Linking word for ielts speaking

Here is a list of linking words for your IELTS speaking with tips and models. For speaking you need some simple linking words and natural phrases to help the examiner follow your ideas and stories. These linking words  and signposts are simple and informal on the whole. IELTS writing is different and requires the use of a wide range of linkers.

Adding more information

  • and
  • also
  • as well as
  • another reason is

Time Phrases

You should use signposts to help the listening understand when you are talking about the past or the present.

  • now
  • at the moment
  • at present
  • right now
  • these days
  • nowadays
  • in the past
  • before
  • then
  • at that time
  • years ago
  • when I was younger

Expressing ideas

  • I think one important thing is
  • I guess one difference is
  • I suppose the main difference between X and Y is

Causes and Solutions

  • I guess it’s because
  • The main reason is
  • It was caused by
  • Because
  • I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is
  • I reckon the only answer is to
  • The best way to solve this is

Giving Examples

These connective devices are for giving examples in your answers. The most common and natural to use is “like”. Please note that “like” can’t be used as a linking device in IELTS writing.

  • for example
  • for instance
  • such as
  • like

Being Clear

You use these simple, natural expression to explain your point again more clearly or get your answer back on track.

  • What I mean is
  • What I want to say is
  • As I was saying

Contrasting and concessions

Use these connecting words to compare and contrast or give concessions.

  • but
  • on the other hand
  • while
  • although
  • or

Free PDF Download: Linking words for IELTS Speaking

Examples of Linking Words in Speaking

Look at the following questions and answers. See what linking words are contained in the answers.

Q. Do you eat much fruit?

A. Yes, I do. I love tropical fruit like mangoes and pineapples.

Comments: We would not use “for example” in this type of sentence which relates to our everyday life.

Q. Do you think fast food is bad?

A. Yes, I do. If it is eaten too often, it can cause problems such as heart disease or diabetes. Also, it can lead to weight problems which are really common nowadays.

Comments: You could use “such as” or “for example” in this sentence because the content is more serious. Please note that we don’t use “furthermore” or “in addition” for speaking, instead we use “also” or “and”.

Q. Do children play similar games today that they played in the past?

A. No, I don’t think they do. Before, children used to play simple games like hide and seek or they used to play with simple handmade toys. But, these days, kids tend to prefer computer games and their toys are battery operated. 

Comments: This answer contained time phrases for the past and present “before” and “these days”. It also had an example “like”. “Like” is the main example linking word for speaking and can be repeated again and again. This answer also uses a contrasting linking word “but”. “But” is the main contrasting linking word in speaking and can be repeated many times.

Mistakes with Linking Words in Speaking

The example below will help you understand how not to answer a question with linking words.

Q. Do you like going out with friends?

A. Yes, I do. Firstly, it gives me a chance to relax. Secondly, I can catch up on their news. Last but not least, it allows me the opportunity to visit new places.

Comments: The method of linking is too formal. It is inappropriate and is not a good for a high score.

See below what the answer should be:

A. Yes, I do. It’s great being able to chill out and catch up with their news. Also we often go out to new places which I really enjoy.

Comments: This answer was more natural and would be marked higher in IELTS speaking. The linking words are used appropriately (and / also).

Tips for Linking Devices in IELTS Speaking

  • Don’t use formal linking words for simple questions about yourself and your life.
  • Don’t worry about repeating linking words. This is different to IELTS writing.
  • The most common linking words for speaking are: and, but, because, also, like (for giving examples)
  • “Like” is only used as a linking word to give examples in speaking NOT in writing.
  • You do not get a higher score because used a range of linking devices.
  • Linking words in speaking are just to help the listener understand better.
  • Linking words are used naturally not formally in IELTS speaking.
  • Linking words are part of the criterion of “Fluency and Coherence” which is 25% of your marks.

Linking Devices for IELTS Writing

The following link will provide you with a list of Essential Linking Words for Writing Task 2. For IELTS writing, you MUST use a range of formal linking words in your essay to get a high score. This is applicable to both GT and academic students.

IELTS Speaking Questions

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Linking Words


  • 1 IELTS Speaking linking words for various purposes
    • 1.1 Complex connectors
    • 1.2 Time Phrases
    • 1.3 Causes and Solutions
    • 1.4 Expressing ideas
    • 1.5 Giving examples
    • 1.6 Being clear
    • 1.7 Contrasting
    • 1.8 For stating an opinion
    • 1.9 To express agreement
    • 1.10 Signposting language
      • 1.10.1 Some Signpost words
    • 1.11 Gap fillers in English language
  • 2 Importance of Linking Words
  • 3 Tips for using the linking words
  • 4 Speaking Part 2 Model Answer – Cue Card
    • 4.1 Describe your favourite movie

Linking words are used to connect two phrases, sentences or ideas in a spoken or written English language text. By using linking words, you can smoothly transition from one part to the next. It allows you to elucidate in a natural, easy-flowing manner.

The linking words you use in your IELTS speaking section tell the examiner how well you know the given topic and also help the examiner to assess you based on your fluency. Thus, having the knowledge of linking words is vital for the IELTS speaking test. Students can find several examination resources online related to the use of linking words for the IELTS speaking test in pdf format.

For those who speak English often,  linking words or linkers come without any effort. But you have to ensure that they are not overused. The linking words for speaking are different from that of writing.

Below are some of the linking words or connectors for IELTS Speaking.

IELTS Speaking linking words for various purposes

Here are the simple connectors in English

They are also called as conjunctions.

  • And
  • But
  • Or

Complex connectors

When you have to add more information to the sentence, you can use the following linkers for IELTS speaking:

  • Another reason is

Eg: Another reason for placing the pot outside is to get sunlight.

  • Also

Eg:  Also, he was interested in playing the piano.

  • And

Eg: The plant needs water and sunlight.

  • As well as

Eg: He was a writer as well as a soldier.

IELTS Speaking ebook

IELTS Speaking Actual Tests with Answers (January- February 2023) | eBook

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Written by professional IELTS teachers to help candidates on the big day

Time Phrases

When you want to describe ‘time’ in the sentence, then you can use the following IELTS speaking connectors:

  • At the moment

Eg: At the moment, Tom looked like Jesse.

  • Right now

Eg: I’m in a meeting right now.

  • At present

Eg: At present, there are no openings in our company.

  • Now

Eg: Now, we have a miniature version of anaconda called mini conda.

  • These days

Eg: It is difficult to find a lotus pond, these days.

  • Nowadays

Eg: Nowadays, it is quite common to be late to home.

  • Before

Eg: It used to be caterpillar before.

  • In the past

Eg: In the past, India was ruled by the British.

  • Years ago

Eg: Years ago, I used to play tennis.

  • At that time

Eg: I was not available at that time.

  • Then

Eg: Then, it used to be trams, not buses.

Causes and Solutions

When you have to describe the causes and solutions of the particular topic given, you can use the following linking words for IELTS:

  • Because

Eg: Because I met with an accident, I’m unable to go to the office.

  • I guess it is because of

Eg: I guess it is because of the weather.

  • I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is

Eg: I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is to leave him alone.

  • The main reason is

Eg: The main reason for painting the windows, is to prevent it from rusting.

  • It was caused by

Eg: It was caused by the waves.

  • The best way to solve this is

Eg: The best way to solve this is to put it in water.

Expressing ideas

When you have to express ideas for the topic given, you can use the following linking words:

  • I think one important thing is

Eg: I think one important thing is missing here.

  • I think the main difference is

Eg: I think the main difference between a hen and a sparrow is that the latter can fly high.

  • I guess one difference is

Eg: I guess one difference between the twins is the colour of their eyes.

Giving examples

When you have to give examples for the topic given, you can use the following linking words:

  • For instance

Eg: They must be creative. For instance, look at this statement.

  • Like

Eg: He looked like his father.

  • For example

Eg: For example, look at this piece of jewellery.

  • Such as

Eg: He has worked for big companies such as DABC.

Being clear

When you have to clearly state a sentence, you can use the following linking words:

  • What I want to say is

Eg: What I want to say is, they don’t look alike.

  • As I was saying

Eg: As I was saying, you should submit your taxes.

  • What I mean is

Eg: What I mean is, you should not get scared of dogs, else they will bite you.


When you have to explain the other side of the topic, you can use the following linking words:

  • But

Eg: But, the movie was not very interesting.

  • While

Eg: While you were in London, your sister moved to a new house.

  • On the other hand

Eg: On the other hand, it could have been better if it was handcrafted.

  • Although

Eg: Although you know it well, you need to practice.

  • Or

Eg: You should go via route A or B.

For stating an opinion

While giving your opinion about the topic, you can use the following linking words:

  • As far as I am concerned

Eg: As far as I am concerned, it is all well.

  • In my opinion

Eg: In my opinion, the couple should discuss their problems with a lawyer.

  • I believe that

Eg: I believe that it is not good to invest in gold.

  • From my point of view

Eg: From my point of view, both are equal.

To express agreement

To express that you agree with the topic that is given, you can use the following linking words:

  • I am in an agreement

Eg: I am in an agreement with him.

  • I quite agree that

Eg: I quite agree that I’m short.

  • I accept that

Eg: I accept that I should oblige.

  • Exactly

Eg: Exactly! That’s what I meant.

Signposting language

Signposting language is the manner in which the speaker guides his audience through the information.

Some Signpost words

  • To begin with
  • However
  • In the same way
  • Unfortunately
  • Likewise
  • Similarly
  • Nonetheless
  • Fundamentally
  • Incidentally
  • Furthermore

Examples of signpost words in sentences:

To begin with, lets take a look at the eyes of the painting.

Ram had some inhibitions on driving atop the hill. However, his fears vanished later.

You should make a decoction for coffee but not in the same way as tea.

Unfortunately, his illness did not get any better.

Gap fillers in English language

They are also called as Discourse markers. Though their main purpose is to avoid fillers like “um” “ah”, they are also used to indicate emotions.


Well, John has breathed his last after much suffering. (Indicates emotion)

I kind of like it. (not sure of)

Importance of Linking Words

There’s a reason why linking words should be used:

  • The linking words or connectors or linkers help test takers structure the sentences that they are going to use, speaking on the given topic.
  • The linking words also help the test takers to go on speaking until the examiner asks him/her to stop. They also give you ideas which you can add while framing the sentence.
  • The linking words can be used when you have to highlight while speaking. You can use the linking words in the introduction and conclusion.
  • By using linking words you can also phrase an example if the sentence is given is not understandable.
  • The purpose, as well as the opinion of the sentence that is spoken, can be explained using the linking words.
  • If you can use the linking words correctly in the sentence, then you can get 25% of the marks.

Tips for using the linking words

There are a few tips that can be kept in mind while using linking words when a topic is given. Some of them are as follows:

  • Linking words cannot be used everywhere. When the examiner asks you to talk about yourself it is advisable not to use linking words.
  • The usage of linking words in the speaking test is completely different from the usage of linking words in the writing test.
  • The linking word ‘Like’ can be used only during speaking, while giving examples. It is not advisable to use the linking word ‘Like’ while writing.
  • You will not get a high score only based on how many times you have used the linking words. There should be some content which impresses the examiner to give a high score.
  • The linking words must come naturally while speaking.

Hopefully, this article will help you understand the use of linking words. In order to improve your expertise on the topic, you can refer to study material and pdf files on the use of linking words for the IELTS speaking test available online.

Speaking Part 2 Model Answer – Cue Card

Describe your favourite movie

You should say

  • When and where you saw it?
  • What type of film it was?
  • What the film was about?
  • And explain why it is your favourite film?

To begin with, the very question of “What is your favourite movie?” to a cinephile like me is a tough query. What I mean is there are countless parameters and factors that determine a particular individual’s preferred movie or film. As far as I am concerned, the best piece of cinematic work created and my personal favourite is ‘Pulp Fiction’ written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, one of my favourite filmmakers. Although there are several other filmmakers like Martin Scorsese, David Fincher, Stanley Kubrick, Charlie Chaplin, Ari Aster, The Safdie Brothers and many more whose work I admire and would have liked to pick as my favourite film, I think Pulp Fiction was one of the first films that made me realize my passion for cinema. In the past, I never paid much attention to the genre or language of the film I was watching. I believe that it was during my final years of high school that I started watching movies and television series with greater enthusiasm. Another reason is that once I had my own personal computer, I could watch films in my spare time, which was not possible before I graduated from Class 12. I came across Pulp Fiction as I was searching for films that had a high IMDb rating during this time and found Pulp Fiction in the top 10 of the list, I downloaded the film right away on the desktop and began watching it. I remember being entranced by the immaculate cinematography and the unique style of narration used by Quentin Tarantino. It was a drama film that revolved around one day the life of a few characters. In my opinion, Pulp Fiction has some of the most stunning shots in cinema and also some of the greatest soundtracks, which are also my favourite features of the film. I quite agree that it might not be the greatest film ever made or even the best work of Quentin Tarantino himself, nonetheless, Pulp Fiction is my favourite film.

Linking Word Type of Linking Word
To begin with Signpost words
What I mean is Focusing Connectors
And Simple Connectors/Conjunctions
Or Simple Connectors/Conjunctions
As far as I am concerned For stating an opinion
Although Contrasting
In the past Time Phrases
I believe that For stating an opinion
Another reason is Complex connectors
In my opinion For stating an opinion
I quite agree that To express agreement
Nonetheless Signposting language

See also:

  • IELTS Speaking preparation tips
  • IELTS Speaking recent actual test
  • Sports Vocabulary IELTS
  • Work Vocabulary IELTS
  • Idioms for IELTS Speaking
  • IELTS Pronunciation Guide
  • Common English words in IELTS Speaking
  • Ough words

Linking Words & Cohesive Devices for IELTS

Linking words, also known as cohesive devices or simply connecting words,
are the words that help you better connect ideas and make your language more fluent.

Knowing linking words for IELTS is like having a powerful secret tool in your pocket that you can use to improve your score.

Linking words

ielts linking words and cohesive devices, on missing puzzle piece

If you show that you can effectively use linking words in the IELTS writing and speaking test, it will help you boost your score.

It is worth learning linking words since this is the easiest way to raise your IELTS band score to the next level.

  • To list points

    • Firstly, the government must revise the out-of-date environmental laws which were written twenty years ago.
    • In the first place, the government must revise the out-of-date environmental laws which were written twenty years ago.
    • To start with, the government must revise the out-of-date environmental laws which were written twenty years ago.
    • Secondly, the government must revise the out-of-date environmental laws which were written twenty years ago.
    • Thirdly, the government must revise the out-of-date environmental laws which were written twenty years ago.
    • Finally, the government must revise the out-of-date environmental laws which were written twenty years ago.
  • To add more points on a topic

    • What is more, the city should conduct inspections of zoos.
    • The city should also conduct inspections of zoos.
    • Apart from this/that / In addition to this, the city should conduct inspections of zoos.
    • Moreover, the city should conduct inspections of zoos.
    • Besides, the city should conduct inspections of zoos.
    • The city should conduct inspections of zoos too.
    • … not to mention the fact that the city should conduct inspections of zoos.
  • To list advantages/disadvantages

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    • One of the greatest advantages of regular exercise is that it leads to a healthier lifestyle.
    • Another great advantage of regular exercise is that it leads to a healthier lifestyle.
    • One other advantage of regular exercise is that it leads to a healthier lifestyle.
    • A further advantage of regular exercise is that it leads to a healthier lifestyle.
    • The main advantage of regular exercise is that it leads to a healthier lifestyle.
    • The first/greatest advantage of regular exercise is that it leads to a healthier lifestyle.
  • To express effect/phrases for a result

    • Lots of factories have closed down; therefore, many people have lost their jobs.
    • Lots of factories have closed down; thus, many people have lost their jobs.
    • Lots of factories have closed down; consequently, many people have lost their jobs.
    • Lots of factories have closed down so many people have lost their jobs.
    • Lots of factories have closed down; as a consequence, many people have lost their jobs.
    • As a result, … / Eventually, …
  • To make contrasting points

    • Killing endangered species is illegal; nevertheless, people will not stop hunting them.
    • In spite of the fact that killing endangered species is illegal, people will not stop hunting them.
    • Killing endangered species is illegal, but people will not stop hunting them.
    • While killing endangered species is illegal, people will not stop hunting them.
    • Even if killing endangered species is illegal, people will not stop hunting them.
    • Even though killing endangered species is illegal, people will not stop hunting them.
    • Although killing endangered species is illegal, people will not stop hunting them.
    • Killing endangered species is illegal; at the same time, people will not stop hunting them.
  • To emphasise what you say

    • Clearly, research has proved that eating healthy foods and exercising regularly reduces the risk of heart disease.
    • Obviously, research has proved that eating healthy foods and exercising regularly reduces the risk of heart disease.
    • Of course, research has proved that eating healthy foods and exercising regularly reduces the risk of heart disease.
    • In particular, researchers have proved that eating healthy foods and exercising regularly reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • To express reality

    • Actually, the report states that most college graduates are interested in pursuing a masters’ degree in the future.
    • As a matter of fact, the report states that most college graduates are interested in pursuing a masters’ degree in the future.
    • In practice, the report states that most college graduates are interested in pursuing a masters’ degree in the future.
    • The fact of the matter is the report states that most college graduates are interested in pursuing a masters’ degree in the future.
  • To express the difference between appearance and reality

    • On the face of it, the building looked safe, but after a detailed inspection, it was reported to be in need of major structural repairs.
    • Apparently, the building looked safe, but after a detailed inspection, it was reported to be in need of major structural repairs.
  • To state an argument against your opinion

    • It is popularly believed that the teaching profession needs more qualified educators.
    • People often claim that the teaching profession needs more qualified educators.
    • It is often alleged that the teaching profession needs more qualified educators.
    • It is fact that the teaching profession needs more qualified educators.
  • To state other people’s opinions

    • Some people argue that the mayor’s proposal to raise local taxes is unfair.
    • A lot of people think/believe that the mayor’s proposal to raise local taxes is unfair.
  • To introduce the other side of the argument

    • However, there are people who believe that increasing the school year will only overwork students.
    • Those who oppose increasing the school year claim that it will only overwork students.
  • To express balance

    • On the one hand, working for a large company is prestigious, but it can be very stressful.
    • Working for a large company is prestigious, but on the other hand, it can be very stressful.
    • John is a hard-working person, whereas Ann isn’t.
  • To give examples

    • For example, in the past six months retailers have reported a 25% drop in sales of electronic equipment.
    • For instance, … / In particular, … / To illustrate, …
  • To refer to what actually happens

    • In effect, consumers spend more money on luxury items.
  • To make general statements

    • Generally, girls get better exam results than boys.
    • In general, girls get better exam results than boys.
    • As a general rule, girls get better exam results than boys.
    • On the whole, girls get better exam results than boys.
  • To make partly correct statements

    • Considering the high rate of unemployment, some companies have, up to a point, tried to create more positions.
    • Considering the high rate of unemployment, some companies have, to a certain extent, tried to create more positions.
    • Considering the high rate of unemployment, some companies have, in a way, tried to create more positions.
    • Considering the high rate of unemployment, some companies have, in a sense, tried to create more positions.
  • To express limit of knowledge

    • To the best of my knowledge, residents were opposed to the city’s plan to build a nuclear power plant in their area.
    • For all I know residents were opposed to the city’s plan to build a nuclear power plant in the area.
  • To rephrase

    • That is to say, they disagree with the manager’s decision.
  • To bring up other points or aspects

    • Regarding the community, the area is in need of a new elementary school.
    • With regards to the community, the area is in need of a new elementary school.
    • As for the community, the area is in need of a new elementary school.
  • To express a personal opinion

    • To my mind/way of thinking, department stores offer a greater selection of clothes than small boutiques.
    • I personally believe department stores offer a greater selection of clothes than small boutiques.
    • It strikes me that department stores offer a greater selection of clothes than small boutiques.
    • I feel very strongly that department stores offer a greater selection of clothes than small boutiques.
    • I am inclined to believe that department stores offer a greater selection of clothes than small boutiques.
    • It seems to me that department stores offer a greater selection of clothes than small boutiques.
    • As far as I am concerned department stores offer a greater selection of clothes than small boutiques.
  • To refer to other sources

    • With reference to, this report, that brand of sun cream causes irritation to sensitive skin.
  • To express cause

    • Because of the harsh winter, many crops were destroyed.
    • Owing to the harsh winter, many crops were destroyed.
    • For this reason, many crops were destroyed.
  • To imply that nothing else needs to be said

    • Anyway, a new community centre will greatly benefit the people of the town.
    • In any case, a new community centre will greatly benefit the people of the town.
  • Accepting the situation

    • As it is, the situation cannot be improved.
    • Things being as they are, the situation cannot be improved.
  • To conclude

    • Finally, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • Lastly, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • Above all, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • All in all, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • Taking everything into account, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • On the whole, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • All things considered, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • In conclusion, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • As I have said, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • As was previously stated, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.
    • To sum up, the university offers a wide range of courses and provides modern facilities.



Did you know that linking words in IELTS Speaking are really important to help improve your fluency?

They also help you sound more natural when speaking. 

Why is sounding natural important?

  1. Because sounding natural is the key to getting a high score in IELTS Speaking 
  2. I don’t want you to just be an English student, I want to help you become an English speaker – whatever your level. 

There is a big difference between being an English student and an English speaker.

The English student studies lots of words and phrases, the English speaker practices lots and lots to build fluency, and to sound more natural over time. 

That’s what I want for you.

If that’s what you want too, then keep reading to discover how to use some new linking words in IELTS Speaking.

Table of Contents

What are linking words?

Simply put, linking words are like the glue to stick your sentences and ideas together. 

They help you connect your sentences and they are really important to show you are organise your ideas coherently in IELTS. 

They also known as cohesive devices or connectors.

We can use a lot of linking words in both speaking and writing, however, there are quite a few that should only be used in writing, and others that should only be used in speaking. 

In fact, one of the biggest mistake many students make is to use ‘academic’ or ‘written English‘ connectors in IELTS Speaking. They sometimes use the following,

  • Nevertheless
  • Furthermore
  • Thus
  • It can be concluded that   

This just doesn’t sound natural. In IELTS Speaking, you need to use natural, spoken linking words.

In this article, we will focus on spoken linking words for you to use in IELTS Speaking. 

Linking words meaning: FIRSTLY

Other linking words similar to ‘firstly’ are 

  • to kick off 
  • first off 
  • first of all 
  • at/from the outset = from the beginning

Look at some examples below, in the answers to this question: 

Is it a good idea to always eat healthy food?

Yes I would say so. To kick off, a healthy diet helps us feel better, and we can also live longer.

First off, I’m inclined to agree, but it depends on the situation…

First of all, let me just say, most people want to eat healthily, but it’s easier said than done   

At the outset, I’d say yes it is, but it can also be a real struggle

From the outset, I’d say yes it is, but it can also be a tall order sometimes

IELTS Speaking Healthy Food

Linking words meaning: ALSO

Here are some other linking words similar in meaning to ‘also’:

  • On top of that
  • What’s more
  • And come to think of it (something you remember as you speak)

Look at some examples below in answer to this question: 

What are the benefits of eating healthy food?

Well, obviously, you feel better. On top of that, you have more energy to spend time with family or friends

Well, obviously, you feel better. What’s more, it’s a great way to lose weight

Well, obviously, you feel better, and come to think of it, it’s a great way to lose weight 

Linking words meaning: BUT

These are some linking words similar in meaning to ‘but’,

  • mind you
  • (but) at the same time
  • that said
  • though

Here are some examples below, in the answer to this question: 

Do you eat healthy food? 

Yes I do, mind you, I must admit I don’t eat healthy food everyday 

Well, I try to, but at the same time, I must confess I don’t eat healthy food everyday 

Yes I do, that said, it can be a real struggle if you’re eating out with friends, so I don’t eat healthy food everyday 

Not all the time, though I do eat more healthy food, like salads, in the summer.

IELTS Speaking Fast Food

Linking words meaning: TO BE HONEST

The following linking words are all similar in meaning to ‘to be honest’,

  • to be frank
  • quite honestly
  • to be totally up front

Let’s look at some example, taking the question,

Do you sometimes eat fast food?

To be frank, I’m not particularly fond of fast food, though I might eat it with friends once in a while

Quite honestly, I am to one for fast food. Mind you, I might eat it with friends once in a while

To be totally up front, I don’t like fast food very much, but that said, I might eat it with friends once in a while

Linking words meaning: IN SUMMARY

The following mean ‘summarising’

  • overall
  • in a nutshell 
  • basically   

The two examples below are in answer to the question, 

Do you sometimes eat fast food?

I might if I am with friends, but not if I am alone. Overall, I don’t like fast food that much.

I might if I am with friends, but not if I am alone. In a nutshell, I’m not into fast food that much.

I might if I am with friends, but not if I am alone. Basically, I don’t like fast food that much.   

Linking words in IELTS Speaking

What do you think? Which is your favourite linking word? 

Leave your answer in the comments below.

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Students who speak English frequently tend to overuse linking words or linkers in IELTS speaking language tests. However, in reality, the IELTS examiner wants you to use a wide range of vocabulary, various structures of grammar and relevant connectors in the speaking exam. These simple linking words for IELTS speaking and natural phrases will actually improve your overall speaking performance and get you a good band score of 8 or 9. 

Fortunately, the linking words for IELTS speaking are similar to IELTS writing, which include phrases and idioms. It’s mainly to make your conversation interesting and easy to understand. Thus, these linking words (also called linkers, connectors, and starting words) play a crucial role in the IELTS speaking test. If you go through this article till the end, you will get the best linking words for speaking part 1, 2 and 3, along with the PDF.

Linking words for IELTS speaking is mainly for connecting two phrases, sentences or ideas. They are also referred to as conjunctive words. To ensure the usage of linking words appropriately, students can refer to the list of linking words/linkers for IELTS speaking as follows.

Add more information

To add more information in a sentence or a paragraph, you can use the following.

  • In addition to

Example: Germany began world war II and captured Poland first. In addition to that, they had concentration camps.

  • And

Example: You can start your speaking classes tomorrow and continue your work.

  • Not only… but also

Example: Government must not only strive for poverty alleviation but also quality education.

  • Moreover

Example: Artificial intelligence gets deep rooted into our daily lives. Moreover, it learns new languages, behaviour from us. 

  • Also

Example: People who adhere to social norms are considered good. Also they are treated well.

  • Furthermore 

Example: She always reaches the office on time. Furthermore, her work was well established.

  • Additionally 

Example: I was working at the office till 9 pm last night. Additionally, I worked out at the gym till 10 pm to stay fit.

  • As well as

Example: Parents must take their children to sports events as well as to the library. 

  • Another reason is

Example: She doesn’t like watching cricket for too long. Another reason is her favourite player has retired.

Time Phrases

To highlight a time duration like past, present or future while speaking, use the following time phrases.

  • Now

Example: Now we will begin our session with the available participants. 

  • At the moment

Example: At the moment, there is no salary hike for fresh graduates.

  • At present

Example: At present, maintain your body weight otherwise you will look fat. 

  • When I was younger

Example: When I was younger, I played a lot of sports with my friends.

  • Right Now

Example: Right now, we will watch this interesting movie and go out for a walk.

  • At that time

Example: At that time, I was not feeling well. So I didn’t attend my semester exams.

  • These days

Example: These days we involve ourselves in social media and miss our real friendship.

  • Nowadays

Example: Nowadays young people focus on physical health and fitness to beat diabetes.

  • In the past

Example: In the past, my mother cooked biryani at least once a month.

  • Before

Example: Complete your work before the due date and send it to your manager.

  • Then

Example: First is the army parade, then comes the navy and air force during Independence day.

Use these phrases for IELTS speaking, in your exam for a higher band score. 

Expressing Ideas

When you’re expressing ideas about something like an event, a place, etc., you can make use of the below linking words.

  • I think one important thing is

Example: I think one important thing is patience when it comes to achieving your goals.

  • I guess one difference is

Example: I guess one difference is smart work between success and failure. 

  • I suppose the main difference between X and Y is

Example: I suppose the main difference between humans and animals is creating discrimination among humans.

Causes and Solutions

To talk about causes and solutions, refer to the following words.

  • I guess it’s because

Example: People are recognising traditional ways of life. I guess it’s because the modern world is spoiling human’s health and the planet. 

  • The main reason is

Example: Why do people celebrate religious festivals at home? The main reason is to invite friends, relatives and have some memorable moments. 

  • It was mainly due to

Example: It was mainly due to hard work, dedication and interest that made Roger Federer the most successful athlete of all time.  

  • Because

Example: Because of love, he proposed to her and gave her a gift. 

  • I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is

Example: I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is talking with all stakeholders of the company and addressing the major loss in this quarter.

  • I reckon the only answer is to

Example: To clear this exam in less than 3 months, I reckon the only answer is to study for 8 hours a day.

  • The best way to solve this is

Example: The best way to solve this is building a dam and providing water supply to the farmers.

Giving Examples

When you’re giving examples to someone and don’t know how to start, you can follow the below examples. Please note that ‘like’ cannot be used as a linking word in IELTS writing.

  • Like

Example: I play many outdoor sports like football, basketball, tennis, etc. 

  • For instance

Example: I don’t prefer short-distance travel. For instance, when my friend called me for a weekend trip to Bangalore, I refused to come.

  • Such as

Example: I like historical places such as Qutub Minar, Red Fort, Mysore Palace, etc.

  • For example

Example: You must not worry about the past and future for a happy life. For example, don’t think about your mistakes and failures from the past.

Adding Emphasis

  • As a rule

Example: As a rule, prescribed in law, citizens must not smoke in public places.

  • As usual

Example: Students started talking as usual once the teacher left the classroom. 

  • Generally speaking

Example: Generally speaking, all political parties try to gain power first and serve the people next.

  • No doubt

Example: There is no doubt that all students bunked the class last week.

  • Of course

Example: Can I borrow your pen? Yes, of course.

  • Especially

Example: We all worry about something in life, especially our future.

  • Indeed

Example: I’m indeed happy to inform you that I’m moving to the US next year.

Expressing result or purpose/reason

  • So that

Example: You must walk daily so that it improves your physical condition.

  • For this reason

Example: I’m not quitting my job for this reason. 

  • That’s why

Example: I was hungry last night. That’s why I ordered pizza and ate it.

  • Because

Example: Because of nature, I find solace in my life.

Being Clear

You can use these simple, natural expressions to be clear in your point of view.

  • What I mean is

Example: What I mean is, do not go with wrongdoers. 

  • What I want to say is

Example: What I want to say is, follow your passion, it will take you to great heights. 

  • As I was saying

Example: As I was saying, they don’t show interest in music. 

Ordering Events and Sequencing Time

When you’re ordering events and sequencing time to somebody, use these connecting devices that sound natural to the listeners.  

  • First/Second/For a start

Example: First, we will have a plan for this month. Second, we will execute it as much as possible. Third, we will review the results. 

  • At first

Example: At first, I was thinking of finishing this task. 

  • After that

Example: I will come home. After that we shall watch a movie. 

  • Following

Example: Let’s keep following the footsteps of our ancestors.

  • Next

Example: Next on our wishlist is travelling to Goa.

  • Finally

Example: Finally, you have won this game.

  • At long last

Example: After so much hurdle, they came back together at last. 

  • Meanwhile

Example: We will go out and come. Meanwhile, you study this lesson.

  • As soon as

Example: Complete this presentation as soon as possible.

  • At the same time

Example: Sachin was at the height of his career. However, at the same time, Ganguly gained captaincy for the Indian cricket team. 

  • Years ago

Example: Years ago, we both were best friends.

  • During 

Example: During a disaster, we must help others.

  • As yet

Example: As yet I have no clue about his disease.

Sounding less direct

When you want to sound less direct to a person, use the below mentioned linkers.

  • Apparently

Example: Apparently, people think that discrimination exists in our society. 

  • Perhaps

Example: She shows interest in studies. Perhaps, she wants to do something innovative. 

  • Kind of/sort of

Example: We use some sort of excuse to study in our childhood days. 

  • Arguably

Example: Arguably, what if he doesn’t fight in the match?

  • Maybe

Example: We may be looking in the wrong places for the lost ring.

  • Probably

Example: Probably, they are taking avenge for the action.

  • Surely

Example: I will surely meet the deadlines next time. 

  • Just

Example: Don’t talk just for the sake of others. 


To summarise your speech, refer to the following words. 

  • So

Example: So, as discussed, we will execute the plan. 

  • After all

Example: After all, it’s a game, don’t take failures personally.

  • In any case

Example: In any case, do not lose your patience.

  • In short

Example: In short, keep your content crystal clear.

  • In other words

Example: In other words, animals are the saviours of this planet.

  • Anyway

Example: Anyway, it was a good match playing with you. 

Contrasting and Concessions

Below are the simple connecting words used to compare and contrast or to give concessions. 

  • But

Example: People work hard, but they don’t get paid well.

  • On the other hand

Example: Employees show interest in learning a new skill. On the other hand, they lack enthusiasm for working. 

  • While

Example: I’m studying for IELTS while working in a company. 

  • Although

Example: Although I can’t study well, I can still score good marks. 

  • Or

Example: We must book the movie tickets now or go for a long ride. 

Stating an opinion

To state an opinion about something, you can use the following linking words while speaking. 

  • Actually I have to say

Example: Actually, I have to say that your speaking has some flaws. 

  • I think …/I guess …/I suppose …/I believe …

Example: I believe that India was rich before the British’s invasion.

  • As far as I’m concerned

Example: As far as I’m concerned, judges in SC must be gender-sensitised.

  • In my opinion

Example: In my opinion, he will sooner become a great orator. 

  • To be honest

Example: To be honest, I don’t prefer going out for a movie. 

Agreeing to something

To agree to something, keep the below connectors in mind. 

  • I am in agreement

Example: I am in agreement with your viewpoint. 

  • I accept that

Example: I accept that trekking is a good sport for young people.

  • Exactly

Example: Exactly, people learn from their mistakes. 

  • I quite agree 

Example: I quite agree with you when it comes to constructing a house. 

Signposting Language

Signposting language or signposting words are nothing but the manner in which you will direct your audience through the information.

  • To begin with

Example: To begin with, let’s assemble students to the auditorium. 

  • However

Example: However, people must respect an individual’s opinion.  

  • In the same way

Example: In the same way, make presentations to your classmates.

  • Unfortunately

Example: Unfortunately, his tickets got cancelled. 

  • Nonetheless

Example: Nonetheless, I can move on from the work pressure. 

  • Basically

Example: Basically, I need public transport to get to the office. 

  • Furthermore

Example: Furthermore, there are many graduates passing out each year. 

Linking words for IELTS Speaking PDF

Click on the linking words for IELTS speaking PDF to access all the essential linking words in one sheet.

Important Gap fillers in English Language

Gap fillers are called discourse markers, pause fillers, or hesitation forms. A filler word is any sound, word or phrase with no meaning to fill the silence. Their only aim is to avoid fillers like “um” and “ah” mainly used to indicate emotions. 

Know how to use the Idioms for IELTS speaking, in your speech to excel in the exam with a band score of 7 and above. 

Examples of Linking Words in Speaking

Below are some random examples of linking words in speaking. These questions and answers are given to make you understand better when you appear for IELTS speaking part 1 and part 2. 

Q1. What do you like the most about listening to music?
Answer. I like the way music takes me to a dream world unknowingly. 

Q2. When is our next meeting?
Answer: Our next meeting is when I complete this book of secrets. 

Q3. Why is India facing inflation in recent years?
Answer: Because of Covid-19 pandemic and the nation-wide lockdown, India is facing a huge inflation. 

Q4. Do you think God is there?
Answer: In my opinion, yes, God is there.

Q5. Will you take risks in life?
Answer: Basically, life is full of risks. I’m playing my part in it. 

Tips to use linking words for IELTS Speaking


  • Before using a linking word, you must first know its meaning and when to use it.
  • You must not use formal linking words for simple sentences.
  • You must update yourself with new linking words (connecting words) as they are a part of ‘Fluency and Coherence’, covering 25% of marks.
  • You must practice until the linking words come naturally in IELTS (especially IELTS speaking part 2), not memorised. 
  • Linkers are basically to help the listener understand better. So try to convey your speech clearly and concisely.
  • You can use some of the frequently-used linking words like and, but, when, since, at the moment, actually, etc.
  • Please remember that the linking word “Like” is used in speaking, NOT in the IELTS writing module.

Mistakes with linking words for IELTS Speaking

Below is the best example highlighting the mistakes with linking words for IELTS speaking. 

Question: How do you spend your leisure time?
Answer: Actually, at present, I’m listening to audiobooks about mythology and novels as well. However, because of earring problems, I listen for 10 — 15 minutes a day.  

Here, do not use too many linking words to express your thoughts. Sometimes, the examiner will be confused. 

The answer should be as follows:

Answer: I’m listening to audiobooks related to mythology and novels. However, I’d listen for 10 — 15 minutes a day to avoid earring problems. 

Learn more about the IELTS speaking part 3 to understand the speaking exam model. 

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Model Answer — Introduction

What’s your favourite climate?

It’s easy to say that my favourite weather is always summer. On bright sunny days, I feel fresh and zestful. Every morning is filled with birds chirping, squirrels barking on one side, and TV channels about today’s news or astrology on the other side. The very beginning of the day itself makes everyone’s life active and full of energy. When it comes to my mornings, I will keep things clean and straightforward to get ready fast and avoid unnecessary delays. Moreover, the summer climate gives us hope, positivity and good health, compared to other temperatures.

However, due to the rapid climate change, the summer season has been prolonged in the recent past. The monsoon takes longer to disappear in the ocean. On the other hand, animals and birds have started to migrate to different regions due to climate change. 

IELTS Speaking Part 2 Model Answer — Cue Card

Here, we will see one IELTS speaking 2 model answer — cue card to understand how to use linking words correctly while speaking.

Describe your favourite actor

You should say

What movie did they act in?
What type of actor?
Why do you like them?

Basically, I watch fewer movies in a year compared to others. Out of which, I watch the crime & thriller genre the most to maintain that upbeat right from the beginning to till the end. In this regard, I would like to talk about my favourite actor who has done a lot of action in his career. 

My favourite actor is Sylvester Stallone, who has won the Oscar for the movie ‘Rocky’. When I saw that film for the first time, I was inspired by the story and dreamt about it day and night. His character in that film was modest, innocent, hardworking and importantly, romantic. He was a skillful boxer at the amateur level, but after an unexpected opportunity to fight with the World Heavyweight Champion, his lifestyle skyrocketed to another level.  

Sylvester Stallone is a born actor with lots of in-built talents. He knows the art of filmmaking and executes it according to the story. He always gives the best of everything and aims for perfection. 

He is my favourite actor mainly because he knows about the movie business and understands the audience’s mindset pretty well. Furthermore, his work comes with a perfect product of inspiration by showing the reality of life.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Model Answer — Follow-Up Questions

Question: Why are actors treated differently?
Answer: We treat actors differently because the media portrays them differently. In this fantasy-driven world, people are fond of materialistic things like supercars, luxurious houses, and fancy ornaments. Since actors have everything, people think they are living their dream life. In reality, they suffer from depression, anxiety and substance abuse as they can’t handle the pressure.

Question: What makes an actor good?
Answer: An actor becomes good when he or she understands the role completely, and the movie script and adds his or her input to the same. 

Question: What criteria need to be taken into account to rate a film?
Answer: At first, we need to look at the script and intent of the movie, and then comes the castes, individual performances, etc. In addition, the movie must serve its purpose like a comedy film must keep the audience alive; a romantic movie must make the audience feel their love.

Useful links:

IELTS speaking topics
IELTS speaking tips
IELTS speaking vocabulary
IELTS speaking test sample
IELTS speaking band descriptors
IELTS speaking mock test


Thus, «linking words for IELTS speaking« is essential for conveying your thoughts and ideas clearly to the examiner. By using these connecting words at the appropriate places, you are sure to get a good band score on your first attempt.  


1)How do you link words in IELTS speaking?

It’s easy to link words in IELTS speaking. You must start using the elementary linking words like ‘and’, ‘also’, ‘but’, ‘still’ etc’, at the beginning. And then use the advanced linking words like ‘furthermore’, ‘however’, ‘when it comes to’, and so on.

2)What are 5 linking words in IELTS speaking?

The 5 major linking words in IELTS speaking are:

  • Although/Even though/Though
  • In case
  • In spite of/Despite
  • Whereas
  • Even if

3)What are examples of linking words?

Linking words are basically used in the middle of a sentence or between clauses. Some of the examples include: words that describe contrasting ideas (however, but, although), highlighting a consequence (therefore, in this regard, as a result), and phrases that emphasises (moreover, in addition to that, furthermore).

4)Are the linking words in speaking the same as that of writing?

No. The linking words in speaking are not the same as that of writing. For writing, the linking words will be quite formal and used limitedly, whereas in speaking, the linking words can be used freely.  

5)What is the right usage of linking words?

The right usage of linking words in IELTS speaking is to join two thoughts or ideas together. We use them mostly in the beginning of a sentence or in the middle to describe, highlight or contrast an idea. These IELTS speaking starting lines will improve your overall speaking ability. 

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