Living in his word

Living in His Word

Let me just jump into the middle of my thoughts on how we navigate that rapid changes taking place around us. If what I say is true, that culture or society does not have the authority to interpret Scripture then we must find ourselves in the Scriptures and not in the midst of culture looking in but in the midst of Scripture looking out. So many Christians today find themselves outside of the Scripture trying to understand them rather than where they should be, that is in them (Scripture) getting understanding of what’s happening to culture outside of them. Let me explain. Go to Psalm 1, oh this is so simple.

Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the man Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, Nor stands in the path of sinners, Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;

When a Christian comes up with a philosophy that is blatantly in conflict with His word their location is in one of the three stances found in Ps 1:1. They are either walking, standing or sitting with those who are not themselves in Scripture, they are being influence by others around them with different and varying opinions, hearing themselves then saying stating and proclaiming words that seek to interpret the Scriptures to mean something other than what they are plainly saying.

And the solution:

Here’s the truth of their true intended location in God. Verse 2

Psalms 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.

We must find ourselves in he law of the Lord rather than with those who desire to lord their opinions over us. The secret to this, not only to remain in His word but remain in fellowship with others who dwell in His word. So today keep in contact with like minded people who can encourage you in the Lord, who dwell in the midst of the Word of God, because in it there is life and health and well being.

May He continue as he does to bless you and keep you in Jesus name.

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Duration: 365 days

Genesis 1:27-28 ERV: So God created humans in his own image. He created them to be like himself. He created them male and female. God blessed them and said to them, “Have many children. Fill the earth and take control of it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the air. Rule over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Who are we and what does it mean to be human? This is, obviously, one of the most important questions one could ever ask. Failure to answer it correctly can severely damage our lives by causing us to live in ways that are at odds with our true nature. Our verses for today are meant to keep us from that. They tell us who we really are: creatures of God made in His image.

The fact that we are creatures of God made in His image means, first of all, that we are dependent upon God for our very existence. We are not God, but images of God. We are really nothing at all apart from Him.

Secondly, although we are creatures of God, we are the creatures of God that have been made in His image. We have a special status above that of the other creatures. As a result, we are able to fellowship with God and respond to His Will.

Thirdly, because we are like God we have the ability to rule over the rest of God’s creation and take control of it. This does not mean we can do whatever we want with it, because we are representing God as His vice-regents over the creation.

Finally, we rule as God’s vice-regents in fellowship with one another. It takes a lot of people to take control of the earth. No doubt that’s why God commanded us to have many children.

The biblical view is a balanced view. It does not elevate us to the status of God above us and it does not demote us to the status of the creatures below us. It does not allow us to think more highly of ourselves than we should and it does not allow us to think less of ourselves than we should.

Copyright © 2015 by Bible League International. All rights reserved.

Living in His word, basic instructions before leaving earth,bible, In God's Service Store

October 13, 2019

Focusing on Bible scripture for daily discernment and Living in the word provides not only a close spiritual walk with the Lord, but keeps our spiritual swords sharp.

Begin each day with prayer and scripture to ensure that when faced with questionable doctrine and satan’s schemes, you will be battle ready.

Living in His word - In God's Service Store

2nd Timothy 4: 3-4  says,

3.) «For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

4.) And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

What does it mean to «take up my cross daily»? (Ask Dr. Stanley)

 The Video Every Person Must Watch!

Dr. Stanley responds to a question about the way of the cross — that path of denial and self-surrender that Christ calls His followers to take.

For more inspirational sermons, visit In Touch Ministries ( )

Charles Stanley Radio 

Image Credits:

Aaron Burden- unsplash  

Joanna Beck

«These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world

John 16:33

NOTE:  ALL of the lovely Scripture art in this post was created by Jemma!

Such a wonderful blessing and compliment to her beautiful writing!

Thank you, Cheryl, for this opportunity to share a part of my heart on «Living in His Word.»

Cheryl and I are longtime blogging friends. Cheryl’s steadfast testimony and love of the Lord enriches the lives of so many of us. So, when Cheryl invited me to share my personal story on how I am coping with the season of the 2020 pandemic and what it is that is keeping me encouraged, I felt a calling to share my faith with you.

I have good news to share with each one of you today. If you are reading this then we are already brothers and sisters in Christ! So, hello and thank you for taking a moment to read how I fill up my cup through faith.

You see, I have what I call a «tool belt» of faith. It is loaded down with tools of inspiration and tried and true coping skills that I use daily. Today, I am going to share three of my tools with you and how it all began.

It was along the banks of the rushing Snake River where my Mother and Father began their farming journey. Mother and Father were hard working farmers in rural Idaho with tool belts of their own, both figuratively and literally. These two precious souls have always been the early foundation of my faith. They led their lives by example and hard work under the blue skies of the West. Mama and Dad instilled in me that God is present in every plant that grows and every pink sunrise and that the bounty of the harvest was because of Him.  It was this firm foundation, combined with Church service, Sunday School, Youth Group, and Mama’s general daily dose of living in the Word that has lived in my heart for 63 years. My heart overflows with love and gratitude for these two.

We all know that life is never easy, but God is always present. 

«Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.» Psalm 23:4

I have survived cancer, sent my Sister, Dad, and Mom to heaven and navigated through verbal and emotional abuse that ended in divorce.

Through all of these heartbreaks and life lessons, I have never ever gone through life alone. I may have felt lonely, but I was never abandoned. I receive great comfort in knowing that I have my Heavenly Father to walk with.

So as God walks right beside me and teaches me (and I am not an easy gal to teach…I am stubborn!)  I am sharing with you three handy dandy life skills that I tuck in what I call my «tool belt» for life.

1. Living in His Word daily and staying out of the world.

I am going to share one of my Mama’s favorite scriptures today.

«Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.» 1 John 2:15

This is the first tool in my Christian tool belt; stay in the Word daily and out of the world. I was too gullible in my early years and I pretty much believed what everyone told me, I just couldn’t fathom why folks would have an agenda that wasn’t for the betterment of mankind. In our tiny farming family, it was all for one and one for all. We were a small but collective group of farmers who loved Jesus and tended to business. I have since learned that not everyone we meet, not everything we read, not everything we see is for our good. We have one true playbook for life and that is the Bible. By staying in the Word and out of the world, I guard my heart and mind from the evil that lurks around us.

I believe the Bible is as relevant today as at any time throughout history. I believe it was written by divine inspiration and that Jesus is the Messiah. 

When I focus on what I know to be true, humanity cannot permeate the love of Jesus and His perfect plan for each one of us. He really does have us covered!

2. Remain Steadfast in Daily Routines and Prayer

«Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life.» Psalm 143:8  

Daily routines and spending time with the Lord are essential for me. My mind remains clear and my heart remains open to receive goodness and the truth. Of course, it can vary some each day, depending upon family needs. The good news is that God knows my heart and intentions; He will cut me some slack and values quality over quantity!

So, when the pandemic first began to get really noticed, two of my children and their families and myself had just met for a family ski trip in Vail, Colorado. Needless to say, all routines had gone out the door and my quiet reflective devotionals had, too. We were scrambling to gather everyone up, checking into the resort… then as fast as we arrived, the trip was cut short because the ski resort shut down due to the pandemic scare.  We hurriedly put one family on a plane, loaded up SUV’s, and sent another family back to Texas. I headed back down from the mountains to Colorado Springs.

 Once I arrived home, my husband helped to unload the SUV, and I headed straight for the grocery store…that had been wiped out of nearly everything. I felt I was spinning out of control, and I felt sick at heart.  I reined myself in, purchased what I could, went home, prayed, and began resuming my daily routines. God was waiting for me with His unfailing love!

3. Engaging in His Gifts.

«I Come to The Garden Alone,» my favorite hymn and my sweet Mama’s, too.

“I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses, 

And the voice I hear falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses.

 And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own; 

And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.” 

C. Austin Miles 

It is no accident that I not only love to garden, but I also enjoy spending time in the garden. This is one of the gifts that the Lord has placed on my heart and in my soul.

As a nature lover and avid gardener, I see the beauty, power, strength, and love of the Lord in everything He created. 

I see His perfect plan in the mountains, pines, flowers, and birds, and I know in my heart that He truly has the whole world in His hands. This is the gift that our sweet Lord gave to my parents as they worked their wheat fields of gold. Figuratively speaking, this was their garden, and now I have mine. 

There in the garden of Gethsemane Jesus sought much-need comfort and solace with His Father in a time of pain and sadness. Today our world hurts, our fellow citizens are afraid—some lonely, some sick. My prayer today is for full healing for our world and for all of Christ’s people.

Bio:  I’m Jemma, a homemaker and a long time home-style crafter, gardener, cook, wife and Mom.

I blog at At Home with Jemma where you will find a collection of crafts, decorating ideas, recipes, gardening tips, and articles on living with Faith, mindfulness and creativity. 

I share valuable methods for creating the home that you will love. My focus is on incorporating a positive mindset into daily living, combined with a dash of organization and a pinch of humor and of course crafty goodness!

Such beautiful, sweet encouragement for our souls from dear Jemma!  Please visit her beautiful blog and subscribe!  You can also connect with her on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.  I was so blessed and encouraged today and by all of the other wonderful posts of encouragment that have been shared.  I want to say another public thank you to ALL of the faithful ones who have encouraged us during this trying time.  God has surely used each and every post to minister healing and solace to our hearts.

How are YOU coping with the pandemic, dear reader?  How is your faith in God sustaining you through it all?  Will you prayerfully consider writing an article of encouragement to share?  We are continuing to open up our platform here to spread more good news and messages of hope and peace!  Please let us hear from you!  Just send your article to  We hope to hear from you soon!

And, now for Jemma’s and her Mama’s favorite hymn.

In the Garden ~ Alan Jackson

Don’t forget to enter our Pressley Girls’ CD GIVEAWAY!!

Living His Word

Jesus identified our verse for today as being the greatest commandment (Matthew 22:36-38). It is the greatest one because it is the most fundamental one. Since there is nothing greater than God, the commandment to love Him is the greatest one. The commandment that Jesus identified as being second, “Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself” (Matthew 22:39), is second because the object of love is not as great as God.

What exactly does it mean to love God? The Greek word for love used in the Gospel of Matthew has more to do with commitment than with feeling. It is to commit oneself, to give oneself over to something, to put something first. The command to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, then, would mean to totally and wholeheartedly commit ourselves to Him as being first in our lives.

Deuteronomy 11:1 says that we should “. . . love the LORD your God. You must do what he tells you to do and always obey his laws, rules, and commands.” If we are to love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, then we should obey His commands, including the one to love Him. Loving God is to love Him for who He is and what He is all about. Since God is the designer and creator of all things, it makes sense that our love for Him would include our obedience to His requirements of us. Indeed, how could we truly love God and ignore these requirements?

All of us, of course, fall short of the command to love God. Even though we should, we don’t always commit ourselves to Him wholeheartedly, and we don’t always put Him first. Fortunately for us, when Jesus identified the greatest commandment, He was not trying to set up a legalistic standard that must be obeyed, lest salvation is lost in the balance. The greatest commandment remains a commandment, but, for those in Christ, obedience to the commandment is now measured by what Jesus did, rather than what we do—for “through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous” (Romans 5:19).


Day 2

About this Plan

Living His Word

God’s Word transforms our lives—healing, guiding, and changing the way we live. When we need encouragement to begin the day, a reminder to keep us going, or the comfort only God can give, Living His Word can show us His …

We would like to thank Bible League International for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:

About The Publisher

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