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This is a list of typefaces, which are separated into groups by distinct artistic differences. The list includes typefaces that have articles or that are referenced. Superfamilies that fall under more than one category have an asterisk (*) after their name.
- Adobe Jenson
- Albertus
- Aldus
- Alexandria
- Algerian
- Amelia (Designed in 1963 by Stan Davis)
- American Typewriter
- Antiqua
- Arno*
- Aster
- Aurora
- News 706
- Baskerville
- Bell (Didone classification serif type designed by Richard Austin, 1788)
- Belwe Roman
- Bembo
- Bernhard Modern
- Bodoni
- Bauer Bodoni
- Bitstream Charter
- Bookman
- Bulmer
- Caledonia
- Calisto MT
- Cambria
- Capitals
- Cartier
- Caslon
- Wyld
- Caslon Antique / Fifteenth Century
- Centaur
- Century type family
- Charis SIL
- Cheltenham
- Clearface
- Cloister Black
- Cochin
- Computer Modern
- Concrete Roman
- Constantia
- Copperplate Gothic
- DejaVu Serif
- Didot
- Droid Serif
- Emerson
- Fairfield
- Fat face
- FF Scala
- Fixedsys
- Footlight
- Friz Quadrata
- Garamond
- Gentium
- Georgia
- GNU FreeFont
- Google logo
- Goudy Old Style / Goudy
- Granjon
- Hermann Zapf
- Hightower Text
- Hoefler Text
- IBM Plex Serif*
- Imprint
- ITC Benguiat
- Janson
- Jokerman
- Joanna
- Korinna
- Legibility Group
- Lexicon
- Liberation Serif
- Linux Libertine
- Literaturnaya
- Lucida Bright*
- Ludwig & Mayer
- Memphis
- Miller
- Minion*
- Modern
- Mrs Eaves*
- MS Serif
- Nebiolo Printech
- Torino
- New York (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Nimbus Roman No. 9 L
- NPS Rawlinson Roadway
- Palatino
- Book Antiqua
- Sistina
- Perpetua
- Plantin
- PT Fonts
- Renault
- Requiem
- Rotis*
- Rudolph Ruzicka
- Sabon
- Source Serif
- Souvenir
- Stephenson Blake
- STIX Fonts project (see also XITS font project)
- Sylfaen
- Theano Didot
- Times New Roman
- Times (Linotype’s version of Times New Roman)
- Trajan
- Trinité
- Trump Mediaeval
- University of California Old Style
- Berkeley Old Style
- Californian FB
- Utopia
- Vera Serif
- Windsor
- XITS font project
Slab serif[edit]
- Alexandria
- American Typewriter
- Archer
- Athens
- Candida
- Cholla Slab
- City
- Clarendon
- Concrete Roman
- Courier
- Egyptienne
- Guardian Egyptian
- Legibility Group
- Ionic No. 5
- Lexia
- Memphis
- Nilland
- Roboto Slab
- Rockwell
- Schadow
- Serifa
- Skeleton Antique
- Tower
- Agency FB
- Akzidenz-Grotesk
- Andalé Sans
- Antique Olive
- Arial
- Arial Unicode MS
- Avant Garde Gothic
- Avenir
- Bank Gothic
- Bauhaus
- Bell Centennial
- Bell Gothic
- Benguiat Gothic
- Berlin Sans
- Brandon Grotesque
- Calibri
- Casey
- Century Gothic*
- Charcoal (Mac OS 9 system font)
- Chicago (pre-Mac OS 8 system font, still included with macOS)
- Clearview
- Comic Sans
- Compacta
- Corbel
- DejaVu Sans
- Dotum
- Droid Sans
- Dyslexie (designed to mitigate some of the issues that dyslexics experience when reading)
- Ecofont
- Eras
- Esseltub
- Espy Sans
- Eurocrat
- Eurostile
- Square 721
- FF Dax
- FF Meta*
- FF Scala Sans
- Fira Sans
- Fira Mono
- Fira Code
- Fira Go
- Folio
- Franklin Gothic*
- FreeSans
- Frutiger
- Futura
- Geneva (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Gill Sans*
- Gill Sans Schoolbook
- Gotham*
- Haettenschweiler
- Handel Gothic
- Hei
- Helvetica
- Helvetica Neue
- Swiss 721
- Highway Gothic
- IBM Plex Sans*
- Impact
- Industria
- Interstate
- Johnston/New Johnston
- Kabel
- Klavika
- Lato
- Liberation Sans
- Linux Biolinum
- Lucida Sans*
- Lucida Grande*
- Lucida Sans Unicode*
- Lydian
- Meiryo
- Meta
- Microgramma
- Modern (vector font included with Windows 2.1)
- Motorway (used on British motorway signs for route numbers)
- MS Sans Serif (included with all Microsoft Windows versions, superseded by Arial)
- Myriad*
- Neutraface
- Neuzeit S
- News Gothic
- Nimbus Sans L
- Nordstern
- Open Sans
- Optima
- Overpass
- Parisine (used by the RATP Group on their jurisdictions of Paris’s transit system)
- Product Sans
- Proxima Nova
- PT Sans (made for all minority languages of Russian Federation)
- Rail Alphabet
- Roboto
- Rotis Sans
- San Francisco (sans-serif typeface) (default typeface in iOS 9 and above and OS X El Capitan and above)
- Segoe UI
- Skia (the first QuickDraw GX font, still found in macOS today)
- Source Sans Pro
- SST*
- Sweden Sans
- Syntax
- System (Windows 3.x default)
- Tahoma
- Template Gothic
- Thesis Sans*
- Tiresias
- Trade Gothic
- Transport (used on British road signs)
- Trebuchet MS
- Twentieth Century (Tw Cen MT)
- Ubuntu
- Unica
- Univers
- Zurich
- Vera Sans
- Verdana
- Nyala
- Rotis Semi Serif
- EasyReading
- Andalé Mono
- Arial Monospaced
- Bitstream Vera (Vera Sans Mono)
- Consolas
- Courier
- Courier New
- Cutive Mono
- DejaVu Sans Mono
- Droid Sans Mono
- Everson Mono (also known as Everson Mono Unicode)
- Fira Mono
- Fira Code
- Fixed
- Fixedsys
- HyperFont
- IBM Plex Mono*
- Inconsolata
- Letter Gothic
- Liberation Mono
- Lucida Console*
- Lucida Sans Typewriter*
- Lucida Typewriter*
- Menlo
- MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, several fonts)
- Monaco (one of the original Macintosh system fonts)
- Monospace
- MS Gothic
- MS Mincho
- Nimbus Mono L
- OCR-A (Optical Character Recognition)
- PragmataPro
- Prestige Elite (also known as Prestige, is similar to Courier)
- ProFont (a freeware font designed for easy readability at small sizes)
- Proggy programming fonts
- Roboto Mono
- SimHei
- SST Typewriter
- SimSun
- Source Code Pro
- Terminal
- Ubuntu Mono
- Vera Sans Mono (Bitstream Vera)
Brush scripts[edit]
- Balloon
- Brush Script
- Choc
- Dom Casual
- Mistral
- Papyrus
- Segoe Script
- Utopia
- American Scribe
- AMS Euler
- Apple Chancery
- Forte
- French Script
- ITC Zapf Chancery
- Kuenstler Script
- Monotype Corsiva
- Old English Text MT
- Zapfino
- Andy
- Ashley Script
- Cézanne
- Chalkboard
- Comic Sans MS
- Comic Neue
- Dom Casual
- Freestyle Script
- Kristen
- Lucida Handwriting
Other script[edit]
- Coronet
- Curlz
- Gravura
- Script (vector font included with Windows 2.1)
- Wiesbaden Swing
- Bastard
- Breitkopf Fraktur
- Fette Fraktur (Fraktur Bold)
- Fletcher
- Fraktur
- Lucida Blackletter
- Old English Text
- Schwabacher
- Tannenberg
- Textualis (Textura)
- Theuerdank Fraktur
- Aharoni (including Hebrew script)
- Aldhabi[1] calligraphic Arabic font by Microsoft.
- Aisha (Arabic, Latin)
- Aparajita (Angika, Bhojpuri, Bodo and other Indian languages)
- Arek (Armenian, Latin)
- Arial (Used in English, Arabic, Hebrew and other languages)[2]
- Avory (Cyrillic, Greek, Latin)
- Awami Nastaliq features a more extensive character set than most Nastaliq typefaces, supporting: Urdu, Balochi, Farsi (Iranian Persian), Khowar, Palula, Saraiki, Shina.[3] available from SIL website
- Baloo (OFL typeface set for Indian languages)
- Baloo for Devanagari (Hindi and other north Indian languages)
- Baloo Bhai for Gujarati
- Baloo Bhaijaan for Urdu
- Baloo Bhaina for Oriya
- Baloo Chettan for Malayalam
- Baloo Da for Bengali
- Baloo Paaji for Gurumukhi
- Baloo Tamma for Kannada
- Baloo Tammudu for Telugu
- Baloo Thambi for Tamil
- Calibri (Greek)
- Chandas (Devanagari)
- Clone (Cyrillic, Greek, Latin)
- Corsair (Cyrillic, Greek, Latin)
- Eskorte (Arabic, Latin)
- Gadugi (Used by the American/Canadian Blackfoot tribe, and for the language called Carrier, and used by the Native American tribe of the Cherokee and for other languages)
- Grecs du roi (Greek)
- Hanacaraka (traditional Javanese script)
- Japanese Gothic
- Jomolhari (Tibetan script)
- Kiran (Devanagari)
- Kochi
- Koren (Hebrew)
- Kruti Dev (Devanagari)
- Malgun Gothic (Korean sans-serif)
- Meiryo (Japanese sans-serif gothic typeface)
- Microsoft JhengHei (Traditional Chinese)
- Microsoft YaHei (Simplified Chinese)
- Minchō
- Ming
- Mona (Japanese)
- MS Gothic
- Nassim (Arabic, Latin)
- Nastaliq Navees
- Neacademia (Cyrillic, Latin)
- Noto Sans[4]
- Noto Serif[4]
- Perpetua Greek[5]
- Porson (Greek)
- Segoe UI Symbol (Latin, Braille, Coptic and Gothic)
- Shruti (Gujarati)
- Skolar (a multi-script font family with Arabic, Cyrillic, Devanagari, Greek, Gujarati and Latin scripts)
- Skolar Sans (in Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Latin)
- SimSun
- Sylfaen (a multi-script serif font family, for various non-Latin scripts and is for the languages Armenian and Georgian)
- Sutturah (Cyrillic, Latin)
- Tahoma[6] has a very extensive character set including:
- Latin (extended including: «Latin 2» for eastern Europe, Turkish, and Vietnamese)[6]
- Arabic[6] (extended character set covering Urdu, Pashto, Kurdish, and others)
- and other alphabets: Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, and Thai.[6]
- Tengwar
- Tibetan Machine Uni
- Urdu Typesetting[7] is designed for Urdu. The character set covers other languages (such as Arabic and Persian) but the Nastaliq style is unusual for modern documents in languages other than Urdu.
- Wilson Greek
Unicode fonts[edit]
A Unicode font is a computer font that maps glyphs to code points defined in the Unicode Standard.[8] The vast majority of modern computer fonts use Unicode mappings, even those fonts which only include glyphs for a single writing system, or even only support the basic Latin alphabet. Fonts which support a wide range of Unicode scripts and Unicode symbols are sometimes referred to as «pan-Unicode fonts», although as the maximum number of glyphs that can be defined in a TrueType font is restricted to 65,535, it is not possible for a single font to provide individual glyphs for all defined Unicode characters (149,186 characters, with Unicode 15.0). This article lists some widely used Unicode fonts (shipped with an operating system or produced by a well-known commercial font company) that support a comparatively large number and broad range of Unicode characters.
This list of more comprehensive Unicode fonts, including open-source Unicode typefaces, showing the number of characters/glyphs included for the released version, and also showing font’s license type:
- Alphabetum (shareware, includes a few SMP character blocks. Over 5,490 characters in version 9.00)
- Arial Unicode MS (distributed along with Microsoft Office (2002XP, 2003). only supports up to Unicode 2.0. Contains 50,377 glyphs (38,917 characters) in v1.01.)
- Batang and Gungsuh, a serif and monospace/gothic font, respectively; both with 20,609 Latin/Cyrillic/CJK glyphs in version 2.11. Distributed with Microsoft Office.
- Bitstream Cyberbit (free for non-commercial use. 29,934 glyphs in v2.0-beta.)
- Bitstream Vera (free/open source, limited coverage with 300 glyphs, DejaVu fonts extend Bitstream Vera with thousands of glyphs)
- Charis SIL (free/open source, over 4,600 glyphs in v4.114)
- Code2000 (shareware Unicode font; supports the entire BMP. 63,888 glyphs in v1.15. Abandoned.)
- Code2001 (freeware; supports the SMP. 2,944 glyphs in v0.917. Abandoned.)
- Code2002
- DejaVu fonts (free/open source, «DejaVu Sans» includes 3,471 glyphs and 2,558 kerning pairs in v2.6)
- Doulos SIL (free/open source, designed for IPA, 3,083 glyphs in v4.014.)
- EB Garamond (free/open source, includes 3,218 glyphs in 2017)
- Everson Mono (also known as, Everson Mono Unicode. Shareware; contains all non-CJK characters. 4,899 glyphs in Macromedia Fontographer v4.1.3 2003-02-13.)
- Fallback font (freeware fallback font for Windows)
- Free UCS Outline Fonts aka FreeFont (free/open source, «FreeSerif» includes 3,914 glyphs in v1.52, MES-1 compliant)
- Gentium (free/open source, «Gentium Plus» includes over 5,500 glyphs in November 2010)
- GNU Unifont (free/open source, bitmapped glyphs are inclusive as defined in unicode-5.1 only)
- Georgia Ref (also distributed under the name «MS Reference Serif,» extension of the Georgia typeface)
- Gulim/New Gulim and Dotum, rounded sans-serif and non-rounded sans-serif respectively, (distributed with Microsoft Office 2000. wide range of CJK (Korean) characters. 49,284 glyphs in v3.10.)
- Junicode (free; includes many obsolete scripts, intended for mediævalists. 2,235 glyphs in v0.6.12.)
- Kurinto Font Folio (open source (OFL), pan-Unicode, 21 typefaces, 506 fonts; v2.196 (July 26, 2020) has coverage of most of Unicode v12.1 plus many auxiliary scripts including the UCSUR)
- LastResort (fallback font covering all 17 Unicode planes, included with Mac OS 8.5 and up)
- Lucida Grande (Unicode font included with macOS; includes 1,266 glyphs)*
- Lucida Sans Unicode (included in more recent Microsoft Windows versions; only supports ISO 8859-x characters. 1,776 glyphs in v2.00.)*
- MS Gothic (distributed with Microsoft Office, 14,965 glyphs in v2.30)
- MS Mincho (distributed with Microsoft Office, 14,965 glyphs in v2.30)
- Nimbus Sans Global
- Noto, a family of fonts designed by Google: nearly 64,000 glyphs as of 2018.
- PragmataPro, a modular monospaced font family designed by Fabrizio Schiavi, Regular version includes more than 7000 glyphs
- Squarish Sans CT v0.10 (1,756 glyphs; Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and more)
- STIX (especially mathematics, symbols and Greek, see also XITS)
- Titus Cyberbit Basic (free; updated version of Cyberbit. 9,779 glyphs in v3.0, 2000.)
- Verdana Ref (also distributed under the name «MS Reference Sans Serif,» extension of the Verdana typeface)
- XITS (especially mathematics, symbols and Greek)
Dingbat/Symbol fonts[edit]
- Apple Symbols (Included with macOS)
- Asana-Math
- Blackboard bold
- Bookshelf Symbol 7
- Cambria Math
- Computer Modern
- Lucida Math*
- Marlett
- Symbol (consists of Greek letters and mathematical symbols)
- Webdings
- Wingdings
- Wingdings 2
- Wingdings 3
- Zapf Dingbats
Display/Decorative fonts[edit]
- Ad Lib
- Allegro
- Andreas
- Arnold Böcklin
- Astur
- Banco
- Bauhaus
- Braggadocio
- Broadway
- Caslon Antique
- Cooper Black
- Curlz
- Ellington
- Exocet
- FIG Script
- Forte
- Gabriola
- Horizon
- Jim Crow
- Lo-Type
- Neuland
- Peignot
- San Francisco
- Stencil
- Umbra
- Westminster
- Willow
- Windsor
Ethnic fonts[edit]
- Lithos (Greek)
- Höfðaletur (Icelandic)
- Compatil
- Generis
- Grasset
- Luxi
- Sans forgetica (learning aid font)
Typefaces with an asterisk(*) after their name are part of a superfamily that belongs to multiple categories.
See also[edit]
- Adobe Originals
- Computer font
- Font family (HTML)
- Font management software
- Gaelic type
- List of Apple typefaces
- List of typefaces included with Microsoft Windows
- List of public signage typefaces
- List of typefaces designed by Frederic Goudy
- List of typefaces included with macOS
- Record type
- Vox-ATypI classification
- ^ «Aldhabi – Typography».
- ^ «Arial font family – Typography».
- ^ «What is Special About Awami Nastaliq? – Awami Nastaliq».
- ^ a b «Google Noto Fonts». Retrieved 2 March 2020.
- ^ Harling, Robert (1978). The Letter Forms and Type Designs of Eric Gill. Boston, MA: Eva Svensson and David R. Godine. ISBN 0-87923-200-5.
- ^ a b c d «Tahoma font family – Typography». Retrieved 2 March 2020.
- ^ «Urdu Typesetting font family – Typography».
- ^ «Fonts and keyboards». Unicode Consortium. 28 June 2017. Archived from the original on 18 October 2019. Retrieved 13 October 2019.
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Ваш текст: |
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Шрифт 10.12 4 cyr-lat,
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Шрифт 20db,
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Шрифт a Albionic,
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Шрифт a AlbionicTitulInfl Bold,
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Шрифт a Alterna,
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Шрифт a AlternaNr,
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Шрифт a AlternaSw,
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Шрифт a AssuanTitulStrDs,
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Шрифт a BighausTitulBrk ExtraBold,
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Шрифт a BodoniOrtoTitul Black ,
скачать / посмотреть
Шрифт a BodoniOrtoTitulNr Black,
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Шрифт a braggatitulgr,
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Шрифт a Bremen,
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Шрифт a CampusPrspDnSh,
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Шрифт a CampusSpots,
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Шрифт a CampusStrip,
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Шрифт a CampusStripDn,
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Шрифт a CampusStripUp,
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Шрифт a ConceptoTitulNrWv,
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Шрифт a Futurica ExtraBold,
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 >
Бесплатные шрифты — партнерская группа ВКонтакте.
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Фонетические шрифты [7]
In MS Word, an entire family of fonts is usually referred to as a Typeface (like Times New Roman). People also prefer using font style or font type.
And “Font” as a word, is reserved for a combination of different features such as font style, size, color and weight (like Arial, 12 pt, Red, Bold).
Therefore, the word “Font” in MS Word often means a whole family of display features such as the typeface, color, weight, and/or size.
If this distinction makes sense to you, let’s now see how we can explore the list of font styles in MS Word as well as how to add new font types or typeface.
Below is an illustration of the various fonts and how they look when applied.
Below is the list of All fonts in MS Word. The above pictures are illustrations of how these fonts look like.
Abadi MT Condensed Light | Impact |
Albertus Extra Bold | Incised901 Bd BT |
Albertus Medium | Incised901 BT |
Allegro | Incised901 Lt BT |
Amazone BT | Informal011 BT |
AmerType Md BT | Jester |
Antique Olive | Kabel Bk BT |
Arial | Kabel Ult BT |
Arial Black | Kaufmann Bd BT |
Arial MT | Kaufmann BT |
Arial Narrow | Korinna BT |
Arrus BT | Letter Gothic |
Aurora Cn BT | Lithograph |
AvantGarde Bk BT | Lithograph Light |
AvantGarde Md BT | Long Island |
BankGothic Md BT | Lucida Console |
Bazooka | Lucida Handwriting |
Benguiat Bk BT | Lucida Sans |
BernhardFashion BT | Lucida Sans Unicode |
BernhardMod BT | Lydian BT |
BinnerD | Marigold |
Book Antiqua | Market |
Bookman Old Style | Matisse ITC |
Boulder | Monotype Corsiva |
Bremen Bd BT | MS LineDraw |
Calisto MT | News GothicMT |
Calligrapher | NewsGoth BT |
CaslonOpnface BT | OCR A Extended |
Century Gothic | Old Century |
Century Schoolbook | Onyx BT |
Cezanne | OzHandicraft BT |
CG Omega | Pegasus |
CG Times | Pickwick |
Charlesworth | Poster |
Charter Bd BT | PosterBodoni BT |
Charter BT | PTBarnum BT |
Chaucer | Pythagoras |
ChelthmITC Bk BT | Ribbon131 Bd BT |
Clarendon Condensed | Sceptre |
CloisterBlack BT | Serifa BT |
Comic Sans MS | Serifa Th BT |
Copperplate Gothic Bold | ShelleyVolante BT |
Copperplate Gothic Light | Sherwood |
CopperplGoth Bd BT | Signboard |
Cornerstone | Socket |
Coronet | Souvenir Lt BT |
Courier | Staccato222 BT |
Courier New | Steamer |
Cuckoo | Storybook |
Dauphin | Subway |
Denmark | Swis721 BlkEx BT |
English 111 Vivace BT | Swiss911 XCm BT |
EngraversGothic BT | Tahoma |
Exotc350 Bd BT | Technical |
Fransiscan | Teletype |
Freefrm721 Blk BT | Tempus Sans ITC |
FrnkGothITC Bk BT | Times |
Futura Bk BT | Times New Roman |
Futura Lt BT | Times New Roman PS |
Futura Md BT | Trebuchet MS |
Futura ZBlk BT | Tristan |
FuturaBlack BT | Tubular |
Galliard BT | TypoUpright BT |
Garamond | Unicorn |
Geneva | Univers |
Geometr231 BT | Univers Condensed |
Geometr231 Hv BT | Vagabond |
Geometr231 Lt BT | Verdana |
GeoSlab 703 Lt BT | Westminster |
GeoSlab 703 XBd BT | ZapfEllipt BT |
GoudyHandtooled BT | ZapfHumnst BT |
GoudyOLSt BT | ZapfHumnst Dm BT |
Haettenschweiler | Zurich BlkEx BT |
Heather | Zurich Ex BT |
Helvetica | |
Herald | |
Humanst 521 Cn BT | |
Humanst521 BT | |
Humanst521 Lt BT |
How to add new fonts to Word
Despite the fact that Microsoft Word and the other office apps have plenty of font styles, you may need to add new fancy fonts into your Word document.
You have no problem because, in this tutorial, I will show how to add any new font into MS Word and use it in your projects.
However, there are several ways you can add new fonts in MS Word.
I’ll go through each option one after the other here in this article.
Option 1: Using the Microsoft Store
Using the Microsoft Store, you can add new fonts into your
Word document or other office apps.
The steps are outlined below:
- Go to Settings on your PC
To open settings on your PC, type settings in the search bar
and press the Enter key.
- Click on Fonts > Get more fonts in
Microsoft Store
Upon clicking on Get more fonts, the Microsoft Store will open with a list of available fonts in the store.
- If you find the font you want to add, click on
- Then click on the Get button to download the font.
Of course, some of the fonts aren’t free. Some of them require you to make a little contribution before you can download.
After completing the above steps, the downloaded font family
will be available in Word and the other office apps like Excel or PowerPoint.
Option 2: Using the Font Installer
Microsoft Store doesn’t have lots of fonts. Therefore, you may not get the font you are looking for from there.
However, you can download whatever new font you want from other sources and install it into MS Word or other office apps.
Obey the steps below:
- Download the font you wish to add to MS Word.
Download Fonts Here: AbstractFonts.Com
There are several places you can download awesome fonts from. The above link also has a lot of amazing free fonts for you to explore. Click here for more resources on free fonts.
- After downloading the new font you want to add, browse to the folder that has the font file.
Note: The font may be in a zip file. If that’s the case, you
should unzip the file first.
- Right-Click on the font file. A shortcut menu will
appear, select Install or Install for all users.
After applying all the steps above, the installed font will
now be available in your list of fonts in MS Word and the other office apps.
These are the various ways you may add new fonts into MS Word.
In this tutorial, you will learn about how to see list of fonts used in a Word document. By default, there is no option in MS Word that can help you know which fonts are exactly used in a word document. That means if you want to know the same, then the only option you have is to open the document and then manually check the fonts. But today, I came across a free tool which can help you see which fonts are used in any Word document.
For that, you would need to simply open this software, select a Word file, and voila you get the result instantly. Do note that it supports only the “DOC” files. There are also many font identifiers available which can help you find fonts from images and webpages. But, none of them has the option to find fonts used in a Word document.
To get started, the first thing you need to do is download “UsedFonts” on your PC. The link is given at the end of this post. After that, extract the archive and then you can see a “UsedFonts.exe” file inside the extracted folder.
Now, to see the list of fonts used in a Word document, simply double-click on the EXE file. Then it will ask you to select the source Word document from your PC. Remember, it only supports DOC file.
As soon as you do that, it will automatically analyze the text in the Word document and generate a list of fonts used in the document. You can see the list of fonts in a small popup window, as shown below.
Closing Words:
So, if you have been looking for a way to find out which fonts are used in a Word document, then this tutorial can be helpful for you. UsedFonts makes it super easy for you to do that. No Rocket Science required, as all you gotta do is select a Word file in this tool and the rest is done automatically. Go ahead try it out for free.
Get “UsedFonts” from here.
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Tags: fonts |
You can split fonts into two main styles. There are serif fonts (with lines flicking out of each letter) and sans-serif fonts (without the lines). Serif fonts tend to be easier to read, but they look more formal. This article will show you some of the best ones in Word.
The best serif fonts in Microsoft Word are Times New Roman, Garamond, and Palatino Linotype. They all work well to show a more formal look in your writing. They’re also very easy to read, making them solid choices if you’re looking to write an essay or academic paper.
Times New Roman
Times New Roman is the default Microsoft Word font. You really can’t go wrong with it. Everyone knows what it looks like, and everyone uses it as the default serif font in Word. If you don’t actively change your font, it’s likely that you’re writing in Times New Roman.
It is a very professional font that has been proven to be one of the easiest to read on paper. It also makes your writing look more trustworthy, which works wonders when you use it for something like an academic or scientific paper.
You will find that Times New Roman is one of the most popular fonts in the world. It’s such a good choice because of how popular it is, and it can fit in just about anywhere in your writing. It works well for titles and in the main body of the text.
Garamond is another great serif font that works really well. It comes in at a close second to Times New Roman, which is saying a lot considering how popular Times New Roman is. Garamond is fairly easy to read, and it even comes in slightly smaller in size.
Garamond is a great font that makes your writing much more concise. The smaller size of this font allows you to fit more words onto your page without feeling like you’re writing an essay full of gibberish and waffle.
If people decided to choose a different serif font in place of Times New Roman, it’s likely that Garamond would rank quite highly as their next favorite pick.
Palatino Linotype
Palatino Linotype is a great font choice that a lot of people enjoy using. It feels a bit fresher than some of the other serif fonts, and the size of the letters makes it a little more appealing when you are writing it for more informal purposes.
You will find that Palatino Linotype looks good wherever you put it. It can be both in a heading or in the main text body. As long as you like the look of the font, you’ll find a great place to put it to make sure it fits in.
The letters on Palatino Linotype feel a little more “open” than those of Times New Roman and Garamond. That’s what makes it a better choice if you’re looking for something that’s a little bit easier to read or comes across with more informal energy.
Georgia is a very popular choice that a lot of essay writers are recommended to use. Many academics also vouch for Georgia, making it a really good choice if you’re looking to capture a more formal and trustworthy look.
People say that Georgia works really well as a heading. While this is definitely true, there is nothing wrong with using it as part of the main body of your text either. It can work in just about any situation, which makes it a great serif font choice.
While it’s not as popular as Times New Roman, it’s definitely up there in terms of how many people use it. It’s a fairly generic serif font, so there aren’t any specific style choices that stand it out from some of the rest.
Cambria is another great serif font that is a default choice in Microsoft Word. While it isn’t automatically set as a font choice, it is automatic if you use the specific Word style that allows you to write headings and sub-headings.
Cambria is one of the best choices to introduce new ideas with headings and sub-headings. Of course, you don’t have to be limited to including it as a heading. If you want it as the text body, too, that’s fine.
You’ll find that this ranks highly in popularity compared to many of the other fonts. It looks really good on the page because of the more “square” feel that the letters have.
Bodoni MT
Bodoni MT is a classical serif font that works well. People like to use this font for novels, which shows that it must be an easy-to-read choice. The purpose of novels is to have thousands of words page after page, so having an easy-to-read font is always going to be ideal.
Bodoni MT is one of the thicker fonts on this list. It almost looks like it is written in bold, which really helps it to stand out from some of the other options. It works really well when it’s used to write multiple words at the same time.
The serif style looks very similar to some of the best fonts on this list, too. While this doesn’t allow Bodoni MT to be unique, it does allow it to have a familiar look and feel to it.
Bookman Old Style
Bookman Old Style is another great font that is common for novels. Again, if it works well in novels, you can bet that it works well in any situation when you might need someone to read through what you’re writing carefully.
Bookman Old Style is a large font. It allows the letters to appear more free and open compared to many of the other choices. This makes it a great font that’s worth trying out.
Lucida Bright
Lucida Bright is a good font choice. It’s part of the famous Lucida font family, and it works really well to show a large serif style. Lucida Bright is one of the larger fonts on this list, making it a great choice if you’re trying to make your writing really easy to read.
Some people would argue that Lucida Bright is too large for most formal documents. It does mean that you’ll take up a few extra pages because of your larger font choice, but this isn’t always a problem. Sometimes, it’s refreshing to include a larger font.
Modern No. 20
Modern No. 20 is an interesting serif font that doesn’t often get used. It’s a great choice nonetheless, and it applies to situations where some of the other serif fonts might feel a bit too pretentious or samey.
Modern No. 20 has very sharp serifs on its letters. While all of the fonts discussed so far have decent serif accents, Modern No. 20 seems to have some of the largest serifs that really help it to bring a unique style to your writing.
It’s much smaller than most of the other options too. It makes for a great choice if you’re trying to include a lot of information in one area without feeling like you have to fill up a lot of pages to get it to work.
Rockwell is a great option that many people like to use. It comes from the Rockwell family, which has made its name with more obvious and impactful fonts like ExtraBold and Condensed. Rockwell on its own is a great option for your serif-font needs.
It fits a similar style to most of the other serif fonts. There is nothing particularly unique that makes it stand out, which is usually a good thing. People don’t like their serif fonts to look out of place in their writing, and Rockwell will fit in no matter where you put it.
Poor Richard
Poor Richard is a great font in Microsoft Word that deserves more attention. It’s a very attractive font that comes with small lower-case letters. The capital letters tend to dwarf the lower-case ones, making it an interesting font style that the other serif fonts don’t have.
This font style is both a blessing and a curse, depending on how you look at it. It’s a blessing because it means that Poor Richard has a unique personality that allows it to stand out from the rest of the serif crowd.
It’s a curse because the uniqueness and size of the font in its style mean it doesn’t work very well formally. You’ll find that Poor Richard is a much better serif font for your informal writing.
Perpetua follows the same general idea as Poor Richard. It’s not all that popular, but it deserves to be. It’s a great font with an interesting style (most of which comes from the way some of the letters go below the written line, like the “p’s” and “q’s”).
Perpetua works really well in formal and informal contexts. It’s worth trying to use it yourself to see whether you can get along with it. A lot of people think it’s an attractive font, but it doesn’t often get used because it’s not a very well-known name.
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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.