulary words list of that related to living room.

Living Room Vocabulary for Kids

Words Meaning
Air conditioner A tool or electronic machine that is used to make your room cooler
Armchair A comfortable chair with a cushion that makes it softer, and has two additional parts on each side as a support to put our arm there
Blinds               The screen for a window, especially one on a roller or made of slats
Bookshelf A shelf to put our books
Carpet A cover for our floor that are usually soft
Clock Tools that can show us what time is now
Couch Long chair that is coated with cushion, it can be sat on by several people
Curtain Fabric material to cover our window
Cushion Pillow or pads that are stuffed with soft material, it used as a comfortable support for sitting or leaning on
Decoration Art or things that are pretty as an ornament to make something more beautiful
DVD player An electronic device that can read and plays the DVD so that we could watch or see the files in it
Desk Table
Door The entrance part of a building
Electric socket The part of power lines that includes electricity to our house for various electrical utility
Fan Blades that make a circular motion, so that the air will also blow and make us feel cooler
Fireplace A place in the house to put domestic fire and connected to the chimney, this thing could make us feel warm
Games Things that can be played
House A kind of building where we as a human lived
Hosting Receiving guests
Ice Frozen water
Key Tools to unlock the padlock, door, etc
Keyboard Set of keys on a piano or similar musical instrument.
Lamp A device that could produce light for us
Mirror Glass that can reflect a clear image
Movie Story line that we can see with a motion picture
Music An audio and instrumental sounds with fun rhythm
Newspaper The text that informs us about what is currently happening
Napping Taking a short sleep at the afternoon
Ottoman chair A small version of armchair, but specifically, without the arm support
Play Activities to just having fun around
Piano An instrument that can be played by pressing it
Picture Photograph; painting; drawing
Remote Controller
Rug Thick fabric that covers the entire floor in a room
Reading An activity to sound and comprehend a text
Relaxing Having a rest, become more calm or less tense
Speaker A tool to make a sound louder
Sofa A long upholstered seat with a back and arms, for two or more people.
Shelves The kind furniture that is usually attached to the wall and used for storage and display of objects
Sewing The activities when you sew
Table A furniture with flat top and usually has four legs, used to place something on top of it
Telephone One of the communication media
Television A system that shows visual by reproducing them on the screen
Vase Place to put the flower
Watching TV An activity where we use the TV
Window The opening section in our wall that covered by a transparent material, such as glass.

Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn words related to different places in the house.

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