List all comments in word

You’re working on a Microsoft Word Document and can’t figure out how to see all of the comments at the same time.

This article will show you how to view all of the comments in your Word doc at the click of a button.

How to show all comment lines in your Word Document

Follow these 4 easy steps to view all comments:

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. In the toolbar, click Review.
  3. Find and click Tracking.
  4. Tick All Markups.

Only want to see the comments not all changes?

If your Microsoft Word Document is full of tracked changes, comments and formatting updates and you want to clear the air for comments only here’s how you do it:

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. In the toolbar, click Review.
  3. Find and click Tracking.
  4. Click Mark-up Options.
  5. Clear everything except Comments.

Need a better way to collaborate on Microsoft Word Documents?

You’re working on a word document with your team, each of you adding comments and tracking changes along the way. Then you realise two people have been working on the same document at once and you no longer have all of the changes in the one file.

You start googling ‘How to merge Word documents with comments?’ and think there has to be a better way!

Enter purpose-built tools, such as Simul Docs, designed to help you seamlessly collaborate on Microsoft Word documents with your team.

Simul Docs is an easy to use tool that works to keep track of a Word document as your team make edits. Automatically saving new versions each time the document is opened and edited, tracking all changes (even if you forget to turn track changes on).

Simul also recognises when two people are editing a document at the same time, saving each person’s changes in a separate ‘branch’ so no one’s work is overridden.

You can then ‘merge’ these two branches with the click of a button. Bringing both author’s changes back into the same document, allowing you to easily identify the differences. It’s that easy!

Here are two answers (with some overlap):

Step 1: On the “Review” tab, in the “Tracking” panel,
go into the “Show Markup” dropdown
and clear everything but “Comments”, like this:
        “Show Markup” dropdown
(If you don’t have any tracked changes (other than comments) you can skip this step.)

and then either

Step 2A: Still in the “Tracking” panel, enable a “Reviewing Pane”, like this:
        “Reviewing Pane” dropdown
… and you’ll get something like this:
                         “Reviewing Pane” — list of tracked changes and comments in the document


Step 2B: Print “List of markup”, like this:
        Print dialog box — Print what
Output is similar to what you get in the Reviewing Pane.

These instructions work,
with trivial changes in the appearance of the user interface, in Word 2013.

Word Featured

Here’s how to export a summary of comments from a Word document for easy reviewing.

If you’re anything like me (read: an obsessed writer), you spend hours crafting the perfect words. The minute you’re done, you contact everybody you know and ask for feedback. If you use Word, Microsoft makes it easy for people to share their thoughts on certain passages through the Comments feature.

Let’s say you’ve got a document that’s hundreds of pages long. There are various comments spread throughout that you’d like to look over on paper. Sadly, when you try printing out your document, the comments don’t display properly. Don’t you wish you could print out the comments themselves? Actually, you can, and it’s super easy to do.

  1. First, open your document. The comments should show up immediately. If they don’t, click on the Review tab. Select Simple Markup if you only want to see the comments or All Markup if you want to see what the comments are referencing. No Markup hides the comments and any revisions you’ve made to your document. Original is pretty much the same thing as No Markup.

    show all markupUnless you only want to print comments from one person, make sure you have All Reviewers selected under Show Markup > Specific People.

    show markup from specific people

  2. With that info out of the way, it’s time to start printing. Take your mouse and click on the File word file menu
  3. Once you’ve done that, select word print comments
  4. Under Settings click on Print All Pages and List of Markup. Note that once you do this, your print preview won’t update. But when you print it, it will produce a list of markup instead of the word 2016 comment summary
  5. Now click Print. You’re done!

export comments in word document

One last thing: If you have a bunch of tracked changes on your document and comments, those will be included in your list of markup.

ms word print only comments?

If you’d rather only see comments, go to the Review pane and click Show Markup and deselect everything but Comments before you print.

microsoft word print comments only no track changes

Article by: Megan Scussel, groovyPost contributor.

Use Word with your keyboard and a screen reader to add comments in a Word document. We’ve tested it with Narrator and JAWS, but it might work with other screen readers as long as they follow common accessibility standards and techniques. With comments, you can suggest modifications to documents or mark issues for follow-up. You’ll learn how to reply to a comment or delete comments after reading.

Decorative icon Need instructions on how to add comments to a Word document, but not using a screen reader? Refer to Insert or delete a comment.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • To learn more about screen readers, go to How screen readers work with Microsoft 365.

In this topic

  • Add a comment

  • Find comments inline

  • Read a list of all comments

  • Make JAWS read comment texts automatically

  • Navigate between comments

  • Navigate between the document and the comments

  • Use keyboard shortcuts with comments

  • Reply to comments

  • Delete comments

  • Resolve comments

Add a comment

You can add a comment in a Word document, for example, when you are reviewing someone else’s work, if you want to write a note in your own document, or if you’d like to track issues for follow-up.

  1. Navigate to the location in the body text where you want to insert your comment. For more information, refer to the section «Read a document» in Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word.

  2. To select the words in the body text to be highlighted as commented text, hold Ctrl+Shift and press the Right arrow key (to select words after the current cursor location) or Left arrow key (to select words before the current cursor location). You hear each selected word.

  3. To add the new comment, press Ctrl+Alt+M. The focus moves to a new comment text box by the side of the page (called the side track).

    Tip: You can also add a comment from the Comments pane. To do so, press Alt+Z, C or Alt+R, P, 1, L to open the pane. You hear: «New comment, button.» Then press Enter.

  4. Type your comment, and press Ctrl+Enter to save it as a new comment thread. To return the focus to where you left off in the body text, press Alt+F12.

Find comments inline

Comment insertion points are highlighted in the document’s body text and announced by your screen reader when you use All Markup mode.

  1. To turn on the All Markup mode, press Alt+R, T, D. The markup menu is expanded, and you hear the name of the currently selected markup. In the markup list, press the Up or Down arrow key until you hear «All markup,» and then press Enter to select. The focus returns to the body text.

  2. You can now start reading the content in the document. You can, for example, start continuous reading from your current location in the text or navigate the text line by line. Your screen reader announces when it finds a comment in the text.

  3. To stop reading at any time, press Ctrl. To read the previous comment, that is, the one you just passed, press Alt+R, V.

Make JAWS read comment texts automatically

By default, JAWS only reads the comment info, for example, who inserted the comment and when, but not the comment text itself. To have JAWS read the comment text automatically when the focus is on a comment, you need to go to the JAWS verbosity settings and turn on Control description.

  1. To open the JAWS settings center dialog box, press the SR key+6.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear «Speech verbosity,» press the Down or Up arrow key until you hear «Verbosity level,» and then press Enter.

  3. Press the Tab key until you hear «Configure verbosity levels,» press the Down or Up arrow key until you hear your current verbosity level (Beginner, intermediate, or advanced), and then press Enter.

  4. Press the Tab key until you hear «Items to be spoken,» press the Down or Up arrow key until you hear «Control description,» and then press Spacebar. Press the Tab key until you hear «OK button,» and then press Enter.

  5. To close the settings center dialog box, press the Tab key until you hear «OK button,» and then press Enter.

  6. Move the focus to a comment. You hear who inserted the comment and when and then the comment text. If the focus is already in the comment pane and you press the Up or Down arrow key to navigate to another comment, you might find that the comment text is not announced. When that happens, press Insert+Tab on the comment you want to hear, and JAWS reads the full comment information, including the comment text.

Navigate between comments

No matter where you are in the document, you can quickly jump to and read the next or previous comment thread.

  1. To move to the next comment thread from your current location, press Alt+R, N. To move to the previous comment thread, press Alt+R, V. The focus moves to the thread in the side track, or in the Comments pane if you have it open.

    Tip: When the focus is on the very last comment and you press Alt+R, N, the focus moves back to the first comment.

  2. To read the first comment of the thread, with Narrator, press the SR key+0. With JAWS, move the focus inside the commented text, and then press Alt+Shift+Apostrophe (‘).

  3. If the comment thread has replies, press Enter to expand the thread, use the Down and Up arrow keys to navigate between the replies, and read them individually as instructed in step 1. To collapse the thread after reading it, press the Up arrow key until you reach the first comment, and then press Enter.

  4. To return the focus to the body text, press Alt+F12.

Navigate between the document and the comments 

  • Switch the focus between the document and the comments: When the focus is inside the commented text or on a comment, press Alt+F12.

  • Cycle through different areas in Word: Press Alt+Z, C or Alt+R, P, 1, L to open the Comments pane, and then press F6. The focus cycles between the document body, the Comments pane, status bar, and ribbon. F6 will work even if the focus is not inside a commented text.

  • Navigate from a comment to the document body: When the focus is on a comment, press Esc. The focus moves from the comment to the commented text in the document.

  • Navigate from the document body to a comment: When the focus is inside the commented text, press Shift+F10 or the Windows Menu key to open the context menu. Press the Down arrow key until you hear «Go to comment,» and then press Enter.

    Tip: In the context menu, you can also find other comments related commands such as Edit comment, Reply to comment, and Resolve comment which also move the focus to the comment area.

Use keyboard shortcuts with comments

To do this


Move the focus between the document and the comments.


Read the comment at cursor with JAWS.

Alt+Shift+Apostrophe (‘)

Show a list of comments with JAWS.

Ctrl+Shift+Apostrophe (‘)

Read the next comment.

Alt+R, N

Read the previous comment.

Alt+R, V

Open the Comments pane.

Alt+R, P, 1, L or

Alt+Z, C

Open the context menu to access comment related items when the focus is on the commented text.

Shift+F10 or the Windows Menu key

Insert a comment.


Post a comment.


Reply to comments

  1. Navigate to a comment thread you want to reply to.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear: «Add mention or reply.» Press Enter, type your reply, and then press Ctrl+Enter to save it. The focus returns to the comment thread.

  3. To return the focus to the body text, press Alt+F12.

Delete comments

You can delete comments and comment threads one by one or delete all comments in the document at the same time.

Delete a single comment

  1. Navigate to a comment thread that contains the comment you want to delete.

  2. Press Enter, and then use the Down and Up arrow keys to navigate to the right comment.

  3. Press the Tab key until you hear: «More thread options, button.» Press Spacebar to open the menu. Then press the Down arrow key until you hear «Delete comment,» and press Spacebar. The comment is deleted and the focus returns to the thread.

Delete a comment thread

  1. Navigate to a comment thread you want to delete.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear: «More thread options, button.» Press Spacebar to open the menu. Then press the Down arrow key until you hear «Delete thread,» and press Spacebar. The thread is deleted and the focus returns to the body text if you had the thread open in the side track, or to the New button if you had the thread open in the Comments pane.

Delete all comments

  1. Press Alt+R, D, O.

Resolve comments

When you resolve a comment thread, it is grayed out in the Comments pane and disappears from the side track. No more replies can be added to a resolved thread. You can delete or reopen a resolved thread. Resolving a thread doesn’t delete it.

  1. Navigate to a comment thread you want to resolve.

  2. Press the Tab key until you hear: «More thread options, button.» Press Spacebar to open the menu. Then press the Down arrow key until you hear «Resolve thread,» and press Spacebar.

    Tip: To reopen a resolved comment thread, you must open the Comments pane, as resolved comments disappear from the side track. Press Alt+Z, C to open the pane if it’s not already open. Then navigate to the thread, press the Tab key until you hear «Reopen, button,» and press Enter. The thread is editable again.

See also

Use a screen reader to insert and change text in Word

Use a screen reader to track and review changes in a document in Word

Keyboard shortcuts in Word

Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word

What’s new in Microsoft 365: Release notes for Current Channel

Use Word with TalkBack, the built-in Android screen reader, to add comments to a Word document. With comments, you can suggest modifications to documents or mark issues for follow-up. You’ll learn how to delete comments after reading or reply to a comment.


  • New Microsoft 365 features are released gradually to Microsoft 365 subscribers, so your app might not have these features yet. To learn how you can get new features faster, join the Office Insider program.

  • This topic assumes that you are using the built-in Android screen reader, TalkBack. To learn more about using TalkBack, go to Android accessibility.

In this topic

  • Add a comment

  • Navigate through comments

  • Reply to comments

  • Resolve comments

  • Delete comments

Add a comment

You can add a comment in a Word document, for example, when you are reviewing someone else’s work, if you want to write a note in your own document, or if you’d like to track issues for follow-up.

  1. In the Word document, navigate to the location in the text you want to add the comment to.

  2. Drag your finger along the right edge of the screen until you hear: «Not ticked, More options.» Double-tap the screen. You hear: «Tab menu, Home selected.»

  3. Double-tap the screen, swipe right until you hear «Review tab,» and double-tap the screen.

  4. Swipe right repeatedly until you hear «New comment, button,» and double-tap the screen.

  5. Use the on-screen keyboard to type your comment. When done, swipe down-then-left to close the keyboard, swipe right until you hear: «Post comment, button,» and double-tap the screen. The comment is added to the document as a new comment thread and the focus moves to the Close button in the comment pane.

  6. To close the comment pane and return to the document, double-tap the screen.

Navigate through comments

Each comment in a Word document is indicated with a small speech bubble in the document’s right margin. To hear a comment, first navigate to the comment pane in the margin, and then open the comment pane.

  1. To go to the comment pane in the document margin, swipe right repeatedly until you hear: «Comment, hints.»

  2. To go to the first comment, swipe right again, and double-tap the screen. The comment pop-out opens. Swipe right until you hear the comment. TalkBack also announces who wrote the comment and when, and if the thread has any replies. If there are replies, keep swiping right until you have heard all of them.

  3. To move to the next comment, swipe right-then-left, and then swipe right until you hear the comment.

Reply to comments

  1. To reply to a comment thread, first navigate to the first comment in the thread as instructed in Navigate through comments.

  2. Swipe right until you hear «Add mention or reply,» and double-tap the screen.

  3. Use the on-screen keyboard to type your comment. When done, swipe down-then-left to close the keyboard, then swipe right. You hear: «Post reply, button.» Double-tap the screen. The focus returns to the comment pane.

Resolve comments

When you resolve a comment thread, no more replies can be added to it. You can reopen a resolved thread. Resolving a thread doesn’t delete it.

  1. To resolve a comment thread, first navigate to the first comment in the thread as instructed in Navigate through comments.

  2. Swipe right until you hear «More thread actions, button,» and double-tap the screen. You hear: «Delete thread.» Swipe right until you hear «Resolve thread,» and double-tap the screen. The focus stays in the comment pane.

    Tip: To reopen a resolved comment thread, navigate to it. When you hear the first comment, TalkBack also announces that the thread is resolved. Drag your finger around the lower-left corner of the screen until you hear «Button, reopen,» and double-tap the screen.

Delete comments

You can delete each individual comment thread.

  1. To delete a comment thread, first navigate to the first comment in the thread as instructed in Navigate through comments.

  2. Swipe right until you hear «More thread actions, button,» and double-tap the screen. You hear: «Delete thread.» Double-tap the screen, and double-tap the screen again to confirm the deletion of the comment thread. The focus stays in the comment pane.

See also

Use a screen reader to insert and change text in Word

Basic tasks using a screen reader with Word

Set up your device to work with accessibility in Microsoft 365

Use a screen reader to explore and navigate Word

What’s new in Microsoft 365: Release notes for Current Channel

Table of Contents

  1. How do I view comments in Word 2013?
  2. How do I print comments in Word 2013?
  3. Is adding comments A new feature in Word 2013?
  4. How do you display comments?
  5. Which of the following is a new feature available in Word 2013 Comments?
  6. How do I get a list of comments in Word?
  7. How do I show comments in Word?
  8. How do I insert a comment in a Word document?
  9. How do you insert a comment in Word 2013?
  10. How do I view comments in PDF?
  11. Are there changes and comments in Word 2013?
  12. Do You need track changes to use comments?
  13. How to see all comments in Microsoft Word?
  14. How do you delete a comment in Microsoft Word?

How to Display and Review Comments in Word 2013

  1. Click the Review tab.
  2. Click the Display for Review button menu. The button is found in the Tracking group, and its icon is shown in the margin. The button’s name depends on which Display for Review mode is chosen.
  3. Choose the All Markup command.

Step 1: Open the document with the comments that you want to print. Step 2: Click the File tab at the top-left corner of the window. Step 3: Click the Print button in the column at the left side of the window. Step 4: Click the Print All Pages button, then click the List of Markup option in the Document Info section.

Simple Markup – The New Default View in Word 2013 Is the information provided by tracked changes and comments in the previous pictures useful? Yes.

Find the “Review” tab, select the “Tracking” group, and click on “Show Markup”. Rest your pointer on Balloons, and then select “Show All Revisions inline” to display comments inline and deletions with strikethroughs. Rest your pointer on a comment inside the document. The comment will appear in a ScreenTip.

Reviewing documents with Tracked Changes and comments is easier now with Word 2013’s new Simple Markup view. From Simple Markup, complex markups are hidden and the final document is displayed.

How to show all comment lines in your Word Document

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. In the toolbar, click Review.
  3. Find and click Tracking.
  4. Tick All Markups.

Insert a comment

  1. Select the text you want to comment on, or click at the end of the text.
  2. On the Review tab, click New Comment.
  3. Type your comment. Word shows your comment in a balloon in the document’s margin.

How to Add a Comment in Word 2013

  1. Select the chunk of text on which you want to comment. Be specific.
  2. On the Review tab, click the New Comment button in the Comments group. Several things happen.
  3. Type your comment and press the Esc key when you’re done typing the comment.

View comments

  1. Choose Tools > Comment. The Comments toolset is displayed in the secondary toolbar and the Comments list is displayed in the right pane.
  2. Using the Options menu at the upper-right corner of the Comments list, do any of the following: Expand or collapse the comments.

With the new revision view modes, you’re only seeing the track changes and comments that you want, when you want. In addition to a simpler view of tracked changes and comments (without losing any of the power of previous versions of Word), in the Word 2013 screen shots above, you may have noticed two additional ways we polished document review:

While it’s often used in combination with Track Changes, you don’t necessarily need to have Track Changes turned on to use comments. Highlight some text, or place the insertion point where you want the comment to appear. From the Review tab, click the New Comment command.

Click on the red bar to the left of the text. Want to see the full comment? Click it or hover over it. Want to see all of the tracked changes and comments like in previous version of Word? Switch into “All Markup” view.

Just click the Reply button and type your response. Select the comment you want to delete. From the Review tab, click the Delete command. The comment will be deleted. To delete all comments, click the Delete drop-down arrow and select Delete All Comments in Document.

How comments in Word work

Learn how to add comments in Word, how to remove comments in Word, print without comments, change font size of comments, etc.

In Word, you can use comments to add notes to the document content. Comments are saved with the document and travel with the document if you share it with others. Comments are especially useful in the editing and reviewing process of a Word document. Different people can add comments and reply to other people’s comments. When finished, all comments can easily be deleted.

Word has a number of built-in tools dedicated to comments. In this article, you will learn how comments in Word work and how to use the comment tools. The basic information about comments applies to both the built-in comment functionality and the functionality of the DocTools CommentManager add-in.

The information in this article applies to Word 2013, Word 2016, Word 2019, Word 2021, and Word for Microsoft 365 on PC/Windows. Part of the information in this article also applies to Word 2010 and earlier versions but the comment tools and the ways to access them differ. In case of Word for Microsoft 365, see the notes below about Modern Comments.

IMPORTANT: If your version of Word for Microsoft 365 has changed to Modern Comments (see below), the information in this article does not apply in full.

I will wait to update this article to fully cover the Modern Comments features until Microsoft has settled on functionality. So far, the functionality is changing too often.

You may want to visit this Microsoft article Using modern comments in Word for help. 

About Microsoft’s change to Modern Comments in Microsoft 365

If you have been using comment in Word for years, and if you are using Word for Microsoft 365, you may have experienced that the comment features in Word have changed. Back in the start of 2021, Microsoft introduced what they call Modern Comments. Modern Comments work quite differently than comments in Word have been working for years. Microsoft now refers to the old comments as Classic Comments.

As of July 2022, Microsoft may still not have rolled out Modern Comments to all users. The rollout has been quite slow. Mid 2021, I had to install the Insider Beta version of Office on a computer to get access to Modern Comments so I could test it. I did not see Modern Comments in my version of Microsoft 365, Current Channel, until in the spring 2022.

The switch to Modern Comments has frustrated many users and made many users angry. I agree with those users. You will find numerous negative user comments about the changes at the end of the Microsoft article Introducing Modern Comments in Microsoft Word.

Microsoft has listened and some improvements have been made. However, I still find Modern Comments extremely inefficient to work with compared to Classic Comments. Also, Modern Comments still have lack of functionality compared to Classic Comments.

How to get the old comment features back

Many users have requested a way to revert to the old comment features, Classic Comments. Microsoft has introduced a temporary option in Word that lets you turn off Modern Comments and revert to Classic Comments. Unfortunately, we must expect that the option will disappear some day.

To get the old comment features back:

  • Select File > Options > General > turn OFF the Enable modern comments check box. Click OK.

This will revert to the old comment features. The change of the setting does not take effect until you have restarted Word.

About the DocTools CommentManager add-in and Modern Comments

In this article, I link to my DocTools CommentManager add-in in relation to specific features. Unfortunately, I experienced that many features in the add-in didn’t work with Modern Comments. As of 20-Jun-2021, I released version 3.0 of DocTools CommentManager that works with both classic comments and Modern Comments.

The DocTools CommentManager add-in makes it faster and easier to manage comments in Word. In addition, the add-in lets you review comments in Word from one place, rank comments by importance, extract all comments to either Word or Excel, create inline comments for instructions and help, etc. DocTools CommentManager add-in is completely compatible with Word’s own comment features.

Where to find the comment tools in Word

You will find the dedicated comment tools on the Review tab in the Ribbon.

  • The Comments group on the Review tab includes tools that are dedicated to comments.
  • The Tracking group on the Review tab includes tools that are used both in relation to comments and tracked changed. In this group, you will find tools to use for changing how comments are displayed.

The comment tools in Word are found on the Review tab

Figure 1. The built-in comment tools in Word are found on the Review tab.

Word lets you add two levels of comments. First-level comments and replies to first-level comments.

You can add first-level comments in Word either via commands in the Ribbon or by using a keyboard shortcut. To can add a reply to a comment directly from the comment. Read on below.

How to insert a comment in Word

Word lets you view documents in a number of ways. In relation to comments, Print Layout view gives you the best overview. You can, for example, switch view from View tab in the Ribbon > Views group. You can also press Alt+Ctrl+P to switch to Print Layout view.

The built-in functionality in Word lets you add/insert comments from two different places. To insert a comment in Word:

  1. Select the text you want to comment.

       The selected text will be marked as the comment scope. If no text is selected, Word will mark the preceding word, if any, as the comment scope.

       To make it as easy for other users to understand your comment, make sure to select precisely the text that the comment refers to instead of, for example, selecting entire paragraphs.

  2. Follow step 2a, 2b, or 2c:
    a. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon > Comments group > New Comment
    b. Select the Insert tab in the Ribbon > Comments group > Comment
    c. Press the keyboard shortcut Alt+Ctrl+M.

       The inserted comment appears in the markup area (or balloon area) in the margin or in the Reviewing Pane depending on your settings for display of comments. See How to show comments in Word below. See Figure 2 below.

  3. In the inserted comment, type the comment text.
  4. When finished, press the Esc key to return to the document text or click in the document.

Note that pressing Esc will select the text you marked in step 1 above. If you have DocTools CommentManager, pressing Esc will position the insertion point after the scope you selected, ready for you to continue typing without first deselecting the comment scope.

If you are using the DocTools CommentManager add-in, you can insert comments via DocTools tab > CommentManager group > Insert Comment.

NOTE: Comments in Word are stored in the documents. A comment can be edited by anyone who has access to edit the document and not only by the original author who inserted the comment.

How to add comments in Word – A new comment has just been added, ready for typing comment text

Figure 2. A new comment has just been added, ready for typing comment text. Note that if Simple Markup is selected in the Tracking group on the Review tab, the commented text (comment scope) will only be marked by a color when you have selected the comment in the markup area. If your document is in Draft view instead of Print Layout view, the comment will appear in the Reviewing Pane

Picture shown in comment by default

Figure 3. By default, Word shows pictures by comments. You can turn off the pictures.

NOTE: By default, Word shows pictures by comments in the balloon area. You can toggle off/on the pictures by right-clicking in a comment and selecting Hide Pictures by Comments (will change the label to Show Pictures by Comments).

Pictures are turned off in all the following illustrations in this article. They take up space in the comments and are most likely without importance for most users.

How to add a comment as a reply to another comment

Word lets you add two levels of comments. First-level comments and replies to first-level comments.

To add a reply to an existing comment:

  1. Click in the comment text of the comment you are going to reply to.
  2. Click the Reply icon below the comment text (See Figure 5 below).
    Right-click in the comment and select Reply to Comment.
  3. In the inserted comment reply, type the comment text.
  4. When finished, press the Esc key to return to the document text or click in the document.

Replies to comments are indented below the comment to which they belong. You can add more replies to the same comment. All replies will appear on the same level – they will all be shown as replies to the first-level comment even if a reply is actually written as a reply to another reply.

To add a reply to a comment, click the Reply icon

Figure 5A. Click the Reply icon to add a reply to an existing comment.

A new comment has been added as a reply to an existing comment.

Figure 5B. A new comment has been added as a reply to an existing comment.

If a page has too many comments for Word to have room for all the comment text, the comments will be collapsed. A comment will expand when you click the comment.

Note that Word 2013 and later versions do not number comments when shown in the balloon area/Comments pane. Only if you view comments and revisions inline or in the Reviewing pane, or if you switch to Draft view or Outline view, numbers are shown together with the author initials. Syntax for comments numbers shown inline: NN#, where NN are the initials and # the index number of the comment, counted from the start of the document. Example: LF5. You will not be able to see on the number whether a comment is a first-level comment or a reply to another comment.

The DocTools CommentManager add-in shows the actual comment number and total number of comments in the Status Bar when you use the Previous Comment or Next Comment commands.

How to edit a comment in Word

To edit an existing comment in Word:

  1. Make sure the comment is shown. See How to show comments in Word.
  2. Click in the comment and add, delete, or modify the comment text.

How to resolve a comment in Word

Word lets you mark a comment as resolved. This will change the font color(s) of the comments to a pale look. Marking comments as resolved may help you keep track of which comments still need attention.

To mark a comment as resolved:

  1. Click in the comment text of the comment you are going to mark as resolved.
  2. Click the Resolve icon below the comment text (see Figure 5 above).
    Right-click in the comment and select Resolve Comment.

The Resolve icon changes to Reopen. If needed, you can turn off the resolved status again by clicking Reopen or by right-clicking in the comment and selecting Reopen Comment.

Why can’t I resolve comments in Word?

You may experience that the Resolve icon and the Resolve Comment command are grayed out, indicating that the commands are disabled and cannot be used. To find out why this happens and how to solve it, read on below.

What to do if the Resolve icon is grayed out – and what causes the problem?

The Resolve feature was introduced in Word 2013. The Resolve feature is grayed out under the following conditions:

  • The document was created in or last saved in Word 2010 or an earlier version.
  • The document is in compatibility mode.
    If the document is in compatibility mode, newer Word features cannot be used. You will see the text (Compatibility Mode) after the file name in the Title bar of the Word window.

How to solve the problem

You can convert the document to allow all features in you Word version to be available. Use one of the following methods to update the document to your version of Word. This will enable the Resolve feature:

  • METHOD 1: Select File > Info > click Convert. Save the document.
  • METHOD 2: Select Save As (F12). In the Save As dialog box, turn off the option Maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word. Click Save. See the illustration below.

 IMPORTANT: Conversion of a document may result in changes to the formatting of the document, depending how it was set up. For examples, the widths of tables created in Word 2010 and earlier may change when converted to Word 2013 format or later (due to changes of how cell margins are handled).

Bottom-left part of Save As dialog box - turn off Maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word to allow newer features to be used

Bottom-left part of Save As dialog box — turn off Maintain compatibility with previous versions of Word to convert the document to your version of Word. This allows newer features to be used.

How to remove resolved comments in Word

Word does not have a built-in feature for removing all resolved comments in one operation. You need to go through all the resolved comments and delete them one by one.

Note that the DocTools CommentManager add-in lets you delete all resolved comments with the click of a button. For details, see How to delete resolved comments in Word.

Where does the name in an inserted Word comment come from?

The author name shown in an inserted comment is the name currently specified for the user in File > Options > General > User Name. See Figure 4B below.

If you have selected to show comments and revisions inline in the document, Word shows initials in the comment reference. The initials are the ones currently specified for the user in File > Options > General > Initials. See Figure 4B below.

You can also get access to the user name and initials via the Track Changes Options dialog box. To open that dialog box, click the small arrow (dialog box launcher) in the bottom-right corner of Review tab > Tracking group.

You can get access to the user name and initials settings via the Change User Name button in the Track Changes Options dialog box

Figure 4A. You can get access to the user name and initials settings via the Change User Name button in the Track Changes Options dialog box. See the illustration below.

The User Name and Initial settings in Word Options > General

Figure 4B. The User Name and Initials settings in Word Options > General.

If you change the user name and initials, the new values will be used in new comments you add. It will not change the name and initials in existing comments.

The currently defined user name and initials are also used in insertions, deletions, and formatting changes made while track changes is turned on.

How to remove name from comments in word

Word’s comment functionality does not include functionality for changing the author name of existing comments. However, Word lets you remove personal information which will set the author name of all comments to «Author». See How to remove personal information from comments. See also the macro solution later in this article.

Note that the DocTools CommentManager add-in lets you easily change the user name and initials, also in existing comments. The command Change Author Names in Existing Comments lets you change all names or only a specific name of your choice. For example, this feature can be used to change author names to the company name before sharing a document with external people or to correct a misspelled or otherwise wrong user name. If you want to remove the name from comments, you can use the command to set the name to e.g. a non-breaking space (Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar), a hyphen or an En dash. See also the information below about a feature in the DocTools ExtractChanges Pro add-in that lets you do even more and that handles both tracked changes and comments.

The DocTools ExtractChanges Pro add-in (from version 6.0) includes a command, Change Author & Date, that lets you change the name in existing tracked changes and comments. In addition, the command lets you remove or change the date of the tracked changes and comments. You can select whether the name and/or date changes are to be applied to all tracked changes and comments or only tracked changes and comments added by a specific author. The changes are made in copy of the document so that the original document remains unchanged.

TIP: If you want to remove the name from tracked changes and comments, you can type e.g. a non-breaking space (Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar), a hyphen or an En dash as both the author name and initials in the Change Author & Date dialog box in DocTools ExtractChanges Pro.

How do dates in Word comments work?

Word shows date and time information on a comment in the following situations:

  •  When a comment is selected in the balloon area
  •  When you hover the mouse over a comment in the balloon area
  • When you hover the mouse over a comment mark on a page if no balloons are shown
  • Above each comment in the Reviewing Pane

The date and time tell when the comment was added.

Is it possible to change the date of a comment in Word?

The date assigned to a comment in Word cannot be changed. Also, you cannot change the way that date and time information is shown. See below for details.

Language of date and time information in comments

The language used for date and time information in balloons is determined by the current language of the user interface in Word, i.e. the language used in Ribbon, dialog boxes, etc. This also means that weekdays and month names are written in the language of the user interface. If you change that language, the date and time information will automatically change too.

The date format shown in balloons seems to always follow English (US) syntax no matter the language and even if it is not a normal date syntax in the actual language:

  • [month name] [day], [year]
    Example: March 21, 2018

About comment date and time information shown in the balloon area

The date and time information for comments in the balloons is not always given as date and time – you will see text descriptions instead. As time goes, the date and time information for a comment in the balloon area will change. The information shown follows the order described below – text shown as you will see it in English versions of Word:

First 24 hours
A few seconds ago
2 minutes ago
3 minutes ago

59 minutes ago
60 minutes ago
1 hour ago
2 hours ago

23 hours ago
24 hours ago

Next six days

The next days, until 1 week after adding the comment: the actual weekday, e.g. Wednesday, Thursday. Weekday names seem to be shown in the language set in the regional settings in Windows.

After a week
After a week, the information will change to showing date and time in the following format:
[month name] [day], [year] hh:mm:ss
hh = hours
mm = minutes
ss = seconds

You may see time given with AM/PM values.

As explained above, the month name will be in the language of the user interface and the syntax follows English (US) rules even if not in English:


  • English user interface: March 21, 2019 14:55:35
  • German user interface: März 21, 2019 14:55:35
  • Danish user interface: marts 21, 2019 14:55:35

The CommentManager add-in makes it fast and easy to get an overview of all comments in a Word document, using the Review Comments command. This also includes date and time information.

How to show comments in Word

Comments in Word can be displayed in different ways:

  • In balloons (see OPTION 1 below)
  • In the Reviewing Pane (see OPTION 2 below)
  • In screen tips only (see OPTION 3 below)

OPTION 1 – How to show comments in balloons

The document must be in Print Layout view (Alt+Ctrl+P) to show comments in balloons.

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Tracking group, click Show Markup > Balloons and select Show Revisions in Balloons or Show Only Comments and Formatting in Balloons as desired. See Figure 6 below.

To show comments in balloons, select option 1 or 3 from the Balloons menu

Figure 6. How to show comments in balloons in Word. Select one of the options marked by colored frame.

Markup Area or Balloon Area shown in left or right margin depending on your settings

Figure 7. The Markup Area or Balloon Area is shown in the left or right margin depending on your settings. You can change the position and width of the balloon area via the Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box.

OPTION 2 – How to show comments in the Reviewing Pane

You can show the Reviewing Pane in any view except Read Mode.

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Tracking group, click Reviewing Pane.
  3. From the menu, select Reviewing Pane Vertical or Reviewing Pane Horizontal depending on how you want the pane to be shown.

You can close the Reviewing Pane again by clicking the X in top-right corner of the pane.

OPTION 3 – How to show comments in screen tips

To use this method, all revisions must be shown inline. This means that the following option must be selected: Review tab > Tracking group > Show Markup > Balloons > Show All Revisions Inline. See the second option in Figure 6 above.

  1. Hover the mouse over a comment reference, i.e. the initials and number shown where a comment has been inserted.
  2. A screen tip will appear, showing the comment text. See Figure 8 below.

NOTE: If no screen tip appears when you hover the mouse over the comment reference, try to move the mouse a bit. If the screen tip does not appear, the problem is most likely that display of screen tips is turned off. To turn it on, select File > Options > Display > turn on Show document tooltips on hover.

Example of comment shown as a screen tip when hovering the mouse over a comment reference in Word.

Figure 8. Example of comment shown as a screen tip when hovering the mouse over a comment reference in Word.

The DocTools CommentManager add-in includes special tools that make it faster to work with comments. For example, the Review Comments command opens a dialog box that works as a control center from where you can view, edit, delete, search comments and more.

How to show only specific comments in Word

Show comments by a specific author only

In Word documents with many comments, it may sometimes be helpful to see only a subset of the comments. Word lets you show/hide comments by author.

To show only comments added by a specific author:

  1. Select Review tab > Tracking group > Show Markup > Specific People: Deselect all authors except the author(s) whose comments you want to see.

This does not remove any comments – it only hides some comments temporarily.

How to hide resolved comments in Word

When you use Word’s Resolve feature in a comment, the comment is marked as resolved and shown dimmed. However, the comment remains in the document until you delete it.

You may be interested in keeping the resolved comments in the document until all comments have been handled. However, you may want to hide the resolved comments, so they do not distract you while resolving the rest of the comments.

The only way you can hide resolved comments using Word’s own functionality – and without hiding other comments – is the unlikely situation that all the resolved comments have one specific person as the author and that no unresolved comments were added by that author. In that situation, you could deselect that author in Review > Tracking group: Show Markup > Specific People. Except from that, you are out of luck.

If you are using Word for Microsoft 365 and if your version has switched to «modern comments» functionality instead of «classic comments», resolved comments will not appear in the margin but they are still shown in the Comments pane.

Note that the DocTools CommentManager add-in provides methods to quickly hide all resolved comments. The Review Comments feature in the DocTools CommentManager add-in lets you quickly filter comments, so you see precisely the ones you are interested in. This way, you can quickly hide all resolved comments. In addition, the add-in lets you export all comments to Excel where they will be listed with all metadata and with filter applied to every column, making it easy to filter so you see only unresolved comments.

What to do if you cannot see the comments

Comments can be set to not be displayed. The same is true for revisions made using track changes. If you know the document contains comments but you can’t see them, follow CHECK 1, CHECK 2, and CHECK 3 below.

CHECK 1 – Check that markup is selected to be shown

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Tracking group, make sure that Display for Review has been set to All Markup or Simple Markup. See the illustration below.

To see comments, make sure that All Markup or Simple Markup is selected

Figure 9. To see comments, make sure that All Markup or Simple Markup is selected.

CHECK 2 – Check that comments are selected to be shown

If comments are not shown after you followed CHECK 1:

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Tracking group, make sure that Comments is checked in the Show Markup menu. See Figure 10 below.

To see comments, make sure that Comments is checked in the Show Markup menu

Figure 10. To see comments, make sure that Comments is checked in the Show Markup menu.

CHECK 3 – What to do if you only see comment icons in the balloon area – or how the Show Comments command works

Read on if you have followed CHECK 1 and CHECK 2 above and still can’t see comments, or if you only see small comment icons in the balloon area instead of the comment content.

You may have noticed that the Comments group in the Review tab includes a command named Show Comments. You may also have noticed that the command is not always enabled so you can use it – in some situations, the Show Comments is grayed out/disabled. Here is the reason why:

  • The Show Comments command is only enabled when Simple Markup is selected. Also, Comments must be checked in the Show Markup menu. See Figures 11A and 11B below.
  • If Display for Review is set to show Simple Markup, the Show Comments command toggles between two states:
    State 1:  Comment icons are shown in the margin (see Figure 12 below)
    State 2:  Full comments are shown in the balloon area
    NOTE: If comments are not shown beforehand, the first click on Show Comments will switch to state 1, i.e. showing comment icons.

Word Show Comments grayed out - select Simple Markup to enable it

Figure 11A. The Show Comments command grayed out. To enable it, you must select Simple Markup instead of any other Display for Review option.

word show comments greyed out The Show Comments command is only enabled when Simple Markup is selected

Figure 11B. The Show Comments command is only enabled when Simple Markup is selected.

Comment icons are shown in the margin

Figure 12. Comment icons are shown in the margin if Simple Markup is selected.

If you click a comment icon, the comment opens in a small window

Figure 13. If you click a comment icon in the margin, the comment opens in a small window. You can drag the comment window to the position you want.  You can also resize the window by dragging an edge or corner. To close it, click the X or simply click anywhere outside the comment window.

TIP: If comment icons are shown as illustrated in Figure 12 above, the commented text in the document is not marked in any way. This means that you cannot see precisely what the comment refers to. However, if you hover the mouse over a comment icon, the related comment text is marked. If you happen to hover the mouse over commented text, that text will be colored and a screen tip with comment information is shown in the same way as illustrated in Figure 8 above.

A comment plus all replies to the comment, if any, will appear as only one comment icon in the margin. When you click a comment icon, the first-level comment and all replies to it, if any, will appear in the small comment window that opens.

What happens if you copy and paste content that contains comments?

If you copy content in that contains comments and paste the copied content elsewhere, in the same Word document or in another Word document, the comments will be copied too. The pasted comments will not be linked to the original comments – they keep the author names, time stamps and content from the original comments but they are independent comments.

If you paste the copied content as plain text, without formatting, the comments will not be included.

How to remove comments in Word

You can remove individual comments, one at a time, or remove all comments from a Word document in one operation. In Word, the term «delete» is used instead of «remove». Therefore, I have used «delete» in the following.

If you delete a comment that has replies, all replies to the comment will be deleted too.
If you delete a reply to a comment, only that reply will be deleted.

How to delete a single comment

  1. Make sure the comment is displayed. Click in the comment text of the comment to be deleted.
  2. On the Review tab in the Ribbon, in the Comments group, click Delete > Delete.
    Note that the command is disabled if only comment icons are shown.
  3. Repeat steps 1-2 to delete more comments, if relevant.

How to delete all comments from the document

  1. On the Review tab in the Ribbon, in the Comments group, click Delete > Delete all Comments in Document.

How to delete all comments that are currently visible

Via the Review tab > Tracking group > Show Markup > Specific People, you can turn off the display of comments and revisions made by specific people. Thereby, only comments and revisions made by the people checked in the list will be shown in the document.

To delete all comments added by the people currently checked in the Specific People list:

  1. On the Review tab in the Ribbon, in the Comments group, click Delete > Delete all Comments Shown.

When you delete comments in Word, the commented text (comment scope) is preserved. Only the comment(s) are removed. This means that the text in the document that the comment(s) referred to, i.e. the text that was selected when the comment(s) were inserted, is still in the document.

Note that the DocTools CommentManager add-in lets you move a comment, i.e. change which text the comment is related to. DocTools CommentManager also lets you select text in the document and convert it to a comment. This will remove the selection from the document and insert it in a new comment instead. This is practical in a number of situations. The feature is practical if some comments were originally written as part of the document text. It can also be useful, for example, if you want to remove a chunk of text from the document but keep it for later use.

How to delete resolved comments

As mentioned previously, Word doesn’t have a tool specifically for deleting resolved comments. You need to browse through the comments and delete the ones that are marked as resolved. Make sure comments are shown in balloons. You can use the Next or Previous commands on the Review tab to browse through the comments and delete individual comments as needed.

How to delete all resolved comments in Word

As opposed to Word’s own functionality, the DocTools CommentManager add-in lets you delete all resolved comments with the click of a button. You will find a command, Delete All Resolved Comments, for getting rid of all comments that have been marked as resolved.

If you want to review the resolved comments before deleting them, DocTools CommentManager offers another practical feature. You can use the filter feature in the Review Comments dialog box to show only resolved comments (type » yes » in the filter field). You can then quickly step through the resolved comments and use the Delete Comment button to remove the ones you want to get rid of.

How to hide comments in Word

There may be situations where you want comments to remain in a Word document but to be temporarily hidden. To hide comments (without deleting them), follow one of the methods below.

METHOD 1 – Hide comments only but keep any changes marked as tracked changes visible

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Tracking group, remove the check mark from Show Markup > Comments.

METHOD 2 – Hide comments and any tracked changes

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Tracking group, select Display for Review > No Markup.
    This will show the document as if all comments have been deleted and all revisions accepted.
    The comments and revisions are still in the document but hidden.

Select No Markup to show the document without comments and tracked changes

Figure 14. Select No Markup to show the document without comments and tracked changes.

Note that in relation to comments, you may select Original instead of No Markup since this will also hide comments. However, in relation to tracked changes, there is a big difference between the two options: No Markup will show the document as if all tracked changes have been accepted whereas Original will show the document as if all tracked changes have been rejected.

Note that hiding comments and tracked changes only determines how your document is shown right now. The display settings are not stored in the document. If you send the document to another user, it is that user’s settings that apply.

How to print without comments in Word

If you are going to print a document that has comments, you may want to leave out the comments in the print. To obtain this, you can follow METHOD 1 or METHOD 2 below.


  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Tracking group > Show Markup, turn off

       If the document also includes tracked changes and if you want to avoid printing those changes, turn off Insertions and Deletions and Formatting too.

  3. Select the desired printer and click Print.
  4. If you want, turn on Review tab > Tracking group > Show Markup > Comments again.


  1. Select File > Print.
  2. Under Settings, click on the arrow next to Print All Pages (see (1) in Figure 15 below).
  3. Turn off Print Markup (see (2) in Figure 15 below).
  4. Click the Print button.

How to print without comments in Word - To print without comments and other markup, turn off Print Markup

Figure 15. Part of the Print dialog box. To print without comments and other markup, turn off Print Markup.

How to print only the comments in Word

If you want to print comments only, without the content of the document, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. In the Tracking group > Show Markup menu, turn on Comments.
    If the document includes tracked changes, turn off Insertions and Deletions and Formatting unless you want to also print those changes.
  3. Select File > Print.
  4. Under Settings, click the topmost menu (shows Print All Pages by default), select List of Markup.
  5. Select the desired printer and click Print.

Note that the DocTools CommentManager add-in lets you extract comments to either Word or Excel. A printout of an extract document will give you a far better overview of the comments.

How to browse comments in Word

You can step through the comments in a Word document.

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. To go to the next comment, click Next in the Comments group
    To go to the previous comment, click Previous in the Comments group.

Alternative methods for browsing comments

  • You can browse comments from the Navigation Pane (View tab > Navigation Pane > click the search icon > select Comments).
  • You can browse comments using the Go To tab in the Find and Replace dialog box. Press Ctrl+G to open the dialog box. In the Go to what list, select Comment. Then use the buttons in the dialog box to browse comments.

How to get an overview of all comments in a Word document

Word does not include a tool that gives you a good overview of all comments. You can browse comments but you cannot see all comments at a time.

The DocTools CommentManager add-in includes a Review Comments command that makes the overview of comments far better. The command opens a dialog box from where you can manage all comments in the document. The dialog box also lets you rank comments by importance.

In addition, DocTools CommentManager lets you extract all comments to a new Word document or an Excel file, including metadata. You will also find tools to quickly find a specific comment in the original source document.

How to change the formatting of comments in Word?

In Word, styles are used to manage the formatting of text. A style in Word is a set of formatting characteristics that determine font and font size, color, alignment, spacing, etc. In relation to comments, Word uses a set of styles dedicated to comments. You can modify the comment styles to change the formatting of comments. Read on below to learn about the comment styles and how they work.

Comment styles in Word

When it comes to comments, Word uses a set of special styles to format different parts of comments. Word has four built-in styles related to comments:

  • Comment Text
  • Comment Reference
  • Comment Subject
  • Balloon Text

See how to find the comment styles names in your version of Word if it is not English.

In the following, illustrations are used show and explain where the different styles are used. Note that there are some oddities in relation to the comment styles – as you will see, not everything works as expected if modifying the comment styles.

Where are the different comment styles used?

Used for the comment text typed by users. The style is used both for comments shown in balloons and comments shown in the Reviewing Pane. See Figure 16 and Figure 17 below (red text).

Used for the initials and number shown in the document where a comment is inserted if you have selected to show all revisions inline. See Figure 16 and Figure 18 below (green text).

This style can be used for a heading in comments and may be intended for that. Note that the style is not automatically applied by Word anywhere.

Used for e.g. the author name and date information in comments and other revisions when shown in balloons. The style is also used for showing text like Deleted and Formatted + formatting info in relation to tracked changes.

This style is only used in balloons and not in the Revision Pane. See Figure 16 and Figure 17 below (red text).

How to find the names of comment styles in non-English versions of Word

The names of comment styles and other built-in styles in Word are language-specific. The styles are named in the language of the user-interface of your version of Word.

For help on finding the comment style names in the language of your version of Word, see my articles:

  • Create List of Local Built-in Style Names
  • Word Style Names in English, Danish, German, French

Below, you will find the four comment styles listed with names in English, Danish, German, and French.





Comment Text




Comment Reference



Marque de commentaire

Comment Subject



Object du commentaire

Balloon Text



Texte de bulles

To make it easy to see where the different comment styles are used by Word, I have modified the comment styles as follows before making the illustrations below:

Illustration of how the comment styles have been modified in the examples below

Figure 16. Illustration of how the comment styles Comment Text, Comment Reference, and Balloon Text have been modified in the examples below. The style Comment Subject is not used by Word and therefore not included in the illustrations.

In Figure 17 below, comments and revisions have been added and re shown in the balloon area:

Balloon area with examples of comment and revisions

Figure 17. Balloon area with examples of comment and revisions. Note that the style Balloon Text is used for name, date/time info, and revision info. If you compare with Figure 16, you can see that name and revision info is bold even it the style Balloon Text is not defined as bold.

The style Comment Reference is used for the initials and comment number when comments and revisions are shown inline

Figure 18. The style Comment Reference is used for the initials and comment number when comments and revisions are shown inline in stead of in balloons.

The shading color on the commented text depends on your setting for markup of comments in the Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box.

Learn more about the Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box.

Oddities in relation to comment styles in Word

Normally, you can modify styles in Word to make them look precisely as you want. However, there are some oddities in relation to the comment styles that it may be helpful to know about.

You may experience that some types of modifications you make to a comment style don’t have any effect when comments are shown in balloons. This is most likely a result of what Microsoft refers to as “by design”. The behavior isn’t always logical.

If you examine Figures 17-18 above and compare them with Figure 16, you will see that:

  • If you apply another font or font color to the comment styles, the changes will take effect in comments (i.e. normal style behavior).
  • The name and revision information (blue text in Figures 16-18 above) seem to always be bold even if the style Balloon Text is not defined as bold. On the other hand, time information and formatting information appear with the Balloon Text style in the way it is defined (see style information in Figure 16 above).
  • As opposed to the Balloon Text style, adding bold to the Comment Text style works «normally», i.e. it the comment text appears bold or not bold according to the style definition.
  • Adding italic or underline to the style definitions of Balloon Text and Comment Text also works «normally», i.e. it makes the corresponding text appear italic/not italic and underlined/not underlined.
  • The comment text (red in Figures 16-18 above) appear with the font and color defined in the Comment Text style. However, the font size of the comment text is determined by the font size defined for the Balloon Text style. Changing the font size of the Comment Text style has no effect. You can see that the comment text in Figure 17 is larger than in Figure 16 – the font size is inherited from the Balloon Text style. This means that you must modify the style Balloon Text instead of the style Comment Text if you want to make the comment text larger or smaller. 
  • If you click in the comment text of a comment and check which font size is shown, e.g. in the Font group of the Home tab in the Ribbon, you will see that it shows the font size defined in the Comment Text style and not the actual font size.
  • Most of the settings you can apply to styles via the Paragraph dialog box have no effect on the Balloon Text and Comment Text styles. Word does not prevent you from applying indentation, space before, space after, etc. However, it does not change the way the comments look.  Note, however, that some paragraph settings applied to the style Comment Text will take effect if comments are shown in the Reviewing Pane and not in balloons.
  • Adding bold, italic or underline to the style definition of Balloon Text and Comment Text does change the way the comments look.

How to change the font size of comments in Word by modifying the Balloon Text style

As already mentioned above, the steps to change the font size of comments in Word are not logical. Since it may be one of the changes most users want to make in relation to the display of comments, I have included the steps with some extra tips here. 

As explained above, the style Comment Text is used for comment text entered by users. Normally, you can change the font size of text by modifying the font size of the style in use. However, this does not work for the Comment Text style.

  • To change the font size of comments in Word via styles, you must change the font size in the style Balloon Text! Changing the font size of the style Comment Text has no effect.

I suggest the following steps as an easy way to get access to modify the Balloon Text style:

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+S to open the Apply Styles window. 
  2. In the Style Name field, type «Balloon Text» (without the quotation marks).

       IMPORTANT: In case of a non-English version of Word, you must type the localized style name used in your version of Word instead of «Balloon Text». See the help above.

  3. Click Modify to open the Modify Style dialog box, showing the current definition of the Balloon Text style,
  4. Change the font size and make other modifications as desired. Click OK when finished.

Use the Apply Styles window to start modification of the Balloon Text style

Figure 19. Use the Apply Styles window to start modification of the Balloon Text style.

The DocTools CommentManager add-in gives you easy access to modify any of the comment styles. DocTools CommentManager lets you do everything you can using Word’s own comment features plus a lot more.

How are the comment styles defined by default?

Example of comment using the default comment styles in Word, without any modifications.

Figure 20. Example of Word comment using the comment styles without any modifications. For details about the default comment style settings, see below.

Style: Comment Text

Style type:

Style based on:


Font size:




Line Spacing:

Linked (paragraph and character)

10 pt
Left 0, Right 0
Before 0 pt, After 8 pt (NOTE: the spading has no effect)

Style: Comment Reference

Style type:


Font size:


Default Paragraph Font, i.e. the font in use where the reference is inserted
8 pt

Style: Comment Subject

Style type:

Style based on:


Font size:




Line Spacing:

Linked (paragraph and character)

Comment Text
Calibri, Bold
10 pt
Left 0, Right 0
Before 0 pt, After 0 pt

Style: Balloon Text

Style type:

Style based on:


Font size:




Line Spacing:

Linked (paragraph and character)

Segoe UI – the font used by default in the user interface of Word
9 pt
Left 0, Right 0
Before 0 pt, After 0 pt

How to remove personal information from comments

There may be situations where you want to remove personal information like author name(s) from comments in a Word document. For example, this may be the case if the Word document is to be shared with external people. Below, you will find two methods.

METHOD 1 – How to remove personal information using the Document Inspector

Word has a built-in feature you may use. However, the method may remove more information than you like. See the warning below before you use this method.

Always make sure to save a backup copy of your document before following the procedure below. The procedure may remove data that cannot be restored.

The method removes all custom document properties and empties the built-in properties (Title, Author, Company, etc.). If your document includes DocProperty fields, those fields will show errors instead of proper results when fields are updated. However, if you lock or unlink the DocProperty fields beforehand, you can preserve the field results.

If you have the DocTools DocPropertyManager add-in, you can export custom document properties before removing personal information. You can re-import the properties again afterwards, if needed. You can also import the custom document properties directly from your backup copy of the original document. Learn more about DocTools DocPropertyManager.

To remove personal information from a document:

  1. Select File > Info.
  2. Click Check for Issues > Inspect Document. See Figure 21 below.
  3. In the Document Inspector dialog box, turn off all options except Document Properties and Personal Information. See Figure 22 below.
  4. Click Inspect.
  5. In the next dialog box that opens, click Remove All. See Figure 23 below.
  6. Click Close.
  7. Save the document.

Once the document has been saved, the author name in all comments will be changed to «Author» and the initials to «A» if comments are shown inline.

If you insert new comments, you will first see the actual user name but as soon as you save the document, it will be replaced by «Author». On the other hand, new property values or custom document properties you add will remain in the document unless you repeat the steps above.

Note that the terms used for author and initials are language-specific and will match the language of your Word. For example, «Forfatter» and «F» will be used in case of Danish.

Select File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect Document

Figure 21. Select File > Info > Check for Issues > Select File > Info > Check for Issues > Inspect Document to open the Document Inspector dialog box.

The Document Inspector dialog box

Figure 22. The Document Inspector dialog box. Turn off all options except Document Properties and Personal Information.

Click Remove All in the Document Inspector dialog box to remove the information

Figure 23. Click Remove All in the Document Inspector dialog box to remove the information. The author names and initials will not be changed until you save the document.

METHOD 2 – How to remove personal information from comments using a macro (VBA)

You can use a macro (VBA) to change the author name(s) and initials in comments to other values. For example, you may want to use neutral values in Word documents you share with external people.

The macro below will handle all comments in the active document. The macro:

  • changes the author name in all comments to «Neutral Name»
  • changes the initials in all comments to «NN»

Change the values in the macro as desired before running the macro.

If you add new comments, you will have to run the macro again to change them too.

Always make sure to save a backup copy of your document before you change the author names. 

Sub WordComments_ChangeAuthorNames_AllComments()
    Dim oComment As Comment
    'Iterate through comments
    'Replace author name and initials with "Neutral Name" and "NN"
    'NOTE: Replace the names below with relevant values

    For Each oComment In ActiveDocument.Comments
        With oComment
            .Author = "Neutral Name"
            .Initial = "NN"
        End With
    Next oComment
    'Show message
    MsgBox "Finished changing author name and initials in " & _
        ActiveDocument.Comments.Count & " comments.", _
        vbOKOnly, "Change Author Names in All Comments"
End Sub

The DocTools CommentManager add-in lets you easily change author names and initials in all comments or in only comment by a specific author. For example, you can quickly change all author names to the company name if you are going to share a document with external people.

How to stop Word from changing the author of comments to «Author»

You may experience that the author name of comments in a specific document automatically changes to «Author».

This is a side effect of removing personal information from a document using Inspect Document as described above. Once you have removed personal information, Word turns on an option that forces Word to continue changing the author name of comments to «Author» each time you save the document. To stop Word from changing the author name to «Author», please refer to the detailed description about this issue in my article «Track Changes in Word – how it works».

Numbering of comments in Word

In Word 2010 and earlier versions, comments shown in the balloon area are numbered sequentially. It is practical to be able to refer to comment numbers, especially in documents with many comments.

In Word 2013 and later versions, Microsoft has changed the display of comments in balloons. The comments are no longer numbered when shown in balloons. As explained above, the style Comment Text is automatically applied to the comment text you enter. As a workaround, you may modify the style Comment Text to be numbered (for help on setting up numbering, see Shauna Kelly’s article). However, if you add numbers to the Comment Text and write comments with more than one paragraph, each paragraph will be numbered and thereby result is misleading numbering.

You can have sequential comment numbers displayed in the comment references if to display revisions inline in the document. Apply the following settings:

  • Review tab > Tracking group > Display for Review: All Markup
  • Review tab > Tracking group > Show Markup > Balloons > Show All Revisions Inline

More options for managing the display in balloons

In the Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box, you can make further settings for balloons. The dialog box has options for both comments and revisions, i.e. insertions, deletions and formatting changes marked as tracked changes.

How to open the Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box

To open the Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box:

  1. Select the Review tab in the Ribbon.
  2. Click the dialog box launcher in the Tracking group. See Figure 24 below.
    This opens the Track Changes Options dialog box.
  3. Click the Advanced Options button to open the Advanced
    Track Changes Options dialog box. See Figure 25 below.

On the Review tab, click the dialog box launcher in the Tracking group

Figure 24. On the Review tab, click the dialog box launcher in the Tracking group to open the Track Changes Options dialog box.

The Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box

Figure 25. The Advanced Track Changes Options dialog box. The colored frames mark the options related to comments. See the descriptions below for details about how the options work.

The DocTools CommentManager add-in lets you opens the Advanced Track Changes Options more easily. In general, you can do everything in relation to comments faster and easier with DocTools CommentManager than you can using Word’s own comment tools. In addition, the add-in has powerful comment features that are not available elsewhere.

Comments and colors in balloons

See Figure 25 above, first colored frame.

In the Markup group, the Comments drop-down list lets you select the color to use for comments. Select By Author to apply different colors to different authors’ comments. The colors will be selected by Word and cannot be defined by you. Up to 20 different colors can be in use. Note that the same author may not always be applied the same color. Select a specific color to use that color for all comments regardless of the author.

Balloon area location and width

See Figure 25 above, second colored frame.

In the Balloons group, you can define the width of the balloon area in the Preferred width field and associated Measure in field. The width seems to be measured from the position of the vertical bars that are added and to the edge of the page. The vertical bars are shown in the left or right side of the page, next to lines that contain tracked changes.

The Margin option lets you position the balloons in the left or right side of pages.

The Show lines connecting to text check box lets you turn on/off lines that go from a comment to the commented text (comment scope) in the document. Comment lines are dotted but if the selection is in a comment, the related comment connection line will be a fully drawn line. 

Related information

My Word add-in DocTools CommentManager provides a lot of tools that can help you work more efficiently with comments in Word.

This article has explained how add comments in Word, how to remove comments in Word, print without comments, change font size of comments and a lot more. I hope this article helps you in your future work with comments in Word.

In this article, we will talk about 3 effective ways to extract comments from your Word document for various purposes.

Generally to have other people commented on our Word document is a vital part of our office work. But the problem is that sometimes comments can make your file look like a huge mess. Moreover, you may need these comments yet want they no part of your file. It is therefore we have the following three methods for you to enable you to export comments from your Word file so you can separate them with document.

Method 1: Copy Comments Out

  1. Firstly, place your cursor before a comment.
  2. Then press “Shift+ Ctrl+ Down arrow” to select the comment.
  3. And repeat step 2 several times if you want to select multiple comments below the first one too.Place Cursor Properly ->Press "Shift+ Ctrl+ Up/Down arrow" to Select Comments
  4. Now right click the comment you just select.
  5. And choose “Copy” option on the list-menu.Right Click ->Choose "Copy"
  6. Next right click on a blank document where you plan to store the comment.
  7. Now choose one paste option.Right Click ->Choose One Paste Option

Following is an example getting comments by choosing “Keep Text Only” paste option.Paste the Comments with "Keep Text Only" Option

Method 2: Save Word Document as Web Page

  1. First and foremost, open the Word document with comments.
  2. Then click “File” tab.
  3. Next click “Save As” option.Click "File" ->Click "Save As"
  4. Now in “Save As” window, first choose a save location.
  5. Then name the file.
  6. And choose “Web Page” as save type.
  7. Next click “Save” button.Choose a Location ->Name the File ->Choose Web Page as Save Type ->Click "Save"
  8. Now at the location where you just save the file, there are a file folder and a web page file with the same name. Just open the web page file.A File Folder and a Web Page File with the Same Name on Save Location
  9. At the bottom of the page are all comments from the file. You can select one or all comments. All Comments Below a Horizontal Line
  10. Finally repeat from step 5 to step 7 in method 1 to extract comments.Copy and Paste the Comments on another File

Method 3: Save List of Markup in XPS Format

In case you want to print only the markup on your Word document, you can use this method.

  1. Similarly, open the Word document.
  2. Then click “File” tab.
  3. Next click “Print” option.
  4. And on the right side, choose “Microsoft XPS Document Writer” for “Printer”.
  5. Then choose “List of Markup” in “Settings”.
  6. Now click “Print”.Click "File" ->Click "Print" ->Choose "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" for "Printer" ->Choose "List of Markup" in "Settings" ->Click "Print"
  7. And the “Save the file as” window will pop up. Choose a save location for the file first.
  8. Then type in “File name” text box.
  9. And click “Save” button.Choose a Location ->Type File name ->Click "Save"
  10. Next go to the place where you save the file.  And click the file so you can see all the markup on the document, such as below:Comments Saved as XPS File

Comparison of 3 Methods

Methods Advantages Disadvantages

Copy Comments Out

You can extract both one and multiple comments from your document. 1.         You have to press keyboards for several times in order to select multiple comments.

2.         You cannot extract the user’s name and marking time.


Save Word Document as Web Page

1.         All comments are collected together, so you can quickly select them.

2.         You can extract the name of the comment maker.

3.         You can have the file in original format.

1.         You have to manually copy comments and paste them on another document.

2.         You have to remember the file save location.

3.         You cannot extract the user’s marking time.


Save List of Markup in XPS Format

1.         You can extract all markups on a document, including comments, Header and footer changes, etc.

2.         You can get not only the comments content but also the user’s name and marking time.

3.         You can have the file in original format.

4.         You can get all comments at one go.


You have to remember the file save location.

File Loss Happens All the Time

To sum up, in this article, we discussed 3 methods to extract comments. Yet two of them involves saving file in other formats. This operation definitely increases the risk of damaging files. So when it happens, you need to recover Word doc with a specialized tool.

Author Introduction:

Vera Chen is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including Excel file repair and pdf repair software products. For more information visit

This tutorial shows how to use Track Changes in Microsoft Word. Track Changes helps us edit documents by tracking insertions, deletions, replacements, and format changes. Word calls these edits markups.

This tutorial also includes an overview of Word’s new Modern comment tool.

We will cover twelve topics:

  1. How to Turn Track Changes On and Off
  2. How to Show and Hide Track Changes
  3. How to Delete Text with Track Changes
  4. How to Insert Text with Track Changes
  5. How to Replace Text with Track Changes
  6. How to Change Formatting with Track Changes
  7. How to Accept or Reject Track Changes
  8. How to Insert Comments
  9. How to Reply to Comments
  10. How to Resolve Comments
  11. How to Delete Comments
  12. How to Open and Close the Reviewing Pane

Watch all the steps shown here in real time!

Explore more than 200 writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel.

Let’s dive in…

How to Turn Track Changes On and Off

  1. Select the Review tab in the ribbon.

Review tab in Word 365

Figure 1. Review tab
  1. Select the Track Changes button in the Tracking group. The button will appear darker than the rest of the ribbon when Track Changes is turned on.

Track Changes button in Word 365

Figure 2. Track Changes button
  1. Select the Track Changes button (see figure 2) again to turn off tracking.

How to Show and Hide Track Changes

You can control how comments and edits appear by using the Display for Review and Show Markup menus in the Tracking group in the ribbon.

  1. Select the Display for Review drop-down menu to choose how edits and comments are displayed. The options are (A) Simple Markup, (B) All Markup, (C) No Markup, and (D) Original.

Display for Review menu in Word 365

Figure 3. Display for Review menu

(A) Simple Markup displays the edited version of the document without visible in-line edits. However, edits are indicated by a vertical line in the left margin.

For example, if you delete a sentence, that sentence won’t appear on screen. Instead, a vertical line will appear in the left margin showing that a change was made in that location.

If you want to see the edit, select the vertical line to switch to All Markup.

Simple Markup line in Word 365

Figure 4. Simple Markup line

Comments will be visible on the right side of the screen when in Simple Markup.

(B) All Markup displays all edits and comments.

A vertical line, like the one shown in Simple Markup (see figure 4), will appear on the left side of the screen indicating that a change was made in that location.

Select that line to switch to Simple Markup.

(C) No Markup displays the edited version of the document without any visible edits or comments.

(D) Original displays the original version of the document without any edits or comments.

  1. Select the Show Markup drop-down menu to choose what features Track Changes displays. (Note that this menu is called Markup Options in Word for Mac.)

I recommend showing markups for Insertions and Deletions and Formatting as well as choosing Show Only Formatting in Balloons so that your insertions and deletions will appear in the text and formatting changes will appear next to the text.

Show Markup menu in Word 365

Figure 5. Show Markup menu

Be default, comments will appear in balloons on the right side of the text.

Important note: The remaining sections show Track Changes in the All Markup view.

How to Delete Text with Track Changes

  1. Select the text you want to delete.
  2. Select the Delete key on your keyboard. The deleted text will appear with a strikethrough in the All Markup view.

Track Changes showing deleted text in Word 365

Figure 6. Deleted text

How to Insert Text with Track Changes

  1. Place your cursor where you want to insert new text.
  2. Type the new text. The insertion will appear with an underline in the All Markup view.

Inserted text with Track Changes turned on in Word 365

Figure 7. Inserted Text

How to Replace Text with Track Changes

  1. Select the text you want to replace.
  2. Type the replacement text. The original text will appear with a strikethrough, and the replacement text will appear with an underline in the All Markup view.

Replaced text with Track Changes turned on in Word 365

Figure 8. Replaced text

How to Change Formatting with Track Changes

Formatting includes the font style, font size, font color, italics, bold font, underlining, superscripting and subscripting, indentations, alignment, and margins.

  1. Select the text you want to reformat.
  2. Change the format. Track Changes will automatically display the change with your other markup if you have selected formatting in the Show Markup section of the Tracking group.

Format changes in Track Changes balloon in Word 365

Figure 9. Format change in balloon

How to Accept or Reject Track Changes

Edits created with Track Changes must be accepted before they become part of your document. You can accept or reject edits individually or all at once.

Accept or Reject Edits Individually

  1. Click on or select the insertion, deletion, or replacement text.
  2. Select the Accept or Reject button in the Changes group.

Accept and Reject markup buttons in Word 365

Figure 10. Accept and Reject buttons

Pro Tip: Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate through all the edits in the document.

Previous and Next markup buttons in Word 365

Figure 11. Previous and Next buttons

Accept or Reject All Edits

Unless you are very confident in your reviewers’ expertise, I strongly caution against accepting or rejecting all edits without first checking the accuracy of each one.

  1. Select the Accept or Reject menu arrow in the Changes group.
  1. Select your preferred option: Accept/Reject All Changes or Accept/Reject All Changes and Stop Tracking.

Accept menu in Word 365

Figure 12. Accept/Reject menu in Word 365

This section covers the basics of using comments in Word. For a more in-depth look, please see my previous tutorial “How to Use Comments in Microsoft Word (Modern Comments).”

You can use the Comment tool with Track Changes turned on or turned off.

  1. Place your cursor near the text you want to comment on or select the text.
  2. Select the Review tab in the ribbon (see figure 1).
  3. Select the New Comment button in the Comments group.

New Comment button in Word 365

Figure 13. New Comment button
  1. Type your comment into the comment text box on the right side of the screen.

If you are part of an organization, you may be able to @ mention other users in your comments.

  1. Select the Post button or type the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter (PC) or Command + Return (Mac) to post the comment.

Comment text box and Post button in Word 365

Figure 14. Comment text box and Post button
  1. If you need to edit your comment, select the Edit button (PC users see figure 15; Mac users see figure 16).

Word 365 Comment edit button (PC)

Figure 15. Edit button (PC)
Comment Edit button in Word for Mac 365
Figure 16. Edit button (Mac)
  1. Type your reply into the Reply text box in the other person’s comment.
  2. Select the Post button or type the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Enter (PC) or Command + Return (Mac) to post the reply.

Reply text box and Post button in Word 365

Figure 17. Reply text box and Post button

You can mark a comment as “Resolved” to tell other people (or remind yourself) that an issue has been taken care of. However, you can also reopen a resolved comment, thereby turning it back to a regular comment.

  1. Select the three-dot menu in the comment.
  2. Select Resolve thread from the drop-down menu.

Resolve thread option in Word 365

Figure 18. Resolve thread option

The comment will no longer be visible in the contextual view on the right side of the screen.

How to Reopen Resolved Comments

  1. Select the Review tab (see figure 1).
  2. Select the Show Comments menu arrow.
  3. Select List from the drop-down menu.

Show Comments menu in Word 365

Figure 19. Show Comments menu
  1. Select the Reopen button in the comment.

Reopen comment button in Word 365

Figure 20. Reopen comment button

Here are two ways to delete comments.

Method 1: Select the three-dot menu in the comment and then select Delete thread from the drop-down menu.

Delete thread option in Word 365

Figure 21. Delete thread option

Method 2: Place your cursor in the comment or the text connected to the comment and then select the Delete menu arrow in the Review tab.

From there, choose Delete to delete the current comment, or Delete All Comments Shown, Delete All Comments in Document, or Delete All Resolved Comments (PC only).

Delete comment menu in Word 365

Figure 22. Delete comment menu

How to Open and Close the Reviewing Pane

The Reviewing Pane (labeled Revisions) shows all the comments and edits selected in the Show Markup drop-down menu in the Tracking group in the ribbon, along with the total number of those comments and markups in the document.

The Reviewing Pane isn’t necessary for using Track Changes, but it can be helpful when you need to find a specific edit or want to see how many edits or comments are in the document.

  1. Select the Review tab (see figure 1).
  2. Select the Reviewing Pane button in the Tracking group.

The Reviewing Pane will appear, normally on the left side of your screen.

Reviewing Pane button and Reviewing Pane in Word 365

Figure 23. Reviewing Pane button and Reviewing Pane
  1. Reselect the Reviewing Pane button to close the Reviewing Pane.

Related Resources

How to Copy and Paste Text with Comments and Track Changes in Word

How to Remove User Names from Existing Track Changes in Microsoft Word

How to Change Your User Name for Track Changes in Microsoft Word

How to Stop Microsoft Word from Calling You “Author” in Track Changes

How to Change the Color of Track Changes in Microsoft Word

Updated January 16, 2023

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