Listen to the text time fill in the gaps with the correct word formation

Filling the gaps with the words given.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb (present simple or present continuous) in brackets.

1.     A: Why  (you) smell this flower?

B: It (smell) fine. Where did you take them.?

2.     A:I  (see) my nephew tonight.

B:I (see) So you won’t be coming to the theatre with us then, will you?

3.     A: I know you (look) for a new place.

B: Yes, it (look) as if I’ m going to find a new place.

4.     A: We (think) of travelling abroad.

     B: Oh, good for you! I (think) that’s a good idea.

      5  A: What’s up with Jack? He (be) usually in good mood.

B: I see. He (be) really sad today.



am seeing


are looking


are thinking




Filling the gaps with the words given.

Fill in the gaps with the correct future tense of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I (go) to visit my uncle.
  2. They are a bit nervous because they (move) to a new place.
  3. My sister (graduate) from the university by the end of July.
  4. This time next week, she (go) to the US.
  5. My parents (visit) their friends this weekend.
  6. She (meet) her classmate next Sunday.
  7. The money we get ( just about pay) for the new car.

am going

are moving

will have graduated

will be going

are visiting




Underline the correct answer.

  1. She is to visit/is about us next month.
  2. Hurry up. The plane is on the point of/is about to leave.
  3. My plan is bound/is due to work.
  4. The bus is about/is to having to arrive.
  5. Is there anything I can do about/in my family situation?
  6. The great thing of/about my friend is that he never gives up
  7. Im concerned about/for my relatives.

Filling the gaps with the words given.

Fill in the gaps with the correct past tense of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I (visit) my uncle yesterday..
  2. They were a bit nervous because they (move) to a new place.
  3. My sister (graduate) from the university by the end of July last year.
  4. This time last week, she (go) to the US.
  5. My parents (visit) their friends last weekend.
  6. About half the people (agree).
  7. His sister had a favorite dress which she (buy) with her first wages.


were moving

had graduated

was going



had bought

Single answer

Choose the correct answer.

1.     When I was a child, I

live in a small village.

2.     My granny

tell fairy tales when I was small.

3.     I

getting up early.

4.     I

go on holiday with my parents, but now I go with my friends.

5.     I didn’t

wear jeans when I was a child.

6.     Whenever they met, they


7.It wasn’t difficult

living in the country.

Single answer

Choose the correct answer.

  1. She is very close 

    her parents.

  2. Thomas should be ashamed

    his such bad behavior.

  3. What are they shouting

    so loudly this time?

  4. We have great respect

    all elders.

  5. I have been playing the guitar 

     two hours.

  6. I always do it

    my grandpa’s sake.

  7. Do you see this book

    the first time?


Underline the correct answer.

1 .Everything shows that Ann is coming up with/down with the illness.

t.The students / across/ up on Tuesday.

3. Tom is coming over/ across to another club.

4. Jane times along/over last week.

5. That day Oleg came across/up his exwife.

6. They come into/at least two times a month for a visit.

7. They are coming back/ along on Monday 

Filling the gaps with the words given.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb.

1.We had better not go out: it (snow) very hard.

2. (ever — you -visit) such wonderful places?

3 When Dima (be) young, he never (go)

to a theatre performance.

4. By the time mum  (arrive) she already (go)

5.What (he) (do) tonight? (he ) want   go out?

6.When I, (to come)  to the bus stop, I .(to see) a boy who .( to play) with a dog.

7.Next Sunday he (to play tennis) from ten till twelve.

is snowing

Have you ever visited












was playing

will be playing

Filling the gaps with the words given.

Complete the correct tenses. Use the verb in brackets.

  1. your friend ever (win) a prize at wrestling?
  2. Timur (be) asleep yesterday when he (watch) TV.
  3. My granny  never (be) to Japan.
  4. We ( do) a lot of things yesterday.
  5. I sometimes (ride) a horse.
  6.  Sasha (go) to visit his grandfather yesterday.
  7. Olga  (find) the key yet which she (lose) in the morning.
  8. They (build) their house in 2015.
  9. While I (sleep), my daughter ( cook) a cake.
  10. He ( live) in Ulan-Ude for three years.




was watching






hasn’t found



was sleeping

was cooking

has been living

Filling the gaps with the words given.

Fill in the correct tenses. Use the verbs in brackets. 

1. When mum   (arrive), we   (have) supper.

2.   he   (already arrive) in Paris?

3. I   (not see) him for a week.

4. Grandpa   (smoke) his pipe while grandma 

 (prepare) the tea.

5. My sister   (already do) the washing up.

6. Look! It   (rain) now.

7. She   (have) a car accident last winter.

8. Last night I   (watch) TV when suddenly I  

 (hear) a scream.

9. Kate   (already start) her new job.

10. Last week my dog   (run) away, and I 

 (not find) it yet.


were having



haven’t seen

was smoking

was preparing

has done

is raining


was watching


has started


haven’t found

Filling the gaps with the words given.

Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the correct tense.

1. I   (not see) him for a month.

2. When Ben   (try) to open the door, he  

 (drop) his mobile phone.

3. They   (live) in Ulan-Bator since 1987.

4.   you   (see) her at the party?

5. Mary   (be) in Irkutsk for three days.

6. The teacher   (enter) the classroom when he 

 (clean) the blackboard.

7. She   (buy) a new dress last week.

8. I think that they   (arrive) at the weekend.

haven’t seen

was trying


have been living



has been


was cleaning


will arrive

Single answer

Complete the sentence.

  1. I

    the Star Wars films

  2. They

     for Google


  3. Neil

    that he didn’t get the job? 

  4. If you

     that expensive car, you

    enough money to go on holiday. 

  5. What

     if you

    a mobile phone? 

  6. “Sorry I’m late.

    for a long time?” 

  7. Leo’s French isn’t very good. He 

    it for very long. 

  8. Ellen

     that she needs to do more exercise. 

Filling the gaps with the words given.

Fill in used to, be/get used to or would where possible. 

When Nina was small, her family live in a small village not far from Chita. Their neighbours keep cows and we often buy milk from them. In the summer holidays, my twin sister and I love swimming in the river. Sometimes we pick mushrooms in the forest. Now we live in Tula. I am (not) living in a big city with so much noise.

used to


got used to



not used to

Filling the gaps with the words given.

Fill in the correct tense using the verbs in brackets.

1. Tom usually   to work by bus.

2. Yesterday morning I   up at 6.

3.  you ever   to China?»

4. «What   they   at the moment?»

5. It  (snow) now. It   (begin)snowing an hour ago. It   for an hour.

6.   you  (finish) ?

7. He   one of the tallest students in the class.

8. My sister   as a doctor for ten years .







is snowing


has been snowing




has been working


ЗАДАНИЕ №1 ВРЕМЯ НА ВЫПОЛНЕНИЕ: 17:49 ТЕКСТ ЗАДАНИЯ 1.Listen to the story and fill in the gaps with the words from the box.. One words is odd. ( spring, a wall, autumn, a lovely garden, winter, a hole) 1. The gaint has got a _________. The children want to play in the garden.
2. Winter 3. A hole 1. A lovely garden ​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

Помогите, пожалуйста! Очень срочно!

Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations in the box.

( energy-saving, a part of it, air pollution, oxygen, breathe, countryside, movements, take care, extinct and endangered, deforestation )

1. People should live closer to nature because we are ……………….
2. Many people prefer to live in the ………………….
3. The big city is always synonymous with high ……………………. from vehicles or industry.
4. People can’t live without ………………….
5. I would never cut down trees, they lets us ……………………
6. Seventy per cent of land animals and plants live in forests, and many cannot survive the ……………….. that destroys their homes.
7. Land degradation leads to an increasing number of ……………….. animals.
8. To save our planet we must …………….. of it.
9. The least we can do is try and adopt some ……………… methods.
10. Our company supports ecological organizations and ……………….. .

Module 3 Test. Form 10 Variant 1 Name____________________________________________________

1.Fill in the gaps with the correct word: motivated,private,activities,training,uniform,attend,rules,sit,strict,public.

1.Students must wear a school_____________________________________ every day.

2.It is important for everyone to follow the ___________________________________ .

3.This school is known for its discipline and ____________________________ teachers.

4.Students are very _____________________________________ To do well at this school.

5.Do you use a bicycle or the _____________________________________transport system?

2. Fill in: on,out,up,at.

1. I used to get picked ___________________________________at school by the elder children.

2. I’ll pick you _______________________________________ from the station.

3. No wonder she’s thin. She only pick______________________________ her food.

4. Can you help me pick______________________________ a new dress?

3. Put the adjectives in brackets into the comparative or superlative form.

1. St. Petersburg is one of the (beautiful) _______________________________cities in the world.

2. The rivers in America are much (big) __________________________than those in England.

3. Moscow is the (large) ___________________________city in Russia.

4. What is the name of the (high) _____________________________ mountain in Asia?

5. The English Channel is (wide) __________________________ than the straits of Gibraltar.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct future form (Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Present Continuous, be going to)

A: ________________________ (you/do) anything on Friday morning? B: No, I’m free.

A: Joe is going on holiday next week. B: Yes, I know. This time next week he _________________________ (fly) to Rome.

Martin _______________________________ (do) the work by Sunday evening.

My grandmother is very old. She ________________________(be) ninety next month.

This time tomorrow, I ___________________________________(leave) for the airport.

I _________________________________(collect) you from Peter’s house on my way home.

‘How is your project coming along? Is it done?’ ‘Not yet, but I_____________________( finish) it by the time the holidays are over.’

‘What are your plans for the weekend?’ ‘I_________________________ (spend ) some time with my friends.’

Richard is such a poor guy, he has got the flu, but his elder sister ___________________________________(take) care of him, she’s a nurse.

-I ’m really hungry!

-Don’t worry. I ________________________________ (cook) dinner by the time you get home.

5. Fill in the correct word derived from the world in bold.

1. Kate is now the new managing _________________________________of the company. DIRECT

2. The ___________________________________was busy tidying the returned books. LIBRARY

3. The_______________________________________ searched through old documents for years before he was convinced the events had taken place. HISTORY

Решите СРОЧНО!!!

1. the
2. are
3. as
4. they
5. these
6. them
7. there
8. our

Producer — anything that starts food chain. Производитель — что-либо, что начинает пищевую цепь.
Herbivore — animal that always eats plants. Травоядное — животное, которое всегда питается растениями.
Carnivore — animal that always eats other animals. Плотоядное — животное, которое всегда питается другими животными.
Omnivore — animal that eats both plants and animals. Всеядное — животное, которое питается как растениями, так и животными.
Consumer — anything that eats another plant or animal to get energy. Потребитель — что-либо, что питается другими растением или животным, чтобы получить энергию.
Fungi — any of various types of organisms that get their food from decaying things. Грибы — некоторые из различных типов организмов, которые получают свое питание их разлагающихся элементов.
Bacteria — are microscopic living organisms, usually one-celled, that can be found everywhere. Бактерии — микроскопичные живые вещества, обычно одноклеточные, которые могут жить везде.
Break down — stop working by being damaged. Ломать — прекращать работу после какого-либо повреждения.
Compound — something consisting of two or more different parts. Соединение — что-либо, состоящее из двух либо более различных частей.
All over again — if something happens once again, it has already happened several times before. Снова и снова — когда что-либо происходит снова, ранее несколько раз это уже имело место быть.
Provide — to give someone something that they need. Обеспечивать — предоставлять кому-либо что-либо в чем нуждается.
Survive — to continue to live or exist, especially after being in a difficult situation. Выживать — продолжать жить или существовать, в частности после сложной ситуации.
Extinction — a situation in which something no longer exists. Исчезновение — ситуация, в которой что-либо будет существовать недолго.

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  • Listen to the text luck write the adjectives or word combinations with adjectives that
  • Listen to the text leadership choose the right sentence with the correct word formation
  • Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the word from the box
  • Listen to the text and complete the sentences by typing the word in the box
  • Listen to the text and choose the appropriate word