Listen for each dialogue choose a word from 4 to describe the food

 Only heat-resistant ceramic and glass dishes should be used for oven baking/roasting. ……….

 A homemade chunky and succulent beefburger, filled with mozzarella cheese and served with a side salad and baked potato. ……….

3   Wash the carrots and slice. Set to one side. Boil the potatoes for six minutes or until slightly soft to the touch. ……….

4   Open seven days a week. Ideal for wedding receptions, birthday parties and other special occasions. ……….

5   Large plates, dishes and bowls should be loaded into the bottom rack (1). Glasses should be placed upside down on the top rack (2). Cutlery should be placed in the cutlery container (3). ……….

6   Are you fed up with trying to lose weight and failing? Doreen Brown asks top nutritionists how we can lose that fat, and not put it back on again. ……….

7   Make a note of all the things you have to do before your guests arrive (laying the table, getting changed, etc) and when you have to do them. If you’re planning to cook the meal yourself (rather than having catering), make sure you choose a menu you know well. Do not experiment with new dishes on this kind of occasion! ……….

8   Whites and delicate items should be washed separately. ……….

9   I ask you all to raise your glasses so we can drink to my wonderful great-grandfather, ninety-seven years young today! ……….

10   Vegetarian and Vegan Products. ……….

Dialogue 1 takes place during a meal.

Dialogue 2 takes place before a meal.

Dialogue 3 takes place after a meal.



Waiter   Is everything OK for you?

Man   Yes, it’s fine, thanks. This chicken curry is delicious!

Wa   Good. Can I get you anything else?

M   No, I’m fine, thanks. Oh, there is one thing …

Wa   Sir?

M   Can I have some water, please?

Wa   Yes, of course, sir. One moment.

M   Thank you!

Wa   No problem.


Waiter   Good evening.

Man   Can we have a table for two, please?

Wa   Certainly, sir. Follow me.

M   Thank you.

Wa   This is your table.

Woman   Thanks. It’s perfect!

Wa   Would you like to order some drinks?

M   Yes, please.

Wa   What would you like? Or would you like to see the drinks menu?

Wo   I’d like to see the menu, please.

Wa   Certainly. One moment.


Woman   Excuse me?

Waiter   Yes, madam. How can I help you?

Wo   Can we have the bill, please?

Wa   Certainly. One moment.

 What a nice restaurant.

Wo   Yes, I want to come here again. Ah, here’s the bill.

 £89. That isn’t too bad.

Wo   Excuse me. Does it include service?

Wa   No, it doesn’t.

 We have to leave a tip. The waiters are very friendly here!

Wo   I agree. Let’s pay a hundred.


Choose a word from the table above to describe how you feel in these situations and write it in blanks. More than one word is possible.
Задание рисунок 1
How do you feel when you…

• have an argument with your best friend?

• don’t have any friends?

• play with your pet?

• are out of luck?

• are in trouble at school?

• break a mirror?

• win a prize?

• have a pet and it dies?

• are in luck?

• aren’t allowed to go out in the evening?

• aren’t allowed to play computer games?

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием 7 класс Биболетова. SECTION 1. Looking at teenage problems. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Выберите слово из приведенной выше таблицы, чтобы описать, что вы чувствуете в этих ситуациях, и напишите его в пропусках. Возможно более одного слова.
Как вы себя чувствуете, когда …
• ругаетесь с лучшим другом?
• не имеете друзей?
• играете со своим питомцем?
• не повезло?
• у вас проблемы в школе?
• разбиваете зеркало?
• выигрываете приз?
• имеете домашнее животное, и оно умирает?
• повезло?
• не разрешают выходить на улицу вечером?
• не разрешено играть в компьютерные игры?


I feel uncomfortable when I have an argument with my best friend.

I feel lonely when I don’t have any friends.

I feel happy when I play with my pet.

I feel sad when I am out of luck.

I feel frightened when I am in trouble at school.

I feel unlucky when I break a mirror.

I feel sure when I win a prize.

I feel upset when I have a pet and it dies.

I feel happy when I am in luck.

I feel fed up when I am not allowed to go out in the evening.

I feel angry when I’m not allowed to play computer games.

Перевод ответа
Я чувствую себя некомфортно, когда ссорюсь с лучшим другом.
Я чувствую себя одиноким, когда у меня нет друзей.
Я чувствую себя счастливым, когда играю со своим питомцем.
Мне грустно, когда мне не повезло.
Я боюсь, когда у меня проблемы в школе.
Я чувствую себя неудачником, когда я разбиваю зеркало.
Я чувствую себя уверенным, когда выигрываю приз.
Я расстраиваюсь, когда у меня умирает питомец.
Я чувствую себя счастливым, когда мне везет.
Я сыт по горло, когда мне не разрешают выходить на улицу по вечерам.
Я злюсь, когда мне не разрешают играть в компьютерные игры.




















types of vegetable — beans, ………

types of meat — ……….………

types of drink — ………..………….

dairy products (made from milk) — …………..

you use these for drinking — …………….

they work in a restaurant — ……………

types of dessert — …………….

types of fruit — ……………

6. Work in groups. Read the text quickly and find the foods in exercise 1. How many other foods can you find?


by Connie Odone.

It’s kind of silly to talk about the moment when pizza was
“invented”. It gradually evolved over the years, but one thing’s
for certain – it’s been round for a very long time. The idea of
using pieces of flat, round bread as plates came from the Greeks.
They called them “plakuntos” and ate them with various simple
toppings such as oil, garlic, onions and herbs. The Romans enjoyed
eating something similar and called it “picea”. By about 1000
A.D. in the city of Naples, “picea” had become “pizza” and
people were experimenting with more toppings: cheese, ham and finally
the tomato, brought to Italy from Mexico and Peru in the sixteenth
century. Naples became the pizza capital of the world. In 1889, King
Umberto I and Queen Margherita heard about pizza and asked to try it.
They invited pizza maker, Raffaele Esposito, to make it for them. He
decided to make the pizza like the Italian flag, so he used red
tomatoes, white mozzarella cheese, and green basil leaves. The Queen
loved it and the new pizza was named “Pizza Margherita” in her

migrated to America with the Italians at the end of the nineteenth
century. The first pizzeria in the United States was opened in 1905
at Spring Street, New York City, by Gennaro Lombardi. But the
popularity of pizza really exploded when American soldiers returned
from Italy after World War II and raved about “that great Italian
dish”. Americans are now the greatest producers of pizza in the


Americans eat 350 slices of pizza per second.

There are about 61,269 pizzerias in the United States.

October is national pizza month in the United States.

The world’s first pizzeria, the Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba, which
opened in Naples in 1830, is still there.

In America, pepperoni is the favourite topping.

In Brazil, they like green peas on their pizza.

In Australia the favourites are shrimps and pineapple.

The English love tuna and sweetcorn.

7. Read the text again and answer the questions.

What year was pizza invented?

Which came first, picea
How are they different from pizza?

Why are Mexico and Peru important in the development of pizza?

What do the Italian flag and a Pizza Margherita have in common?

When and how did pizza become really popular in the United States?

What do you think?

Which facts in the text do you find most interesting ? Why ?

Why do different countries prefer such different toppings?

Do you like pizza? What are your favourite toppings?


Complete these sentences about food in Britain. Compare your ideas.

A typical breakfast is _______________

The main meal of the day is__________

  1. Dinner
    is usually eaten between _______ and

  2. A
    lot of office workers have_____ for lunch.

  3. The
    national dish is

  4. The
    national drink is_____________________

  5. People
    eat _______
    every day.

  6. __________and
    Indian restaurants are very popular.

Now write sentences about your country.

Look through the words in the box and do the following tasks:

Write the following words in the correct list.

Which of these ways of preparing and cooking food can you use with
the different food on the first list.

cheese, cucumber, cut, fry, grill, lemon, milk, chop, peel,
onions, bake, omelette, roast, grate, stew, potatoes, mushrooms,
fish, slice, bread, mix, stir

/ drink

of preparing food / drink

Read this extract from a website about bananas. Tick the dishes you
would like to try.

to do with a banana.

like bananas. I respect bananas. I find bananas interesting. But I
don’t love bananas. My wife loves bananas and she eats them every
day. So do I, but eating a fresh banana every day has become a bit
boring. That’s why I have collected 104 recipes for bananas. Here
are some ways you can eat bananas.


peel them, cut them in half and fry them in butter;

boil them in milk with sugar and coconut;

grill them with brown sugar on top;

mix them with rice for a Cuban dish;

bake them in the oven in their skin;

fry them in batter to make banana fritters;

slice them in half and add vanilla ice cream to make a banana- split;

chop them and eat them raw in fresh fruit salads.

Read the list of dishes again and note down words which describe
different ways of preparing food ( peel, ….)

different ways of cooking food (boil, …..)

one word meaning not

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Exam Skills for Russia
Speaking and Listening
Учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку: Говорение. Аудирование.
Malcolm Mann Steve Taylore - Knowles
Series Adviser: Elena Klekovkina
Macmillan Education
Between Towns Road, Oxford 0X4 3PP
A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited
Companies and representatives throughout the world
Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening ISBN 960-6620-54-9
Macmflian Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening Teachers Guide
ISBN 960-6620-55-7
Text and design © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2006
First published in 2006
All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers.
Original design by Marc Theriault at Polyplano
Additional design by Anna Ba latsa
Cover designed by Eleni Fine
The publishers would like to thank Elena Klekovkina, ELT Consultant and Series Adviser, G.A. Kornikova, K.S. Makhmuryan and F.Y. Amineva.
Thanks also to Alexei Karavaev at Monolith Records.
Images kindly supplied by Alamy, Corbis, Empics, Getty,, Rex Features, superstock,Visual Hellas.
Commissioned photography byjosephina Svania p62 (b), 122, 142.
Although we have tried to trace and contact copyright holders before publication, in some cases this has not been possible. If contacted, we will be pleased to rectify any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity.
Printed and bound in China
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Введение -
Дорогие друзья!
Oci овпая цель учебного пособия «Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening' состоит в iom. чтобы помочь нам научиться понимать звучащую речь и свободно говори1Ь па английском языке в реальных сипаниях общения.
При восприятии речи па слух oi того, каклто цель мы перед собой снизим, завнезп насколько полно и точно нам надо попя ть услышанные высказывания. Кшда вы слышите объявление в asponopiy. вы образна* io внимание только на необходимую для ваг информацию. Козда кто-то рассказывает вам о юм. как пропел отпуск. вам достаточно попять общее содержание расска.за и отношение говорящего к описываемым событиям.
Изучающему иностранный язык необходимо развивать различные умения и навыки для выполнения разных видов заданий ио аудированию. Именно эти спецпахьпые умения вы и сможете усовершенствовать с помощью учебных заданий, koiорые мы предлагаем вам в пособие Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening
Для дос) зжеппя гой или иной коммуникативной задачи - когда нам надо выра.шзь собсзвенное мнение, внес!и предложение, выразить согласие или несогласие и I. д. — мы используем различные речевые образцы. Пособие «Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening» поможет вам овладеть закозо рода речевыми образцами, сформировав ь умения и навыки, необходимые не только для сдачи экзаменов. по и дуя свободного общения на английском языке.
Мы надеемся, что работа с нашим учебным пособием дос гавн! вам удовольствие. поможет вам успешно сдать выпускные экзамены и в совершенстве овладеть иное [рапным языком.
Malcolm Mann	Steve lavloie Knowles
Уважаемые коллеги!
Дли овладения иностранным языком в соогвезсгвии с уровнями, определяемыми в документах Совета Европы как В1 и В2 (что counsel* гвуез повышенному и высокому 1 зовпям ЕГЭ), у учащихся необходимо сформировать цс уый ряд ключевых умений в области аудирования и говорения.
Основная задача шх'обия Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening» состоит в том. чтобы помочь им развип. яти умения и научпзься применять их на практике, что позволит успешно справиться с выполнением экзаменационных заданий по английскому языку в ра [делах «Аудирование» и «Извореппс» уровней В1 и В2.
Учебное пособие Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening» coi iohi из двух час. i ей и включает в себя 30 тематически организованных уроков. Основной задачей первой части пособия «Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and Listening» является повторение пройденного в основной школе материала. Уроки 1 — 14 первой части пособия включают в себя упражнения, направленные на развитие основных умений аудирования н говорения. Рубрика «Wordperfect -> поможет хорошо усвоить дос ваз очный объем лексических единиц. требуемый для общения в пределах изучаемой земапзки.
Каждый урок второй части (уроки 15 - 30) содержит более сложные но сравнению с материалом первых четырнадцати уроков упражнения, направленные на совершен*!вовапис умения понимать иноязычную речь па слух и свободно общаться на английском языке в реальных ситуациях. Уроки второй части пособия также помогу। повторно, лексический н грамматический материал, необходимый для восприятия утизой речи на слух п успешного общения с носителями языка (рубрики «Wordperfect», «Grammar focus >). В каждом уроке удсляезся внимание [заботе над ieMai ической лексикой («Wordperfect») и грамматическими ci рук ту рами («Grammar focus»).
Мы надеемся, что материал учебного пособия поможет вашим ученикам 1П1дго|ови п.ся и успешно сдать выпускные и всзунитслызыс экзамены по английскому языку.
Уснехов Вам!
С паилучшимн пожеланиями
Malcolm Mann	Steye layIoic-Кпоууles
	Topic	Speaking focus	Listening focus
1	Mysteries	expressing attitude and opinion	listening for gist
2	The Law	giving personal information	listening for specific information
3	Fame	agreeing and disagreeing	anticipating and predicting
4	The Universe	speculating	note taking and blank filling
5	People	comparing and contrasting	understanding attitude and purpose
6	Entertainment	giving information	listening for gist
7	Advice	suggesting and recommending	note taking and blank filling
8	Humour	comparing and contrasting	listening for specific information
9	Sport	expressing opinions, giving reasons and examples	identifying roles and relationships
10	The Natural World	pronunciation	identifying location
11	Communication	asking questions	listening for specific information
12	Work	discourse management	listening for gist
13	Hobdays	agreeing and disagreeing	anticipating and predicting
14	Success	comparing and contrasting	understanding attitude and purpose
Pa	Topic	Skills focus	Grammar focus	Page
	5 Films 6 Occupations	gist giving personal information	implied subjects formal/informal	62 68
1	7 Education	identifying roles, relationships and location	question tag intonation	74
1	1 8 Leisure	expressing attitude and opinion	one/any	80
1	Г" 9 Feelings	understanding attitude and purpose	infinitives of purpose	86
2 2	10 Travel	comparing and contrasting	inversions with ‘so’	92
3	11 Food and Drink Г"	 !2 The Media	anticipating and predicting agreeing and disagreeing	quite prepositions with ‘agree’	98 104
3	13 The Weather	note-taking and blank-filling	elision in connected speech	110
	14 The Environment	speculating	deduction/obligation with ‘must*	116
4	।	 15 Techno logy	specific information	verb/noun distinction	122
	16 Health and Fitness	discourse management	where/which + preposition	128
5	*7 Transport	deducing meaning	complete/ incomplete action	134
5	18 Fashion	pronunciation	transferred negative	140
5	19 Crime	understanding intonation and stress IO Shopping	suggesting and recommending Speaking skills development Listening skills development Speaking guide Listening guide		verb/noun stress what if/suppose	146 152 158 164 166 167
1 Mysteries
Speaking Warm-up
Match the words with the correct pictures. Explain what each of them is.
1 a yeti 2 a UFO
3 the Loch Ness monster
4 a fairy
5 a ghost
6 a vampire
Match each word with the correct definition.
1	creature:	a	very surprising
2	unexplained:	b	a strange, frightening animal
3	amazing:	c	strange, odd
4	vanish:	d	something which cannot be explained
5	mystery:	e	mysterious
6	alien:	f	a living thing from another planet
7	monster;	g	disappear suddenly
8	weird:	h	animal, living being
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how expressing attitude and opinion
l я выражения отрицательного oiношения к чему-либо носиiели языка, как правило, чио греб яня вводные фразы: I don't Ihink/Mirve...
х I think-tho! g/nnis don’t wist.
J I don't think that ghosts exist.
Look at what these people say. Decide which Warm-up they are talking about.
1 I ДопФ think thAt these things exist. Some people s<ny they live At the bottom of gw<Aens ov in wec<As апД сап До rnAgic. I Дои'Ь believe thAt they've тел!, though.
I like твлД'шд About cve<ntuves like this. I’ve seen photos of them апД I believe they exist. i imAgine thAt they Ave sky апД live in со!Д, remote places so people Доп'Ь see them vevy often.
people W '^feel	fe°f'
Look at the phrases we can use to express opinions. Underline any of these phrases you can find in Exercise A.
think / don’t think (that)... imagine (that)... feel (that)... believe / don’t believe (that)...	... there are many unexplained mysteries.
like / don't like ... enjoy / don’t enjoy ...	... vampire films. ... reading about mysteries.
believe in / don’t believe in...	... ghosts.
Use some of the phrases above to answer these questions.
	Do you believe in ghosts?
	What do you think of UFOs?
	What’s your opinion of vampires?
	Do you think the Loch Ness monster exists?
Practise your speaking skills
There is going to be an article about mysteries in your school magazine. Discuss (ад which of these articles you would like to read. Explain why.
J! • »	 f'-.H **•	• ч*’'
Amazing unexplained photographs
Strange objects in the night sky
Imagine you are a reporter for your school magazine. Interview each other in pairs. Here are the reporters questions.
1 What strange mysteries do you think are interesting?
2 Are there any mysteries you don’t believe in?
1 What do you think about mysterious creatures, like the yeti and the Loch Ness monster?
□ Tell the class what you learned about your partner's opinions.
Speaking Skills/ Unit J
Listening Warm-up
Match each statement with the correct picture.
	Nobody knows how they were built or why:
	It was found at sea and all the sailors had disappeared:
	Nobody knows where this underwater city was:
Develop your listening skills
Listening know-how LISTENING FOR GIST
При пр<к .вшивании rcKt i.i не с<1<ред<н очлвап ic внимание па незнакомых словах. Вы всегда сможгчг иопян. основное содержание icKcta. дал г если не знаете значения каждою слеша в 01 lexi.iioi in.
Listen to four short dialogues. For each dialogue, choose which picture, a, b or c, shows what the people are talking about.
Listen again and choose the correct answer.
Dialogue 1
The boy...
A is surprised to hear about the photographs.
В doesn’t believe what the girl says.
C thinks that hunting yetis is wrong.
Dialogue 2
Amy is going to...
A read more about The Lost City of Atlantis.
В meet Jackie for a coffee later in the evening.
C see The Lost City of Atlantis with her other friends.
Dialogue 3
The girl doesn’t...
A understand the boy’s explanation.
В have any idea how these things were built.
C think there's anything mysterious about the buildings.
Dialogue 4
When the Marie Celeste was discovered ...
A the food had mysteriously disappeared В the crew had left unfinished meals.
C the people were dying of starvation.
Practise your listening skills
Listen to the dialogue and circle True or False.
1	Simon hasn’t heard of the Bermuda Triangle before.	T	/	F
2	The Bermuda Triangle is a group of islands.	T	/	F
3	The mystery is that ships and planes disappear there.	T	/	F
4	Nobody has any idea what causes the mystery.	T	/	F
5	Luke thinks aliens might be the cause.	T	/	F
6	The mysterious events don’t happen now.	T	/	F
Listen to three other people talking about the Bermuda Triangle. Complete the statements using the words or phrases from the box. You will not use all the words and phrases.
	the local people
	the American army
	tropical storms
	human error
	gas produced by the sea
	electrical problems
1 Speaker 1’s explanation is
2 Speaker 2’s explanation is
3 Speaker 3 s explanation is
As a class, discuss these questions. Give reasons for your opinions.
1 What do you think of these explanations for the Bermuda Triangle?
2 Do you know of any other similar mysteries?
кциллц ewdv
Wdplcenl iMeenf'Uev-

pvoAuceA by Vine seen
Skills/ Unit I
2 The Law
Speaking Warm-up
Match the people with the correct pictures. Explain what each of them does.
1 police officer	3 shoplifter	5 judge
2 burglar	4 bank robber
Do the crossword.
1 If the police you of committing a crime, they think you did it.
4	Several years in prison is a typical for burglary.
5	A person who commits a crime is a
6	If you admit that you committed a crime, you
2	A person who steals things is a
3	A person who sees a crime is a
4	A person who is in prison is a
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how giving personal information
Homhiiic. 'по для устной английской речи xapaiiiepno  тип ребхсннс сокращении (it’s, he's, cic.) Tm Russian'. звучиj более естсч ibciijio, чем 'lam Russian.'.
□ Write a word in each gap to complete the phrases.
Talking about ourselves
1	My	s Helen /	Sergei / Stella.
2	I’m 12 / 21		
3	I live Sydney.	Moscow	t / Brighton /
4	I'm Sydney.	Moscow /	' Brighton /
5	There are 3 / 5 / 6 family.		us in my
6	Igo school.	primary /	' secondary
7	My mum / doctor.	' dad	an actor / a
8 My mum / dad works an actor/ a doctor.
9 My mum / dad works an office / a hospital.
10 I	playing computer games/
watching TV.
11 I leave school / grow up, I’m go to university.
Listen to a prisoner talking about himself and check your answers to Exercise A.
Practise your speaking skills
Imagine you are a judge. Complete this information card. Use your imagination!
a Name:
b Age:
c Place of birth:
d Number of people in family:
e OccupatiomjtuA^e
f Hobbies:
g Future plans (when you retire):
Write a word in each gap to complete the questions. Then match each question with a letter from the information card in Exercise C.
I What do you like in your spare time?
2 How people are there in your family?
3 What you do?
4 How are you?
5 What do you want to when you retire?
6 Where are you ?
7 What’s name?
Г' ч
In pairs, role-play this situation.
Student A: You are a journalist interviewing a judge. Use the questions in Exercise D to help you.
Student B: You are the judge. Answer the journalist’s questions. Use your notes in Exercise C and some of the phrases from Exercise A to help you.
When you have finished, swap roles.
Speaking Skills/ Unit 2
Listening Warm-up
Look at the picture for one minute, then close your book. What can you remember about the picture? In pairs, try to describe it in as much detail as possible.
Develop your listening skills
Listening know-how
Biiiim.i гелию прочитай re задание перед прослпинваппсм текст. Постарайтесь поняп». k.ikk> информацию вам ii;kiio выбра i i> из зтч.шцю t скега. Э10 поможет нам определить, что из звучащего текста будет наиболее важным для отета.
Listen to three people who witnessed a crime similar to the one in the picture above. Match each speaker with the person they are describing.
Speaker 1:	Speaker 2:	Speaker 3:
In pairs, discuss your answers. Do you agree? What did you hear each witness say?
Listen to the witnesses giving more information and carry out the tasks below. Be careful! The speakers are in a different order this time.
Speaker 1 Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1 The witness phoned the police / her mother.
2 She says the man's hair was short and brown / black.
3 She says the man was wearing an earring / a gold chain
4 She says he was wearing jeans and a black blue shirt.
5 The thief managed / didn’t manage to escape with the TV.
Speaker 2 Write a word or a number to complete the sentences.
1	The witness had just been to the
2	She was going to the
3	She didn’t see the man break the
4	She thinks the man was about years old.
5	She says the man had an earring in his
Speaker 3 Write a word or short phrase to answer each question.
1 Where was the witness?	3 What was the thief 's hair like?
2 What colour was the thief’s shirt?	4 How old does the witness think the thief was?
As a class, compare your answers. Then listen again and check your answers.
Practise your listening skills
Listen to a police officer describing the crime. Write a word, number or short phrase in each gap to complete the police report.
Crime reported by: -Seline ГлулпН
Time: (1)
Day: TkiwsA^y
Date: (2)
Location of crime: (3)	Street, in Town centre
Crime: Нле-ft o£ television Тгсчл J^spev & Sons, (4)	suppliers
Found at crime scene: broken television (5)	metres fvot* shop
Description of thief: (6)	, witk Длгк ke<w, weaving je<ws
Thief was finally caught while: (7)
Place where thief was caught: HenAiscn's, 1ссл1 (8)
Total number of crimes the man confessed to: (9)
Name of criminal: ДДплп Fiskev
Age: (10)
A* a dass. discuss these questions. <
or 1лелгД enbout” лчу cviwes щ youv vecewl-ly?
Иле cviwCmonls Ъеен conu^M-
Listen/ ng Skills/ Unit 2
3 Fame
Speaking Warm-up
How can people become famous? Think of as many ways as you can. being л mewibev o-₽ л pop group
Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1	Eminem is a very known / welt-known rap star.
2	Most people think that being a film star is very glamorous / expensive.
3	I love staying in luxurious / valuable hotels.
4	Katherine is the most popular / famous girl in our school. She has lots of friends.
5	I think many pop stars are good role models / examples for young people.
6	I hope to be a best-selling / sold-out author one day.
7	Jane can act, sing and dance very well. She’s really talented / able.
8	I’ve been a fan / an idol of The Beatles for as long as I can remember.
Develop your speaking skills
В английском языке слчнесгвуин различные формы выражения согласия и mi несогласия. Воспользуйтесь ими. чтобы сделать свою речь более яркой. Избегайте повторения фраз I agree zviih you. I don't agree with you и i disagree with you.
Choose the correct words to complete the phrases.
Agreeing and <
1	I agree / am agreeing with you.
2	Yes, you 're / you’ve right.
3	That’s true / actual.
4	I see / look what you mean.
5	I’m afraid / frightened I don't agree with you.
6	I totally / finally disagree.
Listen to two friends having a discussion. Check your answers to Exercise A and decide which of these people the speakers mention.
Continue the dialogue by using words and phrases from the box.
• exactly • can see • right • really think so
Alex: What would you like to be famous for?
Sue* Oh, I don’t know. It would be great to be famous as a singer.
Alex: Do you (1)	? That just means that you’ve got a good voice.
I'd rather be well-known for a great scientific discovery.
Sue: I (2)	your point. That way, everyone would know how
intelligent you are. But being a pop star is so glamorous!
Alex: I suppose you’re {3)	in a way. Pop stars drive big cars and have
luxurious houses. But they can’t do ordinary things, like going to the supermarket.
Sue: (4)	I Who wants to do ordinary things? I want to do amazing
things, like winning an Oscar!
Alex: It would be nice to win an Oscar. I don’t think it’ll happen, though.
Sue: Well, I'm glad we agree on one thing, at least!
Practise your speaking skills
Complete this questionnaire about your opinions.
Fame survey
Doyon agree with thesestatements? Tick the correct box.
Agree up to a point
Everybody wants to be famous.
Famous people have an easy life.
You have to be good-looking to be famous.
Famous people are more intelligent than others.
You can be famous without being rich. People change when they become famous.
In pairs, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the statements. Explain why. Use the phrases from Exercises A and C to help you.
Speaking Skills/ Unit 3
Listening Warm-up
Look at the photograph and answer the questions.
•	Do you recognize this woman?
•	Do you think she is rich and famous?
Develop your listening skills
Разнив.iii ir vmciihc процюзпрова 11> < о ъсржапнс после дующей реплики собесе шика. .-)ю  Менне вам очень поможем дя понимания речи н<>(И1слсн языка.
You are going to listen to a talk about a well-known writer. Underline which of the following words and phrases you expect to hear.
best-selling author	• disappointing
story	• readers
• embarrassed
• entertaining
• make a fortune
• characters
Listen to the first part of the talk. Then try to predict what the speaker is going to talk about next.
In the next part, the speaker is probably going to talk about...
A what life at Harry Potters school is like.
В some of the characters in the Harry Potter stories.
C the early life of J.K. Rowling.
Listen to the second part of the talk. As you listen, check your answer to Exercise B. Then try to predict what the speaker is going to talk about next. In the next part, the speaker is probably going to talk about...
A Rowlings first success with Harry Potter.
В what Rowlings life is like now.
C what Rowling was like as a teenager.
Listen to the third part of the talk. As you listen, check your answer to Exercise C. Then try to predict what the speaker is going to talk about next.
In the next part, the speaker is probably going to talk about...
A what Rowlings life is like now.
В how much Rowling enjoyed lessons at school.
C what happens in the latest Harry Potter book.
Listen to the final part of the talk. As you listen, check your answer to Exercise D.
Listen to the whole talk again. Write a word or short phrase to complete these statements. 1
Adults and children like the stories and
2 Chipping Sodbury is a town near
J When she was nine, J.K. Rowlings family moved
4 Rowling enjoyed English and	at school.
5 At university, she studied
6 After working as a	, she went to teach English in Portugal.
7 Nowadays, Rowling lives	with her husband and children.
Practise your listening skills
You are going to listen to four people talking about famous people they admire. Before you listen, complete the table using the key words and phrases from the box.
program	act
space shuttle	PC
politics	space
President film
prison government rocket
cinema software
This speaker is talking about...		What key words and phrases do you expect to hear?
Speaker 1	Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft	computer,
Speaker 2	Nelson Mandela, South African politician	
Speaker 3	John Glenn. American astronaut	
Speaker 4	Brad Pitt, Hollywood actor	
Listen and check your answers to Exercise G. How many words and phrases did you predict correctly?
Listen again and circle True or False.
1	Bill Gates started a company that made computers.
2	Nelson Mandela became president after being in prison.
J John Glenn went back into space when he was 67.
4 Brad Pitt became interested in films when he moved to California.
T / F T / F T / F
T / F
In pairs, describe a famous person you admire and explain why. Your partner must guess who he/she is.
s t e n i n g Skills/ Unit 3
i t
The Universe
Speaking Warm-up
Look at the picture of the solar system and discuss these questions as a class.
1 How many planets are there in the solar system?
2 Which planet do we live on?
1 Which thing in the picture is a star?
Use the clues and the anagrams to find the words.
1	an alien spaceship F О U
2	the distance light can travel in a year HTLI G/REYA
3	a thousand million N О L I В I L
4	someone who travels into space UNOCSMAOT
5	an object that goes round a planet LASTLEIET
6	a piece of rock flying through space T A S D E R I О
7	what the answer to number 6 becomes when it enters the Earths atmosphere ROTEEM
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how speculating
В aiirviiii ком языке модальные глаголы п<‘нользмо| ся для выражения вероя i шк ги. же ла гельнос i и. необходимости. предположи гельнос! и н |.д. выполнения xeiieiBioi. выраженного знаменательным глаголом. Не laowBaiiie. чю после модальных глаголов мт । р< бляе н я инфннн I пв без 'кинщы to*
* I'lte Sun mttil is ivey littl!
v' I'hf Suu nitisl be iv-гт hoi!
Look at the photo. What do you think it is?
Listen to ten people talking about the photo. For each person, decide whether they are expressing certainty about their opinion {C), or suggesting a possibility about the picture (P).
7 С / P
8 С / P
5 С / P
6 C / P
3 C / P
4 С / P
1 C / P
2 С / P
9 С / P
10 C / P
Listen again. Circle the word each speaker uses.
1 must / might
2 say / tell
1 can / could
4 maybe / may
5 sure / certa n
6 absolutely / definitely
7 might / must
8 may / maybe
9 probably / probable
10 can / can’t
Complete the phrases we can use to express certainty, uncertainty and possibility. Some words can be used more than once.
probably	must
tell	could
maybe	can't
might	may
sure	perhaps
ЯМШД- I ИИ1ЛШ111.1.1—1!!.!.!.^Ш1
It	be...	It’s difficult to	It	be
It	be...	I’m not really	Its	...
Its	...	It	be...		it’s...
I’m	...	It	be...		it’s...
In pairs, talk about the photo in Exercise A. Use the phrases in Exercise D to express certainty, uncertainty and possibility.
Practise your speaking skills
□ Look at the pictures. As a class, discuss what you think life is like for astronauts and cosmonauts on (a) a space station, and (b) the Moon. Use the phrases we use to express certainty, uncertainty and possibility, and the words in the box.
exciting boring cold
difficult	fun	unpleasant
different	strange	lonely
dangerous	interesting	challenging
Speaking Skills/ Unit 4
Listening Warm-up
Discuss these questions as a class. Make a guess if you are not sure of the answer.
1	Whafs the name of the galaxy that the 5 When did a human walk on the Moon for Solar System is in?	the first time?
A	The Milky Way	A	1949
В	The White Way	В	1959
C	The Lunar Way	C	1969
2	Who was the first human to go into space?
A	Neil Armstrong
В	Yuri Gagarin
C Buzz Aldrin
Develop your listening skills
При xiHo.Mieinrii протеков в ickcic чсчкослсдуiite пнеrpvкцням. viiiiimm в u,uiiiiii.
I к’ынорыс oiiiciы можно записи i ь в виде цифр, oi н'льных < ов или сxoBoco'U'iaiinii.
Listen to some facts about the universe. For each fact, write a word, short phrase or number to complete each note.
5 number of moons Pluto has:
year first man-made satellite left Earth:
first person to travel into space:
6 number of moons Saturn has:
name of the Earth s natural satellite:
speed of Sun moving through space:
year a human first walked on the Moon:
length of time for Milky Way to revolve:
Look at these sentences. In pairs, discuss whether you will probably need to write a word, phrase or number in each gap. Note down any answers you think you can remember from Exercise A.
I SpuWik I heck	wVinid-es
he Er^vel once vounA Нле Е^Нл.
2	TVe -Pivsk кцилелц f-ve^velle<A inhc 5р«ясе in
3	IV is enboiAh	kilouAehves
tnweny -Pvcm Vke Eenvhk.
4	He -PivSh wenV Vkeve in
S' PIiaVo лпД	tnve sivnilenv
because Hws.
6 5л+"1ауп is Vke only	wihk
РкелР vnenny.
7 Evevyhking in Vke is waving ent- Vhis spee<A.
& TVe Soltnv ’SyshenA is p«vh o-P « tavgev
Listen again and complete your answers to Exercise B.
In pairs, check your answers to Exercises A and B. Did you write exactly the same things?
Practise your listening skills
You are going to listen to a radio programme about the universe. Look at the notes. In pairs, discuss possible answers.
Name of programme: (1)	Truth.
Guest: Jan Davis, (2)	Professor.
Middleton University.
Number of solar systems in universe:
Solar system: one star, plus planets, comets and (4)
Gravity is a/an (5)	between two objects.
The Milky Way revolves in a large (6)
There are (7)	stars in the Milky
The distance across the Milky Way is 100.000 (8)
Now listen to the radio programme. Write a word, short phrase or number in each gap to complete the notes in Exercise E.
As a class, discuss these statements. Give reasons for your opinions.
BeiH^ ли <9sEyov^iaE is
dAvivev or piloE.
1н Е1ле -PiAkiAve, IE's vevy юирогЕлчЕ
Iaiawwams will live он loEs -Pov ^oveYHvneHEs Eo spen^A идоиеу он sphere
: $ t e n I n g Skills
Unit 4
Speaking Warm-up
C' &
Describe the people in the photographs.
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how comparing and contrasting
Выполняя ia ramie на ( равнение, определиic. чю являемся общим п чю различным в сравниваемых пред'кмах пли изображениях. (aia'ia а слсдсеi останови i ыя па
Do the crossword.
Your We
If someone is If someone is
1 5
with someone is the connection between you. about people when we talk about them and their lives. , they are not very good-looking.
, they make you feet unhappy or sad.
In pairs, use the words in the box to describe the two men in the picture.
If someone is
, they make you a little angry.
younger thinner shorter
fatter happier older
Choose the correct word to complete the phrases.
Expressing contrast
1 Tim is tall, whereas / however Dan is short. J
2 Dan is fat but / otherwise Tim is thin.
Dan has long hair whatever / while Tim's hair is short.
Dan looks happy. However / Wherever, Tim looks unhappy.
Complete the sentences using words from the box.
both • also • too • so
1	Tim likes playing basketball and does Dan.
2	Tim and Dan	like playing
3	Tim likes playing basketball and Dan tikes basketball.
4	Tim likes basketball and Dan does
Practise your speaking skills
Look at these two pictures of different families and make a note of any similarities.
• Vwc ckiLAren in
Make a note of any differences between the two families
boy is ol^ev t-kew 31И in Д but- younger 1ч В
In pairs, compare and contrast the two pictures using the notes above to help you. Try to talk for one minute each.
Speaking Skills/ Unit 5
и n
i t
Listening Warm-up
Why might someone make a phone call? Try to think of as many reasons as you can.
Vo iwlsk someone *Нлрру ВзсНлДлу*
Develop your listening skills
Listening know-how
Слушая запись, < rapaiiiciь нс н>лъко попяiь основной смысл высказывания, но и слоишь ишопацию, с какой нроизшишся фраза. Пн гопации говорящею в большой пепсин выражакн его оiношение к нредмеч разговора.
Listen to a girl, Katy, talking about people she knows and choose the correct word.
1 Katy says that Sam is friendly / funny / surprising.
2 Katy says that her twin brother is annoying / depressing / unkind.
3 Katy says that Mrs Wilkins is popular / strict / hard-working
4 Katy says that Terry is intelligent / shy / kind.
Listen to these messages that people have left on Katy’s mobile phone. Decide why each person is calling.
1 Speaker 1 is calling to... A suggest a film.
В cancel a plan. C ask for advice.
3 Speaker 3 is calling to ...
A remind Katy about something.
В change an arrangement.
C cancel a lesson.
2 Speaker 2 is calling to...
A accuse Katy of something.
В ask Katy to do something.
C apologize to Katy.
4 Speaker 4 is calling to ...
A ask Katy to do something.
В give Katy some advice.
C thank Katy for doing something.
Listen again and complete the notes.
1	Sam dislikes
2	Tony dislikes people
3	Mrs Wilkins dislikes
4	Terry dislikes
Practise your listening skills
Listen to this conversation between two friends, Jack and Zoe. They are talking about a personality test. Write J next to the answers Jack chooses and Z next to the answers Zoe chooses.
I What do you look for in a friend? Do you like people who
A tell jokes?
В give advice?
C gossip a lot?
3 Which of these adjectives describes your best friend?
A hard-working
В attractive
C intelligent
2 Which of these do you dislike?
A people being late
В people borrowing money
C people telling lies
4 Which of these do you hate the most?
A people who take life seriously
В people who worry
C people who argue
Listen again and circle True or False.
1	Zoe got the article from one of her teachers
2	Zoe thinks that boys prefer friends who are funny.
J Jack says he is usually on time.
4	Jack and his best friend are both in the same class.
5	Jack says people who worry are unusual.
6	Zoe thinks that arguing can be positive.
T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F T / F
Read these questions and, in pairs, discuss your answers.
Which of these is most important to you? A friends who like the same things as you В friends who make you laugh C friends who listen when you have a problem
Which of these do you find annoying?
A people who talk too much
В people who take things too seriously
C people who forget things
Listening Skills/ Unit 5
6 Entertainment
Speaking Warm-up
What do you like doing in your free time?
Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.
I We went on some great rides / drives at the funfair!
2	Tammy gained / won first prize in the singing competition.
3	Thanks for the party. It was great fun / funny!
4	The play was so fun / funny - I couldn’t stop laughing!
5	We had to wait up / queue up for half an hour to get tickets for the show.
4	High Six are going to say / perform their hit single live on TV tonight.
7	Are you going to request / invite Yuri to the party?
8	My younger brother buys a comic / cartoon from the local newsagents every Friday.
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how GIVING INFORMATION
В vcmnii речи.отвечая на вопросы. bmccio полных разверну i ых прс^ложснни используй i с краткие опкчы. I la при мер. на вопрос Hmi' long have 'i»ii bicn playing the piano? bo we ecieci веппо о i веши. lln about tlnve years. чем I hair b/<n playing I hr piano pn about I hire yea is.
Look at these questions and answers. Each of the answers contains a mistake. Correct the mistake.
a What do you like doing on Saturdays?
b What did you do last weekend? c
I like get- up l<nt-e лп<А $речЛ‘нд t-he <Алу uiit-h my -Pvien<As.
1 going to Нле cinema t-o see t-ke new Spike Jones movie. It- imois gre^t-!
How long have you been doing tae kwon-do?
five ye<nvs. I'm quite goo^ лк it not», лскилйу.
d What are you going to buy? e When are you meeting Denise f What would your perfect and Dave?	Saturday be like?
*) buy ел vicvj t-op елпД $оиле shoes.	vie илееНпд елЬ кел1-Р p<?ist six.	I will Де-Pinii-ely spenA it-
lwit-h илу PVienAs!
Listen to six teenagers answering questions about free-time activities. Match each person with a question from Exercise A.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:	Speaker 3:
Speaker 4:	Speaker 5:	Speaker 6:
Listen again and circle the answer to each question.
Speaker 1: Does he say I'm definitely or I am definitely?
Speaker 2: Is her first word Oh or I?
Speaker 3: Does his first sentence tell us what he did. or how much he enjoyed it?
Speaker 4: Does she just answer the question, or does she also give extra information?
Speaker 5: Does he say 'We'd generally just have fun, really.’ or ‘Generally just have fun, really.’
Speaker 6: Does she just answer the question or does she also give extra information?
Read the statements and circle True or False.
When you are answering a spoken question ...
1	you can use contractions [I’m, I'd, etc).	T	/	F
2	you must always speak in full sentences.	T	/	F
3	you should keep your answers as short as possible. T	/	F
4	you can start with words like ‘Well’ and ‘Oh’.	T	/	F
Practise your speaking skills
Make notes to answer these questions about you.
и)клЬ До you like «Aoing in youv -Pvee Ниле?
-«ve you go? елцу hobbies?
<ALA you <Ao lensb weekend?
vjkmt-vjou1«A you* pevfecH weekenA be like?
you going t-o «Ao next- weekenA?
Vo you келуе
ел lot- o-P -Cvee Ht*e? 7
Do you pve-Pev going out- ov sHnying in?
In pairs, ask and answer the questions in Exercise E. Use your notes, and the information in Exercise D. to help you.
^peaking Skills/ Unit 6
U n
i t
Listening Warm-up
Look at the photo and discuss these questions.
	Have you ever been to a theme park or funfair?
	If you have, what was it like?
•	If you haven’t, would you like to?
	What sort of things can you do at a place like this?
Develop your listening skills
Listening know-how LISTENING FOR GIST
С.лмпая ickci, < lapaiiiei i, выделить ключевые слова u фразы. Именно они н<>м<нл i нам понять основное (одержание высказывания.
Match the activities with the correct pictures.
7 rollercoaster
2	ghost train
3	big wheel (or ferris wheel)
4	shooting range
5	flume ride
6	bumper cars (or dodgems)
For each picture, write down two or three key words someone might use when they are describing the activity.
b	d	f
Listen to Jill, a teenager, describing different rides at a theme park. Match each description with a picture from Exercise A.
Listen again and tick how Jill describes each ride. Be careful! You might need to tick more than one box.
	being afraic		going at high sp<_ ed	being surprised	being disappointed	being successful	making a noise
Practise your listening skills
You are going to listen to six young people talking about free-time activities. Before you listen, write down some key words you might you expect to hear for each option.
1 You hear a girl talking about what she and her friends did last night. What did they see?
A a play
В a pop group
C a film
2 You hear a boy talking about his plans. What is he going to do on Saturday?
A play computer games
В listen to music
C visit his grandparents
3 You hear a girl talking about her hobby. What does she probably collect?
A autographs
В postcards
C stamps
4 You hear a boy talking about reading. What does he like reading?
A comics
В newspapers
C adventure stories
5 You hear a young woman talking about what she does in her spare time. What does she do?
A sing
В dance
C write poetry
6 You overhear a boy talking on his mobile phone. Where is he going to meet his friends?
A in a cafe
В in the town centre
C outside the library
Now listen to the young people. You will hear each person twice. Choose the correct answer in Exercise E.
As a class, discuss these statements. Give reasons for your opinions.
people Aon't- До шлпу conshrud-ive or cve^Hve Hsings in Vkieiv -free Hme.
Young people Hsese A^ys АопЧ-h<ave enough -free Hvne.
лгепЧ- илпу enVeH-fninwenh f<nciliHes for young people in t-ke loonl we<*.
t e n i n g Skills/ Unit 6
7 Advice
Speaking Warm-up
When you have a problem, who do you turn to for advice? Explain why.
• your friends • your teacher • your parents • someone else
Complete the sentences using words or phrases from the box.
fed up	peer pressure	misunderstanding	bully
awful	confidential	adolescence
1	Your	can be a very confusing time.
2	I don’t know what the problem is, but I've been really	all week.
J Emma thought I’d said something bad about her but it was just a/an
4	If anyone tries to	you, just tell your teacher.
5	Don't tell anyone what I told you! It’s
6	Many young people start smoking because of
7	I had a/an	argument with my parents last night.
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how
Ik* vhoi ребляп ic выражение You must.... если вы предлагаете ч го-го < дела i ь пли даею совет. Модальный 1латол must применяется юлько в приказах и командах. Если вы Хоппе дать совет, порекомендован, или пред м>жнiь чго-io. ticno.i>.ivii гс фразы You should.... Yhy don't you...?. If I mr you. I'd..., eh .
Listen to three of Michelles friends giving her advice. Write the advice each of them gives.
Speaker 1:	Speaker 2:	Speaker 3:
As a class, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the advice.
Write a word or phrase in each gap to complete the phrases.

and recommend-bens
1 My advice	to speak to	4 You	tell the truth.
someone.		S How	getting a job?
2 Why 3 If 1	you ask your teacher? , 1 would simply ignore them.	6 What	working as a waitress?
Practise your speaking skills
Imagine your penfriend and family are coming to stay in your country. Complete the sentences. Explain the reasons for your advice.
If I were you, I wouldbring warm clothes because it can get very cold in the winter.
How about
In pairs, role-play a telephone call with your penfriend. One of you is the penfriend and one of you is giving advice. Follow these instructions to help you.
•	say hello and explain why you are calling (to ask for advice)
•	ask what clothes you should bring
•	ask when would be the best time to come
•	ask how you should get there
•	ask where you should stay
•	thank your friend for his/her help and say goodbye
•	say hello and offer to help
•	answer each of your penfriends questions, using your answers to Exercise E to help you.
•	say goodbye
e a к i n g Skills/ Unit 7
n i t
Listening Warm-up
What problems do teenagers face? As a class, try to think of as many as you can.
pvoblevAS with school work
Develop your listening skills
Если вам надо заполни! к протеки в прслм»жения, iioiiapanicu, до и рое 1 пл>наии>1 текста, прочшав -н и предложения. вредном>жи i ь. какие слова нрот щены. Эк» поможе! вам выполни i к задание. К кип же ваше предположение можег оказаться верным!
You are going to listen to some young people talking about their problems. Look at the gaps in the sentences and try to predict what the missing words or phrases could be.
1 Speaker 1 says that he feels
2 Speaker 2 says her	won't let her be herself.
3 Speaker 3 says he’s worried about his
4 Speaker 4 says she can’t trust her
Listen and write a word or short phrase to complete each sentence in Exercise A.
You are going to listen to one of the speakers again. Look at these notes and try to predict what the missing words or phrases could be.
Name: Lis<n B<nll
Age:	14
Interests: listening ta vnusic,
Dislikes: spo*+,
Friends. M'ww, «although Ekey Доп’Е meet vevy e-Pten because she goes
JoAie, but Lise* isn’t sure ske
Teacher's advice: become involved in
Listen and write a word or short phrase to complete the notes in Exercise C.
Practise your listening skills
You are going to listen to an extract from a radio programme. Before you listen, try to predict what words or short phrases might complete the gaps
Name of programme: (1)
Teenagers in the studio: Дпккону (EAinburgk), Млк
((2)	), Jessica (Ipswick)
First letter: vJviH-еч by Jcknz -Pvom vj<ales.
He $<ли? kis -PvienA	-Pvom
(3)	лчА Vkinks кклк	ре^клрх ke
skoulA (4)
Advice from studio: Spe<nk Vo ‘Szavzak because mznybe ske клА (S)	ho До wkcah ske AiA.
Second letter: vJviV+en by Penul, -Prom LonAcn. He urznnks some л A vice on buying (6)
Advice from studio: Don't- wowy t-oo muck. Look rounA some (7)	гппА be konesh лЬоик you^sel-P.
Third letter: Ulvihh-en by AAvi<anzn, -Prom "Гог^иалу. Ske Aoesn'V -Peel ske слп brush ke* best- -PvienA wihk kev (*)
Advice from studio: Нлке sure ib’s noh jush л
(5)	. Tell kev kow
listen and write a word or short phrase to complete the notes in Exercise E.
As a class, discuss these questions. Give reasons for your opinions.
vJoulA you like Vo lishen Vo л vcU'w ргедулилрче like VWs оче?
vJkcnV Ao you Vkink c-P Vke /aAvice Vkey g<ave Vke lisVe^evs?
Слч Veencxgevs give елск oVhev gooA zxAvice?
• » - e n I n g
Skills/ Unit 7
8 Humour
Speaking Warm-up
Who’s your favourite comedian or comedy actor? Why?
Write a word in each gap to complete the sentences.
The first letter of each word is given.
1	Do you want to hear a j	? Its really funny!
2	Friends is one of the most successful television s	ever.
1 Sandy is a stand-up c	.She tells jokes every night at a local nightclub.
4	Although the play was supposed to be a c	,1 didn't laugh once!
5	Costas has usually got a very good sense of h	, but he didn't find my joke
funny at all!
6	The final, funny line of a joke is called the p
7	The film was h	. I couldn’t stop laughing!
8	Some people use ‘LoL’ in text messages, chat rooms and e-mails to mean
'I	out loud’.
Develop your speaking skills
Выполняя задание на сравнение, используйic слово both.
J Thfy'rr both funny films.
J Both films air funny.
Both of I hr films are funny.
Listen to seven people describing different pairs of photographs. Decide if they are talking about similarities (S) or differences (D).
1S/D	3S/D	5S/D	7 S / D
2 S / D	4S/D	6S/D
Listen again and write the number of the speaker who uses each word or phrase.
One similarity is that _.	but	and ... too
A difference between them is that...	while
both	whereas
Write the words and phrases from Exercise В in the correct column to complete the table.
• also
Practise your speaking skills
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences
a:	This is a picture of...
b:	This is a picture of...
Make notes to complete the table.
Main similarities
Main differences
In pairs, take it in turns to compare and contrast the photos. Use the words and phrases in Exercise C, and your notes in Exercises D and E. Start like this:
t-ke -Pivst- pkchs is л picVuve e-P ... t	The $есочД is л
pieFure oP ...
peaking Skills/ Unit 8
Listening Warm-up
Match the halves to make jokes. Do you think they are funny?
What goes around a house but never moves?
What up aud d&uiu hut иео-е’г mcw&?
a A towel!	Ь AWa^ T J c
What gets wet the more it dries?
What can run but can't walk?
d The stairs!
Develop your listening skills
Если нам необходимо заполни i ь протеки и гск< re. прежде всего. проанализируй i с cipvKivps предложения. ?)то поможет нам определить, к какой час in речи относи гея иротщепное слово (с тес тигельное. глагол и I. д.).
Look at the jokes in Exercise B. Guess what the punchlines are.
Listen to these jokes. For each joke, write a word on the line to complete the punchline.
vJUeil" Lwm « ЬелД «нА « -Poet- ЪкР чо evrws?
A	1
Whai's ihe hardest thing about skydiving?
The	I
Which word do you break when you say it?
What has a Month hut never talks, and always runs hut never walks?
A	!
Who do people always take their hats off to?
What always falls without getting hurt?
What gets bigger and bigger the more you take away from it?
A	!
What does Tarzan sing at Christmas?
Wkick wffrd is always pro-MV-nted i-tiborrteffst-'7
The word '	’ I
What has no beginning, no end and nothing in the middle?
A	!
Listen to the first line of some more jokes. Write a word or short phrase in each gap in the first line.
1 vJky Доч’к	go swimming? Because they Елке too long	1	5 lA/hy didthe	turn red? Because they had	in the middle of the street!
2 Which is the fastest:	6 What starts with a *P’, ends with an *E’ and has	letters In it?
or heat? Heat, because you can	!	The	!
Who was	- Mr Bigger or his son?
His son - he was a	!
What do Alexander the Great and Kermit the
Frog have	?
The same	!
Does your shirt have No!
No? Then how do you
in it?
What can a whole orange do that can never do?
Look at the punchline of each joke in Exercise C. Try to predict what words or short phrases might complete the gaps. Then listen to the complete jokes and check your answers.
Practise your listening skills
Listen to a joke. What did Ben do wrong?
F	Listen to the joke again. Match each question with an answer. You will not use one of the answers.
	1 What does the speaker do?	a Catch a rabbit.
	2 What does Bill do?	b Catch a duck.
	J What does the first animal do?	c Escape.
	4 What does Bob do?	d Follow tracks.
	5 What does Ben do?	e Get hurt.
	6 What do all three hunters do?	f Tell a joke. g Catch a bear.
As a class, discuss these questions. vJko's
The -Puniest- person you know? vJky «re they so -Punny?
Do you know лчу jokes? Cow you tell Илем in English?
• s Г e n i n g Skills/ Unit 8

Speaking Warm-up
Which sports would you like to try? Why?
Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Cross out the incorrect word and write the correct word on the line.
1	Carlo is so champion - all he thinks about is winning!
2	Which team are you going to medal in the match on Saturday?
3	I love pitch, particularly the long jump and the javelin.
4	Let’s have a competitive and see who can get to the top of the castle first!
5	You’d better put on your athletics if you’re going to play football in the park.
6	Football, rugby and cricket are all played on a support.
7	She won a gold race in the Winter Olympics.
8	He’s been the world rules for the past three years.
9	I'd love to play squash, but I don’t know the trainers.
Develop your speaking skills
2 Individually / Personally, 1 think / I don’t think that...
3 If you request / ask me,...
4 It feels / seems to me (that)...
5 In / From my view ...
Listen again. For the first three speakers, write down the words they use to introduce reasons for their opinions.
 Intro ucing reasons
» .««< M H
For the final two speakers, write down the words or phrases they use to introduce examples.
Introdut ng examples
Here are some more words and phrases we can use to introduce opinions, reasons and examples. Next to each one, write OPINION, REASON or EXAMPLE.
1	As far as I’m concerned,...
2	... COS ...
5	... for instance...
4 ... such as ...
5 To my mind,...
Which word or phrase is more informal than the others?
Practise your speaking skills
In pairs, discuss these questions. Use words and phrases from Exercises A, В and C to express your opinion and give examples and reasons.
1 What kind of sports do you like/dislike watching on TV?
2 Are some sports more interesting than others?
J Are all sports good for us?
4 What can sport teach us?
Look at the pictures. As a class, discuss the questions below. Use words and phrases from Exercises A. В and C to express your opinion and give examples and reasons.
What kinds of sports are the most...
• exciting?
• relaxing?
interesting to watch?
interesting to play / do?
Example: 1н илу view, non-covnpeHHve spov+s like -PisUing owe Иле vnosh ^wn becAi*se you cwjusi-e^jcy ycuvself «n<A you Aon’i- U«ve V<5 wowy aVouV winning ап<А losing.
peaking Skills/ Unit 9
9 Listening Warm-up
Match the people with the correct pictures. Explain what each of them does
• athlete
• spectator	• umpire
• referee
Develop your listening skills
• judge
• commentator • coach
Listening know-how
IDENTIFYING ROLES AND RELATIONSHIPS ____________________________________1
Gamikui диалог, nociapaiiiecb определить. кем являюия собеседники, и какие oihoiijcihdi их связываю!. Эг<> иоможе] вам ионя  к <одержание* разговора.
Listen to the conversation between two people, Tiffany and Ryan. Match each person to the correct picture.
Tiffany:	Picture
Ryan:	Piclure
Listen again and choose the correct answer.
1 Tiffany says she weighs	kilos.
A 63	В 65	C 67
2 Ryan suggests that Tiffany should eat more A vegetables В red meat C bread
J Tiffany is taking part in a competition next
A year	В month	C week
4 Last time, Tiffany forgot to bring her
A shoes	В shorts	C vest
Listen to Tiffany talking to three different people. For each conversation, choose which person Tiffany is talking to.
Practise your listening skills
Listen to this news bulletin. As you listen, match each person with one of the words --in the box. There is one extra word you do not need to use.
judge • sportsman / woman • coach • spectator • reporter • doctor
Nirmali Patel
Peter Davies
Oliver Carter
John Adams
Chloe Howard
Listen to the news bulletin again. Write a word or short phrase to complete each statement.
1	ago. Tina Bennett failed a drugs test.
2	Nirmali says that she wants an	from some people.
5	Peter Davies says that you can damage your health by taking drugs that improve your
4	A British couple won the European	Championship with a perfect score.
S	The two skaters used to work as a	and a nurse.
6	Chloe Howard says that skaters need power, control and
As a class, discuss these statements. Give reasons for your opinions.
Ачуоце	МуЪоДу	vJwtthg
слц become л скликан.	who F^kes <Avugs	is иск it*p6»+<^4F. IF's
IF jusF F«kes л loF c-P	4cF be	Vo F^ke pev+ F<*k‘ng рст»+ FIa^F couhFs,
work.	in spcv+s.
t e n i n g Skills/ Unit 9
1 О The Natural World
Speaking Warm-up
What kind of outdoor activities do you like to do?
Match each word with the correct definition.
1 pollution
2 desert
3 oasis
4 coast
5	jungle
6	sand dune
7	waterfall
8	sea bed
9	barn
a a very hot, dry area
b the area where the sea and land meet
c a hill of sand on a beach or in the desert
d the bottom of the sea
e a small lake in the middle of a desert
f chemicals, etc, that damage the natural world
g a building on a farm where animals live, etc
h a tropical forest
i a place where a river goes over an edge and falls
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how PRONUNCIATION
Помнив, чю к английском языке паиисгпис и произношение слов говолыю часы различаю п я. Например, в слоне fthinibei буква !> не произноси кя. Если вы не уверены в правильности произношения < шва. воспользунiecb суоварсм.
Decide which two words in each line have the same sound underlined.
1	bird	fire	tree	occur	3	ant	elephant
2	duck	pollution	flood	look	4	bear	were
panda pear
humar fear
Listen and check your answers. 
Circle the words that have a silent letter in them.
climbing jumping	chimp
Listen and check your answers.
Practise these tongue-twisters. Who can say them the fastest?
•	A big black bug bit a big black bear.
•	She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
•	A noisy noise annoys an oyster.
Practise your speaking skills
Decide which of these activities you would prefer to do. Explain why.
were f-лкеч
Rock climbing ели be ^^ngerous but- bir^-w^.t-cking isn't'.
In pairs, compare and contrast the two photographs using your notes from Exercise G to help you.
В « a к i n g Skills/ Unit 10
i t
Listening Warm-up
Look at the pictures and discuss these questions.
• Have you ever been to any places like these?
• Can you think of any other kinds of natural environment?
Develop your listening skills
Слушая гексг. постирай let ь пай in в нем подсказку. ко!орая поможет нам определить. |де и момеш разговора находя н я собеседники. Если вы правильно определите место. i де происходи! диалог, вы сможете заранее догада1ъся о содержании отдельных выска 1ыванпп и диалога в целом.
In pairs, find three or four key words or phrases to complete each box.
ocean/sea 1	desert
countryside		farmland		coast
hill		field		beach
wild animal
Listen to some words and phrases. For each one, decide which box or boxes in Exercise A -it fits in and add it to the box if it is not there already. Note down the words here first.
Practise your listening skills
Listen to six extracts of people talking about different environments. For each person, write the name of the environment they are describing.
Speaker 1:	Speaker 4:
Speaker 2:	Speaker Б:
Speaker 3:	Speaker 6:
Listen to the extracts again. For each extract, circle the words you wrote down in Exercises A and В which appear in the extract, and add any other key words and phrases you hear to the correct box.
Listen to longer extracts of the six people talking. Match each speaker with a statement. Be careful! The extracts are in a different order this time.
Speaker 1:	a 1 learnt how to do something here.
Speaker 2:	b 1 want to return to this place.
Speaker 3:	с 1 was surprised by the change in temperature.
Speaker 4:	d 1 watched a TV programme about this.
Speaker S:	e 1 am fighting to prevent changes to this environment.
Speaker 6:	f 1 have been studying this area.
As a class, discuss these statements. Give reasons for your opinions.
nek v^uck
Fo «Ac
•i Fke ccwd-vysiAe.
I'A like Fo live in л «Ai-TPevenF ewivonvnenF -For л while Vo see wk<nF iF’s like.
I «Ас л IcF Vo kelp pvcFecF Eke ewivcwvenk
t e n i n g Skills/ Unit 10
U n i
Speaking Warm-up
Why do people learn a foreign language? Try to think of as many reasons as you can.
Complete the sentences using words or phrases from the box.
mobile phone	braille	telegraph	dial
Morse code	text message	deaf	subscribe
If you want to receive the magazine every month, you should Can you hear those noises on the radio? I think it's a message in Before telephones were invented, people used to send messages by I want to get a new	, one that takes pictures!
I got a	from Victor that said ‘C U @ 9’.
Some books are written in You have to be careful when you I think it must be hard being
to it.
so that blind people can read them.
or you might get a wrong number, and not being able to hear people's voices.
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how ASKING QUESTIONS
Задавая вопросы, особое внимание обращай!с на порядок слои и вп ювременные формы глагола.
х IVJiiff /йяс /Ле lesson starts?
S What (inn does the lesson start?
Rewrite these questions correctly.
1 What means communication’?
3 How long you learn English?
2 You have a mobile phone?
4 Are you like learning another language?
Listen to this person answering a question What question was she asked? Question:
Write three more questions you could ask somebody about the same subject.
Choose a person in the class and ask them one of your questions. After answering, they then choose another person. Continue around the class.
Practise your speaking skills
Complete the class questionnaire. Use the prompts to interview one of your classmates about communication. Tell the class what you learn.
Communication interview
Name of interviewer:
Name of interviewee:
1	Phone use:
calls per week?
reasons for calls?
own a mobile phone?
mobile phone calls per week? text messages per week?
2	Internet use:
ever used the Internet?
ever sent an e-mail?
e-mails per week?
Internet at home?
peaking Skills/ Unit 11
Listening Warm-up
How much do you know about the telephone? Do the mini-quiz.
When was the telephone invented?
Which country has the most telephone lines?
How many telephone lines are there in the world today?
Develop your listening skills
Выполняя задания па выбор ответа из нескольких предложенных вариантов ( В, или С), помните, чю неправильные варианты часто даются для юго, чтобы bbl-cim вас в заблуждение. Не выбирайте вариаш отвезя только потому. что вы vt лишали слова, содержащиеся в нем. в тексте. Подумайте о со тержании высказывания в целом!
Listen to this extract from a quiz show and circle the person who gets each question right. If neither Mary nor John gets the question right, circle ‘Neither’.
Question 1: Mary / John / Neither
Question 2: Mary / John / Neither
Question 3: Mary / John / Neither
Question 4: Mary / John / Neither
Question 5: Mary / John / Neither
Question 6: Mary / John / Neither
Look at the questions. Can you remember the answers to any of them? Make a guess if you are not sure.
1	Who does Mary say invented the telephone?
2	What letter does John give as the answer to the second question?
3	What is braille?
4	What word do Americans use for ‘mobile phone’?
5	What number do you dial in the UK for the emergency services?
6	What was first used to send a letter in Britain in 1840?
Listen again and check your answers.
Practise your listening skills
Listen to the first part of a radio programme and write a word or short phrase to complete the notes.
Name of programme: 1 _________________
Name of presenter: 2 _________________
People on future programmes: Socrates, 3 Queen Elizabeth I
Listen to the rest of the radio programme and choose the correct answer.
1 Alexander Graham Bell was born in...	4 The first phone call was made on ...
A the USA.	A March 17th 1867.
в Scotland.	в March 9th 1906.
C Canada.	C March 10th 1876.
2 Which of Bell’s relatives were deaf?	5 Bell’s assistant was called ...
A his mother and his wife	A Wilson.
в his father and his mother	В Watson.
C his grandmother and his mother	C Winston.
3 What was the problem with the telegraph?	6 How did Bell feel about his invention?
A It was too slow.	A amazed
в It sometimes lost the message.	в pleased
C The messages got confused.	c nervous
As a class, discuss these questions. Give reasons for your opinions.
l-f you coulA inLewiew someone Trow Lke p^sh who wcul<A you choose? Why?
Wh<?if quesHohS woul*A you <nsh hiiu/hef?
t e n i n g Skills/ Unit 11
12 Work
Speaking Warm-up
Would you like to have an office job? Why? Why not?
Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.
1	Someone who applies for a job is called an applier / applicant.
2	A person applying for a job is also called a candidate / manager.
3	When you apply for a job, you are often asked to attend a job interview / test.
4	You get a degree / licence from a university when you complete the course.
5	Degrees, diplomas and certificates show your qualifications / work experience.
6	If you are unemployed / self-employed, you run your own small business.
7	If you have done something for a long time, you have a lot of experiments / experience
8	Being able to use a computer is an important skill / qualification these days.
9	If you have a job with a company, you work for / as the company.
10	If you are an electrician, you work for / as an electrician.
Develop your speaking skills
В повседневном общении люди обычно нс обмениваю ioi lmiiiiimmii моиологичст коми высказываниями. Собеседники слхшаю1 xpvi ipvra. peaiupvioi на реплики iiapnirpa. дают др г ipxr возможноси, высказа i ы я. соглашаются или не соглашаиися дрм с другом. обмеииваюня вопросами н оиичами. каким образом, поддерживая разговор.
Listen to an interviewer interviewing four job applicants. Match each person with a statement.
Applicant 1:
Applicant 2:
Applicant 3:
Applicant 4:
a The answer is too short.
b The answer doesn’t answer the question at all.
c The answer is illogical.
d The answer is successful.
Read the statements and circle True or False.
When you are answering a question in a job or exam interview:
1	You should give one-word answers.	T	/	F
2	Your answer should be logical.	T	/	F
3	Your response should answer the question.	T	/	F
4	You can give extra information if it is relevant.	T	/	F
5	Your answer should be as long as possible.	T	/	F
In pairs ask and answer these questions.
What does your mother / father / unde / sister do for a living?
What do you want to do when you leave school?
Would you like to work in a/an factory / office/shop?
Are you ambitious?
D	Listen to two job interviewers choosing the best applicant. As you listen, answer the questions. 1	1	Do they ask each other questions?	Yes	/	No 2	Do they express their opinion?	Yes	/	No 1	Do they disagree with each other at times?	Yes	/	No 4	Do they agree with each other at times?	Yes	/	No 5	Do they reach a conclusion?	Yes	/	No
Listen again and circle the words or phrases you hear. ^=*
Discussion words and
1	Which (one/two) do you prefer / are you preferring?
2	What do you think / are you thinking?
3	I don’t agree / I’m not agreeing.
4	... isn't very useful, is / isn’t it?
5	Will / Shall we ... ?
6 I think that’s (probably) the best decision, isn’t / doesn’t it?
Practise your speaking skills
In pairs, play the role of two interviewers who have interviewed candidates for the job of a hotel receptionist, and decide who should get the job. Use the words and phrases in Exercise E and the information below to help you.
Job: hotel receptionist
Name: Phil Green
Age: 27
Qualifications: diploma in Hotel Management
Experience: 5 years working for small familyrun island hotel
Skills: can speak English, can drive, can organize business lunches and international conferences
Name: Natasha Fedotova
Age: 33
Qualifications: degree in Tourism and
Business Studies
Experience: 10 years working in hotels abroad
Skills: can use a computer, can speak 3 foreign languages
caking Skills/ Unit 12
Listening Warm-up
Look at the different jobs in the pictures and discuss these questions.
 Would you like to do any of these jobs?
• What skills and qualifications do you think you need for each job?
Develop your listening skills
Listening know-how LISTENING FOR GIST
Информация, инiepe< уюшая нас. нс всегда бывает четко выражена в ickctc. IIiioi ia приходится до1 адыва i вся о том. чю отдалось невысказанным, исходя из содержания текста. Например, говорящий можтч нс сказан. / am a lea her, по ;-л<> понято из слов. Koiopbic он употребляем в разговоре: е!ахлгшнп, stlulentx. Iwnimwli.
You are going to listen to six people describing a typical day at work. Before you listen, write down some key words you might expect to hear for each job.
a radio DJ
b sports photographer
c judge
d shop assistant
e teacher
f bus driver
В I c
Now listen to the extracts. Match each speaker with a job from Exercise A. •,
Speaker 1:	Speaker 3:	Speaker 5:
Speaker!:	Speaker 4:	Speaker 6:
Listen to longer extracts of the people's descriptions and circle True or False. Be careful! The extracts are in a different order this time.
Speaker 1	Speaker!
1	He really enjoys his job.	T/F	1	People sometimes get
angry with her.	T/F
2	His working day is long.	T/F	2	The job has become easier.	T/F
Speaker 3
1	He enjoys his job.	T / F
2	He sometimes has to hide his feelings.	T / F
Speaker 4
1	She enjoys the travelling. T / F
2	She works for one newspaper all the time.	T / F
Speaker S
1	He is bored of his job.
2	He likes most of his students.
Speaker 6
1 She feels that every day at work is the same.
2 She has to be very careful in her job.	T / F
T / F
T / F
T / F
Practise your listening skills
Listen to the same six people talking about their skills and experience.
Circle the statement. A or B, which is true for each speaker.
Speaker 1
A Skills are more important than qualifications.
В Qualifications and skills are equally important.
Speaker 2
A The right qualification is the most important thing.
в The right skill is the most important thing.
Speaker 3
A A combination of qualifications, skills and luck is important.
B A combination of experience, skills and luck is important.
Speaker 4
A Qualifications are extremely important.
B Qualifications can sometimes be useful.
Speaker 5
A Qualifications are useful, but not very important.
в Qualifications are very important.
Speaker 6
a It is easy to get this job.
в It is difficult to get this job.
Listen again and match each speaker with a statement. .
Speaker 1:	a	Your mood can affect other people.
Speaker 2:	b	You have to be good at thinking clearly.
Speaker 3:	c	This skill is not so important now.
Speaker 4:	d	Not everyone can learn to do this job well.
Speaker 5:	e	Your appearance is not important.
Speaker 6:	f	You should never become angry.
As a class, discuss these statements. Give reasons for your opinions.
1 know
whod-1 хылчк Vo <Ao when I grew up.
more клроН-лчк Vo k<AVe «job you ец)оу Hvw « well-ройД job.
People wiVk university degrees geV bet+ev jobs.
S t e n i n g Skills/ Unit 12
Speaking Warm-up
Where do people go on holiday? Try to think of as many places as you can. л Ь-ор1сл1
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1	I've never been abroad / outside on holiday, but I’d like to.
2	I enjoy meeting strange / foreign people and learning other languages.
3	Let’s spend some time on the beach and get a suntan / sunburn
4	It's fun to see the visions / sights when you are on holiday.
5	We have to pick up the tickets from the holiday / travel agent.
6	The hotel looked much nicer in the encyclopedia / brochure.
7	Would you like to work as a tour guide / lead?
Develop your speaking skills
Speaking know-how agreeing and disagreeing
Помни le, 4io Bbl всегда должны бып> веж mi вы. даже koi га вы расходитесь ио мнениях со своим собеседником. Выражая свое песогласис. старайтесь. чтобы ваши реплики нс звучали агрессивно или недоброжелательно. Лучше всего построй1ъ свою фразх гак. чтобы создалось впечаслепне, будто вас огорчасч (даже, ес ли это и нс совсем iai<) го. чю вы вынуждены нс согласиться с собеседником.
Rewrite these sentences correctly.
1	I am completely agree with you.
2	Yes, I could agree more with you.
3	There’s a lot in that you say.
4	You've got to a point.
5	I am not really agree with you.
6	I have to disagree to you.
7	I’m scared I disagree.
Look at what these people say and match or disagreeing with.
I «g*ee Pc л ce*P«i4 ехРечР. IP's « lot- cP -Рич Pc sP«y 14 л РечР m<A ссск you* сим Pcc<A, buP I Доч'Р like «11 Pke i4SecPs! IP cm «Isc be nice Pc sP«y 1ч
<л luxurious, ссмРсгР<лЬ1с pltnce soMePiMes.
each person to a statement they are agreeing
«Р*тЛ I k«ve Po Д1$«д*ее.
IP MigkP be еклу Po* « skorp с«мр!чд ксПДлу close Pc коме, buP Pk«P's «11.1 Рк1чк you чееД Po k«ve « *espc4Slble «Ли1р «*оич<А 14 c«se «чуРк1чд goes и?*очд.
a Holidays have become much cheaper than in the past.
b A camping holiday is more enjoyable than staying in a hotel.
c Children should be allowed to go on holiday without their parents.
I кчои Pkt4gs like слмр'мд koli<A«ys k«ve 4eve* cost миск, buP 4oui (jiImosP eve*yo4e слч «РРс*Д Po Ply «Ь*о«Д Po 5речД Pkelv ксИД«у 1ч « Ро*е1дч соичРту.
Look at the statements in Exercise В and, in pairs, talk about whether you agree or disagree with each one.
Practise your speaking skills
Imagine you are going on holiday with a friend. Here are some of the places you are considering visiting. In pairs, discuss what you might see and do at each place and how much you would enjoy it. Decide which two places you would like to visit.
As a class, compare your answers. Find out which are the two most popular holidays.
eking Skills/ Unit 13
Listening Warm-up
Have you ever stayed in a hotel?
Describe your experiences.
Develop your listening skills
Listening know-how
Чтобы убедить собеседника, но время разговора мы час ю приводим примеры или аргументы в пользу roii пли иной точки зрения. Слушая гексi. попы rail гесь предугадать, ч го сейчас скажет говорящий: объясни I причину, приводе! пример или будем развивать следующую мысль.
Look at these sentences taken from a dialogue. Try to predict what words or short phrases might complete the gaps.
Could I speak to the
Well, for a start, there are no I couldn’t sleep because of the
? I’d like to make a complaint about our hotel room, in the bathroom.
last night.
I can’t find the remote control for the
Listen and check your answers.
You are going to listen to four people talking about holidays. Before you listen, write down some key words you expect to hear for each set of pictures.
beach, sea, suntan, tent, campsite, camping, food, restaurant
Now listen and choose the picture in Exercise C that shows what each person liked.
Speaker 1:	Speaker 2:	Speaker 1	Speaker 4:
Practise your listening skills
You are going to listen to an extract from a radio programme. Before you listen, try to predict what words or short phrases might complete the gaps.
1	A bad holiday can be a	when you have saved up all year for it.
2	The main thing people have problems with on holiday is
J Some people might have problems with the food if they	it.
4 One woman complained that the local people in Spain	!
s There’s not much you can do if you	the holiday yourself.
6 You should put your complaint	to the Association of British Travel Agents.
7 ABTA will help you take	action.
Listen and check your answers to Exercise E. Write a word or short phrase to complete the gaps.
As a class, discuss this question. Give reasons for your opinions. What other things can go wrong on holiday? Think about:
• tickets
• illness
• weather
• flights
• communication
t s t e n i n g Skills/ Unit 13
14 Success
Speaking Warm-up
What things have you been successful at recently?
Complete the sentences using words from the box.
work	failure	let
victory	competition	winner
1	I’m feeling quite	that I’ll do
well in the exam.
2	Lets	out the best way to
solve this problem.
3	I’m thinking of entering a short story
4	You can trust Darren. He'll never you down.
proud	make
5	You’ve done really well. I'm of you!
6	The opposite of ’success’ is *
7	Congratulations! You're the
8	If you	it, you’re successful.
9	When you win or are successful, you have a
Develop your speaking skills
Отвечая на вопрос, в какой из ряда нрг тложенных ciinaiuiii вы предпочли бы оказал i>< я, обяза тельно объясните гной выбор. Ваши aprvviciiiu должны быть логичными и сбедп юльными. Вас не должно в пиона ть. если собеседники не сен ася1ся с высказанной вамп никой speiniB.
Look at the two pictures and make notes to complete the table.
Photo a	This is a picture of:
Photo b	This is a picture of:
main similarities between the two pictures
main differences between the two pictures
Listen to someone talking about the two pictures in Exercise A. Tick ('/) the similarities and differences they mention which you noted down. Add any similarities and differences they mention which you didn't note down.
In pairs, compare and contrast the two pictures in Exercise A. Use your notes to help you.
Practise your speaking skills
In pairs, compare and contrast these two pictures, and answer the questions.
Have you ever been in situations like these?
How would you feel in each of these situations?
Which situation would you prefer to be in? Why?
caking Skills/ Unit 14
и n i
Listening Warm-up
What do you think the people in the photos are trying to do? How would you feel in each of these situations?
Develop your listening skills
Прежде всего. постирайrecь пошив, какова цель высказывания. Например, говорящий пытается убедить кого-то в чем-либо, договоря i вся о чем-ю или обвиснин>. как нужно ЧЮ-1О сделай». Если вы Правильно определите коммунякаiявное намерение говорящего, вам будем легче пошив теталп.
In pairs, imagine you are trying to do these things. What will you need to think and talk about to do them successfully? Make notes.
a organize a party Ниле c-P p«*+y, смЕлЕ Ее buy
decide on the time of a meeting
choose a present
prepare a meal
agree on the rules of a game
write a song
Listen to six dialogues. Match each dialogue with what the people are trying to do in Exercise A.
Look at these statements. Can you remember how the people felt? Circle the word you think is correct. Make a guess if you are not sure.
Dialogue 1: The woman becomes worried / angry.
Dialogue 2: The boy is confused / surprised.
Dialogue 3: The girls are scared / pleased.
Dialogue 4: Sam Delaney is annoyed ✓ nervous.
Dialogue 5: The girl becomes bored / annoyed
Dialogue 6: The boy is certain / upset.
Listen to the dialogues again and check your answers to Exercise C.
Practise your listening skills
Listen to the same people continuing their conversations and choose the correct answer for each question. You will hear each dialogue twice.
1	The man says that he is...
A annoyed.
в worried.
C confused.
2	The boy is ...
A enthusiastic.
в shocked.
C scared.
J The girls...
A are not sure what to do.
В agree about what to do.
C disagree about what to do.
4 Mr Carter is ...
A annoyed.
в worried.
C confused.
5 The girl... what the boy is trying to do.
A agrees with в is nervous about C doesn’t understand
6 The girl is ...
A disappointed.
В surprised.
C pleased.
As a class, discuss these statements. Give reasons for your opinions.
л vLAeo or VvV is easier on yoi*r own Екли iwti-h ot-her people.
vJriHng л song or poew слч only be <Aone on yoi*r own.
л иел! is easier wii-k two Or t-kree people working in Vke kikcken.
t e n i n g Skills/ Unit 14
15 Films
Look at the pictures. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions:  How often do you go to the cinema?
	Have you ever been to an outdoor cinema?
	How do outdoor cinemas differ from indoor cinemas?
	How could cinemas be improved to attract more people?
Develop your listening skills
Look at the following ways to see films. In pairs, talk about what it's like to see a film in this way. Try to mention at least one good point and one bad point.
I kkink кылкскйнд л fita сч TV is д*елк because you Деч’к клуе ко go ко kke стчеиул. You сад 1млкск ik лк kev^e. Buk ik*s *ел11у лччоу'шд wken кке*е л'ге leks оР лДуе*к$ in kke wi<A<Ale of kke Рч1м.‘
on DVD
at a local cinema
лк ад еикДеег сшеьчл
You are going to listen to five people talking about films. Match each speaker with the way they prefer to see a film. You will only use five of the ways.
Speaker 1: Speaker 2: Speaker 3: Speaker 4: Speaker 5:	A TV 	 В	video 	 C	DVD 	 D	outdoor cinema 	 E	local (indoor) cinema F multi-screen cinema
Can you remember the reasons the speakers gave for their preferences? In pairs, make notes on the lines provided.
Speaker 1: __________________________________________________
Speaker 2: __________________________________________________
Speaker 3: __________________________________________________
Speaker 4: __________________________________________________
Speaker 5: __________________________________________________
Now listen again. For each speaker, circle the sentence which best describes what they are saying.
Speaker 1
a The price must be cheap.
b The place must be right.
c The film must be good.
Speaker 2
a We have to consider the time it takes.
b We have to consider how much choice we have.
c We have to consider the financial aspect.
Speaker 3
a I don't mind what I watch.
b I don't mind where I watch it.
с I don’t mind how I watch it.
Speaker 4
a Technology makes things quicker.
b Technology gives you more choice.
c Technology is becoming cheaper.
Speaker 5
a The film must be good.
b Comfort is very important.
с I like the atmosphere.
s t e n i n g Skills / Unit 15
Develop your listening skills
Look again at the reasons you noted in C. Do you still agree with them? Make changes and additions to your notes where appropriate.
As a class, discuss the reasons the five speakers gave for their preferences. Do you all agree?
You’re going to listen to the same five people. They will each be talking about a film they have just seen.
Before you listen, write down some key words you might expect to hear if someone is talking about the types of film below.
western i i i i
I---—-----------— n
। science ticton	i
cowboy i i
I-------— . —	-
। thriller
i horror film i
i	i
i bloo<A ।
i	cartoon
i i	kuAs
Г action film
i i i
i crime film
Discuss your key words with the rest of the class. Did they think of any words that you didn’t?
Now listen to the descriptions. As you listen, circle the type of film each speaker is describing.
Speaker 1
a comedy
b science fiction
Speaker 2
a cartoon
b western
Speaker 3
a crime film
b romance
Speaker 4
a action film
b comedy
Speaker 5
a horror film
b thriller
Sow listen again. This time, decide if the statements are true or false. Circle T for True □r F for False.
1 Speaker 1 thought the script was
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	It’s not going to be a studio production. The whole movie is going to be filmed on location in the Alps.
	When people say they are going to 'the pictures', they mean they are going to the cinema.
	it’s a typica western. It's set in the Wild West in the late 1800s and it’s about a group of cowboys who are attacked by some Indians.
	Terry Fisher and Barbara Walker are both film critics they write film reviews for national newspapers.
	At the cinema, the short break in the middle of the film is sometimes called the intermission.
	A film buff is a person who likes films a lot, and knows a lot about them.
	I’d love to be a stunt man; it must be great fun doing all the dangerous stunts in a movie.
	Film credits at the end of a film tell us the names of the actors and the other people who were involved in the production of the film.
	If an actor has a bit part in a film, they only have a very small speaking role.
	If you are an extra in a movie, you can be seen in the background, but you don’t have any lines to say.
1	I can’t remember her name! We’ll have to look at the at the end.
2	Most of the said it was a
dreadful movie, but I really enjoyed it.
3	Making the movie was actually extremely hard, as we shot the whole thing
1 Speaker 2 was impressed with the effects.	T / F
i Speaker 3 really enjoyed the film. T / F
4	Speaker 4 had expected it to be better.	T / F
5	Speaker 5 thought the ending was predictable.	T / F
in the desert.
4 Do you fancy going to
tonight? I think that Jim Carrey comedy is still on
5 Shall we get some popcorn during the _____________________?
6 Have you seen that where Clint Eastwood plays a cowboy who hardly ever speaks?
7 Did you do the fight scenes yourself, or did a ______________________stand in for you?
8 I'd love to be an, just to see what it’s like on a film set.
9 Aleksei's a real; he'll know who directed Night of the Living Dead.
10 Г've been offered a in a
movie! I’m only in one scene, but it’s a start!
t s t e n i n g Skills / Unit 15
15 -----------------------
Practise your listening skills
Listening know-how
 Выполняя задание Л. внимательно прочит inc и прослушайте вопросы. I loc таранюсь он роде и и. ключевые слона п фразы, которые вы можете услышать в icKCTc. Во время прослушивания запишите ключевые с ова.
 Выполняя задание В, помните. что слова и mi фразы, которые необходимо вписан. в проник, должны иолношыо совпала in с ими, которые вы услынппс при прослушивании текста. Перефразировать услышанное не НУЖНО.
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer. A, В or C.
You hear a woman being interviewed on the radio. What role did she have in a recent film? A an extra В a bit part C a main part
You overhear a woman in a video store. What does she want? A a film on video В a DVD C a blank video cassette
You overhear this exchange in a film on TV. What does the man want the woman to do? A press a button В pull a lever C turn a dial
You hear someone talking about a film. What kind of film is it? A a comedy В a western C a love story
Listen to this person talking about a film they worked on. What was their job? A actor В scriptwriter C director
You hear two people talking about a film. What is their relationship? A colleagues В neighbours C brothers
Listen to this woman on TV talking about a man. Why is she talking about him? A She's going to interview him.
В She knows him personally. C He’s a well-known actor.
Listen to this director talking to an actor How does she want him to do the scene? A exactly as before В slightly differently C very differently
You will hear a radio interview with a stunt man. For questions 9-18, complete the notes which summarise what the speaker says. You will need to write a word or short phrase in each box.
Actors don’t always do all the
in a film.
Bill had to fight with
in his latest film.
Bill says that every job is
Bill works for less than half the
Stunt men need to learn how to
Bill was a
before he became a stunt man.
The first film Bill worked on was about
-¥ vs- Grammar focus
*ed thought it was one of those spaghetti westerns from the 60s.
Tamed out to be a ridiculous thing about a couple of struggling art students in New York.
The second sentence has no subject. It is implied.
What turned out to be a ridiculous thing? The film.
You will hear five people talking. Each person says two sentences.
For each speaker, circle the implied subject in the second sentence.
1	a	the cinema	b	the speaker
2	a	the movie	b	the speaker
3	a	the DVD player b	Darren
4	a	the movie	b	the speaker
5	a Sindy	b Tom Hanks
s t e n i n g Skills / Unit 15
16 Occupations
Warm-up	a к
Look at the pictures. In pairs, play the Alphabet Job game:	▼
Student A says a job beginning with ‘a’. Student В says a job beginning with V, Student A says a job beginning with V, etc.
Which letters of the alphabet could you not find jobs for?
Develop your speaking skills
Look at task A on page 72. Which of these topics do the questions refer to? Tick or cross.
1	your family	------
2	your political views	------
3	your hobbies and interests ---------------
4	your plans for the future	------
5	your secrets
6	your local area	--------
7	your religious beliefs	------
8	your present and future studies
For each topic you ticked, write one other short question you might ask someone on that topic.
Which of these are good things for you to say or do in task A on page 72 Which of them are not so good? Write Do or Don’t before each one.
1 			 give one word answers.
2		 give reasons for your opinions.
3 			 use contractions {‘can’t’, ’won't’, shouldn’t’, etc).
4 			 say ’My family consists of four members.’
5 			 say ‘There are four of us in my family.’
6 			 say 'I live here for six years.’
7 			 say Tve been living here for six years.’
8 			 say ’1 go to a comprehensive/secondary school.’
9 			 say ‘1 will be a doctor.’
10 			 say 'I’d like to be a doctor.’ or ‘1 want to be a doctor.’
11 			 just say ‘1 don’t know' if you don’t know what you want to do when you leave school.
12 			 say 'Well. 1 haven’t really decided yet what I want to do when 1 leave school.’
13 			 say ‘What?’ if you didn't hear the question.
14 		say ‘Sorry, could you repeat the question?'
In pairs, ask and answer the questions you wrote in B. Use the Dos and Don’ts above to help you.
peaking Skills / Unit 16
U n
i t
Develop your speaking skills
You are going to hear some students being asked about jobs.
For each student, decide which question they are answering: a or b.
a What are you going to do when you leave school?
b Would you like to do the same job as your parents?
2 _____
3 _____
4 _____
6 _____
7 _____
8 _____
Now listen again. This time, decide whether the statements are true от false. Circle T for True or F for false.
1 Student 1 gives a reason for her opinion.	T /	F
2 Student 2 uses the word ‘possibly’.	T /	F
3 Student 3 gives two reasons.	T /	F
4 Student 4 tells us what she wants to study at university.	T /	F
5 Student 5 tells us that both her parents work.	T /	F
6 Student 6 uses the second conditional to talk about	a
hypothetical situation.	T / F
7 Student 7s voice goes up on her final word.	T / F
8 Student 8 says ‘I really believe ...’.	T / F
For each of these questions, make notes on the lines provided. Do not write full sentences. It doesn’t matter if you put the same information into more than one box.
1 What are your plans for the future?
2 Have you decided on a career yet?
3 What do you want to do when you leave school?
4 Would you like to do the same job as your parents?
5 Do you have either a full-time or a part-time job at the moment?
As a class, ask and answer the questions in G One student starts by asking another ( student one of the questions. When they  ave answered, it’s their turn to ask another student one of the questions.
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	I don’t get a salary each month; I get 10% commission on every computer I sell.
	I sent off the application form for that job at the bank, and I’ve just heard they want me to come for an interview.
	Jobs which involve physical work are often described as manual jobs.
	People who do manual jobs are called ‘manual workers’ or ‘blue collar workers'.
	People who work in offices are sometimes called 'white collar workers'.
	Adrian was given the sack when it was discovered he’d lied about his qualifications.
	Everyone in the office got a £200 bonus last Christmas. I hope we get one this year, too!
	People who work in government departments are called civil servants.
	When I was at university, I worked part-time in a newsagents.
	If you say that a certain job or career is your vocation, you feel strongly that it’s the right job or career for you.
1	You'll get___	if you carry on
being so late for work every day!
2	There’s no; just send a CV and a covering letter to the Managing Director.
3	Anne’s decided to go now
she's pregnant; she's only going to work two days a week.
4	I’ve always felt that it was my
to be a teacher. I’ve never wanted to do anything else.
5	The great thing about is
that the more you sell, the more money you make.
6	Is it true that Bruce Willis was a
worker in a factory before he became an actor?
7	Some manage to work their
way up the career ladder and become things like ambassadors and senior diplomats.
8	Many have to make a real
effort to stay fit; sitting at a desk all day is very unhealthy.
9	The we give you will
depend on how well you’ve done the job.
10 The closing of the factory led to 5,000 being made redundant.
peaking Skills
Unit 16
Practise your speaking skills
Speaking know-how
 Выполняя таданне не < tремпreel, к юм. чтобы ваш outer полное i ыо
< oo i век гвовпл ретльпым фак!ам.
I Ьшрпмер. если вы ne мт жеге вспомни ть название вашей бсдчщсп профосе ни па шплинт ком языке, назовите любую профессию. название Koiopoii вы помни ic.
 Выполняя за тапис В, помниic. чю каждая фоня рафия нсредис! минь определенною идею. Например, если па фо юг рафии изображена медт стара. ю вам п;кпо творить о профессии мсдсстчры вообще, а ие описыва н> медссс1ро. изображешп ю па фо i тир фин.
We’d like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions about yourselves.
uJkeve л*е you -PrCM?
Hou До you usually $реиД you* -Free kiuxe?
Vo you клуе eikke* л Full-kivue о* л pwk-kme jot лк kke euovueuk?
и)клк До you» pwenks Де'
ЦлУе you Aecc
UJk^k evre you*' pl«4S -For kke -Рики*е?
Hou, owbikious лге you?
у)ои!Д you like ко До кке 5«я1ме jot <*s you* р wenks?
Photos for Student A*
i mm
$киДечк Д
5киДеик В uikick job игои1Д you
лчД coukv^sk kkese pickuves, spying koui you иои1Д Feel iF you
клД t-kese jobs, л
^otos for Student B:
SPu<AehV Б, 1'Д like you ke covupeive
i min
SVuiAevit- A how До you •Peel лЪоик t-kese places?
Grammar focus
Formal written English:
I have not yet decided on a career.
Informal spoken English:
Well, I haven’t really decided yet what I want to do.
Rewrite these sentences in the style of informal spoken English.
1	My father is currently unemployed and my mother works as an accountant.
2	I am considering becoming a vet as I greatly enjoy taking care of animals.
J My main ambition is to establish my own small business.
4 I am not certain that 1 wish to go to university.
5 Job satisfaction is more important to me than a high salary.
eaking Skills / Unit 16
i t
Look at the pictures. In pairs, discuss the following questions  What are the arguments in favour of school uniforms?
	What are the arguments against school uniforms?
	Do you think school uniforms are a good idea?
	Does it matter what teachers wear in the classroom?
Develop your listening skills
Listen to the background noise from five different places. As you listen, match each noise with one of the places, A-F.
You will only use five of the places.
1 _______
2 _______
3 _______
4 _______
5 _______
A a playground
В a library
C a school canteen
D a car
E an office
F a shop
You’re going to listen to seven people talking in different places.
Before you listen, write down three things you might expect to hear them talking about in these places.
at home
TV	homework	meals
in a classroom
in a school staff room
in a headteachers office 
in a lecture hall
in a car
in a shop
Now listen to them talking.
As you listen, decide where the person is speaking.
1	a	at home
2 		b	in a classroom
3 		c	in a school staff room
4 		d	in a headteachers office
5 		e	in a lecture hall
6 		f	in a car
7 		g	in a shop
।' s t e n i n g Skills
Unit 17
Develop your listening skills
Now listen again. This time, write on the lines provided who you think is talking, and who they are talking to. Do not write any names.
Who is speaker 1?
Who is speaker 1 talking to?

1	Who is speaker 2?	____________
Who is speaker 2 talking to?
2	Who is speaker 3?	____________
Who is speaker 3 talking to?	____________
3	Who is speaker 4?	____________
Who is speaker 4 talking to?	____________
4	Who is speaker 5?	____________
Who is speaker 5 talking to?	____________
5	Who is speaker 6?	____________
Who is speaker 6 talking to?	____________
6	Who is speaker 7?	____________
Who is speaker 7 talking to?	____________
Now listen to more of what they say.
For each statement below, circle the correct word.
1	The parent is worried / nervous.
2	The lecturer does / doesn't ask the audience a question.
3	The two teachers agree / disagree with each other.
4	The mother gives her son advice / permission.
5	The shop assistant is helpful / thoughtless.
6	The teacher is strict / rude.
7	The instructor is encouraging / critical.
Look back at your answers to C, D and E. What do you think each situation is an example of? Circle the best choice.
Situation 1
a a meeting
b an interview
Situation 2
a a lesson
a a lecture
Situation 3
a a chat between friends
b a chat between colleagues
Situation 4
a a conversation
b a disagreement
Situation S
a a conversation in a clothes shop
b a conversation in a shoe shop
Situation 6
a a meeting
b a lesson
Situation 7
a a driving test
b a driving lesson
) pairs, discuss your answers to В, C, 0 and E. Do you agree on where they are? Do you agree on who is talking and who they are talking to? Did you arcle the same words in E? Do you agree on what type of situation it is?
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
 I'm going to take a gap year/year off/year out before university, to travel round Europe.
 Our French lesson on Thursdays is two hours long.
 Physics is my least favourite subject. I find it so boring!
 If you are a professor, you have a very senior position in a department at a university.
 A lecturer is a teacher at a university or college. He/She is less senior than a professor.
 When I was at university, I had ten hours of lectures and six hours of seminars each week.
 Masha is an undergraduate at Moscow State University. If she passes her exams, she'll get her degree next summer.
 I got my degree in English Literature, then I did an MA and now I’m working for my PhD. When I get that. I’ll officially be called Doctor Stephens.
 Pauline teaches kids with special needs at a Comprehensive in London. She says it’s hard work, but very rewarding.
 When I was at school, the school uniform was a pair of grey trousers and a blue sweater. We wore grey shorts in the summer!
1 Teachers have begun to realise that learners with, such as children with dyslexia, need particular help and support.
2 Dr Dawkins’are always entertaining. He makes astrophysics come alive.
3 Wearing a means you don’t
have to worry about what to put on!
4 I went to Australia for my
It taught me about surviving in the real world.
5 There was a fire practice during our German this morning, so we didn’t have a test!
6 Simon was a/an for twenty
years before they made him a professor.
7 When I was a/an, you used to get a grant from the government to cover your living expenses at university.
8 I'm thinking of doing a on
the similarities between Eminem’s rap lyrics and the poetry of Robert Browning.
9 Like most university lecturers, Angela hopes to become a one day.
10 I'm thinking of doing another A level, but I can't decide which to choose.
t s t e n i n g Skills
/ Unit 17
U n
Practise your listening skills
Listening know-how
Выполняя задание А. помните. что фразы "Speaker One", "Speaker livo" и т.д. otcvtcтвую। в аудиозаписи. Дудиотекст предела влей небольшими отрывками, которые разделены короткими паузами.
Чтобы избежать случайной ошибки при записи ответа, отмечайте вопросы, которые уже прозвучали.
Выполняя гадание В, вы услышите разговор грех собеседников. Слушая запись, обращай те особое внимание на имена, для того, чтобы точно знать, кому принадлежи! toj или иной голос.
You will hear five people talking about teachers they had when they were at school. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F how each one of them describes his or her teacher. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use.
A He / She was encouraging.
Speaker 1
В He / She was sympathetic.
Speaker 2
С He / She was funny.
Speaker 3
D He / She was strict.
Speaker 4
E He / She was generous.
Speaker 5
F He / She was respectful.
You will hear a conversation which takes place in a seminar at university, between a lecturer and two students, Erika and Paul. Answer questions 6-12 by writing
L for Lecturer E for Erika
or P for Paul, in the boxes provided.
6 Who apologises for being late?
7 Who explains that they were too busy to do something?
8 Who wants to consider more than one book?
9 Who rejects someone’s suggestion?
10	Who mentions being a student?
11	Who thought the deadline was later?
12	Who is going away on a trip?
1“	6
Grammar focus
Listen to someone saying this sentence two different ways.
You didn’t go to Cambridge, did you?
The meaning depends on the tone of voice.
The first time, the speaker expects the answer ‘No. J didn't.'
The second time, another person has just said that they went to Cambridge, and the speaker is expressing surprise at this information.
Now listen to these seven questions. For each one, decide if the speaker expects the answer 'No', or if they are surprised at the information they have just heard. Tick the appropriate box.
expects ‘No’	surprised
i П	□
Listening Skills / Unit 17
18 Leisure
Look at the pictures. Do you know what these things are?
In pairs, write down as many different pieces of sporting equipment as you can. You have three minutes.
How many could you think of?
Develop your speaking skills
Look at task A on page 84. Which of these are good things for you to say or do in this task? Write Do or Don't before each one.
1	 listen carefully to the questions you are asked.
2	 listen to what your partner says.
3	 always agree with your partner.
4	 give reasons for your opinions.
5	 use words like ‘maybe’, ‘perhaps’, ‘possibly’.
6	 use words like ‘would’, could’, ‘should’, ‘may’, ‘might’.
7	 worry if you don’t finish the whole task in three minutes.
You are going to hear some students talking about sport. Each student is either doing task A or task В on pages 84-85. For each student, decide which task they are doing and write A or В on the line provided.
Student 1: __—
Student!: Student 3: Student 4: 
StudentS: Student 6: 
Student 7: 
Now listen to the students again. As you listen, write answers to the questions on the lines provided.
1 Which word does Student 1 use to introduce a reason?
2 Which word does Student 2 use to mean ‘also’?
3 Which phrase does Student 3 use to tell us this is the first reason? 
4 Which word does Student 4 use to introduce a result? 
5 Which conditional does Student 5 use (1st, 2nd or 3rd)? 
6 Which phrase does Student 6 use to show that something is a good choice?	_________________
7 Which word does Student 7 use to show a second possibility? 
Did you write down the same answers for C?
Here are some common words and phrases you might use when doing tasks A and В on pages 84-85. What are they for? Write them in the correct boxes.
As far as I’m concerned,...
I think that...
... too.
... so...
... also...
Apart from that,... ... as...
Because of this,...
... because...
..., such as...
... as well.
I don’t think that...
It seems to me that...
Expressing opinion
Giving examples
Giving a further reason
Introducing reasons
Introducing results
peaking Skills
Unit 18
Develop your speaking skills
Look at this task and make notes to complete the table opposite.
l’<A like you ко iuvng'me кклк л ц-кеиД o-k youvs слП'еА AngeiA, uIac is л кееилде*, и»лик5 ко клке up л ней spovk. "She и»лик5 ко gek Pik, клуе Гии лиД иллке ней -Pvien^s 'Ske k<ns лукеД Po*' your лДу»се. Не^е etve
5оиле possible spov+s._____/
1	Name of sport Can do in local area? If yes, where? Recommend? Why/Why not?
2	Name of sport Can do in local area? If yes, where? Recommend? Why/Why not?
1 Name of sport Can do in local area? If yes, where?
Recommend? Why/Why not?
4 Name of sport Can do in local area? If yes, where?
Recommend? Why/Why not?
5 Name of sport Can do in local area? If yes, where?
Recommend? Why/Why not?
Yes/No/Not sure
Yes/No/Not sure
Yes/No/Not sure
Yes/No/Not sure
Yes/No/Not sure
In pairs, do the task, 2-^—^
	Remember there are two parts to the task.
	The first part is to talk to each other and discuss where in your area she could do these activities. This should take about one and a half minutes.
	The second part is to to decide which sport you would recommend, and why. This should take about one and a half minutes.
	Use your notes in the table to help you.
	Try to use some of the words and phrases from E.
	Look again at the Dos and Don’ts in A before you start.
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	The hotel is situated close to a professional 18-hole golf course.
	Have you ever done any extreme sports like parachuting or hang-gliding?
	Lets have a look at the action replay to see the goal again in slow motion.
	Mum, is my sports kit clean? I've got a match this afternoon.
	Dave can’t wait until Saturday. It’s the final of the European Cup.
	Moscow Dynamo beat Coventry City last night
	Cricket and tennis don’t have referees; they have umpires.
	There are two types of event in athletics: track events and field events.
	I love motor racing. It's my favourite sport. I never miss the Grand Prix when its on TV.
	I’m not very keen on team games; I prefer sports where there are only two players competing against each other.
1	Two are needed for a
cricket match, but only one for a tennis match.
2	Baseball, water-polo and volleyball are all examples of_____________________
1 Now you're in the team, we’ll have to get you a new You’ll need a shirt,
shorts and some football boots, won’t you?
4 Apparently, it's the most difficult in the country. Even professional players have problems getting the ball across the lake near the 13th hole.
5	I hated running the 1500m. You had to go round the so many times. It was
so boring!
6	is getting too dangerous. Two Formula 1 drivers were killed last year.
7	Who’s playing in the? Is it France against Germany?
8	If you look at the, you'll see that the goalkeeper just touched the ball with his hand as it went in the net.
9	More and more young people are taking up such as snowboarding and bungee-jumping.
10	If England don’t Poland on
Tuesday, then they're out of the Championship.
peaking Skills
Unit 18
Unit 18 ---------------------
Practise your speaking skills
Speaking know-how
	Выполняя задание Л. ciapaiiiecb. чтобы наш разговор звчал ccieciBcinio. Слушая собеседника, поверитесь к нему лицом н поддерживайie зри юльпып котам.
	Выполняя задание В. nociapaii юсь избеган. KpaiKiix односложных о i не юн. Baiuoinci беде! более убедительным, если вы аргемеп j upveie свою 1очк зрения, приводеie примеры.
подтверждающие правильное гь вашего суждения п г.д.
s"1'Д like you Vo iwngine
РклР you л*е be si- РР1ечД5. You we on лч <пДх/епРи*е коКДлу, ехпД Роило wow is youv Р’тл! Длу. You ktnve л choice cP лс+iviPies. You h<nven'P Доче <nny oP
Pkevn у el- 04 Pke коНДлу апД you wwiP Po До one oP Pkew Po^ePkev Povhcwcw.
 He*e л^е Vke choices.
ГД like you Vo Рл1к ко елск ol-kev «пчД Д15си$$ kovw e^joy<nble you Pkink Vkese ovcriviHes 1мои)Д be. Then, 1'Д like you Vo Де ci Де iwkick леРкдку you've 30'1 Vo До Vowovvovj, лцД uky. Reureunbev, you kenve ДЬоиР Pkvee vninuPes Pov Phis.
ч mtn
What’s your favourite sport? Why?
Would you describe yourself as a sporty person?
Are- ijou in ant| fc-amS?
Would you like to try any extreme sports? Which ones? Why?
Do you think children should have to do P school? Why/Why not.
Grammar focus
f ve got to buy a tennis racket as I haven't got one. (singular countable noun) I’ve got to buy some tennis balls as I haven't got any. (plural countable noun) re got to buy some fishing tackle as I haven’t got any. (uncountable noun)
Write ‘one* or ‘any’ in the gaps to complete the sentences.
1 I wanted to get some new weightlifting equipment from the sports shop, but they didn’t have
2 Anna wanted to go to an ice-skating rink, but it seems there isn’t near here.
3 I tried to get some tickets for the match on Saturday, but there aren’t ________________left.
4 He said he’d do lots of training, but in fact he hasn't done!
5 Apparently, you need a licence to fish there, and Alan didn't have
Sneaking Skills / Unit 18
19 Feelings
Look at the pictures. In pairs, do the following tasks and answer the question;
	Quickly write down as many words as you can to describe how the people in these photographs feel.
	Write one sentence you think they might be thinking at this moment.
	How do the photographs make you feel?
Develop your listening skills
Four people were asked about a famous performer. Listen to these short extracts from what they said. For each speaker, choose the adjective which best describes how they feel.
Speaker 1
a impressed b shocked c bored
Speaker 3 a jealous b upset c excited
Speaker 2
a amused
b annoyed
c disappointed
Speaker 4
b grateful c worried
Now listen to the complete responses. For each speaker, choose the sentence which best describes their attitude towards the famous person. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use.
Speaker 1: 
Speaker 2: _____
Speaker 3: 
Speaker 4: 
A i Дец'Т Think people give her л chance.
В i Think лиуЪоДу С01л1Д h^ve Доне The s^v^e.
С I uvvAevsb^vvA now why people like he*.
D I Think she’s helped c+hev people.
E I Доч'Т like The w^y she’s ch^ngeA.
Read the following sentences to each other Use one of the tones of voice from the box. Try to guess which emotion your partner is expressing and then repeat the sentence using another tone of voice.
ЪогеД	enThusi«sTic	wowvie<A
‘I don’t like to be with too many people.’
ТЪске-Ч a man in ovr -town kvho '
Sayt 1 1C> l
 иоаи; old.' /
'I invited fifty people to my party, and only five turned up.'
of the, world ic over dx billion/
Listening Skills / Unit 19
Develop your listening skills
You are going to hear messages left on an answering machine. Tick the information people normally include in their messages.
In their messages, people normally include ...
1	their name	4 the time.
2	their age. 	5 the month.
3	the day. 	6 the reason they’re calling.
Listen to these messages left on a womans answering machine. < For each speaker, circle the reason they called.
Speaker 1
He is calling to find out whether...
a Lisa got a message.
b Lisa is still working.
c the party has been cancelled.
Speaker 2
She is calling to tell Lisa about...
a her evening out.
b a change in plans.
c her wasted day.
Speaker 3
She is calling to ...
a remind Lisa about something.
b ask Lisa to come later.
c check Lisa understands something.
Speaker 4
He is calling to ask Lisa for ...
a permission.
b advice.
c information.
Listen again. This time, circle which of the following phrases each speaker uses to introduce their reason for calling.
Speaker 1
a i merely w<wwFe<A To ...
Ь I verily w«wFe<A Fo ...
Speaker 2
a owe Fkiwg is FlvvF ...
b The Fkiwg is Fk<?d-...
Speaker 3
a The ve<wsow Fov calling is ...
b The ve^sow I'm cwlliwg is ...
Speaker 4
a To cuF Fo Fke poiwF,...
b To geF Fo Fke poiwF, ...
Listen to this conversation between Lisa and her friend about the messages left on the answering machine. For each subject, circle how Lisa feels about it.
1	Lisa feels  about Greg not coming to the party.
a annoyed
b relieved c anxious
2	Lisa feels Marias trip to America.
a excited about
b jealous of c nervous about
3	Lisa feels the call from the hairdressers,
a upset by
b grateful for
c angry about
4	Lisa feels by Marks phone call.
a amused b worried c deceived
Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Circle T for True or F for False.
1	Lisa was pleased with the restaurant they went to.	T / F
2	Greg arrived late at Lisas last party. T / F
3	This is probably Marias last chance to go to America.	T / F
4	Lisa told the hairdresser that the assistant was very rude.	T / F
5	Lisa is worried that she might be losing her memory.	T / F
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	I relied on John and he really let me down; I was so disappointed.
	When people are upset, they feel sad and perhaps cry.
	My social life has got much better since I moved to the city and I’ve met lots of new people.
	The population of Japan is nearly 130 million.
	If something is inconvenient, it causes you trouble by happening at the wrong time or place.
	You feel relieved when you stop worrying about something.
	You might feel anxious when you are a little afraid or when you are worrying about something.
	You should show how grateful you are and say ‘Thank you' when you receive a gift.
	The reason you are doing something is your purpose.
	The headmaster was furious when he saw the broken window and shouted at all of us.
1	Nancy’s parents were very when the police found her safe.
2	If it’s not too, maybe we could meet outside the library at seven.
3	My mum was absolutely
when she heard that I’d been fighting at school.
4	Louise was really by some
of the horrible things you said and she was in tears all night.
5	I’m so sorry to you
, but I can’t help you this weekend after all.
6	If the of the world
continues to increase, what problems do you think we will face in the future?
7	Ian has quite a full  and always seems to be going out with friends.
8	I can’t tell you how I am for
all the wonderful Christmas presents.
9	I’m a bit about the exam tomorrow because it’s quite important.
10	I really couldn't understand what the
 of doing so many grammar exercises was when we all knew how to do it
s t e n i n g Skills
/ Unit
1 9
Practise your listening skills
Listening know-how
 Выполняя зздание Л. старайтесь не 1ОЛЬК(> попять основной смысл высказывания. но п уловить шмонанию, с ко юрой произносится фраза.
Интонация юворящсчо в значительной с тепени выражает ею отношение к предмету разговора.

 Выполняя задание В помните, что час н> ответов может бы ть записана в виде' цифры, например возраст человека, или телефонный номер. Помни те. что в ;-ном еле чае нам нс* нежно записывать ответ словами.
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer. A, В or C.
1	You overhear this exchange in an office. How does the man feel?
A relieved
В embarrassed
C disappointed
2	You hear a woman talking about a party. What did she feel about the man she met?
A He was helpful.
В He was funny.
C He was powerful.
3	Listen to this man talking to someone on the phone. Why is he calling?
A to rearrange a meeting
В to cancel a meeting
C to report on a meeting
4	You hear this woman talking on a radio show. Why did she call?
A to request a song
В to enter a competition
C to give her opinion
5	In a shop, you hear an assistant on the phone. How does she feel?
A annoyed with her manager
В upset with a customer
C worried about a delivery
6	You overhear this conversation on a bus. What does the woman want her husband to do?
A mend the car В clean the car C sell the car
7	You hear this man describing a book. What is his attitude towards it?
A It had a great effect on him.
В It didn’t teach him anything new.
C It made him feel guilty.
8	Listen to this woman talking to her son. What does she want him to do?
A write a letter
В make a phone call
C visit someone
You will hear part of a radio programme about a famous person. For questions 9-18, complete the notes which summarise what the speaker says. You will need to write a word or short phrase in each box.
were all surprised by her wedding.
Her first part was in a
As a child, she wanted to be
Denise learnt more about the theatre when she
She met Peter Jones at
They spent some time living in
together in Hollywood.
Peter worked hard to get
interested in his ideas.
To make money, Denise worked in
Andy Foster was impressed by the
They started making My Previous Life
Peter showed him.
after Andy met Denise.
4. о Grammar focus
Look at the following statements using the infinitive:
To make my mum happy, I called my grandma.
To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to call my grandma.
The first expresses a purpose and tells us why the speaker did something. It is the same as saying:
I called my grandma in order to make my mum happy.
The second is a linking phrase and does not express a purpose. It is the same as saying:
ly. I didn't want to call my grandma.
Listen to these people making statements using infinitives.
Decide if they are using infinitives of purpose by circling the correct answer.
Speaker 1
a expressing a purpose
b not expressing a purpose
Speaker 2
a expressing a purpose
b not expressing a purpose
Speaker 3
a expressing a purpose
b not expressing a purpose
Speaker 4
a expressing a purpose
b not expressing a purpose
Speaker S
a expressing a purpose
b not expressing a purpose
Speaker 6
a expressing a purpose
b not express ng a purpose
stening Skills / Unit 19
Look at the pictures. In pairs, decide whether you agree or disagree with 12 the following statements and explain why.
	Camping is really uncomfortable and I prefer to stay in a hotel on holiday.
	A holiday is a chance to do new activities and try out new hobbies.
	My idea of a holiday is lying on the beach with friends.
Develop your speaking skills
Look at task В on page 96. Which of these are good things for you to say or do in this task? Write Do or Don’t before each one.
1	 describe the photographs in as much detail as you can.
2	 compare and contrast the photographs.
3	 mention the main similarities between the photographs
4	 mention the main differences between the photographs
5	 try to talk about both pictures equally.
6	 listen when your partner is talking.
7	 listen to exactly what question you are asked.
8	 stop after thirty seconds and say ‘That’s all.’
9	 get stuck trying to think of one word.
10	 think of a different way of saying something if you forge
Listen to this student comparing and contrasting two pictures of holidays. Decide which two pictures she is talking about and tick the points she makes. Listen again if necessary.
She is talking about picture and picture
She says that...
1	they are both challenging holiday activities. 
2	they are both done at the same time of year. 
3	the photos were taken in different places. 
4	different people prefer different activities. 
5	she finds one activity more exciting.
Here are some other points about the photographs the student could ha’<e made, using the Unking phrases in hcAd. Match the two hataes of the
1	Canoeing could be dangerous.  a
2	In contrast to cycling,	 b
3	Canoeing is rather unusual,  c
4	Cycling can be tiring on holiday.  d
5	You need special equipment to go	e
unlike cycling, which some people do everyday.
while for cycling you don't.
canoeing demands special training.
whereas cycling is usually quite safe.
and so can canoeing.
peaking Skills / Unit 20
Develop your speaking skills
Look at these two pictures of different kinds of holiday. With your partner, decide what you think are the two most important similarities and the two most important differences. Write them in the box.
Then discuss your ideas with the class.
This person is talking about the pictures above. Complete what is said using the useful phrases below. Write the correct letters in the spaces provided.
(IJ, bot-k pkot-ogrdnpks show коП<Алу$. (2)people on л Ьелск, (3)______bke second is of people rising ли elepkoink
(4 , Vke people seevn ко be vel<nxe<A because f-key we клк1пд & bre«k -Pvci-a vjovV. Tke pkckc «₽ 4-ke be<nck vj<«s probably t-лкеп in Vke summer (S)w<ns kke of-kev one. (6)spending your коКДлу lying on л Ьелск слп be л liH-le boring, Cl)__exokic koli<A«y$,
wkick Ъелск you лЬоик okker countries <чпД okker people, f? ___
kvllobcvyS, ewkcC koK^cnyy cnre C?)
a while/whereas
b Compared with
c To begin with
d One main difference is that
e In both pictures
f in contrast to
g The first is a photograph of
h and so
i more
Look at the photographs again with your partner and practise comparing and
contrasting using the useful phrases in E. One of you should read the examiners words and then listen. When you have finished, swap roles and practise again.
Fwo pichuves oP kdi<A<^ys. I'A like you t-o cotwpAve ccht-v<*$t- Vheuv лиД tell us which kihA oP коИДлу you uicul<A pve-fev. Rewewbev, you only Vvzve one vumute.
Imagine you had photographs of the following things. What is the most
important similarity you might mention?
What is the most important difference? Work with your partner, and then discuss your ideas with the class.
1 a train / an aeroplane
They me boi-k -Рл$Ъ ue«hS o-P Pv^viSpoH-, but we usually use *nevopl<nues -Pov loh^ev ^istwices.
2 a camping holiday / a beach holiday 3 a trip to London / a trip to Moscow 4 a luxury hotel / a cheap hotel
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
 When you arrive in another country, you have to go through customs, where they check you don’t have anything illegal.
	Shops at airports often sell duty free products, which means they are much cheaper because you don’t pay any tax.
	For some places you need a visa, which gives you permission to enter the country.
	The road is blocked so we’ll have to find a different route to the hotel.
	Make sure you have everything you need before you set off on your journey.
	Many children learn a lot by going away to summer camp with their friends.
	A charter flight is usually cheap and takes tourists in the summer.
	A scheduled flight goes ail year and is usually more expensive.
	On a self-catering holiday, you stay in rooms and cook your own meals.
	I would love to go on an adventure holiday and try activities like canoeing.
1	I’m waiting for my	so that I
can visit Australia.
2	i had a great time at and
made lots of new friends my own age.
3	The flight to Barcelona
leaves at 9.00 every day, all year round.
4	My mum asked me to get her some perfume when I go to America.
5	On a walking holiday, it’s a good idea to mark your on the map so you
don’t get lost.
6	We re going to Spain in July, so there should be lots of cheap flights.
7	We had only just when I
realised I hadn’t locked the door and we had to go back.
8	I’d love to hear about the
you went on. How did you like rock climbing and canoeing?
9	Mrs Wilson was stopped at and they looked through all her luggage.
10	We couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel, so we decided to go on a in
peaking Skills / Unit 20
Practise your speaking skills
Speaking know how
 Выполняя задание В.вам необходимо сравниIв п ioiiociaiHi 1 ь две <]>оiографнн. После пни как вы прсжоммет npve i с сходило и различие <|>oiографнн. -экзамена top задасч вам вопрос. отвечая па Koiopiiiii вам необходимо вырази i в с вое мнение.
 Выполняя задание В, нос iapaiii<ci> равномерно рас пре.те mi  ь время для описания фотографий. lie звлекайюсь опис анием одной фоюграфин. Вам mo/kci не мнишь времени для выполнения задания в целом.
з min
We’d like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions about yourselves.
„	,,	Нлме you
Vo you like Vo be	. ,,л*7
лсз-ive uken you me
он коКДлу?
vjUtnV с«яп VourisVs До in your <лгел?
.	чс оч коГсДлу w'VV
vJouU У<=“ т<лНЛ€ 9	£ -	д,7
( your^lyov^^^s.

;H«we you ever been е^счр;^?
Htnve you ever been <аЬго<яД?
^kere □ -, У°йг	-
Photos for Student A:
' *SVu<AenV Д, here / лге Нмс pkoVo^rcJtpks o-P
। Д14Фегечк к'тД$ o-P ксПДлу. ' l’A like you Vo coiupwe <лчД
i coukrocsV Vkevu лчД 5лу koui you -Peel <7ibouV koli^^ys like
Er Vkese. Retueucber, you Bk only клуб one cuinuVe.
i min |
SVuiAenV B,
uikick ксИДлу iwouliA you
го sees
Photos for Student B:
[ I msn
St-UfAent- Б, he»-e лге Hvo pkcrt-ogv^pks of jAi-Werent- places hs sf-сту вч кйКДлу. 1*«Л like yeu i-e cowpwe coM-vasV ккеил лцД hell us wkick р!лсе you июи1Д pve-Pev Vo st-лу in.
Reiueivibev,	j
>, you only Iwe one luinuke.
k«ve you evev st-луеД in places like t-kese?
Grammar focus
Look at these sentences using ‘so’ to make a comparison. Notice the word order and which auxiliary verbs are used.
Flying is quite safe, and so is travelling by train.
The people in the first photograph have been travelling, and so have those in the second.
Adventure holidays can be dangerous, and so can swimming in some areas.
The people in the first photograph seem excited, and so do those in the second.
Use ‘so’ and an appropriate auxiliary verb to complete the following sentences.
1	My father has visited many European countries, and I.
2	The first photo was taken outdoors, and the second.
J Travelling by plane can be exciting, and travelling by ship.
4	Many people are afraid of flying, and I.
5	Many people like beach holidays, and I.
6	The first photo looks interesting, and the second.
peaking Skills
Unit 20
21 Food and Drink
Look at the pictures. In pairs, discuss whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain why.
	I really don’t like foreign food and the idea of it makes me feel sick.
	I love spicy food. The hotter, the better!
	I like to taste new and unusual food. I’ll try anything once.
	I think everybody likes the kind of food they grow up with
Develop your listening skills
You are going to listen to some people talking about the cuisine of different countries. First, listen to one sentence from each person and predict what they are going to talk about next by choosing the correct answer.
Speaker 1 is going to talk about
a some of the ingredients of Indian food.
b some of his experiences in Indian restaurants.
Speaker 2 is going to talk about
a the history of Italian food.
b the image of Italian food.
Speaker 3 is going to talk about
a some prob/ems with Chinese food.
b some misunderstandings about Chinese food.
Speaker 4 is going to talk about
a some less well-known English dishes.
b some health dangers of the English diet.
Speaker 5 is going to talk about
a how people in Mexico make a particular dish, b what a particular Mexican dish tastes like.
Listen to what the speakers said next and check your answers to A.
You are going to listen to the same speakers saying more about food. Circle the words in each of these lists you think they might use. Then, in pairs, try to think of more words for each list and write them on the line.
Speaker 1: Indian food
spicy chips popular hot popcorn vegetables
Speaker 2: Italian food
tomatoes pizza chopsticks restaurants chocolate cheese
Speaker 3: Chinese food
healthy microwave steak rice crisps fried
Speaker 4: English food
stew octopus potatoes Mediterranean tasty traditions
Speaker 5: Mexican food
rice vodka chillies chicken pizza burgers
Listen to the complete recordings and check which keywords from C the speakers actually used. Did they use any of your words?
t e n i n g Skills
Unit 2 1
U n
i t
Develop your listening skills
Listen to the speakers again and choose which of the following ideas each speaker expresses by writing the correct letter in the space provided. There is one extra letter you do not need to use.
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3:
Speaker 4:
Speaker 5:
This food shows that we should try to find out more.
This food is thought to be better home-made.
This food is appropriate in the country it comes from.
This food doesn’t demand a lot of preparation time.
This food is done better in the country it comes from.
This food appeals to all kinds of different people.
You are going to listen to an extract from an interview with the speaker you heard talking about Indian food. Before you listen, try to predict what words are missing from these notes by circling the correct answer and then writing your guess on the line provided.
1 He thought before he went that people ate more than they
actually did.
The missing word is probably ... a a noun.
b an adjective.
c a verb.
It could be:______________
2 Some of the food is quite for local people.
The missing word is probably...
a an adverb.
b a preposition.
c an adjective.
It could be:_______________
3 If the food was too, the speaker didn't like it.
The missing word is probably a an adjective.
b a verb.
c a noun.
It could be:_______________
In pairs, discuss your ideas. Do you agree on what the missing words might be?
Decide whether the following words could be used to complete any of the sentences 1-3 in F. Write the number(s) of the sentences next to the words. If the word can't be used to complete any of the sentences, put a cross.
1 cheap 
2 quickly 
3 rather 
4 potatoes 
5 curry 
6 salty 
Listen to the extract from the interview and complete the notes in F. Were any of your guesses correct?
Now listen again. This time, decide if the statements are true or false. Circle T for True or F for False.
1 The speaker did some research before he went.	T/F
2 The speaker was expecting more vegetables.	T/F
3 The Indians eat a large amount of beef.
4 The speaker loved everything he ate.	T/F
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	I've always loved French cuisine and I took a course to learn how to cook it properly.
	This one’s quite spicy, so you might need a glass of water with it to cool your mouth down!
	In Europe, we eat quite well, but we still have too much salt and sugar in our diet.
	A person who makes food but who hasn't been specially trained is usually called a cook.
	Some places are self-service and don't have waiters. You get your food from the counter and pay for it before sitting at a table.
	If you acquire/get a taste for something, you try it and start to like it.
	The waiter told us that each dish on the menu was served with chips and vegetables.
	A stew is usually meat and vegetables in a sauce cooked in a pot for quite a long time.
	The Italians eat a lot of pasta, such as spaghetti and ravioli.
	Many people eat toast for breakfast. It's bread which has been cooked on both sides and they often put butter and marmalade on it.
1	I think the restaurant is	, so
join the queue and choose what you want.
2	A is a great meal to make
for a cold winters day, especially if you have plenty of time.
3	I’d love to try some of your curry, as long as it’s not too________________________
4	I’m never very hungry in the morning and a cup of coffee and a slice of is
usually enough.
5	1 don’t like pizza, so when we go to an Italian restaurant 1 usually order
6	Sarahs got a job as a at the
local hospital and she says it’s really hard work.
7	People in some countries have a very poor without enough vitamins.
8	Our chef is highly experienced and specialises in producing top quality European
9	The food in other countries can seem a little strange at first, but you soon ______________________it.
10	The waiter came back and said that they’d run out of chicken pie, so I had to order another
i s t e n i n g Skills
Unit 2 1
U n
Practise your listening skills
Listening know-how
	Выполняя задание Л, перед прослушиванием текста, прочитайте, что говориться о каждом участнике беседы.
11ос I арайтссь ci 1 рогнозирова гъ информацию, которую вы можете услышан, в тексте. Во время прослушивания текста сопоставьте ваши предположения с содержанием текста для аудирования.
	Выполняя задание В, перед прослушиванием текста прочитай ie заданно и вопросы. Постарайтесь догадаться, о чем пойдет речь в тексте. В вопросах подчеркните слова, которые вы предполагаете услышать 1ёкш легче попять, если вы будете знать, о чем пойдет речь.
You will hear five people talking about their experiences in different restaurants. For questions 1-5, choose from the list A-F what happened to each speaker. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use.
A I was expecting less choice.			
	Speaker 1		1
В I was expecting a quieter place.	Speaker 2	—	2
С I was expecting more polite waiters.	Speaker 3		3
D I was expecting higher prices.	Speaker 4		4
E I was expecting a busier place.	Speaker 5		5
F I was expecting better service.
You will hear an interview with a chef about a cookery programme on TV. For questions 6-12, decide which of the statements are TRUE and which are FALSE. Write T for True or F for False in the boxes provided.
Trisha was offered this series because of a previous success.
Patrick was tested before being offered a part on the show.
Leave it to Cook is meant to make difficult techniques easier.
Patrick thinks he is a good example for the viewers.
Patrick thinks people should make a great effort to eat well.
Patrick’s children love the things he makes for them.
Trisha suggests listeners should be imaginative in their cooking.
—	8
L	Ltl
—	10
* Grammar focus
First, complete the following table using the words in the box.
absolutely wonderful very expensive
[ examples	we can use these expressions
gradable adjectives big. cheap, interesting,, etc a little, too. quite, extremely. i ungradable adjectives perfect, amazing, exhausted,etc | totally, completely, quite,
Now look at the following sentences using the word quite’ in two different ways.
I thought the food was quite spicy.
I thought the food was quite excellent.
In the first sentence, ‘quite’ means ‘fairly’. That’s because ‘spicy* is a gradable adjective, and the sentence is the same as:
I thought the food was fairly spicy.
In the second sentence, 'quite’ means 'absolutely, completely'. That’s because 'excellent' is an ungradable adjective, and the sentence is the same as:
I thought the food was absolutely excellent.
Li ten to these statements. For each one, decide whether the word ‘quite’ means ‘fairly’ or ‘absolutely’ by circling the correct answer.
Statement 1	Statement 2	Statement 3	Statement 4	Statement S
a fairly	a fairly	a fairly	a fairly	a fairly
b absolutely	b absolutely	b absolutely	b absolutely	b absolutely
Listening Skills / Unit 2 1
The Media
Warm-up	д
Look at the pictures. In pairs, decide to what extent you agree or V"1 * * 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 disagree with the following statements and explain why.
	It would be exciting to be a reporter in a war zone.
	The media should be careful to present a balanced view.
	When a few powerful people control the media, we get a better service.
Develop your speaking skills
Look at tasks A and В on pages 108-109. Which of these are good things for you to say or do in these tasks? Write Do or Don't before each one.
1  interrupt your partner to say you agree or disagree.
1  give your opinion briefly after your partner s turn in task A.
5  say things like ‘You’re wrong!’ or ‘That's rubbish!’.
4  agree and disagree in a polite, friendly way.
5  agree with everything your partner says in task B.
6  try to use phrases apart from ‘I agree* or ‘I disagree'.
7  explain why you agree or disagree with your partner.
8  ask your partner whether they agree with you or not.
9  use the expression ‘What do you think?’ all the time.
10  ask your partner different questions about their opinion.
Listen to the following extracts taken from different interviews with students. For each student, choose the phrase you hear them use to agree or disagree.
Student 1
а 1ц л w^y, you Iwe ng kF ...
Ь 1ч л U)cy, you we ng kF ...
Student 2
a I woul<A oigree wiFk ...
b I ccul<A <ngvee wiFk ...
Student 3
a 1’vu ncF ogvee with you ...
b I «АсчЧ- лд*ее wiFk you ...
Student 4
a I pwFly лд^ее uiFk you ...
b I pwFly лд*ее wiFk you ...
Student 5
a I лдтее wiFk you Fo л cevF«in exFenF...
b I лд*ее wiFk you up Fo л cevFwh exFeuF ...
Student 6
a As Hwy kwA S<*i<A, ...
Ь As Hwy 5Л1Д, ...
Apart from the phrases the students used in B, the following words or phrases can also be used to agree or disagree.
Put them in the correct box.
You’ve got a point, but...
Surely, though,...
Yes, I hadn’t thought of that.
I have to disagree ...
That's quite true, and ...
That’s what I was thinking.
Absolutely.	But what about...
I totally agree ...	I agree in part...
To some extent, that’s right... You’re right, and ...
I’m afraid 1 don't agree ... That’s absolutely right,...
I couldn’t agree more ...	That's a very good point...
I agree with you up to a point...
There’s a lot in what you say, but ...
Phrases we can use to ...
agree	partly agree or disagree	disagree
1 completely agree.	1 partly agree.	/ completely disagree.
peaking Skills
Unit 22
Develop your speaking skills
in pairs, take it in turns to read the following statements to each other and to agree or disagree. Try to use as many of the phrases from В and C as you can. Remember to give reasons for your opinions.
What newspapers say should be controlled by the government. We should make sure that nobody writes anything bad about the people in power,
sUeuU лП Ъе
or 4oVs 40V *елПу ve»Y
TV news programmes are better at informing the public than newspapers arc.
Your teacher will divide you into two groups, Group A and Group B. You are going to discuss the statement:
‘This class believes that using the Internet in English lessons would be a good thing.*
Group A: You are ’for’ the statement. Below are three points that Group В is going to make against the statement. On the right, make notes about why you disagree with these points.
Group B’s ’against' points	Why we disagree
1 It would waste a lot of time.	1 	
2 It wouldn’t help with our English.	2			-
3 It would be too expensive.	3 		_					
Group В: You are ‘against’ the statement. Below are three points that Group A is going to make for the statement. Underneath, make notes about why you disagree with these points.
Group A’s ‘for’ points
1	It would be fun and motivating.
2	We could contact people by e-mail.
1 It would teach us about computers.
Why we disagree
Now hold your debate. Your teacher will guide you and tell you what to do. When you have used all the points from the boxes above, continue with other ideas. Remember to use good phrases to agree and disagree.
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	The editor sent his two best reporters out to get the story.
	According to the TV listings/guide. there’s a film on Channel Five at ten o'clock.
	I don’t believe in censorship. I think that people should be free to write whatever they want.
	Some people pay for satellite TV and they have a kind of dish on their roof to receive the signal from space.
	Have you seen the new commercial/ad/ advert/advertisement for soap powder with the funny dog?
	The presenter of the show introduced her first guest, who was a famous actor.
	A celebrity is a person who is famous, such as a singer or actor.
	A sponsor is a company that pays for a TV show, a sporting event, and so on.
	The newsreader said that there had been a plane crash in Russia.
	Stay with us, and after the break we’ll be bringing you more pictures of that skateboarding dog!
1	I know you say that she’s supposed to be a , but I’ve never heard of her!
2	You have to have a good voice and look serious to be a; most of them are also trained Journalists.
3	We’re thinking of getting but I think the dish looks so ugly on top of the house.
4	If you feel that strongly about it, why don’t you write a letter to the_______________.?
5	Wasn’t that actress in a for
a bank a couple of years ago?
6	The government have been accused of after they ti led to stop the newspapers printing the truth.
7	The channel lost its after
making a programme that criticised the fast food industry.
8	She used to be a on a
children’s TV programme, and now she hosts a game show.
9	Were going to take a quick, but stay tuned for more.
10	Could you pass me the so
I can see what time it starts?
e a к i n g Skills
Unit 2 2
22 I----------------------------
Practise your speaking skills
Speaking know-how
 Выполняя задание Л. постарайтесь использовать различные формы выражения coi хасия пли necoi хаспя. Избегайте нов трения фраз What do y»ii I hi nli? и I agree.
 Выполняя задание В. дя перечисления аргхмешов - la» н -upoiHB" используй u-фразх On the пне hand ... он the other hand ...
i’A like you Vo iuwxgivxe
VhexV you uiovk -Pov л TV Hews pvogr*ni*xwie. These picVuves show Vhe eveuVs Vh^xV h<we ЬлрренеА Vo<A<?y. Г<А like you Vo discuss how iiAporViPBxV you Vk’mk елск eve nV is лц<А Vkevi <Aeci<Ae VogeVker which Vhree even Vs you woulfA like Vo include in VoviighV's pvogv<ni*w*xe.
ReMeihbev, you к<луе ^bouV Vhvee wmuVes Vor Vhis.	__________(
ч пип
Do you think there's too much news on TV?
Is TV ehVev+dniHUAeHV ov is IV еД1лслНоч?
Do you think watching TV can help to improve your English?
How could TV be improved in ) your country? 7
—/	(
How often do you use the Internet?
Do you can
think the Internet help students?
Grammar focus
Look at the following sentences using the verb ‘agree’ and notice which prepositions are used.
We couldn't agree on a video to watch for the evening.
Mum agreed to our suggestion about which film to watch
We never seem to agree about television programmes.
I have to say that I don’t agree with Bill.
I really don’t agree with allowing children to use the Internet.
Circle the correct words to complete the rules.
We use with / on when we are talking about a person.
We use about / to when we are talking about a subject for discussion.
We use to / with when we are talking about morally approving of something.
We use on / with when we are talking about reaching a decision.
We use on / to when we are talking about giving permission or accepting a suggestion.
Complete the following sentences by writing the correct preposit ons in the spaces provided.
1	We have to agree two things to include in our TV programme.
2	I agree you in part, but I think you’re forgetting an important point.
3	Hopefully, the headmaster will agree our suggestion that we
connect the school to the Internet.
4	I don’t agree having violent films on in the early evening.
S You and I will never agree .___________the role of TV in todays world.
Speaking Skills / Unit 2 2
23 The Weather
Look at the pictures, in pairs, ask and answer the following questions:
	How do you prefer to find out about the weather?
	Are you interested in knowing what the forecast is every day?
	Why is the weather forecast so important to some people?
	How accurate do you think weather forecasts are?
Develop your
Look at task В on page 115 and read these statements.
Decide if they are true or false. Circle T for True and F for False.
1	You need to write complete sentences in the gaps.	T /	F
2	You can only write one word in each gap.	T /	F
3	You might have to write as many as ten words in one gap. T /	F
4	The exact word or phrase that you need to write is in the listening somewhere.	T / F
5	The gaps are in the same order as the information which you hear.	T / F
6	Your answer will be marked wrong if you make a spelling mistake.	T /
7	You can write numbers in a gap, where appropriate.	T / F
Look at these three examples of gaps.
Temperature tomorrow:
What will the temperature be tomorrow?
The temperature tomorrow will be
Now think about possible kinds of answers.
Write an answer involving a number which fits in all three gaps: 
Now write down one word which would fit all three gaps: 
Finally, write a phrase (of between two and five words) which fits all three gaps:
As a class, discuss your choices.
How many different words or phrases fit all three gaps?
Here is another gap.
Do your choices fit this gap too? If not, discuss why not.
4 The temperature tomorrow will be
Look at these words and phrases.
Decide which of the gaps above they can fill, if any. Tick or cross.
1 42
2 42°
3 forty-two degrees
4 cool
5 cooler than
6 coolest
7 cooler than yesterday
8 coolness
gap 1 gap 2 gap3 gap 4
listening Skills
U n
f 2 3
U n
i t
Develop your listening skills
You are going to listen to the beginning of a weather forecast. As you listen, write one word in each gap to complete the sentences.
The temperature tomorrow will be
There is not much
Tomorrow will be
There will not be much
2 in the air.
1 than today.
3 , especially at noon.
Now listen again. This time, all your answers will be phrases of between two and five words, or will involve numbers.
highest temperature:
up to 44 degrees in:
humidity (per cent):
bright, particularly around midday and
Here are some more gaps for the same weather forecast. Can you remember any of the answers? Write a word or short phrase in each one. It doesn’t matter if it is only a guess.
1 What is the name of the weather presenter?
2 What is the country experiencing at the moment?
Where will it be hottest tomorrow?	
4 The air will not contain much
5 People will not be
much tomorrow.
6 There won’t be much
or most of the day.
7 What should people wear outside?
Now listen one more time and check your answers to G. Change any of the guesses that you got wrong.
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	We were snowed in for three days and couldn’t even get to the shops.
	If the river rises any higher, the whole town is tn danger of flooding.
	If it carries on raining, then the river may well burst its banks.
	The weatherman said that we’re in for a cold spell over the next few days.
	These days, meteorologists rely on sophisticated computers to forecast the weather.
	It was so windy that my umbrella kept turning inside out!
	Let's go for a walk in the country if it’s sunny tomorrow.
	You’d better take your waterproofs. They say it's going to rain quite heavily later.
	Hail is small pieces of ice which fall from the sky.
	If it is drizzling, it's raining very lightly.
1	I got caught in a storm. It
was actually quite painful!
2	It’s only I'm not going to
bother to take my umbrella.
3	We had a really hot last
week. It was lovely. We had a barbecue in the garden every evening.
4	I hope we don’t get I’ve got
an important meeting tomorrow.
5	Remember to bring your
They'll keep you warm and dry if the weather turns bad.
6	The regular could be
avoided if the council put in a proper drainage system. At the moment, there’s nowhere for the water to flow to.
7	Do you think it's too to fly
my kite?
8	The local council are strengthening the of the river in an attempt to prevent a repeat of last year's flooding.
9	Are all the weathermen and weathergirls on TV professional?
10	It was a beautiful day.
There wasn’t a cloud in the sky.
s t e n i n g Skills
2 3
Practise your listening skills
Listening know-how
 Выполняя задание В, помни ic, чю в мп отвез не должен coc i оя гь более чем из пню слов. Ciapaii гссь избегать в о I вс [ах лишней информации.
 В задании В протеки дата в i >м же порядке, что и информация в тексте на кассете. 11апример. если вы не услышали oiBci па вопрос 1. ио усхьппа mi omei па вопрос 3, имейте в виду, чю о ним на вопрос 4 прозвучал раньше.
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, В or C.
1 You hear a man talking about a football match. Why was the match cancelled? A because of the bad weather
В because of football hooligans
C because of an accident
2 You hear someone talking on a mobile phone. Who is she talking to?
A a customer
В a colleague
C a relative
3 You overhear two people in a travel agent’s arguing about a trip.
What do they disagree about?
A how warm it will be
В how sunny it will be
C how humid it will be
4 You hear a weather forecast on the radio.
What will the weather be like tomorrow in the north?
A wet
В windy
C bright
*4- 5 Listen to this news report about a flood.
What was the probable cause of the flood?
A a river bursting its banks
В a broken pipe
C heavy rainfall
6	You hear two academics talking on television about global warming.
What are they arguing about?
A the existence of gicba' тоагтгтд
В the causes of global warming
C the effects of global warming
7	Listen to this man talking about the weather. Who is he?
A a vet
В a farmer
C a butcher
8	Listen to this woman talking about weather forecasting. How does she feel?
A angry
В worried
C amused
You will hear a radio presenter talking about an Internet website. For questions 9-18, fill in the missing information with a word or short phrase.
Search & Find Factsheet No. 22
name of website: website address:
such as:
site also includes:
strange weather in
raining frogs, stones,
/ other useful
(with more than
(with photos or
, lizards
of meteorological terms
/ links to other websites
ideal for:
website designed by:
students at
working on projects
* Grammar focus
When people speak, they often run certain words and phrases together. Listen to this example. Does it sound like this?
Are you going to make a decision now, or do you want to wait and see what the weather is like?
Or this?
Are you gonna make a decision now, or d’ya wanna wait’n’see what the weather’s like?
Listen to these people talking. For each one, fill in the gaps with the written form of the word or phrase they say (i.e. write ‘going to' and not ‘gonna’).
1 You out in such bad weather. What thinking?
2 I think in the morning, whatever like.
5 ---------------------use a flash, as the sun’s quite bright anyway.
4 I--------------------I__________________— weather forecast this morning.
S They come if it’s snowing. The bad,
and be them to do on the farm
a ring in the morning if
i s t e n i n g Skills / Unit 2 3
24 The Environment
Look at the pictures. Match them with the types of housing below. Now, in pairs, discuss which of these you would prefer to live in. Give reasons for your choice.  detached house  terraced house  bungalow   semi-detached house 
Develop your speaking skills
Look at task В on page 120. Which of these are good things for you to say or do in this task?
Write Do or Don’t before each one.
If you are not sure exactly what the picture is,...
1 			panic.	4 			say that you can’t do
2 			stop talking.	the task.	
3 	.		say that you are	5 			use words and phrases
not sure.		that express doubt and possibility.	
6 give reasons when you express your opinion.
You're going to hear two students talking about a photograph. They are unsure exactly what the photo is, and they express their uncertainty. Which of these words and phrases do they use? L sten and tick the ones you hear.
Student 1
1 It- wtAst- be ...
2	lb w<^y be ...
3	1 t-kink ...
4	i believe ...
5	probably
6	Aefinit-ely
7	иллуЬе
8	I hope Hunt- ...
9	I «Acu’b verily uvvAevsk^vuA ...
Student 2
1	w^ybe 
2	l илу be ...	------
3	it- wight- be ... 
4	I know ...	______
5	I t-hink ...
6	I cwt- tell yov, i-P ... 
7	I cw?t- *ел!1у	i-P ... 
Now listen again. Each student uses one other good phrase for expressing uncertainty. Write their phrases on the lines provided.
Student 1: ___________________________________
Student 2:____________________________________
Here are some words and phrases you could use in task В on page 120. Write each one in its correct box. The words and phrases already in the boxes are from the previous exercises.
It can’t be...
I would imagine that...
It could be...
I guess that...
Judging from ...	I’m not really/totally sure, but...
It’s not clear...	It has to be ...
It’s difficult to tell, but...	It’s quite likely that...
Expressing uncertainty
1 сдчц'Р verily w<^ke out-
Expressing certainty . It- wixSt- be_____
Expressing possibility
It- be ...____________________
It- wight- be ...
1 t-Wwk ...
1 suppose t-k^t-...
peaking Skills / Unit 24
24 Develop your speaking skills
Look at these two photographs, and make notes on the lines provided to answer the questions.
Picture A
1	What is this a picture of?
2	What are the two or three most important things in the picture?
3	Can we tell if it’s a town or a city?
4	Which do you think it is? Why?
5	Do you think its a town/city in your country?
6	Why/Why not?_________________________________
7	Do you like this place?
8	Why/Why not?_________________________________
Picture В
1	What is this a picture of?
2	What are the two or three most important things in this photo?
3	Where do you think the photo was taken?------------
4	Why?_______________________________________________
5	Do you like this place?
6	Why/Why not?_______________________________________
Both pictures
1	What is the main difference between the pictures?
2	Which place would you prefer to visit?
3	Why?_____________________________________
In pairs, look at the photographs again and practise comparing and contrasting using the useful phrases in D, and your notes in E. One of you should read the examiner’s words and then listen. When you have finished, swap roles.
иАщиЬе rev HVis.
Heve Hmo
pic^-uves o-F «Ai-P-Fevewi'
соилрлге cowVv^si- t-Uese pici-iAves, spying vulAiek pl лее you vjou1<A pve-Pev Fo visU-,
лн<А tv 1лу. RevueiAbev
you owly 1ллуе оце
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	It’s very peaceful in the country (side), but there aren’t as many facilities as in the town.
	We went to a safari park last week. Its much better than a zoo as the animals have plenty of room to roam around.
	The government has decided to ban fox hunting. They believe it’s cruel and unnecessary.
	We should think of the Earth as a large eco-system. All the animals and plants depend on each other.
	If the rainforests are all destroyed, millions of different types of insect will become extinct.
	Are cars that take diesel more environmental ly-friendly than cars that take petrol?
	This newspaper is printed on recycled paper.
	Too many factories dispose of their waste by pumping it into rivers and the sea.
	CFCs are the chemicals responsible for much of the damage to the ozone layer.
	Individuals can’t solve the worlds environmental problems on their own; governments and industry must change too.
1	Make sure your deodorant doesn’t contain harmful; you don’t want to increase the size of the hole of the ozone layer!
2	Could you fill the tank up with ____________________, please?
3	They’re going to cars from
the city centre in an attempt to reduce pollution from exhaust fumes.
4	We should all try to reduce household by taking all our glass, paper and plastic to recycling bins.
5	Once you enter the, do not get out of your cars. The animals are dangerous.
6	The whole of the region
was changed when the airport was built. Most of the wild birds have completely disappeared.
7	We’ve decided to move to the
 as its a much safer place to bring up small children.
8	The are so far away that it’s
difficult for us in the West to see the damage.
9	Many people who work in
are trying hard to make their companies more environmentally aware and responsible.
10	This glass is just as good as
brand-new glass.
Speaking Skills / Unit 24
24 i--------------------
Practise your speaking skills
Speaking know-how
 Выполняя шдание В. избегшие	 Выполняя садаипе В. не бопгесь
использования фразы I ran .w при	выс казыва i ь своп предположения, iaa<e
сравнении фоня рафнн. Фразы Thru' is..., если вы в пил неуверены. I lenoьз й i с Инге а>г... звучат более ее гее i вен но.	различные' фразы дя выражения
разной cieneiiii  Hcpeiinoci и. например
Ш7/. Ли not rrallx лиге. but...
э min
We’d like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions about yourselves.
Hou long Ivwe you IlveA t-heve?
иЛллк uoulA you склпде cnbouV you*-коме?
1$ Hke*e <wyfking you uoulA склпде лЬоик wke*e you live?
sjk^t- kinA of building Ao you live in?
vjk^l- avre t-ke best- t-kings лЬоик living Vke*e?
vJoulA you pvefev Vo live sotueuAere else? vJky/vJky not-?
Vo you live be vke Vown e.
Vke counb-yslAe?
iivonMen t-oJIy-WenAly avre you?
_____ ж livi'V’l Vke*e.
Grammar focus
Read the following sentences and choose the correct paraphrase in each case.
1 You must find it noisy living in a city.
a I think you probably find living in a city noisy, (deduction)
b I really want you to find it noisy living in a city, (obligation)
2 You must make more of an effort to recycle.
a I think you probably make more of an effort to recycle, (deduction)
b I really want you to make more of an effort to recycle, (obligation)
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in bold and the word ‘must’.
Write between two and five words. Do not change the word given.
1	Because there is a lot of pollution, I think the man in the photo feels depressed, feel
The man in the photo there is so much pollution.
2	The local council is responsible for making sure that the beaches are clean, make
The local council that the beaches are clean.
3	Judging by all the pollution, I think this is a photo of an industrial area, of
This photo an industrial area, judging by all the pollution.
4	The photographer probably took this photograph in a wood or forest, have
This photograph in a wood or forest.
Speaking Skills
Unit 2 4
Look at the pictures In pairs, discuss the following questions: l‘  Do you own any of the things in the photos?
 Approximately how much do they usually cost?
 What functions do these things usually have?
 Which ones would you like to have? Why?
Develop your listening skills
You are going to listen to five teenagers. They are each taking part in a local radio show called ‘Buy and Sell.’ In the show, people phone up and leave a message describing something that they want to buy second-hand or something that they want to sell. First, listen to their names, ages and phone numbers and write the information on the lines provided.
Г Name	Age	Phone number
Now listen to what they say next. Do they want to buy or sell something? Tick the correct column.
Now listen to their complete messages. Circle the correct words or phrases to complete the notepad.
'll 1П П 4 ШШШШЗДь
 * * * «<«•••
I Buy лнД Sell
1 Ticon X3-400 / X34-100 c^wevA
bl лек I blue
елхе 1чс1иДеА / ext-гл
£2V I £.20
2 CV / DvD player wust be ел$у t-o елггу / use
чок wove р^лч £S0 / £ I S’
vi«Aec vecorAev / слмегл
wust- / wust-h'l- Vicnve гесклгделЬ1е ЬлН-evies awkA £14/ £40
4 wount-ouH /	bite
«4 Very / Рл1г1у goOtA condition w<nke: T«ylor'$ / Tiler's
?/ I S’ gews
price: £4S" / £.5'6
. — , ttccrroHie огдлгпхег wo^eb НлчДгллЪе / НлчДилАе VAx price; £.120 / £?0
L i s
t e n i n g
/ Unit
2 5
25 Develop your listening skills
Listen one more time. For each question, write a word or short phrase on the line provided.
Message 1
What kind of photographs does he say the camera takes?
Will he consider lowering the price?
Message 2
Why won’t she consider paying more?
Message 3
What does she not mind about?
Who advised her to get one with rechargeable batteries?
Message 4
What kind of phone does he have?
What reason does he give for selling his bike?
How old is the bike?
What depends on distance?
Message 5
When was her birthday?
When did she get the organiser?
How much will someone save by buying this organiser?
Imagine you want to buy or sell something on ‘Buy and Sell'. First fill in this information card. Don’t show anyone else your information.
Name:	______________________________________
Age:	--------------------------------------
Phone number:	______________________________________
Buy or sell?	______________________________________
Item:	______________________________________
Make/model number:
Age of product:	________________________________________
Condition:	___________________________________.__
Description;	______________________________________
Any other information:________________________________________
As a class, take turns to say your messages. Imagine you are leaving the message on an answerphone so it can be played on the radio. When someone else is saying their message, note down their information on one of the cards below.	'
Name:	________________
Age:	________________
Phone number:	________________
Buy or sell? ____________________
Item:	________________
Make/model number:	________________
Age of product: 
Condition:	________________
Description:	________________
Any other information:	________________
Name:	________________
Age:	________________
Phone number:	________________
Buy or sell? ____________________
Item:	________________
Make/model number:	________________
Age of product: 
Condition:	________________
Description:	________________
Any other information:	________________
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	I love surfing the (Internet. There are so many interesting websites these days.
	I used to find it hard to keep in touch with old friends but with e-mail/email, it’s so easy.
	We spent the whole Physics lesson doing experiments in the science lab(oratory) at school. It was great fun.
	The word ‘drugs' can be used to refer to both narcotics and pharmaceuticals.
	I can’t open that file you sent me by e-mail. Our word processors are just not compatible.
	Robbie quickly picked up the telephone receiver and said, 'Hello?'
	I’ll send you a text message to let you know I arrived. You’ll have your mobile on, won't you?
	I’m thinking of getting a wide-screen TV. I hear they're much better for watching films on.
	I use teletext all the time. Its very useful for finding out travel and weather information. You just turn on the TV!
	Most laptop computers and mobile phones have got a rechargeable battery inside.
1	I got a from Emma which
said: how r u? wanna meet @ 8pm tonite & c a film?:-)
2	British plugs are not with
European sockets, so you need an adaptor if you take electrical equipment abroad.
J My new phones got a speakerphone, so you don't need to hold the
4 I never write letters, but I must write to about ten people a day by 
5	I must get a new for my
video camera. It runs down so quickly these days.
6	Did you know that caffeine, alcohol and aspirin are all?
7	Please be careful in the
There are a lot of dangerous chemicals in there.
8	is very addictive. Its easy to spend hours in front of your computer.
9	In a few years* time, you’ll have to have a
You won’t be able to watch any programmes on the one you’ve got now.
10	Not all TVs can receive
You have to get one with a special button on the remote control.
i s t e n i n g Skills / Unit 25
i t
U n
Practise your listening skills
Listening know-how
	Выполняя задание но аудированию, нс спереди гочивай iс внимание на незнакомых словах. Вы все» яа сможете попять основное содержание текста, даже если нс знаете значение каждого слова в отделы гости.
	Выполняя задание В. если вы не уверены, чго выбранный вами ответ правильный, отбросьте ге варианты, которые с вашей точки зрения являются неверными. Исли v вас остается выбор из двух вариантов, и вы до конца не уверены, какой из них является правильным ответом, положитесь па ип J х ицию.
You will hear five people talking about different technological items. For questions 1-5, choose from the list of items A-F what each speaker is describing. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use.
A a digital camera
В a video camera
C a video recorder
D a mobile phone
E a remote control
F an electronic organiser
You will hear a radio interview about a popular website. For questions 6-12, decide which of the choices, A, В or C, is the correct answer.
6 When did the website go online?
A two and a half years ago
В a year and a half ago
C exactly a year ago
7 How many people have visited the website so far?
A approximately 250,000
В almost a million
C more than 8,000,000
8 The website’s popularity is due partly to the fact that A people have very close friends these days.
В it’s not easy to stay in contact with people from your past. C more and more people want to organise reunions.
9 Marjorie believes that we want to know
A if the people we knew are more successful than us.
В what the people we knew are doing in their lives.
C if the people we knew remember us.
10 Where was the story about the couple publicised?
A on the website
В in the newspapers
C in a department store
11 What does Marjorie say about their plans for the future? A They want to spend even more time running the website. В They want to take a short holiday in the near future. C They want to spend some of the money they’ve earned.
12 Steve says that they are planning to
A start another website similar to the one they now run.
В need to have more people working on their next website. C continue to create original websites in tne tuture.
x Grammar focus
Look at these three words:	can	go
At first sight, they look like verbs but they can also be used as nouns:
I bought a can of lemonade.
It's my go!
What make of car does your father drive?
Listen to these sentences. Decide whether the word is being used as a verb or a noun.
1 e-mail verb / noun
2 water verb / noun
3 phone verb / noun
4 watch
5 read
6 drug
verb / noun verb / noun verb / noun
listening Skills / Unit 2 5
26 Health and Fitness
Look at the pictures. Can you match them to the words below? Now, in pairs, discuss what the following things are used for. Have you ever had to use any of these things yourself?
crutches ____
a sling______ plaster__________ a springe___________
Develop your speaking skills
Look at tasks A and В on pages 132-133. Which of these are good things for you to say or do in these tasks?
Write Do or Don’t before each one.
1	make all your answers and responses as short as possible.
2	make all your sentences as short as possible.
3	keep your grammar as simple as possible.
4	correct yourself if you realise you’ve made a grammatical mistake.
5	think: ‘If 1 try to use more complex grammar, and make a mistake, I’ll lose
6	use connectors like ‘but’, and’, 'if’, ‘because’.
7	use relative pronouns like ‘that’, ‘which’, ‘who’, ‘where’, ‘when’.
8	use linking devices like ‘First of all’, ‘Having said that’, ‘And so’.
9	worry that the examiner may disagree with your opinions.
10	think: ‘It doesn’t matter if what I say is illogical, as long as my English is good.’
11	use very formal English.
You are going to hear an extract from a conversation between two students. Tick the words or phrases you hear them say.
	1st candidate	2nd candidate
1	Well,	
2	but	
3	also	
4	or	
S	because	
6	the first one	
7	and	
8	if	
9	its	
In pairs, discuss how well you think the students did. Did they use fairly long and complex sentences? Were they logical? Did they g ve reasons for their opinions? Did they make any mistakes? Listen again to the cassette, if necessary.
In pairs, look at these different jobs.
(SP su>rgeevi ckewisP
Student A:
	Talk for one minute about one of the jobs.
	You can talk about what that person does, or if you would like to have that job, but you must not stop talking, and you mustn’t say anything illogical.
	Try to use connecting words and phrases to make your sentences longer.
	Don’t worry at all about making grammatical mistakes.
Student B:
	You are responsible for the timing, and for listening to your partner.
	You must say ‘Stop!’ if your partner pauses for more than two seconds, or if your partner says anything illogical. If they don’t, stop your partner after one minute.
	Don’t stop your partner if they make a grammatical mistake.
When you have finished, swap roles and choose another job.
Speaking Skills
Unit 26
26 Develop your listening skills
You are going to hear three students answering questions. For each student, circle T for True and F for False. You may need to listen to the cassette twice.
Student 1
1 The question was 'How important is it to have a healthy diet?’	T / F
2 The student gives two reasons why something is good for your health.	T / F
3 The student only gives one reason why something is good for your appearance. T / F
Student 2
1	The question was 'What are the best ways to stay fit and healthy?’	T / F
2	The student gives two examples.	T / F
3	The student makes only one suggestion.	T / F
Student 3
1	The question was ‘How important is it to keep fit?’	T /	F
2	The student gives two reasons why something is good for your	health.	T /	F
3	The student mentions the result of exercising.	T /	F
The words and phrases in bold are all used to introduce a contrasting point of view. Match the two halves of each comment so that they make logical sense.
1 Private doctors often treat you more politely. 
7	It's very sensible to exercise regularly 
3	I do try to have a healthy, balanced diet. 
4	Turning a room at home into a gym is a possible solution. 
5	My sister Carly’s a vegetarian. 
a Having said that, she does eat chicken occasionally.
b On the other hand, the equipment can be very expensive.
c Mind you, people who become obsessed with working out really annoy me.
d But they're very expensive, of course.
e Though there’s nothing like a burger and chips every now and then.
Here are three questions. Think about your answers and make notes on the lines provided.
1	How important is it to keep fit?
Two reasons why it's important:
Contrasting point:
2	How important is it to have a healthy diet? Two reasons why its important:
Contrasting point:
3	What are the best ways to stay fit and healthy?
Two or three best ways:
Contrasting point:
In pairs, ask and answer the three questions in G.
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	When I broke my leg playing rugby, 1 was in plaster for six weeks.
	Mum, I've cut my finger! Have you got a plaster?
	A consultant is a doctor who specialises in a certain area of medicine.
	She’s sprained her wrist, so her arm’s in a sling at the moment.
	The health system in Britain is called the National Health Service, or the NHS.
	I’ve got to take these antibiotics three times a day for a week.
	Dan is an aerobics instructor at a local fitness centre.
	A ward is a room in a hospital with beds for patients.
	I try to work out at the gym at least twice a week.
	I hate injections! I feel faint if I just see a syringe!
1	The doctor said I had a chest infection and prescribed______________________
2	Fiona’s got an appointment to see a next month. She's hoping he'll know why she’s been getting these terrible headaches.
3	If you want to get fit, maybe you should take up
4	My grandfather’s in a with
eighteen other patients.
5	When Karen’s arm was, she had to learn to write with her left hand. She said it was very difficult.
6	The doctor said that, after the operation. I’ve got to keep my arm in a for
a couple of days.
7	i’d love to be able to
regularly, but I just can’t find the time.
8	Medical treatment is free on the
, but there are often long waiting lists for operations and appointments with consultants.
9	It’s quite a deep cut. I don’t think a will be enough. You might need stitches.
10	The dentist used a to
anaesthetise my mouth before he started drilling.
Speaking Skills / Unit 2 6
i t
и n
Practise your speaking skills
Speaking know-how
	Помни te. что при ответе лучше
н< польз >вагь сложные I раммл i (четкие конструкции. , (аже. если вы ошибетесь, ваша попы гка будет оценена.
	Выполняя задание В, номншс. чю экзамена горы оценивают не вашу точку зрения по разным вопросам, а логичное! ь и аргумсп i ированность ответа.
I'A like you Vo im<Agine Vk<^V you лге responsible -Рог puWing « -Pivs+- kiV -for усцг loonl youVk dub. Here <nre some Vkings you migkV uxnnV Vo induAe.
КелНК ce^e 4g5m
.s''''’'" IA like you Vo V<nlk Vo e«d7'''^''''' / oVker <nnA Aiscuss kou use-Pul Vkese
/	we in a -Pivsk cyiA kik Tken, i'A like you
I	Vo AeciAe ukick Vu?o Vkings you uoulA
 noV incluAe in Vke VW <niA kiV Pov
Vke youVk dub. Remember, you kwe «bouV 	__ Vkree minuVes -Per Vkis. S

С De you Vvy fc 1ллх/е л 1легп1Ъ1лу Д1еЪ?
the best ways to ""slay fit and health
Do you exercise regularly?
How do you feel when you go to the < dentist?
Can you think of any ways to improve the health system in vour country?
would you like to work in the medical profession? Why/Why not?
Grammar focus
The gym which I go to is in the town centre.
The gym where I go is in the town centre.
'Where’ can sometimes be used in place of 'to which’, ‘in which’, ‘at which' and ‘from which’.
Write ‘where* or ‘which’ in the gaps to complete the sentences.
1	Go to the chemist's we got those bandages last week.
2	There are only six beds in the ward my aunt is in.
3	The clinic I went to is opposite the police station.
4	That’s the health food shop they sell loads of vegetarian products.
5	Have you heard of the Ipcress Diet? its the one you're allowed
to eat lots of red meat.
6	She’s going to go to the gym she got the leaflets from last week.
Speaking Skiffs
Unit 26
Look at the pictures. In pairs, answer the following questions:  How dangerous are the roads where you live?
	How could they be made safer?
	How can children learn about road safety?
Develop your listening skills
Listen to these extracts from comments on road safety by four people. Each speaker is concerned about a problem. Circle the problem they are probably talking about.
Speaker 1 is concerned about ...
a the cost of insurance.
b the speed of traffic, c the condition of the road.
Speaker 3 is concerned about a childrens safety, b traffic lights.
c roadworks.
Speaker 1 is concerned about ...
a the amount of traffic.
b the lack of parking.
c the cost of petrol.
Speaker 4 is concerned about
a drivers’ skills.
b children’s awareness.
c cars' facilities
Now listen to the complete comments.
Each speaker implies that somebody is to blame for the situation.
Match the speakers to the people they blame.
There is one extra letter you do not need to use.

Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3:
Speaker 4:
A police
В car designers
C local council
D national government
E parents
Listen to the complete comments again.
Decide whether the following statements are true or false.
Circle T for True or F for False.
1 Speaker	1 thinks the problem could cause an accident.	T /	F
2 Speaker	1 thinks the problem could take two years to fix.	T / F
3 Speaker	2 thinks the children should play somewhere else.	T / F
4 Speaker	2 accepted an apology from someone.	T /	F
5 Speaker	3 thinks that the girl was fortunate.	T /	F
6 Speaker	3 s daughter is not allowed to play in the street.	T / F
7 Speaker	4 thinks that driving instructors don’t drive safely.	T / F
8 Speaker	4 thinks the drivers should go a different way.	T /	F
In pairs, check whether you agree on the answers to В and C. Discuss why you chose those answers. If necessary, listen again.
Listening Skills
Unit 27
Develop your listening skills
Listen to these statements taken from an advertisement for a new form of transport, the Solomobile. For each statement, choose the sentence below which best expresses what we can deduce about the Solomobile.
Statement 1
a The Solomobile uses another form of energy.
b The Solomobile uses less petrol than a car.
Statement 2
a The Solomobile doesn’t run on wheels.
b The Solomobile doesn't need any brakes.
Statement 3
a The Solomobile is designed for this country.
b The Solomobile is new in this country.
Now listen to the whole advertisement and check your answers to E.

Listen again and decide what the advertisement implies about the following statements. Circle T for True and F for False.
1 Traffic jams are caused by people going too slowly.	T / F
2 You'll have to pay for the energy the Solomobile uses.	T / F
3 At the moment, we don’t have complete freedom to travel.	T / F
4 The Solomobile is designed for long journeys.	T / F
5 People of different ages will find the Solomobile useful.	T / F
In pairs, discuss your answers to G. Did you agree about what was being implied? Explain why you chose your answers. What do you think of the idea of the Solomobile?
Listen to the advertisement again. As you Ki listen, decide whether you agree or disagree with the following statements. When you have listened, discuss your opinions. Give reasons.
1 We will have electric vehicles
in the near future. Agree / Disagree
2	We will have vehicles that fly in the near future.	Agree /	' Disagree
3	The Solomobile would be fun.	Agree /	f Disagree
4	The Solomobile would replace cars.	Agree / Disagree	
Cars are the biggest threat to the environment.
Agree / Disagree
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
 The council is the local government, usually responsible for roads, schools and local services.
 They’re mending the road into town, so we’ll have to go another way to avoid the roadworks.
 I hope the car doesn’t break down on the way to work like it did yesterday.
	We should take the motorway if were going to drive so far.
	The government have started a major advertising campaign to deal with the problem of drink-driving.
	A coach is a large bus that usually runs between towns and cities.
	You have to stop and pay a toll on some major roads as a kind of tax.
	A hydrofoil is a passenger boat that goes quite fast and is lifted up by a kind of underwater wing.
 I et’s take the ferry to the next island and spend a few days there.
 There’s been an accident so the police have created a diversion onto another road and we have to turn left.
1 The train only runs twice a day, so I suggest we take the and then get a taxi.
2 It might be more expensive than the ferry, but the is much quicker.
3 Could you look in my bag to see if there’s any money? We’ll have to pay a soon if we stay on this road.
4 Two people were injured earlier today in an accident on the just outside
5 if I one more time, I’m
selling this car and getting a new one.
6 There’ll be delays on the M5 for the whole of next week due to________________________
7 We’ll have to go the long way to Grandmas house as there’s a on the
main road because of an accident.
8 The might be slower than
the hydrofoil, but its certainly cheaper.
9 Did you hear about Darrens dad? He was arrested for and might go
to prison.
10 I think the local is
responsible for making sure the roads are in good condition.
i s t e n i n g Skills / Unit 27
U n i
Practise your listening skills
Listening know-how
Выполняя задание Л, помните, чю неправильные вариашы ответов чаш» даются Л'я того, чтобы ввести вас в заблгжденпс. Не выбирайте вариант ответа юмжо погомх. Ч1о в нем встретились слова, которые вы слынксхи в тексте.
Выполняя задание В, причинные предложение целиком после заполнения пропуска. Ваш ответ должен логически и грамматически встраиваться в копт скег.
You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer. A, В or C.
You hear a young woman talking to her friend about a journey.
What is her opinion of the driver?
A He wasn’t really prepared for the journey.
В He didn’t seem to care about the passengers.
C He blamed somebody else for the problem.
You hear a man talking about his job. Where does he work?
A on a ferry
В at a port
C in a travel agent’s
You hear part of a radio programme on the subject of transport
What is the problem being discussed?
A the pollution caused by cars
В the lack of places Lo path
C the danger of speeding motorists
Listen to this couple talking about a museum they are planning to visit.
What do they disagree on?
A how interesting it would be
В how much time they will have there
C how long it will take to get there
You overhear a woman talking to an air hostess. What does the woman want her to do? A speak to another passenger
В help her with a piece of equipment C give something to her
Listen to this woman talking about a documentary she has just seen. What does she think about the programme?
A It ignored the main problem.
В It blamed the wrong people. C It used the wrong figures.
7 You overhear this man on his phone on the tra n. Where is the person he is speaking to?
A in a car
В at home C on a train
8 You hear part of a radio play. Why is the woman annoyed with the man? A He won’t drive her somewhere.
В He can’t remember something.
C He doesn’t know how to do something.
You will hear a man being interviewed for an opinion survey about public transport. For questions 9-18, fill in the questionnaire.
Public Transport Opinion Survey
How often uses public transport?
Any complaints?
Any positive aspects of service?
New Park and Ride Scheme North car park	advantage:	L		15
disadvantage:	I 	 	 Lil
South car park	advantage:	
disadvantage:	L 		1i8j
* Grammar focus
Read these sentences and circle the correct words.
‘As I drove past, I saw Frances crossing the road, and then lost sight other.’
‘I heard two women talking about an accident on the bus, but I had to get ott at the next stop.'
These people saw or heard all / part of the action they are talking about.
'I’m sure Mary was on the ferry because I saw her get on.’
7 heard John play an Oasis song on his guitar and it was wonderful.'
These people saw or heard all / part of the action they are talking about.
Complete the rule:
When see or hear are followed by_______________ it usually means that the speaker only saw or heard part of
an action.
When they are followed by, it usually means that the speaker say or heard all of the action.
Listen to these statements. For each one. decide whether the speaker saw or heard part or all of the action by circling the correct option.
Statement 1	Statement 2	Statement 3	Statement 4	Statement 5
a all	a all	a all	a all	a all
b part	b part	b part	b part	b part
Listening Skills
Unit 27
28 Fashion
Look at the pictures. In pairs, answer the following questions:
 Would you like to work as a fashion designer? Why/Why not?  Do you think clothes from the past can come back in fashion?  How do you think fashion might change in the future?
Develop your speaking skills
Look at tasks A and В on pages 144-145. Which of these are good things for you to say or do in these tasks? Write Do or Don't before each one.
1	 say everything in a voice that never goes up or down.
2______________ 	 let your voice rise and fall naturally.
3	 sound as if the conversation is boring.
4	 sound as if the conversation is interesting.
5		 speak clearly so that the others in the conversation can
hear you.
6	 mumble and cover your mouth with your hand.
7	 let your words flow naturally, with few hesitations.
8	 say ‘... erm ...’ after every word.
9	 say anything in your first language.
10	 express yourself in English.
Read the following passage and look at the phrases in bold. Decide how you would say them. Underline the syllable(s) you think you would stress.
‘Some people have to always have the latest CD player or watch the latest TV programme or play the latest video game. Personally,  I think there are a couple of advantages and disadvantages to being fashionable. In my opinion, spending a lot of money in clothes shops or shoe shops is usually a waste of money. On the other hand, sometimes t’s worth buying good quality. As far as Гт concerned, people should just be themselves and not worry too , much about fashion. Anyway. /
that’s what I think.' /
Now listen to the person speaking and check your answers. When you have finished, compare your answers with your partner's. Did you agree about the way the phrases are pronounced?
With your partner, take it in turns to ask and answer the following questions Try to use the phrases from В and make sure that you stress them correctly.
How have video games changed recently?
OK shoe.
Speaking Skills
Unit 28
28 Develop your speaking skills
In each line below, two of the words have the same vowel sound in them. Circle the two words. Say the words aloud to help you. Compare your answers with the rest of the class. Now check your answers by listening to the words.
1				VwOv<A
2	-Р1<5<Э«А	>YC6VA	skuk	
3	weve		wkeve	
4	hevwi		Ptrw	-Pcwwi
5	Puv	Ptniv	Pw	Plv
6	Р1луе$	рлуечН	клк	
7	OCCUv		<*ppew	
Look at these sentences. Each of them has at least one silent letter in it. Underline any letters which you think are not pronounced.
1	I’ve just got this new jacket and I can’t fasten it.
2	I know its fashionable, but if you wear that top you’ll catch pneumonia.
3	Foreign clothes always seem to be so much better made.
4	The shop assistant had to climb a ladder to get the pair of shoes I wanted.
5	I’m really looking forward to the autumn fashions coming out.
6	Terry has started combing his hair in a more fashionable style.
Listen to the sentences and check your answers. Compare your answers with your partner’s.
Practise reading the following sentences with your partner. Listen to each other carefully to check for correct pronunciation. When you think you have got them right, read the sentences to the whole class. Now check by listening to the sentences.
1	As far as I’m concerned, following foreign fashions has its advantages and disadvantages.
2	My parents will be annoyed that I left my CD player in the clothes shop.
3	In my opinion, it's not fair to animals if people wear fur.
4	Anyway, what were you wearing when the incident occurred?
5	On the other hand, if you shave, you don’t have to comb your beard.
In pairs, say the following sentences slowly and clearly. Then, try to say them faster and faster. Who can say them the fastest, without getting their tongue twisted?

yellow le^kev.
Which wristwatches are . Swiss wristwatches?
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
 If clothes are striped, they have lines of different colours on them, like a zebra.
	if clothes are checked, they have squares of different colours on them, like a chessboard.
	i think it would be really cool to go to a fashion show and see the latest designs.
	If something is out of date, it is old-fashioned and probably useless.
	Teenagers feel peer pressure very strongly; they want to be like their friends and to do the same things as they do.
	You wear a disguise when you don't want other people to know who you are.
	Martha’s wedding will be a great chance to dress up and wear our best clothes.
	This morning, I put my clothes on in a hurry and I’ve been wearing my pullover inside out all day!
	Do you like my new outfit? 1 got the trousers in the town centre, the shoes round the corner, and the top was a present.
	I'm sure the current fashion for nose rings is just a fad; it'll be gone before you know it.
1	The thief bought a wig tn use as a to escape from the police.
2	Many people first start smoking because of
3	1 my T-shirt
the wrong way round and didn't notice.
4	I seem to see a lot of young people with dyed hair these days; I hope it’s just a passing
because I don’t really like it.
5	if you wear a top. with the
lines going vertically, it’ll make you look taller.
6	If you're going to wear that black and white shirt, make sure nobody tries to play chess on you!
7	i've bought a new hat and i'm looking forward to being able to for the
party next week.
8	i’m going to need a new
if were going to dinner at your boss’s house.
9	Most of my clothes seem to be
; its high time I got myseif some new ones.
10	Doesn’t Tracy look really in her new outfit?
Speaking Skills
Unit 2 8
Practise your speaking skills
I Speaking know-how
 He нежно беспокоиться о своем iipoiLiiioiiiciiiin. Самос главное. чюбы вас можно было пошив. по;->гом nociapaiiiccB говори 1 в чем ко и ecicci нспно. Если bbi не понимаете речв своего собеседника, вежливо г юн рос те ею повторить сказанное.
 Помни io. 410 при выражении своего мнения мы обычно делаем марен ня па слова "Г. ‘me’. tnv’ (Д far а Гт го псеrued.... If you ask me.... In my opinion...). Используйте чдарепия в этих <]>разах нравп ык>.
We’d like to know something about you, so I'm going to ask you some questions about yourselves.
vJktfcT- kin^ of1 dot-kes Ле you tike t-o -Рог special occasions?
Ulkoit- kin<A of dot-kes Ло you like ко weeir?
Are you int-erest-еЛ in Pc you -fellow	-P^skion?
Pmjkions in music?
Do you keep up wit-k current-t-renrAs?
vjkeit- weis t-ke l«st new it-em o₽ clot-king you bougkt-?
Photos for Student A:
Co you like t-o <Aress up for $ped<nl occasions?
Do you like t-o get- dot-kes « present-s eit- Ckv st-vnois or on you* Ъё+кЛлу?
^HuAent- A, here «re t-uio pkot-ogv«pks connect-еД t-o clot-kes «чД
fonsWon. I'<A like you t-o covnpmve лпД cont-vonst- t-hew I Sony wkont- «specks o-P t-ke  i«orl<A o-P P«skiou t-key skoui. A
Rewewbe*> you only k«ve one minuke.
w St-иДenk B, 'iwoulA you like t-o i <jo t-о « -₽«skion skotw?
го secs
Photos for Student B:
SVuAeHi" В, Ue^e л*е t-wo fkoj-ogveapks f/?-i <Ai£PeveM- kikckens. i'<A like
i mm
kiVcken <M-1л о иле?
Grammar focus
Look at these sentences expressing negative ideas using ‘thinking’ verbs:
/ don’t think people care so much about fashion these days.
I don’t imagine fashions will change that much in the future.
I don’t believe anybody really wears the clothes they see at fashion shows.
I don’t suppose designers consider ordinary people's needs.
Notice that the ‘thinking’ verb is made negative:
I don't think..., I don’t imagine....
This is more natural than 'I think people don't care...' or 7 imagine fashions won't change...’ Notice, though, that ‘hope’ is an exception.
I hope long hair doesn’t come back into fashion.
Use the following prompts to write natural sentences in the negative.
Make whatever changes are necessary.
1	Jenny / think / fashion be an interesting topic to write about
2	I / believe / jeans become unfashionable for a long time yet
3	Paul / hope / long jackets be in fashion again this year
4	I / can imagine / smoking ever be fashionable again
5	I / suppose / the shops have the latest styles in stock yet
Speaking Skills
Unit 2 8
29 Crime
Warm-up	.
Look at the pictures, in pairs, answer the following questions: ( •
	Why do we have prisons?
	Do prisons work7
	What would be the worst thing about being in prison?
	What other ways of dealing with crime can you think of?
IP*  f
l.lll llllllllll
Develop your listening skills
Look at these statements about stress and intonation.
Decide whether each one is true or false. Circle T for True or F for False.
1	A speaker usually stresses the most important words.	T/F
2	Words like and’, 'or’ and ‘of’ are usually strongly stressed.	T/F
3	Stress is often used to show contrast with another word	T/F
4	A speaker’s voice usually doesn’t go up or down much	T/F
5	A speaker’s intonation can tell us what answer they expect	T/F
Read these sentences, which have been taken from longer comments on crime. Underline which word you think the speaker is going to stress most.
Then listen and check your answers.
Speaker 1	I nevev Vkcu^kk kke ouksiAe wed A iwoulA k«ve склндеА so vnuck.
Speaker 1	I AiA Де 1«к<як kkey s^iA l'А Доне, but- 1'ил sowy -Per Ik hovj.
Speaker 3 Ik's wken kkey’ve on kke cuksiAe кклк kkey k<we pvoblevns.
Speaker 4 vjken kkey слидкк kke person wkc клД Допе ik, I u«ns ^ele^seA.
Listen to slightly longer extracts and decide which of the two options is true for each speaker. The words they stress will help you decide.
Speaker 1 uses stress to show ...
a how surprised he was by what happened.
b how sure he is about what happened.
Speaker 2 uses stress to show ...
a that he accepts that he was guilty.
b that he wasn't as bad as they thought.
Speaker 3 uses stress to contrast...
a life in prison and life outside prison.
b criminals and ordinary people.
Speaker 4 uses stress to emphasize ...
a her anger.
b her innocence.
Now listen to the complete comments. Match each speaker to one point they are making. There is one extra point you do not need to use.
Speaker 1: 		A	Prison can work as a deterrent.
Speaker 2: 		В	More training might help to prevent mistakes.
Speaker 3*.	C	Some people feel more secure in prison.
Speaker 4; 		D	More sports facilities for criminals might help.
	E	Putting criminals with other criminals is not a good idea.
Listening Skills
Unit 29
Develop your listening skills
Listen to these different people say the following words. Underline the word each speaker stresses and match each speaker to the words they
are going to say.
Speaker 1
ll-P he skok kke уоичд ...
a why have they arrested Mrs Simpson?’ b why did he then stab the old man?’
Speaker 2
ll£ he skok kke young ...
a why have they arrested Mrs Simpson?’
b why can't they find the gun?’
Speaker 3
‘l-f ke skok kke young vw, ...
a why can’t they find the gun?’
b how did the old man die?'
Speaker 4
llf ke skok kke young **vnn,...
a why have they arrested Mrs Simpson?’
b why didn’t he shoot the young woman?’
Now listen to the speakers making the statements above and check your answers.
Listen to these statements about crime. Listen to the intonation used by each speaker and decide whether their tone of voice is going up at the end (rising) or down at the end (falling).
Speaker 1 rising / falling
Speaker 2 rising / falling
Speaker 3 rising / falling
Speaker 4 rising / falling
Speaker 5 rising / falling
Listen again and decide for each speaker whether the following statements are true or false. Circle T for True or F for False.
1 Speaker 1 isn’t sure about the information.	T / F
2 Speaker 2 is expecting the listener to agree.	T / F
3 Speaker 3 isn’t surprised by somebody’s statement.	T / F
4 Speaker 4 is sure that the statement is true.	T / F
5 Speaker 5 is sure that the statement is true.	T / F
3 (ъиле)	J. FUe
cviwe, zAiAn'F you?
Look at the following sentences.
With a partner, practise saying them with the correct intonation, falling if you are sure of the answer and rising if you aren’t sure.
1 (not sure) You be
2 (not sure} IFJs illegal Fo p«vk 1ле*е, ish’F iF?
4 (sure) TVey sUouU prison sIaouUh’F Fkey.
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below.
	A court is a place where a criminal trial takes place.
	My brother has a criminal record because of something he did wrong when he was younger.
	I’ve never been in trouble with the police, and I hope I never will.
	A witness claimed that she had seen the accused leaving the bank with the money.
	Old people are increasingly afraid of being victims of violent crime.
	A window had been smashed on the car where someone had tried to break in.
	The judge read the verdict in a steady voice: ‘Guilty.’
	Because it was Ed’s first offence, the judge let him off with just a warning.
	The burglar ran, but the police managed to arrest him before he got too far.
	The justice system has been criticised recently for a number of serious mistakes.
1	You aren’t allowed to join the police force if you have a____________________
2	If you find yourself, make sure you call your lawyer immediately.
3	The robbers almost got away, but a in another house had written down the number of their car.
4	The police believe that the thieves managed to through the back door.
5	Jane’s really worried because her case comes up in	next Monday.
6	The police have announced that they are hoping to somebody in connection
with the crime very shortly.
7	The government has decided to completely change the to make it fairer.
8	The accused woman lowered her head as the ____________________was read out.
9	The punishment for your
is usually not as severe as it is for later crimes.
10	The of the crime appeared
on television to ask for help.
Listening Skills / Unit 29
Practise your listening skills
Listening know-how
Во время экзамена обращайle особое внимание на слова, на которые падас! смысловое ударение. Они помогу! нам 1КШЯ11> о । ношение говорящего к пр< тмеп разговора. В английском языке ударения также использую!, если нужно противопоставить одну идею другой.
 Слушая lainicK. парайтесь не только понять основной смысл высказывания, но и слоишь интонацию, с кснорой произноси 1ся фраза. Ишоиацни говорящего в большой пенсии выражают его отношение к предмету разговора.
You will hear five people talking about a prison. For questions 1-5, choose which of the opinions A-F each speaker expresses. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use.
A I hadn’t expected the place to be like it is.
Speaker 1
В I think that more could be done with more money.
Speaker 2
С I don’t believe prison does any good.
Speaker 3
D I believe that staff should be better trained.
Speaker 4
E I think criminals should be sent to prison more often.
Speaker 5
F I don’t think the men work hard enough.
You will hear a radio interview with a man who used to be a criminal. For questions 6-12,
decide which views are expressed and which are not In the boxes provided, write YES next to those views which are expressed and NO next to those views which are not expressed.
6	Prisons used to be much worse in the past.
7	Prisons teach you how to live a life away from crime.
8	Young people should study more to avoid a life of crime.
9	People might turn to crime when they feel hopeless.
10	Criminals are presented in a realistic way in the media.
11	People can be taught useful skills in prison.
12	Prisoners need more entertainment, such as sports on TV.
xx Grammar focus
Listen to these sentences being read and underline the stressed syllables in the words in blue
None of the prisoners object to the new rules.
The prisoner was found carrying an illegal object.
When a noun and a verb are written in the same way, they are sometimes stressed the same.
Sometimes, though, the stress gives you information about the part of speech.
Listen to these pairs of sentences.
Write the word which appears in both sentences and circle the correct answer.
1 The verb and noun are:
The verb is stressed on the first / second syllable and the noun is stressed on the first / second syllable.
2 The verb and noun are:
The verb is stressed on the first / second syllable and the noun is stressed on the first / second syllable.
3 The verb and noun are:
The verb is stressed on the first / second syllable and the noun is stressed on the first / second syllable.
4 The verb and noun are:
The verb is stressed on the first / second syllable and the noun is stressed on the first / second syllable.
What do you notice about each pair of words?
Listening Skills
Unit 2 9
30 Shopping
Look at the pictures. Can you describe what is happening in each one?
Now, in pairs, suggest what you should do if:
	you buy a CD that won’t play
	you find a hole in a sweater you’ve just bought
	you drop your new camera and it breaks
	two people buy you the same present for Christmas
Develop your speaking skills
Look at tasks A and В on pages 156-157. Which of these are good things for you to say or do in these tasks? Write Do or Don’t before each one.
1	 make reasonable suggestions to your partner.
2	 use the verb suggest’all the time.
3	 ignore your partners suggestions and talk about other things.
4	 ask your partner questions about his or her suggestions.
5	 use your imagination to come up with good suggestions.
6	 use modals like ‘could’ and ‘would’ to make suggestions.
7	 use modals like ‘must’ and ‘have to’ to make suggestions.
8	 explain why you are recommending something.
Listen to the following extracts taken from different conversations. For each student, choose the phrase you hear them use to make a suggestion or recommendation. What do you think each student is talking about?
Student 1
a Dcv/h ycu Vkiuk ...
b и)си!Д you t-kihk FVu?d-...
Student 4
a l vjill suggest-...
b I suggest-...
Student 2
a I у-есочччечД Vk<At- ...
b I vecowweuA her t-kent- ...
Student 5
a vjked- До you Think ...
b vJhint- иви)Д you Think
Student 3
a She cughT t-o ...
b •She wighT До ...
Student 6
a оче Thing she сои1Д До is ...
b One Thing she иои!Д До is ...
Complete the following suggestions and recommendations using some of the phrases in the box. There may be more than one answer. Then, decide whether each one is formal or informal by circling the correct option.
Do you think it would be a good idea to ...
I would say that...
I’d / I would like to suggest...
What about ...
My recommendation would be to...
How about ...
One possibility is that...
Couldn’t we ...
Why don’t we ...
1	it from?	try taking the CD back to the shop we bought	formal /	' informal
2	the manufacturer.	the best idea is probably to send it back to	formal /	f informal
3	—	checking that it’s still under guarantee?	formal /	' informal
4	the shop.	we could write a letter of complaint to	formal /	f informal
5	—	ask the shop for our money back.	formal /	f informal
6	—	there’s actually very little you can do.	formal >	' informal
7			phoning the shop to see what they say.	formal / informal	
Speaking Skills / Unit 30
Develop your speaking skills
What would you say to the following people if they asked you for advice? In pairs, decide on suggestions you could make using the phrases in В and C Discuss your ideas with the class. Think about how formal your language should be.
1	a friend, who doesn't like shopping in large stores
2	your teacher, who wants to find a place that sells computers
3	your mum, who has a complaint about a shop assistant
4	a shop owner you work for, who wants to attract more customers
In pairs, imagine one of you has bought one of these items and discovered a problem with it. Decide which item you have bought and
what the problem is. Discuss what you could do about the problem. Use the ways of making suggestions given in В and C.
Imagine you have decided to take your item back to the place where you bought it. One of you is the customer and the other is the manager of the store. Roleplay the conversation they have, using good ways of making suggestions. Some of you might like to perform your roleplays for the whole class. You can start like this:
1'<A like ко $релк ho kke wwwngev *nbouk kkis I bougkk keve.'
'o₽ course. I'im kke млчлдег. vJk^k seewvs ко be kke pvobletM?1
explain what the problem is
suggest what the customer could do
explain why that’s not possible, or describe another problem
Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below
 If you go window shopping, you look at what’s in the shops but you don’t buy anything.
 Please pay for your items at the nearest checkout as the store is closing in ten minutes.
 In Britain, people buy newspapers, cigarettes and sweets at a newsagent’s.
 I got these shoes off a market stall, so they were quite cheap.
 An aisle is a row of shelves in a supermarket where you take what you want and put it in your trolley.
 If something is on offer, the price is lower than it usually is.
 Why don’t you pay for your car in monthly instalments so that you don’t have to spend all that money at once?
 At a charity shop you find second-hand things at a cheap price. The money you spend goes to charity.
 Only 400 euros for a brand-new computer? That’s a real bargain!
 You shouldn’t buy food if it’s after the sell-by date that’s written on the packet.
1 You’ll find the toiletries in the next next to the baby food.
2 These shoes were a I only
paid ten euros for them.
3 I haven’t got any money this week, but we could go if you like.
4 The problem with buying things from a is that you can never find them again if something is wrong.
5 It seems a bit expensive, but perhaps I can afford it if I pay in__________________
6 Excuse me, but did you know that this cheese you’re selling has a of five
days ago on it?
7 I like to buy something from the
, even if I don’t need it.
The money all goes to help people.
8 There was such a long queue at the that I put the things back and left the shop.
9 We would like to inform all our customers that most of our fruit and vegetables are _____________________all this week.
10 I’m just going to pop to the for a paper and a drink.
Speaking Skills
Unit 30
U n i
30 r—
Practise your speaking skills
Speaking know-how
Выполняя задание А. помните. ч го  мсние общаться с собеседником, повлияет па вашу опенке. Прекрасный способ поддержи ib разговор - задать вопрос собесе iuiiikv Вашему собеседнику при де гея oiвеги th па вопрос, если вы начнете стог фраз What about...? 11 мi Could it г...С
Выполняя задание А. если вы не поняли, о чем говори i ваш собеседник, попроси те его разьяг ни i ъ. чю он имел в виду.
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' t-o be built- in youv 1осл1 лгел Heve we some oP t-ke skeps лц<А P«ciliHes t-key we t-kinkin^ oP ke^ving. "Tinlk t-o елск ot-ke* mbout-kou popular you t-kink t-kese skops лч<А PiAciliHes uoulA be wA t-кеч Aec'uAe iwktck t-uio you t-kink skoulA not- be induAeA. j
< Rewewbev, you k^ve лЬоик t-kvee winut-es Pov t-kis.
з min

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Hoiw <Ao у о 1л Hunk Shopping twill change in Иле -PubtAve?
Do you think large supermarkets are a threat to small shops?
/ * . ______________
Do you think you would enjoy running a shop?
Grammar focus
Look at these sentences:
That’s a good idea, but what if we also spoke to the manager?
Suppose we ring the shop. What do you think they’ll say?
These two structures can be used to make suggestions and raise possibilities. They can be used with a verb in the present or the past. A verb in the present makes the suggestion sound more certain.
Rewrite the following suggestions using the word or phrase given. Use a verb in the past tense.
1	We could drive to the shopping centre and have a look around, (what if)
2	We might suggest that she get a part-time job in a shop, (suppose)
3	1 suggest we get the bus into town and meet outside the shopping centre, (what if)
4	I would like to suggest not including the bank and the bookshop in the shopping centre, (suppose)
5	My recommendation would be to contact the person in charge, (what if)
Speaking Skills / Unit 30
Task 3
Task 4
4 fTi!H
Your teacher will ask you some questions related to the theme of Task 3.
Speaking Skills
Exam practice
з min
Speaking skills development 2
Task 1
Your teacher will ask you a few questions about yourself.
Task 2
Photos for Student A:
ч min
Photos for Student B:
Your teacher will ask you some questions related to the theme of Task 3.
Speaking Skills / Exam practice
ч min
Your teacher will ask you some questions related to the theme of Task 3.
Speaking Skills
Exam practice
Listening skills development - specific information			
Listen to these sentences. For each question, circle the correct answer.			
1	How long did it take? a 15 minutes	b 45 minutes	c	an hour
2	How many people will there be in total? a 14	b 17	c	19
3	How much did it cost? a 65 euros	b 45 euros	c	20 euros
4	How is the name spelt? a Thomson	b Tompson	c	Thompson
5	What’s the phone number? a 9122573	b 9122753	c	9211753
6	Which model did the speaker buy? a SX-120	b XS-210	c	XS-21
7	Which two things are mentioned? a a CD and a cake	b a CD and a tape	c	a CD-ROM and a tape
8	What is the person talking about? a rings	b earrings	c	nose rings
9	What is the frequency of the radio station? a 89.8 FM	b 98.9 FM	c	99.8 FM
10	What time does the plane take off? a 6.45	b 7.15	c	7.45
11	Which flight is it? a OA903	b OA9312	c	OA9031
12	What are the directions? a go straight on	b turn left	c	turn right
13	How much does the woman have to pay? a £48	b £48-£50	c	£48.50
14	How far is it? a 4km	b 14km	c	40km
15	How old will she be? a 19	b 90	c	96
Listening skills development - attitude and opinion _±_____________________________
Listen to these sentences. For each question, circle the correct option to complete the sentence.
1	The speaker is	 a disbelieving	b annoyed	c	furious
2	The speaker is	 a uncertain	b surprised	c	expecting the answer, ‘No.’
3	The speaker is	 a uncertain	b surprised	c	expecting the answer, ’No.’
4	The speaker is	 a nervous	b angry	c	upset
5	The speaker is	 a agreeing completely	b partly disagreeing	c	completely disagreeing
6	The speaker thinks that getting the tickets	 a can’t be difficult	b was difficult		c	will be difficult
7	The speaker is	 a depressed	b disappointed	c	pessimistic
8	The speaker is	 a modest	b boastful	c	shy
9	The speaker is	 a polite	b kind	c	impolite
10	The speaker	 a asks a question	b gives a command	c	makes a suggestion
11	The speaker is	 a hopeful	b regretful	c	hopeless
12	The speaker is	 a being sarcastic	b giving a command	c	expressing certainty
13	The speaker is	 a asking for advice	b disagreeing	c	making a suggestion
14	The speaker	 a feels insulted	b does not feel insulted	c	never feels insulted
15	The speaker is	 a expressing a concern	b giving an opinion	c	revealing a secret
Listening Skills / Skills development
	Speaking	GUIDE
Expressing opinion		Expressing certainty
	1 (don’t) think/imagine/feel/believe (that)...	 It must be...
	1 (don’t) believe in ...	 It can’t be ...
	In my opinion,...	 It’s definitely (not)...
	Personally, 1 believe/think, etc (that)...	Expressing uncertainty
	If you ask me,...	 It’s difficult to tell...
	It seems to me (that)...	 I’m not really sure ...
	In my view....	
	As far as I’m concerned,...	Expressing possibility
		 It might be ...
	To my mind,...	 It may be...
Giving reasons		 It could be...
	... because...	 It’s possibly...
	... because of...	 Perhaps it...
	... cos...	 Maybe it...
	... as...	
	... since...	Comparing
Giving examples		 ... and...
	... for example...	 ... also...
a	... for instance...	 ... too.
	... such as...	 ... as well.
	... like...	 А/One similarity is (that)...
Agreeing and disagreeing			Contrasting
	1 (completely) (dis)agree with you.	 ... but...
	Yes, you’re right.	 ... whereas...
	That’s right/true.	 ... while...
	Exactly!	 However,...
	1 couldn’t agree more.	 А/One difference is (that)...
	There’s a lot in what you say.	
	You've got a point.	Suggesting and recommending
		 My advice would be to...
	1 can see what you mean.	
		 Why don’t you ... ?
	1 can see your point.	 If 1 were you, I'd ...
	1 have to disagree with you.	 You should/could...
	I’m afraid 1 don’t agree with you		How/What about... 	I suggest...
Listening guide
Note taking and blank filling________________
In these exercises, you have to complete notes or fill blanks in sentences based on what you hear.
	Read the exercise first so you know what to expect.
	Ask yourself: What information am I listening for?
	Try to predict what the missing information could be.
	As you listen, complete the notes or fill the blanks with words or short phrases.
	If the exercise asks you to complete sentences, read the sentences again at the end to check that they are grammatically correct.
True / False_________________________________
In these exercises, you have to decide whether statements are true or false based on what you hear.
	Read the exercise first so you know what to expect.
	Ask yourself: What do I expect the person/people to say?
	Listen for the relevant part of the dialogue/interview, etc
	In the relevant part, listen for words/phrases with a similar meaning to words/phrases in the statements.
	Think about the meaning of what is said and decide whether each statement is true or not.
Who said what?_______________________________
In these exercises, you have to decide which speaker said what based on what you hear.
	Read the exercise first so you know what to expect.
	Ask yourself: Who is talking to whom and what is the situation?
	As you listen, make sure you understand which speaker is which.
	Decide which speaker mentions each point.
	If you think the answer might be 'None of the speakers’, leave the item blank until you are sure nobody mentions that point.
	Check that your answers make sense based on the gist of what each speaker says.
Multiple-mai ching___________________________
In these exercises, you have to match different speakers to statements or pictures based on what you hear.
	Read the exercise first so you know what to expect.
	Ask yourself: What language do I expect to hear for each statement/picture?
	Make sure you know which speaker you are listening to by using a pencil to point to the relevant speaker.
	Match each speaker to the correct
	If you are not sure of any of them, leave a blank until the end when there will be fewer possibilities.
Multiple-choice (questions)__________________
In these exercises, you have to choose the correct answer to multiple-choice questions based on what you hear.
	Read the exercise first so you know what to expect.
	Ask yourself: What information am I listening for?
	Listen for the relevant part of the dialogue/interview, etc
	In the relevant part, listen for words/phrases with a similar meaning to words/phrases in the questions.
	Choose the correct answer for each question, without getting confused by the other answers.
Multiple-choice (pictures)___________________
In these exercises, you have to choose the correct picture based on what you hear.
	Read the exercise first so you know what to expect.
	Ask yourself: What language do I expect to hear for each picture?
	Look at the pictures so that you know what the key differences between them are.
	Listen for key words and phrases to help you choose the correct picture.
	Choose the correct picture, without getting confused by the other pictures.
Speaking and Listening Guide
Учебное пособие «Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speaking and I istening» способствует совершенствованию умений и навыков аудирования и говорения, обеспечивает как тщательную подготовку учащихся к сдаче экзамена по английскому языку на уровень В2 (Upper-Intermediate) по общеевропейской системе уровней владения иностранным языком, так и успешную сдачу единого государственного экзамена по английскому языку.
Учебное пособие содержит:
*	30 тематически организованных уроков: 14 уроков первой части включают материалы и задания для подготовки к экзамену на уровень В1,16 уроков второй части готовят учащихся к сдаче экзамена на уровень В2;
•	задания в формате ЕГЭ, направленные на развитие умений и навыков аудирования и творения;
•	различные виды парной работы, направленные на совершенствование умений и навыков устной речи;
•	разнообразные по тематике и жанрам тексты на аудирование, способствующие повышению мотивации учащихся;
•	аудиозаписи с образцами ответов учащихся, успешно сдавших экзамен;
•	раздел «Know-how» содержащий практические советы и рекомендации учащимся по технике выполнения экзаменационных заданий;
•	раздел «Wordperfect» с заданиями на отработку основных лексических единиц:
•	раздел «Grammar focus» обеспечивающий повторение грамматических структур и правильность их употребления в речи;
•	справочные разделы «Speaking Guide» и «Listening Guide» способствующие совершенствованию умений и навыков устной речи учащихся;
•	приложения «Speaking Skills Development» и «Listening Skills Development» c дополнительными заданиями и тес гами, направленными на повторение и укрепление пройденного материала.
Книга для учителя включает методические рекомендации для учителя, ответы ко всем заданиям и тексты аудиозаписей.
•	Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speak ng and Listening Student’s Book ISBN: 960-6620-54-9
•	Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Speak ns and Listening Teacher’s Guide ISBN: 960-6620-55-7
•	Cassettes / Audio CDs

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