Linkin word for essay

Last Updated: Monday, 13 September 2021 16:47
Written by IELTS Mentor
Hits: 115408

‘Coherence and Cohesion’ contains one-fourth of your IELTS Writing task 2 and score. Linking words/phrases help you achieve this Coherence e & Cohesion while making your essay more appealing to the examiner. As an IELTS candidate, you should learn various linking words, their meaning and appropriate use in your writing. It is obvious that the examiner will check the range of your vocabulary, the way your sentences flow, and the type of linking words/ phrases you use. Linking words are also called transitional words or connecting words and this article aims to enhance your linking word vocabulary and show you their use in different sentences. Let’s start learning —

Presenting Your Opinion:

In my opinion: In my opinion, both the government and citizens of a country should come forward and fight corruption.

I think: I think, students at the university level should not be forced to attend the class.

In my view: In my view, mothers have more intimate relationships with their children and that is why they should spend more time with them.

I believe: This is undoubtedly a very good solution but I believe, there are better solutions than that.

I admit: I admit that we now have a busy life but that does not mean that we should not find time to take part in community programmes that are aimed to make our community a better place to live in.

Agree/ Disagree:

I agree: I agree with the notion that students should take a year gap for travelling or working before they graduate.

I concur: I concur with the opinion that specifically supports restricting car ownership as a measure to kerb air pollution.

I disagree: I disagree with the viewpoint that women leadership ensures world peace.

I cannot agree: I cannot agree that increasing the fuel price would be a viable solution to restrict the vehicles on the road.

I oppose the idea: I oppose the idea that people attend a college or a university only to get a job.

I cannot accept: I cannot accept the fact that tourism alone is responsible for the loss of native culture and tradition.

Giving Examples: 

To cite an example: To cite an example, I started learning a second language at my primary school and that did not increase my study pressure at all.

For example: For example, most companies want their employees to enhance their skills so that they can better performance over time.

For instance: For instance, many developing countries are trying to improve their GDP through their export activities.

Namely: Namely, Australia and Canada have many charity organisations which work exactly for this cause.

To illustrate:  To illustrate, universities, these days, offer a wide range of subjects than they used to do in the past.

One clear example: One clear example would be my sister who, despite her graduation in mathematics, works as a journalist in a daily newspaper.

In other words: In other words, fathers should share these responsibilities and let mothers enjoy some leisure hours. [N.B. Use this expression (i.e. in other words) to express or point something in a different way, to make it easier, clear and to emphasise.]

To give an example: To give an example, modern household appliances and kitchenware have made the cooking process easier and faster.

Listing Points: 

First/ Firstly/ To begin with:

First, public transportations are cheap and can carry many passengers at a time.
Firstly, increasing the fuel price would affect the daily budget of all citizens.
To begin with, old people has paid taxes and worked for the country for their whole life.

Second/ Secondly:

Second(ly), we do not have to worry about parking, garage, traffic rule violation and fuel cost when we do not own a car.

Third(ly)… Fourth(ly):

Third(ly), smoking does not have a single benefit but a pile of disadvantages.
Fourth(ly), the ever-increasing population is a reason for increased house rent, competitive job market and pollution.

Lastly/ Finally/ Last but not least:

Lastly, rail is one of the safest transportation systems that can carry a huge number of passengers at a time.
Finally, parents spend more time with their children than a teacher does.
Last but not least, countries like Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Nepal prove that violence and crime can be at a peak even under the woman leadership.

Reasons and Causes: 

Since: Since the developing countries have adopted technology in their agriculture sector, their yearly productions have increased significantly.

Because: Another group of people attend a night school because they work in the daytime.

As: As mothers mostly stay home, they have a greater responsibility in upbringing children.

Due to: Due to the widespread corruption in these less developed countries, the fund should be directly handled and utilised by the authority of the developed countries.

Owing to: (means because of/ on account of).
The new factory would have many negative effects and would destroy the serenity of our community owing to its location in the middle of our area.

Adding Information:

Additionally: Additionally, computer games are addictive and can waste a large portion of the valuable time of a school-going child.

Moreover: Moreover, young people have better technological knowledge than the older generation.

In addition: In addition, fast food contains fat, preservative, and other harmful ingredients which are very detrimental to our health.

Furthermore: Furthermore, helping developing countries in terms of providing education facilities, can strengthen the relationship between two countries. 

And: And the negative impacts of establishing a large factory in our community would trigger other adverse consequences which would be hard to tackle in the long run.

Not only… but also: Not only deforestation damages the natural habitats of many species but also is the main reason for global warming.

Also: Also, cities provide better job opportunities and a better living standard.

As well as: Too much dependency on technological devices as well as the internet would bring catastrophic consequences once something goes wrong.

Results and Consequences: 

As a result: As a result, lessons learned from our experiences have better effects on our life.

Hence: Hence, I completely disagree that the factory would be a good place for new jobs for the community people.

So: So, owning a private car would offer someone the freedom that he usually does not have without it.

Therefore: Therefore, television is the most popular media for entertainment in most of the countries in the world.

Thus: Thus, overreliance on technology can bring dreadful events in the upcoming future.

Consequently: Consequently, we remember such gifts and revere the good wishes that were conveyed through those gifts.

For this reason: For this reason, I would like to own a private car than always relying on public transportations.

To Indicate Time:

Subsequently: Subsequently, the increasing population in the city areas are the main reason there are so many unemployed people in these cities.

Eventually: Eventually, the cost of medical health care would increase day by day and mass people would find it hard to get proper medical facilities.

Meanwhile: Meanwhile, a single international language would reduce the language barrier among the people of different countries to a great extent.

Henceforth: (Meaning — Hereafter, hence, subsequently, from now on.)
Henceforth, the government should increase its budget and manpower for fighting corruption.

Initially: Initially, it can be supported by the government but in the long run, it should be people who should spontaneously support this cause both verbally and financially. 

Highlighting & Emphasising: 

Especially: This step would be advantageous for people, especially for rural people, as it would increase the job opportunities in rural areas.

Clearly: Clearly, this law is a violation of people’s privacy and that is why this law needs amendments.

Obviously: Obviously, automation in government sectors would reduce corruption to a great extent.

Specifically: Corruption in government sectors, specifically in countries like India and Bangladesh, is another hindrance in the overall progress.

Of course: Of course, the government has a responsibility to support those older people. But that does not mean that children of such senior citizens are free from their own responsibilities towards their aged parents.

In particular: In particular, there is almost no university in such underdeveloped areas and a large number of students, due to this, move to the city areas each year.  

Presenting Contrast:

Despite: Despite its immense benefits, we should be wary of its usages in our daily life.

In spite of: In spite of remarkable progress in recent years, women are still suffering from social discrimination in many developing countries.

By contrast: By contrast, knowledge gained from travelling and from real-life experiences has a greater impact on our future course of actions in life.

Alternatively: Alternatively, the government can impose laws to control the market price of most essential commodities.

Another opinion could be: Another option could be restricting the number of children a family can have.

On the other hand: On the other hand, owning a car is expensive as it requires parking, fuel, servicing, maintaining and yearly renewal costs.

Still: Still, strictly controlling the number of children a family can have is not a feasible solution.

However: However, many destitute families rely on the earnings those young children bring to the family.

Although: Although implementing this would require a huge sum of money, this, in my opinion, is the most optimal solution.

Even though: Even though their arguments are somewhat convincing to listen to, in reality, the scenario is quite the opposite.

But: But, the investment in trade and finance alone does not guarantee a steady growth of the GDP for this country.

Presenting Comparison: 

In comparison: In comparison to the past century, people these days do not have a strong family tie.

Admittedly: Admittedly, severe punishments set examples to other people temporarily but it lacks any long term effect.

Similarly: Similarly, capital punishment is brutal and fail to establish a bridge between social unrest and reformation.

Likewise: Likewise, technological advancement creates new job opportunities both in developing and developed countries.

In the same way: In the same way, increasing the tax would not be a viable solution to address this issue.

Linking Words for Conclusion:

In conclusion: In conclusion, we should strictly monitor the type of programmes our children watch each day.

To conclude: To conclude, university admission should be merit-based, not gender-based. 

To draw the conclusion: To draw the conclusion, this is our world and we have to save it. Uncontrolled use of natural resources would endanger our very existence and that is why we should be much sensible of their usages.

To sum up: To sum up, it is up to us to judge the authenticity of the news. But the journalists also have a professional and moral obligation to present us the truth. 

An essay is an important piece of writing when a student is seeking college admission. It needs to have a clear flow so that the readability is perfect. Rightly so, the sentences you construct need to flow and lead to each other seamlessly.

Linking or transition words come in handy to make your essay have comprehensible sentences.  The words act as the ideal connectors and bridges that eliminate sentence isolation.

Factually, both writing and speaking need linking words that will help the audience form a clear relationship between ideas. Listeners and readers are able to comprehend responses when the right linking words are in place.

What are Linking Words in Essay Writing?

Linking words are the uniformity basis of an essay. When these words are in an essay, they showcase a connection between sentences. As usual, a typical essay consists of different sections and paragraphs.

linking words+examples

If there are no transition words, the sentences will appear incoherent and messy. The use of linking words clearly show the relationship existing between all sections and paragraphs in an essay.

When writing your essay, make use of linking words as a bridge between the concepts you are writing and ideas in your essay. The readers will enjoy a cohesive piece of essay with texts that are flowing smoothly.

The assessment team has a lot of essays to read and you can make their work easy by using your linking words appropriately. If this is not the case, your professor will have to go through a lot of stress in trying to understand your essay.

Basically, if you want to impress your readers and consequently improve your scores, practice the best linking words skills.

Reasons for Using Linking Words in Essay Writing

Only proper usage of linking words will help you come up with a compelling essay. After toiling to conduct research for your essay, improper structure of sentences will make your efforts go to waste. 

using linking words

Good students endeavor and strive to create an appealing and expressive essay. A thorough use of the right linking words will make your presentation and persuasion of ideas flow perfectly.

Linking words are very crucial in any type of essay. If you do not want your texts to appear clucky, transition words ought to be in place.

 Here are more reasons why you need linking words in your essay:

1. Flow of order and sequence

An essay needs flow of texts, ideas and thoughts otherwise it will lose its quality. Therefore, writers need to make huge efforts and use the right linking words that will bring a sequence of order in the essay.

Such words include next, then, firstly, secondly, afterwards, finally and afterwards. Other transition words to use include concurrently, at the same time, earlier, first of all, following this and for now.

A good sequence order in your essay is also enhanced when you use words such as lastly, in the end, in the beginning or once upon a time.

2. Showcasing comparison        

There are essays that will require the writer to show comparison. Linking words play an important role in contrast and argumentative essays.

If you need to bring out comparison clearly, consider the use of words such as similarly, equally, comparable, in the same time and likewise.

 Apart from same as, other words or phrases to use include just like, just as and comparably.

3. Contrasting

a contrasting sentence

Transition words are the best when you want to bring out contrast in a sentence. In most of the cases, place then at the beginning or in the middle of your sentence to create the right contrast.

However, despite this, yet, whereas and alternatively are some of the words you can use.

4. Illustration of examples

There are places in your essay where you will have to give examples. Obviously, most essays will need illustration of evidence with the use of linking words.

Giving examples without these words will make your text to sound blunt.

Linking words such as for instance, in the case of, and for instance will make it easy to introduce your examples.

5. Including additions

You will also need to use linking words when putting additions in your essays. These words will ensure that you have added a txt with the correct meaning to your essay.

Furthermore, also, secondly, in addition and moreover are some of the linking words to use.

6. Introduction of cause and effects

Cause and effects in an essay can help the writer draw a sensible conclusion. In essence, it helps to bring about good connection of the essay when a conclusion is being added. Therefore, the relationship between cause and effect is better shown using the right linking words.

Owing to, thus, since, as a result of and because are some of the transition words you can use. Other words to use include stems from, leads to, results from, for this reason etc.

7. For conclusion purposes

Starting an impressive essay can only be better if the conclusion is attractive. It is good to bring about the conclusion using appropriate linking words that are not common.

You can conclude your essay using words such as finally, in conclusion, summarizing, in summary and briefly. 

As a writer, you need to bear in mind that adjusting and positioning these words is a must if you are to impress your readers.

Conclusion linking words

Dos of Using Linking Words

  • Adjust and position your linking words properly otherwise the reader will not be impressed.
  • Do mix up the linking words you use.  Using one word several times can be very annoying to the reader. Since the transition phrases are many, mix them up in your essay to avoid repetition.
  • Be accurate in using these words when connecting your ideas in an essay. Know the difference between these phrases to understand the meaning correctly.
  • You can use these words when you want to accentuate a point. In other words, use them to stress something important in your writing.

30 Examples of Linking Words for Essay Writing

  1. On the flipside
  2. On the contrary
  3. By and large   
  4. As a consequence of
  5. In conclusion
  6. Above all
  7. Following this
  8. At this point of time
  9. In the same way
  10. As an example
  11. In other words
  12. To put it differently
  13. Under the circumstances
  14. That is to say
  15. With this intention
  16. Subsequently
  17. All in all
  18. In brief
  19. In order to
  20. Primarily
  21. Of less importance
  22. What’s more
  23. Meanwhile
  24. Furthermore
  25. Alternatively
  26. In spite of
  27. To illustrate
  28. To demonstrate
  29. In the middle of
  30. For the avoidance of doubt

Wrapping Up on Linking words on Essay Writing

You can’t overlook the significance of linking words in essay writing. Transition words are important in bringing ideas together so that they appear as a whole in your essay.

All in all, an essay that flows well must incorporate the right transition words to link arguments and actions. The readers will be able to connect an event that took place because of a consequence of a different action.

Essays need to have a flow of ideas with each one building on the other. Yet still, organization of thoughts in essay writing is valuable and this is where linking words play a critical role.

To sum it up, the more your thoughts are in good organization, the smoother your essay will flow. When you use linking words appropriately, your piece will have a logical structure that is appealing to the reader.

Josh Jasen

When not handling complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

Из этой статьи вы узнаете, какие вводные слова и сложно-подчинительные  союзы (слова-связки) используются в письменной работе по английскому языку, например, в эссе. Это вид работы относится к официальному стилю и с 2014 года входит в ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Ознакомиться с правилами написания эссе можно здесь — Как писать эссе по английскому языку. В конце статьи вы найдете также ПОЛЕЗНЫЕ СОВЕТЫ, что можно писать в эссе, а что нельзя.

Слова-связки в письменной работе по английскому языку

В любой письменной работе по английскому контролируется не только грамматика и лексика, но и логика, следовательно ваше эссе должно быть максимально логично. Чем логичнее вы напишите, тем понятнее будет ваше эссе проверяющему и тем больше баллов он вам поставит. Поэтому в эссе вы должны использовать различные вводные слова и сложно-подчинительные союзы, говоря простым языком, слова-связки.

I. Opinion Words

Первая группа слов называется «opinion words». Вы обязательно используете их, так как пишите «opinion-composition»:
• To my mind, … — По моему мнению, …
• From my point of view, … — С моей точки зрения, …
• In my opinion, … — По моему мнению, …

II. Introducing Words

Вторая группа слов называется «introducing words». Это слова, с помощью которых вы вводите первый и самый важный аргумент в защиту своей точки зрения:

• To begin with, …  —  Для начала, …
• To start with, … — Для начала, …
• The first thing to be considered is … — Первое, чтобы я хотел рассмотреть, …

III. Listing Words

Третья группа слов называется «listing words» (list — по-английски «список»). Это слова, с помощью которых вы последовательно аргументируете свое мнение:
• First of all, …  — Во-первых, …
• Second (ly), …  — Во-вторых, …
• In the second place I would like to mention … — На втором месте, …
• Third (ly), … — В-третьих, …
• Finally, … — В конце концов, …

IV. Adding Words

Четвертая группа слов называется «adding words». Это слова, с помощью которых вы можете добавлять аргументы в защиту своей точки зрения:
• Moreover, … — Более того
• What is more, … — Более того
• More than that, … — Более того
• Besides, … — Кроме того
• In addition, … — В добавление
• Furthermore, … — Более того
• Next … — Следующее
• Also … — Также
• Plus … — К тому же

Слова Another thing & too — нельзя использовать в эссе, так как они относятся к неформальному стилю, характерному, например, для личного письма.

Третья и четвертая группы взаимозаменяемы!

V. Contrasting Words

Пятая группа слов — это «contrasting words». Обратите внимание, что именно с такого слова вы начинаете третий абзац эссе.

• However, … — Однако …
• Nevertheless, …  — Тем не менее …
• In contrast, … — В противоположность, …
• On the other hand, … — С другой стороны, …

Слово But — нельзя использовать в эссе, так как оно относится к неформальному стилю, характерному, например, для личного письма.

VI. Giving Examples

Также в эссе можно приводить примеры и ссылаться на мнение разных авторитетных источников, поэтому запомните слова из следующей группы. Это группа слов называется «giving examples».
• for example, — например, …
• such as — такие как
• like — как, подобно
• according to smb — согласно словам «кого-либо»

VII. Concluding Words

В последнем абзаце вы делаете вывод, поэтому начните его с одного слова из следующей группы на выбор. Это группа слов называется «concluding words»

To sum up, …  — В заключение, …
To conclude, … — В заключение, …
In conclusion, … — В заключение, …
All in all, … — В общем, …
All things considered, … — Принимая во внимание все изложенное, …

VIII. Cause and Effect Words

И, наконец, очень важная группа слов, которая содержит причинно-следственные союзы:
• as a result — в результате
• as — так как
• because — потому  что
• so — поэтому
• that is why — поэтому
• thus — таким образом

Обязательно используйте причинно-следственные союзы в эссе по английскому языку, так как они помогут вам выразить свои мысли логично, а это очень и очень ВАЖНО.

Эссе по английскому языку. Слова-связки

Изучите данный ниже шаблон эссе, чтобы понять, как правильно использовать все вышеперечисленные слова-связки в эссе по английскому языку.

 4. Полезные советы

Но это еще не все! Самое сложное то, что написать эссе по английскому языку придется за ограниченное время — 40 минут. Как это сделать максимально эффективно?


1) прочитайте задание и определите основную проблему;
2) определитесь со своей точкой зрения (вы за или против);
3) напишите аргументы (2-3) и их обоснование на черновике;
4) отразите различные аспекты проблемы (социальные, экономические, моральные);
5) раскройте один из аспектов более детально;
6) и, ГЛАВНОЕ, писать эссе следует без черновика, держа в уме шаблон эссе (ниже)

Эссе относится к официальному стилю поэтому в эссе недопустимы
• сокращения типа: isn’t, don’t, that’s why
• фразовые глаголы и другие разговорные выражение типа характерные для неформального стиля (of course, etc.)
• не используйте скобки и восклицательные знаки по той же причине
• не начинайте предложение со слов But или And. Используйте вместо них любое слово из группы 4.

Linking words and phrases are used to show relationships between ideas. They can be used to join two or more sentences or clauses.

We can use linking words to give a result, add information, summarize, give illustrations, emphasize a point, sequence information, compare or to contrast idea.

In this article, you will learn about the most common linking words and phrases:

Useful Linking Words and Phrases

Giving a Result

Usage: To provide the result of what has been stated or has occurred

Linking Words:

  • As a result
  • As a consequence
  • Therefore
  • Thus
  • Consequently
  • Hence
  • For this reason
  • Due to


  • His wife left him. As a result, he became very depressed.
  • She has lived in France, and as a consequence she speaks French fluently.
  • We do not have enough money. Therefore we cannot afford to buy the new car.
  • We do not own the building. Thus, it would be impossible for us to make any major changes to it.
  • There has been a great deal of rain and consequently the reservoirs are full.
  • The customer was displeased with her meal, hence the chef prepared a replacement.
  • For this reason, they are not a good choice for exterior use.
  • Due to a broken wing, this bird can’t fly.

Useful Linking Words and Phrases

Adding Information

Usage: To add to what has been previously stated

Linking Words:

  • Additionally / an additional
  • Furthermore
  • Also
  • Too
  • As well as that
  • Along with
  • Besides
  • In addition
  • Moreover
  • In addition to this
  • Apart from this


  • Additionally, the bus service will run on Sundays, every two hours.
  • He said he had not discussed the matter with her. Furthermore, he had not even contacted her.
  • We are unable to repair this watch. Also, this is the fourth time this has happened.
  • I love wearing earrings. I design and make them too.
  • We went to the park today. As well as that, we did some shopping.
  • Along with parties and parliaments, elections have lost their charm.
  • I can’t afford to go to the concert. Besides, I don’t really like classical music.
  • You haven’t paid the rent yet.  In addition, you owe me money.
  • The report is badly presented. Moreover, it contains inaccuracies.
  • John’s grades are terrible because he has been so lazy these days. In addition to this, his relationship to his parents got worse.
  • Apart from this paragraph, the report contains a number of sensible initiatives.

Adding information


Usage: To sump up what has been previously stated

Linking words:

  • In conclusion
  • To summarize
  • Altogether
  • In short
  • To sum up
  • In summary
  • Briefly
  • To conclude


  • In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.
  • To summarize, this is a clever approach to a common problem.
  • The food was good and we loved the music. Altogether it was a great evening.
  • His novels belong to a great but vanished age. They are, in short, old-fashioned.
  • To sum up, there are three main ways of tackling the problem…
  • In summary, this was a disappointing performance.
  • Briefly, our team is now one of the best in the world.
  • To conclude, I want to wish you all a very happy holiday season.

Giving Examples

Usage: To provide examples

Linking words:

  • For example/ For instance
  • Such as
  • Including
  • Namely
  • In this case
  • Proof of this
  • Like


  • There are many interesting places to visit in the city, for example/ for instance, the botanical garden or the art museum.
  • I prefer to wear casual clothes, such as jeans and a sweatshirt.
  • Including Christmas Day and Boxing Day, I’ve got a week off work.
  • We need to concentrate on our target audience, namely women aged between 20 and 30.
  • I think I would have made a difference in this case.
  • This building are a living proof of this existence, so we must preserve it.
  • I also make other jewellery like rings and bracelets.

Emphasizing a Point

Usage: To put forward a point or idea more forcefully

Linking words:

  • Undoubtedly
  • Indeed
  • Obviously
  • Particularly / in particular
  • Especially
  • Clearly
  • Importantly
  • Absolutely
  • Definitely
  • Without a doubt
  • Never
  • It should be noted
  • Unquestionably
  • Above all
  • Positively


  • Undoubtedly, the story itself is one of the main attractions.
  • I don’t mind at all. Indeed, I would be delighted to help.
  • Obviously, we don’t want to spend too much money.
  • I love silver earrings, in particular ones from Mexico
  • The car is quite small, especially if you have children.
  • Clearly, this will cost a lot more than we realized.
  • More importantly, can he be trusted?
  • He’s an absolutely brilliant cook.
  • definitely remember sending the letter.
  • We still believe we can win this series without a doubt.
  • I’m never surprised at what I do.
  • It should be noted that if you have something to note, then note it
  • Unquestionably, teaching has been a paramount part of his career.
  • Above all, this forest is designed for wear and tear.
  • This is positively the worst thing that I can even imagine.

Useful Linking Words and Phrases

Sequencing Ideas

Usage: To indicate the order of what is being said

Linking words:

  • First/ firstly (Second/ secondly, Third/ thirdly, Finally)
  • At this time
  • Following
  • Previously
  • Before
  • Subsequently
  • Above all
  • Lastly and most importantly
  • Last but not least
  • First and foremost


  • Firstly, I prefer the train because I can see the landscape.
  • At this time, the young man leapt into the air and flew off towards sunset.
  • They arrived on Monday evening and we got there the following day.
  • I had visited them three days previously.
  • Your name is before mine on the list.
  • Subsequently, new guidelines were issued to all employees.
  • Above all, keep in touch.
  • Lastly, and most importantly, you should be optimistic.
  • Last but not least, I find I seriously cannot relate to women.
  • We will continue to focus on our players first and foremost.

Sequencing Ideas

Comparing Ideas

Usage: To show how things are similar

Linking words:

  • Similarly
  • Equally
  • Likewise
  • Just as
  • Just like
  • Similar to
  • Same as
  • Compare / compare(d) to(with)
  • By the same token
  • In the same way
  • Correspondingly


  • Similarly, the basketball and hockey games draw nearly full attendance.
  • Equally, not all customers are honest.
  • Her second marriage was likewise unhappy.
  • She’s just as smart as her sister.
  • Working with housecats is just like working with lions or tigers.
  • Some people say I have a running style similar to him.
  • Having a power is not the same as using the power.
  • He gets the ball off quickly compared to two years ago.
  • Teenagers should be more respectful; by the same token, parents should be more understanding.
  • Alex enjoys telling jokes; in the same way/similarly/likewise,his son adores funny stories.
  • Correspondingly, the roles each of them played were soon different.

Contrasting Ideas

Usage: To show how things are different

Linking words:

  • Unlike
  • Nevertheless
  • On the other hand
  • Nonetheless
  • Despite / in spite of
  • In contrast (to)
  • Alternatively
  • Conversely
  • Even so
  • Differing from
  • Contrary to


  • Unlike most systems, this one is very easy to install.
  • There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.
  • Laptops are convenient; On the other hand, they can be expensive.
  • The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.
  • Despite/ In spite of the rain, I went for a walk.
  • In contrast to the diligent bee, the butterfly flies hither and yon with no apparent purpose.
  • The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport.
  • Northern European countries had a great summer. On the contrary/conversely, Southern Europe had poor weather.
  • Even so, many old friends were shocked at the announcement.
  • Differing from his white colleagues, he preferred instructing his scholars to the ambition of acquiring personal renown.
  • The situation in Ireland is quite contrary to this principle.

Useful Linking Words and Phrases

Linking words are lexical items (words and phrases) we use to connect ideas in writing and get a reader to our next sentence or paragraph.


Let’s face it: You can’t write an essay (or any other writing piece) without linking words.

Also known as connecting words or transition words, they serve to make your writing flow and help those reading your work follow the flow of your thoughts, ideas, and arguments.

This post is your guide to linking words and their role in writing. Not only will you learn the types of these words, examples, and reasons to use them, but you’ll also get a massive list of transition words and phrases as well as linking words PDF to download and use whenever necessary.

Table of Contents:

  1. What are Linking Words?
  2. Why Use Transition Words in Essays
  3. Linking Words Examples
  4. Types and List of Linking Words to Use in Essays:
    1. Addition/Agreement/Similarity
    2. Contrast/Contradiction/Limitation/Opposition
    3. Comparison/Concession/Condition
    4. Clarification
    5. Cause/Effect/Result
    6. Emphasis/Example
    7. Generalization
    8. Illustration
    9. Location/Place/Space
    10. Reason/Reference
    11. Time/Sequence
    12. Summary/Conclusion/Restatement
  5. The Ultimate List of Linking Words: Download

What are Linking Words?

Linking words are lexical items (words and phrases) we use to connect ideas in writing and get a reader to the next sentence or paragraph.

They aren’t about essay writing only:

Whether you write a fiction book, marketing content, academic works, autobiography, or poems, you’ll need to connect ideas. That’s what transition words do:

They link your thoughts and arguments into a chain to show how they relate to each other. Also known as transition words, these phrases often start a sentence or a paragraph. However, you’ll also use them in the middle of sentences to bring ideas together.

The most common places for linking words in essays are:

  • the start of a paragraph
  • the start of a sentence introducing a new idea or extending an argument 
  • the beginning of a concluding statement

Why Use Transition Words in Essays

Essay linking words is an integral part of academic writing. Put it simply, you can’t write a paper without using them; otherwise, your writing won’t make any sense for readers.

Transition words for essay serve to:

  • connect ideas in writing
  • create a flow of thoughts and arguments for readers to understand what you want to say
  • guide readers from one idea to another, demonstrating how they relate to each other
  • hook readers and encourage them to read the next sentence or paragraph
  • add more information
  • support or contrast a point
  • show the result, conclude, demonstrate an effect of this or that point

Using essay maker and connecting words, each sentence and paragraph must pass readers on to the next one. These connecting words serve as an instrument to guide readers from one thought or point to the next.

Linking Words Examples

Linking words examples are many, and it’s clear why: every piece of writing contains tons of connecting and transition words. Let’s take an essay sample from Bid4Papers writers to see the example of linking words in academic writing:


This one was an essay introduction

Now, why not take a step further and look for essay linking words in essay conclusions?


Types and List of Linking Words to Use in Essays

Below you’ll find the ultimate list of transition words for essays by categories. Choose the role you need a word to play (reason, contrast, emphasis, restatement, etc.) and consider the corresponding table of transitions.

If you need the whole transition words list in one place, jump to the next category of this post to find the downloadable linking words pdf.

And now, for connecting words categories:


These words serve to add info to what you’ve previously stated, demonstrate the commonality between arguments, and support your thoughts.

in the first place



in like manner


of course

in the same fashion/way



not to mention


just as… so too

apart from this


not only … but also


as well as

in addition



first, second, third



to say nothing of


along with



as a matter of fact


together with

coupled with



in the light of




by the same token


coupled with

not to mention


Linking words for contrast is your instrument to show how things are different and provide counterarguments. They work best in persuasive and critical essays.




in contrast/in comparison




differing from

even so

although this may be true




be that as it may


although / even though


on the other hand

on the contrary


in opposition



different from

at the same time

even though

then again




despite / in spite of

as opposed to


contrary to




of course …, but


above all

in reality

after all


These lexical items will help you if you need to provide conditions to your statements, show how things are different/similar, or accept a point with reservation.




compare(d) to / with

not only…but also



in a similar manner

in common

still another

although this may be true


on the condition that

only if


all the same

even though




just as

just like

as with


by the same token

in like manner

in the same way

because of

even if

given that





and still

and yet



similar to

same as





most important



granted that


in that case




be that as it may

even if

even so

up to a point


These words will help you with personal or narrative essays: They are linking words in opinion writing that indicates you’re going to explore ideas in more detail.

Expository essays will win with these words too.

I mean

in explanation

in lay terms

to clearly define

to explain

in other words

in simple terms

simply put

to put it clearly

to put it in another way

simply stated

that is to say

to break it down

to simplify

to make plain


Cause and effect connecting words do what their name says exactly: demonstrating a cause of some point and providing the result of what has been done or started.


in case

granted (that) … then

for the purpose of


so that

in the hope that


due to

in view of




provided that

as/so long as


with this intention


so as to

to the end that

for fear that

because of


as a result

as a consequence (of)

for this reason


given that

on (the) condition (that)

only/even if

with this in mind


owing to

inasmuch as

in order to

as seeing / being that







These words are for putting forward your point more forcefully, providing examples.




for instance

that is (i.e.)

such as




it should be noted



to repeat

on the negative side


on the positives side

to enumerate

another key point

first thing to remember

to emphasize

to put it another way




in fact








of course

particularly / in particular


with this in mind

point often overlooked


to explain

by all means


in this case

to demonstrate

for this reason

particularly / in particular


for example

to illustrate

above all


in detail

in truth




to clarify

with attention

without a doubt


most compelling evidence


that is to say

with attention to


for one thing

as an illustration

to be sure


Perfect transition words for hypothesis essays, generalization lexical items serve to make a general statement you’ll then specify and prove in detail.

as a rule

broadly speaking





for the most part

generally speaking

in general/ generally




in most cases


more often than not

on the whole



These words and phrases are for you to provide examples in essays.

as an example of

for example/ for instance

for one thing



on this occasion

illustrated by

in another case

in the case of

proof of this


such as

in this case

in this situation


to demonstrate

to clarify

to simplify


Use these words to provide order and reference or clarify spatial relationships between your points or ideas.

in the middle



on this side



in the foreground





adjacent to



to the left/right



in the distance



in the background




opposite to



at the rear

in front of



here and there



in the center of






on top/on bottom



These transitional words will help you demonstrate relationships between ideas and provide reasons for what and why has started or occurred.

because of

for the purpose of

given that

seeing that

so that

with this in mind

as applied to

as far as


the fact that

granted that

in fact

in order to

with this intention

with this purpose



in connection to

in terms

with regards to

in view of

owing to

provided that





speaking about/of

with respect to

examples of these might be:


Use these words in your essay when you need to indicate the time and order of what you say.

at the present time



at the same time



in due time


first, second

as long as


in the meantime

by the time

in the first place





from time to time



up to the present time



until now


in time


straight away

in a moment


all of a sudden





sooner or later



to begin with



as soon as


prior to


without delay


at this instant

now that






Restatement words will help you express an alternative to what you previously stated. They work for all essay types, including rhetorical precis and dialectic essays.

Use summary and conclusion transitional phrases to sum up your points and come up with the final paragraph of your writing.

as can be seen

after all


all things considered

in conclusion

by and large

given these points

in essence

in any event

for the most part


as noted


generally speaking

in fact


as shown above

in short

to sum up

as has been noted

to summarize

in either case

in the end

as you can see

to conclude

in the final analysis

in summary


in the long run

in brief

on the whole

in a word

on balance

all in all

in the final analysis


given these points


The Ultimate List of Connecting Words: Download

And now, for the most interesting and practical part:

Below you can find the linking words worksheet that gathers all the most commonly used transitional words in essays. Feel free to download this linking words PDF and refer to it every time you write an essay and experience writer’s block:

linking-words-pdf[Download PDF]

Do you need more guides and worksheets like this to assist you with academic writing? Please share your ideas in the comments, and our writers will be happy to help!

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