Listen to the word for today

UCB Word For Today


With daily readings based on Scripture, articles, and things to pray about, the UCB Word For Today is designed to help you get into the habit of spending time with God every day.

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Princess Alice was Queen Victoria’s daughter. When her son contracted an incurable disease called black diphtheria, the doctors quarantined the boy and warned his mother to stay away from him lest she get infected. Yet she couldn’t. One day she overheard her son whisper to his nurse, ‘Why doesn’t my mother kiss me anymore?’ His words melted her heart and she ran to him, smothering him with kisses. Within a few days, she died and was buried. What would compel a mother to risk her life for her child? Love! Now stand at the cross and ask what would lead Christ to do something even greater for us? Love! Writing to the believers at Ephesus, Paul says, ‘I want you to know…Christ’s love…is too wonderful to be measured.’ You can trace the greatest action of Christ to his greatest attribute – love. Perhaps the people who should have loved you, didn’t; and those who could have loved you, wouldn’t. Maybe you were left at the hospital, or left standing at the altar, or left with an empty bed and a broken heart. Regardless of the cause, you were left with the question, ‘Does anybody love me?’ And today Christ answers unequivocally, ‘I do!’ The truth is, His love for you ‘is too wonderful to be measured’. Hymn writer Charles Gabriel wrote: ‘I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene, And wonder how he could love me, a sinner, condemned, unclean. How marvellous! How wonderful! And my song shall ever be: How marvellous! How wonderful! Is my Saviour’s love for me!’ God couldn’t love you more than He does right now, and that will never change. 

Previous episodes

  • 1075 — Christ’s love for you 

    Thu, 13 Apr 2023

  • 1074 — A heart filled with goodness 

    Wed, 12 Apr 2023

  • 1073 — Are you having a night-time experience? 

    Tue, 11 Apr 2023

  • 1072 — Showing grace towards those who differ with you 

    Mon, 10 Apr 2023

  • 1071 — A new adventure in existence 

    Sun, 09 Apr 2023

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522 episodes

The Word For Today is the publishing and broadcast ministry of the late pastor Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement.

The Word For Today is the publishing and broadcast ministry of the late pastor Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement.

Customer Reviews


Im grateful this teaching is available for me to listen and learn God’s word today even though pastor Smith has passed on. His teaching is simple and straightforward. I’m growing in understanding the Bible with each podcast.


It’s such a blessing to be able to hear these recordings.


God used Chuck Smith to draw me to Jesus in 1998 as a lost young woman. I would drive on the I-5 in CA and hear his preaching on the radio. I’ve been growing in Jesus for all these years now. Thankful for this ministry!

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The Word For Today is a non-profit organization, and an outreach of Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. Our desire is to see the body of Christ grow in their knowledge of God through the study of His Word. We are committed to bringing you the solid and consistent teaching of the whole Bible taught by Pastor Chuck Smith.



Chuck Smith

Give God all the glory

Give God all the glory

‘Your right hand and strong arm…helped them.’

Did you hear about the frog that was running out of water, so he asked two birds to transport him to a nearby pond? He convinced each of them to carry one end of a stick in their beak while he bit down on the centre and held on. It was a sight to behold: two birds, one stick, and a frog in the middle. They were making progress until a cow in a pasture looked up, saw the trio passing overhead, and asked, ‘Who thought of that?’ At that point the frog couldn’t resist. Pride prevailed over prudence, and as he plummeted to earth, he yelled, ‘It was meeee…!’

Don’t make the same error. ‘Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall’ (Proverbs 16:18 NLT). Why are you good at doing what you do? For your own comfort? To save for your retirement? To bolster your self-esteem? No, these are all bonuses, not the main reason. You’re good at what you do – for God’s sake. It’s about Him, not you! Read and ponder these words in your heart: ‘Wealth and honour come from you alone, for you rule over everything. Power and might are in your hand…at your discretion people are made great and given strength’ (1 Chronicles 29:12 NLT).

Recalling the victories, blessings, and successes Israel had experienced, David reminds us: ‘They did not conquer…with their swords; it was not their own strong arm that gave them victory. It was your right hand and strong arm…that helped them, for you loved them’ (Psalm 44:3 NLT). Keep in mind that the blessings you enjoy every day are yours only because God favoured and smiled on you. That’s the truth!

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Copyright © Bob and Debby Gass. Used by permission. 

The UCB Word For Today

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The Word For Today is the publishing and broadcast ministry of the late pastor Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement.

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Costa Mesa, CA


Christian Talk

Religion & Spirituality Podcas


The Word For Today is the publishing and broadcast ministry of the late pastor Chuck Smith, founder of the Calvary Chapel movement.




P.O. Box 8000
Costa Mesa, CA 92628




The LORD Will Prevail



Resting on the LORD



The Reign of Asa



The Prayer of Solomon



A People Governed by God



The Pattern of Solomon’s Prayer



Giving to God with Our Heart



The Building of the Temple



The House of the LORD



The History of the Kings of Judah



The Imaginations of the Heart



The Duties of the Priests



The Wisdom of Solomon



The Angel of the Lord



The Battle with the Ammonites



The Fame of Fear of David



The Right Thing in the Wrong Way



The Mighty Men of David



The Service of Song



The Power of Prayer



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