Living in the moment in one word

  • Live for the moment
  • Live for today
  • Live for now
  • Live for the here and now

All of these idioms mean roughly the same thing, and I think the single-word you are looking for is mindfulness.

«Mindfulness» is defined as «a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique».

Also note this recent article from Psychology Today which says «Living in the moment—also called mindfulness—is a state of active, open, intentional attention on the present.»

Alternatively, but a little more highbrow, you might consider:

«Epicureanism» — a Greek philosophy from around 307BCE. I’m sure there was a lot more to the philosophy, but today it is most widely known in pop culture for the saying «eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die».

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Да, может быть, мы просто… выбираем жизнь сегодняшним днем, знаешь, просто хватаемся.

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Вы должны заострить или отточить свой мыслительный процесс и научиться жить в так называемом“ НАСТОЯЩЕМ” моменте.

Well, I was on my way, saw a shop, got a job,

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Ну, я был уже в пути, увидел магазин, устроился на работу,

This situation, without this kind of vision requires you to live in the moment,


make decisions

in the moment

without regret about



or worry about


future, but




best decisions now,



moment, to

bring about


best outcomes for




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Эта ситуация, без такого рода видения требует, чтобы вы жили в данный момент, принимали решения

в данный момент

без сожаления о прошлом,

или беспокойства о будущем, но, чтобы сделать лучшие решения сейчас,




чтобы добиться лучших результатов для будущего.


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Приходится загодя планировать, как доказать, что я живу моментом.

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These songs are really natural- they’re from not worrying about what happened or what’s going


happen but about living in the moment, from trying


be present and trying



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Эти песни действительно естественны- они не беспокоятся о том, что произошло или что произойдет, но о жизни в данный момент, от попытки присутствовать и пытаться чувствовать.


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Проживание в текущем моменте, безусловно, это способ жить в присутствии Света Христа Михаила


вашей жизни, и


вашем разуме.


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It is time


be more thoughtful about your lives, to live more consciously in the moment, as preparing thousands and millions of people for this eventuality,



now, from its very beginnings.


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Настало время быть более вдумчивым о ваших жизнях, чтобы жить более осознанно в данный момент, как подготовка тысяч и миллионов людей для этого случая,




сейчас, с его самого начала.


It may require you


think outside


box, but learning to live in


church Jesus is building is worth every moment of




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Это может потребовать, чтобы вы поднялись над стереотипами, но изучать жизни в церкви, которую строит Иисус, стоит каждый момент путешествия.


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Мы сами выбираем- жить в этот момент чтобы создать иллюзию продолжительности.

To live in terror every moment of every day… because your son is heir

to the


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Я жила в ужасе, каждый день, каждую минуту, потому что мой сын- наследник престола.

These are things that all of us must continue to live in us


find their moment more real and more concrete.

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Это вещи, которые мы все должны продолжать жить, чтобы найти в нас их сейчас более справедливо, и более конкретный.

We have


learn to live in this New Reality~


choose it every moment and not let anything or anyone, stop us from manifesting our True Life.


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Мы должны учиться жить в этой Новой Реальности~ выбирать это каждый момент и не позволять чему-либо или кому-либо мешать нам проявлять нашу Истинную Жизнь.


As a moral statement, cependant, this invitation to live in the present moment leaves much


be desired.


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моральном заявлении, Однако, это приглашение жить в настоящем моменте оставляет желать лучшего.


As a moral statement, however, this invitation to live in the present moment leaves much


be desired.


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моральном заявлении, Однако, это приглашение жить в настоящем моменте оставляет желать лучшего.


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live in the moment — перевод на русский

I should just shut up and live in the moment, right?

Мне стоит заткнуться и жить моментом, да?

We just tune everybody out, live in the moment, like we’re the only two people on the planet.

Нужно просто забыть обо всем, и жить моментом, как будто мы двое — единственные люди на планете.

Live in the moment.

Жить моментом.

Living in the moment.

Жить моментом.

It can also be about living in the moment, not worrying about the future.

Это также может быть жить моментом, не волнуясь о будующем.

Показать ещё примеры для «жить моментом»…

I mean, who lives in the moment?

как можно жить настоящим?

You gotta live in the moment, man.

Ты должен жить настоящим, парень.

Yes, but there’s something to be said About living in the moment.

Да, но что обычно говорят о том, чтобы жить настоящим.

You’ve gotta live in the moment.

Нужно жить настоящим.

I just wanna live in the moment.

— Я просто хочу жить настоящим.

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I want to live in the moment.

Я хочу жить сегодняшним днем.

I finally started living in the moment, and I realized that, in the moment, greendale is where I belong.

Я наконец-то решила жить сегодняшним днем И поняла, что именно сейчас Гриндейл — идеальное место для меня.

Well, I was on my way, saw a shop, got a job, you got to live in the moment, Craig.

Ну, я был уже в пути, увидел магазин, устроился на работу, нужно жить сегодняшним днём, Крейг.

I’m just saying there’s something to be said for living in the moment.

Я просто говорю, что нужно жить сегодняшним днём.

I live in the moment.

Я живу сегодняшним днем.

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How often do you find yourself dwelling on the past or thinking about the future? It’s time to stop living in your head and start living in the moment. This article will discuss what it means to live in the moment, how you can improve your performance by focusing on the present, ways of avoiding worrying about the future by focusing on the present, and much more!


  • 1 What It Means Living In The Moment?
    • 1.1 Why Is It Difficult To Live In The Moment?
  • 2 What Are The Basics Of Living In The Moment
    • 2.1 Do Not Identify Yourself With Your Thoughts
    • 2.2 Take It Step By Step
    • 2.3 Focus On What You Have
    • 2.4 Pause And Embrace Your Present
    • 2.5 Tap Into Your Flow State
    • 2.6 Accept, Don’t Struggle Unnecessarily
    • 2.7 Be Humble And Receptive (Open-Minded, Open-Hearted)
    • 2.8 Pause And Witness (Mindfulness)
  • 3 What Are The Benefits Of Living In The Moment?
    • 3.1 It’s Easier To Be Present
    • 3.2 You Can Appreciate The Moment More
    • 3.3 You Can Focus More On The Present (Savoring)
    • 3.4 You’ll Be Less Anxious About The Future
    • 3.5 Your Relationship Will Be Stronger
    • 3.6 You’ll Have More Fun
  • 4 How Can One Cultivate The Habit Of Living In The Moment?
  • 5 Conclusion
  • 6 A Word From Mantra Care

What It Means Living In The Moment?


The concept of living in the moment is about embracing your thoughts, feelings, and emotions without judging them. Focusing on what’s happening at this very instant instead of worrying about how it will turn out in the future or thinking back to something that happened in the past.

In other words, living in the moment means being fully aware of what is happening around you and within you. You are not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Instead, you are fully present and focused on the here and now.

Why Is It Difficult To Live In The Moment?


One reason why it’s difficult to live in the moment is that we often spend our time thinking about past or future events. We relive important memories from our childhood and imagine what will happen as an adult. Unfortunately, this type of ‘mind wandering‘ takes us away from being present and can cause feelings of anxiety or depression because we are not living in the moment.

Another reason why it’s difficult to live in the moment is that we are constantly bombarded with distractions. Our phones, laptops, and tablets can keep us occupied for hours at a time. We’re so busy checking our email, Facebook notifications, and Twitter feeds that we lose focus on what’s happening around us.

In Short: Living in the moment can be difficult because our minds often wander. However, there are ways to focus on the present and bring yourself back into your body.

What Are The Basics Of Living In The Moment


So here are the basics to help you arrive in the present moment:

Do Not Identify Yourself With Your Thoughts

When you think about something, it’s easy to get lost in those thoughts and lose connection with what is happening within our bodies and around us. We often identify ourselves by our thoughts; we might say “I’m worried” or “I’m angry”. However, we are not our thoughts. We are the ones who are observing our thoughts.

Take It Step By Step

When you’re trying to focus on a task, it’s helpful to clear your mind of all distractions and just focus on what you’re doing. This can be difficult if you’re constantly worried about how you’re performing. To improve your performance, try to focus on the task at hand and not think about the results.

Focus On What You Have

If you find yourself constantly worrying about the future, one way to ease that anxiety is to focus on the present. Savoring means appreciating and enjoying what’s happening at the moment. You can do this by focusing on your senses; for example, how does the food taste? What color is the sky? What sound do you hear?

Pause And Embrace Your Present

When you’re in a relationship, it’s easy to get lost in the future and forget about what’s happening in the present. Oftentimes, we think about all the things we want to do with our partner or all the places we want to travel to together. However, if you want your relationship to last, it’s helpful to take time out of your day and consciously think about what you appreciate about your loved one.

Tap Into Your Flow State

Another way to live in the moment is through flow. Flow happens when we become so involved with a task that we lose track of time and our surroundings. When we’re in a state of flow, we’re completely focused and our minds are clear. We’re not thinking about anything else besides what we’re doing.

Accept, Don’t Struggle Unnecessarily

When something is bothering us, it’s natural to want to move away from it. However, this often causes us to spend unnecessary time worrying about the future. Instead, if something is bothering you, it’s helpful to move toward that situation and accept what has happened or is happening.

Be Humble And Receptive (Open-Minded, Open-Hearted)

One way to live in the moment is by practicing humility. When we think we know everything there is to know, we close ourselves off from new experiences. Instead, it’s helpful to be open to the idea that we don’t know everything and there is always something to learn.

Pause And Witness (Mindfulness)

The practice of mindfulness can help us live in the moment. Mindfulness is when we focus on our breath and observe our thoughts without judgment. To practice mindfulness, sit in a quiet space and focus on your breathing for five minutes.


It’s Easier To Be Present

When we live in the moment, it becomes easier to be with ourselves and others. We’re not worried about what might happen in the future; instead, we are completely focused on our surroundings (what is happening now). This can make you more present when hanging out with your friends or family members. You’re able to give them your full attention and listen without thinking about other things.

You Can Appreciate The Moment More

When we live in the moment, it becomes easier to appreciate what’s happening around us. When you’re completely focused on a project at work or studying for an exam, you’ll be less likely to get distracted by outside forces. This means you’ll be able to fully appreciate the moment and what you’re doing instead of worrying about other things outside your control.

You Can Focus More On The Present (Savoring)

When we live in the moment, it becomes easier to savor our experiences. We can take time out of our day and focus on the present. This can be done by focusing on our senses and being in the moment. To savor an experience, we must be fully engaged and not think about anything else.

You’ll Be Less Anxious About The Future

When we live in the moment, it becomes easier to avoid worrying about the future. We’re able to focus on the present and what’s happening in our lives. This can be done by practicing mindfulness, being open-minded, and accepting what is happening.

Your Relationship Will Be Stronger

When we live in the moment, it becomes easier to inhabit the present with our loved ones. Oftentimes, we get lost in the future and forget about the present. However, being open to the idea that your partner might have something important to say can strengthen your relationship.

You’ll Have More Fun

When we’re not lost in our thoughts, it becomes easier to have fun. We can be more present and enjoy the moment without worrying about what might happen next. This is because we’re not focused on the past or future; instead, we’re enjoying what’s happening right now.

In Short: There are many benefits of living in the moment! Being able to live life one moment at a time can help us reduce stress, increase productivity, and improve our relationships.

How Can One Cultivate The Habit Of Living In The Moment?


One can cultivate the habit of living in the moment by making it a priority. There are many ways to cultivate the habit of living in the moment. Below are some tips that can help:

  • Practice mindfulness daily by focusing on your breath for five minutes.
  • Be open-minded and accepting of what is happening around you.
  • Take time out of your day to focus on the present and what’s happening in your life.
  • Appreciate what is happening instead of worrying about the future.
  • Inhabit the present with your loved ones.
  • Focus on your senses when you’re feeling lost in thought.
  • Remember that you don’t know everything, and just sit there!

In Short: There are many ways to cultivate the habit of living in the moment! You can start by practicing mindfulness or savoring the present. You can also try focusing on your senses, being open-minded, and inhabiting the present with your loved ones. Living in the moment can be a challenge, but it’s worth it! Give these tips a try and see how they work for you.


Living in the moment can be a challenge, but it’s worth it! There are many benefits to living in the moment, such as reducing stress, increasing productivity, and improving our relationships. To cultivate the habit of living in the moment, we must make it a priority and practice mindfulness regularly. It’s not always easy to be present, but with a little bit of effort, we can all learn to live life one moment at a time.

A Word From Mantra Care

Your mental health — your psychological, emotional, and social well-being — has an impact on every aspect of your life. Positive mental health essentially allows you to effectively deal with life’s everyday challenges.

At Mantra Care, we have a team of therapists who provide affordable online therapy to assist you with issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, relationship, OCD, LGBTQ, and PTSD. You can take our mental health test. You can also book a free therapy or download our free Android or iOS app.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

жить в данный момент

жить в настоящем моменте

жить моментом

жить сегодняшним днем

жить настоящим моментом

жить в настоящий момент

жить здесь и сейчас

находиться в настоящем моменте

живите настоящим

живут настоящим

жить одним моментом

жить в моменте сейчас

жить в тот момент

жить текущим моментом

жить сейчас

Most importantly, it has challenged me to open my heart to others and live in the moment.

Самое главное, это бросило мне вызов, чтобы открыть свое сердце другим и жить в данный момент.

Time is relative, learn to live in the moment.

Remember, always live in the moment.

Mindfulness meditation can help you learn to live in the moment, deal with stress and gain perspective.

Медитация поможет Вам научиться жить в настоящем моменте, справляться со стрессом и видеть перспективу.

The challenge is to live in the moment but to also honor our past.

Задача состоит в том, чтобы жить моментом, но также чтить наше прошлое.

Because of this, motherhood has taught me to live in the moment.

Благодаря этому материнство научило меня жить моментом.

Remember that pets live in the moment.

Dogs do live in the moment.

I live in the moment, man.

You live in the moment and like to be surprised.

James then challenges his readers to abandon that and live in the moment.

Джеймс тогда бросил вызов своим читателям, сказал им отбросить всё и жить в данный момент.

More and more, I am learning to live in the moment.

I want to live in the moment.

I live in the moment — this moment.

I am a live in the moment person.

I think the only way I can be happy is to live in the moment.

Я думаю, что единственный способ быть счастливым — это жить моментом.

You live in the moment and deals with challenges as they come.

The threat of impending explosive natural changes makes the people of Iceland live in the moment and enjoy life to the fullest.

Угроза надвигающихся взрывных природных изменений заставляет жителей Исландии жить в данный момент и наслаждаться жизнью в полной мере.

They live in the moment and follow their heart.

Они расстаются и следуют за своим сердцем, живя моментом».

They naturally live in the moment.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 359. Точных совпадений: 359. Затраченное время: 203 мс


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