List of chinese word


  • 1 Chinese Words List
    • 1.1 List of Chinese Words (Beginner Chinese words top 250)
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chinese words list

Chinese Pronunciation

So, you’ve started learning Chinese. You’ve learned all the correct Chinese pronunciation through pinyin. You can clearly say the difference between “j” and “zh” and between “z” “c” and “s.” Note: if you can’t, feel free to watch our video on all the correct pronunciation here:

Chinese Tones

On top of this, you’ve masted Chinese tones. You know all 4 tones like the back of your hand and even know that there’s a secret 5th neutral tone! When Chinese words are written in pinyin with the tones above the word, you can read the whole word correctly. Practice with our pinyin lessons here.

Chinese Vocabulary

If you’ve learned all the things (and only once you’ve learned all these things!) are you ready to learn Chinese words. Please do not skip ahead. Make sure you can say the words properly.

Now, onto learning Chinese vocabulary. Vocabulary is a big part of language learning. The key is to learn the most important words ist. Learn the high-frequency words that appear as often as possible. Did you know that you can read/understand 90% of daily Chinese with just 1000 Chinese characters! How cool is that?

So which words to learn first? Luckily, the Chinese proficiency test tells us. The HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) has 6 levels and tells you what vocabulary you should learn for each of the 6 levels. THe HSK1 has 150 vocabulary words to learn. The list below is 250 words that include these 150 plus some from HSK 2. If you’re looking for full lists of the top 100, 250, 500, or even 100 words to learn, we have those here for free and with downloadable PDF. If you want lists of HSK 1 Vocabulary, HSk2 Vocabulary, HSK 3 Vocabulary, or HSK 4 Vocabulary we have all of those two.

Good luck with this Chinese word list. This should get you started. All these words are used in our free PDF lessons. When you’re ready, sign up for a free trial class apply what you’ve learned with a live Chinese tutor!

List of Chinese Words (Beginner Chinese words top 250)

jiào Verb to be called 我叫大卫。 Wǒ jiào Dàwèi. My name is David.
xìng Noun/Verb surname, one’s family name is 我姓程。 Wǒ xìng chéng. My surname is Cheng.
名字 míngzi Noun name 她的名字是玛丽。 Tā de míngzi shì Mǎlì. Her name is Mary.
哪国人 nǎguórén Phrase a person of which country 你是哪国人? Nǐ shì nǎ guó rén? Which country are you from ?
Pronoun you 你姓程 吗? Nǐ xìng chéng ma? Is your surname Cheng?
Pronoun I, me 我不姓程。 Wǒ bú xìng Chéng. My surname is not Cheng.
认识你很高兴 rènshì nǐ hěn gāoxìng Phrase It’s nice to meet you 我叫大卫, 认识你很高兴。 Wǒ jiào dàwèi, rènshì nǐ hěn gāoxìng. My name is David. It is nice to meet you.
shì Verb is 我不是美国人, 我是日本人。 Wǒ bú shì Měiguó rén,wǒ shì Rìběn rén I’m not American, I’m Japanese.
美国 Měiguó Noun United States 他是美国人吗? Tā shì Měiguó rén ma? Is he an American?
中国 Zhōngguó Noun China 我不是中国人。 Wǒ bú shì Zhōngguó rén. I’m not Chinese.
máng Adj busy 你忙吗? Nǐ máng ma? Are you busy?
lèi Adj tired , tiring 我很累。 Wǒ hěn lèi. I am tired.
hǎo Adj good 你好吗? Nǐ hǎo ma? How are you?
你们 nǐmen Pronoun you (plural), y’all 你们都是学生吗? Nǐmen dōu shì xuéshēng ma? Are you all students?
学生 xuéshēng Noun student, students 我不是学生。 Wǒ bú shì xuéshēng. I am not a student.
老师 lǎoshī Noun teacher 我的老师不是中国人。 Wǒ de lǎoshī bú shì Zhōngguó rén. My teacher is not Chinese.
再见 zàijiàn Phrase goodbye 再见! Zàijiàn. Goodbye.
日本 Rìběn Noun Japan 他不是日本人。 Tā bú shì Rìběn rén. He is not a Japanese.
Pronoun He, him 他累不累? Tā lèi búlèi? Is he tired or not?
yào Verb to want 我要喝咖啡。 Wǒ yào hē kāfēi. I want to drink coffee.
喜欢 xǐhuan Verb to like 我喜欢中国茶。 Wǒ xǐhuan Zhōngguó chá. I like Chinese tea
Verb to drink 我很喜欢喝中国茶。 Wǒ hěn xǐhuan hē Zhōngguó chá. I really like to drink Chinese tea.
chī Verb to eat 你喜欢吃什么? Nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme? What do you like to eat?
咖啡 kāfēi Noun coffee 你喜不喜欢喝咖啡? Nǐ xǐ bùxǐhuan hē kāfēi? Do you like to drink coffee?
cài Noun dish, cuisine 你喜欢哪国菜? Nǐ xǐhuan nǎ guó cài? Which country’s food do you like?
chá Noun tea 我很喜欢喝茶。 Wǒ hěn xǐhuan hē chá. I really like to drink tea.
kǒu Measure word measure word for family members 我家有三口人 Wǒ jiā yǒu sān kǒu rén. There are three people in my family.
Measure word general measure word, measure word for people 我有两个妹妹。 Wǒ yǒu lǐang gè mèimei. I have two younger sisters.
爸爸 bàba Noun father 我的爸爸有一个姐姐。 Wǒ de bàba yǒu yí gè jiějie. My father has an older sister.
妈妈 māma Noun mother 他的妈妈是玛丽。 Tā de māma shì Mǎlì. His mother is Mary.
哥哥 gēge Noun older brother 我有两个哥哥。 Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè gēge. I have two older brothers.
姐姐 jiějie Noun older sister 他的姐姐叫玛丽。 Tā de jiějie jiào Mǎlì. His older sister is called Mary.
弟弟 dìdi Noun younger brother 你有没有弟弟? Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu dìdi? Do you have younger brothers?
妹妹 mèimei Noun younger sister 你的妹妹叫什么名字? Nǐ de mèimei jiào shénme míngzì? What is your younger sister’s name?
jiā Noun home, family 我家有三口人。 Wǒ jiā yǒu sān kǒu rén. There are three people in my family.
Conj and 我有一个哥哥和一个姐姐。 Wǒ yǒu yí gè gēge hé yí gè jiějie. I have an older brother and an older sister.
shéi Pronoun who 他是谁? Tā shì shéi? Who is he?
gǒu Noun dog 平安的狗叫奶茶。 Píng’ān de gǒu jiào nǎichá. Ping An’s dog is called Milk Tea.
好看 hǎokàn Adj good-looking 我的房子很好看 Wǒ de fángzi hěn hǎokàn. My house is good-looking.
shū Noun book, books 我有一本书。 Wǒ yǒu yìběn shū. I have a book.
兄弟姐妹 xiōngdì jiěmèi Noun siblings 美美有三个兄弟姐妹。 Měiměi yǒu sān gè xiōngdì jiěmèi. Meimei has there siblings.
房子 fángzi Noun house 他喜欢他爸爸妈妈的房子。 Tā xǐhuan tā bàba māma de fángzi. He likes his parent’s house.
家人 jiārén Noun family member 我和我的家人都喜欢喝咖啡。 Wǒ hé wǒ de jiārén dōu xǐhuan hē kāfēi. My family and I all like to drink coffee.
介绍 jièshào Verb to introduce 请你介绍你的家人。 Qǐng nǐ jièshào nǐ de jiārén. Please introduce your family.
漂亮 piàoliàng Adj beautiful 你姐姐很漂亮。 Nǐ jiějie hěn piàoliàng. Your older sister is really beautiful.
zhāng Measure word a measure word for photograph, picture, paper, table etc. 我有很多张照片。 Wǒ yǒu hěn duō zhāng zhàopiàn. I have many pictures.
女儿 nǚér Noun daughter 我有一个漂亮的女儿。 Wǒ yǒu yí gè piàoliàng de nǚér. I have a beautiful daughter.
māo Noun cat 他有很多只猫。 Tā yǒu hěnduō zhī māo. He has many cats.
照片 zhàopiàn Noun pictures, photos 我有很多照片。 Wǒ yǒu hěn duō zhàopiàn. I have many pictures.
duō Adj many, more 我有很多书。 Wǒ yǒu hěn duō shū. I have many books.
liǎng Numeral two 我有两个女儿。 Wǒ yǒu liǎng gè nǚér. I have two daughters.
可爱 kěài Adj cute,lovely 他很可爱。 Tā hěn kěài. She is cute.
kuài Measure word piece; dollar 我有两块钱。 Wǒ yǒu liǎng kuài qián. I have two dollars.
bēi Measure word cup, cups 我有一杯咖啡。 Wǒ yǒu yì bēi kāfēi. I have a cup of coffee.
píng Measure word bottle, bottles 我有一瓶牛奶。 Wǒ yǒu yì píng niúnǎi. I have a bottle of milk.
mǎi Verb buy 我们去买东西。 Wǒmen qù mǎi dōngxi. Let’s go to buy some things.
qián Noun money 那个东西多少钱? Nà gè dōngxi duōshǎo qián? How much does that thing cost?
东西 dōngxi Noun thing, things, stuff 这不是我的东西。 Zhè búshì wǒ de dōngxi. This is not my stuff.
谢谢 xièxie Phrase Thank you 谢谢你! Xièxie nǐ! Thank you!
不客气 búkèqì Phrase You’re welcome A: 谢谢你帮忙检查我的文章。 B: 不客气,随时都乐意! A: Xièxiè nǐ bāngmáng jiǎnchá wǒ de wénzhāng. B: Bù kèqì, suíshí dōu lèyì! A: Thanks for checking my essay. B: No problem! Happy to anytime!
xiē Measure word some 这些东西是谁的? Zhè xiē dōngxi shì shéi de? Whose things are these?
bǎi Noun hundred 这个东西一百块钱。 Zhègè dōngxi yìbǎi kuài qián. This thing is one hundred dollars.
一共 yígòng Adv altogether 三杯咖啡和一杯茶,一共多少钱? Sān bēi kāfēi hé yì bēi chá, yígòng duōshǎo qián? How much for 3 cups of coffee and one cup of tea?
今天 jīntiān Noun today 我今天晚上看电影。 Wǒ jīntiān wǎnshàng kàn diànyǐng. I’ll watch a movie tonight.
几点 jǐdiǎn Phrase What time 现在几点? Xiànzài jǐdiǎn? What time is it?
fēn Noun minute 现在是两点十分。 Xiànzài shì liǎng diǎn shí fēn. It is ten past two o’clock now.
kàn Verb to read, to watch 他喜欢看电影。 Tā xǐhuan kàn diànyǐng. He likes to watch movies.
电影 diànyǐng Noun movie 你喜欢看什么电影? Nǐ xǐhuan kàn shénme diànyǐng? What movie do you like to watch?
上网 shàngwǎng Verb Object Surf Internet 我喜欢上网。 Wǒ xǐhuan shàngwǎng. I like to surf the Internet.
现在 xiànzài Noun now 现在是一点五十五分。 Xiànzài shì yì diǎn wǔshí wǔ fēn. It’s one fifty-five now.
bàn Noun half 现在是六点半。 Xiànzài shì liù diǎn bàn. Now it is six thirty.
zuò Verb to do 你喜欢做什么? Nǐ xǐhuān zuò shénme? What do you like to do?
做饭 zuòfàn Verb Object to cook 你喜欢做饭吗? Nǐ xǐhuan zuò fàn ma? Do you like to cook?
吃饭 chīfàn Verb Object to eat 你今天几点吃饭? Nǐ jīntiān jǐdiǎn chīfàn? What time do you eat today?
请问 qǐngwèn Phrase Excuse me, may I ask… 请问这个东西多少钱? Qǐngwèn zhège dōngxi duōshǎo qián? May I ask about how much does this thing cost?
饭馆 fànguǎn Noun restaurant 这间饭馆好不好? Zhè jiān fànguǎn hǎo bùhǎo? Is this restaurant good or not?
服务员 fúwùyuán Noun waiter, waitress 这家饭馆的服务员,人很好。 Zhè jiā fànguǎn de fúwùyuán, rén hěnhǎo. The waiter/ waitress from this restaurant is very nice.
杯子 bēizi Noun cup 我们要两个杯子。 Wǒmen yào liǎng gè bēizi. We would like to have two cups.
zhēn Adv really 你妹妹真漂亮。 Nǐ mèimei zhēn piàoliang. Your younger sister is really pretty.
点菜 diǎncài Verb Object to order food 请服务员来帮我们点菜。 Qǐng fúwùyuán lái bāng wǒmen diǎn cài. Please ask the waiter to take our order.
好吃 hǎochī Adj tasty/delicious 我妈妈做的饭很好吃。 Wǒ māma zuò de fàn hěn hǎochī. The dish made from my mother is tasty.
shuǐ Noun water 我有一杯水。 Wǒ yǒu yì bēi shuǐ. I have a cup of water.
shǎo Adj few 我们家书很少。 Wǒmen jiā shū hěn shǎo. We have very few books at home.
买单 mǎidān Verb Object to pay 服务员,请买单。 Fúwùyuán, qǐng mǎidān. Waiter, we want to pay.
昨天 zuótiān Noun yesterday 昨天我跟我妈妈去看电影。 Zuótiān wǒ gēn wǒ māma qù kàn diànyǐng. I went to watch a movie with my mother yesterday.
明天 míngtiān Noun tomorrow 明天要不要去吃饭? Míngtiān yàobúyào qù chīfàn? Do you want to go and eat tomorrow?
什么时候 shénme shíhou Phrase when 你什么时候去看电影? Nǐ shénme shíhou qù kàn diànyǐng? When are you going to watch movie?
上午 shàngwǔ Noun morning 我上午要上课。 Wǒ shàngwǔ yào shàngkè I have classes in the morning.
星期 xīngqī Noun Week, day of the week 星期一我们要上课。 Xīngqī yī wǒmen yào shàngkè. We have class on Monday.
起床 qǐchuáng Verb Object wake up 我八点起床。 Wǒ bādiǎn qǐchuáng. I wake up at eight.
早饭 zǎofàn Noun breakfast 我们九点吃早饭。 Wǒmen jiǔdiǎn chī zǎofàn. We eat breakfast at nine.
睡觉 shuìjiào Verb Object sleep 我爸爸十点睡觉。 Wǒ bàba shídiǎn shuìjiào. My dad sleeps at ten.
上课 shàngkè Verb Object go to class,attend class 我们明天要上课。 Wǒmen míngtiān yào shàngkè. We have class tomorrow.
xiǎng Verb to want to ,to plan to/to think 我想跟你看电影。 Wǒ xiǎng gēn nǐ kàn diànyǐng. I want to watch a movie with you.
yuè Measure word month 明天是十二月六日。 Míngtiān shì shíèr yuè liù rì. Tomorrow is December 6th.
Measure word day 今天是十二月五日。 Jīntiān shì shíèr yuè wǔ rì. Today is December 5th.
下午 xiàwǔ Noun afternoon 你明天下午做什么? Nǐ míngtiān xiàwǔ zuò shénme? What are you going to do tomorrow afternoon?
晚上 wǎnshàng Noun evening 你明天晚上看电影吗? Nǐ míngtiān wǎnshàng kàn diànyǐng ma? Do you want to watch a movie tomorrow night?
qǐng Verb to treat, to invite 明天我请你去中国饭馆吃饭。 Míngtiān wǒ qǐng nǐ qù Zhōngguó fànguǎn chīfàn. Tomorrow I’ll treat you to a meal at a Chinese restaurant.
lái Verb to come 他来我家吃饭。 Tā lái wǒ jiā chīfàn. He came to my house and had a meal.
有空 yǒukòng Verb have free time, to be free 你有空吗? Nǐ yǒukòng ma? Are you free?
对不起 duìbùqǐ Phrase sorry A: 对不起。 B: 没关系 。 A: Duìbùqǐ. B: Méiguānxi. A: I am sorry. B: It’s ok.
没关系 méiguānxi Phrase that’s ok, no problem A: 对不起。 B: 没关系。 A: Duìbùqǐ. B: Méiguānxi. A: I am sorry. B: It’s ok.
生日 shēngrì Noun birthday 我的生日是二月十八号。 Wǒ de shēngrì shì èr yuè shíbā hào. My birthday is February eighteenth.
打球 dǎqiú Verb Object to play ball games, ball sports 每个周末我都会跟朋友去打球 Měi gè zhōumò wǒ dūhuì gēn péngyou qù dǎqiú I play basketball with my friends every weekend.
篮球 lánqiú Noun basketball 你打篮球吗? Nǐ dǎ lánqiú ma? Do you play basketball?
球赛 qiúsài Noun match, ball games 你喜欢看球赛吗? Nǐ xǐhuan kàn qiúsài ma? Do you like to watch sports matches?
逛街 guàngjiē Verb Object shopping 他喜欢去逛街。 Tā xǐhuan qù guàngjiē. She likes to go shopping.
周末 zhōumò Noun weekend 周末他做什么? Zhōumò tā zuò shénme? What does he do on weekends?
早起 zǎoqǐ Verb to wake up early 我喜欢早起去打球。 Wǒ xǐhuan zǎoqǐ qù dǎ qiú. I like to wake up early to play the ball.
觉得 juéde Verb to feel,to think,to consider 我觉得做饭很好玩儿。 Wǒ juéde zuòfàn hěn hǎowánr. I think cooking is fun.
好玩儿 hǎowán’er Adj interesting, fun, enjoyable 打篮球很好玩儿。 Dǎ lánqiú hěn hǎowánr. It’s fun to play basketball.
运动 yùndòng Noun exercise, to exercise 你喜欢什么运动? Nǐ xǐhuan shénme yùndòng? What sports do you like?
电影院 diànyǐngyuàn Noun cinema 我现在在电影院看电影。 Wǒ xiànzài zài diànyǐngyuàn kàn diànyǐng. I am now at the cinema watching a movie.
学习 xuéxí Verb to study 他在中国学习中文。 Tā zài Zhōngguó xuéxí Zhōngwén. He studies Chinese in China.
酒吧 jiǔba Noun bar 晚上我们去酒吧喝啤酒。 Wǎnshàng wǒmen qù jiǔbā hē píjiǔ. We are going to a bar to drink beer at night.
啤酒 píjiǔ Noun beer 我们一起喝啤酒。 Wǒmen yìqǐ hē píjiǔ。 We drink beer together.
有意思 yǒuyìsi Adj interesting, fun 我觉得出门很有意思! 我喜欢出门去运动。 Wǒ juéde chūmén hěn yǒuyìsi! Wǒ xǐhuan chūmén qù yùndòng. I think going out is fun! I like to go out to exercise.
无聊 wúliáo Adj boring,bored 他觉得出门太麻烦了,也觉得很无聊。 Tā juéde chūmén tài máfán le, yě juéde hěn wúliáo. He thinks going out is too troublesome and boring.
麻烦 máfán Verb be annoyed,to bother, troublesome, annoying 我是一个麻烦的人。 Wǒ shì yí gè máfán de rén. I am a troublesome person.
出门 chūmén Verb Object to go outside 他早上九点出门去上课。 Tā zǎoshàng jiǔdiǎn chūmén qù shàngkè. He goes to class at 9 in the morning.
zhǒng Measure word kind,type 你喜欢吃哪种菜? Nǐ xǐhuan chī nǎ zhǒng cài? What kind of food do you like?
一起 yìqǐ Adv together 星期二我们一起去吃日本菜。 Xīngqīèr wǒmen yìqǐ qù chī Rìběn cài. Let’s have Japanese food on Tuesday together.
算了 suànle Phrase forget about it A: 外面下雨,我不能跟你出去。 B: 算了,我跟玛丽去。 A: Wàimiàn xiàyǔ, wǒ bùnéng gēn nǐ chūqù. B: Suànle, wǒ gēn Mǎlì qù. A: It’s raining outside, I can’t go out with you. B: Fine, I’ll go out with Mary.
下雨 xiàyǔ Verb Object raining 今天, 明天都下雨。 Jīntiān, míngtiān dōu xiàyǔ. Today and tomorrow it will rain.
外面 wàimiàn Noun outside 他现在在外面,不在家。 Tā xiànzài zài wàimiàn , bú zài jiā. He is out now, he’s not at home.
没问题 méi wèntí Phrase no problem A: 你有空吗?我们一起去打球,好不好? B: 没问题。 A: Nǐ yǒu kòng ma? Wǒmen yīqǐ qù dǎqiú, hǎo bùhǎo? B: Méi wèntí. A: Do you have free time? Let’s go play ball games, what do you think? B: No problem.
可是 kěshì Conj but 我想出去, 可是外面下雨。 Wǒ xiǎng chūqù,kěshì wàimiàn xiàyǔ. I want to go out, but it’s raining outside.
做菜 zuòcài Verb cooking 妹妹喜欢做菜。 Mèimei xǐhuan zuò cài。 My younger sister likes to cook.
唱歌 chànggē Verb to sing 我们一起去唱歌,好吗? Wǒmen yīqǐ qù chànggē, hǎo ma? How about we go sing together?
shuō Verb say,speak a language 请您再说一次。 Qǐng nín zài shuō yīcì. Can you please say it one more time?
汉语 hànyǔ Noun Mandarin 我明天有汉语课。 Wǒ míngtiān yǒu hànyǔ kè. I have Chinese class tomorrow.
英语 yīngyǔ Noun English 我不会说英语。 Wǒ bú huì shuō yīngyǔ. I can’t speak English.
不错 búcuò Adj pretty good, not bad 她唱得不错。 Tā chàng dé búcuò. She sings well.
jiāo Verb to teach 你可以教我怎么说英语吗? Nǐ kěyǐ jiāo wǒ zěnme shuō yīngyǔ ma? Can you teach me how to say English?
写字 xiězì Verb Object to write 汉语老师教我们怎么写字。 Hànyǔ lǎoshī jiào wǒmen zěnme xiě zì. The Chinese teacher teach us how to write words.
kuài Adj fast, quick 他走得很快。 Tā zǒu de hěn kuài. He walks fast.
功课 gōngkè Noun homework 我今天有很多功课。 Wǒ jīntiān yǒu hěn duō gōngkè. I have a lot of homework today.
图书馆 túshūguǎn Noun library 他星期一去图书馆看书。 Tā xīngqī yī qù túshūguǎn kànshū. He goes to library on Mondays to read books.
中饭 zhōngfàn Noun lunch 我们一起吃中饭吧! Wǒmen yìqǐ chī zhōngfàn ba! Let’s eat lunch together.
晚饭 wǎnfàn Noun dinner 我没有时间做晚饭。 Wǒ méiyǒu shíjiān zuò wǎnfàn. I don’t have time for making dinner.
中午 zhōngwǔ Noun noon 我中午上英语课。 Wǒ zhōngwǔ shàng yīngyǔ kè. I have English class at noon.
非常 fēicháng Adv very,extremely 他非常喜欢看书, 也喜欢运动。 Tā fēicháng xǐhuan kànshū, yě xǐhuan yùndòng. He really likes to read books, he also likes to do sports.
Noun question 这题好难,我不会。 Zhè tí hǎo nán, wǒ bú huì. This question is so hard, I don’t know how to do it.
nán Adj difficult 写汉字很难,说汉语也很难! Xiě hànzì hěn nán, shuō hànyǔ yě hěn nán. Writing Chinese is difficult, speaking Chinese is also difficult.
xīn Adj new 这是一支新手机. Zhè shì yìzhī xīn shǒujī. This is a new cell phone.
jiù Adj old, used, worn 我有一支旧手机 Wǒ yǒu yìzhī jiù shǒujī I have an old cell phone
Adj big 这支手机有一点大, 我不喜欢。 Zhè zhī shǒujī yǒu yìdiǎn dà, wǒ bù xǐhuan. This phone is a bit big, I don’t like it.
zhī Measure word Measure word (for a cell phone etc) 我有一支新手机 Wǒ yǒuyìzhī xīn shǒujī I have a new cell phone
商店 shāngdiàn Noun shop, store 这家商店卖一些手机。 Zhè jiā shāngdiàn mài yì xiē shǒujī. This store sells some cell phones.
手机 shǒujī Noun cell phone 这不是我的手机。 Zhè bú shì wǒ de shǒujī. This is not my cell phone.
看一看 kànyíkàn Phrase look, have a look 我去商店看一看。 Wǒ qù shāngdiàn kànyíkàn. Let me go to the store and have a look.
wàn Numeral ten thousand 我有一万三千元 Wǒ yǒu yí wàn sān qiān yuán I have thirteen thousand dollars
qiān Numeral thousand 我有四千元 Wǒ yǒu sì qiān yuán I have four thousand dollars
néng Verb to express ability 哪支手机能上网? Nǎ zhī shǒujī néng shàngwǎng? Which mobile phone can access the Internet?
上面 shàngmiàn Noun on top of 你的猫在我的房子上面! Nǐ de māo zài wǒ de fángzi shàngmiàn. Your cat is on top of my house.
下面 xiàmiàn Noun down/under 照片在杯子下面。 Zhàopiàn zài bēizi xiàmiàn. The photo is under the cup.
旁边 pángbiān Noun next to/beside 饭馆旁边是图书馆。 Fànguǎn pángbiān shì túshūguǎn. The library is next to the restaurant.
里面 lǐmiàn Noun inside 图书馆里面有很多书。 Túshūguǎn lǐmiàn yǒu hěn duō shū. There are a lot of books inside the library.
大楼 dàlóu Noun building 我家旁边有很多大楼。 Wǒ jiā pángbiān yǒu hěn duō dàlóu. There are a lot of buildings next to my house.
海边 hǎibiān Noun beach 我们一起去海边玩儿吧! Wǒmen yìqǐ qù hǎibiān wánr ba! Let’s go to the beach together and have fun!
zhù Verb to live 我住在那个大楼里面。 Wǒ zhù zài nàge dàlóu lǐmiàn. I live inside that building.
知道 zhīdào Verb to know 我知道他家在哪儿! Wǒ zhīdào tā jiā zài nǎr. I know where his house is.
欢迎 huānyíng Noun/Verb to welcome, welcome 欢迎你来我家玩儿。 Huānyíng nǐ lái wǒ jiā wánr. You are welcome to come to my house to hang out.
玩儿 wánr Verb to play, have fun 我喜欢去海边玩儿。 Wǒ xǐhuan qù hǎibiān wánr. I like to go to the beach and have fun.
公共汽车 gōnggòng qìchē Noun bus 我每个星期都坐公共汽车去上汉语课。 Wǒ měige xīngqī dōu zuò gōnggòng qìchē qù shàng Hànyǔ kè. I take the bus every week to Chinese class.
自行车 zìxíngchē Noun bicycle/bike 我喜欢骑自行车。 Wǒ xǐhuan qí zìxíngchē. I like to ride a bicycle.
走路 zǒulù Verb Object to walk 我的朋友每天都走路去学校。 Wǒ de péngyǒu měitiān dōu zǒulù qù xuéxiào. My friend walks to school every day.
zhàn Measure word stations, stops 从我家到图书馆坐公共汽车要三站。 Cóng wǒ jiā dào túshūguǎn zuò gōnggòng qìchē yào sān zhàn. It takes 3 stations to get from my house to the library.
椅子 yǐzi Noun chair 你家有几把椅子? Nǐ jiā yǒu jǐ bǎ yǐzi? How many chairs do you have at home?
休息 xiūxí Verb to take a rest 你中午几点休息? Nǐ zhōngwǔ jǐdiǎn xiūxi? What time do you rest at noon?
上班 shàngbān Verb Object to go to work 你在哪儿上班? Nǐ zài nǎr shàngbān? Where do you work?
zuò Verb to take (a bus, airplane etc) 我坐公共汽车去电影院。 Wǒ zuò gōnggòng qìchē qù diànyǐngyuàn. I go to cinema by bus.
Verb to ride 我常骑自行车去上课。 Wǒ cháng qí zìxíngchē qù shàngkè. I often go to class by bike.
超市 chāoshì Noun supermarket 我想去超市买鸡蛋。 Wǒ xiǎng qù chāoshì mǎi jīdàn. I want to buy eggs in the supermarket.
jiàn Measure word Measure word (for events, things, clothes etc) 这件衣服是我妹妹的。 Zhè jiàn yīfú shì wǒ mèimei de. This cloth is my younger sister’s.
衣服 yīfú Noun clothes 他昨天买了很多漂亮的衣服。 Tā zuótiān mǎi le hěn duō piàoliàng de yīfú. He bought a lot of nice cloth yesterday.
对了 duìle Phrase by the way 对了,他昨天告诉我他不来学校。 Duìle, tā zuótiān gàosù wǒ tā bù lái xuéxiào. By the way, he told me yesterday that he is not coming to school.
告诉 gàosù Verb to tell 她没有告诉我这件事情。 Tā méiyǒu gàosù wǒ zhè jiàn shìqíng. She didn’t tell me this thing.
鸡蛋 jīdàn Noun egg 我的早餐是鸡蛋和牛奶。 Wǒ de zǎocān shì jīdàn hé niúnǎi. My breakfast was eggs and milk.
忘了 wàngle Verb to forget 我昨天忘了去超市。 Wǒ zuótiān wàngle qù chāoshì. I forgot to go supermarket yesterday.
牛奶 niúnǎi Noun milk 我每天早上都喝一杯咖啡和一瓶牛奶。 Wǒ měitiān zǎoshàng dōu he yì bēi kāfēi hé yì píng niúnǎi. I drink a cup of coffee and a bottle of milk every morning.
怎么 zěnme Adv how to…? 这个字非常难,我不知道怎么写。 Zhè gè zì fēicháng nán. Wǒ bù zhīdào zěnme xiě. This word is so difficult. I don’t know how to write it.
zǒu Verb to get there,walk 从这儿往前走就到他家了。 Cóng zhèr wǎng qián zǒu jiù dào tā jiā le. Go forward from here, you’ll go right to his house.
qián Noun front/forward/ahead 往前走就是我家。 Wǎng qián zǒu jiù shì wǒ jiā. Go forward and that’s my house.
jiù Adv then,right away 图书馆,往前走右拐就到了。 Túshūguǎn, wǎng qián zǒu yòuguǎi jiù dào le. Go forward and turn right, the library is there.
邮局 yóujú Noun post office 图书馆在邮局的旁边。 Túshūguǎn zài yóujú de pángbiān. The post office is next to the library.
认识 rènshì Verb to know, to recognise 我不认识那个人。 Wǒ bú rènshì nàge rén. I don’t know that person.
Noun road 我知道这条路的名字! Wǒ zhīdào zhè tiáo lù de míngzì. I know the name of this road.
左拐 zuǒguǎi Verb to turn left 那条路左拐就到我家。 Nà tiáo lù zuǒguǎi jiù dào wǒ jiā. Turn left on that road and you’ll arrive at my house.
右拐 yòuguǎi Verb to turn right 邮局在前面那条路右拐。 Yóujú zài qiánmiàn nà tiáo lù yòuguǎi. Post office is at the road ahead, turn right.
cóng Prep from 从这儿往左走就是邮局。 Cóng zhèr wǎng zuǒ zǒu jiùshì yóujú. Turn left from here and there is the post office.
dào Verb to arrive, arrive 从这里往前走, 就到了。 Cóng zhèlǐ wǎng qián zǒu, jiù dào le. Go straight from here, then you will arrive.
事情 shìqíng Noun Affair,matter,thing 这件事情很难也很麻烦。 Zhè jiàn shìqing hěn nán yě hěn máfán. This thing is very difficult and troublesome.
děi Adv must,have to 我得出门去上课! Wǒ děi chū mén qù shàng kè. I have to go out to go to class.
时间 shíjiān Noun time 我有很多时间写功课。 Wǒ yǒu hěn duō shíjiān xiě gōngkè. I have a lot of time to write homework.
Verb to fear, to be afraid of 学生都很怕老师。 Xuéshēng dōu hěn pà lǎoshī The students are all afraid of teacher.
担心 dānxīn Verb anxious,worried
to worry
我很担心今年的汉语考试考得不好。 Wǒ hěn dānxīn jīnnián de Hànyǔ kǎoshì kǎo de bù hǎo I am really worried that I did bad on this year’s Chinese test.
考试 kǎoshì Noun to test, test, exam 你明天考试考什么? Nǐ míngtiān kǎoshì kǎo shénme? What are your exams tomorrow?
今年 jīnnián Noun this year 今年我要跟家人去中国玩儿。 Jīnnián wǒ yào gēn jiārén qù Zhōngguó wánr. I am going to China with my family this year.
不好意思 bùhǎoyìsi Phrase excuse me, to be sorry 不好意思,请问这儿可以照相吗? Bùhǎo yìsi, qǐngwèn zhèr kěyǐ zhàoxiàng ma? Excuse me, can we take pictures here?
听音乐 tīng yīnyuè Verb Object to listen to music 我喜欢听音乐。 Wǒ xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè. I like to listen to music.
附近 fùjìn Adv nearby 你家附近有商店吗? Nǐ jiā fùjìn yǒu shāngdiàn ma? Is there a shop nearby your house?
照相 zhàoxiàng Verb Object to take a photo 他周末喜欢去爬山、照相。 Tā zhōumò xǐhuan qù páshān, zhàoxiàng. He likes to go mountain climbing and take pictures on the weekend.
博物馆 bówùguǎn Noun museum 博物馆里面不可以照相! Bówùguǎn lǐmiàn bù kěyǐ zhàoxiàng. You can’t take pictures inside the museum.
朋友 péngyǒu Noun friend, friends 我跟我朋友明天要一起去博物馆。 Wǒ gēn wǒ péngyou míngtiān yào yìqǐ qù bówùguǎn. I am going to the museum with my friend tomorrow.
tiān Measure word day 一个星期有七天。 Yí ge xīngqī yǒu qī tiān. There are seven days in a week.
等一会儿 děng yìhuǐr Phrase Wait a moment, later 我跟我朋友等一会儿要一起去逛街。 Wǒ gēn wǒ péngyou děng yìhuǐr yào yìqǐ qù guàngjiē. My friend and I will go shopping later.
地方 dìfāng Noun area, place 那个地方在哪儿? Nà gè dìfāng zai nǎr? Where is that place?
yuǎn Adj far 图书馆离邮局很远。 Túshūguǎn lí yóujú hěn yuǎn. The library is far away from the post office.
jìn Adj near/close 图书馆离我家很近! Túshūguǎn lí wǒ jiā hěn jìn. The library is close to my house.
小时 xiǎoshí Noun hour 从我家到图书馆要三个小时。 Cóng wǒ jiā dào túshūguǎn yào sān gè xiǎoshí. It takes three hours from my house to library.
shān Noun mountain 我家旁边有一座山。 Wǒ jiā pángbiān yǒu yí zuò shān. There’s a mountain next to my house.
爬山 páshān Verb Object to climb a mountain, to hike a mountain 我们这个周末要去爬山。 Wǒmen zhège zhōumò yào qù páshān. We are going mountain climbing this weekend.
公司 gōngsī Noun company 我爸爸的公司离我们家很远。 Wǒ bàba de gōngsī lí wǒmen jiā hěn yuǎn. My father’s company is far away from our house.
分钟 fēnzhōng Noun minute 从这儿去那儿要走三十分钟。 Cóng zhèr qù nàr yào zǒu sānshí fēnzhōng. To get from here to there you need to walk thirty minutes.
yào Verb to need, require 从我家到公司要走半小时。 Cóng wǒ jiā dào gōngsī yào zǒu bàn xiǎoshí. It takes half an hour from my house to the company by foot.
方便 fāngbiàn Adj convenient 我家旁边有一些餐厅,也有超市和图书馆 , 住在那里很方便。 Wǒ jiā pángbiān yǒu yìxiē cāntīng, yě yǒu chāoshì hé túshūguǎn. Zhù zài nàlǐ hěn fāngbiàn. There are some restaurants, supermarkets and libraries near my house. Living there is very convenient.
车票 chēpiào Noun transportation ticket 坐公共汽车要买车票。 Zuò gōnggòng qìchē yào mǎi chēpiào. You need to buy a ticket to take the bus.
出租车 chūzūchē Noun taxi 中国有很多出租车。 Zhōngguó yǒu hěn duō chūzūchē. There are a lot of taxis in China.
地铁 dìtiě Noun subway, metro 我每天都坐地铁去上班。 Wǒ měitiān dōu zuò dìtiě qù shàngbān. I go to work by subway every day.
zài Verb to give somebody a ride 我姐姐载我去超市买东西。 Wǒ jiějie zài wǒ qù chāoshì mǎi dōngxi. My older sister drives me to buy things in the supermarket.
汽车 qìchē Noun car 我有三辆汽车。 Wǒ yǒu sān liàng qìchē. I have three cars.
kāi Verb to drive ( a machine, car, airplan), to open 我爸爸每天都开车去上班。 Wǒ bàba měitiān dōu kāi chē qù shàngbān. My father drives to work every day.
风景 fēngjǐng Noun scenery 这儿的风景很漂亮。 Zhèr de fēngjǐng hěn piàoliang. The scenery here is pretty.
便宜 piányí Adj cheap 汽车在中国很便宜。 Qìchē zài Zhōngguó hěn piányi. Cars are cheap in China.
děng Verb to wait 请你等我一起去上课。 Qǐng nǐ děng wǒ yìqǐ qù shàngkè. Please wait for me to go to class together.
迟到 chídào Verb to be late 他上班迟到了。 Tā shàngbān chídào le. She is late for work.
从不 cóng bù Adv never 我从不爬山。 Wǒ cóngbù páshān. I never go mountain climbing.
yuē Verb to make an appointment/to invite. 他朋友约我一起去爬山。 Tā péngyou yuē wǒ yìqǐ qù páshān . His friend asked me to go mountain climbing together.
上次 shàngcì Noun last time 上次我们看电影的时候,他也迟到了。 Shàngcì wǒmen kàn diànyǐng de shíhou, tā yě chídào le. Last time he was also late for watching a movie,.
已经 yǐjīng Adv already 今天早上我去等公交车,我到公车站的时候, 公车已经走了。 Jīntiān zǎoshàng wǒ qù děng gōngjiāochē, wǒ dào gōngchē zhàn de shíhou, gōngchē yǐjīng zǒu le. This morning I was going to wait for a bus, but when I arrived at the bus stop, the bus had already left.
màn Adj slow 他说中文,说得很慢 Tā shuō zhōngwén,shuō de hěn màn. He speaks Chinese slowly
多久 duōjiǔ Phrase how long..? 请问从超市到邮局要多久? Qǐngwèn cóng chāoshì dào yóujú yào duōjiǔ? How long does it take to get from the supermarket to the post office?
练习 liànxí Verb to practice 我常在家练习做菜。 Wǒ cháng zài jiā liànxí zuòcài. I often practice cooking at home
说话 shuōhuà Verb Object to speak/ to talk 他喜欢跟美国人说话,练习英语。 Tā xǐhuan gēn Měiguó rén shuōhuà, liànxí yīngyǔ. He likes to speak with Americans to practice his English.
为什么 wèishénme Phrase why 现在已经晚上十二点了,你为什么不睡觉? Xiànzài yǐjīng wǎnshàng shíèrdiǎn le, nǐ wèi shénme bú shuìjiào? It’s already twelve a.m. now, why are you not sleeping?
有用 yǒuyòng Adj useful 这个东西很有用也很方便。 Zhège dōngxi hěn yǒuyòng yě hěn fāngbiàn. This thing is useful and convenient.
放假 fàngjià Verb Object to have a vacation 我明天放假。 Wǒ míngtiān fàngjià. I’ll be on holiday tomorrow.
因为 yīnwèi Conj Because 因为我喜欢吃中国菜,所以我常去中国饭馆。 Yīnwèi wǒ xǐhuan chī Zhōngguó cài, suǒyǐ wǒ cháng qù Zhōngguó fànguǎn. I like to eat Chinese food, so I go to Chinese restaurant frequently.
所以 suǒyǐ Conj therefore 因为我喜欢爬山,所以周末我都去。 Yīnwèi wǒ xǐhuan páshān, suǒyǐ zhōumò wǒ dōu qù. I like to climb the mountain, so I go there on weekends.
gāng Adv just 我刚放假,你想去哪儿玩儿? Wǒ gāng fàngjià, nǐ xiǎng qù nǎr wánr? I just have holiday, where do you want to go?
看见 kànjiàn Verb to see, to catch sight of 你昨天看见什么了? Nǐ zuótiān kànjiàn shénme le? What did you see yesterday?
以前 yǐqián Noun Noun/ before 我三年以前不会说汉语,现在说得很好。 Wǒ sān nián yǐqián búhuì shuō Hànyǔ, xiànzài shuō de hěnhǎo. I couldn’t speak Chinese three years ago, but now I can speak well.
书法 shūfǎ Noun calligraphy 我喜欢写书法。 Wǒ xǐhuan xiě shūfǎ. I like to write calligraphy.
开始 kāishǐ Verb to start 从明天开始,我不上汉语课了。 Cóng míngtiān kāishǐ, wǒ bú shàng Hànyǔ kè le. From tomorrow I don’t take Chinese class anymore.
学校 xuéxiào Noun school 这是我的学校,很漂亮吧? Zhè shì wǒ de xuéxiào, hěn piàoliang ba? This is my school. It’s really pretty, isn’t it?
Noun lesson, class 你今天上什么课? Nǐ jīntiān shàng shénme kè? What class do you have today?
可能 kěnéng Adv maybe, might, probably 我可能不能去他家玩儿。 Wǒ kěnéng bù néng qù tā jiā wánr. I might not go to his house to hang out.
最近 zuìjìn Noun recently 他最近工作很忙,不常给我打电话。 Tā zuìjìn gōngzuò hěn máng, bù cháng gěi wǒ dǎdiànhuà. He has been busy recently, only rarely does he call me.
wéi Phrase Hello (when answer the telephone) 喂,你好,请问有什么事? Wéi, nǐhǎo, qǐngwèn yǒu shénme shì? Hello, how can I help you?
开会 kāihuì Verb Object to hold a meeting 我下午一点要开会。 Wǒ xiàwǔ yì diǎn yào kāihuì. I have meeting at one p.m.
打电话 dǎdiànhuà Verb Object to make a phone call 你晚上可以打电话来我家。 Nǐ wǎnshàng kěyǐ dǎdiànhuà lái wǒ jiā. You can call me at night.
Adv then, in that case A: 今天外面下雨,不能打篮球。 B: 那我们去看电影吧。 A: Jīntiān wàimiàn xiàyǔ, bùnéng dǎ lánqiú. B: Nà wǒmen qù kàn diànyǐng ba. A: It’s raining outside, we can’t play basketball. B: Then let’s see a movie.
桌子 zhuōzi Noun table 我家有三张桌子。 Wǒ jiā yǒu sān zhāng zhuōzi. I have three tables at home.
生日会 shēngrì huì Noun birthday party 他的生日会是一月二十五日。 Tā de shēngrì huì shì yī yuè èrshíwǔ rì. His birthday party is on the twenty-fifth of January.
苹果派 píngguǒ pài Noun apple pie 我不喜欢吃苹果派。 Wǒ bù xǐhuan chī píngguǒ pài. I don’t like to eat apple pie.
邀请 yāoqǐng Verb to invite 我想邀请你跟你的家人来我的生日会。 Wǒ xiǎng yāoqǐng nǐ gēn nǐ de jiārén lái wǒ de shēngrì huì. I would like to invite you and your family to my birthday party.
好久不见 hǎojiǔ bújiàn Phrase long time, no see 好久不见,你好吗? Hǎojiǔ bújiàn, nǐhǎo ma? Long time no see, how are you?
gěi Verb to give 因为我要考试,所以他给我很多书。 Yīnwèi wǒ yào kǎoshì, suǒyǐ tā gěi wǒ hěnduō shū. He gives me a lot of books because I have a test.
礼物 lǐwù Noun gift 我不知道他喜欢什么礼物。 Wǒ bù zhīdào tā xǐhuan shénme lǐwù. I don’t know what present he likes.
蓝色 lánsè Noun blue 我有一件蓝色的衣服。 Wǒ yǒu yí jiàn lánsè de yīfú. I have a blue t-shirt.
饺子 jiǎozi Noun dumplings 饺子是中国菜的一种。 Jiǎozi shì Zhōngguó cài de yì zhǒng. Dumpling is a kind of Chinese food.
旅游 lǚyóu Verb travel 我喜欢和我的朋友一起去旅游。 Wǒ xǐhuan hé wǒ de péngyou yìqǐ qù lǚyóu. I like to go travelling with my friends.
经验 jīngyàn Noun experience 他的工作经验不多。 Tā de gōngzuò jīngyàn bùduō. He doesn’t have much working experience.
Measure word Measure word for enumerated events, time 这件事情我说了三次了。 Zhè jiàn shìqing wǒ shuō le sān cì le. I have told you about this three times.
快乐 kuàile Adj happy 旅游是一件很快乐的事情。 Lǚyóu shì yí jiàn hěn kuàilè de shìqing. Traveling is a very happy thing.
zuì Adv the most, “-est” 我最喜欢的人是我爸爸妈妈。 Wǒ zuì xǐhuan de rén shì wǒ bàba māma. I like my parents the most.
有名 yǒumíng Adj famous 这是这儿最有名的饭馆。 Zhè shì zhèr zuì yǒumíng de fànguǎn. This is the most famous restaurant here.
飞机 fēijī Noun airplane 从美国到中国要坐十几个小时的飞机。 Cóng Měiguó dào Zhōngguó yào zuò shí jǐ ge xiǎoshí de fēijī. It takes more than ten hours from America to China by plane.
听说 tīngshuō Verb to hear (sb. said) 听说你去过中国很多次? Tīngshuō nǐ qùguò Zhōngguó hěnduō cì? I heard that you have been to China many times?
高兴 gāoxìng Adj glad, happy 很高兴你也喜欢日本菜。 Hěn gāoxìng nǐ yě xǐhuan Rìběn cài. I’m glad you liked Japanese food.
旅馆 lǚguǎn Noun hostel, hotel 你去旅游的时候喜欢住哪种旅馆? Nǐ qù lǚyóu de shíhou xǐhuan zhù nǎ zhǒng lǚguǎn? When you travel, which kind of hotel do you like to stay at?
纪念品 jìniànpǐn Noun souvenir 你会买纪念品给你家人吗? Nǐ huì mǎi jìniànpǐn gěi nǐ jiārén ma? Will you buy souvenirs for your family?
计划 jìhuà Verb to plan, to plan to do sth. 你计划去哪几个国家旅游? Nǐ jìhuà qù nǎ jǐ ge guójiā lǚyóu? What countries are you planning to go to?
习惯 xíguàn Verb to get used to 你习惯吃哪国菜? Nǐ xíguàn chī nǎguó cài? Which country’s food do you get used to eat?
去年 qùnián Noun last year 你去年去过哪些国家? Nǐ qùnián qùguò nǎxiē guójiā? What countries did you visit last year?
回国 huíguó Verb Object to return to home country 他二月三日回国。 Tā èr yuè sān rì huíguó. He will return home on 3rd February.
打算 dǎsuàn Verb to plan 我打算三点去图书馆看书。 Wǒ dǎsuàn sān diǎn qù túshūguǎn kànshū. I plan to go to library to read books at 3pm.
北京 běijīng Noun Peking 我爸爸的公司在北京,他在那儿工作。 Wǒ bàba de gōngsī zài Běijīng, tā zài nàr gōngzuò. My dad’s company is in Peking, he is working there.
外国 wàiguó Noun abroad/foreign country 我跟我的朋友放假要去外国旅游。 Wǒ gēn wǒ de péngyou fàngjià yào qù wàiguó lǚyóu. My friend and I are going abroad during our vacation.
zhǐ Adv only 放假的时候,他的家人只喜欢在家休息。 Fàngjià de shíhou tā de jiārén zhǐ xǐhuan zài jiā xiūxi. His family only like to stay at home during holiday.
后天 hòutiān Noun the day after tomorrow 因为他后天要去北京工作,所以明天晚上我们一起去酒吧喝酒聊天吧! Yīnwèi tā hòutiān yào qù Běijīng gōngzuò, suǒyǐ míngtiān wǎnshàng wǒmen yìqǐ qù jiǔbā hējiǔ liáotiān ba. He is going to work in Peking the day after tomorrow, so let’s go to the bar and have a drink tomorrow night.
女朋友 nǚpéngyou Noun girlfreind 我的女朋友是美国人。 Wǒ de nǚpéngyou shì Měiguó rén. My girlfriend is American.
zǒu Verb to leave 真舍不得你走,要常回来看我们。 Zhēn shěbude nǐ zǒu, yào cháng huílái kàn women. Really don’t want you to go, come back to visit us often.
舍不得 shěbude Verb to hate to part with 我们舍不得你回国。 Wǒmen shěbude nǐ huí guó. We don’t want you to return to your country.
同学 tóngxué Noun classmate 我汉语课的同学是美国人。 Wǒ Hànyǔ kè de tóngxué shì Měiguó rén. My classmate from Chinese class is an American.
xiǎng Verb to miss 他到中国去工作三年了,他的家人都很想他。 Tā dào Zhōngguó qù gōngzuò sān nián le, tā de jiārén dōu hěn xiǎng tā. He was working in China for 3 years, his family miss him a lot.
写信 xiě xìn Verb to write a letter 你回国以后要常写信给我。 Nǐ huí guó yǐhòu yào cháng xiěxìn gěi wǒ. You have to write me a letter more often when you are back home.
Verb to take (transportation) 从美国搭飞机到中国要十三个小时。 Cóng Měiguó dā fēijī dào Zhōngguó yào shí sān gè xiǎoshí. It takes thirteen hours from America to China by plane.
回来 huílái Verb to come back 已经很晚了,你妹妹怎么还没回来? Yǐjīng hěn wǎn le, nǐ mèimei zěnme háiméi huílái? It’s late, why is your younger sister not back yet?
天气 tiānqì Noun weather 今天天气不错,我们要不要一起出门去玩儿? Jīntiān tiānqì búcuò, wǒmen yào búyào yìqǐ chūmén qù wánr? Today’s weather is good, how about go out and play?
lěng Adj cold 今天外面很冷,早一点儿回来。 Jīntiān wàimiàn hěn lěng, zǎo yìdiǎnr huílái. It’s really cold outside, come back home early.
Adj hot 天气很热,我们去游泳吧! Tiānqì hěn rè, wǒmen qù yóuyǒng ba! It’s so hot, let’s go swimming.
滑雪 huáxuě Verb Object to ski 放假的时候,我都跟我的家人去日本滑雪。 Fàngjià de shíhou, wǒ dōu gēn wǒ de jiārén qù Rìběn huáxuě. During vacation time, I often go to Japan to ski with my family.
游泳 yóuyǒng Noun to swim 天气很热的时候,我们都喜欢去游泳。 Tiānqì hěn rè de shíhou, wǒmen dōu xǐhuan qù yóuyǒng. When it’s hot, we all like to go swimming.
下雪 xiàxuě Verb Object to snow 外面下雪了,真漂亮。 Wàimiàn xiàxuě le, zhēn piàoliang. It’s snowing outside, it’s very pretty.
舒服 shūfu Adj comfortable 今天的天气不冷也不热,很舒服。 Jīntiān de tiānqì bù lěng yě bú rè, hěn shūfu. Today is not so cold and not so warm. It’s comfortable.
suì Measure word year old 你是几岁开始学中文的? Nǐ shì jǐ suì kāishǐ xué Zhōngwén de? How old did you start to learn Chinese?
gāo Adj high;tall 你的家人都比你高吗? Nǐ de jiārén dōu bǐ nǐ gāo ma? Is your family all taller than you?
那么 nàme Conj so then… 为什么你的中文说得那么好? Wèishénme nǐ de zhōngwén shuō dé nàme hǎo? Why do you speak Chinese so well?
pàng Adj fat 哪个比较胖? Nǎge bǐjiào pàng? Which one is fatter?
ǎi Adj short 弟弟比较矮。 Dìdì bǐjiào ǎi. My younger brother is shorter.
shòu Adj thin 瘦的人健康吗? Shòu de rén jiànkāng ma? Are thin people healthy?
cháng Adj long 那条路不长。 Nà tiáo lù bù cháng. That road is not long.
头发 tóufà Noun hair 他的头发很长吗? Tā de tóufà hěn cháng ma? Is his hair very long?
医生 yīshēng Noun doctor 我今天不舒服,我想我得去看医生。 Wǒ jīntiān bù shūfu, wǒ xiǎng wǒ dĕi qù kàn yīshēng. I don’t feel well, I think I need to see a doctor.
生病 shēngbìng Verb Object to be sick 他生病了。所以今天不来上班。 Tā shēngbìng le, suǒyǐ jīntiān bù lái shàngbān. He is sick, so he will not come to work today.
看病 kànbìng Verb Object to see a doctor 我跟我妹妹今天都不舒服, 所以我们下午的时候就一起去看病了。 Wǒ gēn wǒ mèimei jīntiān dōu bù shūfu, suǒyǐ wǒmen xiàwǔ de shíhou jiù yìqǐ qù kànbìng le. My younger sister and I both don’t feel well, so we go to see a doctor in the afternoon together.
yào Noun medicine 这个药每天上午、中午、晚上都要吃一次。 Zhè gè yào měitiān shàngwǔ, zhōngwǔ, wǎnshàng dōu yào chī yícì. This medicine has to be taken once in the morning, noon and night.
身体 shēntǐ Noun body, health 我爸爸的身体不太好,所以他常常生病。 Wǒ bàba de shēntǐ bú tài hǎo, suǒyǐ tā cháng cháng shēngbìng. My dad’s health is in bad condition therefore he is often sick.
水果 shuǐguǒ Noun fruit 你生病要多吃点儿水果。 Nǐ shēngbìng yào duō chī diǎnr shuǐguǒ. When you are sick, you should eat more fruit.
蔬菜 shūcài Noun vegetables 谁都喜欢吃蔬菜水果。 Shéi dōu xǐhuan chī shūcài shuǐguǒ. Everyone likes to eat vegetables and fruit.
医院 yīyuàn Noun hospital 医院离我家不近,坐公交车要一小时。 Yīyuàn lí wǒ jiā bú jìn, zuò gōngjiāochē yào yì xiǎoshí. The hospital is not close to my house, it takes one hour by bus.
请假 qǐngjià Verb Object to take a leave 我们后天要去旅游,所以我要请假。 Wǒmen hòutiān yào qù lǚyóu,suǒyǐ wǒ yào qǐngjià. I’m going to travel for the day after tomorrow, so I need to take the day off.
Noun one, single 我有一个弟弟。 Wǒ yǒu yíge dìdì. I have a younger brother.
一点儿 yìdiǎnr Numeral a little bit, a bit 今天有一点儿累。 Jīntiān yǒu yìdiǎnr lèi. Today I’m a little tired
Numeral seven 这有七个人。 Zhè yǒu qī ge rén. There are seven people.
sān Numeral three 我每天喝三杯咖啡。 Wǒ měitiān hē sān bēi kāfēi. I drink three cups of coffee a day.
shàng Noun/Verb on, on top of 桌上有一本书。 Zhuō shàng yǒu yì běn shū. There is a book on the table.
xià Noun/Verb under, off, leave 窗下有一只猫。 Chuāng xià yǒu yì zhī māo. There is a cat under the window.
Adv do not 我不吃牛肉。 Wǒ bù chī niúròu. I do not eat beef.
jiǔ Numeral nine 我的爸爸有九个姐姐。 Wǒ de bàba yǒu jiǔ ge jiějiě. My dad has nine sisters.
le Adv past tense 这件衣服太贵了。 Zhè jiàn yīfu tài guìle. This piece of clothing is too expensive.
èr Numeral two 昨天星期二。 Zuótiān xīngqī ‘èr. Yesterday was Tuesday.
Numeral five 我家有五口人。 Wǒjiā yǒu wǔ kǒu rén. My family has five people.
rén Noun people, person 你是挪威人吗? Nǐ shì Nuówēi rén ma? Are you Norwegian?
什么 shénme Adj/Adv what 这是什么? Zhè shì shénme? What is this?
huì Verb to be able to, can do 我会说一点儿汉语。 Wǒ huì shuō yìdiǎnr hànyǔ. I can speak a little Chinese.
儿子 érzi Noun son 我的儿子叫王阳。 Wǒ de érzi jiào wáng yáng。 My son is called Wang Yang.
Numeral eight 我有八本中文书。 Wǒ yǒu bā běn zhōngwén shū. I have eight Chinese books.
liù Numeral six 中国人喜欢数字六。 Zhōngguó rén xǐhuan shùzì liù. Chinese people like the number six.
xiě Verb to write 我会写我的中文名字。 Wǒ huì xiě wǒ de zhōngwén míngzì. I can write my Chinese name.
Adj a few 你要几个苹果? Nǐ yào jǐ gè píngguǒ? How many apples do you want?
前面 qiánmiàn Noun front, frontside 我家前面是咖啡店。 Wǒjiā qiánmiàn shì kāfēi diàn. There’s a coffee shop in front of my house.
shí Numeral ten 一瓶水十元。 Yì píng shuǐ shí yuán. A bottle of water is ten yuan.
Verb to go 昨天我没去学校。 Zuótiān wǒ méi qù xuéxiào. Yesterday, I didn’t go to school.
hào Noun number 我的鞋是二十四号。 Wǒ de xié shì èrshísì hào. My shoes are size twenty-four.
后面 hòumiàn Adj behind, backside 学校后面是山。 Xuéxiào hòumiàn shì shān. There’s a mountain behind the school.
ma Question Particle Do you?Is that? 你好吗? Nǐ hǎo ma? How are you?
tīng Verb to listen, to hear 我喜欢听音乐。 Wǒ xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè. I like to listen to music.
ne Question Particle 我要喝咖啡,你呢? Wǒ yào hē kāfēi, nǐ ne? I want to drink coffee, how about you?
Question pronoun which 哪杯咖啡? Nǎ bēi kāfēi? Which cup of coffee?
哪儿 nǎ’er Adj/Adv where 你想把画挂在哪儿?我想把画挂在这儿。 Nǐ xiǎng bǎ huà guà zài nǎr?Wǒ xiǎng bǎ huà guà zài zhèr. Where do you want to hang the painting? I want to hang the painting here.
Noun four 中国人不喜欢数字四。 Zhōngguó rén bù xǐhuān shùzì sì. Chinese people do not like the number four.
huí Verb to go back, to return 我晚上九点回家。 Wǒ wǎnshàng jiǔ diǎn huí jiā. I go home at nine o’clock.
zài Adj/Adv in 我有时候会待在图书馆里看书。 Wǒ yǒu shíhou huì dāi zài túshūguǎn lǐ kànshū. Sometimes I will stay in the library and read books.
多少 duōshǎo Phrase How many 这个多少钱? Zhè gè duōshǎo qián? How much is this?
tài Adj too (as in too many) 这件衣服太贵了。 Zhè jiàn yīfú tài guìle. This piece of clothing is too expensive.
Pronoun she, her 她的手机很好。 Tā de shǒujī hěn hǎo. Her cell phone is very good.
Noun word, character 写汉字不太难。 Xiě hànzì bù tài nán. It’s not too difficult to write Chinese characters.
xiǎo Adj small 我要小杯的绿茶。 Wǒ yào xiǎo bēi de lǜchá. I want a small cup of green tea.
小姐 xiǎojiě Noun Miss, Ms. 张小姐,您好。 Zhāng xiǎojiě, nín hǎo. Hello, Miss Zhang.
工作 gōngzuò Noun/Verb work, to work, job 我的工作是医生。 Wǒ de gōngzuò shì yīshēng. I work as a doctor.
nián Noun year 今年是羊年。 Jīnnián shì yáng nián. This is the year of the sheep.
hěn Adj very, quite 我今天很累。 Wǒ jīntiān hěn lèi. I’m so tired today.
怎么样 zěnmeyàng Phrase how’s this? how is it? how about that? 今天晚餐吃牛肉,怎么样? Jīntiān wǎncān chī niúròu, zěnmeyàng? Let’s have beef for dinner tonight, shall we?
我们 wǒmen Pronoun we, us 我们是姐妹。 Wǒmen shì jiěmèi. We are sisters.
时候 shíhòu Phrase when (we were doing sth…), at the time 七月的时候,我去新加坡。 Qī yuè de shíhòu, wǒ qù xīnjiāpō. In July, I’ll go to Singapore.
yǒu Verb to have, to own 他有很多法国朋友。 Tā yǒu hěnduō Fǎguó péngyǒu. He has a lot of French friends.
běn Measure word measure word for books 这是一本旅游杂志。 Zhè shì yī běn lǚyóu zázhì. This is a travel magazine.
没有 méiyǒu Verb to not have, don’t have 我没有妹妹。 Wǒ méiyǒu mèimei. I don’t have a younger sister.
diǎn Noun point, o’clock 现在是五点十分。 Xiànzài shì wǔ diǎn shí fēn. It’s ten past five o’clock now.
电视 diànshì Noun television, TV 我家没电视。 Wǒjiā méi diànshì. My house doesn’t have a TV.
de Adj/Adv of, possessive, belonging to 她的名字是玛丽。 Tā de míngzi shì Mǎlì. Her name is Mary.
米饭 mǐfàn Noun rice 我喜欢吃米饭。 Wǒ xǐhuān chī mǐfàn. I like to eat rice.
苹果 píngguǒ Noun apple 我喜欢苹果口味的甜食。 Wǒ xǐhuan píngguǒ kǒuwèi de tiánshí. I like apple flavor sweets.
Verb to read 读中文书不太难。 Dú zhōngwén shū bù tài nán. It’s not too hard to read Chinese books.
zhè Adj this 这是我妈妈。 Zhè shì wǒ māmā. This is my mother.
dōu Adj/Adv all, every 他们都是我的朋友。 Tāmen dōu shì wǒ de péngyǒu. They are all my friends.
Adj in, inside 我的包里有一瓶水。 Wǒ de bāo li yǒuyī píng shuǐ. There’s a bottle of water in my bag.
饭店 fàndiàn Noun restaurant 这是一间新开的饭店。 Zhè shì yī jiàn xīn kāi de fàndiàn. This is a newly opened hotel.

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And it gets better…

Each of the core words you learn will familiarize you with up to 185 words you have never seen before. This means that focusing your efforts on learning the most common Chinese words you will be fluent in Chinese in no time.

How awesome is that?

Why do these words show up so often? Some of these 100 words are constantly used. For example, 了, 过, 的, 呢, etc., appear all the time in Chinese, in the same way that “a”, “the”, “of” are used in most English sentences.

These words are called particles (or function words). Chinese particles are the most popular Chinese words by frequency because they’re used together with all other words to play the grammatical role in a sentence. Without particles, it will be hard to get your meaning across, therefore, they are crucial to learn and understand.

While Chinese particles are good to know, they’re not the focus of this article. Truth is, they are not very helpful as “core words” because they’re more about grammar than the actual content of the sentence, and you have to use them with other words.

Instead, we are going to start you off with the real core words that’ll capture the most value when you get started on Chinese from scratch. These core words are simple Chinese words that are easy to remember, because you’ll see them and hear them everywhere, in all contexts.

Most Common Chinese Words – 101 Core Words

101 core Chinese words

Let me clarify, this is not meant to be the “generic word list for beginners”, or for HSK 1 test-takers, but rather the most common Chinese words to start with if you are studying by the word frequency method. You can combine what you learn in this article with basic Chinese words and phrases (e.g. greetings, survival phrases), and basic Chinese grammar for beginners.

The beginner’s trio will help you make sure you know all the words and phrases you’ll hear most often, all the words you want to say, and how to put together a complete Chinese sentence with them. You would be able to form a proper conversation naturally with this combination!

With that in mind, these 101 core Chinese words are the words you should learn now, whether you’re a beginner or intermediate Mandarin Chinese learner. They include the most common pronouns, nouns, measure words, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and conjunctions. Once you master these first 101, you can work on building up to 1,000 or even 10,000! 加油 Jia you! (Go! Go! Go!)

One more tip: If you haven’t yet, learn how to read Pinyin (Mandarin romanization) first. It will help you learn how to pronounce Chinese words properly and will make reading easier.

For ambitious learners looking to go beyond the most common 101 Chinese words, we’ve compiled a list of resources you can take advantage of. 

The 10 Core Chinese Pronouns

Chinese pronouns are important to know. They don’t change form according to whether they are the subject (doer of the action, e.g. “I”) or object (undergoer of the action, e.g. “me”).

Note while “he”, “she”, “it” (or “him”, “her”, “it”) are represented by different Chinese characters, they are pronounced in exactly the same way.

Chinese Pinyin English
I or me
他/她/它 he/she/it or him/her/it
我们 wǒmen we or me
你们 nǐmen you (plural)
他们 tāmen they or them
zhè this
这里 zhèli here
那里 nàli there

The 37 Core Chinese Nouns

most common Chinese nouns

What are the most useful Chinese nouns to learn? Obviously everyone has different words they say the most based on daily life. You should definitely take time to create your own list of words you often say, so you can memorize them. But, based on frequency lists, the following are the words you’ll most likely hear or use. Of course, nouns for people, place, and time top the list for usefulness in getting by.

Chinese Pinyin English
中国 Zhōngguó China
中文 Zhōngwén Chinese (language)
rén person or people
名字 míngzì name
妈妈 māma mom
爸爸 bàba dad
朋友 péngyǒu friend
孩子 háizi child
地方 dìfang place
家    jiā home or family
店    diàn shop
东西  dōngxi thing
qián money
工作  gōngzuò work
房子 fángzi house
房间 fángjiān room
chē car or vehicle
shuǐ water
茶  chá tea
饭  fàn rice or meal
电  diàn electricity
手机 shǒujī mobile phone
shū book
现在  xiànzài now
今天 jīntiān today
明天 míngtiān tomorrow
昨天 zuótiān yesterday
时间 shíjiān time
小时  xiǎoshí hour
分钟 fēnzhōng minute
nián year
yuè month
星期  xīngqī week
里面 lǐmiàn inside
外面  wàimiàn outside

The 2 Core Chinese Measure Words

The use of measure words is unique to the Chinese language. Simply put, they are the type of words you put between the number and the noun to count or quantify that noun (similar to “a cup of tea”, “two pieces of news”, three slices of bread”).

In Chinese, the system is more developed. Every single noun, regardless of whether it’s countable or uncountable, requires a measure word. This means you can’t simply say “a bank”, “two books” or “five cats”, you have to add a measure word in between.

There are more than one hundred measure words in Chinese used for different kinds of things, according to their shape, feature, or the category to which they belong (e.g. measure words for “bank”, “books”, “cats” are all different).

But don’t be intimidated by this system now. The good news is that you can get by just using the most common, general-purpose measure word 个 (gè). It may not be strictly correct (works about 1/3 of the time), but you’ll be understood.

Another important measure word you need to know now is 元 yuán (or 块 kuài in colloquial Chinese), the Chinese monetary unit, after all, money matters!

Chinese Pinyin English
generic measure word
元/块 yuán/kuài basic monetary unit of China

The 24 Core Chinese Verbs

most common Chinese verbs

With as little as 24 Chinese verbs, you can get by saying a lot. These most common, core verbs are versatile and super useful. Take the first word 做 (zuò) for example, this verb means “to do” on its own, but you can combine it with nouns like 饭 (fàn) – “meal” to create 做饭 (zuò fàn) – “cook meal”.

And the best part:

Chinese verbs don’t change form in any context. You simply learn the word as it is, without any need for extra memorization, as the notion of “conjugation” doesn’t exist in Chinese. Learn the verb 吃 (chī) – “eat”, and you’ll instantly know how to say “eat” in all contexts for all speakers: I 吃, you 吃, he 吃, she 吃, we 吃, you all 吃, and they 吃. 

Do you see how easy this is?

Chinese Pinyin English
zuò to do
shì to be
zài to be in
yǒu to have
lái to come
to go
huí to return
xiǎng to think
yào to want
chī to eat
to drink
shuō to speak or to say
kàn to look or to watch
tīng to listen
jiàn to meet
jiào to call
gěi to give
to hit or to play (certain sports)
mǎi to buy
dào to arrive
děng to wait
xué to learn
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
ài to love

The 20 Core Chinese Adjectives and Adverbs

Here are the most common Chinese adjectives and adverbs to add more description and color to your Chinese.

Take note of the first word, 好 (hǎo) – “good”. It’s probably the most versatile words you can find in Chinese. You’ll be surprised to find out that there are altogether 11 ways you can use 好 (hǎo) in everyday life, from greeting (you can combine it with the pronoun 你 nǐ – “you” to form 你好 nǐhǎo – “hello”) to describing tasty food (好吃 hǎochī), a melodious song (好听 hǎotīng) or an interesting movie (好看 hǎokàn), etc.

Chinese Pinyin English
好   hǎo good
坏  huài bad
xiǎo small
duō many
shǎo few
yuǎn far
jìn near
lěng cold
nán male
漂亮 piàoliang pretty
高兴 gāoxìng happy
有趣 yǒuqù interesting
hěn very
tài too…
dōu both or all
不/没 bù/méi not

The 8 Core Chinese Conjunctions

It’s always helpful to know how to connect your words or sentences with conjunctions. Just as in English, there are hundreds of conjunctions and transitional words in Chinese you can use to make your speech flow, but the following eight are the most common.

Don’t be shocked when you hear the last word 那个 (it can be both pronounced “nèige” and “nàge”, but “nèige” is more common). Trust me, this word has nothing to do with racism in Chinese – it’s just the most common filler word native speakers use when they find themselves at a loss for words or needing time to gather their thoughts. You’ll hear it all the time!

Chinese Pinyin English
但是 dànshì but
因为 yīnwèi because
所以 suǒyǐ so
如果 rúguǒ if
比如 bǐrú for example
然后 ránhòu and then
那个 nèige/nàge ummm… or weellll…

Master the Most Common Chinese Words and Improve Your Vocabulary

Congratulations! With the 101 core Chinese words under your belt, you can now understand about half of all Chinese words! Now you just need to get out there and speak! Force yourself to use these new words with native Chinese speakers and master them!

You could also level up your Chinese by learning about basic Chinese grammar rules, basic phrases and sentences, and Chinese numbers!

level up your Chinese

There are endless directions you can take for learning Chinese. Now that you’ve got the most common words, you can figure out what’s best for you and start applying it. From here, start learning vocabulary words that are most relevant to your own personal daily speech. Also, don’t forget to check out our Chinese Learning Channel for beginners, where there are tons of resources waiting for you!


to love; affection; to be fond of; to like 八

eight; 8 爸爸
bà ba

father (informal); CL:个[ge4] ,位[wei4] 杯子
bēi zi

cup; glass; CL:个[ge4] ,支[zhi1] 北京
běi jīng

Beijing; capital of People’s Republic of China; Peking; PRC government 本

origin; source; roots or stems of plants; this; the current; root; foundation; basis; classifier for books, periodicals, files etc; originally 不客气
bú kè qi

you’re welcome; it’s my pleasure (answer to someone who thanks) 不

not (negative prefix); no 菜

dish (type of food); vegetables; vegetable; cuisine; CL:盘[pan2] ,道[dao4] 茶

tea; tea plant; CL:杯[bei1] ,壶[hu2] 吃

to eat; to have one’s meal; to eradicate; to destroy; to absorb; to suffer; to exhaust 出租车
chū zū chē

taxi 打电话
dǎ diàn huà

to make a phone call 大

big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; oldest; eldest 的

of; structural particle: used before a noun, linking it to preceding possessive or descriptive attributive 点

a little; a bit; drop (of liquid); stain; spot; speck; jot; dot stroke (in Chinese characters); decimal point; point; mark (of degree or level); a place (with certain characteristics); iron bell; o’clock; some; (point) unit of measurement for type; to touch on briefly; to make clear; to light; to ignite; to kindle; period of time at night (24 minutes) (old); a drip; to dibble; classifier for small indeterminate quantities 电脑
diàn nǎo

computer; CL:台[tai2] 电视
diàn shì

television; TV; CL:台[tai2] ,个[ge4] 电影
diàn yǐng

movie; film; CL:部[bu4] ,幕[mu4] ,场[chang3] 东西
dōng xi

thing; stuff; person; CL:个[ge4] ,件[jian4] 都

all, both; entirely (due to) each; even; already 读

to read; to study; reading of word (i.e. pronunciation), similar to 拼音[pin1 yin1] 对不起
duì bu qǐ

I’m sorry; excuse me; pardon me; if you please; sorry? (please repeat); unworthy; to let down; 多

many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi- 多少
duō shǎo

how much; how many 儿子
ér zi

son 二

two; 2; stupid (Beijing dialect) 饭店
fàn diàn

restaurant; hotel; CL:家[jia1],個|个[ge4]; 飞机
fēi jī

airplane; CL: 架[jia4] 分钟
fēn zhōng

minute 高兴
gāo xìng

happy; glad; willing (to do sth); in a cheerful mood 个

classifier for people or objects in general; individual; this; that; size 工作
gōng zuò

job; work; construction; task; CL:个[ge4] ,份[fen4] ,项[xiang4] 狗

dog; CL:只[zhi1] ,条[tiao2] 汉语
hàn yǔ

Chinese language 好

good; well; proper; good to; easy to; very; so; (suffix indicating completion or readiness) 号

day of a month; (suffix used after) name of a ship; (ordinal) number 喝

to drink; to shout (a command) 和

and; together with; with; sum; union; peace; harmony; surname He 很

very; (adverb of degree); quite; awfully 后面
hòu miàn

rear; back; behind; later; afterwards 回

to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to circle; to revolve; Hui ethnic group; time; classifier for acts of a play; section or chapter (of a classic book) 会

can; be possible; be able to; will; be likely to; be sure to; to assemble; to meet; to gather; to see; union; group; association; a moment (Taiwan pr. for this sense is hui3) 几

how much; how many; several; a few 家

home; family; classifier for families or businesses; refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China; noun suffix for specialists in some activity such as musician or revolutionary, corresponds to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian; surname Jia; CL:个[ge4] 叫

to call; to shout; to order; to ask; to be called; by (indicates agent in the passive mood) 今天
jīn tiān

today; at the present 九

nine; 9 开

to open; to start; to turn on; to operate (vehicle) 看

to look at 看见
kàn jiàn

to see; to catch sight of 块

unit of currency; lump (of earth); chunk; piece; classifier for pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc; colloquial word for yuan (or other unit of currency such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc), usually as 块钱 来

to come; to arrive; to come round; ever since; next 老师
lǎo shī

teacher; CL:个[ge4] ,位[wei4] 了

(completed action marker); (modal particle intensifying preceding clause) 冷

cold 里

inside; lining; interior; internal 六

six; 6 吗

(question tag) 妈妈
mā ma

mum; mama; mommy; mother; CL:个[ge4] ,位[wei4] 买

to buy; to purchase 猫

cat; CL:只[zhi1] 没关系
méi guān xi

it doesn’t matter 没有
méi yǒu

haven’t; hasn’t; doesn’t exist; to not have; to not be; 米饭
mǐ fàn

(cooked) rice 名字
míng zi

name (of a person or thing); CL:个[ge4] 明天
míng tiān

tomorrow 哪

which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier); 哪儿
nǎ er

where?; wherever; anywhere 那

that; those; then (in that case); commonly pr. [nei4] before a classifier, esp. in Beijing; 呢

(question particle for subjects already mentioned) 能

to be able to; to be capable of; ability; capability; able; capable; can possibly; (usually used in the negative) to have the possibility of 你

you (informal) 年

year; CL:个[ge4] 女儿
nǚ ér

daughter 朋友
péng you

friend; CL:个[ge4] ,位[wei4] 漂亮
piào liang

pretty; beautiful 苹果
píng guǒ

apple; CL:个[ge4] ,颗[ke1] 七

seven; 7 前面
qián miàn

ahead; in front; preceding; above 钱

coin; money; CL:笔[bi3] 请

to ask; to invite; please (do sth); to treat (to a meal etc); to request 去

to go; to go to (a place); to cause to go or send (sb); to remove; to get rid of; (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth; to be apart from in space or time; (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker); (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation); (of a time or an event etc) just passed or elapsed 热

heat; to heat up; fervent; hot (of weather); warm up 人

man; person; people; CL:个[ge4] ,位[wei4] 认识
rèn shi

to know; to recognize; to be familiar with; acquainted with sth; knowledge; understanding; awareness; cognition 三

three; 3 商店
shāng diàn

store; shop; CL:家[jia1] ,个[ge4] 上

on 上午
shàng wǔ

morning; CL:个[ge4] 少

few; little; lack 谁

who; also pronounced shui2 什么
shén me

what?; who?; something; anything 十

ten; 10 时候
shí hou

time; length of time; moment; period 是

to be; yes 书

book; letter; CL:本[ben3] ,册[ce4] ,部[bu4]; see also Book of History 水

water; river; liquid; beverage 水果

fruit 睡觉
shuì jiào

to go to bed; to go to sleep 说

to speak; to say; to explain; to scold; to tell off; a theory (usually in compounds such as 日心说 heliocentric theory); 四

four; 4 岁

classifier for years (of age); year; year (of crop harvests) 他

he or him; (used for either sex when the sex is unknown or unimportant); (used before sb’s name for emphasis); (used as a meaningless mock object); other; another 她

she 太

too (much); very; extremely; highest; greatest 天气
tiān qì

weather 听

to listen; to hear; to obey; a can (loanword from English ‘tin’); classifier for canned beverages 同学
tóng xué

(fellow) classmate; CL:位[wei4] ,个[ge4] 喂

hello (interj., esp. on telephone); hey 我

I; me; my 我们
wǒ men

we; us; ourselves; our 五

five; 5 喜欢
xǐ huan

to like; to be fond of 下

down; downwards; below; lower; later; next (week etc); second (of two parts); to decline; to go down 下午
xià wǔ

afternoon; p.m.; CL:个[ge4] 下雨
xià yǔ

to rain; rainy 先生
xiān sheng

Mister (Mr.); husband; doctor (topolect); teacher; CL:个[ge4] ,位[wei4] 现在
xiàn zài

now; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays 想

to think; to believe; to suppose; to wish; to want; to miss 小

small; tiny; young 小姐
xiǎo jie

young lady; Miss; (slang) prostitute; CL:个[ge4] ,位[wei4] 些

some; few; several; (a measure word) 写

to write 谢谢
xiè xie

to thank; thanks 星期
xīng qī

week; CL:个[ge4] 学生
xué sheng

student; school child 学习
xué xí

to learn; to study 学校
xué xiào

school; CL:所[suo3] 一

one; 1; single; a (article); as soon as; entire; whole; all; throughout; ‘one’ radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 1) 一点儿
yī diǎn er

a little (bit) 医生
yī shēng

doctor; CL:个[ge4] ,位[wei4] ,名[ming2] 医院
yī yuàn

hospital; CL:所[suo3] ,家[jia1] ,座[zuo4] 衣服
yī fu

clothes; CL:件[jian4] ,套[tao4] 椅子
yǐ zi

chair; CL:把[ba3] ,套[tao4] 有

to have; there is; there are; to exist; to be 月

month; moon; CL:个[ge4] ,轮[lun2] 再见
zài jiàn

goodbye; see you again later 在

(located) at; (to be) in; to exist; in the middle of doing sth; (indicating an action in progress) 怎么
zěn me

how?; what?; why? 怎么样
zěn me yàng

how are things? how?; how about?; how was it? 这

this; these; (commonly pr. [zhei4] before a classifier, esp. in Beijing); 中国
zhōng guó

China; Middle Kingdom 中午
zhōng wǔ

noon; midday; CL:个[ge4] 住

to live; to dwell; to stay; to reside; to stop 桌子
zhuō zi

table; desk; CL:张[zhang1] ,套[tao4] 字

letter; character; word; symbol; CL:个[ge4] 昨天
zuó tiān

yesterday 做

to do; to make; to produce; to write; to compose; to act as; to engage in; to hold (a party); to be; to become; to function (in some capacity); to serve as; to be used for; to form (a bond or relationship); to pretend; to feign; to act a part; to put on appearance 坐

to sit; to take a seat; to take (a bus, airplane etc); to bear fruit

This is a list of the 1,000 most commonly spoken Chinese words. The top 100 words have audio pronunciations if available.

Number Chinese Word in English































32 知道

33 我的 My

35 你的












47 不是


49 Sample



53 我們



56 可以

57 Present

Sri Lanka






65 就是



68 With


71 如果









80 是的


82 先生


Do not

85 真的 Really



89 Instrument


When the
92 Core

94 西







101 不要 Must not
102 Some
103 不知道 Do not know
104 不能 Can not
105 Because
106 Feel
107 Hair
108 Image
109 Too
110 但是 But
111 Multi-
112 Fight
113 Machine
114 Come
115 好了 Well
116 Use
117 他的 His
118 Appeal
119 Moral
120 Call
121 什麼 What
122 TRUE
123 Dry
124 Heart
125 Go
126 Ratio
127 Dead
128 Hey
129 Out
130 Car
131 一下 About
132 In
133 好吧 Well
134 需要 Need
135 After
136 Mom
137 Wait
138 Long
139 And
140 Wrong
141 好的 Good
142 Between
143 And
144 Country
145 Start
146 Move
147 Kill
148 At
149 Seed
150 Raw
151 Return
152 Can
153 East
154 Seoul
155 Happy
156 很好 Well
157 他們 They
158 Enter
159 Ground
160 孩子 Children
161 Help
162 From
163 Look for
164 Nigeria
165 From
166 Under
167 Horse
168 With
169 Profit
170 所以 So
171 Close
172 Which
173 Negligent
174 Row
175 Home
176 Pull
177 Only
178 看到 See
179 Say
180 Hand
181 Law
182 Oh
183 Who
184 Head
185 No
186 Ah
187 工作 Work
188 可能 May
189 Salary
190 朋友 Friend
191 Please
192 Promise
193 Years
194 那些 Those
195 一個 A
196 一起 Together
197 However
198 Eat
199 Write
200 Band
201 地方 Local
202 沒有 No
203 有人 Some
204 Hi
205 看看 Look
206 自己 Oneself
207 一定 Certainly
208 事情 Thing
209 Scrap
210 希望 Hope
211 The
212 Aspx.
213 Sense
214 Gas
215 不想 Do not want to
216 Well
217 Real
218 Beginning
219 To
220 然后 Then
221 A
222 相信 Believe
223 Bear
224 今天 Today
225 A few
226 Title
227 Put
228 Let
229 Indeed
230 意思 Meaning
231 Become
232 所有 All
233 Happy
234 To
235 The
236 一切 Everything
237 Remember
238 抱歉 Sorry
239 一直 Has been
240 Day
241 Drawers
242 Money
243 Surface
244 More
245 Learn
246 現在 Now
247 Side
248 你們 You
249 不起 Can not afford to
250 Wait
251 Change
252 Quasi-
253 Check
254 A
255 Card
256 這個 This
257 在哪 Where
258 Fixed
259 Place
260 真是 Really
261 Insurance
262 想要 Want
263 Safe
264 And
265 Take
266 Love
267 爸爸 Father
268 Die
269 You
270 U.S.
271 非常 Very
272 Do
273 Ago
274 Grid
275 Field
276 Body
277 大家 Everyone
278 Yeah
279 System
280 After
281 Parent
282 明白 Understand
283 Equipment
284 Cloth
285 Meter
286 Grace
287 找到 Find
288 她的 Her
289 Old
290 Ai
291 Meaning
292 Door
293 La
294 Meter
295 This
296 Ask
297 上帝 God
298 Must
299 Not
300 等等 Etc.
301 Partner
302 Ha
303 Luo
304 Difficult
305 Both
306 一些 Some
307 這樣 So
308 From
309 女人 Woman
310 To
311 最好 The best
312 走了 Go
313 Sang
314 Threaten
315 Next
316 Reason
317 Plus
318 Gun
319 Ten thousand
320 Member
321 You
322 Play
323 Minute
324 Make
325 Pakistan
326 而且 And
327 Matter
328 Hurt
329 Official
330 Road
331 出去 Out
332 Force
333 Total
334 Person
335 First
336 Most
337 很多 Many
338 Treatment
339 一次 Once
340 Report
341 名字 Name
342 Will
343 Di
344 到了 To
345 Solution
346 New
347 Team
348 Knowledge
349 死了 Dead
350 Fly
351 Far
352 Body
353 任何 Any
354 生活 Life
355 Enough
356 Number
357 Orchid
358 Swiss
359 Reach
360 Or
361 Willing
362 Stem
363 Do not
364 Military
365 Positive
366 是不是 Is not
367 Certificate
368 不用 Need not
369 Three
370 Music
371 Lucky
372 男人 Man
373 告訴 Tell
374 Road
375 Do
376 可是 But
377 And
378 Secondary
379 Dog
380 Decide
381 Gold
382 History
383 Governess
384 Department
385 正在 Are
386 Live
387 Just
388 回家 Return home
389 Shellfish
390 如何 How
391 Must
392 War
393 不會 Will not
394 Husband
395 Feed
396 Father
397 Inferior
398 肯定 Sure
399 女孩 Girl
400 世界 World
401 Division
402 High
403 Li
404 Bad
405 Electricity
406 警察 Police
407 Item
408 Who
409 兄弟 Brothers
410 之前 Before
411 Talk
412 Send
413 Forest
414 He
415 以前 Previous
416 Room
417 Marriage
418 Drink
419 怎麼 How
420 今晚 Tonight
421 Interest
422 Crazy
423 因為 Because
424 Live
425 Within
426 Light
427 Approximately
428 Sound
429 或者 Or
430 不行 Not work
431 到底 In the end
432 Mine
433 Dimension
434 Article
435 明天 Tomorrow
436 不好 Bad
437 已經 Already
438 天啊 God
439 Rockwell
440 Protect
441 Tower
442 Transport
443 Meet
444 Ball
445 得到 Get
446 穿 Wear
447 Sound
448 From
449 For
450 去了 Go
451 Dan
452 Name
453 混蛋 Asshole
454 Ceremony
455 Dry
456 不了 Not
457 有些 Some
458 Cross
459 After
460 Strike
461 漂亮 Beautiful
462 God
463 多少 How much
464 Sea
465 Each
466 Brother
467 Teach
468 走吧 Go
469 好像 Like
470 Single
471 Public
472 Forest
473 Female
474 Busy
475 Fire
476 Bell
477 家伙 Guy
478 Branch
479 回去 Go back
480 最后 Last
481 Water
482 不管 Regardless of
483 Wheat
484 Diarrhea
485 Ghost
486 Also
487 Ship
488 Forever
489 安全 Security
490 那個 That
491 在一起 Together
492 回事 Going
493 Holy
494 還有 Also
495 小心 Careful
496 Month
497 Letter
498 Position
499 Draw
500 Accept
501 我喜 I am pleased to
502 Eph.
503 Exhausted
504 Yeah
505 Oh
506 Tuan
507 Fall
508 Book
509 其他 Other
510 Send
511 Scholar
512 Implement
513 Loose
514 Number
515 Light
516 Its
517 想我 Think I
518 Pole
519 Close
520 完全 Entirely
521 做了 Done
522 Shadow
523 Room
524 Be subject
525 Odd
526 Test
527 Dress
528 晚上 At night
529 Evil
530 Should
531 小姐 Miss
532 Whole
533 Strength
534 Industry
535 Class
536 Complex
537 Austrian
538 Dream
539 Once
540 Mouth
541 Recognize
542 如此 So
543 Dad
544 Photo
545 Outstanding
546 為什麼 Why
547 Enter
548 Sleep
549 都不 Not
550 Brain
551 Uh
552 Theory
553 Man
554 Point
555 General
556 第一 First
557 Through
558 Stick
559 线 Line
560 很高 High
561 Buy
562 Request
563 Bundle
564 Wow
565 Finger
566 Zhang
567 Culture
568 Zinc
569 Weight
570 Philippines
571 Eye
572 根本 Fundamental
573 Join
574 Red
575 Love
576 不到 Less than
577 這些 These
578 自己的 Own
579 Laugh
580 Close
581 Base
582 唯一 Unique
583 要是 If
584 Mention
585 Tune
586 Korea
587 女士 Ms.
588 School
589 公司 Company
590 Condition
591 Bother
592 Stop
593 Britain
594 Police
595 Risk
596 東西 Thing
597 不可能 Impossible
598 Sit
599 Area
600 Fruit
601 Main
602 謝謝 Thank you
603 應該 Should
604 Quiet
605 Bomb
606 Change
607 Wine
608 Lun
609 In
610 Flower
611 Continue
612 天哪 Gosh
613 這裡 Here
614 房子 House
615 What
616 By
617 Drug
618 With
619 早上 Morning
620 Wave
621 Get
622 Business
623 Original
624 Lose
625 Test
626 Years
627 Collectively
628 Oblique
629 拜托 Please
630 Run
631 不在 Absence
632 Harm
633 What
634 Day
635 Ni
636 Triumphant
637 衣服 Clothes
638 Rule
639 便 Then
640 Passenger
641 Discuss
642 好好 Good
643 They
644 覺得 Feel
645 谢谢 Thank you
646 Entrust
647 Game
648 Office
649 Color
650 Seoul
651 這麼 So
652 Full
653 Wind
654 Skin
655 Prestige
656 According to
657 Lu
658 Turn
659 Phase
660 Clothes
661 Festival
662 Dayton
663 了解 Understand
664 Root
665 Egg
666 Tight
667 Hemp
668 很快 Quickly
669 Tour
670 忘了 Forget
671 Wear
672 Shakespeare
673 故事 Story
674 Regard
675 真正 Real
676 Crab
677 Fee
678 By
679 Whole
680 Anti-
681 Word
682 Degree
683 甚至 Even
684 Bureau
685 Mo
686 Life
687 Language
688 Sex
689 Often
690 Levin
691 之后 After
692 可不 From time to
693 Mother
694 留下 Stay
695 Outside
696 When the
697 This
698 Shock
699 Bo
700 Mouth
701 一樣 Equally
702 害怕 Be afraid
703 杰克 Jack
704 Welcome
705 Absolutely
706 開始 Start
707 生命 Life
708 King
709 Help
710 Joe
711 Justice
712 回到 Back to
713 Save
714 清楚 Clear
715 Cold
716 原因 Reason
717 But
718 Pay
719 Tube
720 Mad
721 Early
722 一天 One day
723 Exceed
724 怀 Bosom
725 使 Make
726 Break
727 Play
728 外面 Outside
729 Four
730 Floor
731 另一 Another
732 玩笑 Joke
733 好啊 Well
734 In
735 Hospital
736 Air
737 Na
738 Will
739 下去 Go on
740 Pass
741 時間 Time
742 感到 Feel
743 Understand
744 Blood
745 失去 Lose
746 End
747 還是 Or
748 Price
749 Package
750 Face
751 Responsibility
752 你自己 Yourself
753 回來 Come back
754 Song
755 Star
756 Right
757 Technique
758 Show
759 Fortunately
760 Cross
761 不同 Different
762 Clever
763 Follow
764 Ascend
765 Class
766 Two
767 Record
768 武器 Weapon
769 Hot
770 才能 Ability
771 當然 Of course
772 Night
773 晚安 Good night
774 成功 Success
775 Not
776 Participate
777 Tile
778 Rice
779 Kill
780 Handkerchief
781 To be
782 是否 Whether
783 Le
784 Shoot
785 Table
786 Guard
787 太太 Wife
788 接受 Accepted
789 Jump
790 Elephant
791 Spirit
792 真不 I really do not
793 Break
794 夫人 Mrs.
795 Exercise
796 Promise
797 Bodhisattva
798 Sell
799 Selected
800 注意 Note
801 不過 But
802 Guess
803 Blessing
804 打算 Plan
805 Suitable
806 Danger
807 Even
808 Fear
809 Of
810 不需要 Do not need to
811 Fight
812 Then
813 Prison
814 More
815 小子 Brat
816 有趣 Interesting
817 喜歡 Like
818 the the
819 在做 Doing
820 那麼 Then
821 Please
822 Five
823 Mark
824 Painting
825 身上 Body
826 以后 After
827 至少 At least
828 Inferior
829 Take off
830 消息 News
831 不喜 Do not like
832 Block
833 快走 Brisk walking
834 With
835 各位 Everybody
836 Count
837 問題 Problem
838 沒事 All right
839 Guide
840 State
841 老兄 Brother
842 Catch
843 On behalf of
844 Mongolian
845 抓住 Catch
846 Mountain
847 Beat
848 Sand
849 妻子 Wife
850 Independent
851 眼睛 Eye
852 Black
853 China
854 放在 On the
855 City
856 的時候 When
857 Station
858 小孩 Child
859 住在 Lives in
860 咖啡 Coffee
861 Change
862 才是 Is
863 Yu
864 Week
865 控制 Control
866 Speech
867 Dare
868 Win
869 Half
870 White
871 Release
872 能不能 Can
873 生了 Health
874 而已 Nothing more
875 Map
876 That
877 Strange
878 字幕 Subtitle
879 對不起 I am sorry
880 去看 To see
881 像是 Like
882 保持 Keeping
883 For
884 Worship
885 一件 A
886 Money
887 想知道 Want to know
888 Time
889 Speak
890 新的 New
891 Hope
892 Fry
893 Choose
894 Know
895 說的 Said
896 Code
897 Play
898 Stopper
899 Touch
900 放下 Put down
901 Calendar
902 Foot
903 Wire
904 Less
905 Work
906 Close
907 Fish
908 Test
909 不再 No longer
910 Check
911 Cheat
912 必須 Must
913 a a
914 自由 Free
915 Cup
916 Shop
917 Complete
918 Chase
919 Occasion
920 Yield
921 想到 Think
922 Income
923 Explore
924 直到 Until
925 Cool
926 Random
927 Capital
928 Ruin
929 要求 Claim
930 Urgent
931 Mary
932 Square
933 完成 Complete
934 照片 Photo
935 收到 Receive
936 所有人 Everyone
937 博士 Doctor
938 媽媽 Mom
939 you you
940 父母 Parents
941 奇怪 Strange
942 男孩 Boy
943 Attack
944 Shop
945 Angstrom
946 多久 How long
947 Red
948 太多 Too
949 We
950 Eye
951 媽的 Damn
952 第一次 First
953 離開 Leave
954 Forget
955 我自己 Myself
956 Harmonious
957 Strict
958 And
959 Band
960 Rush
961 太棒 Great
962 Buddha
963 Straight
964 認為 Think
965 老婆 Wife
966 Search
967 除了 In addition to
968 By Order of the
969 Thai
970 Build
971 Europe
972 然後 Then
973 Level
974 昨晚 Last night
975 Stone
976 有了 With
977 都有 Have
978 Clams
979 Poor
980 Think
981 What
982 過來 Come
983 努力 Strive
984 丈夫 Husband
985 任何人 Anyone
986 城市 City
987 死亡 Death
988 全部 Whole
989 Group
990 i i
991 也許 Perhaps
992 最近 Recently
993 Inverted
994 Collar
995 Gu
996 City
997 Six
998 行了 The line
999 Roll
1000 好嗎 Okay

More Languages

Note: The words on this list are ranked in order of frequency used in subtitles (from You can download more extensive word lists here. The translations are from Google Translate (please be aware that the translations can be rough as they do not consider context!) and the audio is provided by these users of forvo.

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Academic Vocabulary

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
School 学校 xuéxiào
Classroom 教室 jiàoshì
Student 学生 xuéshēng
Teacher 老师 lǎoshī
Textbook 课本 kèběn
Homework 作业 zuòyè
Quiz 测验 cèyàn
Exam 考试 kǎoshì
History 历史学 lìshǐ xué
Geography 地理学 dì lǐ xué


See our full list of academic vocabulary.

Chinese Vocabulary: Alcohol

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Beer 啤酒 píjiǔ
Baijiu 白酒 bái jiǔ
Wine 葡萄酒 pú táo jiǔ
Red Wine 红酒 hóngjiǔ
White Wine 白葡萄酒 bái pútáojiǔ
Sparkling Wine 气泡酒 qìpào jiǔ
Champagne 香槟酒 xiāng bīn jiǔ
Vodka 伏特加 fú tè jiā
Whiskey 威士忌 wēi shì jì
Gin 劲酒 jìn jiǔ


Discover more alcohol in Chinese.

Allergies in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Allergic 过敏 guò mǐn
Bless You 一百岁 yī bǎi suì
Hay Fever 花粉症 huāfěn zhèng
Pollen 花粉 huā fěn
Spring 春天 chūn tiān

Learn more about allergies in Chinese

Animals in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Animal 动物 dòng wù
Dog gǒu
Dragon lóng
Dolphin 海豚 hǎi tún
Snake shé
Cow niú
Rat shǔ
Rabbit 兔子 tù zǐ


Find all the animals in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary: Body Parts

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Body 身体 shēn tǐ
Head tóu
Face liǎn
Mouth zuǐ
Chest xiōng
Back bèi
Arm 胳膊 gē bo
Hand shǒu
Leg tuǐ
Feet 脚底 jiǎodǐ

Discover all the body parts in Chinese.

Chess in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Chess (International) 国际象棋 guó jì xiàng qí
Chinese Chess 象棋 xiàngqí
Chess Piece 棋子 qízǐ
Chess Player 棋手 qí shǒu
Chess Board 棋盘 qí pán
White Piece 白棋 bái qí
Black Piece 黑棋 hēi qí
Pawn 兵, 卒 bīng, zú
Queen hòu
King wáng

Learn more about Chess in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Clothes

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Trousers 裤子 kù zi
Jeans 牛仔裤 niú zǎi kù
Shorts 短裤 duǎn kù
Dress 连衣裙 liányīqún
Skirt 裙子 qún zi
T-shirt T恤 T xù
Jumper 毛衣 máo yī
Suit 西装 xī zhuāng
Shoe xié
Socks 袜子 wàzi

Discover all the clothes in Chinese.

Coffee in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Coffee 咖啡 kāfēi
Latte 拿铁 nátiě
Cappuccino 卡布基诺 kǎbùjīnuò
Americano 美式咖啡 měishì Kāfēi
Espresso 浓缩咖啡 nóngsuō kāfēi
Hot 热的 rè de
Cold 冰的 bīng de
Milk 牛奶 niúnǎi
Sugar táng
Caramel 焦糖 jiāo táng


Find more ways to order coffee in Chinese.

Colours in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Black 黑色 hēi sè
White 白色 bái sè
Red 红色 hóng sè
Pink 粉色 fěn sè
Green 绿色 lǜ sè
Yellow 黄色 huáng sè
Blue 蓝色 lán sè
Purple 紫色 zǐ sè
Gray 灰色 huī sè
Gold 金色 jīn sè


Learn all the colours in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Directions

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Left 左边 zuǒ biān
Right 右边 yòu biān
Go straight 直走 zhí zǒu
Go backwards 向后走 xiàng hòu zǒu
Up 向上 xiàng shàng
Down 向下 xiàng xià
Over 通过 guò
Through 通过 tōng guò
Stop tíng
North běi


See our full list of directions in Chinese.

Dog Breeds in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Dog gǒu
Paw 爪 zhuǎ zhuǎ
Snout 口鼻部 kǒu bí bù
Tail 尾巴 wěi ba
To Bite 咬人 yǎo rén
To Sniff wén
To Bark fèi
Bulldog 牛头 niú tóu
Poodle 贵宾 guì bīn
Sheepdog 牧羊 mù yáng

Discover more dog breeds in Chinese.

Easter in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Easter 复活节 fùhuó jié
Happy Easter 复活节快乐 fùhuó jié kuàilè
Easter Bunny 复活节兔子 fùhuó jié tùzǐ
Easter Egg 彩蛋 cǎidàn
Easter Egg Hunt 寻找彩蛋 xúnzhǎo cǎidàn
Hot Cross Buns 十字餐包 shízì cān bāo
chocolate 巧克力 qiǎokèlì
decorations 装饰 zhuāngshì
lambs 羊羔 yánggāo
chicks 小鸡 xiǎo jī

Learn more about Easter in Chinese.

Eggs in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Chicken 鸡蛋 jī dàn
Duck 鸭子蛋 yā zi dàn
Emu 鸸鹋蛋 ér miáo dàn
Baked Egg 烘蛋 hōng dàn
Boiled Egg 水煮蛋 shuǐ zhǔ dàn
Fried Egg 煎鸡蛋 jiān jīdàn
Omelette 煎蛋卷 jiān dàn juǎn
Poached egg 荷包蛋 hébāodàn
Scrambled Egg 炒蛋 chǎo dàn
Yolk 蛋黄 dàn huáng

Get all the eggs in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Elections

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Democratic Party 民主党 mínzhǔdǎng
Republican Party 共和党 gònghédǎng
Libertarian Party 自由意志党 zìyóu yìzhì dǎng
Green Party 绿党 lǜdǎng
Constitution Party 宪法党 xiànfǎ dǎng
Politics 政治 zhèngzhì
Democracy 民主 mínzhǔ
Presidential Debate 总统辩论 zǒngtǒng biànlùn
Voting 投票 tóupiào
Nominate 提名 tímíng

Get more on elections in Chinese.

Encouragement in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Congratulations to you! 恭喜你 gōng xǐ nǐ
I’m happy for you! 我都替你高兴 wǒ dōu tì nǐ gāo xìng
I am so happy for you! 我真为你高兴 wǒ zhēn wèi nǐ gāoxìng
Well done! 干得好 gàn dé hǎo
Excellent! 太棒了 tài bàng le
You are awesome! 你真棒 nǐ zhēn bàng
Amazing! 了不起 liǎo bù qǐ!
You are so great! 你太厉害了 tài lì hai le
Don’t give up! 不要放弃 bù yào fàng qì
You can do it! 你可以的 nǐ kěyǐ de

Get all the encouragement in Chinese.

Feelings in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Excited 兴奋 xīngfèn
Grateful 感激的 gǎnjīde
Brave 勇敢 yǒnggǎn
Carefree 无忧无虑 wú yōu wú lǜ
Angry 生气 shēngqì
Annoyed 恼火 nǎo huǒ
Anxious 焦虑 jiāo lǜ
Bored 厌烦 yàn fán
Competitive 有竞争力 yǒu jìngzhēng lì
Hungry 饿 è

Learn all the feelings in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Fish

Vocabulary Charachters Pinyin
Bream 鳊鱼 biān yú
Catfish 鲶鱼 nián yú
Crab 螃蟹 páng xiè
Flounder 比目鱼 bǐ mù yú
Jellyfish 海蜇 hǎi zhé
Lobster 小龙虾 xiǎo lóng xiā
Octopus 章鱼 zhāng yú
Piranha 食人鱼 shí rén yú
Salmon 鲑鱼 guī yú
Tuna 金枪鱼 jīn qiāng yú

Get more Fish in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary: Fruit

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Apple 苹果 píng guǒ
Avocado 牛油果 niú yóu guǒ
Banana 香蕉 xiāng jiāo
Blueberry 蓝莓 lán méi
Coconut 椰子 yē zi
Grape 葡萄 pú táo
Grapefruit 柚子 yòu zi
Lemon 柠檬 níng méng
Lime 酸橙 suān chéng
Mango 芒果 máng guǒ


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Furniture in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Table 桌子 zhuō zi
Chair 椅子 yǐ zi
Bed chuáng
Couch 沙发 shā fā
Mirror 镜子 jìng zi
Carpet 地毯 dìtǎn
Fireplace 壁炉 bì lú
Wallpaper 墙纸 qiáng zhǐ
Blinds 百叶窗 bǎi yè chuāng
Table lamp 台灯 tái dēng

See our full list of furniture in Chinese.

Hello in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Hello (Standard) 你好 nǐ hǎo
Hello (Polite) 您好 nín hǎo
How are you? 你好吗 nǐ hǎo ma
How are you? (Polite) 您好吗 nín hǎo ma
what’s up? 你怎么样 nǐ zěnmeyàng
nice to meet you 幸会 xìnghuì
(Very formal greeting) 久仰 jiǔyǎng
Morning! zǎo
Have you eaten? 你吃了吗 nǐ chī le ma
Hello (answering phone) wèi


Find more ways to say hello in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: The House

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
House jiā
Basement 地下室 dìxià shì
Bathroom 洗手间 xǐshou jiān
Dining Room 餐厅 cāntīng
Bedroom 卧室 wòshì
Kitchen 厨房 chúfáng
Office 办公室 bàngōngshì
Downstairs 楼下 lóuxià
Upstairs 楼上 lóushang
Toilet 卫生间 wèishēng jiān

Get all the vocabulary for a house in Chinese.

Instruments in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Guitar 吉他 jítā
Cello 大提琴 dàtíqín
Violin 小提琴 xiǎotíqín
Harp 竖琴 shùqín
Piano 钢琴 gāngqín
Xylophone 木琴 mùqín
Trumpet 喇叭 lǎbā
Trombone 长号 cháng hào
Flute 长笛 chángdí


Discover all the instruments in Chinese.

Jewellery in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Ring 戒指 jièzhi
Necklace 项链 xiàngliàn
Bracelet 手链 shǒuliàn
Earrings 耳环 ěrhuán
Nose ring 鼻环 bíhuán
Gold 黄金 huángjīn
Silver yín
Diamond 钻石 zuànshí
Tiffany & Co 蒂芙尼 dìfúní
Pandora 潘多拉 pānduōlā

Find more jewellery in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Makeup

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Face liǎn
Forehead 额头 é’tóu
Eyebrows 眉毛 méimáo
Foundation 粉底 fěndǐ
Bronzing powder 古铜粉 gǔ tóng fěn
Highlighter 高光 gāoguāng
Contour 修容 xiū róng
Concealer 遮瑕膏 zhēxiá gāo
Blush 腮红 sāihóng
Eye shadow 眼影 yǎnyǐng

Learn all the makeup in Chinese.

Maths in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Number 数字 shù zì
Odd 奇数的 jī shù de
Even 偶数的 ǒu shù de
Plus/Add 加法 jiā fǎ
One Half (1/2) 二分之一 èrfēn zhīyī
One Third (1/3) 三分之一 sānfēn zhīyī
One Quarter (1/4) 四分之一 sìfēn zhīyī
Arithmetic 算术 suàn shù
Algebra 代数 dài shù
Calculus 微积分 wēi jī fēn


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Chinese Vocabulary: Measure Words

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
flat things (paper) zhāng
books běn
glasses or cups bēi
bottles píng
clothing, presents or problems jiàn
families or business jiā
animals zhī
vehicles with wheels liàng
A pair of (something) shuāng

See our full list of measure words.

Measurements in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
milligram 毫克 háo kè
kilogram 公斤 gōng jīn
ton dūn
length cháng
centimetre 厘米 lí mǐ
kilometre 公里 gōng lǐ
litre shēng
hectare 公顷 gōng qǐng

Discover more measurements in Chinese.

Mobile Phone (settings) in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
SIM card SIM 卡 sim kǎ
Battery 电池 diàn chí
Button 按钮 àn niǔ
Charger 充电器 chōng diàn qì
Contacts 电话簿 diàn huà bù
WiFi 无线 wú xiàn
Notification 通知 tōng zhī
Email 邮件 yóu jiàn
WeChat 微信 wēi xìn
Camera 相机 xiàng jī

Learn more about your phone in Chinese.

Money in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
money qián
coin 硬币 yìngbì
debt 债务 zhài wù
bank 银行 yín háng
credit card 信用卡 xìn yòng kǎ
price 价钱 jià qian
to pay
give change 零钱 líng qián
ATM 自动取款机 zì dòng qǔ kuǎn jī
exchange rate 汇率 huì lǜ


Get all the money in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Numbers

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
0 líng
2 èr
3 sān
10 shí
99 九十九 jiǔ shí jiǔ
100 一百 yì bǎi
Year nián
month yuè

Discover all the numbers in Chinese.

Occupations in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Job 工作 gōngzuò
Accountant 会计 kuài jì
Designer 设计师 shè jì shī
Lawyer 律师 lǜ shī
Beautician 美容师 měi róng shī
Doctor 医生 yī shēng
Hairdresser 理发师 lǐ fà shī
Artist 艺术家 yì shù jiā
Farmer 农民 nóngmín
Teacher 老师 lǎo shī
Fireman in Mandarin


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Olympics in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Olympic Games 奥运会 ào yùn huì
Olympic Torch 奥运会的圣火 àoyùnhuì de shènghuǒ
The Olympic Flag 奥运会会旗 àoyùnhuìhuìqí
Opening Ceremony 奥运会开幕式 àoyùnhuì kāimù shì
Swimming 游泳 yóuyǒng
Athletics 田径 tiánjìng
Cycling 自行车 zìxíngchē
Gold medal 金牌 jīnpái
Athlete 运动员 yùndòngyuán
Paralympic Games 残奥会 cán ào huì

Archery in Mandarin

Learn all the vocabulary for the Olympics in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Opposites

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Rich 富有 fù yǒu
Poor 贫穷 pín qióng
Sick 生病 shēng bìng
Healthy 健康 jiàn kāng
Small xiǎo
Fast kuài
Slow màn
Happy 快乐 kuài lè
Sad 伤心 shāngxīn
Hot VS Cold
Hot VS Cold
First VS Last
First VS Last

Get more opposites in Chinese.

Places in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
France 法国 fà guó
America 美国 měi guó
Brazil 巴西 bā xī
Egypt 埃及 āi jí
South Africa 南非 nán fēi
Japan 日本 rì běn
India 印度 yìn dù
Phuket 普吉岛 pǔ jí dǎo
London 伦敦 lún dūn
New York 纽约 niǔ yuē


See our full list of places in Chinese.

Plants in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Daisy 雏菊花 chújú huā
Cactus 仙人掌 xiānrénzhǎng
Rose 玫瑰 méiguī
Sunflower 向日葵 xiàngrìkuí
Lavender 薰衣草 xūnyīcǎo
Lotus 莲花 liánhuā
Iris 鸢尾花 yuānwěi huā
Orchid 兰花 lánhuā
Lily 百合 bǎihé
Bamboo 竹子 zhúzi
Cactus in Mandarin

Daisy in Mandarin

Discover more plants in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Questions

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Who shéi
What 什么 shén me
Why 为什么 wèi shén me
Where 哪里 nǎ lǐ
Which 哪个 nǎ ge
When 什么时候 shén me shí hou
How 怎么 zěn me
What’s your name? 您叫什么名字 nín jiào shénme míngzi?
Where do you live? 您住在哪里? nín zhù zài nǎ lǐ?
Do you like China? 您喜欢中国吗? nín xǐ huan zhōng guó ma?

Find all the questions in Chinese.

Days, Months and Seasons in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Monday 星期一 xīng qī yī
Sunday 星期天 xīng qī tiān
January 一月 yī yuè
December 十二月 shí èr yuè
Summer 夏天 xià tiān
Winter 冬天 dōng tiān
Morning 早晨 zǎo chén
Night 夜晚 yè wǎn
Today 今天 jīn tiān
Tomorrow 明天 míng tiān

Learn more days months and seasons in Chinese.

Shapes in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Shape 形状 xíng zhuàng
Triangle 三角形 sān jiǎo xíng
Square 方形 fāng xíng
Circle 圆形 yuán xíng
Rectangle 矩形 jǔ xíng
Pentagon 五角形 wǔjiǎoxíng
Octagon 八角形 bā jiǎoxíng
Sphere 球形 qiú xíng
Cone 锥体 zhuī tǐ
Cube 立方体 lì fāng tǐ


Get all the shapes in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Shopping

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Appliances 家电 jiādiàn
Home 居家 jūjiā
Digital 数码 shùmǎ
Cars 汽车 qìchē
Toys 玩具 wánjù
Entertainment 娱乐 yúlè
Beauty 美妆 měi zhuāng
Personal care 个护 gè hù
Jewellery 饰品 shìpǐn
Furniture 家具 jiājù

Discover all the shopping in Chinese.

Shower in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
To bathe 洗澡 xǐzǎo
To shower 淋浴 línyù
Shampoo 洗发水 xǐfàshuǐ
Conditioner 护发素 hùfàsù
Body Wash 沐浴露 mùyùlù
Hair dryer 吹风机 chuīfēngjī
Towel 毛巾 máojīn
Face wash 洗面奶 xǐmiànnǎi
Moisturizer 护肤霜 hùfūshuāng
Soap 肥皂 féizào

Find more vocabulary for the shower in Chinese.

Space in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Sun 太阳 tài yáng
Mercury 水星 shuǐ xīng
Venus 金星 jīn xīng
Earth 地球 dì qiú
Space 太空 tài kōng
Asteroid 小行星 xiǎo xíng xīng
Black Hole 黑洞 hēi dòng
Comet 彗星 huì xīng
Galaxy 银河系 yín hé xì
Moon 月亮 yuè liang

Asteroid in Mandarin

Learn all about space in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Sports

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Fan 球迷 qiú mí
Match 球赛 qiú sài
Table Tennis 乒乓球 pīngpāng qiú
Basketball 篮球 lánqiú
Cricket 板球 bǎn qiú
Football 足球 zúqiú
Run 跑步 pǎobù
Swim 游泳 yóu yǒng
Skiing 滑雪 huáxuě
Boxing 拳击 quánjí


Get more sports in Chinese.

Stationery in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Pencil 铅笔 qiānbǐ
School Bag 书包 shūbāo
Calculator 计算器 jìsuànqì
Eraser 橡皮 xiàngpí
Pencil Sharpener 转笔刀 zhuànbǐdāo
Scissors 剪刀 jiǎndāo
Sticky Tape 胶带 jiāodài
Paperclip 曲别针 qūbiézhēn
Stapler 订书机 dìngshūjī


See our full list of stationery in Chinese.

Subway (sandwiches) in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Subway 赛百味 sài bǎiwèi
Bread 面包 miàn bāo
6 Inch 6寸的 liù cùn de
Footlong 12寸的 shíèr cùn de
Veggie Delight 缤纷蔬菜 bīnfēn shūcài
Ham and Chinese 西式火腿 xīshì huǒtuǐ
Lettuce 生菜 shēng cài
Tomato 生菜 shēng cài
Honey Mustard 蜜汁芥末酱 mì zhī jiè mò jiàng
Mayonnaise 蛋黄酱 dàn huáng jiàng


Discover more about ordering a Subway in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Superheroes

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Superhero 超级英雄 chāo jí yīng xióng
Spiderman 蜘蛛侠 zhīzhū xiá
Superman 超人 chāorén
Batman 蝙蝠侠 biānfúxiá
Joker 小丑 xiǎochǒu
Wonder Woman 神奇女侠 shénqí nǚxiá
Green Lantern 绿灯侠 lǜdēng xiá
Thor 雷神托尔 léi shén tuō ěr
Captain America 美国队长 měiguó duì zhǎng
Iron Man 钢铁侠 gāngtiě xiá

Find all the superheroes in Chinese.

Therapy in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Therapy 治疗 zhìliáo
Therapist 治疗师 zhìliáo shī
Psychology 心理学 xīnlǐ xué
Speech Therapy 言语干预 yán yǔ gān yù
Occupational Therapy 职能辅导 zhí néng fǔ dǎo
Behavioural Therapy 行为辅导 xíng wéi fǔ dǎo
Physiotherapy 物理疗法 wùlǐ liáofǎ
Therapy Dog 治疗狗 zhìliáo gǒu
Assessment 评估 píng gū
Behaviour 行为 xíng wéi

Learn more about therapy in Chinese.

Time in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Clock 时钟 shí zhōng
1 O’Clock 一点 yī diǎn
Hour 小时 xiǎo shí
Minute 分钟 fēn zhōng
Second miǎo
Morning 早上 zǎo shang
Today 今天 jīntiān
Yesterday 昨天 zuótiān
Tomorrow 明天 míngtiān
Wednesday 星期三 xīngqī sān

Get all the time in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary: Transport

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Transport 交通运输 jiāotōng yùnshū
Ambulance 救护车 jiùhù chē
Bicycle 自行车 zìxíng chē
Bus 公共汽车 gōnggòng qìchē
Car chē
Motorbike 摩托车 mótuō chē
Taxi 出租车 chūzū chē
Tram 电车 diànchē
Van 面包车 miànbāo chē
Helicopter 直升机 zhíshēng jī


Discover more ways to talk about transportation in Chinese.

Vegetables in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Asparagus 芦笋 lú sǔn
Broccoli 西兰花 xī lán hu
Cabbage 卷心菜 juǎnxīncài
Carrot 胡萝卜 hú luó bo
Cauliflower 菜花 cài huā
Celery 芹菜 qín cài
Cucumber 黄瓜 huáng guā
Eggplant 茄子 qié zi
Garlic 大蒜 dà suàn
Mushrooms 蘑菇 mó gu


Find more vegetables in Chinese.

Verbs in Chinese

Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Agree 同意 tóng yì
Answer 回答 huí dá
Cook 做饭 zuò fàn
Find 找到 zhǎo dào
Give gěi
Have yǒu
Hear 听见 tīng jiàn
Laugh xiào

Learn all the verbs in Chinese.

Viruses in Chinese

Chinese Vocabulary Characters Pinyin
Hospital 医院 yīyuàn
Doctor 医生 yīshēng
Nurse 护士 hùshì
Pharmacy 药店 yàodiàn
Pharmacist 药剂师 yàojì shī
Medicine yào
Symptom 症状 zhèngzhuàng
Unwell 不舒服 bù shūfu
Fever 发烧 fā shāo zhuangzheng
Headache 头疼 tóuténg

Find out how to talk about viruses in Chinese.

Chinese Vocabulary Quiz

Ready to test yourself? 100 questions all relating to what we taught you above.

Strap in, buckle up… and see how good your Chinese Vocabulary really is…!

BONUS CONTENT | Interested in other languages too? Why not check out our list of the 100 most common Korean words to learn and the most commonly used Kanji in Japanese too.

Chinese Vocabulary – FAQ’s

How can I improve my Chinese vocabulary?

Some ways to improve your Chinese vocabulary is to use personal images while studying the new vocab.

For example, learn dog (狗 gǒu) while looking at an image of your dog.

Next recall what you have previously learnt (not review), recalling information will help kick your brain into gear.

Finally, try using a spaced repetition system to review words right at the moment you’re about to forget them!

What are the basic Chinese words?

The fundamentals of basic Chinese words can all be found in HSK 1 and 2.

After passing HSK 2 you would be able to communicate in simple and routine tasks.

This would include very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment and more. Discover all the levels of the HSK levels and the Chinese words in each category.

How do you say vocabulary in Chinese?

Vocabulary in Chinese is: 词汇 cíhuì

Can I learn Chinese online?


There are plenty of resources to learn Chinese online. However one of the best ways to ensure you are pronouncing the Chinese tones correctly is to get immediate feedback from an online Chinese tutor.

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  1. […] being in here I have been doing some Chinese practice, just learning vocab through the app Memrise. However, for other people I think Chinese classes might be a really good […]

  2. Really really good list, best I’ve seen yet, cheers

    1. Thanks a lot Brian, took some time, but all worth it!

  3. Love it! Any downloadable PDFs?

  4. Fantastico

    1. 😎

  5. Awesome compilation! Thanks. Now, do you have any lists for all things Chinese, such as martial arts, tea, caligtaphy, dao, and the like? That would be the best ever!

    1. Excellent ideas Jimena, Tea we have but the others we’ll try and prepare something soon for you. Sign up to our newsletter and you’ll know exactly when we release them!

      Tea Customs in China (with vocabulary) 👉👉👉

  6. To certain extend manageable. Good.

  7. Very informative

  8. Chinese quiz.

  9. […] written in traditional Chinese. This can happen when using Mandarin Chinese, or when using Mandarin Chinese vocabulary and grammar is significantly different than that of Mandarin. Furthermore, it may be interesting to […]

  10. […] Each one follows logically from the last, allowing you to easily build a bank of useful grammar and vocabulary.  […]

  11. Best list,congratulation

    1. Thanks Brian

chinese vocabulary

Last updated:

January 18, 2023

One of the best ways to work on your fluency in Chinese is to build your vocabulary. The more solid a foundation you have with your vocabulary, the better you will be able to understand and navigate conversations.

This post will take you through 80 of the best Chinese vocabulary lists to help you build that core vocabulary in everything from greetings to slang to business lingo and even more! 


  • Common Words and Phrases 
  • Business
  • Chinese Slang
  • Food and Drink 
  • Idioms and Proverbs
  • Shopping
  • Holidays
  • Travel 
  • Love
  • Miscellaneous Vocabulary

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Common Words and Phrases 

These lists contain some of the most important vocabulary that you should know since you will use it in almost any Chinese conversation.


Now that you have a good base, we can start getting a bit more specific.

Chinese can be extremely useful in the business world, so here are some great business vocabulary lists that will help you sound more professional!

Chinese Slang

Now if you really want to start sounding fluent, it’s best if you learn how to talk like a native.

While a lot goes into achieving that skill, one of the best ways to work on it is to learn the common slang that Chinese speakers use. Here are some lists to help you with that:

Food and Drink 

Eating and drinking is a great social activity and also a huge part of Chinese culture, so it’s best that you know some words to use at the table.

Idioms and Proverbs

Similar to slang, knowing Chinese idioms will not only help you sound more fluent, but will also help you understand more if you hear them from someone else!


Even if you’re not a big casual shopper, you will definitely end up at a grocery store or convenience store, so it’s best that you know some things to help you communicate with the cashier!


Holidays are always great fun to celebrate, but you don’t want to miss out due to not understanding the vocabulary surrounding the festivities!

Here are some of the most important holiday vocabulary lists so that you can always join the fun!


Odds are that you will get the most use of your Chinese while you are traveling, so it’s necessary to know some travel lingo to avoid any confusion!


So you found a Chinese-speaking cutie but don’t know how to let them know your feelings?

Not to fear, here is some of the most important vocabulary to use for your flirty interactions.

Miscellaneous Vocabulary

These may not necessarily fall into a particular category, but are still super useful to know. You can never know too many words!

There you go — now you have several vocabulary lists that provide you with hundreds of words practice. Better start memorizing!

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Here you learn top 1000 words in English with Chinese translation. If you are interested to learn 1000 most common Chinese words, this place will help you to learn common words in Chinese language with their pronunciation in English. You may also learn Vocabulary words to learn Chinese language quickly and also play some Chinese word games so you get not bored. In this, we are separated into sections to learn easily (Simple words, Easy words, medium words, Hard Words, Advanced Words). These top 1000 words are useful in daily life conversations, basic level words are very helpful for beginners. So, it is very important to learn all words in English and Chinese.

1000 most common Chinese words

1000 words in English to Chinese

Here is the list of 1000 most important common words in Chinese language and their pronunciation in English.

Simple words / 2 letter words

I 一世 yi shi
Do 做 zuo
Go 走 zou
He 他 ta
Me 我 wo
My 我的 wo de
No 不 bu
On 在 zai
Or 要么 yao me
So 所以 suo yi
Up 向上 xiang shang
We 我们 wo men

Easy words

3 letter words

Act 行为 xing wei
Add 添加 tian jia
Age 年龄 nian ling
Aim 目的 mu de
Air 空气 kong qi
All 全部 quan bu
And 和 he
Ant 蚂蚁 ma yi
Any 任何 ren he
Ask 问 wen
Bad 坏的 huai de
Big 大 da
Buy 买 mai
Cry 哭 ku
Dam 坝 ba
Die 死 si
Dry 干燥 gan zao
End 结尾 jie wei
Ear 耳朵 er duo
Eat 吃 chi
Egg 蛋 dan
Eye 眼睛 yan jing
Fat 胖的 pang de
Fly 飞 fei
Fun 乐趣 le qu
Get 得到 de dao
God 上帝 shang di
Hen 母鸡 mu ji
Hot 热的 re de
Job 工作 gong zuo
Leg 腿 tui
Lie 说谎 shuo huang
Low 低的 di de
Mad 疯狂的 feng kuang de
Man 掌管 zhang guan
Not 不是 bu shi
Now 现在 xian zai
New 新的 xin de
Old 老的 lao de
Own 自己的 zi ji de
Run 跑步 pao bu
Sad 伤心 shang xin
Sea 海 hai
See 看 kan
Shy 害羞的 hai xiu de
Sit 坐 zuo
Sum 和 he
Sun 太阳 tai yang
Tax 税 shui
Try 尝试 chang shi
Use 采用 cai yong
War 战争 zhan zheng
Wet 湿 shi
Why 为什么 wei shen me
Win 赢 ying
Yes 是的 shi de
You 你 ni

4 letter words

Also 还 hai
Baby 婴儿 ying er
Back 背部 bei bu
Bake 烤 kao
Bald 秃 tu
Ball 球 qiu
Bark 吠 fei
Bath 浴 yu
Beet 甜菜 tian cai
Bend 弯曲 wan qu
Best 最好 zui hao
Bird 鸟 niao
Bold 大胆的 da dan de
Bone 骨 gu
Book 书 shu
Born 出生 chu sheng
Both 两个都 liang ge dou
Busy 忙碌的 mang lu de
Call 称呼 cheng hu
Calm 冷静的 leng jing de
Care 关心 guan xin
Come 来 lai
Cost 成本 cheng ben
Cute 可爱的 ke ai de
Crow 乌鸦 wu ya
Dare 敢 gan
Dark 黑暗的 hei an de
Date 日期 ri qi
Deal 交易 jiao yi
Diet 饮食 yin shi
Dish 碟 die
Door 门 men
Down 吃下 chi xia
Dust 灰尘 hui chen
Each 每个 mei ge
Earn 赚 zhuan
Easy 简单 jian dan
Edge 边缘 bian yuan
Evil 邪恶的 xie e de
Exit 出口 chu kou
Face 脸 lian
Fact 事实 shi shi
Fair 公平的 gong ping de
Fake 伪造的 wei zao de
Farm 农场 nong chang
Fast 快速地 kuai su de
Fear 害怕 hai pa
Feel 感觉 gan jue
Find 寻找 xun zhao
Fine 美好的 mei hao de
Fish 鱼 yu
Food 食物 shi wu
Fool 傻子 sha zi
Free 自由 zi you
Frog 青蛙 qing wa
Full 满的 man de
Gape 目瞪口呆 mu deng kou dai
Gift 礼物 li wu
Girl 女孩 nu hai
Goat 山羊 shan yang
Good 好的 hao de
Grab 抓 zhua
Grow 生长 sheng zhang
Half 一半 yi ban
Hate 恨 hen
Head 头 tou
Hear 听到 ting dao
Heat 热 re
Help 帮助 bang zhu
Here 这里 zhe li
Hide 隐藏 yin cang
High 高的 gao de
Hold 抓住 zhua zhu
Hole 洞 dong
Home 家 jia
Huge 巨大的 ju da de
Hurt 伤害 shang hai
Idea 主意 zhu yi
Jump 跳 tiao
Just 只是 zhi shi
Kill 杀 sha
Land 土地 tu de
Last 最后的 zui hou de
Late 晚了 wan le
Left 剩下 sheng xia
Life 生活 sheng huo
Line 线 xian
Lion 狮子 shi zi
Long 长 zhang
Look 看 kan
Lost 丢失 diu shi
Love 爱 ai
Luck 运气 yun qi
Lung 肺 fei
Many 许多 xu duo
Meet 遇到 yu dao
Melt 熔化 rong hua
Milk 牛奶 niu nai
Must 必须 bi xu
Name 姓名 xing ming
Near 靠近 kao jin
Neat 整洁的 zheng jie de
Neck 脖子 bo zi
Need 需要 xu yao
Next 下一个 xia yi ge
Only 只要 zhi yao
Pain 痛 tong
Pair 一对 yi dui
Park 公园 gong yuan
Path 小路 xiao lu
Play 玩 wan
Poor 较差的 jiao cha de
Pull 拉 la
Pure 纯的 chun de
Quit 放弃 fang qi
Quiz 测验 ce yan
Race 种族 zhong zu
Rain 雨 yu
Rare 稀有的 xi you de
Real 真实的 zhen shi de
Rent 租 zu
Rest 休息 xiu xi
Rich 富有的 fu you de
Ride 骑 qi
Rise 上升 shang sheng
Risk 风险 feng xian
Room 房间 fang jian
Rope 绳索 sheng suo
Rude 粗鲁的 cu lu de
Sage 智者 zhi zhe
Sail 帆 fan
Salt 盐 yan
Same 相同的 xiang tong de
Sand 沙 sha
Save 救球 jiu qiu
Scam 骗局 pian ju
Seed 种子 zhong zi
Seek 寻找 xun zhao
Self 自己 zi ji
Sell 卖 mai
Send 发送 fa song
Shop 店铺 dian pu
Show 展示 zhan shi
Sick 生病的 sheng bing de
Side 边 bian
Site 地点 de dian
Size 尺寸 chi cun
Skin 皮肤 pi fu
Slow 减缓 jian huan
Soft 柔软的 rou ruan de
Soil 土壤 tu rang
Some 一些 yi xie
Soon 很快 hen kuai
Stay 停留 ting liu
Stop 停止 ting zhi
Such 这样的 zhe yang de
Swap 交换 jiao huan
Swim 游泳 you yong
Take 拿 na
Talk 讲话 jiang hua
Tall 高的 gao de
Team 团队 tuan dui
Tell 告诉 gao su
Tent 帐篷 zhang peng
That 那 na
Then 然后 ran hou
Thin 薄的 bao de
This 这个 zhe ge
Tide 浪潮 lang chao
Time 时间 shi jian
Tour 旅游 lu you
Town 镇 zhen
Tree 树 shu
Trip 旅行 lu xing
Turn 转动 zhuan dong
Ugly 丑陋的 chou lou de
Vase 花瓶 hua ping
Vein 静脉 jing mai
Very 非常 fei chang
View 看法 kan fa
Wage 工资 gong zi
Wait 等待 deng dai
Wake 唤醒 huan xing
Walk 走 zou
Wall 墙 qiang
Want 想 xiang
Warm 温暖的 wen nuan de
Warn 警告 jing gao
Weak 虚弱的 xu ruo de
Wear 穿 chuan
Week 星期 xing qi
Well 出色地 chu se de
Went 去 qu
What 什么 shen me
When 什么时候 shen me shi hou
Wide 宽的 kuan de
Wife 妻子 qi zi
Wild 荒野 huang ye
Will 将要 jiang yao
Wind 风 feng
Wine 葡萄酒 pu tao jiu
Wish 希望 xi wang
Wood 木头 mu tou
Wool 羊毛 yang mao
Word 单词 dan ci
Work 工作 gong zuo
Worm 虫 chong
Yarn 纱 sha
Your 您的 nin de
Zoom 飞涨 fei zhang

5 letter words

About 关于 guan yu
Above 多于 duo yu
Adapt 适应 shi ying
Admit 承认 cheng ren
Adult 成人 cheng ren
After 后 hou
Again 再次 zai ci
Agree 同意 tong yi
Alert 警报 jing bao
Allow 允许 yun xu
Alone 独自的 du zi de
Along 沿着 yan zhe
Anger 愤怒 fen nu
Angle 角度 jiao du
Angry 生气的 sheng qi de
Asset 资产 zi chan
Avoid 避免 bi mian
Awake 苏醒 su xing
Aware 知道的 zhi dao de
Begin 开始 kai shi
Birth 诞生 dan sheng
Blood 血 xue
Brain 脑 nao
Built 建成 jian cheng
Bring 带来 dai lai
Build 建造 jian zao
Camel 骆驼 luo tuo
Canal 运河 yun he
Carry 携带 xie dai
Cheap 便宜的 bian yi de
Cheat 欺骗 qi pian
Check 查看 cha kan
Chest 胸部 xiong bu
Claim 宣称 xuan cheng
Clean 干净的 gan jing de
Clear 清除 qing chu
Climb 爬 pa
Close 关 guan
Cloth 布 bu
Cloud 云 yun
Color 颜色 yan se
Crime 犯罪 fan zui
Crowd 人群 ren qun
Crown 王冠 wang guan
Daily 日常的 ri chang de
Dance 舞蹈 wu dao
Death 死亡 si wang
Decay 衰变 shuai bian
Delay 延迟 yan chi
Devil 魔鬼 mo gui
Dirty 肮脏的 ang zang de
Dress 裙子 qun zi
Drink 喝 he
Drive 驾驶 jia shi
Dwell 住 zhu
Eager 渴望的 ke wang de
Eagle 鹰 ying
Early 早期的 zao qi de
Earth  地球 de qiu
Elder 长老 zhang lao
Empty 空的 kong de
Enemy 敌人 di ren
Enjoy 请享用 qing xiang yong
Entry 入口 ru kou
Equal 平等的 ping deng de
Essay 散文 san wen
Event 事件 shi jian
Every 每一个 mei yi ge
Exact 精确的 jing que de
Exist 存在 cun zai
Extra 额外的 e wai de
Faith 信仰 xin yang
Fault 过错 guo cuo
Fever 发热 fa re
Field 场地 chang de
Final 最后 zui hou
Fleet 舰队 jian dui
Float 漂浮 piao fu
Flood 洪水 hong shui
Floor 地面 de mian
Flour 面粉 mian fen
Fluid 体液 ti ye
Focus 重点 zhong dian
Force 力量 li liang
Fraud 欺诈罪 qi zha zui
Fresh 新鲜的 xin xian de
Front 正面 zheng mian
Fruit 水果 shui guo
Ghost 鬼 gui
Globe 地球 de qiu
Going 去 qu
Grain 粮食 liang shi
Grant 授予 shou yu
Grass 草 cao
Great 伟大的 wei da de
Group 团体 tuan ti
Guard 警卫 jing wei
Guest 客人 ke ren
Habit 习惯 xi guan
Heart 心 xin
Honey 蜜糖 mi tang
Horse 马 ma
House 屋 wu
Human 人类 ren lei
Ideal 理想的 li xiang de
Issue 问题 wen ti
Judge 法官 fa guan
Knife 刀 dao
Labor 劳工 lao gong
Ladle 钢包 gang bao
Large 大 da
Laugh 笑 xiao
Learn 学 xue
Leave 离开 li kai
Legal 合法的 he fa de
Limit 限制 xian zhi
Lunch 午餐 wu can
Metal 金属 jin shu
Mixed 混合的 hun he de
Money 钱 qian
Month 月 yue
Mount 山 shan
Mouth 嘴 zui
Music 音乐 yin le
Maize 玉米 yu mi
Naked 裸 luo
Never 绝不 jue bu
Night 夜晚 ye wan
Niece 侄女 zhi nu
Noise 噪音 zao yin
Occur 发生 fa sheng
Ocean 海洋 hai yang
Onion 洋葱 yang cong
Offer 提供 ti gong
Order 命令 ming ling
Organ 器官 qi guan
Other 其他 qi ta
Owner 所有者 suo you zhe
Paddy 稻田 dao tian
Panic 恐慌 kong huang
Peace 和平 he ping
Place 地方 de fang
Plant 植物 zhi wu
Price 价格 jia ge
Pride 自豪 zi hao
Proud 自豪的 zi hao de
Prove 证明 zheng ming
Quilt 被子 bei zi
Quick 快的 kuai de
Quite 相当 xiang dang
Raise 增加 zeng jia
Reach 抵达 di da
React 反应 fan ying
Ready 准备好 zhun bei hao
Reply 回复 hui fu
Right 正确的 zheng que de
Round 圆形的 yuan xing de
Rural 乡村的 xiang cun de
Saint 圣 sheng
Scope 范围 fan wei
Score 分数 fen shu
Sense 感觉 gan jue
Shake 摇 yao
Shape 形状 xing zhuang
Share 分享 fen xiang
Sharp 锋利的 feng li de
Shrub 灌木 guan mu
Skill 技能 ji neng
Sleep 睡觉 shui jue
Slope 坡 po
Small 小的 xiao de
Smell 闻 wen
Smile 微笑 wei xiao
Snake 蛇 she
Snore 鼾 han
Solid 坚硬的 jian ying de
Sound 声音 sheng yin
Space 空间 kong jian
Speak 说话 shuo hua
Speed 速度 su du
Spend 花费 hua fei
Spent 花费 hua fei
Sperm 精子 jing zi
Sport 运动 yun dong
Stand 站立 zhan li
Steam 蒸汽 zheng qi
Stone 石头 shi tou
Story 故事 gu shi
Taste 品尝 pin chang
Teach 教导 jiao dao
Teeth 牙齿 ya chi
Thank 谢谢 xie xie
There 那里 na li
These 这些 zhe xie
Thick 厚的 hou de
Thing 事物 shi wu
Tiger 老虎 lao hu
Today 今天 jin tian
Total 全部的 quan bu de
Treat 对待 dui dai
Trend 趋势 qu shi
Tried 尝试过 chang shi guo
Trust 相信 xiang xin
Truth 真相 zhen xiang
Twice 两次 liang ci
Under 在下面 zai xia mian
Upper 上 shang
Urban 城市的 cheng shi de
Visit 访问 fang wen
Voice 语音 yu yin
Vomit 呕吐 ou tu
Waste 浪费 lang fei
Water 水 shui
Wheat 小麦 xiao mai
Where 在哪里 zai na li
White 白色的 bai se de
Whole 所有的 suo you de
Woman 女士 nu shi
World 世界 shi jie
Worst 最差 zui cha
Write 写 xie
Wrong 错误的 cuo wu de
Yield 屈服 qu fu
Young 年轻 nian qing

Medium words

6 letter words

Absent 缺席的 que xi de
Accept 接受 jie shou
Admire 钦佩 qin pei
Advice 建议 jian yi
Almost 几乎 ji hu
Always 总是 zong shi
Animal 动物 dong wu
Answer 回答 hui da
Appeal 上诉 shang su
Appear 出现 chu xian
Arrive 到达 dao da
Artist 艺术家 yi shu jia
Assist 助攻 zhu gong
Attack 攻击 gong ji
Attach 附 fu
Attend 参加 can jia
Bangle 手镯 shou zhuo
Before 前 qian
Behind 在后面 zai hou mian
Bellow 吼叫 hou jiao
Better 更好的 geng hao de
Borrow 借 jie
Bottom 底部 di bu
Broken 破碎的 po sui de
Budget 预算 yu suan
Cancel 取消 qu xiao
Cancer 癌症 ai zheng
Carrot 胡萝卜 hu luo bo
Cattle 牛 niu
Common 常见的 chang jian de
Compel 迫使 po shi
Corner 角落 jiao luo
Couple 夫妻 fu qi
Course 课程 ke cheng
Create 创造 chuang zao
Custom 风俗 feng su
Damage 损害 sun hai
Dancer 舞蹈家 wu dao jia
Danger 危险 wei xian
Decade 十年 shi nian
Defeat 打败 da bai
Delete 删除 shan chu
Demand 要求 yao qiu
Desire 欲望 yu wang
Detail 细节 xi jie
Dinner 晚餐 wan can
Divine 神圣的 shen sheng de
Donkey 驴 lu
Double 双倍的 shuang bei de
Edible 食用 shi yong
Effect 影响 ying xiang
Either 任何一个 ren he yi ge
Empire 帝国 di guo
Energy 活力 huo li
Enough 足够 zu gou
Ensure 确保 que bao
Entire 全部的 quan bu de
Except 除了 chu le
Expand 扩张 kuo zhang
Expect 预计 yu ji
Export 出口 chu kou
Extend 延长 yan zhang
Facade 正面 zheng mian
Family 家庭 jia ting
Famous 著名的 zhe ming de
Faulty 有缺陷的 you que xian de
Favour 赞成 zan cheng
Famous 著名的 zhe ming de
Favour 赞成 zan cheng
Female 女性 nu xing
Fiance 未婚夫 wei hun fu
Finish 结束 jie shu
Flower 花 hua
Forest 森林 sen lin
Forgot 忘记 wang ji
Freeze 冻结 dong jie
Friend 朋友 peng you
Future 未来 wei lai
Garage 车库 che ku
Garden 花园 hua yuan
Garlic 大蒜 da suan
Ginger 生姜 sheng jiang
Global 全球的 quan qiu de
Ground 地面 de mian
Growth 生长 sheng zhang
Health 健康 jian kang
Hidden 隐 yin
Honest 诚实的 cheng shi de
Honour 荣誉 rong yu
Hostel 旅馆 lu guan
Humble 谦逊的 qian xun de
Hungry 饥饿的 ji e de
Ignore 忽视 hu shi
Impact 影响 ying xiang
Impure 不纯的 bu chun de
Income 收入 shou ru
Inform 通知 tong zhi
Insect 昆虫 kun chong
Inside 里面 li mian
Jungle 丛林 cong lin
Kidnap 绑架 bang jia
Kindle 点燃 dian ran
Labour 劳工 lao gong
Leader 领导者 ling dao zhe
Length 长度 zhang du
Letter 信件 xin jian
Liquid 液体 ye ti
Little 小的 xiao de
Living 活的 huo de
Lizard 蜥蜴 xi yi
Locate 定位 ding wei
Luxury 奢华 she hua
Making 制作 zhi zuo
Mammal 哺乳动物 bu ru dong wu
Manage 管理 guan li
Manual 手动的 shou dong de
Market 市场 shi chang
Mental 精神的 jing shen de
Method 方法 fang fa
Middle 中间 zhong jian
Monkey 猴 hou
Mother 母亲 mu qin
Muscle 肌肉 ji rou
Narrow 狭窄 xia zhai
Native 本国的 ben guo de
Nature 自然 zi ran
Normal 普通的 pu tong de
Number 数字 shu zi
Object 目的 mu de
Office 办公室 ban gong shi
Option 选项 xuan xiang
Parent 父母 fu mu
Parrot 鹦鹉 ying wu
People 人们 ren men
Person 人 ren
Pickle 泡菜 pao cai
Picnic 野餐 ye can
Pigeon 鸽子 ge zi
Planet 行星 xing xing
Please 请 qing
Plenty 很多 hen duo
Police 警察 jing cha
Potato 土豆 tu dou
Praise 称赞 cheng zan
Prayer 祷告 dao gao
Pretty 漂亮的 piao liang de
Prince 王子 wang zi
Profit 利润 li run
Proper 恰当的 qia dang de
Public 民众 min zhong
Rabbit 兔子 tu zi
Recent 最近的 zui jin de
Recipe 食谱 shi pu
Record 记录 ji lu
Reduce 减少 jian shao
Regret 后悔 hou hui
Reject 拒绝 ju jue
Remind 提醒 ti xing
Remove 去掉 qu diao
Repair 修理 xiu li
Repeat 重复 zhong fu
Return 返回 fan hui
Rotate 旋转 xuan zhuan
Safety 安全 an quan
Salary 薪水 xin shui
Sample 样本 yang ben
School 学校 xue xiao
Screen 屏幕 ping mu
Script 脚本 jiao ben
Scroll 滚动 gun dong
Search 搜索 sou suo
Season 季节 ji jie
Secret 秘密 mi mi
Secure 安全的 an quan de
Select 选择 xuan ze
Senior 高级的 gao ji de
Shield 盾 dun
Should 应该 ying gai
Shower 淋浴 lin yu
Silent 沉默的 chen mo de
Single 单身的 dan shen de
Sister 姐姐 jie jie
Smooth 光滑的 guang hua de
Social 社会的 she hui de
Speech 演讲 yan jiang
Street 街道 jie dao
Strong 强的 qiang de
Sudden 突然的 tu ran de
Summer 夏天 xia tian
Supply 供应 gong ying
Talent 天赋 tian fu
Temple 寺庙 si miao
Thread 线 xian
Thrill 快感 kuai gan
Throat 喉 hou
Tittle 头衔 tou xian
Toilet 洗手间 xi shou jian
Tomato 番茄 fan jia
Tongue 舌头 she tou
Travel 旅行 lu xing
Tunnel 隧道 sui dao
Turtle 龟 gui
Unseen 看不见 kan bu jian
Update 更新 geng xin
Urgent 紧急 jin ji
Useful 有用 you yong
Vacate 腾出 teng chu
Vacuum 真空 zhen kong
Vapour 汽 qi
Verify 核实 he shi
Virgin 处女 chu nu
Wealth 财富 cai fu
Weekly 每周 mei zhou
Weight 重量 zhong liang
Winter 冬天 dong tian
Winner 优胜者 you sheng zhe
Wonder 想知道 xiang zhi dao
Worker 工人 gong ren
Writer 作家 zuo jia
Yearly 每年 mei nian

7 letter words

Achieve 达到 da dao
Advance 进步 jin bu
Against 反对 fan dui
Already 已经 yi jing
Ancient 古老的 gu lao de
Anybody 任何人 ren he ren
Approve 批准 pi zhun
Apology 道歉 dao qian
Archive 档案 dang an
Arrange 安排 an pai
Arrival 到达 dao da
Article 文章 wen zhang
Attempt 试图 shi tu
Attract 吸引 xi yin
Average 平均的 ping jun de
Bandage 绷带 beng dai
Barrage 弹幕 dan mu
Barrier 障碍 zhang ai
Because 因为 yin wei
Benefit 益处 yi chu
Between 之间 zhi jian
Cabbage 卷心菜 juan xin cai
Capture 捕获 bu huo
Careful 小心 xiao xin
Carrier 载体 zai ti
Century 世纪 shi ji
Certain 肯定 ken ding
Chamber 室 shi
Chapter 章节 zhang jie
Charity 慈善机构 ci shan ji gou
Climate 气候 qi hou
Coconut 椰子 ye zi
Collect 搜集 sou ji
College 大学 da xue
Comfort 舒适 shu shi
Command 命令 ming ling
Comment 评论 ping lun
Company 公司 gong si
Compare 比较 bi jiao
Concept 概念 gai nian
Concern 忧虑 you lu
Conduct 执行 zhi xing
Confirm 确认 que ren
Connect 连接 lian jie
Contact 接触 jie chu
Control 控制 kong zhi
Convert 转变 zhuan bian
Correct 正确的 zheng que de
Costume 戏服 xi fu
Cottage 小屋 xiao wu
Country 国家 guo jia
Courage 勇气 yong qi
Cucumber 黄瓜 huang gua
Curious 好奇的 hao qi de
Declare 宣布 xuan bu
Defense 防御 fang yu
Dentist 牙医 ya yi
Deposit 订金 ding jin
Despite 尽管 jin guan
Destiny 命运 ming yun
Destroy 破坏 po huai
Develop 开发 kai fa
Disease 疾病 ji bing
Display 展示 zhan shi
Disturb 打扰 da rao
Dynasty 王朝 wang chao
Eagerly 热切地 re qie de
Earning 收入 shou ru
Eatable 可食用的 ke shi yong de
Ecology 生态 sheng tai
Economy 经济 jing ji
Edition 版 ban
Elegant 优雅的 you ya de
Enhance 提高 ti gao
Episode 插曲 cha qu
Example 例子 li zi
Evening 晚上 wan shang
Exclude 排除 pai chu
Explain 解释 jie shi
Explore 探索 tan suo
Educate 教育 jiao yu
Factory 工厂 gong chang
Failure 失败 shi bai
Feature 特征 te zheng
Finance 金融 jin rong
Flavour 味道 wei dao
Fluency 流畅 liu chang
Forever 永远 yong yuan
Further 进一步 jin yi bu
Garment 服装 fu zhuang
General 一般的 yi ban de
Genuine 真的 zhen de
Glamour 魅力 mei li
Grammar 语法 yu fa
Grocery 杂货店 za huo dian
Habitat 栖息地 qi xi de
Harmful 有害 you hai
Harvest 收成 shou cheng
Heading 标题 biao ti
Hearing 听力 ting li
Helpful 有帮助 you bang zhu
History 历史 li shi
Holding 保持 bao chi
Holiday 假期 jia qi
Hundred 百 bai
Husband 丈夫 zhang fu
Hygiene 卫生 wei sheng
Impress 留下深刻印象 liu xia shen ke yin xiang
Improve 提升 ti sheng
Include 包括 bao kuo
Initial 最初的 zui chu de
Inspect 检查 jian cha
Inspire 启发 qi fa
Journey 旅行 lu xing
Justice 正义 zheng yi
Leading 领导 ling dao
Leather 皮革 pi ge
Leaving 离开 li kai
Lecture 演讲 yan jiang
Liberal 自由主义的 zi you zhu yi de
Lovable 可爱的 ke ai de
Luggage 行李 xing li
Manager 经理 jing li
Maximum 最大限度 zui da xian du
Meaning 意义 yi yi
Measure 措施 cuo shi
Medical 医疗的 yi liao de
Message 信息 xin xi
Migrant 移民 yi min
Mineral 矿物 kuang wu
Minimum 最低限度 zui di xian du
Miracle 奇迹 qi ji
Missile 导弹 dao dan
Missing 丢失的 diu shi de
Mistake 错误 cuo wu
Morning 早晨 zao chen
Mustard 芥末 jie mo
Mystery 神秘 shen mi
Narrate 叙事 xu shi
Natural 自然 zi ran
Naughty 淘气 tao qi
Neglect 忽视 hu shi
Neither 两者都不 liang zhe dou bu
Nervous 紧张的 jin zhang de
Network 网络 wang luo
Nothing 没有什么 mei you shen me
Observe 观察 guan cha
Opening 开口 kai kou
Operate 操作 cao zuo
Opinion 观点 guan dian
Organic 有机的 you ji de
Ostrich 鸵鸟 tuo niao
Package 包裹 bao guo
Painful 痛苦 tong ku
Partial 部分的 bu fen de
Passage 通道 tong dao
Patient 病人 bing ren
Payment 支付 zhi fu
Penalty 惩罚 cheng fa
Pending 待办的 dai ban de
Penguin 企鹅 qi e
Pension 养老金 yang lao jin
Perfect 完美的 wan mei de
Perfume 香水 xiang shui
Popular 受欢迎的 shou huan ying de
Pottery 陶器 tao qi
Poverty 贫困 pin kun
Prevent 防止 fang zhi
Privacy 隐私 yin si
Private 私人的 si ren de
Problem 问题 wen ti
Produce 生产 sheng chan
Propose 提出 ti chu
Purpose 目的 mu de
Quality 质量 zhi liang
Quickly 迅速地 xun su de
Receive 收到 shou dao
Regular 常规的 chang gui de
Related 有关的 you guan de
Release 发布 fa bu
Replace 代替 dai ti
Reptile 爬虫 pa chong
Request 要求 yao qiu
Respect 尊重 zun zhong
Respond 回应 hui ying
Revenge 复仇 fu chou
Revenue 收入 shou ru
Reverse 撤销 che xiao
Robbery 抢劫 qiang jie
Romance 浪漫 lang man
Science 科学 ke xue
Serious 严肃的 yan su de
Servant 仆人 pu ren
Service 服务 fu wu
Similar 相似的 xiang shi de
Society 社会 she hui
Sparrow 麻雀 ma que
Special 特别的 te bie de
Stomach 胃 wei
Student 学生 xue sheng
Success 成功 cheng gong
Suggest 建议 jian yi
Suicide 自杀 zi sha
Support 支持 zhi chi
Suspend 暂停 zan ting
Teacher 老师 lao shi
Teenage 青少年 qing shao nian
Tension 紧张 jin zhang
Tourism 旅游 lu you
Trouble 麻烦 ma fan
Uniform 制服 zhi fu
Utility 公用事业 gong yong shi ye
Vacancy 空缺 kong que
Variety 种类 zhong lei
Vehicle 车辆 che liang
Village 村庄 cun zhuang
Vintage 优质的 you zhi de
Victory 胜利 sheng li
Violent 暴力 bao li
Visible 可见的 ke jian de
Visitor 游客 you ke
Vitamin 维他命 wei ta ming
Walking 步行 bu xing
Wanting 想要 xiang yao
Warning 警告 jing gao
Wealthy 富裕 fu yu
Weather 天气 tian qi
Wedding 婚礼 hun li
Welcome 欢迎 huan ying
Welfare 福利 fu li
Winning 获胜 huo sheng
Working 在职的 zai zhi de
Worried 担心 dan xin
Worship 崇拜 chong bai
Writing 写作 xie zuo

8 letter words

Abnormal 不正常 bu zheng chang
Absolute 绝对 jue dui
Accepted 公认 gong ren
Accident 事故 shi gu
Accuracy 准确性 zhun que xing
Activate 启用 qi yong
Addition 添加 tian jia
Adequate 足够的 zu gou de
Affected 做作的 zuo zuo de
Alphabet 字母 zi mu
Anything 任何事物 ren he shi wu
Anywhere 任何地方 ren he de fang
Appraise 评价 ping jia
Approach 方法 fang fa
Approval 赞同 zan tong
Argument 争论 zheng lun
Assemble 集合 ji he
Attitude 态度 tai du
Audience 观众 guan zhong
Attorney 律师 lu shi
Aviation 航空 hang kong
Backward 落后 luo hou
Beginner 初学者 chu xue zhe
Birthday 生日 sheng ri
Bleeding 流血的 liu xue de
Building 建造 jian zao
Campaign 活动 huo dong
Carriage 运输 yun shu
Children 孩子们 hai zi men
Cleavage 分裂 fen lie
Complete 完全的 wan quan de
Conserve 养护 yang hu
Consider 考虑 kao lu
Consumer 消费者 xiao fei zhe
Continue 继续 ji xu
Criminal 刑事 xing shi
Critical 批判的 pi pan de
Daughter 女儿 nu er
Decision 决定 jue ding
Decrease 减少 jian shao
Delicate 精美的 jing mei de
Delivery 送货 song huo
Delusion 妄想 wang xiang
Describe 描述 miao shu
Disagree 不同意 bu tong yi
Disallow 不允许 bu yun xu
Duration 期间 qi jian
Economic 经济的 jing ji de
Elephant 大象 da xiang
Eligible 有资格的 you zi ge de
Employee 员工 yuan gong
Enormous 巨大的 ju da de
Entrance 入口 ru kou
Envelope 信封 xin feng
Estimate 估计 gu ji
Everyday 每天 mei tian
Exercise 锻炼 duan lian
Explicit 明确的 ming que de
Exposure 接触 jie chu
External 外部的 wai bu de
Facility 设施 she shi
Faithful 可信 ke xin
Favorite 最喜欢的 zui xi huan de
Favorite 最喜欢的 zui xi huan de
Festival 节日 jie ri
Flexible 灵活的 ling huo de
Friction 摩擦 mo ca
Generate 产生 chan sheng
Greeting 问候语 wen hou yu
Guardian 监护人 jian hu ren
Heritage 遗产 yi chan
Horrible 可怕 ke pa
Hospital 医院 yi yuan
Humorous 幽默 you mo
Identity 身份 shen fen
Incident 事件 shi jian
Increase 增加 zeng jia
Indicate 表明 biao ming
Industry 行业 xing ye
Jealousy 妒忌 du ji
Learning 学习 xue xi
Location 地点 de dian
Majority 多数 duo shu
Marriage 婚姻 hun yin
Material 材料 cai liao
Medicine 药物 yao wu
Moderate 缓和 huan he
Mosquito 蚊子 wen zi
Mountain 山 shan
Narrator 叙述者 xu shu zhe
Nutrient 养分 yang fen
Opposite 对面的 dui mian de
Original 原来的 yuan lai de
Ornament 装饰品 zhuang shi pin
Painting 绘画 hui hua
Particle 粒子 li zi
Patience 耐心 nai xin
Pleasure 乐趣 le qu
Position 位置 wei zhi
Positive 积极的 ji ji de
Possible 可能的 ke neng de
Postpone 推迟 tui chi
Powerful 强大的 qiang da de
Precious 宝贵的 bao gui de
Pregnant 孕 yun
Pressure 压力 ya li
Previous 以前的 yi qian de
Progress 进步 jin bu
Prohibit 禁止 jin zhi
Property 财产 cai chan
Purchase 购买 gou mai
Quantity 数量 shu liang
Recovery 恢复 hui fu
Regional 地区性的 de qu xing de
Relevant 相关的 xiang guan de
Religion 宗教 zong jiao
Remember 记住 ji zhu
Research 研究 yan jiu
Resource 资源 zi yuan
Response 回复 hui fu
Restrict 严格 yan ge
Revision 修订 xiu ding
Sensible 明智的 ming zhi de
Sentence 句子 ju zi
Separate 分离 fen li
Stranger 陌生人 mo sheng ren
Strategy 战略 zhan lue
Strength 力量 li liang
Struggle 斗争 dou zheng
Suitable 合适的 he shi de
Superior 优越的 you yue de
Surprise 惊喜 jing xi
Swelling 肿胀 zhong zhang
Terrible 糟糕的 zao gao de
Together 一起 yi qi
Tomorrow 明天 ming tian
Training 训练 xun lian
Transfer 转移 zhuan yi
Transmit 发送 fa song
Treasure 宝藏 bao cang
Umbrella 伞 san
Universe 宇宙 yu zhou
Vacation 假期 jia qi
Validate 证实 zheng shi
Vertical 垂直的 chui zhi de
Vigorous 蓬勃 peng bo
Violence 暴力 bao li
Vocation 职业 zhi ye
Vomiting 呕吐 ou tu
Wildlife 野生动物 ye sheng dong wu
Yielding 屈服 qu fu
Yourself 你自己 ni zi ji
Youthful 年轻的 nian qing de

Hard Words

9 letter words

Accession 加入 jia ru
Accessory 配饰 pei shi
Accompany 陪伴 pei ban
Actualize 实现 shi xian
Admirable 令人钦佩的 ling ren qin pei de
Advantage 优势 you shi
Advisable 可取的 ke qu de
Affection 感情 gan qing
Affiliate 会员 hui yuan
Afternoon 下午 xia wu
Aggregate 总计的 zong ji de
Agreement 协议 xie yi
Allowance 津贴 jin tie
Alternate 备用 bei yong
Ambiguous 模糊的 mo hu de
Animation 动画 dong hua
Apologist 辩护者 bian hu zhe
Applicant 申请人 shen qing ren
Architect 建筑师 jian zhu shi
Associate 联系 lian xi
Astronomy 天文学 tian wen xue
Attention 注意力 zhu yi li
Attribute 属性 shu xing
Authority 权威 quan wei
Automatic 自动的 zi dong de
Available 可用的 ke yong de
Awareness 意识 yi shi
Beautiful 美丽的 mei li de
Behaviour 行为 xing wei
Butterfly 蝴蝶 hu die
Calibrate 校准 xiao zhun
Candidate 候选人 hou xuan ren
Celebrate 庆祝 qing zhu
Challenge 挑战 tiao zhan
Confident 自信的 zi xin de
Confusion 困惑 kun huo
Conscious 有意识的 you yi shi de
Crocodile 鳄鱼 e yu
Curiosity 好奇心 hao qi xin
Dangerous 危险的 wei xian de
Delicious 可口的 ke kou de
Democracy 民主 min zhu
Dependent 依赖的 yi lai de
Different 不同的 bu tong de
Difficult 难的 nan de
Discovery 发现 fa xian
Dishonest 不诚实 bu cheng shi
Diversity 多样性 duo yang xing
Duplicate 复制 fu zhi
Education 教育 jiao yu
Effective 有效的 you xiao de
Emergency 紧急情况 jin ji qing kuang
Equipment 设备 she bei
Essential 基本的 ji ben de
Establish 建立 jian li
Evolution 进化 jin hua
Excellent 出色的 chu se de
Expensive 昂贵的 ang gui de
Fantastic 极好的 ji hao de
Fertility 生育能力 sheng yu neng li
Financial 金融的 jin rong de
Generally 一般来说 yi ban lai shuo
Glamorous 迷人的 mi ren de
Happening 发生 fa sheng
Household 家庭 jia ting
Identical 完全相同的 wan quan xiang tong de
Important 重要的 zhong yao de
Incorrect 不正确的 bu zheng que de
Incorrupt 廉 lian
Influence 影响 ying xiang
Insurance 保险 bao xian
Interview 面试 mian shi
Intestine 肠 chang
Introduce 介绍 jie shao
Invention 发明 fa ming
Invisible 无形的 wu xing de
Irregular 不规律的 bu gui lu de
Jewellery 首饰 shou shi
Knowledge 知识 zhi shi
Liability 责任 ze ren
Misbehave 行为不端 xing wei bu duan
Narration 旁白 pang bai
Necessity 必要性 bi yao xing
Negotiate 谈判 tan pan
Nutrition 营养 ying yang
Offensive 进攻 jin gong
Partition 划分 hua fen
Political 政治的 zheng zhi de
Pollution 污染 wu ran
Potential 潜在的 qian zai de
Practical 实际的 shi ji de
Precision 精确 jing que
Privilege 特权 te quan
Procedure 程序 cheng xu
Prominent 著名的 zhe ming de
Professor 教授 jiao shou
Promotion 晋升 jin sheng
Provoking 挑衅的 tiao xin de
Qualified 合格的 he ge de
Reference 参考 can kao
Repulsion 斥力 chi li
Residence 住宅 zhu zhai
Sacrifice 牺牲 xi sheng
Sensitive 敏感的 min gan de
Something 某物 mou wu
Statement 陈述 chen shu
Subscribe 订阅 ding yue
Substance 物质 wu zhi
Sugarcane 甘蔗 gan zhe
Sunflower 向日葵 xiang ri kui
Surrender 投降 tou jiang
Technical 技术的 ji shu de
Temporary 暂时的 zan shi de
Terrorist 恐怖分子 kong bu fen zi
Treatment 治疗 zhi liao
Variation 变化 bian hua
Vegetable 蔬菜 shu cai
Virginity 童贞 tong zhen
Yesterday 昨天 zuo tian

10 letter words

Abbreviate 缩写 suo xie
Absolutely 绝对地 jue dui de
Absorption 吸收 xi shou
Acceptable 可接受的 ke jie shou de
Achievable 可达到的 ke da dao de
Additional 额外的 e wai de
Admiration 钦佩 qin pei
Adolescent 青少年 qing shao nian
Adulterant 掺假的 can jia de
Adventurer 冒险家 mao xian jia
Afterwards 然后 ran hou
Aggression 侵略 qin lue
Alteration 改造 gai zao
Ambassador 大使 da shi
Analytical 分析性的 fen xi xing de
Antibiotic 抗生素 kang sheng su
Anticipate 预料 yu liao
Appreciate 欣赏 xin shang
Artificial 人造的 ren zao de
Aspiration 抱负 bao fu
Assignment 任务 ren wu
Atmosphere 气氛 qi fen
Attachment 附件 fu jian
Attraction 吸引力 xi yin li
Chloroform 氯仿 lu fang
Combustion 燃烧 ran shao
Commission 委员会 wei yuan hui
Compassion 同情 tong qing
Compulsory 强制性的 qiang zhi xing de
Conclusion 结论 jie lun
Confection 甜点 tian dian
Corruption 腐败 fu bai
Decoration 装饰 zhuang shi
Dedication 奉献精神 feng xian jing shen
Deficiency 不足 bu zu
Definition 定义 ding yi
Department 部 bu
Depression 沮丧 ju sang
Dictionary 字典 zi dian
Discipline 纪律 ji lu
Disclaimer 免责声明 mian ze sheng ming
Disclosure 披露 pi lu
Discussion 讨论 tao lun
Efficiency 效率 xiao lu
Employment 就业 jiu ye
Engagement 订婚 ding hun
Everything 一切 yi qie
Everywhere 到处 dao chu
Exhibition 展览 zhan lan
Experience 经验 jing yan
Experiment 实验 shi yan
Expiration 过期 guo qi
Expression 表达 biao da
Fertilizer 肥料 fei liao
Foundation 基础 ji chu
Generation 一代 yi dai
Government 政府 zheng fu
Importance 重要性 zhong yao xing
Impossible 不可能的 bu ke neng de
Inadequate 不足 bu zu
Incomplete 不完整的 bu wan zheng de
Incredible 极好的 ji hao de
Individual 个人 ge ren
Inspection 检查 jian cha
Instrument 乐器 le qi
Irrigation 灌溉 guan gai
Journalism 新闻业 xin wen ye
Management 管理 guan li
Moderation 适度 shi du
Motivation 动机 dong ji
Negligible 微不足道 wei bu zu dao
Occupation 职业 zhi ye
Particular 特别的 te bie de
Passionate 热情的 re qing de
Permission 允许 yun xu
Population 人口 ren kou
Production 生产 sheng chan
Prostitute 妓女 ji nu
Protection 保护 bao hu
Psychology 心理学 xin li xue
Punishment 惩罚 cheng fa
Quarantine 隔离 ge li
Retirement 退休 tui xiu
Sufficient 充足的 chong zu de
Supervisor 导师 dao shi
Supplement 补充 bu chong
University 大学 da xue
Vegetarian 素食主义者 su shi zhu yi zhe
Visibility 能见度 neng jian du
Vulnerable 易受伤害的 yi shou shang hai de

Advanced Words

11 letter words

Accommodate 容纳 rong na
Achievement 成就 cheng jiu
Acknowledge 承认 cheng ren
Affirmation 肯定 ken ding
Aggregation 聚合 ju he
Agriculture 农业 nong ye
Alternation 交替 jiao ti
Anniversary 周年纪念日 zhou nian ji nian ri
Application 应用 ying yong
Appointment 预约 yu yue
Appreciable 可观的 ke guan de
Approximate 近似 jin shi
Association 协会 xie hui
Certificate 证书 zheng shu
Competition 竞赛 jing sai
Cultivation 栽培 zai pei
Corporation 公司 gong si
Cooperation 合作 he zuo
Dehydration 脱水 tuo shui
Discontinue 中止 zhong zhi
Elimination 消除 xiao chu
Environment 环境 huan jing
Evaporation 蒸发 zheng fa
Examination 考试 kao shi
Expenditure 支出 zhi chu
Fabrication 制造 zhi zao
Improvement 改进 gai jin
Independent 独立的 du li de
Information 信息 xin xi
Inspiration 灵感 ling gan
Institution 机构 ji gou
Instruction 操作说明 cao zuo shuo ming
Intelligent 聪明的 cong ming de
Manufacture 生产 sheng chan
Measurement 测量 ce liang
Mensuration 测量 ce liang
Observation 观察 guan cha
Opportunity 机会 ji hui
Participant 参与者 can yu zhe
Performance 表现 biao xian
Preparation 准备 zhun bei
Significant 重要的 zhong yao de
Temperature 温度 wen du
Translation 翻译 fan yi
Transparent 透明的 tou ming de
Vaccination 疫苗接种 yi miao jie zhong

12, 13 letter words

Abbreviation 缩写 suo xie
Administrate 管理 guan li
Appreciation 欣赏 xin shang
Accommodation 住所 zhu suo
Accompaniment 伴奏 ban zou
Administrator 行政人员 xing zheng ren yuan
Advertisement 广告 guang gao
Administration 行政 xing zheng
Acknowledgement 致谢 zhi xie
Conformation 构象 gou xiang
Conservation 保护 bao hu
Constitution 宪法 xian fa
Construction 建造 jian zao
Contribution 贡献 gong xian
Communication 沟通 gou tong
Classification 分类 fen lei
Congratulation 祝贺 zhu he
Disadvantage 坏处 huai chu
Entrepreneur 企业家 qi ye jia
Entertainment 娱乐 yu le
Extraordinary 非凡的 fei fan de
Horticulture 园艺 yuan yi
Intermediate 中间的 zhong jian de
Introduction 介绍 jie shao
Investigation 调查 diao cha
International 国际的 guo ji de
Identification 鉴别 jian bie
Justification 理由 li you
Knowledgeable 知识渊博的 zhi shi yuan bo de
Maintainable 可维护的 ke wei hu de
Organization 组织 zu zhi
Presentation 推介会 tui jie hui
Preservation 保存 bao cun
Purification 纯化 chun hua
Participation 参与 can yu
Registration 登记 deng ji
Reproduction 再生产 zai sheng chan
Satisfaction 满足 man zu
Self-confidence 自信心 zi xin xin
Transformation 转型 zhuan xing
Transportation 运输 yun shu


Household Items




Daily use Chinese Sentences

English to Chinese – here you learn top sentences, these sentences are very important in daily life conversations, and basic-level sentences are very helpful for beginners. All sentences have Chinese meanings with transliteration.

Good morning 早上好 Zaoshang hao
What is your name 你叫什么名字 Ni jiao shenme mingzi
What is your problem? 你有什么问题? Ni you she me wenti?
I hate you 我恨你 Wo hen ni
I love you 我爱你 Wo ai ni
Can I help you? 我可以帮你吗? Wo keyi bang ni ma?
I am sorry 对不起 duibuqi
I want to sleep 我要睡觉 wo yao shuijiao
This is very important 这个非常重要 Zhege feichang zhòngyao
Are you hungry? 你饿了吗? Ni ele ma?
How is your life? 你过得怎么样? Niguo de zenme yang?
I am going to study 我要去学习 wo yao qu xuexi
  • Day
  • Job
  • Law
  • Gems
  • Time
  • Food
  • Bird
  • Color
  • Month
  • Fruit
  • Ocean
  • Cloth
  • Shape
  • Crime
  • Planet
  • Season
  • Zodiac
  • Flower
  • Plants
  • Number
  • Animal
  • School
  • Places
  • Grains
  • Travel
  • Cinema
  • Google
  • Disease
  • Climate
  • Weather
  • Cereals
  • Ecology
  • Meeting
  • Computer
  • Minerals
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Hospital
  • Greeting
  • Building
  • Picture
  • Relation
  • Direction
  • Vegetable
  • Insurance
  • Stationery
  • Landscape
  • Ornaments
  • Body parts
  • Occupation
  • Restaurant
  • Healthcare
  • Newspaper
  • Real Estate
  • Ology words
  • Management
  • Measurement
  • House items
  • Kitchen items
  • Grocery items

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