Listen to the text leadership choose the right sentence with the correct word formation

Listen to the text «Leadership».

Choose the right sentence with the correct word formation:


  • American presidents often talk about the importance of leadership.
  • America presidents often talk about the importance of leadership.


  • In many countries around the world, there are corrupt leaders.
  • In many countries around the world, there are corrupt leadership.


  • Good leadership is be respected by everyone and getting the job done.
  • Good leadership is being respected by everyone and getting the job done.

Listen to the text «Leadership».

Choose the right sentence with the correct word formation.


  • Leader is a word we hear a lot nowadays.
  • Leadership is a word we hear a lot nowadays.


  • In many countries around the world, there are corrupt leaders.
  • In many countries around the world, there are corruption leaders.


  • It’s important to have good leadership in companies too, except many of the banks’ leaders have not shown such good leadership.
  • It’s important to have good leadership in companies too, exception many of the banks’ leaders have not shown such good leadership.

Listen to the text «Golden week».

Choose the right sentence with the correct word formation:

Golden Week is such a lovely time to be in Japan.
Golden Week is such a love time to be in Japan.

Many people have the whole week off work to celebrate the different holidays.
Many people have the whole week off work to celebrate the differ holidays.

The Emperor’s birthday and Const Day are important and so is Greenery Day, but I like Children’s Day.
The Emperor’s birthday and Constitution Day are important and so is Greenery Day, but I like Children’s Day.

Областная олимпиада по английскому языку 2010-2011 учебного года     

Form 9    

  Lexical-grammar test

Total: 70 

I. Choose the correct linking word or phrase in the sentences.

0.  I can’t come to your party so/because/for I have a bad cold.
1.    My favourite subjects at school are French as well as/and/plus history.
2.   If/When/Unless you are interested in Egyptian mummies, you should visit the Turin Museum.
3.   I was thinking about my holiday when at once/immediately/suddenly I heard a strange noise.
4.   Please give her the letter until/as soon as/eventually you see her.
5.   Why did you bring such/so/some many wine glasses?
6.   He has such/very/so a lovely voice that he sang a solo with the choir.
7.   He can either/neither/nor read nor write.
8.   If the weather’s good we’ll neither/or/either go to the beach or the mountains.
9.   I need a cloth so that/in case/to clean the table.
10.  All trains will be late so that/in case of/due to the terrible weather.

II. Complete the idioms with one appropriate word.

0.  She was as sick as a ________dog_____________________ .

1.  It’s a pity he let the cat out of the ______________________ .
2.  Margaret has always been the black ______      of the family.
3.  I’m not going to join the rat ___________________________ .
4.  She has a bee in her _____________________ about dancing.
5.  Jane, who only speaks English, feels like a fish out of __________  when she goes abroad.
6.  I wish I could be a fly on the ____________________ during their meeting.

III.  Use the prefixes un-, in-, im-, ir— or il— to make the adjectives negative.

0. usual          unusual
1. popular        _______________
2. human          _______________
3. credible       _______________
4. regular        _______________
5. kind          _______________
6. accurate       _______________
7. polite         _______________
8. competent     _______________
9. logical        _______________
10. practical    _____________

IV. Complete the multi-part verbs in the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

fix / drop / stand / call / blow / find / be / get / hang / write / come

0.  If you go to Haymarket, will you call on your sister?
1.  If you arrive at 2 o’clock the party will __________ over and nobody will be here.
2.   They used the dynamite to __________ up the bridge.
3.   As soon as the programme had finished, they _____ out more about the museum by visiting the website.
4.   George  was looking for his razor when he __________ across his wife’s wedding ring.
5.   Though she was exhausted and wanted to sleep she found it was very difficult to _______ off.
6.   I’ve __________ up an appointment with the dentist next Thursday afternoon.
7.    As it is my last day today, let’s all __________ together at 12 o’clock and go to the pub.
8.   __________ on a minute, I can’t find my address book.
9.  Despite her ugly dress at last night’s concert her talent as a singer __________ out.
10. Listen to the telephone number and __________ it down in your address book.

V.Complete the following sentences with the correct multi-part verb formed from one of the verbs given in the box.

bring / find / get / give / go / make / put / take / write

0.  I’d like you to ____write______ ____down_______ every single word the lecturer says.
1. Never _______ __________ until tomorrow what you can do today!
2. The pilot allowed the little boy to _________ ________ the controls of the plane for a few minutes.
3. My ex-boyfriend was the last person to _________ ________ about my wedding plans.
4. I’m sorry I haven’t booked a ticket for you. I’ll ______ it _______ to you next time.
5. We must _______   ________ these two chapters again. I don’t remember anything.
6. The speaker did her best but she didn’t manage to _____ her message ________ .
7. Don’t tell me everything. If you _____ _____the ending of the story, I’ll be bored in the cinema.
8. Why didn’t you _____ _____ your previous job experience while they were considering you for this position?

VI. Use the word given in brackets to form a word that fits in the text.

Creating your own dishes

Good cooking is always a strange (1 mix) of science and art and you certainly have to be fairly (2 create) if you want to come with your own recipes. All cooking also demands a fair amount of (3 prepare), and this is doubly true when you’re producing (4 origin) dishes. You also have to be thick-skinned. You’ll be (5 surprise) by how honest people can be when it comes to food. I’ve had people tell me my latest dish is (6 disgust) and (7 thorough) inedible! Sometimes, they were right! But don’t get upset. Just smile (8 sweet) and thank them for their valuable opinion. And never forget that you’re waiting (9 anxious) to hear whether or not your  ‘masterpiece’ is a success and they suddenly show their (10 appreciate) you’ll realize it was all worth it. My tips: home-(11 grow) vegetables are always the tastiest. Every good cook needs a top-quality (12 mix) . It’s essential piece of kitchen equipment, not a luxury. Make sure you’ve got lots of good-quality food storage (13 contain). And finally, remember that designing a new dish is not about (14 safe). It’s about taking risks, and learning from your mistakes. Have fun in the kitchen!

VII. Use the word in brackets to rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the sentence before.

0. I’m sure my mum has serious doubts about my girlfriend. (must)

My mum must have serious doubts about my girlfriend .

1. I regret that I told my parents about our wedding plans. (wish)

______________________________________________________________________ .

2. You failed your university entrance exams because you didn’t study hard. (if)

______________________________________________________________________ .

3. ‘Have you done anything so stupid before?’ (asked me)

______________________________________________________________________ .

4. Maybe she doesn’t want to apologise for her unacceptable behaviour the other day. (might)

______________________________________________________________________ .

5. Sue is going to arrange for someone to water her plants while she is away. (get)

______________________________________________________________________ .

6. When I was a student I often got up at10 a.m. (used)

______________________________________________________________________ .

VIII.Choose the right word.

  1. These days, many parents find it difficult to assist/support a large family.
  2. My grandma doesn’t have any close/near  family her own age left.
  3. Who was to blame/fault for the argument?
  4. Don’t you know it’s kind/polite to close your mouth when you are eating?
  5. Dave’s parents were very enjoyed/pleased when they saw him in the school play.
  6. I have a very good connection/relationship with my mother.

Test  Reading

America is work: ‘Whistle while you work’

by Ethan Allen

[1] What’s it like to live in America? ‘America, the Beautiful.’ Land of the free. Land of the brave. Land of rock stars and movie stars. Brooks, Madonna, Springsteen, Elvis. Authors Mark Twain, James Baldwin and Toni Morrison. Martin Luther King, Harry Truman, Abe Lincoln. History. The Civil War. The hippy movement of the 1960s. War veterans. The Grand Canyon. The urban cowboy and the real cowboys. Las Vegas. Manhattan Island. Hollywood. Sure, these are images of America. But ask the other 99 per cent of America what it’s like to live in America. You’ll get a very different picture.

[2] So, what one short sentence describes the real America? How about this one? America is work. Work. The pride of a nation that gets so many philosophers thinking hard trying to figure out why America works so well. Proud of his (and my) nation, Abraham Lincoln said: ‘America is the last and best hope of earth.’ He said that because he knew that people in America were committed to the task of finding a safe passage for free prosperous people.

[3] America is work. Careers. Being proud and happy about what you do every day. It’s the smiling, intense, goal-oriented celebration of life. It’s moms and dads working. It’s kids off to school. Students know they have to do more than just study to work in the profession of their talent and choice. Some read 500 pages a week. They write research papers and learn public speaking. They support their hometown baseball, football and basketball teams. But students also have to learn how to earn a living, working as machinists, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, cooks, customer service specialists, business owners, managers, nurses, doctors etc. Everyone must produce quality goods everywhere day and night. It all takes work. Quality. That means America has maintained a high employment rate of over 93 per cent since World War II.

[4] I hear America described in terms of the ‘spaghetti westerns’. Those old movies tell the story that life in early America was tough. No matter what colour hat you wore, you were working to make a living anyway you could. Sure, the bad men went to jail so the good men could have a safe life for their families. That tradition of freedom means Americans work to be autonomous.

[5] It works because people vote for their government representatives. It is not perfect but still, a working America ensures government is ‘of the people, by the people, and for the people’. Elected officials work for the people, not the other way around. Yes, there are a lot of laws and rules in America. But Americans do not want to depend on government. That is what makes America work. This ‘working to win’ spirit is the American way.

(Adapted from The World of English)

 Task 1

Read the text and decide which of the paragraphs (1–5) is best characterised by the summaries (A–F). There is one extra summary. Write your answers in the table below.

0      A  The country proud of its people’s commitment
1      B  The country with a past
2      C  The country of well-educated people
3      D  The country of famous people, places and events
4      E  The country of hard-working people of all ages and professions
5      F   The country of democracy and success

Task 2

Read the text again and decide if the statements (1–5) are true, false or not stated. One example (0) has been done for you. Tick your answers in the table below.

0 ‘America the Beautiful’ is a popular myth which doesn’t truly reflect the reality of living in America.
1 99% of the American population is dissatisfied with their lives.
2 According to the text, the economic success in America is difficult to explain.
3 The high employment rate in America results from the pressure to do one’s best.
4 ‘Spaghetti westerns’ are about America but they don’t tell us much about real American people.
5 Most of the principles organising American life have been introduced by government.  


Lexical-grammar test           Total: 70

I. 1 and 2 If 3 suddenly 4 as soon as 5 so 6 such 7 neither 8 either 9 to 10 due to [10 marks]

II. 1 bag / 2 sheep / 3 race / 4 bonnet / 5 water / 6 wall (6)

III. 1 unpopular 2 inhuman 3 incredible 4 irregular 5 unkind 6       inaccurate 7 impolite 8 incompetent 9 illogical 10 impractical [10 marks]

IV. 1 be 2 blow 3 found 4 came 5 drop 6 fixed 7 get 8 Hang 9 stood 10 write [10 marks]

V1 put off; / 2 take over; / 3 find out; / 4 make … up; /   5 go over/through; / 6 get … across; / 7 give away; / 8 bring

VI. 1 mixture   2 creative   3 preparation 4 original  5 surprised 6 disgusting 7 thoroughly  8  sweetly 9 anxiously 10 appreciation  11 grown  12 mixer   13 containers    14 safet


1. I wish I hadn’t told my parents about our wedding plans;

2. If you had studied hard/harder, you wouldn’t have failed your entrance exams;

3. She/He asked me if I had done anything so stupid before;

4. She might not want to apologise for her unacceptable behaviour the other day;

5. Sue is going to get her plants watered while she is away;

6.  When I was a student I used to get up at 10 a.m.


1.  support

2. close

3. blame

 4. polite

5. pleased

6. relationship

Reading Test

Task 1: 1 D; / 2 A; / 3 E; / 4 B; / 5 F; / extra summary: C

Task 2: 1 not stated; / 2 F; / 3 T; / 4 F; / 5 F

Listen to the conversation and choose the right sentence. Listen again and correct any mistakes.
a) Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time and the plane took off on time.
b)    Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time but the flight was delayed.
c)    Allan was at Heathrow Airport on time, but he had some problems getting through customs and had to wait for the next flight.
a) Allan forgot his suitcase somewhere in the airport in Moscow.
b)    Allan was late because it took him two hours to collect his luggage from the baggage reclaim.
c)    Allan took someone else’s suitcase and had to go back to the airport.
a) The suitcases were confused because they were very much alike and didn’t have any labels.
b) The suitcases were confuscd despite the fact that they were different colours.
c) The suitcases were confused despite the fact that they had labels with their owners’ contact information.
a) Allan didn’t manage to find his suitcase because he didn’t know how to contact the person who had taken it.
b) Allan was lucky to get his suitcase back since the person who had taken it returned to the airport.
c) Allan returned to the airport and managed to find his suitcase at the baggage reclaim.
a) Allan had forgotten to label his suitcase before going to the airport.
b)    Allan said that he had never stuck any labels on his luggage and was not going to.
c)    Allan had never labelled his luggage before but promised to do it in the future.


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Тест. Английский язык, 10 класс

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Тест в формате ЕГЭ на словообразование. 14 предложений

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

She didn’t get the job because of her …………to use a computer. ABLE

Вопрос 2

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

It is well-known that exercise is …….to our health. BENEFIT

Вопрос 3

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Older children should be given the ………. of choice what they wear. FREE

Вопрос 4

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

We could play tennis this afternoon or …………we could go swimming. ALTERNATIVE

Вопрос 5

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

It’s important to ensure that you eat a …………diet. BALANCE

Вопрос 6

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

He is widely regarded as England’s most ………. footballer. SKILL

Вопрос 7

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Over the years ha had proved to be ………., so I let him borrow my car. TRUST

Вопрос 8

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

The ………. of the Earth’s resources is perhaps our most important challenge. CONSERVE

Вопрос 9

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

George Clooney became …………. after starring in the show E. R.     FAME

Вопрос 10

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Meryl Streep will always be remembered for her amazing ……….in The Iron Lady.      PERFORM

Вопрос 11

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Michael is completely ……….to his older brother, John.          DIFFER

Вопрос 12

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

The old computer system in our office has outlived its ………. USEFUL

Вопрос 13

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

Manchester United made a ……….in the last minute.      SUBSTITUTE

Вопрос 14

Complete the sentence with the word formed from the word in bold.

The secretary said she’ll stay until we can find a …………. for her.  REPLACE


What makes one person more intelligent than another? What

makes one person a genius, , and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and .

We know, however, that just being born with a good mind . In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental exercise is . Many child psychologists think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to . If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent. Parents should also be careful what they say to young children.

According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely . So it is probably better for parents to say very positive things to their children, such as “That was a very clever thing you did” or “You are such a smart child”.

like the brilliant Albert Einstein

the answers to them are still not clear

is not enough

particularly important for young children

grow up bright and intelligent

to keep doing silly and foolish things

Консультации по учебе, на самой крупной бирже
студенческих работ !

Ответы на Тесты по Английскому языку для всех курсов ПОЛИТЕХ (СПБСТУ) ИММИТ ИЭИТС ИСИ ИКНТ ИФНИТ ИПМЭИТ …

Наилучшим решением для поиска задачи является ввод 2-3 первых слов условия задачи !!!

Выберите один ответ:
b. adverb ...

Выберите один ответ:
b. adverb

Choose the suitable answer.
The engineers reported that it was too early to determine what might have caused the catastrophic
collapse of more than  ...

Choose the suitable answer.
The engineers reported that it was too early to determine what might have caused the catastrophic
collapse of more than 100 metres of the multi-span, cable-stayed suspension bridge thaw had been/was completed
just over 50 years before.

The assessment of load capacity requires the calculation of stresses and strains developed within a mechanical member.
Выберите один ответ:
Н ...

The assessment of load capacity requires the calculation of stresses and strains developed within a mechanical member.
Выберите один ответ:

According to the experts, Chinese might outrun English in many spheres and become a global language.
Выберите один ответ:
a. false
ео р. true
с. n ...

According to the experts, Chinese might outrun English in many spheres and become a global language.
Выберите один ответ:
a. false
ео р. true
с. not given

We dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we have"t booked a table yet. (to
Ответ: are going to have ...

We dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday, but we have»t booked a table yet. (to
Ответ: are going to have

Palaeontologists in New Mexico 1) _ have unearthed (unearth) the remains of at least on dinosaur from the
late Jurassic period. The palacontologists, ...

Palaeontologists in New Mexico 1) _ have unearthed (unearth) the remains of at least on dinosaur from the
late Jurassic period. The palacontologists, from Canada, 2) _ have been digging (dig) in a formerly
unexplored part of the Morrison Formation — a vast fossil bed — for the last eight months. Early last week one of the
group 3) found (find) а section of rock which 4) contained (contain) a number of bones from
one, or possibly more, large herbivorous dinosaurs. Since then, the group 5) Ваз been trying (ry) to
release the bones from the rock and piece then together. the palaeontologists believe that the bones may form a whole
dinosaur family. It is possible that the whole family 6) _ perished (perish) while trying to protect the young
from predators.
According to Bryce Larson, the group»s leader, the bones are from a large brachiosaurus. These animals 7)
existed, (exist) approximately 150 million years ago and are counted amongst the largest dinosaurs that ever
8) walked (walk) the Earth. Other brachiosaurus remains 9) have been found (find) in the
Morrison, but these latest bones are very large and may prove to come from the largest dinosaurs anyone 10)
has discovered (discover) to date.
For a long time, the Morrison Formation 11) Ваз been (be) one of the most productive fossil beds in the
world. Since the first bones 12) were found (find) there in 1877, it 13) has produced (produce)
tonnes of material. The Morrison, more than any other fossil bed, 14) I Ваз allowed (allow) us an insight into
the Jurassic period in North America. It seems that the latest find could reveal even more about the giants of the

On Sunday at 8 o"clock I my friend. (to meet)
Ответ: am meeting ...

On Sunday at 8 o»clock I my friend. (to meet)
Ответ: am meeting

By 6 o"clock the rain hadn"t stopped.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Дождь не перестал идти после 6 часов.
b. В 6 часов дождь не перестал идти.
с. Кбчаса ...

By 6 o»clock the rain hadn»t stopped.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Дождь не перестал идти после 6 часов.
b. В 6 часов дождь не перестал идти.
с. Кбчасам дождь не перестал идти.

I didn"t go to the party.”
She told me that she had not gone v tothe party. ...

I didn»t go to the party.”
She told me that she had not gone v tothe party.

Choose the correct option.
You"ll never get better if you don"t eat. You"ve touched your dinner!
Выберите один ответ:
а. hardly
b. hard ...

Choose the correct option.
You»ll never get better if you don»t eat. You»ve touched your dinner!
Выберите один ответ:
а. hardly
b. hard

Listen to the recording and put the topics covered in this extract into the
correct order.
0:00 / 0:00
и Distribution of precipitation over the Sta ...

Listen to the recording and put the topics covered in this extract into the
correct order.
0:00 / 0:00
и Distribution of precipitation over the State of California
2 The description of the water storage and distribution system
В The need to reduce water demand
и Water-related problems т farming regions of California
5 Legal approach to handling the problem of water distribution and storage
6 Future actions that must be taken to improve water management

Match the words with their meanings.
Money that is given to someone to thank them for doing something.
A group of criminals who work together;
Peop ...

Match the words with their meanings.
Money that is given to someone to thank them for doing something.
A group of criminals who work together;
People who try to find out about a crime or accident as part of their job;
A surprise attack on a bank or shop to steal things;
Money in the form of coins and notes;
People who see a crime or accident and can say what happened;

The main idea of paragraph С is
Выберите один ответ:
a. only our behavior can express our personality
р. our biological and social traits make us b ...

The main idea of paragraph С is
Выберите один ответ:
a. only our behavior can express our personality
р. our biological and social traits make us behave in specific ways
c. people act differently in similar situations

The continuous infinitive refers to the same time as that of the preceding verb and expresses an action in progress
or happening over a period of tim ...

The continuous infinitive refers to the same time as that of the preceding verb and expresses an action in progress
or happening over a period of time.
Выберите один ответ:

1. Trends can be _ traced back over the centuries.
2. Trends are a bit slower paced but represent something that occurs on a тисВ wider scale
than a ...

1. Trends can be _ traced back over the centuries.
2. Trends are a bit slower paced but represent something that occurs on a тисВ wider scale
than a fad.
3. The identified megatrends of today are an aging population, globalization,
increasing technological change , urbanization, prosperity, increased network speed,
and just the speed of everyday life.
4. They want an instant solution in the era of instant everything because they»re either not
interested in fashion and style or they don»t have time to think about it.
5. A fad is something that quickly gains т popularity.
6. Everyone working in the fashion industry needs _ to be aware of social and cultural
7. Fashion designers are _ often influenced by «high culture».
8. Celebrities are role models for many people, so fashion companies try to persuade them to
use their products.

Use the words in brackets to complete the abstract.
Scientists use both meteorological (meteorology) methods and historical records for
determinatio ...

Use the words in brackets to complete the abstract.
Scientists use both meteorological (meteorology) methods and historical records for
determination (determine) of the greatest amount of precipitation which is _ theoretically
(theory) possible within a region. The historical data consists of point precipitation amounts measured at rain gages
throughout the region being studied, or a region with very similar topographic characteristics. These rainfall data are
subsequently (subsequent) maximized through «moisture maximization» and other numerical methods.
Moisture maximization is a process in which the maximum possible atmospheric moisture for a region is applied to
rainfall data from a historic storm. This process increases the rainfall depths (deep), bringing them closer
to their potential maximum.

They hadn"t been staying at the hotel since May.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Они не жили в отеле весь май.
В. Они не жили в отеле с мая. ...

They hadn»t been staying at the hotel since May.
Выберите один ответ:
а. Они не жили в отеле весь май.
В. Они не жили в отеле с мая.

Match the expressions with their meanings.
work-life balance
time management
spend time
how much time you spend at wo ...

Match the expressions with their meanings.
work-life balance
time management
spend time
how much time you spend at work and home
the place in an office where a person works, especially with a computer
organizing your time effectively
taking up a lot of time
use or pass time doing a particular thing

Mammoth TBMs
Types of TBMs
The first tunneling phase
Ring building phase
Excavation phase
Various TBMs for London underground infrastructure ...

Mammoth TBMs
Types of TBMs
The first tunneling phase
Ring building phase
Excavation phase
Various TBMs for London underground infrastructure

Building load includes the weight of the structure and everything that is inside the structure, аз well as people
moving into and out of the building ...

Building load includes the weight of the structure and everything that is inside the structure, аз well as people
moving into and out of the building.
Выберите один ответ:

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  • Listen to the text and fill in the gaps with the word from the box
  • Listen to the text and complete the sentences by typing the word in the box
  • Listen to the text and choose the appropriate word
  • Listen to the talk and write the word in the sentences you hear
  • Loans are word for word