List of word and definition

This list was compiled by Pamela Bogart at the University of Michigan English Language Institute. The list includes most of the 570 headwords of Averil Coxhead’s (2000) Academic Word List. The source of the words here is The definitions and examples come from selections made available by, unless noted otherwise.

The manually-added notes are examples for and from graduate students in various fields at the University of Michigan.

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. abandon

    forsake; leave behind

    As people
    abandon desktop computers for mobile ones, existing tech companies’ business models are being upended and new companies are blooming.

    Common academic collocations: abandon a hypothesis, abandon a line of research

    COCA ( indicates academic collocates include decision, efforts, position, policy…i couldn’t find any examples in mechanical engineering, so this might be a verb used more in policy-related fields?

  2. abstract

    existing only in the mind

    The other group wrote in a more
    abstract, evaluative way, prompted by questions such as “Why did the event happen?Scientific American (Dec 28, 2012)

    Also a noun. the abstract of an article is a structured summary of its contents. We need to supply abstracts of conference presentations for the conference program or conference proposals sometimes too.

  3. access

    the right to enter

    But one reason may be, paradoxically, greater
    access to health insurance.

    I need to remember to pronounce the /k/ sound in the middle: AEK sess. If not, I sound like I’m saying the verb «assess»

  4. accommodate

    have room for; hold without crowding

    City clerks’ offices around Maine scheduled extra office hours to
    accommodate same-sex couples rushing to wed.

    academic collocations: «accommodate needs,» «designed to accommodate [something]» common nouns that collocate with this verb are «learning, changes, differences» (COCA at

  5. accompany

    go or travel along with

    Mr. Obama demands that any spending cuts be
    accompanied by revenue increases.

  6. accumulate

    get or gather together

    Business would still be left with record reserves, much higher than those
    accumulated in earlier recessions.

  7. acknowledge

    declare to be true or admit the existence or reality of

    Acknowledging differences in work style enables leaders to structure interactions better.

  8. acquire

    come into the possession of something concrete or abstract

    The design of the product resembles gadgets made by Nest Labs, the connected home company Google
    acquired earlier this year for $3.2 billion.Wall Street Journal (Sep 10, 2014)

    collocations: acquire a house, knowledge, experience

    q is /k/

    stress on QUIRE

    obtain, get, buy

    members of the word family: acquisition (mergers and acquisitions)

  9. adapt

    make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose

    Japanese officials said
    adapting overseas technologies presented a particular challenge.

  10. adequate

    having the requisite qualities or resources to meet a task

    Better said it had injected significant funds into the business «without
    adequate returns».

  11. adjust

    alter or regulate so as to conform to a standard

  12. advocate

    speak, plead, or argue in favor of

    He was probably best known for his work on heart disease,
    advocating prevention through exercise and diet, particularly foods low in animal fat and sodium.

  13. affect

    have an influence upon

    Would adding this data to someone’s medical record
    affect health insurance rates?Slate (Jan 7, 2013)

  14. aggregate

    a sum total of many heterogeneous things taken together

    Using data from Twitter covering 60,000 trips,
    aggregated within a ten mile radius, Fischer created this map of Europe’s transport network.

  15. allocate

    distribute according to a plan or set apart for a purpose

    Existing x86 processor designs
    allocate cache on a first come, first served basis, which allows some workloads to monopolize the shared pool.Forbes (Sep 10, 2014)

    allocate resources

  16. alter

    cause to change; make different

  17. ambiguous

    having more than one possible meaning

  18. analogy

    drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity

  19. annual

    occurring every year

  20. anticipate

    regard something as probable or likely

    anticipate some potential short-term disruption,” Mr. Morton said, “but no significant long-term implications.”

  21. apparent

    clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

    The report of Rain’s
    apparent romance with popular South Korean actress Kim Tae-hee, 32, broke in local media on Tuesday.

  22. append

    fix to; attach

    The hashtag has been
    appended to quite a few approving tweets.

  23. appreciate

    be fully aware of; realize fully

    There are, of course, plenty of things to
    appreciate about Downton.

  24. approach

    ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem

    He said a better understanding of the links between high blood pressure and dementia could be crucial for developing new treatments or
    approaches to prevention.

  25. appropriate

    suitable for a particular person, place, or situation

    Mr. Frederick said “that kind of legal strategy is perfectly

  26. approximate

    judge tentatively or form an estimate of

    Food technology means they aren’t bad these days, but they’re only going to
    approximate the real thing.

  27. arbitrary

    based on or subject to individual discretion or preference

    His works are often intentionally placed in unglamorous,
    arbitrary surroundings like abandoned buildings, far from the sleek world of urban galleries.

  28. aspect

    a characteristic to be considered

    He will oversee all
    aspects of marketing for the company, including advertising, brand management, social media, and communications, LivingSocial said on Tuesday.

  29. assess

    estimate the nature, quality, ability or significance of

    Another complexity: most studies
    assess maternal drinking through interviews, and pregnant women might lie about or underestimate their consumption out of embarrassment or shame.Scientific American (Jan 4, 2013)

  30. assign

    select something or someone for a specific purpose

    A larger staff has been
    assigned to the school, she said, including mental health professionals.

  31. assume

    take to be the case or to be true

    The market, it is generally
    assumed, will eventually drive up wages.

  32. attach

    be in contact with

    “Indonesians are religious people, they are very much
    attached to their religious teachings, their religious values,” he said.

  33. attain

    gain with effort

    He joined the Army near the end of and
    attained the rank of staff sergeant, remaining in the United States.

  34. attribute

    a quality belonging to or characteristic of an entity

    Ms. Ora
    attributes much of her fashion education to her surroundings.

  35. authority

    the power or right to give orders or make decisions

    authorities have been helping those banned with getting back on their feet and finding a way back into society.

  36. behalf

    as the agent of or on someone’s part

    The husband sits in the dominant, protective role, watching his wife’s efforts on
    behalf of the family and taking pride.

  37. bias

    a partiality preventing objective consideration of an issue

    More than 300 political parties contested the last general elections, representing various concerns,
    biases, cries for justice and pressure groups.

  38. brief

    give essential information to someone

    “Flu vaccines are tough,” Bresee said during a telephone
    briefing with reporters.

  39. bulk

    the property possessed by a large mass

    Across Portugal, supermarkets and hypermarkets, with their inexpensive packaged goods and
    bulk items, continued to gain ground.

  40. capable

    having ability

    As John Stuart Mill emphasized many years ago, those who are
    capable of supporting themselves should not rely on the habitual aid of others.

  41. capacity

    capability to perform or produce

    “The hospitals treating the injured are at maximum

  42. cease

    put an end to a state or an activity

    The company said it was also temporarily
    ceasing sales of modern sporting rifles nationwide.

  43. channel

    transmit or serve as the medium for transmission

    Options include
    channeling more funds to the banking sector to boost lending, buying government bonds on the secondary market and even reducing foreign currency reserves.

  44. chart

    a visual display of data or information

    In some countries, including the largest developing economies in Asia, the G.D.P.
    charts show no indication that bad things ever happened.

  45. cite

    make reference to

    The ratings agency
    cited India’s high saving and investment rates, relatively competitive private sector and diverse economy as rationale behind its decision.

  46. civil

    of or occurring between or among citizens of the state

    What followed, officials said, was a remarkable show of international cooperation over Syria’s
    civil war.

  47. clarify

    make clear and comprehensible

    He later
    clarified his meaning and said the media had his misconstrued his comments.

  48. classic

    of recognized authority or excellence

    “The Blue Angel,” adapted from Heinrich Mann’s novel “Small Town Tyrant,” is a cinema
    classic that made Marlene Dietrich a star.

  49. code

    a set of rules or principles or laws

    France’s Civil
    Code says one must have another nationality in order to give up French citizenship because it is forbidden to be stateless.New York Times (Jan 3, 2013)

  50. coherent

    marked by an orderly and consistent relation of parts

    That leadership vacuum, Mr. Bealefeld and others said, has inevitably depleted morale and kept the agency from developing a
    coherent agenda.

  51. coincide

    happen simultaneously

    The cutbacks in education and growing youth unemployment
    coincide with two demographic crises facing European governments.

  52. collapse

    break down, literally or metaphorically

    collapse of Latvia’s largest bank in 1995 wiped out many people’s savings.

  53. commence

    set in motion, cause to start

  54. commission

    a special group delegated to consider some matter

    commission collected evidence that showed the authorities discussed covering up killings, including by quickly burying the bodies of victims.

  55. commit

    give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause

    A lawyer for the medical examiner’s office, Mimi Mairs, said the agency had
    committed to “leaving no stone unturned in recalling casework she touched.”

  56. communicate

    interchange information or ideas

    By introducing the rating system to games that rely on digital distribution, Vance said, developers will be able to better
    communicate their nature to consumers.

  57. community

    group of interdependent organisms living in the same region

    In November, Hurricane Sandy devastated entire
    communities in coastal New York and New Jersey and killed over 100 people.

  58. compatible

    able to exist and perform in harmonious combination

  59. compensate

    make amends for

    The German government has already
    compensated Jews who were forced to work in the ghettos.

  60. compile

    get or gather together

    Mobile video calling has risen so quickly that industry analysts have not yet
    compiled exact numbers.

  61. complement

    something added to embellish or make perfect

    Third, in 2008-9, monetary and fiscal policies were
    complemented by government capital injections directly into United States and European banks.New York Times (Aug 11, 2011)

  62. component

    one of the individual parts making up a larger entity

    Avoiding turnovers, hitting the offensive boards and getting to the free throw line are all key
    components of an efficient offense.

  63. compound

    a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts

    The New England
    Compounding Center was shut down, and inspections found extensive contamination.

  64. comprehensive

    including all or everything

    Comprehensive investigative reports for the four equine fatalities from the inner track meet are being completed by board staff.”

  65. comprise

    be made of

    Peck, though, was surprised to learn the other team nicknames used in his league, which was
    comprised entirely of white men.Washington Post (Jun 27, 2012)

  66. conceive

    have the idea for

  67. concentrate

    make denser, stronger, or purer

    Mostly we were silent,
    concentrating on our steps, but occasionally we would chat.

  68. concept

    an abstract or general idea inferred from specific instances

    There is little technical artistry involved, the focus instead on simple
    concepts and difficult execution.

  69. conclude

    bring to a close

    Taken together, the reports have led analysts to
    conclude that after years of being an economic drag, housing is now contributing to economic growth.

  70. concurrent

    occurring or operating at the same time

    Problem solving was
    concurrent with physical effort, so the brain must have adapted by developing appropriate regions to enhance neurocognition.New York Times (Sep 15, 2010)

  71. conduct

    the way a person behaves toward other people

    For years, lawmakers, urged by the NRA, have placed so-called riders on spending bills that restrict these and other agencies from
    conducting such research.

  72. confer

    have a meeting in order to talk something over

    He especially prefers having a radiologist on-site because he believes that
    conferring in person helps prevent mistaken readings and gets quicker results.

  73. confine

    place limits on

    Is erotic sculpture
    confined to temples or particular religious cults?

  74. confirm

    establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

    The identities have yet to be officially
    confirmed, he said.

  75. conform

    be similar, be in line with

    In other words, they
    conformed to feminine stereotypes.

  76. consent

    give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to

    Companies also must get parental
    consent before using tracking tools such as cookies that peek into children’s IP addresses and device identification numbers.

  77. considerable

    large in number, amount, extent, or degree

    In other words, the trial court wanted to treat the mass media like a public utility, which carried
    considerable consequences.

  78. consist

    have its essential character

    consist of arms, elbows and very long finger bones connected by two layers of thin skin.

  79. constant

    uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing

    False reviews are a
    constant problem on consumer Web sites.

  80. constitute

    form or compose

    The FDA said it is also working on proposed safety regulations targeting imported food – which
    constitutes 15% of what’s eaten in the U.S.

  81. constrain

    hold back

    Constrained school budgets are likely to prevent any mass hiring or arming of security officers.

  82. construct

    make by combining materials and parts

    He wanted and received some honest feedback to help
    construct a game plan that would put them in better positions to succeed.

  83. consult

    get or ask advice from

    She said she had decided to step down after
    consulting family members and friends.

  84. consume

    use up, as resources or materials

    The technology in theory allows for thinner screens that
    consume less power.

  85. contact

    be in or establish communication with

    Beck made eye
    contact with me and nodded.

  86. contemporary

    belonging to the present time

    There is, in other words, much to appreciate about
    contemporary movies this year.

  87. context

    the set of facts or circumstances that surround a situation

    Geological Survey has posted some useful
    context and interpretation.

  88. contract

    a binding agreement that is enforceable by law

    Other league business will also resume, including trades and
    contract signings.

  89. contradict

    prove negative; show to be false

    The C.I.A.’s acting director, Michael Morell, recently
    contradicted that, saying harsh techniques did produce some tips that led to Bin Laden.

  90. contrary

    exact opposition

    On the
    contrary, he wrote, such clauses are used in most debt restructuring exercises, and investors “would expect Greece to use it.”

  91. contribute

    give to some cause

    In 2009, researchers at Mount Sinai Medical Center reported finding evidence suggesting that the chemicals may also
    contribute to obesity in girls.

  92. controversy

    a dispute where there is strong disagreement

    But the performance has been clouded by

  93. convene

    meet formally

  94. converse

    carry on a discussion

    But people in traditional societies
    converse constantly, learning from one another and sharing.

  95. convert

    change the nature, purpose, or function of something

    Let us embrace book shelves that
    convert to dining room tables.

  96. convince

    make realize the truth or validity of something

    They are still not
    convinced of Mr. Bozizé’s good will.

  97. cooperate

    work together on a common enterprise or project

    We are
    cooperating with authorities and conducting a full internal investigation.

  98. core

    the choicest or most vital part of some idea or experience

    College admission personnel will focus on your performance in this year’s
    core academic classes.

  99. correspond

    be compatible, similar, or consistent

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had made the temporary cease-fire by Israel’s airplanes conditional on a
    corresponding halt to rocket fire from Gaza.

  100. create

    bring into existence

    What started as a few coins to buy one hen ends up
    creating jobs for people all over Ghana.

  101. criterion

    the ideal in terms of which something can be judged

    Regulators say lenders must consider at least eight
    criteria, including a borrower’s credit history, debt obligations, employment status, income and assets.

  102. crucial

    of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis

    Developing Internet programming is a
    crucial part of Sony’s future, he said.

  103. culture

    a particular society at a particular time and place

    “It was really mixed
    cultures growing up,” she said.

  104. currency

    the metal or paper medium of exchange that is presently used

  105. cycle

    a periodically repeated sequence of events

    But real estate tends to move in longer
    cycles, and Mr. Case is still saying now is a good time to buy.

  106. debate

    a discussion with reasons for and against some proposal

    “Political capital in the gun
    debate only goes so far.

  107. decade

    a period of 10 years

    Decades ago, Andrews whittled wood, watching the shavings fall away to reveal something recognizable.

  108. decline

    grow worse

    But there will be less dancing now, because the chickens’ numbers have

  109. deduce

    conclude by reasoning

  110. define

    show the form or outline of

    Relative greatness can be tricky to
    define across tennis eras.

  111. definite

    precise; explicit and clearly defined

    While there are no
    definite plans yet, “we are looking to broaden our outreach beyond New York,” said Terry Lynam, a spokesman for North Shore.New York Times (Mar 8, 2012)

  112. demonstrate

    give an exhibition of to an interested audience

    “Over a century of experience in the United States has
    demonstrated the powerful role women’s colleges play in educating women leaders.”

  113. denote

    be a sign or indication of

    Heard in that light, the work’s agonized gestures, halting pace and tense silences
    denoted courage and ineffable dignity.New York Times (Mar 12, 2012)

  114. deny

    declare untrue; contradict

    Both the military and Mr. Qadri have publicly
    denied working together.

  115. depress

    push down

    «It was the most
    depressing meeting ever,» said one attendee who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

  116. derive

    come from

    He said his son was «a very simple person at heart» who »
    derives pleasures from simple things in life.»

  117. design

    the act of working out the form of something

    The previous models had identical
    designs that made it easier for bump drafting because the front and rear bumpers lined up squarely.New York Times (Jan 12, 2013)

  118. detect

    discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of

    But soon enough, they
    detected something wrong, not least that Mr. Holmes was apparently trying to conceal a handgun.

  119. device

    an instrumentality invented for a particular purpose

    Mr. Scal said wireless fitness
    devices were becoming popular because they address basic needs for consumers, unlike another trend seen at the show, enormous televisions.

  120. devote


    He says movies based on video games rarely please
    devoted fans and could taint the brand.

  121. differentiate

    be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait

    “Whirlpool’s key
    differentiating points are quality and innovation,” said Mr. Beck, and “the icing is that, hey, we’re made in the United States.”

  122. dimension

    a construct distinguishing objects or individuals

    And then there are Houston’s narrow field
    dimensions, a factor in United’s struggles this year.

  123. diminish

    decrease in size, extent, or range

    The market malfunctions have been assigned part of the blame for the
    diminishing amount of trading happening on the nation’s stock exchanges.

  124. discrete

    constituting a separate entity or part

  125. displace

    cause to move, usually with force or pressure

    “There are these young guys in the camps, very well dressed, that are definitely not
    displaced persons,” Mr. Goffeau said.

  126. display

    something intended to communicate a particular impression

    Eighty of his black-and-white photographs, taken over a 70-year period, will be on
    display in this exhibition.

  127. dispose

    throw or cast away

    Food trash has to be
    disposed of immediately, the futon tucked into its slot every morning, each object stored after use.

  128. distinct

    recognizable; marked

    The small plant in Montreal is divided into two
    distinct operations.

  129. distort

    twist and press out of shape

    But he insists that his work has been intentionally
    distorted by critics.

  130. distribute

    give to several people

    Mr. Guevara said he believed the institute should stop producing films and be limited to, say, renting out sets and
    distributing movies.

  131. diverse

    distinctly dissimilar or unlike

    “They represent what New York City is all about: a truly
    diverse melting pot.”

  132. document

    writing that provides information

    document showed that the containers originated in Iran and declared the contents to be “building materials.”

  133. domain

    territory over which rule or control is exercised

    He said China’s claims included an area that was “clearly part of the Philippines’ territory and maritime

  134. dominate

    be in control

    The Chinese economy remains
    dominated by manufacturing and factory overcapacity still exists in some sectors.

  135. draft

    any of the various versions in the development of a work

    Rethinking Those Words for Screen Any writer knows the sinking feeling: This line, this
    draft, this entire project, is not quite working.

  136. drama

    a work intended for performance by actors on a stage

    She studied art, music and
    drama in high school and later attended Compton Community College.

  137. duration

    the period of time during which something continues

    The researchers also found that short sleep
    duration and snoring were each independently associated with a greater likelihood of sleepy driving.

  138. economy

    the system of production and distribution and consumption

    The Chinese
    economy remains dominated by manufacturing and factory overcapacity still exists in some sectors.

  139. element

    one of the individual parts making up a composite entity

    The importance of employment for former fighters is acknowledged as an important
    element of keeping them from picking up arms again.

  140. eliminate

    end, take out, or do away with

    School districts have reported
    eliminating thousands of jobs, increasing class sizes and reducing library services and other programs.

  141. emerge

    come out into view, as from concealment

    But an
    emerging labor shortage, particularly of young workers, has changed that picture.

  142. emphasis

    special importance or significance

    Instead, Mr. Langston explained, the
    emphasis is on using existing geriatricians as educators and consultants for the generalist physicians who will actually treat older patients.

  143. empirical

    derived from experiment and observation rather than theory

    The precise impact can only be determined by careful analysis unencumbered by dogmatic beliefs not anchored in
    empirical results.

  144. enable

    provide the means to perform some task

    New technologies have raised productivity and profits, while
    enabling companies to shed workers and slice payroll.

  145. encounter

    a casual or unexpected convergence

    Mr. Reimer also reported that both diesel engines shut off around this time, Mr. Sumwalt said, though he
    encountered no problems with steering.

  146. enforce

    compel to behave in a certain way

    These rules were strictly
    enforced using the flight recording equipment they carried.

  147. enhance

    make better or more attractive

    Happily, the field is evolving in ways that may
    enhance safety.

  148. enormous

    extraordinarily large in size or extent or degree

    Some exhibits designed by Gallagher & Associates are less enticing, including
    enormous interactive video databases.

  149. ensure

    make certain of

    The Interior Department remains focused on
    ensuring safe drilling rather than barring drilling off Alaska’s coast.

  150. entity

    that which is perceived to have its own distinct existence

    He said about half of all companies today were structured as so-called pass-through

  151. environment

    the totality of surrounding conditions

    “I would rather him be in a classroom
    environment,” Ms. Allen said.

  152. equate

    consider or describe as similar or analogous

    Bacon said physical activity was important to good health but might not necessarily
    equate with weight loss.

  153. equip

    provide with, usually for a specific purpose

    Some are getting rid of checkout lanes and registers altogether in favor of roaming clerks
    equipped with mobile devices, for instance.

  154. equivalent

    being essentially comparable to something

    And 100 half-time employees are considered
    equivalent to 50 full-time employees.

  155. erode

    become ground down or deteriorate

    “The state’s historical lack of spending has had an
    eroding effect on the district,” he said.

  156. establish

    set up or found

    The most recent one was
    established by Ford Motors in Mountain View, Calif., in June.

  157. estate

    extensive landed property retained by the owner

    Today he earns his living in the real
    estate market niche known as A.R.V., for “after repair value.”

  158. estimate

    judge tentatively

    By some
    estimates, half of the nation’s health care plans are run by companies in the Nashville area.

  159. ethic

    the principles of right and wrong for an individual or group

    Professor Gillers, the legal
    ethics expert, agreed, saying the
    ethics rules do not forbid paying for information.

  160. ethnic

    distinctive of the ways of living of a group of people

    A vibrant
    ethnic melting pot, Marseille is also home to an increasing number of contemporary art and avant-garde performances.

  161. evaluate

    estimate the nature, quality, ability or significance of

    On Wednesday, his office released a statement saying the public prosecutor would
    evaluate the commission’s findings.

  162. eventual

    expected to follow in the indefinite future

  163. evident

    clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment

    In addition, the report’s loss estimates are somewhat surprising given that the loans it examined were made after the mortgage crisis became

  164. evolve

    undergo development

    “This is an
    evolving and emerging threat,” he said.

  165. exceed

    be superior or better than some standard

    An earlier review by the commission found that credit card tips
    exceeded 20 percent in fall 2009.

  166. exclude

    prevent from entering; shut out

    The most rigorous Drug Free Sport testing panel
    excludes drugs like peptide hormones, stimulants, narcotics and many masking agents.

  167. exhibit

    show; make visible or apparent

    exhibits designed by Gallagher & Associates are less enticing, including enormous interactive video databases.

  168. expand

    make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity

    American economic output has continued to
    expand at a sluggish pace.

  169. expert

    a person with special knowledge who performs skillfully

    But even so, such controls have some benefits, public health
    experts say.

  170. explicit

    precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable

    And then there’s the film’s
    explicit subject matter.

  171. exploit

    use or manipulate to one’s advantage

    But their potential in other subject areas is already being

  172. export

    sell or transfer abroad

    Such findings have implications for national
    export officials.

  173. expose

    show; make visible or apparent

    Empty picture frames hang on
    exposed brick walls, blank as the mind.

  174. external

    happening or arising outside some limits or surface

    External demand seems to be holding up better than we had thought,” Mr. Moëc said.

  175. extract

    remove, usually with some force or effort

    Green tea
    extracts, more richly concentrated with EGCG, may not be much better.

  176. facilitate

    make easier

    “We have seen over and over again that states are very eager to
    facilitate direct investment promotion efforts,” Mr. Riskind said.

  177. factor

    anything that contributes causally to a result

    So other
    factors, such as genetics, may be more important for human longevity.

  178. feature

    a prominent attribute or aspect of something

    The organic results
    featured several Nike entries and various shoe retailers, but no comparison shopping sites, at least not on the first page.

  179. federal

    of a government with central and regional authorities

    Currently, people using the card get only one free withdrawal per deposit of
    federal funds.

  180. finance

    the commercial activity of providing funds and capital

    Some of the student exchanges are
    financed by the Erasmus Program, while others rely on joint agreements.

  181. finite

    bounded in magnitude or spatial or temporal extent

    But a broken bone, unlike stretched ligaments, usually heals completely in a
    finite period of time.

  182. flexible

    able to adjust readily to different conditions

    Where screens are concerned, apparently, the future remains

  183. fluctuate

    move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern

    This create a
    fluctuating magnetic field that generates heat without physical contact.

  184. focus

    the concentration of attention or energy on something

    The second half
    focused on specific 20th-century songs in the Gilbert and Sullivan style.

  185. format

    the organization of data according to preset specifications

    What customers are now seeing reflects changes in the
    format of Google results.

  186. formula

    a symbolic representation of the composition of a compound

    One former member of the DNA Subcommittee said he was concerned the
    formula was based on assumptions, not practice.

  187. forthcoming

    easygoing and open when speaking or sharing information

    Reflecting on the match Broad outlined the problem clearly enough but was less
    forthcoming about the likely solution.

    «Forthcoming» also implies that someone will say something that others might be reluctant to say, or that the context might suggest one would be uncomfortable saying.

  188. foundation

    education or instruction in the fundamentals of a field

    foundation has grown, supporting visual as well as performing artists and changing its name to the
    Foundation for Contemporary Arts.

  189. framework

    the underlying structure

  190. function

    what something is used for

    Her best works
    function like brilliant collages, creating meaning through idiosyncratic constellations of references and concepts.

  191. fund

    a reserve of money set aside for some purpose

    A year later, he and other enthusiasts received a state charter to start collecting
    funds and archival material.

  192. fundamental

    serving as an essential component

    “Providing access to the
    fundamental technology is entirely different,” he said in an e-mail Friday.

  193. furthermore

    in addition

    Furthermore, the train in Europe or Asia is likely to have traveled at much higher speed.

  194. gender

    properties that distinguish organisms on the basis of sex

    Thousands marching for
    gender justice on New Years eve.

    The definitions of gender lack a common academic use of the word in sociology, anthropology, and other social sciences to denote the socially constructed category of gender identity, e.g. what it means to be «male» or «female» and how something in-between is silently categorized as abnormal.

  195. generate

    bring into existence

    But China is not particularly interested in sharing much of the wealth the railroad would

  196. generation

    a coming into being

    Among them: research showing that boomers are giving their time to community groups at higher rates than past

  197. globe

    an object with a spherical shape

    Some artists have created somewhat darker snow

  198. goal

    the state of affairs that a plan is intended to achieve

    Goals can be extremely effective, depending on how people set and approach them,” he says.

  199. grade

    a position on a scale of intensity or amount or quality

    In all, 17,000 students and more than 1,100 teachers would be affected by closings, program changes and new
    grade configurations.

  200. grant

    allow to have

  201. guarantee

    an unconditional commitment that something will happen

    He found his previous job within 30 days, picking up a year’s
    guaranteed contract work in Hartford.

  202. guideline

    a rule that provides direction for appropriate behavior

    Hang gliding became safer as technology improved and training
    guidelines were established.

  203. hierarchy

    a series of ordered groupings within a system

  204. highlight

    move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent

    One particularly striking finding in their analysis
    highlights the power that comes with drawing the maps.

  205. hypothesis

    a proposal intended to explain certain facts or observations

    hypothesis was neglected for many years because the methodology for detecting such chemical factors in the living embryo was not yet available.Scientific American (Jan 3, 2013)

  206. identical

    being the exact same one

    The previous models had
    identical designs that made it easier for bump drafting because the front and rear bumpers lined up squarely.New York Times (Jan 11, 2013)

  207. identify

    give the name or characteristics of

    The spokeswoman declined to be
    identified by name, citing company policy.

  208. ideology

    an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group

    Unfortunately, some United States officials are so captured or captivated by the
    ideology of modern banking that they want to play along.

  209. ignorance

    the lack of knowledge or education

    One thing I felt keenly while reading was the
    ignorance of even great minds, based on when they lived in history.New York Times (Jun 6, 2012)

  210. illustrate

    depict with a visual representation

    Investigators have so far not linked any historical pipeline problems to malicious cyberactivity, but software malfunctions have
    illustrated the potential threat.

  211. image

    a visual representation produced on a surface

    Images of a hang glider soaring through the Grand Canyon were offset by reports of dozens of pilots dying each year in accidents.

  212. immigrate

    come into a new country and change residency

    When Mr. Salomon was 19, he
    immigrated to the United States; his father worked in a factory in New York City.

  213. impact

    have an effect upon

    Whatever the economic
    impact of low interest rates, they seem to be helping corporate America.

  214. implement

    apply in a manner consistent with its purpose or design

    The big idea: Many business leaders struggle with
    implementing strategic change.

  215. implicate

    bring into intimate and incriminating connection

    The cases involving big banks, he said, lacked sufficient evidence
    implicating C.E.Os.

  216. implicit

    suggested though not directly expressed

    But he said there was an
    implicit understanding that high-ranking officials were off limits.

  217. imply

    express or state indirectly

    Foreign exchange reserves have remained largely static for 18 months,
    implying that the Chinese central bank has made no major intervention in the currency.

  218. impose

    compel to behave in a certain way

    Similar restrictions have been
    imposed by the United Kingdom, Chile and Brazil.

  219. incentive

    a positive motivational influence

    But using generous economic
    incentives and relying on conventions has been called an outdated economic strategy.

  220. incidence

    the relative frequency of occurrence of something

  221. incline

    lower or bend, as in a nod or bow

    Corporations are generally
    inclined to settle potential cases because even being indicted can cripple business.

  222. income

    the amount of money one makes over a period of time

    Even if
    income tax rates are higher later, I think the tax deferral” makes up for that increase.

  223. incorporate

    unite or merge with something already in existence

  224. indicate

    designate a place, direction, person, or thing

    Instead, he
    indicated he might have some inside information on who will be.

  225. individual

    being or characteristic of a single thing or person

    “Everybody needs to put
    individual thoughts behind them,” Smith said.

  226. induce

    cause to act in a specified manner

    Ms. Ortega was not in a medically
    induced coma.

  227. inevitable

    incapable of being avoided or prevented

    But, he said, “In time, as society becomes more comfortable and legal concerns are ironed out, full autonomy will become practical,
    inevitable and necessary.”

  228. infer

    conclude by reasoning

  229. infrastructure

    the basic features of a system or organization

    Mongolia’s vast grasslands have long attracted adventure travelers, particularly those willing to go on horseback, but a limited tourism
    infrastructure has kept numbers low.

  230. inherent

    existing as an essential constituent or characteristic

    But all predictions based on computer projections have
    inherent uncertainties.

  231. inhibit

    limit the range or extent of

    However, she said that the respondents might have been
    inhibited in answering because their interviews were carried out in front of other family members.

  232. initial

    occurring at the beginning

    In fact, Emery still has
    initial interviews scheduled.

  233. initiate

    set in motion, start an event or prepare the way for

    In the last half-dozen presidential campaigns, the news media have attempted to bring more accountability by
    initiating ad watches and fact checks.

  234. injure

    cause damage or affect negatively

    Players saw Smith benched two months ago because he admitted he was

  235. innovate

    bring something new to an environment

    They are really looking for someone to
    innovate in nutrition and hunger solutions.

  236. insert

    put or introduce into something

    He said he tried unsuccessfully to
    insert renovations into Lincoln Center’s master plan, “but basically the program was over.”

  237. insight

    clear or deep perception of a situation

    But he found that being calm, clear and compassionate gave him better
    insights and better timing.

  238. inspect

    look over carefully

    Accredited outside auditors
    inspected the factory on Walmart’s behalf at least twice in 2011, he said.

  239. instance

    an item of information that is typical of a class or group

    Research has found, for
    instance, that Indian mothers tend to breast-feed boys longer than they do girls, Ms. Anderson said.

  240. institute

    set up or lay the groundwork for

    The Electric Power Research
    Institute has some advice, none of it encouraging.

    There is an additional meaning of «institute» not raised in, that is, to implement.

  241. instruct

    impart skills or knowledge to

    He is not technically an assistant coach, but he helps
    instruct the quarterbacks.

  242. integral

    existing as an essential constituent or characteristic

    As this season has gone on, it has become more
    integral in Seattle’s offense.

  243. integrate

    make into a whole or make part of a whole

    This mission is complicated by the fact that Moscow’s ruling class is, in fact, already deeply
    integrated into Western Europe.

  244. integrity

    an undivided or unbroken completeness with nothing wanting

    Engineers determined that weaker ones were originally installed, raising concerns about the structure’s

  245. intelligence

    the ability to comprehend

    He also noted that to carry out commando raids, the American military needs bases, an
    intelligence network and arrangements for medical evacuation.

  246. intense

    extremely sharp

    “Currently in China people are unusually sensitive to developments like this, and so the reaction has been quite
    intense,” Mr. Zhan said.

  247. interact

    do something together or with others

    He clearly enjoyed
    interacting with sports fans of Chicago he respects.

  248. intermediate

    around the middle of a scale of evaluation

    Has also assumed a bigger role in the passing game, primarily at the
    intermediate levels.

  249. internal

    located inward

    Internal Revenue Service issued guidance to employers to increase withholding from paychecks beginning Tuesday to match new tax rates at every income level.

  250. interpret

    make sense of; assign a meaning to

    But people do
    interpret and observe religion differently and, as Celtics Coach Doc Rivers noted, a fair number of folks “do work on Christmas.”

  251. interval

    the distance between things

    Players who sustained head injuries also received scans at three
    intervals after the injuries, with researchers using advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques.

  252. intervene

    get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action

    Meanwhile, financial markets remain focused on how the European Central Bank might actually go about
    intervening in government bond markets.New York Times (Aug 20, 2012)

  253. intrinsic

    belonging to a thing by its very nature

  254. investigate

    conduct an inquiry of

    Police detectives are
    investigating several thefts in at least two precincts that appear to include the same suspects, said Sgt.

  255. invoke

    cite as an authority

    Yet the concepts
    invoked are often abstract, requiring reflection and explanation.

  256. involve

    contain as a part

    Another United States Attorney’s office could reopen that investigation, several lawyers
    involved in the case said, although that is unlikely.

  257. isolate

    place or set apart

    That damage would have been reduced by about two-thirds if controllers in Houston
    isolated the rupture as soon as problems emerged, investigators said.

  258. issue

    some situation or event that is thought about

    The big
    issues that Nokia faces, he said, are “managing efficiently, building great products and changing the way we operate.

  259. journal

    a periodical dedicated to a particular subject

  260. justify

    show to be right by providing proof

    Justifying her sentence, she noted that the men were driven by financial motives and difficult family circumstances rather than ideology.

  261. label

    a brief description given for purposes of identification

    Ms. Lutz, the Living Essentials spokeswoman, said the bold “No Crash Later” statement on product
    labels was followed by a special mark.

  262. layer

    a single thickness of some substance or material

    “If Disney can drive more value from existing infrastructure by
    layering on technology, that is extremely powerful,” said Mr. Brown of Lo-Q.

  263. lecture

    an educational talk delivered by a teacher in a classroom

    But each year, Mr. Wright gives a
    lecture on his experiences as a parent of a child with special needs.

  264. legal

    established by or founded upon law or official rules

    As required by state law, the patient’s
    legal guardian was notified, along with local law enforcement.

  265. legislate

    make laws or bills

    But the recently introduced Lisbon Treaty has widened the scope for Brussels to ask member nations to
    legislate on criminal matters.New York Times (Dec 8, 2010)

  266. locate

    determine the place of by searching or examining

    But no one has ever thought that the fountain might be
    located beneath a house in Maine.

  267. maintain

    keep in a certain state, position, or activity

    Mr. Sprecher indicated that he was willing to
    maintain two headquarters, ICE’s home in Atlanta and the Big Board’s center in New York City.

  268. major

    greater in number or size or amount

    Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. also is meeting separately Thursday with
    major gun retailers, including Wal-Mart.

  269. manipulate

    influence or control shrewdly or deviously

    As the financial crisis was heating up, Barclays said it
    manipulated rates to increase profits and hide its failing financial health.

  270. manual

    of or relating to the hands

    However, back at the other office, Mr. Tuli did point out an engineer who was translating
    manuals for companies assembling DataWind tablets in China.

  271. margin

    the boundary line or area immediately inside the boundary

    The new military spending bill, known as the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, was passed in both houses of Congress by wide

  272. mature

    having reached full natural growth or development

    Coach Mike Smith said Monday they had learned from and been
    matured by their recent disappointments.

  273. mechanism

    device consisting of a piece of machinery

    Mr. Kasuri expressed surprise over the government’s failure to install an effective firewall
    mechanism despite having months to do so.

  274. medium

    the surrounding environment

    Witnesses told local news
    media that the helicopter appeared to have exploded after hitting the ground.

  275. mediate

    act between parties with a view to reconciling differences

    A few violence interrupters were
    mediating between the gangs’ leaders, while the rest worked the crowd, calming people down.

  276. medical

    relating to the study or practice of medicine

    But some critics said that poor and uninsured patients sometimes used the emergency room as their primary source of
    medical care.

  277. mental

    involving the mind or an intellectual process

    Yet Justice Del Giudice, who was scheduled to sentence Mr. Isaac, ordered a
    mental health examination instead.

  278. method

    a way of doing something, especially a systematic way

    Other schools have also adopted inventive
    methods to promote graduating in four years.

    What’s missing in this definition is «the scientific method,» or the «Methods» section of a research paper.

  279. migrate

    move from one country or region to another and settle there

    Jeffrey Hart is a Briton
    migrating back and forth between Canada and the United States on work visas, gaining experience in natural building.New York Times (Aug 20, 2012)

  280. minimal

    the least possible

    The fighters are operating on a
    minimal budget, eating just one meal a day, he added.

  281. minimum

    the smallest possible quantity

    Employees will be given a
    minimum 60-day notice before any furlough of longer than 22 days takes place, according to the document.

  282. minor

    inferior in number or size or amount

    In my next post, we’ll look at how seemingly
    minor details in a transaction, if not handled properly,  can make your life miserable.

  283. mode

    how something is done or how it happens

    Altogether, shifting transportation
    modes would drive up prices, he said, adding, “Rail is not the answer.”

  284. modify

    cause to change; make different

    Riders complained about inaccurate
    modified schedules on the Web site — a criticism the agency sometimes acknowledged.

  285. monitor

    keep an eye on; keep under surveillance

    A screen in one corner relayed footage from the closed circuit cameras installed across the office floors,
    monitoring staff activity.

  286. motive

    the reason that arouses action toward a desired goal

    But his prime
    motive in choosing Google, he said, was online collaboration.

  287. mutual

    common to or shared by two or more parties

    Teams are taught four skill sets: leadership,
    mutual support, situation monitoring and communication.

  288. negate

    make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of

    She notes that salad dressing packets typically contain as many as four servings, which can
    negate any nutritional value of the greens.Washington Post (Dec 20, 2011)

  289. neutral

    having no personal preference

    As head of state, the queen performs some ceremonial and formal duties related to government but must remain
    neutral on political matters.New York Times (Dec 19, 2012)

  290. nevertheless

    despite anything to the contrary

    Nevertheless, Mr. Ostreicher ended up in June 2011 as the only American in Palmasola Prison, an experience he described as “sheer terror.”

  291. nonetheless

    despite anything to the contrary

    Nonetheless, Mr. Cowen’s illnesses have led to his falling about $8,400 behind in his rent; he could face eviction proceedings beginning next month.

  292. norm

    a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical

    However, let’s take it one step further, beyond social

  293. normal

    conforming with a standard, level, or type

    “I think this is going to end up like a regular summer weekend, no more busy than
    normal,” he said.

  294. notion

    a general inclusive concept

    notion that India’s weak manufacturing sector can catch up to China in advanced computer hardware also strikes some experts as far-fetched.

  295. notwithstanding

    despite anything to the contrary

  296. nuclear

    constituting the core or central part

    A few prominent environmentalists argue that the rapidly heating world cannot make wrenching changes without
    nuclear power to ease the transition.

  297. objective

    the goal intended to be attained

    Mr. Dempsey’s stated main
    objective was to preserve as many Tully’s jobs as possible.

  298. obtain

    come into possession of

    A Web site marketing Wegelin’s services said, «Neither the Swiss government nor any other government can
    obtain information about your bank account.»

  299. obvious

    easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind

    Jet lag’s severity depends on several factors, the most
    obvious being how many time zones you crossed.

  300. occupy

    live in (a certain place)

    Next to it is a lane usually
    occupied by parked vehicles, and then a traffic lane.

  301. occur

    be found to exist

    However nothing else
    occurred, and in a few minutes he had gone back to sleep.

  302. offset

    a compensating equivalent

    That is a particularly weighty question, given the urgent need for tax revenue to
    offset the ballooning federal budget deficit.

  303. ongoing

    currently happening

  304. option

    one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen

    options are on the table,” said a senior European official who is participating in the talks but was not authorized to speak publicly.

  305. outcome

    something that results

    Sure, compound interest has a powerful
    outcome, but it takes an awfully long time to become fun and exciting.

  306. output

    production of a certain amount

    American economic
    output has continued to expand at a sluggish pace.

  307. overall

    involving only main features

  308. overlap

    extend over and cover a part of

    The building housed a research center run by the national security agency, one of many
    overlapping intelligence agencies.New York Times (Jul 19, 2012)

  309. panel

    sheet that forms a distinct section of something

    On request, Mr. Singh showed a sample of a touchscreen
    panel that he said had been made at DataWind’s manufacturing unit in Montreal.

  310. paradigm

    a standard or typical example

    Even if these new shows end up being remakes of familiar
    paradigms, more is at stake here.

  311. parallel

    being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting

    Increasingly she turned to writing about the recipes she was trying as her interest in cooking deepened in
    parallel to her relationship.

  312. participate

    be involved in

    “All options are on the table,” said a senior European official who is
    participating in the talks but was not authorized to speak publicly.

  313. passive

    lacking in energy or will

    On this night, Ms. Meade basically brought to a character a vulnerability that came across as

  314. perceive

    become aware of through the senses

    Insurance, like taxes, quantifies the
    perceived societal cost of an activity.

  315. period

    an amount of time

    “We were a little bit lost last year when he was out for such an extended
    period of time,” Troy Brouwer said.

  316. persist

    continue to exist

    While the specific numbers have most likely shifted over time, the basic categories

  317. perspective

    a way of regarding situations or topics

    It is helpful to summarize the important policy effects on the labor market from workers’
    perspectives in terms of marginal tax rates.

  318. phase

    any distinct time period in a sequence of events

    “He’s progressively gotten better in all
    phases,” Haslett said.

  319. phenomenon

    any state or process known through the senses

    Researchers found that employee turnover slows down considerably as businesses get older and bigger, which could be contributing to the wage

  320. philosophy

    a belief accepted as authoritative by some group or school

    He often coupled common sense with Greek
    philosophy, which, he wrote, «seemed to astonish the whole journalistic fraternity in New York City.»

  321. physical

    involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit

    Various companies showed off tools that intervened in our
    physical lives.

  322. policy

    a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group

    “Chuck Hagel is out of the mainstream,” Mr. Graham says, “on most issues regarding foreign

  323. portion

    something determined in relation to a thing that includes it

    A large
    portion of that is held by a group of hedge funds including York Capital Management, which invests heavily in distressed debt.

  324. pose

    put into a certain place or abstract location

    Pointing out the potential hazards
    posed by data brokers and the like is part of Mr. Fertik’s M.O.

  325. positive

    characterized by or displaying affirmation or acceptance

    “Call me an optimist, but I see
    positive indications of the markets moving forward,” he said.

  326. potential

    existing in possibility

    Investors fixated last year on so-called tail risks, or
    potential negative surprises.

  327. practitioner

    someone who carries out a learned profession

    practitioners haven’t caught up to the advanced technology yet,” he said.

  328. precede

    be earlier in time

  329. precise

    sharply exact or accurate or delimited

    precise impact can only be determined by careful analysis unencumbered by dogmatic beliefs not anchored in empirical results.

  330. predict

    make a guess about what will happen in the future

    Research is why he will never live in Seattle, he said; scientists are
    predicting a big earthquake someday.

  331. predominant

    having superior power or influence

  332. preliminary

    preceding or in preparation for something more important

    West Bengal: A
    preliminary medical examination suggested that a three-year-old girl was raped in Goai village, the Indian Express reported.

  333. presume

    take to be the case or to be true

    The 32 remaining passengers are
    presumed to have drowned.

  334. previous

    just preceding something else in time or order

    He found his
    previous job within 30 days, picking up a year’s guaranteed contract work in Hartford.

  335. primary

    of first rank or importance or value

    But some critics said that poor and uninsured patients sometimes used the emergency room as their
    primary source of medical care.

  336. prime

    of or relating to the first or originating agent

    Acquiring the service would not only give Apple access to
    prime data but also, as Search Engine Land noted, would complement Apple in other ways.

  337. principal

    main or most important

    Among Wall Street’s
    principal concerns about Facebook has been the company’s ability to profit as its users increasingly log in on their mobile phones.

  338. principle

    a basic generalization that is accepted as true

    The business was built on two main
    principles: outstanding customer service and offering high-quality clothes to help people become accepted into society, relatives said.

  339. prior

    earlier in time

    Mr. Akhtar said that no
    prior warning or threat had been given to his organization by militants.

  340. priority

    status established in order of importance or urgency

    “When you are running investments, your
    priority needs to be maximizing return.”

  341. proceed

    move ahead; travel onward in time or space

    If successful, lawyers said, future
    proceedings, at least in the pre trial stage, will be open.

  342. process

    a particular course of action intended to achieve a result

    Hall of Fame voting is ultimately designed to be a consensus

  343. professional

    of or relating to or suitable as an occupation

    Mitchell, 30, entered his last fight coming off the longest layoff of his
    professional career.

  344. prohibit

    command against

    One student studying preschool education said she was
    prohibited from quitting her internship and was compelled to work night shifts.

  345. project

    a planned undertaking

    The landscaping
    project was announced in 2011 but has taken time to advance through public review as officials wrestled with the security question.

  346. promote

    contribute to the progress or growth of

    Some rinks installed concrete floors to
    promote cooling, but others employed newer technologies.

  347. proportion

    relation with respect to comparative quantity or magnitude

    Insulin is known to fuel cell growth, and cancer cells consume glucose out of
    proportion to other nutrients.

  348. prospect

    the possibility of future success

    Nothing to do, no
    prospects for getting out.

  349. protocol

    forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by officials

    But organizations that foster student musicians still mostly insist on standard

  350. psychology

    the science of mental life

    David Popplewell of Brasenose College grilled an experimental
    psychology candidate by asking: «Why do human beings have two eyes?»

  351. publication

    the act of issuing printed materials

    The New York Times and other mainstream
    publications published hundreds of the documents Private Manning is accused of leaking.

  352. publish

    prepare and issue for public distribution or sale

    The Smoking Gun Web site
    published the document online.

  353. purchase

    something acquired by buying

    He also said that there are no minimum
    purchases required by distributors, denouncing so-called «pay to play» allegations.

  354. pursue

    follow in an effort to capture

    Ask for help
    pursuing that interest beyond class assignments.

  355. qualitative

    involving distinguishing attributes

  356. radical

    far beyond the norm

    Voters appeared to prefer stability over Mr. Moon’s calls for
    radical change.

  357. random

    lacking any definite plan or order or purpose

    Monte Carlo methods use a
    random process to solve complicated problems.

  358. range

    a variety of different things or activities

    He successfully fought to keep cost increases within a manageable

  359. ratio

    relation with respect to comparative quantity or magnitude

    Pythagoras, he tells us, used the concept of dissonance in coming to his theories about the simple
    ratios of whole numbers.

  360. rational

    consistent with or based on or using reason

    Is there any
    rational reason to think that things will change next year?

  361. react

    show a response to something

    Every college coach wants smart players — athletes who can grasp complex offenses, dissect sophisticated defenses and
    react quickly under pressure.

  362. recover

    regain or make up for

    Figure Skating Championships later this month while he
    recovers from hip surgery.

  363. refine

    reduce to a pure state

    But experts also suggested that concepts of fat be

  364. regime

    the governing authority of a political unit

    “In general, I think the
    regime in Damascus is approaching collapse,” he said.

  365. region

    the extended spatial location of something

    region is loaded with iron, and mining companies will continue to go after it.

  366. regulate

    bring into conformity with rules, principles, or usage

    While closely
    regulated by the Department of Environmental Conservation, New York also offers great fishing opportunities.

  367. reinforce

    strengthen and support

    Patterns of one or the other are
    reinforced over time.

  368. reject

    refuse to accept or acknowledge

    Intermittent fighting increased last month when the rebels
    rejected a government demand that they allow supply convoys to reach an army base.

  369. relax

    become loose or looser or less tight

    At a Tuesday morning news conference, Saban seemed

  370. release

    grant freedom to; free from confinement

    Another senior official, speaking anonymously because he was not authorized to
    release military information, said two pilots were on board.

  371. relevant

    having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue

    «But working on something so
    relevant to society caught my attention.»

  372. reluctance

    a certain degree of unwillingness

    But he was expressing some
    reluctance to get on board.

  373. rely

    have confidence or faith in

    But there is an inherent risk in anything that
    relies on transporting natural resources because demand can vary.

  374. remove

    take something away as by lifting, pushing, or taking off

    Six thousand fewer tons of steel trusses, which were
    removed in 2004.

  375. require

    have need of

    Current law
    requires reporting multiple purchases of handguns, but not semi-automatic assault rifles.

  376. research

    a seeking for knowledge

    Research has found, for instance, that Indian mothers tend to breast-feed boys longer than they do girls, Ms. Anderson said.

  377. reside

    live in

    I was intrigued by our parallel worlds — two Muslim Middle Eastern women, eyes lined with pencils of coal,
    residing in the United States.

  378. resource

    aid or support that may be drawn upon when needed

    But there is an inherent risk in anything that relies on transporting natural
    resources because demand can vary.

  379. respond

    show a reaction to something

    Protest leaders said the court had given the state six days to

  380. restore

    bring back into original existence, function, or position

    Some other buildings in the area have yet to have their phone service
    restored, however, Verizon officials said.

  381. restrain

    hold back

    Additional cuts in government spending later this year, above those already emanating from the cap on discretionary spending, would further
    restrain job creation.

  382. restrict

    limit access to

    But of greater concern was this: A hang gliding flight that crossed into
    restricted airspace was ineligible for the record book.

  383. retain

    hold back within

    retained his lead in the overall World Cup standings.

  384. reveal

    make known to the public information previously kept secret

    If prodded, Mr. Gogu will
    reveal a few celebrity stories.

  385. revenue

    the entire amount of income before any deductions are made

    That is a particularly weighty question, given the urgent need for tax
    revenue to offset the ballooning federal budget deficit.

  386. reverse

    change to the contrary

    But Mrs. Nader and some others are beginning to
    reverse that trend.

  387. revise

    reorganize, especially for the purpose of improving

    revised editorial instead lauded Communist Party’s policies.

  388. revolution

    a single complete turn

    The biggest winner in this
    revolution will likely be Google, with its free Android operating system.

  389. rigid

    fixed and unmoving

    The result is the smallest, most
    rigid playing field in recent history: One that excludes 41 states.

  390. role

    the actions and activities assigned to a person or group

    Newsome remembers Lewis’s first news conference after his
    role in the Atlanta murders was resolved.

  391. route

    an established line of travel or access

    Alabama, en
    route to its third national title in four years, scored the first three times it had the ball.

  392. scenario

    a postulated sequence of possible events

    “They are always prepared for different
    scenarios,” he said of the government.

  393. schedule

    a list of times at which things are planned to occur

    Washington is
    scheduled to open its season Saturday at Tampa Bay.

  394. scheme

    an elaborate and systematic plan of action

    Some of these offers turned out to be Ponzi

  395. scope

    an area in which something operates or has power or control

    The credit can also apply to a wide
    scope of industries — not just manufacturing, but computer software, architects, engineers, and food processing firms.

  396. section

    one of several parts or pieces that fit with others

    The Journal is planning a full page of excerpts in its Leisure & Arts
    section on Wednesday.

  397. sector

    a particular aspect of life or activity

    The China corporate
    sector has been battling falling profits.

  398. secure

    free from danger or risk

    Register online well in advance to
    secure a spot at your preferred test site.

  399. sequence

    a following of one thing after another in time

    “We built five separate set pieces to shoot different parts of the
    sequence,” Mr. Hennah said.

  400. series

    similar things placed in order or one after another

    But laying out a
    series of possible routes would allow readers to make an educated choice.

  401. shift

    move very slightly

    While the specific numbers have most likely
    shifted over time, the basic categories persist.

  402. significant

    important in effect or meaning

    «To go this far without
    significant problems after the worst housing crisis since the Great Depression is remarkable,» Mr. Griffith said.

  403. simulate

    reproduce someone’s behavior or looks

  404. so-called

    doubtful or suspect

    Better still, he said, are
    so-called unconstrained bond funds whose managers have great flexibility in how they invest.

  405. source

    the place where something begins

    According to a reliable
    source, “Baseball has ruled on it.

  406. specific

    distinguishing something particular or unique

    Department stores like Saks Fifth Avenue use e-mail to target
    specific audiences, but older shoppers still must sift through clothes and accessories for all ages.

  407. specify

    be particular about

    The sentence mentioning the alternate swearing-in does not
    specify a date, and government officials have said that means Mr. Chávez can be sworn in later.

  408. sphere

    a round three-dimensional closed surface

    After surviving the collapse of the twin towers, the battered
    sphere was moved to Battery Park.

  409. stable

    resistant to change of position or condition

    Mr. Abrams said rental companies preferred to keep prices
    stable and spend their energy on trying to gain market share.

  410. statistic

    a datum that can be represented numerically

    In recent years, a growing number of high schools have stopped providing class rankings to colleges, raising questions about the value of the

  411. status

    the condition or someone or something at a particular time

    But he has made no mention of addressing North Korea’s
    status as one of the world’s least wired nations.

  412. straightforward

    pointed directly ahead

    «We are always looking for sophisticated and
    straightforward dishes to add to our tailgate menu,» Jackson wrote.

  413. strategy

    an elaborate and systematic plan of action

    But using generous economic incentives and relying on conventions has been called an outdated economic

  414. stress

    difficulty that causes worry or emotional tension

    An estimated 75 to 90 percent of all doctors’ visits are related to

  415. structure

    the building of something and the arrangement of its parts

    Engineers determined that weaker ones were originally installed, raising concerns about the
    structure’s integrity.

  416. style

    a particular kind

    Style Baked Cauliflower Frittata In the authentic version of this frittata there is a lot more olive oil, as well as chopped hard-boiled eggs.

  417. submit

    hand over formally

  418. subordinate

    lower in rank or importance

  419. subsequent

    following in time or order

    But nothing in Mr. Sullivan’s universe is random, and
    subsequent chapters reveal a tangle of dark meanings under the surface.

  420. subsidy

    a grant of financial assistance, especially by a government

  421. substitute

    a person or thing that can take the place of another

    Cellphones, email and Skype allow more connection among family members and loved ones, but are no
    substitute for being there.

  422. successor

    a person who follows next in order

    successor at the U.S. unit will be announced later, BP said.

  423. sufficient

    of a quantity that can fulfill a need or requirement

    The cases involving big banks, he said, lacked
    sufficient evidence implicating C.E.Os.

  424. summary

    a brief statement that presents the main points

    In the committee meetings, the
    summaries prepared by the first and second readers are often read out loud and discussed.

  425. supplement

    an additional component that improves capability

    Some contain anabolic steroids, and even high-quality protein
    supplements might be dangerous in large amounts, or if taken to replace meals, he said.

  426. survey

    ask people questions in order to gather data

    survey in China on Monday found manufacturing activity in that country expanded for the third consecutive month.

  427. survive

    continue in existence after

    Last week, in fact, he
    survived a vigilante assassination attempt; a car bomb reportedly killed the would-be assassin.

  428. suspend

    stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it

    Last spring, Binghamton University
    suspended pledging after a series of complaints about people being physically abused, deprived of sleep and forced to drink heavily.

  429. sustain

    lengthen or extend in duration or space

    He balked at describing the actions as “harassment” or “molestation,” saying that implied aggravated or
    sustained behavior.

  430. symbol

    something visible that represents something invisible

    She is looking for dinnerware painted with winged goddesses, holding aloft trumpets and bald eagles, which are
    symbols of the Society of the Cincinnati.

  431. target

    a reference point to shoot at

    In the mid-1990s, some joined suicide bombing attacks aimed at military and civilian
    targets, sometimes deflecting suspicion by dressing as though pregnant.

  432. task

    any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted

    task had taken considerably longer than expected.

  433. technical

    of or relating to aptitude in a practical skill

    Ultimately, Mr. Bevan noticed that Iran had published limited
    technical details of its cartridges, including bullet weights.

  434. technique

    a practical method or art applied to some particular task

    Each had been a licensed peace officer for five to seven years and had received specialized training in investigative
    techniques and firearms.

  435. technology

    the practical application of science to commerce or industry

    technologies have raised productivity and profits, while enabling companies to shed workers and slice payroll.

  436. temporary

    not permanent; not lasting

    Then in late March, a
    temporary law financing the government expires.

  437. terminate

    be the last or concluding part of

    Terminating that case without a further fight, however, would mean giving up on charging other detainees with those offenses.

  438. text

    the words of something written

    Writing essays has never been my strong suit; I have as much difficulty conveying sincerity through
    text as I do in speech.

  439. theme

    the subject matter of a conversation or discussion

    “I derive my
    themes from what’s happening in everyday life,” Ms. Dimoula had said earlier.

  440. theory

    a belief that can guide behavior

    theory you could have fired that cannon,” Mr. Browne said, “because the powder was still working.”

  441. thereby

    by that means or because of that

    In principle, work and investment decisions become more efficient and
    thereby raise growth.

  442. thesis

    an unproved statement advanced as a premise in an argument

    My original
    thesis that only Washington Nationals employees, Washington Nationals fans and D.C. media members supported the strategy has turned out to be incorrect.Washington Post (Aug 29, 2012)

  443. topic

    the subject matter of a conversation or discussion

    Her newest book, “Prime Time,” a mix of advice on health, fitness, friendship, sex and other
    topics, recently came out in paperback.

  444. trace

    an indication that something has been present

    North Korea also deployed equipment to
    trace cellphone signals.

  445. tradition

    a specific practice of long standing

    Yes, it’s a New York
    tradition, the first gathering having taken place in 1904.

  446. transfer

    move from one place to another

    He ended up at Division III Greensboro College for two years until Clark secured his
    transfer to Stanford.

  447. transform

    change or alter in appearance or nature

    Regulators say money market funds need to be fundamentally
    transformed to prevent them from creating too much systemic risk.

Created on December 28, 2012
(updated October 25, 2016)

150 Vocabulary Word-Definition Lists and Worksheets for Middle – High School

Here are a total of 150 downloadable learning and instructional documents to help with expanding and building vocabulary for middle and high school students. These cover a variety of topics, and include word and definition lists, vocabulary exercises, worksheets and lessons. They are pdf  files, unless indicated as .doc format. Update: here are our latest vocabulary posts: 373 Greek and Latin Roots in English Words, Vocabulary For Middle and High School Students and 106 More Vocabulary and Spelling Worksheets, Lists, Texts and Videos, Grades 1-8. Also, don’t miss 150 Spelling Books to freely download.

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  • 100 Words with Definitions List 1, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 2, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 3, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 4, High School
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150 Vocabulary Word and Definition Lists for Middle-High School

– love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott

Words beginning with A — list and definitions learning English

What will I learn from the English lesson a list verbs beginning with A ?

This lesson is a list of words beginning with A from the big list of A to Z of words and definitions to help you, when you don’t know the meaning of the word. It is important not to try and remember the words, but just to use the list as a reference guide to help you.

How do I use this English book of words A to Z?

Click on each letter of the alphabet to get the list of the idioms with an explanation of each.

[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ H ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ X ] [ Y ] [ Z ]

The big book of words uses the following grammar after each word

After each word is listed you will see one of the following v, n or adj. To get a more detailed explanation of each click on each link.

  • n. (noun) — is a name word
  • v. (verb) — is an action word
  • ad. (adjective/adverb) — is used as a describing word

Words Beginning with A.

abase v. To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.

abbess n. The lady superior of a nunnery.

abbey n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns.

abbot n. The superior of a community of monks.

abdicate v. To give up (royal power or the like).

abdomen n. In mammals, the visceral cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvic floor;the belly.

abdominal n. Of, pertaining to, or situated on the abdomen.

abduction n. A carrying away of a person against his will, or illegally.

abed adv. In bed; on a bed.

aberration n. Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course.

abet v. To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense).

abeyance n. A state of suspension or temporary inaction.

abhorrence n. The act of detesting extremely.

abhorrent adj. Very repugnant; hateful.

abidance n. An abiding.

abject adj. Sunk to a low condition.

abjure v. To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath.

able-bodied adj. Competent for physical service.

ablution n. A washing or cleansing, especially of the body.

abnegate v. To renounce (a right or privilege).

abnormal adj. Not conformed to the ordinary rule or standard.

abominable adj. Very hateful.

abominate v. To hate violently.

abomination n. A very detestable act or practice.

aboriginal adj. Primitive; unsophisticated.

aborigines n. The original of earliest known inhabitants of a country.

aboveboard adv. & adj. Without concealment, fraud, or trickery.

abrade v. To wear away the surface or some part of by friction.

abrasion n. That which is rubbed off.

abridge v. To make shorter in words, keeping the essential features, leaning out minor particles.

abridgment n. A condensed form as of a book or play.

abrogate v. To abolish, repeal.

abrupt adj. Beginning, ending, or changing suddenly or with a break.

abscess n. A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body.

abscission n. The act of cutting off, as in a surgical operation.

abscond v. To depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest.

absence n. The fact of not being present or available.

absent-minded adj. Lacking in attention to immediate surroundings or business.

absolution n. Forgiveness, or passing over of offenses.

absolve v. To free from sin or its penalties.

absorb v. To drink in or suck up, as a sponge absorbs water.

absorption n. The act or process of absorbing.

abstain v. To keep oneself back (from doing or using something).

abstemious adj. Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, food.

abstinence n. Self denial.

abstruse adj. Dealing with matters difficult to be understood.

absurd adj. Inconsistent with reason or common sense.

abundant adj. Plentiful.

abusive adj. Employing harsh words or ill treatment.

abut v. To touch at the end or boundary line.

abyss n. Bottomless gulf.

academic adj. Of or pertaining to an academy, college, or university.

academician n. A member of an academy of literature, art, or science.

academy n. Any institution where the higher branches of learning are taught.

accede v. To agree.

accelerate v. To move faster.

accept v. To take when offered.

access n. A way of approach or entrance; passage.

accessible adj. Approachable.

accession n. Induction or elevation, as to dignity, office, or government.

accessory n. A person or thing that aids the principal agent.

acclaim v. To utter with a shout.

accommodate v. To furnish something as a kindness or favor.

accompaniment n. A subordinate part or parts, enriching or supporting the leading part.

accompanist n. One who or that which accompanies.

accompany v. To go with, or be associated with, as a companion.

accomplice n. An associate in wrong-doing.

accomplish v. To bring to pass.

accordion n. A portable free-reed musical instrument.

accost v. To speak to.

account n. A record or statement of receipts and expenditures, or of business transactions.

accouter v. To dress.

accredit v. To give credit or authority to.

accumulate v. To become greater in quantity or number.

accuracy n. Exactness.

accurate adj. Conforming exactly to truth or to a standard.

accursed adj. Doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune.

accusation n. A charge of crime, misdemeanor, or error.

accusatory adj. Of, pertaining to, or involving an accusation.

accuse v. To charge with wrong doing, misconduct, or error.

accustom v. To make familiar by use.

acerbity n. Sourness, with bitterness and astringency.

acetate n. A salt of acetic acid.

acetic adj. Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of vinegar.

ache v. To be in pain or distress.

Achillean adj. Invulnerable.

achromatic adj. Colorless,

acid n. A sour substance.

acidify v. To change into acid.

acknowledge v. To recognize; to admit the genuineness or validity of.

acknowledgment n. Recognition.

acme n. The highest point, or summit.

acoustic adj. Pertaining to the act or sense of hearing.

acquaint v. To make familiar or conversant.

acquiesce v. To comply; submit.

acquiescence n. Passive consent.

acquire v. To get as one’s own.

acquisition n. Anything gained, or made one’s own, usually by effort or labor.

acquit v. To free or clear, as from accusation.

acquittal n. A discharge from accusation by judicial action.

acquittance n. Release or discharge from indebtedness, obligation, or responsibility.

acreage n. Quantity or extent of land, especially of cultivated land.

acrid adj. Harshly pungent or bitter.

acrimonious adj. Full of bitterness.

acrimony n. Sharpness or bitterness of speech or temper.

actionable adj. Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words.

actuality n. Any reality.

actuary n. An officer, as of an insurance company, who calculates and states the risks and premiums.

actuate v. To move or incite to action.

acumen n. Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of discrimination.

acute adj. Having fine and penetrating discernment.

adamant n. Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability.

addendum n. Something added, or to be added.

addle v. To make inefficient or worthless; muddle.

adduce v. To bring forward or name for consideration.

adhere v. To stick fast or together.

adherence n. Attachment.

adherent adj. Clinging or sticking fast.

adhesion n. The state of being attached or joined.

adieu inter. Good-by; farewell.

adjacency n. The state of being adjacent.

adjacent n. That which is near or bordering upon.

adjudge v. To award or bestow by formal decision.

adjunct n. Something joined to or connected with another thing, but holding a subordinate place.

adjuration n. A vehement appeal.

adjutant adj. Auxiliary.

administrator n. One who manages affairs of any kind.

admissible adj. Having the right or privilege of entry.

admittance n. Entrance, or the right or permission to enter.

admonish v. To warn of a fault.

admonition n. Gentle reproof.

ado n. unnecessary activity or ceremony.

adoration n. Profound devotion.

adroit adj. Having skill in the use of the bodily or mental powers.

adulterant n. An adulterating substance.

adulterate v. To make impure by the admixture of other or baser ingredients.

adumbrate v. To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem.

advent n. The coming or arrival, as of any important change, event, state, or personage.

adverse adj. Opposing or opposed.

adversity n. Misfortune.

advert v. To refer incidentally.

advertiser n. One who advertises, especially in newspapers.

advisory adj. Not mandatory.

advocacy n. The act of pleading a cause.

advocate n. One who pleads the cause of another, as in a legal or ecclesiastical court.

aerial adj. Of, pertaining to, or like the air.

aeronaut n. One who navigates the air, a balloonist.

aeronautics n. the art or practice of flying aircraft

aerostat n. A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air.

aerostatics n. The branch of pneumatics that treats of the equilibrium, pressure, and mechanical properties.

affable adj. Easy to approach.

affect v. To act upon

affectation n. A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt.

affiliate n. Some auxiliary person or thing.

affirmative adj. Answering yes; to a question at issue.

affix v. To fasten.

affluence n. A profuse or abundant supply of riches.

affront n. An open insult or indignity.

afire adv. & adj. On fire, literally or figuratively.

afoot adv. In progress.

aforesaid adj. Said in a preceding part or before.

afresh adv. Once more, after rest or interval.

afterthought n. A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time.

agglomerate v. To pile or heap together.

aggrandize v. To cause to appear greatly.

aggravate v. To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome.

aggravation n. The fact of being made heavier or more heinous, as a crime , offense, misfortune, etc.

aggregate n. The entire number, sum, mass, or quantity of something.

aggress v. To make the first attack.

aggression n. An unprovoked attack.

aggrieve v. To give grief or sorrow to.

aghast adj. Struck with terror and amazement.

agile adj. Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally.

agitate v. To move or excite (the feelings or thoughts).

agrarian adj. Pertaining to land, especially agricultural land.

aide-de-camp n. An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general.

ailment n. Slight sickness.

airy adj. Delicate, ethereal.

akin adj. Of similar nature or qualities.

alabaster n. A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum.

alacrity n. Cheerful willingness.

albeit conj. Even though.

albino n. A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupil and usually pink iris.

album n. A book whose leaves are so made to form paper frames for holding photographs or the like.

alchemy n. Chemistry of the middle ages, characterized by the pursuit of changing base metals to gold.

alcohol n. A volatile, inflammable, colorless liquid of a penetrating odor and burning taste.

alcoholism n. A condition resulting from the inordinate or persistent use of alcoholic beverages.

alcove n. A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room.

alder n. Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family.

alderman n. A member of a municipal legislative body, who usually exercises also certain judicial functions.

aldermanship n. The dignity, condition, office, or term of office of an alderman.

alias n. An assumed name.

alien n. One who owes allegiance to a foreign government.

alienable adj. Capable of being aliened or alienated, as lands.

alienate v. To cause to turn away.

alienation n. Estrangement.

aliment n. That which nourishes.

alkali n. Anything that will neutralize an acid, as lime, magnesia, etc.

allay v. To calm the violence or reduce the intensity of; mitigate.

allege v. To assert to be true, especially in a formal manner, as in court.

allegory n. The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness.

alleviate v. To make less burdensome or less hard to bear.

alley n. A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like.

alliance n. Any combination or union for some common purpose.

allot v. To assign a definite thing or part to a certain person.

allotment n. Portion.

allude v. To refer incidentally, or by suggestion.

allusion n. An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of it.

alluvion n. Flood.

ally n. A person or thing connected with another, usually in some relation of helpfulness.

almanac n. A series of tables giving the days of the week together with certain astronomical information.

aloof adv. Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others.

altar n. Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned.

alter v. To make change in.

alteration n. Change or modification.

altercate v. To contend angrily or zealously in words.

alternate n. One chosen to act in place of another, in case of the absence or incapacity of that other.

alternative n. Something that may or must exist, be taken or chosen, or done instead of something else.

altitude n. Vertical distance or elevation above any point or base-level, as the sea.

alto n. The lowest or deepest female voice or part.

altruism n. Benevolence to others on subordination to self-interest.

altruist n. One who advocates or practices altruism.

amalgam n. An alloy or union of mercury with another metal.

amalgamate v. To mix or blend together in a homogeneous body.

amateur adj. Practicing an art or occupation for the love of it, but not as a profession.

amatory adj. Designed to excite love.

ambidextrous adj. Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease.

ambiguous adj. Having a double meaning.

ambitious adj. Eagerly desirous and aspiring.

ambrosial adj. Divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious.

ambulance n. A vehicle fitted for conveying the sick and wounded.

ambulate v. To walk about

ambush n. The act or state of lying concealed for the purpose of surprising or attacking the enemy.

ameliorate v. To relieve, as from pain or hardship

amenable adj. Willing and ready to submit.

Americanism n. A peculiar sense in which an English word or phrase is used in the United States.

amicable adj. Done in a friendly spirit.

amity n. Friendship.

amorous adj. Having a propensity for falling in love.

amorphous adj. Without determinate shape.

amour n. A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature.

ampere n. The practical unit of electric-current strength.

ampersand n. The character &; and.

amphibious adj. Living both on land and in water.

amphitheater n. An edifice of elliptical shape, constructed about a central open space or arena.

amplitude n. Largeness.

amply adv. Sufficiently.

amputate v. To remove by cutting, as a limb or some portion of the body.

amusement n. Diversion.

anachronism n. Anything occurring or existing out of its proper time.

anagram n. The letters of a word or phrase so transposed as to make a different word or phrase.

analogous adj. Corresponding (to some other) in certain respects, as in form, proportion,relations.

analogy n. Reasoning in which from certain and known relations or resemblance others are formed.

analyst n. One who analyzes or makes use of the analytical method.

analyze v. To examine minutely or critically.

anarchy n. Absence or utter disregard of government.

anathema n. Anything forbidden, as by social usage.

anatomy n. That branch of morphology which treats of the structure of organisms.

ancestry n. One’s ancestors collectively.

anecdote n. A brief account of some interesting event or incident.

anemia n. Deficiency of blood or red corpuscles.

anemic adj. Affected with anemia.

anemometer n. An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind.

anesthetic adj. Pertaining to or producing loss of sensation.

anew adv. Once more.

angelic adj. Saintly.

Anglophobia n. Hatred or dread of England or of what is English.

AngloSaxon n. The entire English race wherever found, as in Europe, the United States, or India.

angular adj. Sharp-cornered.

anhydrous adj. Withered.

animadversion n. The utterance of criticism or censure.

animadvert v. To pass criticism or censure.

animalcule n. An animal of microscopic smallness.

animate v. To make alive.

animosity n. Hatred.

annalist n. Historian.

annals n. A record of events in their chronological order, year by year.

annex v. To add or affix at the end.

annihilate v. To destroy absolutely.

annotate v. To make explanatory or critical notes on or upon.

annual adj. Occurring every year.

annuity n. An annual allowance, payment, or income.

annunciation n. Proclamation.

anode n. The point where or path by which a voltaic current enters an electrolyte or the like.

anonymous adj. Of unknown authorship.

antagonism n. Mutual opposition or resistance of counteracting forces, principles, or persons.

Antarctic adj. Pertaining to the south pole or the regions near it.

ante v. In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt.

antecede v. To precede.

antecedent n. One who or that which precedes or goes before, as in time, place, rank, order, or causality.

antechamber n. A waiting room for those who seek audience.

antedate v. To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one.

antediluvian adj. Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in the days of Noah.

antemeridian adj. Before noon.

antemundane adj. Pertaining to time before the world’s creation.

antenatal adj. Occurring or existing before birth.

anterior adj. Prior.

anteroom n. A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger.

anthology n. A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors.

anthracite n. Hard coal.

anthropology n. The science of man in general.

anthropomorphous adj. Having or resembling human form.

antic n. A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action.

Antichrist n. Any opponent or enemy of Christ, whether a person or a power.

anticlimax n. A gradual or sudden decrease in the importance or impressiveness of what is said.

anticyclone n. An atmospheric condition of high central pressure, with currents flowing outward.

antidote n. Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like.

antilogy n. Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas.

antipathize v. To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike.

antiphon n. A response or alteration of responses, generally musical.

antiphony n. An anthem or other composition sung responsively.

antipodes n. A place or region on the opposite side of the earth.

antiquary n. One who collects and examines old things, as coins, books, medals, weapons, etc.

antiquate v. To make old or out of date.

antique adj. Pertaining to ancient times.

antiseptic n. Anything that destroys or restrains the growth of putrefactive micro- organisms.

antislavery adj. Opposed to human slavery.

antispasmodic adj. Tending to prevent or relieve non-inflammatory spasmodic affections.

antistrophe n. The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in «the home of joy» and «the joy of home».

antitoxin n. A substance which neutralizes the poisonous products of micro-organisms.

antonym n. A word directly opposed to another in meaning.

anxious adj. Distressed in mind respecting some uncertain matter.

apathy n. Insensibility to emotion or passionate feeling.

aperture n. Hole.

apex n. The highest point, as of a mountain.

aphorism n. Proverb.

apiary n. A place where bees are kept.

apogee n. The climax.

apology n. A disclaimer of intentional error or offense.

apostasy n. A total departure from one’s faith or religion.

apostate adj. False.

apostle n. Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority.

apothecary n. One who keeps drugs for sale and puts up prescriptions.

apotheosis n. Deification.

appall v. To fill with dismay or horror.

apparent adj. Easily understood.

apparition n. Ghost.

appease v. To soothe by quieting anger or indignation.

appellate adj. Capable of being appealed to.

appellation n. The name or title by which a particular person, class, or thing is called.

append v. To add or attach, as something accessory, subordinate, or supplementary.

appertain v. To belong, as by right, fitness, association, classification, possession, or natural relation.

apposite adj. Appropriate.

apposition n. The act of placing side by side, together, or in contact.

appraise v. To estimate the money value of.

appreciable adj. Capable of being discerned by the senses or intellect.

apprehend v. To make a prisoner of (a person) in the name of the law.

apprehensible adj. Capable of being conceived.

approbation n. Sanction.

appropriate adj. Suitable for the purpose and circumstances.

aqueduct n. A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance.

aqueous adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing water.

arbiter n. One chosen or appointed, by mutual consent of parties in dispute, to decide matters.

arbitrary adj. Fixed or done capriciously.

arbitrate v. To act or give judgment as umpire.

arbor n. A tree.

arboreal adj. Of or pertaining to a tree or trees.

arborescent adj. Having the nature of a tree.

arboretum n. A botanical garden or place devoted to the cultivation of trees or shrubs.

arboriculture n. The cultivation of trees or shrubs.

arcade n. A vaulted passageway or street; a roofed passageway having shops, etc., opening from it.

archaic adj. Antiquated

archaism n. Obsolescence.

archangel n. An angel of high rank.

archbishop n. The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the Greek, Roman, and Anglican church.

archdeacon n. A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese.

archaeology n. The branch of anthropology concerned with the systematic investigation of the relics of man.

archetype n. A prototype.

archipelago n. Any large body of water studded with islands, or the islands collectively themselves.

ardent adj. Burning with passion.

ardor n. Intensity of passion or affection.

arid adj. Very dry.

aristocracy n. A hereditary nobility

aristocrat n. A hereditary noble or one nearly connected with nobility.

armada n. A fleet of war-vessels.

armful n. As much as can be held in the arm or arms.

armory n. An arsenal.

aroma n. An agreeable odor.

arraign v. To call into court, as a person indicted for crime, and demand whether he pleads guilty or not.

arrange v. To put in definite or proper order.

arrangement n. The act of putting in proper order, or the state of being put in order.

arrant adj. Notoriously bad.

arrear n. Something overdue and unpaid.

arrival n. A coming to stopping-place or destination.

arrogant adj. Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc.

arrogate v. To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds.

Artesian well n. A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure

artful adj. Characterized by craft or cunning.

Arthurian adj. Pertaining to King Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British poetic story.

artifice n. Trickery.

artless adj. Ingenuous.

ascendant adj. Dominant.

ascension n. The act of rising.

ascent n. A rising, soaring, or climbing.

ascetic adj. Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and devotion.

ascribe v. To assign as a quality or attribute.

asexual adj. Having no distinct sexual organs.

ashen adj. Pale.

askance adv. With a side or indirect glance or meaning.

asperity n. Harshness or roughness of temper.

aspirant n. One who seeks earnestly, as for advancement, honors, place.

aspiration n. An earnest wish for that which is above one’s present reach.

aspire v. To have an earnest desire, wish, or longing, as for something high and good, not yet attained.

assailant n. One who attacks.

assassin n. One who kills, or tries to kill, treacherously or secretly.

assassinate v. To kill, as by surprise or secret assault, especially the killing of some eminent person.

assassination n. Murderer, as by secret assault or treachery.

assay n. The chemical analysis or testing of an alloy ore.

assent v. To express agreement with a statement or matter of opinion.

assess v. To determine the amount of (a tax or other sum to be paid).

assessor n. An officer whose duty it is to assess taxes.

assets n. pl. Property in general, regarded as applicable to the payment of debts.

assiduous adj. Diligent.

assignee n. One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain property and interests.

assimilate v. To adapt.

assonance n. Resemblance or correspondence in sound.

assonant adj. Having resemblance of sound.

assonate v. To accord in sound, especially vowel sound.

assuage v. To cause to be less harsh, violent, or severe, as excitement, appetite, pain, or disease.

astringent adj. Harsh in disposition or character.

astute adj. Keen in discernment.

atheism n. The denial of the existence of God.

athirst adj. Wanting water.

athwart adv. From side to side.

atomizer n. An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection, inhalation, etc.

atone v. To make amends for.

atonement n. Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury.

atrocious adj. Outrageously or wantonly wicked, criminal, vile, or cruel.

atrocity n. Great cruelty or reckless wickedness.

attaché n. A subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy.

attest v. To certify as accurate, genuine, or true.

attorney-general n. The chief law-officer of a government.

auburn adj. Reddish-brown, said usually of the hair.

audacious adj. Fearless.

audible adj. Loud enough to be heard.

audition n. The act or sensation of hearing.

auditory adj. Of or pertaining to hearing or the organs or sense of hearing.

augment v. To make bigger.

augur v. To predict.

Augustinian adj. Pertaining to St. Augustine, his doctrines, or the religious orders called after him.

aura n. Pervasive psychic influence supposed to emanate from persons

aural adj. Of or pertaining to the ear.

auricle n. One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins.

auricular adj. Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing.

auriferous adj. Containing gold.

aurora n. A luminous phenomenon in the upper regions of the atmosphere.

auspice n. favoring, protecting, or propitious influence or guidance.

austere adj. Severely simple; unadorned.

autarchy n. Unrestricted power.

authentic adj. Of undisputed origin.

authenticity n. The state or quality of being genuine, or of the origin and authorship claimed.

autobiography n. The story of one’s life written by himself.

autocracy n. Absolute government.

autocrat n. Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or influence.

automaton n. Any living being whose actions are or appear to be involuntary or mechanical.

autonomous adj. Self-governing.

autonomy n. Self-government.

autopsy n. The examination of a dead body by dissection to ascertain the cause of death.

autumnal adj. Of or pertaining to autumn.

auxiliary n. One who or that which aids or helps, especially when regarded as subsidiary or accessory.

avalanche n. The fall or sliding of a mass of snow or ice down a mountain-slope, often bearing with it rock.

avarice n. Passion for getting and keeping riches.

aver v. To assert as a fact.

averse adj. Reluctant.

aversion n. A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular thing.

avert v. To turn away or aside.

aviary n. A spacious cage or enclosure in which live birds are kept.

avidity n. Greediness.

avocation n. Diversion.

avow v. To declare openly.

awaken v. To arouse, as emotion, interest, or the like.

awry adv. & adj. Out of the proper form, direction, or position.

aye adv. An expression of assent.

azalea n. A flowering shrub.

azure n. The color of the sky.

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