Listen to the recording and type in a word or a number


здесь ответ по аудио треку, прикрепите аудио


Ответы на вопрос


Filippo has been working with people who escaped from their countries for more than 30 years.

People left Syria, losing everything they had, to save their  lives

A doctor from Venezuela had to sell things to survive

thirty years

да правильно!

Новые вопросы

In the Listening as well as the Reading sections of the IELTS test, you will notice that several questions instruct you to write the answers in a specific format.


ONE WORD ONLY means your answer should only consist of a single word.

Question: How many fingers are there in one human hand?

Answer 1: five (one word answer) Correct

Answer 2: 5 (5 is a number, not a word) Incorrect

Answer 3: five fingers (two words) Incorrect

Answer 4: 5 fingers (one number and one word) Incorrect

ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER means that you can use a single word, a single number, or both as an answer.

Question: How many years make a decade?

Answer 1: ten (one word answer) Correct

Answer 2: 10 (one number) Correct

Answer 3: 10 years (one number and one word) Correct


NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS means you can write either one word or two words as an answer but not more than that.

Question: In which direction does the sun rise?

Answer 1: east (you cannot write more than two words, but less than two words is allowed) Correct

Answer 2: the east (two words) Correct

Answer 3: in the east (three words) Incorrect


NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER means your answer can have up to two words or just one number or both.

Question: When is Valentine’s Day celebrated?

Answer: 14th of February (“14” is one number, “of” and “February” are two words) Correct

Answer tips

You can write numbers in either Arabic numerals (1, 2, 10, 85) or in words (one, two, ten, eighty-five).

Contracted words like doesn’t, it’s, can’t, Dr (as in doctor), tel no (as in telephone number), X-mas, etc are not accepted as answers.

Hyphenated words like high-tech, brother-in-law, close-up, long-term, etc are considered to be a single word.

Listening test sample in this lesson is a short answer question. These come up
regularly in the exam and can appear in any section of the test. They
particularly common in Section 2 which will be a monologue set in an everyday social context, for example, a
welcome talk for new college students.

You must listen to the recording and write a
short answer in each blank space provided. Sometimes, more than one answer will
be required, for example,

What are the TWO major
concerns new students have regarding accommodation?

This lesson

  • Sample
  • Strategy
    & tips 
  • Vocabulary 
  • Practice
  • Answers

Here are two IELTS Listening
test sample questions to give you an idea of what to expect.

The first is
from a past test paper and the second has been created specifically to
teach you the strategy for answering this type of question and to illustrate some tips.

IELTS Listening Test Sample – Question 1

                               Source: Official
IELTS website

IELTS Listening Test Sample – Question 2

We’ll be
using this second example as our IELTS Listening test sample question
to practice the strategy and tips I’m about to show you.

Strategy & Tips

You will have a short time to prepare before the speakers begin talking. Use this time to familiarise yourself with the question and focus your mind on what you need to listen out for.

1) Read the instructions

Read the instructions
carefully, paying particular attention to how many words you are allowed to
write for the answer as this does vary.

The instructions for our
sample question state that you must,

each answer.

If you write more than three words, your answer will be marked incorrect even if the information
you give is correct.

do vary and the limit could be TWO WORDS
AND/OR A NUMBER or ONLY ONE WORD, so don’t get
caught out.

2) Answer order

The answers will come in the
same order in the recording as they are listed in the question so, for this question,
you will hear answer 1 first, then answer 2 and so on. This makes it easier
to pick out the answers than if they were in a random order.

3) Predict
the answers

Try to predict
what the answers might be. This will focus your mind on what to listen out for
in the recording.

you’ll be able to predict the actual word but mostly it’s one or more of these
things that you’ll be able to determine:

  • The type of information required,
    e.g. name, date, time, phone number, address, price.
  • The
    type of word required, e.g. noun, adjective, verb.

Any clues you can
get will help you to understand the audio and identify the information needed
for the answers.

Have a go at
predicting some of the answers in our short answer question. Then have a look
at my predictions below.

Here are the questions:

There aren’t enough clues in the questions in this instance to guess any of the words but we can make these predictions:


 –  a time

2 to 5 –  a noun (& adjective?)

4) Synonyms and paraphrasing

Synonyms and paraphrasing
will be used extensively in the recording. So, you will not only be listening
for the exact words that are used in the questions but also, different words and
phrases that have the same meaning.

In your preparation time,
scan the questions and underline key words that are likely to be replaced by
synonyms or paraphrased. Then, quickly think of words that might be used

I’ve underlined some
important key words in our practice question. Can you think of some synonyms
for them or ways the information might be paraphrased?

  • What time does
    the farm park open?
  • Which TWO attractions are most
    with visitors?
  • Name TWO improvements that are planned for the venue next season.

We’ll look at the synonyms and paraphrasing that have actually been used when we review the answers.

5) Problematic vocabulary

There are 6 types of vocabulary that can cause particular
problems for students and some of them are regularly used in short answer
questions. The 6 types are:

  • Time
  • Numbers
  • Prices
  • Dates
  • Letters
  • Addresses

You must be able to recognise them in speech and to write them correctly in your answers.

I’ve written a whole lesson on this topic, including 8 listening exercises to help you recognise & learn these types of vocabulary. Follow this link to the lesson: Vocabulary Lesson & Exercises

6) Watch out for distractors

The examiners may try and catch you out with distractors. A distractor is a word or a phrase that changes or corrects the original piece of information given. So, you may be given an answer and then have it taken away again.

Here are some sample sentences containing distractors. I’ve highlighted the relevant words.

  • For
    most of the year, we are open from 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. but now
    that the dark days of December have arrived, we welcome visitors from 10
    a.m. and close at 4 o’clock.
  • The
    birds of prey have long been our favourite display with visitors. However,
    this year the sheep dog trials have proved even more popular.
  • Entrance
    price was £6.50 per person until May 1st when it increased by
    20p to £6.70.

The use of ‘but’ and ‘however’ are particularly common distractors but there are many different words and phrases that can be used to change or correct a piece of information so be alert for them.

7) Guess if necessary

My final tip is to never
leave a blank space on the answer sheet. If you miss an answer, take an
educated guess. This gives you at least some chance of getting it right. Don’t
stress about a missed answer or it will affect your ability to answer the next
set of questions. Just make your choice and move on.

Practice Activity

It’s now time
for you to practice using this strategy on our sample question. Here it is

IELTS Listening Test Sample Question

Listen to this
recording and identify the missing words. Refer back to the
strategy as you need to and keep the predictions in mind. 
you’re listening, remind yourself that you are not looking for the exact words
as in the question but the same meaning.

When you’ve
completed the practice activity, go through the answers below. 

IELTS Listening Test Sample Recording – Short Answer


Here are the
correct answers. 
The words in brackets are correct but optional.


1    9.30

2    (new) boating lake

3    (miniature) steam train

4    (trout) fishing lake

5    (outdoor) trampolines

We’ll now look at them
in context and 
examine the language that has
been used, especially synonyms and paraphrasing.

Answer 1:  9.30

Here’s the question followed by the sentence of the recording the answer appears in:


What time does the farm park open?


Be at the gates at 9.30 when Farmer Tom unlocks, and you can be the first visitors inside.

Synonym used:

open   à    unlocks

This is a typical example of how information will be paraphrased in the recording. The same information is expressed in two very different ways in the questions and the audio text.

Answers 2 & 3:  (new)
boating lake & (miniature)
steam train

Here’s the question
followed by the sentence of the recording the two answers appear in:


Which TWO attractions are most
with visitors?


favourite feature for the past five years, our pet area has been
knocked off pole position this year by a new
boating lake
and the miniature
steam train

Synonyms used:

attractions   à   feature

popular   à   favourite

Did you spot the
phrase that acts as a distractor?

knocked off pole position

The speaker
states that the pet area has been the favourite feature for the past five years
but then says that this situation has changed. It’s very easy to get caught out
by sentences like this so listen very carefully.

Answers 4 & 5: (trout) fishing lake
& (outdoor) trampolines

Here’s the question
followed by the section of the recording the two answers appear in:


Name TWO improvements that are planned
for the venue next season.


love it that many of our guests come back time and time again and we’re always
working to develop the park for the future. Over this winter,
we’ll be digging and stocking a trout
fishing lake
. You can bring your own rod or hire one on-site. We also intended
to install a bouncy castle until a visitor survey revealed that outdoor trampolines would be far
more popular so we’re going to give you what you’ve asked for.

Synonyms & paraphrasing used:

improvements   à   develop

planned   à   intended

next season   à   over the winter

The second
sentence also contains a distractor –

The other
clue that ‘bouncy castle’ is not the second answer is the use of the past tense –
‘intended’. They had planned to install a bouncy castle but the
situation changed.

That’s all the answers done. I hope you found working
through this IELTS Listening test sample question helpful. Now practice using
this strategy with short answer questions from past papers. It’s only with
practice that your skills will improve and you’ll get the score you need in
your test.

You’ll find lessons on how
to answer other types of Listening questions in the menu below.

Want to watch & listen to this lesson? 

Click on this video.

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IELTS Listening  All Lessons

Listening Test
 – Understand the format &
question types. Know what skills are assessed. Also, discover 3 important
marking tips.

Listening Strategies – Learn 3 essential
listening strategies – question analysis, answer prediction & how
to use keyword clues.

Listening Skills – Learn the 4 key listening skills needed for a high score highly. Examples from real questions.

Listening Exercises – 8 listening exercises to help you recognise &
learn vocabulary for 6 common topics – time, numbers, prices, dates, letter
names & addresses.

The 10 Question Types – Examples of all 10 types
of L
istening questions. Learn how to recognise & understand them. Links to 10 step-by-step

Listening Tips
– Top 10 tips to bring you success in your Listening test. Essential
information you need to know to achieve a high score.

How to Improve Your Listening Skills – 6 simple strategies essential
for achieving a high score in the test.

Listening Practice – 4 practice techniques
to develop your listening skills

Map & Plan Vocabulary
Learn the
vocabulary you need for your test. 5 maps & plans with sample sentences
containing common vocabulary of location & direction.

Listening Practice Samples – Short activities to improve your listening skills & help you learn topic vocabulary.

   Genuine Full Practice Tests:

  • Practice Test 1
  • Practice Test 2

All these lessons include IELTS Listening test sample questions for you to learn from.

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Ielts listening practice test 33Let’s start:- #0106 Latest Listening Practice Test for IELTS Ielts listening practice test 33


Questions 1-3

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.


Name:                                Brad Simmons

Telephone number:     (1)…………

Email address:     

Membership type:        (2)…………

Payment amount:         £36.50


Date and time:               Saturday (3)………… November at 2.30 p.m.

Questions 4-7

Complete the diagram below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Questions 8-10

Complete the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

(8)  Name two times that Brad will visit the gym …………

(9)  What convinced Brad to choose Smith’s gym ? …………

(10)  What does Brad want to achieve at the gym ? …………


Questions 11-16

Choose the correct letter A , B or C.

(11)  The self-access centre

 A    is always available.

 B    is generally quiet.

 C    gets busy during exams.

(12)  The Internet PCs

 A    should be used for no more than half an hour.

 B    must not be used to access Facebook.

 C    are generally used to study English.

(13)  Usernames and passwords

 A    are created by the teachers.

 B    are issued during induction.

 C    are created by students.

(14)  The help desk

 A    is staffed by technicians.

 B    offers language support.

 C    is only open when two members of staff are available.

(15)  Photocopying of reference books

 A    is not allowed.

 B    is done by teachers.

 C    has a small cost.

(16)  The high-spec PCs

 A    can be used to browse the Internet.

 B    are available for word processing.

 C    may need a CD-ROM.

Questions 17-20

Complete the sentences below.


(17)  Students can purchase a set of ……….. from the help desk.

(18)  The graded readers can be borrowed for a maximum of …………. .

(19)  The centre opens at 8.30 and closes at ………… Monday to Friday.

(20)  On occasion the room is ………… by a teacher and might not be available.


Questions 21-23

Complete the table below.


Overview of Benchmark Consulting!

Founded by James Cox First office in Melbourne Established new (21)…………
Fred Montgomery Opened the Perth office Increased revenue to (22)…………
Sold to TFB Group Ltd for $10 million Created new (23)………… in Sydney Contract with Australian government

Questions 24-26

In which city A-C are the company’s functions in 24-26 located ?


 B    Perth

 C    Melbourne

(24)  Marketing             ……….

(25)  Staff training        ……….

(26)  Administration    ……….

Questions 27-30

Complete the summary below.

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Benchmark Consulting – company vision for the future!

Over the next five years, Benchmark Consulting will create two (27)………… companies in order to increase business with European and Asian organizations. In all departments, more (28)………… will be recruited over the next year, and to ensure Benchmark Consulting is a good choice for potential employees, salaries for staff will be raised by (29)………… Staff who will have to move to a different city following the restructure will be receive a (30)………… package to assist with expenses.


Questions 31-33

Choose the correct letter A , B or C.

(31)  According to the text, shared space

 A    is very popular in the Netherlands.

 B    reduces the number of cars in an area.

 C    improves the dynamic between drivers and pedestrians.

(32)  Shared space design results in

 A    fewer road signs.

 B    stronger boundaries between pedestrians and motorists.

 C    increased local employment.

(33)  Supporters of shared space argue that it

 A    leads to new business opening,

 B    makes people happier to shop in the area.

 C    encourages wildlife.

Questions 34-37

Match the groups A-D with their concerns about shared space 34-37.

 A    Motorists

 B    Blind people

 C    Cyclists 

 D    Supporters of shared space

(34)  Insufficient experience amongst planners    ……….

(35)  A lack of important signage                                 ……….

(36)  Intimidation by motorists                                    ……….

(37)  The loss of familiar street furniture                 ……….

Questions 38-39

Choose TWO letters A-D.

People will be able to answer the questions 

    on the Internet.

 B    at the local library.

 C    at the proposed site.

 D    at home.

(40)  Questions must be designed so that they

 A    do not reflect the views of the campaign group.

 B    do not require an understanding of shared

 C    are easy to answer.

ANSWERS (Ielts listening practice test 33)

  1. 0498355521
  2. Silver
  3. 11 / 11th
  4. Club lane
  5. School groups
  6. Free swimming
  7. Toddlers pool
  8. Evenings , Sunday
  9. The television advert
  10. Reach optimum fitness
  11. C
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. B
  16. C
  17. Headphones
  18. 14 days / 2 weeks
  19. 5.30
  20. Booked / reserved
  21. Consultancy system
  22. $5 million / 5000000
  23. Headquarters
  24. C
  25. B
  26. A
  27. Subsidiary
  28. Employees
  29. 10%
  30. Relocation
  31. C
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. C
  37. B
  38. A* (* IN ANY ORDER)
  39. C*
  40. A

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Er. Nachhattar Singh ( CEO, blogger, youtuber, Motivational speaker)


Today, IELTS Game will talk about the Listening section of IELTS and the skills you need to do well in this part of the test and how to improve listening skills.

The Listening part is the same in both Academic and General Training modules. It includes 4 different recordings and 40 questions.

The main trick about this part is that you can hear the recording only once.

It means that you have to catch all the information at once while you’re listening.

If you don’t want to miss any important information, you need to be able to listen, read and write at the same time during this part of the test.

So I want to give you some tips that will help you to do this.

Read before listening

There is always some time to read the questions before you hear the recording.

Make use of this time wisely! Read all the questions and try to find and mark the key words.

They will help you to focus on the information you need to hear in the recording, and you won’t need to reread the whole question while listening.

But don’t expect that you hear the same words that you marked.

In the recording, you can hear the synonyms of these words or words of a different part of speech.

Let’s look at the example:

IELTS Listening sample

IELTS Listening sample

So, I underlined take photos so that I listen to this information without reading the whole question again.

I marked 40-minute ride to listen for some kind of transportation.

Also, I underlined walk in the farm’sto look for information about some place by the lake.

And the key word extra cost will help me to find the information about some activity on the farm.

How many words and numbers do you need to write?

In the types of questions where you have to finish sentences, fill in the gaps or write something, there is always a little prompt about how many words you have to write.

Don’t skip this part and always pay attention to it.

The examiners may ask you:

  • Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
  • Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
  • Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Again, this information will help you to focus on listening to one, two or three words or numbers.

Where do I need to write?

You have an answer sheet for Listening and Reading parts of the exam.

But you don’t have to write on the answer sheet at once.

You will have extra 10 minutes at the end of the Listening part to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

So when you listen, write all your answers on the question paper.

You are allowed to make any notes there during the exam, so make use of this opportunity.

When do I need to write?

Some people prefer to listen to the recording first, and then write their answers.

It’s not the best tactics! You won’t have enough time to answer all the questions after listening to the recording.

They usually give about 30 seconds after playing the recording so that you could check your answers.

So use this time for checking, not answering. It’s better to do all the tasks while you’re listening.

Pay attention to spelling

Spelling is always evaluated in the IELTS test.

So if you misspell the word, your answer will be considered wrong and you will lose points.

Revise the main spelling rules before the exam, and you will be able to avoid such silly mistakes.

Tips to Improve Listening Skills

To sum it up, I can say that it is possible to read, listen and write at the same time during the IELTS Listening test.

Just follow the simple rules:

  • Read the questions before listening;

  • Underline the key words;

  • Focus on the key words while listening;

  • Write your answers at once on the question paper;

  • Check your answers when the recording stops.

Don’t forget about practice. You must listen a lot before the exam to get used to different types of pronunciation and the flow of English speech.

Also, do as many practice exercises as you can to get familiar with different question types.

Good luck!

Это соч по английскому 3 четверть мне нужны ответы (ПЛИЗ )


Task. Listen to the recording twice and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER.CD3. Tapescript 3.OR
Go to this link to listen information.

Example: 0. Was she happy in her marriage? No, she was not.

1. What did J.K. Rowling study at university?
2. What was her life when she was married?
3. What town did J.K. Rowling prepare the first Harry Potter book?
4. How many publishers did she offer her book to?
5. What was the name of the publisher’s daughter?
6. How many books were written later?

Total [6]

Task. Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Have you ever been to a hurricane? Hurricanes are serious weather storms. They can do a lot of damage. But what is a hurricane? Another name for a hurricane is a tropical cyclone. A hurricane consists of thunderstorms, torrential rains, and waves with winds up to 75 mph or higher. A hurricane is a tropical storm that starts out in the ocean and gathers speed and strength as it travels.
When the winds inside these storms reach 39 mph, they are given names. An international committee developed the list of names. Hurricanes alternate back and forth between male and female names. Giving the hurricanes names makes it easier for meteorologists to identify and track certain storms. This makes it easier to announce hurricane warnings, as well.
The best place to be during a hurricane is indoors and away from windows and doors. If the hurricane is very bad, you will probably be asked to evacuate and move to safer ground. It is important to keep a bag ready that contains fresh water, long-lasting food, first aid kit, flashlight, rain gear, and other items that would be useful if you had to leave your home for a few days.

Part 1. Choose the correct answer.
Example: 0. According to the author the waves to form a hurricane should be..
A) less than 75 mph
B) less than 39 mph
C) up to 75 mph or higher
D) up to 39 mph

Last Updated: Tuesday, 14 July 2020 23:20
Written by IELTS Mentor
Hits: 112143

Listening Audio:

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 6

Section 1:

Question 1-7
Complete the form below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer.

IELTS Listening Sample 6 image 1

Question 8-10
Label the diagram/plan below. Write the correct letter, A–G, next to questions 8–10.

IELTS Listening Sample 6

 8. traffic lights …………………..
 9. petrol station …………………..
 10. blue van …………………..

Section 2:

Question 11-14
Complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

11. Dormouse numbers have fallen ………………….. as well as in the UK.
12. Dormice are about as heavy as two …………………..
13. You are most likely to have seen a dormouse in a …………………..
14. In the UK, dormice probably live in hedges and woods, and next to …………………..

Question 15-17
Label the identification sheet below.
Write the correct letter A–E next to questions 5–8.

15. opened by woodmice …………………..
16. opened by voles ………………….
17. opened by dormice ………………….

IELTS Listening Sample 6 image 2

Question 18-20
Complete the summary below, using NO MORE THAN ONE WORD in each space.

If you find nuts opened by dormice 18 ……………….. where you found them. Put them into some kind of 19 ……………….. and 20 ……………….. them (name and address).  Post them to Action for Wildlife.

Section 3:

Question 21-26
Which company website has the following features?

A  Hills Cycles website
B  Wheels Unlimited website
C  both websites

Write the correct letter, A, B, or C next to questions 21–26.

21. bicycle catalogue  ………………..
22. price list  ………………..
23. bicycle accessories  ………………..
24. company history  ………………..
25. online ordering  ………………..
26. moving graphics  ……………….. 

Question 27-30
Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

27. According to the tutor, the basic criterion for evaluating the websites should relate to
    A. appearance.
    B. ease of use.
    C target customers.

28. On the subject of timing, the tutor says
    A. the students’ plan is appropriate.
    B. the students’ presentation will be too long.
    C. the students can extend the presentation if necessary.

29. Sarah and Jack will share the work by
    A. speaking in short turns.
    B. doing half the presentation each.
    C. managing different aspects.

30. The tutor advises Sarah and Jack not to
    A. talk too much.
    B. show complicated lists.
    C. use a lot of visuals.

Section 4

Question 31-37
Answer the questions below.

31. Which elephants stay together all their life?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

32. What are elephant family groups known as?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

33. When scientists tracked groups of elephants, which feature of behaviour did they notice?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

34. Which sense do elephants probably use to communicate over long distances?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

35. What did American scientists do with a recording of elephant calls?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

36. What did the elephants in the experiment rush to find?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

37. What were scientists unable to do with the recording they had made?
Answer) …………………………………………………………………………….

Question 38-40
What does the lecturer say about each type of elephant call?
Choose your answers from the box, and write the letters A–H next to questions 38–40.

A.  cannot be heard by humans at all
B.  is usually accompanied by a leg movement
C.  begins and ends at the same pitch
D.  is usually accompanied by a nod of the head
E.  continuously increases in pitch
F.  is repeated over a long period
G.  continually fluctuates in volume

38. Greeting ………………..
39. Contact call ………………..
40. Summons to move on ………………..

Tapescripts of IELTS Listening Sample 6

Answer: (Click the button to Show/ Hide Answers)

Listening test has a set of 40 questions which you have to answer in 30 minutes. The recording has 4 sections. the recording will be played once and it will never be played again.


Questions 1-4

Answer the questions below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Which documents could Sam use as proof of her name?

Example               passport

1 …………………………….

2 …………………………….

Which could she use as proof of her address?

council tax bill

3 …………………………….

phone bill (fixed line)

4 …………………………….

Questions 5-7

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer. 

Name of bank?                                     Savings Bank

Open which days?                               Monday-Friday

Opening hours?                                    5 …………………………….

Where?                                                   6 …………………………….

Free gift?                                                7 …………………………….

Questions 8-10

Match the places in Questions 8-10 to the appropriate letters A-H on the map.

8 Royal Bank                          ________

9 Northern Bank.                  ________

10 National Bank.                 ________

IELTS Listening Practice Test 38


Questions 11-14

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Preparing for the interview
What to do How to do it
Step 1:Prepare things to take. Gather all documents, e.g. copies of resume.Choose 11………………… e.g. designs, drawings, written work.
Step 2:Get more information. Check you have pen and paper.Ask firm for a 12………………………

See profiles at Chamber of Commerce, library.

Step 3: Focus on you and the job. Contact 13………………….. of this or related firms.Compare yourself with what is required.

Imagine likely questions and your answers.

Decide how to make up for any 14…………….. you lack

Questions 15-20

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

At the interview

Arrive no more than 15…………………………….before the time of the interview.

After you hear the question, you can 16…………………………….before you reply.

You can 17…………………………….if you don’t understand what they’re asking you.

Wait for them to offer you the job before you say what 18……………………………. you want.

Learning from the experience will make you more 19…………………………….in future interviews.

Pay attention to your 20…………………………….- it shows you have a positive attitude.


Questions 21-24

Complete the summary below by writing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS in the spaces provided.

To many employers, academic success and personal development as a result of being at 21…………………………….can be as important as course content, so choose 22…………………………….modules that you may do well in. You should, however, think more carefully about your choice if your course is 23 …………………………….. In this case the course normally includes all the modules necessary for professional training, but if you are in any doubt check with your academic department or the 24…………………………….at the university.

Questions 25-29

Write the appropriate letters A-C against questions 25-29.

Which modules have the following features?

                A Applied Chemical Engineering

                B Fluid Mechanics

                C Chemical Engineering: Science 1

25      developing computer skills                              …………

26      exemption from part of a module                  …………

27      assessment by formal examination               …………

28      developing speaking and writing skills        …………

29      learning through problem-solving               ………….

Question 30

30 Which chart shows the percentage of private study time on the Spanish 1A module?

IELTS Listening Practice Test 38


Questions 31-33

Label the diagram. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

IELTS Listening Practice Test 38

Questions 34-36

Choose from letters A-C and write them on your answer sheet.

34 The crater at Acraman is

  A     nowadays entirely covered by sea water.

  B     one of the most beautiful on Karth.

  C      less spectacular than others in Australia.

35 Williams realised what had happened at Acraman when he

A       saw pictures of the area taken from above.

B       visited Acraman for the first time in 1980.

C      noticed a picture of the crater in a textbook.

36 Where was rock from Acraman found?

A       Only in the Flinders mountains.

B       At several placcs over 300 km from Acraman.

C       At a place 500 km from Acraman, but nowhere else.

Questions 37-40

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

37     What made the sea water shake?…………………………….

38    What threw the pebbles into the air?…………………………….

39    What was mixed with silt to form a layer of rock?…………….

40   What shaped the ripples on top of the rock?…………………….

Answer & Explanation

  1. driving license
  2. benefit book
  3. insurance certificate
  4. electricity bill
  5. 9.30 – 3.30
  6. ground floor
  7. no/ nothing
  8. F
  9. A
  10. C
  11. work samples
  12. job description
  13. employees
  14. experience or skills
  15. ten minutes
  16. take your time
  17. ask for clarification
  18. salary
  19. confident
  20. appearance
  21. university
  22. interesting
  23. vocational
  24. careers service
  25. A
  26. C
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. C
  31. 90,000/ ninety thousand
  32. 4 km/ four kilometres
  33. 40 km/ forty kilometres
  34. C
  35. A
  36. B
  37. (the) earthquake / shock waves
  38. (the) explosion
  39. sand
  40. (the) (huge) waves

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