Listen to the word you typed

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

слушать слова

прислушаться к словам

прислушиваться к словам

услышать слова

слушайте слов

послушать слова

Составить слова

Слушая слова

послушал слов

вслушивайтесь в слова

Lyrics, for instance, can be distracting because they force you to listen to the words and interrupt your line of thought.

Музыка со словами, может быть вредной, потому что она заставляет вас слушать слова и прерывать ход мыслей.

He taught me to listen to the words and hear the real meaning.

I mean, when you really listen to the words.

Then it’s important to listen to the words, actions and intentions the other person is trying to share with us.

А затем, очень важно прислушаться к словам, действиям и намерениям, которыми другой человек пытается поделиться с нами.

It is important to listen to the words of this person, but to act on your own preferences.

Важно прислушиваться к словам этого человека, но действовать, исходя из собственных предпочтений.

There is no need to listen to the words of those ridiculous people.

Listen to the words of someone older who might have good advice for you.

Слушайте слова кого-то старше, у кого может быть хороший совет для вас.

Listen to the words as you’re about to say them.

Listen to the words carefully and repeat them to yourself, inner speech.

Внимательно слушай слова и повторяй их про себя, внутренней речью.

Listen to the words and hear their meaning.

Listen to the words I’m saying.

Listen to the words of the people that love you.

Listen to the words and advice of people born under the sign of Aries, Sagittarius or Leo who will speak to you from the perspective of people who have experienced situations like you.

Прислушайтесь к словам и советам людей, рожденных под знаком Овна, Стрельца или Льва, которые будут говорить с вами с точки зрения людей, которые пережили такие ситуации, как вы.

Listen to the words through Elisabeth’s mouth I have spoke.

Слушайте Слова Элизабет [Элишевой Элийяху], через уста Я говорил.

Listen to the words of the apostle!

Listen to the words of these people.

If so, it’s important to actually listen to the words they use.

Children tend to repeat our actions, but do not always listen to the words.

A lot of people don’t listen to the words.

Just listen to the words that come out of someone’s mouth and repeat them.

Вы просто слушаете слова, произносимые другим человеком, и повторяете их.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 170. Точных совпадений: 170. Затраченное время: 135 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Greg’s Diner has the following data for year 2, when several new employees were added to the waitstaff:

Sales revenue $2,000,000
Cost of food served (a) 700,000
Employee wages and salaries (b) 500,000
Manager salaries ( c) 200,000
Building costs (rent, utilities, etc.) (d) 300,000

(a) 5 percent of this cost was for food that was not used by the expiration date and 10 percent was for food that was incorrectly prepared because of errors in orders taken.
(b) 15 percent of this cost was for time spent by cooks to reprepare orders that were incorrectly prepared because of errors in orders taken.
(c ) 20 percent of this cost was time taken to address customer complaints about incorrect orders.
(d) 80 percent of the building was used.

What value would there be to Greg from preparing the same information in year 3?

Listening, speaking, reading, and writing – these are your four basic language skills. Two of them – speaking and writing – are referred to as productive language skills. This is because you have to produce something, either in spoken or written form. It’s challenging to find online tools, especially free online tools, to help you with those skills. You need feedback once you have spoken or written something, and most technology right now still needs to be improved to do that well and for free.

In contrast, there are lots of free resources online to help you with reading and listening, which are your receptive skills. This post is all about some websites you can freely access to help you work on your listening skills. They can be used for either intensive or extensive listening practice, depending on your level. I have 20 websites to start you with – hopefully more than enough.

But first, are you self-directed?

Now, to really make good use of the resources I’m going to share with you, it’s helpful if you are a self-directed learner. Self-directed learners are people who take control of their own learning. They don’t depend on teachers to assign appropriate homework or answer questions. Self-directed learners can create or already have in place a system to help them plan, monitor, and evaluate their own learning – as noted by researchers Vandergrift and Goh. Self-directed learners are also capable of selecting their own materials for practice and for working with the materials by themselves.

Not all language learners have those skills yet – even more advanced learners. If you’re not a self-directed learner yet, don’t worry. If you think you need help developing a study plan for any resources you find online, find someone to help you. An English teacher is an obvious choice, but you can also ask someone who has had a lot of success in studying on their own.

Many of the websites I’m sharing with you today are from an article published by my friend and colleague, Dr. Louise Ohashi (see below). She has divided her selection of listening resources into four categories (or groups), and these are stories, songs, talks and conversations, and news and current affairs. The resources in each of these categories of listening materials have different features and offer benefits to your learning.

1. Stories

Stories are great for learning another language because they are usually enjoyable and motivating, and you typically get a lot of descriptive language.

The Fable Cottage

The first free site in this category is The Fable Cottage. This site is designed for learners of four other European languages in addition to English. Voice actors read well-known stories, such as Snow White, supported with music, video images, and illustrations. In the English version of each story, you can hide the transcript or make it visible. Each story is five to sixteen minutes long. It’s a good site to help you work on understanding both main ideas and details, learn new vocabulary, identify grammar patterns, and improve pronunciation through shadowing.

Storyline Online

On Storyline Online is a website where you can watch videos of people reading children’s books aloud in English, with the option of viewing subtitles. Although this site was designed to develop literacy skills in children, it’s also great for mature English language learners, especially if your level is similar to American kindergarten to grade four. There are some famous narrators you’ll recognize, such as Elijah Wood from the Harry Potter movie series.

If you think you’d enjoy watching celebrities doing this, you may find this genre of listening very motivating. The videos here are also between five and sixteen minutes. Listening to stories on this website will expose you to a good range of vocabulary and grammatical structures that are supported with with pictures and video, read at a moderate speed, and read by people with a variety of accents.

ESL Fast

ESL Fast offers short stories with audio and text for intermediate students. It’s not the most beautiful website, but a good thing about it is the large number of stories available – and there are hundreds. At the bottom of the page, you’ll see a vocabulary list for each audio recording, plus a variety of exercises, including dictations. The site also offers easy conversations if you have a more beginner level of English. You can listen to short conversations on a variety of topics and speak to Mike, a “robot” that replies to questions and statements that you type in a dialogue box.

Movies Club

Movies are an audio-visual form of stories, and the ultimate short form is the movie trailer. Movies Club is a simple website where you can listen to trailers and try to complete cloze (or fill-in-the blank) activities while you enjoy watching a movie trailer. The website divides the trailers into categories, but not levels.

2. Songs

It’s not only language learners who love songs. The Internet offers many websites where you can find the lyrics to all types of songs in many different languages. I’ll talk about a couple of options for English language learners here.

Lyrics Training

Lyrics Training is one of the many tools online where you can listen to songs with or without viewing the lyrics. It can be used for both intensive listening and extensive listening.

This is a “freemium” site, which means you get some free access, but then have to start paying for more. This study aid is popular as an app for smartphones, but can also be accessed through a website. You can sing along to songs in Karaoke (or カラオケ) mode, or challenge yourself in game mode, where you complete fill-in-the-gap activities at different levels of difficulty. The system keeps track of your progress and you can compete with other users to try to get the best score.

Lyrics Gaps

A very similar type of website which is completely free, at least while it is still in BETA, is Lyrics Gaps. On this site there is an added google translate site where you can hover over a word in the lyrics, and it will translate the English word into multiple different languages. You can search for songs by artist or by difficult level – easy, medium or hard. Fill-in-the-gap tasks where you type the missing words are at three levels, and there is a quiz function where you have to quickly choose between three possible words. Registered members can compete with other members to get the best score on this site as well.

If you enjoy music, tools like these make for great listening practice because there tends to be a lot of repetition in the chorus, and music lovers generally enjoy hearing songs over and over again – a pleasant way to study on your own. Through lyrics websites like this, you can learn new vocabulary, improve your pronunciation, get used to grammar patterns, improve your spelling, and even increase you typing speed.

3. Talks and Dialogues

Listening to people talk about a range of topics is great listening practice because it exposed you to natural usage patterns that you’re likely to hear in real life.

TED Talks (and the TEDICT app)

The first two tools in this category are TED Talks, which is a large collection of recorded live speeches, and TEDICT, which is an app (for iphone or for android) that provides you with a range of language learning tasks based on TED Talks.

The TED Talks website and app were created by TED (Technology, Education and Design). This is a non-profit organization that aims to share “ideas worth spreading.” The organization hosts live events and shares recordings through its digital resources. There are now over 3,100 talks from speakers from all around the globe. The audio content is in English, but you can access subtitles and transcripts translated into over 100 languages. As a viewer, you can search by topic, subtitle/transcript language and video length to find the talk that you want to listen to.

While watching a video, subtitles can be switched on or off and viewers can refer to an interactive transcript. The transcript is interactive because if you click on any part of it, you will be taken to the corresponding (or the matching) section within the video. This is very useful when you want to listen to the pronunciation of a particular word or phrase, or if you want to check how something is translated. Just like with YouTube videos, you can also change the video speed. Slowing down a video can help you with comprehension.

If you want extra value when practicing intensive and extensive listening, the TEDICT app will give it to you. You can listen to segments (or parts) of TED Talks to practice dictation tasks. If you select the TEDICT function you can type what you hear or use speech recognition to complete the task. If you find that too difficult, you can the TEDICTisy function, which will allow you to select the words required to complete the dictation tasks from a list of options. With the Repeat Player function, you can also do shadowing activities. This function cuts videos into shorter parts. You then listen to one part at a time, and then try to accurately repeat when the voice recorder is activated. You can listen to yourself before moving to the next part to check your pronunciation and accuracy. Now sadly, the TEDICT app is not completely free. The lite version is free, however, but this means you only have this functionality for some videos, or for some parts of videos.


English Language Listening Library Online (or ELLLO with three Ls) has been around for a long time. It’s a large collection of audio and video files that give listeners access to clips made by speakers worldwide who speak English at various degrees of proficiency. There are over 1500 audio recordings and 800 videos. Each audio file comes with a script, vocabulary support and a comprehension quiz.

The recordings are short – some less than a minute long – and usually include one or two speakers. The Mixer section of the website allows you to listen to a particular topic from different perspectives. In the One Minute English video files, one or two speakers answer a pre-set question in one minute or less. You can listen while hiding the transcript or making it visible, and there are vocabulary lists, additional exercises or quizzes, as well as downloadable links. You can search for audio and video recordings by English level (there are 6). You can search by topic, media type, or speaker nationality. The nationality of speakers is useful for you if you want to hear different English accents from around the world.

ESL Lounge

ESL Lounge is a website with a listening section that supplies listening comprehension exercises divided into four levels of difficulty, as well as a business English section. There is a transcript that you can download with the audio file, and there are different kinds of comprehension exercises (multiple choice, cloze, true/false…etc.) There are no pre-listening activities or follow-up activities, however.

The British Council’s Learning English has a great listening practice section that is helpfully organized by CERF level. You can find short listening activities at the A1 or A2 beginner levels, the B1 and B2 intermediate level, and the more advanced C1 level. You can take a test online to get an idea of your level, too. There are plenty of accompanying activities on screen and for download. The British Council also have a special site for teenagers, which is great if you are a high school or even a university student, as the topics are more related to your needs.

ESL teacher Randall Davis put together a very impressive site some years ago called the Cyber Listening Lab. His site is filled with listening quizzes. One of the things you’ll notice right away about the site is that the quizzes are divided into Easy, Medium and Difficult. Each quiz comes with a pre-listening activity, a multiple-choice quiz based on the listening, and post-listening activities that include vocabulary exercises. These are wonderful, ready-to-use listening activities.

Talk English

Talk English has listening lessons for basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. You can listen to a conversation, complete a multiple-choice quiz, and read a script of the audio. You can use the website for free, but if you pay a one-time fee, you get unlimited downloads, which included hundreds of dialogues at different levels. I think the advanced section is not really that advanced, so if you are an intermediate learner, try it!

Listen A Minute

Sean Banville is an experienced EFL teacher who runs many websites for language learners. I’ll talk about him again later, but in this section, I’ll mention his site, Listen A Minute. On this site, which is for elementary to pre-intermediate students, you can select a listening lesson from almost 500 options according to topic, arranged alphabetically on the main page. With each one-minute audio recording on the topic you chose, you can try the online quiz, read the script, do a fill-in-the-blanks listening activity, and do other activities on grammar, spelling, and/or vocabulary for the lesson. There are even discussion questions, writing prompts, and other follow-ups that are useful if you have a study partner or want to journal. There is an answer key provided as well.

4. News and Current Affairs


Particularly useful for Japanese native speakers is ABCニュース英語 (ABC News English). This website is produced by Japan’s national broadcaster, NHK. The materials are aimed at Japanese speakers who are learning English, with the interface in Japanese and all English listening tasks offering Japanese support. So, if you’re not a native speaker of Japanese, probably, you don’t need this one.

There is a new video clip is uploaded to the site four to six times a week. Each five-minute clip has an overview of a current news item in Japanese and a key word or phrase, then a short, authentic news clip played three times, first with English audio and subtitles, and then with English audio and Japanese subtitles, and finally with English audio and no subtitles. There is a lot of support in Japanese, so if you’re a Japanese speaker, this site might be good for you.

VOA Learning English

Probably one of the most widely known news sources in accessible English is the multimedia platform, Voice of America (VOA). Like most news sites, it offers content on local and international news. There are many different parts to it. There is level specific content specifically for learning English at Video programs and audio programs here are separated into sections for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. You can find not only news items, but also resources that are designed to help you learn news-related vocabulary and develop news literacy skills (which means the ability to read). Each of the recordings is no more than three minutes long, and there are subtitles. You can also make use of an app for iPhone or Android smartphones that teaches you how to say and use a word in a sentence.

VOA Student Union

Now, you can also try Student Union from Voice of America, which is described as “news for students and youth worldwide.” This section is mostly written articles, but there are some are accompanied by related videos. These give you the opportunity to learn about topics in different ways. This part of VOA or Voice of America is not specifically designed for learners of English as a second or foreign language, so I would recommend this site for more for extensive listening for advanced learners. There are not subtitles in the videos.

BBC Learning English

The BBC or British Broadcasting Corporation, has a website called Learning English that is dedicated to helping learners of English. There are a lot of resources here for you, and not all of them are related to news, but since the BBC is a news corporation, I’ll focus on that section. You can search by level, but sadly you cannot search by media type. However, many of the resources are multimedia-rich, including video. I like this one series of lessons with short videos about fake news, which is a very timely and important topic these days.

Breaking News English

The main website of Sean Banville, who I mentioned earlier, is called Breaking News English. This website is packed full of news articles with accompanying audio that is read by Mr. Banville himself. His news lessons are available in up to seven levels, and he has a large variety of activities to go with each article. You can listen at different speeds, with or without the transcript. As a teacher, I have been making use of this site for many years. The website is not very attractive, but it’s useful. Sean Banville also runs other sites, and I mentioned one of them earlier. Check them out!


My last source for you today is Newsy, another source of short video news segments about a variety of topics from business to entertainment, international to US news. Each video is posted with a transcript, giving you the choice to just listen, or listen and read. The site offers an app for iPhone, iPad, Android and Blackberry, and is probably best for more advanced English learners.

So, now you have a list of tools you can explore for your own listening practice. I didn’t mention that of course YouTube is also a great source for listening materials. I have already created part 1 and part 2 posts on that topic, so do read them.

I challenge you to try out some of the website I mentioned today. See if they suit your style of learning. If you are studying English formally at school, you can always go to a teacher to get help to plan, monitor, and evaluate your own listening study. Thanks for watching and I hope you learned at least one new website you can make use of to help you practice your listening skills.

Remember, however, that you won’t see progress unless you practice often and regularly, repeating some activities for review. Sometimes you’ll have to practice even when you don’t feel like it. That’s the way we make progress!


Knowles, M.S. (1975). Self-Directed Learning A Guide for Learners and Teachers. N.Y. :Cambridge Books.

Ohashi, L. (2019). Listen up! Useful materials for intensive and extensive listening. In Robert Chartrand, F. & Forsythe, E. (Eds.) AI and Machine Learning in Language Education. Selected papers from the JALTCALL2019 Conference, Tokyo, Japan.

Vandergrift, L., & Goh, C. M. (2012). Teaching and learning second language listening. Routledge.

Подборка по базе: ПоложениеФестиваль учителей рус.яз. (1).docx, Методическая разработка для проведения практического занятия по , Доклад _Использование технологии проблемного обучения на уроках , Библиотечный урок_Подвиг учителей в годы войныВ И Уренков.doc, Конспект лекций по предмету_ «ПМ. 01 Разработка модулей программ, Методическая разработка практического занятия на тему _Развитие , План работы МО учителей математики, физики и информатики на 2021, Практическая работа_ разработка технологической карты урока (кур, Методическая разработка по Конкурсу Я-Дежурный по станции.docx, план-конспект разработка ПТП и КТП.docx

Часть «чтение»

Internet Addiction

  Psychiatrists consider Internet Addiction Syndrome as a disease that can result in relationship, workplace and financial problems.

 IAS have pretty much in common with smoking and gambling as well as with alcohol abuse. Social media and smartphone addiction are the part of IAS. Addicts can’t quit, they are spend online unreasonable amount of time, they check mail first thing in the morning and they can even dream about surfing the net.

 Users who are hooked on the Internet can spend online more than 10 hours a day — that’s more than a usual working day in the office. Internet addicts can’t cut down time they spend online, because it’s quite difficult to do so on their own. If you feel like you’re hooked, it’s definitely time to get help. You can ask your friends or parents for advice and support. Spending more time outdoors and finding a new hobby is an option too. 

 Match if these statements are true or false or there is no such information in the text:

 1. Social media and smartphone addiction have nothing to do with IAS.

 2. Addicts can spend online less than 10 hours a day .

 Answer to the following question. Write only short answer (not full sentences):

 3. Is spending time outnside helpful? Why?

Приложение 10

Пример контрольной работы для 11 класса по теме «Современные технологии» с использованием тестов открытого типа. Часть «аудирование»

Listen to the text and complete the sentences by typing the word in the box. Write only one word in each box.


Jess and Tom

 1.The conversation is between Tom and  .

 2.Tom checks his e-mail    a day..

 3.Tom answers his e-mails in one or two  .

 4.Tom has got accounts at facebook and my space and hi5, all these are social networking  .

 5.Tom has got a lot of free  .

 6. Jess joined   a couple of years ago.

 Приложение 11

Пример контрольной работы для 11 класса по теме «Современные технологии».

Часть «лексика» с использованием тестов закрытого и открытого типа.

Приемы: matching, completion, multiple choice.

By each definition write in the letter of appropriate name.

Definition Answer  Word
With it you can wash multiple dishes simultaneously  B Dryer
With it you can cook many meals, using heat or gas  F Dishwasher      
With it you can dry your hair  J  Cooker

Complete sentences with the appropriate household appliance.

1. Put the chicken in the   and let it roast for 45 minutes.

 2. I bought 10 kilos of salmon and put it all into the   to keep it good until the party.

3. Many students in their rooms have a   ,so that they can make quick pizzas and other fast food.

Read the sentences and decide which one of the given words fits each gap in the expressions:

 1. You need to connect _

………. your modem to the telephone line.

  • out
  • on/in
  • off
  • in
  • on
  • into
  • down
  • up

2. All you have to do is to type ______ your name and address.

  • on
  • on/in
  • up
  • in
  • out
  • into
  • down
  • off

3. We’ll have to wait whilst the computer powers ______ . Then we can start.

  • in
  • up
  • out
  • down
  • off
  • on/in
  • into
  • on

4. It’s not enough to just delete the information. It is still there and can be recovered. You need to wipe it ______ with a special program.

  • into
  • out
  • on/in
  • on
  • down
  • off
  • in
  • up

Приложение 12

Пример контрольной работы для 11 класса по теме «Современные технологии»

Грамматические темы «Future Simple, Future Continuous, Future Perfect»

Часть «грамматика» с использованием тестов закрытого и открытого типа

Choose the correct sentences in the future continuous.


Correct: I will be eating pizza soon.

Incorrect: I will be eatting pizza soon. (We don’t double ‘t’ when adding -ing)

Incorrect: I will eat pizza soon. (We have to use future continuous)






Choose the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.

1.  At the end of June, Jane ______ enough credits to earn her Doctor’s degree.

2.  Since you’ll be arriving late for the meeting, we _____ most of things by the time you come.

 3.  Next month, Anthony _____ Spanish at this school for 30 years.

 4.  By the time she retires next month, James _____ 5 years as a receptionist in the hotel.

Complete the sentences using the information in the brackets. Write full positive or negative verb forms in the future simple. 


1.  Hey! Wait a minute. I   a word with you. (to have)

 2.  He   his boss next week. (to contact)

 3.  He   breakfast tomorrow morning. (not/to prepare)

 4.  She   the vase on the shelf. (not/to reach)
Choose the present simple or the present continuous to express future. Don’t use capital letters. Write only verb forms.



Man   There’s a great film on tonight at the Picture House.

Woman   Really? What kind of film?

M   It’s a comedy.

W   I’m really tired. I think I need an evening at home.

M   Oh, come on. I don’t want to go by myself.

W   Well, ask a friend.

M   But I want to go with you! We hardly every go out. I really think you should make more effort!

W   I’m sorry – but I’m always so tired. I work hard, you know!

M   I know, but … come on. It’s Friday night!

W   Oh, I don’t know. Can I think about it?

M   OK.


Man   Did I tell you what happened to me when I was out with Molly?

Woman   No, you didn’t.

 It was really embarrassing – but it made us laugh afterwards.

 Go on, tell me!

 Well, we were at the cinema. The film was starting when Molly stood up and whispered something about going to buy popcorn. So she went.

W   And then what happened?

M   Well, a few moments later, she came back and sat down. I thought, “That was quick,” but I didn’t say anything. I was really concentrating on the film.

W   OK …

M   So I helped myself to some of the popcorn. She was holding a big box of it in her hand. And a woman’s voice said, “Hey! That’s mine!”

W   Oh no!

 Yes! I turned around … and it wasn’t Molly! It was another woman who was sitting in her place.

W   How embarrassing!

 I know. Then Molly got back and we had to explain to this woman, but she was already upset about the popcorn …

W   That’s so funny!


Man   What’s on next?

Woman   There’s a talent show starting in five minutes.

M   No thanks! I really don’t like talent shows.

W   Me neither. They’re so boring, aren’t they?

M   Yes. Terrible. What else is on?

W   There’s a new sitcom on a bit later.

M   No, sitcoms aren’t my thing. They’re never really funny.

W   I don’t think you’re right about sitcoms. Some of the American shows are really clever.

M   Clever? You’re joking. They’re all the same … and the laughter isn’t real, it’s all recorded.

W   No, it isn’t. There’s usually a real audience.

M   I don’t think so. Not for most of the shows.

W   Yes, there is. I saw a programme about it once …

Man   Can I help you?

Woman   Yes, I want to return this DVD.

M   Have you watched it?

W   Yes, I have.

M   Well, I’m sorry. You can’t return it.

W   But there’s a problem with it. It keeps jumping. And some of the scenes don’t play at all.

M   There’s nothing I can do. It’s our policy.

W   It’s just not good enough. You sold me a DVD which doesn’t work. I don’t care what your policy is! Where’s the manager?

M   She’s in her office. Do you want me to call her?

W   Yes, I do!

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