List of collocation word

Headword    Collocations    ability cognitive ability abstract abstract concept abuse sexual abuse academy (in) academic circles, academic achievement, academic career, academic community, academic debate, academic discipline, academic discourse, academic institution, academic journal, academic life, academic performance, academic research, academic skills, academic study, academic success, academic work, academic world, academic writing, academic year accept accept responsibility, acceptable behaviour, socially acceptable, widespread acceptance, (be) commonly accepted, (be) generally accepted, (be) universally accepted, (be) widely accepted access allow access (to), deny access (to), direct access, easy access, electronic access, equal access, free access, gain access (to), give access (to), have access (to), internet access, limited access, online access, open access, provide access (to), public access, ready access, unlimited access, easily accessible, readily accessible account brief account, comprehensive account, historical account accurate great accuracy, accurate assessment, accurate description, accurate information, accurate measurement, accurate picture, accurate record achieve achieve (a) goal, achieve (an) objective, achieve (an) outcome, academic achievement acquire acquire knowledge, newly acquired act sexual act, appropriate action, collective action, legal action, military action, positive action, active involvement, active participant, active participation, active role, (be) actively involved, political activism, commercial activity, cultural activity, economic activity, engage in (an) activity, human activity, learning activity, physical activity, political activity, professional activity, related activity, social activity, undertake (an) activity acute particularly acute, acutely aware add add information additional additional cost, additional information, additional problem, additional resources, additional support address address (an) issue adjust structural adjustment, make adjustments administrate public administration, administrative practices adopt adopt (a) procedure, adopt (an) approach, (be) widely adopted advance advanced economy, advanced technology, technological advances advantage major advantage adverse adverse effect, adverse reaction, adversely affect affair economic affairs, financial affairs, internal affairs affect affect (the) development (of), affect (the) outcome, adversely affect, directly affect, severely affect, significantly affect, (be) directly affected agency federal agency, regulatory agency agenda political agenda, set (the) agenda agree generally agree, strongly agree, broad agreement, general agreement, international agreement, reach (an) agreement, strongly disagree aim overall aim, primary aim allocate allocate resources allow allow access (to) ally (be) closely allied (to, with) almost almost identical alternative alternative approach, alternative explanation, alternative form, alternative interpretion, alternative means, alternative method, alternative model, alternative solution, alternative source, alternative strategy, alternative view, alternative way, provide (an) alternative amount (a) considerable amount (of), (a) huge amount (of), (a) significant amount (of), (a) substantial amount (of), (a) vast amount (of), (an) enormous amount (of) ample ample evidence analyse careful analysis, comparative analysis, conduct (an) analysis, critical analysis, detailed analysis, economic analysis, final analysis, full analysis, further analysis, historical analysis, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, statistical analysis, subsequent analysis, systematic analysis, textual analysis, thematic analysis, theoretical analysis, use (the) analysis, analytical approach, analytical tool ancestor common ancestor anecdotal anecdotal evidence annual annual conference, annual meeting, annual rate, annual report, annual review answer final answer apparent become apparent, immediately apparent, particularly apparent appearance physical appearance apply apply (a) method, apply (the) theory, apply equally approach adopt (an) approach, alternative approach, analytical approach, common approach, comprehensive approach, critical approach, develop (an) approach, flexible approach, general approach, holistic approach, integrated approach, logical approach, methodological approach, qualitative approach, quantitative approach, similar approach, standard approach, systematic approach, take (an) approach, theoretical approach, traditional approach, use (an) approach appropriate appropriate action, appropriate behaviour, appropriate conditions, appropriate data, appropriate form, appropriate language, appropriate level, appropriate point, appropriate response, appropriate skills, appropriate treatment, appropriate way, consider appropriate, deem appropriate, particularly appropriate, seem appropriate, respond appropriately area complex area, core area, cover (an) area, geographic(al) area, identify (an) area, key area, local area, main area, major area, metropolitan area, particular area, problem area, related area, rural area, specific area, subject area, urban area, vast area, whole area, wide area arena political arena argument compelling argument, counter argument, develop (an) argument, general argument, logical argument, main argument, make (an) argument, present (an) argument, similar argument, support (an) argument, valid argument armed armed conflict arrangement institutional arrangement, make arrangements array (a) vast array (of), (a) wide array (of) article publish (an) article artificial artificial intelligence aspect certain aspect, consider (an) aspect, cultural aspect, focus on (an) aspect, fundamental aspect, general aspect, key aspect, negative aspect, particular aspect, positive aspect, related aspect, social aspect, specific aspect, technical aspect, various aspects assess assess (the) impact (of), assessment process, accurate assessment, make (an) assessment, risk assessment assign (be) randomly assigned (to) assist financial assistance, medical assistance, provide assistance, technical assistance associate associated factors, (be) closely associated (with), (be) commonly associated (with), (be) positively associated (with), (be) strongly associated (with) assume assume (the) role (of), assume responsibility, (be) generally assumed, basic assumption, common assumption, fundamental assumption, make (an) assumption, underlying assumption, certain assumptions atom atomic energy attempt deliberate attempt attend attend (a) conference attention careful attention, considerable attention, critical attention, draw attention (to), focus attention (on) attitude change (an) attitude, negative attitude, positive attitude, changing attitudes, cultural attitudes, public attitudes, social attitudes audience target audience, wider audience author first author, original author authority central authority, exercise authority, local authority, political authority, public authority autonomy greater autonomy, relative autonomy available available data, available evidence, available information, available resources, become available, currently available, freely available, make available, publicly available, readily available, widely available average average score, national average aware acutely aware, become aware, fully aware, increasingly aware, keenly aware, make aware, well aware, greater awareness, growing awareness, increase awareness, increased awareness, increasing awareness, public awareness, raise awareness background background knowledge, cultural background, diverse background, historical background, social background base (be) largely based (on), basic assumption, basic component, basic concept, basic element, basic function, basic information, basic premise, basic principle, basic research, basic structure, basic technique, legal basis, theoretical basis bear bear resemblance (to) become become (a) source (of), become (the) focus (of), become apparent, become available, become aware, become blurred, become established, become evident, become independent, become involved (with/in), become obvious, become visible, become widespread begin begin (a) process behave behave differently, acceptable behaviour, appropriate behaviour, human behaviour, individual behaviour, sexual behaviour, social behaviour belief religious belief, widespread belief, (be) widely believed benefit beneficial effect, provide (a) benefit, economic benefits, potential benefits best (be) best described (as, in terms of) binary binary opposition, binary system biological biological evolution, biological science, biological sex blur become blurred body international body, professional body bond strong bond boundary clear boundary, cultural boundary, national boundary brief brief account, brief description, brief discussion, brief history, brief introduction, brief overview, brief period, brief review, brief summary, brief time, briefly describe, briefly discuss broad (a) broad range (of), broad agreement, broad category, broad definition, broad spectrum, broader context, (be) broadly defined, broadly similar business business sector, business transaction call (be) commonly called capacity limited capacity capitalism global capitalism, industrial capitalism, capitalist country, capitalist economy, capitalist society, capitalist system, capitalist world care primary care, provide care, careful analysis, careful attention, careful consideration, careful thought, (be) carefully controlled, (be) carefully selected career career development, career opportunity, academic career carry carry information carry out carry out (the) task, carry out research (of) case civil case, exceptional case, individual case, specific case cast cast doubt (on) category broad category, fall into (the) category (of), general category, main category causal causal link, causal relation, causal relationship cause cause consequences, cause stress, major cause, underlying cause centre central authority, central concept, central concern, central control, central core, central feature, central focus, central government, central importance, central issue, central part, central point, central position, central problem, central question, central role, central tenet, central theme, urban centre certain certain aspect, certain assumptions, certain characteristics, certain circumstances challenge face (a) challenge, major challenge, pose (a) challenge, present (a) challenge, serious challenge change change (an) attitude, change constantly, change dramatically, change rapidly, climate change, cultural change, demographic change, dramatic change, economic change, fundamental change, historical change, major change, minor change, radical change, significant change, structural change, technological change, environmental changes, changing attitudes, changing circumstances, changing nature, changing needs, changing pattern, changing world, ever changing, rapidly changing, remain unchanged chapter final chapter, following chapter, introductory chapter, opening chapter, preceding chapter, previous chapter, subsequent chapter characteristic characteristic feature, common characteristic, defining characteristic, key characteristic, salient characteristic, specific characteristic, certain characteristics, demographic characteristics, individual characteristics, main characteristics, physical characteristics, similar characteristics charge (be) highly charged chemical chemical reaction choose individual choice, personal choice, (be) randomly chosen circle (in) academic circles circumstance certain circumstances, changing circumstances, exceptional circumstances, historical circumstances, local circumstances, personal circumstances, political circumstances, social circumstances, special circumstances cite (be) frequently cited civil civil case, civil society class class consciousness, lower class, ruling class classic classic example, classic study, classic text, classic work, classical theory clear clear boundary, clear distinction, clear evidence, clear focus, clear indication, clear relationship, clear statement, clear structure, entirely clear, fairly clear, (be) clearly defined, (be) clearly demonstrated, (be) clearly established, (be) clearly identified, (be) clearly related (to), clearly evident, clearly important, clearly understand, clearly visible, remain unclear climate climate change, current climate, political climate, climatic conditions close close contact, close proximity, close relationship, close scrutiny, (be) closely allied (to, with), (be) closely associated (with), (be) closely connected (to, with), (be) closely linked (to, with), (be) closely related (to), (be) closely tied, closely resemble, (on/upon) closer inspection, (upon, on) closer examination, closer look clue provide (a) clue cognitive cognitive ability, cognitive development, cognitive skills collaborative collaborative learning colleague professional colleague collect collect data, collect information, collective action, collective identity, collective memory combine combined effect come into come into conflict (with) come into come into contact (with) comment make (a) comment, written comment commercial commercial activity, commercial transaction commit commit (a) crime, commit (an) offence common common ancestor, common approach, common assumption, common characteristic, common culture, common error, common feature, common goal, common method, common source, common theme, common usage, fairly common, increasingly common, relatively common, (be) commonly accepted, (be) commonly associated (with), (be) commonly called, (be) commonly encountered, (be) commonly found (in), (be) commonly known (as), (be) commonly referred (to) (as), (be) commonly used communicate communicate effectively, direct communication, effective communication, electronic communication, personal communication, verbal communication, written communication community academic community, ethnic community, international community, local community, rural community, scientific community, virtual community, wider community compare comparative analysis, comparative research, comparative study compel compelling argument, compelling evidence, compelling reason compete increased competition, competitive market, competitive pressure, highly competitive competence demonstrate competence complete complete (a) task complex complex area, complex interaction, complex issue, complex pattern, complex problem, complex process, complex question, complex relationship, complex set, complex situation, complex structure, complex system, extremely complex, highly complex, increasingly complex, increasing complexity component basic component, essential component, fundamental component, individual component, key component, main component, major component comprehensive comprehensive account, comprehensive approach, comprehensive overview, comprehensive review, comprehensive system concentrate high concentration concept abstract concept, basic concept, central concept, defining concept, key concept, theoretical concept, use (the) concept concept, conceptual framework concern central concern, environmental concern, major concern, primary concern, (be) mainly concerned (with), (be) particularly concerned (with), (be) primarily concerned (with) concerted concerted effort conclude concluding remarks, concluding section, draw (a) conclusion, general conclusion, lead to (the) conclusion, logical conclusion condition sufficient condition, conditional probability, appropriate conditions, climatic conditions, create conditions, economic conditions, experimental conditions, living conditions, natural conditions, normal conditions conduct conduct (a) study, conduct (a) survey, conduct (an) analysis, conduct (an) interview, conduct research confer annual conference, attend (a) conference, hold (a) conference, international conference, national conference confine (be) largely confined (to) conflict conflict resolution, armed conflict, come into conflict (with), internal conflict, political conflict, potential conflict, resolve (a) conflict, social conflict, conflicting interests connect (be) closely connected (to, with), (be) directly connected (to, with), (be) intimately connected (to, with) connotation negative connotation, positive connotation consciousness class consciousness, political consciousness consent general consensus, political consensus, reach (a) consensus, give consent, informed consent consequent cause consequences, direct consequences, economic consequences, environmental consequences, have consequences, negative consequences, political consequences, possible consequences, serious consequences, social consequences, unintended consequences consider consider (a) possibility, consider (an) aspect, consider (an) issue, consider (the) impact (of), consider (the) implications, consider (the) role (of), consider appropriate, consider relevant, careful consideration, ethical consideration, further consideration, give consideration, political consideration, practical consideration, require consideration, take into consideration, (be) generally considered considerable (a) considerable amount (of), (a) considerable degree (of), (be of) considerable importance, (in) considerable detail, (to a) considerable extent, considerable attention, considerable debate, considerable effort, considerable evidence, considerable influence, considerable interest, considerable research, considerable support, considerable variation, differ considerably, vary considerably consist consistent pattern, consistent results constant constant rate, relatively constant, remain constant, change constantly constitute constituent elements, constituent parts constrain impose constraints construct social construct, (be) socially constructed contact close contact, come into contact (with), direct contact, first contact, maintain contact, make contact, personal contact, physical contact, sexual contact, social contact contain contain (an) element, contain information contemporary contemporary debate, contemporary issue, contemporary life, contemporary society, contemporary world context broader context, cultural context, economic context, global context, historical context, institutional context, international context, original context, political context, present context, provide context, social context, specific context, wider context, contextual factors continue continued existence, continued growth, continued use, continuous process contrast marked contrast, sharp contrast, stark contrast, striking contrast contribute contribute significantly, contribute to (the) development (of), major contribution, make (a) contribution, significant contribution control central control, government control, internal control, personal control, (be) carefully controlled, (be) tightly controlled controversy controversial issue, highly controversial convene conventional view, conventional wisdom convey convey (a) message, convey information, convey meaning convince convincing evidence cope coping strategy core core area, core element, core issue, core skills, core value, central core correct correct (an) error, correct interpretation, politically correct correlate (be) highly correlated (with), (be) negatively correlated (with), (be) positively correlated (with), (be) significantly correlated (with), (be) strongly correlated (with), high correlation, negative correlation, positive correlation, significant correlation, significant correlation, strong correlation cost additional cost, rising cost counter counter argument country capitalist country, industrial country, industrialized country cover cover (a) range (of), cover (a) topic, cover (an) area, media coverage, provide coverage create create (an) environment, create (an) impression, create (an) opportunity, create conditions, create opportunities, create problems, newly created, creative process, creative thinking, creative work crime commit (a) crime, criminal offence crisis economic crisis criteria meet criteria, objective criteria, use criteria critical critical analysis, critical approach, critical attention, critical essay, critical evaluation, critical examination, critical factor, critical importance, critical inquiry, critical introduction, critical issue, critical perspective, critical point, critical reflection, critical review, critical role, critical scrutiny, critical theory, critical thinking, critical writing, highly critical, critically evaluate, radical critique crucial crucial difference, crucial factor, crucial importance, crucial part, crucial point, crucial question, crucial role culture cultural activity, cultural aspect, cultural attitudes, cultural background, cultural boundary, cultural change, cultural context, cultural differences, cultural dimension, cultural diversity, cultural factors, cultural heritage, cultural history, cultural identity, cultural influence, cultural institution, cultural issue, cultural life, cultural norm, cultural perspective, cultural phenomenon, cultural practice, cultural significance, cultural theory, cultural tradition, cultural values, culturally specific, common culture, dominant culture, global culture, local culture, modern culture, national culture, political culture, popular culture, traditional culture currency foreign currency, single currency current current climate, current issue, current policy, current research, current status, current technology, current trend, currently available customer potential customer daily daily living damage environmental damage dangerous potentially dangerous data data gathering, data set, appropriate data, available data, collect data, empirical data, existing data, experimental data, extract data, gather data, historical data, interpret data, missing data, numerical data, obtain data, original data, preliminary data, present data, primary data, process data, provide data, qualitative data, quantitative data, raw data, record data, relevant data, reliable data, report data, secondary data, statistical data, store data, survey data, transmit data, use (the) data data, online database deal deal (with an) issue death premature death debate academic debate, considerable debate, contemporary debate, heated debate, ongoing debate, political debate, public debate, theoretical debate decade next decade, previous decade, early decades, recent decades decide final decision, major decision, strategic decision deem deem appropriate, deem necessary deep (a) deep understanding (of), (at/on a) deeper level, (be) deeply embedded, (be) deeply rooted define (be) broadly defined, (be) clearly defined, defining characteristic, defining concept, defining feature, broad definition, general definition, narrow definition, precise definition, use (the) definition degradation environmental degradation degree (a) considerable degree (of), (a) higher degree (of), (a) significant degree (of), varying degree deliberate deliberate attempt demand increased demand, increasing demand democracy liberal democracy, social democracy, western democracy, democratic institution, democratic process, democratic society, democratic state demographic demographic change, demographic characteristics, demographic factor demonstrate demonstrate competence, (be) clearly demonstrated densely (be) densely populated deny deny access (to) department government department dependent dependent variable, highly dependent describe describe (a) procedure, describe (a) method, describe (a) process, briefly describe, (be) best described (as, in terms of), previously described, accurate description, brief description, descriptive statistics design experimental design, urban design, (be) specifically designed (to, for), well designed desire highly desirable, socially desirable, desired outcome detail (in) considerable detail, sufficient detail, technical detail, detailed analysis, detailed examination, detailed information, detailed study determined (be) largely determined (by) develop develop (a) method, develop (a) strategy, develop (a) technique, develop (a) theory, develop (an) argument, develop (an) approach, (be) fully developed, (be) highly developed, (be) originally developed, career development, cognitive development, contribute to (the) development (of), encourage (the) development (of), facilitate (the) development (of), further development, future development, historical development, industrial development, normal development, physical development, professional development, promote (the) development (of), regional development, significant development, subsequent development, technological development, urban development, affect (the) development (of), developmental process, developmental stage diagnostic diagnostic test differ differ considerably, differ significantly, differ widely, crucial difference, fundamental difference, major difference, obvious difference, sexual difference, significant difference, substantial difference, cultural differences, ethnic differences, individual differences, racial differences, radical differences, regional differences, (be) markedly different, entirely different, fundamentally different, qualitatively different, radically different, slightly different, substantially different, totally different, widely different, behave differently, think differently, treat differently difficult increasingly difficult, encounter difficulties, experience difficulties, face difficulties, learning difficulties, practical difficulties, present difficulties digital digital information, digital media, digital technology dilemma ethical dilemma, face (a) dilemma, moral dilemma dimension cultural dimension, political dimension, social dimension direct direct access, direct communication, direct consequences, direct contact, direct evidence, direct impact, direct involvement, direct link, direct observation, direct relationship, direct role, (be) directly affected, (be) directly connected (to, with), (be) directly involved (in), (be) directly linked (to), (be) directly linked (to, with), (be) directly proportional (to), (be) directly related (to), (be) directly responsible (for), directly affect disaster natural disaster discipline academic discipline disclose disclose information discourse academic discourse, dominant discourse, public discourse, scientific discourse discover newly discovered discriminate face discrimination, positive discrimination, racial discrimination discuss discuss (a) topic, discuss (an) issue, briefly discuss, (be) widely discussed, previously discussed, brief discussion, earlier discussion, fuller discussion, preceding discussion, previous discussion disperse (be) widely dispersed display public display dispose disposable income dispute resolve (a) dispute distinct distinct group, distinct type, clear distinction, draw (a) distinction, make (a) distinction, sharp distinction, distinctive feature distinguish distinguishing feature distribute (be) widely distributed, geographic(al) distribution, normal distribution diverse (a) diverse range (of), diverse background, diverse group, cultural diversity, ethnic diversity, great diversity divide (be) further divided (into), dividing line document (be) well documented documentary documentary evidence domain public domain domestic domestic market, domestic sphere, domestic violence dominate male dominance, dominant culture, dominant discourse, dominant form, dominant group, dominant ideology, dominant paradigm, dominant position, dominant role doubt cast doubt (on) draft first draft drama dramatic change, dramatic effect, dramatic increase, change dramatically, increase dramatically draw draw (a) conclusion, draw (a) distinction, draw (a) line, draw attention (to) drive driving force due due process duration long duration, maximum duration, short duration dynamic dynamic equilibrium, dynamic nature, dynamic process, dynamic system early earlier discussion, earlier period, earlier research, earlier stage, earlier study, earlier times, earlier version, earlier work, early decades, early study easy (be) easily identified, (be) easily understood, easily accessible, easy access economy economic activity, economic affairs, economic analysis, economic benefits, economic change, economic conditions, economic consequences, economic context, economic crisis, economic exploitation, economic factors, economic forces, economic goal, economic growth, economic inequality, economic integration, economic interests, economic policy, economic power, economic prosperity, economic reform, economic relations, economic relationships, economic resources, economic sector, economic stability, economic status, economic structure, economic success, economic system, economic theory, economic value, economic welfare, advanced economy, capitalist economy, global economy, local economy, national economy, political economy, rural economy edit revised edition educate (be) highly educated, well educated, higher education, primary education, secondary education, educational institution, educational opportunity, educational policy, educational programme, educational provision, educational qualification, educational research, educational setting, educational system effect adverse effect, beneficial effect, combined effect, dramatic effect, negative effect, overall effect, positive effect, profound effect, significant effect, similar effect, effective communication, effective implementation, effective intervention, effective management, effective method, effective participation, effective policy, effective treatment, highly effective, particularly effective, communicate effectively, use effectively, work effectively, environmental effects efficient highly efficient effort concerted effort, considerable effort, research effort election presidential election electronic electronic access, electronic communication, electronic media, electronic resources, electronic version element basic element, contain (an) element, core element, essential element, individual element, key element, main element, single element, structural element, constituent elements embed (be) deeply embedded emerge newly emerging emission reduce emissions emotion emotional impact, emotional intelligence, emotional reaction, emotional response, emotional support emphasis give emphasis, greater emphasis, increasing emphasis, particular emphasis, place emphasis, shift emphasis, special emphasis, strong emphasis empirical empirical data, empirical evidence, empirical investigation, empirical research, empirical study, empirical support, empirical work employ employ (a) method, employ (a) technique, employment opportunities, full employment, paid employment, high unemployment, low unemployment encounter encounter difficulties, encounter problems, first encounter, (be) commonly encountered encourage encourage (the) development (of) energy atomic energy, nuclear energy, renewable energy, solar energy engage in engage in (an) activity enhance enhance learning, enhance performance, greatly enhance enormous (an) enormous amount (of), enormous impact entire (the) entire range (of), entire period, entirely clear, entirely different, entirely new entity separate entity, single entity environment create (an) environment, external environment, immediate environment, learning environment, natural environment, physical environment, political environment, social environment, urban environment, environmental changes, environmental concern, environmental consequences, environmental damage, environmental degradation, environmental effects, environmental factors, environmental impact, environmental issues, environmental policy, environmental pollution, environmental protection equal equal access, equal opportunity, equal status, equal treatment, roughly equal, gender equality, greater equality, promote equality, racial equality, social equality, equally important, equally likely, equally true, equally valid, apply equally, treat equally, economic inequality, social inequality, unequal power equilibrium dynamic equilibrium equivalent roughly equivalent error common error, correct (an) error, random error, standard error essay critical essay essential essential component, essential element, essential feature, essential function, essential information, essential role establish establish (a) relationship, established order, established practice, established principle, (be) clearly established, (be) firmly established, (be) well established, become established, long established, newly established, once established ethic ethical consideration, ethical dilemma, ethical issue, ethical principle, ethical problem, ethical question ethnic ethnic community, ethnic differences, ethnic diversity, ethnic group, ethnic identity, ethnic minority, ethnic origin evaluate critically evaluate, critical evaluation event historical event ever ever changing, ever increasing evident ample evidence, anecdotal evidence, available evidence, clear evidence, compelling evidence, considerable evidence, convincing evidence, direct evidence, documentary evidence, empirical evidence, experimental evidence, find evidence, further evidence, give evidence, historical evidence, little evidence, present evidence, provide evidence, recent evidence, research evidence, scientific evidence, show evidence, strong evidence, substantial evidence, sufficient evidence, supporting evidence, (be) particularly evident, become evident, clearly evident evolve biological evolution, evolutionary process, evolutionary theory examine (upon, on) closer examination, critical examination, detailed examination, examine (the) role (of) example classic example, obvious example, prime example, provide (an) example, specific example, striking example, typical example exception notable exception, exceptional case, exceptional circumstances exclude social exclusion, mutually exclusive exercise exercise authority exist continued existence, existing data, existing research, existing structure expand expand rapidly, rapid expansion expect high expectations, meet expectations, social expectations expend government expenditure, public expenditure experience experience difficulties, experience problems, individual experience, personal experience, previous experience, prior experience, professional experience, shared experience, experiential learning experiment experimental conditions, experimental data, experimental design, experimental evidence, experimental method, experimental research, experimental results, experimental study, experimental work expert expert opinion, technical expertise explain alternative explanation, further explanation, give (an) explanation, plausible explanation, possible explanation, provide (an) explanation, explanatory power explicit make explicit, state explicitly exploit economic exploitation, sexual exploitation explore explore (an) issue, explore further expression facial expression extend extended period, extensive research, (be) extensively used, (to a) considerable extent external external environment, external factors, external forces, external influences, external source, external threat, external world extract extract data, extract information extreme extremely complex, extremely powerful, extremely sensitive, extremely useful, extremely valuable face face (a) challenge, face (a) dilemma, face (a) problem, face difficulties, face discrimination, facial expression facilitate facilitate (the) development (of) fact factual information factor critical factor, crucial factor, demographic factor, key factor, main factor, major factor, related factor, significant factor, specific factor, associated factors, contextual factors, cultural factors, economic factors, environmental factors, external factors, historical factors, identify factors, political factors, relevant factors, social factors fair fair treatment, fairly clear, fairly common, fairly obvious, fairly straightforward, unfair treatment faith religious faith fall into fall into (the) category (of) family nuclear family far (be) far removed (from) feature central feature, characteristic feature, common feature, defining feature, distinctive feature, distinguishing feature, essential feature, general feature, key feature, main feature, major feature, particular feature, positive feature, prominent feature, salient feature, significant feature, specific feature, striking feature, structural feature, identify features, physical features federal federal agency, federal government, federal state feedback give feedback, negative feedback, positive feedback, provide feedback, provide feedback, receive feedback feminist feminist movement few relatively few field field research figure significant figures final final analysis, final answer, final chapter, final decision, final outcome, final phase, final point, final position, final product, final result, final section, final stage, final step, final version finance financial affairs, financial assistance, financial institution, financial management, financial market, financial problem, financial resources, financial support find find evidence, find information, key findings, main findings, preliminary findings, report findings, research findings finite finite number, infinite number firmly (be) firmly established first first author, first contact, first draft, first encounter, first generation, first impression, first phase, first priority flexible greater flexibility, flexible approach flow information flow focal focal point focus focus attention (on), become (the) focus (of), central focus, clear focus, main focus, major focus, particular focus, primary focus, provide (a) focus, specific focus, focus on (an) aspect follow follow (a) format, follow (a) procedure, follow instructions, following chapter, immediately following force driving force, military force, powerful force, economic forces, external forces foreign foreign currency, foreign investment, foreign investor, foreign policy form alternative form, appropriate form, dominant form, modified form, specific form, traditional form, newly formed formal formal structure format follow (a) format, standard format, use (a) format formula general formula found (be) commonly found (in), (be) frequently found, (be) generally found foundation provide (a) foundation (for) fraction small fraction framework conceptual framework, institutional framework, legal framework, regulatory framework, theoretical framework free free access, free movement, religious freedom, freely available frequency high/er frequency, low/er frequency, (be) frequently cited, (be) frequently found, (be) frequently referred (to), (be) frequently used, occur frequently fulfil fulfil (an) obligation full (a, the) full range (of), full analysis, full employment, full information, full participation, full potential, fuller discussion, (be) fully developed, (be) fully informed, (be) fully integrated, (be) fully realized, fully aware, fully understand function basic function, essential function, main function, perform (a) function, primary function, serve (a) function, social function, specific function, functional requirement fund public funds fundamental fundamental aspect, fundamental assumption, fundamental change, fundamental component, fundamental difference, fundamental importance, fundamental principle, fundamental problem, fundamental question, fundamentally different further (be) further divided (into), further analysis, further consideration, further development, further evidence, further explanation, further information, further investigation, further research, further study, explore further future future development, future prospects, future research, future study gain gain access (to), gain information, gain insight (into) gather gather data, gather information, data gathering, information gathering gender gender equality, gender stereotype general general agreement, general approach, general argument, general aspect, general category, general conclusion, general consensus, general definition, general feature, general formula, general overview, general principle, general statement, general tendency, general theory, general trend, (be) generally accepted, (be) generally assumed, (be) generally considered, (be) generally found, (be) generally known (as, by), generally agree generation first generation, next generation, previous generation, younger generation genetic genetic variation geography geographic(al) area, geographic(al) distribution, geographic(al) location get get involved (with/in) give give (a) presentation, give (an) explanation, give (an) indication (of), give (an) overview (of), give (sb an) impression, give (sb) treatment, give access (to), give consent, give consideration, give emphasis, give evidence, give feedback, give priority (to), give guidance, give information, give insight (into), given information, given period globe global capitalism, global context, global culture, global economy, global issue, global market, global marketplace, global media, global network, global perspective, global shift, global structure, global trade, global village goal achieve (a) goal, common goal, economic goal, set (a) goal, ultimate goal goods imported goods government government control, government department, government expenditure, government intervention, government policy, central government, federal government, local government, municipal government, national government, representative government graphical graphical representation great (a) great proportion (of), (a) great range (of), great accuracy, great diversity, great impact, great majority, great potential, great significance, greater autonomy, greater awareness, greater emphasis, greater equality, greater flexibility, greater likelihood, (be) greatly influenced (by), (be) greatly reduced, greatly enhance, greatly increase, vary greatly group distinct group, diverse group, dominant group, ethnic group, homogeneous group, minority group, powerful group, racial group, religious group, vulnerable group grow grow rapidly, growing awareness, growing trend, rapidly growing, continued growth, economic growth, significant growth guide give guidance, provide guidance, guiding principle hardly hardly surprising harm potential harm have have (a) strategy, have (a) tendency (to), have (an) obligation, have access (to), have consequences, have limitations, have potential health mental health, physical health heat heated debate heavy (be) heavily influenced (by), rely heavily (on) help seek help heritage cultural heritage hierarchy hierarchical structure high (a) high proportion (of), high concentration, high correlation, high expectations, high incidence, high intensity, high level, high order, high percentage, high priority, high probability, high profile, high quality, high rate, high score, high standard, high status, high turnover, high unemployment, high value, relatively high, high/er frequency, (a) higher degree (of), higher education, significantly higher, slightly higher, (be) highly charged, (be) highly correlated (with), (be) highly developed, (be) highly educated, (be) highly structured, (be) highly valued, highly competitive, highly complex, highly controversial, highly critical, highly dependent, highly desirable, highly effective, highly efficient, highly influential, highly likely, highly problematic, highly relevant, highly selective, highly sensitive, highly significant, highly skilled, highly sophisticated, highly successful, highly unlikely, highly variable history historical account, historical analysis, historical background, historical change, historical circumstances, historical context, historical data, historical development, historical event, historical evidence, historical factors, historical interpretation, historical knowledge, historical period, historical perspective, historical reality, historical record, historical roots, historical study, historical writing, historically specific, brief history, cultural history, natural history, oral history hold hold (a) conference holistic holistic approach homogeneous homogeneous group huge (a) huge amount (of) human human activity, human behaviour, human interaction, human society, human species ideally (be) ideally suited identical almost identical identify (be) clearly identified, (be) easily identified, identify (a) problem, identify (a) way, identify (an) area, identify (an) issue, identify factors, identify features, multiple identities, collective identity, cultural identity, ethnic identity, national identity, political identity, religious identity, sexual identity, social identity ideology dominant ideology, political ideology ignorant (be) largely ignored illness mental illness illustrate provide (an) illustration image positive image, public image, visual image immediate immediate environment, immediately apparent, immediately following, immediately obvious, immediately preceding impact assess (the) impact (of), consider (the) impact (of), direct impact, emotional impact, enormous impact, environmental impact, great impact, likely impact, little impact, major impact, make (an) impact, negative impact, positive impact, potential impact, profound impact, significant impact implement effective implementation, successful implementation imply consider (the) implications, major implications, political implications, social implications, wider implications import imported goods, imported products important (be of) considerable importance, (be of) paramount importance, (be of) vital importance, central importance, critical importance, crucial importance, fundamental importance, increased importance, increasing importance, perceived importance, strategic importance, clearly important, equally important, increasingly important impose impose constraints, impose limitations, impose restrictions impossible virtually impossible impression create (an) impression, first impression, give (sb an) impression, make (an) impression improve improved performance, significant improvement incidence high incidence income disposable income, low income, middle income, national income, total income increase increase (the) likelihood, increase awareness, increase dramatically, dramatic increase, greatly increase, significant increase, significantly increase, increased awareness, increased competition, increased demand, increased importance, increased interest, increased level, increased number, increased pressure, increased production, increased productivity, increased risk, (a) increasing proportion (of), increasing awareness, increasing complexity, increasing demand, increasing emphasis, increasing importance, increasing interest, increasing pressure, increasing tendency, increasing trend, ever increasing, increasingly aware, increasingly common, increasingly complex, increasingly difficult, increasingly important, increasingly popular, increasingly sophisticated independent independent state, independent variable, become independent indicate clear indication, give (an) indication (of), provide (an) indication (of) indigenous indigenous people, indigenous population individual individual behaviour, individual case, individual characteristics, individual choice, individual component, individual differences, individual element, individual experience, individual interests, individual item, individual needs, individual response, individual responsibility, individual rights, individual variable, individual variation, particular individual, private individual, single individual, unique individual industrial industrial capitalism, industrial country, industrial development, industrial production, industrial society, industrialized country, industrialized nation inextricably (be) inextricably linked (to, with) influence considerable influence, cultural influence, major influence, positive influence, powerful influence, significant influence, (be) greatly influenced (by), (be) heavily influenced (by), (be) strongly influenced (by), external influences, highly influential, particularly influential inform informed consent, (be) fully informed information information flow, information gathering, information processing, information retrieval, information sharing, accurate information, add information, additional information, available information, basic information, carry information, collect information, contain information, convey information, detailed information, digital information, disclose information, essential information, extract information, factual information, find information, full information, further information, gain information, gather information, give information, given information, limited information, little information, necessary information, obtain information, personal information, process information, provide information, receive information, related information, relevant information, reliable information, seek information, share information, specific information, statistical information, store information, sufficient information, transmit information, useful information, valuable information initial initial period, initial phase, initial position, initial research, initial stage initiate new initiative, take initiative innovate technological innovation inquire critical inquiry insight gain insight (into), give insight (into), new insight, offer insight (into), provide insight (into) inspect (on/upon) closer inspection institute academic institution, cultural institution, democratic institution, educational institution, financial institution, national institution, political institution, public institution, social institution, institutional arrangement, institutional context, institutional framework, institutional structure, institutional support instruct follow instructions integral integral part integrate integrated approach, integrated system, (be) fully integrated, economic integration, social integration intellectual intellectual property, intellectual work intelligent artificial intelligence, emotional intelligence intend (be) originally intended, original intent, unintended consequences intense high intensity, low intensity, intensive study interact complex interaction, human interaction, significant interaction, social interaction intercourse sexual intercourse interest considerable interest, increased interest, increasing interest, national interest, personal interest, renewed interest, vested interest, interested party, conflicting interests, economic interests, individual interests internal internal affairs, internal conflict, internal control, internal market, internal organ, internal structure international international agreement, international body, international community, international conference, international context, international journal, international organization, international treaty internet internet access interpersonal interpersonal relationships, interpersonal skills interpret interpret data, correct interpretation, historical interpretation, literal interpretation, alternative interpretion intervene effective intervention, government intervention interview conduct (an) interview intimate intimate relationship, (be) intimately connected (to, with) intrinsic intrinsic value introduce introduce legislation, brief introduction, critical introduction, introductory chapter, introductory section, introductory text invest foreign investment, private investment, foreign investor investigate empirical investigation, further investigation, scientific investigation involve (be) actively involved, (be) directly involved (in), become involved (with/in), get involved (with/in), active involvement, direct involvement isolate social isolation issue address (an) issue, central issue, complex issue, consider (an) issue, contemporary issue, controversial issue, core issue, critical issue, cultural issue, current issue, deal (with an) issue, discuss (an) issue, ethical issue, explore (an) issue, global issue, identify (an) issue, key issue, legal issue, main issue, major issue, methodological issue, practical issue, raise (an) issue, real issue, related issue, relevant issue, similar issue, single issue, special issue, specific issue, technical issue, theoretical issue, wider issue, environmental issues item individual item journal academic journal, international journal, online journal, publish (a) journal, scholarly journal judgement make(a) judgement keenly keenly aware key key area, key aspect, key characteristic, key component, key concept, key element, key factor, key feature, key findings, key issue, key objective, key player, key policy, key principle, key role, key source, key text, key theme, key topic know (be) commonly known (as), (be) generally known (as, by), (be) widely known, previously known knowledge acquire knowledge, background knowledge, historical knowledge, personal knowledge, previous knowledge, prior knowledge, professional knowledge, require knowledge, specific knowledge, tacit knowledge, technical knowledge language appropriate language, national language, natural language, verbal language large (a) large proportion (of), (a) large range (of), large majority, large percentage, large portion, large quantities (of), (be) largely based (on), (be) largely confined (to), (be) largely determined (by), (be) largely ignored, (be) largely responsible (for) later later work, later writings law natural law lead lead to (the) conclusion, opinion leader, party leader, political leader, leading role learn learning activity, learning difficulties, learning environment, learning objective, learning outcome, learning process, learning resources, learning strategy, collaborative learning, enhance learning, experiential learning, lifelong learning legal legal action, legal basis, legal framework, legal issue, legal obligation, legal position, legal proceedings, legal protection, legal requirement, legal right, legal rule, legal status, legal system legislate introduce legislation, national legislation, proposed legislation, legislative measures, legislative power level (at/on a) deeper level, appropriate level, high level, increased level, low level, minimum level, overall level, stress level liberal liberal democracy life academic life, contemporary life, cultural life, lifelong learning likely greater likelihood, increase (the) likelihood, reduce (the) likelihood, likely impact, likely outcome, equally likely, highly likely, highly unlikely, seem unlikely limit have limitations, impose limitations, (a) limited range (of), limited access, limited capacity, limited information, limited opportunity, limited resources, unlimited access line dividing line, draw (a) line, linear relationship link causal link, direct link, strong link, (be) closely linked (to, with), (be) directly linked (to), (be) directly linked (to, with), (be) inextricably linked (to, with), (be) strongly linked literal (in a) literal sense, literal interpretation, literal meaning literary literary text, literary tradition literature published literature, relevant literature, scholarly literature little little evidence, little impact, little information, little research, little significance, relatively little living living conditions, living organism, living standard, daily living, make (a) living local local area, local authority, local circumstances, local community, local culture, local economy, local government locate geographic(al) location logic logical approach, logical argument, logical conclusion long long duration, long established longitudinal longitudinal study look closer look low low/er frequency, low income, low intensity, low level, low percentage, low priority, low probability, low profile, low quality, low status, low turnover, low unemployment, relatively low, lower class main main area, main argument, main category, main characteristics, main component, main element, main factor, main feature, main findings, main focus, main function, main issue, main principle, main source, main task, main theme, (be) mainly concerned (with) maintain maintain contact major major advantage, major area, major cause, major challenge, major change, major component, major concern, major contribution, major decision, major difference, major factor, major feature, major focus, major impact, major implications, major influence, major issue, major part, major problem, major reason, major role, major shift, major source, major theme, great majority, large majority, overwhelming majority, simple majority, vast majority make make (a) comment, make (a) contribution, make (a) distinction, make (a) living, make (a) prediction, make (a) recommendation, make (a) statement, make (a) transition, make (an) argument, make (an) assessment, make (an) assumption, make (an) impact, make (an) impression, make (an) observation, make adjustments, make arrangements, make available, make aware, make contact, make explicit, make policy, make provision, make visible, make(a) judgement male male dominance manage effective management, financial management, middle management, senior management, strategic management, top management manual manual worker manufacture manufacturing sector marked marked contrast, (be) markedly different market competitive market, domestic market, financial market, global market, internal market, national market, global marketplace material provide material, published material, relevant material, source material, useful material maximise maximum duration mean mean score meaning convey meaning, literal meaning, original meaning, particular meaning, shared meaning, specific meaning, (in a) meaningful way means alternative means, useful means measure accurate measurement, legislative measures media media coverage, digital media, electronic media, global media, national media, popular media, visual media medical medical assistance, medical treatment meet meet (a) target, meet (a) requirement, meet (an) objective, meet criteria, meet expectations, annual meeting member prominent member memory collective memory mental mental health, mental illness, mental state mention previously mentioned merit relative merits message convey (a) message method alternative method, apply (a) method, common method, describe (a) method, develop (a) method, effective method, employ (a) method, experimental method, modern method, qualitative method, quantitative method, scientific method, standard method, statistical method, traditional method, use (a) method, methodological approach, methodological issue, methodological problem, research methodology, use (a) methodology metropolitan metropolitan area middle middle income, middle management migrate migrant worker military military action, military force, military power, military service minimum minimum level, minimum requirement, minimum standard, minimum value, minimum wage minor minor change, minor role, relatively minor, minority group, ethnic minority, small minority missing missing data mobility social mobility, political mobilization model alternative model, original model, theoretical model modern modern culture, modern method, modern society, modern technology modify modified form, modified version moral moral dilemma, moral philosophy, moral principle motive (be) politically motivated movement feminist movement, free movement, national movement, political movement, religious movement, social movement multiple multiple identities, multiple sources municipal municipal government mutual mutual recognition, mutual support, mutual trust, mutual understanding, mutually exclusive narrow (a) narrow range (of), narrow definition nation industrialized nation, national average, national boundary, national conference, national culture, national economy, national government, national identity, national income, national institution, national interest, national language, national legislation, national market, national media, national movement, national policy, national press, national security, national survey native native speaker nature natural conditions, natural disaster, natural environment, natural history, natural language, natural law, natural order, natural philosophy, natural process, natural resources, natural right, natural science, natural tendency, natural world, naturally occurring, occur naturally, changing nature, dynamic nature, precise nature necessary necessary information, deem necessary need perceived need, changing needs, individual needs, physical needs, specific needs negate negative aspect, negative attitude, negative connotation, negative consequences, negative correlation, negative effect, negative feedback, negative impact, negative outcome, negative side, negative stereotype, negative value, negative view, (be) negatively correlated (with) network global network new new initiative, new insight, new perspective, entirely new, newly acquired, newly created, newly discovered, newly emerging, newly established, newly formed next next decade, next generation, next phase norm cultural norm, social norm normal normal conditions, normal development, normal distribution, normal practice notable notable exception nuclear nuclear energy, nuclear family, nuclear power, nuclear war, nuclear weapon number finite number, increased number, infinite number, significant number, substantial number, vast number, numerical data, numerical value, numerous studies objective objective criteria, objective reality, achieve (an) objective, key objective, learning objective, meet (an) objective, primary objective, set (an) objective, strategic objective, scientific objectivity obligation fulfil (an) obligation, have (an) obligation, legal obligation observation direct observation, make (an) observation obtain obtain (a) result, obtain data, obtain information obvious obvious difference, obvious example, obvious point, obvious reason, become obvious, fairly obvious, immediately obvious, seem obvious occur occur frequently, occur naturally, naturally occurring offence commit (an) offence, criminal offence, serious offence offer offer (an) opportunity, offer insight (into) official official statistics once once established ongoing ongoing debate, ongoing process online online access, online database, online journal, online version open open access, opening chapter, opening section opinion opinion leader, expert opinion opportunity create opportunities, employment opportunities, career opportunity, create (an) opportunity, educational opportunity, equal opportunity, limited opportunity, offer (an) opportunity, provide (an) opportunity, unique opportunity oppose (be) strongly opposed, binary opposition optimal optimal solution oral oral history, oral presentation order established order, high order, natural order organ internal organ organise organising principle, international organization, political organization, social organization, organizational structure organism living organism orient sexual orientation origin ethnic origin, original author, original context, original data, original intent, original meaning, original model, original position, original research, original source, original text, original version, original work, (be) originally developed, (be) originally intended outcome achieve (an) outcome, affect (the) outcome, desired outcome, final outcome, learning outcome, likely outcome, negative outcome, positive outcome, possible outcome overall overall aim, overall effect, overall level, overall performance, overall picture, overall rate, overall structure overview brief overview, comprehensive overview, general overview, give (an) overview (of), provide (an) overview (of) overwhelming overwhelming majority paid paid employment panel solar panel paradigm dominant paradigm paragraph previous paragraph parameter set (the) parameters paramount (be of) paramount importance part central part, crucial part, integral part, major part, previous part, significant part, substantial part, vital part, (be) partly responsible (for), constituent parts participate active participant, active participation, effective participation, full participation, political participation particular particular area, particular aspect, particular emphasis, particular feature, particular focus, particular individual, particular meaning, (be) particularly concerned (with), (be) particularly evident, (be) particularly suited (to), particularly acute, particularly apparent, particularly appropriate, particularly effective, particularly influential, particularly relevant, particularly sensitive, particularly significant, particularly striking, particularly successful, particularly useful, particularly valuable party party leader, interested party, political party, ruling party, third party past past research pattern changing pattern, complex pattern, consistent pattern, similar pattern peace peace treaty peak reach (a) peak people indigenous people perceive perceived importance, perceived need, perceived threat, public perception, visual perception percent high percentage, large percentage, low percentage, small percentage perform perform (a) function, perform (a) study, perform (a) task, academic performance, enhance performance, improved performance, overall performance, superior performance period brief period, earlier period, entire period, extended period, given period, historical period, initial period, short period, whole period personal personal choice, personal circumstances, personal communication, personal contact, personal control, personal experience, personal information, personal interest, personal knowledge, personal quality, personal relationship, personal responsibility, personal safety, personal space perspective critical perspective, cultural perspective, global perspective, historical perspective, new perspective, theoretical perspective phase final phase, first phase, initial phase, next phase phenomenon cultural phenomenon, social phenomenon philosophy moral philosophy, natural philosophy, political philosophy physical physical activity, physical appearance, physical characteristics, physical contact, physical development, physical environment, physical features, physical health, physical needs, physical presence, physical properties, physical proximity, physical science, physical space, physical symptom, physical world picture accurate picture, overall picture pilot pilot study pioneering pioneering work pivotal pivotal role place place emphasis planning planning stage, strategic planning plausible plausible explanation, seem plausible play play (a) role (in), key player point appropriate point, central point, critical point, crucial point, final point, focal point, obvious point policy current policy, economic policy, educational policy, effective policy, environmental policy, foreign policy, government policy, key policy, make policy, national policy, public policy, security policy, social policy political political activism, political activity, political agenda, political arena, political authority, political circumstances, political climate, political conflict, political consciousness, political consensus, political consequences, political consideration, political context, political culture, political debate, political dimension, political economy, political environment, political factors, political identity, political ideology, political implications, political instability, political institution, political leader, political mobilization, political movement, political organization, political participation, political party, political philosophy, political reality, political reform, political representation, political significance, political spectrum, political stability, political status, political structure, (be) politically motivated, politically correct pollution environmental pollution poorly (be) poorly understood popular popular culture, popular media, increasingly popular population (be) densely populated, (be) sparsely populated, indigenous population, rural population portion large portion, significant portion, small portion pose pose (a) challenge, pose (a) problem, pose (a) question, pose (a) threat (to) position central position, dominant position, final position, initial position, legal position, original position, privileged position, unique position positive positive action, positive aspect, positive attitude, positive connotation, positive correlation, positive discrimination, positive effect, positive feature, positive feedback, positive image, positive impact, positive influence, positive outcome, positive relationship, positive result, positive value, positive view, (be) positively associated (with), (be) positively correlated (with) possible consider (a) possibility, possible consequences, possible explanation, possible outcome, possible source potential potential benefits, potential conflict, potential customer, potential harm, potential impact, potential problem, potential risk, potential source, potential value, full potential, great potential, have potential, potentially dangerous power economic power, explanatory power, legislative power, military power, nuclear power, predictive power, purchasing power, solar power, unequal power, powerful force, powerful group, powerful influence, powerful tool, extremely powerful practical practical consideration, practical difficulties, practical issue, practical significance practice cultural practice, established practice, normal practice, professional practice, reflective practice, religious practice, traditional practice, administrative practices precede take precedence (over), preceding chapter, preceding discussion, preceding section, immediately preceding precise precise definition, precise nature predict make (a) prediction predictive predictive power preferential preferential treatment preliminary preliminary data, preliminary findings, preliminary result premature premature death premise basic premise present physical presence, present (a) challenge, present (a) summary, present (an) argument, present context, present data, present difficulties, present evidence presentation give (a) presentation, oral presentation presidential presidential election press national press pressure competitive pressure, increased pressure, increasing pressure previous previous chapter, previous decade, previous discussion, previous experience, previous generation, previous knowledge, previous paragraph, previous part, previous research, previous section, previous study, previous work, previously described, previously discussed, previously known, previously mentioned, previously thought primary (be) primarily concerned (with), (be) primarily responsible (for), primary aim, primary care, primary concern, primary data, primary education, primary focus, primary function, primary objective, primary purpose, primary reason, primary research, primary responsibility, primary source, primary task prime prime example, prime time principal principal source principle basic principle, established principle, ethical principle, fundamental principle, general principle, guiding principle, key principle, main principle, moral principle, organising principle, underlying principle prior prior experience, prior knowledge priority first priority, give priority (to), high priority, low priority private private individual, private investment, private sector, private sphere privileged privileged position probability conditional probability, high probability, low probability problem problem area, additional problem, central problem, complex problem, ethical problem, face (a) problem, financial problem, fundamental problem, identify (a) problem, major problem, methodological problem, pose (a) problem, potential problem, related problem, specific problem, technical problem, highly problematic, create problems, encounter problems, experience problems proceed adopt (a) procedure, describe (a) procedure, follow (a) procedure, use (a) procedure, legal proceedings process process data, process information, assessment process, begin (a) process, complex process, continuous process, creative process, democratic process, describe (a) process, developmental process, due process, dynamic process, evolutionary process, learning process, natural process, ongoing process, slow process, start (a) process, thinking process, thought process, underlying process, information processing product final product, increased production, industrial production, increased productivity, imported products professional professional activity, professional body, professional colleague, professional development, professional experience, professional knowledge, professional practice, professional qualification, professional staff, professional standard, professional status, professional support, professional training, professional work profile high profile, low profile profound profound effect, profound impact programme educational programme progress technological progress prominent prominent feature, prominent member, prominent role promote promote (the) development (of), promote equality properly (be) properly understood property physical properties, similar properties, structural properties, intellectual property proportion (a) great proportion (of), (a) high proportion (of), (a) increasing proportion (of), (a) large proportion (of), (a) significant proportion (of), (a) small proportion (of), (be) directly proportional (to) propose proposed legislation prospect future prospects prosperity economic prosperity protection environmental protection, legal protection prove prove successful, prove useful provide provide (a) benefit, provide (a) clue, provide (a) focus, provide (a) foundation (for), provide (a) service, provide (a) source, provide (a) summary, provide (an) alternative, provide (an) example, provide (an) explanation, provide (an) illustration, provide (an) indication (of), provide (an) opportunity, provide (an) overview (of), provide access (to), provide assistance, provide care, provide context, provide coverage, provide data, provide evidence, provide feedback, provide guidance, provide information, provide material, provide resources, provide support, provide feedback, provide insight (into), educational provision, make provision proximity close proximity, physical proximity public public access, public administration, public attitudes, public authority, public awareness, public debate, public discourse, public display, public domain, public expenditure, public funds, public image, public institution, public perception, public policy, public sector, public sphere, public transport, public welfare, wider public, publicly available publish publish (a) journal, publish (a) report, publish (an) article, publish research, published literature, published material, published research, published work purchase purchasing power purpose primary purpose, specific purpose purposes (for) research purposes qualification educational qualification, professional qualification qualitative qualitative analysis, qualitative approach, qualitative data, qualitative method, qualitative research, qualitative study, qualitatively different quality high quality, low quality, personal quality quantity quantitative analysis, quantitative approach, quantitative data, quantitative method, quantitative research, quantitative result, quantitative study, large quantities (of), small quantities (of), vast quantities (of) question central question, complex question, crucial question, ethical question, fundamental question, pose (a) question, raise (a) question, reflective question, related question, specific question racial racial differences, racial discrimination, racial equality, racial group, racial stereotype radical radical change, radical critique, radical differences, radical transformation, radically different raise raise (a) question, raise (an) issue, raise awareness random random error, random sample, random variable, (be) randomly assigned (to), (be) randomly chosen, (be) randomly selected range (a) broad range (of), (a) diverse range (of), (a) great range (of), (a) large range (of), (a) limited range (of), (a) narrow range (of), (a) vast range (of), (a) whole range (of), (a) wide range (of), (a, the) full range (of), (the) entire range (of), cover (a) range (of) rapid rapid expansion, rapidly changing, rapidly growing, change rapidly, expand rapidly, grow rapidly rare relatively rare rate annual rate, constant rate, high rate, overall rate raw raw data reach reach (a) consensus, reach (a) peak, reach (an) agreement react adverse reaction, chemical reaction, emotional reaction, strong reaction read widely read ready (be) readily understood, readily accessible, readily available, ready access real real issue, historical reality, objective reality, political reality realize (be) fully realized reason compelling reason, major reason, obvious reason, primary reason, underlying reason receive receive feedback, receive information, receive treatment, well received recent recent decades, recent evidence, recent research, recent study, recent survey, relatively recent reciprocal reciprocal relationship recognize mutual recognition, (be) widely recognized recommend make (a) recommendation record record data, accurate record, historical record recurrent recurrent theme reduce reduce (the) likelihood, reduce emissions, reduce stress, (be) greatly reduced, (be) significantly reduced, significant reduction refer specific reference, (be) commonly referred (to) (as), (be) frequently referred (to) reflect critical reflection, reflective practice, reflective question reform economic reform, political reform, social reform, welfare reform regarded (be) widely regarded (as) region regional development, regional differences, regional variation regulate regulatory agency, regulatory framework relate related activity, related area, related aspect, related factor, related information, related issue, related problem, related question, related topic, (be) clearly related (to), (be) closely related (to), (be) directly related (to), (be) strongly related (to), causal relation, economic relations, causal relationship, clear relationship, close relationship, complex relationship, direct relationship, establish (a) relationship, intimate relationship, linear relationship, personal relationship, positive relationship, reciprocal relationship, significant relationship, social relationship, special relationship, strong relationship, symbiotic relationship, economic relationships, interpersonal relationships, relative autonomy, relative merits, relative status, relatively common, relatively constant, relatively few, relatively high, relatively little, relatively low, relatively minor, relatively rare, relatively recent, relatively simple, relatively stable, relatively straightforward relevant relevant data, relevant factors, relevant information, relevant issue, relevant literature, relevant material, consider relevant, highly relevant, particularly relevant religious religious belief, religious faith, religious freedom, religious group, religious identity, religious movement, religious practice rely reliable data, reliable information, rely heavily (on) remain remain constant, remain stable, remain unchanged, remain unclear remark remarkably similar, concluding remarks remove (be) far removed (from) renew renewable energy, renewed interest report report data, report findings, annual report, publish (a) report representation graphical representation, political representation, schematic representation, visual representation representative representative government require require consideration, require knowledge, require resources, functional requirement, legal requirement, meet (a) requirement, minimum requirement research (for) research purposes, research effort, research evidence, research findings, research methodology, research topic, academic research, basic research, carry out research (of), comparative research, conduct research, considerable research, current research, earlier research, educational research, empirical research, existing research, experimental research, extensive research, field research, further research, future research, initial research, little research, original research, past research, previous research, primary research, publish research, published research, qualitative research, quantitative research, recent research, scholarly research, scientific research, traditional research, undertake research resemble bear resemblance (to), closely resemble resolve conflict resolution, resolve (a) conflict, resolve (a) dispute resource additional resources, allocate resources, available resources, economic resources, electronic resources, financial resources, learning resources, limited resources, natural resources, provide resources, require resources, scarce resources, sufficient resources, use resources, valuable resources respond respond appropriately, appropriate response, emotional response, individual response responsible accept responsibility, assume responsibility, individual responsibility, personal responsibility, primary responsibility, social responsibility, take responsibility, (be) directly responsible (for), (be) largely responsible (for), (be) partly responsible (for), (be) primarily responsible (for), socially responsible restrict impose restrictions result final result, obtain (a) result, positive result, preliminary result, quantitative result, similar result, consistent results, experimental results retrieval information retrieval review review (a) study, annual review, brief review, comprehensive review, critical review revise revised edition, revised version rich rich source right legal right, natural right, individual rights rising rising cost risk risk assessment, increased risk, potential risk role active role, assume (the) role (of), central role, consider (the) role (of), critical role, crucial role, direct role, dominant role, essential role, examine (the) role (of), key role, leading role, major role, minor role, pivotal role, play (a) role (in), prominent role, significant role, take (a) role (in), take on (the)  role (of, as), take up (the) role (of, as), vital role root (be) deeply rooted, historical roots roughly roughly equal, roughly equivalent rule legal rule, ruling class, ruling party rural rural area, rural community, rural economy, rural population, rural society safe safe sex, personal safety salient salient characteristic, salient feature sample random sample scarce scarce resources scheme schematic representation scholarly scholarly journal, scholarly literature, scholarly research, scholarly work science biological science, natural science, physical science, scientific community, scientific discourse, scientific evidence, scientific investigation, scientific method, scientific objectivity, scientific research, scientific theory score average score, high score, mean score, test score scrutiny close scrutiny, critical scrutiny secondary secondary data, secondary education, secondary source section concluding section, final section, introductory section, opening section, preceding section, previous section sector business sector, economic sector, manufacturing sector, private sector, public sector, service sector, state sector secure security policy, national security seek seek help, seek information seem seem appropriate, seem obvious, seem plausible, seem unlikely select (be) carefully selected, (be) randomly selected, highly selective seminal seminal study, seminal work senior senior management sense (in a) literal sense, specific sense, extremely sensitive, highly sensitive, particularly sensitive separate separate entity serious serious challenge, serious consequences, serious offence serve serve (a) function service service sector, military service, provide (a) service set set (a) goal, set (a) target, set (an) objective, set (the) agenda, set (the) parameters, complex set, data set setting educational setting, social setting severely severely affect sex biological sex, safe sex, sexual abuse, sexual act, sexual behaviour, sexual contact, sexual difference, sexual exploitation, sexual identity, sexual intercourse, sexual orientation, sexual violence share share information, shared experience, shared meaning, shared values, widely shared, information sharing sharp sharp contrast, sharp distinction shift global shift, major shift, significant shift, shift emphasis short short duration, short period show show (a) tendency, show (a) trend, show evidence, show variation side negative side sign sign (a) treaty significant cultural significance, great significance, little significance, political significance, practical significance, social significance, statistical significance, (a) significant amount (of), (a) significant degree (of), (a) significant proportion (of), significant change, significant contribution, significant correlation, significant correlation, significant development, significant difference, significant effect, significant factor, significant feature, significant figures, significant growth, significant impact, significant improvement, significant increase, significant influence, significant interaction, significant number, significant part, significant portion, significant reduction, significant relationship, significant role, significant shift, significant variation, highly significant, particularly significant, statistically significant, (be) significantly correlated (with), (be) significantly reduced, significantly affect, significantly higher, significantly increase, contribute significantly, differ significantly, vary significantly similar similar approach, similar argument, similar characteristics, similar effect, similar issue, similar pattern, similar properties, similar result, similar situation, broadly similar, remarkably similar simple simple majority, relatively simple, simplified version single single currency, single element, single entity, single individual, single issue, single source, single variable situation complex situation, similar situation skill technical skill, transferable skill, skilled worker, highly skilled, academic skills, appropriate skills, cognitive skills, core skills, interpersonal skills, unskilled worker slightly slightly different, slightly higher slow slow process small (a) small proportion (of), small fraction, small minority, small percentage, small portion, small quantities (of) social social activity, social aspect, social attitudes, social background, social behaviour, social circumstances, social conflict, social consequences, social construct, social contact, social context, social democracy, social dimension, social environment, social equality, social exclusion, social expectations, social factors, social function, social identity, social implications, social inequality, social institution, social integration, social interaction, social isolation, social mobility, social movement, social norm, social organization, social phenomenon, social policy, social reform, social relationship, social responsibility, social setting, social significance, social status, social structure, social theory, social transformation, social trend, social welfare, (be) socially constructed, socially acceptable, socially desirable, socially responsible, capitalist society, civil society, contemporary society, democratic society, human society, industrial society, modern society, rural society, traditional society, western society, wider society, socioeconomic status solar solar energy, solar panel, solar power, solar system solution alternative solution, optimal solution sophisticated highly sophisticated, increasingly sophisticated source source material, alternative source, become (a) source (of), common source, external source, key source, main source, major source, original source, possible source, potential source, primary source, principal source, provide (a) source, rich source, secondary source, single source, use (a) source, useful source, multiple sources sovereign sovereign state space personal space, physical space sparingly use sparingly sparsely (be) sparsely populated speaker native speaker special special circumstances, special emphasis, special issue, special relationship, special status species human species specific specific area, specific aspect, specific case, specific characteristic, specific context, specific example, specific factor, specific feature, specific focus, specific form, specific function, specific information, specific issue, specific knowledge, specific meaning, specific needs, specific problem, specific purpose, specific question, specific reference, specific sense, specific type, culturally specific, historically specific, (be) specifically designed (to, for) spectrum broad spectrum, political spectrum sphere domestic sphere, private sphere, public sphere stable political instability, economic stability, political stability, relatively stable, remain stable staff professional staff stage developmental stage, earlier stage, final stage, initial stage, planning stage standard standard approach, standard error, standard format, standard method, high standard, living standard, minimum standard, professional standard stark stark contrast start start (a) process state state explicitly, state sector, democratic state, federal state, independent state, mental state, sovereign state, clear statement, general statement, make (a) statement, written statement statistic statistical analysis, statistical data, statistical information, statistical method, statistical significance, statistical technique, statistical test, statistically significant, descriptive statistics, official statistics, use statistics status current status, economic status, equal status, high status, legal status, low status, political status, professional status, relative status, social status, socioeconomic status, special status step final step stereotype gender stereotype, negative stereotype, racial stereotype store store data, store information straightforward fairly straightforward, relatively straightforward strategy strategic decision, strategic importance, strategic management, strategic objective, strategic planning, alternative strategy, coping strategy, develop (a) strategy, have (a) strategy, learning strategy, teaching strategy, use (a) strategy stress stress level, cause stress, reduce stress striking striking contrast, striking example, striking feature, particularly striking strong strong bond, strong correlation, strong emphasis, strong evidence, strong link, strong reaction, strong relationship, strong tendency, (be) strongly associated (with), (be) strongly correlated (with), (be) strongly influenced (by), (be) strongly linked, (be) strongly opposed, (be) strongly related (to), strongly agree, strongly disagree, strongly suggest structure structural adjustment, structural change, structural element, structural feature, structural properties, basic structure, clear structure, complex structure, economic structure, existing structure, formal structure, global structure, hierarchical structure, institutional structure, internal structure, organizational structure, overall structure, political structure, social structure, underlying structure, (be) highly structured study numerous studies, academic study, classic study, comparative study, conduct (a) study, detailed study, earlier study, early study, empirical study, experimental study, further study, future study, historical study, intensive study, longitudinal study, perform (a) study, pilot study, previous study, qualitative study, quantitative study, recent study, review (a) study, seminal study, subsequent study, systematic study, theoretical study subject subject area subsequent subsequent analysis, subsequent chapter, subsequent development, subsequent study, subsequent work substantial (a) substantial amount (of), substantial difference, substantial evidence, substantial number, substantial part, substantially different success academic success, economic success, successful implementation, highly successful, particularly successful, prove successful sufficient sufficient condition, sufficient detail, sufficient evidence, sufficient information, sufficient resources suggest strongly suggest suited (be) ideally suited, (be) particularly suited (to) summary brief summary, present (a) summary, provide (a) summary, useful summary superior superior performance support support (an) argument, additional support, considerable support, emotional support, empirical support, financial support, institutional support, mutual support, professional support, provide support, technical support, widespread support, supporting evidence surprising hardly surprising survey survey data, conduct (a) survey, national survey, recent survey symbiotic symbiotic relationship symptom physical symptom system binary system, capitalist system, complex system, comprehensive system, dynamic system, economic system, educational system, integrated system, legal system, solar system, transport system systematic systematic analysis, systematic approach, systematic study tacit tacit knowledge take take (a) role (in), take (an) approach, take initiative, take precedence (over), take responsibility, take into consideration, take on (the)  role (of, as), take up (the) role (of, as) target target audience, meet (a) target, set (a) target task carry out (the) task, complete (a) task, main task, perform (a) task, primary task teach teaching strategy technical technical aspect, technical assistance, technical detail, technical expertise, technical issue, technical knowledge, technical problem, technical skill, technical support, technical term technique basic technique, develop (a) technique, employ (a) technique, statistical technique, use (a) technique technology technological advances, technological change, technological development, technological innovation, technological progress, advanced technology, current technology, digital technology, modern technology tendency general tendency, have (a) tendency (to), increasing tendency, natural tendency, show (a) tendency, strong tendency tenet central tenet term technical term test test (a) theory, test score, diagnostic test, statistical test text classic text, introductory text, key text, literary text, original text, textual analysis theme thematic analysis, central theme, common theme, key theme, main theme, major theme, recurrent theme theory theoretical analysis, theoretical approach, theoretical basis, theoretical concept, theoretical debate, theoretical framework, theoretical issue, theoretical model, theoretical perspective, theoretical study, theoretical understanding, theoretical work, apply (the) theory, classical theory, critical theory, cultural theory, develop (a) theory, economic theory, evolutionary theory, general theory, scientific theory, social theory, test (a) theory, use (a) theory think think differently, thinking process, creative thinking, critical thinking third third party thought thought process, careful thought, previously thought threat external threat, perceived threat, pose (a) threat (to) tied (be) closely tied tightly (be) tightly controlled time brief time, prime time times earlier times tool analytical tool, powerful tool, useful tool top top management topic cover (a) topic, discuss (a) topic, key topic, related topic, research topic total total income, totally different trade global trade tradition cultural tradition, literary tradition, western tradition, traditional approach, traditional culture, traditional form, traditional method, traditional practice, traditional research, traditional society, traditional value, traditional view training professional training transaction business transaction, commercial transaction transfer transferable skill transform radical transformation, social transformation, undergo transformation transit make (a) transition transmit transmit data, transmit information transport transport system, public transport treat treat differently, treat equally, appropriate treatment, effective treatment, equal treatment, fair treatment, give (sb) treatment, medical treatment, preferential treatment, receive treatment, unfair treatment treaty international treaty, peace treaty, sign (a) treaty trend current trend, general trend, growing trend, increasing trend, show (a) trend, social trend true equally true trust mutual trust turnover high turnover, low turnover type distinct type, specific type typical typical example ultimate ultimate goal undergo undergo transformation underlie underlying assumption, underlying cause, underlying principle, underlying process, underlying reason, underlying structure understand clearly understand, fully understand, (a) deep understanding (of), mutual understanding, theoretical understanding, (be) easily understood, (be) poorly understood, (be) properly understood, (be) readily understood undertake undertake (an) activity, undertake research, undertake work unique unique individual, unique opportunity, unique position universally (be) universally accepted urban urban area, urban centre, urban design, urban development, urban environment usage common usage use use (a) format, use (a) method, use (a) methodology, use (a) procedure, use (a) source, use (a) strategy, use (a) technique, use (a) theory, use (an) approach, use (the) analysis, use (the) concept concept, use (the) data data, use (the) definition, use criteria, use effectively, use resources, use sparingly, use statistics, continued use, widespread use, (be) commonly used, (be) extensively used, (be) frequently used, (be) widely used, useful information, useful material, useful means, useful source, useful summary, useful tool, extremely useful, particularly useful, prove useful valid valid argument, equally valid value valuable information, valuable resources, extremely valuable, particularly valuable, core value, economic value, high value, intrinsic value, minimum value, negative value, numerical value, positive value, potential value, traditional value, (be) highly valued, cultural values, shared values various various aspects vary dependent variable, highly variable, independent variable, individual variable, random variable, single variable, considerable variation, genetic variation, individual variation, regional variation, show variation, significant variation, wide variation, vary considerably, vary greatly, vary significantly, vary widely, varying degree vast (a) vast amount (of), (a) vast array (of), (a) vast range (of), vast area, vast majority, vast number, vast quantities (of) verbal verbal communication, verbal language version earlier version, electronic version, final version, modified version, online version, original version, revised version, simplified version vested vested interest view alternative view, conventional view, negative view, positive view, traditional view village global village violence domestic violence, sexual violence virtual virtual community, virtually impossible visible become visible, clearly visible, make visible visual visual image, visual media, visual perception, visual representation vital (be of) vital importance, vital part, vital role vulnerable vulnerable group wage minimum wage war nuclear war way (in a) meaningful way, alternative way, appropriate way, identify (a) way weapon nuclear weapon welfare welfare reform, economic welfare, public welfare, social welfare well (be) well documented, (be) well established, well aware, well designed, well educated, well received western western democracy, western society, western tradition whole (a) whole range (of), whole area, whole period wide (a) wide array (of), (a) wide range (of), wide area, wide variation, (be) widely accepted, (be) widely adopted, (be) widely believed, (be) widely discussed, (be) widely dispersed, (be) widely distributed, (be) widely known, (be) widely recognized, (be) widely regarded (as), (be) widely used, widely available, widely different, widely read, widely shared, differ widely, vary widely, wider audience, wider community, wider context, wider implications, wider issue, wider public, wider society widespread widespread acceptance, widespread belief, widespread support, widespread use, become widespread wisdom conventional wisdom work work effectively, academic work, classic work, creative work, earlier work, empirical work, experimental work, intellectual work, later work, original work, pioneering work, previous work, professional work, published work, scholarly work, seminal work, subsequent work, theoretical work, undertake work, manual worker, migrant worker, skilled worker, unskilled worker world academic world, capitalist world, changing world, contemporary world, external world, natural world, physical world write academic writing, critical writing, historical writing, later writings, written comment, written communication, written statement year academic year young younger generation

In this lesson, we will show you common English collocations with “have”, “do”, “make”, “take”, “break”, “catch”, “pay”, “save”, “keep”, “come”, “go” and “get”. In this 100+ collocations list that will enrich your vocabulary and help you to speak natural and fluent English.

You can also download collocations free PDF down below. Collocations are the word combinations, we use together in English. Word partnership or words that are commonly used together in English called collocations.

word + word = collocation

For example you can say “take a nap” but you can’t say “do a nap” or “make a nap“. “A quick shower” is a meaningful word pair in English but we can’t use “a fast shower” instead of that.

When you don’t use these word pairs properly and make mistakes, people will still understand you but you won’t sound fluent or natural at all. I recommend writing your own sentences with these collocations and take your time and don’t rush..!

Check also:
Commonly Used Collocations and Expressions (PDF)
Collocation & Expressions with MAKE and DO (PDF)
Types of Collocations in English & Examples

Common verb collocation lists 👇

Collocations with HAVE & DO & MAKE

Have Do Make
a conversation a job a decision
a look business a mistake
a meal damage a change
a nap research an effort
a party sports a difference
a bath homework a cake
fun something a fortune
a good time justice a living
a sense of harm a point
an impact well a difference

Collocations with TAKE & BREAK & CATCH

Take Break Catch
a bath a break a cold
a nap a rest a flight
a walk a vacation a glimpse
a trip a chance a meal
a photo a dance a thief
a shower a breath a ride
a test a lunch a fish
a risk a nap a ball
a sip a leave a game
a stand a pause a fever

Collocations with PAY & SAVE & KEEP

Pay Save Keep
attention money a secret
a bill time a distance
a compliment energy a promise
a fine a life a balance
a visit a seat a record
a visit the peace a job
a price a fortune a low profile
a salary the environment a lookout
respect a distance a secret
a debt water a memory

Collocations with COME & GO & GET                                  

Come Go Get
along ahead along
back away around
down back at
in by away
out down back
over for behind
through in up
up off down
with on over
without out rid

Collocations PDF for English Learners👇

Prepositions in English PDF – download

Collocations List PDF – download

Collocations with Have, Do, Make, Take, Break, Catch

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Collocations are very common in English, and learning them is important. A collocation is two or more words that often go together, like hard work or make a mistake. Collocations sound «right» or «natural» to native speakers, so the more collocations you use, the more natural your English will sound.

Index of Collocations

More about Collocations

You’ll find it much easier to understand native speakers if you learn collocations, and you can find hundreds of the most commonly used ones here. They’re clearly explained with example sentences and fun quiz questions to test your understanding. Click on one of the letters above to see all the collocations in our collection that begin with that letter.

Please note that this collection of collocations is not exhaustive. It does not contain all collocations or all meanings of them. It contains a good selection of the most commonly used collocations.

Contributor: Matt Errey

List of Collocations Pdf! Below is the list of collocations in English with infographics and PDFs. Collocations are very important for ESL Students. PDF of the Collocations list is also given at the end of this lesson. Collocation is basically the combination of two words. It can be the combination of a preposition+noun, adverb+verb, verb+adverb, etc.

What is a Collocation?

A collocation is a combination of words that frequently occur together in a language, often in a way that creates a particular meaning or effect. In other words, collocations are groups of words that often appear together, and their meaning can’t be easily guessed from the meanings of the individual words.

Collocations can be formed by any combination of parts of speech, including verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. For example, some common English collocations include “make a decision,” “take a shower,” “strong coffee,” and “drive a car.” These phrases are considered collocations because they are used frequently in English, and native speakers of the language would recognize them as common and natural expressions.

Collocations are an important aspect of language learning and usage, as they can help learners understand how words are used in context and improve their ability to communicate effectively. By recognizing and using collocations correctly, speakers can sound more natural and fluent in the language they are speaking.

What are 7 Types of Collocations?

Collocations are words that tend to occur together frequently. They can be categorized into seven types:

  1. Adverb + Adjective: Adverbs modify adjectives to describe the degree or intensity of a quality. For example, “utterly charming,” “extremely happy,” or “highly intelligent.”

  2. Adjective + Noun: This is the most common type of collocation. Adjectives modify nouns to describe their qualities. Examples include “bitter cold,” “green tea,” or “heavy rain.”

  3. Noun + Noun: This type of collocation consists of two nouns that are often used together to describe a single concept. Examples include “business model,” “coffee shop,” or “power plant.”

  4. Verb + Adverb: Adverbs modify verbs to describe how an action is performed. For example, “walk briskly,” “drive carefully,” or “talk quietly.”

  5. Verb + Noun: This type of collocation consists of a verb and a noun that frequently occur together. Examples include “make a decision,” “take a break,” or “give advice.”

  6. Verb + Preposition: This type of collocation consists of a verb and a preposition that frequently occur together to create a specific meaning. Examples include “believe in,” “depend on,” or “listen to.”

  7. Verb + Adjective: This type of collocation consists of a verb and an adjective that frequently occur together to create a specific meaning. Examples include “make happy,” etc.

Collocation List – Video Lesson

Collocations List in English

List Of Verb Collocations

Collocation With Catch

  • Catch a ball
  • Catch a glimpse
  • Catch (on) fire
  • Catch a bus/ a train
  • Catch a chill
  • Catch you later!
  • Catch someone’s attention
  • Catch someone Red-Handed / Catch Someone In The Act
  • Catch a cold
  • Catch a thief
  • Catch a whiff
  • Catch sight of
  • Catch someone’s eye
  • Catch the flu
  • Catch your breath

Collocation With Come

  • Come close
  • Come complete with
  • Come last
  • Come to an agreement
  • Come to a stand still (idiom)
  • Come to an end
  • Come late 
  • Come first
  • Come prepared
  • Come early
  • Come into view
  • Come clean about
  • Come on time
  • Come up with
  • Come right back
  • Come to a compromise
  • Come to a conclusion
  • Come to a decision
  • Come to a realization
  • Come to a stop
  • Come to life
  • Come to sb’s rescue
  • Come to terms with
  • Come under attack

Collocation With Give

  • Give a call (a ring, a buzz)
  • Give a choice
  • Give a lecture or speech or performance
  • Give a chance
  • Give a ride
  • Give a damn
  • Give a hug or kiss
  • Give a hand
  • Give a headache
  • Give advice
  • Give permission
  • Give rise to
  • Give sb a call
  • Give thought (to)
  • Give evidence
  • Give notice
  • Give sb a chance
  • Give sb a lift
  • Give sth a go
  • Give an answer
  • Give an example
  • Give an idea
  • Give an opinion
  • Give birth
  • Give credit 
  • Give priority
  • Give the impression
  • Give up
  • Give up hope
  • Give way

Collocation With Go

  • Go astray
  • Go bad
  • Go bald
  • Go bankrupt
  • Go deaf
  • Go insane (idiom)
  • Go mad/angry
  • Go on a date
  • Go on a picnic
  • Go on foot
  • Go online
  • Go finishing
  • Go sailing
  • Out of fashion
  • Go crazy 
  • Go blind
  • Go missing
  • Go out of business
  • Go overseas
  • Go quiet
  • Go smoothly
  • Go to the beach/to the movie
  • Go to war
  • Go abroad

Collocations With Have

  • Have a baby
  • Have a backache
  • Have a bad fall
  • Have a birthday
  • Have a break
  • Have a bath
  • Have a bad temper
  • Have a competition
  • Have a chat
  • Have a bite
  • Have a dream
  • Have a drink
  • Have a feeling
  • Have a fight
  • Have a fit
  • Have a game
  • Have a haircut
  • Have a hard time
  • Have a headache
  • Have a holiday
  • Have a goal
  • Have a good time
  • Have a good/nice/etc day!
  • Have a great weekend
  • Have a laugh
  • Have a drill
  • Have a glass of wine
  • Have a go
  • Have a lesson
  • Have a lie-down
  • Have a limp
  • Have a lisp
  • Have a listen
  • Have a look
  • Have a massage
  • Have a meal
  • Have a dispute
  • Have a jog
  • Have a lecture
  • Have a Jacuzzi
  • Have depression/etc.
  • Have a discussion
  • Have a stroke
  • Have a swim
  • Have a talk
  • Have a taste
  • Have a temperature
  • Have a touch
  • Have a try
  • Have a walk
  • Have sympathy
  • Have the chance (to)
  • Have time
  • Have trouble
  • Have work
  • Have a snack
  • Have a business trip
  • Have a busy day
  • Have a career/goal
  • Have a chance
  • Have a cold
  • Have a confrontation
  • Have a conversation/chat
  • Have a cup of tea/ coffee
  • Have a dance
  • Have a day off
  • Have a meeting
  • Have a moment
  • Have a nap
  • Have a nightmare
  • Have a party/concert
  • Have a passion for
  • Have a plan
  • Have a problem
  • Have a quarrel
  • Have a relationship
  • Have a rest
  • Have a ride
  • Have a right
  • Have a run
  • Have a safe journey
  • Have a salad
  • Have a sandwich
  • Have a scrub
  • Have a shave
  • Have a shower
  • Have a smell
  • Have a snooze
  • Have a stretch
  • Have a wash
  • Have a wish
  • Have a word
  • Have a workout
  • Have a doubt
  • Have a think
  • Have access (to)
  • Have an accident
  • Have an appointment with
  • Have an argument
  • Have an effect (on)
  • Have an energy bar
  • Have an event
  • Have an exam
  • Have an excuse
  • Have an experience
  • Have an ice-cream
  • Have an idea
  • Have an interview
  • Have an opportunity
  • Have  breakfast/lunch/dinner
  • Have difficulty
  • Have faith
  • Have food
  • Have fun/a good time
  • Have no education
  • Have no fear
  • Have patience
  • Have rest
  • Have room
  • Have self-esteem
  • Have sex 
  • Have skills
  • Have some sugar/ milk
  • Have something to eat
  • Have soul
  • Have success

Collocation With Make

  • Make a bed
  • Make a break with somebody
  • Make a cake
  • Make a confession/an admission
  • Make a fool of yourself
  • Make a fortune
  • Make a bundle (idiom)
  • Make a fuss
  • Make a joke
  • Make a dress
  • Make a habit
  • Make a difference
  • Make a living
  • Make a cup of tea
  • Make a decision
  • Make a list
  • Make a deal
  • Make a promise
  • Make a recovery
  • Make a remark
  • Make a reservation
  • Make a rude gesture
  • Make a salad
  • Make a move
  • Make a note (of)
  • Make a pass at
  • Make a phone call
  • Make an objection
  • Make an observation
  • Make arrangements
  • Make believe
  • Make breakfast/lunch/dinner
  • Make coffee
  • Make contact
  • Make a statement
  • Make a mess
  • Make an offer
  • Make sense
  • Make someone angry/mad/happy/sad
  • Make sth easy
  • Make sure
  • Make the bed
  • Make time
  • Make tracks
  • Make trouble
  • Make up 
  • Make up your mind
  • Make war
  • Make your bed
  • Make changes
  • Make a call
  • Make a choice
  • Make a comment
  • Make a complaint
  • Make a contract
  • Make a discovery
  • Make a fire
  • Make a mistake
  • Make a point
  • Make a prediction
  • Make a presentation
  • Make a profit
  • Make a sales call
  • Make a sandwich
  • Make a snack
  • Make a sound
  • Make a speech
  • Make a suggestion
  • Make a takeover bid
  • Make a tea
  • Make a threat
  • Make amends
  • Make an agreement
  • Make an allusion
  • Make an appearance
  • Make an appointment
  • Make an arrangement
  • Make an attempt
  • Make an effort
  • Make an effort
  • Make an enquiry
  • Make an exception
  • Make an excuse
  • Make an impression
  • Make ends meet
  • Make food
  • Make friends 
  • Make fun of someone
  • Make furniture
  • Make love
  • Make money
  • Make noise
  • Make one’s bow
  • Make one’s own way back
  • Make peace
  • Make plans
  • Make progress
  • Make room
  • Make sb feel sth

Collocation With Pay

  • Pay a bill
  • Pay someone a compliment
  • Pay a fine
  • Pay a visit
  • Pay one’s respects
  • Pay attention
  • Pay by credit card
  • Pay someone a visit
  • Pay cash
  • Pay interest

Collocation With Save

  • Save energy
  • Save someone’s life
  • Save time 
  • Save something
  • Save electricity
  • Save space
  • Save yourself the trouble
  • Save lives
  • Save money
  • Save one’s strength
  • Save someone a seat

Collocations With Ask

  • Ask a favor
  • Ask for directions
  • Ask for something
  • Ask sb out
  • Ask for advice
  • Ask after somebody
  • Ask if/ whether
  • Ask a question
  • Ask about
  • Ask permission

Collocations With Break

  • Break a bone/ your arm
  • Break a code
  • Break a law 
  • Break even
  • Break ground
  • Break loose
  • Break one’s fall
  • Break free
  • Break a window
  • Break news
  • Break the rules
  • Break the silence
  • Break a habit
  • Break a leg
  • Break a promise
  • Break a record
  • Break new ground
  • Break someone’s heart
  • Break the bank
  • Break the ice
  • Break the mold
  • Break the news to someone
  • Break the spell
  • Break wind

Collocations With Do

  • Do a course
  • Do a deal
  • Do exercise
  • Do gymnastics
  • Do homework
  • Do laundry
  • Do nothing
  • Do business
  • Do damage 
  • Do experiments
  • Do someone a favor
  • Do a favor
  • Do the dishes
  • Do the housework
  • Do Your hair
  • Do your makeup
  • Do a good/great/terrible job
  • Do a report
  • Do anything/something/everything
  • Do badly
  • Do better
  • Do good
  • Do harm
  • Do research
  • Do something right
  • Do something wrong
  • Do sums
  • Do the cleaning
  • Do the cooking
  • Do the ironing
  • Do the math
  • Do the minimum
  • Do the paperwork
  • Do the right thing
  • Do the shopping
  • Do the washing up
  • Do well
  • Do work
  • Do your best
  • Do your duty
  • Do your nails
  • Do crosswords
  • Do maximum

Collocations With Get

  • Get a call
  • Get a chance
  • Get a clue 
  • Get a tan
  • Get drunk
  • Get divorced
  • Get changed (change clothes)
  • Get a degree/ a diploma
  • Get a job
  • Get a joke
  • Get a letter (receive)
  • Get a shock
  • Get a splitting headache
  • Get a ticket
  • Get a/the right
  • Get angry
  • Get fired
  • Get the impression
  • Get the sack
  • Get the ticket (buy)
  • Get tired
  • Get to sleep
  • Get the message
  • Get stuck in a traffic jam
  • Get enthusiastic
  • Get frightened
  • Get married
  • Get a cold
  • Get nowhere
  • Get together
  • Get cool
  • Get dark
  • Get dressed/ undressed
  • Get getting dark
  • Get good/top/bad marks
  • Get home (arrive)
  • Get hot (ter)
  • Get hungry
  • Get into trouble
  • Get lost
  • Get old 
  • Get one’s hair cut
  • Get out of breath
  • Get permission
  • Get pregnant
  • Get ready for
  • Get sleep
  • Get started
  • Get upset
  • Get wet
  • Get worried

List of Collocations Pdf

Collocations With Keep

  • Keep a promise
  • Keep quiet
  • Keep records
  • Keep someone’s place
  • Keep score
  • Keep the change
  • Keep your balance
  • Keep an appointment
  • Keep a diary
  • Keep a secret
  • Keep calm
  • Keep control
  • Keep in touch

Collocations With Take

  • Take (sb’s) temperature
  • Take a bite
  • Take a break
  • Take a call
  • Take a chance
  • Take a class
  • Take a decision (make)
  • Take a bow
  • Take (sb) to court
  • Take a test
  • Take action
  • Take advantage (of)
  • Take a while/ a minute/ five minutes
  • Take a photo/ a photograph
  • Take a picture
  • Take a rest
  • Take a taxi/bus/train/plane
  • Take advice
  • Take ages
  • Take an exam/ a test/ a course
  • Take notes
  • Take notice
  • Take charge
  • Take someone’s temperature
  • Take time of
  • Take pride in
  • Take sb’s place
  • Take time
  • Take turns
  • Take up space
  • Take your time
  • Tell a joke
  • Tell the difference
  • Tell the future
  • Take a holiday
  • Take a lesson
  • Take a look
  • Take a message
  • Take a nap
  • Take a number
  • Take a risk
  • Take a seat
  • Take a shower (have)
  • Take a step
  • Take an opportunity
  • Take care 
  • Take care of
  • Take drugs
  • Take exercise
  • Take hostage
  • Take medicine
  • Take part
  • Take place
  • Take prisoner
  • Tell a lie
  • Tell a secret
  • Tell a story
  • Tell sb the time
  • Tell the time
  • Tell the truth
  • Tell your name

Verb + Noun Collocations

  • Set a standard
  • Set a record
  • Spend time
  • Solve a problem
  • Solve a crime
  • Set a goal
  • Set a date
  • Vote for
  • Vote against
  • Stay awake
  • Stand trial
  • Stall for time
  • Spend your life
  • Use sb’s phone
  • Undergo treatment
  • Undergo surgery
  • Turn around
  • Turn a corner
  • Take time off
  • Strike a balance (btw)
  • Yield results
  • Worth a fortune
  • Win an election
  • Win an award
  • Win a war
  • Win a game
  • Wave goodbye
  • Satisfy a need
  • Safety net
  • Run the risk of
  • Run a business
  • Raise a family
  • Quit smoking
  • Quit drinking
  • Quit a job
  • Put up your hand
  • Put up wages
  • Put up prices
  • Put out a fire
  • Return home
  • Return fire
  • Watch your weight
  • Waste time
  • Waste money
  • Waste an opportunity
  • Warm welcome
  • Wait your turn
  • Wage war
  • Set menu
  • Set fire to | set on fire
  • Set an alarm
  • Set a table
  • Serve interests
  • Serve a purpose
  • See reason
  • Score a goal
  • Scare tactic
  • Pass a test
  • Pass a law
  • Pass (the) time
  • Part company
  • Pack a suitcase
  • Owe an explanation
  • Satisfy demand
  • Lose money
  • Open an investigation
  • Open an account
  • Offer your services
  • Offer condolences
  • Offer an explanation
  • Lose interest
  • Lose hope
  • Lose faith 
  • Lose control
  • Satisfy a requirement
  • Return a call
  • Retain control
  • Pose a risk
  • Play music
  • Play a part
  • Place an order
  • Restore order
  • Restore confidence
  • Resort to violence
  • Repair damage
  • Regain control
  • Read aloud
  • Reach an agreement
  • Reach a verdict
  • Rapid growth
  • Raise your voice
  • Raise taxes
  • Raise questions
  • Raise money
  • Raise hopes
  • Raise doubts
  • Owe an apology
  • Open fire
  • Offer a job
  • Obey an order
  • Miss an opportunity
  • Follow a pattern
  • Fire a shot
  • Find time
  • Fill in a form
  • Fill a gap
  • Fight corruption
  • Fight a war
  • Miss a goal
  • Miss a flight
  • Meet with approval
  • Meet opposition
  • Meet a target
  • Meet a standard
  • Meet a need
  • Love dearly
  • Lose your temper
  • Lose your life
  • Lose weight 
  • Lose a job
  • Earn a living
  • Drop the subject
  • Doesn’t matter
  • Deliver a baby
  • Declare war
  • Lose a game
  • Live at home
  • Light a fire
  • Leave school
  • Leave home
  • Leave a message
  • Leading role
  • Lead to believe
  • Lead the world
  • Lead the way
  • Accept an invitation
  • Accept an apology
  • Accept a challenge
  • Accept (a) defeat
  • Lead the field
  • Lay the groundwork
  • Know the score
  • Kill time
  • Kick a goal
  • Jump to a conclusion
  • Join the army
  • Join forces
  • Join a club
  • Issue a permit
  • Impose sanctions
  • Impose restrictions
  • Impose conditions
  • Hurt sb’s feelings
  • Hold talks
  • Hold sb prisoner
  • Hold sb hostage
  • Put out a cigarette
  • Put on weight
  • Push a button
  • Pull a muscle
  • Press a key
  • Pose a threat
  • Pick your nose
  • Bring to an end
  • Bring attention to
  • Bring about change
  • Boost morale
  • Pass the time
  • Hold office
  • Hold hands
  • Hold an inquiry
  • Change the subject
  • Change course
  • Cause trouble
  • Cast doubt
  • Cast a vote
  • Hold an election
  • Hold a referendum
  • Gain access
  • Follow instructions
  • Follow directions
  • Follow advice
  • Fight a fire
  • Fall in love
  • Fail miserably
  • Face the fact(s)
  • Face a challenge
  • Extend a deadline
  • Express interest (in)
  • Express concern
  • Apply for a job
  • Answer the phone
  • Answer the door
  • Against the law
  • Admit defeat
  • Exceed expectations
  • Enter politics
  • Enter a plea
  • Eke out a living
  • Cut costs
  • Cross sb’s mind
  • Cover costs
  • Answer an advertisement
  • Answer a question
  • Answer a prayer
  • Answer a letter
  • Cost a fortune
  • Consider a possibility
  • Conduct research
  • Commit suicide
  • Close the gap
  • Claim responsibility
  • Change your mind
  • Cast a spell
  • Carry weight
  • Call the police
  • Call sb names
  • Call in sick
  • Call attention to
  • Call an election
  • Call a strike
  • Call a name
  • Call a meeting
  • Bring to justice
  • Book a flight
  • Blow your nose
  • Beat to death
  • Beat a record
  • Bear a resemblance (to sb/sth)
  • Balance a budget
  • Attract sb’s attention
  • Attract attention
  • Achieve a goal
  • Accept responsibility
  • Abuse drugs

Noun Preposition Collocation

Nouns + Prepositions Collocation Using FOR

  • Admiration for
  • A check for (amount of money)
  • Love for
  • Thirst for
  • Preference for
  • Desire for
  • Credit for
  • Advertisement for
  • Reason for
  • Recipe for
  • Reputation for
  • Bid for
  • Fondness for
  • Talent for
  • Case for
  • Arguments for
  • Hatred for
  • Respect for
  • Need for
  • Approval for
  • Demand for
  • Search for
  • Cure for
  • Responsibility for
  • Room for

Nouns and Prepositions Collocation Using OF

  • Awareness of
  • Member of
  • A photograph of
  • Memory of
  • Example of
  • Understanding of
  • Method of
  • Habit of
  • Fear of
  • Cause of 
  • Disadvantage of
  • Problem of
  • Relevance of
  • Grasp of
  • Advantage of
  • Address of
  • Knowledge of
  • Way of
  • Risk of
  • Experience of
  • Possibility of
  • Process of
  • Exhibition of
  • Love of
  • A cause of

Nouns + Prepositions Collocation Using IN

  • A decrease in
  • Delay in
  • Participation in
  • Interest in
  • A rise in
  • Experience in
  • Belief in
  • Course in
  • A fall in
  • Lesson in
  • Place in
  • Success in
  • Change in
  • An increase in
  • Growth in
  • Difficulty in
  • Difference in

Noun Preposition Collocations Using WITH

  • Arguments with
  • Contact with
  • Relationship with
  • Quarrel with
  • Difficulty with
  • Sympathy with
  • Date with
  • Concern with
  • Link with
  • Dealings with
  • Connection with
  • Meeting with
  • Involvement with

Noun Preposition Collocations Using TO

  • Invitation to
  • Solution to
  • Change to
  • Reaction to
  • Transition to
  • Reference to
  • Concern to
  • Contribution to
  • An attitude to
  • Access to
  • Visit to
  • Reason to
  • Addiction to
  • Response to
  • Dedication to
  • Relevance to
  • Allusion to
  • Desire to
  • Damage to
  • Newcomer to
  • Resistance to
  • Devotion to
  • An invitation to
  • Approach to
  • Threat to

Noun Preposition Collocations Using ABOUT

  • Concern about
  • Agreement about
  • Story about
  • Debate about
  • Decision about
  • Confusion about
  • Information about
  • Anxiety about

Nouns + Prepositions Collocation Using BETWEEN

  • A link between
  • A contact between two
  • A difference between two
  • Bond between
  • A relationship between
  • A connection between

Nouns + Prepositions Collocation Using FROM

  • Excerpt from
  • Transition from

Nouns + Prepositions Collocation Using ON

  • Ban on
  • Decision on
  • Report on
  • Information on
  • Agreement on
  • Congratulations on
  • Hold on
  • Debate on

Nouns + Prepositions Collocation Using OVER

  • Authority over
  • Control over

Adjective Preposition Collocations

Adjectives and Prepositions Collocation Using FOR

  • Notorious for
  • Eligible for
  • Suitable for
  • Responsible for
  • Prepared for
  • Respected for
  • Grateful for
  • Famous for
  • Thankful for
  • Renowned for
  • Ready for
  • Eager for

Adjectives + Prepositions Collocation Using WITH

  • Associated with
  • Bored with
  • Pleased with
  • Fed up with
  • Blessed with
  • Familiar with
  • Crowded with
  • Satisfied with
  • Popular with
  • Disappointed with
  • Confronted with
  • Delighted with

Adjectives + Prepositions Collocation Using OF

  • Aware of
  • Afraid of
  • Typical of
  • Jealous of
  • Capable of
  • Ashamed of
  • Envious of
  • Independent of
  • Conscious of
  • Certain of
  • Silly of
  • Proud of

Adjectives and Prepositions Collocation Using TO

  • Accustomed to
  • Unfriendly to
  • Allergic to
  • Indifferent to
  • Kind to
  • Superior to
  • Attracted to
  • Married to
  • Addicted to
  • Similar to
  • Receptive to
  • Related to

Adjectives and Prepositions Collocation Using IN

  • Comfortable in
  • Experienced in
  • Talented in
  • Present in
  • Interested in
  • Connected in
  • Slow in
  • Polite/impolite in
  • Disappointed in
  • Successful in
  • Skilled in

Adjectives + Prepositions Collocation Using BY

  • Disturbed by
  • Surprised by
  • Fascinated by
  • Inspired by
  • Shocked by
  • Excited by
  • Amazed by
  • Astonished by
  • Impressed by
  • Delighted by

Adjectives + Prepositions Collocation Using ABOUT

  • Sad about
  • Happy about
  • Excited about
  • Anxious about
  • Furious about
  • Serious about
  • Nervous about
  • Pessimistic about
  • Upset about
  • Worried about
  • Enthusiastic about
  • Angry about

Adjective Preposition Collocation Using AT

  • Excellent at
  • Surprised at
  • Annoyed at
  • Good at
  • Slow at
  • Mad at
  • Awful at
  • Bad at
  • Lucky at
  • Hopeless at
  • Successful at
  • Clever at
  • Present at
  • Delighted at
  • Brilliant at
  • Excited at
  • Skilled at
  • Disappointed at
  • Amazed at
  • Angry at
  • Terrible at

Adjectives + Prepositions Collocation Using ON

  • Keen on
  • Based on

Adjectives and Prepositions Collocation Using FROM

  • Different from
  • Absent from
  • Free from
  • Made from
  • Safe from

Verb Preposition Collocations

Verbs with Prepositions Collocation Using ON

  • Play on
  • Elaborate on
  • Concentrate on
  • Work on
  • Rely on
  • Blame on
  • Comment on
  • Congratulate on
  • Base on
  • Count on
  • Impose on
  • Depend on
  • Be on
  • Insist on
  • Pride on
  • Agree on

Verbs + Prepositions Collocation Using FOR

  • Vote for
  • Admire for
  • Pray for
  • Search for
  • Apply for
  • Care for
  • Wait for
  • Work for
  • Long for
  • Wish for
  • Apologize for
  • Ask for
  • Prepare for
  • Excuse for
  • Scold for
  • Pay for
  • Head for
  • Blame for

Verbs with Prepositions Collocation Using TO

  • Devote to
  • Consent to
  • Happen to
  • Lead to
  • Talk to
  • React to
  • Refer to
  • Agree to
  • Adapt to
  • Speak to
  • Belong to
  • Object to
  • Turn to
  • Reply to
  • Add to
  • Apologize to
  • Listen to

Verb Preposition Collocations Using AT

  • Stare at
  • Hint at
  • Glance at
  • Look at
  • Point at
  • Laugh at
  • Guess at
  • Peer at
  • Arrive at
  • Smile at
  • Aim at
  • Marvel at
  • Wink at

Verb + Preposition Collocation Using ABOUT

  • Boast about
  • Laugh about
  • Argue about
  • Forget about
  • Dream about
  • Think about
  • Know about
  • Concern about
  • Care about
  • Worry about
  • Ask about
  • Decide about
  • Be about
  • Protest about

Verbs + Prepositions Collocation Using FROM

  • Protect from
  • Infer from
  • Save from
  • Borrow from
  • Stem from
  • Resign from
  • Rescue from
  • Abstain from
  • Escape from
  • Graduate from
  • Prevent from
  • Hide from
  • Separate from
  • Retire from
  • Suffer from
  • Prohibit from
  • Recover from

Verbs + Prepositions Collocation Using WITH

  • Deal with
  • Confront with
  • Coincide with
  • Comply with
  • Acquaint with
  • Confuse with
  • Cram with
  • Tamper with
  • Discuss with
  • Charge with
  • Cover with
  • Collide with
  • Help with
  • Agree with
  • Compare with
  • Clutter with
  • Associate with
  • Trust with

Verbs with Prepositions Collocation Using IN

  • Arrive in
  • Absorb in
  • Be engrossed in
  • Believe in
  • Succeed in
  • Involve in
  • Participate in
  • Specialize in
  • Implicate in
  • Trust in
  • Result in
  • Confide in

Verb and Adverb Collocations

  • Rely heavily on
  • Fold neatly
  • Apologize profusely
  • Whispered softly
  • Figure prominently
  • Recommend highly
  • Placed gently
  • Overlook completely
  • Remember rightly
  • Go far
  • Love dearly
  • Resume shortly
  • Come along nicely
  • Speak clearly
  • Need badly
  • Fail miserably
  • Go smoothly
  • Go astray
  • Think critically
  • Running late
  • Divide equally
  • Shout loudly
  • Behave properly
  • Distribute widely
  • Get up early
  • Eat quickly
  • Test thoroughly
  • Exercise regularly
  • Hit hard
  • Pass quickly
  • Perform live
  • Deal directly
  • Fall sharply
  • Do well
  • Fare poorly
  • Publish widely
  • Play brilliant
  • Solve easily
  • Fit sb perfectly
  • Laugh hysterically
  • Fight hard
  • Spell correctly
  • Rain heavily
  • Treat well
  • Run quickly
  • Pay extra
  • Go first
  • Go badly
  • Act suspiciously
  • Walk briskly
  • Dive headfirst
  • Speak softly
  • Come last
  • Come first
  • Drive safely
  • Go upstairs
  • Made sth quickly
  • Travel overseas
  • Bleed profusely
  • Act naturally
  • Think aloud
  • Value highly
  • Sleep soundly
  • Prove conclusively
  • Judge harshly
  • Start off slowly
  • Agree wholeheartedly
  • Wave frantically
  • Fluctuate wildly
  • Mean well
  • Get off lightly
  • Stare blankly
  • Listen carefully
  • Try hard
  • Arrive on time
  • Work continuously
  • Know well
  • Complain bitterly
  • Rain hard
  • Guess correctly
  • Come alive
  • Do badly
  • Become increasingly
  • Work perfectly
  • Run fast

Verb and Verb Collocations

  • Cut and paste
  • Can’t stand
  • Come close
  • Copy and paste
  • Come to expect
  • Can’t help
  • Can’t afford

Adjective and Noun Collocations

  • Front page
  • Hard job
  • Heavy book / bag / suitcase / load
  • Empty words
  • Internal organ
  • Great disappointment
  • Serious illness
  • Inside information
  • Entry-level job
  • Back taxes
  • Vague idea
  • Old friend
  • Basic right
  • Strong coffee / cheese
  • Mysterious circumstances
  • Brief chat
  • Good company
  • Fair deal
  • Runny nose
  • Hard work
  • Mass market
  • Ethnic minority
  • Hard life / evidence / drugs
  • Internal injury
  • Liquid refreshments
  • Dead end
  • Steady job
  • Heavy drinker
  • Honest mistake
  • Total ecstasy
  • Nasty habit
  • Joint account
  • Total bliss
  • Native country
  • Popular belief
  • Regular exercise
  • Valid reason
  • Serious injury
  • Mental illness
  • Rich person
  • Dirty player
  • Early days
  • Alternative medicine
  • Key role
  • Medical care
  • Heavy snow
  • High/low pressure
  • High/low level (of)
  • Active ingredient
  • Quiet life
  • Ill effects
  • Strong accent
  • Deep depression
  • Immediate future
  • Deep feeling
  • Loved one
  • Severe weather/winter
  • Nasty shock
  • Blind faith
  • Big decision
  • Good luck
  • Complete idiot
  • Clear message
  • High/low speed
  • Heavy coat / sweater
  • Main thing
  • Young child
  • Odd number
  • Big surprise
  • Daily life
  • Bad breath
  • Violent movie
  • Native speaker
  • Great number
  • Express service / mail
  • Heavy workload
  • Opening hours
  • Quick fix
  • Heavy week
  • Deep devotion
  • Tight grip
  • Front door
  • Poor eyesight
  • Big talker
  • High/low density
  • Bad diet
  • Safe distance
  • Level teaspoon
  • Dirty joke
  • Public opinion
  • Fatal mistake
  • Moral obligation
  • Heavy smoker/drinker
  • Economic growth
  • Rhetorical question
  • Good time
  • Immediate action
  • Large proportion
  • Valuable contribution
  • Bare essentials
  • Large quantity
  • Flat battery
  • Mixed feelings
  • Deep pockets
  • Uncertain future
  • Quiet night
  • Main course
  • Strong smell / taste / colour / accent/sense
  • Great understanding
  • Empty promises
  • Wear and tear
  • Guilty party
  • Painful reminder
  • Strong person/animal/wind/current
  • Political prisoner
  • Bad temper
  • Maiden voyage
  • Welcome change
  • Free spirit
  • Human error
  • Negative attitude
  • Big drinker
  • Happy ending
  • High/low quality
  • Heavy sleeper
  • Blond hair
  • Great wealth
  • Heavy traffic/rain/snow
  • False teeth
  • Strong supporter/opponent
  • Excruciating pain
  • Ethical standards
  • Big deal
  • New job
  • Dual nationality
  • Back pay
  • Great sensitivity
  • Ill health
  • Natural resources
  • Private life
  • Main road
  • Early night
  • Net profit
  • Next-door neighbors
  • Clean energy
  • Strong view
  • Poor health
  • Long time
  • Racial discrimination
  • Easy question
  • Big brother | big sister
  • Steady relationship
  • Direct quote
  • Rich colors/sounds/smells/tastes
  • Great fun
  • Big improvement
  • False impression
  • Blind obedience
  • Great joy
  • Valuable lesson
  • Quick reply
  • High/low esteem
  • Odd socks
  • Zero tolerance
  • Vital role
  • Heavy drinker
  • Broken home
  • Live music
  • Ethnic tensions
  • Wild animal
  • Bad habit
  • Direct flight
  • Valid point
  • Joint owners
  • Happy hour
  • Early riser
  • Common knowledge
  • Net result
  • Casual relationship
  • Just cause
  • Human cost
  • Great strength
  • Ulterior motive
  • Educational game
  • Heavy schedule
  • Large amount
  • Chilly reception
  • Immediate family
  • Big dreamer
  • Bright idea
  • Occupational hazard
  • Married couple
  • Chilly day/night/wind chilly weather
  • Heavy meal
  • Hard day
  • Rough estimate
  • Human life
  • Deep trouble
  • Radical reform
  • Big disappointment
  • Natural causes
  • Optional extras
  • Rough draft
  • Distant relative
  • Rainy day
  • Express wish/aim / purpose
  • Rich history/culture / vocabulary
  • Wrong way
  • Non-stop flight
  • Heavy rain
  • High standard
  • Stiff competition
  • Alphabetical order
  • High/low cost
  • Great length
  • Strong denial
  • Key issue
  • Long way
  • Rough idea
  • Vital organs
  • Great failure
  • Painful memory
  • High/low price
  • Guilty conscience
  • Innocent victim
  • Familiar face
  • Utter loathing
  • High/low opinion
  • Missing in action
  • Net worth
  • Express bus/coach/train
  • Level playing-field
  • Young person
  • Little brother/ little sister
  • Hidden extras
  • Medical history
  • Deep sleep
  • Total madness
  • Severe rain/shortage
  • High level
  • Valuable information
  • Foreign policy
  • Strong criticism
  • Even number
  • Healthy diet
  • Great admiration
  • Big money
  • Equal rights
  • New generation
  • Early start
  • Weak point
  • Front row
  • Front seat
  • Real life
  • Reasonable explanation
  • Certain amount
  • Intense pressure
  • Personal belongings
  • High/low expectation (of)
  • Big mistake
  • Great anger
  • Major problem
  • Complete agreement
  • Common language
  • Nervous wreck
  • Rave review
  • Organic farming
  • Utter catastrophe
  • Good cause
  • Ethical investment
  • Wrong number
  • Heavy features
  • Tight schedule
  • Vague memory
  • Great deal of
  • Living things
  • Dead-end job
  • Detailed description
  • Free speech
  • Great excitement
  • Rich sauce / cake
  • Absolute despair
  • Deep thought
  • Legal advice
  • Unfair dismissal
  • Hard exam
  • High/low energy
  • Best friends
  • Visiting hours
  • Heavy losses
  • Absolute agony
  • Serious accident
  • Bright color
  • Clear understanding
  • Next time
  • Great power
  • Deadly weapon
  • Strong influence
  • Artificial limb
  • Great detail
  • Severe penalty
  • Alternative energy
  • High quality
  • Large number (of)
  • Back road
  • Irreparable damage
  • Dead body
  • Big decision
  • Bad mood
  • Dirty laundry
  • Urban sprawl
  • Growing number (of)
  • Severe pressure
  • Good chance
  • Great skill
  • Heavy traffic
  • Natural disaster
  • Old age
  • Fatal accident
  • Large population
  • Great enjoyment
  • Bad loser
  • Late night
  • Nice time
  • Blind loyalty
  • Joint effort
  • Deafening silence
  • Large scale
  • Casual clothes
  • Zero visibility
  • Real wages
  • Balanced diet
  • Good deal
  • Great quantity
  • Speedy recovery
  • Overall effect
  • Icy wind
  • Great pride
  • Great happiness
  • Young couple
  • Round number
  • Back street
  • Easy money
  • Flat tyre
  • Bright future
  • Big eater
  • Essential services
  • Easy answer

Noun and Noun Collocations

  • Gunboat diplomacy
  • Energy security
  • Gold mine
  • Health club
  • Bid price
  • Summit meeting
  • Chattel mortgage
  • Old-growth forest
  • Gender equality
  • Word salad
  • Null and void
  • Duct tape
  • Communications technology
  • Business sector
  • Group dynamics
  • Hen weekend
  • Hand grenade
  • Expert witness
  • Soup kitchen
  • Transfer agent
  • Estate tax
  • Service industry
  • Beauty shop
  • Air raid
  • Security forces
  • Cable car
  • Master sergeant
  • News organization
  • Speed limit
  • Beauty parlor
  • Arms buildup
  • Combat mission
  • Beauty salon
  • Water cannon
  • Business activity
  • Board game
  • Line item
  • Defense contractor
  • Account executive
  • Lead time
  • Antitrust law
  • Identity crisis
  • Voting booth
  • Defense lawyer
  • Root cause
  • Action movie
  • Root crop
  • Liberation theology
  • Jail cell
  • Electronics industry
  • Trial court
  • Lie detector
  • Detention basin
  • Production cost
  • Excise tax
  • Government security
  • Assault rifle
  • Cattle drive
  • Building permit
  • Bank draft
  • A sense of pride
  • Ground attack
  • Production line
  • Block of flats
  • Auto manufacturer
  • Junk bond
  • Power politics
  • Death camp
  • Flexibility instrument
  • Election fraud
  • Discount rate
  • News show
  • Bars of soap
  • Shop floor
  • Index fund
  • Market economy
  • Office hours
  • Accounting system
  • Desktop publishing
  • Room for improvement
  • Money order
  • Tea leaf
  • Cruise missile
  • Labor camp
  • Interest group
  • Altar boy
  • Eating disorder
  • Property right
  • Budget cut
  • Bank rate
  • Motor vehicle
  • Voting machine
  • Group therapy
  • Rap sheet
  • Credit union
  • Highway system
  • Murder conviction
  • Air attack
  • Bench warrant
  • Road safety
  • Sex crime
  • Murder charge
  • Pair work
  • Music department
  • Profit margin
  • Testing ground
  • Capital gain
  • Liquor license
  • Desk job
  • Service charge
  • Trial lawyer
  • Creation science
  • Detention centre
  • Head teacher
  • Discount store
  • Business enterprise
  • Piece of equipment
  • Charge card
  • Death wish
  • Foot soldier
  • Office block
  • Tax break
  • Rate of return
  • Sausage party
  • Study hall
  • Piece of advice
  • Voting right
  • Stun gun
  • Keyhole surgery
  • Road rage
  • Budget deficit
  • Business organization
  • Corporate finance
  • Futures contract
  • Custody battle
  • Combat zone
  • Mail fraud
  • Insurance broker
  • Pack of cards
  • Gag order
  • Trading floor
  • Stock option
  • Piece of music
  • Bed-and-breakfast
  • Freedom fighter
  • Entertainment industry
  • Car manufacturer
  • Single entry
  • Parking ticket
  • Quality of life
  • Sense of direction
  • Small-town girl
  • Army unit
  • Air gun
  • Computer business
  • Security blanket
  • Flight deck
  • Intelligence operation
  • Border security
  • Dollar diplomacy
  • Office job
  • Iron maiden
  • Estate agent
  • Peer group
  • Ceasefire agreement
  • Package holiday
  • Class action
  • Street name
  • Centre of attention
  • Bully pulpit
  • Growth industry
  • Cause celebre
  • Call center
  • Comfort food
  • Piece of paper
  • Child care
  • Advertising agency
  • Cross-hair
  • Body double
  • Pork barrel
  • Cash cow
  • Contact details
  • Conviction politician
  • Core values
  • Day shift
  • Release candidate
  • Muzzle loader
  • Death tax
  • Development status
  • Departure time
  • Divorce lawyer
  • Fringe benefit
  • Savings bond
  • Rental income
  • Case study
  • Date rape
  • Antitrust case
  • Market gardening
  • Auction house
  • Government agency
  • Shoulder strap
  • Peace and quiet
  • Charter school
  • Anthropology department
  • Term paper
  • Sex offender
  • Pay increase
  • Brand name
  • Sports car
  • Opposition party
  • Pressure group
  • Grandfather clause
  • Return address
  • Price competition
  • Tax shelter
  • Rubber check
  • Battle group
  • Enterprise zone
  • Search warrant
  • Boot camp
  • Shorthand typist
  • War game
  • Report card
  • Learning disability
  • Asbestos abatement
  • Car park
  • Opinion poll
  • Television reporter
  • A surge of anger
  • Surround sound
  • Finance company
  • Position paper
  • Debit card
  • Case law
  • Order book
  • Panic attack
  • Pipe bomb
  • Bull market
  • Vulture capitalist
  • Government office
  • Desk officer
  • Budgie smuggler
  • Building code
  • Hit list
  • Word deafness
  • Probation officer
  • Law officer
  • Return flight
  • Shock therapy
  • Trade route
  • Piece of information
  • Commodity brokerage
  • Driving licence
  • Ocean current
  • A pang of nostalgia
  • Hit man
  • Management consulting
  • Catchment area
  • Drainage basin
  • Personnel carrier
  • Auto maker
  • Post office
  • Credit bureau
  • Beauty industry
  • Point of view
  • Body armor
  • Accounting firm
  • Cottage industry
  • Suicide bombing
  • Absentee ballot
  • Music school
  • Block grant
  • Cheese cake
  • Birth certificate
  • Factory farming
  • Brokerage firm
  • Catchment
  • Knowledge base
  • Word blindness
  • Call option
  • School day
  • War crime
  • Booby trap
  • Jury system
  • Personality disorder
  • Return ticket
  • Abuse of power
  • History department
  • Stag night
  • Kitchen cabinet

Adverb Verb Collocations

  • Strongly suggest
  • Strongly deny
  • Badly damage
  • Strongly argue
  • Strongly condemn
  • Strongly dislike
  • Never knew
  • Strongly object
  • Strongly support
  • Strongly recommend
  • Quite agree
  • Deeply rooted (in)

Adverb Verb Collocations

  • Badly damage
  • Strongly condemn
  • Strongly dislike
  • Quite agree
  • Never knew
  • Strongly suggest
  • Strongly deny
  • Strongly argue
  • Strongly object
  • Strongly support
  • Deeply rooted (in)
  • Strongly recommend

Adverb Adverb Collocations

  • Quite a lot
  • Nowhere near
  • All over
  • Dead ahead
  • Only just
  • Pretty well
  • Right away
  • Quite enough
  • All alone
  • Right now
  • Only just
  • Almost certainly
  • Quite often
  • Any more
  • All along
  • Right now

Adverb Adjective Collocations

  • Absolutely necessary
  • Fully aware
  • Highly effective
  • Dead tired
  • Bitterly cold
  • Pretty good
  • Bitterly complain
  • Highly unusual
  • Deeply care
  • Completely amazed
  • Quite good
  • Painfully thin
  • Deeply offended
  • Bitterly regret
  • Scared stiff
  • Bitterly resent
  • Highly recommended
  • Ridiculously small
  • Painfully shy
  • Blissfully unaware
  • Deeply hurt
  • Blissfully ignorant
  • Reasonably happy
  • Ridiculously long
  • Completely different
  • Actively involved
  • Completely fantastic
  • Deeply ashamed
  • Drop-dead gorgeous
  • Completely strong
  • Deeply competitive
  • Deeply religious
  • Bitterly disappointed
  • Quietly confident
  • Perfectly normal
  • Deeply worried
  • Ruggedly handsome
  • Deeply committed
  • Ridiculously early
  • Ridiculously cheap
  • Badly hurt
  • Quite sure
  • Deeply regrettable
  • Highly successful
  • Deeply moved
  • Deeply unhappy
  • Deeply affected
  • Reasonably priced
  • Deeply divided
  • Highly controversial
  • Fiercely competitive
  • Happily married
  • Deeply concerned
  • Deeply shocked
  • Highly probable
  • Reasonably well
  • Ridiculously easy
  • Readily available
  • Highly unlikely
  • Strongly opposed
  • Highly profitable
  • Bitterly criticise

Collocations about Time

  • Spare time
  • Past few weeks
  • Free time
  • Great deal of time
  • Right on time
  • Save time
  • Time goes by
  • Spend some time
  • Waste time
  • Run out of time
  • From dawn till dusk
  • Take your time
  • Make time for
  • Dead on time
  • Time passes

List of Business Collocations

  • Annual turnover
  • Bear in mind
  • Break off negotiations
  • Cease trading
  • Draw your attention to
  • Sales figures
  • Close a deal
  • Come to the point
  • Market forces
  • Draw a conclusion
  • Go into partnership
  • Chair a meeting
  • Go bankrupt
  • Take on staff
  • Past few weeks
  • Dismiss an offer
  • Lay off staff
  • Launch a new product

Infographics (Collocations List in English)

collocation with break collocation with catch collocation with come collocation with do collocations with give collocations with have collocations with make collocations with take collocations with tell collocations with get collocations with have collocations with get collocations with get collocations with get collocations with go collocations with go collocations with keep collocations with give collocations with take collocations with take collocations with take collocations with do collocations with do collocations with do collocations with come collocations with ask collocations with have collocations with have collocations with have collocations with have collocations with break collocations with make collocations with make collocations with have collocations with have collocations with have collocations with have collocations with have collocations with make collocations with make collocations with make collocations with make collocations with make

Download the pdf of this lesson ‘list of collocations’


Related: Collocations of Time

Related: Verb and Adverb Collocations

Related: Adverb and Adjective Collocations

Collocations in English! Collocation refers to a natural combination of words that are closely affiliated with each other. Some examples are “pay attention” ,”fast food”, “make an effort”, and “powerful engine”. In this lesson, you will find a full list of collocations with DO, MAKE, SAY, TELL, GET, HAVE…


Collocations with DO

List of Collocations with Do in English:

  • Do the dishes
  • Do an exercise
  • Do the laundry
  • Do the ironing
  • Do shopping
  • Do your work
  • Do homework
  • Do housework
  • Do your job
  • Do business
  • Do your hair
  • Do your nails
  • Do one’s best
  • Do good
  • Do harm
  • Do a favor
  • Do business
  • Do things right / badly / well
  • Do good
  • Do time – (to go to prison)
  • Do your best / worst.

Useful Collocations with Do | Image

250+ Frequently Used Collocations List in English 1

Collocations with MAKE

List of Collocations with Make in English:

  • Make arrangements
  • Make an attempt
  • Make bed
  • Make believe
  • Make change
  • Make a choice
  • Make a comment
  • Make a complaint
  • Make a decision
  • Make a demand
  • Make a difference
  • Make an effort
  • Make an exception
  • Make an excuse
  • Make an inquiry
  • Make a fool of yourself
  • Make a fortune
  • Make friends
  • Make a fuss
  • Make a journey
  • Make love
  • Make a mess
  • Make a mistake
  • Make money
  • Make a move
  • Make a noise
  • Make an offer
  • Make peace
  • Make a phone call
  • Make a plan
  • Make a point
  • Make a profit
  • Make a promise
  • Make a remark
  • Make a sound
  • Make a speech
  • Make a suggestion
  • Make time
  • Make a visit
  • Make war

Collocations with GET

List of Collocations with Get in English:

  • Get a call
  • Get a joke
  • Get a ticket
  • Get a letter
  • Get a cold
  • Get a shock
  • Get a dark
  • Get a clue
  • Get a tan
  • Get a job
  • Get out of breath
  • Get drunk
  • Get started
  • Get fired
  • Get cool
  • Get pregnant
  • Get hungry
  • Get one’s hair cut
  • Get together
  • Get a right
  • Get dressed
  • Get upset
  • Get divorced
  • Get changed
  • Get ready for
  • Get the impression
  • Get into trouble
  • Get wet
  • Get good
  • Get worried
  • Get a chance
  • Get lost
  • Get permission
  • Get stuck
  • Get a degree
  • Get to sleep
  • Get home
  • Get married
  • Get nowhere

Useful Collocations with Get | Image

250+ Frequently Used Collocations List in English 2

C0llocations with HAVE

List of collocations with Have in English:

  • Have a bath
  • Have a drink
  • Have a good time
  • Have a haircut
  • Have a holiday
  • Have a problem
  • Have a relationship
  • Have a rest
  • Have lunch
  • Have sympathy

Collocations with SAY

List of Collocations with Say in English:

  • Say hello
  • Say good morning
  • Say good afternoon
  • Say something
  • Say nothing
  • Say so
  • Say a few words
  • Say no more
  • Say for sure
  • Say for certain
  • Say a prayer
  • Say yes
  • Say no

Useful Collocations with Say – Ask – Tell | Image


Collocations with TELL

List of Collocations with Tell in English:

  • Tell somebody one’s name
  • Tell somebody the way
  • Tell somebody so
  • Tell a secret
  • Tell a joke
  • Tell a lie
  • Tell one from another
  • Tell someone’s fortune
  • Tell a story
  • Tell the difference
  • Tell the truth
  • Tell the time
  • Tell your name

Collocations with ASK

List of Collocations with Ask in English:

  • Ask a question
  • Ask a favor
  • Ask the price
  • Ask the time
  • Ask after somebody
  • Ask around
  • Ask for something
  • Ask for somebody
  • Ask for advice
  • Ask for directions
  • Ask permission
  • Ask somebody out
  • Ask about

Collocations with SAVE

List of Collocations with Save in English:

  • Save electricity
  • Save energy
  • Save money
  • Save someone the trouble
  • Save a penalty
  • Save space
  • Save time
  • Save yourself the trouble
  • Save lives
  • Save someone a seat
  • Save a short
  • Save the environment
  • Save something
  • Save someone’s life
  • Save one’s strength
  • Save something to a disk

Useful Collocations with Save | Image

250+ Frequently Used Collocations List in English 3

Collocations with TAKE

List of Collocations with Take in English:

  • Take a break
  • Take a chance
  • Take a look
  • Take a rest
  • Take a seat
  • Take a taxi
  • Take an exam
  • Take notes
  • Take someone’s place

Collocations with COME

List of Collocations with Come in English:

  • Come close
  • Come complete with
  • Come early
  • Come first
  • Come into view
  • Come last
  • Come late
  • Come on time
  • Come prepared
  • Come right back
  • Come second
  • Come to a compromise
  • Come to a decision
  • Come to an agreement
  • Come to and end
  • Come to a standstill
  • Come to terms with
  • Come to a total of
  • Come under attack

Collocations with CATCH

List of Collocations with Catch in English:

  • Catch a ball
  • Catch a bus
  • Catch a chill
  • Catch a cold
  • Catch a thief
  • Catch fire
  • Catch sight of
  • Catch someone’s attention
  • Catch someone’s eye
  • Catch the flu

Collocations with BREAK

List of Collocations with Break in English:

  • Break a habit
  • Break a leg
  • Break a promise
  • Break a record
  • Break a window
  • Break someone’s heart
  • Break the ice
  • Break the law
  • Break the news to someone
  • Break the rules

Collocations with PAY

List of Collocations with Pay in English:

  • Pay a fine
  • Pay attention
  • Pay by credit card
  • Pay cash
  • Pay interest
  • Pay someone a compliment
  • Pay someone a visit
  • Pay the bill
  • Pay the price
  • Pay your respects

Collocations with KEEP

List of Collocations with Keep in English:

  • Keep in touch
  • Keep track of
  • Keep tabs on
  • Keep in mind
  • Keep sth to yourself
  • Keep someone
  • Keep someone’s place
  • Keep someone posted
  • Keep it up
  • Keep it down
  • Keep up
  • Keep your job
  • Keep safe
  • Keep someone company
  • Keep sth on the down low
  • Keep a secret
  • Keep a promise
  • Keep a diary
  • Keep a journal
  • Keep the change
  • Keep score
  • Keep your balance
  • Keep someone in check
  • Keep an appointment
  • Keep away
  • Keep pace
  • Keep Calm
  • Keep the quite
  • Keep records
  • Keep animals
  • Keep up the good work.

Useful Collocations with Keep | Image

250+ Frequently Used Collocations List in English 4

Без обмана! Здесь вы найдете длинный список из 700 английских коллокаций. Правда, придется потратить 1 час на прохождение материала. Используйте также другое решение: сохраните ссылку и возвращайтесь сюда по мере необходимости.

Мы начали разговор об английских коллокациях некоторое время назад. В сегодняшнем уроке продолжим эту тему.

Давайте вспомним, что такое коллокация. Collocation — устойчивое словосочетание в английском языке. Знание коллокаций дает возможность говорить естественно и правильно на английском языке.

Вы можете знать английскую грамматику на зубок, но неправильное использование коллокаций затруднит понимание вашего английского. Например, данные выражения do a mistake (совершать ошибку) и make exercises (делать упражнения) правильные с грамматической точки зрения. Но они прозвучат неестественно для носителей языка. Нужно говорить: make a mistake / do exercises.

Считайте коллокации некими шаблонами речи, которые нужно знать наизусть. Из этих «кусков» легче строить фразы и целые предложения. Собеседнику будет легко вас понимать.

Например, нужно говорить:

break the law, а не

destroy the law

(нарушать закон)
high temperature, а не

tall/big temperature

(высокая температура)
take a photo, а не

make/do a photo

(сделать фото / сфотографировать)
tell the truth, а не

say/speak the truth

(говорить правду)

Вот еще ряд английских коллокаций, которые хорошо бы запомнить:

I fully understand – полностью понимать что-то
she’s such a bore – она страшная зануда
a devoted friend – верный друг
a burning desire – пламенное желание
highly reliable – сверхнадежный
a golden opportunity – блестящая возможность
to change one’s mind — передумать
sharp pain — сильная боль
fast food — фастфуд/закусочная
a quick look — быстрый взгляд
ridiculously cheap — ужасно дешевый
utterly exhausted — падать с ног от усталости

Теперь перейдем к видео. Здесь вы найдете более 700 английских коллокаций отличного качества. На просмотр видео уйдет более 1 часа, но оно того стоит.

Если у вас нет времени, сохраните ссылку на данный пост. Кроме этого, вот еще 2 хороших ресурса, где вы найдете уйму английских коллокаций:

1) Огромный список коллокаций в алфавитном порядке
2) Распространенные коллокации

Если у вас есть в запасе интересные коллокации, оставляйте их в комментариях к данному посту.

We already know a lot about the history and introduction of collocations in English. So we would be having a brief revision of the same by getting to know the definition with some examples. It will help us in brushing up our memory lanes. Moreover, it would be helpful in understanding some commonly used collocation words in English.

Basically, collocations are words that are formed by grouping two or more words that often go together. Just like “Fast-Food” or “Getting Permission” or “Powerful Engines” or “Pay Attention”.

Collocations :Definition and How they are used

You might be wondering who would bring up this concept of collocations in English. Then let me tell you that the father of this collocation is JR Firth. He was a British linguist who passed away in the year 1960. The collocation word was first used in the linguistic sense.

If you are thinking that collocations are something hard or difficult to remember then, we bring an easy way to remember. As you can the break up of this word Collocation – Co means together and location means place. So it becomes easy to remember that something or words that are placed together or they are located together.

Let’s move ahead to understand the same with some examples of collocations:

1. To make a bed: It was getting very late so we decided to make a bed and then sleep.

2. To do the homework: You might have noticed that we do our homework only after having dinner.

3. To take a risk: Do you think that it is necessary to take risks in life?

All these examples are of different types of collocations. There are many different collocations that go together with the words – Get, Take, Pay, Do, Break, Spot, Go and many more. Have a quick look at different types of collocations to understand them better.

List of Collocation Words used in Example Sentences

So first we would be checking out some examples that would help you to revise the things from the earlier blogs.

Let’s see examples of collocations with take, get, do, make, go:

  • You had intended to take a holiday in Mumbai.
  • They wished to see if he could get a job with the MNC.
  • You might take a lesson from the piano teacher.
  • Her goals were to go back to high school and college and get a degree.
  • You must take a look at the website which will let you know what I think.
  • She was beginning to get angry.
  • Will you do me a favor and leave me alone?
  • It was high time that she should make the right choice.
  • Was it possible to do a report for the entire staff?
  • It was important to make a contract for a supply of raw silk with the company.
  • Would you like to do the homework yourself?
  • It was essential to making a deal for this project.
  • Which company is about to go bankrupt?

Here are some more examples of collocations with the use of prepositions at, in, on, to, with ….

  • She, being a girl, is brilliant at
  • This teenage gang was excellent at planning fun parties.
  • Her teacher usually gets surprised by her
  • After her husband’s accident, she has lost her belief in
  • It is quite visible that you are blessed with many talents.
  • You must never be careless with your ATM card.
  • The news declared that there was a fall in retail sales which is directly connected with the decline in employment.

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